REVIEW COMMENTS CITY MANAGER' S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH #; ?t71~1tJ ~7~ TO: Bill DeBeck 3/19/90 DATE DEPARTMENT Project Manager APPROPRIATE ACTION ~ EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [J FOR YOUR FILES [J ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO o o o FOR YOUR INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN OTHER SUBJECT: Municipal Hall Complex Driveways Attached hereto please find a copy of Planning Department memorandum No. 90-065 regarding the driveways accessing NE 1st Avenue into the Municipal Hall Complex. Apparently the site plan of the Municipal Complex was approved with two driveways permitted for NE 1st Avenue - one to serve the parking garage and one to serve the parking lot. Now that the City has decided to open another access (western most driveway) to the parking lot it will now be necessary for the City to apply for a site plan modifica- tion, and possibly a parking lot variance. I would ask that you please get with Tim Cannon from the Planning Department and Don Jaeger with the Building Department to file the appropriate papers for these modifications. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you. ~~ Scott Miller, City Manager JSM:cd cc: Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director RESPONSE: RECEIVED MAR 20 . PLANNING DEPT. Date (Action Completed) Signature - .. .. ~, PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-055 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FRot'1 : Tambri J. Heyden, Assistant City Planner TH~OUG~: Timothy? Cannon, Interim Planning Director DATE: March 15, 1990 SUBJECT: M~nicipal Hall Complex Driveways onto NE First Avenue Please be ~dvised that as shown on the attached copy of the approved site plan of the Municipal Complex, two driveways were permitted from N.E. 1st Avenue - one to serve the parking garage and one ~0 serve the parking lot. The comments referred to in your memorandum dated ~arch 12, 1990 were the Planning Department'3 comments after conducting a preliminary review of ~ site plan ~ubmitted to our office prior to formal ?lan review of this project by the TRB. Item ~5 of these commen~s, consistent with Section 5-142(11)7 of the Parking Lot Regulations, states that because three driveways were shown on tile N. E. 1st Avenue fro~tage: Gne driveway would have to be eliminated or a variance would have to be applied for. As project manager. Bill DeBeck opted to eliminate the western-most driveway to the parking lot. This department has not been contacted by anyone about changes to the approved site plan prior to your memorandum. However, if it is the desire to construct anything other than what is reflected on the attachej site plan, Mr. DeBeck will Geed to apply for a site plan modification dnd ~ossibly a parkin~ lot varlance, if the change requested is inconsistent with the Parking Let Regulations. Please note that three driveways onto N.E. 1st Ave. would require a variance. ..>) d~~' 9~ TAHERI J. HEYDE:I.J /bl"s Attachment c~' Central File - .= .._~ -- -:- ,;" "~' -;-) ~ "-- -~' MAR 1 .... l' i" 1890 CITY rr:i\r.!i:.C=;::';~ C :-=-:-=-; :r:: -\ '\ ---- ~-- \ \ \ I \ \ ------- ----- --- -----------/ ~ ...--- ~"l'p.O _,~ - s'\' eO\l~ ~- s~ ..-----------:-- ~ ( - ~ \ 1 /' t .f"" , \ , r-:-- , \ -,:. -- /' ,.~:--'~\. , . C'" \ ' - i ~ \ ' , \ ., '\ \ . ,'L .l .~t ;' ( :; " \ , ('> , : ~ \ , - c " \ 'z , . .' . . .. {,\ ~ hI i~ :. ~ .'" l,,~ ; \~ ,?, , '('; .. \: ? ~ '''l o r- (\ C' ~ \'-:2 ?, ;--/- \ , , ---' ~- ? ~, ~ :. (~ '\' ---:- / I .J----;. (. 1 ~ , '---- - //..-- -f"'\'(' \ \ , I \ \ \ 1 \ I , \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ ,t.- \ CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO: Vincent Finizio Tim Cannon Don Jaeger DATE March 12, 1990 DEPARTMENT Engineering/Planning/Building APPROPRIATE ACTION [] EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [] FOR YOUR FILES [] ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO o o o FOR YOUR INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN OTHER SUBJECT: City Hall Driveway Attached hereto please find a copy of a Memorandum No. 90-014 from Bill DeBeck, Project Manager, reference access way to the City Hall Complex; more specifically, the second driveway that was added to the City Hall parking lot. Based on the site plan review comments of the TRB on or about August 4, 1987, item #5, if two driveways are permitted then a variance need be applied for and processed. . I am now asking that the three of you coordinate the required variance per Section 5-141 (g) 3, so that in fact this site can be approved and closed out. Your prompt