LEGAL APPROVAL 1 i I! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ORDINANCE NO. 05-0a3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 2., SECTIONS 7 H. 14 AND 7 PIe. TO ALLOW A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT EXCEEDING FORTY-FIVE FEET IN HEIGHT BUT NOT EXCEEDING SEVENTY-FIVE (75) FEET IN HEIGHT IN A PID MIXED USE POD, PROVIDING APPLICATION FOR BUILDING WITH A HEIGHT EXCEEDING FORTY-FIVE (45) FEET SHALL BE PROCESSED AS A CONDITIONAL USE, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City's PID Land Development Regulations limIt bUIldmg height to orty-five (45) feet; and WHEREAS, the CIty ConumssIOn has consIdered recommendatIons from City staff at bUIldmgs m PID mIxed use PODS be permItted to a height of seventy-five (75) feet ubJect to condItional use review/approval, NOW THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF HE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, THAT Section 1. Each Whereas clause set forth above IS true and correct and herein ncorporated by this reference. Section 2. That Chapter 2. Section 7 H. 14 ofthe LDR IS hereby amended by as ollows 14 MaXimum BUIldmg Height. No bUIldmg or appurtenances thereof wlthm the PID zomng distnct shall exceed forty-five (45) feet m height, With the exception ofbmldmgs m a Mixed Use POD pursuant to SectIOn 7~.Ltl, Sectlon 7.P.1.e- \1axnnum Struoture Height. Mecharncal eqUIpment which exclusn;ely serves the structure shall not be incllided m the ca1culat10fi afhelght. -;,\Documents and Settings\alibrdIldii"Local Settings\Temoorarv Internet Filcs\OLKD4\Ouantum Park eight.ducS:'C'\ 'OniiRQRllll!;\PhlftRiRg\Qli8l1tliHl Parl( Hlligkt.dee 1\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 e.l MaxImum BUlldmg HeIght. The maxImum bUlldmg heIght wlthm a Mixed Use Pod shall not be greater than five (5) stones and shall be below the Honda Buildm~ Code thresholds for a hIgh n5El elassifi(;atIon.75 feet. Any blllldmg exceedmg 45 feet 111 height shall be processed as a condItional use. SectIon 3. That Chapter 2 SectIon 7 P J.e of the LDR IS hereby amended by reatmg new sectIons as follows. .eo2. BUlldmg HeIght Measurement. BuIlding heIght shall be measured from the lowest fimsh floor slab elevatIon of the proposed bUIldmg to the peak of the structure. mcludmg any archItectural details. staIrwells. elevator shafts. etc. e.3. HeIght Setback Envelop. Mimmum buildmg setbacks shall be based on bUIlding heIghts for blllldmgs greater than forty-five (45) feet m heIght. The heIght setback envelop IS applIcable where the Mixed Use development IS adJacent to an eXIstmg developed smgle-famIly resIdentIal zomng dIstnct outsIde the pro. ThIS mImmum setback shall be three (3) tImes the buildmg heIght for any multIfamily or nonreSIdentIal structure. The setback shall be measured from the common boundary of the rID and the eXIsting smgle: family reSIdentIal zomng dIstnCt of the mIdpomt of any mtervenmg nght-of- way. SectIon 4. Each and every other proviSIOn of Chapter 2, SectIOn 7 of the Land evelopment RegulatIOns, not herem specIfically amended shall remam m full force and ffect as preVIOusly enacted. SectIon 5. All ordmances or parts of ordmances m conflIct hereWIth be and the ame are hereby repealed. SectIon 6. Should any sectIon or proVIsion of thIS ordmance or portIon hereof, ny paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent JunsdIctIOn to be nvahd, such deCISIon shall not affect the remainder of thIS ordmance Section 7. SectIon 8. Authonty IS hereby granted to codify saId ordmance. ThIS ordmance shall become effectIve immedIately upon passage. FIRST READING tills AL day of ~lAr\e... 2005 uantum Park II SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE thIS 5 day of ~, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FL~IDP ~ \ ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 005 tn~ x::= e. ~~ ~ CommIsSIOner cr CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meetin2 Dates in to City Clerk's Office Meetin2 Dates in to Citv Clerk's Office 0 April 5,2005 March 14,2005 (Noon,) 0 June 7, 2005 May 16,2005 (Noon) 1ZI April 19,2005 April 4, 2005 (Noon) 0 June 21, 2005 June 6, 2005 (Noon) 0 May 3, 2005 April 18,2005 (Noon) 0 July 5, 2005 June 20, 2005 (Noon) 0 May 17, 2005 May 2,2005 (Noon) 0 July 19,2005 July 5, 2005 (Noon) 0 Administrative 0 Development Plans NATURE OF 1ZI Consent Agenda 0 New Business AGENDA ITEM 0 Public Hearing ~ Legal 0 Bids 0 UnfInished Business 0 Announcement 0 Presentation 0 City Manager's Report RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the April 19, 2005 City Commission Agenda under Consent, and Legal, Ordinance - First Reading. The Planning and Development Board, on March 22, 2005, forwarded this item to the Commission with a recommendation for approval. Pursuant to the approval by the Planning Board and, following further consultation, staff recommends, and the attached ordinance reflects, that any height above 45 feet should be treated as a conditional use. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 05-040. 1)-et.J i € d ~l ~ \ \,\ \C>5' '1'i'\"'e-a-~ ~ EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Quantum Park MU Height (CDRV 05-006) Eugene Gerlica, P .E., Quantum Group of Companies Quantum Group of Companies QuantumParkPID Request amendment to the Land Development Regulations to increase the allowable building height from 45 feet to 75 feet, with conditional use approval, in Mixed Use (MU) PODs of the Planned Industrial District (PID) regulations. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/ A ALTERNATIVES: N/A ~vel~ City Manager's Signature 4- Planning an . g Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\SPEC OJ\CODE REYIEw\CDRY 05-006 QP MU Height\Agenda Item Request Quantum Pk MU Height CDRY 05-0064-19- OS 2nd. dot S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-040 TO: Chair and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: Ed Breese ~ Princlpal Planner DATE: March 4, 2005 SUBJECT: CODE REVIEW (CDRV 05-006) Quantum Park PID (Maximum BuDding Height in Mixed Use Pods) NATURE OF REOUEST Mr. Eugene Gerlica, representing Quantum Group of Companies, is requesting an amendment to the City's Land Development Regulations to allow an increase in the maximum allowed height in excess of the 45- foot limitation contained within the Quantum Park Planned Industrial District (PID). The request is specific to the Mixed Use (MU) pods in Quantum Park (see Exhibit "A" - Justification Statement). BACKGROUND The City's Land Development Regulations Chapter 2, Section 7.H.14 establishes the maximum building height within Planned Industrial Districts (PID), According to the current regulations, "No building or appurtenances thereof shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height". To date, the residential construction occurring within Quantum Park has been primarily townhomes and apartments, which complied with the 45-foot height limitation. As a result of the most recent Quantum Park DR! amendment (NOPC #15), approved by the City Commission on February 15, 2005, providing for an increase in the allowable number of dwelling units by 105, the Quantum Group would like to make provision for a vertical condominium