APPLICATION MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse, City Clerk ~~ THRU: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator DATE: April 21, 1993 RE: Board of Adjustment - Case No. 179 & ISO Accompanying this memorandum you will find an application and supporting documentation for the above referenced cases. Checks in the amounts of $900. to cover the review and processing of these applications have been forwarded to the Finance Department. The legal advertisement for this request will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney and City Manager. cmc Attachments XC: Project File C:BOAMEM ----..--~---.--------~---.----.---,.-. -~-'--"--'_~__"_'_______m____~_____"_._.___. _._"-~. -.--.-- ----. Mar.22.'9314:58 C. F. E. ASSOCIATES ~ FAX 1-305-669-0126 ~ O~"rrrP P. 4 Vtc...~lP( 1-" (! (.lSi:- # I B 0 CIT~ OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF .ADJUS~ APPLICATION SUbmittal Deadlinel Five (5) weeks before me.tin; date i Plea'~print or tyP. Submi t 1:al <Sa te J ~-/ .:<' - /113 The undersigned owner(~) horeby respeotfully petition(s) the Board of Adjus~ment to grant to petitioner(s) a spdolal exoeption or variance to the existln9 Zoning or Sign Code. of Baid. City pertaining t.o the property h~re1nafter described and 1n support thereof state(.). I , Property involved is deacribed flA follows I Lot( s) L./L/. f ijS Block , Subdivision W~$rCIlt:~TC;( &'iA 1..5 Plat Book ~~ , Page ;Z /0 . or otherwise dellcribed a.s follows: ,Property Address 23S/ SouTh .5EtiClf'cSr .JJJ.vd... 13a~yTON. .8edQ-I]. FL . Tqe f~11owinq documents are required to be submitted with this applioAtion to form.a 8inqle paCkage. Incomplete paokaoe w~l~ nqt be aoceptedl . : 1. IA sealed surye~ by a registered surveyor in the state of Florida, not 'over six (6) months old, indicating. , I ~ Certified list of names and poat ~ffioe addressee ~f property owners and ! legal d..oriptions of their property within 400 f..t ot subject property, as reco~d.d in the Countr Courthouse. Suoh list shall be I accompanied by an Affidavit (s.. attaehed) .tatin~ that to th. beet 01 i the applioant'. knowledge, Ilid lilt 18 oomplete#and aocurat.. ;. i Prool of ownership ot pt-operty by pet:1 eloner ( . ) , ot' purchase oontraot aqreement. taG au i . I not ad 0 0 de. m a a ~ pet on.. : StateMent. of special conditione, ha~4'hip8 or re.son. 1U8tity!n; the tequ..tecS exception or "at-ianoe. Res;P()nd to the lix (e) que.tio~.. below I (~-~) on & ..parate Iheet e,l.... ~t'int. or, tycelt .. .;":..' ,iIA. ' That apea!al c~ndition. .nd oiroum.tanc.. exiat: whi~~..r8 pecUliar I to the land, structure or buildit\9 involvecS ani whioh are not applicable to other lands t struatur.. OJ:' builcU.n;1 in the satn. r.on1ng distr.1c=t, j 4, I I 5. J^ 81te glen properly dimensioned and to scale showings iA. All proposed struotures '8. All ex1.tinq struotures that are to remain on 8ite e. Setbaok line. lor