attention is appreciated. Thank you. . ~~ J. Scott Miller City Manager RECEIVED . l\R 13 18>> P u-\ 1\1 NII~G DE.PT~ -"..,.,. JSM : j b Attached cc: Bill DeBeck, Project Manager - - RESPONSE: Date (Action Completed) Signature /L: ~~ ~#~- /1' U:tk~ , /h) BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-104 March 16, 1990 TO: Bill DeBeck Project Manager FROM: Don Jaeger Building & Zoning Director RE: VARIANCES FROM PARKING LOT ORDINANCE - CITY HALL COMPLEX Currently there exists three (3) driveways from the City Hall complex, on both N.E. 1st Avenue and N.E. 1st Street. I have discussed this issue with the City Manager and the Engineering Department and have attempted to discuss it with the Planning Department. It is our current consensus that all driveways are necessary for the proper ingress and egress from the City site onto the public thoroughfare. Therefore, as per our telephone discussion, I recommend that you apply for the necessary variances from the Parking Lot Ordinance, which requires a maximum of two (2) driveways onto any public thoroughfare. The variance would need to be filed with the Planning Department and I can assure you of my support through the process. DJ:bh Attachments XC: J. Scott Miller Vince Finizio Tim Cannon ., \ . Ij \ X,f,t-'l 'tt "J '---- Don Jaeger \ ! VARIANCE. DOC -.. 'in "1ri~~v"rv, ~D' W~ f-1, \'f . I ~1 :' " ~~ " ,,'--, , ...... J,I..1.. dL4 ' .. 10\Q ~ "", j '"": r" F-PT!' . "f" ~ . ..~ -.... CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ;"- - TO: Vincent Finizio Tim Cannon Don Jaeger DATE March 12, 1990 DEPARTMENT Engineering/Planning/Building OTHER o D o APPROPRIATE ACTION [] EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [] FOR YOUR FILES [] ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO FOR YOUR INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN SUBJECT: City Hall Driveway Attached hereto please find a copy of a Memorandum No. 90-014 from Bill DeBeck, Project Manager, reference access way to the City Hall Complex; more specifically, the second driveway that was added to the City Hall parking lot. Based on the site plan review comments of the TRB on or about August 4, 1987, item #5, if two driveways are permitted then a variance need be applied for and processed. I am now asking that the three of you coordinate the required variance per Section 5-141 (g) 3, so that in fact this site can be approved and closed out. Your prompt attention is appreciated. Thank you. .. cc: Bill DeBeck, project Manager 111JC~ ~~ Pl.4", [,,. "'_ IVIIVG Dfpr.. ~ . ~~ J. Scott Miller City Manager JSM : j b Attached RESPONSE: ~f2.~....f,\\~ '. l=1~~ k'AW'S~l ~ 5<.c.~ s- \l\"2. (h) ~r,vE-W'4'S ~b~d-t~ S- \LTz (h) (~) ~~~\'t-.k -pAt-I'--\V'lb \0'\ dA\\J~a..'f "1"'4 k. ~STn)clc.J.. ctoc;;.~----t-h~", 3D / -h.~~ ~~c.~ ne,.tt-r~-bf-'-4 \I'V\~S Atov'\~ l~, ~ (w~ €'fC-~ ~\.<;~) ~d. \Z3o I ~~ s~ c1- a:.. ~G\-\-~ d4.S~ (S'l:. l~~'\~ ~ toc:.<d) ~~) ~~ -~."v~a..'( ckr~ no-T ~ ~ ~ C~1ts'\'f ~ Wou\d .,e..~\,);rE. ^', \JA\I~ . ~ ~. ~. ~ .s~ ~ ~ a:dcL~ ~~ l/V'- ~~ -\.0 \J~~-iT~ , ~ QS ow\,\V\5. ~\f-- ~ . -D - r . Date (Action Completed) ~-\~-~O Signature~A~t~ CC'. ~\\ ~"B&C~ ---.r:x,tJ ~-AE.6E/\ -rIm CP\-1'\Y\on CITY MANAGER I S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO: Vincent Finizio Tim Cannon Don Jaeger DATE March 12, 1990 DEPARTMENT Engineering/Planning/Building APPROPRIATE ACTION [] EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [] FOR YOUR FILES [] ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO D o o FOR YOUR INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN OTHER SUBJECT: City Hall Driveway Attached hereto please find a copy of a Memorandum No. 90-014 from Bill DeBeck, Project Manager, reference access way to the City Hall Complex; more specifically, the second driveway that was added to the City Hall parking lot. Based on the site plan review comments of the TRB on or about August 4, 1987, item #5, if two driveways are permitted then a variance need be applied for and processed. . I am now asking that the three of you coordinate the required variance per Section .S.~1.4l.---.{-g )-. 3, so that in fact this site can be approved and closed ou t . "".. ~ :..,. Your prompt attention is appreciated. Thank you. . F;?