APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: STOR-ALL LOCATION: N. OF BOYNTON BEACH BLVD.,W OF 1-95 ON INDUSTRIAL WAY COMPUTER ID: STOR-ALL\NWSP I FILE NO.: I TYPE OF APPLICATION: NEW SITE PLAN APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: NICHOLAS MARCALUS WILLIAM MORRIS, KILDAY & ASSOC. N&R PROPERTIES PHONE: (561) 689-5522 PHONE: FAX: (561) 689-2592 FAX: ADDRESS: 1551 FORUM PL., 100A ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 382 WPB, FL 33401 ELMWOOD PARK, NJ 07407 DATE: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 4/6/98 ."7 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 4/23/98 PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: 4/28/98 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: 5/26/98 ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 6/23/98 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 7/7/98 COMMENTS: S:\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO ,. .., PROJECT NAME: STOR-ALL LOCATION: N. OF BOYNTON BEACH BLVD.,W OF 1-95 ON INDUSTRIAL WAY COMPUTER ID: STOR-ALL\NWSP I FILE NO.: /VWSP 9g.00~ I TYPE OF APPLICATION: NEW SITE PLAN APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: NICHOLAS MARCALUS WILLIAM MORRIS, KILDAY & ASSOC. N&R PROPERTIES PHONE: (561) 689-5522 PHONE: FAX: (561) 689-2592 FAX: ADDRESS: 1551 FORUM PL., 100A ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 382 WPB, FL 33401 ELMWOOD PARK, NJ 07407 DATE: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 4/6/98 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 4/23/98 PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: 7/28/98 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 8/11/98 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 8/18/98 COMMENTS: S:IFORMSIPROJECT TRACKING INFO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid: Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Stor'AII - Boynton Beach Blvd. 2. Applicant's name: Jeffrey Anderson Address: Stor.AII 1375 West Hillsborough Blvd. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Phone: (954) 421-7888 Fax: (954) 426-1108 3. Agent's Name: Kilday & Associates Address: 1551 Forum Place, 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 689-5522 Fax: (561) 689-2592 4. Properly Owner's: Nicholas Marcalus Address: N&R Properties P.O. Box 382 Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 Phone: N/A Fax: N/A Site Plan Submittal Page 1 Stor-AII - Boynton Beach Blvd. 5. Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below:' , This is the one address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. 6. What is applicant's interest: Contract Purchaser 7. Street address or location: North of Boynton Beach Blvd., west of 1-95, located on Industrial Way. 8. Property Control #: Legal description of site: 9. Intended users) of site: 10. Developer or Builder: 11. Architect: 12. Landscape Architect: 13. Site Planner: 14. Engineer: 15. Surveyor: 16. Traffic Engineer: 08-43-45-20-00-000-0082 East Y. of Lot 8 (Less South 40 feet road RIW & RIW for 1-95. Self-Service Storage Facility (Mini-warehouse) Stor-AII Greg Anderson, 837 SE 8th Ave., Suite 201, Deerfield Beach, FL, 33441, (954) 480-69878 Kilday & Associates, 1551 Forum Place, 100A, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401 (561) 689-5522 Kilday & Associates, 1551 Forum Place, 100A, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401 (561) 689-5522 Mike Schora & Associates, 1850 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 100, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401, (561) 968-0080 Landmark Surveying and Mapping, 1850 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 100, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401, (561) 433-5405 Simmons & White, 4623 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 112, West Palm Beach, FL, 33415, (561) 965- 9144 17. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? No Site Plan Submittal Page 2 Sto,.AII- Boynton Beach Blvd. 18. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $3 million II. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category: Industrial 2. Zoning District: M-1 3. Area of Site: 4.353 acres, 189,616.7 sq.ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including surrounding: lot area of grounds of site ~ acres~% b. Recreation Areas (excluding water area):~ acres~% of site c. Water Area: ~ acres~% of site d. Commercial: ~ acres~ % of site e. Industrial: 4.353 acres 100 % of site f. Publicllnstitutional: ~ acres~% of site g. Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way: ~ acres~% of site h. Other (specify): Other (specify): ~ acres~% of site i. ~ acres~ % of site j. Total area of site: 4.353 acres 100 % of site . including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover: a. Ground floor building area: ~ acresR% of site Site Plan Submittal Page 3 Stof'AII- Boynton Beach Blvd. b. Water area: ll. acresll. % of site c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts: ll. acresJL % of site d. Total impervious area: ~ acres.l1..