LEGAL APPROVAL CITY of BOYNTON BEACH < &., P, ~,l. < 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 ( 305) ,738 -7 4 9 0 '. -:---... .- -- ~ ---. - ..-- "":'~l,"";:. , .... :~:"_C::t:Q-~?~=';;;~ .~~ii. ,__', ".. J. "="~~~~'~~;;;~~-,~~-~ '~;~;'1:;~~\' f? -...:.,.;:;~ ::>:~~-..":":"~_ ~....:.~<~ ",:':'lu'~l I ~~~~. ,"~' .. = ~ i/iI ..!..~~~'~ \; ----:- ';.1 """:~,1 . ,': -.~ --..---- 'ti' ~~~~~~ '~~!"~:-: ~-::.;~ OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR May 20, 1988 Enrico Rossi, P.E. Rossi and Malavasi Engineers, Inc. Forum III-Suite 407 1675 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Re: Citrus Glen-Citrus Trail Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Rossi: Pleas~be advised that the City Commission approved the referehced request on Tuesday, May 20, 1988, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly your, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR ~ ~/1 CSA:ro Attachments cc 'City Manager ',Technical Review Board Central File, --~---- -- ----..----- ~.._-_._,~.~--_..._~ ~._---_._--- f~ I, r \ ;, f."",, M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Don Jaeger Building Official DATE: July 7, 1993 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Surveyor's Affidavit CITRUS TRAIL --I_-"",,_~---,,- -- Attached please find a copy of the above mentioned affidavit which was recorded in Palm Beach County on June 18, 1993, ~~ Attachment c: City Attorney Planning Director Utilities Director Engr. Admin. /mas RECEIVED JUL 12 Pu\NNING DEPT. RECEIVED JUl 6 1993 Return to: (erdose self,addressed stamped envelope) .. 1 ' J N'IIIl8 (t. -;L f1'.t b , 7- , , Addrew. ;-J( /)u;x 31(. /-; J~" f-7, .~~) . , .-J' -- I I :/ ,1 J{M-18-1993 9:27am 93-190314 ORB 7759 p.:! 1 793 If. ..f. 1(( .,(( .,111 .,1 Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Number(s): SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT THIS SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT IS FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONFIRMING A SETBACK ENCROACHMENT ON LOTS 108 AND 109, BLOCK NUMBER 1 OF THE RE-PLAT OF CITRUS TRAIL, A P.U.D., AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 65, PAGES 151 THROUGH 154, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA, LYING IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED JAMES R. ZEIS, WHO, BEING DULY SWORN, PROPOSES AND SAYS THAT: I, JAMES R. ZEIS, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, BEARING FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NUMBER 5030, AM RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SURVEY OF SAID LOTS 108 AND 109. DURING THE SLAB LOCATION FOR THE PROPOSED DWELLING, IT WAS DISCOVERED THAT THE DEVELOPER FORMED AND POURED THE SLAB FOR THE PROPOSED DWELLING WHERE IT ENCROACHED IN THE 15' SIDE SETBACK FOR THE PROJECT. (SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS "A".) THIS AFFIDAVIT IS BEING FILED AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR TH OF BOYNTON BEACH. J R. TE OF SURVEYOR NO. 5030 SWORN TO ME AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS A.D., 1993. II DAY OF rLi~ 1 ...--7 ~,.~ . ", ..."... '-y'r J fJ ) ," /l.~4 .' .:J{4< . ,-. NOTARY, BLI ' '! STATE FLORIDA: : , '-.-:;;,.) KC h, 11 ~J ' v y ~ ft--; , C!+-7 It..-}'nc.~~~ -:II Ci.e ,r./ :~:;;' () -f' F.R.S. & ASSOCIATES, INC. 901 NORTHPOINT PARKWAY SUITE 301 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407 ~~T~~~:f~~~~ ~~~~ FLORIDA. aONDID THaU NOT"ay --LIC' .~ 5, 1995. ..". ","ulaWRmRS, "ped envelOpe) (}\\\\ 77Sq ~ 1. 7q4 _ ""'" ,....,.-~.... _..n.r. ..ro;"'f'!"~~!':":":"~ {..p'!"..I"I"!" 1!.iC!"!" 1":"" i-- r 'IS 'I' fl'rfl '~1~i~~~\~~~~ O::i-!..q~'J\t~i i~\i\~~I,";:'lti!! \~~l~~i ,~';\ "i\g..