APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: STOR-ALL LOCATION: Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road COMPUTER ID: STOR-ALL\PKLV I FILE NO.: PKLV 99-002 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Parking Lot Variance APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Knuth Road Assoc., a Florida Kieran J. Kilday, KILDAY & ASSOC. general partnership PHONE: (561) 689-5522 PHONE: 561-684-1040 FAX: (561) 689-2592 FAX: ADDRESS: 1551 FORUM PL., 100A ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place, Ste 100 WPB, FL 33401 WPB, FL 33401 DATE: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 2/17/99 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: Out/City Atty: 3/3/99 City Clerk/Fax: 3/5/99 Publish: 3/8/99 TRC MEETING: PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 3/23/99 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 4/6/99 COMMENTS: I I I. p'_ SWORMSIPROJECT TRACKING INFO 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning and Zoning Division. Incomplete applications will not be processed. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION. 1. Project Name of site upon which parking lot is located: STOR ALL - KNUTH ROAD AND OLD BOYNTON BEACH WEST ROAD 2. Date this Application is submitted: 2-17-99 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): STOR-ALL PROPERTIES, INC. Address: 1375 West Hillsboro Blvd. Deerfield Beach, FL Phone: 561-732-4225 Fax: (zip code) 33442 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant):" Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates, Inc. Address: 1551 Forum Place Suite 100 West Palm Beach,FL (zip code) 33401 Phone: 561-689-5522 Fax: 561-689-2592 o A letter from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent is required. See Attached Consent letter. 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: KNUTH ROAD ASSOCIATES, a Florida general partnership Address: 1551 Forum Place Suite 100 West Palm Beach. FL (zip code) 33401 Phone561-684-1040 Fax: 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent)": Kilday & Associates, Inc. Attn: Lindsey A. Walter ** This is the onlY address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Contract Purchaser (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) T------------. I Paqe 2 Apolica~ion for Variances to Par~inq Lot Requlations 8. Street Address of Location of Site upon which Parking Lot is located: Currently vacant lot. No address is assigned at this time. 9. Legal Description of Site upon which Parking Lot is located: See Attached Exhibit "A" 10. Intended Use(s) of Site upon which Parking Lot is located: Limited Access Storage Facility 11. Developer or Builder: Stor All Self Storage Rentals 12. Architect: Gregory Anderson, P .A. 13. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates. Inc. 14. Site Planner: Kilday & Associates, Inc. 15. Engineer: Schorah & Associates 16. Surveyor: Landmark Surveying 17. Traffic Engineer: Sinunons & White, Inc. 18. Copy of last recorded Warranty Deed included? (check) See attached 19. Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) See attached 20. Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) See attached 21. Number of variances requested on the following sheets: One (1) NOTE: A separate sheet must be completed for each specific design requirement (Sec.5-141) or permit application requirement (Sec.5-142) to which a variance is requested. Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Development Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below: Section, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: Chapter 23 Parking Lots, Article II.H.3.,Driveway.Distance from street. Parking lot drive- must be constructed at least thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the ri~ht-of-wav lines along local streets, and 180 feet from streets of higher classification. Nature of Variance Requested: The applicant is requesting to reduce the required separation from 180 feet to 102'-9" or 77'-3". ] --- ~ EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION AS FURNISHED BY THE CLIENT , TRACT 4B. OF PALM BEACH - MIAMI LAND AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. LESS THE SOUTH 128.5 FEET THEREOF. