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AGENDA DOCUMENTS LEGAL/APPROV AL DOCUMENTS AGENDA DOCUMENTS STAFF COMMENTS EXECUTIVE ESTATES AT CITRUS GLEN PRELIMINARY PLAT Engineering Department See attached memo Utilities Department See attached memo Planning Department Land value for parks and recreation purposes to be set at meeting MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Uti11ties~ From: John A. Guidry, Director of Date: May 4, 1988 Subject: TRB Review - Executive Estates at Citrus Glen We can approve this plan, subject to the following conditions: 1) Signs and other structures are not permitted within utility easements. 2) Indicate utility easements on the plat which will encompass water mains, meters, fire hydrants, and sanitary c leanout s . 3) The sanitary sewer manhole detail must be revised to conform to the City's new standard. Poly-lined ductile iron pipe must be utilized for the first nine feet out of each manhole, or to undisturbed soil, whichever is greater. 4) We recommend water and sewer services, and fire hydrants be offset from the property line so as to avoid conflicts with driveways. As currently designed, either a water meter or a sanitary cleanout is likely to be within a driveway on each lot. 5) All water services crossing under pavement must be installed in 3" diameter, schedule 40 PVC casings with properly plugged ends. 6) Black olive trees and other large tree species are not permitted within utility easements. 7) The 16" water main in Lawrence Road is to be designed and constructed by the City, with developer funding. Please indicate this main as "by others". 8) Loop the water main serving lots 31-36. The connecting section of water main in Disc Drive may be deleted so as to provide constant flow through the cul-de-sac. 9) Delete the section of water main directly in front of lot 30. Service lot 30 from the water main in Disc Drive, and increase the size of the 6" water main in this vicinity as required. M E M 0 RAN DUM May 4, 1988 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Preliminary Plat of Executive Estates at Citrus Glen COMMENTS: 1. Cost for the transition of Miner Road beyond the east limits of the property should be included as a line item in the cost estimate. 2. Street lights for all public roadways, including Lawrence Road and Miner Road, are required and cost shown as a line item in estimate along with appropriate notes on the plans. 3. The location map should show the other plat (Citrus Trail) that was included in the original master plan. 4. The plat does not close because of an incorrect bearing near the SW corner. The bearing for the 35.36 foot distance should be S 47003'27" W. This error also appears in the legal description. When corrected the plat closes properly. 5. The distance is missing from the center line of Mega Court. 6. Perpendicular right-of-way distance is missing for Lawrence Road. It should be 40.00 feet. 7. Private roadways shall have a 12 inch subgrade stabilized to 50 p.s.i. (except for 660 ft. cul-de-sacs and 1320 ft. loops). 8. Solid sod should be shown on lake section. 9. Typical section through parking areas should show 27 ft. roadway area and 18 ft. parking stall. ~V~~ Tom C ark TAC/ck , 7El CITRUS PARK TIME EXTENSION ----- \ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM # 92-220 TO: Planning and Development Board ~h~tro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: DATE: November 5, 1992 SUBJECT: Extension for time limit for filing final plat Citrus Park The owners of the CJ.trus Park PUD located on the east side of Lawrence Road between the L-20 and L-21 canals have requested a time extension for filing a final plat for this development. This request was originally approved in January 1990 and expired in June of 1992. The Technical Review Committee reviewed this request and recommended approval of the extension from June 1992 to June 1993. Included in this approval were two comments made by the BUilding Department that staff believes should be made conditions to an approval of an extension. These include the removal of mounds of dead vegetation and clearing of 50 feet adj acent to maintained property. After the meeting of the TRC, the applicant asked that the application be extended to November of 1993. Members of the TRC were polled by the Planning and Zoning staff and the recommendations continued to be that the extension be until June of 1993. This item has been scheduled for Board review and consideration on November 10, 1992. CC:cp C:92-220 ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -f t(&M+ ~I~ &10 VILLAGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 140 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33-t09.1904 (407) 88900554 FAX: (407) 889.1109 September 23, 1992 ., e0 C!Jt..A.,~ ~e City of Boynton Beach P.O. 8.;:Ix 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 ATTN: Mr. Scott Miller, City Manager RE: CITRUS PARK PUD REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO RECORD PLAT Dear Mr. Mill eY' : I ,:alled Tambri Heyden tc,day t,;:. find out .....hat the anniversary date for the 18 month time extension that .....e had to Y'ecoY'd the plat for the ab,; referenced pr,; She advised me that the extension time had run out in June, 1992 and a formal request for an additional time extension .....ould be required if .....e .....ere not going to record the plat and start site improvements. The recession is lasting longer than anyone expected and ':c,nt inues tc, sho..... lack of impre,vement. The housing market is extremely poor and in some areas nonexistent. I therefore request, on behalf e.f Val-Sal Investments, In':., that the City grant a one year time extension on the concurrency and recording of the plat. I trust that the City Commission .....ill look upon this request in a favorable light in vie..... of the depressed economic situation. