APPLICATION Kilday It Aaoclet_ Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 December 18, 1995 ~ Mr. Michael E. Haag, Current Planning Coordinator City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: The Isles at Hunters Run - Board of Adjustment Applications Our File No. 1247.2 Dear Mr. Haag, Please find attached two (2) separate Board of Adjustment applications for the proposed Isles at Hunters Run residential development. The first application pertains to the north property line perimeter buffer wall adjacent to the WXEL television/communications facility. The applicant is requesting a variance from Chapter 2, Article III, Section 4.L. of the City's zoning code to allow a pre-cast masonry wall ten feet (10') in height for a distance of approximately two hundred thirty (230) linear feet along the north property line. The applicant believes that this request is justifiable due to the fact that an existing non-residential use is immediately adjacent to proposed zero lot line single family dwelling units. The second variance pertains to a proposed off-premise sign at the intersection of Summit Drive and Westlake Drive. This intersection is approximately three hundred fifty (350) feet from the actual entrance of the Isles at Hunters Run development. The applicant is requesting a variance from Chapter 21, Article III, Section 6.C.5. of the City zoning code to allow the proposed sign to exceed the permitted sixteen square feet of sign face area. The applicant believes that this request is justifiable because the subject property is setback approximately three hundred fifty (350) feet from the nearest roadway, and because the applicant is proposing to construct his entry wall/identification sign off-site where the sign will be most visible. As you are aware, the warranty deed and owners consent forms were previously submitted to you and are on file with the City. Also enclosed are a tax map indicating effected property owners within four hundred feet, list of the property owners, a certification affidavit, and mailing envelopes for the property owners. Mr. Michael E. Haag December 18, 1995 Page 2 Please feel free to call this office with any questions you may have regarding the aforementioned applications. Sincerely, Q.J~ Lindsey A. Walter cc: Andrew Steinberg Carrie Parker,City Manager LAW4/jb/haag.d18 J2.9 LEGEND 1. SUMMIT DR. 2. CLUBHOUSE LN. 3. CONGRESS AVE. (SR 807) APPROXIMATE SCALE 1" = 300' JANUARY 1995 PHOTO FOR INDIVIDUAL COPIES OF AERIAL MAPS DR PHOTOS CAll The National Data Research Center BRoWARo (305) 321.7593 DADE (305) 685.5731 FLORIDA WATS (800) 833.5110 NATIONAL WATS (BOD) 421.1052 / . ~ 1 ~ ~H \", t t(. · ~V t . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - o '0' ~' . -, u'-W Ii ~\ lli ~=o~7.a. ~ ~ aOARD or ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Submittal Deadline: Five (5) weeks before meeting dat PLANNING AND ZONING DEllI Please print or t.ype Submittal date: The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) .the Board of Adjustment to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the. existing Zoning or sign Code of said city pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is aescribed as follows: Lot(s) 104.0 Block n/a , SUbdivision n/a Plat Book n/a , Page n/a or c~herwise described as follows: ...." Property Address Northwest corner of Congress Ave & Summit Drive The following documents are required application to form a single package. accepted: 1. A sealed survex by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: ~. to be submitted- ~ith this Incomplete package will not be A. All property lines E. North arrow C. Existing structures anQ paving D. Existing elevations E. Rights-of-way, with elevations F. Easements on or adjacent to the site G. utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an aore J. Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. A site plan properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site c. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the properly lines to the closest vertical wall of structures 0 D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the county Courthouse. