CORRESPONDENCE December 1995 SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 EverReady<' Brand E717 by Keith Clark 19 /) /... - ~. ~ () d-o; <:Ln<-'^'^- -<( /3 /i7 )3,....- (;, 7"'"-,5" A c ~ N:s JrC r:r 5 I .s: 0"\. <:>-"-Tt' ;;. -e p~r<- ~,,~t' /e ",cSX2,')' ~ 0<:1 ~ ct.? >1.crr <C-C?C.-r>-p tt..; (' P1G~( . :u..~.s n '"7 ~ J ~Q-r rt1- A~~--C( f,.~=y k ~ 1k-'<J""--c.e."I..~ ce. c c t:r ~~ K.:-. ..:1. S- d-"=---v.-.r:s /"t<r.C<c-. 'I1.:::-r is v/((c~ ~ o-~.rpf ~ c::t 4.q '-' ~ ~ ~ cr~ ~14 November 1995 January 1996 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 234 1 234 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 28~9 30 31. ) cCL-"4 c.. ",,'" ~ ;,t' "I}rlc.c :> 353 Tuesday, December 19 012 A.c'-7U~< 4>( c ho.-Ie y ;r=:' ~ rl - -11 J~ ~ ~ --: J L t~~~~,~~N & ASSOCIATES, INC. r, Cf'~}lhJU t JLTANTS ~~~t ~ f.u.~.!J IruNG }1-,~. :\L.-.iJ-L/-- .. ._~ March 17, 1997 {.0 Boca Raton I (561) 994-6411 Fax I (561) 994-0447 Tambri Heyden, AICP CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPT. 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 I rn1, fJt-@-,,~ u w rn ill \IVy U II ~ \ "r'D \ 9 1997 I Uu i .-11\ \ Pl~NNING AND ZONING DEPT. Re: Boulevard Center Land Use Amendment/Text Change/Rezoning Dear Tambri: Since the City Commission public hearing on March 4, I have discussed the circwnstances of the referenced application with my client, Michael Morton. In consideration of the comments from the surrounding residents and the City Commission, we would like to meet with you and the appropriate City representatives to discuss the potential acquisition of the site for additional City park land as recommended in your comment 3 of the latest staff report. We concur with your recommendation that this site is better suited for commercial uses, however given the sensitivity of the surrounding uses, we would like to considering other viable options for use of the property. While we further discuss this matter, we request an extension of time to keep the current Boulevard Center applications active and if need be, provide the requested application modifications and materials to proceed back through the public hearing process pursuant to the directive of the City Commission. We appreciate your cooperation and assistance with this matter. Please call me to schedule a meeting to further discuss this matter. Sincerely, CHARLES PUTMAr~SSOCIATES' INC. Bradley D. Mille AICP o cc: Mayor Gerald Taylor Kerry Willis - City Manager Jim Cherof, Esq. Michael Morton Greg Kino, Esq. morton\boulevard center\blvd0314.1tr 4722 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard I Suite C106 I Boca Raton, Florida 33431 NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ANALYSIS: AREA #7 Analysis of Level of Service: Population Population Served by Private Recreation Facilities Population Served only by Public Parks and Facilities Neighborhood Park Acreage (Public) LOS for Acres/1 000 Population LOS for Maximum Walking Distance (miles) 1987 1995 1,360 2,698 0 1,208 1,360 1,490 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.30 0,50 0,50 2000 2010 2,728 2,728 1,208 1,208 1,520 1,520 5.50 5,50 2,50 2,50 3.60 )( 3,60 0,50 0.50 Acquisition Needed No 5 Dedicat. 1997 1;051 0.50 0.50 Existing and Future Public Parks and Facilities: Hibiscus Lake Boynton Estates (undeveloped portion) 0,5 Total Acres 0.5 5.5 1980 Population Under Age 18, and Percent of Total( ): Facilities Needed: 0.5 0.5 156 (11) dfor 1987 using 1990 Censl.l~ uslng2.4 7 ppdu taken from c() I ;"f! ( c( <-.(} ..( .,. Il! c~) ._ ..~} """, v S b/., "", I If - G ,~O I ,.. Iii I ~:""I'). ~l .\~ S; . ~-;:- <' . 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' ,- ,;;;;:i. "'" " >'- " -- I' ~;,;..,., .,' ' . -- . ".i ""...... I c. "";8 I~' ~ ~< ',::' ~~o-" ' ",t:~ 1..be . - ~. ~ ~ ~ ~,\ \~ ~ ,::: _ .... ... _ ~ ..0," ,'', \I IO~ -!. . '! \1: -;,,.-.; L'" '. .. ,. _ .. ..",... '"2 '" _ - ;;... .....' ..: .. ~. . 6 .. ,8' .. . ,~. ,_c,', . .".,.,i'.4t'-'f'-'I.~ .' ' . . U1" '~'~: ,; · '. ; .;lP .', .>,~".' '" " \- 16 _. " , ." \ __ ....~ l...~.'['['.f6;~'J.,. \"'.~. ,"-.i' 2,.\\ 1- _ "~l ;,._ ":- ( " ....,,~... :,"': .~' ,." ~: 'S.i:J}!" ..9" '# - ,) ~ ' .A'o.' "" I 'I'" ''!, ~'. = ,~-\. ; ~"'l'<, ,.1 ,- \ .'" , .- :f(~U~~' t;, C r #- "V ;~ ~-. \ I-~' --.. (. f ,.j.~" ,-r .~ -- ~>~~ ^--~ . \ .::... fJ:he City of t:Boynton t:Beac/i /~. 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boufevartf P.O. 'B~310 'Boynton 'Beac.ft, ![fmUfa 33425-0310 City !J{a!l: (561) 375-6000 ![.9lX: (561) 375-6090 March 17, 1997 Bradley D. Miller, AICP Charles Putman & Associates, Inc. 4722 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard-Suite C106 Boca Raton, FL 33431 SUBJECT: Boulevard Center - LUAR 96-010 and CPTA 96-002 Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning and Text Amendment Dear Mr Miller: In response to both the action of the City Commission on March 4, 1997 to require that the above- referenced project return to the Planning & Development Board, and your request to determine when this item will return to the Planning & Development Board agenda, I am forwarding to you information relative to new or revised application documents and advertisement requirements. Prior to continuation of the review process, please provide this office with a revised legal description describing the reduced subject property, the postage, envelopes and labels necessary for providing a second notice to persons who own property located within 400 feet of the subject property, and the cost required for additional legal notices which is estimated at $1, I 06 (two newspaper publications at $552.60 per ad). Although no deadline has been established for submitting this information, it should be submitted to this office no later than five (5) working days prior to the deadline for mailing notices to property owners. For example, if you intend to request that this application return to the May 13th Planning & Development Board meeting, these items must be submitted to this office by 5:00 p.m. on April 4, 1997. This deadline has been established to provide sufficient time for staff to review for accuracy the list of property owners, to make any corrections if necessary to the property owner list, and to prepare a property owner notice. If you are targeting the June meeting of the Planning & Development Board, this deadline would then be on May 2, 1997. If you have any questions regarding this new information, please contact Mike Rumpf at this office. Thank you. Sincerely, "'/ / ~,' ., 1// A ,/.1' ), ' Y_.-1"""'1..- __ / v' u......... \.- 'I / ;,-- ,~ / j' j.' ,\ ' i -:::::'/ fA-? rtl. {,.,V: { j/' Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning & Zoning Director O:\SHARE\ WP\PROJECTS\BOULEV AR\LETIERBM,WPO !4num4's gateway to tfu qulfstream CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING I ZONING I PERMITTING Boca Raton I (561) 994-6411 Fax I (561) 994-0447 March 6, 1997 Mike Rumpf CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPT. 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Boulevard Center Land Use Amendment/Text Change/Rezoning Dear Mike: As you know, the City Commission on March 4, 1997 remanded the subject petition back to the Planning & Development Board to consider the application modifications discussed at the public hearing. To avoid any premature re-advertisement and scheduling of the Planning & Development Board meeting, we would like to evaluate the proposed project modifications and notify you once we are ready to proceed. We understand that you will need time to meet advertisement requirements and I will notify you as soon as possible. We also understand that the applicant will be assessed a re-advertising fee. Please advise me of the exact amount when you have it calculated. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. t?--...~~~ Bradley D. Miller, lAICP cc: Michael Morton Greg Kino, Esq. James A. Cherof, Esq. morton\blvdctr\blvd0306 .Itr 4722 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard I Suite C1061 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 MAR-06-1997 12:18 CHAS_ PUTMAN & ASSOC_ CHA hLES PUTMAN & A~SOCIA TESI INC. LAND DErELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNINr I ZONING I PERMlTI'ING 5619940447 P_02 Soca Raten I (561) 994-64 11 Fax' (561) 9Q4-0447 March 6, 1997 ike Rumpf ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH LANNING & ZONING DEPT- 00 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard oynton Beach, FL ~3425 to: I f"' ~. L As you know, the City Commission on March 4, 1997 remanded the su.bject petition back 1f the PI:1nning & Development Board to consider the application modifications discussed at the f.UbliC hearlni. To avoid any premature re-advertisement and scheduling of the Planning & eVBlopment Board meeting, we would like to evaluate the proposed project modifications and otify you once we are ready to proceed. We illlderstand that you will need time to meet f,venisemem requirements and I will notify you as soon as possible. We also understand that e applicant will be assessed a re-advertiSing fee. Please advise me of tb.c: exact amount when ou have it calculated. I Thank you for your cooperation and assistance_ I BoUlevard Center Land Use Amendment/Text ChangelRezonlDg Sincerely. CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIATES~ INC. ?