~ J. Scott.Miller City Manager JSM : j b Attached ~. <-. ',-"' cc: Bill DeBeck, Project Manager RESPONSE: Date (Action Completed) Signature MEMORANDUM #90-014 MARCH 6, 1990 To: J Scott Miller city t-Ianager From: Bill DeBeck Pl'Oj ect Manager Subject: City Hall Driveway As per the attached letter, a 2nd driveway was added to the City Hall parking lot. At the time, I stated repeatedly, that I felt it was illegal and had been turned down by the TRB previously. I was assured by Engineering, Planning and the Building Department that it was not. Please read the attached site review comments from the August 4, 1987 site review. Note item #5. Would you instruct the three concerned Departments to coordinate the required varlance per Sec 5-141 (g) 3, so the site can be inspected and approved for final CO. ~M Bill DeBeck Project Manager BD/jj "Q TIC' j'PIVED .i."~tr_1L'" 1 ....1:.....,~ MAR 7 1990 CIlV (,'!/\N,4GER'S OFFICE r \ ), lliGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMJ NO. 90-034 February 27, 1990 FRCM: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer ~~(f;rn;nW{IID FE'S 9'" 1990 PROJtC f 1';I:-'I"J~\GER TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager RE: Municipal Expansion Project, City Hall Parking Facility In-place Southwest Ingress/Egress Approach " Please consider all(J1.o,'ing the above referenced approach to remain as constructed. The origi.1'lal pennit set indicates only one PJint of ingress/egress. After rnonitorirJ.g this facility during optimum conditions, it has become evident that two approaches are needed. I feel it necessary to write you at this t:i.Ire, since t..">-Je contractor has recently begun forming sidewalks along the south peri:reter of the facility and now would be the perfect time to correct an inevitc~le traffic circulation problem. f ~ Should you agree with my observations, a sirrple infield adjustrrent could be utilized in order to keep construction rnoving forward. Please advise. \ . /)t 1_' /' A J,if- ' v;/> IZf/rt) -"I ~L~: Vincent A. Finizio +-' --0 \1?J:/ de cc: Bill DeBeck, Project Manager /.' BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL COMPLEX- SITE PLAN REVIEW COHMENTS 1. arking a1locatio be approved in connection wit this site p an or t e commis- sion chambers to meet parking requirements in zoning regulations which require 237 parking spaces. 2. There is no buildi~Pthack f~the parking structure from N.E. 1st Avenue. ,,--~o--v.-\.(.V\.~/ 3 ,I~est wing is nonconforming with respect to setbacks_adj acent , \()\.'\-t?o Seacrest Boulevard and N.E. 1st Avenue. Expansion of 'J entranceway is increasing a nonconformity. 4. O'*- eof @ ~ t)"f,>>>vij t 7. D '(" C\tJ \.) O~9. @ 10. 11. -L, _. Does the driveway for the fire station and the two driveways for the parking structure exceed the requirements in the parking lot regulations which permit a maximum of two driveways on any frontage? There is a maximum of two driveways permitted on any frontage. Therefore' driveway onto N.E. 1st Avenue will need to b eliminated a variance ap~~fo~. (Sec. 5-14l(g) (3 0 Par ing Lot ordinance.~w-Gt""o....k A f~ve root landscape strip is required adjacent to N.E. 1st Avenue where the parking lot iSr~ocat~d. ) (Se:::. 7.5-35 (d) (1.) of Landscape Code.) CU~".....v ~ e. west1=) ~ FIe campsters to be provided for municipal complex? I= so! provide locations and details showing minimum 10 foot by 10 foot pad and 6 foot high CBS wall to rna~ch building color. Driveway onto Boynton Beach Boulevard in the vicinity of ~~e fire station is located within 180 feet of N.E. 1st Street. A variance will be required for this driveway. Is location of sidewalk along Boynton Beach Boulevard accurate? feet of the fire S' ~v-~--e.. 1- G~ h Ij cl6\lA.../r Not all buildings are located within 200 hydrants. ~ \.}..J"c~J,:>' ~-eCV"o"<' ih. 01'\1"",-, Previde manufacturer's specifications on lighting fixture. It is recommended that a minimum average of one footcandle per square foot be provided for general illumination and security. (Sec. 5-l41(a).) F I \ I~' ('w-c( I-t- +r.A- ~'- S C? ...... C" d- '-'3 p- T "j f .. '0:", \.... " .. ENGINEERING DEPAR'IMENT MEN:::> NO. 90-034 February 21. 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager ~~(c~~WIE~ FEB ?", 199(1 PROJtt: f t.'iA,';/...GEi FRCt-u Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: Municipal Expansion Project, City Hall Parking Facility In-plac:e Southwest Ingress/Egress Approach .,. Plc::;-:::: ccnsider a.1J.o.,'ing the above referenced approach to remain as constructed. The cr::igi~l permit set indicates only, one p:>int of ingress/egress. After' Il"('lni~ ~S' this facility during optimum conditions', it has becane evident that two -_:.. ,y~ are n-oeded. I feel it necessary to write you at this t:irre, since -=-..e c:cntractor has recently begun formingsidewci1ks along the south pe.t:.i--t~ of the facility and now would be the perfect time to correct an inev~+- ,... '-1 e traffic cLrculation problem. ~."r~ ~'":1'.l. agree with 'ill:l observations, a siIrple infield adjustrrent could be uH'': -~.:; in CLrder to keep construction moving forward. Please advise. \ ., n/L ..... /' 'A " , [/1- iI:~ II' 1''''f) ,... zt I~ .:/ ~ k~~.' . ~~.