all. .truoturel drawn parrndioUlar from I properly lin_. to the olo...t vertical wall 0 struotures D. Use ot eaoh atruoture (or ules within multiple oooupancies) . E. tllle of adj aoent: prop.rties inoludin~ rlght"of-w.y line. for streets and alleys, sidewalk., turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the low.at finished floor of all .truotures on site '1\ . .u t 'c. io. ,E. F. :G. H. . I . : J. i K. 2.. I I I 31. '. . ~ll property lines North arrow Existing struotu~es and paving EXisting elevAtions Right..of-way, with elevations Easements on or adj ac:u!nt to the lilt.. UtilitieA on or adjaoent to the site tegal dascriptian ~umber ot !CrA. to the near.lt one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre Looation sketoh of property Survayor's Certificate the all th. -19- Mar. 22 '.9~, 14: 59 I . c. F. E. ASSOCIATES P.A. FAX 1-305-669-0126 P. 5 BO~D,bF ~DJUSTMENT APPLICATION Pagie 2: I I 6.. Application t.. in the amount 01: $400.00 for the first varianoe and $100.00 for eaoh additional qarianoe, payable to the city of Boynton ~eaoh, muat aooompany this peti~lon. ~ame and address of owner: "M'/JI../S.7;/C'L ?'J'tJo />/,Fe.d,)liflhWlJy. 51'# A';J,O<J.l1lfJcA ,(117CJd> 331( JJ Nama of applioant I ~~VH77//'/ ~$:X)fY a~#Tet!-- l\pplicant'. llddress t SA-At: /J,s 7""(t9.lis.hc.'J #NTiL BJJiLd/N~ /$ COI'f(7UTe-v. ~PPlioant' s phone 4J t J;..lf(77) 3'9.1./-()'~r.- . , 7it<dF--1s' ::r~ Oll te . ~ 'l..< - /113 Signa t.ure of Popplioantl @. 't? (-/~. . I VIC~ 'It~sld6J-/ r --t--------~~.---------W__M______M____.._____w____~w~_~__..____~~-_____ To,belcompl,~~d bY the PlanninQ and ZQnia~ Degartment 1.1 fropertY i. pr...ntly zoned: ~ Formerly zoned. ~ 2.: froparty control Number. . oe.- 43 - 4'~ - 53.- ~.~ ~ 000 '- O'/OD t~so _ 3. ; Denial was made upon eXisting zoning' .. .... requirements C list seotiona[al of Code from which relief ig required). : S:-~c:.Ti ~ r0 <.0 {J. 14. ~ 1. 7 · f 8 . 4. s. S!Qner1 a'. That the speoial oonditiona and ciroumatanoes do not result from the actions of the applioant, That grantlnQ the varianoe requested will not confer on the applicant any special privileo& that is denied by this Ordinanoe to other lands, buildinq. or structure. in the same zoning distriot, That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ohapter would deprive tho applioant of rights oommonly enjoyed by other properties in the sam. zoning distriot under the term. of the Ordinanoe and would work unnece.aary and undue hardship on the applloant, That the varianoe granted i. the minimum varianoe that will make possible the reasonable use of the land~ buildin9 or structure, That the granting of the varianoe will be in harmony with the ~eneral intent and purpose of this chapter and that such varianc. will not be injurioua to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the publio welfare.' c/. D. E. F. ~atut... of exception or variance r.quirec:!1 -:rll~ APPLi(,A,.,..Jr t' R~4>u6s.nril, ~ePRoV~k -to geooc-c -r#Jf: f?c9\Jd~~f? NtlR.on\ .rIOe- ~e;T~A'[{ FRoiM 30'0" to 7'&/'AI'/D l?F~u(.6 rut:- ~o~\14 ~1l)t:.