--..\.~~ Bradley D. Mil1er;tAlCP 1;; Michael Morton Greg Kino, Esq. James A. Cherof, Esq. lUOrtlln\bl"Q<u\bl~0306, 1[( 4722 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard I ~ite elOO 180CCl ROTon, FlorIda ~3431 TOTAL P.02 FI::8--28-1997 17: 1216 CHAS. PUTMAN & ASSOC. 561994121447 P.I2I1 tAX COVER ! I CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND D~VeLOPMENT CONSULTANTS PlANNINC3 . ZONING. PERMrmNG 4722 N.W. Boca Raton Boulev.rd, Suite C~1oe ecca Reton, Florid. 33431 Telephone ($$1) ......11 FAX (561) 99<4.0447 I DATE' t' -Z.~.~7 /flJ /4r;5 ~".n /> r- fAX NO. t7Lr.7 ( / ~?47 - 0010 I FAX NO. FAX NO. I fROM: ~udld MILdJ"ef!:... I r3l"'>-(.'&';:;l/~~ C~e;'Jc.- rn ~ow~m I.. , MAR _ 3 iQ07 II?' t' ___..J PLM'NING'\ND ZOh!!f\jG. Dt2 .__._,__.., __. OTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER PAGE: ~ ,If you do not receive all the pages, please call (561) 994-6411. COMMENTS: 0 URGENTI 0 Please review and call me witt"! your commenta 0 For your lnfonnation 0 Please review and send comments via FAX 0 Per your reQuest 0 Please call to discuss 0 For your review and file 0 Original to follow \lia mail OTHER: ~f6 .-;;J.e ~ ~ ~4-FJT t:>tJ.;::;;p-r ~F ~ po ;,,(.) ~,uf';::::./"TJ.oAJ , a/It?? /147 /J1r~-rA-~ //0 -7#e:- ~~ lf/~4 :e: ~/C/-r -r"o r. FEB-28-1997 17:07 CHAS. PUTMAN & ASSOC. 5619940447 P.02 PIle 2 ~0entIr FIe Nee. lUAA.I&O,O ~ CI"1'A II-ooa IEPARTMBCTS INClIJOE REJECT 5, ,.. ........ ..... tie IOCl*d 10 II'adnIIiI dIancIt hnI n!lIIdentiIl.I ~~ ... d\ln'4II*r~) IhId be ~ .... rewIeIr. 8. VII1nltle,,-C-1 ~aIlUIll""" == .10 foot... butIr fIhIIM WIll CfIrlIIItI . 15 fi:lcIt l'/lIaIIY well, 10 foot. hfIh ~ .... onlY aCt Mt Cll'J cenlel' IIIId . canIIma:lua 2 fIlat "'Oh MdIIL 1M Idl!f' .... ..... .. etllWII'UIlMiI ~ accordinf.: 1M I.McI QeoJ__1l Aegul8llone. AIOI'iCI eo. .... llf'OPII! lie WIIIIhtII. ..... ,feet.. tlflI ~ hlO ACOITIONAL PLANNING AND DE\lEL0PMINT BOARD CCNDITlO~ 7 -. Al)DmC~el1V COWMSION COIGTIONS .. TO.~ J.IR:IlIIW ~ !MlO TOTAL P.02 FEB-13-1997 lb:1b CHAS. PUTMAN & ASSOC. 5619940447 P_01 CHA LES PUTMAN & A~OCIA TES, INC. lAND D VELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNI G r ZONIN(;; I PE~MITTING FAX MEMORANDUM Boca ~aton I (561) 994-6411 Fox I 561 994-0447 fO)~@~OW~rm U~ FEB t 3 - ~ PLANNING AND ZONING D February 13, 1991 Bradley Miller. AICP TO' t~ tUbje<t, I Pursuant to the changes of the land use amendment/rezoning application, I have reviewed fOur previous staff report. recommendation and conditions and suggest that they be revised as ~ndicated on the :itt.ilched. I have been in contact with Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz regarding the tcrmitted use H1!t for the project, but thtl.t list has not been fInalized as of today I will notify IOU as soon as we reach an agreement. PleaBe call should you have any questions. Tambri Heyden, AICP Fax No. 561/375-6090 Page 1 of 3 Boulevard Center Michael Morton (via fax 241-(646) fC: I morum\blvdarla:blvd0213. fax 4722 N,W. Boca RaTon Boulevard \ SUITe C106\ Boca Roton. Florida 33~1 FEB-1J-1997 16:17 CHAS. PUTMAN & ASSOC. 5619940447 P.02 ! i I I I rOULEVARD CENTER ~roposed Conclus/onsIRecommendations rebrUary 12, 1997 I ince the Planning & De'llelopment Board meeting, the applicant has met with City staff nd has revised the application from the requested Local Retail land use and C-2 zoning n the entire 2.5 acres to Office Commercial land use and C-' zoning on the norther 220 eet of the parcel which is approximately a 1.0 acre parcel. The applicant has agreed o limiting the uses ofthe property 10 those listed in condition 4 of Exhibit D. In addition. he project win provide a 10 foot wide buffer along the west and south p.Qrcellines of the I -1 tract. The buffer shall contain a 6 foot high tini15hed masonry wall, 10 foot high tree6 rnd a continuous hedge. ~ased on the modifications to the application. staff recommends approval of the request or the northern 220 feet of the subject parcel to be rezoned from R1AA to C-1 and that he Future land Use Plan deeignation for this same parcel be amended from Moder~tQ enstty Residential to Office Commercial, subject to the conditions li~ted in Exhibit D. I I CHARLES PUTMAN & I'i SSO CIA TES, INC. LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING · ZONING · PERMITTING 4722 N,W. Boca Raton Boulevard, Suite C-106 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Telephone (561) 994-6411 FAX (561) 994-0447 morton\l:llvdetr'.a:revrec.doc FEB-13-1997 16:17 CHAS. PUTMAN & ASSOC. 5619940447 P.03 CHARLES PUTMAN'" .SSOCIA TES, INC. LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING. ZONING. PERMITTING 4722 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard: Suite C-10G Bo~a Raton, Flonde :33431 Telephone (561) 994-6.11 FAX (561) 994-0447 OULEVARD CENTER rroposed Modifications to Comments/Condtions rebrUary 12, 1997 ~ - i I I ~. i It is recommended that the northern 220 feet of the subject property be reclassified Office Commercial and rezoned C-1, Office/Proressiona!~ and tlGvel9Fsl;! acoordingly witt.! a loIAifled Qe:,ceIG~rnent SliilR iR89$9rating the lwe JililF88111i ..eetween the ~1oI~j8Gt J)fepeFty aM tR8 ftiReral ~ A revised traffic stUdy/statement shall be submitted by the applicant to address the aDDlication modifications for C-1 zoning on the northern 220 feet of the subiect pl'ODertv, prior to transmittal of any comprehensive plan text or Future Land Use Map amendments to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, I r' If the subject request is withdrawn s1affwill process a text amendment incorporating the condition #1 and the recommendation to plan for acquisition of the southern portion of the subject property, and use for a city park in connection with the city-owned properly to the south. I ~. i Property zoned C-1 shall be limited to tRESERVED FOR LIST TO BE DETERMINED) uses only. HQI.!I"5 of operation shall be limited to daytime hours of approximately 8'00 a.m. to 7:00 p R1. 7:00 :a.m. to g:OO D.m.. unless the ultimate use is an emercencv medical facilitv that would reQuire 24 hour SQlVice. .~.I1y d~~p&:tQIE shall be lGsatig te rna)(h:n~liI giNaRce from _i~eRtial prg~iJ:t.iei. A buffc;tr '1'::.11 cball be cgn~rur:.:tild :;~t:'.QI"ding to t!:lQ !..and D9vQIgpmiRt RagUliiltiQRi 3M pl5b8d wt.l9t9 the lil,lbj~t:t p~p9~' ..but~ "Q>sidilt:ltia[ properti8ir.- I ~ I : ~ I I ! Any dumpsters shall be located to milximize distance frcJm resid,ntial orooerties. The soecific dumpster location(a) shall bG determined durina site olan review Where the subiect C-1 zoned propert.. :abuts residential proDerties a 10 foot wide buffer shall be provided and will contain a 6 foot hiah ma$Onrv wall. 10 foot. hiah canaDY trees eV'el:Y 30 feet on center and a continuou& ::2 foot high hedQQ. The buffer wall shall be constructed ac::c"r~ina to the Lllnd Development Reaulationli. AlonCl the east prapertv line. the wall shall be located 5 feet east of the prooerty linG j;l() as not to conflict with the ~iilcent utility easement. moi1On\l!IVdW\io"ClJnd1,dQc TOTAL P.03 ~B-'3-1997 16'2C CHHS. PUn'"N & ASSOC. 5619940447 P.02 . ~ ~{ l.Lt" . f CHARLES==~P~~N~~~~~:~ ~ l/ -(6 y I,h~ / i-" PLANNING. ZONING · PERMlrnNG /,' / .,~ V _~.(~-'/ ~" _ rr.(-.~ ?,.-li.", 47~ NW Boca ~ =~~~ ;.: ~ , ,-Ie,,:> -(\.t.-~,~ ,- K lrJ F\ !..,.Jj- Telephone (561. 984-i411 ,/7P I " L t ~ ,~ \ FAX (M') 994-0447 ..{: ~r"S;~ ~r ~iS ~L C~~..;6 < n _ k f...P"' Y 0,\ "'"~ . ^ _l/ .{llL. rJlt! ..rile. - , ':,: Lor ..,ylCi- L X ~' ~ I-I ~t J l- V~> tt .'\.-7 .e~~ - ~\: BOULEVARD CENTER ~ Proposed Conc/usfonsI'Recommenc1auons February 12. 1997 Since the Planning & Development Board meeting, the applicant has met with City staff and has revised the application from the requested Local Retail land U6e and C-2 zoning on the entire 2.5 acres to 01Tlce Commercial land use and C-1 zoning on the norther 220 feet of the parcel which is approximately a 1.0 acre parcel. The applicant has agreed to limiting the uses of the property to those listed in condition 4 of Exhibit D. In addition, the project will provide a 10 foot wid9 buffer along the west and south parcel lines of the C-1 tract. The buffer shall contain a 6 foot high finished masonry wall, 10 foot high trees :and a continuous hedge. ;Based on the modifications to the application, staff recommends approval of the request for the northern 220 feet of the subject parcel to be rezoned from R1AA to C-1 and that the Future Land Use Plan designation for this same parcel be amended from Moderate Density Residential to OffICe Commercial, subject to the conditions listed in 8chibit D. maion\bIvdctr\&:I8vr&C,doc ~-'3-1997 15:27 CHAS. PUTMAN 2 ASSOC. 