APPLICATION City Codes Accessed Via Website www,bovnton-beach,org www.amlegal.com/bovnton beach fl CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ill OCT Z 6 2004 PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR. PLANNING AW) NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SlTE.pLJQij,l': 'v ~l 1'1 \ ~!,; I ' '--' Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Yes " Date This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED, Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: East Boynton Village - Also known as "The Barr Property" 2. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Boynton Village, LLC Address: 2121 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Penthouse; Coral Gables, FI 33134 (Zip Code) Phone: (305) 443-8288 Fax: (305) 443-9339 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Boynton Village, LLC Address: 2121 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Penthouse; Coral Gables, FI Phone: (305) 443-8288 Fax: (305) 443-9339 33134 (Zip Code) If contract purchaser, please attach contract for sale and purchase. 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): John Barr Address: 2121 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Penthouse; Coral Gables, Florida 33134 (Zip Code) Phone: 305-443-8288 Fax: 305-443-9339 5. Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below:* Mail to Agent *This is the one address to which all agendas; letters and other materials will be mailed. 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Developer 7. Street address of location of site: ~ ii[' n- w ~ ~.~'.! 1\ I' 'i. d I' OCT l. 6 2004 h~,~! j 8. Property Control #(PCN) 08-43-45-15-03-000-0205 1801 NE 4th Street; Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 . 9, Legal description of site: See attached. 4- pi ANlo.liNG !,:F) ZONI" " - 10, Intended use(s) of site: Townhome Development 11. Architect: Quincy Johnson Architects 12. Landscape Architect: JFS Design, Inc. 13, Site Planner: GGB Engineering, Inc./ Quincy Johnson Architects 14. Engineer: GGB Engineering, Inc. 15. Surveyor: Calvin-Giordano 16. Traffic Engineer: McMahon Associates, Inc. 17, Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? No II. SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1, Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan: SHDR - Special High Density Residential 2. Zoning District: Existing R-3, Pending Approval for land use of PUD 3. Area of Site 9.8882 acres 430,729.992 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown: sq. ft. a. Residential, including 3.2 acres 32.38 surrounding lot area of grounds b, Recreation Areas * 2.4 acres 24.29 (excluding water area) c. Water Area 0 acres 0 % of site % of site % of site d. Commercial 0 acres 0 % of site e, Industrial 0 acres 0 % of site f, Public/Institutional 0 acres 0 % of site g. Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way 0 acres 0 % of site h. Other (specify) Clubhouse/Entry 1.43 acres 14.47 % of site i. Other (specify) Parking 2.85 acres 28.84 % of site j, Total area of site 9.8882 acres 100.00 % of site *including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover 6. Floor Area a. Residential 126,990.47 b. Commercial/Office 0 c, Industrial/Warehouse 0 d, Recreational 0 e. Publicll nstitutional 0 f. Other (specify) 0 a. b. c. courts. site d, e. Ground floor building 2.9153 area ("building footprint") acres 29.48 % of site Water area 0 acres 0 % of site Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic 3.3705 acres 34.09 % of Total impervious area 6.2858 acres 66.57 % of site Landscaped area 3.6024 acres 33.43 % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). f. Other landscaped areas, .0669 acres 3.68 % of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas 0 acres 0 % of site h, Total pervious areas 3.6695 acres 37.11 % of site i. Total area of site 9.8882 acres 100.00 % of site sq, ft. ; I~ ~ [19 rn u '" L !! ~ OCT '- 6 2004--~ c sq. ft. sq. ft. '... PLANNING N,,1f) .1Q!il': ,.., sq. ft, sq. ft. sq, ft. 7. g. h. Other (specify) 0 Total floor area 129,990.47 sq, ft. sq. ft. .' 