, ,
NO.393 P.U1
Kild-v fI A5sociates
Landscape Architects/Planners
1561 For~m PIQc., Suits 100A
w... P.lm Beach, Florid. 33401
(661) 66&-6522 . Fax (6611 66S-2592
June 2, 2000
Mr. Mike Haag
City of Boynton Beach Building Department
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd,
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Re: Stor"'AII File WNSP 980006 - Permit #99-3193
350 Industrial Avenue
Our File No,; 1374.3
Dear Mike:
As you are aware, the Stor"Alllocated on Industrfal Avenue in Boyn10n Beach, Florida is
in the process of obtaining their Certificate of Occupancy. We have been informed that
there Is a strip of St. Augustine 'Floritam' sod (Stenotaphrum secundatum 'Floritam)
along the railroad tracks that has not yet been installed due to the fact that railroad
tracks currently exist in this location. The specifications for such sod are as follows: sod
only, laid tight. staggered panels. The sod strip is approximately 200 feet long and
approximately 10 feet wide,
Please except this letter, as written request to accept bond money for the iandscaping
that has not been completed at the site for purposes of obtaining a Temporary
Certificate of Occupancy (T,C.O.), The contract,or has informed our firm that his price for
sod is $0.15/s.f, Based on this unit cost, the estimated value of the missing sod is
$300.00 (200' X 10' .. 2000 sJ. @ $0.15 = $300,OO), It is my understanding that an
additional 10% of the installed cost Is required. Therefore the total amount required for
the bond is $330.00.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office,
rbG )'
Marcie Tinsley
Kilday & Associates, Inc.
Cc: Rich Norton. Catalfumo
John Judd, S10r"AII
Division of Planning and Zoning
Planning & Zoning
Occupational License
Community Redevelopment
March IO, 1999
Ms, Karen 1. Janssen
Kilday and Associates, Inc.
I551 Forum Place, Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Re: Stor-All
(Rectified Site Plan)
Dear Karen Janssen:
As the applicant for the above-referenced project, your rectified copy of the site plan approved
by the City Commission on October 6, 1998, is enclosed. This is being sent to you for your files
as it has been rectified to address staff comments and accurately represents the approved site
plan for Stor-AI1.
'}? ..... ~
j' 'U_~__
Michael W. Rumpf
Acting Manager of Planning and Zoning
J:ISHRDA T AIPlanninglSHAREDI WPIPROJECTSIStor AlIITran, Rectifled-Appl.doc
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream
100 Ea,t Boynton Beach Blvd,. P.O. Box 310 Boyntoo Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259
j 1.
,; 3,
. 4,
J 5,
./ 7.
Kilday & Associa{~
Landscape Architects / Planners
1551 Forum Place. Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
(561) 689-5522 . Fax (561) 689-2592
February 1, 1999
Mr, Michael Rumpf
Acting Planning and Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: Stor*AII-lndustrial Avenue
City of Boynton Beach File No,: NWSP 98-006
Our Project No,: 1374,3
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
Attached are four signed and sealed site plan packages addressing the conditions of
approval, which were attached to the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for new
site plan approval granted on October 6, 1998, at the City Commission Meeting. The
following is a response to the individual comments:
All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at the
time of application. Permits required from other permitting agencies shall be included
with the permit request.
The project engineer will provide documents acceptable to the City for recordation of
the 12' drainage easement prior to permitting.
Another "One-Way, Do Not Enter" sign has been added to the south of Building A.
The endwall detail on sheet 4 has been revised to agre~ with FOOT Index 250,
eSE-IE- S.\~l PA\\,l<..t0c! D(Z.tANA.~ f'L.A.t-,J,)
The site plan has been revised to indicate the location for a 6" yellow line, 9' out and
parallel to buildings A, B, C, 0, and E to delineate the parking areas and the fire lane,
The Project Engineer has addressed the recommendation to resize the yard drains
on the conceptual engineering plans.
J 10, The building type and square footage on Sheet 1 of 4 for Building F has been
amended to comply with the applicable building codes.