5519940447 P.03 CHARLES PUTMAN & A. ..OCIA rES, INC, LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING. ZONING. PERMITTING 4722 N,W. Boca Raton Boulevard, Suite C-106 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Te~hon. (561)9~11 FAX (561) 994-0447 ,BOULEVARD CENTER Proposed Modifir:ations to CommentslCondtions !February 12, 1991 1, It is recommended that the northern 220 feet of the subject property be reclassified Office Commercial and rezoned C-l, Office/Professional.. aA~ ~.velGlped ii!S88FC1iAilV Will a WFtifieG i"Jelell"'. pI.A iAQ;FpGFatiAg the tW9 parcels Ia_O/eeR tRe 8YIijest pFSpeFty an" tAl iYReFal MfMr. 2. A revi:s1iCl traffic study/statement shall be submitted by the applicant to address the 30Dlic:ation modifications for C-1 zonina on the northern "0 feet of the subiect mnnertv, prior to transmittal of any comprehensive plan text or Future Land Use Map amendments to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. If the subject request is withdrawn staff will process a text amendment incorporating the condition #1 and the recommendation to plan for acquisition of the southem portion of the subject property, and use for a city park in connection with the city-owned property to the south, 3. 4. Prop&rty zoned C-1 shall be limited to (RESERVED FOR UST TO BE DETERMINED) uses only. Hours of operation shall be limited to daytime hours of approximately 8:00 a.JR. tg 7:00 p.m. I;QQ a.m. to 9:00 a.m.. unless the ultima~ U&8 is an enwaeney medical facilitv that would reouire 24 hour service. Any dll"'p5f;Cilniil ~hl;lll bla 1-..11 to -'1''';-;;re di&ltaRClIil =':R ~Eicf9~ti31 pr:opsrti9ti. 1I l::"tfer ''':ill ,ball b9 ~oRitr'l(ltQd ~o;:-:ording to ttUiI L.ilr:ld DIil''9lgpMQQt f;legl.ll:atiQRI 'It'd Jala~d \IIh~rfil tnQ iilubjQd prop9riy "'~. 't~ ~&lid'iRtii31 P""p"'~- ,~ Anv dumc,ter's &haIl be located to maximize distance from residential tlroDel'ties. The specific:: dumpstgr locationts) shall be determined during site Dlaf1 review. 2. Where the eubieot C-1 zoned Drocertv abuts residential Droperties. a 10 foot wide buffer shall be orcvided and will contain So 6 foot hiah maaonI'V wall. 10 foct Mi!:lh canoov trees evary 30 feet Of! center and a continuous 2 foot hiah hedQEl. The buffer wall shall be conGtructsd ac:cc'Jrdin9 to the Land Development R~ulations. Along the east prcP<<tY line. tn. wall shall be located 5 feet east of the CfODSrtv line 00 as not to conflict with tha adiacent utilitv easement. _"...~1><<>d1 do.: TOTAL P.03 CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIA TES, INC, LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING I ZONING I PERMITIlNG -jl{J :!Y JAN '[ \ \991 ~ January 16, 1997 Tambri Heydon, AICP Planning & Zoning Department CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Boulevard Center Application for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning/Text Amendment Dear Tambri: To allow additional time to discuss issues with the surrounding property owners, we respectfully request that the January 21, 1997 public hearing with the City Commission be postponed for one month to February 18, 1997. We appreciate your cooperation. Please call should you wish to further discuss this matter. Sincerely, CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~ Bradley Miller, lCP cc: Mike Morton A:IBL VDCTRlpostpon2, wpd 4722 N.W, Boca Raton Boulevard I Suite Cl06 I Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Cl-lARLES PUTMAN & A: LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING I ZONING I PERMITTING OCJA TES, INC, Boca Raton I (561) 994-6411 January 6, 1997 JAN ! 3 :997 m Mayor Gerald Taylor CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 PlANNING AND ZONING DEPt Re: Boulevard Center Land Use Amendment/Rezoning/Text Amendment Dear Mayor Taylor: Thank you for granting our requested postponement of the subject petition from the December 17 meeting to the January 21 meeting. The purpose of the postponement was to modify our request to address the concerns raised by surrounding property owners as well as the recommendation of t\1e Planning Department. As indicated by the attached letter, we have contacted each of the property owners that were required to be notified of the original application. We also attached a Concept Plan to illustrate the changes of our request which consist of only rezoning the northern portion of the property to C-l rather than C-2 leaving the balance of the property zoned residentially. The result of this change is that the proposed C-l zoned area will abut only two residential lots within the Leisureville development. Although we are significantly reducing the area to be rezoned, we will continue to provide the finished masonry wall and landscaped 10 foot wide landscape buffer where the C-l zoning will abut residential zoning. I should point out that by code the wall is not required and the buffer must only be 21h feet wide where C-l zoning abuts residential zoning. If it can be arranged, we would like to meet with the residents of Leisureville prior to the public hearing to further explain what we are requesting and to address any further concerns that they may have toward the land use amendment and rezoning. We trust that the change of the application and our efforts to be sensitive relative to buffering the residential development will be supported by the adjacent property owners and the City Commission. We appreciate your consideration of this matter. I will be available at your convenience should you have any questions or comments prior to the public hearing on January 21. Sincerely, CHARLES PUTMAN & cc: Dale Sugarman - Acting City Manager Tambri Heyden, AICP - Planning Director Michael Morton - Applicant mortonla:lblvdclrlcommOl06.llr 4722 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard I Suite C106 I Boca Raton, Florida 33431 CHARLES PUTMAN & Av-.JQCIATES, INC, LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE January 6, 1997 Boca Raton I (407) 994-6411 Fax I (407) 994-0447 PROPERTY OWNER Re: Boulevard Center - 2.5 Acre Parcel Land Use Amendment/Rezoning/Text Amendment Dear PROPERTY OWNER: My name is Bradley Miller, agent for the owner of the 2.5 acre property proposed for rezoning and located along Boynton Beach Boulevard acljacent to LeisureviIle. You have probably heard that the public hearing with the City Commission was postponed from December 17 to January 2 t . After listening to your comments at the Planning & Devejopment Beard meeting, we requested the postponement so that we chould change our application to address your concerns. We are now asking for a less intensive rezoning of C-1 on only the northern portion of the property rather than C-2 zoning on the entire property. The primary difference between C-2 zoning and C-1 zoning is that C-l zoning Is generally used for office type uses and does not allow the typical retail or restaurant uses found in C-2 zoning. For your comparison, I have attached the pages from the City Zoning Code that list the uses allowed by both the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts. Although we have reduced the intensity of our requested rezoning, we will continue to provide the buffering proposed by our original application which exceeds the requirements of the C-1 zoning district. Where the C-1 zoning abuts residential zoning, a to foot wide buffer will be provided. Within the buffer a 6 foot high finished masonry walt wilt be constructed and 10 foot high trees witl be planted every 30 feet along with a 2 foot high continuous hedge. Where the buffer abuts the Leisureville development, the wall will be located 5 feet from the property line to allow additional access to the existing utility easement. To help you visualize our proposal, I have attached a Concept Plan illustrating how the site could be developed. You will see that the office type building faces Boynton Beach Boulevard and the C-1 parcel only abuts two tots within the Leisurevilte development. The balance of the property will remain zoned for residential development unless the City acquires the property to add to the existing park site. As you can see, we have made significant compromises to address the concerns that were voiced at the Planning & Development Board meeting on December to. We trust that these changes are to your satisfaction and would appreciate your support at the January 21 meeting before the City Commission. In the interim, if you would like to meet with me or should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me at 561/994-6411. Sincerely. CHARLES PUTMAN & ASPCIATES, INC. - ~~Lt.Sl- ICP --. cc: City Mayor, Vice Mayor & Commissioners Acting City Manager City Planner Michael Morton rnorlonla:lblvdclrladjO 102.1" 4722 N,W. Boca Raton Boulevard I Suite C1061 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 '1 i - \za,Qf>' 6' LaM....I>. BuUu .--- .--- 2,6' LAlfl)SCAl't: ButTlR LOT 41 ~ .. ;;: ",(a '" 10' IU1UJDICI saIIACI: C-1 3/1' 8UIImIIO _& N.W, 1ST ... ~ q "e' I\lab 11-""1 ".u LOT 1 7 i; R-1AA 39 LOT 38 2 8 .. LOT . ~ " 37 . '"" J 3 <> .. 9 LOT 36 ~ . o I 4 () . \ 10 0 LOT Z 35 () . 5 , m \ ""0 OCEAN -I LOT 34 ""0 , 6 I )> I~ LOT Z i 33 . I\) Boulevard Center Boynton Beach. florida C/1J.IlU$ PUf1IAN It ASSOClArzs. INC, - UIlD _.1IIIlT ~TAImI -..- pl.\IQfIIIO ZOIlIllO PIIIIImUlG C'Na .. ..... .... ~ .... C~ ... ........... .... ..1/......... ,. ../........ rite Clf'{ 1- 13C/11t-fclt 8.Leted. I pr, /V1IC ha.d w. Tl ul11ffl J'ehld;t, PlCinJtea PLlbuJU/~(;.. Qlt-d- 2...0N/~(j... BcJfl-IZ-D. fZe-: / cJ (//'L lett€lt.- 10 4 s {le. Z-oN I 1Vt:-- 0 F L-4 k .1 dee/eJ J)~ceIf16ea. -!~4XY 3/ /997 lll~ ~ P7 ~ ~ U1] .- 1 1997 ~ I u.m: .:7-0; ( rqt:. ~ a .ljacel1..T -1-0 ow~ ~/27~~fr D eq/7 fha. RuWtr( Ilty (..vtfe.