% of site e. Landscaped area: ~ acres 29 % of site (inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). f. Other landscaped areas: JL acresJL % of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas of site: JL acresJL % of site h. Total pervious areas: ~ acres 29 % of site i. Total area of site: 4.353 acresJ..QQ...% of site 6. Floor Area: a. Residential: 1,368 sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office: 881 sq. ft. c. IndustriallWarehouse: 85,490 sq. ft. d. Recreational: N/A sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional: N/A sq. ft. f. Other (specify): N/A sq. ft. g. Other (specify): N/A sq. ft. h. Total floor area: 87,989 sq. ft. Number of Residential Dwelling Units: a. Single-family detached: N/A sq. ft. b. Duplex: N/A sq. ft. 7. Site Plan Submittal Page 4 Stor-AII - Boynton Beach Blvd. c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency: 1 dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom: 0 dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom: 0 dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom: 0 dwelling units d. Total multi-family: 1 dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units: 1 8. Gross Density: N/A dwelling units per acre 9. Maximum height of structures on site: ~ feet ~ stories 10. Required off-street parking: a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan 13 Spaces 11 Soaces Site Plan Submittal Page 5 Sto,..AII- Boynton Beach Blvd. MAR.30.1998 2:41PM KILDAY & AS5OCI~TES III. CE~"FIc.t.TlQtl S; T ~ ~ /~fIt (I) NJe) understand that this sppllcallon and all papers end plana 8ubmittecl h.rewlth become II part of the permananl record8 of the Planning end Zoning Cepartment (I) NIl) hereby certify that the above statements and Iny statements or showings In IIny papera or plana IlUbmlttlld herewith al1l true to the b!ilat of (my) (our) knowIedg. Inri belief. 11118 IlppHc:ation will not be acc:eptecl unlese signed according to the Instructions below. ~U~~~~/2jJ$i~4/::>/# Silfn re of OWnll ) or TnJst . Date I ALlt/'Io~ed Prlnclpallf property Iii owned by a corporation or other buaineSS entity. NO. 456 P.Z/3 IV. AUTHORIZATION OP AGENT \(.~ L..b C\ 'f g ?\-ss cc U:~1 B'-S. Signature of Author1ZBd Agent Date (I) NJe) hereby delignata the abovl lil;ned PlI'llOI1 as (my) (our) authorlzeQ agent In regard to ttlia app~ijQn. . ~~~~J?,IJIr//~hA!//d~ 1/ o er(8) or I Oalll f or ALMorized Principal If property 18 owned by 8 corporation or other buslneea entity. SPACE BI!LOW THIS UNE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Revlew Sc:nedule: Date Received TeQhnical ~.w Committee Planning & cewlopment Bollrd Community Appearance Board City CommlRlon Stlpl.llatlOns of Finl' Approval: other Government AgencielllF'ereons to be contacted; Date Date Oate D.~ AcICllt10nal Remarlal; r- PIBnnir1g and Zoning Dep.lrtrMnt . Roy. :J/181e7 ...\. - 11'l""'nNlIlIliOVNTQN BU,CH\$ITEPLAN,DOQ ~ooo/.ooo ~ ~1V-~OLS 90tt gz. .g8~ selt 9<:1> 1>S6 .g:gt 98/0C/CO Additional Remarks: Site Plan Submittal Page 7 Stor-AII - Boynton Beach Blvd. ....__..,_.,..___n...._.____~~__.___________._ RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. READ: ~~.wWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this ~ day of kAF Wt"e~~ ~~ '-~c<r. Site Plan Submittal Page 8 Stor-AII - Boynton Beach Blvd. StoroAII Boynton Beach Blvd. Justification Statement: The request is for site plan approval for a 4.353 acre site generally located at the northwest corner of 1-95 and Boynton Beach Blvd., specifically on Industrial Ave. The site is designated as having Industrial future land use and M-1 zoning. The request is for a self- service storage facility approximately 87,989 sq. ft. in size which is a combination of both limited access and multi-access buildings. There is also a 2,499 sq.ft. office/apartment which will housing a 24-hour guard. The uses shown proposed site plan are consistent with the Industrial future land use category. In addition, the proposed use is also consistent with the M-1 zoning district. This site plan application is being submitted concurrently in conjunction with proposed text amendments to the Zoning Code that apply to self-service storage facilities. The site plan shows adequate parking to meet the needs of the customers of this facility, as well as adequate parking for the office, two customers, and the 24-hour onsite guard. In addition, the site meets all applicable landscaping requirements. Because the site is abutting 1-95 to the south, the CSX rails to the east, and existing industrial to the north, these sides show the required 5' buffer. The western perimeter of the site includes a 15' buffer composed of a hedge and trees located 40 feet on center because this side of the subject property is adjacent to a public right-of-way. Because