REVIEW COMMENTS . .. ..' ~ . .: . ' i.... of!o. .'" _- ,-- ..- .' ;.. ;;... - ... ....- STAFF COMMENTS Planning Department: Utilities: Recreation and Parks: Subject to Memo Subject to Memo Subject to Memo MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner DATE: July 5, 1983 RE: Proposed Tara Lakes PUD Please be advised that on Tuesday, July 5, 1983 the Technical Review Board (TRB) met and reviewed the proposed Tara Lakes PUD in a pre-hearing conference format with the developer's engineer, and recommends approval of the proposed PUD, subject to the following comments: 1. The developer is to construct a right-turn lane north approach of S.W. Congress Boulevard extended. 2. Twenty-two feet of pavement must be provided at the cul-de-sacs. 3. Nineteen additional parking spaces are required for the recreational area proposed. 4. All construction in the Congress Avenue right-of-way must be bonded. 5. An area of stabilized sod should be provided con- necting the cul-de-sacs at the recreation area. 6. One additional fire hydrant should be provided at the recreational facility. 7. Subject to County Traffic Engineer's memo which accompanies this correspondence. . c: ~crL -~ Carmen S. Annun . to City Planner /bks I -~ Board of County Commissioners "":~.,':}\:':'. ::?:::',::.".\',:.:' ,::,>-:~. ?::::".,.::..:.:.: . ::;\:,;~~p:{::;... ':.: . ':\;i~;~~::~~;~~~\~S;,::'~ ':':'\+".::,.:'i"' . . ,C,::,";':""::":":::" :;:'''''.'''''''','''':'::'':,..- -. ::~:\<?':::> County Administrator John C. Sansbury Peggy B. Evatt, Chairman Ken Spillias, Vice Chairman Dennis P. Koehler Dorothy Wilken Bill Bailev Received Date . ' ,'" ,'.-,::.',:,:':,:.:; /f;titJ" ~ ::<.:\;.-..:.'.A Time Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert CountY Engineer June 20, 1983 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: Tara Lakes, P.U.D. Dear Mr. Annunziato: This office has reviewed the traffic statement and site plan for the subject development and has the following comments: 1. This project should construct a left turn lane, south approach, on Congress Avenue at the project's entrance. The traffic statement indicates this turn lane can be accomplished by restriping the existing pavement. Our field inspection, however, indicates that the construction of additional pavement will be required. 2. "Fair Share" impact fees should be collected on a per unit basis at the time building permits are issued. 3. The cost of signalizing the intersection of SW Congress Blvd. and Congress Ave. should be borne by this development, with the signal being installed, when warranted, as determined by the County Engineer. It should be noted that the segment of Congress Avenue on which this project fronts is recommended for inclusion in the County's proposed two cent gasoline tax road improvement program. Impact fees collected from this development could, pending the outcome of ongoing litigation, be applied toward this road project. The opportunity to comment is sincerely appreciated. BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (305) 684-4000 If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER et~.JJ1~/L--- Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRW:ASH:1b I TO I FROM Carmen Annunziato City Planner John Wildner Park Superintendent SUBJECT :_____:!~E'!:__~'!:~~~__!:_~_fl_~P.:_______________________________________________________________________ DATE: __2LWfU.------------------ FOLD . Upon review of the development subject to our land dedication ordinance, the public dedication required is: 143 Single Family Residential Units @ .018 acres = 2.57 Acres I recommend that the development not receive one half(lJ credit for private recreation facilities provided. I further recommend that fees in lieu of land be provided by the Developer. pm/ cc: C. Frederick Rec. & Parks Director PLEASE REPL Y TO . SIGNED ,:L ?-tdk4~J /' ./ REPLY DATE: SIGNED ITEM 1/ F269 .;; WHEELER GROUP INC. THiS CC"PY FOR PERSON ADDRESSErl MEMORANDUM July 6, 1983 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner RE: Tara Lakes As Mr. Cessna has requested, the loop water main for Phases I & II will be required for the utility construction of Phase I. The reason for this is that in the past projects have been constructed in phases, and if construction does not proceed with Phase II, we would have customers in Phase I on very long dead end lines. These dead end lines are difficult to maintain a chlorine residual because the water does not circulate. The other item is the possibility that proper fire flow may not be available because of these dead end lines. Please advise if more detailed information is required. ~A! Mark