LEGAL APPROVAL %t City of 'Boynton 'BetUh t ~"^- -- 100 ,!:, ~ton ~ 'BouUvartl 'P.o, ~J10 'Boynton 'BuIdl, 1Wri44 JJ4J5-0J10 City '}{Q[[: (407) 7J4.8111 75tX: (407) 738.7459 December 13, 1991 California Federal Bank, FSB California Federal TcMer 2400 E. Commercial Blvd. P. o. Box 407080 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340-7080 Attn: Mr. Mike Shennan Dear Mr. Shennan: At the regular City Carmission meeting held on December 3, 1991, the Carrnission approved the release of the Cash Bond for California Federal Bank landscaping irnprovarents. The Cash Bond is hereby released and our check # 91108 is enclosed. Sincerely, c~~~- Gr~ w. SWann Finance Director Enc: cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Christopher Cutro, Planning Director RECEl-<rybD QEC?;:}: PLANN\I'~G Dt.\"'l~ -- - ~nurUa:S gateway to tfu (julfstream ~~J n GEE & JENSON Engir1€ers.Architects. December 2, 1991 Planners,lnc. Mr. James A. Cherof Josias & Goren, P.A. 3099 East Commercial Boulevard suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 Re: California Federal Building Woolbright at Federal Highway Dear Jim: It has recently been brought to my attention that this building, located in the southeast corner of the intersection of Woolbright Road and Federal Highway, has some substandard parking lot mark- ings and traffic signs. For instance, an internal stop sign is missing, striping is not up to City codes, and one-way arrows at Federal Highway apparently are not properly placed. What is the property owner's responsibility to meet public safety standards and what is the city's liability in a situation of this matter? All facilities appear to be on private property or FOOT right-of- way. Should the City initiate a code enforcement action or should staff merely wait until the property is required to update the parking lot because of a change in use or development? I would appreciate your opinion on this, either verbally or by note. Very truly yours, (e W. Richard staudinger, City Engineer WRS:kvc enc 91-025 cc: ~~.... J. Scott Miller RECEIVED OEC4 PLANNING DEPT. One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923.407/683-3301 . FAX 407/686-7446 - rrfie City of ~oynton ~eacfi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Becun. 'Boulevara P.O. 'BO'l:31O 'Boynton 'Beculi, J"u,ritfa 33425-0310 (40i) i38-i484 J"JlX: (40i) i38-i459 'Building 'Department, Site 'Devefopment 'Division, City:J{af[ CompCe'l: 'West 'Wing August 23, 1991 Chuck Yannette Kilday and Associates 1551 Forum Place, suite 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: CALIFORNIA FEDERAL - LANDSCAPE PLAN Mr. Yannette: At the Community Appearance Board meeting, held on August 15, 1991, your request to modify the landscaping was approved. In order to make improvements at the site, the appropriate permits must be obtained from the Building Department. For further information regarding the permit submittal requirements, contact a Plans Analyst at the Building Department (407) 738-7480. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. < E. Haag & site Development Administrator XC: Central Files Project File Jlmerica's gateuJay to tfie gulf stream . CITY MANAGER' S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH RECEIVE JUL ~ 1 1 S1~~It' ;") " . , ~ .' ~ TO: Joan Mormelo via: Don Jaeger DATE . 'i~.,; DEPARTMENT Buildinq ...... I ',;;\\J'; "':r.,-';.;' '::~;::'-:;\'~' ;iifi ,"APPROPRIATE " ACTION [!J D D FOR YOUR "~,.", , EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR FILES ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJECT: Landscape Removal at 1600 S Federal Highway OTHER D D NOTE AND RETURN In response to Building Department memorandum No. 91-291 I would first state that California Federal should be cited and fined for their actions involved in the removal of landscape trees and plants without a permit and an approved plan. Their total disrespect for trees and the environment should not go unnoticed and unpunished. However, their willingness to sit down and discuss what