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ROSS~VASI ENGINEERS, ~>'-~~/"" ~,? . --- / c> ~ c.-" - c----' -,c~ _ <-7 E . .". . P E - '- nrlCQ ...,C'SSl, .. INC. RECEIVED SEP 25 1992 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE ER/.jh ec: Mr. Rafael Saladrigas Mr. Sonny Cheatham ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -f t(&M+ ~I~ 580 VILLAGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 140 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409.1904 (407) 689.0554 FAX: (407) 689.1109 October 21, 1992 Mr. Chris Cutro City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: CITRUS PARK P.U.D. - REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION TO RECORD PLAT Dear Mr. Cutro: Pursuant to the discussions we had in your office last week I am hereby requesting on behalf of my client Val-Sal Investments, Inc. a time extension set for one year from date of approval by the City Commission. If the Commission takes action on the meeting of November 17, 1992 the contract would be extended for a period of one year from that date or November 16, 1993. This would represent a total extension from June 4, 1992, the anniversary date, to November 16, 1993 which is a little over one year and five months. Hopefully, the general economic conditions will have improved by that time to permit the start of construction. Very truly yours, ROSSI ~ASI ENGINEERS, INC. ~;;;;;----:,/ ~ ------- ~~~~ ~SSi' P.E. cc: Rafael Saladrigas RJErcr=~!ED Of'1 ~ PtJ-\r~;~ r~ ~ ~\1 .i r~ ,- oT' . ;. t',' 'I:; - -- .. _._~ ~......... BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-212 October 8, 1992 TO: Chris Cutro Planning Director FROM: Don Jaeger Building Official RE: TRC COMMENTS - EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING A FINAL PLAT FOR CITRUS PARK The Building Department concurs with the Technical Review Committee's recommendation regarding the extension of time with which to record the final plat of Citrus Park. However, the site as it presently exists does not comply with City codes and I recommend that within 30 days of approval of this time extension, the following items be complied with or else the extension become null and void. 1. Removal of numerous large mounds of dead trees and vegetation. 2. Clearing the first 50 feet of the property boundary adjacent to developed or maintained property, consistent with Section 10-2 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. DJ:bh CITRUSPK RECEIVED OCl 9 PLANNlNG DEPT. - - MEH)RANOOM UTILITIES DEPAR'lMENT NO. 92 - 381 FRCJ.i : John A. Guidry, utilities Director TO: Chris cutro, Planning Director DATE: October 9, 1992 SUBJECT: citrus Park PUn - Request for time extension on Preliminary Plat We can approve this request for a time extension, but only for 12 roonths, conditioned upon the payment of reservation fees totalling $ 15,661.80 for water and sewer capacity. In that the filing deadline for this PUn extension was in June of 1992, we would expect the 12-month time extension to commence fram the previous expiration date, and we will also require that the appl icant pay the reservation fee prior to this i tern being forwarded to the City Comrrdssion. (Sect. 26-34(E) City Code) please refer any further questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/fNM/rd be: Peter Mazzella xc: Michael Kazunas File R~CtJ~f.P , ':\ lo... .. Ot.\'1. \,\J>..~ ~ \\'~ G n MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning Director Richard Staudinger, City Eng~ t-------- I.ner {?-- October 13, 1992 DATE: RE: Citrus Park P.U.D. TRC Comments, Time Extension It is my understanding after discussions with the applicants engineer, that the request for an extension of this P.U.D. occurred only after the applicant requested the status of the P.U.D. approval from staff in August of 1992. In other jurisdictions, such as Palm Beach County, a notification system is in place to mail notices to owners when approvals of this nature are about to expire. This does not, however, excuse the applicant from missing the June 1992 deadline. If the City Commission should choose to extend the deadline for filing a final plat, the engineering department recommends the extension be from the June 1992 date and be subject to any outstanding preliminary plat comments, if any exist on this project. WRS/bf 92-049 cc: J. Scott Miller Vince Finizio GEE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-278 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning Director October 5, 1992 FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: Citrus Park, P.U.D. Request for Time Extension to Submit Final Plat Technical Review Committee Comments The City Commission for the City of Boynton Beach Florida on December 4, 1990 granted an eighteen (18) month time