G. Law, utility System Supervisor cv cc: Mr. Perry A. Cessna, Director of utilities Received ~~ South Florida Water Management Post Office Box V 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Rorida 33402 Telephone (305) 686-8800 Rorida WATS Une 1-800-432-2045 Date John A. Maloy. E.ecul,ve O..ector IN REPLY REFE R TO: July 1, 1983 i Mr. Carmen S. Annuziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Tara Lake PUD Dear Mr. Annunziato: We have reviewed the above project and offer the following comments. First, it should be noted that this site is part of a proposed 90-acre residential project called High Point of Boynton North to which the District issued Surface Water Management Permit No. 50-00773-$ on August 14, 1980. This permit authorized the construction and operation of a water management system comprised of two on-site lakes and a system of inlets and culverts to collect the on-site runoff and route it to the lakes and ultimately to the LWDD L-26 Canal. Second, we recently received two requests for permit modifications which affect this site. One is for a proposed 7.8 acre commercial project known as Congress Center, located immediately east of the Tara Lake PUD site, which was issued General Permit No. 50-01059-S on October 7, 1981. The other is for that portion of the High Point project noted above which corresponds with the proposed Tara Lake PUD site. The purpose of these two modifications is to allow the redesign of the Congress Center surface water management system from an independent exfi1tration system with overflow to LWDD Canal L-26 to a positive drainage system with a connection to the proposed positive drainage system for the High Point project. Currently, both these applications for permit modification are under review for information adequacy so no action has been taken yet on either one. Based on our review of the preliminary paving and drainage plan for the Tara Lake PUD, as well as the storm drainage plan for the Congress Boulevard right-of-way, it does not appear that any provisions have been made to handle the storm water runoff from either the balance of the proposed High Point project or the proposed Congress Park commercial project. In view of the already existing surface water management permit for the High Point project, as well as the proposed modifications to both it and the proposed Congress Park project permit, the District cannot sign off on the potential permitability of the surface water management system for the proposed Tara Lake PUD at this time. Prior to submitting final plans to the District for permit review and issuance, the contract purchaser will need to address the above concerns. Robert L Clark, Jr Robert W Padrick Chairman - Fort Lauderdale Vice Chairman - Fort Pierce Stanley WHole Naples J, Nell Gallagher Sf Cloud Natr,anlel P Reed Hobe Sound Jo~n L Hundley Pahokee Aubrey L Burnham Charles L Crumpfon Okeechobee Miami Shores Jeanne Bellamy Coral Gables Carmen S. Annuziato, City Planner Tara Lake PUD July 1, 1983 Page 2. Should you have any questions on the above, please contact Susan Coughanour of this office. As always, we appreciate this opportunity to comment. ; Sincerely, ;?~ Richard A. Rogers, P.E. Director Resource Control Department RAR/j ..- BOYNTON BEA,-,-i PLANNING DEPARTMENT REZONING APPROVAL CHECKLIST Date Recvd: 5"=- 2 '3-V, ..-r- .. f7 (/ II 0 /I I. .d Project Name I ::It/'('f' f.--,,'7'pS- f/, . l....fiAgent . . ~1, /Th-lt(Vv-Sf!. /r-'7s/./&/ T0r".., Developer ?;iV',;} De Vf;! t',i/'';;liA ~ . rv, C, Trus tee . I' . If,h fP/n1o.f Oe!my f5JdY4kc?urveyor ," ?Y1 ,,' ~t/'d Dpf./e ( (fiv(/(4j<1J 1;AL,Archi tect (Are the following requirements met?) - owner .~ -..-. .:/ .~ ,I, ""_',.,:? ~ ~ -.- Buyer General: V' .j.1I' r;" }, t/ ~ Fees attached or received; Location sketch (to scale) showing adjacent properties within 400'; Present zoning: R- '2. ; Proposed zonin.g: ~u. fJ. ; Proposed use :6 -F ^r~J ; Address/location description provided; Legal description provided; Application dated & signed/applicant's address & phone no. provided; Required DocUffients*: (Refer to Sec. 9, Zoning Regulations) " (.