LEGAL APPROVAL LEGAL 1 APPROVAL DOCUMENTS 'c~ ~ fu-!Jl-ol. L I led ~ e::cwJtau- co.-61Q:l., p)60-~b ~~\DD4'b EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this 18th day of April, AD., 2000, by Anderson Stor-All, Inc. on behalf of Stor-All, Ltd. a corporation existing under the laws of Florida and having its principle place of business at 1375 West HiIlsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, first part, tot he City of Boynton Beach, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, a second party: May-17-2008 02:28p. 00-185258 ORB 11785 Pg 1865 IU.I.ID..I.I.n.I~..HII. (Wherever used herein, the terms, "first party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires.) WITNESSETH Whereas, the first party is the owner of property situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, and c , L':> -- described as follows: 0 ,::, L ~"'<(. r- . ,:'""") ~ :1-.1 PCN 08 43 45 20 00 000 0082 I 0) :2 Legal Description: See attached Exhibits "A" and "B" r:Y . l ,., .~:, c.n -('1 I~:t> 5:2 and, WHEREAS, the second party desires an ea~ement for water utilities and/or other appropriate purposes incidental thereto, on, over and across said property, and, WHEREAS, the first party is willing tog rant such an easement, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants each to the other running and one dollar and other good and valuable considerations, the first party does; hereby grant unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, full and free right and authority to construct, maintain, repair, install and rebuild facilities for above stated purposes and does hereby grant a perpetual easement on, over and across the above described property for said purposes. MEMORANDUM TO: QUINTUS GREENE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR " FROM: SUE KRUSE, CITY CLERK DATE: JUNE 12, 2000 RE: EASEMENT - ANDERSON STOR-ALL, LTD. Attached please find a copy of the above mentioned easement which was recorded in Palm Beach County on May 17, 2000. v~ ~.r~v C: Engineering 'f~ng Utilities j:\shrdata\cc\wp\memos\quintus greene.doc ,.-"\ 11785 Pg 1866 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party has caused these presents to be duly executed in its name and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, attested by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Signed, seated and delivered in the presence of: ! '\,' ," " ;', . ~,," \~ '~. -~ ,.",.. ~~'., ,l~:/~' , C >'~ iL (Ii ~~ i:Y'~,:, I\j' :~Cbfl~9R~TE SEAL) ::;.. ~.;. ::~ ,,'~ ~ ~ _ ,WI ~ . l' t., ) STATE OF FLORIDA . COUNTY OF ..6~f1JI1fJ) ATTEST: LarryW. Anderson, Vice President I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Jeffrey M. Anderson & Larry W. Anderson, well known to me to be the President and Vice President, respectively, of the Corporation named as first party in the foregoing Easement and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the same in the presence of two subscrlbing witnesses freely an voluntarily, under authority duly vested In them by said Corporation. and that the seat affixed thereto Is the true Corporate seal of said Corporation. 'ITifSS my hand and o~ ial seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 'l day of .D., 2~. Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid. My commission expires: SHARON ESTOK OOIt'AlSllON' CC89~ EXPIRES Dee 22. 2Ool3 IOICl6l THROUClII I<lNNflAOE NOTAI'I DESCRIPTION ORB 11785 Pg 1867 A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST ONE OUARTER OF LOT 8, SECTION 20. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH AND TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK I, PAGE 4. PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING A T THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20: THENCE NORTH 01034'01" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 20. A DISTANCE OF 656.64 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8: THENCE SOUTH 88008'08" WEST. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 8, A DISTANCE OF 329.17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INDUSTRIAL AVENUE. AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF BOYNTON INDUSTRIAL PARK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 25, PAGE 232, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA: THENCE SOUTH 01034'41" EAST. ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE. A DISTANCE OF 1.