residential option. ANALYSIS The requested amendment would affect only those properties within a Planned Industrial District (PID) designated with a Mixed Use (MU) land use. Mixed Use pods only exist within the Quantum. Park PID. Staff reviewed the Quantum Park Master Plan (see Exhibit "B" - Quantum Park Master Plan), and the only lots containing the "Mixed Use (MU)" designation are noted as follows: Lots 7-11 & 23-31: These lots are located on Quantum Boulevard, north of Gateway Boulevard and were approved for a townhouse development by DR Horton in 2002 mown as Quantum Townhomes East & West (now called Parkside). This project is nearly built-out. Page 2 CORV 05-006 Lots 59-61 & 101: These lots are located on Quantum Lakes Drive, south of Gateway Boulevard and were approved for a rental apartment development by Olen Development in 2000 known as Quantum Lakes Villas, This project is complete, Lots 62-67 & 100: These lots are located on the south side of Gateway Boulevard, just west of High Ridge Road and were approved for an office, retail and rental apartment development by Olen Development in 2002 known as Quantum Park and Village South. The rental apartment component of this project is under construction. Lots 83-88 & 89-B: These lots are located on the north side of Gateway Boulevard, abutting High Ridge Road and were approved for an office, retail and townhouse development in 2002. The townhouse project (now called Canterbury) is actually on both sides of High Ridge Road, north of Gateway Boulevard and is currently under construction by Westbrooke Homes, The total acreage of the above-noted projects and designated for "Mixed Use (MU)" within Quantum Park is 94.86 acres, which is approximately 17% of the total acreage of the DR! (553,13 acres). Additionally, only two of the "Mixed Use (MU)" pods are near the fringe of the PID, abutting single-family residential. First is the Quantum Park and Village North project, which abuts a vacant tract of land to the west that is zoned single-family. Second is the Parkside townhouse project, which, as stated earlier, is nearly built-out and which abuts the L WOD E-4 Canal to the west and across the canal is the Dos Lagos residential community. It would appear, at the present time, the only "Mixed Use (MU)" designated parcels that may be able to take advantage of the additional 105 dwelling units would be either Quantum Park and Village South or Quantum Park and Village North, since the office and retail components of these projects has not begun construction. The subdivision master plan for either of these sites would require a fonnal modification and review in front of the Board and City Commission to incorporate the additional units while reducing other approved uses on the site. Based upon discussions staff has had with Olen Development, and their recent submittal for a Master Plan Modification and Major Site Plan Modification, they would intend to amend the plans for Quantum Park and Village South to accommodate the additional dwelling units, while redesigning the office and retail components. As justification for the request for additional height, Quantum states that "An increase in height will encourage the conservation of natural amenities by accomplishing the vested development intensities in a vertical manner in contrast to the land sprawl of lower height development". During discussions with The Quantum Group of Companies, they were encouraged to review the Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) regulations to understand how the City previously addressed a similar request. As a result, Quantum proposes the following changes to the Planned Industrial Development (PID) regulations: Revise Section 7.H.14 - Maximum Bullding Height, as follows: Section 7.H14 - Maximum Building Height. No building or appurtenances thereofwithin the PID zoning district shall exceed forty-five (45) fiet in height. with the exception ofbuildinfls in a Mixed Use POD pursuant to Section 7.P.l,e.l, Renumber and revise Section 7.P,1.e - Maximum Structure Height, as follows: 800H8n 7.P.!.f! Alalm"", Strflet"re HBigltt. .~{eeha1tie(l1 efJNipment whieh aelwoi'l8Iy ge1VS8 the fHruettwe ahall Net be inelNsed ilt the ealeNlalien 8,,~height. Section 7.P.l,e.J) Maximum BuUdlnll Height. The maximum buildinfl height within a Mixed Page 3 CORV 05-006 Use Pod shall not be greater than five (5) stories and shall be below the Florida Building Code thresholds for a high-rise classification. Add two (2) new subsections, as follows: Section 7.P.J.e.]) Building Heillht Measurement Building heillht shall be measured from the lowest finish floor slab elevation of the Droposed buildinf to the Deak of the structure. including any architectural details. stairwells. elevator shafts. etc. Section 7.P.J.e.3) HelllM Setback Envelop. Minimum building setbacks shall be based on building heights for buildings greater than forty-five (45) feet in height. The heiflht setback envelop is applicable where the Mixed Use development is ad;acent to an existing developed single-family residential zoning district outside the PID. This minimum setback shall be three (3) times the buildinJl height for anV multifamilv or nonresidential structure. The setback shall be measured from the common boundary of the PID and the existing single-family residential zoning district or the midpoint of any intervening rii!ht-of -way. As part of the requested code review, staff studied the Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) regulations, which allow mixed use in a vertical configuration, allow a height comparable to that being requested by the applicant, make provisions to safeguard adjacent single family residential communities, and is being utilized in the immediate vicinity in conjunction with the Renaissance Commons project. SUMMARY As a result of staff's analysis of the proposed changes submitted by the applicant and staff's review of the existing SMU regulations, staff recommends the following amendments to the PID district regulations, which vary slightly from those suggested by the applicant: Revise Section 7.H.14 - Maximum BuDding Height, as follows: Section 7.H.J4 - Maximum Building Height. No building or appurtenances thereof within the PID zoning district shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. with the exception of buildings in a Mixed Use Pod pursuant to Section 7.P.J.e. Amend Section 7.P.1.e. - Maximum Structure Height, as follows: Secti(91f. 7.P.I.e AlaxiIH"IH Stmetlll'e Height. },(ccnaHie6[ Cifwipment whieh cxdftSi-lely s~'es the st1'Ucture ohall1f.8t he iHehules ilt the eakwla#(9H 8f height. Section 7.P.J.e - Maximum Building Height. The Mixed Use DOds within the PID shall allow for a heivht of fifty-five (55) feet for mixed use and residential buildinfls. Building heights between fifty-five (55) feet and the maximum of seventy-five (75) feet shall be Drocessed as a Conditional Use. No exceptions to the maximum height shall be allowed. Additional/v, the followinf regulations shall applv: (1) The building heivht shall be meq,sured from the lowest finish floor slab elevation of the proposed building or from the minimum base flood elevation as established ~v Page 4 CDRV 05-006 