of the existing land uses, as well as the inclusion of the landscape buffers, the proposed use is compatible with these existing land uses. In addition, the site meets all of the established level of service standards for traffic, drainage, potable water, and sewer service. Drainage is being accommodated through a retention pond located at the south end of the site. Water and sewer service is available via lines which are located along Industrial Ave. Finally, the attached traffic study shows that the proposed site plan can meet all of the provisions of the County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. Overall, the requested site plan reflecting a self-service storage facility is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, the City's Zoning Code as proposed, as well as the general intent of the City to provide for a safe and efficient means for citizens to store personal property. Site Plan Submittal Page 9 Stor-AII - Boynton Beach Blvd. . _w P,inl.d for lawyers' Titl. GUGranlV Fund, Orlando, Florida This 1",'rUml"' wen prepared by, llflIarrantyIJeed WILLIAM A. ZEDlER A_...... !!hdle 200 Con..noD...ul~ '1I1i1LU., 2881 F..... O.Id..d P.,k B.al..,.N FORT LAUDERD~. n.oRlDA S!506 (ITATUTORY fORM-mIlON 689.0l f.I.) ar~18 lnbrnturr. Mod. 1M, " 78. llrlmr,n 31st doyof March SFM, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership, of the County of Broward . Slale of Flodda . gronto,", ond j NICHOLAS MARCALUS, ROBFRT L. MARCALUS who\l pOll ollie. oddr"n is life estate, and cr. ~q~ '" I fHt..L"~', ,L'o..nI<.~, P'~l ~ of the Counly of . Slole 01 . gronlee., JIIitnr88rt~. Thai soid grantor, ler end in conlideration of the sum of --------------------TEN AND NO/100----------- .-----------------------oollon. ond other good ond voluoble c:onllderolions 10 \a;d 9ronlor in ho"d poid by soid gronlee, 'he receipl whereof Is hereby acknowledged. has gra"led,. borgolntid and sold to Ihe said oro"t", and gronlee's hein and ouign, forever, Ihe 'allowing described land, situate, lyinQ and being In Palm Beach County, florida. lo;wih SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED. HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. ~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA I . ~ ~~ ~ 2~ c~ Q.9-.f.~Et~JA!tY~~':,<..STAMP TAX I ~~ ~~ g,"t'O!.'EVf.UE~i; .;-1 .. .~ n E P.I.:: ,JVIlIoI'" \~"'f~':} 9 9 9. 00.1 x x 0 -1111,: ~'..."..~ I 0 . :c. OOCUMENTARY:=: SUR TAX:=: ~~I and said gronlor dO.l hereby persons whomlaever, (/li~> \- ~a FLO;.I A ""'.1""""1- br Foe, Ifl'tMllI 1Il0~ fully worrant the title to lold land, and will defend the JOme against the lawful claims af all 1>\: ." ,"Granlor" and "gronlee" ore used for lingular ar plural, 01 conle.t requir"s. f): (r() lht 'iliturss m~trrnf. Grantor hcn hereunlo sel oronlor's hand and seollhe dol' and year first above written, I (~$.c.<::sioned, sealed and delivered in our presence: "'~~X/' ~....,.j-€ (Seal) , General. Partj). , ;/" _.e1 r ... ~~. dr,:' "'(Se~>> P. HARVELL, General Partner (Seoll (Seall STATE Of FLOP:OA C9UNj'(./j>Ei::PALM BEACH - . ,.I" HEd~Y''C~Jt.l'1E1.lt]at an this day belore me. on oUlcer duly qualified ta toke acknowledgments. penonally appeared '". ~EORG~")i:"',liF.AVER and EDWARD P. HARVELL, the General Partners of ":~':i.$fM.'~;:1;.:rtr;.' ....\~\Florida Limited Partnership ; ;:t~":~~JC~o:'(I'~' ~~b!:.....1h~ perJOn S described in ond who exel;uled the foregoi"g Inslrument and oc.knowledged belore me that :. ~.,t~,he~~JtK"",~d..I~~.. _. .'::::~Itt~t~:m:,..:~~~6d officiol seal in Ihe Counly and Slote lost aforesaid. this 31st doyof March '.l1.1~::.,,::.~,,; \, ..., s.. ~ d- /I /J ..,.....1':'1,\:.':-';"".. -'......J ~ My ~;;mMlulb.n'\e.pires' Notary Public No'.ry Publlc. Stat" of norlda at (8.... My commission expires May 16. 1978 FAlII, Off - IEm Rf( Z a 7 6 PAGE 9 1 9 . -, ~ : ., . " EXH.IBIT "A" The East .qunrtek of Lot B,Section 20, Tpwnship 45 South, IUtnge 43 gnst, nccordi.ng to the.Map of Township 45 South and. Town~hlp 46 South,. Ral\ge 43 East, as recordeq in Plat 'Book 1, Page 4, Palm Beach County Public Records, less "riqht of way of,State Road 804, Section 93640-2601, that part of ,the Cast quarter of lot 9t being more particularly described as follows, LESS: '. Begin on the East boundary line of Section 20, Township 4S south~ Range 43 East, at a point North 10 36' 31" west 40.0 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; thence South OSO 06' 29" West 106.75 feet: thence continue SOUth nao 06' 29ft We$t 201.48 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 20 feet; thence run Sou~hwesterly, and Northwesterly, along ~aid curve 31.42 feet through a central angle of 900 to the East boundary of Industrial Avenue" thence North 10 5)' 31" West, 45.82 feet= thence Morth 870 52' 12" East, 180.63 foetI thonce south 330 25' 49" East 78.11; thence North 880 06' 29" East 106.15 feet to the Point of Beginning. m~" m Z B 76 PAGE 9 Z 0 ..",,&1''''''&' fill - ~~, ,''" ,..