AGENDA DOCUMENTS LEGAL/APPROV AL DOCUMENTS AGENDA DOCUMENTS Page 2. Technical Revit Committee Meeting December 27, 1994 1. PROJECT: CITRUS polO ,.,0 rO ....0 ,",0 f-A1 ~ ~. 'f$f GLEN III. OTHER A. MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION LOCATION: Southeast corner of Lawrence Road and Miner Road DESCRIPTION: Approval to amend the master plan tc reduce the side setback from 10 feet to : feet to allow screened enclosures. Please see attached drawings and memos. Written comments (on legal sized paper), plans and/o~ documents to be returned within three (3) working days following the meeting (Friday, December 30, 1994 at 5:00 p.m.). cc: MEMO ONLY City Commission (5) Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to ~tilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Public Works Central File Applicant Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Mike Rumpf, Senior Planner Project File Chronological File TRC File (Original) Bulletin board a: trcagnd.d27 3 " \,' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-623 Agenda Memorandum for December 3, 1996 City Commission Meeting TO: Dale Sugerman Acting City Manager FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director DATE: November 25, 1996 SUBJECT: Citrus Glen - Master Plan Modification File No. MPMD 94-008 (reduce side setback to 10 feet) NATURE OF REQUEST Sherylyn McAlister, applicant, is requesting to modify the side setbacks of the following amenities in the Citrus Glen PUD (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map): . screen enclosure - from 15 feet to 10 feet . pool, spa, jacuzzi - from 15 feet to 10 feet The approved setbacks in the Citrus Glen PUD, taken together with the requested setbacks, are as follows (see Exhibit "8" - Letter of Request): Buildings (no change): front rear side (zero lot line) side 20 feet 15 feet o feet 1 5 feet Pools, spas, jacuzzis: front rear side (zero lot line) *side 20 feet 3 feet (units abutting lake) 13 feet (units abutting Lawrence Rd. or Miner Rd.) 11 feet (all other units) o feet 1 0 feet Screen enclosures: front rear side (zero lot line) *side 20 feet o feet (units abutting lake) 10 feet (units abutting Lawrence Rd. or Miner Rd.) 8 feet (all other units) o feet 10 feet The requested setback changes are indicated by an asterisk. For an illustration of the requested setbacks see Exhibit "C" - Proposed Master Plan. Page 2 Agenda Memorandum for City Commission Meeting November 25, 1996 Citrus Glen PUD - MPMD #94-008 BACKGROUND The Citrus Glen PUD is a residential development consisting of 196 existing, single family units. All lots are "zero lot Iines" - where one of the side yards is reduced to zero. The lots within this development are classified in four different categories: · Lakefront lots - lots abutting the shore of one of the lakes · Lawrence/Miner lots - lots abutting either Lawrence Road or Miner Road · Courtyard lots - lots that contain a courtyard style house (also known as "Captivasll) with the amenities located on the side of the house, rather than the typical rear of the house · Typical lots - all other lots in this development (amenities located in the rear) The "non-zero lot line" side yard setbacks, as approved for this development, are 15 feet. The applicant requested that the "non-zero lot line" side yard setback for house amenities be reduced to 10 feet, however, the "non-zero lot line" side yard setbacks for residential structures would remain unchanged (15 feet). Therefore, from view from the street, amenities would extend five feet beyond the house. In 1994, a similar application for reduction of the "non-zero lot linell side yard setbacks for screen enclosures, pools, spas and jacuzzi from 15 feet to 5 feet was filed with the city. However, because of severe access limitations to the back of the residential structures, the Technical Review Committee strongly opposed the request and eventually, the petitioner decided not to go forward to the Commission with the request. Chapter 2.5, Planned Unit Development, of the city's land development regulations states that changes in planned unit developments shall be processed as follows: Section 12. Changes in plans. "Changes in plans approved as a part of the zoning to PUD may be permitted by