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attachedf stating that to the best of the applicant I s knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. Proof of ownership of property purchase contract agreement. petition. a notari~ed copy of a accompany the petition. S. Statement of special conditions, hardships or -reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions celcw (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type): 4. by petitioner(s), such as deed or If an agent is submitting the letter designating him as such must , 0 A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN~ APr~ICATION Page 2 B. That the speciaL conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions_of the applicant; c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied, by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; , E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; . ' F. That the granting of the variance-will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be. injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. Application fee in the amount of $275, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany this petition. Summit Associates, Ltd. 7. Name and address of owner: 200 Admirals Cove Blvd Jupiter, FL 33477 8. Name of applicant: Kieran J. Kilday - Kilday & Associates, Inc. Applicant's adciress: 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100 West Palm Bea~h, FL 33401 Applicant I s phone #; (407) 689-5522 ____::::~_~~'~~:~_______:~~:::~::_:~_:::~~:::~~~-~~~~ To ~e completed by the Building Official or Representative 1. Property is presently zoned: {./- ~ Formerly zoned: YUO.,JjLvl-4 I .2. Property Control Nwnber: 06 ... A 3 ~46 - 06 - 00- 000- l040 3. Denial was made upon existing zoning or sign requirements (list sections[s] of Code from which relief is required): ~v+\oV\ A.:J.Q. o? CL,et\pte-v ~ 01 ~ r~t~ ~ ~k~ ~ 4. Nature of exception or variance required: ~ ~~ w~~*~o~ ~~ _10 - ~ ~'t~ eve -G'lb1' ~CI)" ~J~ ~ '" cSl,~ -' _ D~ ~\';~ ~.1,O.P1MRAW ~ oL,~~ t^~~~~ Date: tJ/A Permit denieci: ~ , al.1ilding Department 5. Case Number: 214 Meeting Date: ~e:B la' Gte; ~------------------------------------------------------------------~--- To be filled out by Board BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Approve~ 'Aye Denied Nay Stipulations: signed: Chairman ~ C E R T I FIe A TI ON TO. THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. ~L?J~. . APl?LIC~ AGENT~~r'~. . ,......... l3RDOFADJ'.DOC Rev.l/91 '- TEL NO:407-68~592 " , ~.' -;r .. N("IV-29-' 95 WED 10: 30 ID~':-:"'LDAY & ASSOC **188 P07 I' III. C1t~TIlIC"'1'rOH (I) (We) understan~ that this application and all paper. and plans submitted herewith becomft a part. of t:hs permanent: records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above atatements and any statements or showln;B 1n any papars or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (mi) (out) knowledge and belief. ~hlB appllaat1o~ will not be .ao~pted unlo.. algned aocording to the inlt~uatlDn. belDw. f- iilgnatu~ or Trustee, of Authorized prinoipal if property is QWP8~ by . corporAtion Qr other bu.!n... entity. Thomas Frankel,Vice President 1(/29/1f' I Date IV. or ~GENT S gnature efll. tor.: ze ).aent K!eran . J .1<n~ ay K11 ay Associates. Ine, (1) (We) heroby designate the above .lgne4 person a8 (my) (our) authoriz~d agent in regard to this application. /~.3CJ:95 Date f.- a gnature of ownBr s or Trustee, or Authorlz8~ Principal if property is owned by a corporation Ot other business entity. Thomas Frankel, Vice President ~' . //&J[ I a e ~PACB BELOW THIS ~~"~ FOR OffICE U~~ o~ Review Boh-du18. Date RecelvecS Technical Review Boa~4 Planning , Zoning Board Community ~ppear.nc. Soard City Commission Stipulations of Final ~pprov.lc l)a~e Date Oat:e Dat.. r 1 Other Government Agencies/Psrsons to be contacted. Additional Remarks. rrr , ~"'~".~"1i; ,)~. '~'~:~>~~j~ ,. ',,', ':~ ~~.::: ;- . PLANNING' ZONING DEP~RTMENT - November, 1991 1\aSltePlan r ~ SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Fax. 15787 :::1!'. ::r. ' J TH:IS IND~NTURE, made and entered into this ~~; day of A I-J"> 1C A.~ ' 1978, between CHk."'T:::R DA CORPORATION, a ~~cri.da rporatj.on, whose post offic_9 ac.;:=eBR .ill 1 Chase Ma~r.~ttan Plaza, New York, New York, Grar.tcr, an~ SU~~:T ASSOCIA~S, LTD., a Flor~da limited partnersh~?, whose ?CS~ oEfice address ia P.O. Box 365, Boynton Beach, F~o~ida, 33435, Gran~er ~, :::. c.,.; , c:> ........ ~ ,WI'I'NESSETH& c= r-- .. That aai.d Grantor, for and in cor.aidera.tion ~ 1:he sum ,of ,::E'EN !:CLLA.~ ($~O.O"O) and other good and valua::,le consideration to luLid Granc:.o:"" in hane! paid by said G=ano;ee, -:.he receipt c~md :suffi- ciency of which is hereby acknoW'~edge~, hy ::h('l!le preSB:'l.ts aoes hereby grant, oargain, and convey to the sa::.c Grantee, llnd GrA:ltee 's successors L~U assigns, forever, the fo:lo~ing oescribed real property, sit',late, ...y~:'l.; and be.!.ng in i'aJ.::l Beach ':ol:n':~', Flo:-.:.ca, to-wit: (a) All that certai~ ~anc (the' :'a:'l::!" l sitUAte in Palm Beach Coun~y, F~o=~da, m=re ~a~~~c~arly described in Exhibit "A" attached" heret:) ane r,,<l:::a a ;lart hereof !or All purpOae8J Cb) All rights, privi~eges, tene~ents, hereditaments, ~gbts-of-way, easements, appendn~es, appurtenances, reversions, remainders, anc r:.p",rian 0:= littoral rights, if any, belonging or in any wi~e apper~aininq to the Land! and C~ A1.~ l.Dlprovementa a.!.t:uat.. 1;pon the LAnd, with the except:i.on of that certain seW4",e treatment facility s!.tuate upon the Land, and all ccm':ent~ ~d components appurtenant th'ereto. (The items described in (Al, (b) a~ (c), B~ora, being hereina=ter collec~ively referred to as the "Real P1:'operty" .) . And, Grantci? hereby covenants with lIaie. ~ra:'ltee tl'lat it is lawfully seized o~ !'laid Rea.l Property i:l fee 5i~?le; that it has good ri.ght an: ~avful authO'rity ,to sell arid co:,,','e'( said Real l':-:1perty r that it ~ere::sy :u1ly warrants the title to ::;a..:: Real ?roperty and will defend t.~e 'same against the l.aw!ul cla:-~.9 of al~ pe.rsons c~a.ir.U.ng by, through or under th~ said Gra~ tc.r. And, Grantor does hereby remiss, release, und quit-claim without, \.rar:canty, I.:nto the said' Grantee, al~ t:.e =:.=.i':-:., title, interest, claim ,,'../, and der.and, if' any, \oIhic,h the Grantor may :"lave i:- and to the fo~::'owirig I ~,I..;v descJ:i!:leci property, s.ituate, lyinq and bei:lg :.n Pallr. Beach County, ~S,"7;'S.OOF~orida, to-wi~: 143:2,50 (a) Al~ right, title and interes~, if any, in and to any st-"'Bets,. ways, a.~~eYB, sotri.ps or gores o! land adjoining t!:e Land; and (1:>1 All right, tit~e and int.erest, if allY, in ar.d to that certain sewage t.reatment ,-~aci:'ity situate upon t.'l.e Land, aDd a~l contents and components ap?urtenant there~o; and (c) A~1. reversionary r.iqhts, if any, to that certain parcel of land descJ:ibed j,n I::xhil:i t "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, together wit~ all i~provements, .if any, c:l.tuAte on or undp.r sale. land; . This coaveyance is made subj~ct to the :0110\olin9; ~. Taxes for the"year 1,978 and subsequent years. 2. App~:icable zoning ordinances u:'ld r:equ1ationa. PALM IJfF Z 8 0 I - 1 5 a ' liEACH ilE:: .. PAG: w 4 ~,. Fax " ~ 3. All C?ther ,restric:t.ions, rese:Vil tionl. covenants, concU.tionll, and easement!! of record. ' -' 4. 'All matters which would be c!.scles!!d by an accurate s~vey and inspectio:1 of the premises. , , . IN WITNESS WHEREOI', Gra.ntor has ca\:sed these presents 'to be executed in .!ts"name, by a corporate officer. d\:.lyauthorized, the Cla.y and year .f1.rst above writt.en. ~ \ 'oJl' . :......~... ~ .~.. . I;' ,..:,.~ ...... <:.~~. ~u.. '. C;.'I.#" ".~.. .,,:.~~.. "..{.. ~,.,I' :;:.'t..r,"' \: ! I' : {":o:' ..~~.J lI> i::\ ~~ ~ ",':' (S' "':'=>,~ "'l:.~" -: :}: E: ~.(.:,- "-J.;O) 4::;;.::.' \: ~\'-' Q)"," c/..;!. . '~~;~~.~';.'\~~1~.5:.';:'.~. ~.:..~$. '~~'~":J.U..;,\';),.,~,., .' '/#". O\v._ iJ.:,,"''wo: f.::~.:;,"'~~r.~"~ .~. . ...~ By; :, CHl\..~TER DilIVE S~A1'E OF NEW YORI< COlJN'1'Y OP' -,A...t.w 7fJc- } ) ) r ff!:REBY CER'l'r!'Y that on this day, befor-e me, an officer ciu1.y auther~%ed in the sta.te and County aforesaid ~o t~ke ackn~~ledgment5, parser-aHy appeared I~IIIJ ~H H .57'f,.I...;?: eE ...,e~: known to me to be the preaiden: or tie corporation ,",a.:;..ao as gran~o: in the foregoing c!eed. and <;hat :-.e :le';e=a1.~y ack:1.ow~edged exe~ut1ng '.;he same .in the presence of twc ~;,:bsc=ih:::.:;; wit.."'leases freely 6nd voluntarily \iI}.de.-.: authority duly v8s'.;ed :.:-: i::ll'. by said cor;;:ora-:ion and that t.