~~rRA(.K ~(J/I't. IO/OJ;j"o7/b~.. '._ .,., ,.' ,,' pate su11a1nq '.rmit d.nied by BUilding D.partM*nt: L IVI~ Building Permit Numbcu."t A)/4 ~_ I . ~... Number I I B 0 M.eting Da. te ! M A 'I / ~ (q9 3 t)enied. NAy . n ~ . --r------w-------~-~--*..-.-.....-.....~.~M-_______.*_~_...__...___..__ To' bel~ll11d 2~i-bY 80&:4 I ',' . , " BO~RD~ OF ADJUS'1'MBN'I' ACTION. ~pr>roved.. C---.., i I Ay. "'7, . Jfl~ Std~u~at!~n.a l ! /zY Mar. 22 '93 15:00 C. F. E. ASSOCIATES P.A. FAX 1-305-669-0126 P. 6 #5 C E R T I F -1 CAT ION TO THE aEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BE~4IF# THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST or PROPERTY OWNERS WI~HIN FOUR HUNDRED {400) ~EEt or THE APPLICANT'S p~OPEaTY. 7,s? ,(J.t../s/ :r dC by ~ f;, ~ ~~...4 .. APPLI Ci\NT AOBNT . I I {f J'- ~tJ' v~e; ()~( C~ \ \~'3 l.\}\ I' ) j., .' -/'- /,., /.1'<'..(/ . " f /;:1'<~.,rt~~ ." c* -0 (:;. f.-./d~7t:.~'S?~ ~,<J ~ . /..... u~..'" . ,1 ;; /r- (I \.--' l r.... // JAN-12-1993 02:37pm 93-009220 ORB 7550 P9 823 .."_.1'--.'- Con 160,000.00 Doc 1,120.00 RECORD VERIFIED DOROTHV H WILKEN CLERK OF THE COURT - PB COUNTY, FL h~IIDNum~r. 08-43-45-33-05-000-0400&0450 Grantee #t 11N: 65-024605 [Space AbO\'e 111is Une For Recording Data) Warranty Deed This Indenture, Made this DR. MANUEL HURTADO, 8thdayof a single January, t9 93 A.D., Between man, , of the County of Palm Beach ,Slate of Florida , grantor, and "~RALIS, INC., a corporation existing under the laws of the state of Florida ..hose address Is: 4800 N Federal Highway, Ste A210, Boca Raton, Fl 334&1 of the County of Palm Beach Stateof Florida ,,,-antee. Witnesseth .hatthe GRANTOR. for ond In con.iderallon of the sum of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEN & NO/100 ($10.00) - - - - - - - - - - DOLlARS, and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR In hand paid by GRANfEE, the receipt whereof i. hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and .old to the ..id GRANTF..E and GRANfEB'S .uc:eesson and assign. forever, the following described land, .Uuote, lying and being In the county of Palm Beach Stateof Florida towlt: Lots 44 and 45, WESTCHESTER HEIGHTS, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 24, page 210, less and excepting lands described in Order of Taking by Palm Beach County in Official Record Book 2772 page 1247, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements of record, if any, and taxes subsequent to 1992. The property herein conveyed DOES NOT constitute the HOMESTEAD property of the Grantor. The Grantor's HOMESTEAD address is 26-1 S.W. 23rd Cranbrook Drive, Boynton Beach, FL. and the grantor doe. hereby fully ...rrant the title to ..id land, and will defend the ..me opin.t lawful claim. of all person. whomsoever. I n Witness Whereof, the grantor ha. hereunto set hi. hand and seal the day ond year nnt ohove written. Signed, sealed and delivered In our presence: I ^~:'l (( ldJ V(~ <;C/)V.