~; --- ~ Vincent A. Finizio 0 '- "'7"0-" .. Yr':::/ =: cc:- -=.; "1 i DeBeck, Project Manager .,,,.- - ..:.~~/ ,'f '. " .. ~ - .; ',=. tJ ~. ;f ,t '_/ ;~'''' <>.>'., ~". " ~.. ~.~ .' ~'''''.2 ~ ]. -... '''';. '( . . ' /-"'.f -'J ,/'/,.:,,1\ ........ ,'~;'. !,~ ";"il./!ft-~' -' . ~ - ~-= ; ,~ ':1 : . ,:. "') ", --, \~..., '~'... ,'/J~I ~:,'i(; " ..-\ 'h I;F"".., 11 :> . ~ ~\ ,,,' . ,} 'f , ~ '.'-', ,:. ~ , ; :... .' 'j--..,....... . I.', \ \ ._~~$-'/ -- . ,.. ;j~ j"'lEMORAHDUM ;: 9 G - 'J 14 MARCH 6, 1990 r..;,'O: :; :3cott i'Hller ::1:.y l.;anagei' from: 3il::" DeBec;~ Project Manager Subject: City Hall Driveway As per the attached letter, a 2nd d4iveway was added to the City Hall parking lot. At the time, = 3tated repeatedly, that' felt it was illegal a~d had been turned ~own by the TRB previously. I was assured by Engineering, Planni~g and the BUilding Department that it was no~. please read the attached site review comments from the August 4, 1987 site review. Note item =5. Would you instruct tte three concerned D~partments to coordinate the required varlance per Sec 5-141 (g) 3, 30 the site can be inspected and approved for final C~. @fidlM bJ..l.l DeEeck P::.'oj ect Hanager BD/jj -,-~ .~ ''''4 -~ "':;. --:- 7.:-a."'i~ "_"_._~./ +._~- .:.... .! -~~ MN~ 7 1990 CI'1Y ;,'V</ \~:::::\'S OFFICE - \ BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL COMPLEX- SITE PLAN REVIEW COI~1ENTS 1. arking allocatio be approved in connection wit this s~te p an or t e commis- sion chambers to meet parking requirements in zoning regulations which require 237 parking spaces. 2. Tnere is no building ~~thrtck f~the parking structure from N...E. 1st Avenue. , CO o-"-~ ell\. ~~ 3, ,('West wing is nonconforming with respect to setbacks__adj acent " \~\~a Seacrest Boulevard and N.E. 1st Avenue. Expansion of ~ entranceway is increasing a nonconformity. 4. 0'4- 'of @ ~~r. tJ'~B (9- 7. D '(" c\.~ \) O~9. @ 10. 11. Does the driveway for the fire station and the two driveways for the parking structure exceed the requirements in the parking lot regulations which permit a maximum of two driveways on any frontage? ~~e~e is a maximlli~ of two driveways permitted on any frcn~age.. Therefore. driveway onto N .E. 1st Avenue will need to b eliminated a variance ap?~fo~. (Sec. 5-14l(g) ( 0 Par ing Lot ordinance.~Y\rtt"'-o...k A five root landscape strip is required adjacent to N.~. 1st Avenue where the parking lot is~ocat~d. ) (Sec. 7 .5-35(d) (I) of Landscape Code.) CU(,\.wt".....v -e, ~e0E Are ~~~psters to be provided for municipal complex? If sc, provide locations and details showing minimum 10 =~ot by 10 foot pad and 6 foot high CBS wall to mat=~ building color. Driveway onto Boynton Beach Boulevard in the vicinity of w~e fire station is located within 180 feet of N.E. 1st S~eet. A variance will be required for this driveway. Is location of sidewalk along Boynton Beach Boulevard accurate? Not all buildings are located within 200 hydrants. P.t4d \.).J"",,-~,:>' ~-eCV'"c:;."<:' 1h. ~ Provide manufacturer's specifications on lighting fixture. It is recommended that a minimum average of one footcandle per square foot be provided for general illumination and security. (Sec. 5-141(a).) F Lv.. \ 1_ -1-- ('-<<"",cf -,.,I.- "'-~ S(?'-'C' d- '"';1'.... "5{' feet of the fire S' ~'" ~~ t G -J.tM.. h 'j d ~,^-..Jr 7AB CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL COMPLEX PARKING LOT VARIANCE PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-121 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board THRU: Timothy P. Cannon -r(/ Interim Planning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner DATE: May 4, 1990 SUBJECT: City of Boynton Beach Municipal Complex Parking Lot Variance - File No. 466 Section 5-145(c)(4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to Section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested, the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and Zoning Board a recommendation, and that the recommendation forwarded is to be made a part of the public hearing proceedings. To that end, this memorandum is forwarded, consistent with Section 5-145(c)(4). Bill DeBeck, agent for the City of Boynton Beach, has requested a variance to Section 5-142 (h) (7) of the Parking Lot Regulations which prohibits more than two (2) driveways from any property per street frontage. The site plan approved for the subject property, the City Municipal Complex, permitted two driveways from N.E. 1st Avenue, consistent with the Parking Lot