REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM TO DATI' 8 August 1983 Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FILII FROM Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner 5UBnCT Tara Lakes PUD - Traffic Signa] Reference is made to your memo of 8/3/83 concerning the requirement for a traffic signal at S.W. Congress Boulevard extended, and Congress Avenue from the developers of Lakes of Tara (formerly known as Tara Lakes) . Please be advised that the cost of a signal will be included in the bond amount for Phase I of Lakes of Tara. r:;~~ S .~A~~C: _X~ City Planner /bks cc: City Engineer Recei\ Date M E M 0 RAN DUM Time ~ /1/11 August 3, 1983 TO: Carmen Annunziato'/' City Planner RE: Tara Lakes PUD - Traffic Signal In the June 20, 1983 letter to you from Charles Walker point three indicates that Tara Lakes must bear the cost of signalizing the intersection of S.W. Congress Boulevard and Congress Avenue when warranted. Would you please give me information as to how the financing by Tara of the installation of the signal will be guaranteed. @l k~+ eter L. Cheney City Mrlnager PLC: jc '. MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner DATE: July 5, 1983 RE: Proposed Tara Lakes PUD Please be advised that on Tuesday, July 5, 1983 the Technical Review Board (TRB) met and reviewed the proposed Tara Lakes PUD in a pre-hearing conference format with the developer's engineer, and recommends approval of the proposed PUD, subject to the following comments: 1. The developer is to construct a right-turn lane north approach of S.W. Congress Boulevard extended. 2. Twenty-two feet of pavement must be provided at the cul-de-sacs. 3. Nineteen additional parking spaces are required for the recreational area proposed. 4. All construction in the Congress Avenue right-of-way must be bonded. 5. An area of stabilized sod should be provided con- necting the cul-de-sacs at the recreation area. 6. One additional fire hydrant should be provided at the recreational facility. 7. Subject to County Traffic Engineer's memo which accompanies this correspondence. . (" ~,J~~-:t; Carmen S. Annunz' to City Planner jbks " I '1' '. ~" I - " . ~Joaf(.1 uf Coun'y Commi..,iolll'rs County .\dlllilli\trator Peggy fj. batt. Chairman Ken Spi!!i3~. Vice Chairman Dennh p, Koehler Dorothy l\"i1kcn Bill Blli!ev Jc,]l/J C. <, I:. : u:\ Received Date ft:;itJ ~ Department of Ens:n<::<::ri"'1 and Public \':r,d " H. F. K;;''/,., County En:;",., r Time June 20, 1983 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: Tara Lakes, P.U~D. Dear Mr. Annunziato: This office has reviewed the traffic statement and site plan for the subject development and has the following comments: 1. This project should construct a left turn lane. south approach, on Congress Avenue at the project's entrance. The traffic statement indicates this turn lane can be accomplished by restriping the existing pavement. Our field inspection, however, indicates that the construction of additional pavement will be required. 2. "Fair Share" impact fees should be collected on a per unit basis at the time building per.mits are issued. 3. The cost of signalizing the intersection of SW Congress Blvd. and Congress Ave. should be borne by this development. with the signal being installed. when warranted. as determined by the County Engineer. It should be noted that the segment of Congress Avenue on which this project fronts is recommended for inclusion in the County's proposed two cent gasoline tax road improvement program. Impact fees collected from this development could. pending the outcome of ongoing litigation. be applied toward this road project. The opportunity to comment is sincerely appreciated. I I sox 2429 r,lEST PAU,1 BEACH, FLORIOA 33;02 ;:"0::') G(,4-4000 ( If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER e;~M/L-- Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRW:ASH:1b I TO I. Carmen Annunz1ato City planner Joh- W1ldner Paz. Superintendent ~ SUBJECT: FOLD . Tara Lakes P.U .D. DATE: 7/6/83 Upon review of the development subject to our land dedication ordinance, the public dedication required is: 143 Single Family Residential Units @ .018 acres = 2.57 Acres . . I recommend that the development not receive one half(lJ credit for private recreation facilities provided. I further recommend that fees in lieu of land be provided by the Developer. pm/ cc: C. Frederick Rec. & Parks Director ,,~:.:..~~~-~.~~ ~~;~._~ (REPLY SIG~D . :L' trlM-4uJ ,. ~'-' ~-- y.~~~ ---- - -~ --.. -"-- _.--~ --'~- " _"_ _. __' 4 r __._ ~. \ 1 I i . ! . \ DATE: SIGNED ITEM' F2tl8 .;: WHEELER GROUP INC. ,-; MEMORANDUM July 6, 1983 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner RE: Tara Lakes As Mr. Cessna has requested, the loop water main for Phases I & II will be required for the utility construction of Phase I. The reason for this is that in the past projects have been constructed in phases, and if construction does not proceed with Phase II, we would have customers in Phase I on very long dead end lines. These dead end lines are difficult to maintain a chlorine residual because the water does not circulate. The other item is the possibility that proper fire flow may not be available because of these dead end lines. Please advise if more detailed information is required. ~~~ Mark G. Law, Utility System Supervisor cv cc: Mr. Perry A. Cessna, Director of Utilities '-'AEMORANDUM '0 Finance Department DATE: 13 June 1983 ,.ILI: ,..0.. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner SUBJECT Tara Lakes PUD Master Plan Fee In reference to the above subject, please deposit the attached check for $50.00 in account no. 001-000-341-32-00. c~_ "JL .7:- Carmen S. Annunzi&to City Planner /bks Attachment