FEMA. whichever is highest. to the Deak of the structure. including anv architectural details. roollop equipment. stairwells. elevator shafts. etc. (2) Heleht Setback EnveloDe. Minimum buildine setbacks shall be based on building heiehts for buildings greater than forty-five (45) feet in height, The height setback envelope is applicable where the Mixed Use development is adjacent to an existing developed single-familv residential zoning district outside the PID. This minimum setback shall be three (3) times the buildinf! height for any residential or mixed use structure. The setback shall be measured trom the common boundary of the P ID and the existinf! single-family residential zoning district or the midpoint of any intervening riflht-o{-wav. The slight changes recommended by staff, from the language proposed by the applicant, involve: (one)- the further defining (clarifying) of height in feet, rather than in stories; (two) - the utilization of SMU language in requiring structures between 55 and 75 feet in height to be treated as a Conditional Use and denoting that height exceptions are not allowed; (three) - the addition of FEMA floodplain criteria as an additional option in detennining the base of measurement for height. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that staff's proposed amendments to Chapter 2. Zoning of the City's Land Development Regulations, specific to height regulations within the Mixed Use pods of PID zoning districts, be approved. It is staff's opinion that the Mixed Use components of Quantum Park share many of the traits of the Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) zoning district being utilized at Renaissance Commons (fonner Motorola site), and similar regulations appear appropriate. 1:\SHRDATAIPLANNINGlSHARBDlWP\PROJBCTS\QUANn./M PARK\MU POD HBIGHT CORV.DOC ~~ QUAN ~-Utv1 ..:ill&- G R 0 U P 0 F COM PAN I E S EXHIBIT A January 18,2005 Mr. Michael W. Rwnpf, Director City of Boynton Beach Department of Development Planning & Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beaeh Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Quantum Park DRI CODE REVIEW - PID - MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT Dear Mr. Rumpf: Pursuant to a proposed development order condition for the pending NOPC for the above referenced project we are requesting a code review, or more precisely a zoning code text change, to accommodate the intended development. Provided with this request are the following items. 1. Code Review Application Fee of $250.00, Check No. 1331, made payable to The City of Boynton Beach. 2. Quantum Park PID Code Review Request Justification Statement and Discussion, dated January 2005. Please review the enclosed Justification Statement and schedule this Request for Consideration at the earliest possible date by the Planning and Development Board and subsequently by the City Commission. Final consideration of this Request by the City Commission on or before February 15, 2005 will not adversely impact the Project development schedule, If you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. S~cerely, Eugene A, Gerlica, P .E, ce: Doug MacDonald David Norris, Esq, Cohen, Norris, et. al., (w/encl) Igor Olenicoff, ~len Development, (w/encl) Steve Pike, Olen Development, (w/enel) F:\Quanlllln LlmttedWOPC15 CODE REJ'1EW Bldg HtIRMmpf-ltr-CDRV2005-1-JO.doc 2500 Quantum Lakes Drive, Suite 101 Boynton Beach. Fl33426 15611740-2447 . Fax: (561) 740.2429 e-mail: quantgrp@qgc.cc QUANTUM PARK PID CODE REVIEW REQUEST JUSTFICATION STATEMENT AND DISCUSSION INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE Quantum Park is zoned PID; it is greater than 500 acres in size and contains a Mixed Use POD consisting of four (4) locations. This Code Review is requested to propose a zoning text change that will allow building heights in excess of the current maximum building height of 45 feet within the Mixed Use POD of Quantum ParkPID. This Code Review request is submitted pursuant to a proposed development order condition of the pending DR! - NOpe] and Master Site Development Plan amendment currently under . consideration by the City, JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT AND DISCUSSION A maximum building height greater than 45 feet will allow Quantum Park to optimize the stated intent and purpose of the PID district as set forth in the Code. Please consider the following, An increased building height will better satisfy current demands for Mixed Use lands by encouraging development which reflect changes in land development trends relating to the topographic variety of the Quantum Park site. An increased building height will encourage the conservation of natural amenities by accomplishing the vested development intensities in a vertical manner in contrast to the land sprawl of lower height developments. An increased building height will permit economies in providing public , servIces, 1 DRl- Development of Regional Impact, NOPC - Notice of Proposed Change QUANTUM PARK PID - CODE REVIEW REQUEST January 2005 F:\Quofltum LlmitedWOPClJ CODE REVIEW Bldg HtlCODE REVIEW-Rv3.doc Page 1 of4 An increased building setback is proposed for buildings greater than 45 feet in height. The height setback envelope criteria will eliminate adverse impacts to existing adjacent single-family zoned lands. Over the years Quantum Park has evolved into a complex Mixed Use development. Please consider the following historical perspective, In 1984, Quantum Park was envisioned to be an emulation of the Silicon Valley type development in California. Quantum Park with over 4,0 million square feet of building area proposed for research and development companies would compliment the newly constructed Motorola Plant and the mM campus in Boca Raton, In 2005, the Motorola Plant is gone, ffiM is gone and the development in Quantum Park includes nearly 2.0 Mil square feet of warehouse/distribution space, a High School, a commuter train station, a ,City Park, a private drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility, 1,000 residential units and a proposed police and fire station. Quantum Park and the City of Boynton Beach have evolved to include these desirable Mixed Use pockets of development complete with high-density residential and commercial space in close proximity. The high density and close proximity are key to promote the pedestrian use of connectivity facilities. Other examples of the mixed-use developments are the marina project, the CRA and the Rennisance project. These mixed-use projects include building heights in excess of 45 feet, some as great as 75 feet. Quantum Park may well be the most unique site topographically in Palm Beach County. The water management tracts are some of the lowest in the County at elevation 8.00, while the natural grades are some of the highest at elevations in excess of 40.00. The constructed finish floor elevations vary from elevation 14.50 to in excess of elevation 35.00. An increased maximum building height, particularly at the lower elevations, is not only appropriate, but also desirable. The proposed text amendment regarding the increased maximum. building height will provide the Code criteria that will allow taller