~e seal aff.ixed thereto is the tr:;6 corporatE seal of said c:crpc:raUon. WI~~ESS my hand an~ aforesaid this ~ day OffiC?),l seal ir. of 1-..<. ~ .1 " . thE:! County a.nd Sta.te '::'ast A . D. 1978. :.".,,\:.~i:':,~:~; i~(/..:::~'; , ) -....' 'R;. .'..:. .... .." '. ' Ii....' ~..L /' ...., .I";;'~.~i. ~3t;; ','<~!>}\' ~ '-/-,~x.Jj.. ti0~~r~~ '~-""',".~~ ~ota::y ;' u.\Jl_c "; J: .. -Co " 'V' : '" = . - .'.. .. .,,'.'-. My cO:!'w':\ission expi~:~~~h'~i4J;.t '.',,,, fj;((cf J .R,.'~ .<lI.;:<,.!.~:'" :' :.":' ~,,~....,,: , R..~fl Ii. Cl~~ ''''''-.:zt~)~ ~ .... k'" we: :Pat" 01 u..... 'Dt'IV......-",...... "cr~~'( I'~c" zi.....i3S.il " 'L1~lid i. ....~& cou,,', .....l.l r;'NJI: :(c:"'. y~1L cc:utt, C''i~:~'is;", _~ch '9. ~,,11 (SEAL) ~At~ Of~ 28t)1.pP;G~ 1S9S IEACi\ REf; " l " , i , , ~ , '\ - ExHIaIT ..' A N The fo~lowing lands, sit:uAt.~, lying a.n'd being il:l. Palm Beo.ch ,County" F~oridA, to .....it: All of Section 6, Township 46 South, ~ange 43 East, Palm Beach County, P1orida, LESS AND EXC2P'l' The Eaat 53.0 feet theracf1 AND The E 1/2 of Section 1, Township 46 so\:e:, Range.c2 :::ast, 'Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS AND EXCEPT the follo.....i.ng ~escribed pa.rcels: (1) The W 1/2 of ~he sw 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of ~he 51!: 1/4 of said Sect1.on 1.1 and (2) The W 1/2 of the Sf: 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 1. . A.~D FURTHER LESS. AND EXCEPT 1'he ~ol1.ow.ir.q described parcels of 1a.nd: PARCEL "A": (Por Lake ~lort.h Drainage Disl:rict Canal Lateral lITc,. .2B) The North 40 feet of the lITE i/4 of Section I, Township 46 South, Range 42 Ea!'l..: and The North 40 :eet of Gover:-_-::er.t Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 Iving in the W ~/2 of Section 6, To....nsh1.p 46 SO"J eM, ?anqe ..; 3 Eas t, LESS AN:) ZXCEl'T the Ea. t. 5 3 . 0 fee t of Governme n': Lo': 1; A!m , PARCEL ":a": (por Lake Worth Drainage Di:>trict Canal Lateral No. 29) ~or a point of beginning of the fol!o~ing '~eRcdbed 85 foot st:-ip o~ land, start at II poi:1t on the ~':es"; line of tbe =: 1/2 of Section 1, T:::lwnsh;:.p 46 South, Range ';2 Eaat 20.01 feet: t;'crth 00 05' 39" ~;est of the center 0: Section ~i thence 1,899.98 feet, Sout.'1 8Se 20' 46" East to a point; thence p:oceed on a curve to the r.:.ght, having a ra.d~us of 459.30 feet an are distance of 713..72 fent, anc. a Chord of 644:05.' . feet, chord lJeariIl.;J S '-3D 49' 44" E to a point; thenco 2',193.51 feet South 00 41' 19" West to a point on the Nort:: J..:.ne of Lake ~'orth Orainaqe Cistrict Lateral No. 30; theno::e es.c:> feet N'orth 870 42' 45" ~lest along ~e ~orth line of Lateral No. :!O to a point; thence 2,19~.14 feet N:)r~ D. 41' 1.9" East to a pointi thancc proceed ',Jr. a curve '=0 the left, ~aving a radius of 374.30 feet, a!". arc ~i8tance of ~Bl. 64 feet, and a chord of 524.86 feet, chord bearing l':orth 430 49 I 44" ~est to'a. point; thence ~,B97.39 :feet North 88020' 46" West to a point on tbe West loine of the E 1/2 of Section 1, 7o....:1shii? 46 Soutl1, Range 42 E.Ulti ther.oe proceed North 00 OS" 39" West <:. :iistanc:e 0: 85.04 ~eet along said ~lest l.ine of the E 1/2 of Sect:o:-. 1 :0 the po:.nt of ::Jcginn- in.; JU:D, PARCEL "C": (For Lake Worth Drainage Dist=:..ct Canal Lateral No. 30) The So~th 110 feet of ehe E 1/2 of the SW ':/4 of the SW l/~ o~ the SE 1/4, o.r.d the South 110 feet of the E l/Z' -::: '.::Je SI:: 1/4 of t!1.e SW 114 of the S1: l/4, and the Sout.'1 110 feet 0: '.:~~ SE 1/' of the SE 1/4, of Section l, 70wnship 46 South, R~nge 42 East: AN:::, The So~th no feet of Government Lot 7 lying in the SW 1/4 of Section 6, '.t'Ol."r.ship 46 South, Range 43 East, and the Sou':h 110 feet of the SE: 1/4 of the SU 1/4 of Section 6, and the Sout~ 1:'0 feet of the S::: 1/4 of Sect~on 6, Township 46 South, Range 43 ~es~, ~ESS AND EXCEPT the :East 53 feet thereof1 AND, PARe!:!. "!)": A pa.rcel of land being Jr.ore particular1.y descr~bQd as !oI10ws: Beg:.:m.ing for the same, at a poi.:1t distant (1) South 00. 