LEGAL APPROVAL .4-. '. ../ \J v ~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH (I... . '_.' ',( .. 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435-0310 . (3OI5)?34-8m Augu st 17, 1983 D. M. Ambro se, P. E. 6190 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33431 Dear Mr. Ambrose: Please be advised that'on Tuesday, August. 16, 1983, the City Council approved on second reading Ordinance No. 83-24 which rezones to a Planned Unit Development with a Land.Use Intensity = 4.00~ the lakes of Tara proposed development. The approval .of Ordinance No. 83-24 and the master plan upon which it is based is subject to strict adherence to the following staff comments: Planning Department: Uti 1 i ty Depa r,t,ment: RecreatiDn & Parks Depa rtmen t:' , Subject to attached memorandum; Subj~ct, to attached memorandum;' and Subj~ctto attached memorandum. . .. Also, be advised that one additional unit may be substituted for the tenni s court which is to be deleted. . If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Si ncerel y, C~JC ~~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner :blm cc: City Manager Building Official w/encl. City Engineer w/encl. Utility Director w/encl. TRB Members Central File