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL TO BE HEREIN DESCRIBED: THENCE NORTH 88008'08" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 56.17 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 01034'42" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 48.78 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88026'11" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 232.08 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 01033'49" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 317.48 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 88025'18" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 288.17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF SAID INDUSTRIAL AVENUE: THENCE NORTH 01034'41" WEST ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88025'18" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 56.17 FEET: THENCE NORTH 01034'42" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 19.99 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88025'18" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 01034'42" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 19.99 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88025'18" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 57.81 FEET: THENCE NORTH 01034'42" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 14.99 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88025'18" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 01034'42" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 14.99 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88025'18" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 127.19 FEET: THENCE NORTH 01034'42" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 19.99 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88025'18" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 12.01 FEET: THENCE NORTH 01033'49" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 273.50 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 88026'11" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 232.08 FEET: THENCE NORTH 01034'42" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 48.71 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 88008'08" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 44.17 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID INDUSTRIAL AVENUE: THENCE NORTH 01034'41" WEST. ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AFORE DESCRIBED. Landmarl< Surveying &c Mapping Inc. 1850 fOREST HILL BOULEVARD. SUITE 100 WEST PAlM BEACH. f'L 33,,"06 PHONE: (561) 433-5405 La 4396 rl(lD: N/A DRAWN: TRASK SCN..E: N.T.S. SKETCH OF' UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH STOR-ALL BOOlC: H/A OA.TE: MAA. 2000 PROJ. AlE 2420 P.ta:: NIA CHECKED: PUSEY CAOOfIl[ 2420UE SHEET NO. I OF 4 JOB NO. 98 . L . 2420 SURVEYORS NOTES: ORa 11785 Pg 1868 I. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS WAS PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE 2. BEARINGS AS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA HAVING A PLATTED BEARING OF NORTH 01034'01" WEST AND ALL OTHER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERETO. LEGEND FND IRac U.E, It p,l, D M P.T. D.E. P.B, P,O.C, P.O.B, O.R.B. DENOTES FOUND DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT DENOTES CENTERLINE DENOTES POINT OF INTERSECTION DENOTES DESCRIBED DENOTES MEASURED DENOTES POINT OF TANGENCY DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT DENOTES PLA T BOOK DENOTES POINT OF COMMENCEMENT DENOTES POINT OF BEGINNING DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK UNLESS THIS DOCUMENT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A LICENCED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER, THIS DRAWING, SKETCH PLAT OR MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT V, ALID~ ~, CJ, DATE: 4-/;gjpC>. ", ,S,,'v-;?J . / / ' " ' , . <' -.. CRA'IG s." SEY, PROFESSiONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 5019 . -:". " L.andmar1< Surveyfng &: Mapping Inc. 1850 FOREST HIU BOULEVARD, SUITE 100 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 334011 PHONE : (~61) 433-54~ LB '4396 FlELD: H/A DRAWN: TRASK SCAL.E: N.T.S. SKETCH OF UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH STOR-ALL 8OOIC: NI A PH:(, N/A DATE: MAR. 2000 PROJ. rILE 2420 CHECKED: PUSEY ~E 2.20UE SHEET NO, 2 or . JOB NO, 98, L . 2420 DRJl 11785 Pg 1869 SKETCH ONLY NOT A BOUNuARY SURVEY N.E. CORNER LOT 8 LOT 7 20/45/43 :J SUBDIVISION OF E. 1/4 OF (PLA T BOOK I, PAGE 4) SECTION 20/45/43 (PLAT BOOK I, PAGE 4) S 01034'41" E S 88008'08" W 329.17' 1.00' (o1~~On!tQ.El.:.i= - - ~ - - ~ 5617' (D) ., /' , I'" N.L1NE LOT 8 P.O.B. S ii8:Qe':Qe-::-wI I~ ~ (PLA~0'04Jt13pAGE 4) I 44.17' (01 I I ~ <X:_ ' I zl 1~C3 ~ 51 1"';- 232.08' (0) 2:::1 L_+tL8~L6.:!!:'.!_---"7I N 01034'41" W oS! ~I ~ U.E.--- I 12.00' (0) \ .iL---^Y--232.08'{O).L.---, II S 88026'11" W I I" EAST R/W LINE zl len I "--- INDUSTRIAL AVE. ~QI IQ~ I (PLA T BOOK 25, PAGE 2321 t:';:1 I';:~ 01.