10) il~ ,"",.. ({Li R n Wl ~ r~' ~ IS U \:J ll;~ I P , I Number of Residential Dwellinq Units a. Single-family detached N/A OCT I.. 6 2004 sq. ft. b. Duplex N/A PLANi.m<G ,I";) ZON!' ' sq, ft. .~ c, (1 ) (2) (3) (4) Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) Efficiency 0 1 Bedroom 0 2 Bedroom 30 3+ Bedroom 150 dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units d. Total multi-family 180 dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units 180 8, Gross Density 18.2 dwelling units per acre 9. Maximum height of structures on site 35.3 feet 3 stories 10. Reauired off-street Darkinq a. Calculation of required # of off-street parking spaces. 180 Units x 2/Unit Clubhouse/Guest 365 REQUIRED Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan = 360 38 398 = = b. Calculation of required # of handicap parking spaces 2% = 8 Number of handicap spaces provided on site plan 8 = REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. ~0.~.~~g.t:l.1~Ni.S~~~..lt;J.S. RESPONSIVE , 'RANSPORTATlON SOLUTIONS PRIKCIPALS, J".lCI,h W. McMaiwn, P E. Rodney P PI"urde, Ph.D, r.E. In.\cph J De~anti" I' E , r T (1 E. ASSOCIA TES, John ~. DeP"/m,, Case) A Muure, P E William T. Steffen, Keith A Bergman, P E Gary R. M CNllHgh toll , r.E. June 22, 2004 Mr. Masoud Atefi, M.S.C.E., P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic Division Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Engineering & Public Works 160 Australian Avenue, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 RE: East Boynton Village- Traffic Statement McM Project No. M04380.00 Dear Mr. Atefi: McMahon Associates, me. (McM) has completed a traffic statement for East Boynton Village based on Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. The traffic analysis was completed to address the conversion an existing 110-unit mobile home park, into a condominium/townhome residential development The proposed condominiumltownhome residential development consists of 152 residential units. The site is located on NE 4th Street, north of Boynton Beach Boulevard and South of Gateway Boulevard, in the City of Boynton Beach. East Boyton Village will be built out by 2007. This traffic statement was prepared to comply with Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, and the traffic study requirements of the City of Boynton Beach. The condominiumltownhome residential development is located east ofmterstate 95 (1-95) and west of US-I. Based on conversations with Palm Beach County Traffic Division, areas between 1-95 and the mtracoastal Waterway are considered to be within the Coastal Residential Exception Area. The proposed development is located within the Coastal Residential Exception Area. Residential developments within this area are exempt from Palm Beach County traffic concurrency requirements. The standards of Article 12 shall not apply to areas designated as Coastal Residential Exception. Therefore, based on conversations with Palm Beach County Traffic Division, it is required that a daily, AM and PM peak hour trip generation analysis be prepared incorporating the appropriate land uses of the proposed development. Project Trip Generation Trip generation characteristics were developed based on trip generation rates or equations from, either Article 10 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code or, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, th Edition publication for both daily and peak hour time periods. The daily trip generation characteristics for the proposed development are presented in Table 1. The AM and PM peak hour trip generation characteristics comparison for the proposed development are shown in Table 2. 7741 Nortll Military Trail, Suite 5, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 561.840.8650 fax 561.840,8590 email: palmbeachgardens@mcmtrans.com Regional Offices: Fort Lmderdale & Cape Coral, Florid.a Fort Washington, Exton & Harrisburg, Pennsylt'ania Boston, Massachusetts www,mcmtrans.com Established. in 1976 ~ ~ i t tS ~ ~ e > ..... z z f;Iil 0 0 ..J .... ~ ~~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ Co? