CORRESPONDENCE c/ _ Briard of County Commissioners Carol A. Roberts, Chair Carol J. Elmcluist, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Dorothy Wilken Jim Watt v ~~-7J County Administrator Jan 'Vv'inters Department of Engineering and Public \V orks II. I:. Kahlerl County Engineer .... RECEIVED Mr. Thomas A. Clark, P.E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 120 Northeast 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 JUM 1 1988 PLANNiNG O:::pr" ". II" May 26, 1988 SUBJECT: CONGRESS BOULEVARD AND CONGRESS AVENUE Dear Mr. Clark: In previous correspondence to your office, the Traffic Division indicated that a flashing signal, which would be converted to a fully operational signal when minimum vehicular volume warrants are met, was justified at the subject intersection. You had informed this office that developer commitment existed to cover the installation costs. At the present time we have received seperate letters from all three developers indicating a willingness to participate in the signal installation costs. However, only one party, Michael F. Matchus of Coral Gables Federal {representin Lakes of Tara, has indicated that a specific amount of money as been made avai a e (see letter dated July 31, 1987). Mr. M.T. Register of the Lieberman Corporation (representing the Landings Apartments) indicated in a letter, dated April 3, 1986, that they were willing to pay their fair share of the costs. In an April 27, 1988 letter, Mr. K. Dan Shalloway, P.E. (representinf Tara Oakes P.U.D.) indicated that the Developer had met his requirement 0 provlde funds for signal installation costs. The Traffic Division is requesting that your office inform each of the three Developments of our intent to construct the flashing traffic signal. In addition, we are requesting that the Landings Apartments, Lakes of Tara, and Tara Oakes establish a joint escrow account in the amount of $30,000.00, to be released directly to our signal contractor upon completion of the installation. We are suggesting that your office arrange a meeting with all parties concerned (The City, Devel~pers and County) to coordinate and resolve each entity's level of participation. It should also be noted that this office has initiated a new traffic study for the subject intersection to determine if the initial installation should be upgraded from a flashing signal to a fully operational traffic signal. We will notify your office when the study has been completed and reviewed. "An Equal Opportunity - 1ffirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-1989 (407) 684-4000 ~-~".-.._,._--_.~-------,--_._~.._.,.- ~-_...._--_._--------,.._'~ _._...__._-_."'--,_._-----~-_.._-_._--_.._-- Beat'd 0'[ County Commissioners County Administrator Jan Winters Carol A. Roberts, Chair Carol J. Elmcluist, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Dorothy Wilken Jim Watt Department of Engineering and Public \-Vorks II. 1'. Kahler! County I:nginl'l'r Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter of mutual interest. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER C~~ ~~~r/ Charles l. Cantrell Signal Systems Engineer - Traffic Division cLc:d~te Attachment: Letters dated 04-03-86, 07-31-87, 04-27-88 cc: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Michael F. Matchus, Assistant Vice President Branch Manager - Coral Gables Federal Savings and Loan M. T. Register, Manager of Construction and Development Liberman Corporation K. Dan Shalloway, P.E. President - Shalloway, Foy, Schofield, Rayman & Newell, Inc. Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division File - Intersection "S.W. Congress Blvd. & Congress Ave." "An Equal Opportunity - ~ffirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-1989 (407) 684-4000 P. 0 80X 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE 80YNTON 8EACH, FLORIDA 33435 .. ~ ~wJJ.i "---==--;.,~-----'.e:; fc;".,,,~~~, . ~~W-"8~~~! ! ~::~!: '_~' '" ' .' ~~~;_ .?.-~-- '~. ., I~':~:_;. ,~f"! .!:.~~. ~ii.I~~~.~~.l'~':i" ~~ '0=' ...i'!:c fi.l.~ ~ r ~' ~~. .' - ~~~:"_~~"~.'''' -..... ~,!.:c__':~'"~';Z~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE UTILITIES DIRECTOR October 19, 1984 RE: Cherry Walk Mr. Sam F. Berman, Pres. Cherry Walk Inc. 1199 South Congress Ave Boynton Beach,FL 33435 Dear Mr. Berman: This is in response to your letter of October 17th. As you know, I advised your Mr. Jablon many months ago that if a plan and plat, with proper bonding, for the western portion of this property (2nd phase) were submitted and if it were approved by the city's Technical Review Board, Planning and zoning Board, et. then it is possible that something might be done about certificates of occupancy. Neither Mr. Jablon or your engineers ever responded to this. This is the same position I have taken in conversation with Coral Gables Federal savings and Loan. TO clarify: until and unless some other action is taken re- garding the present P.U.D. or the second P.U.D. then no C.O.'s will be issued until such time as the 10" line is extended in a properly dedicated easement through the second section, in accordance with the P.U.D. approval. As to your last paragraph, I can only say that insofar as you and your subcontractors on utilities is concerned, when you produce "Releases of Liens" from the contractor and his supplier, I will then sign off so C.O.'s can be issued assuming that all of the work has been inspected and approved by my Staff. As to the financial problems with BBR Contractors or anyone e'se, these are between you and them, not the city. Page 1 of 2 Pages I" .r-...;J) 1 !r . },..J To: Mr. Sam. F. Berman,Pres cherry Walk Inc. october 19, 1984 ------------------------------------------------------------ So that there is no misunderstanding, I am copy thing this letter to Mr. warren Jones of Coral Gables Federal savings and Loan, Mr. Mike Ambrose, engineer of record and BBR Con- tractors for the utilities. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this Office. Cordially yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,,----;> , \ ).k Hvf-. J... i!:/Ul~ Perry A'.Cessna, \. Director of utiliti es apt CC: Mr. Warren Jones Mr. Mike Ambrose BBR Contractors Mr. Mark G.Law, util.Sys.Super. Page 2 of 2 Pages f . . . f 1199 South Congress Avenue BoyntDn Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-6501 , ,.';<;-111", . ~-:~. ;:1/ .r" . -.~ -:-<<>, ...,~~ .~/ . l..:"'j '\/ {jL'/' y, \ , lei i \L U, Igp,A' ~J \-: {'/,'. -.. to ,-,' \: D: ~ I..~$ ~ ~II"C/O C"J . '/" 0' OJ ,\. J.:. October 17, 1984 Mr. Perry Cessna, Chief Water & Sewer Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Cherry Walk P.ll.D. Dear Mr. Cessna: I would very much appreciate a response to this letter clarifying to me the status of the ten inch water line with regard to obtaining Certificates of Occupancy for Cherry Walk. My prior assumptions were, that the original plans and bond provided that the ten inch water line be installed, and that this was your department's position. I know that there was discussion with your department as to whether or not Certificates of Occupancy would be issued without the installation of this line, and your department represented that it would be necessary. Indeed a prospective purchaser of the North part of our tract was told that he would not be able to proceed with his development without the installation of that line causing us, to represent,that this line would be provided in accordance with all of the above statements. I have recently been informed by an officer of Corsl Gables Federal, that your department is now stating that the line does not have to be installed immed- iately but, had to be guaranteed to be done at some future point. My question is does the ten inch water line have to be put in, and 2) if it does not then it would seem allowable for the purchaser of the North property to proceed without the installation of this water line. I trust that your department will issue these clarifications to me so that we may all proceed properly, and, I thank you for your past and future cooperatio Also, by the way, as long as I am writing to you, I would like at this time, to clear up a rumor that I heard. Let me represent to you that the site de- veloper, BBR General Contractors has been paid in full according to their contract, which included the installation of the ten inch water line, and, BBR has no claim for any monies due them under this contract. I shall be happy, in the event it ever becomes necessary, to very easily prove these statements by production of cancelled checks. (continued) t ~" < ,.......j ~;.. '~ 1199 South Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-6501 -2- Therefore, we would appreciate any support that we could obtain, resulting in BBR completing their contract by installing the ten inch water line with the understanding that they have been paid for this. Again, I remain very appreciate to you and your department. VH, "7~~~ Samuel F. Berman, President CHERRY WALK INC. SFB/js ~, " '17 r~ (J 11 P.O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 1305) 734'8111 .f! ~.t. ...f. . t.... -' -~~ ~- ,_I I, "IJIlj-J r-: l~~r:-HI"li5.