-<"--&~ Dix1e L. ~ oema er Witness, /, ,- /~ /.1 if.' I( If . ( 4(!ll'~/~l{p R. NUEL URTADO (Seal) Halina Syp witness ) r.. / } . lj /'~_ //' P.O. Addrea 2601 s.w. 23rd Cranbrook Drive,lloynton neach FL 33436 (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) . STATE OF Florida COUNlY OF Palm Beach The foregoing Instrument .... acknowledged before me Ihi. B th DR. MANUEL HURTADO, a married man, doy or January; 1993 by ..hoh.. produced his Florida driver's license uldentlfica This DlX"ument Prepared By: GulfAlIanlle nile A,ency. lne. OJ: DbIe t. Shoemalr:er As N_rylO __ , .,. ofntle I............ 98 SoR 6th A-nwllhrw\ nmnTITO' 1'UBlIC SlATE I!F flllRJDA DeI.."OeIleh,FL 334R3 MY ~U""ISSION nr, OfC,75.1993 IlONOED IImu l;rr~HM 1Ir;. UNO. '~'.;;.i.:.:'~~i; 'r"J,.f2~- ~;.'-;'. ,r,'~: ';.. ~ 92-3466D dls MOORE & MENKHAUS, P .A. ArroRNEYs AT LAw 4800 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY SUITE 21O-A BOCA RnoN, FLORIDA 33431-5176 (407)394-7910 FAX TELECOPIER: (407) 393.6541 April 19, 1993 VIA HAND DELIVERY City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida Re: Tralis, Inc. Gentlemen: This letter will confirm that the undersigned is the Registered Agent for the above-referenced Florida corporation, and that this firm is counsel to the corporation. Further, please be advised that Mr. Wayne E. Puls is a duly elected and qualified Vice President of the corporation, and that Mr. Puls is duly authorized to represent and bind the corporation in all matters concerning its property located at the northwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida. The impression below is a true impression of the corporate seal. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number shown above. Very truly yours, ~ fh---Id- David J. Menkhaus DJM/ j pn cc: Mr. Wayne E. PuIs , 1- t!' ~..'_"'.1,......... "'" ,,/ .., '- ,- , ,:.' .~" L' F_r . )", t (""'. : . t ;": ~ ,",' ." ~~ \~) . /'/" .'.,' ~.,.. "I, ';'. 'I ,tt...lt~" -APR-09-'93 FRJ 14:41 JD: TEL NO: #364 P01 LAW OF"F"ICII!!l BOOSE CASItY CIKLIN LualTz MARTf:NS MCBANE: a O'CONN!LL A ,....R'I'Nl!:FlSHIP INCLUOING It!'lOF"ESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS .Joatl"'" L. ...eKE".......N. .Jilt. I!tFtVCE G. "'L.r;X"N"~". ....... .JERALO a. IU:!:~. "". WfL..LIAM A, 800.~ ,., ~A. JOHU a. aOVKIN. ~.... .....Tllllelt,). e....a\'. ...01.. "l.AN J. eIKL~N. ...... I.4ICkAEL w. eONNOFl8 RQII~qT L. CR"'N~. RA. ,",OIllALD 1:. CAIISCItNlO ,JAYC;;. ..1...1010 Iol:f> e. ......6N I.4UCCI. o. Cftl!lNI I.VNClA J. H......"18, ........ QII:...... .... ..nt...~. Il'.'-. DRIAN .. "OaL.Y". ....... OI'lCGOIltV G. KIN~ II;H#\"I.C~ A.., l-VClIT:&. ... A.. ItCIW'" C. I.UN$F"QRP "JC........D L.. ....AJIt,.EN9, ~.... L.01.l15 Q. MellAN IL. R. A.. TIMDTH.... ... MCC...ATH..... 1'. a.. CL"-UDIA N. Mcl<.II!:NI'tA IoAOAAlli 1;;. (Ii 1(1 1'1} III .LL"R .ICItIA....