- a~ I wa...-( fc, tl4akk jOCA- I 7O/lfh1l-i~. /fec{lleJ1 fltcP/ J (n...o. IV. ~ r11. . {.Lrz.. Uf e.... C Yk C./111't Eo (! c 11 (! Ie fl.. {<. Q ~ 0 fIi ellS f' tr. fl.e. f(l.afess,on.J ~ ti--, tvh{J.. QuI'- LGUCelZh5 rz.e:fand In} F~s-16!e fL <'7-0 11/n.j C ~a ~ ~s 0. fl-e bet ~ siLt d( ed, C;OlA- hC/. v€- rz-f!!!.rpo",d~ ad el C-tct Ie {r tv OUI'L 'lu er-{tOltf. Qs /leceJ,f..+ OlNJ1.eru- t- c... ho~ It" PCl(~ B eac-A L~lSV/l.e. c.:-./le ~e fe-d ~e Cc--Ar dff(CC40U 0 rLe COJ1.c..~lZheL Qkt4-f tIr e (t:~']enr Qr w~11 as !-fe lJe4/,~ Ih FeCl/u.J1I7 to fiid the- !J~rr- joss,/k ScJ4-hO#t fz- c;l( lOJ1.ce/C..ne.,(. I woe. /d.. ct;'?/Z""c..c.i.1c. ll('"c~;v'7 I ~ fit. J'I'14.fu.... ftZo", rf ~ G I, Co;n ""1 i r Jt';~ /11 ec 1-, v;. r c-h e j u led prL. ::TaJ1. l.t.4"1 ~I {'1fT, I 7ftah(q 0, al~( S't""c~1 ( ~p.~ J.(i m lCIt"w;.F 6 fO. Ha....lJ.l' t3tz.,;;SIe- (l.d. Ca-1lM..,.r ~#;;'T N. ~ Oft?Vj I S-.A3jt.<-,- \~9C7 71U City of t:Boynton 13eac/i 100 'E. tJJognton tJJeach. tJJoufevartf P.O. tJJ~310 tJJoynton tJJeach., :rforitfa 33425-0310 City :J{aff: (561) 375-6000 :rJllX: (561) 375-6090 ~~,..., December 20, 1996 John P. and Catherine T. Micallef 610 Hawks Bridge Road Carneys Point, New Jersey 08069 Dear Mr. and Mrs Micallef: In response to your request for information regarding the proposed rezoning of land adjacent to your property, I have provided you with this letter. The information I have at this time, matched with each item from your letter, is as follows: Issue: Understanding that the property "might be converted into a quiet city park" - Response: Approximately 3 acres of property adjacent to the south of the property proposed to be rezoned is owned by the City and to ultimately to be used for a park; Issue: Construction of benn or wall between properties - Response: If the property is rezoned to C-2, Neighborhood Commercial, the City's zoning regulations would require the development of this site to include a solid, stucco masonry wall painted on both sides, be at least 6' feet high and placed at least 2 feet from adjoining, residentially-zoned properties. If the property is rezoned to C-l, Office/Professional, this wall requirement could be replaced with dense vegetative buffer to be a minimum of 2 feet in height at the time of planting; Issue: Limits on hours of delivery traffic and business operation - Response: No limitations on the business hours nor on delivery traffic have been proposed by the applicant at this time; however, this issue could arise and be discussed during the public hearing process; Issue: Restrictions on hazardous and flammable materials, and other environmental concerns- Response: If rezoned, the applicant proposes to exclude from consideration for this property the sale of gasoline, an automotive service station, dry cleaning services, and any use which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous waste; ~muua's (jateway to tFu (jut/stream Page 2 Issue: Cooking odors and odorous dumpsters- Response: Most issues related to unsightliness, odors, and proper handling and disposal of waste are addressed in City regulations and enforced by the City I s Code Enforcement Division, and dumpster facilities are required by regulations to be screened; and Issue: Whether the passage between properties will remain open or be closed off- Response: This issue may not be resolved until the site plan stage of the project; however, issues to consider involve access for maintenance of landscaping and easement. Lastly, the City I S review of this proposed Plan amendment and rezoning has been postponed to the City Commission meeting scheduled for January 21, 1997. I trust I have responded adequately to your questions. However, should you have additional questions or need further explanations, please contact Senior Planner Michael Rumpf at (561) 375-6260. Thank you. Sincerely, -14,j~t.;_ ~/--tL Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning & Zoning Director TJH:mr Attachment mr:micallef. wpd OrFICE 0 r TI'fE [OJ IfI!rlrU-Wr~-~ ~ &\._ ==: _? eC- 'lw: ~7.~ ._ ~ i/ ~ 1'11/3 e /Z.. .J-D / 19'1(,. PLANNING ANU C.I77" CLc ZONING DEPT. C. I TC( G;= 13 C/ Y" /\1 TON B E;rCH f? o. /30)( 3/6 f3 OYAJ nJr'{ 73ErtCTt FLo/Zl~.I'1 / .3 3'f-3 S ,q..~: ~U2r1^,/YE. M. KR..USE,. Cn-tc./ rlAE. ~ try CLE-/Z.~ ~ Or !2.E. 20/01 {IV 6 ~rt1'1AJGE. rz. E t= c {l... t:: /'< C.Eo - Nor / c... E r f2Ec.Ell/E D r{U)M YOu ,q. COP't' OF 77tE p/2.oporep {2L. Z-o/"{ ! /'{ G crtllt/'l{ GE f2EQ u e s reD 8 Y TH-E MOlz:rOl'l G-f'LouP FOIL rJ PI7R.CcL Or L.I4ND IN S&c:TION 2.9 TOwN SH-fP 4-5 SOUTH fl./tNG-e Lr3 Ens,,, PI9L/Yl /3G/1CH Cou^,r~ . MY WirE:. It-AJD L o wtV. A LE-t s u fl.E. VI L..l..G HoME ftDT ItC.EN.T To TH-IS PARCEL- Or LA-AtD. PLAT Bcok.. 2-Sf"/ 10TH PFtGE J-OI- .;/-03 ( Lai 4-1 B LOCI<... Z. I I~ N. W. COul2i. W IE A R.E A- REi! IZ.E j) CoupLE Frz.OM NEW "I"i:;a.SEY I. .~--------_..- ------ FOR- 'tEI7-12-S wE U(s rTED OCJ(L. SON fiND H-IS F,q m IL_'( IN. Boy N.TON. 73 &t Cf(. EfJCH 772.( p w C LL:oI:1E~ Fa f2- I7-N ITD Ul.;r COI'Y1I11 UNITy IIV W H-fCtf To LJ v& . OUR. , SON-S / N- LJltV>lS SETTLE-a 11'( P/fl-M T3et'tC.t-I LEi S U rz.e V L Lt....e "I Eli R..S A C-O ;:tAJ./J lA/E SI9-V\{ /HE. c.ornrnuJU tTY )Or S" J.::r s eCLIR.E, Que 1:, rt/Vo LoveL:y Pl-I'7c.E. TO LivE. wE puf2...cH /l"S [!;[J 0 (.) (<.. HomE rrlE/2.Z ( 1\1. ( '14 'f . lA.J C. E-/v :rO'f' 1ft € qUI Err Co 11? I'll UN IrY' 1-IViN& fttuD flc.r/l/lTlc$ W Irtt 0 TtfER- l2-ETI12E. D peoPLE.. F R-o /Jo1. A '-L \.I"f /t uc-s OF L'FS. WtfEEN WE: P u IZ. CoN noSE',/) Ou!Z- H 0 J1'I e iA.I E lA..J e f2-G IT v..J IT R.e OF- Tffc L-oT FeIZ.. s".~ /'I~T TO us. WE 1+1rD Co NCelZ-N. S flBoUT ftoLAJ THe LA-/lID ~/6-Hr f3 E U~ ED. NEIGIti3olZ.S TO~ us IT (,.u/'ts Ct..I'1SS'IFIeL> R-E'~ I 0 ~"'-I /t(.. /tAlD nt, GH7"" f36 COr-t vE't2_rE-D {NTo ,q ~ UL&r C {Ty plJ{2X.. we /JI.D NOT E7-1'EC::r ritE ~ w 0 (J c-lJ 13 e f2.l5c€-ft SS" I PI EO Frs COJ1?h1 E-1Z-C.f H '-. I r 1ff6 Lfl.IVO IS {2.cC-t-flSS (FleD I'1s CC)m/11E/Z...C-IA-~ w s /)C) tf,l'1- vc SO n, E Co /'II. CE/Z I'-tS TH/'r'T t..-vc IAJI"f AJT 'fO u To !+ptJ fZ.-i:iSS ! 2-. .__...~,_....._..___...__.._....._"C, ... "~~_~_._~_e_~_._______.__'__ -- ') .. W,LL LA..JI'tLL C OIVsr 12. Uc...r-tE 0 f3E:.f2..1'1 OR- BE 11 BETLve-~/'( TH E V, l-LrIG c: ~ /U D Co J'rr /11 E-/Z. c..t ",. l- .' 13 USI;vSSS 5S Nrz- aUf':- SEc..ut2-lrl..( ,Pr;vJ) NOISe? /Z.&- D u c... rl 0 '" ? w {LL. TrlE-l2E T3E RI11. FoR- T!2..uq.::;.. T I ffl e '--' J'k ITS , /\( ? DELi l/e-Il-lEE"S. G-,c-. . 7'ff ~ . /11. A A.!) . w//-,- THE. Bus IA/~~ ONLy BE OPc:=-Nf:D DU~/V(j- Dl9y LIGHT Hou/Z.S ~ , (,.u 1'-'- RE-sT7Z-l c nON S BE pLAcat:) Oty fh1ZA/ZL) 0 u.s A IIJD \ \ . ,:'- ,. . - tl";. F '-"h1nt I't-I3 L.e I1'1I9:rE !Z..I""'-S SUCH , t- ~ l,. ' ,4s G-/tSOL/~~ 01 c.s/ L-u m BElL S 7l:J{Z..I'fC 5 G rc . ~ . WlL-i- !2.EST72.fC'TlO"'"'J.'S BE PLl'JCED 0;'4>./ E"'''lfl.oNt'hGNTltL s. \ CO i'U E (Z..N ~ S (j C-I-f- I+-S G-rLO u i"J..D ~ P 1'-'- ('oN 771-/111/1l ~I LOUD N.QISE'S S veff hS ftuTO {2:EP/H fZ- 13~N6-I"'C:- t' FJ IlL POL-c...Tto,v S UGH (001'-1 NCr- 0 Do~s ttlUO S meL.t-'( D (J Wtp S rSrz.s ~ · l.0 { L.....L Tit 6fZE 13 E ~ S Ec.urz.rry / L-lGHT S' YS7"eA'f lA.J ,4- L..'- CON N ECTEt:> 7tJ T1t-l: CHAIr( 3. r-:+ IV D ,q S cC CJ (l., ft.r LlNk.. pGl'iCG 13 E?-lA./ S C-M o U/Z- L..oT !1-0JfleENr To L3 0 't N TC'~ BSfl"CH BLl/D. Ie) Pf2-cVErf'l7 PEOPLE. F- (l..O YV\ 0v A- N () e!Z....1 A4 G- F rz. O.n-t T 1+ e COI'17In e ru= /H-L. so IrE. {N.7"O ou fZ- !3~y /t-R-D ~ fl1'{ wIFe Pr-AJD J:- (..vo U '- 0 Fa 1'ZJ..v /t-fU) Tft-I S LG-7T~ TO W OU'-D ,q P pIZ-Ec'I'I-re IT ,r= you.... THe eI"-JCLoSE:f) szco,"",L:> Co ,oy Or THE. me fZ-70rl G-RouP C? IZ- Tt'f e-f!Z (2..e Vt E"V. fA...) E ~out.-D ~ l-So frPPIZ&C-//fTc t4 /2.ESPG",-sC= 77:J O:.;te. L-&- 7f'E:iZ- Ff2..o ~ In' 13' LI Ty o;=- 13 0'1 ,<.{ 7C"" B E;1'7Ct-l ,r;v/) II-fB l'nofLTol"i G!7-ovP !3 E St37cJr 7'b OCJ(L ffCJ /J1 e l^( NEv.( JC3~SE'f' wE Wl'-l- NO,- BE ITf3L& 70 IJ-rrE~..D lirE f'H G E-r-[N Cr- , N D Ec E rn 13 ElL /9 q b ( I'l 13 () Y /<.I 7"Orl B Ci'Je# () 0 G To P I't m 1'- Y /YI A- T7C3fZ.. s HE f'l-E- f t'{ N E-v-I J EtZsecr . lAJE. Do P(...A--~ TO 13e l M. 13oy' Al~ 13C??teH- A-F-'7""G-fZ- TI+& Harr C-<.JEE-i<=- (N .:J/'t^t (/""':/ 1997. TffJtIUt4 Aj G- y()~ ItNO TH6 tnolL70'" G-/Z,OuP 1/\/ /tDV/#-A.<./3 FoIl- f,l-Et-P INC- SOLVE QUIZ- COH,cetuvs. L.ve- A-ru: / Sf HcerzfLY I '::J Q ct.- ~ C'ffTJt&-R-' /'J 5 m I c A Lt-G"'r. 4. DEC-18-199b 10:08 CHAS. PUTMAN & ASSOC. lie , 8 1996 ffiOO Fax PlANNING AND ZONING OEPT. To: Tambri Heyden, AICP Of: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - PLANNING &. ZONING DEPT. Fax: 561/375.6090 paees: 1, including this cover sheet Date: December 18. 1996 Re: Boulevard Center Last night I talked to Mr. Kerr regarding the R-1AA (PUD) zoning on the subject site. He indicated that his research has never shQv.'ll this property to be included in the Leisureville development. Call me if you fInd out mo~ of the history. tlL ;;, ~f<bj~ fisL From tn8 aesk of... Bradley Millot, Alep Chsrltl3 Putman & AS8ociahils, Jnc. 4122 NWBoca Raton Boulevard Suite C106 Boca Raton. Fl 33434 561 J994.....11 Fn: 5611S904-Q4.47 TOTAL P.01 rn ~DEC21i~ ~ Memorandum ING AND DEPT. Palm Beach County Intergovernmental Coordination Program Clearinghouse 500 Greynolds Circle Lantana, FL 33462 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Administrator Anna Y eskey, Clearinghouse ~(:s December 17, 1996 BOY-ll From: Date: Subject: Please be advised that as of December 17, 1996 the Clearinghouse has not received any formal objections to BOY-II from any participants in the lnterlocal Plan Amendment Review Program. cc: Terry Hess, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIA TES, INC, LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING I ZONING I PERMITTING f ; J j, ('~! _.c'-J ~-:~. -:po..