AGENDA DOCUMENTS ....... STAFF REPORT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT September 19, 1994 Case #198 Location: 4742 N. Congress Avenue (Boynton Lakes Plaza) outparcel "All Potential Owner: David Daszkal Agent: Chris Crawford Request: The request for waiver of the loading zone requirement involves preserving parking spaces. The variance is a request to eliminate the requirement of a loading zone for the proposed restaurant. The variance is a request for relief from the requirements of Appendix A, Zoning, Section 11, J. 1. and 2.a. Analysis: The subject outparcel and Boynton Lakes Plaza are located in the C-3, community Commercial, zoning district. The following is a description of the land uses and zoning districts of the properties that abut outparcel "A": North - an existing major driveway entrance leading to the Boynton Lakes Shopping Center; farther north is outparcel liB", a separately owned, vacant outparcel adj acent to Boynton Lakes Plaza, zoned C-3, Community Commercial. East - an existing shopping center (Boynton Lakes Plaza), zoned C-3, Community commercial. South - Plaza Lane, a City right-of-way; farther south is undeveloped residential land zoned PUD, Boynton Lakes. West - Congress Avenue, a County right-of-way; farther west is Meadows Plaza, an existing shopping center, zoned C-3, community Commercial. Find attached Exhibit lIAlI, a document prepared by the applicant, which represents the statement of special conditions for the variance request. The following items are provided to assist you in making your evaluation: 1. The use the applicant is proposing to occupy the premise is a single drive through sit down restaurant with 80 seats. 2. The language in the code that requires a loading zone and the design specifications are as follows: J. OFF-STREET LOADING: 1. For the purpose of this ordinance, the term "off-street loading or unloading space" shall mean a vehicular loading space constructed of a hard surface and shall consist of a space with dimension~ not less than twelve (12) feet in width, thirty-five (35) feet in length and fourteen (14) feet in height, exclusive of access aisles, maneuvering space or alley right-of-way. / page 2 Board of Adjustment Case #198 2. The following spaces shall be provided for the uses indicated: a. Every hospital, institution, hotel, commercial or industrial building, or similar use, requiring the receipt or distribution by vehicle of materials or merchandise, shall have sufficient permanently maintained off-street loading space so as not to hinder the free movement of vehicles and pedestrians over a street or sidewalk. 3. The drive through aspect of the use requires conditional use approval. the applicant is presently in the review stage of the conditional use approval process. The use approval is schedul~d for City Commission review September 20. 1994. One of the standards used by staff, Planning and Development Board and City Commission in their evaluation of the review of the use approval is loading areas. The loading area is evaluated with respect to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. 4. The proposed site was developed as part of the shopping center and the following improvements exist at the site: utilities, drainage, ingress/egress access aisles from the shopping center, 58 parking spaces and access aisles, landscaping and irrigation, and a vacant building pad. The layout and design of the new site will reduce the total number of existing parking spaces from 58 to/54 without the inclusion of the required loading zone. 5. The subj ect site, outparcel "BlI and the shopping center, including the cuco's Restaurant, c~llectively share parking spaces. Required parking spaces are based on one (1) parking space for each two-hundred (200) square feet of leasable floor area of the main shopping center building plus the total gross floor area of the outparcel buildings. Outparcel "B" is developed similar to the subject site with parking spaces and a vacant building pad. The total number of parking spaces required for the project, excluding a building for outparcel "B", but, including the existing construction at the project and the proposed restaurant site is 662. The number of parking spaces provided at the project including the spaces proposed for the restaurant site is 668 plus 27 equals 695. The 27 additional spaces were a result of a::1 approval of a variance to reduce parking spaces at the project (see item #7 below). 6. A drawing indicating the number of parking spaces that would be eliminated as a result of showing a loading zone was not shown, however, the size of the loading zone is twelve (12) feet wide by thirty-five (35) feet long. e:L- page 3 Board of Adjustment Case #198 7. On January 19, 1994, the board approved Case #190, a reduction of 27 required parking spaces for the project (see attached minutes). 