CORRESPONDENCE IIDJ-g ~ (g U.~ ffJi1i' UUi J4N 7! J~8 l!!J1 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPt CITY Of IOYNTOH llACH IIQCJIST FOI ,valle UCOlD INlOlMAr'ON e MMtJna. Dtte (...... o..tw t:!(! : ____ v........ ...,. ~.~~ J9r ~u6"" e'J#' I ~ 6 ./ { 199~~ ~ 4- S. tf ... {N.",., - (Address) -, ? - ,; '7"-:> - -.t. (Phone ,) Wo~'- Lq.~_ Ofdi... No. ........ No. Meld", MI-. ~. Dete (0n1,"'~ s.t) (Subjtet to hourlv char.. . Recordin. Secretlry'. Wale): . ~'") 1. v.. ...,.- J).td tile rl L - "It.j ,*..-. ___ dwtt..... __...... ....... ........, -.... dIrtat · 'FqIE....~ II) ~l1Iuc. 1ft whIcII CIIII .... will lie _r.. fill a ..... ~b .... """'................ .............~ ", '" "........ II...... __ ... .... .* " ......... Ie...... . ... ..... c..,. ",...~.... ~.....,..,..... 0I2.M"...... Cap,........ of..,.. ....., ' 2. 3. c...... ..... 01 ~.II""'. .. lit ..... .. ". ... ......... u..... ....11.......... ...............", ". ~ . ~ . '--- Jm () ~f7 ~)T/~ . Ow ~ 0/ ...-..1'OIIy , 0_ eomp...... IV ~ fmp~ . St\CO~Cl_... "--~" '.... //8/12 - . . " ~ .~ j , ..:' ,,;,) .( ~ t " tl " :i It i ,'ts..;)t<f) I . ',. ". ,\ J (. 1" j '. of' ... i" ; t.oJ '''~.._I'''''"t'' " ..1 0'" .j . I < ,-' .~\~ ~ t t.. ,fII~ 1// ;' ,/ / , 'v i .I'; ,i o ' '''' (l, C-c- . ~ ' I .... U" '-,<, j f''' ~,.' ,0", . > .t' .)., "/,*ZZ~-;....-:<:~,,,,- ?-.(~ /' l;? < ",> '" ( J..~.-l~ e'l. t f~ (_ ~ /) C (~ ,. rc ,\Z ~ <1,'" (,'..._ i.;.t..,,~"'/ /' J t.~ tool, ('.' it t', ") ;' !{.<_ -1/ : /t.r,' ~ _ {t..(( ..4 /1, /;~(. .i(i ,'" ';; :' !~~ \..,- ........,- .,~,~> %e City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacn 100 'E. t.Boynton t.Beadi t.Boukvarti P.O. t.B0I(310 t.Boynton t.Beadi, :Jforufa 33425-0310 City:J{afl: (561) 375-6000 :JJlIX: (561) 375-6090 December 10, 1997 Mr. Gregory P. Blanchard 160 Orange Drive Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Re: Citrus Glen Dear Mr. Blanchard: Pursuant to your request to the City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department and our recent phone conversation, I enclose copy of the Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board Minutes under date of December 10, 1996. If we can be of further assistance please don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, 7G-~: ~ ~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning & Zoning Director T JH:jbg Enclosure J:\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\CORRESPlCITRUS GLEN. DOC 5f.meriaJ's (jateway to tIU (julfstTlam ,- e 4 ~INUTES PLAJ.'lNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 10, 1996 namely, a hazardous materials response plan, which would be part of the environmental review. Motion Mr. Wische moved to approve the request to amend the previously approved PID master plan in connection with an amendment to the DRI to change the use designation of lots 32, 33, 34A, 348, 35. 36, 37 and 38 from Office to Office/Industrial/Research and Development to allow a proposed manufacturing use and to change the use designation of lots 80, 81 and 82 from office to industrial/commercial, subject to staff comments, excluding comment number 3. Vice Chairman Golden seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. 2. Project: Agent: Location: Description: Citrus Glen Sheryln McAllister Southeast corner of Lawrence Road and Miner Road Request to amend the previously approved master plan setbacks to reduce the non-zero side setback from 15 feet to 10 feet to construct screen enclosures (with screen roof), pools, spas and jacuzzis. Mr. Lewicki advised that the Commission determined this to be minor and recommended approval. Ms. McAllister and her father, Art Albrecht, were present. Mr. Albrecht agreed to the staff comments. Motion Mr. Aguila moved to approve the request to amend the previously approved master plan setbacks to reduce the non-zero side setback from 15 feet to 10 feet to construct screen enclosures (with screen roof), pools, spas and jacuzzis, subject to staff comments. Vice Chairman Golden seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. Subdivision Master Plan 3. Project: Agent: Owner: Orchard Landing Daniel Diamond Harvey Lang 12 ReqIMII submitt" by: ~rn 8-9191 PlANN1N lAND -..01. lONI . CUi Ordinance No. Resotution No. S:\CCl.WPWWoaQ.WfIO ____ 31, 1 "",... em Of BOYNTON lEACH REQUEST FOR PUIUC RECORD INr-"MAT10N 6J/'>~ ':J P H ;;kC ta.:-rC/ /6 () G Y'~C:je / ,I' r 'v~ / 1 / 17J~- ~ {/ C/l, ~ "7'~ U ..,.,' j_~-> '7-'-'" "'f-b--y.... i/ ~ {2 c.