~'""~~1 I .j-^~JI r- I '. ~.~~ :i~'riif.' I ~4-> ~ . I SiJ~ ~~:Wlol!~~' - - . , .... iiIi.~ .-,. I -->~ ( ~;;:;-~ ~ -;....3,.-,., CITY of . BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE UTILITIES DIRECTOR March 28, 1984 Mr. D. M. Ambrose, PoE., D.M. Ambrose Associates, Inc. 6190 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton, Fl. 33431 RE: Cherry walk (Lakes of Tara POD) RECEI'lID rv1AR 28 lQR4 PLANNiNG DEPT. Dear Mr. Ambrose: Please be advised that I have reviewed your requests in your letter of March 26th. I do know that the 10" water line is bonded and should remain bonded until such time as it is completed and accepted by the city. I have no objections to deferring the extension of this water line in Phase II until such time as Phase II Plat is filed and constr~ction begins on that phase, providing that Phase II . 1 d/ recQrded . I . h ~s patte by the t~me you want C.O. s 1n P ase I. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this Office. Cordially yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Ci tL~ perr~essna, Director of utilities apt CC: Mr.Carmen Annunziato, City Planner w/correspondence ~ Mr. EoE."Bud" Howell, Building Official wlcorrespondence Mr. Mark. G. Law, utilities Sys. Super.w/o correspondence _~,_.. U_",_.________ B(),ird IJI Ct)(lid~ COli1tilj,.,jOIlCfS <:c..-. c..... .'r <-16 .. -p..c.. ~ -/ "..Jl,;". \,j 1 i;: n;, II ;.! ()f"~ Count' 1'</\ B E\:ilt CI: il!;!':m }".:11 S;'dli:I', \ iL'C Ch.:irn;.in I>cnni, P. ~()('h!er lhrqtli\ \\ in,en ;',.11 h:ii!,'" RECEIVED .! ,,; , Jf\~:1 ~:; 1~\S,tt . DC"OT PLA.NNidG (..\ ". \. D~r2:trriE..--.t (.1 Er,':"-!'_-:~r:n; - ~-'.-~ ",-,\ _~l'/:'i\ / "7~~~:~ '.. J,r ~ \. '.. /r # ._1 ~ -, . ",'" \-~. t 1, ~ I ~ '" . \ /' .. r', . .., ,"-. . .~}I.> r l" \' L ~ ;_.; r. <,' :t,';i CI_..J:'~ r Engineer December 29, 1983 ---- ...- Mr. D. M. Ambrose, P.E. D.M.Ambrose and Associates, Inc. 6190 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton, FL 33431 SUBJECT: Lakes of Tara PUD - Left Turn Lane Dear Mr. Ambrose: This is in response to your letter of December 8, 1983, regarding a left turn lane to serve the subject project. It is my understanding that you desire to delay the construction of the turn lane, which you are required to build, and make provisions for its inclusion as a part of the Congress Avenue four laning project, scheduled for fiscal year 84-85. I have no objections to this arrangement, providing you indicate in writing to this office your client's willingness to accept financial responsibility for the cost of constructing the turn lane. This cost will be based on unit prices for the Congress Avenue project. As plans for this project are currently under design, it is suggested that you respond to this proposal at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER CRW:ASH:ct cc: Carmen S. Annunziato -- ee) ~< 7.~ :-~~) \',' i~ST -, . . ~ . ~-... ~~ r. :-, C;--;, ;: L_ (~: R I :) /\ ..... ': ~ ( .~~ . . . Received Date Time ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM October 18, 1983 TO: Tom Clark, City Engineer FROM: Craig Grabeel, Special Project & Energy Control Officer SUBJECT: Cherry Walk (Ex-Tara Lakes P.U.D.) Streetlights Please find attached correspondence from FPL dated October 11, 1983 accompanied by a streetlighting plan (previously forwarded to your office) for the public right-of-way, S.W. Congress Boulevard (ex-Tara Lakes Boulevard). This plan is described in greater detail in the attached "Streetlight System Design/Monthly Cost Summary." You will note that the projected annual O&M cost for these lights is just over $1,100. The installation cost however is not known and has not yet been pro- vided by FPL. I have reviewed the previously approved preliminary plat and find that the developer's decision to opt instead for FPL to design the lighting system will result in less cost and energy consumption. Therefore I have no objections to the proposed FPL design for S.W. Congress Blvd. The use of 16000 L Lamps in the private drives however might result in somewhat excessive light levels. The plans for the private streets could be discussed with the applicant when he is asked to deposit the amount of the cost of construction with the City for the attached plans. Please advise when the proper amount has been received from the developer so that this installation can be authorized. Craig Grabeel, Special Project & Energy Control Officer CG:sr Attachment ..fA I=I=IU! FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY October 11, 1983 Mr. Peter Cheney City Manager City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Del ~ ..c. ;:.~A c. f'\~ -' .~ . "-.: Dear Hr. Cheney: Attached is a street light proposal for Tara Lakes Boulevard, west of Congress Avenue. We are proposing the installation of six (6) 16,000 lumen high pressure sodiu~ vapor street lights, refractorized cut-offs on 30 foot concrete poles. This will provide lighting to the entrance of Cherry Walk Subdivision from Congress Avenue. Street Lighting for the subdivision will be accomplished on a ten year agreement with the homeowners association. Please let me know if this plan meets with your approval and, if so, authorize us to proceed with final engineering. ~f you have any ques- tions please contact me. Sincerely, ~( (/~('~'-7)/- Fred Adolphson Power Service Representative FA/bm Attachment PEOPLE... SERVING PEOPLE I. PROJECl' DESCRIPTION A. N3me of Subdivision/Ieveloprent: CffE72/Z'( tJIJi/( B. ~loper (or Agent): 1111~€' /17t1Bt?iJSe , f>,f? C. ~sign Engineer: FPL- D. Roadway N3me: f;tJ Ct)N~I2E5S BLVD E. Roadway Limits (if partial segrent): CoIVt; 12es s B"P p~ .:I *H. Roadway Classification.......Local ~ Collector *1. Recamrended Minimun Average Maintained FC: *J. Recam:ended Unifonnity Ratio (Avg FC/Min Fe): ll. SYSIEi reSIGN + A. Lamp Size (~ns): /(.,000 CITY OF BOYNION BFAOl ENERGY OFF ICE Streetlight System ~sign/llinthly Cost Surrm:lry Ihte: 10 -I r- [3 (E;C - 7/t7? It UlK5) Rtone: 6SJ- GIFI Rtone: ::;32- /&:30 /Jvc tva-r 7b ""Ie7V-7/,vu $ F. Roadway Oimership.............Public V Private Cam:ercial 0.4- 6:/ B. Luninaire Type........ I (Watts): ISO II (KWH/M)): 60 (lYPE): !11?SV III JY C. Pole 1}rpe.......Wood Concrete V Metal Fiberglass D. Fixture Arrangemmt...... .<Xle-side Staggered V Opposite :g. Power Cable... ..Overhead Uodergroond V Under Pavem:mt F. Pole Spacing: 1"2-5' G. M::ltmting Height: 25/ H. R.O.W. Width: @> , I. I Fixtures: (, J. f,l'Poles: ~ K. I Cable Ft: /~~:t L. Average Maintained FC: M. Uniformity Ratio: III. MJNIHLY ~ illST** A. B. Luninaire Olarges: 1. Fixture $ 3.0 ?- 2.. Maintenance /.n 3. Energy (Non-FUel) /.9-0 Fuel Charge: /.571 O:mservation Olarge: If). 04 Oil Backout Charge: tJ./t:. Sub Total: '1. q~ (X IF Luninaires) X (; Pole Rental: 2.9-5 (x 1} Poles) X G Cable Rental: &.0/5 (xl Cable Feet) X/~7J Base Axmunt . Franchise Fee: Utility Tax: 'IDrAL MJNIlU..Y illsr: ~ tf2. 0'2- C. D. = 4?-.14 E. = 1C,.S7J F. = ~2. 57.> G. $ ,flp.14 S.D~ tJ/,q H. PROJECI'ED ANNUAL illsr: ~ fibif-. 24 *Fran ANSI/IES "Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting" **Fran FPL Rate Schedule 51-I, at rates current as of above date. + 5tt1nv~ otJ f'rZELlM. Put. (lfff. g/f3) Its (;) '2-f5o~.)/;if.5v /-ryP€:r:. LU,...,IN/hIl.€'S . _ _ .. '1L'~,' d. ~. ambrose associates, inc. ~-I' consulting engineers - land sUNeyors pJl ~. ' U LAKES OF TARA Job #82-301 August 3, 1983 Mr. Tom Clark City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 116 S. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL. 33435 Dear Mr. Clark: Pursuant to the reV1Slons and addition requested of our origi- nal submittal, please find enclosed two (2) copies of the Engineering Plans, six (6) copies of the Preliminary Plat Docu- ment and one (1) copy of the revised Engineering Cost Estimate. It is intended with this submittal that this project be recommend- ed for approval and placed on the agenda of the Planning and Zoning Board. Your assistance in this matter is appreciated. Please contact our office should you have any questions. Very truly yours, D.M. AMBROSE ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~ ~cNZ <:;(. Garth Hinckle, Jr. Encl. cc: Mr. Sam Berman Mike Ambrose GH/ns. 6190 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (305) 997-6790 West Palm Beach 655-6151, Broward 462-2860 I ---...