the Planning and Zoning Board upon application filed by the developer or his successors in interest, prior to the expiration of the PUD classification, but only [after] a finding that any such change or changes are in accord with all regulations in effect when the change or changes are requested and the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan in effect at the time of the proposed change. Substantial changes shall be proposed as for a new application of PUD zoning. The determination of what constitutes a substantial change shall be within the sole discretion of the City Commission. Non-substantial changes as determined by the City Commission in plans shall not extend the expiration of the eighteen month approval for the PUD classification. " As a point of information, the proposed changes to the land development regulations would change the above master plan modification procedure which now requires a Commission determination of substantial change prior to forwarding to the Planning and Development Board. The proposed procedure would place the Planning and Development Board1s review prior to Commission review. Whether or not a change is substantial would be delayed to the Commission level. ANAL YSIS Staff has reviewed this request for consistency with the PUD development standards, and the intent and purpose of planned unit developments as stated in the following sections of Chapter 2.5 of the city's land development regulations: Page 3 Agenda Memorandum for City Commission Meeting November 25, 1996 Citrus Glen PUD - MPMD #94-008 Section 1. Intent and purpose '~ Planned Unit Development District (PUD) is established. It is intended that this district be utilized to promote efficient and economical land use, improved amenities, appropriate and harmonious variety in physical development, creative design, improved living environment, orderly and economical development in the City, and the protection of adjacent and existing and future City development. The district is suitable for development, redevelopment and conservation of land, water and other resources of the City. Regulations for planned unit developments are intended to accomplish the purposes of zoning, subdivision regulations and other applicable City regulations to the same degree that they are intended to control development on a lot-by-Iot basis. In view of the substantial public advantages of planned unit development, it is the intent of PUD regulations to promote and encourage development in this form where tracts suitable in size, location and character for the uses and structures proposed are to be planned and developed as unified and coordinated units. " Section 9. Internal PUD standards. "B. INTERNAL LOTS AND FRONTAGE. Within the boundaries of the PUD, no minimum lot size or minimum yards shall be required; provided, however, that PUD frontage on dedicated public roads shall observe front yard requirements in accordance with the zoning district the PUD use most closely resembles and that peripheral yards abutting other zoning districts shall be the same as required in the abutting zone. " As previously mentioned, when viewed from the street front, the requested side setback reduction would allow a screen enclosure projection five feet beyond the side of a unit. Although this is not considered aesthetically desirable, due to the floor plans constructed within this PUD, it is reasonable to limit this request to only the 69 courtyard units. This is because the courtyard units are constructed with a side yard patio plat, rather that a rear yard patio, of 30 feet by 15 feet, see Exhibit "0" - Housing Units Typology, where amenities such as pools, enclosures, etc., would be logical and functional in order to tie in to the room arrangement of that floor plan. The floor plan configuration of all remaining types of houses and their location on the lots would make construction of any side yard amenities impractical, as the amenities would be limited to five feet in width; the difference in the width that is gained by this request and the location of the side wall of the unit. In order to further evaluate the side yard emergency and utility access problems perceived with this request, City staff visited the PUD. During the field