multifamily residential buildings, The individual homes may be a single floor product in contrast to the multistory residential units now existing in Quantum Park. An additional housing product of this nature can be offered consuming less land area provided the maximum building height is increased. QUANTUM PARK PID - CODE REVIEW REQUEST January 2005 F:\Quantum LimitedWOPC15 CODE REVIEW Bldg HtlCODE REJ'IEW-RvJ.doc Page 2 of 4 CODE SECTION REFERENCE Chapter Two of the Code of Ordinances is the Boynton Beach Zoning Code. Section Seven (7) is the Planned Industrial Development District Code. Text amendments to the following subsections of this Section are proposed to address the maximum building height request. Section 7 .H.14 - Maximum Building Height Section 7.P.1.b - Definitions Section 7.P .1.e - Maximum Structure Height [This area left intentionally blank] QUANTUM PARK PID - CODE REVIEW REQUEST January 2005 . F:\Quafllum LtmitedWOPC15 CODE REVIEW Bldg HtlCODE REVIEW-Rv3.doc Page 3 of4 PROPOSED ZONING TEXT CHANGES Revise Section 7.H.14 - Maximum Building Height, as follows: Section 7.H.14 - Maximum Building Height. No building or appurtenances thereof within the PID zoning district shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height, with the exception of buildings in a Mixed Use POD pursuant to Section 7.P.1.e.l). Renumber and revise Section 7.P .1.e - Maximum Structure Height, as follows: Section 7.P.1.e.l) Maximum Building Height. The maximum building height within a Mixed Use Pod shall not be greater than five (5) stories and shall be below the Florida Building Code. thresholds for a high-rise classification. Two (2) new subsections are proposed, as follows: Section 7.P.1.e.2). Building Height Measurement. Building height shall be measured from the lowest finish floor slab elevation of the proposed building to the peak of the structure, including any architectural details, stairwells, elevator shafts etc. Section7.P.1.e.3). Height Setback Envelop. Minimum building setbacks shall be based on building heights for buildings greater than 45 feet in height. The height setback envelope is applicable where the Mixed Use development is adjacent to an existing developed single-family residential zoning district outside the PID. This minimum setback shall be three (3) times the building height for any multifamily or nonresidential structure. The set back shall be measured from the common boundary of the PID and the existing single-family residential zoning district or the midpoint of any intervening right-ol-way. QUANlUM PARK PID - CODE REVIEW REQUEST January 200S F:\Quantum UmitedWOPC15 CODE REVIEW Bldg HtlCODE REVI~W.Rv3.doc Page 4 of4 EXHI . IT E I J " I II . \ \1 e ,11'~III..! t \IUU' it' II', ! '11 i la II I! l' I il,: . I I gel II i \ II!. t ~ i! ll~ I ! . I it ! ~ I ~l ; ~ CONGRESS ,,\'ENVE ... . t ij\l tlil dJ~ !il~ , 2~ ~ Ql I-~ ...g I -8 ..i ! ~ ~ . ; . I i i ~ &i!~ ~ii!~~s.O~;i \ ~ I , :a~i~2 o0~ei "'2 ~~ l~i i ~ i t ; unu"" I Lilli' ' ! t "ilti ~t Ii ., b~ ~ ~ i~ii~~~~i'~~ ~ ~ ~ i u, \f i i iiiililllill ~~ ! . it .\ 011 ...... .. !Ill I' I I ... i II ~. , . I I I ~ ~-,_._-----._,------_.- ------------. " ---~..-------- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING &. DEVELOPMENT BOARD HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2005 AT 6:30P.M. Present: Lee Wische, Chairman Sergio Casaine, Vice Chair William Cwynar Woodrow Hay Shirley Jaskiewicz Roger G. Saberson Gerald Broening, non-voting Alternate Mike Fitzpatrick, Alternate Ed Breese, Principal Planner Eric Johnson, Planner Absent: Absent: Jose Rodriguez David Tolces, Assistant City Attorney 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Wische called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. Chairman Wische announced that David Tolces, Assistant City Attorney was absent. 2. Introduction of Board Chairman Wische decided to proceed without introduction of the Board. 3. Agenda Approval Motion Mr. Hay moved that one more board member was needed and Mr. Wische stated that Gerald Broening, non-voting Alternate would become a regular until the regular arrives. Motion seconded by Mr. Saberson and unanimously carried. Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida March 22, 2005 4. Approval of Minutes Motion Mr. Hay moved to approve the minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. Saberson and unanimously carried. Mr. Saberson administered the oath to all persons who would be testifying. 5. Communications and Announcements A. Planning and Zoning Report 1. Final disposition of the February 22, 2005 Planning and Development Board meeting Agenda items. Ed Breese, Principal Planner, reported on the actions taken by the City Commission at their meeting on March 1, 2005 of the Board. He stated the following items were approved: . The Neptune Commerce Center request for New Site Plan for a 16,482 square foot industrial building on a 0.969-acre parcel in a M-1 zoning district. . Verizon Wireless at Boynton Space Plus request for conditional use to allow construction of a 135-foot high telecommunication tower on a 2,000 square foot leased parcel on the site of the Boynton Space Plus Storage Center. . Live/Work Code Review in SMU. Request for an amendment to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 6.H. Suburban Mixed Use zoning district to allow Live/Work units as a permissible use. . Boynton Beach Mall NOPC #5. Request for Master Plan Modification approval for the conversion of 90,010 square feet of existing leasable retail space to a 79,500 square foot multi- screen movie theatre with 3,650 seats. . Boynton Beach Mall NOPC #5. Request for Development of Regional Impact Amendment for the conversion of 90,010 square feet of existing leasable retail space to a 79,500 square foot multi-screen movie theatre with 3,650 seats. 6. Old Business: None 2 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida March 22, 2005 Description: Request for Height Exception approval of 19 feet-six (6) inches to allow decorative rooftop statues at a height of 64 feet-six (6) inches in lieu of the maximum of 45-feet allowed in the C-3 zoning district. Chairman Wische stated that there was only one staff comment and Mr. Marsicano agreed with the staff comment. Chairman Wische opened the public hearing. Since no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Motion Ms. Jaskiewicz moved to approve the request for Height Exception approval of 19 feet-six (6) inches to allow decorative rooftop statues at a height of 64 feet-six (6) inches in lieu of the maximum of 45-feet allowed in the C-3 zoning district. Mr. Hay seconded the motion that passed unanimously. D. Code Review 1. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Quantum Park MU Height (CDRV 05-006) Eugene Gerlica, P.E., Quantum Group of Companies Quantum Group of Companies Quantum Park PID Request amendment to the Land Development Regulations to increase the allowable building height from 45 feet to 5 stories in Mined Use (MU) PODs of the Planned Industrial District (PID) regulations. Chairman Wische stated that Staff approved it with slight recommendations to the Planned Industrial District regulations. David Norris, 712 US Highway 1, attorney for the applicant, assumed the podium and stated that they accept the staff recommendations. Ed Bresse, Principal Planner stated that the City Manager requested that Staff recommend that the item be tabled so he can have more time to review the information submitted. Chairman Wische stated it was not on the agenda to table, and he was only interested in whether the request was approved. 