--j"", , . , ..., , ....,.t' ...... , @: , , , , / THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA THOMAS J. MILLS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS TELEPHONE 684-500 PAULA F. NESSMITH CHAI RMAN January 24, 1983 Y LOUIS J. EASSA VICE CHAI RMAN 'V GEORGE H. BAI LEY Ie / ROBERTS HOWELL SAMUEL S. LOVELL . HUGH MacMI LLAN. JR. SUSAN R. PELL Date Time Mr. Carmen Annunziato, Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach - c/o City Hall 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Tara Lakes ( SPpI183-l) Dear Mr. Annunziato: Pursuant to Chapter 235.193 (2), Florida Statutes, this official statement is provided to the City of Boynton Beach concerning the anticipated impact of Tara Lakes on existing and proposed public school facilities. This department has reviewed information concerning the proposed 60 acre planned unit development to be located on the west side of Congress Avenue, immediately north of the LWDD L-26 Canal. As proposed, the development will contain 559 multifamily dwelling units consisting of 147 patio homes and 412 garden villas. The geographic area in which this planned unit development will be located pre- sently is served by Galaxy Elementary School, Congress Middle School, and Atlantic High School. The attendance at each school as of November 5, 1982; the projected number of students to be generated by the planned unit development; projected 1984-85 student enrollment and present usable permanent capacity for each affected school are presented below: Projected 1984-85 1/ Usab Ie 2/ Existing Students from Projected Permanent SCHOOL NAME Students Development Enrollment Capacity Galaxy Elementary School 552 43 385 617 Congress Middle School 1,582 23 1,578 1,442 Atlantic High School 1,742 22 1,994 1,839 ~/ Projected student enrollment for this time period will be evaluated annually, and may be revised due to actual attendance experienced and residential building activity within each school's attendance district. l! Usable permanent capacity at each school may vary as a result of placing cer- tain exceptional, compensatory or similar educational programs at a particular school. These programs often are characterized by a low pupil-teacher ratio and may cause a reduction in usable capacity. PAGE 2 The statistics cited above indicate that two of three public schools serving this area will become overcrowded. The degree or rate of overcrowding is depen- dent largely on two factors: the completion and occupancy of proposed residen- tial developments, and the ability of the School Board to provide new or expanded facilities to accommodate additional pupils. Overcrowded conditions in Palm Beach County public schools are due in large measure to continued lack of capital outlay funds. The State of Florida, by statute, is responsible for the repair, renovation and construction of public schools. Past legislative appropriations have not been sufficient to meet the needs of rapidly growing counties. Local resources, including two unsuccessful bond issues in the recent past, have proven inadequate to meet the educational demands associated with growth. In 1980, the legislature approved a measure which allows each school board to levy annually an additional property tax of two mills, to be used solely for construction purposes. Although significant, this levy alone will not provide a permanent solution to the problem of overcrowded schools. Despite these problems it will continue to be the goal of the School Board and Administration to provide school facilities in a manner acceptable to your com- munity. If this office may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 1'~~i~~~ Planning Specialist Department of School Plant Planning 0/350/3 Fl-2 . Received )~~ '~ South - Florida Water Management Post Office Box V 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Telephone (305) 686-8800 Florida WATS Line 1-800-432-2045 Date John A. Maloy, Executive Director istrict IN REPLY REFER TO: July 1, 1983 Mr. Carmen S. Annuziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Tara Lake PUD Dear Mr. Annunziato: We have reviewed the above project and offer the following comments. First, it should be noted that this site is part of a proposed 90-acre residential project called High Point of Boynton North to which the District issued Surface Water Management Permit No. 50-00773-5 on August 14, 1980. This permit authorized the construction and operation of a water management system comprised of two on-site lakes and a system of inlets and culverts to collect the on-site runoff and route it to the lakes and ultimately to the LWDD L-26 Canal. Second, we recently received two requests for permit modifications which affect this site. One is for a proposed 7.8 acre commercial project known as Congress Center, located immediately east of the Tara Lake PUD site, which was issued General Permit No. 50-01059-5 on October 7, 1981. The other is for that portion of the High Point project noted above which corresponds with the proposed Tara Lake PUD site. The purpose of these two modifications is to allow the redesign of the Congress Center surface water management system from an independent exfiltration system with overflow to LWDD Canal L-26 to a positive drainage system with a connection to the proposed positive drainage system for the High Point project. Currently, both these applications for permit modification are under review for information adequacy so no action has been taken yet on either one. Based on our review of the preliminary paving and drainage plan for the Tara Lake PUD, as well as the storm drainage plan for the Congress Boulevard right-of-way, it does not appear that any provisions have been made to handle the storm water runoff from either the balance of the proposed High Point project or the proposed Congress Park commercial project. In view of the already existing surface water management permit for the High Point project, as well as the proposed modifications to both it and the proposed Congress Park project permit, the District cannot sign off on the potential permitability of the surface water management system for the proposed Tara Lake PUD at this time. Prior to submitting final plans to the District for permit review and issuance, the contract purchaser will need to address the above concerns. Stanley W. Hole Naples J, Neil Gallagher 51. Cloud Nathaniel P Reed Hobe Sound John l. Hundley Pahokee Aubrey L Burnham Okeechobee Charles L. Crumplon Miami Shores 3D of tAp Jeanne Bellamy Coral Gables Robert L Clark, Jr. Robert W. Padrick Chairman - Fort Lauderdale Vice Chairman - Fort Pierce Carmen S. Annuziato, City Planner Tara Lake PUD July 1, 1983 Page 2. Should you have any questions on the above, please contact Susan Coughanour of this office. As always, we appreciate this opportunity to comment. Si ncere ly, p~ Richard A. Rogers, P.E. Director Resource Control Department RAR/j 3/0(U; LC/1.-oJ ,:L-1..fa... / /" / [..0'<' C t, ~c.l/...~~ ff I ~ .A..;~ .~~, ~~,I! ~,..;, -'2 / z C- ".. 1', Jj :""- r }' f. --t. t,. "'.' i .,,./'t t "~ ~,. tf-.>~. ~ . ........~.....f i f C':., .'1: " c......rr . ......~v_ '.zk.t: j . t', ~ .c y' ~ 7 ~ ,.........-.-.._,_,.'"~.. J -e:-~~ ( ! t ,"1 p:!:5.,! .e,......... '.&.... r.:.. 'W' ~~ .~~l.~.J / ;_...,.~-u..~, _' ",. '''c.f . ~...# /' '.~7"...". L (/.l.,................ - /A.,_~. '"__~ ...~.. ~/ :i ,.. ~ '. ... .' -... u_ ~'-,v>~O ~ _.^ _.e,. <.., ...)-. )'/ v' ~ ~ ') ..,,-, ('^ .'"' .' ,~J ,.;;. ~ .....~~._...,",.._...ft....,...:. ~ f ,...:1" f' .. .".... f!. (' ~~c_fkL.., -'.. ..'.' ./ ..c/. / ' ,-,...~..r...L.. -::;-- l /f' , . .~., llc '-"t..J'" ~ ff' /2 I ~ ~''''","", (4/~A_./ /l..-! I,i , If"! ?:_~,.<t.... ""'..~."". <'_.(........Ci'..;) =----- ..._'Z~:, ",~,'."'--./' "0 fla ,,~ /",' ~~~--' .;r ~,_~~.~. (;~l" \..9.-4;~ .. /";J ;( ..",.~ ~ ? jI~? - / /,., I c.;. ("" 't. '.' .../ c~ ,,' / "'. .... /1" 'l~()ard of ( OIlIl'Y COl11mi,,<.,iolll'r<., (1IlJllt) .\dlllini\tlat'.r Peggy It Evatt, Chairman Ken Spillia", Vin" Chairman Denni" P Kochl("r Dorothy \,'jlken Bill B,ilev .I, ')11. I l.fn',t:',lf\ Received Date fhm ~ Department of Engif)('crin.... and Puhllr \\'011 ' H F. Kidde:' County Engineu Time June 20, 1983 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: Tara Lakes, P.U.D. Dear Mr. Annunziato: This office has reviewed the traffic statement and site plan for the subject development and has the following comments: 1. This project should construct a left turn lane, south approach. on Congress Avenue at the project's entrance. The traffic statement indicates this turn lane can be accomplished by restriping the existing pavement. Our field inspection, however, indicates that the construction of additional pavement will be required. 