- \ ~ ~<;l i~~ 1 i% '\ ~ j i E.'j.r\\8\\ \I p." \ l1t I \ I 5' R,E '"" \(\; ~L- - -' \----~--' \ \ \ \ i . ~ ~ '0 en -J ~ 8, "!5,llO' '.:i ~ .:5:5' \ '" -" % <'l 0 :II 0 to ~ 3' '" oft $ '", )~ ~ '" 1-"11 f; _~...I " lfl t~1 "~I II \ ~\l "'l/l;:l! 7t -4 ~ .99'" ,..,~o '" ,-<.'A ~ (')0 . II i;o (') 4,rIJ' ::jY'~ ;:; ;,,;:o:;:j ~ O(Tl<:: V'l> ....1 ~~ o~ - ~ $ t \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ \5.\7' ;0 :.. ..... \5,00' <IQ. ' ~ s. SO,. 33' 30-" 55.00' "CRE."GE. tlf. pSt L 1\1. ,. tlf. -- 114" tlf. 1l lit" tlf. IlL 114" SEtlIIJllIl .~ I'" ,.. ~' ~'{~~' ~~ a 11. - 3 \\\ \i\\\ .- ~ ,i \i\ ~I.! 'i ':.1,1'- I.. il~'; J J~~'i- _" ':.~~I'!; , i!-i\i. J~J ,~~_. 1.-~'. tii ';1i~ ~ ~\,i~ i~ - !I"li ".... i-~ ,~\ ~'I ii~'ii.i '11 -\1 \\\\tt i.\ r.~"'~ tj Iii ~_.,'; ~.. i~J i.-~ ~J -.. Iii t. ~\~ A t:\ t'. i~t.. U'I ~C'ls ~~~~~ (/)C ..-4 <:: .~a ~ >-; ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~8~ ",:.t. ~ 0)-%-"1'\ '='... ~%-o. ~C ?O C'l~U1'" f'1~ '" ~-4~' :0<:' ~ ~;.o:tn t"t1\ ~ ."o~. ~-< ~ ~~~Cl" o 0) - Vl .." ~~"'~- 'r%-~ f"" '" :" UoI~O~ o ~ GI UoIsr (;) -' . ~~;....... -J" 0 ':; ,...cg~~ ~-:. 'P' {11 ....'" % .ft ..... ~U. c;a '5 \ ~ ~~-g ....... GI -< CD , ...-4' %- . 1"1.... tf P \0 ~ w ~O)O) f\.> ~ '=" .., ~ -< ~ \I' ~ ~ r '$ -4 ~ "C 1" ~ \ "t:I o CSJ .perty Appraisers Parcel Identification {FoliO) Number(s); ORB 77'59 p~ 1. 795 RECORO VERI :0 DOROTHY H WIlKEN CLERK Of THE CQURT - PB COUNT"I', Fl EXHIBIT "A" !;;,;;,~ll\~ -.;"- m~~;~~ ~ ~H;~@ ~~ ~h:;- ~:;: ~~~~~ ~~ ~8'" "' -- ~~~~~ ~: ~~o.. ~~ 'i i 8 \i ~ ~ h~;~ :"' ~~~~~ ~~ e1!!~~" ",a g~~ ~ ~~ o_~V'~ ~..:; ~~~g: ~@ ~h~~ 1l"1 rn~l~e1 ~~ ij~ ~vo ' ~ -~&., i ~ ~;;;h~ f TM( EAST 1I1€ IJ} TIlE II. lJ~ IJ} TIlE II. 1/2 IJ} TIlE l1li, 1/4 IJ} SEtTlOll \I ." o~ ~ n :II: o mo.... ~ ,.., ~ cnC ~ ~ IJ) nZ .,.... <2 ~~.:!.. - ~ CD~ - . ~ ;; m-< - I rIDr <= C ~ l\> so. II> en ' q al- % ." tn. %C ~ ~%O" ~ ~~ ~ ~~~1:J % m'" ~. ~~" r 0-< 0 .,,~,..,cn Z ~ rOO<" ~ 0 0 ozo ;;1 "'T1 al :!....~17' Cl -4 0< o~ "Il % ., .~~> . m;g :'" w~ocn :s. r-' al W:ll:"'~ ~ ,. . ~~~(') ~ e ~ ~ ..... 0_ :x '" _Ul"tl >- "Il ....S~-l o....%(TI ~rT1~cn OJ c.. c..~ ....~~ OJ g !: 9. ;;- I ~.... I en % rT1.... I ~ EO ~ W l:;~al N ~~ !J~'" I ~~~~ I ~~I ..J'i'~/ .~ ~/ . I \ \ \ \ \ \ " " - - o u. o ~. N01'33' 30'E 111. 68' ACREAGE .. ,.. ,! 1~3'~~ \1 ii i.-Ii \3- -I iil~' .. , .- ~!i'~ J J;.51,=.. I i~ii'i . I!-. ! !; .;IlIi- 11 ~..~... !~~.i~ ,'!PJi . .~'i~ ~ul:- iiJlIl~ Jl:s,i lile;1 i~~!ii 1111 ~:i=1 i~i Ilil, Iii 1,'ii 15. il~li ,JI ...I~ !!~ : i~, ;i,i I-il .1' lat ~_ lil! - i~1 Ei i.s ~\ ,,~ p!,",~~~~~:-;&!"':"'l:""~~ ~?",~~!>>!D~~;Z:~!D!'I~~ ~. 0 ~ ?r~ .., 11 11 11'11.11.. III '>>r"a."",oc:.-1t('t"'''''' ~!~is~~ii~~l~ ....~a~~:.>>~~aa:l~ ~~".I.~Q,""".C1""" ;~:Xaa~~o :i~~ ';~:~~%~ ~ ",i ...~i.:f ~ !;! S~ rnZ ... us.rn .......- .... """'~ ~ ~ ! o~ s ~ " z- ~ ... i i ... ... III '" ... .. II; .. I I I \ I I \- I~ \~ I I I \ I I 1 I - o CP ;HP,.5 I AllD .(C~ .i~5 tl1'ltA\.1 ~ ..._~~-~----_.---- /" RESOLUTION NO. 90- EEE€. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FlDRIDA APPROVIN3 THE FINAL PLAT FOR 'A ~.E PU\T OF. CITRUS ..1FAI~ A P.D.D. IN S~ION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUI'H, RANGE 43 EASI' AS RECORDED IN PLAT BCDK 60, PAGES 128 thru 130 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAlM BEACH COUNI'Y, FLORIDA WHEREAS, Resolution No. 88-W approved the final plat for Citrus Trail for which a perfonnance bond in the amount of $488, 000.00 was posted and an administration fee paid, and, WHEREAS, the cost for the irrprovements have not changed for the previously platted Citrus Trail, and, WHEREAS, an additional filing fee of $400.00 has been paid. NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CCMM:ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNI'ON BEACH, FLORIDA: That the plat is hereby resolved to have received final plat approval by the City Carrnission in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, with all conditions previously agreed upon and subject subdivision is hereby affinred and adopted. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED THIS /f day of /0//99' ,1990. // CITY ~~,~ ,/ ' BEACH, /~~~ //~ /~ .