>1 l~lD --,,:1 .t>- o <O~ 1<0:0 -~I IfTl- N 88025'18" E ~ } 12.01' (D) ~l I N 01034'42" W I I 19.99' (D) \ J I \.r I 127.19' (D) I I ~__~~~~~~__~-J I L U.E. .J J ---saa;Zs";.:-w------- 288.17' (D) MATCH TO SHEET 4 OF 4 h~ J;> , I en -l r Z fTl o ." en fTl n -l o Z N o " .t> U1 " .t> Ul z _0 :uC "'{f) N-i !-":::O ~J> " N ~J> -< r'l :::0 J> , :::0 .0 J> o :::0 Gl I -i I o " I =E J> -< Z o -. 1.>1 .t> o 1-: I~ a> U1 a> in .t> LOT e 20/45/43 (PB. I, PG. 4) SOUTH LINE SECTION 20/4S/43~ -- SOUTHEAST CORNER OF~ SECTION 20/45/43 "- P.O.C. NOTE: DRAWING NOT TO SCALE Landmark Surveytng & MappIng 1850 fOREST HILL BOULEVARD. SUITE 100 WEST PAUl BEACH, fl 33406 PHONE: (561) 43J-540!l LB '4398 DRAWN: TRASK Inc. SKEI'CH OF UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH STOR-ALL N.T.S. NfA sc..u:, mLO: DAft: MAA. 2000 ~. nt..E 2420 9001(: N/A JOB NO. 98. L - 2420 NfA CAOOf'II.E 2420UE SHEET NO. 3 OF 4 CH(OC[O: PUSEY PACI:: SKETCH ONLY NOT A BOlJ,.,JARY SURVEY ORB 11785 Pg 1870 LOT 8 20/45/43 (PB. I, PG, 4) S 01034'42" E 19,99' (0) N 01034'42" W 14,99' (0) z _0 :"c row N-i !-"::O ~J> r N 01034'42" W 19.99' (0) l \ 56.17' (01 ~ N 88025'18' E ..J ------ N 88025'18" E 12.00' (0) S 01034'42" E [14,99' (0) I' 127.19' (Ol 57.81 (O)y L N 88025'18" E LN 88025'18" E ~ - - - ------ -- U.E, ---- -------- L__________LS 88025'18" W L 288.17' (0) MATCH TO SHEET 3 OF 4 N 88025'18" E 11.00' (0) N 01034'41" W 12,00' (0) LOT 8 20/45/43 (PB. I, PG. 4) I !' E. R/W LINE I _____ INDUSTRIAL AVE. (PlA T 8DOK 25, PAGE 232) NOTE: DRAWING NOT TO SCALE Landmor1< Surveying &: Mapping Inc. 1850 roREST HILL BOULEVARD. SUITE tOO WEST PAUl BEACH. fL 33406 PHONE: (561) 433-5405 LB '4396 fiELD: N/A DRAWN: TRASK $tAU: N.T.S. SKETCH OF UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH STOR-ALL 9001(: N/A DATE: MAR. 2000 PROJ. FlLE 2420 PACt: N/' CHECKED: PUSEY CADOflL[ 2420UE SHEET NQ. 4 OF 4 JOB NO. 98 . L - 2420 DESCRIPTtON C1r<d 11785 Pg 1871 A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE EAST ONE OUARTER OF LOT 8, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH AND TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK I, PAGE 4, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE NORTH 01034'01" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 804 (BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD): THENCE SOUTH 88006'29" WEST. ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 50.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL TO BE HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 88006'29" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET: THENCE NORTH 01053'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 158.54 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88025'18" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 265.97 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INDUSTRIAL AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF BOYNTON INDUSTRIAL PARK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 25, PAGE 232, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA: THENCE NORTH 01034'41" WEST, ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET: THENCE NORTH 88025'18" EAST. A DISTANCE OF 277.90 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01053'32" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 170.47 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AFORE DESCRIBED. D P,B, P.O,C. P.O.B, PG, DENOTES DESCRIBED DENOTES PLAT BOOK DENOTES POINT OF COMMENCEMENT DENOTES POINT OF BEGINNING DENOTES PAGE SURVEYORS NOTES: I. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS WAS PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE 2. BEARINGS AS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA HAVING A PLATTED BEARING OF NORTH 01034'01" WEST AND ALL OTHER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERETO. UNLESS THIS DOCUMENT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A LICENCED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER, THIS DRAWING, SKETCH PLAT OR MAP IS FOR INFOf~MATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT VALID. DATE: 4/1~ I tJe o. f f CRAI'" S, p. !lEY: PROFESSIONIll,SURVEYO AND MAPPER FLORIDA CERTIF.lCA TE NO. 5019 Londmart< Survey(ng &: MappIng Inc. , 850 fOREST HILL BOULEVARD. SUITE '00 WEST PAlM BEACH. F'l 33405 PHONE : (~61) 'JJ-540~ lB 4396 F1ElD: N/A DRAWN: TRASK SCALE: N.T.S. SKETCH OF' DRAINAGE EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH STOR-ALL BOOK: N/A Po\GE:: N/A MYE: MAR. 2000 PROJ. Fl.E . 20420 o-tECKEO: PUSEY CAOOftl[ 24200E SHEET NO. I OF 2 JOB NO. 98. L - 2420 SKETCH ONLY NOT A BOUN .RY SURVEY I..,~ 11785 Pg 1872 "fTI rot> 'en "'-< (J1 ';0 ", G'>~ 'r "'- ""z ",fTI ~ LOT 8 20/45/43 (PB. I, PG. 4) z o c (f) -l :;u 1> r 1> < fTl I I ~ 277.90' (D) N 88025'18" E S 88025'18" W 265.97' (D) en fTI n -<fTI -t> oen z-< "'r 0_ 'z ~fTI (J1 , ~ "" \j \ N 01034'41" W 12.00' (D) I w .0 ~~ i-nr... on... l!..o 01'- en LOT 8 20/45/43 (PB. I, PG. 4) + (f) 1> r :;u 1> r :;u o 1> o :;0 G) I -l I o .,., I ~ 1> -< 1 F'.Cl.E1. I N. R/W LINE ~ _ _ ) ~ N 01034'01" W --",'/ 40.00' (D) I S 88.06'29" W ~ S 88006'29" W.