# ....-. ~ - W~l0~U\Vlli~ BocJat I Fax I DEe I 9 f9Q) 94-6411 ~k December 16, 1996 Tambri Heydon, AICP Planning & Zoning Department CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Boulevard Center Application for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning/Text Amendment Dear Tambri: Pursuant to the staff recommendation and response of the surrounding property owners at the Planning & Development Board meeting, we respectfully request that the December 17, 1996 public hearing with the City Commission be postponed for one month. The purpose of the requested postponement is to allow us time to reconsider staff's recommendation of C-1 zoning along the property frontage and maintain the R-lAA(PUD) zoning on the southern portion of the property . We also intend to contact the Leisureville residents to discuss their concerns. We appreciate your cooperation. Please call should you wish to further discuss this matter. Sincerely, CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. cc: Mike Morton a:\blvdctr\rumf.ltr 4722 N.W, Boca Raton Boulevard I Suite C1061 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 If1ie City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacli "~~' 100 'E. 'Boynton 'B~fr. 'Bou1e'VQ.1"({ P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'B~fr.,:JCorida 33425.0310 City 1Iafl: (407) 375-6000 :JJtX: (407) 375-6090 November 4, 1996 The IP ARC Clearinghouse c/o Town Of Lantana 500 Greynolds Circle Lantana, FL 33462 RE: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - BOULEVARD CENTER (LUAR 96-010 AND CPTA 96-002) Attached, please find required documentation on the above-described proposed amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan text and Future Land Use Map. Should you have any questions or need additional information, contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at 375-6260. Sincerely, 'l "(1 9'/ . --d h~'1( ~. ;:U~1c,tt.."L-/ v :/ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:mr Enclosures 5f~rUa's (jateway to tlie (julfstream Page 1 of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: OCTOBER 28, 1996 Reference #: LUAR 96-10 and CPTA Y6-02 General Information Initiating Local Government: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Contact Person: MICHAEL RUMPF Address: 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD, BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 TelephonelFax: 561-375-6260/375-6090 Applicant! Agent: THE MORTON GROUP/CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIATES TelephonelFax: 561-994-3133/561-241-0646//561-994-6411/561-994-0447 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: - amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks - amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: x land use - - traffic circulation - mass transit - ports and aviation - housing infrastructure sub-elements il - 1\ coastal management - - conservation _ ' recreation and open space - intergovernmental coordination - capital improvements other - Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: N/A - . _..,---,.-~---------_.._._- Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: CHANGES TO RECOMMENDATION FOR PLANNING AREA 7.a TO ALLOW COMMERCIAL USE OF SUBJECT PARCEL RATHER THAN RESIDENTIAL AS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECOMMENDS. Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map) SOUTH SIDE OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD~ WEST OF SW 8TH STREET. Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres) 2.5 Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition) MoDR - MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL/7.26 UNITS PER ACRE Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition) LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) R-1AA (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL- 5.40 UNITS PER ACRE NET) Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) C-2 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL Present Development of Site UNDEVELOPED Proposed Development of the Site, ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): OFFICE AND LOW INTENSITY RETAIL USES Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? NO Comprehensive Plan Change Processing - PLANNING AND DEV. BOARD DateITimeILocation Scheduled for L-oattPlarming A:gene)" Public Hearing DECEMBER 10, 1996/7:00 P.M./COMMISSION CHAMBERS-CITY HALL LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY/ DatelTime/Location Scheduled for Governing Body Public Hearing DECEMBER 17. 1996/7:00 P.M./COMMISSION CHAMBER-CITY HALL Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA DECEMBER 13, 1996 ------ ~.,--..---------- __.n._._____~..~- BQ U \.rJ ~~~ ~~~l, ,G E N- rei ~ ~i.I II'''""IIIIIIIIMD Ij r- ~:~ Tnll _, ~ . - " W c i~il~i~@l :l1\~~ : 1'- .."] 1 1_' _ '"' - ~ - .' illiiig', '. '. . I >:- '_" , '-'- n - : ,_ i- , I _ ~ 0= c..C'=" i:=:; . " . ~ "-I.-' i.- -i' "~I IT <-- . .c. , ~ C ' '- rc---; . .' ~ ' ~- ~ - . I '0 ..: 1- <-- i-:;; '-' -- 1- I- Ilfl' ~-l , '. ,'::;n ,~::c: F TI Fi' p~ I : I r:.~; , : '.... ,~1 I '-"' I~ 1 , 1- _.:: j r I- ~-._ f.---~ .....!- - ' R :3 . I, ' I '" , -r:- '--< 1< - ,-, - . ----' .- '1- -- TI.' 1;,12C~~(Jr] ; '~~~'~ .'~.~~rr "' 1- - ; U,-::,:=" , I '-'-4- ~' '.. , ~ \ ,~ ,-' ~ ' -,I'\, I} ! (1.1 T '-IV~ l- ~ \ fl Oii ~ '. ~ U \' _,11 "V' IT . 9J ... 'e"bt.~~;:::! ~ ~.\ ; ". _ "'<:'"'" 1 ' - '.--1 nJ...J ," :t:<--, -<""- '- .... _: C ::::..II!: I '. r,. ~A ~:"~ . '-'_ ;VL.: .~ frrr tr pee : ~~;?o' , .1:.11' ..0,-:-:11 1': \ ~ ~r ~lI'" 111. ~'\I. -- - "t r:-~ t. I . illl- . l!.: ~ ' , " ., ",. ( 170,,,-/ SCA<:H . ,,-<" 5*~ ..J f " .,. . --= I ," -r; TIL' tl.: i.j;;;;" .e L...J.- ~\\t:~.\\;~'~~r- ~~1'~~f! c ;~~';' n ~:'!Ht~) i~ I,' 'i:~'=~ R;3 ~: -- - ~t ! III ,.., ':u.n:r' I'R!- ,.' ~= ~ · 1lII ~ ElIIl.l.I@1[i , . 'i iQl 'i . . ,I I i toi {I "'i 1 ~~ ,10.;-' lIT I- V ffil1lI~ 1 1'= "",I ~~: b=' ;: ~\. :H~" , ~'. ~ ,.r' i=l[~~AI1\~\ :1 ,.... \ mmm \ I ~Ilfhl .............",.. " ' ' ~ ,Tm''-ll llU' jjJ iIlJ!IlllIIl' ~./'r (fT" f== _ .. 0 " ,..._.., fOb:\\? '" ~ ,- ,-' I I;~ 1~ 0'-" 4'-' o. "" (:lIt\ ,,- IlIllIlll!i!! 11 l,1Jfl n 1 ' ,I I I - 1 W, ;, ,till\i;> , ..I": '"~ 1:E~1 I "in!' <l " '~H ~m t f~ ,- 1 1\ 1 0~ t=i ~ J .r<"j'" \ ~~~ JAWfU' I, : ~ - 1T -1 I' ':j ! ' !OJI _;fi ;:, , . .,.,') :. " ! ,.....r"'. ~lffi .. l1l' d ,1 I <IIl.lI ::c r~ ;~, - I--~-~'. S-T ~~q'~!, l' 13 \\ JT r \ ~;\\~! '" ~ . .. \,)~' I" . ( , fTTTIIJ "t' .. . .':I'J r 1 t I \ I-- h TT II LIILIJ..J I~ ...."'c", ~ l ',_ ~,.~// T ,. \ C ( 1.11 n. < r ,TIT '" ~\ ....,.. ~ '"i ' I: ...J . [1 ,1 ~ '-\ . ~ ; ~ ~ " i: ::, on ... d-l+l-r:::d '. : ~ \~~ <' /, '. ~\l 'I!- 'z J[ L- ~UO l EiifftEB ' . ' //)->~,.: ,. ....,~. -. y" .~- \' "'>:.':"7' \ -- ~ ~ I [I . ,;(j "'P.).;;,;.. ." ,.... ~."?',.Wq ,-e~HT III IlllT111 , '''. .ty~ ~. " . "., " LACE" \ ;\ \' T \ \f~!\, . ,j "i/I.> ',~.' . Ul - ?, .', _ t. " ~' A'~~' ~, U I , .' _" I- x.. -~"., \ , ~T.\r E~~ ;-,~" ,,\~,?-~_~ .", '\\ ~cS-r PU Pi, ~~ , . r11 r Tl .r >-< ~ ' ' - _ ,w_ l';.~ ."~ ~., ~ l;':;~-r -~ 1q~.I. ,~. :tt 1.:\:~ ~"_ I',' ,i, ~ 11 ..' TI I I d -;::J ~~ ~ \ I L-.l iU--=- .. :: ,t ~ ~ ~S, ::t.~, ) i! \~ \ ~ l,:h' \ r ~TI11 ~.=~k"'~ .. , . ' ~~~ Ii ,,_ .~~ & \--';;!JlI . . ..' ' ,,. ~., \..JJ _ ',,-= __ _ ..":C.=~::'."-:..' ~ '" 't.L N.'" '1:.. LOC1\T'ON MAP JAA PETI TI j REGARDI NG NOTICE NO_ ,32971, CON SISTI NG SIX (6) PAGES. We, the undersigned who reside in Palm Beach Leisureville, Lake of Boynton Estates and other residents of this area, are extremely concerned regarding the public hearing to rezone and amend the future land map classification on the 2.5 acre Parcel, No. 103 and 105, located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, 400 feet west of N.W. 8th Street. We vehemently oppose the reClaSSiiication from Moderate Density Residential (MO DR) to Lo al Retail Commercial (LRC) and rezoning from R-IAA, Single F mily Residential to C-2, Neighborhood Commercial. /' G( .0:: / -/t' .I~3 /TitY. /C ~ , l1- q (O--~ ~ / f) cr: /0 C~ / .' -, ,,/.r;>..3 7J11- ~ /..t/ /,;) 5~, / "':/ C;' vI}1 c ~ / C'V{J./5 ) - I .111/ 'LvI / 0 . 0 3 i LJ,-, C:-0- /Yj~c~ q{)0 5/~u l~ ~~ ,'7 ;d/ //'~/.. ~ r J?L';!/" //(//~L~---z..~ 7/&'. .J:t", r-J' Jr. V( J ' <3 . ~ L I/'- - . /~ ~~-" {.O '1-5 ~t. .~.--i 4Y~ '_~ ;Z - - -: 6V I J q\~ P ~y /eze", \ I - -r" 'I' '1 / "J-T;.. "'7 {";> ,:h-+,'-- :.... fiLL,.. ,. 6 /, # d 0 ~ '- e '- ,< r:;..? ,/' ~- lfl,t1v'--/~g: ~ ~'1.1 d_.O JUS ~ ~ 'Q ,n if' /7Y~"- ~~ I ~ I AI IN tJL (2r- /, Y.. ' r/J " I '1 ~ " ) '- (;i r-r", Ji-' -> ,. -- /-1::." ~ ~t..' It-' (\ ',r' R /3 /-t 5' '? Y l- .....C /7 NI' //- -!..-';1. f, -r; / -5 I;' /::- '-s '> Cf ? b ~ t07s~f5~S1, i!et:!