extension for the required filing of the above referenced Final Plat. The aforementioned time extension has expired and therefore an additional time extension would be inconsistent with the provisions setforth in the City's Code of Ordinances, specifically Appendix "B", Section 10C, entitled "Conditions and Stipulations" (pg. 2025) wherein the last sentence on page 2025 states: "Upon written request of the applicant prior to the expiration of the PUD classification, the City Commission may extend for one (1) additional year the period for commencing platting procedures." The applicant's time extension has expired and the request letter included with the TRC agenda was not transmitted to the City prior to the expiration of the first time extension, which according to Code appears to be the last time extension that may be granted. Therefore, I recommend that the applicant be compelled to complete the platting process, resubmit a "current opinion of costs" and submit the appropriate original plat documents, fees, surety and all other prerequisite requirements precedent to considering and approving the final plat should it comply with the requirements of Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations. The construction of this plat and the residential structures assoc- iated with plat development will benefit the City and it's citizens. { \. .:... .+ A:=i-... T RECEIVED, cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager w. Richard Staudinger, P.E. OCT 6 ....... PLANNING DEPT. .. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-222 October 27, 1992 FROM: Chris Cutro Planning D~' ector Don Jaeger Building 0 icial Al Newbold Deputy Building Official TO: THRU: RE: TRC COMMENTS - CITRUS PARK P.U.D. TIME EXTENSION TO RECORD PLAT This project received a time extension which expired on June 4, 1992. At our last TRC meeting, extension number two was recommended to go before the City Commission for a one year extension. This memorandum is to confirm my vote that the extension begin from the June 4, 1992 date and not from November 17, 1992, the date of the Commission meeting. If this second extension is approved by the Commission, the applicant should be informed that he has until June 4, 1993 to file his plat or obtain a third extension before that date. ~~/ Al New 1 AN:bh RECEIVED J~ ( 29 PLANN\NG DEPT~ '\ CITRUS - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-278 SUPPLEMENT TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: October 27, 1992 RE: Citrus Park, P.U.D. Request for Time Extension to Submit Final Plat Technical Review Committee Comments Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee during their meeting of October 27, 1992, considered an October 21, 1992 written request by Enrico "Ric" Rossi, P.E. (Developer's Engineer) wherein a time extension was requested commencing November 17, 1992. Please be advised that it was the full consensus of the Technical Review Committee that this would be unacceptable, but the full committee did recommend that a 1 year time extension be granted commencing the date of the original submission expiration date, that being June 4, 1992. The Technical Review Committee's recommendation, if adopted by the Planning & Development Board and City Commission, would afford the developers a reasonable time period of 7 months in which time to submit for final plat. Both the City Engineer and I concur with the consensus of the Technical Review Committee as long as the City Attorney determines that providing a time extension over and above the original time extension afforded the developer, will not set a precedent nor violate City codes relative to affording developers an additional 1 year time extension after they have already received a previous 1 year (in this case 11 years) time extension. Should you require any additional information, please contact me at ext. 488. r\ \ oc.--\'J,. , ~",---,--""t" ~::.. . -1::'_________,.....c- Vincent A. Finizio~~ VAF/ck RECEIVED cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager w. Richard Staudinger, P.E., Gee & Jenson James Cherof, City Attorney attachment: Engineering Dept. Memo. No. 92-278 datea .Lu/S/SlLl _ Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, Inc. letter dated 10/21/92 QOJ 27 PLANNING DEPT. FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-256 WDC TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: FIRE DEPARTMENT - WILLIAM D. CAVANAUGH DATE: OCTOBER 28, 1992 RE: TRC - CITRUS PARK EXTENSION TO FILE FINAL PLAT THE EXTENSION SHOULD BE GRANTED FROM THE JUNE END DATE NOT THE HEARING DATE. 41&td1~fZ /~ AECStitED OCT 3 0 1992 , \, MEMORANDUM Utilities #92-410 TO: FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning Director ~\{/ John A. Guidry, '\ Director of Utilities October 28, 1992 DATE: SUBJECT: Citrus Park P.U.D. - Request for Time Extension on Preliminary Plat This memo restates this Department's Utility Department #92-381, that the the preliminary plat commence on comments of the Utility memo #92-381 stance, stated originally in requested time extension for June of 1992. All other also remain in effect. Please refer any further questions on this matter to Mr. Peter Mazzella of this office. 19b xc: Mike Kazunas Peter Mazzella File Utility Engineer Admin. Assistant 1 hr. .5 hr. .. RECEIVEn \,)Cl ~~ PLANNING DEPT.