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, AT PAGE 19. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 20' OF TRACT 48 FOR ADDITIONAL RIGHT-OF- WAY FOR OLD BOYNTON ROAD PER O.R.B. 4239. PAGE 166, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 3.502 ACRES (152561.6 SQUARE FEET) MORE OR LESS. 1 1 1 ?aG'e 3 Apolica~ion for Variances to Park'nq Lot Requlations Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or other reasons Justifying the Requested Variance (attached additional sheets if necessary): See attached Justification Statement (1)(We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (1)(We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be accepted unless signed below. ~dUk:> Signature of Applicant or Agent: ~ndsey A. Walter/Kilday & Associates, Inc. Date: February 17, 1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONL YII Date received by Planning Division: Date reviewed by Technical Review Committee: Dates of Advertising for Public Hearing: Date of Public Hearing before Planning and Development Board: ACTION: Approved Denied Aye Nay STIPULATIONS: S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\PKL v\PKVAPP.WPD T ! PaGe 4 Aoolication for Variances to Parkinq Lot Requlations GENERAL INFORMATION FOR APPLICATIONS FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS 1. All applications for variances to the Parking Lot Regulations must be received and accepted by the Planning and Zoning Division on the date identified on the review schedule with the appropriate fee as defined in City of Boynton Beach Resolution No. R95-45. 2. An application for a variance may be processed at the same time that an application for site plan approval or approval of subdivision construction plans is submitted. However, submittal deadlines vary for different applications. Contact the Planning Division for further details. 3. All parking lot variance applications are reviewed by the Technical Review Committee(TRC) which consists of the department heads or designated representatives of those City departments concerned with land development. The TRC may recommend that the variance request be approved, approved with modifications, or denied. "[he applicant is not required to attend the TRC rneeting. The applicant will be notified as to the recommendations proposed by the TRC.-The applicant should be prepared to respond to all TRC recommendations at the hearing before the City Commission. A copy of the staff report and recommendation is available from the Planning and Zoning Division prior to the City Commission meeting and where applicable the Planning and Development Board meeting. 4. All applications for variances are advertised for a public hearing before the City Commission in a newspaper of general circulation. At the pUblic hearing before the City Commission, any person may comment favorably or unfavorably on the variance request. The applicant or his agent must attend the meeting. 5. The City Commission gives final approval or denial to parking lot variances and directs the City Attorney to prepare a development order that defines the final determination. 6. Prior to obtaining a building permit or subsequent approvals, all plans and documents shall reflect the conditions of approval defined in the development order. 7. All applicants with approved site plans or subdivision construction plans, or approved parking lot variances, which at a later date request an additional variance, or variance modification, will be required to submit a complete variance application and filing fee, and will be subject to all Code requirements in effect at the time the additional variance is requested. S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\PKL v\PKVAPP.WPD Rev 10/15/98 1- ---- Kilday a Associates Landscape Architects / Planners 1551 Forum Place, Suite 10QA West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 689-5522 . Fax (561) 689-2592 EMMail: info@kildayinc.com JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT STOR ALL KNUTH ROAD AND OLD BOYNTON BEACH WEST ROAD VARIANCE REQUEST A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; Response: The applicant is requesting a variance from Chapter 23 Parking Lots, Article II.H.3. Driveway. Distance from streets. This section states that parking lot driveways shall be constructed at least thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of higher classification. In this particular situation, the proposed driveway is located on a undivided collector (Old Boynton Beach West Road) and it is located 102 feet east from the Knuth Road right-of-way which is also a collector roadway, as determined by City Staff. Therefore, the 180 foot separation is required. As indicated on the site plan submitted with this application, the applicant is proposing to construct a new Limited Access Storage Facility on a 3.50 acre site located at the southeast comer of Old Boynton Beach West Road and Knuth Road. The subject parcel contains approximately 310 feet of frontage and one (1) access point along Old Boynton Beach West Road and 496 feet of frontage and one (1) egress only access point along Knuth Road. The special conditions and circumstances that exist are that the subject property as mentioned above is narrow along the Old Boynton Beach West Road right-of-way. Further, the County Traffic Division has indicated that the ultimate right-of-way for Knuth Road will require 15 additional feet from the subject property for a total right-of- way of 60 feet. This in turn narrows the Old Boynton Beach West Road frontage further to approximately 295 feet. While the applicant would prefer to locate the proposed driveway as far east from Knuth Road as possible, both City staff and Palm Beach County Traffic Division staff have indicated that a centrally located driveway creates a safer situation for motorists. The proposed driveway is located 102' -9" east of the Knuth Road intersection. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance of 77' -3". B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; Response: The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The subject property is a legal lot of record with only 295 feet of JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT STaR ALL Page I of 3 I---~-- frontage along Old Boynton Beach West Road. The applicant is proposing to locate a driveway that complies with the intent of Chapter 23, Article I, Section 1, B. Objectives. Specifically, to provide a maximum degree of safety and protection for the public through the orderly design of parking lots. C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; Response: As discussed above, the applicant would prefer to locate the driveway further east away from Knuth Road to meet the City Code requirement. However, both City Staff and Palm Beach County Traffic Division Staff agree that a centrally located driveway would avoid conflicts with nearby existing driveways, and it would comply with the County's Access Management Standards which requires a 75 foot corner clearance distance. (See attached letter from Palm Beach County Engineering dated February 3, 1999) D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; Response: As discussed above, the applicant is proposing to locate a driveway based on existing nearby parking 10Uroadway conditions. This parcel is essentially sandwiched between Knuth Road on the west property line, and the west entrance to the Boynton Beach Mall which is located approximately 20 feet east of the subject property east property line. For those reasons, the applicant is locating the proposed driveway where it avoids conflicts with the aforementioned roadway and driveway. E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; Response: As stated above, the applicant is requesting a variance of 77' -3" from the 180 foot corner clearance distance City Code requirement. As indicated on the attached site plan, the applicant has located the proposed driveway equidistant from the Knuth Road intersection and the west entrance to the Boynton Beach