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;.. ~ ~ ~ 't:l ~ U o ("l N ~ '" ;;;J ~ ~ ~ o ~ g 's '6 o -g o U ;,; ~ ;E <J> '" 1 ., .~ 6 .g t o Po '" 'P. ~ 'S g t- . ~ oq ,-. ~ 6 ,!:! '-' ~ os 1-. ::; o l:)l) ~ E () Q) .~ 6 :c;--g S -B 8 ~ -B ;>- '" - ~ '~ E IJ.o :f ~ l" .S o Vl ~ ~ ~ ::l ~~ P, ~ ~ ~ ~g g "E @ 'g ,- 0 ~ "0 t g \3 u l:)l)-a p. .;:: 'S \3 ;a:z '8 ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ = j ~ e M S z = ::ss~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z 0 tS e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ t \3 " Po ., 'c "g t; u ~ '5 ~ ~ OJ) 0 .S ~ 'i ~ ~ 0 t2 ~ ~ '"g .;...o;o~; '" "3 ~ 'E ca~ '$.'$.~ Q c ~ to 0 ~ g ;: $:: b ~u,-.c-c-'S g~ ~~~ g 'a. IV 0 0 0 Ii 2(:J:l'<::++1- .~ ~ ~ x g g ~ ~ ~ '-'" ~ <J} :>~E5.;..l'g o ..... ;:) *' ~ ::3 ~ ~ '.S ~ oq ~ - N E 0 0 ._ ~ - 0 \\ II ~ a~~~~~ ~';::8----~ 'E 4. "d 5 5 ~ '"" ~ '.c: .- " fJ) 5 0 \3 g ~ 'S q ~ ~ ",;:: .~ ~ ,:;.t\ rJ} '(;i ~ ~ ~ \'l,g~ggll p.. 11).......-' ..... x ~ta~ij>~~ 0... a'3 N ~ ~ OJ "O~"PoP.5 ~ ~::J 'BE ;> 1 3 ~ ~ p.. ~ t:: 't:l ~ ; '" ..J ;;;J ~ 't:l ~ U o ("l N Q) <f) g 1 ~ g .s '6 .g g u ~ '" ;;;J 'd = ~ ~ ~ Mr. Masoud Atefi, M.S.C.E., P.b. June 22, 2004 Page 3 The results of the trip generation analysis indicates that the proposed redevelopment will generate 1,064 net daily trips, 72 net total AM peak hour trips, and 85 net total PM peak hour trips. It should be noted that these trip generation estimates reflect no trip credits for existing and prior uses on this site. Conclusions and Recommendations McM has performed a trip generation analysis, in accordance with Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, of the associated impacts with the proposed East Boynton Village residential development. Based on conversations with Palm Beach County Traffic Division, the proposed development is located in the Coastal Residential Exception Area, and is exempt from traffic concurrency requirements. However, as required, a trip generation analysis has been provided which, as indicated above, estimates that the 152 residential units in East Boynton Village will generate 1,064 net daily trips and 72 net AM and 85 net PM peak hour trips. If you should have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, il ~ )J /k-"\ ~/ .' . Y/i- . ~. JoSepp;w~-McMahon, P.E. CEO/ JWM/CC/htd \\PbfsO 1 \ W ork\FL \04380m\04380m _ 00\Report\Report062104.doc _:CLIIl.~l.'I:.l..~t~- ~....III1r!..am ~t:--...,I;1i.I'). '~!i;E!ifififE;E!ifE!il~1 lil Jun.23. 2004 11 :06AM Cornerstone Residential Msmt .LLC No,4749 P,20/30 r::...::..- City Code! Accessed ViII W",b,ite www.hoynlon-bcl\ch,org www.amleC!~l.comlboynt(ln lt~8ch fI I, !.i i j! ,> ('/ JUNa'lIk14 SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR / '----.. NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE PLAN" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH; FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION ...... I Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Yes Date June 4, 2004 This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division" TWELVE COMPLETE. sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure,. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information J. GENERAL INFORMATION 1, Project Name' East Boynton Village 2, Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Boynton Village, LLC Address' 2121 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Penthouse; Coral Gables, Florida 33134 (Zip Code) Phone: (305) 443-8288 Fax: (305) 443-9339 3 Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made)' Boynton Village, LLC Fax: (305) 443-9339 33134 (Zip Code) Address: 2121 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Penthouse; Coral Gables, Florida Phone' (305) 443.8288 If contract purchaser, please attach contract for sale and purchase. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant)~ 0ort~ ~f\rr 4. Address.~ ~\~, q~l dl Lt- 1>~ ~~~\. C~ {bJ4 j'L3JJJy Phone~ ~ -443 ~J?Jr Fax: ,:f6~~~J> '1>'>1 5 Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified beJow.:~ .This is the one address to which all agendas; letters and other materials will be mailed, 6, What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc..) Develooer -':{;.II(;8l.fI:lt .~,~ rrnwuc....III1li..AIJ: ~;J:..'iEi..I.]. Imwlif!!if!;iti/!!i/!;!lIt .:a Jun.23. 2004 ) I: 06AM Cornerstone Residential MgmtLLC No.4749 p. 21/30 7 Street address of location of site: 1801 NE 4th Street; Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 8.. Property Control #(PCN) 08-43-45-15-03-000-0205 9. Legal description of site: See Attached. 10 Intended use(s) of site: Townhome Development 11 Architect Quincy Johnson Architects 12.. Landscape Architect: Jimmy Socash Landscaping 13.. Site pranner: GGB Engineering, Inc./Quincy Johnson Architects 14 Engineer:. GGB Engineering, Inc. 11/; . ~~. Surveyor.: Call/in-Giordano J 18.4 '1.4 6u4 ~ / Traffic Engineer' McMann 81. Associates JM!.. . 15 16. 17.. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? No II SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan.. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan: Residential 2. Zoning District PUD 3, Area of Site 9.8882 acres 430/29.99 sq. ft. 4. Land Use - Acreage Breakdown: a Residential, including 8.54 acres 36.38 % of site surrounding lot area of grounds b Recreation Areas · 0.15 acres 1.48 % of site (excluding water area) c. Water Area N/A acres N/A % of sita _:<:ll(~.'l;.z..~.~_ Jrn.-..i'''''''lIIrJ..AlI: ~t~.."if.l.1I11 '~l;l;l;l;f;l;f;l;t;l;li' :J- JU~. 23. 2004 I I. 06AM Cornerstone Residential Msmt .LLC No.4749 p. 22/30 d Commercial N/A acres N/A e.. Industrial N/A acres N/A f. Public/lnstitutional N/A acres N/A 9 Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way N/A acres N/A h. Other (specify) N/A acres N/A Other (specify) N/A acres N/A site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of j. Total area of site 1.20 acres 12.14 % of site -including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft by 50 ft. S. Surface Cover a. b. c. courts. site d e. Ground floor building 2.6648 area ("building footprint") Water area N/A acres 26,95 % of site acres N/ A % of site Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas). and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic 3.1089 acres 31.45 % of Total impervious area 5.7737 acres 58.39 % of site Landscaped area 0.32 acres 3.24 % of site inside of parking lots (20 sqJt per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7 .S-35(g) of Landscape Code). Other landscaped areas, 1.64 16,6 % of site acres g.. Other pervious areas, including golf course. natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas 2.154 acres 21.77 % of site h. Total pervious areas 4.114 acres 41.61 % of site i Total area of site 9.8882 acres 100 % of site 6 Floor Area a. Residential 204,100.80 sq. ft. b Commercial/Office N/A sq. ft. c Industrial/Warehouse N/A sq ft d. Recreational 3,419 sq ft e Public/Institutional N/A sq, ft 1. Other (specify) N/A sq ft _:(:It(;a.'l:l..~,.:._ ~".'lllUII~..an: ~t:~"ia.ln._ Il15f!f!f!f!f!f!!!!!!!!!lJt I -* Jun.23. 2004 1 I: 06AM Cornerstone Residential Mgmt .LLC No.4749 p. 23/30 g.. h. Other (specify) N/A sq.. ft sq, ft Total floor area 207,519.8 7.. Number of Residential Dwellina Units a, Single-family detached N/A Duplex N/A sq.. ft sq, ft, b c. (1 ) (2) (3) (4) d Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) Efficiency 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3+ Bedroom Total multi-family 152 dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units (~~U dwelling units e,. Total number or dwelling units 152 8 Gross Density 15.37 dwelling units per acre 9. Maximum height of structures on site feet stories 10. ReQuired off-street oarking a Calculation of required # of off-street parking spaces, 152 x 2/Unit or 304 Soaces Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan = 319 Provided = = b" Calculation of required # of handicap parking spaces 304/50=6 Number of handicap spaces provided on site plan 6 = REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT All TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. -':(;l"'~."l:.l'.