-J 50.21' (D) 12.00' (D) I SOUTH LINE SECTION 20/45/4~\ _ _ -..tL SR. 804 _ _ - ~'--- (BOYNTON BEACH BLVD.) -I P,O.C. SOUTHEAST CORNER OF~ SECTION 20/45/43 NOTE: ORA WING NOT TO SCALE Landmar1< Survey(ng '" Mapping Inc. '850 rOREST HILL BOULEVARD. SUITE 100 WEST PALM BEACH, n. 33406 PHONE : (561) 433-5405 LB 4J96 fiELD: H/A DRAWN: TRASK SCALE: N,T.S. SKETCH OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH STOR-ALL IIOOK: N/A DATE: MAR. 2000 PROJ. filE 2420 N/A CHECI<[O: PUSEY CAIlOfILE 24200E SHEET NO, 2 OF 2 JOB NO 98 - L . 2420 PACE: ) 11785 Pg 1873 DORts,rfY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL CONSENT AND JOINDER OF MORTGAGEE FOR UTILITY EASEMENT The undersigned mortgagee does hereby join in and consent to the granting of the Utility Easement to which this Consent and Joinder is attached, across the lands therein described, and agrees that its mortgage, which is recorded in Official Records Book 11629, Page 1994 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, shall be subordinated to this Utility Easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor/Mortgagee has hereunto set its hand and affixed its seal as of the date first above written. WITNESSES: GRANTORIMORTGAGEE: Signed, seaIed and delivered in the presence of: wiiC~ure PLttlL. ~ , Print N BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. '- [:t( f'; f~' int Name C. CfIoffG- NOTARY CERTIFICATE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROW ARD The foregoing instrument was hereby acknowledged before me this2U! ~y of April, 2000, by Carol C. Horgen, as Assistant Vice President of Bank of America, N.A., who is personally known to me or who has produced as identttIcatlOn. -6 NOTARY PUBLt-..! Typed, Printed or Stamped Name of Notary My Commission Expires: FTL,674221,1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Bu/ent I. Kastarlak, NCARB Director Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment October 20, 1998 Kieran Janssen Kilday and Associates, Inc. 155I Forum Place, 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Re: FileNo.: Location: Stor-All NWSP 98-006 North of Boynton Beach Blvd" West ofI-95 on Industrial Way Dear Ms, Janssen: Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for new site plan approval granted on October 6, 1998. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561)742-6260. Sincerely, "'7 .~J / 7>L ~ f/'L-_-?- ! Michael W. Rumpf Acting Planning and Zoning Director MWR:jma J\SHRDAT A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\STORALL\DEV LTR_DOC America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (S61) 375-6260 FAX: (S61) 375-6259 DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE C' 'OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID. -- PROJECT NAME: Stor-AII APPLICANT'S AGENT: Karyn Janssen, Kilday and Associates, Inc, APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place, 100A, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 DATE OF RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: September 15,1998 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: New Site Plan LOCATION OF PROPERTY: North of Boynton Beach Boulevard, west of 1-95 on Industrial Way DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above, The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2, The Applicant .lL HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "CO with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby .lL GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other ,\,\\\\11111'""'1 <..,,\ .(II.ITg 11//1.: "U III ~ .;........... q, ........... ~"^ ~ 0: o~ ...O~.:r'6~~_....,~ ~ l' :c ''0'" ' ::. ::: ). i~ ) ~ :: \G \.. "\920/ J J. ... ... ~ ~ ......... to ~ ~/, -"'LOf\\Q ,\~ 'III \\\' "/il/llll\l\\\\ DATED: (cJ~L /~ /'i''i',9 ~~~~~A~_ City Clerk J:\SHRDA TAIPlanninglSHAREDlWPIPROJECTSlStorAlIlNWSPlDEVELOPMENT ORDER-nwsp.doc EXHIBIT "e" . Project name: Stor-AlI File number: NWSP 98-006 Reference: The clans consist of 11 sheets identified as 3rd Review. New Site Plan. File # NWSP 98-006 with a AUl!ust II. 1998 Planninl! and Zoninl! Deoartment date stamo markinl!, Conditions of Aooroval DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application, These permits include, but are not X limited to, the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation, Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. 