8. If the variance is denied, the site would be redesigned to accommodate the loading zone. If the variance is approved, parking spaces would be preserved that are not required for the restaurant use but are part of the spaces for the entire project. Site plan review approval is required prior to development on outparcel liB". a:boa198 3 MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 19, 1994 Case '190 NW corner of Plaza Lane and Boynton Lakes Boulevard Property Owner: Request: Boynton Lakes Plaza, Partnership A variance to reduce the required number of parking spaces for the Boynton Lakes Plaza Shopping Center. The request is for a reduction of twenty-seven (27) parking spaces. There are 671 parking spaces pro- vided at the site. The spaces serve a total of 132,615 square feet of building area. Secretary Houston read the request and the applicant's response to the require- ments for the granting of a variance. The application explained that the landowner has been unsuccessful in closing a contract on Outparcels "A" and "B" for the last two years because when the footprint of the prospective tenants are inserted on the outparcels, the footprints eliminate parking spaces because of its configuration or loading area. The entire development, including outparcels, was reviewed collectively when the City calculated the parking space requirements. The outparcels have cross-access and cross-parking agreements with the entire development. Rocky Goins. A.G. DeveloDment GrouD. Inc. said this development has been under design for approximately eight years.~s construction failed many times and A.G. Development purchased it from RTC. Prior to the purchase, many discussions were held with the Planning Department regarding what could be developed. Mr. Goins displayed a site plan and explained that the outparcels have not changed in size from what was originally approved. However, once the building design was submitted, the Building Department modified it for Code reasons. It was necessary to install two fire corridors, and a room for a fire riser for Winn-Dixie. Because the project is eight years old, Winn-Dixie requested the use of a new prototype which-increased their back rooms and storage areas. The increase in size was not due to the addition of tenants, but because of storage areas and for safety reasons. These areas do not generate traffic. The applicant is requesting the reduction of parking spaces by 4% (twenty-seven spaces). The applicant feels the request is justified because of the require- ments of the Building Department. The approval of the variance request will permit the construction of the outparcels according to the original plan which was approved. Mr. Goins pointed out that the developer had to add 6,521 square feet of safety and storage areas which amounts to thirty-three (33) parking spaces. This area will not generate any additional traffic into the center. Mr. Sechter confinmed that Mr. Goins is requesting a decrease in the parking of 4% to increase the flexibility of the entire plaza. In response to a question from Vice Chainman Uleck, Mr. Goins explained that all parking spaces have been built. However, he is requesting the flexibility of removing the spaces if necessary to accommodate an 'outparcel tenant. Mr. Goins advised that the developer does not intend to increase the size of the buildings. However, because the dead space square footage has been included in the calculations, the buildings cannot be built as proposed. They need the 4% reduction to build as originally proposed. - 2 - 4 MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING . BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 19, 1994 Phyllis Dolaslager, 2770 Floral Road, expressed concern that the parking at Boynton Lakes Plaza not turn out like the parking at Meadows Square. Mr. Goins stated that Boynton Lakes Plaza has more parking per square foot building than Meadows Square. He claims the parking ratios throughout the State have gotten more strict since Meadows Square was built. Mr. Haag said that unless Meadows Square received a variance, they would have the correct amount of parking spaces per Code. The Code requires one space for every 200 square feet of leasable space, and the Code has not been changed since that center was built. Mr. Haag pointed out that Meadows Square has parking behind the store, but many people do not like to use those spaces. Calvin Cearley. President. Chamber of Commerce. 639 E. Ocean Avenue. spoke in favor of granting this variance. The addition of two outparcels will probably employ thirty (30) people and the Chamber is anxious to bring in as many busi- nesses as possible. THERE WAS NO ONE ELSE WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. Ms. Solomon was in favor of approving this application because the reduction of twenty-seven (27) spaces is reasonable. Mr. Miriana supports the granting of the variance because it is only a 4% reduc- tion and some of the square footage has been taken up by space which will not generate traffic. Mr. Garnsey also supports the granting of this variance because 4% is not a significant reduction and it is important to bring businesses into . the City to increase the tax base so that citizens will not have to pay higher taxes and fees for disposal of trash, etc. Vice Chainman Uleck also supports the 4% reduction because he feels it is a fair request. Motion Ms. Solomon moved that we approve the reduction of twenty-seven (27) parking spaces at 4740 North Congress Avenue. Mr. Sechter seconded the motion. The Recording Secretary polled the vote, which carried 7-0. - 3 - 5 ~:;;:-;:~;:~~m.~;sw' . !ii~ii,'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~IUiil; ~ la' I . 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