~'~ ~.M"..I'I1!!..an: ~,:-.'ia.[.]._ IIlS;E!!;5/E/E!E/EtEtEfE1J.1 JI. Jun.23. 2004 11 :06AM Cornerstone Resident ia! Msmt ,LLC No.4749 p, 25/30 III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below, bA3J~ Date Sure of Owner(s) or Trustee, of uthorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity, OR Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) Date IV AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT ~7 ~e of Authorized Agent Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above.signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application" ,(,)/~ Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, _or Authorized Principal if property is owned _by a corporation or other business entity. Date OR Signature of contract purchaser (if applicant) Date A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (eRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. -=-(:lI(:.al'":.l'.~t;._ ~.M.'lllIt!...,.,.l: iI':,:.."iE'i.I'll 'eJfI;lEl;lEl;l;l;I;lEl;!~. Jun.23. 2004 3:24PM Cornerstone Residential Mgmt .LLC No.4757 p. 2 III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief, This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below., ( Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee. of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date IV,. ~ I'H /0'1 Date' tt.~)~ Date' / (I) (We) hereby designate the above-signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application,. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, _or Authorized Principal if property is owned _by a corporation or other business entity Date R W1(\4e~ v. fhr. t..I.L /lA ! /lJ-T of co tract purchaser (if applicant) ~ /~3 /,4 '0 ate A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD OR COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. -':(:lIll=-I.'l:l..~t~_ rrn.-""'''.lIIl~.lalf: ~t:-."lljiEi..nll .~!!l;!!!I!;!!!;!!ll!!l3.t .... Jun23 2004 I I. 07AM Cornerstone Residential MgmtLLC No.4749 p. 26/30 RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications. drawings. engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved. and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted, The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same, ~EDANDAGREEDTOthjS ;;\3 dayol J..;.,L _ /C?~ I ness A~ . 20 O':-{ Witness ~(:.rI(:.IIlTl;l,.~,,;,_ ~..IC.""II,~..a": jjI;,.;.~"iEi.I.]a 1~/!!;f;f;l;f!l;f!l;f!lJ.' I " ,un 23 2))4 II07AM Cornerstone Resident ial Mgmt .LLC No.4749 p. 30/30 Legal Description That portion of Lots 20 through 26, inclusive, lying East of the West line of Section 15, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Boynton Beach, Florida, as shown on the Plat of SAM BROWN JR.:S HYPOLUXO SUBDMSION, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 81, in and for the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Less however the South 332 feet, of the West 165 feet, (as measured along the West and South lines) thereof" ....ct The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org July 26, 2004 Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Barr Property (1801 NE 4th Street, aka East Boynton Village) Dear Mr. Atefi: The enclosed traffic impact analysis, prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. dated June 22, 2004, was recently received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the Countyfs Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and me with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742- 6260. Sincerely, ~ Michael W. Rumpf t7 Director of Planning and Zoning MWR!sc Attachments S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Barr Property\Traffic #2.doc ~l':j~!f}~~.?!:!.b5.