-- J<~iJ~G Sfr~34Al. ~ - r-;/~L---.c~ /309 Srv,~ I c:!-I' U ( / r OF6 , We, the undersigned who reside in Palm Beach Leisureville, Lake of Boynton Estates and other residents of this area, are extremely concerned regarding the public hearing to rezone and amend the future land map classification on the 2.5 acre Parcel, No. 103 and 105, located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, 400 feet west of N.W. 8th street. We vehemently oppose the reclassification from Moderate Density Residential (MO DR) to Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and rezoning from R-IAA, Single Family Residential to C-2, Neighborhood Commercial. [J 5~ Jlli ~~~PrpIlIP;r, PJ&7. ~J7~ ~~ !9/flfW/3ew,.4Y P'.VN'rp,y)L/f<::fI ~~d/ IJ"I:? Ut/Ir9Jf-g~g~ /1/3 s~ /~ ~'( '" d.b9~- ~kJ //~ rOI '-i~'''''-' .;""""""""'--- .......'U /; I.L. C"~ , $~/~>/?- /y.....( I' ' -I- .). /' . / -', >0--' ", ~;/1/ ...i ~ '-.... t. ,," \..) -- l.-~ _ ("'L /_ ~~A;;t~ t> . '- \) .-'" itL, .. u~ '1; \ '/:JIU<Yl.< e..- \&U i '? .j ; / . ;/ 17~ ~ 00 S\-v,. (0~- p,\. r. TH 0 I :;Lc:J~ ~ L(!j, .~ '/ ~ .:;;;,~ ISO 2-- Jto. 7 r:::- 4 r c.. " . /9~.AJ.cu /3~Avo_ _ r_ ._~ f \/j ~ ''; ~I <:> (2 ~J...__- __ --?t.. /. / /,'c t ~/ w IJ /~"" ; ."- / , I .... ---:: I/" /..--" I B.::.' /v lv' . I U 1/7 <:.. - - I ;/0 JI iJ.-> !,;'< /c,"'. -~ v-"/ \ :; "" l\J t}i, \ 0 +-1+ C ..--t / ~ if Ai. If.-,' ;( Lf tL -clJ"../ .-., 20F6 , We, the undersigned who reside in Palm Beach Leisureville, Lake of Boynton Estates and other residents of this area, are extremely concerned regarding the public hearing to rezone and amend the future land map classification on the 2.5 acre Parcel, No. 103 and 105, located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, 400 feet west of N.W. 8th street. We vehemently oppose the reclassification from Moderate Density Residential (MO DR) to Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and rezoning from R-IAA, Single Family Residential to C-2, Neighborhood Commercial. ( Il liS- l' :J:ka;;~ 'Y~:t--: a--Ld~ h; a...u'--L(~ . ~~~ ~-Al1 Z~~ 30F6 . II I/)2 IVLRJ IDCc ~;:, h. tV ~o C/. l rtf. w: Iocr- 113 17 bif 0 c.:c We, the undersigned who reside in Palm Beach Leisureville, Lake of Boynton Estates and other residents of this area, are extremely concerned regarding the public hearing to rezone and amend the future land map classification on the 2.5 acre Parcel, No. 103 and 105, located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, 400 feet west of N.W. 8th Street. We vehemently oppose the reclassification from Moderate Density Residential (MO DR) to Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and rezoning from R-IAA, Single Family Residential to C-2, Neighborhood Commercial. 11o} 5w . / ~ 40F6 # We, the undersigned who reside in Palm Beach Leisureville, Lake of Boynton Estates and other residents of this area, are extremely concerned regarding the public hearing to rezone and amend the future land map classification on the 2.5 acre Parcel, No. 103 and 105, located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, 400 feet west of N.W. 8th street. We vehemently oppose the reclassification from Moderate Density Residential (MO DR) to Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and rezoning from R-1AA, Single Family Residential to C-2, Neighborhood Commercial. /} / I ' I / _ /?,; J(~~ I~~~ /. b~' ,~ -- !:y~~ ,L' ) "\ -', ) '\. "" --;:J I " ,". / f c; L. /' ~ ~ ~ tJ 1'A / r ( :J.('S.vJ.t~~ 50F6 , '" We, the undersigned who reside in Palm Beach Leisureville, Lake of Boynton Estates and other residents of this area, are extremely concerned regarding the public hearing to rezone and amend the future land map classification on the 2.5 acre Parcel, No. 103 and 105, located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, 400 feet west of N.W. 8th Street. We vehemently oppose the reclassification from Moderate Density Residential (MO DR) to Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and rezoning from R-1AA, Single Family Residential to C-2, Neighborhood Commercial. ~ ~c.~ ~'J...I_.2~w-14d,l33Lf2~ ~~~'- ~}.I )'I~( IY!-~k 1)<M~ ,', ~c..? 'r J-1 l.if.i.~~ ?74-;;L.b /' td~ YI 7 tJ DL~ 1hJ:c '62 (A../ . DC/? C~V1 A J~ 3.J ~ 26 ff. fA). Ou.~ ~ 304 ~ d ~ Li), () (.j) am CWQ 33 /.f,;;j f.o .2 ~:) '3 Lv' ~ (J L-E-/9./V' 11 v~ 3..'3 Y-26 ~ 6 OF 6 , rnm~rnnw~~ z- ~ o ,:. ,,~ c:c _ ? 190c \! i: 1 ,.0, ? ~~ , dl/~J'11l3e/Z.. M;19q, OrrlC& 0 r rifE CITy CLC: ~ ITY 0 r BoY" /\IrON BEh-CI{ f? O. /3o( 3/6 B OyiV 70/'04 BIEr/crt F Lo(2..1 LJ.19 / 33 'f-3 S PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ~ .~ , .. ,J '\(, .'1 (-'I /j -'// /t-TrA.J: ~()2.rJN/'iE M. KR..USE / CI11c../ AAE. ~ try CLE-/ZK.. !2.ErEf2-c/'{CE - NOTICE OF !2..E. 20AJ I/'{ 6 Ctt"A.lGE r /2/3C.Elt/E 0 Ff20M you ,q COP"r OF ritE P/loposcJ) (2L Z-o/'l (/'{ G Crtl'tl"l( GE /LEQ u c s rED 8 y TH-E MOrz..TOi'I G--!2.0up FOIL ;q PflR..CcL OF L,4-/VD IN SCC-T/ON Z9 TOWNS;+tP '+5 SOUTH fZ.rt^lG-E 4-3 Erfs,/ PI'lL/Yl [3GnCH COU^, T"I . MY wire:.. ItAJD L OWN A LE-lSufLE. V/'-'-<5 HoME (tDT !tcE"NT To TINS PFJ(2.CEL OF L-A-N.D. PLAT I3CXJk 2- S(" I 10TH PFtGE )-01- .;z....c 3 I L 07 4-1 B LO ~ 2.. / I L.[.-(Q N. W COv/2.T: WE AILE ft R..ETI rz.E f) CoupLE PROM NEW TEflsEy I. d WILL 11 BE-fZM OR... L-U I't LL- V, L-<.../I G e )It /U D f3 E CCVVSTI2UC-T"€.D BETWc-t:1"I THE. Co #'1 ", &12- CJ ;f l.- 13 us {NSSS 5S FoIZ- au fL SEc.0l2-t T'( /t-/\.IJ) NOl5E !2E-D UC-TlO "I ? W (LL TH&tzE BE P"1. Foil- r/2..u~ T I ffl e '-' J'J1ITS , N ? DeLt l/l5-fZ-I E- '5 &-r-c.... . 7""ff- A . /f1. I'l A.l) . Wl'-L rITe Bus liVen-~ ~NLy Be OPc=-NEi-D lJulU/V6- DRy W6HT Hou!2-S ~ . fA..) 1'-'- /ZE-sT7?-lC.{lO^,S BE- pLAcet) Ot'Y /f1'1~ou.s AIUD FL-/th1mllf-l3~ h1HTElZ.JHLS SUCH As G-rJ-SOL/I*'4~ Olc...s~ LuJ'YtBCL S7ZJ/Z../IC t5 G rc . ( . WlL...~ I2ES77Z.ICTlO~S BE PLl'JCED 0'" ENl.{lflDAJI1IGA/71tL- COr-'iCerz-Ns S(jC-ff- I't-S G-TZ-Ou/"o.J..D ~PILt..- CON~ml/'l{~ LOUD I'J,OISE'S 'S (Jeff "'"S ,4-uTO (2:EP/l-f /Z.... l3,IIJ-N(,-I",a- r FJ IR- POt..-CJTlOrJ SUCH (VOf'.INc.- ODotz,s ItIUO smeL'-'( D () )1It P S rEi- tz.S '( · lA..J {LL T ft l3fZ-E B E ,4 SEc.urz-rry / L-lGHT SYSTE~ lAJ A- L'- CO N N ECT&D TO T7't-~ CHAIr{ .3. AND F1 SECCJ(l.Ify o UrL ,4-D P (2...ESS'G~ .j-OffN r'. In {C!tLL&F CATrtEf2,.(NE- T f11/c!1-Ll.-e:F G 10 It ItW ~5 B 12 ( [) (, E. 12.D1'i.D <2 Ftll-NEY s PCJlN' NEW Tetzsc:y 0 ~067 P NONe (~O V 2- 9 C? - d- 4- 9 7 A~D. I '+C::. N. \.N. L 0 Ttf 13 E-ftC..H COu~ f3 0 Y AflO M.. F 1-0 ru D A 3 3 q... J-{;. Ptb~6 CSGt) 73/-;;'" If3 7 CCJPy 1rT71'tC-H-S' FOtz- THe fJ10fZ-70~ &{Lovl> COP l( U'-J 0 f3fl- S e ft:J/2,4're ('0 VeL 70 r: D l q"-. l< E: fGll- t '+r?- IV. W. 1071-1 routz:T 80'(/'1 ro~ Bet'tCH- r-t-dfZ(;A I 33 'fJ..6 - _._.-._.._---_._---_..._--------~ OrFIC€ OF rifE /J7~f~ , rnlrnc~= ~:~_rniUI ~;~ _ ~ i/~11113 e IZ.. ).....u 11'19' PLANNING AND c./77'" CLe: ZONING DEPT. c..lry GF 130Y'/\IrON f? O. i30( 316 Bo'yllv TO/'{ 73ErtCd FLofZ-lLJ~ 33'1-3 S / If-TT:AJ: ~U2rJN/"iE:. M. KR..uSE: / ~ I ry c LE/Z.K.. fZ.E r .E /LE /'leE. - NOT ICE OF r fZEcElVc 0 Ff2-0rq you ,q. COP'f OF ritE P/lopOSEJ} (2LZ-o/'ll/'lG CHI't/\{GE !Z.EQue ~T&D 8 Y TH-E MO/Z.TON G--fLouP FOIL rJ PflR.CcL OF L~IVD IN. SCCT/ON Z9 TOwN S H- IP 4-5' SOUTH !2..rt-"l G-E 4-3 Er:;s /" PI1l-A"1 i3GnCH COUN TY'. MY WIFe:. ItAJD L OWl'\( A LE-lSUftE. VJ/-.i-.lE HoME' ftDT fteENT TO TlftS PARCEL Or LrtN.D. PlAT !3CXJk 2- Sf' I 10TH PF1GE ;;.... 01- J-c 3 ( LOI 4-1 BLOcx.. Z. / /4-<0 N.W co,", at. W E A f2..E A- /2..E.TI tzE 1) CouPt...E FROM NEW JEflSSY I. Fo (L '{ Eft12-S wE U{~ {TED OCJ(L.. SON fiND H-IS FAmIL'( IN.. l3 0'( N.. TON. BErtCH. EflCH TR./P WE Lco/t!EtJ FoR- /TN /tDUI-T COI11I11 UN IT'( IIV W fHctt To L1V& p , OUIl- SONS IN- L/1tvvs SETTLCa 11'1 PI1LM 73C11-CH LEt S U fZ.e (/ l LL..& 'I EFI f2S A c-o 17 AJtJ wE S fl- "'" IHE. CornrnuiU try fT~ 1'7 s ec.uR-e, QUi ET /t/Uc, L-oVCL.....t PU1C.E. To LivE. we:- PuR-CH/tseo O(J~ ffOl?1E TItEI2..e IN. (<jCf4-. Vue E/v JU L( IH E G( U l EfT Co fr) hi UN Iry L1UII'(& It Nt) fTc.rll/t T' e $ W ITtf 0 TlfE R... {2..ET/ /2.E. D PEoPLE F /2...0 /'1ort 19- t-L \/'I /J l...-/-t:- s OF '-IF!:. Wtt&N WE p u 12.. 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Bus I~e-n-~ C!J/VLy Be opr:=.l"U;:D Du~/VCr D"v W6HT Hou{2.S ~ r, (/ ')t ,,{) tJ ~, ( o.y -L" 't \ \ ( 1.,(. \., j 'fTJ \r ~.J' , W 1'-'- /2.E-srlZ....l c nON s BE- PLAcED Of"{ /f71ZA/Z/:>ou.s AItJD F~~m~~u mHn=~H~ SUCH ,/fs ~HSOL/"'I~ Ol<.S,. LufYtBCL S7l:J/Z.I'fC e G rc .. ~ · WlL-t..- f2EST72./crzo~s BE PLI'IcED 0"",, EN\flfl.DAlI1IGN7?fL- CONcert-N'S. s u C-t1- I't-S G-rLo u I'J. D ~ PI LC- CON711-ml/\[~1 \\ Lou 0 I\U) IS E?S 'S vCff I'J-S 19- u 70 R.:EP /f-( tz... 13HN 6-1"" a- r FJ t R- POL-vllO^, SUCH roO~/NC- ODofl-S ttJUo sme,-,-'( D () mp S rSrz.s '? , ~ , (-t X ~ Co ~./ ,/ ' · fA.) II.....L Tit az.e 13 c PtIVD A SECCJfZ.ITy I'l S EC.urz.rry / L.lGHT S YST'EM l-u A- L.'- Co N N CCT&t:> 7b T1-I-b CHIllt'{ .3. Lt N I<- F GI'J CG f3E-r-k/EE-N o U IZ- Lo T /TO J I'f-e8AJT To i3 0 'I N TC'~ B Efl'eH 13 L C/ l> . 10 P fZ-€. VE5-r-rT PEOPLE. F (l..O Y'V\ LA.J .41U P e ILl ^' G- F {Z. 0 hl. 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Lv-e- {.}-fl-E / S/J,;erz.ft..-y I -::..J Qct:- ~ C'~e=!Z-1^,5 hi leA u..G"F. 4. o UfL ,4-D P (Z..eSs~ IOHN r'. ) n lCft-L-L&F CATrtEfZ-tNG-- T !1?