~, -j ,::' I ,.',1", /~() 7 3:=:;- ~7Q~ (Name) (Address) (Phone ,) fJ1ie City of t:Boynton t:Beacfi "~r" 1 00 'E. tJJoynton tJJeadj, 'BouUvartf P.O. tJJ01(310 tJJoynton 'Buu.fr., ~ 33425-0310 City:Hall: (407) 375-6()()() !JJU: (407) 375-6()9() November 14, 1996 Sherylyn McAllister 195 Citrus Trails Circle Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 RE: Initial Review Comments - Citrus Glen File No. MPMD 94-008 Dear Ms. McAllister: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its review of the documents submitted for the above- referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their review of your master plan. Please be informed that the individual lot variance process administered by my office does not apply, by code, to PUDs. Citrus Glen is a PUD and you have properly filed for your request to reduce the setback. I apologize for the misinformation you received from other departments. Also, please note that as reflected in the attached comments there is now Building Division concurrence regarding the Planning and Zoning Department comment to revise the chart to indicate the different setback requirements for the various structures and to limit this request to certain courtyard units only. However, the majority of the TRC is recommending denial of this request. Therefore, I recommend that you go forward to the Commission without further resubmittals to move this project along. The Planning and Zoning Department will be recommending approval of this project, subject to your compliance with the attached Planning and Zoning Department comments prior to a building permit being issued. If you agree to moving forward to the Commission with this proviso, please notify Jerzy Lewicki by November 19, 1996 and we will schedule this item for the December 3, 1996 City Commission meeting and December 10, 1996 Planning and Development Board meeting (December 10th meeting held only if Commission approves request on the 3rd). ;{merica. 's (jateway to tlit (julfstream Page 2 Citrus Glen File No. MSPM 94-008 If you should have any further questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Jerzy Lewicki, who is coordinating the review of your plans for the Planning and Zoning Department. Very truly yours, .f' /1 fJ.L~ rlJL.-~ hv-J Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:bme Atts. xc: Jerzy Lewicki Central File A: 1 comCITR.WPD 10-11-19964:45PM FRm1 LAKE WORTH DRA 1 NAGE 56 i 495 9694 PI ~'" ill -mowrnrn I IG8f\fGfS~ OCT I 4 1996 ~-= l.~nI s.c.ay~ WlIiaM G_ W1~ ......MaMgef d S. WhMiIIlln ~o'n.., Perry & SQhone. P.A. LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~~ October 15, 13081 MILITARY TRAIL OELRAY SEAC"', F\..ORICA 334t4 Tambri J. Heyden, AlCP Director Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Heyden; Subj<<t: Technical Review Committee AleDda The Lake Worth Drainage District offers the following comments regarding the item(s) on the October 15, 1996 meeting agenda: 1. Citrus Glen, pun - No objection. 2. Shoppcs ofWoolbrigh~ POD. No objection. However, a drainage review will be requi.red prior to construction. 3. Boynton Festive Center ~ No objection. 4. IT\' Tower. No objection. 5. East Ridge (3rd Review) . Not in L WOO service area. -, 6. Woolbright Place Plat 2 . Preliminary Review. Would like copy of plat prior to commenting. As always. we thank you for being given the opportlmity to comment. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~~ Chief Inspector SJW Imfb c: ROllald L. Crone, P.E., P.L.S.. Assistant Manager, LWDn Patrick A. Martin. P .E., District Engineer ~ L won Oetray BMIlh " Bcoa RallCn ....5383 . SOynlDn 9MCI'l & w..! Pa/IIllleaC/l 7S7.98SS . FAX c.a7) 4QSoSl8j4 (D)~@~DW~rnl SHERYL YN MCALLISTER IJl] SEP, 7 ~ ~ ..~ 9flANNING AND ,',.' ZONING DEPT. 195 Otr.r.. Trall~ Circle. Boynton Beach. FL 33436.561-734-0494. Fax: 6 September 16, 1996 Ms Tambri J. Heyden, Director Planing & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 Re: Master plan modification to change the exisitng non-zero setbacks for pools, jacuzzi or spas and screen roof enclosure from 15 feet to 10 feet - Communities of Citrus Glen, Lawrence Rd, Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Tambl-i: This is a follow-up to conversations my parents, Art & Sandi Albrecht, had with you regarding the subject master plan modification request...and subsequent discussions with Mike Haag and, more recently, with Jerzy Lewicki. This request modifies our earlier request to change the setback from 15 feet to 5 feet. Per Mike's instructions, I'm enclosing 12 sets of the following: . An official request for the subject modification signed by the president of the Executive Estates of Boynton Beach Homeowners Association on behalf of the residents of the Communities of Citrus Glen. _ A l7X22 document showing the layout of the Communities of Citrus Glen and spelling out the requested modification ...indicating site plans which illustrate the request and a list of the lots which are involved. . Plat maps of Executive Estates and Citrus Trail which constitutes the Communities of Citrus Glen. Please call me at 561-734-0494 or my parents at 561-393-9985 re: next steps. Thanks you 50 much for your help and cooperation regarding this request. ' Sincerely, r..Afl...IA{).A_) hJC~ ~~~~Allister .