-: v C.l. C.2. C.3. C.4. C.5. C.6. / Comments: 'ita " / V i l' I I *Note: If PUD, use additional PUD checklist; I Coordination: Palm Beach County (traffic analysis) }.Ieecf tl/qfu' CJ'hlpdCf /~ 11rl./~;t School Board (School Plant Planning) So. Fla. Water Management Dist. (drainage)s-'i""'vlcl ccpy , (other) I " " " Inter-Agency v Review Schedule*: Action: " City Clerk T.R.B. P&Z Council Date: " " " " " *Note: If PUD refer to PUD checklist; Additional Comments: ~, ,. orig. 2-79 DCG c. District Bounda!Y O1anges: (Rezoning) ~ Every applicatw.'l for rezooing involving Changes in district boundaries shall be aCCO'Ipaniedby a fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00)and shall include the folla.rlng: ' 1. A staterrent of the applicant's inteTI$t in the property to be rezoned, including a roW of the last recorded Warranty ~ed; and a. If Joint and Several CMnerShips: a wr:i. tten ccnsent to the re:wning petition by all amers of record, or '_ . If a O:ntract: purd1ase contract and written consent of the seller/amer, or b. c. If an Authorized Agent: a copy of the agency agree.rrent, or written consent of the J?rin~ipal/CNmer, or .... . -~ .. . . If a lessee: a ropy of the lease agreement and wr1. tten CXJllSent of the CHIDer, or d. e. If a Corpora.tion or Other Business Entity: the nane of the ottJ.ceI' .or person respansJ.ble tor the app.1ication and written proof that said representative has the delegated autilority to repreSent the ronx>ration or other business . entity 3 or.:in lieu.._ thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the <x>rpon:;tticn . 2. A certified bormdary sketch by a surveyor registered in the State of TIorida at a scale prescribed by the Building Official contain:- ing the follaying: a. 1m accurate legal ~escription of the property to be rezoned. b. . A corrputaticn of tile total acreage of the tract to ihe near- est tenth of an acre. 3. A corrplete certified list of all property CNmers, nailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties wi thin at least four hund- red (400) feet of ihe subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the CO\mty Court House shall be furnished by the applicant. Such list shall be acoornpanied by an affidavit stating that. to the best of the applicant's knCMledge said list is oornplete and accurate. Notification shall be given to all perscns <x>ncerned as defined in Olapter 163 of the I1.orida Statutes. 4. The applicant's locaticn ID:3p shCMing the locations of all proper- ties referred to in paragraJi'l three (3) above, and their relation to the applicant's subject parcel. 5. A staterrent by the applicant of tile major planning ass1.II1Ptions and d:>jectives of the developrrent project including but not limited to: a. D2veloprrent b. Proj ected Population c. Proposed T:i.rning and Stages of IEveloprrent d. Proposed o..mersmp and Form of Organization to Maintain Comron and Open Space Facilities e. Proposed density of land use for each develc;>pnent parcel as well as tile gross and net densities of the total project. f. Official Soil Conservation Service..soil cl.c5sificatial by soil associations and areas subject to mrmdation and higJI ground, water levels. . ..... 'I'o~ 6. Pny of t _ follGling as required by the t.1aruUng and Zoning Board and/or the City Council: ~ a. A written comnitJrent to the provisions of all necessary facili- ties and systerrs for storm d:re:inage, water supply, sewage treatJrent, solid waste disposal, fire protecticn, recreational and park areas, school sites, and other public irrp:roverrents as nay be :required. b. A traffic impact analysis or projected trip generaticn for the develo~t. c. A driWng of prupased fencing, scn;!ening and landscaping. d. Proposed location, direction and tYPe of outdoor lighting. e. Existing and proJXlSed grade elevations. f. lDcation of wooded areas and existing or proposed water bodies. g.- Where the applicant wishes to develop the project in increJIErrtaJ.: stages, a site plan indicating proposed ultinate developnent shall be presented for approval of the entire parcel. Pn:lposed developrrent phases shall be mmbered in sequence. 7. The recomrendation of the PHmning and Zoning Board and the approval by City (btmcil shall beooIre null and void in the event the appli- cant, his heirs or assig;1S abancbns or deviates from the provisions or conditions as approved, or fails to file the first plat within twelve (12) non1::hs or within any extension authorized. 8. Upon denial of an application for rezoning, in whole or in part, a period of twelve (l2) m:m1::hs must elapse before the application rray be refiled. D. Civil Rerredies for Enforcerrent In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, aJ.tered, repaired, or rraintained, or any building, structure, land or water is used in violation of this chapter or any ordinance or other regulation made tmder authority conferred heTeby, - the propoer local authorities, in addition to other I"2IIEdies, nay institute any appropriate action or proceedings in a civil action in the circuit oourt to prevent such unlawfUl erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance,- or use, and to restrain, correct, or abate such violation, to prevent the occupancy of said building, structur'€, land or water, and to prevent any illegal act, conduct of business, or in or about such premises. .