~, o'eON~'::Li.... ".A, ......L o. O'CONNf.LL JA.. ...... -.). ':01<1"" ""'RKHllA!'iT 0...."..'1'0.......... ~. -..." JOHN R. VOUNt;. ....... I.ONN'&: .. ~AN'*RIL....O e.03THe.f'lt A. Z.....T,. ,.HI....'P D. O'CONNt....., 1S1It. (..0'1.'.. ) o-=- OOw..,&..", ..10.... L. _IU...It.. NOI'ITIo4.RfD~1!; 'OW&;R I . ,Ono It\.OO =11I Ngt'lTM r-L,AQL,C" g"nr~ WIUiiT P"'L~ BIt~Io4. FLQAID.A -.:a.a ~ T..L....~CI\l&: (40'1) 83.2 .I!U~OO TrU.QOI"IER (4071 83a -420~ """"......G ADOItC.. ".0. D_WEIt 0_.28 "''''$''' ......1..101 ..,o.e.... r.. "~ce....a VIA ~ILlOO~Y 738-7." April 0, 1003 chri.~oph.r Cu~ro Planninq & Zoning Director city of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton 5each Boulevard f.Ot Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL )J4Z5-0~lO Re: MI..VLATORY SVItGJ:CAL dO ZlQ)O.co~y CIlft'lllt (Pt~ NO. 1~1' Dear Mr;. cutro: we have been retained by the proj eet owner to evaluate th legality of requir1ng the project to dedlcate an add1tional l' teet 0 right-of-way for SW 23ra Avenue as it 1s llste4 on palm neach county' Thoroughfare Right-af-Way Protection Plan. This requirement 1. l1ste ~5 lte~ No. 3 on the March 26, 1993, memoranaum from Dorothy Moore t you. It is our position that AS a result ot palm 13eaeh county vs William Wright at al. which recen~ly invalidated palm Beach county' Thoroughfare map, the required dedication 1s lllegal and confiacatory As you well know, the parcel is only .527 acres in si~Q and thl reQUired 15 foot dedication may very well make this site unusa.ble Unfortunately, due to the holidays it does not appear that this matte will be able to be resolved prior to the Monday, April 12, 1993, fi11n d.~dlin. for a necessary project varianoe. Therefore, we respaetfull r.qu..t that you allow submittal of the plans and documents withou the raquasted is foot dedication. We will be seeking to resolve thi matter as expeditiously as possible. Please do not hea1tate to cal us if you have any questions. .'\ ~ WILLIAM R. BOOSE, 1II GSK10llg Enol co: David Henkhaus (VlA TELECOPY 393-6541) stuart Cohen (VIA TELECOPY 1-305-669-0126) i I RECEIVED APR 9 1993 April 12, 1993 BY HAND DELIVERY Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Tralis Inc., Application for final site plan Application for variance and building permit Lots 44 & 45, Westchester Heights. Dear Mr. Cutro; We are applying for final site plan review along with a variance and a building permit. The required documentation for these applications, including the $400. variance fee, is attached. Your consideration and approval of these application is respectfully re- quested. Sincerely, TRALIS, Inc. ~~@~/ Vice President ...... . ~# ..., <"') ~ . ::I: ~ ~ ..., e?' a: - :::- - ".:'" . .....,.'. "."J~h~:-:.: ';~~.;:.~,~i~. ,.:~..... ;@ .< [V>.