Regulations; one to provide access to the parking garage ana one to provide access to the 51 space parking lot (see Exhibit "A"). In this instance, the applicant is requesting approval for a third driveway onto N.E. 1st Avenue. This driveway is proposed as a second ingress and egress to the parking lot as shown in Exhibit "B". For an explanation of the code requirement, the nature of the variance requested, and the variance justification, please refer to the attached Notice of Public Hearing and application. On Tuesday, May 1, 1990, the Technical Review Board (TRB) met to reevaluate the driveway design for the City Municipal Complex in order to determine if the variance is justified. It should be noted that the driveway requested is already in place. This is due to the fact that before City Hall renovations began, this driveway served as the only ingress and egress to the parking lot that was existing in this area at the time. During construction of the new parking lot, this existing driveway was never removed as part of the demolition of the old parking lot. This has enabled the TRB members to evaluate the impact that this third driveway has had on traffic circulation in the vicinity of the renovated City Municipal Complex. Many issues were raised regarding this third driveway as follows: 1. Within the City Hall block, a distance of only 588 feet, there would be six driveways onto N.E. 1st Avenue if the variance is approved; 3 on the south side serving the school and a City parking lot, and 3 on the north side serving the City Municipal Complex. The purpose of the code limitation of 2 driveways per frontage is to prevent numerous driveways into heavily trafficked areas which creates haphazard traffic movements. TO: Chairman & Members -2- May 4, 1990 Planning & Zoning Board SUBJ: City of Boynton Beach Municipal Complex Parking Lot Variance 2. Discussions regarding the location and number of driveways took place when the site plan for the renovation project was designed. The reason the eastern driveway to the parking lot was preferred over the western driveway (the driveway in question) was because the eastern driveway would enable stacking onto N.E. 1st Avenue of approximately 12 cars waiting to turn onto Seacrest Boulevard as compared to only 4 or 5 cars from the western driveway. Although the western driveway would meet the Parking Lot Regulations with respect to minimum distance from Seacrest Boulevard (30 feet for local streets), N.E. 1st Avenue is a heavily trafficked local street. This condition might necessitate a greater distance from Seacrest Boulevard to the western driveway to safely direct vehicles onto N.E. 1st Avenue. 3. The eastern driveway to the parking lot closely aligns with a driveway on the south side of N.E. 1st Avenue serving the school parking lot. However, the western driveway to the City parking lot is offset with a driveway on the south side of N.E. 1st Avenue serving the school. This offset driveway has resulted in conflicting turn movements from the school parking lot and the City parking lot. Consistent with Obj ecti ve 2.5 of the Comprehensive Plan, the Technical Review Board has always made the recommendation that driveways be aligned with existing driveways to avoid conflicting turn movements. 4. Cars from Seacrest Boulevard turning onto N. E. 1st Avenue, are usually traveling at fast speeds and often swing out of their driving lane into opposing traffic on N.E. 1st Avenue. This can delay making a turn out of the western driveway to the City parking lot until such cars are beyond this driveway entrance. 5. The City Municipal Complex receives and generates a great deal of pedestrian traffic which must cross N.E. 1st Avenue in several locations along this block. The greater the number of driveways permitted onto N.E. 1st Avenue, the greater the risk of pedestrian and vehicular conflicts. 6. The school facility originally was going to be deeded to the City. It was the City's long range plan to renovate the school site for its own use. The school now has future plans for the facility; therefore, school traffic will continue to use N.E. 1st Avenue via the two existing driveways on the south side of N.E. 1st Avenue serving their parking lot. 7. The issue of whether it was safer to have vehicles backed-up within the parking lot while waiting to exit the parking lot (the scenario if only one driveway serves the 51 car parking lot) was weighed against whether it was safer to have vehicles backed up onto N.E. 1st Avenue (the scenario if 2 driveways serve the parking lot). After review and discussion, the TRB recommendation was 5-4 in favor of the variance request for a third driveway onto N.E. 1st TO: Chairman & Members -3- May 4, 1990 Planning & Zoning Board SUBJ: City of Boynton Beach Municipal Complex Parking Lot Variance Avenue from the City Municipal Complex. Alternatives to the recommendation that were discussed for possible consideration are evaluating traffic patterns in the area to determine the feasility of N.E. 1st Avenue as a one-way street and limiting the requested driveway to an ingress only driveway. <7 1 ~~K#f~ T1\MBRI J.' EYD TJH:frb Encs A:PM90-121 EXHIBIT "A" \ , \ 't' i \ I \ \ , \ \ \ , \ \ \ , \ \ \\' " , \. \ , . \ \ . \ \ \ \ ;. . r \ . 