2, Provide 4 foot concrete sidewalk atong Industrial A venue and develop a X swale with sod in accordance with City Standard B-91004, [LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section II] A waiver may be requested to construct the sidewalk, 3. Provide documents acceptabte to the city for recordation of the 12' X drainage easement, prior to permitting, 4. Add another "One Way/Do Not Enter" sign south of building "A". X 5. Revise endwall detail on sheet 4 to agree with FDOT index 250 (concrete X endwalls as specified on sheet 2 of 4 ofP&D plan, Page 2 Stor-All File No.: NWSP 98-006 DEPARTMENTS . INCLUDE REJECT 6. Provide locations of handicap ramps on Site Plan and details for X handicap ramps and proposed handrail at sidewalk near entrance drive, If sidewalk variance is approved, consider removal of accessibility path from street to building. 7. Stripe a 6 inch yellow line 9 feet out and parallel to buildings A, B, C, D X and E to delineate the parking areas and the fire lane. 8. It is recommended that the 6' metal fence along the south side of the X south parking lot continue out to the property line, thence continue south within the west property line and tie into the existing 6' chain link fence for security and safety purposes. Include a 15' gate for maintenance access. 9. It is recommended that the size of the yard drains increase from 8" to 12" X and use a minimum 8" riser pipe to minimize maintenance. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 10/ The plans on sheet I of 4 indicate that building F will be a 3-story Type VI Unprotected and sprinkted storage building. The Standard Building X Code limits all Type VI storage buildings to I-story. Amend the building type and square footage to comply with the applicable building codes. IIv' Specify the color name, color code and manufacturer of the colors for the X wall sign shown on sheet 2 of 4. 1/ At time of permit review, provide, on the plans, computations and figures verifying that the percent of openings, protective opening X requirements and fire ratings are in compliance with the regulations specified in the Standard Building Code with respect to the exterior walls of the proposed buildings. 13/ The location of the wall sign identified on the site plan does not match X the location illustrated on the south elevation view of building F that is shown on sheet 2 of 4. Amend the plans accordingly. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X . Page 3 Stor-All File No.: NWSP 98-006 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 14. Provide one tree per 40 feet, and hedge, along the south side of the X parking area to comply with landscaping requirements for vehicular use areas in view of rights-of-way. 15, Provide on architectural elevation plans, labels or tabular infonnation X listing concrete masonry unit building wall and roll up door colors for the multi-access buildings. ChA Sec.7 Par,D. 16. Revise the site ptan tabular data to show the following parking X calculations: Ch.. 2 Sec. 11 (Amended) - Limited Access Isp/75 Bays (600 bays).........8 sp. Isp/300 sf. Office (900 s.f.)....3 sp. Security spaces,..................2 sp, - Multi-Access Isp/200 Bays (210 bays)........~ Total..... ................ .....,... .....15 sp. And increase parking spaces shown on the ptan accordingly. 17. Replace portion of fire lane markings immediately adjacent to the east X and west sides of Building "F", and replace with loading areas and no parking signage. .6. All plans submitted for pennitting must be signed and sealed, Ch.4 X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 19. Revise Comment No.2 to read "Provide 4 foot concrete sidewalk along X Industrial A venue and develop a swale with sod in accordance with City Standard B-91004 [LDR Chapter 6, Article III, Section II], or acceptable to the City Engineer. A waiver may be requested to construct the sidewalk." 20. Revise Comment No.6 to read" There would be no handicap ramps X required as all sidewalks are to be flush with the asphalt and all Page 4 Stor-AlI File No.: NWSP 98-006 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT sidewalks will be painted with the appropriate handicap detailing, If sidewalk variance is approved, consider removal of accessibility path from street to building," 21. Delete Comment No.8 as it is a recommendation only, not to be X incorporated by applicant. 22, Revise Comment No. 14 to read "Provide one tree per 40 feet, atong the X south side of the parking area to comply with landscaping requirements for vehicular use areas in view of rights-of-way. Existing trees along Boynton Beach Boulevard R.O. W. may contribute to the required number of trees, equivatent to five (5) trees, leaving four (4) canopy trees required, and to be placed adjacent to parking area on south side," 23. Omit Comment No. 17 as entranceways at the east and west sides of X building "F" are for emergency use only and will be identified accordingly. 