REVIEW COMMENTS May 5, 1993 BUILDING DEPARMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-104 From: Chris Cutro Planning Director Don JaegertlL Building otficial Al Newbold Deputy Building Official To: Thru: SUBJECT: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE 1180 We have no objections to the above mentioned case, therefore no comments. ~~. Al New . fs brd. of ad Ji-(pe; PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-092 ~-cf).-~ 61 "'l/~ " l\~1\ BE.4Cf; <' I/b~~~.~~ .. \.\. ~~'(.:~ ~~~ ",' <<.., ~~~ <::'. >- {\", '" '" !:: ,,'" " ~ ~ i- ~ ~ ~~~... ..\.~ ~":J .~~ ~' I ",,' q)!<.", ~ .' /' ~ ~<<; "" 1'. ..,,~ ,',; _I lIOY~\" TO: DopJaeger, Building Officials --a.~~Dr.. ~ristopher Cutro, Planning and l.rector Zoning FROM: DATE: April 30, 1993 SUBJECT: Review of Board of Adjustment Cases Enclosed please find copies of the applications for the Board of Adjustment meeting of May 17, 1993 for your perusal. Please let us know if you have any comments prior to May 7, 1993. CC/cmc A:BOA Mar.22 '93 14:58 C. F. E. ASSOCIATES ~ FAX 1-3135-669-13126 ~ O~r{,9 P. 4 DtL~lP( ,.. C (.l'st: # I B 0 CIT~ OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF ADJUS'1'MENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline, Five (5) weeks ~efore me.tin; date I Submi ttal cia te , -"V-/,;:? - /113 Plea., print or type The undorsigned owner(R) h~reby respecefullY petition(s) the Board of Adjusitment to grant to petitioner(s) a Bpdolal exoeption or variance to the exil5t'in9 Zoning or Sign code. of said. City vertaininq to the property hdrelnafter desoribed and in support theroof state(.)a I I Property involved is described al follows I Lot( s) ~L/ -( .J.f5 Block , Subdivision hLL3$rCIICf:>TCf( &/111 t.s , plat Dook ,,,:z4 , Page :z 10 or otherwise described as follows: ,Property AddreslS 23S/ SotJ7h $pt9r;lf6'sr ..BJ.vd... ]3ay/yToN" &t9ch. FL- , T11El f~llowin<J documents are required to be submit.ted with this applioation to forma sinqle package. Inoomplete paokage whll n~t be acoeptedl , . 1. 11\ sealed surYe~ by a re~ister.d surveyor in the state of Florida, not , 'over ilK ( 6) months old, indioating, ! 2. I I I 31. I 41, I I 5. I i\. I :U, . c. in. ,E. F. :G. H. ,I. :J. i K. ~ll property lines North arrow BKi9tinq struotures and paving Existin9 elevations Ri9ht..of~way, with elevation. Easements on or adj Ac.nt to the R.i, te Utilities on or adjaoent to the site Legal descr1ptidn ~wnber ot acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an aor. Looation sketoh of pro~erty surveyor's certificate I^ site plan properly dimenlioned and to scale showinqt ,A. All propoled struoture. 'S. All eXisting It~UotUrefl that are to remain on sit.e c. SGtbac:sk line. ~or all, .truotu:t'es drawn perpeJtdioular from I properly lin.. to the ole..at vertioal wall of struotures O. Use of eaoh atruoture (or u.es within multiple oooupancies) - E, UN. of adj aoent: properties 1noludin(l rlqht"of-way linea fol:' gt~eet. and alleys, sidewalk., turn laneB and driveways F. Mlevation. of the low.'e finished floor of all struotures on site the all the I ~ Certified list of name. and post dffioe address.. ~f property owners and ! legal d..ar!ptions of their property within 400 feet ol 8U~:t.ot property, all recorded in the County Courthouse. Suoh list shall be I accompanied by an Affidavit (... attaehed) Itatin; that to tha b.at of i the applicant'. knowledqe, .aid lilt 1s complete.and aaourat.. i proof of owner.hip of! property purahaae oontrac~ I not ad 0 0 ! pet on~ : statament. of spea!al ~ohdi~ion8, hard. hips or r.a.on. 1ustlfyin9 the tequ..te4 exceptiQn or vatianoe. R..pond to the six (e) qu..tioQ8' below I (I\-~) on & .epara.te sheet U'l.... ~~int or t:,y1)et= ,<',~ . . That speoial oondition. and oircum.tance. .xiat whi~~ ~r8 peculiar t.o the lant5, structure or building involved ani wh!oh are not applicable to oth-r lands t struct.ures or buildinQs in the ._Me r.on1ng district, il A. , i Mar.22 '93 14:59 C. F. E. ASSOCIATES P.A. FAX 1-305-669-0126 P. 5 BO~D.OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Paqe 2: I I 6." ~pplication fee in the amount of $400.00 for the first varianoe and $100.00 for each additional varianoe, payable to the City of Boynton ~each, must aooompany this peti~lon. ~ame and address of owner: 7/?,9L;'~.MC'~ ?tRot) /';'r~d. Jji:;4.LJ~'(. ste ,4';1,0'1. /1;9Ct4.,f/lnJf'f, 33~ J) Name of applioant, :3"VA/771/'L ~SCbPy' (J~,,"Te~ , Applicant. 8 address I SR-~lf /Is T,('t9.L.is,.:7rlt:;..! UNTiL BpiLd/N1. /$ C()I'1FLeT~D. ~pplicanttB phone II (#(77) 3"Pf-()'..l-t. . , -11fdJ-J s. x~ DAte = '!f -/.;l-/713 Signature of ~pplioant: ~ ~.~' " I VIce l!'es/dt!:J-I J --r--------~~.----.----W--"-.----"----.-------.---~-~----.----.