33' 16" West 785.37 feet and (21 South 880 46' 47" ~cst ~3.03 feet from the No:t~e~et corner of Section 6, Township 46 South, Range 043 Ba!!t, saia point dso l.yinq in the southerly rigr.t-c:-w.ay line of ~e8t Chap'!l Hi~l Road (nO'", known as Charter Cri.....e ~orth~, and the ....esterly right-of-way l.ine of Congress Avenue. and being the l;ortheas t corner of the parcel hereinafter described, and rur.:1:':1g thence wi. th p~rt o~ said COngress Avenue (1) South 000 33' ~6" ;-{est ~96.S1 feet to a pain: i thanc8 1..... v;i.ng ..id right-oi-way line (2 J~Qrt.h S'" S 7' 14" West 528.39 ~eet to a poin~; thence (3) Sou":.:"! 79046' 47" West 401.87 feet to a paint; thence (4) North 000 331 16" East lQ02.CO feet to a point ~ t.":e soc.therly r1.qht:-of-way line cf ~est C~ape1 HUI Road (now ic:lown as Cl:areer Drive North): thence wi er. pAr:: of &aid right:"o!-way line, is) Nc:th aa 0 46' 47" East 922.00 fc'!!t to t..~e point of begin!1:i.n91 AND, ' PALM ~FF Z 8 0 I 4 59" BEACH. m ~ PAGE I C - : i~. ~ ;- ''-' '. -~: "W' . ' ?ARC.BL "B- f All of ,the PJ:at of CHARTBR' WORLD, ,aec:or-di~9 eo. -che Pla-c thereo~, .. rr.corded in Plat Boak 31, at Page 21, of the P'ubl..ic Records of Pa~m Beac1'. County, Flori.da; AND, PARCEL "?-s A parcel of-lancllying in sec::.on 6, Township 46 Soutt., RAnge 43 .Ea8 \:, , Palm Beach County, Florida, and being more part;1,culArly de8cr:1.:!:lIilC: ..11 follow8: a89'inn1ng at thB So'\::;,'....est corner of Tract "A", cf CHARTER ~ORLO, according to the Plat t!ll!reo:, as recorded in Plat Book 31, at i'aqe 21, of the ?ublic ~ecord~ 0: Palm Beach COWlty, Florida I thence run ~orth 86 ~ 46 I 47" East along the South line of TrACt:. ",A", Trac1:. "a", and Tract "C" I of sa:.-: Plat, a distance of 1071.02 feet to a point, thence run So\::!'::' 13' 13" East al.on'g the We. t ri.ght-of-way line of Charter Crive ~or::;" lSO. 00 feet to a po:l.n't' thance :run South S80 46' 47" West, 1075.67 feet to a point; ti'lence run No:rth O. 33' J.6" East, 150.07 feet to the pcir.~ of beginrUng. PARCEL U a": A parceJ. of land lyinq in Secdon fi, Tow,nsnip 46 Sol!th; Range 43 East, Palm Beach County.. Florida, a;id beir.q more particula:r ly described as fol.lows: Commence at the .Northeas t corner of sai.d section 6, thence Sa:.lth 00 33' 16" ~llJat along the ~ast line of said section 6, a distance of 40.02 :feet1 thence rc.n sou~h a8~ 34' 06" West a~onq a line 40 feet South of and parallel to the ~~crtb line of sai.d Section 6 a dista:Ice af 53.03 feet to the point of ~c,;:.n:1ir.g of a i:ni.rcel of lane. here;1,n desc::::ibed1 thence continue So\:th as' 3'; I 06" Hast a d1stil:1Ce of 640.'2 !eet; thence :run South 10,13' 13" Ei!s: a dista:1ce of 542.43 feet; thence run North aso 46' 47" EAst a d;.stJ.ncEo~ 520.44 feet) thence run Sorth O. 33 r 16" East along J. lir,e 53 ::eot West of and ?a.ra1~e1 to the East line of said Sectio:::, Cl c:!ist:a:lce of 6';S.10 feet to the poin~ ot beginning. . ,..> , ,..' ',t""'.:""--':, O!iiltl.l' '/~l':'i Dr:l\nof.~"T".i1V. .,.,~.".Jr:.:-/:fC = . ~ ::;.:. lo"... "', , e::', i~:!, '1" ;.\; ')~'.J~ ; "j.} }~ '-,".., I":.:'--~""[(: \ y.:: 1";:'~~I~~ fLOf-.!i9A \ ~ ...... ~ {i,^ \. ~t.h';J. ,f.,.. \ $Ur..z TA~, == ", . . .' .--~I i ' I ,.,. ~ . \ I '. ~ ,.;' \ I .' I ::7 . : '1; ,.':' ",c '\J' 9 \J II. q (, ", 115 U 0. 11 ~', q 9 (} t:. 0 !.i i ~= : . ~ .. ... .iI..... ..........__ ___ . '...' L_._.. ;_.:.. ..\ ..J . ______..1 ~ . .. '.;::':-- --J"\ f"..):'~ 1'./, ;;'j'rAr"~; ~ . - ." .-. . :....... "'-"", '. L~';.;~~",'.I...:1 .t.'t;.r...:J~~;.r':r!~RI:::: . ";':.k FtCRU-.A \ .::~tJr-~ cr.}, '~~J";~' T,~)':-': . ..,.... "'" I I '':, "'... ,. '\, =- '.. i,....,...l ':00: )'901' DO'::::).aOG OCI~ .': L:_ '1',::...\ ~ ,:.~ ~ l;:{t..~.~ u '. . .ji'::i.':~:'~;" \. .'3 j.j ri: ,t. _ '.', i 2. 0 U, C u :-: "~"Ji _.___ -. t' .*' .' t:':::-.._....~\ ['OC~Jth~:;;'1 f..,.;;,. ~ , .~, ".',"" \-. f::"U1.-. 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EXHXS%:O "!J- The following descril:Jed land situate, lyi~g and being in the County of paim' Beach and state of FJ.orida, to wit: BEGINNJ:NG for the same at a point distant (1) So~th 00. 33 I J.6" West 785.37 ft. and (2) Sou1:h 880 46' 47N West 53.03 ft, from the north- eAst 'corner of Sect;l.on 6, Township 46 South, RAnge 43 Ellst, said point a~8o lying .in the souther.ly right-~f-"lay line of West Cha.pel Ei11 Road and tbe westerly right-of-...ay li.~c a: Congress Avenue and being the aorthellst corner of the paree:;' :,ereinafter described, and running thence with part of said Congress ~.ver.1:a (1) South 00033' 16" West 996. 