2. "Fair Share" impact fees should be collected on a per unit basis at the time building permits are issued. 3. The cost of signalizing the intersection of SW Congress Blvd. and Congress Ave. should be borne by this development, with the signal being installed, when warranted, as determined by the County Engineer. It should be noted that the segment of Congress Avenue on which this project fronts is recommended for inclusion in the County's proposed two cent gasoline tax road improvement program. Impact fees collected from this development could, pending the outcome of ongoing litigation, be applied toward this road project. The opportunity to comment is sincerely appreciated. BOX 2429 '.:." PALM BEACH. FLOR:OA 33.1()2 :Yi LC ~r,C,J "';;.( rJ ' ' --- ----__ _"._~-"",_.JJ2iJL_ '--'1...,.1 \.A -v.-.... ~ ~ 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 ~ - ---~ - :}<)'Or,..,.J . -~"--""""''''''''''l::l ~ """.." .'~~I ~~ I~'~~ __~~ L . r 3;= _ ~ ;:-.:1->--.. . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH June 9, 1983 Mr. Charles Walker, Director Traffic Division Palm Beach County P. O. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Dear Mr. Walker: Accompanying this letter you will find a master plan and an accompanying Traffic Impact Statement for the proposed Tara Lakes Planned unit Development. Please review the enclosed materials and provide us with your analysis of this project's impact on the County highway system. We would appreciate knowing when we might expect your comments so that we may schedule our public hearings accordingly. Thank you in advance for the time and cooperation that your office extends to the City in matters such as this. Yours very truly, CI~Y OF BOYNTON BEACH c~~ -:5 ~~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner /bks Enclosures cc: Central File :::-3 -4;,3 .;u: d. m. ambrose a~sociates, inc. consulting engineers - land surveyors June 1, 1983 Mr. William Orr GROUP W. CABLE 311 N. Dixie High~ay Lake Worth, Fl. 33460 Re: Tara Lakes PUD (Legal Description Attached) Dear Mr. Orr: This firm is preparing a 34.0 acre PUD 145 (one hundred and forty five) unit single family zero lot line for submittal to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The project is located 400 (four hundredlfeet west of Congress Avenue and contiguous to the north bank of LWDD lateral 26. The entrance to the project will be a westerly continuation of SK Congress Avenue in Leisureville. I respectfully request from your organization a letter stat- ing your ability to provide service to this PUD. Very truly yours, D.M. AMBROSE ASSOCIATES, INC. D.M. Ambrose, P.E. Attachement. DMA/ns, 6190 North Federal Highway. Boca Raton. Florida 33431 (305J 997-6790 West Palm Beach 655-6151. Broward 462-2860 ~ rd. m. ambrose associates, inc. consulting engineers - land surveyors June 1, 1983 Mr. Jeff Womble Service Planner FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY P.O. Box 2409 Delray Beach, Fl. 33444 Re: Tara Lakes PUD (Legal Description Attached) Dear Mr. Womble: This firm is preparing a 34.0 acre PUD 145 (one hundred and forty five) unit single family zero lot line for submittal to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The project is located 400 (four hundred) feet west of Congress Avenue and contiguous to the north bank of LWuD lateral 26. The entrance to the project will be a westerly continuation of SW Congress Avenue in Leisureville. I respectfully request from your organization a letter stat- ing your ability to provide service to this PUD. Very truly yours, D.M. AI1BROSE ASSOCIATES, INC. D.H. Ambrose, F.E. Attachement. DHA/ns. 6190 North Federal Highway. Boca Rotoll. Florida 33431 (305) 997-6790 31". dIM West Palm Beach 655-6151. Broward 462.2860 , _____-..r..i .. , -, .-. -, @: , , , THE Received OAF y~~ L? 5.-'~A .. .'- Date- '- ~ U sCHd'5L BARD ~ "7A"""~ , , , , , , :'m I -,.--..-- -- --_......-~r- OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402 PAULA F NESSMITH CHAIRMAN THOMAS J. MILLS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS TELEPHONE 664.5000 LOUISJ. EASSA V'~E cHAIRMAN May 25, 1983 GEORGE H. BAILEY ROBERT S_ HOWELL SAMUEL S. LOVELL HUGH MacMillAN. JR. SUSAN A. PELL Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning Department Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Annunziato: This office has received information regarding the proposed Tara Lakes Planned Unit Development, to be located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Congress Avenue and the Lake Worth Drainage District L-26 Canal. Based upon the anticipated market orientation and configuration of the dwelling units, the following number of public school students are expected to reside within the proposed residential development: GRADE LEVEL PROJECTED NUMBER OF STUDENTS* K-6 18 7-9 9 10-12 6 Source: Demographic multipliers derived by the FAU/FI Joint Center under contract with the School Board of Palm Beach County. The location of the proposed planned unit development presently is within the Attendance Districts of the following schools: Galaxy Elementary, Congress Middle and Atlantic Senior High. Based upon student enrollment projections, this office anticipates there will be sufficient capacity for students that may attend Galaxy Elementary and Atlantic Senior High. However, current and projected enrollment statistics for Congress Middle School indicate a continuation of seriously overcrowed conditions at that facility. To alleviate those conditions, preliminary School Board capital improvement plans provide for construction of a new middle school to be located west of Military Trail, south of Lake Worth Road and north of the Boynton Canal. Construction of this facility, tentatively scheduled for fiscal year 1985, is contingent upon the availability of construction funds and possession of an appropriate site. 38 of (Pl.o Page 2 May 25, 1983 The School Board does not object to the proposed planned unit development, but is concerned that continued residential growth within the county will affect its ability to provide appropriate educational opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require an additional response. Sincerely, c{. ~~~g~ci~~ Planning Specialist Department of School Plant Planning LMII/lma cc: Mr. D. M. Ambrose, P.E. :::(Q (' I ___' j !f UJ(j) LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land in section 30, township 45 south, range 43 eas~ Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Comm5ncing at the southeast corner of said section 30; thence N. 0 51'37" W. along the east line of said section 30, a distance of 40.0 feet;thence S. 88022'15"W along a line 1yi~g 40.0 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said section 30 a distance of 495.08 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue S.88022'15"W along said parallel line a distance of 1780.36 feet; thence N.0033'17"W. a distance of 797.88 feet; thence N.89008'23" E. a distance of 1769.52 feet; thence S.1020'08" E. a distance of 774.0 feet to the point of beginning. r ' , ..q:; Of i.1J1.J '8~ '8ead '?bte Z'~ 150 N. E. 2nd AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 FIRE CHIEF JAMES M. RHODEN, SR. 734.8111 Exl. 446 May 20, 1983 RECEIVED MAY 2 3 1983 Mr. D. M. Ambrose, p. E. D. M. AMBROSE ASSOCIATES, INC. 6190 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, FI 33431 Re: TARA LAKES PUD Dear Mr. Ambrose; We are in receipt of your letter dated May 18, 1983 indicating your request for information as to our ability to provide fire protection and emergency services to a development you are anti- cipating on a tract of land consisting of thirty acres located 400 feet west of Congress Ave. with the south boundary conting- ous to the FWDD lateral 26. Yes, we can and will supply the services requested to the prop- erty mentioned, and this property in within the municipal limits of the City of Boynton Beach. You will be required under the appropriate codes to place hyd- rants and water supply. Please contact the Planning Department of this city for particulars. Thank You for your interest; I remain, x~~L James M. Rhoden, Sr. Fire Chief JMR/ dc Ii . ! I ~') 'i:;' ! : ~, \Yu;l ~ - d. m. ambrose tlssociatest inc. consulting engineers - land surveyors Nay 20, 1983 Deyartrnent 0: Sanitation Clty of Boynto~ Beact 150 K. E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Re: Tara Lakes PUD (legal description attached) Dear Sir: This oI:Ice IS preparing for submission to the City of Boynton Beach an application for a PUD on approximately 34 acres. The project will have one hun~red forty five (145) 5ingle farrily, zero lot linE, dwelling U~lts ana ~ill be locatec 2~OUt four hU~Qrec (400) :ee~ wes~ 0: Congress Avenue opposite S. K. Congres~ Boulevard in Lei- sureville. I reauest from vour department a statement concerning your ability to provide sanitation services for this project. Very truly yours, D. M. AMBROSE ASSOCIATES', INC. 1/:: u?:../~~ D: M. Ambrose 1 P. E. Encl. g 6'00 r,,~r:i1 F8oara: H'ghwOI'. Bc:>co Rolon. FJoudo 33431 (305) 997-6790 West Paim Beach 655-6151. B10ward 462-2860 1S Or ~ .