~I ~~ Ct13t ' -156286 IN mE C I RC1IIT CXXJIU OF mE FI FrEEN'IH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA., IN AND R>R PAJ}! BFAQI CClJNI'Y. CIVIL ACrICtI. CASE No. 77-3613 CA (L) 01 I " PAlM BIlA01 CXlINTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Plaintiff, ~ ..... .... vs. ~ ~ -/ MEDICAL ARfS mRPORATION. et aI., Defendants . ." "'" .- ~--~ ~- - - -........-- .",,' r-, ,,, o 1: - .. , ORIER OF TAlCING ". - <:It / " nns CAUSE coming on to be heard by the Court; and it appearina that;.~ , . proper notice was first given to all the Def~ts, and all petsons having or cla.iJning any e<pity: lien, title, or other interest in or to the reel prnperty . . described in the Petition, that the Plaintiff would apply to this CoUrt on the 16th .day ilf NovemtJer, A. D., 1977, for. an Or3er of raking. and t)tt, Court being fully advised in the pranises, upon consideration, it is, thereforI!'. ORIERED and ~D: . . 1. That the Ca1rt has jurisdiction of the "Swject matter of and the parties .to this cause. 2. That the pleadings in this cause are sufficient, and the Plaintiff is/properly exercising its delegated authority. 3. That the estimate of value filed in this cause by the Plaintiff was made in good faith, and based upon a'valid appraisal. 4. That the Pl8intiff is entitled to possession of the following de- scribed property prior to the entry of a Final Judgment to-wit: ''''<:--~'~' " . . . , '~~.~~.', '"..';" .:>.... . .~..'.~"_".,..." '-...,-,oj;"-':," -.,. '.9 U. In 177 Z PAGE 1 Z. 7 . .. .. ''4<::.. . ....." f~, , ;. '1' .... : ..... ,. i . l,.' . !~~~ ~ .~!~~ ^ pnrcr.l of land Cor: r.ooJ tirJlt-<or -''''Y purJl(ltl~. lyil1A iil tilt' fO(lUth. ""'.at 114 of. SoctlC1l\ JJ. T17-'ll11hlp I,:; South, Ralno /.3 FJlut, rnlm Belich Cc:u-Ity. Florida and bl7.n1cd IIlI CollClW8: In:ntic<l.on the l'['st hy U1C flJ"t-:r1.y rlp,ht-of....,.", Un,. of .<;('n,.c/!'lI'.: J:.<<11C\'n.-d 11.'1 sh.7.T\ ('\1 tl,c ris;ht-Or-Im:. r:lI'p Ill!l"{'t' 3-15-321 ~/I1 CUed 11) tho ofricn or l:hc Cculty F.l\l;lJ1cct of rnlln Cc.,ch eo.r1ty JIIi1l f.u.nl"j OIl the ~'OTt!1 by the S~tht'rly rlr,ht-of-'W1lY Uno of Sl~ 27th AvcnJC n3 lIha1.'l1 in the plAt or C"oIIy-:l.1r F.lItatca. rlot IIook 24. (lOBe llO, I'ubHc Reo:lroll of. Palla Beach Co..I\ty, I KID I10ulllccl '?l the Soo.Jth b., the 101 r. cI n:U or n t:nr.mt C\1n.r. 'I.T/trr. n rlk.11u:J Clf 25.00 (eet mid bOirG ~E!llt to both ot the a!orol1031tloncd d&ht-of-wny l1ool. , ContaJ.n1Ju /.50.00 sl1Wlre Ct"Ct marC! or lesll. o.ncd by: ~I""ical Arts Corporation, 'T- , . Subjc~t to: ~kJrtJ;agc r('conk-d jn,tlr.rjd;lt'llc~.ord llook._. "._._..>. 1877.11t I'age 451. ill fllVOT or I:i rst Bank & TIl.IS t of Iloynton lIcacll, ~brtllaJ:e reconled ia Orncial Record IloQ,k 1942 at PnJ;e 511, in favor of. I'i~st 8IUlk Ii Trust of BoYnton Beacll_ - . .~ I " . , t..J!. . .. L 0 .0 ',r,.. " r. I~ , ... r " .;' ..~ I .;. . '. ;) .' U.' ~'. . '.',' . ..'!.,," ," . . 'A', . \~.., .~.~. ~ :-....~ .. .. 0'-" '.0 . ,.._ . ~ '. .':',-' '.,.." ~~... -. ..