Mr, Michael Rumpf
February 1, 1999
Page 3
./ 24, The banding and stucco architectural treatments have been revised on the
architectural plans to continue around the rear elevation of the limited access storage
j 25. The project engineer is working with the City Engineer to provide a temporary and
partial solution to area drainage problem,
Additionally, the site plan and the architecture plans have been revised to include the
maximum flat wall sign on the south side of the limited access Stor- All building "F" facing
Boynton Beach Boulevard, Previously, the plans indicated that a maximum of 220 square
feet of sign face area was allowed on this building frontage; however, the Code does allow
in Article 4, Section 2,C., that the maximum area for one or more fixed projecting or flat wall
signs be 1 1/2 square feet of area for each one foot of linear building frontage. Therefore,
the notes on the site plan and the architectural plans have been revised to indicate that the
maximum square footage for the 220 linear feet of building frontage is 330 square feet of
sign face area,
Please let me know if you should require any additional information; however, I believe that
with this submittal the site plan package will have been completely rectified to incorporate
all of the conditions of approval attached to the Development Order,
\~ \.~flt'.-J4(~
Karyn I. Janssen
Kilday & Associates, Inc.
cc: Jeff Anderson, Stor-AII
Gregory Anderson; Gregory Anderson Architect
Mike LaCoursiere; Michael B, Schorah & Associates, Inc,
Kilday & Associates
Landscape Architects / Planners
1551 Forum Place. Suite 100A
West Palm Beach. Florida 33401
(561) 689-5522 . Fax (561) 689-2592
February 1,1999
Mr. Michael Rumpf
Acting Planning and Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: Stor*AII - Industrial Avenue
City of Boynton Beach File No.: NWSP 98-006
Our Project No.: 1374.3
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
Attached are four signed and sealed site plan packages addressing the conditions of
approval, which were attached to the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for new
site plan approval granted on October 6, 1998, at the City Commission Meeting. The
following is a response to the individual comments:
1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at the
time of application. Pennits required from other permitting agencies shall be included
with the permit request.
3. The project engineer will provide documents acceptable to the City for recordation of
the 12' drainage easement prior to permitting,
4. Another "One-Way, Do Not Enter" sign has been added to the south of Building A.
5. The endwall detail on sheet 4 has been revised to agree with FDOT Index 250,
7. The site plan has been revised to indicate the location for a 6" yellow line, 9' out and
parallel to buildings A. B, C, D, and E to delineate the parking areas and the fire lane.
9. The Project Engineer has addressed the recommendation to resize the yard drains
on the conceptual engineering plans.
10, The building type and square footage on Sheet 1 of 4 for Building F has been
amended to comply with the applicable building codes,
Mr. Michael Rumpf
February 1, 1999
Page 2
11. The color name, color code, and manufacturer of the colors for the wall sign shown
on Sheet 2 of 4, have been specified.
12, At time of permit review, the architect will provide on the plans computations and
figures verifying that the percent of openings, protective opening requirements and
fire ratings are in compliance with the regulations specified in the Standard Building
Code with respect to the exterior walls of the proposed buildings,
13. The location of the wall sign identified on the site plan has been revised to match the
location illustrated on the south elevation view of Building F, which is shown on Sheet
15. On the architectural elevation plans, labels and/or tabular information listing concrete
masonry, unit, building, wall, and roll-up door colors for the multi-access buildings
have been provided,
16. The site plan tabular data showing the parking calculations has been amended to
indicate the actual number of bays being provided in both the limited access and
multi-access storage structures, and the required parking spaces associated with the
storage bay totals.
18. All plans submitted for permitting will be signed and sealed,
19. A 4' concrete sidewalk along Industrial Avenue is not being provided. On December
18, 1998, our office received a letter of approval from Bulant Kastarlak approving our
application for a waiver of this sidewalk requirement.
20, There are no handicap ramps required as all sidewalks are flush with the asphalt and
all sidewalks will be painted with the appropriate handicap detailing, Because the
sidewalk variance was approved, the accessibility path that was recommended to be
removed from the street to the building has been removed.
21. The applicant chose not to incorporate the recommendation described in comment
number eight.
22. Along the south side of the parking area, an additional four canopy trees have been
23, A note has been added to the plans indicating that the entranceways at the east and
west sides of Building F are fire exits only, and no loading or parking will be allowed
in these areas.
Mr. Michael Rumpf
February 1, 1999
Page 3
24. The banding and stucco architectural treatments have been revised on the
architectural plans to continue around the rear elevation of the limited access storage
25, The project engineer is working with the City Engineer to provide a temporary and
partial solution to area drainage problem.