7 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida March 22, 2005 Motion Mr. Saberson moved to table the request for one month until the next Planning and Development meeting. Ms. Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. Chairman Wische objected to tabling and stated the item was already held back from the February meeting. Mr. Breese informed the Board that the City Manager had been ill and has not had a lot to time to spend on those types of Items. Vice Chair Casaine stated he did not believe that enough reason had been presented to table the item. He stated that motions must be presented in an order, and you have to give the opportunity for it to be presented to the public and the Board for discussion before a motion can be presented. Mr. Hay stated that based on the City Manager's illness he felt the City Manager should have the opportunity to review the item. Mr. Nora pointed out that the item was originally part of the request for NOPC #15, and staff requested them to remove it from that request so that they would have more time to review. They gave staff the additional month and a half to review the item, which Staff gave their recommendation that they agree with. He did not think it was fair for them to ask for more time at the last minute. He stated that it is a big project and every request is time sensitive. Mr. Broening pointed out that after the Board makes its recommendations that the item then goes to the City Commission for approval, which will provide sufficient time for any further review that may be necessary. Mr. Breese pointed out that Mr. Nora stated Staff asked them to remove the item from the NOPC #15 to give them more time to review, and that was not a factual statement. He stated that it is not a part of the NOPC and is not something that is reviewed by the State. He stated that they did ask him to remove the item because it would not be appropriate to deal with it within an NOPC and suggested they move it to tonight's meeting. Vote The motion failed 2-5 (Chairman Wische, Vice Chair Casaine, Mr. Cwynar, Mr. Hay, Mr. Broening dissenting). 8 Meeting Minutes Planning and Development Board Meeting Boynton Beach, Florida March 22, 2005 Motion Vice Chair Sergio moved that the request to amend the Land Development Regulations to increase the allowable building height from 45 feet to 5 stories in Mixed Use (MU) PODs of the Planned Industrial District (PID) request and following staff's recommendations be approved. Motion seconded by Mr. Cwynar. Vote The motion carried 5-2 (Mr. Saberson and Ms Jaskiewicz dissenting). 8. Other None 9. Comments by members Mr. Hay inquired if it was okay for them to have the meeting without an Attorney present. Mr. Breese responded that Staff was told that it would not be a problem running the meeting without the Attorney present. Mr. Fitzpatrick, Alternate, inquired from Staff about a list of questions he had given out to Staff two months ago and has not had any reply. Mr. Breese stated that he was not sure what those requests were, that they were not directed to him, but he will find out. 10. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:19p.m. Respectfully submitted, Catherine Wharton Recording Secretary (March 24, 2005) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ORDINANCE NO. 05- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 2., SECTIONS 7 H.14 AND 7 P. 1. e. TO ALLOW A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT EXCEEDING FORTY -FIVE FEET IN HEIGHT BUT NOT EXCEEDING SEVENTY-FIVE (75) FEET IN HEIGHT IN A PID MIXED USE POD, PROVIDING APPLICATION FOR BUILDING WITH A HEIGHT EXCEEDING FORTY-FIVE (45) FEET SHALL BE PROCESSED AS A CONDITIONAL USE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City's PID Land Development Regulations limit building height to forty-five (45) feet; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has considered recommendations from City staff that buildings in PID mixed use PODS be permitted to a height of seventy-five (75) feet subject to conditional use review/approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, THAT: Section 1. Each Whereas clause set forth above is true and correct and herein incorporated by this reference. Section 2. That Chapter 2. Section 7 H. 14 of the LDR is hereby amended by as follows: 14. Maximum Building Height. No building or appurtenances thereof within the Pill zoning district shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height, with the exception of buildings in a Mixed Use POD pursuant to Section 7.P.1.e.1. Section 7.P .1.e Maximum S tmeture Height. Meehtmieal equipmeFlt wkieh. exclusively serves tke stmcture shall not be ineluded iR the oaleulatioFl of height. e.l Maximum Building Height. The maximum building height within a Mixed Use Pod shall not be greater than five (5) stories BAd shall be below th.e Florida Building Code thresholds for a high rise classifieatioR.75 feet. Any building exceeding 45 feet in height shall be processed as a conditional use. C:\Documents and Settin\;ts\greeneq.ClTY\Local Settings\TemDorarv Internet Files\OLKI E\Ouantum Park Height.docS:\C.^.\OrtliRftRees\PlaRRiRgl,CeAtlitieRal Use AffieRameRt M 1 (;)4 1 W5.tlee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Section 3. That Chapter 2. Section 7 P. l.e of the LDR is hereby amended by creating new sections as follows: c.2. Building Height Measurement. Building height shall be measured from the lowest finish floor slab elevation of the proposed building to the peak of the structure. including any architectural details. stairwells. elevator shafts. etc. e.). Height Setback Envelop. Minimum building setbacks shall be based on building heights for buildings greater than forty-five (45) feet in height. The height setback envelop is applicable where the Mixed Use development is adiacent to an existing developed single-family residential zoning district outside the PID. This minimum setback shall be three (3) times the building height for anv multifamily or nonresidential structure. The setback shall be measured from the common boundary of the rID and the existing single- family residential zoning district of the midpoint of any intervening right-of- way. Section 4. Each and every other provision of Chapter 2, Section 7 of the Land Development Regulations, not herein specifically amended shall remain in full force and effect as previously enacted. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 6. Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section 7. Section 8. Authority is hereby granted to codify said ordinance. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this _ day of 2005. SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE this day of 2005. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner C:\Docurnents and Settin\!s\greenea.CITY\Local Setting:s\Ternporarv Internet Files\OLKIE\Ouantum Park Hei~ht.docS:\CA\OFlliRaRee~\P18RRiRg'.C9RtlitieR81 Use AR'leRtlR'leRt 11.1 1 9111 9S.dee .~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ATTEST: Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL) C:\Documents and Sethngs\~:reenea.CITY\Local Settinas\Temporal)' Internet Files\OLKIE\Ouantum Park Heiaht.docS:\Cl'.\OnliRftRees\PlaRRiRg\CeRaitieRal Use ;\meRameRt M 1 911195.E1ee .. Development staff response to issues related to Code Review CDRV 05-006 April 5, 2005 1. Definition of five-story building -- without a companion height limitation, how high theoretically can the building be? There is nothing in the staff report to indicate how high a five-story building would be. Assuming a 12' ceiling height, a tive-story building, exclusive of elevator and AC equipment would be 60 feet. Per the SMU code, the maximum building height by right is 55 feet. The petitioner in this instance has requested authorization of "five-story buildings" as opposed to the underlying PID allowance of buildings having a maximum height of 45 feet. Further, the SMU code as referenced in the staff report does allow for increased height of buildings in the SMU district between 55 feet and 75 feet subject to special review and setback regulations. In summary, I am concerned that the petitioner's request for authorization of a five-story building lacks specificity and will result in interpretive problems for the staff and Commission. The building height should be expressed in feet not stories. That said the visual impact of five-story buildings along Gateway must be addressed by staff. This was not done in the staff report. The Staff Report Summary recommends revising Section 7.P.1.e of the Planned Industrial District (PID) regulations to read as follows: Section 7.P.1.e - Maximum Buildina Heiaht. The Mixed Use pods within the PID shall allow for a heiaht of fifty-five (55) feet for mixed use and residential buildinas. Buildina heiahts between fifty-five (55) feet and a maximum of seventy-five (75) feet shall be processed as a Conditional Use. No exceptions to the maximum heiaht shall be allowed. Staff does not consider the 10 foot difference, between the currently allowed 45 foot height to the midpoint of a pitched roof with the possibility of being granted an undetermined height exception and the maximum 55 foot height to the top of a roof with no exceptions, to be significant. The 75-foot height limit can only be achieved by going through the conditional use process. As a result staff does not consider the visual impact along Gateway to differ significantly from what can be built now. 2. What does "shall fall below the Florida Building Code thresholds for a high-rise classification" mean? This is not explained in the staff report. If this is an exception to any fire code provisions, the FD may have objections to the proposed language. Will the new high-rise regulations to our fire code apply to the PID? The staff report needs to address this matter. This statement should more correctly reference Ordinance No. 04-005 which amended Chapter 9, Article 2 of the City Code concerning Fire Protection and Prevention, which defines "High Rise" as six stories or 75 feet. 3. The staff report recommends deploying the set-back provisions of the SMU in the Quantum PID -- however, as noted above, this may be a moot point as there is no contiguous single family property for vacant lots, I believe. The only area which I saw adjacent to single-family is the MU lots 23-31, which have been developed. As land use policy, the provisions of the SMU Code per Ordinance 04-011 are clear as to the intent that the SMU designation is a special case with limitations ... The only existina single family is Dos Lagos adjacent to lots 23 -31. However, it is possible that future single-family adjacencies could occur at parcels 83, 87 and 88. The recommendation by staff is based on a vision for the future, which would allow intensification, by height based on subsequent and required NOPC applications and/or substantial deviations to the DR!. To add additional units or square footage above the current threshold of the DRI, formal applications would be required and reviewed accordingly. Rather than creating a new system, based on the similarities in location and use with the SMU, the general components of the SMU were applied. 4. I did not see any language that would seek to evaluate the SMU provisions for usable open space at the Quantum PID. Your staff needs to address whether such requirements are appropriate or beneficial to the MU area of Quantum PID. This is an important and integral element of balancing increased height and density. How would and should the SMU Building and Site Regulations apply to the Quantum Site? I ask this because it appears that the staff report only addressed setback requirements associated with higher buildings. The Quantum Park PID has it's own open space requirements which it had originally met, including setting aside 40 acres of preserve, a 25' and 40' foot perimeter buffer, right-of-way plantings, and multiple retention ponds with littoral plantings. The subject and preceding NOPC amendments have not represented intensifications of the DRl/Master Plan, but a shifting of uses under the maximum thresholds. The additional height allowed should not be viewed as an intensification but as a vertical use of capacity. Therefore, this should not necessarily be viewed as the opportunity to apply more restrictions disproportional to the request. 5. What is the basis for the developer's desire to increase the DU's by 105 units? What is the hardship imposed that would allow such an increase in density? The only item I could see in the developer's presentation package is that the topography of the area is low. (See page 2 of 4 of the Developer's justification statement.) With this proposal, what will be the final number and distribution of residential units in the area depicted as Exhibit B to the staff report? What is the density for the proposal? The question as to the basis for the developer's desire to increase DU's by 105 units would appear to be academic in light of the City Commission's Approval of Ordinance No. 05-013 on February, 152005, which approved the NOPC allowing the additional 105 dwelling units. The DRI application does not state any hardship, nor is the applicant required to provide that type of justification. From day one, when residential units were initially allowed into the PID via the prerequisite amendments, residential units have been allowed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan subject only to a FAR and not a density limit. 