~"---~-- TO!beJcomp~eted by the PlanninQ and ZQn~~ oeoartment 1., troperty is pre8.ntly zoned: ~ Formerly Boned. ~ 2. : rroperty centrol Number I ..~"?e'- 43 - l.,I~ - 33 '- tJ.~ -" DOO,'" 0 'foo t tf-SO _ 3.; benial was mad. upon existino zoning or sl;n requirem.nts (list secti.ons[s] of Code from whioh relief 1$1 requlxed)1 "~ 11 I ~.:..cn~ r0 (0 I;. M-r------W-"~--~-~*---*..-.-.--..-.-..."-----~--M-~~--~-.-.--~.~---..-- To' bel~111e~2Y~ bY Boar4 I ' ' . I ; BO~RD!OF ADJUSTMENT AOTIONI ~p~roved i i Aye Stii~u~atit)n., ! 7. I 8. 4 . s. a', That the speoial oonditiona and ciroumatances do not result from th- actions of tha app11oant, That grantlnQ the variance requested will not confer on the applioant any special privileQ& that is denied by this Ordinanoe to other lands, buildinq. or struotures in the same zoninq district, That literal inte~pretation of the provisions of this ohapter would deprive tho applioant of ~ight. oommonly enjoyed by other properties in the sarna z.oning distriot under the terms of the Ordinano8 and would work unneoe.aary and undue hardship on the applioant, That the varianoe oranted is tha minimum ~ar!ance that will make pOBsibl_ the reasonable use of the land~ buildin9 or struoture, Th~t the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this ohapter and that such varianoe will not be lnjuriou. to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the publio welfare.' CI. D. E. F. IT t3 3. ~at.ure of e)toeption or variance r.quirGdl ::J1i.~ APP(,i(',A,,,Jr " R~c; l;>u6s.nrlt... 4:p Rov EQlX.~ -nJt; 1<6 v NtlR.T 0" e;T~A F Rot1-'\ 3D' 0" 7'(0/' 111/) ~~u<6 rue- ~tw,t4 ~'J)t:. ~6r~A(.K fRo"", la/ol.r 10 71 t/: fate Building Permit denied by BUilding D.p'rt~.nt= l A>/A Building Permit Number! /\))4 ~ ~ I - ~... Numberl /80 Me.ting Da.te! friAr /~ /CJ93 I Jf'lI'lI' . Denied NAY ~ (II.. J q_' ~ -'- v- . - S1gne~1 ~~ _ .t .._~. ~: + CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH f4.e.!lpt Il~ 0</9'~? QU. I..")"", $/ r'97 s; CA~f J 79 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: Five (5) weeks before meeting date t-? - 93 Please print or type Submittal date: The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Board of Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Block 11/ /l , Subdivision --H ~(' bar ~\ Lot ( s ) q E.s+q+es Plat Book , Page qg NrJ rth R.ot or otherwise described as follows: Property Address The following documents form a single package. elf) y I1t tJlJI'I f3 C. " . F=i 33~3S are required to be submitted with this application to Incomplete package will not be accepted: cgOl.. 1. A sealed survey by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. All property lines North arrow Existing structures and paving Existing elevations Rights-of-way, with elevations Easements on or adjacent to the utilities on or adjacent to the Legal description Number of acres to the nearest Location sketch of property Surveyor's Certificate site site one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre . 2. A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the properly lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. 4. Proof of owne:::ship of property by petitioner ( s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an agent is submitting the petition, a notarized copy of a letter designating him as such must accompany th~ petition. 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Page 2 B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. Application fee in the amount of $400.00 for the first variance and $100.00 for each additional variance, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition. 7 . Name and address of owner: L e. ++ ~ e. *" 1'\ pt T O""4It. .1 ~ ~ ) e... ~ "..t N tJ ,..." I...,e..t .. y ~ -t 0"" IS Go ~ C- 8. Name of applicant: l... e.tti e. M. 77tJle" +- "b,'oIdle. Applicant I s address: ! 0 J..... Nor fh. R.J Bey nToJ#l fjJ Applicant I s phone #: I.J..O ? - "'..':1 ~ - CI-~33 Ct!ON,(I) ----_::::~---~~~-~~~--_:~::::~::_:~-~~~~~::::~-~~-j~~~~ To be completed by the Planning and Zoning Department 1. Property is presently zoned: r(-/;.ug Formerly zoned: At)4 2. Property Control Number: 09 ~.$ ~.s-:2;).. b7 (90<.) 00'0 3. Denial was made upon existing zoning or sign requirements sections[s] of Code from which relief is required): A-PP6NO\)( A - ZDNJI'/CP (list St..CT'/O^, / /. E... /:IN/) F. Il1) ., 4. Nature of exception or variance required: S;e~ AriAl.,Jt:O l:..y.IJ,(~lr 1'T Date Building Permit denied by Building Department: # /4 Building Permit Number: ":;/A 5. Case Number: -n /"77 Meeting Date: MAy I~ ,qq3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be filled out by Board BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Approved Aye Denied Nay Stipulations: Signed: Chairman