Additionally, the site plan and the architecture plans have been revised to include the
maximum flat wall sign on the south side of the limited access Stor"AII building "F" facing
Boynton Beach Boulevard, Previously, the plans indicated that a maximum of 220 square
feet of sign face area was allowed on this building frontage; however, the Code does allow
in Article 4, Section 2,C" that the maximum area for one or more fixed projecting or flat wall
signs be 1 1/2 square feet of area for each one foot of linear building frontage, Therefore,
the notes on the site plan and the architectural plans have been revised to indicate that the
maximum square footage for the 220 linear feet of building frontage is 330 square feet of
sign face area,
Please let me know if you should require any additional information; however, I believe that
with this submittal the site plan package will have been completely rectified to incorporate
all of the conditions of approval attached to the Development Order.
.~ \ :~JWJM---
Karyn I. Janssen
Kilday & Associates, Inc,
cc: Jeff Anderson, Stor"AII
Gregory Anderson; Gregory Anderson Architect
Mike LaCoursiere; Michael B. Schorah & Associates, Inc.
Division of Planning and Zoning
Planning & Zoning
Occupational License
Community Redevelopment
September 8, 1999
Gregory Anderson
Kilday and Associates
1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A
West Palm. Beach, Florida 33401
Re: Stor-All File NWSP 98-006
Industrial Avenue
Dear Mr. Anderson:
The subject request for an increase (approximately 2 inches) in the approved height of the Stor-
All project on Industrial A venue likely qualifies as a minor modification and would therefore be
eligible for processing through the Building Division's permit system. However, our files must
ultimately reflect any changes made to an approved project. Please submit a revised copy of the
rectified plan noting the increased height, or with staff assistance, "red-line" the rectified plan to
indicate the approved modification,
Please contact this office if you have any questions or need further assistance,
- /CU"'Z-
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
100 Ea.' Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259
DATE: August3l, 1999
TO, Mr. Mike Rumpf
Planning and Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd,
Boynton Beach, FI, 33425
Stor.AII, Self Storage Facility
I ndustrial Avenue &
Boynton Beach Blvd.
Pennit App. No. 99-3193
Dear Mr. Rumpf,
The elevations that were approved for the Site Plan Review had parapet elevations as follows:
Building "F":
Top of parapet @ front, above signage - 40'-6"
Top of parapet @ front, east & west wing ~ 3S' .10"
During the preparation of construction documents, adjustments were made to mare adequately
meet with concrete coursing and efficient construction methods, The parapet elevatians were
changed Il3 follows:
Sullding "F":
Top of parapet @ front, above signage - 40'.8"
Top of parapet @ front, east & west wing - 36'.0"
When the plans were submitted for building pennit The difference in heights was noted by Mr.
Jim Nguyen during his review far zoning.
Although they are 2" higher, they are well below the 45'.0" maximum altowed.
We would like to request a minor .ite plan modification to allow these height variations.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
DATE- e-~ f -~C}
TO, Mt~b t2-UM PF'
COWANY, /i;#YIJ't'4/J ~t:.6I. 'I:1c.g~ .1>~r:
PHONE (954) 480-6987 - FAX (954) 480-6613
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Department of Engineering
and Public Works
September 10, 1998
Mr. Michael Rumph
Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Po. Box 21229
West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229
(561) 684-4000
Dear Mr. Rumph:
Palm Beach County
Board of County
Karen T Marcus
The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact
study for the project entitled Self StoraQe Facility, pursuant to the Traffic
Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land
Development Code. It is located on the northwest corner of 1-95 and
Boynton Beach Boulevard, on Industrial Avenue. The project consists
of 86,621 square feet of self-storage (216 net daily trips), one manager
apartment (7 daily trips), and 0.29 acres of open storage (10 daily trips).
The project will generate 3232 net daily trips. The build-out is 1999.
Burt Aaronson, Chairman
Maude Ford Lee, Vice Chair
Carol A. Roberts
Warren H. Newell
Ken L Foster
The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the
requirements of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards.
If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact
me at 684-4030.
Mary McCarty
County Administrator
Robert Weisman, PE.
Dan Weisberg, P.E
Assistant Director - Traffic Division
"An Equal Opportunity
Affirmative Action Employer"
File: Mun - TPS - Traffic Study Review
g:luser\dweisber\wp50ltpslboyn84 - T AZ. 484
@ printed on recycled paper
Please pass on to Bulent and Kerry information relative to the letter from the public regarding
postponement of and insufficient notice about the Stor All site plan application.