-' ,,/' , Fl\l.* .' -.,1". ,/ ,/' Mayor , / I ./ f/ FlDRIDA /~Xl.. (Cv(_~~~''- Z~r ' ~~<k C 'sslon Member .'1 ' i tb' rJ ' , P .. f If I " ./ -/.;'~'--<:..-LV / '-' v.~ Ccmnission Member Commission Member ATTEST : .~4K~~;< Cit Clerk (Corp. Seal) RESOLUTION NO. 89-L{ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR A RE-PLAT OF 5 LOTS (190 thru 194) IN CITRUS TRAIL, A P.U.D. IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, ~~GE 43 EAST WHEREAS, Resolution No. 88-VV approved the final plat for Citrus Trail for which a performance bond in the amount of $488,000.00 was posted and an administration fee paid. and. WHEREAS, the cost for the improvements have not changed for the previously platted Citrus Trail, and, WHEREAS, an additional filing fee of $250.00 has been paid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: That the plat is hereby resolved to have received final plat approval by the City Commission in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, with all conditions previously agreed upon and subject subdivision is hereby affirmed and adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS~day of ,1989. CITY OF EACH, FLORIDA ...... Vice Mayor *'~~~ ) . ~~ /t(~ Commission Member ~ ~--;h " Xl ./ .J mm ssion Member ATTEST: Cit$1tf~ ii (Corp. Seal) j ~ , ,\ \ . . '\' .,' " ' ':' .. GENE NOORE LAWnR Po Q. .ox .'0 A.T OOIlAN ,.V&Hua .urra .. rOH ..,.OM. PLORu.A ...... . ' ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF CITRUS TRAILS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. INC. A Florida Corporation Not For Profit IN COMPLIANCE with the requirements of the laws of the State of Florida, the undersigned, all of whom are of full age, have this day voluntarily associated themselves together for the pur- pose of forming a corporation not for profit and do hereby certify: ARTICLE I The name of the Corporation is: CITRUS TRAILS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. INC. , hereinafter called "Association". ARTICLE II The principal office of the Association is located at: 639 East Ocean Avenue. Suite 409. Boynton Beach. FL 33435 . ARTICLE III GENE MOORE , whose street address of the office, plac- of business or location for service of process within this state is 639 East Ocean Avenue. Suite 409. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 , is hereby appointed the initial registered agent of this Associ- registered agent, he part. ation. To reflect his acceptance the office of the initial PURPOSE AND POWERS OF THE ASSOCIATION This Association does not comtemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof, and the specific purposes for which it is formed are to provide for maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the residence Lots and Conmon Area, and all improvements thereon, within that certain tract of property described as a portion of Section 18. Township 45 Soutq,. Ranse 43 East located in. Palm Beach County, Florida; and to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents within the above described property and any additions thereto as may here , -1- after be brought within the jurisdiction of this Association for this purpose to: (a) exercise all of the powers and privileges and to perform all of the duties and obligations of the Association as set forth in that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Re- strictions, hereinafter called the "Declaration", applicable to the property and recorded or to be recorded in Palm Beach County, Florida, and as the same may be amended from time to tim~ as therein provided, said Declaration being incorporated herein as if set forth at length; (b) fix, levy, collect and enforce payment by any lawful means, all charges or assessments pursuant to the terms of the Declaration; to pay all expenses in connection therewith and all office and other expenses incident