/C/1-l.-L€,c b to H-1tW{4.s BT2t[)G C TZ-01'tD CFt1Z.NEY S 'POl NT NEW JEflSE:Y 0 [f06? PtfCJI"IC (~OV 2- 9 C?- :J- ~ 9 7 A I\JD . I 4-'=- N. \N. f30 Y Al'TOM.- LO TH 13 E1'tCH COu,q- F L-oru{)A 33 q-d-b Ptb/'.46 CSGl) 73/-;L If3 7 (0 Py If- TT"C-H-eIJ ;::a ~ THe. J11 0 fZ-7D;\{. G-R.oc.A' COPl( u'-JDea- sep:J/ZhrE ("ov~ 70 Dlq<:..... 1<-~fG./Z- I 4-fj- N. w. 10711 ro~rz::r B 0'1 /'I]TJ~ B e?tcH- t=f-cJ/Z/;A- I 33 i'-J.6 r. "."----_._-------,----"----_._~-_._~._. , Dep~entofEngmeering and Public Works PO. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Ken L, Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson. Vice Chairman Karen T, Marcus Carol A, Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Admmistrator Robert Weisman. P.E. "An Equal Opportunity Affimw.tive Action Employer' @ printed on fI1C)'d6d psper mjg @ ~ U WI ~ ill U291996 i:, .. ~~~> 'Mm~WgE1!f.O October 24, 1996 Mr. Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: BOULEV ARC CENTER Dear Mr. Rumpf: Per your request, I am providing the following comments on the traffic study for the proposed land use change entitled Boulevard Center. The following quantitative information is provided relative to Palm Beach County level of service standard volumes and Boynton Beach level of service standard volumes (as reported in the traffic study). Size: 2.5 acres Existing Land Use: 7.26 du/ac Dwelling Units: 18 multi-family Daily Trips: 126 Change in trips: 1,636 increase Proposed Land Use: Retail Square Feet Retail: 40,000 Daily Trips: 1,762 Traffic Volume on Boynton Beach Boulevard East of Old Boynton 40,344 818 41, 162 LOS C 46,400 45,000 West of Old Boynton 30,042 736 30,778 LOS 0 55,800 45,000 Existing Traffic: Traffic Increase: Total Traffic: LOS (City): LOS D (County): In your letter, you requested comments relative to conformance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. The stated intent of this traffic study is to determine compliance with the Transportation Element of the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. It was not prepared to address the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. This review does not constitute approval with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. October 24, 1996 Mr. Michael Rumpf BOULEVARD CENTER page two I noticed in my review that the traffic study uses traffic projections that are reported to be from the Traffic Circulation Element Support Document of the Comprehensive Plan. These traffic projects have been modified in the traffic study in an attempt to address an over estimation in the traffic projects. I do not know if this approach is valid. I want to point out that the 2010 traffic projection for Boynton Beach Boulevard, from Old Boynton Road to 1-95, exceed the City level of the level of service standard volume without this traffic projection modification. If you have any questions, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER oZL- "JN~ Dan Weisberg, P. E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn65 Department of Engineering and Public Works P,O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684.4000 . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Ken L, Foster. Chairman Bun Aaronson. Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A, Robens Warren H, Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Roben Weisman. P.E. ....n Equal Opportunity .1j'finnative Action Employer' @ printed on recycled paper I{D) ~ @ ~ U'Q~^ ~ ~ UIJ OOT 2 9 '""0 IJ!J, ~_ .I ~~>~~~~g~~D October 24, 1996 Mr. Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: BOULEVARD CENTER Dear Mr. Rumpf: Per your request, I am providing the following comments on the traffic study for the proposed land use change entitled Boulevard Center. The following quantitative information is provided relative to Palm Beach County level of service standard volumes and Boynton Beach level of service standard volumes (as reported in the traffic study). Size: 2.5 acres Existing Land Use: 7.26 duJac Dwelling Units: 18 multi-family Daily Trips: 126 Change in trips: 1,636 increase Proposed Land Use: Retail Square Feet Retail: 40,000 Daily Trips: 1,762 Traffic Volume on Boynton Beach Boulevard East of Old Boynton 40,344 818 41,162 LOS C 46,400 45,000 West of Old Boynton 30,042 736 30,778 LOS 0 55,800 45,000 Existing Traffic: Traffic Increase: Total Traffic: LOS (City): LOS D (County): In your letter, you requested comments relative to conformance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. The stated intent of this traffic study is to determine compliance with the Transportation Element of the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. It was not prepared to address the Palm Beach County Traffityc c:. Performance Standards. This review d?e~M':'.otcons!itute app~oyal w~ '* the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. " .__,.._~___~.,_...._..,.._,._.___ ~_ '''.r_,_ -. --'~.- ..-- October 24, 1996 Mr. Michael Rumpf BOULEVARD CENTER page two I noticed in my review that the traffic study uses traffic projections that are reported to be from the Traffic Circulation Element Support Document of the Comprehensive Plan. These traffic projects have been modified in the traffic study in an attempt to address an over estimation in the traffic projects. I do not know if this approach is valid. I want to point out that the 2010 traffic projection for Boynton Beach Boulevard, from Old Boynton Road to 1-95, exceed the City level of the level of service standard volume without this traffic projection modification. If you have any questions, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~JN~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn65 %e City of 13oynton 'Beacli October 22, 1996 Mr. Patrick Martin, District Engineer LWDD 13081 Military Trail Delray Beach, FL 33484 Dear Mr. Martin: SUBJECT: BOULEVARD CENTER (LUAR 96-010) APPLICATION FOR LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT Please evaluate the attached information for determination of impact of the above-referenced application on existing facility capacity. Please forward your comments, and convey any questions you may have to Mike Rumpf of this office, who can be contacted at 375-6260. I thank you in advance for your assistance with this review. Sincerely, r- I - / -=:Z--nv("~;_ ,ZJU; [~ Tambri J. Heyden AlCP Planning & Zoning Director Attachment Tlli:mr Ylmerit4's gateway to tIU gulfstream I I I I , I I BOULEV ARD CENTER Land Use Amendment, Text Amendment & Rezoning APPLICATION DESCRIPTION & JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT September 19, 1996 Application Summary This petition requests that a 2.5 acre parcel be rezoned from R-lAA (Residential PUD) to C-2 (Neighborhood Commercial) and that the Future Land Use Plan designation for this parcel be amended from MoDR (Moderate Density Residential) to LRC (Local Retail Commercial). Because of the size of the property, this application should be processed as a small scale land use amendment. This property is located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard approximately 600 feet west of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Beach Boulevard (SW 8th Street). Attached as Exhibit A is a map showing the site location. Supplemental to this petition, an application has been filed for a Text Amendment to Area 7.a. of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities Section of the Future Land Use Element Support documents of the Comprehensive Plan to allow Local Retail Commercial land use on the north 2.5 acres (the subject site) of the vacant property located on the east side of Palm Beach Leisureville. Site Description Surrounding Uses - The subject site is undeveloped and surrounded by a single family residence, vacant single family lots and the Boynton Memorial Chapel Funeral Home to the east, vacant property designated for a City park to the south, single family residences of the Leisureville development to the west and the multi-family residences of Casa Blanca on the north side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. The property has approximately 200 feet of frontage along the 6 lane Boynton Beach Boulevard major arterial. Land Use & Zoning - The property is currently designated as Moderate Density Residential by the Future Land Use Plan and is zoned R-IAA. The existing land use permits a residential density of 7.26 units per acre which would allow for the development of up to 18 single family units. The R-lAA zoning further restricts the residential development by limiting the lot area to 8,000 square feet. Based on this minimum lot size, the greatest number of lots achievable without considering roadways, parking, buffers and other development standards is 13. This petition requests the land use to be changed to Local Retail Commercial and a rezoning to the C-2 district. These designations allow for the development of any use permitted by the C-2 zoning district. However, in addition to the prohibited uses outlined by the C-2 section monon\mort. rpt 2 September 19, 1996 i I I I I I , ~ ~ - - - - of the Land Development Regulations, the applicant proposes to further prohibit the following uses: · Automotive service station, without major