~ ,,,,Il' l""",..~ .ttt1'/.t'~ ... ", , ~ SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. Engineers. Planners' Consuitants April 6, 1998 Job No. 98-54 TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT Self Storage Facility Palm Beach County, Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is located at the northwest corner of 1-95 and Boynton Beach Boulevard and contains approximately 4.35 acres. Proposed site development on the currently unimproved parcel consists of a 86,621 S.F. self storage facility (including a 881 S. F. office), aI, 368 S. F. caretakers quarters for a total of 87,989 S.F. of self storage area, and .29 ~cres of open storage area with an anticipated build-out of 1999. Site access is provided via a single driveway connection to Industrial Avenue. For additional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to the site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. PURPOSE OF STUDY This study will analyze the proposed development's impact on the surrounding thoroughfares within the project's radius of development influence in accordance with the Palm Beach County Land Development Code Article 15, Section 15.9 Traffic Performance Standards. The Traffic Performance Standards require that a proposed development meet two "tests" with regard to traffic. Test 1, or the Link/Buildout Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would, during the build-out period of the project, add project traffic at any point on any major thoroughfare link within the project's radius of development influence if the total traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic or peak hour traffic volume that exceeds the adopted threshold level of service during the build-out period of the project. Test 2, or the Model Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would add project traffic to any link within the project's model radius of development influence if the total model traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic volume, as determined by the model, that exceeds the adopted level of service. For the purposes of this analysis, the construction contemplated in the Modified 2010 Plan shall be used. This study will verify that the proposed development's traffic impact will meet the above Performance Standards. 4623 Forest Hili Boulevard. SUite 112. West Palm Beach FlOrida 33415 Telephone (561) 965-9144 . Fax (5611 965-0926 Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 98-54 April 6, 1998 - Page Two TRAFFIC GENERATION The traffic to be generated by the proposed self storage facility may be calculated in accordance with the traffic generation rates listed in Table 10.8-1 Fair Share Road Impact Fee Schedule of Article 10: SELF STORAGE (86.621 S.F.) 86,621 S.F. X 2.61 tpd 1000 S.F. ::; 5% Passer-By = 226 tpd (11 tpd) NET = 215 tpd ONE MANAGER'S APARTMENT 1 M.F.D.U. X 7 tpd D.U. = 7 tpd OPEN STORAGE (.29 ACRES) 0.29 ACRE X 35 tpd ACRE = 10 tpd 232 tpd TOTAL = RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE Based on Table 2A and 2B of Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, for a net trip generation of 232 trips, the radius of development influence shall be one-half mile for Test 1 and the directly accessed link (Boynton Beach Boulevard) for Test 2. EXISTING TRAFFIC Existing average annual daily traffic volumes for each link were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Palm Beach County 1997 Annual Traffic Volume Map. Background traffic, consisting of historical growth allowances furnished by Palm Beach County, major project traffic, and anticipated development in the area was also considered. The following table calculates the 3-year historical growth rate: Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 98-54 April 6, 1998 - Page Three EXISTING TRAFFIC (CONTINUED) TABLE 1 HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE CALCULATION LINK 1994 1997 1 A. OLD BOYNTON: 1. North of Boynton Beach Blvd. 8,569 11,073 8.92% B: BOYNTON BEACH BLVD: 1. West of Old Boynton 29,554 30,319 0.86 (Use 1%) 2 . East of Old Boynton 40,494 42,050 1.26% 3 . East of 1-95 30,364 30,184 -.2% (Use 1%) The project is expected to be built-out in 1999 and background traffic was projected to that time. Please refer to Figure 1. TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT/DISTRIBUTION Based upon the existing and proposed geometry of the roadway network, a review of the existing and historical travel patterns, as well as a review of the proposed development and improvements in the area, the following generalized traffic distribution was assumed for trips generated by the proposed development: North East South West 25% 30% 25% 20% The distributed traffic for the project at full build-out of the development was assigned to the links within the project's radius of development influence and can be seen in Figure 1. Based on the projected total daily traffic volumes and threshold volumes for the links within the project's radius of development influence as shown in Figure 1, this project meets the applicable Average Daily Traffic Volume Link Performance Standards listed under "Test One" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards on all links within the project's radius of development influence. Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 98-54 April 6, 1998 - Page Four PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES The net external P.M. peak hour traffic volumes to be generated by the proposed development may be calculated as follows in accordance wi th the rates provided in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition: USE NET EXTERNAL DAILY TRIPS P.M. P.H.F. P.M. PEAK HOUR TRIPS SELF STORAGE FACILITY 232 10.0% 23 The existing average peak hour traffic has been determined by factoring the 1997 average annual daily traf.fic by a "K" factor of 9.3% and can be seen in Figure 2. The project's net external P.M. peak hour traffic volumes, the peak hour background traffic, and the total peak hour traffic volumes are also shown in Figure 2. Based on the Level of Service "D" Average Peak Hour Threshold Volumes shown in Table 1A of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards and the total peak hour volumes shown in Figure 2, this proj ect meets the applicable Peak Hour Traffic Volume Link Performance Standards listed under "Test One" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS The A.M. and P.M. peak hour turning movement volumes and directional distributions at the project entrance with no reduction for passer-by traffic for the proposed development may be calculated as follows: USE TOTAL P.H.F. PEAK DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL TRIPS HOUR DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION TRIPS (% IN / OUT) (TRIPS IN/OUT) SELF STORAGE FACILITY A.M. 243 6.5% 16 48% / 52% 8 / 8 P.M. 243 10.0% 24 52% / 48% 12 / 12 Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 98-54 April 6, 1998 - Page Five SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS (CONTINUED) Based on the turning movement worksheet attached with this report and the Palm Beach County Engineering guideline used in determining the need for turn lanes of 75 right turns or 30 left turns in the peak hour, no additional turn lanes or site related improvements appear warranted. A single lane exiting the project appears adequate. MODEL TEST Modified Table 5, Projected Network Deficiencies for the future network, does not presently indicate that the applicable links within the project's radius of development influence will be over capacity. Therefore, this project meets the Model Test. CONCLUSION This proposed development is expected to generate a total of 232 trips per day at project build-out in 1999. Based on an analysis of existing and project traffic characteristics and distribution, as well as the existing and future roadway network geometry and traffic volumes, this overall project meets the Link/Buildout Test and the Model Test as required by the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. , P.E. km tr9854 SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · CONSULTANTS 4 BOYNTON 11073 2064 25 13162 14300 w ~ .....I <{ oc I- (f) ::) o z L{) ()) I ~ BEACH BLVD. 30184 607 30 30821 31100 30319 609 115 31043 47500 42050 1066 140 43256 47500 ...., ~ FIGURE 1 LEGEND 30184 1997 AADT 607 HISTORICAL GROWTH 30 PROJECT TRAFFIC 30821 TOTAL TRAFFIC 31100 L.O.S. STANDARD SELF STORAGE FACILITY 98-54 J.B.S. 4-6-98 4623 FOREST HILL BLVD.. SUITE 112. WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33415 TELEPHONE (561) 965-9144 '. SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · CONSULTANTS 4 BOYNTON 1030 192 3 1225 1330 w ~ -..I <( IY Lf) c- O) Vl I :::::> 0 z BLVD. '- 2807 65 3 2875 2890 BEACH 2820 57 11 2888 4420 3911 99 ',4 4024 4420 FIGURE 2 LEGEND 2807 PK. HR. TRAFFIC 65 HISTORICAL GROWTH 3 PROJECT TRAFFIC 2875 PK. HR. TOTAL 2890 PK. HR. STANDARD SELF STORAGE FACILITY 98-54 J.B.S. 4-6-98 4623 FOREST HILL BLVD., SUITE 112, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33415 TELEPHONE (561) 965-9144 SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · CONSULTANTS I w ~ TURNING MOVEMENT WORKSHEET LEGEND 5 A.M. PK. HR. TURNING MOVEMENT (10) P.M. PK. HR. TURNING MOVEMENT IB MOT SELF STORAGE FACILITY 98-54 J.B.S. 4-6-98 4623 FOREST HILL BLVD., SUITE 112, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33415 TELEPHONE (561) 965-9144 SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. Engineers. Planners. Consultants April 6, 1998 Job No. 98-54 TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT Self Storage Facility Palm Beach County, Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is located at the northwest corner of 1-95 and Boynton Beach Boulevard and contains approximately 4.35 acres. Proposed site development