needs to be done (on their part) in order to bring this site to code requirements should not be overlooked, and therefore I certainly would withhold adjudication until, and as such time as, they reno- vate the site landscaping to at least a point to where it was prior to the area being raised of the trees and plants. In summary, California Federal Bank should take it upon themselves to make this wrong a right by sufficiently landscaping the area with trees, palms, and plants, at least to the point of meeting the provisions of the City code. Please keep this office informed of this matter. Thank you. J Scott Miller, City Manager JSM:cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator Central File Attachment . "'":1 .,_JHt....... ~ . . BESPONSB: '''\"" Date (Action Completed) Signature . . . ." "..,.4 "..",~,....~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #91-328 -~""'''''''' TO: Mike Haag Zoning & Site Development Administrator \' _I ," ; f. " ". ~ " .,', \ ~ " . ft. ',' \ 1"- , \'} \...V .. . '.- \~Cj\ ) ....". FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan \.( \\ l..l_ Forester/Environmentalist {,~tr RE: Carteret Bank - Landscape Renovation DATE: August 9, 1991 This memorandum is in reference to the landscape renovation proposed for the above site. The following items should be prepared by the applicant as part of the presentation to the Community Appearance Board. 1. A review of the originally approved C.A.B. plan dated 2/7/77. The plant, shrubs and trees should be quantified and the original size specifications explained by the applicant. 2. The changes and removals to the landscape that reflect the present conditions existing on the site. The quantified difference in number of plant material should be explained by the applicant. 3. The newly proposed landscape plan demonstrating that the quantity of plant material (small plants, shrubs, trees) installed compensates for the difference of item #2 above. The plan should also demonstrate a larger quality (specification) of plant material used in the proposed plan to replace the mature trees which were removed. The landscape plan should also demonstrate fulfilling the City requirements for native percentages, xeriscape principles, Florida Power & Light restrictions (overhead utility lines), Community Design Plan, and the City Landscape Ordinance. 4. The applicant should bond the landscape and irrigation improvements (110% cost) and provide an assurance that the work will be completed within 30 days of C.A.B. approval. 5. The proposed landscape plan be approved by the C.A.B. and any additional requirements to this board or the City Manager's Office be incorporated into the landscape plan. KH:ad . . .. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-291 July 30, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Directo~ Joan Mormelo, Code & License Inspector II THRU: FROM: RE: LANDSCAPE REMOVAL AT 1600 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY As you requested I have researched the landscaping conditions at 1600 S. Federal Highway. It appears that California Federal Bank authorized the work. A bank representative telephoned Site Development last week requesting permission to perform maintenance only on the site; permission was granted. After obtaining a copy of the landscape plan, Kevin Hallahan and I visited the site and found large quantities of trees, hedges and shrubs missing. The following is a list of materials that appear to have been removed according to landscape plan #16714, dated February 7, 1977: Black Olive trees pigmy Date Palms small Palms understory plants hedge plants 11 14 + 2 - 4 + numerous numerous Newly installed materials include: Queen Palm trees 14 No understory or hedge plants installed Existing landscape conditions are as follows: 1. Queen Palm trees improperly staked and one falling over. 2. Continuous buffer hedge broken at NW corner and along north side of building. 