- d. m. ambrose os;:>o~iates: inc. c~:su:tu')~ e"-1;X"1S'2~~ - j:J~8 SJrVeVOfS J.:ay } E , "l C --: _.....t__ r.~. :-,e:-ry .r-.. "c..cr::.r- ......._ _ .....le =.~~e=~c~ c~ L\~i2~~ies Ci~y 0: ~='y::":o:-. E:".s:a::::-., ~.i-.. 33~3:- Re: T;'.R].; :"J.Y.ES ?~ (Le9a1 Des~=ip~io~ A~~a=~ea) De>-- _c_ !.~:- . Cessr.a: T~~s C~~l~E ~s pre?ar~n~ ic~ ~~~~:~SlO~ ~c "O~:- C2~)' c 3~. [ a::re p~rl '":'::...~~;. ~:"_:':E~ PUD anc f c:- 2?;Jro-,~c:. J:. ::.. ~ ":c :::'s- }.~no\o;r:. 2S ~4: zero lo~ line . . ~s prO?2SeO 'LO he.ve c'r',- c- __,J~_~ ~Bmi}}' 6vel1ings. ~~,-= ::-';:~ ~'2:::-:' is .lo=c-:.e:: .:; OC -cC'" ",,'2':=-:: 0: ,-07'J:::-ess }~ve. ano C=':;.":lCJC",,;S 'LC 't.h~ nor-:.r, ;.<!:.""cpe::-::y l::..ne c: ~',,~: =-2'ter-o.2. 26. T~E e~:.~ance to ~he Drc~e=~ ~ill be o~~ 0: Cong~es~ anc ~il} be a con~inua7..ion of S~ Congress Boulevara In I. Leisureville. I :r-espec"C::ully r-ec'.Jes't fraIL your- ce?a:::-wnent -::.he 2\:""cilabili ty cf ~a~e~ aD~ ~2S~E ~a~er serVlCE fo~ ~hiE ?rcjec~. Ver~' ~ruly )70U~S, D. 1<. .l-...:\~3RC5E .Z..S50Cl.:t.TES, INC. /- / - F .r;~ /. / /:>/J'L0/"-!V:..~ ...J__.__ J...- . ~':. }-':'.J-:-,::J~OS€, ~. E.. Attachement.. !)!':.;/r.s. --1::;'- ~~:--~~: :'2~e':J h ;J>-)v.':J\ " - -. ....... t., ..J I ~ ' ~,:':i:::: .3~31 (:,,:)5, ~~7-D7~:) LilA . r..,' ,! -/W-fl ~ ','. '_'-s~ :: -........-- ... -...~"-~ . =.: J. ,::. , ~~ . ~ ~'::. ~_' ,-,-,_'-1,...' i..)) b.,:,....:J.c ~~)~-;S~:) --- d. m. ambrose assvciates, inc. C"''"'<u'r'j'nC1 o,-,,-,;n,,,,::,,, _ I~'-'- <' 'r....::o\}r,,' ....J:..... I v.......-i't::"';I..--..-..... '-" I_....-...J .........r'-"...i , ;~ '- ~.j.2Y , , _ c , 19E3 ~=. Wi!:~arr W~~~~=E :"'~'0:' F:OL.:~e 1, ?,c>: 72-: :Jel.:-e.-.. ::'ea:::-., ....... ::3445 :-,.e: =;....O:"J... :';'J-:E5 ?=..t:J (Le~E:::' Desc:r:.p"Cio:: .!...~~2::he8.) :Jear Mr ._..l... . Win ~e~ s: This or:ice ~s D~e~c~inc a PUD submit~21 fo~ c ~hi~ty fo~~ (34) ac!"e (=) ",~:)j~c-:c }:;:'own as TF3F. :.?_,::::s ?'~-:J. ':'he ;J!"oje::-:c lS con~~guou5 ~c ~hE no=th prope~~~' l~~E o~ yo~~ l2~e~al 26. The sOU~~-~2S~ =o~ne~ of our ~~o?e~~y 15 400 :ee~ "v.~est 0: COf:C:-'2~E= .L.~.'-2;,'.Je IT. -:'~j'S' C:>:v 0: 3:::;-:r.,:or: ::-eo3:::::. RunG~~ :~o~ ~he ?~cJe=~ ~~~_ =~5=~2~8e ~o an o~5~~e ;.2 ac~e lake 2~d ~Ge~ce ~c ~~e L-26 , :::27:2..:.... Allo^2b~e GiS2~arse wi:]. be 2S allov;ed by .5?K!'lJ c.Y1G yo-...::- office. ':'~e ?!""oject is pyopcsec ~o have 145 zero lot l~ne single =amily Dwellings. This office ~espectfully requests a letter from your- District sta~ing that you can accepL these storm waters subject to approval of our waster drainaqE plan anC i~s ap?roval ~y SFw11!) and "the City of Boynton B2a::;h. Very t~uly you~s, D.M. M~BROSE ASSOClhTES, INC. /:., /"" / . 1..A-:'::<0"L~~~~ D.M. ~"brose, P.:::. .;"':t3C:-J'2:.1e:1t.. :'.';..:'.., :-::=. ---.., --:- -=~<::: ._,~"'" .....'::>. .... - - .... ~ - - -- -' -- "--''-'' ::;c~,:J::: .;3L31 r:"}::S) r.;<;'7~~70C) ,I cOt "J ,] .:.r.t /)/ <I1a ,- " -._- ':. .::!. ::-....., ....... -.::....... -..- . -' -' - - -. .. - ~ . - - ~. '- -\",. ',,- : :':....::.: .::~:-~5~,J d. m. ambrose associates, inc. consulting engineers - land surveyors ~lay 18, 1983 Fire Chief James M. Rhoden, Sr. BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 150 N. E. 2nd Ave. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Re: Tara Lakes PUD (Legal description attached) Dear Chief Rhoden: This office is preparing for submission to the City of Boynton Beach an application for a PUD on a thirty four (34) acre tract of land four hundred (400) feet west of Congress Avenue with a south boundary contigous to the FWDD lateral 26. (A portion of the former Congress High Point Development). This project is to be known as TARA LAKES PUD and will have 145 zero lot line single family dwellings. Access to the prop- erty will be on an extension of S. W. Congress Boulevard west of Congress Avenue. I respectfully request a letter from you stating your depart- ments ability to provide fire protection and emergency ser- vices for this development. Very truly yours, D. M~ AMB~. E ASSOCIATES, ( ) #/ . I~{ k~~ INC. D. M. Ambrose, P. E. Attachment DMA/ns 6190 North Federal Highway. Boca Raton. Florida 33431 (305) 997-6790 West Palm Beach 655-6151. Broward 462-2860 -4;";; "fe' /f , .-::-d. m, ambrose Q~so~iatesl inc. ~O"'<' ""'I"'''' on"""pprt \.......' ,L..Jo"..I. I I 1t1 _I =::I'I ,__ _,.... - i:J~~ SJr',,'e'~!:J:s ~:a y lE, : 9 E::, ~lc~~~~~ s?==:a:~s~ 5noo~ ~}an~ ~:~~~:~; Je?a~~~e~: Palrr ~~a=~ Co~~~~' E=~DO: ~~2r~ 332] B~1veje~~ ~Da~ BJ~lc~n~ t5C:' - ~DD~ 2:( \-ves~ Palrr Beac::.,..... 3 3~ 0: He: 'T.!-..RJ.. L.!~!:ES PL8 (L=-Gc::" D~sc=--i'G~io:-; .L;::::.a':-:'ie:5) =JSc.:- ;::.l.r: .....-:-;:: -::~. :'0 L:J-Je Ci ty 0: ::':::"OD2ses 1~5 ,:"'~ ~ PJ':J \I.;i 12. be ~his o:;:c~ lS ?~epcY~n~ :or =':"~:';:: o=-. ~,=ac:-. 2. :- 4. C 2C:;:--E (~) ~:'::.':)::.':' ~SlOJj ZS;-C' } 0:. ..:.lilS .. ~ . - .. .. .. s:~;le :2~:l~' C~~~~:~~S. f~r:O""-:: 2S r::AEl-: L.L..!:2~ P;"'-:'r ,=".'le p~c:=,e=:. .:s lo::e:.ec 40C feet wes:. G~ Congress h~e. a~?=oxiITLa:.el~' l,GO~ feet north o~ WODlbr~9h:. ~oad. Tne p~cJect's south ?To?e=ty line is conti9uOuS to ~he nart-f, ?ro~)e:cty line 0: L\\~D lateral 26. Ir. compliance \o,~i th Ci-:y ordinances VoTe require a letter fro;r, yo~r 3~arc confirming tha~ ecu~a~ion21 services ca~ be p:-ovioec for tr~is ;:'1;"OpOS€C oevelopme;:-::.. To G~sis~ you in prep2ration of ~he eau~ational im?act an2~}'s~$, ~2 in=1~6e ~he ~ollo~in~ i~forrna~ion: :S):i s-:inc:- ZOT.ln:; ~'!" Op0 S e::: :::'0:-. inc ProJe=~ Size No of single falT'l.il \' 11:-~1 ":5 Type Df Units "V-~ , u_ .:": a::~eE l~S J lE 29 - :-becroorr: ". - - :,-DE.:J.Toorr, Estimated Sales Price Type 0: O,mership O..'ner S55,000.- - S65,000,- Fee Simple Tara Develop~ent Group Inc. 10195 K. Sample Ra. Coral Sprin9s, FL. 33065 .C~S0 call this Of~}~E ~. ~'ac ~~"0 a. q~es~}o~s. / ~-.; 2' -:. ;. .J .:.-:,' ~}) '':;:- s , . -;-. //~- /..... -, c~-: ,'..:, '-"7.-..:: ~ ~.'~~~",~: ~=.~_. " , . - ~- , " ~, , -. ~- ~.; '.., \' :J \ - .. -;.... ...--, r--..........c.' r,y-'",L7"--' ~~ -...... f':~:::", ~',:-"I:J= ""'w">.-,j \'-"........;, .,.,~. "'....I i ""')' ,r" I ,J..c, '1;H! '~.J~y~.~ '/,'~-:':" "-:;"T, :-,-,..::;:,," ~:::.<:S'I ~,'C".'.'::':; L::-:.26~<) (ph t; /300. 1<.. mJ. '1- STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF Bob Graham, Governor Health & Rehabilitative Services District Nine P. O. Box 29 Palm Beach County Health Dept. West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 '~- -" ....y /' '/" '\ - ,.. PI ease Add ress Reply to: ESE-WPB EFFECTIVE nATE 3/15/83 '. I- f I:'. . '- ''-; ...;. j:: i-' ,..... ., ""'':;:Dr~' <JJllT&\ \ ~e ~.:'.i ~.:-c .. TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 83-1 (Supersedes Technical Memorandum 82-1) TO: Utility Directors, Local Engineers, Utility Contractors and. Water Laboratories RE: Bacteriological Clearance and Release of Water and Sewer Facilities for Use Palm Beach County Environmental Control Rule II, (ECR II), states: 'ct,,! '':'1 '-.IA.;lt:ommunity or non-community water supply facility including .', 'i any ",.rtl, plant, tank, pump station, distribution system, or ~ '~fU'~.p,,~l-'oj:l'ipes or structure through which water is delivered to , . -. f', ,f.,l!\,\~'onsumer for drinking or household purposes, except certain ~' f.:' )'~<;ot!JtuJity water supply service connections not requiring a permit, '.J.