81. ~t. to a po.int; thence leav:.n~ said right-:-of-WllY line . (2) North 84" 57' J.4" West 528.39 ft. to Cl coint. thence (3) South 79.46' 47" West 40J..87 !t. to a po'int. thc~ce (4) North OQ. -33' 16" East l002.0D ft. to a poin~ .in the sOLltr.e!:'ly r2ght-of-way line of West Chapel Hill Road1 thence with p~rt ::i sa.id right-of-way line, 1 (5) North BID 46' 47" East 922.00 ft. to ';he place of beginninq con- tAining 20.5017 acres of J.a.nd. .. ~ s'fl;.t'~--;:'--:;CO;:"iIOA LO.."" . F~;i8"lw~f::.COF-:':i.:T;~,:Cc5~'Ti' .Ai ~.~:: ~O":!.'.".~ r :...rL~~..~'r ,.. r .-. . '1',; /..... . i-i: 1..:1 ,~. :.. '\.... ..:_L!'..?;'"'. .. i7~iw'.1 ... \.~ .. r k f.," r' ,..;\ I :;;; ?"i:l~ :i'''!'':~'\~~;J\;:t ---.~-.!. ,',~' ;Y,~.1',.i'e..'..:\6 f:;-;~ -~-' . ,J.~:). . ~.._- _e. --- \:'~ ~.- ,:. ::.: 5' ~~ ~ ...... ",:':!'~~:/.-)' 9.0 O. 0 0 ~;;19 0 0 0 0 ';-"'-"1 ~ 0 0. 0 a; ",'.J./9 0 O. 0 0 fi.!. f, gOO. . ." f,/" ...~:: ~ ': ,", " .. _" , .. ~..-. ~" ~~'j ;.\a':'::"~'::-ar."F:-'or'::..i'r:.-.-: .--' ,.-;:,,-:-,~-".._____ .. ;;;: ~',~ ,'; ;,f.;~..,. ,; ~r c~'ITI; Q/~~;' Lr.Jdl~ .Ii\ F- L-C: R.l)A-, "-L' . (-';:~I'OA C:'LORlr C""'..._.__.... "_"'Y. !~^I .'TA'....'..,.., ."T.M.~'^X- 'I~ . .~.. (.~_r-;.O;-ltt.tt....;J .~.. .........-.-... ........ ,."; ..,.. 5.1... ,... ~." ,,;~""c rt" CT\'l.r AX ."':;;.... :'~ ~ r ,,'. 'i~.i..i...1 li..;/..-...._......_.~.._ --.-----.-......\:~,.-!.::.-.-....~;:..... :...._f!_____ % -f._.,r....t'-r...,90000,...;...(jO~O..,. 000['" To" :-=:' - "..,.,';;:~:..; . i.. .~::;' . U -;...." 8 0 .':"'~'iI9 0'0 a 0 ''''~'';'i9 a 0 ;:.--:-,.---- .;~ ,,;'-- ,": _.~.~/ . .:;;1:._:_', :.._:~~?' . . , ..?;.-. .::: ',': A 'ti:::. ;:-;: "F=CT"J R I 0'/' F l-'f;;:~To'j-;Y::L CiRlfJA 'C:"'-O;'r=:'17..;e~.';~ 'I-F' r"11 A I '"'-'(1....'-/.''\''' ~.. f ,,_~ ". '.1,. 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RIO :::;-~l:1'j~C:nL?A :';'GqIDA::L O~ldA F7"c.-ORI~j I ilqq..'!'/ g;/i',c,R/ ,', " 'Si'Z ;;.0:; "1 ~"', "l6.'~'r:..' ~~~ ~. k.\'.? r;, x, . ~ r;,:.<,,, i A X ' ,'.' ;.r A~.!_TJJ, I ";(';"'~...T:~iiii..:;i:'.-.,_._-..."'.~:., . .. ..----....-'..,.----~,'.:;, '" I ~ "R ~ rEo.m't;,~-l:;,.:!;rg (j 0 r, 0 J~~;9,O 0, 00 Pi)'9 0 n 00 ':.1,;190 0 '0 0 :'t.L:S 0 O. 0:: I ',a ~... ''''''.~ ',:-".:'.,:' . \..l ".'.~ _" ....,#.:... ~'.'l :. .~.. . . t ..,: """ _'.,J :: "..... ... .::: .... ~~ ~.~ .... ... :..; ,.. , ., ." ~!: y ~;; ~ ..- '" n .;I:. ,... ~ ~~ ~: -.. .... <, .:;. ... E:t'fZ:'t'i= - c.i~--;:.'r~:"'-:"::'-I';::;7"'A-' ,"-- -",',5'1"0 I). i OF~"IG^ ;::-'''-''';='- e_~,', "r,r; "E':~~ ...~ . ..~ ,.J r-<..oI , . - t_ -:,. "-: ..:.. ~ - L..w r-< I 0... \ I :-':..'..i.L:~~I.,'_~.~,' " UJ:~J_".r: T,\,( "':<~'lP_!':\Y" :,t.s!'1!..,...!..(~/, :;Tt.MI' r/\:<: ~'''l (.~ ~:~~,~..~~I:. _~1:~~~\.. .-..- ~..:;~,_. ~):. .-' I:>~.~::--.._~-_.. 'I J. a" 1. . .~l.:-...':;,~:.:/~Z 5. 00 FJ,..i19 0 E. 0 0 ~9S.a O. ~ 0 ~~::j9 Q O. 0 0:. .... ~......;.,.:..-. . ...~...:':'.~-' . .. _H"" _....1 PAlM" DRfEFC 2801.. PAG, i 5.99 BiACn . 1__ Vuifllt ,.."utll &wn\'f, n ".lllt I. Dunkl. ~1l.c.i'IIoIi.1C~,. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED Joni S. Brinkman WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property Owners List is to the best of his/her knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and property control numbers as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the County Courthouse for all property within four hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT IIAII ~ >i. ~LUVLby1O~ Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 15th day of December 1995, by Joni S. Brinkman (name of person acknowledging), who is personally known to me or who has produoed (type of idontilioationj aG idG;'atiOn and who EIiG (did nol) take an oalh. ~)~L Z Sign ture of Person taking Ack owledgement Janie E. Gustus Name of Acknowledger Title or Rank o ~ EGUsrus pUBLIC STATE. OF FLORIDA Nar~~ON NO. CC499919 MY COMMlSSION EXP. OCT. 8 1999 NOTARY'S SEAL Serial Number, if any EXHIBIT HAil LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~.., .;" ''!l.-' ;"'~'l.....Ji.~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL PARCEL ~.