3. Florida Holly plants growing up through buffer hedge. Mike Sherman from California Federal was contacted to discuss his company's plans to renovate the site landscaping. RECEIVED JUL 30 1991 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE . . . Memo RE: July Page 91-291 to Landscape 30, 1991 Two J. Scott Miller Removal at 1600 S. Federal Hwy. Conclusion 1. The work involved exceeded the scope of service requested for maintenance of the existing landscape. 2. The overall appearance of the landscape has changed from one of a lush densely covered vegetation to a more open look. 3. Renovate the landscaping to assimilate the California Federal Bank's plans with the originally approved C.A.B. plans. A meeting between Kevin Hallahan, California Federal representatives and me will be scheduled at the earliest convenience. We request your input, direction and additional requirements prior to the scheduled meeting. Thank you. ~~v~~o 0" an Mor elo v JM/smb c: Kevin Hallahan Mike Haag . A:91-291 -*- .- .' ___1 BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-315 August 16, 1991 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~~!/;;u...D__ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: Community Appearance Board Meeting - August 15, 1991 CALIFORNIA FEDERAL BANK DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Chuck Yannette of Kilday and Associates, agent for Carteret Savings & Loan Association of Delray Beach, for approval to re-Iandscape the site. The project is located at 1600 S. Federal Highway DETERMINATION: The Board unanimously, (6-0), approved the project as submitted. Motion was made by Dale Mitchell and seconded by Eleanor shuman. COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD REVIEW APPLICATION . PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICATION TYPE: ( ) PLAT DOCUMENTS (~) SITE MODIFICATION ( ) CONDITIONAL USE ( ) SITE PLAN ( ) SIGN ( ) CBD (X) OTHER CAB MEETING DATE: 7 - 1'5 - q I FEE PAID: ::E. L'S()' ().:) RECEIPT NO.: ??--".(- "\ ... ~ RECEIVED BY: ~~, PROJECT NAME: California Federal Bank PROJECT ADDRESS: 1600 S. Federal Highway LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (If too lengthy to fit on application, legal description MUST be on a separate sheet of paper - Not a part of the plans). See attached exhibit "A" Landscape Plan to replace improperly removed BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: plant material. Larcerec ~av~ngs nanK ~.K.A, ~~rsc ~ederal OWNER: Savings and Loan Association of DelraYPhone Bed<.:h ARCHITECT: Kilday & Associates, Inc. Number: (407)243-2090 Number: (407)689-5522 Phone A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST PRESENT THE PROJECT TO THE BOARD. REPRESENTATIVE:Chuck Yannette (for Kilday) Phone Number: (407)689-5522 1551 Forum Place Ste 100A West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 ApDRESS: Street City State Zip Code ------- ------- - - - - - - = = =. = - - - - - - = = = = = [i COASTAL VILLAGE [] M\i:DITERRANEAN/SPANISH [] MODERN [] NOT APPLICABLE = = = = - - - ----- - . - '- - - - ------ - - - - - - - - == - - - - - - - - - - ------ ------ COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT EXTERIOR SURFACE MATERIAL COLOR:NAME.NUMBER AND MANUFACTURER ROOFING CANOPY FASCIA SOFFIT BEAMS AND/OR COLUMNS N/A WALLS VENEER DOOR/WINDOW FRAMES SCREEN ENCLOSURE FRAMES GLASS . See other side - ?O , RAILINGS RAISED AND/OR RECESSED BANDS DECORATIVE TRIM AWNINGS SITE WALL/FENCE -N/A- DECORATIVE WALKING SURFACE DECORATIVE DRIVING SURFACE " SIGN STRUCTURE SIGN FRAME SIGN FACE SIGN COPY OTHER SUBMI'I"l'AL REQUIREMENTS: " I. Application form filled out completely and legibly. 