~,.. ,e'sl1all be put into service or used until such facility has been , effectively disinfected, bacteriologically cleared and released for service in accordance with this section, ECR II requires that upon completion of construction and bacterio- logical clearance of any community or non-community water supply facility except wells, the engineer-of-record shall submit a certification of completion to the Department. Upon receipt of the letter of certification and evidence of acceptance of the facilities by the supplier of water, the Department will issue a letter of release for placing the facility into service. For community or non-community water supply wells, a Department of Environmental Regulation well completion report must be submitted in addition to the above information to obtain the letter of release. !) () 0( U;lf) :.J! vf roi.tl Page Three ~e bacteriological analysis report shall be invalid if the pressure in the new water mains is not maintained after the samples were collected and before the system is released for service, or more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the samples were collected. The bacteriological analysis report must contain the following ~ information. 1. System name and address 2. Raw or treated 3. Type of supply 4. Type of sample 5. Date and time sample collected 6. Collection number 7. Sample point identification 8. Chlorine residual (free and/or combined) 9. Sample number 10. Non-col iform 11. Coliform (total and fecal) Release of water facilities for service will not be granted by the Department unless any accompanying sewer has been certified by the engineer-af-record. Use of construction meters for construction water may be approved by the Department in cases where accompanying sewer has not been certified if: 1. The Department determines the water facility has been satisfactorily tested and certified as described above. 2. The Department is provided with detailed drawings or photo- graph(s) of the above-ground construction meter to be used and the location(s) where said meter will be used. The following information is provided to guide you in the disinfection and clearance procedure: 1. The pressure test shall be conducted prior to disinfection of the water line. 2. The pressure test, disinfection and flushing shall be conducted in accordance with AWWA Standards (AWWA C601). 3. Surface waters shall not be used to conduct the pressure test or filling of water mains. 4. Water mains within a project shall have only a single point of water supply during bacteriological clearance. All other connections to existing lines shall, as a minimum, be valved off and treated as dead ends with sample taps. 5. Sample points shall be located on the far side of all loops, at all dead ends and no more than 1,500 feet apart. ( '") .0 Page Four , 10. 11. 12. 6. Fire or flush hydrants may be used as sample taps provided they are supplied ~ith the necessary caps and smaller piping. Sample taps on vater mains shall flo~ 24 hours/day during the bacteriological testing. At the time of bacteriological sampling, chlorine residual determination shall be made to insure that chlorine concen- tration in the main is no higher than that generally in the system (3.0 mg/l free or 5.0 total maximum), or less than 0.2 mg/l. The result shall be reported along ~ith the bacteriological test results. Wells shall be flushed for 20 minutes at rated capacity prior to taking the bacteriological sample. Water treatment plant sample points shall be provided on the incoming ra~ ~ater, each filter, storage and plant finished. Bacteriological samples may be analyzed in any approved laboratory in accordance ~ith the current edition of standard methods. For ~ater treatment plants and ~ater mains, t~o satisfactory samples taken on consecutive days from each sample point are required for bacteriological clearance. A satisfactory sample is less than one coliform per 100 mI. of sample. ~ 7. 8 . -~ 9. " For main clearances, the ~ater utility is hereby advised not to issue water meters until such time that ~he new water mains are released for service by the Palm Beach County Health Department. If procedures are varied from the above or you have any questions on the above, please contact Umesh Asrani or Robert Mitchell at (305) 837-3070. ( r~ BY:~ Umesh Asrani, P.E., Supervisor Plan Revie~ & Permits Section S; "'..'" v. Jt ..tN ,. I ~ '. ~ '" I-' Ul Z >-3 () >-3 0 >< H ~ >-3 '" ~ t!l H 1lI :;: i3 I-'H (j () III 1lI 1lI CDt-h :x> :x> 0 1-" 1-'- ::0 t-t "J 1lI ;:l ;:l 1-" 1lI (j IT :x> IT ;:l ::T I-' ~ tll i3 1lI 0 o < ~ Ol I-' 0 1-" 1-'- '1 ::T(1) Z. ;,'j ;:l ;:l 0 Ol '1 >-3 III :E: ::r: 1-" t-h '" III IT trI IT 1lI 0 >-3 i3 I-' 0 '" 1-'- ::0 1lI IT t-t [il C 0 '1 (1) :E: 0 ;:l (1) trI i3 '" ::T III ~ 0. '1 t-h 1lI Ol I-' 1lI :x> tll Ol C ;:l (j '1 1lI Z trI (1) 0. ;:l 0. 0. ;:l (j :x> IT 1-" 0.:E: 1-" Ul '" 0. g '" Ol III '" ~ "J ::T IT '1 IT IT 0 '" H 0 1lI (1) 1lI trI t-h (1) ::0 '1 ;:l III '1 ;:l ::0 :E: trI "J 1-" 0 Ol 0 IT (1) t-t N Ol :E: i3 (1) Ul ::T '1 ~ 0 0 (1) 1lI trI Ol ~ ;:l o '1 1-" 0' '" 0. . 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Agreement of Sale 7. Vicinity Map 8. Homeowners Agreement & Declaration of Covenants 9. Traffic Impact Statement 10. Drainage Calculations 11. Soil Boring Logs 12. Letters: To Palm To City To LWDD To City To City To FPL To Southern Bell To Group W. Cable Copy of check as fee Beach County School Board w/reply of Boynton Beach Fire Chief w/reply w/reply of Boynton of Boynton Beach Utilities w/reply Beach Department of Sanitation payment. PRINTS eight (8) copies Site plan Paving and Drainage - Site & 80' Road R/W Water & Sewer " Boundary Survey " Landscape Site only Architectural Plans Models A,B,C. Property Owners Location Map Property Owners List Names " " 3 f ", (p 6190 North Federal Highway. Boca Raton. Florida 33431 (305) 997-6790 ' . West Palm Beach 655-6151. Broward 462-2860 - (IJ ~ ---- '':' ~ \ - - ...... ">., -.... ~. '21' - ~ I \ .Y\ ~ C) \jJ ~ \t-, \D I I ~ T_ TG 1..-\ t., \.\: l\ '~, (\ \ ...,:::.. l"\ ,- ~ ,,' '" "'" II ' I P ~ ~~ \" k:: ;. 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[::, '" co , ~ ;r -. ..., I .. ~ n -,l".- " '" - r..:: :~ ') ~ ." ~ ~ ? ., r 'U :-"1:..' V ~ ,.. - fj F .-- c- -. I - 0 - ", "- .. ~ ~ lu' 0 . ,.. .- "TO , (", I I~ :;; ( -- ~ . "(D-.J- - .. ~ o "" .' ,. '\ (J) -I o ::0 so. 3 (1)0 ~rr rTl .... X$ -l2 )> III cng po ~~ o :l Z r. Cif"7i,'-..j; Project Name T;IV' (I [rJr 5 P (/, !2Agent 17 M, Developer 1~'hh:1 .O"'(/~/' t;'['y.1fltJ;rustee Owner friCjh f.J,'v,t t?f f).dIQ:JJj-E~urveyor Architect - Engineer . BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN CHECKLIST --- /0'--' c?' '2 Date Recvd: 7 - -? ;> "0 .......' 1/w./JY't7")'( .A<:;~t7Cj T//Ic. ~t'~115StlC.~~,..,c. ~ General: I~ (7), cOP~,'es submitted by applicant: ~F~~.'!ct:t,ached/received: """ 'F'r"ffic Impact AnalYS~~-(l[~e~;' Master Storm Water Managemen Plan (if required): Inter-Agency Coordination: Palm Beach County (Traffic AnalYSiS)~ ~~ t/ School Board (School Plant Planning) South Florida Water Management District (drainage) Major Utilities: Other Plan ~equirements: / IV. C.l. 1/ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. If ,/ i/ V t/ u' / V/ -/ , (Refer to Art VIII, Subdivision Regulations) Comments: " " ~?/:Z/71~/~'/~~:;Vt'r,- ~flfiL~')~~l~~~/~7- ~4::tS {?~ /r II 'I ~(~ ~/ " " " " " " " " " " ~'?(. ,/;ff' ~..- ~~t " " " " " " Review Schedule: City Engineer T.R.B. P & Z Board Additional Remarks: Date: ACTION: " " " " :t.~ . orig/DCG/2/79 I-Otw '.' . F~~ie~~p~J' . A. Seven copies of the Master Plan of the proposed subdivision must be submitted to the City Engineer's Office for place- ment on the Xechnical Review Board-agenda. . B. The developer shall retain the services of an engineer or surveyor registered in Florida, to prepare the master.plan of the subdivision and . shall emp!oy a land planner, landscape architect, architect or other technical or professional services to assist in the physical. lotting patterns and site plan. The Master Plan shall be coordinated with the major utility suppliers involved with providing ) services. C. The Master Plan, when submitted to the Office of the City Engineer, shall contain the following: 1. Name of subdivision or identifying title which shall ~ not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in .incorporated or unincorporateq areas of Palm Beach County. ~ 2. A vicinity sketch showing the location of the tract in reference to other areas of the city or County. I 3. North arrow, graphic scale, scale and date. 4. Name, address and telephone number of the developer. along with the name and address of the engineer and surveyor responsible for the plan, plat and support- ing data. 5. The location and names of adjacent subdivision, if any, and plat book and page reference. ) 6.' The tract boundary with bearings and distances along , with a written description. 7. Topographical conditions on the tract including all _ . the existing water courses, drainage ditches and bodies of water, marshes and other significant features. 