~ A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08- EAST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 2263,81 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 90000'00" WEST, DEPARTING SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 60,00 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION THEREOF WITH THE WEST RIGHT-OR-WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING (P,O.B,) THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08- EAST, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID CONGRESS AVENUE, A DISTANCE OF 75768 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08" WEST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID ViEST RIGHT-OR-WAY LINE,' A DISTANCE OF 1041.10 FEET TO THE INTERSECTIO>J THEREOF WITH THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SUMMIT PLAT NO, 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, PAGE 48, PUBLIC P,ECO.RDS, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, THENCE, NORTH 90000'00" WEST, ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT OF SUMMIT PLAT NO, 1, A DISTANCE OF 743,07 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 00000'00" EAST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID PLAT BOUNDARY, A DISTANCE OF 1687.50 FEET: THENCE, NORTH 90000'00" EAST, DEPARTING SAID PLAT BOUNDARY, A DISTANCE OF 380.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00000'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 111.28 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 90000'00" EAST, A DISTANCE 363,09 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING (P.O.B.) ii'<' . ft.,:; ~. CONTAINING, 29.71 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, t~" SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD. is: ':... ~. ~:~: -)1:,' ~~: . J.;,i~"' . ;~ -' ... }::, .~ '~/ , r~:.:~ , .~~' . l:4:' li~_',~ 1," .r~ ..- :-'if: . 'f; ,f. ~; .~: ..:.- .:i" ~~--~- -' ~~..... . - .t~" -. \'1" .f~~~ .-:; ,- ~ -, ~-,~~i'- ~ :. .;. . ,':' --_.....~~. ',' ~N~~ ;I ~ NO~\0 ~.d. o ~~ ~S~ ~ v -::) ~~~ V' LC~ ~~ ~ ~~~ o ~ CP~~ >-rt: ~ ~ ifJ ~, . ~~:~~~t~~~~\ ...-.-.....+"~~ "~"_~-:~~'-"'~ .. t'\\ '!: ~. '& > . \".". \\'i~~"';, \ , ~ \ '"",,,,- .- '$ \' ~...,-.r-~:.-:~:.-.'-.~"~-' (~,~~,O^.. \ ' ".,.' . ""~ ',,,,,,,", \ \ \.-,,,;:,~\,,.~.~,,... \ 1~'~ \~ v' , 4-~" , I' - ~ <' :.. - Z -1 ,'10 \ \ \ , \ /' " - - - ....... ..... - - -....... ,,, - - .... \ ,,/ ,,,,," , Wlf>lD-SOR \ \ -- -' J / / ,. 1>.1 , \ :.............. - - ~NTERS RU~ /- _ I I CO NO / / / \PHlt;:2 / I \_-'-. 1/ '- " ,/ / " --' ,/ ",,---.r I ) I I 'C/ '1:.";: ~~1 ',", , '\., " EASTG~ II AT HUNTERS RUN ~., . COND - ",,,,- PH. I '\ '\. y ~ -\'( T!" . ,... . L,I.:,r'.r: L ... r.: \ L A.K[ PH. 1 :; o '..(,.. if .... ~ ... .'~ _ "'... '. d ...... ~. \ :0 J) CD I i I { ".., ..;:' . ,;:./ \ \ ' ...:.. '. ~_o.... '\ y, 1- ~ ~///' -' ...........- ~-~'_.. .._.._._-_.._---_.~,-------_._-_.~--_._-_._--_....._----,--~- ,-~~------ 'I ,', \ ^.\' ... . -;) RCE 13 NO "E~l"'l". SCALE '::.-nr;' DRAWN BY G-..). ,4...' uPJAT[D ._... ... ..M"/__ /06 @ " o " 6,00AC '.JR~~/)3 P1119 (I:>'" .11 Vf? ~, ~'f. ;.. ."..1. :. '1 . :~...~ i ..;... . I(/~ 0,-/ ;: 9.71 AC SITE 4", 45' ~ $: 4.2.\p..C QR7 '399 Y 698 ;\J'J G) ;j~"'~' \0 @ ZJJ \ : 330'-\: .. , .,. \ ~ .~ @ \. .c, fi.\ \ l." 31' . ~ ~l't.. ~.., ~SC>.\;.. ~ 7. dl '" ~ N '::r '" '" '" ... '" ... @ p.:\j( 1J~Z.'3-:\trI19bRf'i'I '" .. 0;. , .~ '. @ ~ 19.1:;P.C OR'34-2.0 PI?'?':; \1,;.9:'P.C) \..~ . '1'1 L\NDD \:2.9 \1.~?" "L" .' M \. ~ @l0: .. (9IQ1.'- 1.3't '" .; ~ 1(. 'C:.? . ;:.~. ,.,"~ \ \ '5" .J @ 707 ~ ~ , .., ". ,.41' Av ^ ~ I" ...--- '" , ;,~ t::: '...; ~ . N 6> , fl , ..;_<.1::'" " r 1 ~ ... ~ ~ . ~ ( 4-tS 'c:. " ((2) pARCEt I I-tOCI'<, R CI...S~Ak'(.l' suRV - 71-1037 ~' COt..~'f~' , GAP.'{' ,p.. N\\<()I..rrs I'~OI'E~'f'l />.1'1''''I'-ISEl'. - ~GE twO' SlC ,,' .~- 4- ~ 46 ,.0, I~.? \- .,,,,. ri' J~ .~I'Ri<g, ' ~.. tIJ " ~'.:J ~.~tJ ~' ,,_.,'';:-- @ " , . n ~ 71(' ~. 7v::"{ ~ t-..j"" ..~w \, ,:.~,~l\ /:.:.-4.$ I~~'~' $2 6.09 p.C ORAOEZ PI:,,?lI (,~O,\1. C/AN/AL Il~,'\ ~D~ l....j {I -.t '" "" t: .... " ~ " ~ "- .,. . '" .; ~ ,\,., c " II> O~1S,;'!' 9\0' 1 \t..G ~O ~ " ..., '" ~1 j ,b" ,5 . .\ Q~ @ r- .' ~ 0 '" '.J.l r, '=- ':1 s " 'i :f, ,0 1.01,(,1. .J~..,..' " ... -- 702 ~ I.t':, ",C ~,~ (, \ ( 7J'~'.", "" mP ,.- ~ l.l!I' ..."" lOt I B~: 6}f <>~ "" J ~~.:~ ., ". \ ,~ .~... ,,'" -=~ ~ ,"'" .'11/1'- ::; :li , 1,'11 .f I {.J " ~_ '2,01 ~ ..:;::l.