on the currently unimproved parcel consists of a 86,621 S.F. self storage facility (including a 881 S. F. office), a 1,368 S. F. caretakers quarters for a total of 87,989 S.F. of self storage area, and .29 ~cres of open storage area with an anticipated build-out of 1999. Site access is provided via a single driveway connection to Industrial Avenue. For additional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to the site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. PURPOSE OF STUDY This study will analyze the proposed development's impact on the surrounding thoroughfares within the project's radius of development influence in accordance with the Palm Beach County Land Development Code Article 15, Section 15.9 Traffic Performance Standards. The Traffic Performance Standards require that a proposed development meet two "tests" with regard to traffic. Test 1, or the Link/Buildout Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would, during the build-out period of the project, add project traffic at any point on any major thoroughfare link within the project's radius of development influence if the total traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic or peak hour traffic volume that exceeds the adopted threshold level of service during the build-out period of the project. Test 2, or the Model Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would add project traffic to any link within the project's model radius of development influence if the total model traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic volume, as determined by the model, that exceeds the adopted level of service. For the purposes of this analysis, the construction contemplated in the Modified 2010 Plan shall be used. This study will verify that the proposed development's traffic impact will meet the above Performance Standards. 4623 Forest Hlil Boulevard. SUite 112 West Palm Beach. FlOrida 33415 Telephone (561) 965-9144 . Fax 1561) 965-0926 Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 98-54 April 6, 1998 - Page Two TRAFFIC GENERATION The traffic to be generated by the proposed self storage facility may be calculated in accordance with the traffic generation rates listed in Table 10.8-1 Fair Share Road Impact Fee Schedule of Article 10: SELF STORAGE (86.621 S.F.) 86,621 S.F. X 2.61 tod 1000 S.F. = 226 tpd 5% Passer-By = NET = (11 tpd) 215 tpd ONE MANAGER'S APARTMENT 1 M.F.D.U. X 7 tod D.U. = 7 tpd OPEN STORAGE (.29 ACRES) 0.29 ACRE X 35 tod ACRE TOTAL 10 tpd 232 tpd = RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE Based on Table 2A and 2B of Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, for a net trip generation of 232 trips, the radius of development influence shall be one-half mile for Test 1 and the directly accessed link (Boynton Beach Boulevard) for Test 2. EXISTING TRAFFIC Existing average annual daily traffic volumes for each link were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Palm Beach County 1997 Annual Traffic Volume Map. Background traffic, consisting of historical growth allowances furnished by Palm Beach County, major project traffic, and anticipated development in the area was also considered. The following table calculates the 3-year historical growth rate: Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 98-54 April 6, 1998 - Page Three EXISTING TRAFFIC (CONTINUED) TABLE 1 HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE CALCULATION LINK 1994 1997 1 A. OLD BOYNTON: 1. North of Boynton Beach Blvd. 8,569 11,073 8.92% B: BOYNTON BEACH BLVD: 1. West of Old Boynton 29,554 30,319 0.86 (Use 1%) 2. East of Old Boynton 40,494 42,050 1.26% 3 . East of 1-95 30,364 30,184 -.2% (Use 1%) The project is expected to be built-out in 1999 and background traffic was projected to that time. Please refer to Figure 1. TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT/DISTRIBUTION Based upon the existing and proposed geometry of the roadway network, a review of the existing and historical travel patterns, as well as a review of the proposed development and improvements in the area, the following generalized traffic distribution was assumed for trips generated by the proposed development: North East South West 25% 30% 25% 20% The distributed traffic for the project at full build-out of the development was assigned to the links within the project's radius of development influence and can be seen in Figure 1. Based on the projected total daily traffic volumes and threshold volumes for the links within the project's radius of development influence as shown in Figure 1, this project meets the applicable Average Daily Traffic Volume Link Performance Standards listed under "Test One" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards on all links within the project's radius of development influence. Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 98-54 April 6, 1998 - Page Four PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES The net external P.M. peak hour traffic volumes to be generated by the proposed development may be calculated as follows in accordance with the rates provided in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition: USE NET EXTERNAL DAILY TRIPS P.M. P.H.F. P.M. PEAK HOUR TRIPS SELF STORAGE FACILITY 232 10.0% 23 The existing average peak hour traffic has been determined by factoring the 1997 average annual daily traf-fic by a "K" factor of 9.3% and can be seen in Figure 2. The project's net external P.M. peak hour traffic volumes, the peak hour background traffic, and the total peak hour traffic volumes are also shown in Figure 2. Based on the Level of Service "D" Average Peak Hour Threshold Volumes shown in Table 1A of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards and the total peak hour volumes shown in Figure 2, this proj ect meets the applicable Peak Hour Traffic Volume Link Performance Standards listed under "Test One" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS The A.M. and P.M. peak hour turning movement volumes and directional distributions at the project entrance with no reduction for passer-by traffic for the proposed development may be calculated as follows: USE TOTAL P.H.F. PEAK DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL TRIPS HOUR DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION TRIPS (% IN / OUT) (TRIPS IN/OUT) SELF STORAGE FACILITY A.M. 243 6.5% 16 48% / 52% 8 / 8 P.M. 243 10.0% 24 52% / 48% 12 / 12 Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 98-54 April 6, 1998 - Page Five SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS (CONTINUED) Based on the turning movement worksheet attached with this report and the Palm Beach County Engineering guideline used in determining the need for turn lanes of 75 right turns or 30 left turns in the peak hour, no additional turn lanes or site related improvements appear warranted. A single lane exiting the project appears adequate. MODEL TEST Modified Table 5, Projected Network Deficiencies for the future network, does not presently indicate that the applicable links within the project's radius of development influence will be over capacity. Therefore, this project meets the Model Test. CONCLUSION This proposed development is expected to generate a total of 232 trips per day at project build-out in 1999. Based on an analysis of existing and project traffic characteristics and distribution, as well as the existing and future roadway network geometry and traffic volumes, this overall project meets the Link/Buildout Test and the Model Test as required by the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. km tr9854 SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · CONSULTANTS 4 BOYNTON w ~ 11073 2064 25 13162 14300 ....J <( n:: I- (f) :J o Z LO (j) I~ '" ~ BEACH BLVD. \30184 607 30 30821 31100 30319 609 115 31043 47500 42050 1066 140 43256 47500 ~ FIGURE 1 LEGEND 30184 1997 AADT 607 HISTORICAL GROWTH 30 PROJECT TRAFFIC 30821 TOTAL TRAFFIC 31100 L.O.s. STANDARD SELF STORAGE FACILITY 98-54 J.B.S. 4-6-98 4623 FOREST HILL BLVD.. SUITE 112, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33415 TELEPHONE (561) 965-9144 SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. ENGINEERS · PLANNERS · CONSULTANTS BOYNTON 2820 57 11 2888 4420 LEGEND 2807 PK. HR. TRAFFIC 65 HISTORICAL GROWTH 3 PROJECT TRAFFIC 2875 PK. HR. TOTAL 2890 PK. HR. STANDARD 1030 192 3 1225 1330 BEACH 3911 99 14 4024 4420 w > <( ....J <( 0:: I- (f) ::::l o Z l{) (J) I BLVD. '- 4623 FOREST HILL BLVD., SUITE 112, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33415 TELEPHONE (561) 965-9144 FIGURE 2 4 2807 65 3 2875 2890 SELF STORAGE FACILITY 98-54 J.B.S. 4-6-98 , . SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. ENGINEERS · PiJlNNERS · CONSULTANTS L w ~ TURNING MOVEMENT WORKSHEET LEGEND 5 A.M. PK. HR. TURNING MOVEMENT (10) P.M. PK. HR. TURNING MOVEMENT @TI MDT SELF STORAGE FACILITY 98-54 J.B.S. 4-6-98 4623 FOREST HILL BLVD.. SUITE 112, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33415 TELEPHONE (561) 965-9144 1<t1>0 .).S } ,/~1 'f!- PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Contact Date: 1-8-99 Meetin Date: Monda, 1-25-99 PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: PROJECT NAME: PERMIT NO.: 99-082 Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Bob Donovan, Ken Hall, Ed Yates Attending for Applicant: Lindsey Walters & Karen Janssen, Kilday & Assoc.; Mike Lacoursiere PE, Schorah & Assoc.; Greg Anderson, Architect 1551 Forum Place, W. Palm Beach, FI. Phone: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 Name of Owner: Knuth Road Associates Address: 1551 Forum Place W. Palm Beach, Fl. Phone: 561-684-1040 Fax: 561-686-9940 Name of Applicant/Contact: Lindsey Walters, Kilday & Assoc. Address: 1551 Forum PI. W. Palm Beach, FI. Phoue: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 Project