24. The banding and stucco architectural treatments will continue around X rear elevation of limited access storage building, ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 25, Provide temporary and partial solution to area drainage problem (until X improvement of public roadway), MWRJdlm I:\SHRDATA\PLANNINO\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\STORALL\NWSP\COND. OF APPR. 3RD REVIEW.DOC I) , 'y,)'I'.' , kl-' ^('f ORDINANCE NO. 098:3/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 1, OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ARTICLE II, . D~FlNITIONS; CHAPTER 2. SECTION 6. COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND USE PROVISIONS; CHAPTER 2, SECTION 11,H. PROVISION OF OFF-STREET PARKING; AND CHAPTER 2, SECTION 11.0 SELF SERVICE STORAGE FACILITIES (MINI-WAREHOUSES); PROVIDING FOR EXPANSION OF THE DEFINITIONS FOR SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN LIMITED ACCESS SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES AND MULTI-ACCESS SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES; PROVIDING FOR ADDITION OF LIMITED ACCESS SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES TO THE LIST OF PERMITTED USES WITHIN THE C-1 OFFICE/PROFESSIONAL ZONING DISTRICT AND PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE TO THE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, LOCATIONAL CRITERIA AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SELF-STORAGE FACILITIES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , f~ ~ . i I I WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to amend Chapters 1 and 2 to expand the definition for self-storage facilities to differentiate between limited access and multi-access self-storage facilities, to add limited access self-storage facilities to the list of permitted uses within the C-1 Office/Professional zoning district, and to change the design requirements, locational criteria and other development standards for self-storage facilities; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. Chapter 1, Article II, Definitions, is hereby amended by adding the words and figures in underlined type, and by deleting the words and -1- 2. Supplemental standards for multi-access self-storage facilities, In addition to the general standards above, multi-access self-service storage facilities shall coply with the following regulations: A. Minimum lot size The minimum lot size for a multi-access facility shall be two (2) acres B. Circulation. The following on-site circulation standards shall apply: (1) Interior. Interior loading areas shall be provided in the form of aisle ways adiacent to the storage bays, These aisle ways shall be used both for circulation and temporary customer parking while using storage units. The minimum width of these aisle ways shall be twenty five (25) feet if only one-way traffic is permitted, and thirty (30) feet if two-way traffic is permitted A minimum width of twelve (12) feet of width between storage aisles will be required when a portion of this aisle space is utilized for outdoor storage, (2\ Flow. The one or two-way traffic flow patterns in aisle ways shall be clearly marked, Markings shall consist of standard directional sign age and painted lane markings with arrows. (3) Access, Appropriate access and circulation by vehicles and emergency eauioment shall be ensured through the design of internal turning of aisle ways, C, Parking, Parking shall be provided at a rate of 1 space per 200 storage bays. Parkir1!l shall 89 ~r.gvi898 at a r-ats sf 1 s~ass ~sr 75 stsmgo bays, olus 1 soace oer 300 feet of office space and 2 security spaces, 0, Signage. Self-service storage facilities in the M-1 district shall be subiect to the provisions of Chapter 21 Article 4, Free-standing signs for self-service storage facilities in the C-1 district shall be limited to the monument type. 3. Supplemental standards for limited access self-storage facilities, In addition to the general standards above limited-access self-storage facilities shall comply with the following regulations: A. Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size for a limited access facility shall i be one (1) acre, II B. Architectural compatibility. The exterior colors. facades. windows. roof, and building materials of all structures located onsite shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood, Self-service storage that will be located within the C-1 district shall incorporate design elements associated with adiacent office structures. Architectural elevations demonstrating similar architectural character and treatment. including but not limited to color. materials, fenestration, wall articulations, window treatments, and roof treatments for all exterior sides of all self-service storage facilities shall be submitted and approved by the City Commission as Dart of site plan approval. C, Loading. Each entry point used to access hallways leading to the storage bays shall accommodate a minimum of two leading berths and related -2- figures in struck-th, ~llgh type, as follows: SELF SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY MINI-WAREHOUSES) - An enclosed facility pf a commercial nature containing independent, fully enclosed bays which are leased to persons exclusively for dead storage of their household goods, ef personal property, or records for commercial businesses, Except as otherwise allowed by Section 11.0 Self Service Storage Facilities (Mini- warehouses) of the Zoning Code, storage bays... Section 2. Chapter 2, Section 6. Commercial district regulations and use provisions, A.1, is hereby amended by adding the words and phrases in r underlined type as follows: :1 u, Limited access mini-warehouse- Section 2, Chapter 2, Section 11 H. Provision of off-street parking spaces, is hereby amended by adding the words and phrases in underlined type and deleting the words and phrases in underlined type as follows: f. Industrial, research and development, trades, wholesale and warehouses: . , (5) Warehouses and other indoor storage facilities, . wareROU606 aRE! warehouse-industrial complexes: One (1) parking sp P r . I '- filii r v' t storage bays plus 1 space per 300 fee~ of office space and 2 security spaces. ~~r ul~~:~~IUaSc~ess;a~~C~i:~~o~h:~~~~f ~~~~:~a~~ ~~~t~ ~:c~r~~~~~~ee:, 75 \'~~ .., ) Section 3, Chapter 2, Section 11 O. :Supplemental Regulations of the Land Development Regulations (0) Self Service Storage Facilities (Mini- Warehouses) is hereby amended by adding the words and phrases in underlined type and deleting the words and phrases in underlined type as follows: -3- 0, SELF SERVICE STORAGE FACILITIES (MINI-WAREHOUSES). 1, General. All self-service storage uses shall comply with the following: 4,... --A. Rental facility office, The rental facility office shall be located facing a collector street. A maximum of 1000 square feet". 2-,- a Security quarters. A single residential quarters for security purposes may be established on the site of a self service storage facility and ... ~ .c.. Use of bays, The use of storage bays shall be limited to dead storage of household goods Gf-, personal property or records for commercial businesses. Storage bays shall not be used to manufacture, fabricate or process goods; , service or repair vehicles, boats, small engines or electrical equipment, or to conduct similar repair activities; conduct garage sales or retail sales of any kind; or conduct any other commercial or industrial activity, Individual storage bays or private postal boxes within a self service storage facility shall not be considered a premises for the purpose of assigning a legal address in order to obtain an occupational license or other governmental permit or license to do business. Further: 1, The maximum size of a storage bay shall be limited to four hundred fifty 1450\ square feet. 2 Storage bay doors shall not face any abutting property which is residentially zoned, nor any public or private street. 4., Q. Outside storage. In connection with a self service storage facility, open storage of recreational vehicles and of pleasure boats of the type customarily maintained by private individuals for their personal use and commercial vehicles shall be permitted provided the following: a, 1. The storage area shall not exceed-4G 20 percent of the area of the ~ e,. 2... The storage area shall be entirely sCieened ...minimum of two (2) feet in height and spaced a minimum of five (5) feet on center located on the outside of the wall. &.-.3.. Vehicles shall not be stored within the area set aside for minimum building setbacks or in areas designated for landscape buffering purposes, No vehicles may be stored onsite within the C-1 zoning district. 4-4, No vehicle or boat maintenance, or repair.., &.- Q. The outside storage area shall be constructed with a dust-free !! surface. , i " " Ii 5, SlJp(3lemerltal sevolopmorlt re!llJlatiens. -4- E..... a,...Separation between storage buildings, If separate buildings... e. Maximl,lR"l sl,lilsin!j Aoi!jAt. WitA tAO oXGoption of a struGll,lro I,lsod as a sOGl,lrity E1l,lartors, tAO maximl,lm l=Ioi!jRt of a solf servico stora!jo facility sl=lall eo one stery, not te ,exceod 25 feot, to inGludo tAO Aoi!jl=lt of parapot walls roquired to SGreon any r-oQf meuntod equipment. c. Maximum l3ay Elizo. Tl=lo mm<imblm sizo of a stora€lO l3ay sl=lall 130 four hunsr-os fifty (450) ElEluaro foet. e.,.. E. Outdoor lighting, If a facility." 