APPLICATION FRITZ MASSIE FENCE CO. 3191 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL P.O. Box 6487 Lake Worth, Florida 33461 LAKE WORTH. FLORIDA 33463 PHONE 967 -7556 Proposal Date...... .......... ............l..l....:..~.. i............ 19.3..~ We propose, subject to acceptance at the Home Office as hereinafter set forth, to install on your property in accordance with quantities listed below: .Jame.........rP~........~~......\!..~.............................s:..d..................::.X.~..::...~.1...S?:9............~...... \ddress...............................~.~.~.~.....~l..~..~........................................................?..~..~...::...9...~..9..~............~..~C.. .............................~J.~.t~........J~.V...~~~i.-:~V...........,~;:..:...............................1~:~~................................................................................... This contract is expressly subject to covenants and conditions on reverse side hen!of. until accepted and apprun:d by an Officer of the Company. The Purchaser is obligated to pay for extra material and labor that has not been listed on this contract. All material, unless otherwise expressly provided, shall be in accord with SeIler's Standard Specifications. ;u bdi vis i on ............... ...... .................. ................................ ...... .................... ........ Lot ... ...................... ...................... Block................ ............ .................. ...... ) a ge ............ .......... .................. ........................................ ...................................... P LA T , Y PE .........@.-:...~~~......... H E I GHT................0.~.~.~................ ,y I R E...............1..1~.......... FOOT AGE............d-.1.Q............ rop RAIL.........../....:8'............LfNE POSTS..........~............ BOO K ........................................................................................... Sign Appendix on Rever.. Side DIAGRAM V A L K GA T ES ....................................................................................... C E RMI NAL POSTS.......6..........~..~~.................................. ) R I VEGA T ES...............................:...................................................... :OST OF MATER IAL......................I..9..9..r?..:...Q...Q................ .abor, Permit .....................................L.!..9.?..:...~..9................. IDa. 00 ax............................................f.......................................................... .otal cost.....................................;;.? ../...:l..~. ...~.~.~...t......... ~ , ,;..\ -y: .0 l..~ 'V.... ''\__ '~e~~~~._;,".~~..._.=- , o ,~S' <) u ~-Sl~ r' I~ U q-Sl.~ 0- o Fence will follow general contour of ground unless otherwise specified by customer and agreed to in writing by the Seller. o BARB TOP o KNUCKLE TOP , \: ~ -:.-..-~'{ ~ t.k. '---, '''I .') .~I , 0 :,,)\1) \ J- )awn payment, $........~........... '<~ ~ \..; d-'.....~ -'2T E R M S Balance, $.......................... \, ..- "\ O-'\I....~.- "---' I nstaller Not Responsible for underground cables or sprinkler 'f~1 c:,'__ lines. ,;;::::...5~;~~....m..._ ,1ASSIE FENCE COMPANY ~~~~~..ddU~~..,sea,J B Y :.................................................................................................... ( Sea I ) 'V :........................................................................................ at West Palm Beach, Fla. this...........day of..................................................19............ WORK' IS DONE IN A WORKMANLY MANNER. ~ A parcel of land lying in Section 9.. Township 45 South, Rp""ge 43 East, Palm Beach Count~.. Florida; said parcel bE:.. Jg more particularly describe<.. _s follow's: The South 52.20 feet of Tract 1; all of Tract 2 and Tract 3, less the - East 435. 60 feet of the South 300. 0 feet of said Tract 3.. as recorded on the plat of Palm Beach Memorial Park, Plat A.. as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 226, Public Records of Paln1 Beach County, Florida, said parcel containing 21.53 acres.. more or less. Section 2: That subject property is hereby zoned Zone R-2 pursuant to the M.aster Zoning Code 'of .the City of Boynton Beach.. Florida. Section 3: The territorial boundaries of the City of Boynton I I I II I Beach.. Florida.. are hereby redefined so as to include the above-described hereby repealed. Section 4: Separability: .' Each of the provisions of this Ordinance are separable and if any section.. subsection.. clause.. phrase or City of Boynton Beach.. Florida. ~ . . First reading this t ~ dayof June.. A. D... 1972. . ...... ..~. . Second.. final reading and passage this Zo day of 1.93_2. portion of. this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid by any Court of competent jurisdiction.. the remaining portions' shall not be affected but shall Section 5: Authority'to Codify: Specific authority is he:reby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance to the City's existing Code. Section 6: Repealing Provisions: All orrHnances or .parts of . i I Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida.. in conflict herewith are II II 11 II II 'I I I I I I I property . remain in full force and eff~ct. Section 7: Effective Date: This ordinance shan become effective in the manner and at the time provided by the Charter and Ordinances of the ~\.J iJ ~ APPRAISAL CARD REQUEST DATE REQUESTED NAME DATE DESIRED FIRM PHONE EXT. PHONE 0 COUNTER 0 OTHER CALL WHEN READY 0 I ?? lf~ 4-___) /~q /3 () 13 . )><' J-ln.J .lf6 OY J~ ~ - . \ ?f 1t1-~~ 'q .1:::) r ~ CAJ7 ~~ ()ncrJ 1" c: 1(')'1 X 01)( n (.Q,/.?, ('j~? I K nc~;:J K nl~ fA <' n .=:)(J Y' O&~ x () ;l'" . x r ~/,....( tK V' ~L ~ .~ n3t:O~ r ~a.. )( t_ :It:)~~ :J 1 0J ~ y ('"'" -"" ...... . ~'~ ~ fl ~TJ\ I'>>$-I y/ ~..--rJx L..{ )!-1 rTllrY I o 4-~()l( , , C E R T I FIe A T ION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. .. ~ffi $ejJ,~ AP LIC T/AGENT '- t.i, ',( ,-,"..A~ '" /,y /,(J v~ \ " n\) '.I fA \( 0.... ":( ~> . 10~J{\ ( / cJ~$2- '. D (.1\)'\ ,.10 Ul ,11'.- \ ' ('1' (!lIL () l~ f~ . , " .... - .. - .~~ .~ '- t6 .. .. . . . BROOFADJ. DOC Rev.l/9.l . ..... ", /;) I' ~' I I ~..~' ~~ ~ ~\ 'I _'241 j~~, J - - , :,r; Ct L :-.~ L " .' '1.:: j I I I I i I I ~,)- I 7Qb . ! I I -=;- I - ~-- _..'7'-'- - . I/O J I.uu 1\ " /. ' t EXHIBIT "A" - LEGAL DESCRIPTION Pine Point Villas condo Phases A, E and G and the tract known as recreation area according to plat of Pine Point Villas condo Plat Book 2311 Page 709 in Public Records of Palm Beach County. ./ I