-- '!-<- r:>,Q' fO ,q~.,\i ;:-...... '\.,' ("I .,/ 7( ',- ~. "l ------ , '\'!.'{' :.--' u).. -.\ ..:: ---- G l!l - j 3 d'~ i, ->. :>~t ' ,Q : ~ h oS '-l } I -uF.v['f n-ld PARCflo ,. ",,'J, <0<':. ;EA"" ' @ @ -7"" . 1 @ , ~ ~ "<) ----,---.---. - ,~ 70.1.0 ------- 30, 7') A C ,2723'1'.) /,9/,/'1' _.----------------------------- Kilday It A.8OC1eta Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 lID] ~ & ~ U WI t, IIJU DEe '8. i l l ZONING OEPT.D -' BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN VARIANCE REQUEST FOR NORTH PERIMETER BUFFER WALL A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; RESPONSE: The applicant is proposing to construct a six foot (6') perimeter buffer wall along the north property line adjacent to an existing commercially zoned property which supports the WXEL Television/Communication Facility. The commercial property contains a satellite dish and is approximately 35' feet from the north property line. In order to further buffer the visibility to the existing satellite dish and commercial building, the applicant is requesting to construct a ten foot (10') wall for approximately 230' along the north property line (See attached Exhibit IIAII). B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; RESPONSE: The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The applicant is merely requesting an exception to the perimeter wall height limitation to allow a proposed residential development reasonable use for enjoyment of their property. C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district; RESPONSE: The granting of this variance will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. Due to the fact that the subject residentially zoned property is adjacent to a commercial property, the applicant is merely requesting to further achieve compatibility between two non-compatible uses. The Isles at Hunters Run Wall Variance Page 1 D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; RESPONSE: The applicant is requesting a variance from Chapter 2, Article III, Section 4.L. of the City Zoning Code to allow a masonry wall ten feet (10') in height along the north property line for a distance of 230 feet or approximately only thirty (30%) percent of the north property line. E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; RESPONSE: The variance being requested is the minimum variance as the applicant is proposing a six foot (6') wall from Congress Avenue west unto a point that reaches the existing commercial building and satellite dish. The portion of the buffer wall that exceeds six feet is proposed only where the adjacent communication facilities will be visible to several residential lots within the proposed subdivision. F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. RESPONSE: The proposed ten foot (10') wall will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning code and this variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. As indicated on the site plan (Exhibit IIAII) submitted with this application, the applicant is indicating that a six foot (6') high wall will not be sufficient to properly screen the existing structures on the WXEL property for proposed lots 52 through 55 along Westlake Drive. The existing communication facilities are approximately twenty (20') feet in height (See attached photograph - Exhibit IIBII), but can be adjusted to reach thirty- two (32') feet in height. Additionally, from an aesthetic standpoint, this wall will deter views for motorists driving in a northerly direction along Westlake Drive, and this will insure a more rational and compatible relationship between residential and non-residential uses for the mutual benefit of all. LW4/jb/isles1.var The Isles at Hunters Run Wall Variance Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" t" E:XISTING BUILDING AND E-NfRANCE DRIVE ~ TO BE USED AS A CONSfRUCflON OF-F-ICE- AND ENfRANCE fEMPORARIL Y "XI Sri:: O:~::~r":OM~:I:; E ASEME~ro:~~'r_=:rr__~_=_=_:_~_C_J:_=~~~~==_~_- =_: : 20' \ \ .J ~ ! . ~ \\ ...,.....-_____-1 1 r - I .. r---...... il r------t--- -----------~~~----------- '--- ---\ ! I -t-- --1- ---, I' --l 25" I ...-- ----- '---_, I · -I i : ,#//JO .............. -....., t I. f/' @ i ! . 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