LEGAL APPROVAL ~ iJ1ie City of ~oynton tJ3eacli '~"'-~.~/'" 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BUJdi 'BouitVar4 P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'BUJdi, ~foritfa 33425-0310 City:Jfaf!: (407) 375-6000 :JJU: (407) 375-6090 February 21, 1996 Kieran J. Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Summit Associates, Ltd. Board of Zoning Appeals Case No. 215 Property Location: Northwest corner of Summit Drive and Westlake Drive Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that at the February 12, 1996 meeting, the Board of Zoning Appeals approved your request for a zoning variance to allow a size increase of 25% for a directional sign in the Isles at Hunters Run PUD from the allowable 16 square feet to 20 square feet (relief from Article III, Section 6.C.5 of Chapter 21 of the City's Land Development Regulations) . If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. Sincerely, ._ ' .~.~':~.~ ,,' ~, 'l. / / (i /' Gc., ,.;/. .... ~., ./.- . -;,..- Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme a:aprvltr2.sum/SOA )clmerUa s (jate.way to tfu (julfstre.am MEETING MJo-d1TES BOARD OF lv. .~NG APPEALS BOYNTON BEACH, FlORIDA 6 Attorney Pawelczyk advised that under the Ordinance, any person may appeal the decision of the board to the City Commission within 30 days of the rendition of the board. He was advised to make application through Tambri Heyden. 3. Case #215 Location: Owner: Requested Variance: Northwest corner of Summit Drive and Westlake Drive. Summit Associates, Ltd. Request relief from Article 111, Section 6.C.5 of Chapter 21 of the Oty's land Development Regulations to allow a size increase of 25% for a directional sign in The Isles at Hunters Run PUD from the aRowable 16 square feet to 20 square feet. Chairman Miriana announced the case. Kieran Kilday advised that this request Is for a sign at the entrance to the project at the corner of Westlake Drive and Summit Drive. The boundary of the property is located several hundred feet north of Summit Drive. Although the profect has frontage on Congress Avenue, there is no access to Congress Avenue. The signage Is required at the entrance to the property . The variance request involves the size of the sign. The sign wall Is 6' at its maximum height. The applicant has requested 20 square feet which is within the 25 percent parameter allowed to be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals. In this particular case, if the developer owned the property down to Summit, he would not have to appear before this board because it would be considered an on-premise sign and the lettering would be allowed to take up 32 square feet. An off-premise directional sign is restricted to t 6 square feet. Mr. Rappoport asked if this sign is located on Hunters Run property. Mr. KUday responded affirmatively and advised that he is in possession of a letter from tile Hunters Run PropertY Owners' Association authorizing Mr. Kilday to represent the petition. Ms. Heyden advised that staff had nothing to add to Mr. Kilday's presentation. CHAIRMAN MIRIANA ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLlCA TION. Motion Ms. Hollingshead moved to grant the variance requested by Mr. Kilday to allow a 25 percent 12 ._~_._-_..._._--------- MEETING MINt BOARD OF ZONII~G APPEALS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 17, 1996 size increase for the directional sign from the allowable 16 square feet to 20 square feet as discussed. Mr. Rappoport seconded the motion. The Recording Secretary polled the vote which was unanimous to GRANT the variance. 4. Case #21 6 Location: Northwest corner or S.E. I st Street and S. E. 23rd Avenue (III S. E. 23rd Avenue) Robert Simone Owner: Requested Variance: Request relief from Section 6.A.3 of Chapter 2 of the City's land Development Regulations to reduce the required rear yard setback from 20 feet to I 5 feet and to reduce the required side yard setback from 30 feet to 5 feet. Chairman Miriana announced the case. Dr. Robert Simone, 11 1 SE 23 Avenue, advised that a need has arisen for him to have a utility shed on his property for storage of srom1 shutters and a pressure cleaner necessary for maintenance of his building. The need for this shed arose during the last hurricane alert when he had a problem finding someone to transport the shutters to this location. Because of the way the lot is situated, he would have to construct the shed on a corner that would be highly visible from SE 2 t Avenue and SE 1 st Street. The shed would be an eyesore because it would be sitting in the middle of a vacant lot. Dr. Simone would like to place the shed behind the existing office building where it would not be visible from the road. The shed is 8' x I 2' and 7' high. Dr. Simone provided photos of the property. He explained that the property to the north is zoned Residential; however, it is a vacant lor. He maintains the two trees with 100' canopies. When the berries fall from the trees, he must remove them from the pavement. Last year, two patients fell because they slipped on the berries. Dr. Simone feels the construction of this shed on the corner would be a detriment on a street that has taken so long to develop. Mr. Gold noted that Dr. Simone intends to store chemicals in the shed. He questioned whether or not there are any environmental concerns involved. Dr. Simone responded negatively and stated that the word chemicals should not have been used since it refers to the same amount of chlorine and acid that a person would store in his/her garage. No medical chemicals will be stored in this shed. 13