6. What impact will this petition have, if granted, on the Mixed Use designated parcels in the Quantum PID? Based on what has been constructed and what is vacant in these areas, wbat can we expect? Also, could the commercial/office area on the north side of Gateway (Lots 83-88) be converted to residential, or has the development of these parcels been assured as non-residential? More residential development on Lots 83-88 could occur but would likely trigger a formal process to amend the master site plan for that mixed-use pod. A certain level of additional units, if vertical or well integrated would be generally supported by staff. ((>~,,/ "\ }-' DeS}- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Fonn Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting t>ates in to City Clerk's Office ~ AprilS, 2005 March 14,2005 (Noon.) 0 r j April 19, 2005 April 4, 2005 (Noon) 0 0 May 3, 2005 April 18,2005 (Noon) 0 0 May 17,2005 May 2, 2005 (Noon) 0 June 7, 2005 June 21, 2005 July 5, 2005 July 19,2005 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative ~ Consent Agenda j Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o City Manager's Report May 16, 2005 (Noon) June 6, 2005 (Noon) June 20, 2005 (Noon) July 5, 2005 (Noon) o Development Plans o New Business Legal o Unfinished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place this request on the April 5, 2005 City Commission Agenda under Cons en t Ag enda. .. The Planning and Development Board reconnnended that staff's re~ommendal1uns regarding the subject .c:quest be approved on March 22, 2005. For further details pertaining to the request, see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 05-040. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Quantum Park MU Height (CDR' Eugene Gerlica, P.E., Quantum OrOI Quantum Group of Companies Quantum Park PID Request amendment to the Land De, building height from 45 feet to 5 ste Industrial District (PID) regulations. PROGRAM IMP ACT: FISCAL IMP ACT: ALTERNATIVES: N/A N/A N/A Lil t., 10& ~~~ ~~~~ ~/~ ~~! ~ er;~Ht ~~ r~P~ City Manager's Signature tf.{L Planning and Zoning D' ctor City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\SPECPROJ\C REVIEW\CDRY 05-006 QP MU Height\Agenda Item Request Quantum Pk MU Height CDRY 05-006 4- 19-OS.dot S:\BUILETlN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC MAR-31-2005 THU 04:34 PM Olr" PROPERTIES FAX NO. 954 '1A4 6968 P. 02/02 Mr. Ed Breese, Principal Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: (MPMO OS 008) Quantum lakes Mixed Use, lRC Request for Additional Information: March 31, 2005 Dear Mr. Breese: Please accept the following as compliance to your request for additional information regarding Residential Unit breakdown by Community. . Community Builder Number of Units Parkside D. R. Horton 271 Canteburv Westbrooke 155 Quantum L.ake Villa's I Olen DeveloDment 272 Quantum Lake Villa's II Olen Development 42 Quantum Lake Villa's III Olen DeveloDment 234 Quantum lakes Mixed Use Olen Development Proposed 131 Total 1105 ADDroved for Quantum DRI 1105 f# Should you have any questions. please feel free to contact us. Respectfully, QUANTUM PARK & VILLAGE, LLC r/MfJ Dale E. Vander Ploeg Project Manager Florida Region (954) 340-4904 office (561) 719-2180 mobile (I cc: Dale Lyon. Olen Quantum Limited Partners Project File (949) 719-7274 (561) 740-2429 \\Olanfi\us.r.\Oale V\Quantum Llllkell Mixed U.t\CommUnlC81Ion\Buildlng Oepartrnant\Mlnor MadificaUon to Matter Site Plan. Bre.lIe O~3105.doo 1062 Carel Ridge Drive · Coral Springs, Florida 33071 (954) 340-4904 · Fax (954) 344-4808 www. 0 I ~ n p I' 0 P Ii) r tie $ . Q 0 m FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: Ev&evG. ~e4- ~ ~StZ FAX: 74-<J - 24 z.q FROM: g-If-as NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) 5 DA TE: RE: cP/)~U/v1 ./k,c;Hr &; (getv€ I k/nJrCt-/a) IS ~ ~ntFF ~,.. r I 7J-ftAJJ<:. ~ ~ fZ&CNtlIf41:EAJlWt-t7O"7U ~V/~es ~ WI17/-- TJ.I€ ~X/tb/LI'r::J ~ At'Z.& ~k(>>G. ~ ~ IIVPo) IF Wfd= ~ FeuA- ~~AJ E.tEvA-T70?0 #b Ir!5 ~"3 28 I ~ t()tfV~ ~ J ) lfU,t;web 75 I t/)O ~ H ~ t>;t2.. AAJI.5H€Z> ~ IZ8/AT7~ wlHellta./eYL IS ~, / ~ I r ~/U){.)ft;~!f F/'7IJ l> ur /'U.6 /<:.~ ~r ~ 77ft).)/4, . Et:> If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME NAME FAX TEL SER.# 03/11/2005 09:41 PLANNING 5617426259 BROL3J876851 DATE,TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 03/11 09: 40 97402429 00:01:46 05 OK STANDARD ECM DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 05-040 DRAFT TO: Chair and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: Ed Breese Principal Planner DATE: March 4,2005 SUBJECT: CODE REVIEW (CDRV 05-006) Quantum Park PID (Maximum Building Height in Mixed Use Pods) NATURE OF REQUEST Mr. Eugene Gerlica, representing Quantum Group of Companies, is requesting an amendment to the City's Land Development Regulations to allow an increase in the maximum allowed height in excess of the 45- foot limitation contained within the Quantum Park Planned Industrial District (Pill). The request is specific to the Mixed Use (MU) pods in Quantum Park (see Exhibit "A" - Justification Statement). BACKGROUND The City's Land Development Regulations Chapter 2, Section 7.H.14 establishes the maximum building height within Planned Industrial Districts (Pill). According to the current regulations, "No building or appurtenances thereof shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height". To date, the residential construction occurring within Quantum Park has been primarily townhomes and apartments, which complied with the 45-foot height limitation. As a result of the most recent Quantum Park DR! amendment (NOPC #15), approved by the City Commission on February 15, 2005, providing for an increase in the allowable number of dwelling units by 105, the Quantum Group would like to make provision for a vertical condominium residential option. ANALYSIS The requested amendment would affect only those properties within a Planned Industrial District (Pill) designated with a Mixed Use (MU) land use. Mixed Use pods only exist within the Quantum Park Pill. Staff reviewed the Quantum Park Master Plan (see Exhibit "B" - Quantum Park Master Plan), and the only lots containing the "Mixed Use (MU)" designation are noted as follows: Lots 7-11 & 23-31: These lots are located on Quantum Boulevard, north of Gateway Boulevard and were approved for a townhouse development by DR Horton in 2002 known as Quantum Townhomes East & West (now called Parkside). This project is nearly built-out. Page 2 CDRV 05-006 DRAFT Lots 59-61 & 101: These lots are located on Quantum Lakes Drive, south of Gateway Boulevard and were approved for a rental apartment development by Olen Development in 2000 known as Quantum Lakes Villas. This project is complete. Lots 62-67 & 100: These lots are located on the south side of Gateway Boulevard, just west of High Ridge Road and were approved for an office, retail and rental apartment development by Olen Development in 2002 known as Quantum Park and Village South. The rental apartment component of this project is under construction. Lots 83-88 & 89-B: These lots are located on the north side of Gateway Boulevard, abutting High Ridge Road and were approved for an office, retail and townhouse development in 2002. The townhouse project (now called Canterbury) is actually on both sides of High Ridge Road, north of Gateway Boulevard and is currently under construction by Westbrooke Homes. The total acreage of the above-noted projects and designated for "Mixed Use (MU)" within Quantum Park is 94.86 acres, which is approximately 17% of the total acreage of the DR! (553.13 acres). Additionally, only two of the "Mixed Use (MU)" pods are near the fringe of the