2. Application fee of $50.00 (payable to City of Boynton Beach) 3. Locator Map designating site (Must be on separate sheet of paper _ Not a part of the plans) 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for Community Appearance Board review. This includes but not limited to: a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side building elevation draWings, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. ALL PLANS, DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, MUST BE BE SIGNED AND SEALED. NOTE: When the project requires review by the Technical Review Board . (TRB), their approval is required prior to sUbmitting for Community', Appearance Board (CAB) review. COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Chuck Yannette (for Name of Applicant aId A:CABAPP.SDD 10/90 '. Kilday) ~~" ,Signature 0 A ~cant ~ 8/7f9l Date LOCA TION MAP Sl:CfION 33 rO\VNSHIP 458 RANG:E- 43E ...... '-"'11I1:1'4" - ,..,u..,...., 11fF.!1Vrrr ":1'.... l.:asa'L s: :> ~la ~wl~""lIJ1 WI- . t; omif .'""...... ...... - z AVEI~ OI_ZIr,., Zl ZV) ID ui:1 ~ 1 :;; :;; AV GI'~{g~n~~~Am"l'l o,,,n-Tr""AVE 2 A J~~~:~~'F,,;c , ,;';1 ~ Piau "HUDSON AVE I. Ile JIl SE 'AV 2 lD jll I EDITH ST M .... Adm I~ - U) I- yo- sw 3 N AVP-; se V) 31 (l)AV :;r-:?l Z SW 4 AVE IlsE 4 AVEp/,;;;; ~ ~. ~IsTEA~ING Jl <( :;; SW ~ 5 'i< ;;: AVE 'SE "PI AV h!_~IVILL~ :'''./ tJ ~---' W~ SW~# '<'''' 28 i SE 'r'~'''A g~g ANNA 2701 \~ T AVE sw 6';;10 AV .SE 6 V." ;; w ~~P S~ TCT SW , AVE 7AVE~ " ~ "SE. 'I,,~ENGLE ... t- I- . :--- t; ..., COARINE Q~nLll Of U) sw CI) 8 V) AVE 'SE 9 AV d;'cenbrlar fJ HOMPSOrJl=ST /I - SW 9 I A". 'SE 9 AV w... I N HARBOUR ORVJ i)1 M "' q?'1...Ptookd.r, ( I J / ;:8):!1- SW 10 AVE ~E 10 w A~ ",J1llnt L:!li....J I; J'J.. ~ '" ~ .", ~dJ 5 HARBOUR 'il ~ 1 AV~ M SW 11 AVE SE l' '*!l! 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I Jiu: ..... v.l I ..., /_:;ft I~ V36 AVE ~. jj SE tI) 36 AVE 0 :"ct.' 1f,~.9T'!!9."'i_~r.. --r ~- :-. . l.ff it i~i1'-Vln~hidG U L 'F S T REA 'W 25.::f! ~ ~ "G""""~m .s (,0 . . M ( DOnnicviaw ; i: Dr ./.$11 ~ tI) Indig /1' I ,1/ J ~~{~~co'lnu~~."'''!IUD~~'r1'.o1/ ___~:__~p /1,0 I/! 19/ .. s ;: Z Z W OCEAN t; tl SW ~ ~ MI SW DiiJ'- JJ.?Y1~DTON PUbLIC EACII i)1 <:.1 .;:: J::: ..s:: .... ~ ~,. August 7, 1991 City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 Re: Agency Agreement To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to serve as permission for Kieran J. Kilday and Kilday & Associates, Inc. to act as the agent, to prepare and submit all documentation, and attend all meetings pertaining to the property described in attached Exhibit "A" as it relates to the Landscape Plan application before the Community Appearance Board. Sincerely, ~/ STATE OF: COUNTY OF: Florida Palm Beach I hereby certify that on this 7th day of AU.'lust , 1991, before me personally appeared Gary Finkle to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal in the State and County the day and year last aforesaid. (NOTARIAL SEAL) o !~ .~ D ) ~ary Public State of: My Commission Expires: ~ I '\ I '\ ~ c'" . Exhibit ':AiI Leaal Descrintion A tract of land in that part of section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying West of the West line of Rousseaus subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 14, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; East of the East right-of-way line of u.s. Highway 1 and South of the North line of said Section 33, except the Northerly 50 feet thereof taken for Southeast 15th Avenue and more particularly described as follows: commencing at a point in the East line of said Section 33, a distance of 50 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South 89.43'15" West along a Une parallel with and 50 feet South of the North line of said section 33, a distance of 170.15 feet to the Point of Beginning said line also being the South right-of-way line of said Southeast 15th Avenue; thence continuing south 89.43'15" West also along the South right-of-way line of said Southeast 15th Avenue, a distance of 150.0 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of u.S. Highway 1; thence South 1.2'15" West along the East right-of-way line of said u.S. Highway 1, a distance of 150.0 feet to a point; thence North 89.43'15" East, a distance of 150.0 feet to a point; thence North 1.2'15" East, a distance of 150 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Southeast 15th Avenue, and a point of Beginning. Source: survey. .....--...-. F' " " ,. ., .'-:,". . I.": ~: :;