~9~S~TI~'..l~S;. RESPONSIVE TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS PRINCIPALS: Joseph W McMahon, P E Rodney P. P/,)/(rde, Ph D., P.E. Joseph./. De"lllu" I' E , P.T.C).E. ASSOCIA TES: John S. DcPalm(1 Ca5cy A. l\1nnyc, P E. ,ViII",,,, T. Steffens Keirh A. BerJ.:"rnan, r,E. Carv R. McNalll(htnn. r E., PT.O.E. John./ Mitchell, P E. Chri,,,,pher./. Williams, P E June 22, 2004 Mr. Masoud Atefi, M.S,C.E., P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic Division Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Engineering & Public Works 160 Australian Avenue, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 RE: East Boynton Village- Traffic Statement McM Project No. M04380.00 Dear Mr. Atefi: McMahon Associates, Inc. (McM) has completed a traffic statement for East Boynton Village based on Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. The traffic analysis was completed to address the conversion an existing 110-unit mobile home park, into a condominium/townhome residential development The proposed condominium/townhome residential development consists of 152 residential units. The site is located on NE 4th Street, north of Boynton Beach Boulevard and South of Gateway Boulevard, in the City of Boynton Beach. East Boynton Village will be built out by 2007. This traffic statement was prepared to comply with Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, and the traffic study requirements of the City of Boynton Beach. The condominium/townhome residential development is located east of Interstate 95 (1-95) and west of US-I. Based on conversations with Palm Beach County Traffic Division, areas between 1-95 and the Intracoastal Waterway are considered to be within the Coastal Residential Exception Area. The proposed development is located within the Coastal Residential Exception Area. Residential developments within this area are exempt from Palm Beach County traffic concurrency requirements. The standards of Article 12 shall not apply to areas designated as Coastal Residential Exception. Therefore, based on conversations with Palm Beach County Traffic Division, it is required that a daily, AM and PM peak hour trip generation analysis be prepared incorporating the appropriate land uses of the proposed development. Project Trip Generation Trip generation characteristics were developed based on trip generation rates or equations from, either Article 10 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code or, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, 7th Edition publication for both daily and peak hour time periods. The daily trip generation characteristics for the proposed development are presented in Table 1. The AM and PM peak hour trip generation characteristics comparison for the proposed development are shown in Table 2. 7741 North MiliwT"/ Trail, Suite 5, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 561.840.8650 fax 561.1340.8590 email: palmbeachgardens((pmcmtrans.com Regional Offices: . Fort Lauderdale & Cape Coral, Florida Fort Washington, Exton & Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Boston, Massachusetts Established in 1976 't('U'tO, n1ontranS.COffi ~ 1 " 1;\ . .t g '% l6. % .~ ~.... . ... ;% ~ ~ ~ 'S 1-'. ;:> C> "" ~ ~ 1~ lol g ~ u -<:. 11 iA":. 0-.-0. g .~ l ~ -" ~ ~ ~ 'A <:> f~ g'~ .~ '\ Il u :1 .~ ~ ~ .~ o ,.: % ::: .g t/) ~ t; 'a t ~q e~ ~~ ~ ~oz ~ ~~O ,:i. ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~e. < ~~ ~'(;W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ S I-' 8 ~ 'ij ~ t i-% ''ll t l~ '% ~ ~ ~ \ 8 -a ,\ 1 Q 1 iA ~ :a 0-. 3 ~ 1l~ "" - i .l! 'a.e. .ii < '% g .</ l t~ ~ \a ~ ~ i ~ ~.q ~ ~ ~ N $;~ "" 0<> ~ ~ o .~ f~b .' .9 :2- g ~ e '!i.' '" '" ~ '& ~ d W ~ -+- +- \-I tg8,l l ~ ~.\ '.~ ~ ~ .~ .g \I \I ::a gss.t u " 5 "0 11g~ '~.~ '% ~ ~\!'~~ ~ R R ~ ~~,~ ~ !~~ ..-' "n (.;:'')Ilf)''h<h 11~C;c:7"\.....j B6/Jun,24. 20D4!; 4:20PM;174~CO"'qrstone Residential Mgmt,LLC No, 47 8 2 P, 2 E:l2 VI. AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF ,FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACW I ,BEFORE'ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED H~- k. 