7" " .'- " " \ , " , ~ , , , , \ \ \ '.' \ " l \- \ o , . ..- r , . '.-0 --'- \ , - '- ,.."' -. , y,' ~,. \~.'" \\., \ \ '~\. ::"~: '" * I ..\ . ',,, : '. ~ .......;.. . 'I'. ,\ ~ L-- 'c:~-- \ !': . \ \ . .' .~ .., -"-' · 'H. j ':;, ",:"\ \ __ __ __ ',_.1- .... ). -' ~ ~ '\ 'r----1," 1..-:--". '......:._-" ' . '!4: ..... -. l.... ___ , .~- ..,. ~ ~ :.. '. 's . .': '., c:: "..:. ';.; ~ ~ \, \ , ~\ \ \ \ " . \ , '\ '\ " , , . , \ \ " , i i\ . 4- Co' \ ' \ I., "_,, ~I' ~'~.'H ? ~r ,";'", , (', ,. \ ~ .., 1 , .', ... , \ ,'\ \ ~, ~\ . U"I\ ~ ... ~ IJ. , ~\ \ , \ , ~ : i' " " 5': ~" -- ~\ " ~\ ~ j ~. \ " . \ \ ; \ : \ \ .. ':'::"\ . i '\ \ . \ ,i;, \ I, . \,', ~ "',. ;, \t '\tt~ .~.~~ ,j;;~ ' . ;~\.. ~~; ,.,';,;,i{" , . . .. : .-------- ~~. , .. ". I ' . ':':', ". . .... ," ". . .... .', ...,....' " '., ." ,'. " " '", ;,','. , , , . :: ,', :..,' :','": . .',. :..... . :.... , ';:"';,\}:',' " . ,.\., ~ ~ , -:~ . '~ll'..:l :', ,,',i:,\ ,': ' \,' ,'" """- 't' ... '- ~ EXHIBIT "B" ~ G;:'. .. r:t~ .:. ~~": ~.: . . . '. .. - \) ~ ..... " '~:7t~ > :,{..~, . .... . '..-'.~< ,. SS\' - ~ ~ , . ~T~~A1: ". :,:.. .' j.:' . ~ ...;..... I ::3 . .. '. , ~t <:,' -8 ~ ---:1 . [ o' - . ~, ~ .1. !;.: " ;..i. .' ..~ " .....:: , ~ . . . ..- ...-::-- ...... ~:..:;r.: <:. ...-.. UCIlI!IT ~D . I . "','" " ':'""..:...,...i::......~. '. "'i, : :;: ;;~,!:", " ~..-li . : !: ~. '. .... ", .' " .' o. :.... . ~ _I ~ ': '.: ... ~ 0'-1 . ,'1 .. . . .' . ~. 11 l' . l '. ~. . a ~. . Ii' ';I '. .. ~. ...1 : ..... ....~ ~ . a. . .:.:.~:' ':~' t '.;.' .i~~'. :"~ " ,': ...l...~. :\~'.:' . '.' . . ~ . t ,:.' . 1 .,....~.:. :. :":':~<~~'.":> ~;'\.' . ~_. :..;.~:/:~':. : .,:~ -..~ '.,.. . t;' .~',,:t.., .... n ';. . :J',,: :~"~ ": ~ . ;;::~'~;;,'.!~,.,~.'~' ~ ':~,',' ....~~ '. ., ....:...;.....~ .0".. ...:......:., '0 ";~';~", ..: ..:.. .. ..~. .~;...:::~:J~:.:'-. : 0;. . '" ,0.," ~ .......7" .~f. . , ."( " : ;.. ..... 0;.' . ~.. ;},: :~~:~:-: ~,'.:.~_:,'.:~~'.'~...~.~.. .~. ". ..~ ~ . .:f. , ... ..'~ -. ;. .... . '. :' :t ..., .... . . I'" . , " . ,'- , " ~ , ", " . . '.'~' "',. ".., ." , . .:1 .' 'P'.. .. . APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES .' : TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS , City of Boynton Beach, Florida' . Planning and Zoning Board 'This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. .' " ,J . '. ~. ~ '.. '. 1 ~ Project. Name of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: ,. ... \ :. . . ~ ,..". r .~"",;~.:1 . ',. , ., ~ : " j. I \'.. \, . , ~ . ~ 'RnYMTnt.l 'RllACJ.t Vl~tr.T'PATJ r.nM'PJ li'Y' I . , , 1I~' . 2. Data this Application is Submitted: 4/4/90 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : t I ., I.' . r.TTY OF ROYN'}'ON RF.Ar:H 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD Address: BOYNTON BEACH. FT.ORIDA 3342'; Phone: 7'),R-7474 .' 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant):* BILL DeBECK Address: 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD Phone: ROYNTON "RF.Ar.H, FT.ORTDA 3342'i 738-7474 * A letter from ';is required. S.Property Owner's . the applicant or owner authorizing the agent ..--.--.....---.... . --. . -----. . (or Trustee's) Name: r.TTY OF ROYNTON R~ACU Address: 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON RF.Ar.R, FT.A ~~6.?5 Phone: .738-7474 6. Correpondence Address (if different than applicapt or agent) *: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and. ot~er materials will be mailed. ," 18. Copy of last recorded ~arranty Deed included? (check) ON RECORD ..--.-"'......-........ ..... ... -.. ..-... ... .. -- ..-.. .........--------.- ...-.--...---....-....... .-- .... '19. Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) . f . ".: 20.' Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached~ (check) r... ......-.............._._.... ... .0'. __I'.' .. .. I....... ............... ....... .... .... .. . .... . . 21. : Number of variances requested on the ,following she'et's;' . ~\ '.~';~ :',: .~! ~,.~':' '.~'.~j:~{~~.. . . P'~'j'"p."~":" : "'i~::.: . "lI!.1 ...zI~ . ....