Pill, abutting single-family residential. First is the Quantum Park and Village North project, which abuts a vacant tract of land to the west that is zoned single-family. Second is the Parkside townhouse project, which, as stated earlier, is nearly built-out and which abuts the L WDD E-4 Canal to the west and across the canal is the Dos Lagos residential community. It would appear, at the present time, the only "Mixed Use (MU)" designated parcels that may be able to take advantage of the additional 105 dwelling units would be either Quantum Park and Village South or Quantum Park and Village North, since the office and retail components of these projects has not begun construction. The subdivision master plan for either of these sites would require a formal modification and review in front of the Board and City Commission to incorporate the additional units while reducing other approved uses on the site. Based upon discussions staffhas had with Olen Development, and their recent submittal for a Master Plan Modification and Major Site Plan Modification, they would intend to amend the plans for Quantum Park and Village South to accommodate the additional dwelling units, while redesigning the office and retail components. As justification for the request for additional height, Quantum states that "An increase in height will encourage the conservation of natural amenities by accomplishing the vested development intensities in a vertical manner in contrast to the land sprawl oflower height development". During discussions with The Quantum Group of Companies, they were encouraged to review the Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) regulations to understand how the City previously addressed a similar request. As a result, Quantum proposes the following changes to the Planned Industrial Development (Pill) regulations: Revise Section 7.H.14 - Maximum Building Height, as follows: Section 7.H.I4 - Maximum Building Height. No building or appurtenances thereof within the PID zoning district shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. with the exception of buildinf!s in a Mixed Use POD Dursuant to Section 7.P.I.e.I. Renumber and revise Section 7.P .1.e - Maximum Structure Height, as follows: Scetian l.P.l.e MuilHlIlH Strfleml'e Height. Mechanieal efJbtipment ~vhieh cx-chlsi'.'e!y serves fhc strblet1:lFC shsY Hat he inelHtkd in fhe esloHlstien of height. Section 7.P.I.e.]) Maximum Buildin1! Hei1!ht. The maximum buildinf! height within a Mixed Page 3 CDRV 05-006 DRAFT Use Pod shall not be greater than five (5) stories and shall be below the Florida Buildinfl Code thresholds for a hiflh-rise classification. Add two (2) new subsections, as follows: Section 7.PJ.e.]) Buildinfl Heiflht Measurement. Buildinfl heiflht shall be measured trom the lowest finish floor slab elevation of the proposed buildinfl to the peak of the structure. including anv architectural details. stairwells. elevator shafts. etc. Section 7.P.J.e.3) Heiflht Setback EnveloD. Minimum building setbacks shall be based on building heiflhts for buildings greater than fortv-five (45) feet in height. The height setback envelop is applicable where the Mixed Use development is ad;acent to an existing developed single-familv residential zoninfl district outside the PID. This minimum setback shall be three (3) times the buildinfl heiflht for anv multifamilv or nonresidential structure. The setback shall be measured from the common boundary of the PID and the existing single-familv residential zoninfl district or the midpoint of anv intervening right-of -wav. As part of the requested code review, staff studied the Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) regulations, which allow mixed use in a vertical configuration, allow a height comparable to that being requested by the applicant, make provisions to safeguard adjacent single family residential communities, and is being utilized in the immediate vicinity in conjunction with the Renaissance Commons project. SUMMARY As a result of staff s analysis of the proposed changes submitted by the applicant and staff s review of the existing SMU regulations, staff recommends the following amendments to the Pill district regulations, which vary slightly from those suggested by the applicant: Revise Section 7.H.14 - Maximum Building Height, as follows: Section 7.H.J4 - Maximum Building Height. No building or appurtenances thereof within the PID zoning district shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. with the exception of buildings in a Mixed Use Pod pursuant to Section 7.P.J. e. Amend Section 7.P.1.e. - Maximum Structure Height, as follows: Section l.P.!.e AlRxinulm StrMeHtl'e Heigftt. Mechanical equipmcnt which cx-chtsi'.,'Cly Sefl'CS /he sfRiehlro shall not be inehui{!tf in the ealculati6n 6/ height. Section l.P.J.e - Maximum Buildinl! Heil!ht. The Mixed Use pods within the PID shall allow for a heiflht of fifty-five (55) feet for mixed use and residential buildinfls. Building heights between fifty-five (55) feet and the maximum of seven tv-five (75) feet shall be processed as a Conditional Use. No exceptions to the maximum heiflht shall be allowed. Additionallv. the followinfl reJ!Ulations shall applv: (]) The buildinfl height shall be measured from the lowest finish floor slab elevation of the proposed building or from the minimum base flood elevation as established bv Page 4 CDRV 05-006 DRAFT FEMA. whichever is lowest. to the peak of the structure. inc1udinf! anv architectural details. rooftop equipment. stairwells. elevator shafts. etc. (2) HeiJ!ht Setback EnveloDe. Minimum buildinf! setbacks shall be based on building heights for buildings greater than forty-five (45) feet in heif!ht. The heif!ht setback envelope is applicable where the Mixed Use development is adjacent to an existing developed sinf!le-familv residential zoninf! district outside the PID. This minimum setback shall be three (3) times the building heif!ht for anv residential or mixed use structure. The setback shall be measured from the common boundary of the PID and the existing sinf!le-familv residential zoning district or the midpoint of anv intervening rif!ht-of-wav. The slight changes recommended by staff, from the language proposed by the applicant, involve: (one) - the further defining (clarifying) of height in feet, rather than in stories; (two) - the utilization of SMU language in requiring structures between 55 and 75 feet in height to be treated as a Conditional Use and denoting that height exceptions are not allowed; (three) - the addition of FEMA floodplain criteria as an additional option in determining the base of measurement for height. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that staff's proposed amendments to Chapter 2. Zoning of the City's Land Development Regulations, specific to height regulations within the Mixed Use pods of Pill zoning districts, be approved. It is staff's opinion that the Mixed Use components of Quantum Park share many of the traits of the Suburban Mixed Use (SMU) zoning district being utilized at Renaissance Commons (former Motorola site), and similar regulations appear appropriate. l:ISHRDATAIPLANNlNGISHARED\WPIPROJECTSIQUANTUM PARKIMU POD HEIGHT CDRV.DOC