investigation, special emphasis was placed on the courtyard units and any conflicts with existing utility easements and existing encumbrances, such as side yard fences and gates which would conflict with the provision of appropriate access for emergency vehicles. Based on that analysis, the following courtyard units do not pose utility and emergency vehicle access problems if the side yard setback were reduced to 10 feet: Lots 2, 11, 12, 14,16,18,19,21,53,63,99,126,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,143,145,146, 147,149,150,151,152,154,156,157,190,192,193,195 and 196. Page 4 Agenda Memorandum for City Commission Meeting November 25, 1996 Citrus Glen PUD - MPMD #94-008 RECOMMENDA liON On Tuesday, November 5, 1996, the Technical Review Committee (TRC) met to review the requested master plan modification. The majority of the Committee members recommended that the City Commission deny this request. The reason given was that although the code sets forth the master plan modification process to reduce setbacks, a Board of Zoning Appeals variance on a case by case basis makes sense in this situation given the inappropriateness to apply this request across the board to all units in the PUD. However, due to the field investigation and analysis conducted by staff, no technical problems are anticipated with this request, this problem can be resolved if it is limited to certain courtyard units, rather than if it is allowed for all units. Also, since the floor plans were not submitted with the original master plan approval (the time when lot sizes and setbacks are established), it was not known that there would be a unit constructed that would have a side patio. Special setback provisions were made for rear yard amenities with the approval of the master plan. Therefore, the Planning and Zoning Department recommends the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change for the proposed modification, and that the Planning and Development Board approve the request, subject to the comments in Exhibit "E" - Conditions of Approval, which would limit the request to only those courtyard units listed on page 3 of this report. d:\share\agendas\cilycomm\citrglen, wpd EXHIBIT "A" - LOCAT\ON MAP C\TRUS GLEN ""..---:""'*'; I ~ - r"'-.'S::" .'- ~ " .~ - ...' ." -- --:-:-: ___ ~:-:A 'b""---r~------- ~t=':;;..--~' ___ '- v 0'- ,," . -~~ ~ ," _\ .." . c- ~ C3 >-~ \ g , ... l..-- ~ '1-" ~ I '- ~ \ ~j~_ L.--- ,.- . \:= iL\~2: ~~ l\ill\ \ ,\ rLJ) III _, fr~" T T 1 .' -:" """'f I- _I- \' H. .~,~"\ ,- h ./ 1" H' . +- _~-41l-1'- ::.';L,.. h',' : 1= __ !:: UU~ ,.J I- ,; _ : - - - :1"1..... -:1, _ I- . :\--- '- ^G ~ r:.. : ~ i::" ~ t: ,.... ,:;,~~~_. &\\;;,~~ .~ ~ 1 W~ttL~/::::- [7~~nt1J"" . . . 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'1 '\ I l- ,#() [J ~.., i://l"~ l- AG H~ I;.,t= \ \ it:.. __eo'fN"1"Ol'1 .,~\rr~ NURseRIes" . .~_....,. \ ~\ II - ,: : l\ - i"; \'-V p\JO ,\ "_. , ,.\_'_ ,-ut:4.O \ ,.,~ .-~. --~. \ "".;, ~_.- \ r'---' . \ \ \ ~ "~;.~~ - ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ;; EXHIBIT "B" IfDJ rn @ ~ u w ~ In)! SHERYLYN MCALLISTER ~ ::: i ;-, ./@ 195 Otr.JS Tral'~ Circle. Boynton Beach, FL 33436.561-734-0494. Fax: 6!~9'LANNING AND .~ ZONING DEPT. September 16, 1996 Ms Tambri J. Heyden, Director Planing & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 Re: Master plan modification to change the exisitng non-zero setbacks for pools, jacuzzi or spas and screen roof enclosure from 15 feet to 10 feet - Communities of Citrus Glen, Lawrence Rd, Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Tambri: This is a follow-up to conversations my parents, Art & Sandi Albrecht, had with you regarding the subject master plan modification request...and subsequent discussions with Mike Haag and, more recently, with Jerzy Lewicki. This request modifies our earlier request to change the setback from 15 feet to 5 feet. Per Mike's instructions, I'm enclosing 12 sets of the following: . An official request for the subject modification signed by the president of the Executive Estates of Boynton Beach Homeowners Association on behalf of the residents of the Communities of Citrus Glen. . A l7X22 document showing the layout of the Communities of Citrus Glen and spelling out the requested modification ...indicating site plans which illustrate the request and a list of the lots which are involved. . Plat maps of Executive Estates and Citrus Trail which constitutes the Communities of Citrus Glen. Please call me at 561-734-0494 or my parents at 561-393-9985 re: next steps. Thanks you so much for your he1~-and cooperation regarding this request. Si~cerely, . ~oAuQA~) h;C~/'tJ ~~~~;;(~~Allister EXHIBIT "C" i. I' r'.' .