~' .... .. -- BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.U.D. REZONING CHECKLIST* *Supp1ement to Basic "Rezoning Approval Checklist". Refer to ;;l~~~~~ conunents:~~ff~ . ~~~ REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: ___J. ( a ) 1 . V J. (a) 2. LJ. (a) 3.a. LJ. " LJ. " REVIEW SCHEDULE: Pre-hearing Conference Date: Action: City Clerk Date: Action: T.R.B. Date: Action: P&Z Board _Date: Action: C.A.B. Date: Action: Council Date: Action: J. " J. " ---V:: :: ~"J. " LJ. (a) (other) (orig. 2-79/DCG) " " 3.b. " 3.c. " ~~r~~ ,~:-z:r~~ ~~ . " ~/~- " --- 3.d. " 3.e. " 3.f. " 3.g. " 3. h. " 4. " -t L ~ ~ ~rl~.L4., 3d ~- - ~ :;u-fd~'?>-' ;/ " ,1 to .. I"~~,"~"-<:" ,', - '(i) PROCEDuRES FOR ZONING -OF LAND 1'0 PUD. " -',,~ ~:, :" '~;. :' ~", Th~ ;r~~~d~'res' ~~~"zohing of land U; pun blassifi~tion ~jth . , . ~.:' :'-- "-, ': . 'a :specific'; LVI' rating shall be the same a~ for zoning land' I, ~.~ ',:;~':_,,- ',: 'genera1ly~' Because oof t~e d~f~erences be.twJen PUD develop-. .' _ :.,': -:. : " ,ments and the concept of unifJed control In development, how- .;. , '.:- i) <;<,'. e~er,. t~e. f~Ilowing .pr~edu~es and requ~~~~nts, ~balf ~p~ly' :. . " : ',' " to applIcatIons for zonmg to PUD claSSIfIcatIon, In addItIon , ,. -!c> :~-:' . ~ ~-~ ~ tbe genera~ requirements: ' '. ' , , !' . ';~ '.: _' ._,'.~ .:' /':' >.' ;.. '. . _ " ,'(a) ~ Applications; materials to be ,submi~d. In addition to . : , '::: ''':~ " ;. .~.. infonnation required for application~ for zoning gen- . " -. _:-' ; ~ .=: .::.:' erally; the applicant shall submit the fallowing mate- I . . ,,'. . . " . I ' ........,..... .'.:'-nalsordata: .~!" ..!':.' i " . ". . . " -, :. -, .' . ' , I, " ," j. '" :,:. ..:- __' " -.... (1) 'Legal documents assuring unifi~d control of the ; - : ,_,;.:;:,-, ~'.: proposed PUD and the agreements required under ; -;':. ~,:. subsection (~). . :-, : _ " . ._ : -, '- , , .'" -(2) A statement: as to the LUI rating. sought for the " '." -, . pun and stich'supporting evidence or 'oocumenta- -;- tion as the applicani..may feel.i8'~pertinent :to'eD;"~ -:- ." - able the planning and roning board and the"govern- " ,.... .ing body to detennine::-whether.~or.not the LVI ~-: . : .:_',: : - ,~. ,~ati~ requested is reaSonable and ?r~per._: " _ , . 0 ' _ (3) A site development plan containing: : ",:-- =,' -',:'. a.'-- The title of the project and the names of the .' :: -">':< ' :.: '. pr,ofession~l p~oject planner and the devel- ;:', ~.: ,-- .:- oper i', ~ ~' - -~ I !. i I .1 I I . I b. Scale, date, north arrow, and general location , map; Co Boundaries of the }?roperty involved,~all exist- ing streets, buildings, water courses, ease- ments, section lines, 0 and other existing im- . portant"physical features in and. adjoining the . t · proJ ec ; - . J .' '0 d. Master plan locations of the diffetent uses ;, ';: :. ':--.- . " '... proposed by dwelling types, open spaCes desig- - -: '..:.~ ' nations, recreational facilities, co\nmercial " ~ uses, other - per:znitted uses, and ~ff-street - ,,' parking and off-street laMing locations; . ..'::: - .': e. . Master plan showing aeees's and tr4fic. flow _ - _, ,.., . , and how vehicuJar traffic will be !?eparated - .', - . '. from pedestrian and ~ther types of ~affic; ~ , - ~ " '~' - 1 : - ,,-' .'.:" . - f.' Tabulations of total gross acreage in the de- .' :.: - "'. .' . velopment. and the percentages thereof pro- , " - . 'J - .' "_ . posed to be devoted to the several dwelling types, other permitted uses, recreatidnal facil- i1?es, streets, parks, schools, and ot~er reser- vations; ~_ . . g. ' Tabulations demonstrating the relationship of the development to proposed Lill rating. as shown in Table 1, subsection (D), and pro- "',-- ' , ' ' -, posed numbers and types of dwelling units; 'and I --') .- --':- - ' , , . I ' .- '/ ' -:I ~\ I ' . .(, I, . I. I I .' . " ' . o' : .1 . I I I ' i - h~ 'Where' requi'red by the area phinni~g' board . an environmental impact study shall be sup- plied. . - A statement showing modifications of zoning or . other~pp1icab)e ..city. regulations where it-is in- tended by the applicant that such modification . serves the public interest to an equiv~l~J1!.d~gree. ~.- -~. . - -(4) :- ,~ . . -- f0\ I ! '. ---- - ,-- , "' i I L t I .1 1 i: ~ ~. 7tLjY, 7_16 V l 4'~. ~_;:;PA_~ ~,/~' c:u-- ~- ~ l:;z ~ 4>~<//J.~ ~h irl JYI: .- - ;::z .. ~ ~ ~ {j~~ ~ . iftf() I ~~.~ ~~~~ (~/ ~;;:ft;:i/~> ), . / / j/ /~ {:o-yh-1 "../.. PJ1/ .~ V T, I / I Vs;:4J~/'