Mall. The proposed driveway will provide for right-in, right out and left-in turning movements. F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Response: The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of Chapter 23 of the zoning code and, the variance will not be JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT STaR ALL Page 2 of 3 injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. As indicated in Chapter 23 of the City zoning code. the purpose of Chapter 23 among other things, is to provide regulations that provide a minimum set of standards to be followed when parking lots are constructed in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. Also, the purpose of this chapter is to provide a set of regulations to govern the design of the parking lot. As previously stated, the applicant proposes to design the parking lot in an effort to create an orderly, safe and functional situation on site and along the frontage on Old Boynton West Road. Lw/c/anderson.just.217 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT STOR ALL Page 3 of 3 FEB-04-1999 11:00 DllpaftM.-I 01 .~. __1.., ... .....uc WlNttI '-0 80x 2n29 ""I'llm !leach. f~ ".16-.229 "~1l_-4000 wwwco.p:llm-bex".n.U$ . ...... --- eo...., ..... of CauIlqo c:.-.iuionaa Maude I'ord I.e.. Chair IaJren H. Newtn. V'J;e Cn"irm..n K&ren T 1l4~c.us. Cam) A. Jl.obem Maty MCCmy 8\U1 A.stcnson Tcmy M.aMlguj ceuoy -- Aobert W!\sman ....._"-""'"'.,. ).~.,r:AC'IIG'I~""~" @-..-- SIMMONS Z WHITE, INC. I I , P.02 February 3, 1999 Jeff Smith SimmOn$ & White. Inc. 4623 Forest Hi'l Blvd. West Palm Be{'ch. FL 33415 SUBJECT: PROPOSED STOR-All FACILITY TO BE LOCATED ON ad) BOYNTON ROAD AT KNUTH ROAD. ACCESS TO OI.D BOYNTON ROAD. (KILDAY AND ASSOCIATES SITE PLAN NO. 1374.1,REV. 112119') Dear Mr. Smith: I am writing in reply to your request for a conceptual approval of the driveWay connection for the subject project onto Old Boynton Road. The Traffic Division cannot support the proposed driveway as shown on the above-referenced site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. As , proposed, the driVeWay would be in conflict with the western entrance to the Boynton Beach Mall. We could howl'lVl.lr. support a driveway onto this roadway at a point approximately ElquidiStant between the MaD entnmc:e and Knuth Road. Such a reIoc:at,.;!d driveway would comply with the County's Access Management Standards. As a condition oftt'le County"s required right of way connection permit, this project will be required to reconfigure the pavement markings on Old Boynton Road in order to provide a two-way left turn lane between the Mall entrance and Knuth Road. I hope this is sufficient to fill your needs. Sincerely, ASH:meo Charles R. Walker, P.E., Director, Traffic Division Jim Peters, Land Development Division Roads - Old Boynton Road General. Access Management ASH\stor-all.js pc: File: TOTl't.. P.01 TOTRL P. 02 AGENT CONSENT FORM STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ----------------------/ BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED ~f\ ch S \,vo H '(0 ell. , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT: 1. He/she is the owner of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 2. He/she duly authorizes and designates KILDAY & ASSOCIATES. INC. to act in his/her behalf for the purposes of seeking a variance, rezoning and conditional use of the real property legally described in Attachment A; 3. He/she has examined the foregoing variance, rezoning and conditional use applications and he/she understands how the proposed change may affect the real property legally described in Attachment A. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this'1h day of <1='& f:1,R.""~ l2 "" , 1999, by A Y\ ch to \ol-- M r t7 ~ k (Name of Person Acknowledg'ng) who is personally known to me bfIWVt()/'rJas p,t0C1hlted Witl~Ni1it_t1~V1Y allA!Il~P\t1 <itlQ'n and who cJitl (did not) t e Oa. v -.