~~4..rl. ~< ~~..\t71.'!, . f'~'. '..~.~'.,.." ~;. .:;li-rl~1 .. . : J~:~;~~! :: , . :.::'~~.'1.~,~c;l, ''':''''''''..~: 8 ":.. !,'f.1i'...,. · ~.~:;:.l}f:!. : ' .-: ."~~" :;,t." =;.c..~i...... ~l~i ~~:.;~;;,4~. . r . ....... '. '. " ....... .- . ... ~:., I. ... -' I . I, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ~':.. .~.:...~~';. ~ ".... .;... is'....~~...~(...,:~ J:.' i2f;t,~i~'O~":o ~. ~ WUc;Ll.. .I..~ (.l.~!:I"\'''\'''''QH''' W .. I' t.'. .I.,I,,,....It..-;.&...\;io.Jw ""-44 \..-&&\...0 !:'...\ooou,........""...., :!: . OwtiER (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) . Street Address or Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot. is Located: . : " ',' , . . 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD ROYNTOllT 'R'F.Ar.H r 'FT.A 11"'1) Leqal Description of. Site_..~pon Which Parkincp Lot is Located: , "Lo~s'1 - 15 BOYNTON CENTk- I, I ' , . PLAT '600K R PAGE 11 , . '. Xntend~d ~~e(s) .of Site 'Upon ~hich Parking Lot is Located: . ~ ~. CITY "GOVERNMENT ! i _, Developer or Builder: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Architect: MILLER. MEIER, KENYON AND COOPER ASSOCIATES .' . Landscape Architect: MILLER, MEIER, KENYON AND COOPER ASSOCIATES ,. , \ Site Planner: Engineer: 'Surveyor: MILLER, MEIER, KENYON AND COOPER ASSOCIATES MILLER, MEIER, KENYON AND COOPER ASSOCIATES 'MILLER, MEIER, KENYON AND COOPER ASSOCIATES Traffic Enqineer: MILLER, MEIER. KENYON AND COOPER ASSOCIATES .-: .' , ; . ~ . -- _. Note: A separate sheet must be completed for each specific desiqn'requirement (Sec. 5-141) or permit application requirement (Sec. 5-142) to which a variance is re- quested. . Planning Dept.: 5/82 ,I " ____ .._......-r._..'_'I......'..t..,II.'-:""'..I..to:Y.r,r,.,..JJ,~~...,.."t'V,..' "~"I-""~_._- .6.. .: --..~...----""':"'".,.. . '.'~ J.:;;;;.; J< .is.~:.. . .f .' I . . . / The undersiqned hereby petitions the planning and Zoning Board to qrant. t.o the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stat.ed below: Sect.ion, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: 5-142 (h) (7) No more than two (2) drivewavs shall be oermit~pn <. from any propertv. Where properties abut more than nn~ (1) public or private riqht-of-way. additional drivewayS may be permitted depending upon traffic volumes, but in no instance shall the number of driveways exceed two (2) on each street. Nature of Variance Requested: , -ro.. ALLOW 'THREE. '3) dt'::'veway~ ente,r,inR. ONTO SE ,1ST AVENUE,"!N ONE lltOCK'AREA ,St.at.ement. of Special Conditions, Hardships, or Other Reasons Justi- fyinq the Requested Variance (attach additional sheets if necessary) : THIRD ,ENTRANCE IS A PARKING GARAGE. 'tWO (2). DRI.VES NEEDED ON CITY,~.HALL LOT FOR 'PROPER AND SAFE :n<.A~~FIC FLOW. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submit.ted herewith become a part of the permanent records ,of the Planninq and zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the state- ments or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be accepted unless signed b~; ~~. ~ Siqna.ture of Applicant or Agent: ~e&-/\ Date. 'i//~9tJ' Planninq Qep~. 5/82 . , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:30 P M. on Tuesday, May 8, 1990, at City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, to consider an application for a PARKING LOT VARIANCE on the following described property: Owner/ Applicant: Legal Description: ,Location: The City of Boynton Beach BOYNTON CENTER, Lots 2 - 25 Plat Book 8, Page 12 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Requested Variance: Variance: RELIEF FROM ARTICLE X - PARKING LOTS, Required Improvements - Driveways Section 5-l42(h)(7), No more than two (2) driveways shall be permitted from any property. Where properties abut more than one (1) public or private right-of-way, additional driveways may be permitted depending upon traffic volumes, but in no instance shall the number of driveways exceed two (2) on each. street. Proposed Variance: To allow three (3) driveways entering onto S. E. 1st Avenue in one block area. Third entrance is a parking garage. Two (2) drives needed on city hall lot for proper and safe traffic flow. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a , record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Proposed Use: SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS APRIL 19 & 26, 1990 p/parklot cc: City Manager Mayor & CAty Commission C ~ ,t Y.., A,.t,~.R~]l~y Cl,ty.!:' pJ;:.oneJ;',.:,,'" , ' ", ,i!II.. ,."II' . Recording Secretary File " ",' ,. ,', ',' ,', .......... .... I...... .... . . ,,: .::,'.:'''' " ........ .,' '-'I' . ',: .:' .. . 