Address: S.E. corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road PCN: 08-43-45-19-05-048-0010 Phone: I Fax: Tvpe of Application: NWSP Type of Business: Storage Facility Date Submittal Received: Received: I Date Denied: COMMENTS: -Plan for Feb. 9'h submittal (Rezone to C-l & Conditional Use) -Staff advised that main entrance location should maximize distance from Mall (entrauce ideally located to the 180' distance from Knuth), -It was also noted that the maximum height in C-l is 25' and a new ordinance for limited access storaee is 30 feet. J:\SHRDAT A \Deve]opment\PRE-APPLICA nON TRACKING LOG FORM.doc PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Contact Date: 1-8-99 Meetin Date: Monda, 1-25-99 PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: PROJECT NAME: PERMIT NO.: 99-082 Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Bob Donovan, Keu Hall, Ed Yates Attending for Applicant: Lindsey Walters & Karen Janssen, Kilday & Assoc.; Mike Lacoursiere PE, Schorah & Assoc.; Greg Anderson, Architect 1551 Forum Place, W. Palm Beach, Fl. Phone: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 Name of Owner: Knuth Road Associates Address: 1551 Forum Place W. Palm Beach, Fl. Phone: 561-684-1040 Fax: 561-686-9940 Name of Applicant/Contact: Lindsey Walters, Kilday & Assoc. Address: 1551 Forum PI. W. Palm Beach, Fl. Phone: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 Project Address: S.E. corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road PCN: 08-43-45-19-05-048-0010 Phone: I Fax: TVDe of Aonlication: NWSP Type of Business: Storage Facility Date Submittal Received: Received: I Date Denied: COMMENTS: . ,,-- I'f'=' '.,f).<~ t-'^- c~~ . ~= . ..Jl::> J:\SHRDATA\Development\PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG FORM.doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: Monday, January 25, 1999 TIME: 9:30 A.M. ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: KNUTH ROAD ASSOCIATES - Lindsey Walters City of Boynton Beach Attendin Staff Attending for Applicant ~/~ c/..re u./4/;f~ Jan \...~"\-:~..\.-..~. :JEFF SM I Tj ;vtQ?- PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Contact Date: 1-8-99 Meetin Date: Monda, 1-25-99 PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: PROJECT NAME: PERMIT NO.: 99-082 Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Bob Donovan, Ken Hall, Ed Yates Attending for Applicant: Lindsey Walters & Karen Janssen, Kilday & Assoc.; Mike Lacoursiere PE, Schorah & Assoc.; Greg Anderson, Architect 1551 Forum Place, W. Palm Beach, FI. Phone: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 Name of Owner: Knuth Road Associates Address: 1551 Forum Place W. Palm Beach, FI. Phone: 561-684-1040 Fax: 561-686-9940 Name of Applicant/Contact: Lindsey Walters, Kilday & Assoc. Address: 1551 Forum PI. W. Palm Beach, FI. Phone: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 Project Address: S.E. corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road PCN: 08-43-45-19-05-048-0010 Phone: I Fax: Tvpe of Application: NWSP Type of Business: Storage Facility Date Submittal Received: Received: I Date Denied: COMMENTS: J:\SHRDA T A\Development\PRE-APPLlCA nON TRACKING LOG FORM.doc PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Contact Date: 1-8-99 /.-~f;/7 Meetin Date: 1-21).99" l.M . Time: PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: Erect stora e facilit on vacant lot PROJECT NAME: PERMIT NO.: 99-0,?'();}.. Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Bob Donovan, Ken Hall, Ed Yates Attending for Applicant: Lindsey Walters & Karen Janssen, Kilday & Assoc.; Mike Lacoursiere PE, Schorah & Assoc.; Greg Anderson, Architect 1551 Forum Place, W. Palm Beach, Fl. Phone: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 Name of Owner: Knuth Road Associates Address: 1551 Forum Place W. Palm Beach, FI. Phone: 561-684-1040 ax: 'r; 10 Name of Applicant/Contact: Lindsey Walters, Kilda soc. Address: 1551 Forum PI. W. Palm Beach, FI. Phone: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 Project Address: S.E. corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road PCN: 08-43-45-19-05-048-0010 Phone: Fax: T e of A Iication: NWSP Type of Business: Storage Facility Date Submittal Received: Received: I Date Denied: COMMENTS: PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION ME~TING Contact Date: / - g - r r Meetin Date: PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: PROJECT NAME: Attending Staff: At;(:;:g Phone: Name of Owner: Address: i br I Phone: SWI- 6 g - 0 Name of Applicant/Contact: Address: Irs- \ .~ Phone: - .Is 7'-V Project Address: ~ ~ - 0 ____________- PCN: f) g _ l{ ') _ Lf f _ , q - 05"- 0 1~ - 0 0 I 0 I'iS/ F~PL. ~ .[ ..( yz/ t. \L~f - 6tf- rt/'Y d'- Phone: T e of A Iication: Type of Business: ,S~~ Fax: .- ~ Date Submittal Received: Received: I Date Denied: COMMENTS: J:\SHRDATA\Development\PRE~APPLICATlON TRACKING LOG FORM.doc