to the conduct of the business of the Association, including all licenses, taxes or governmental charges levied or imposed against the property of the Association; (c) acquire (by gif~, purchase, or otherwise), own, hold, improve, build upon, operate, maintain, convey, sell, lease, transfer, dedicate for public use or otherwise dispose of real or personaly property in connection with the affairs of the Association; (d) to acquire (by gift, purchase or otherwise), Lots or Dwelling Units of CITRUS TRAILS , subject neverthe1es to the provisions of the Declaration and/or By-Laws relative heret (e) to assume and obligate itself and its members to maintai recreation and common areas, and the private streets, thorough- fares, and easements shown (on development plan of CITRUS -- TRAILS ); (f) borrow money, and with the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of each class of members, mortgage, pledg'e, deed in trust, or hypothecate any or all of its real or personal property as securit for money borrowed or debts incurred; (g) dedicate, sell or transfer all or any part of the Common Area to any public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the members. No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument has been signed by two-thirds (2/3) of each class of NE MOORE LAwn. O. .ox 0.. r OOaAH AVIlHU& OUITIl '0 .IlAOH. ,.L.oIUDA members, agreeing to such dedication, sale or transfer; -2- ,',', .: , , '. (h) participate in mergers and consolidations with other non profit corporations organized for the same purposes of annex additional residential property and Common Area, provided that any such merger, consolidation or annexation shall have the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of each class of members; (i) have and to exercise any and all powers, rights and privileges which a corporation organized under the Non-Profit Corporation Laws of the State of Florida by law may now or here- after have or exercise. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP Every person or entity who is a record owner of a fee or undivided fee interest in any Lot which is subject by covenants of record to assessment by the Association, shall be a member of the Association. After receiving approval of the Association, as required under the Declaration change of membership in this corporation shall be established by recording in the Public Record of Palm Beach County, Florida, a deed or other instrument estab- lishing record title to a lot and improvements and the delivery to the Association of a certified copy of such instrument, the owner designated by such instrument thereby becoming a member of the corporation. The membership of the prior owner of such lot and improvements shall be thereby terminated. . The foregoing is not intended to include persons or entities who hold an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Member- ship shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from owner- ship of any Lot which is subject to assessment by the Association. ARTICLES VI VOTING RIGHTS The Association shall have two classes of voting membership: ..... Class A. Class A members shall be all Owners with the exception of the Declarant and shall be entitled to one vote for each lot owned. When more than one person holds an interest in any Lot, all such persons shall be members and the vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any Lot. GENE MOORE LAWnR r. o. _x .'0 KA.T OClKA" AVOHUO aUITO I. .1'0" .SAGH. "'-G.IDA -3- <, ....: ..: .. ;'..," ...,.".....t. . ~I""" . '. HE MOORI uwvu o. .0. _._ r _.AM AVblU. _un. .. , ..AO", "-0__ ..... .... . ..