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%e City of
'Boynton 'Beach
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard
P.O. 'Bo~31O
'Boynton 'Beadi, 1"Coritia. 33425-0310
City:Jla{[: (407) 375-6000
:FJitX: (407) 375-6090
February 21, 1996
Kieran J. Kilday
Kilday and Associates, Inc.
1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Summit Associates, Ltd.
Board of Zoning Appeals Case No. 214
Property Location: Approximately 800 feet south of
intersection of Congress Avenue
palmland Road
Dear Mr. Kilday:
Please be advised that at the February 12, 1996 meeting, the Board
of Zoning Appeals denied your request for a zoning variance to
allow construction of a 10 foot high, pre-cast masonry buffer wall
for a distance of approximately 230 linear feet along the north
property line of the Isles at Hunters Run PUD.
Your appeal to this decision was approved by the City Commission at
their February 20, 1996 meeting.
If I can be of further assistance, please contact me.
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Tambri J. Heyden
Planning and Zoning Director
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Ms. Tamb" Heydttfl, ClrwtQr
City Of Boynton Beach Planning &. Zoning Department
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton BMCh, FL ~425
AI;;; Ouo No. 214, lat. at Hunt"rti Run PUO Buff6r Wall
Our Fne No. 1247.2
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Dear Ms. Heyden,
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 95-44. Section 10.H., please accept this letter as a requost
for an appOClI of the denial by tho Bon of Zoning Appeals to 1ho City Commission for
the above referenced ca58. This Jtem was heard by the Boarc:l 01 zoning Appeals on
February 12, 19W ana pertains to the construction of a proposed ten foot (10') high pre-
cast masonry buffer wall along a portion of the north property line of the Isles at H Ul'lters
Run PUD.
As Indicated In Planning a Zoning Department Memorandum No. li)6.O!S7/Staft Repon fOr
the I-ebruary 12, 1996 Board or Zoning Appeals, the proposed ten foot (101) high
masonry buffer waU Is proposed to be located adjacent to the large satellite dishes on
the adjacent WXEL Television Station parcel.
PI...- r..r f.... to contact this office if you have any questions or require further
CC: Andrew Steinberg
Came Parker, City Manager of Bayman Beach
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