- I.. I r'" r-" roo- .... L:. i.~, l: :: I! i: I:: !: . _. ,..., L.. L_ L I __ l........ lI'~I:) jlAU.n:):iXJ - ,.. ~ == Otrj ttj(i ~O a~ t:". ~ < fl:>e ~Z tl)~ ;;-.-3 ..., . "1 .-.\ c;n ~ :1 ==1 ~ I %. ~ __J ...~ ...J ~\ 00 r-o- roo, 0 ,-.... t p: ,= \.. . l._. ~___ I. j El~ t........ " . on \ .... ~ 2~ Vl~ ~~ :::00 tn C1 ~ ~ 11: Z 1ft XI XI 0 \ )0 0 n 0.... ....tntllri:;d HI. oOtIJOt'l ~8 10 III Ul "1t1Jtnnc:: ....10 t'lt'l;t>t:J:t'l ....rt' t'lzn~(J) tJ" 8 ~Z8 10 III . ~UlfJ'"'l III 0 l/l~ 0":1 0 10 (J\ ":I08:xl a tIJ:;dg;)>' (I) III ::l I"l Z'd rt'1O OOtIJ~ (J\ t"O>< . UI Ot"HUl c:: UlUltll8 tJ" c:: ~ H t'l u. ?; 8:;d 10 tIlH 0 'dZ"tl rt' "1)>'C)t" :xlUl )>' rt' O~ Z '21 0 :3: 0 C-lZ:; I"l ....)010 III U1n~O UI c::tlJH rt' t<J~~"1 11 t'l~OH .... tlJH n 0 >'3 tIl)>' rt' ~H8 .... >'3 t:lH 0 OOt'lO ::l Z III ~ ~ (') ~ c: ~. - o. VI o '"'"\ o - 2 V' o 0' ~ I I " ,. I I I, I t_ ~ w . \ i ... ~. ~ .. if . i,., .. 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EXHIBIT "D" ; J ~ f : .~ t lei L-..r ,0 .1 .: ~ :1' "':t\i ~~ . I ~, 1 ! !," 0 :: '-' co .... .. _... ' _TL"M ~ ~ ii: c 0( o II: II: .... 0- ~ :i a:.c 0'% 01< ..I' Ul Ll.1 g ~::l! I- ~ en, :5 TL"M .i~C1 & ~ t3 U) ~ tJ) E-< ,b 3 .... z I):; ..,. 0 .... :z H ..,. ):; 1.0 ...... I iii If) U If) :z iii , I):; M . ~ N N ...1 I ..,. .... .... l " ~ .; '() ~ , . (/) , <Xl ~ N 1.0 I"'- .... I I- , O'l . 0 ..,. O'l If) Z If) O'l I , .... <Xl 1.0 I <> l- N O'l CO ~ .. 0 I CO 1 .. -J , M .... L-l~ zllJ I"'- C\ C(!::! N , -J ~, I , I"'- ..,. If) I"'- -'- n.:l N (Xl .... 0::) o~ o~ ....l::i -!:&oi .. 1 u.-J .'- 00( .'''0& WU 1-0: z ->- I f/)I- l>~ ILl I '"i I):; UI):; .~--- 11 UlO --, !I :r;:H E-<N . HN ~I ~::.> el i 1iI~ 1):;.-, I ~ ::> Ul a. ..1 I O~ un S .. . I ...10.. . UUl lo' W , :z =1 J~ , 00 ILl 0 N l"'- t b O'l .... Z ,.., I liIod; .. Z 1.0 , IiI~J '.. 00 1.0 Ul I"'- 1):;00 ,,; E-< uoo , .. , .... 0 ..,. , tJ)l):;o.. 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EXHIBIT "E" EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project name: Citrus Glen File number: MPMD 94-008 Reference: The plans consist of 1 sheet identified as 2nd Review, Master Plan Modification New Site Plan, File #MPMD 94-008 with a Seotember 17, 1996 Planning and Zoning Deoartment date stamo marking, I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS . N()NF UTILITIES Comments: 1. Due to existing easements the following lots may not be allowed to have the requested reduction in side yard setback: Lot #1, 5, 7, 13, 23, 28,31,3743,46,48,50,54,61,68,75,82,89,93,97,100, 141, 144, 148,153,159,163,172,176,181,191, and 194, As this proposal was submitted for the entire PUD, the request cannot be approved due to th"" nt " , in th"" c::irl"" vards of~lots FIRE Comments: 2, Many of the side yards have extra foliage, fences, etc, that may intrude on the Fire Department's access, All models with the exception of the "Courtyard" models seem to have completed their desired improvements, 3, Noting the situation with the courtyard models we have no further objections to the request for a ten (10') foot side yard (specifically lots - 2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19,21,53,63,99, 126, 131-138, 143, 145- 147,149-152,154,156,157,190,192,193,195,196, POLICE - , NONF DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , N()NF PARKS AND RECREATION [ , N()NF FORESTER/ENVI RONMENT ALlST [ , N()NF PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 4, The chart listing amended setbacks indicates different requirements for pools/spas/jacuzzis and screen enclosures, Illustrate these different setback requirements on separate drawings for the following categories: a, building b, pool/spa/and jacuzzi, and c, screen enclosure 5, Provide a statement on the master plan that within the 10 feet, non-zero lot line setback area trees, decorative elements and other access obstructions do not exist or, if they do, will be removed or relocated prior to receiving a building permit for a pool, spa, jacuzzi, or screen enclosure, 6, To maintain an unobstructed access to the lot it is recommended that a 10 feet wide access easement be established and dedicated along the non-zero lot line at time of oermit. Page 2 Citrus Glen File No. MPMD 94-008 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 7, Provide a statement by a registered engineer that the drainage can be handled by the existing drainage system when amenities on all lots are constructed. 