The on-site identification sign was posted on the property from August 19th (approximately 1
week prior to the P&D meeting) to August 27th. We are short of signs so they are typically pulled
two days following P&D, The code does not state how long the signs must be posted, nor when
they can be removed.
On August 26, 1998 I met with Mr, Don Sparling, who is one the property owners listed on the
letter, in this office and discussed his concern relative to this project and other issues relative to
sidewalks, drainage, and truck traffic (circulation). Mr. Sparling also conveyed to me his
dissatisfaction with the notification steps that have been taken. Although it was difficult to convey
to him our process and namely notification requirements, I thought he did eventually understand.
Also, he was told that the Planning and Development Board was only the preliminary step to
Commission review, which at that time he learned would be on September 3rd. He even later
called the office, perhaps out of continued confusion or to confirm what I had said, and was
incorrectly told by Dan the meeting was to be on September 1 ". I corrected Dan and explained
the election day delayed the CC meeting and Dan contacted Mr. Sparling to correct himself. Mr,
Sparling learned of the CC review on August 26.
I am uncertain of the cause of the error on the agenda, as our agenda memorandum correctly
states the location.
I am not familiar with the conformance of our process with State notification requirements
referenced in SS Section 163.221,
On April 6th a traffic study on this project was submitted to this office, and on April 13th the study
was forwarded for review to Palm Beach County. As we never got their review I have placed a
call to the County and hope to hear from them today.
As I receive further information I will pass it along,
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100 {;,../ 15.,..t- B-d. B..t-..l
15.,..'- B_1., :l/...;J.. 33425.03 10
(561) 375.6456
:lAX (561) 731.0065
July 27, 1998
Mr. Ron Whittaker
Whittaker Truck Maintenance
Boynton Beach, FL. 33426
RE: Drainage Plan for Industrial Avenue
Dear Mr, Whittaker:
It was a pleasure speaking with you on the telephone this week about the
drainage problems that have been plaguing the Industrial Avenue area for many,
many years, As I told you, the City has approximately $700,000 in cash available
from a bond issue to help with drainage improvements, I also mentioned to you
that we were in the process of both designing the necessary improvements and
looking at various parcels of land which could store the surface retention water
once the new collection system is in place. Unfortunately, the preliminary plans
for this major improvement (including acquisition of land) show that the project is
estimated to cost $1,600,000! As we discussed, the City therefore only has
approximately one half the funds necessary to complete such a project, It seems
that we will either have to raise the balance either through an increase in the
monthly stormwater fees or through a special assessment on the property
owners who would benefit from the improvement. That determination is yet to be
made, Whenever it is made, it will be done by the Boynton Beach City
Commission. .
I would like to reinforce your idea for the formation of an Industrial Avenue
Business Owners Association so that we can work on this project together. We
can share information back and forth, and as you know, in numbers there is
strength. I'm sure our City Commission and city staff would welcome the
opportunity to work with an organized group of property owners from the
Industrial Avenue area. As I suggested during our tetephone conversation earlier
this week, I believe you will find the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of
Commerce to be a very valuable resource in forming a business association,
They have helped to do that in a number of areas in our community, Kathy
Shabotynskyj is their President/CEO and she can be reached at 732-9501,
Please be sure to stay in touch with me on this subject. Once I have a better
grasp on the final project numbers, I will be happy to share that with you, Thank
you again for your intereslllook forward to working with you,
Very truly yours,
\~cJL S,
Dale S. Sugerman
Assistant City Manager
America's Gaceway to the Gulfsuum
Kilday & Associates
Landscape Architects / Planners
1551 Forum Place. Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
(561) 689-5522 . Fax (561) 689-2592
August 11, 1998
Mr. Michael W. Rumpf
Acting Director of Planning and Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Re: Stor*AII Site on Boynton Beach Boulevard
Our Project No.: 1374.3
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
Please accept and process the attached twelve (12) sets of signed and sealed revised site
plan submittal packages. Please feel free to call me directly if you should have any
questions or concerns regarding any of the items located in the attached packages. I
understand that the schedule for this project will proceed as follows: Planning and
Development Board Meeting on August 25th and the City Commission Meeting on
September 1 st If for some reason this schedule is incorrect, please let me know so that
I may notify our client.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
K ((Jtlv~4{'-
Karyn I. Janssen
Kilday & Associates, Inc.
cc: Jeff Anderson; Stor*AII
FAX (561) 642.9726
TELEPHONE (561) 968.0080
TO: Bill Morris, Kilday and Associate
FROM: Michael J. laCoursiere, P.E.