7. .G..... Loudspeakers. No exterior loudspeakers or paging equipment shall be permitted on site. €I, Stera!jo l3y seers, Sterago l3ay seorEl sAall not faco any al3l,lttin!j pr-oporty 'Nl=liGA is roElidontially zenos; nor any pl,ll3lic or private stroot. H. A self-service storage facility shall not be located within two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet of another self-service storage facility within the C-1 district. I. Architecture, The exterior colors facades windows, roof and building materials of all structures located onsite shall be compatible with the character of the neighborhood, Self-service storage that will be located within the C-1 district shall incorporate design elements associated with adiacent office structures. Architectural elevations demonstrating similar architectural character and treatment. including but not limited to color, materials, fenestration, wall articulations. window treatments and roof treatments for all exterior sides of all self-service storage facilities shall be submitted and approved by the City Commission as part of site plan approval. J, Dumpsters and trash receptacles shall be screened from view of adjacent lots and streets, K Height The maximum height for limited access stora;Je facilities within the C.1 zoning district. shall not exceed thirty (30) feet. Limited access facilities (within the M-1 Zoning District) shall conform to the maximum height for that district. The maximum height for multi-access storage facility shall not exceed twenty five (25) feet These heights will include any screening required to conceal air-conditioning or any other mechanical equipment. L. C-1 Zoning District. Only limited access self service storage facilities will be allowed within the C-1 zoning district. M Buffers. All perimeter buffers shall be subiect to the provisions of Chapter 7,5, Article 2. Section 5 concerning buffer requirements, In addition, any permiter adiacent to a residential district shall include a continuous hedge or wall in addition to trees planted no further than 40 feet on center. -5- maneuvering area. The loading areas shall not in,_. iere with the primary circulation system on site, If a minimum 20 feet access way is provided adiacent to the building and serves no other use except the self-service storage facility, then the loading area may be established parallel and adiacent to the building. It will be required to satisfy current regulations for driveway accessibility dependent on one-way or two-way traffic. D. Parking, Parking shall be provided at a rate of 1 space per 75 storage bays, plus 1 space per 300 feet of office space and 2 security spaces. E. Signage. Self-service storage facilities in the M-1 district shall be subiect to the provisions of Chapter 21, Article 4. Free-standing signs for self-service storage facilities in the C-1 district shall be limited to the monument type, F, Vehicular access. Vehicular access shall be provided onlyl from a iamor arterial or collector as identified in the Comprehensive Plan, G. Use limitations, Retail sales shall be prohibited on site except those permitted by Section O,1.A. H Hours of operation, The hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a,m, to 9'00 p,m. seven days a week, I. Outdoor lighting. Outdoor lighting shall be designed to prevent light spillage onto residentially zoned property, 4. Multi-access and limited-access combinations: A combination of multi- access and limited-access storage facilities may be permitted within the same site alan within the C-1 andM-1 zoning districts, aursuant to the supplemental standards shown above for each of the uses, Section 5, Each and every other Section of the Land Development Regulations not hereinbefore specifically amended'shall remain in full force and effect as previously enacted, Section 6, All laws and ordinances applying to the City of Boynton Beach in conflict with any provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, Section 7. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any I portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance, Section 8, Authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance, Section9 This Ordinance shall become effective immediately, FIRST READING this _ day of July, 1998, -7- SECOND, f ~AL READING AND PASSAGE thi~ L day of August, 1998, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH F ORIDA .~! c ?-4- ) utlCC I)-Lila 1'vt(/'- Commissioner ATTEST: ~~_~<;1' , Cit Clerk \\\\\\11111'1///1 \\\ II/, ", 0" NTo.. ~//. ~ ..,. 'v ~ S' v......... ^ ~ ~" .' ,nR.i;",.:".&" '" s:ca\o~'l!Y'd..~~selr ~""'~..-.,1jl~ ~ >.. :"~., 0\ 0 E ::.... ,- ;:I: = :0;:;\ 0':: ~ .... "\ <'12 i ~ -;:. ..... '-' ..... ~ ~ .......... 1?- ~ ~/.I ':-LQR\<,) ~~ 1/1 \\'\ 1/I/If/III\\I\\\\ -,-