8, It is recommended that modified setback requirements, as proposed by petitioner will apply only to the following courtyard houses, as these are the only courtyard houses that currently have no existing utility easements in the side yard and pose no Fire Department access problems: 2,11,12,14,16,18,19,21,53,63,99,126,131-138,143, 14~_1A7 1AO_1~? 1~4 1~n 1~7 10n 10? 10~ 1~~ ::lnrl1~n ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS ~ Tn h", . ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 10, To be determined, Ibme d :\citrg len\condappr, wpd EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project name: Citrus Glen File number: MPMD 94-008 Reference: The clans consist of 1 sheet identified as 2nd Review. Master Plan Modification New Site Plan. File #MPMD 94-008 with a Seotember 17, 1996 Planning and Zoning Department date stamo marking, DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - , NONF UTI L1TI ES Comments: 1, Due to existing easements the following lots may not be allowed to have the requested reduction in side yard setback: Lot #1, 5, 7, 13, 23, 28,31,3743,46,48,50,54,61,68,75,82,89,93,97,100, 141, 144, 148,153,159,163,172,176,181,191, and 194, As this proposal was submitted for the entire PUD, the request cannot be approved due to th"" . of ,,+il;+;oo- in thp. c:irl"" \/~rrlc: nf th""c:"" Intc: FIRE Comments: 2, Many of the side yards have extra foliage, fences, etc, that may intrude on the Fire Department's access, All models with the exception of the "Courtyard" models seem to have completed their desired improvements. 3, Noting the situation with the courtyard models we have no further objections to the request for a ten (10') foot side yard (specifically lots - 2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 53, 63, 99, 126, 131-138, 143, 145- 147,149-152,154,156,157,190,192,193,195,196, POLICE , NONF DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , NONF PARKS AND RECREATION . NONF FORESTER/ENVI RONMENT ALlST , NONF PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 4, The chart listing amended setbacks indicates different requirements for pools/spas/jacuzzis and screen enclosures, Illustrate these different setback requirements on separate drawings for the following categories: a. building b. pool/spa/and jacuzzi, and c. screen enclosure 5, Provide a statement on the master plan that within the 10 feet, non-zero lot line setback area trees, decorative elements and other access obstructions do not exist or, if they do, will be removed or relocated prior to receiving a building permit for a pool, spa, jacuzzi, or screen enclosure, 6, To maintain an unobstructed access to the lot it is recommended that a 10 feet wide access easement be established and dedicated along the non-zero lot line at time of oermit. Page 2 Citrus Glen File No. MPMD 94-008 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 7, Provide a statement by a registered engineer that the drainage can be handled by the existing drainage system when amenities on all lots are constructed, 8, It is recommended that modified setback requirements, as proposed by petitioner will apply only to the following courtyard houses, as these are the only courtyard houses that currently have no existing utility easements in the side yard and pose no Fire Department access problems: 2,11,12,14,16,18,19,21,53,63,99,126,131-138,143, 14fi-147 14q-1fi? 1Fi4 156 1fi7 1qn 1q? 1q:\ 1Q,\ ~nrl1qR ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 9 Tn ... ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 10, Delete Comment No, 1 11, Delete Comment No, 2 12, Delete Comment No, 3 MEH:dim d: \citrg len\condappr, wpd