~...~g~A~"f:.:.:.:-~.I...:.:.:.:......~~~:.., e<!'." .. ..'....l..-.~ .~~ . . ;.J'o'~~ ,. _.~ . .. '" .' ~. .....-_ _. .... . . I ,. ,'~,;~ . . .. " . .' i.. I m~ In 277!PAGE.1248 J 'f \ . . . , . '. . ~ "V~ Il..... .,. . ? .. t,., .. t. G ! ."<<];1. IlIr. 1\lo rnrcW .of 1Ind for rond rlp,ht-of-way l'lrp08ca 1M in tht. Swth- . I · WIeIt 1/4 of Seets'oo 33, Towneh1p 4S South. R<<lte 43 Eut, Palm Bench ! . CoIztty, F1.orl.d.1 lIl1d mgre partied.Ar1y described as follCWII: Ml of thllt J'C'l"t1.rn (If loOt 94, PInt! of Jlfr.h roL.,t, PInt nook 7.3, par,e 2Z5, PubUe Pceorc.18 ol;'r:ll'll te.:w::h CO'JI\ty, lviJ1r; I~~t of. tl:(' . lair. e!1'X'\l of II t..v,mt curv'C!, IIn1.\ ~ ',avl~' ft rr.clbL" of 25.00 feet nml be1l1l tlllr,mt to the Enlltcrl)' rL...ht-of~"llY 1.1nr of S...ncrcst I!ou1l.'Vnrd trd tM :lorthc:rly dr}lt-of-\ol8Y Une of SE 21th AwnJC as IIhIM1 oo.~-aforsnentionoi plAt. ~ta1n1ng 114.00 llqunre feet IOO1"C or les/I. 1ll:D All of that pe>rtLln of Lot 94. FInt of lIi~h Foint, PInt D001: ?J, T'IICO 225, PubU.e Recordll of Pnlsn :leach CO'..nty, lyinP, NortlY,le!ltM'ly of too lon~ Conu of Il blrf:mt C\mtP., 8n1d curve Mvlm n rlt"lius of 25.00 fe~t Iq! l~~ t~mt to thto EMtt>rly r!p'ht-oC-wuy line of :lellCt'('st lloufevnrd en! thl'! r<Al~ly riJdlt-of -\."tl~ lw of :;-.; 26th AVf!rIJe (Pt'l~ Drive) u shown on die aL'bra:lC'lltlonC'd 1'11lt. Qln~ 77.00 8l)U11l'I! ((":et mere or lUll. ~neu uy: Jean S. Kis:tlta and Wward J;..Kiszka,.Jr. .' ~-" . .r . . ; Swjcct to: The lien of that tert;lillo IlOrti:afe ,from. . Jean S. Kiszka to Etiw:lru F. Kiszk:1 anu Hetty B. Kiszkll. hls wife, dated 12/30/76, filed 12/30/76, retorucU in Official Recore: Book 2623, page b83, in tl~ amount of $6,000.00. The lien of that certain mortgai:c fronl Ww:lrd 'F. Kiszka, Jr. to I:tIwllrd F. KiHka and /lctty 8. Xiszka, his wif~uateu 12/30/7~. filC'J 12/30/76, rccerdcd in Official Record Book 2623,.raae 686. in the amount of ~6,OOO.OO. .:. ~._.... -,:_. ..--... .- .--~ _.... -:. .. . . -.. ~~~~'"-'-~"-~ ,......... ....... . . _ -.' ~~.' -'_.r.;~.... .....~- .. ,',.. 1". ".. fascoaDa'S WIWOI Le,ibl1lty : 'l::~:n.:-~ I..... ~_____ :~ II! 177.1"'~ mt . .~ ". , . . . . . .. .1 f' .' .....' .# .. .-....--.....----- -----.. . ,L~ -t~~"!#~,~~J!!.~~~~~. ~ l..;~t' 17 rT .- - . .,.." "'Ii .. .... M';l ~J!.!. eo ^ parcel or 1AnI foe. nNII1 dJt)\t-f'f-way p.&rpOSt'tI l~ in tllC! ~:orth- _t 1/4 of S.cd.m 33/ TCJWI\Shir 4S South, r~o 1,3 \A.st. P4lm Beach I . . Ot. ~ty, F1.or1da. lI'Ot'e ptlrttculal"ly ck.c:r1Md .. fnlloflll . . ~ ,. 1\11 of thft rcrticn .of tnt 67, Pue of Cn!IMew, Plot J:oo\I: n, plr,8 lSI., NJlle Rt'COE'dtt of Polm J\(!lICh Co.Jnty, lYiM Soutl1\,,!'t of the lCl1'ft ehC'N or . ta"C<<tt C1IrYO,oa1d ClJI'VI!.~ S. mdius of 25.00 feet and 1~1Ji .arP.C!I\t !XI t..'lo :~tMrly ~t-Of"'WllY 11ne or SE Z3rd Avmue (Rob1nGon Strecc:1 ard the f.