~ (Sign ure of Person Taking Acknowledgment) Owner's Signatur Andrew Brock Knuth Road Associates, Florida general Janie E. Gustus partnership, (Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped) Owner's Name (Print) (Title or Rank) 1551 Forum Place Suite 100 Street Address (Serial Number, if any) West Palm Beach, FL 33401 City, State, Zip Code (Notary' Seal) Telechone (561) 684-1040 JANIE E cusrus NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC4999I9 MY COMMISSION EXP. ocr. 8,\999 NOTICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED LINDSEY A. WALTER WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: 1. The attached property owners list is, to the best of my knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and property control numbers as recorded in the latest official tax rolls obtained from the Property Appraisers Office in the County Courthouse for all property within four hundred (4,00) feet of the property which is the subject of this request. 2. The attached property owners list includes, to the best of my knowledge, all affected property owners, municipalities, counties, homeowners associations, and property owners associations in accordance with the requirements of the Beach County policies. 3. Posting the subject property with public notice, which is my obligation to provide, will be in accordance with the requirements of the policies. cr~au~ Lindsey A. Walter The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11 th day of May 1999 by . s . Walter, w 0 is personally known to me and who did not take an oath. \lY PlJ OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL o"~ 8(.. PATRICIA Y LENTINI ~ 'W\~i[ 0 COMMISSION NUMBER I!>. ~ I~ ~ CC665822 7.A J? MY COMMISSK>N EXptRES (' OF f\.O AUG. 18.2001 Patricia Y. Lentini CC665822 Serial Number NOTARY SEAL to HERBERT (herein ,., 00 :r- oD ,., '0 LII 110 8 ~ ~ en t:! ~ ., ., 1</1, (;C 0 5 ,,0'- )-1) ... '" ~ M J. '" ... M M ... ... ~. c ~ ~ c j ,.: '" ~ '" ~ 0 lXl 0 .. c ~ m '" ... ~ ~ CJ u .s: c::I ~ N II ;I: -t 9 0.. c c::I ~ ~ r- 'il :r- " ".. \ 'l'HIS be WA......,UHII DU"O ..,",.," ~., '''lI'vID This Warranty Deed .\1,,'/.. 1/" 1st '/.,..1 Fet 'ua.y C. STANLEY WEAVER AND ERNA v WEAVER. HIS WIFE. A D. IQ 85 ~y /11''''111'1/1.., n.U...1 ,1... _rrn"'ll' '''KNUTH ROAD ASSOCIATES. . Florida general partnership, 11'/"'''' ,"'~(.,llj, ,. ",/,I'f'~' j. ItUS N. Congress Ave.. West Palm Beilllch~ FL 33QOl 'lI',,'ilwlt.-, e..I'...I,I". II'''''''''' ,\\1,,,..., '''''' to..".", .,.. """. .t.,,,'''' .".1 ...",.,.' ""I~,'" ~II .h. I""'" ,,, .h., ;~"".m."l ...1'1 th. [..". "0." '.1....."'-"...,,,, .'''..., "I.""",<ht.l< .."'".... .........."..nd...,.... "....."'''........1 Witnesseth: Tlml ,I", "'.mll,, ,.., flliIl ill nl"~if'l',.l/...Il nf '/ir ~lIm "I ~ to. 00 anti of/u., ",.I'Uli.,,1 .'"".j./I'mllllllo, ".....1'" II'/lO'r,',,( i~ llt'r../.,. nrL...lft.I"./fwJ, l...r<,I'r frrafll.. }'"rfloilu, .t'Il" .'ir,u. ,p. ",iM'~, ,..1,.......... j "1II'I'h mill <"tlllf;,",s u'II" "... fltlln'",.. "l/lIml rrrhl'" 1...1t! .il.~tt'r In Palm Beach ('fHftlh"J:lmul","i:; TRACT 48 LESS South 128.5 feet thereof according to the Palm Beach- Miami Land and .Oevelopment Company Plat of Subdivision of Section 19, Township 115 South, Range'1&3 East, recorded In Plat Book 7, page 19, Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. i__, SUBJECT TO a First Purchase Money Mortgage of even date herewith in the original prlnclpai sum of $513,325.00. given by Herbert A. Brock, Andrew Brock, Peter Brock, and William S. Graham, General Partners of Knuth Road Associates, a Florida General Partnership. r Dgdhrr lJ.jlJ, 1111 ,1,1' It'nC'rrtpnb. I,prl.'(liftl'tnc>rtlt amI appU,'erltH.C'... 1111.""'0 ',.Ionging ", in on)'" wja".fI/lfI"t'ttlnlll!l' III t1auc and tll t1old. th. ,a... i. /.. "..pl. /.".;,. Rnd IIu. fltttll'"' "rrrb)' ('tlN'flon'. u.ull .airl gr"n'(O(> "10' lh.. gron'or Is lawfully JPI:ed of .oid lo"<l i" lto.. .i"IIII..: III"l 1'.(> 11'01110' Ilfl. poorl ,iO'" and lou,fu! aulhorll)' 10 .(Oil "nd CO"I'r)' laid land: ,I-.at th. "'nnlor '...rt."v '1111, .f.or,Qrt'. du. Iil!. 10 .oid 'and anrl will Jl'feo'lrl 111f! .om. again. I lJ..e lau,fl.t.l c10iml 01 "" 1"'''1111' wllOm.o....