6cf'fN; .... . ~ . ~ been coordinateo -...ith all required utilities. . 18. Sites proposed for parks, recreational areas, and schools. 19. The locations of all temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use. In addition, master plans or site plans showing permanent structures having a temporary use shall contain a statement outlining the temporary use. Master plans or site plans showing temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use shall be reviewed by the City Building Official at least eighteen (18) months from the last approval date. Followin~ approval of a. master plan or site plan, such structures may be erected prior to plat recordation. All such permit and construction reauirements of the . Building Department, including but not limited to Chapters S and SA of the city of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances shall be satisfied. D. A subdivision that generates 3000 vehicle single directional trips per day or 250 vehicle single directional trips in a one hour period must submit along with the master plan. a traffic impact analysis. The tr~ffic impact analysis shall . be prepared by a Professional Engineer competent in Traffic 'Engineering and snaIl be- used to determine the number of lanes and capacity of the_street system.proposed or affected by the development, and the phasing of improvements. E. A master storm water management plan outlining the pr.imary II' and secondary drainage and storm water treatment facilities needed for the proper development of the subdivision, exclud- ing tertiary facilities, which are required on construction plans, shall be submitted along with the master plan. master storm water management plan shall consist of an The _,,1" ^' (Iw- ~<A""": - 29 - ~~... 9duP ~. t ~ l ~ t 8. All existing st~-ets and alleys on or adj~cent to the tract including name, right of way.width, street or pavement width and established centerline elevation. Existing streets shall be dimensioned to the tract boundary. 9. All existing property lines, easements and rights of way, their purpose, and their effect on the property l to be subdivided. 10. The location and right of way width of all proposed streets, alleys, rights of way, easements and their purpose along with the proposed layout of the lots and blocks. 11. The incorporation and compatible development of present and future streets as shown on the Official City Map when such present or future streets are affected by the proposed subdivision. 12. Access points to collector and arterial streevs show- ing their compliance to the access requirements established by this ordinance. 13. Ground elevations by contour line at intervals of not more than one foot based on N.D.S. datum or as other- wise determined by the city Engineer. 14. All existing drainage district facilities and their ultimate right of way requirements as they affect the property to be subdivided. 15. Generalized statement of subsurface conditions on the property, location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil conditions ~nd ground water depth. 16. Zoning classification of the tract. 17. . . . . ut1l1t1es such as telephone, power, water, sewer, gas, etc. on or adjacent to the tract 'including existing or proposed water treatment plants and sewerage treiltment plants. The Naster Plan shall contain a -SJ::.aLe>--'llL'n"'. t-hat all utilities are availilble and have /0 if (.f)Ji -.:. - . f- TRAFFIC IMPACT STATR~ENT FOR TARA LAJ<ES BOYNTOK BEACH, FLORIDA Prepared by: \-:ILLIl...'l F. ~mLHEARN, P.E. :~~O K.E. 43rd STREET LJGi:TlJOClSE POINT, FLORIDl\ 3306, (305) 942-8576 r ~ ~.J>. I ~e: . ~-T' .~.c.~ ~ ~lAY 19,1983 II Dr !do , II\TRODUCTIOl\ This report ~as prepared to assess the traffic impact on Congress Avenue that can be anticipated to occur when vehicle trips gener- ated by the proposed development of TARA LAKES are introduced to the existing highway network. Initially, trip generation, trip distribution and traffic ass~gn- ment techniques were employed to enable a determination of project impact. These techniqueE are described as follows: 1. TRIP GENERATIOl\ - determination of the number of average annual daily vehicle trips produced by the project. 2. TRIP DISTRIB~TIOl\ - dispersion of the generated average annual daily vehicle trips between zones of origin and zones of destination. 3. TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT - allocation of the vehicle trips created by the trip distribution processes to the highway network. PLANNING DATA The proposed project ~s described as "a parcel of land in Section 30, To~~ship 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more paticularly described as follo""5: cOITtmencing at the south- east corner of said Section 30, thence N 10 51' 37" W along the east line of said Section 30 a distance of 40.0 feet; thence S 880 22' IS" W along a line lying 40.0 feet north of, and para- llel to, the south line of said Section 30 a distance of 495.08 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue S 880 22' IS" W along said parallel line a distance of 1780.36 feet; thence N 00 33' 17" W a distance of 813.00 feet; thence N 890 37' 46" E a distance of 1769.51 feet; thence S 10 20' 08" E a distance of 774.00 feet to the Point of Beginning." Ii) n, A. cl !,jj.fl Lana Use information for the developed by D.N.Ambrose and belo,,': project was Associates, based upor. the Site Pla~ Inc. and is summarized 'rotal Acreaae Total Lots Minimum Lot Size Zon ing Development 37.49 145 acres 4E' by BO' R-3 P.D.D. TRIP GENERATION Trip Generation rates for the proposed land use were extracted from the "19Bl Update Study of Vehicular Traffic Generation Char- acteristics Within Palm Beach County." Planned Unit Developments are assumed to produce 10 vehicle trips per dwelling unit for units less than 2000 square feet. As such, Tara Lakes will pro- duce 1450 vehicle trips per aay. TRIP DISTRIBUTION & TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT Average Daily Traffic (A.D.T.) and peak hour volumes were deter- mined for existing conditions, existing co~di~ions plus back- ground traffic and project generated trips. Background traffic volumes are those anticipated to occur when construction of all approved developments is completed. Background traffic volumes were supplied by Traffic Division of Palm Beach County Engineer- ing Department. It was assumed that 10% of this A.D.T. would occur during the A.M. and P.M. peak hours. Existing A.D.T.'s for Congress Avenue were obtained from "19Bl Traffic Counts" supplied by the West Palm Beach Coun':" Area Planning Board. Existing Peak Hour traffic volumes for the intersection of /5d~ Congress Avenue and S.K. Congress Bo~levard (the roadway with which the entrance to Tara Lakes will be aligned) were collectec during the week of May 16th, 1983 for both the A.M. and the P.M. peak hours. Results appear on the enclosed intersection sketches. The directional distribution of peak hour trips produced by P.D.D.'s were obtained from "Trip Generation Rates" published by the In- stitute of Transportation Engineers and are tabulated below. A.~L P.M. Peak Hour 10% of ,h.DT 10% Of ADT Directional 50% Enter 50% En ter Distribution 50% Exit 50% Exit Existina Traffic A.D.T. 5602 trips Backqround A.D.T. - 11,400 trips Pr6lect A.D.T. - 1450 trips Peak hour trip distributions were made to parallel existing con- ditions, i.e., during the A.M. peak hour 33% of the traffic is northbound and during the P.M. peak hour 60% of the traffic lS northbound. A.M. and P.M. Peak Hour Existing - appear on enclosed ske~ches A.M. Peak Hour Background Traffic - 11,400 x 10%= 1140 trips 33% x 1140 = 376 trips Northbound 67% x 1140 = 763 trips Southbound P.M. Peak Hour Background Traffic - 11,400 x 10%= 1140 trips 60% x 1140 = 684 trips 40% x 1140 = 456 trips /4- 0{ I..P/.p A.M. Peak Hour Proiect Traffic - 72 x 33! = 72 x 6n = 73 x 33% = 73 x 6 7~ = 1450 trips y. 10%= 145 trips 145 y. 50% = 72 trips Entering 145 x 50% = 73 trips Exiting 2~ trips Entering from South 48 trips Entering from North 24 trips Exiting to North 49 trips Exiting to South P.M. Peak Hour Proiect Traffic - 1450 trips x 10~=145 trips 145 x 50% = 72 trips Entering 145 x 50! = 73 trips Exiting 72 x 60% = 43 trips Entering from South 72 x 40% = 29 trips Entering from North 73 y. 60% = 43 trips Exiting to North 73 x 40% = 30 trips Exiting to South CONCLUSIONS The enclosed sketches of the intersection of Congress Avenue and S.W. Congress Boulevard/Project Entrance reflect the add- ition of a Northbound left-turn lane on Congress Avenue that should be used for project traffic. Inclusion of this left- turn lane can be accomp.