-sterly riJ!ht- of -way Uno of 5exrelt lloulevnrd (1lo)"I\ton-Ddray 5<:h001 Ro,d) as "101<<\ ai the a[orOJn1tioned p14t. 0antain1r6 862.00 IqU8rO feet more or' 1.... . . .. \ . OWlled by: ~larland W. lAJvall. Subject to: None. .. .. \ - , -. ., .....~ , .. .... ,. . , . m~. m 277ZPAGE 1250 \ ~ o{ I. \. . ~ ~. ~ " t, ~ , ' " '. . ,. ~~~~~~.4~;~..-tf1:~..~.~ lr.rr..~~._.' .:-,',', ~"""~7.,,~~:t~'.-. ."., . '. .... C.fr, . ... -- .. ,. .. G A parc~ Of'l~~for purposes Lying 1n the Northweatl/4 of Sect1~n 33, Town.hip 4S South, Range 43 Ea.~, .Palm.Beach County,-Florlda, more particularly de-. 8cribed as follows I '. All of that po:tio~ ofLot4S, PLat o~ Westchester Heights;. , PLat B~ok 24, p~ge 210, Public Records of ,alm Beach CoUnty, lying. Southeasterly of the Long chord of a tangent curve, 8~id curve having a radiu. of 2s.od feet and. being tangent to the NortherlyriB~t-of-way line of SW 23rd.Avenue (Golf.. Road) and.the Westerly righ~~of-way line of SFacrest Boule- vard as shown oi the aforementioned plat." Containing %16,00 square foet more or 18ss. O"'IC..! by: .Ios('ph N. Sdlruut IUl..! Gmcc, Schnlut, his wife. '. Subject to: None. . '. , _-l -... ..t r', : " ., ",pl"ti \1.".'" '.I. I"""'" I,f)ilt:,"""'.) I:': . ." C.,. .... t.... ..~~. ...:....~...+~...;.,:""... .~..:~,. ." . . ;.~. . ..... .... .. -' '.. . --' ,.,...._ ..... .~...y,.~ ',~. .~~~~' "" . . PALM OFF . ... BEACH REC 2 77 2 PAGE 1 Z 52 I ... ~f .l. ,. .\ ;.;1,1....<1.' '.~. ~.. .' . \-.-- ., ....~~~~~.3~. -~ "r: '.~" .... .'....--, 'j ".-'.. .1..._. ... '. . 'III .., /..,. -.. . '. . ~' ,.;. '... ". ....... ", '!/ . I I --- . ,. Upon payment into the registry of this CDurt, the deposit hereafter specified; . . . . and that said deposit of money will fuliy secure and fullycaJ1lensate the per- . .. sons lawfully en~itled to canpensation, as will be det,ermined ultimately by Fi~l Judgment of .t~. ~r~, . and which said sun of lOOney to be deposited is in ,.no in- . . stance less than the value of each parCel of said land, as 'fixed by the estimate of value as set by the Plaintiff. .PIVVI IED , ~R, that the said sun of money in the, total amount of Seven Thousand. Nine HI.JOOred and No/lOO ($7.900.00) ~llars- shall- be deposited. in the registry of this CDurt within twenty (20) ~_ after .. , the date of this Order, and, upon making such deposit, the Plaintiff shall 'no- '\ ' . tify, in writing, all attorneys of record , and' those DeferiCiants rot represented by counsel, ~t the deposit has. been mada, and~~t upon deposit, the Plaintiff shall be entitled to posseSsion of the property described in the Petition with- . ., , . out. further rlotice or Order of this ~rt. . If the Plaintiff shall default in the depositing. of sahl sun of money . . within the time provided, this Order shall be void and of no further force or effect. ~ and ORIllRED thi~O ~ of '--A w , 1977. , . .Il . ,~ ", . '. ......... .... .... ... .... MIl .. ..... 11M ......... -, 'AI.M eff 1171 PAGE 11 5 3 autl Ht,. .' .A;, '. .r. .