'l) Spll Ii/')'; ,WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT~ 1. He/she is the owner of'the real, property leg"!!y desc::ribed in Attach~nt A; 2. He/she duly authorizes and designates ~ r1 hn 'furl'" .to act in htsfher behalf for'the purposes of seeking a 'changeio1he Future Land Use 'Map designation and/or Zontng classification of the real.property legally described In Attachment A; 3. He/she has examined the foregoing Future Land Use Map amendment and/or Rezoning application and he/she understands how the proposed change may affect the reai property legally descriQed in Attachment A. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. ~ore~g instrument 1].& acknowledged befono me thi~ day of ::JUJV.- . 20~ ~y , ~ <;. ~I c::u1 e..... (Name of Person Acknowledging) who is personally known to me or who s produced . (of ide . lcation) as Identification and who did (did not) .take an oath. 5 Signature /!fkJ:;. p. $~~ ,Owner"s Name {Print} .::2-7tf'tf IVJcI ~f)M.~"h~l5wc.... 2Q) Street Address ~t'A- tJ47Z?~ H- 33~31 City, State. Zip Code i sture of Person -Ta ng Ackn~9ment) ~e-l- 0eL- I/l) {Name of Acknowiedger Typed, Printed or stamped) (TJtle or Rank) (Serial Number, If any) (Notary' Seal) Tel8ohone (5l,,/- 3b<f.....o:;:;c; <f ",~V~::'" Janet Cristallo 1m' :\~on:# DD141621 ::~ ~:: Exp1l'e5 Aug. Z2, 2006 ~~ ~$ JoDdec1 Thru ~ ~~ wm.~,; Atlantic JoDltiJlg eo.. Inc. '" ,. ;~ .c. AL.'. . . , .' ....~',. ' ......". n_.~ ~__ . t~ . :. J: , J~ { !r _~_._.~L___._ LAWYERS TI'1'LJ: :IN'Sl1liJUfCE CORPORAT:ION INDIVIDQ~ W~r.ry DEED DEt-JH~~J:~3PII 96-457968 ORB 596 pg 44 I JII' !fl. 11",.1.1.. 1., Con 1,750,000.00 Olle 12,150.00 DOROTHY H. WILKEN,' CLERK PB COUNTY, FL day of This Warran~y Deed made this l~th December , 1996 between William Corrigan and Clara H. Corrigan, his wife, Individually and as Co-Trustees U/A/o 3/25/91 HIB Clara H. corrigan Ian undivided 2/3 interest) and William Corrigan and Martha Corrigan, his wife (1/3 interest) Hereinafter called the Grantor, and aMVFL-1. Inc" a Florida corporation Whose mailing address is: 6261N.W.6thWay,Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale. Florida 33309 Hereinafter called the Grantee, WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of (10.00) and oth~r valuable considerations the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has granted, bargained, and sold unto the Grantee. and .Grantee's successors, and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land in the County of Pallll Bc;ach and State of Florida to wit: That portion of Lots 20 through 26, inclusive, lying East of the West line of Section 15, Township 45 South. Range 43 East, Boynton Beach. Florida, as shown on the Plat of SAM BRO\iN, JRS., HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISION. as recorded in Plat Book 1, at Page 81. in and for the Public Records of Palm Beac~ County, Florida. LESS however the South 332 feet, of the West 165 leet. (as measured along the West and South lines) thereof. Tax Assessor's No. peN 08-43-45-15-03-000-0205 and Grantor does hereby fully warrant title to said lalld and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except taxes for the year 1997 and subsequent, and restrictions, limitations. covenants, and easements of record, if any. I"Grantor and Grantee" are used herein for singular or plural, the singular shall include plural, and any gender shall include all genders, as context requires.) Si~ned, ~~' a d Deliv ed in (\'lJ.t.~~ "tt..,..c-.<t..~ -;,;, 0 (Wit.)~ .. 1M."'''' (Wit.) . , \~J..r.T'D4iGJ ~"r' , 0 {tl:l.t.l ~ftl __ p ~ D- c#'l__ State of Florida County of Broward The foregoing instrument was acknowledged' before me this 19th of December , 1996 by William Corrigan and Clara H. Corrigan, 'his wife l'lilliam Corrigan and Martha Corrigan I hi s wI fe , who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did {did not) ~h. . II fl'"\ __~~__u________ Prepared by: / V ~'u CllIIdIl.... ~ Mary O. Hager VICJOIlJ. 