DATE: July 28,1998
Let the following summarize our response to comments previously issued by Boynton
Beach TRC, The responses are numbered in corresponding sequence,
2, Utility easements have been added to our conceptual plans and
provided to your office for presentation on your drawings,
4, Fire flow calculations will be provided with permit applications after
Commission approval as suggested in the comment.
7, A statement has been provided on the conceptual drainage plan,
The plan has been signed and sealed,
8, Water and sanitary lines with accompanying easements are shown
on the conceptual plans,
10, The hydrants as shown provide necessary coverage.
11, A backflow preventer is indicated on the domestic water service,
13, We have met with City Representatives regarding this issue,
Additional storage with attendant easement has been addressed by
the latest plan,
14, Water distribution lines with hydrant locations are shown on the
conceptual plans,
17, Fire hydrant locations were presented to Steve Gale of the Fire
Department on July 27, He found the locations acceptable,
25, Easements are shown on the conceptual drawings,
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me,
Division of Planning and Zoning
Bulent I. Kastar/ak, NCARB
Planning & Zoning
Occupational License
Community Redevelopment
April 13, 1998
Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer
Palm Beach County Traffic Division
Department of Engineering and Public Works
P.O. Box 21229
West Palm Beach, Florida 33416
Re: Traffic Study: Stor-AII
North of Boynton Beach Boulevard, west of 1-95, located on Industrial
File # NWSP 98-006
Dear Mr. Weisberg:
The attached traffic study for the Stor-AII site, dated April 6, 1998, prepared by Simmons and
White, Inc. was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above-referenced application.
Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance
Standard Ordinance.
If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please
send me your written comments/approval to the above address.
Tambri J. Heyden, AICP
Planning and Zoning Director
T JH:bme
cc: Central File
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream
100 Ea.t Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (S61) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-62S9
Kilday & Associates
Landscape Architects I Planners
1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
(561) 689-5522 . Fax (561) 689-2592
[D) U ~ U 'U,m1
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April 8, 1998
Tambri Heyden
Planning and Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
RE: Site Plan Application and Proposed Text Amendments
Dear Ms. Heyden:
I am submitting the following items for review and consideration by the City of Boynton Beach.
These include a proposed text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, proposed corresponding
changes to the Zoning Code, and a site plan application.
The site plan is for a self-service storage facility located on approximately 4.35 acres at the
northwest corner of the intersection ofI-95 and Boynton Beach Blvd., along Industrial Ave. This
site plan shows approximately 87,990 square feet of space on property which is designated as
already having Industrial land use and M-l zoning. The proposed use is currently allowed in this
zoning district, and based on the submitted analysis and plans, I believe that the proposed
development is an appropriate use for this location.
In addition, I am submitting a proposed text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that would allow
limited-access self-service storage facilities within the Office Commercial land use category. The
justification for this amendment is that limited access facilities, because of their design, can be
constructed to blend into all area characterized by office development. This, in conjunction with the
need to place these uses closer to their intended customers, and the fact that they are low-intensity
uses, provides a justification to include self-service storage facilities as an allowed use under this
land use category.
Supporting this amendment is a series of proposed zoning changes that would create two types of
self-service storage facilities, multi-access and limited-access. Changes include revisions to the
definition section for self-service storage facilities, changes to the C-l district description, and
changes to the implementation section for self-service storage facilities. One of the important
changes is the requirement for an architectural review process as part of site plan review for all self-
service storage facilities. Overall, I believe that these changes will allow the placement of these uses
in new locations in a manner that will be safe, efficient, and non-impacting to adjacent property
Ms. Heyden
Transmittal Letter
April 8, 1998
Page 2
I look forward to working with you and your staff on these applications. If you have any comments
or questions concerning these submittal packets, please feel free to contact me at your earliest
William Morris
Project Manager, Kilday & Associates
cc: Jeffrey Anderson, Stor-All
File 1374.1