\ 'Class B. The C1ass B memb~r(s) shall be the Declarant (as defined in the Declaration)~ and shall be entitled to three (3) votes for each lot owned. The Class B membership shall cease and be converted to Class A membership on the happening of either of th~ following events, whichever occurs earlier: (a) when the total votes outstanding in the Class A member- ship equal 90% of the' total votes outstanding ,in the 91ass B membership; qr . . -. :.' (b) the expiration of five years from the date on which the ~~ first lot is con~eyed by the Declarant. to a resident owner. ARTICLE VII DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND INCORPORATORS The affairs of this Association shall be managed by a Board of five (5) Directors, who need not be members of the Association, except that the initial Board of Directors may be changed by amendment of the By-Laws of the Association. The names and addressc~ of the persons who are to act in the capacity of Directors and Officers until the selection of their successors and who are also the subscribers to these Articles, are: Name Address Felix Granados, Jr., Pres. Eugenio R. Fernandez, V.P. Arlene V. Marsh, Secretary 850 S. Dixie Hwy. E., Pompano Beach, FL 33060 850 S. Dixie Hwy. E., Pompano Beach, FL 33060 639 E. Ocean Ave., '409, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 The above-named individuals constitute incorporators here- under. At the first annual meeting, the members shall elect two (2) Directors for a term of one year each, And three (3) Dir~ctors for a term of two years each. At each annual meeting thereafter, the members shall elect number of Directors to be elected for a term of two years each. ARTICLE VIII DIVIDENDS There shall be no dividends paid to any of the members nor shall any part of the income of the Corporation be distributed to its Board of Directors or officers. In the event there are any -4- .. . . ;...;tJ!.~ *i,,!~:~~i;jJ~'ft!S[ ;;Pi";''t.!" ,~,. . ~~ ;':~:\ ,;:' " NE MOORE LAWYER O. .ox .1. r OCCAH AveNua OUIT& .e I .&AGH, "LO IUDA ..~ '. . ,; ~~~~!~j'); . excess receipts or over disbu~sements as a result of performance services, such excess shall be applied against future expenses, etc. The Corporation may pay compensation in a reasonable amount to its members, directors, and officers for services rendered, may ~. J" \ \: r \ I confer benefits upon its members in conformity with its purposes and upon dissolution or final liquidation, may make distribution to its members as is permitted by the Court having jurisdiction thereof, and no such payment, benefit or distribution shall be deemed to be a dividend or distribution of income. This Corporation shall issue no shares of stock of any kind or nature whatsoever. Membership in the Corporation and the transfer thereof, as well as the number of members, shall be upon such terms and conditions as provided for in the Declaration of Covenants and By-Laws. The, voting rights of the owners of Lots or Dwelling Units in said CITRUS TRAILS shall be a set forth in the Declaration of Covenants and/qr By-Laws. ARTICLE IX DISSOLUTION The Association may be dissolved with the assen~ given in writing and signed by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of each class of members. Upon dissolution of the Association, other than incident to a merger or consolidation, the assets of the Association shall be dedicated to an appropriate public agency to be used for purposes similar to those for which this Association was created. In the event bhat such dedication is refused acceptance of such assets shall be granted, conveyed and assigned to'any non-profit corporation, association, trust or other organiz,- tion to be devoted to such similar purposes. ARTICLE X . 'l . DURATION The corporation shall exist perpetually. ARTICLE XI BY-LAWS The original By-Laws are to be made by the Board of Directors and/or Declarer under the Declaration. The same may -5- ;~~:Mf'ffl::flM~~_.:;i,.-zr...J~IHj:t_JI l Q..i.-'ClJ ~~~~~It.~;;~'~r:'~~~';'~~~r:~.lrA~1i!.~:~;~~./~1~~,:,}t!i.~~~r"(ji: ~,'t':'~~r.t~'~:;~.~1~~.. ,__ I,' +}.r'" , thereafter be amended, altered or rescinded only in accordance with the provisions of the By-L'aws and the Declaration relating to amendment. ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS . " Amendment of these Articles shall require the assent of ,. ". .~... " , ~., ..'.1..... ;.... , seventy-five (75) percent of members present and voting ~t any duly called meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, for the purpose of forming this corpora- tion under the laws of the State of Florida, we, the undersigned, constituting the incorporators of this Association, have e ecuted these Articles of Incorporation this ~ day of -;tOM8 A.D., 198:2. ' Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of; /7)J~Jt~ .1!if1~4PV t Vice-President . ~o/rr-r;,~ Arlen V. rah Sec. 'l'reasurer STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeareq Felix Granados, Jr., Eugenio R. Fernandez, and Arlene V. Marsh , who, after being first duly sworn, stated on oath that they exe- cuted the within and foregoing Articles of Incorporation as . subscribers t~ereto. WITNESS my hand and official seal at the aforesaid State and County on this day of May , A.D., 1988. NOTARY PUBLIC State of Florida at Large My commission expires: .~ ;{", " Ii, . " , ;ENE MOORE LAW"'. Po o. _. ... ...... OO&AN AVIUtUa .una ,. '0" .aAOM. PLO'UD& -- -6- :, / .t 15:21 GENE MOORE~Att~_ . ~_01 ,-}~ THALE~~~~;r2HALER ~i? .\- c;J. ~::.~ 1300 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWA Y ..~, tJ ,~/ . ,.v'" SUITE 212 _ t[/ ~.." l,od BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 ~/:/_e' :." (;1..,/ CLOSING STATEMENT 04':""05-88 TUE CLOSING DATE: March 24, 1988 SELLER~ KNOLLWOOD ORANGE GROVES, INC. MARIA-FELIX DEVELOPMENT CORP. BUYER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: Palm Beach County, Florida LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land being the West three-quarters (W3/4) of the North one-half (N1/2) of the Northwest one~quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 18, Township 45 south, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less and except: (1) the North 50 feet thereof for the Lake Worth Drainage L-20 Canal Right-of-Way; and (2) the East 141 feet of the West 180 feet ot the South 140 feet of the North 298 feet of said parcel. BUYERS CLOSING STATEMENT o.:;JU ) e,,:,sV1 ) CHARGE BUYER Purchase price Reco~ding Warranty Deed $2,350,000.00 11.10 TOTAL CHARGES $2,350,011.10 NET AMOUNT DUE FROM BUYER $2,350,011.10 ~~I"LBR8 CLOSING ~TEMENT CREDIT SELLER Purchase Price Recording Deed TOTAL CREDIT DUE SEL[,ER $2,350,000.00 11.10 $2,350,011.10 CHARG E SELLER Reimbursement to IntraCoastal for soft costs Deposit Interest on deposit State Doc Stamps on Deed TAXES Real Estate Tax Adjustment (1981 Taxes 8,614.03) 23.60 per diem X 32 days;:; $755.00) Record 2 Quit Claim Deeds Minimum stamps on QQD's Broker Commission 100,000.00 100,000.00 5,264,63 12,925.00 755.00 17.70 1.10 225.000.00 CHARGE BUYER Recording Warranty Deed 11.10 TOTAL CHARGES DUB SELLER $443,974.53 L- $1,906,036.5'1 _ :";;~;-C:;ST ~JiPU I ~P~d.'::'" -- I ~ OJSr ;. tot?, P -'--ffI-.:J ') I Vb;/ T J.:r' ~ -___r -=:;13(,) 7~~ 'P~C:- 04~05-88 TUE 15:21 GENE MOORE~Att~_ P.02 MARIA-F, E,~l~,~J,.j>PMENT CORP. ",J~)t" [~~ .... /' ,-'\. By: 1/ ~ By: KNOLLWOOD ORANGE GROVES, INC. B~7 A&Lvl) ~ By: The Parties named below acknowledge that the sum of $203,894.63 is to be paid to IntraCoastal Development, Inc. from the proceeds of this sale and that the Law Firm of Thaler & Thaler is hereby instructed to disburse that amount to IntraCoastal Development, Inc. The sum of $203,894.63 has been derived as followS: IntraCoastal Development Inc. Deposit Interest on Deposit Soft Cost Tax Adjustment (Less 550.00 for doc stamps on $100,000.00) Less pmnt. to Rossi & Malvesi) (Less pmt. to Thaler &: Thaler on $100,000.00 increase title ins. and disburse ments) TOTAL Accepted and Approved. KnoHClSt!zzc 100,000.00 5,264.63 100,000.00 '155.00 (550.00) (515.00.) ~l,OOO.OO) $203,894.63 PMENT CORP. - 2 -