'ROWIO Lawyers Title Insurance corporation H~~~~~~ 290 N. E. 3rd Avenue IIr_IQIIullc\.1l,ZlIOD Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 ~.~.~~ Incident to the issuance of a title insurance contract. File #9601696 -ND (SEAI..) (SEAL) .os Trustee (SEAL) ;as Trustl!e I SEAL) Desc;:ipt.i~: .Palm Beach',FL Document-Book.Page 9596.44 Page: 1 of 1 Order: 2 Commen t : .\ ~ ..- . I 'r Time and Date of Meeting LP - 14- OY ~ Those attending meeting: N'O. 'l, I ..fe'.. \I \'v\..., ~ D t ,\.i.w0.... Lr...... Applicant's Name: , PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS , eel , : -r ()\'\('\ "i Cl.r\'~ l as ~ Phone: ~f) l- 2~q - 5'1 ~ 2 OW.e ~ q 5Ll- 5, l - liC:6 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No./ (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAME: 2. LOCATION OF PROrR~Y (CROSS ~TREETS/INTERSECTIONS) _ili'( -\t"\ Erd 0 c.\ 1-'j - -tt-o.l ~Jr ~ 3. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION, CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CONIMERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? ~USTR1ALPROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? ~C9 Lovnd \(\-tb ~~ ~ 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED 5. HO\V MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the persoll that someone from the Department wiII call them to confirm the meeting. ................................................................................., Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (I) hour time module, and should be scheduled .0 less thnn two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or Lusia. Meetines mav be scheduled: Monday afternoons . Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11:30 a.m. nnd 2:30 p.m. \P lanning\Planning\Pre.applicatloncontactquestions,doc ....:.. '\ e~s~ 1?XJ'I't-:JIDt0 v l LL~e; PU b ... Date (0- LI-o~ PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REVIEW FORM Time Started: II ~ I S Time Finished: TOM YIOJJ t/OS Attending as Applicant Phone Fax Proposed Project Information Proposed Project Name and -r:: h Type/Use I OW,J OtA~~ Site Location (Address if Available) Site peN Existing Zoning t< ~ "3 Existing Land Use/Density M DR. Anticipated Submittal Date Proposed Zoning P U D Proposed Land Use/Density Sf+t)~ I Vacant Lot Area Notes and Comments ~ 10 tU~~~ ~ /0 t'CP-fS ~~D'i g-OO tJY) 10 Lffr. /1-zIe Lot Frontage Lot Depth Height Parking Requirements or Improvements II.o;l @ J.. ~ ~ Landscaping/Buffering ~a...a;f-'R\ I?be- PvD ~f. ~o.a 1(Sz,) - qPD2 SIPF - ~o t{~ IF I?~ - 40 q{p-5~ ""2 '211 v ., Sptt.U:?1 , Setback fl6tI~~ ~ J\Jl~ d ~~ ~ ~ ~ Non-conforming Use or Change in Use Other Zoning Changes Required #42-r11.#,- En'AronmeAtal Re'JIc'wv Rt:\.iulrements Notes/Comments/Recommendatlons . r:=~ ~ -;t;.;'J.u ~ ~y 'is'D!: ~ a It;c 2P1~VJ~(~' Prof~~~-~ . J"'~~ . .A,~ LO/.J&" Fu..- '. _ . _ ~.. ~ I~ tv avo(d .~p0vf -e Pfo?~Q Ilt2"fA 1'6"0 ~, A]?D p~ f~ ,k~ ;'>'CuI hx M~AAeJ~ 0' o..t JJ d~ ~ NonCE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, pOlldes and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding tor fonnal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forthcoming based on actual plans submitted for review. ,. ,/ . .... _. , " . " . . ~. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRlNT lVIEETING DATE: 'TIME: ' . ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conf~rence shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not . binding for form31 review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual I b'tdti vi 01 ans su mlt e or re ew. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendin~ Staff - Juh~ G12\6 ~'-( G.- ~lco,...., - C:>GiJ &l 4 Uw-r ~vud (/1. La~V\ 00M'-' . t6WL OJ-I-JJ-a,..t 'tJ ) J I nt2 I~ J 0 .-HE,.s. - t)ouLt ~~ QJA ~:~ tt:;z ~.~f' I , I Et; ~ , I I I I J:\SHRDA T A\PLAl'''NI.'tG\SHARED\ WP\FOR.\Is\PRE-APPL MEETr.'iG-SrGN rN SHEET.DOC ..... - . ...