repairs (see definitions: "major repairs"), and including car washes as an accessory use, provided that at least one (1) frontage lies along a four-lane collector or arterial road, and the site is developed in accordance with Section 11.L. In the C-2 district, repair and service of vehicles, other than refueling, shall be limited to automobiles, motorcycles, and pick -up trucks with a rated capacity of not more that one (1) ton. All repair and service of vehicles shall be done within an enclosed building. · Dry cleaning service, limited to handling goods that are brought to the premises by retail customers. · Dry cleaning on premises, limited to handling goods that are brought to the premises by retail customers. · Any use listed under 6.B.l or 6.B.IA of the Land Development Regulations, which uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials, or which generates hazardous waster as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 261. r The maximum development allowed by the proposed commercial designations could be lover 87,000 square reel in a Iwo slory building based on the development standards of the C-2 '~ zoning district. This petition however proposes a maximum of 40,000 square feet which is only 1 46% of the maximum development allowed. The proposed uses would generally consist of office .: and low intensity retail. Retail uses would be limited to a one story building. ---- History In November 1990, this parcel was subdivided from a larger property of which the southern 3.617 acres was dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for parks and recreation purposes. Both the park land and the subject site are currently undeveloped. This subdivision created the subject 2.5 acre site and exhorts that it is no longer suitable for residential development. Two previous applications have been filed for commercial land use and zoning changes on this property since 1990. The fIrst application in 1990 proposed C-3 zoning for a farmers market and drive-through dairy barn. This application was not supported by City staff or the Planning & Zoning Board and was ultimately denied by the City Commission. The second application in 1991 proposed medical offices by changing the zoning to the C-l district. This application received a recommendation of approval from staff and the Planning & Zoning Board. City Conunission voted to deny the application. mortonlmort. rpt 3 September 19. 1996 NOU-14-1996 11:47 CHAS. PUTMAN & ASSOC. 5619940447 P.01 FAX COVER ill DATE: CHAR ES PUTMAN & ASSOCIA rES, INC. rn @ m n WI m LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING. ZONING' PERMITTING 2 N.W. Bocs Raton BoulQvarrJ, Suits 0-100 Ou , 4 9J3 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 N IV Telephone (&81) 114-6411 FAX (661) OQ4-0447 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: FAX NO. 06/-37S-co1Q TO: FAX NO. TO: FAX NO. FROM: 4r-&t/1:7 4/kr- Re: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER PAGE: c:z.- If you do not receive all the pages, please call (561) 994-&411. COMMENTS: o URGENT! ':J Please reView and call me with your comment. o For your information o Please review and send comments \lie FAX o Per your request o For your review and file D Please call to discuss o Original to follOW via m~i1 OTHER: . ,~ : " NOU-14-1996 11:47 CHAS. PUTMAN & ASSOC. 5619940447 P_02 CHARLES PUTMAN & ASSOCIA TES, INC, LAND DE\lELOPMENT CONSULTANTS PLANNING f ZONING I PERMITTING Boca Roton I (407) 9QA-6411 Fax' (407) 99.4-0447 FAX MEMORANDUM Date: November 11. 1996 From: Bradley Miller To: Mike Rumpf Via: Fax No.~38-14J' Page 1 of 1 Subject: Boulevard Center I discussed your request of Ii traffic study for concurrency purposes with Maria Palombo, the project traffic consultant. She raised a good point. Since we are not proposing a speciflC development plan, she cannot accurately prepare a study to address traffic performance standards. The traffic study that has been submitted provides the analyses required for the Comprehemive Land Use Plan amendment and rezoning. Once a user and specific development plan is identified a traffic 8tUdy for concurrency purposes can be prepared and transmitted 10 Dan Weisburg at the COUDty for review and approyal. Please call to further discuss this matter. wpSl \marton\bl>'dllll,filll Fax copy to: Mike::: Morton Maria Palombo 241-0646 :5611795..0230 4722 N.W. Boca Raton Boulevard I Suite Cl061 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 TOTAL P.02 ~'" 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 October 28, 1996 Board 01 Supervisors C. Stanley WeflNer Kennlt Dell John I, WhllWotth III Secr8taJylManager William G, Winters Assistant Manager Richard S, Wheellhan Anomey Perry & Schone, P.A, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT \.. ,/'-_/,.... ./',....j\...jA.....~"..J,.........'--- J,,~,. '....._ '''-...,^-.....! Mr. Michael W. Rumpf, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Subject: Application for Land Use Plan Amendment - Boulevard Center LUAR 96-010 The above referenced parcel does not fall within the boundaries of the LWDD. Should the drainage design for this parcel of land wish to utilize the Boynton Beach Boulevard drainage system for stormwater discharge, annexation into this District may be required. As always, thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. Sincerely, T ^ VP UTnR'T'U nD A TlI.T ^ r..v nI<;lTDTr''l' ~-~..~ ..~.~_~ ~H_~. ~\b Chief Inspector SJW fmth c: Ronald L. Crone, P.E., P.L.S., Assistant Manager, LWDD Patrick A, Martin, P.E., District Engineer, LWDD 00 cr 3 0 1996 ill Delray Beach & Boca Raton 498-5363 . Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach 737-3835 . FAX (407) 495-9694 fJ1U City of t:Boynton ~eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boukvarrf P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Beadi, ~CoruUz 33425.0310 City:HiJll: (407) 375-6()()() ~JU: (407) 375-6090 October 5, 1996 Mr. Dan Weisburg, P.E., Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 RE: Traffic Analysis for Boulevard Center (LUAR 96-010) Dear Mr. Weisburg: This office is processing a rezoning/land use amendment request for the above-referenced project, which is located on a 2.5 acre site on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, approximately 400 feet west of the intersection with Old Boynton Road. Please review the accompanying traffic analysis and comment relative to conformance with the Palm Beach County traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. In addition, in fulfillment of requirements of the Department of Community Affairs for consistency review, please include in your response the specific quantitative information which indicates the actual traffic stated in the study, the current status of roadway operation, and the resulting surplus (or deficit) existing on the roadway after project completion. As indicated to you before, the format of your response to the Woolbright Commercial rezoning traffic analysis (dated January 23, 1995), ideally fulfilled our needs as well as those requirements of DCA. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 375-6260. Sincerely, Jtu ~ G-' - 7L- Michael W. Rumpf Senior Planner Attachment MISCX:BCTRTRF .9l.merial's (jateway to tlU (julfstream .~."'., ~ -*':::, ~~ "," o ~'6:;":~ ~ ~ SWA March 21, 1995 SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY YOUR PARTNER FOR SOUD WASTE SOLUTIONS City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Ann: Planning Director Subject: A vaiIability of Solid Waste Disposal Capacity Dear Planning Director: The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County hereby provides certification that the Authority has disposal capacity available to accommodate the solid waste generation for the municipalities and unincorporated county for the coming year. This letter constitutes notification of sufficient capacity for concurrency management and comprehensive planning purposes. Capacity is available for both the coming year, and the five and ten year planning periods specified in 9J-5.005(4). As of September 30, 1994, the Authority's North County Landfills had an estimated 38,200,000 cubic yards of landfill capacity remaining. Based upon the existing Palm Beach County population, the population growth rates published by the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business and Research (BEBR), and projected rates of solid waste generation, waste reduction and recycling the Solid Waste Authority forecasts that the existing landfill capacity will be depleted in approximately 2021. The Authority continues to pursue options to increase the life of its existing facilities and to provide for all of the County's current and future disposal and recycling needs. As part of its responsibility, the Authority will provide an annual statement of disposal capacity, using the most current BEBR projections available. . If you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. v~:zo~~ Marc C. Bruner, Ph.D. Director of Planning and Environmental Programs 00 rn@~nw~ rn MAR 2 2 '~,",r- .-.... .... ,j PLANNING AND ~ ZONING DEPT. 7501 North Jog Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 (407) 640-4000 FAX 683-4067 Recycled pape, -~"'T .-....-..~ ---