'ar. ;"'. "::: , " '~,~:il;> . . .... :....... ...,......... , ......... . ".V", ,":':it ," ..... .. .. " " L. U V 1'\ I I U I~ IVI1\ r-' '. '.. .. . .,.. CITY OF BOYNT.ON :a"EACH"i . .. MUNICIPAL COMPLEX ..I..... 11.~ .~ p . . I , , , , , , I , ---- , , I , . , . . , I I . . '0 1/8 1/4 .- r-. ! "0 .4 0, 'soo 1600 FEgT ,. 51 ~ I .. ~ . of... SPACE BELOW THIS LINE'FOR OFFICE USE ONLY , Date Received by Planning Dept.: Date Reviewed by Technical Review Board: Dates of Advertising for Public Hearing: Date of Public Hearing before Planning and Zoning Board: Action: Approved Aye Denied Nay Stipulations: ( , .. Planning Dept. 5/82 ---. "~~ ':.~~.1~'f.U ;i:'~ .. General Information for Applications for Variances to Parkinq Lot Requlations ~ 1. All applications for variances to the Parking Lot Regula- tions must be ~eceived and accepted by the City Planner at least thirty (30) days prior to the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board. 2. All variances which are requested in connection with the construction or reconstruction of a particular parking lot are covered by a single application and a single filing fee of four-hundred dollars ($400.00). However, a separate sheet must be completed for each specific design requirement (Sec. 5-l4l) or permit application requirement (Sec. 5-142) to which a variance is requested. In addition, a copy of the last reco~ded Warranty Deed must be included with the.application.. : j I ! i r I --.....;.". ~: _it-,I- . 3. An application for a variance may be submitted at the same time that an application for site plan approval or approval of. subdivision ,construction plans is submitted. If possible, the variance application should be submitted at this time. The application fee for a variance must be paid in addition to the application fee for site plan approval or approval of subdivision construction plans. - :... .-><-~~.. ." '. ..~ .,--~ -c ~ I . 4. All parking lot variance applications are reviewed by the Technical Review Board (TRB) which consists of the depart- ment heads of those City departments concerned with land development. The TRB may recommend to the Planning and Zoning Board that the variance request be approved, approved with modifications,; or denied. The applicant is not re- quired to attend the TRB meeting. The applicant will be notified by mail as to the modifications recommended by the TRB. The applicant should be prepared to respond to all TRB recommendations at the hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board.' " 5. All applications for variances are advertised for public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation. If possible, the public hearing will be scheduled for the same Planning and Zoning Board meeting that the site plan or subdivision con- struction plans are reviewed. At the public hearing be- fore the Planning ,and Zoning Board, any person may comment favorably or unfavorably on' the variance request. The applicant or his agent must attend this meeting. 6. The Planning and Zoning.Board gives final approval or denial to parking lot variances, and may approve, approve with modifications, ,or deny such variances. . , '. !! ;J ~1 'I 1 :1 :! 'I J i 1 '1 " 1 7. Prior to obtaining a building permit, all modifications re- quired by the Planning and Zoning Board must be shown on the site plan or subdivision construction plans. 8. Approval of a variances lapses when approval of the site plan lapses (one (I) year after the date of approval) or approval of subdivision construction plans (six (6) months after the date of approval). Failure to conform to the conditions imposed by the Planning and Zoning Board will also invalidate the variance. 9. All applicants with approved site plans or subdivision con- struction plans, or approved parking lot variances, which at a later date request an additional variance, will be re- quired to submit a complete variance application and filing fee, and will be subject to all Code requirements in effect at the time the additional variance is requested. Planning Dept. 5/82 ,; l 'j ,- ,L:;J.~~:-,~:~;T:-;:-:';':' ".: '.,:::.:-~,;~:".'~ ,);;;~'Y' ",Z5':::-zm;- .w". ...:!JIIIF-:-:---' ..__:"6_-~~:::::: MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner DATE: April 10, 1990 SUBJECT: City of Boynton Beach Municipal Complex - Parking Lot Variance Accompanying this memoranmdum you will find a application for the above referenced request. plan and survey will be forwarded in the near for this application has been waived as it is copy of the Copies of the site future. The fee a City request. Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the May 8, 1990 meeting. "/w . GOLDEN JJG:frb Encs