~ished merely by re-striping of the existing two-lane roadway. The addition of project generated trips to the intersection will not warrant signalization. Traffic control can be accom- plished by a "STOP" sign. /5- of &.0 ". .' .",. .- ......... ~~ .:,.. -;<,,' i . r"" 0010 -~ ] r"" 0010 ....~ .... )I)t >>0 )to . rll )III ~-i :0 - -0- ~ OOA __lD ..... CONGRESS AVIiONUE - ....ll> '0 III UI '-' C&I 01 ... 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'1l - -. n "D < rn ) 0 ~ r" C 1: ~ 0 ID C a1 11 / Lfl tdtJ .... ----".--._--_.--_.--~----_. . -r.:o OO~ ....Ill ...... ... JIoJlo 110 )00 II r. JIo. "-4 :0 ~ -:. 0 - - - , ~-~. .(' .~ *". ...~('~l~\'~\ti . r' o o III _lll a.;...J .:." - ~ CONGRESS AVENUE, - '. '~~ - ~~ . -'BIllO c llllll .." . - .r '. > r ~ 5'0 1 =1ll::;.,:;J ~,.., ooe. ~~.... be.B CIl ~ II 0 < 0 z ~ 0 Q ID 11 .", '-I CD II Ca1 1lI 11 lJl ~ . 'U "It ~ "It - 0 'U ITI c:: ~ 0 " f'" C 1: ~ 0 II C II 11 .,-..> .- "if~~'~?f;' : :.r ~~.-<;. -.... , - .; , ., ..: i ~\ ~ . 1 'i , , rl C/' {do _..-..__._--~----~-- --- _.~----,-'-'---'---- r ' \.'t ,) 'o' .1..' . , Rev. 9-3-81 S'l'nl,<_..RD PUMP STATION CRlTER. Page 1 of 2 FOR THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (SUBMERSIBLE) 1. .J . Provide deeded site. 2. 6-foot fence with l2-foot double gate Chain link with 3-s*tand barbed wire. -y...; If chain link fence~is not or Lift Station Supervisor with lock arrangement. 3. used. check with Director of Utilities for permission to change requirement. 4. Stainless Steel guide rail. - '. 5. SS lifting cable. 1 6. SS float cable holder. 7. SS anchor bolts. '%t 8. SS lifting handle. 9. Pumps to be Flyght, EMU or Hydromatic. 10. Gate valve and check valve on each pump. 11. Must have pump curves on each pump. 12. Must have pump test on each pump, and sent to city. . 13. Elapsed time meter for each pump. 14. 'Four .(4) Mercury switches for sequencing pumps and controls. 15. 3 phase power, 230.volt. 16. Emergency power receptacle (Russell & Stoll) JRSA 1044 FR 100 Amp. 17. Starters to be Square D, Westinghouse or Cutler-Hammer. 18. Solid state electric alternator with test switch., 7 prong -#ARA- l20-AEA or equal, (Diversified electronic) 19. H-O-A switch, running lights, 3-leg protection. 20. Transfer switch for emergency receptacle. 21. SS control panel, factory wired. with top of panel at least 6 feet above ground. 22. High water alarm and light. 23. 3/4" hose bib with vacuum breaker. ., 24. Above ground bypass lines with.6" male Kilnlock and cover .18" above ground with gate valve before flange. 25. On bypass lines we need at least the fo:J.lowing distances between check valves: on 4" - we need 16" on 6" - we need 20" on 8" - we need 23" We must have enough clearance between check valves to be able to repair valve shafts. -1- /5 or ~ " , . ," " . Submersible Pump Station Criteria (continued) Page 2 26. 6-foot minimum diameter wet well. 27. 24V control power in wet well. 28. Aluminum cover to wet well with lock arrangement. 29. Three (3) - panel to wet 1-1/2" PVC lines well (1 for each required' from stainless steel control pump and 1 for floats). 30. Sealing compound for electric cables to wet well. 31. Phase monitor. (1 for each motor) 32. Paved driveway. 33. Paved driveway must be located in such a way as to make for easy access and be able to back up to center of Lift Station. Center to be at Guide Rails. 34. Shop manuals. 35. Install Seiscor Monitoring unit as required by City of Boynton Beach. Contact Al Atkins, Agent Engineer Service Corporation P.O. Box 23511 Jacksonville, FL 32217 Phone: 904-268-0482 36. The builder/contractor must get City permit if inside City limits (no charge). 37. Motors: Not over 10 HP. 38. Fenced in area must be paved..: -~; r- c . . -~- .. 39. PSI gauge on each pump. .n-!/db -2- /9 cf ~ . . , 1.0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. , ;' Rev.11-l6-8l DR~ .~T PUMP STATION.CRITERII Page 1 of 2 FOR THE CITY" OF BOYNTON BEACH (Below Ground) 1. Provide 30' x 30' deeded site. 2. Lift Station to be Smith-Loveless, DAVCO, or PEC. 3. Lift Station to be at !east 8 feet in diameter dry pit. 4. , Gate valves must be used in Lift Station. 5. Discharge valve (gate.valve) outside of station on force main. 6. Gorman-Rupp pumps are not to be used. 7. Pumps to be S & L, F & M., or Allis-chalmers. 8. Time totalizers for each pump. 9. PSI gauges on both pumps. Must have pump curve. Must have pump test on each pump sent to City. Sump pump lined up inside of lift statipn to top, then across the top.of wet well with double check valves. Wet well level gauge. Wet well to be sized to give proper pumping without recycling too often. Must have 3-phase power~ Starters and breakers to be Square D, Westinghouse or Cutler-Hammer. Not over 20 HP with 230 volt, 3 phase. Over 20 HP must be 440 volt, 3 phase. Alt. solid state, 7 prong - #ARA-12P-AEA or equal (Diversified electronj All electrical outlets to be at least 3 feet from floor.- Must furnish emergency generator with necessary cables. Emergency plug, Russell & Stoll JRSA 1044 FR 100 Amp_,~240 V,. with ?~uble.tbrow .switch, 2RF-2044F, 20Gamps. 440 V. ., , ~ 23. Light a~d horn with reset, with guard for light. 24. Bubbler line in Lift Station should be.above manhole. , . . . . 25. Bubbler line to, SCH 40 3/4'~ PVC pipe with angle iron across top.of pipe from lift station to wet well for protection, 1/4" x 3" x 3". 26. DAVCO Alarm.unit or equal (Red plastic globe with set screw locking guard). m 0/ <do -- ~. If' .( ... \ .:,: :;,1 Dry pit Pump Station Criteria (continued) Page 2 27. Blower. 28. . Humidifier. 29. Bell-Gosset compressor. 30. Double mechanical seals. I 31. Spare seal. 32. Spare sleeve. 33. Spare air compressor. (Bell-Gosset) 34. Volute gaskets. 35. Impeller wrench. 36. Filter elements. 37_ Magnesium anodes (Cathodic protection). 38. Above ground bypass lines with 6" male Kimlock and cover 18" above ground with gate valve before flange. 39. 6-foot .fence with double 5-foot gate with lock arrangement, Chain link with 3-strand barbed wire. 40.' ~f chain link is.not used, you must check with Director of utilities 'or Lift Station Supervisor for permission to change requirements. 41. Paved driveway. 42. Driveway must be located in such a way as to be able to back up to center of lift station. Not over wet well. 43. Shop manuals. 44. Instal:j. Beach. Seiscor Monitoring unit as required by City of Boynton Contact Al Atkins. Agent Engineer Service Corporation P.O. Box 23511 Jacksonville, FL 32217 Phone: 904-268-0482 45. Phase monitor.' A80.V Sta-ConOOl-440-118 240 V Sta-Con 001-230-118 46. Fenced in .area must be.-paved~-;,~-:'''-: . .-- "':- - --~ ~ i-~ 1;:.- "- 47. Motor must be copper wound. ~ 48. Stainless Steel Electrical Panel Top Side. 49. Float in wet well for high water alarm to be installed on &eiscor Monitor Unit. . 50. Top of Lift Station should be at least 2feet above grade. " - JM/db J!J cf 0~ "","," \..,!- PLANS I OVERSIZED DOCUMENTS &5 of fo& I L... __ __~__ _ o 1/8 I o 400. 800 -1 ,C3 L~ LOtA TrON . - MAp'::" , TARA'. LAKES"" 'PUD> -I. \ g E :~ __ - . '~"__'__"_' .__ .....~....-;-:.~ ___ ..._.u'____", R R E C 3 . "- , " , .' -.-,. ... . ~ " .. . , .0 ,;' " c . . . ~" 4.' , 1 0"" ....... ~ 3/4 MILES c/f 3200 4000, FEE;T {p& cI'~ PlA/V I {)cPT .. ~.6:83 .'_ r' .- ,.",'. PUD LU I: 4.0 PU ~ 1 A A A __ _.L _ C3 1/4 1/2 1600 '2400 I . ..-!" , r'''' . ~ , , I'~. "'. . . -.' - ~ .' n h!~." . I . l , 1=l3 . . C3 ...., .. RI I, 'R1~ 'CPUI , '. .: .:~.. ..... " .' . " . ,. ::"' 1 R3' I I _ -'"I f, 11., ." ,I . ,. ,- '"'... ... ,", ~.. [ REC ~ .. 1 ~ " , . o ~ :f,.'-' . to"' L: . ~'V.-';;'IrIr' ; . - - .. l-~, ,..... ......1: . . . '"- ...., ...... .",. "~l .-.. C1 R3 .I... ._-:; .,....:- ;';_ .q.- .' ~:. _1~ . h ',:. . ... . :- . ~ .,., .....,., __ _... _~ ....J I; _...:.. ~ ~..., j ." -(", .~ ~~> Citv of Bovnton Bench Planning Department l\ntROFI:LM Il\rpUT StrEET . De"elopment File ~WLa- c(,'JW-<f ~ (fUJJ Proiect'Name Year - DOCUMENr TYPE Parking Lot Variance - PLY D Preapplications . Preapp 0 . Conditional Usc . CU D Master Plan - MP (ZJ Rezoning - R D Master Plan Modification - MPM 0 Rczoning-and Land Usc D Preliminary Plat - PP 0 Element Amendment - LUEA 0 D Site PIan.- SP Anncxation - A 0 D Site Plan Modification: SPM Abandonment - Abdm ~b Number of Plans ~ Number of Sheets Ilpf:h'r/lpg",ll Date prepared: / j- /3 -1' J- COMMDtrS: Approved 0 Denied 0 Conditions 0 TO BE FILLED OUT BY MICRO COMPANY Fiche No. I X or X I Retrix No. I Frllrnes I I I C 0 M MEN' T S ~ or iPG --- -- -_.._._-~---,---,.