(Ot: "lid .1101 .oid lanJ it f,f.'f.' of all f'ncumbmnc,u. t>xrt>pl lakt'1 aU'ulnf/ Jluhn'qwpn' In I),',."ml..., 11, II)". tIroe_IttH't ,.. ,. J:i 71n I),? /) . hu .".,..... t~'I.rl.. In Witness Whereof, ,III' .oill nranlor ',01 .igru.-d onJ ...01('.1 1I..1.f.' prf."l"nll Ihf.' <lo)' and )11.'0' (i,,, 11"01'1' IIItiU,'II. 5'fJlI(""I'""'('II'~'''''l'lll'r (J) ~~ .tJ""~~ .~~,':~ .....~ .tD _hOw to. uto.ou.. un ~T:\ 1'F. lIt' CO\'ST" III' Florida Pa 1m Beach I II~.IU.H'" c~:IlTn'''' Iha' nn .hi, ""\'. lto,ln't mI'. ".. ,,11i'H ""I~ ;""1""",,,, ill .hr :>...". ;Ir"fl,."j,l ""cl in Ih,' C.,""I'( ...I""..",r! tn l;lkt "kn"wl,'d~""."". '....n.-...,.Il.' ;""1>':1,,',) C. Stanley Weaver and Erna Y. Weaver, his wife, III '.... ),lllitrtl,..,.. I"' tl... 1,...",,,5 .1""111...11 In ""0 wl.o ".t(ulr,l Ihl' l~r..~'n~:.i.'::~i~',rl" llnd they. ..d,,,,,w!t'O<ltd bt-luIC' fill' Ih.u they ".vr"h.d"otIf~ ""1101' I /. 6 .~.,' i~ ~'''~1iSS 111\' h~n,1 ~lId oUid." tr,,1 in Ihr e....nl). .."d t\\ ,"',Ii.. "'.II! "'/""0.\,,1 I~ll' Jd dlo)' "r , . 0trJ .^.o. ".Y!>- ! 0 A :.:- \,: .,: ~tA'''~''''''l.OI Uv eo~ ~ October 28. 1985 BontJlooJ thl\,l M~ IorI<inO Ag~ n[cc?'~ VF!'IFI€O rf~lM 3F.:,GH COONTY rlA JOW, B. DUNKLE CLERK CIHCUIl COURT Thi! IIIS/rmth'''' pn-'ptrt/ hy: Add",.. ~:'IJIJJI ...........-.. PARTN8RSHIP AGREEMENT AGkEEMEN'l', execu:ed in th T . e Own of Palm Beach ~ ' Florida, of 19 oS-, /~.~ <]". between BROCK, PETER BROCK, and WILLIAM S. GkAHAM effective '~:lp,L the ~:'--.:::. day as of BROCK, ANDREW referred to as "p cJrtners If) WIT N E SSE T H to forrr a General The P artners desire Partnership for th~ ntll""l"\....~,... - "~ PARTNBRSHIP AGREEMENT 'l'HIS AGl<EEMEN'I', execu:ed in the Town of Palm Beach, Florida, to be effective as of theS::?/~day Of~ ' 19f.;r: between HERBERT BROCK, ANDREW BROCK, PETER BROCK, and WILLIAM S. Gl<AHAM {herein referred to as ("Partners"): ~ I T N E SSE T H : The Partners desire to forrr a General Partnership for the purpose of owning and operating real property situated in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: SEE SC"iEDULE "An ATTACHED HERE'rO together with all buildings and improvements thereon (if any), now or hereafter, (herein referred to as ("Real Estate"), for the purposes hereinafter set forth. NOW, THERI':FOl<E, ill consideration of the mutual promises of the parties hereto and other good and valuab~e consideration, the receipc and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, it is agreed as follows: ARTICLE 1 - NAME 1.01 The firm name of the Partnership shall be KNUTH ROAD ASSOCIATES (hereinafter referred to as "Partnership"l. '\RTICLE 2 - TERM 2.01 The Partnersh.p term shall continue until the date fifty (SOl years from the date hereof unless the Partnership is dissolved sooner in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 - PLACE OF BUSINESS 3.01 The principal office and place of business of the Part- nership shall be at such place or places as may from time to time be designated by the Partners. ARTICLE 4 - TYPE OF BUSINESS 4.01 The business of the Partnership shall consist of ownin~ and operating the Real Estate as ~n investment and, if deemed advisable b) the Partnership, for income produ.cing purposes and of carrying on any and all activities necessary, proper, convenient or advisable in connection there- with or related thereto. The partnership shall engage in no other business. ARTICLE 5 - CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 5.01 The Partners shall have made contributions to the capital accounts of the Partnershif as reflected on thp hnn~c ,...,F ....h~ T"'I_ u ~ PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT 'l'HIS AGkEEMEN'l', execu:ed in the Town of Palm Beach, Florida, to be effective as of the Sid day of ~ ' 19 ?.s; between HERBERT BROCK, ANDREW BROCK, PETER BROCK, and WILLIAM S. GkAHAM (herein referred to as ("Partners"): & I T N E SSE T H : The Partners desire to forrr a General Partnership for the purpose of owning and operating real property situated in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: SEE SC1EDULE "A" ATTACHED HERETO together with all buildings and improvements thereon (if any), now or hereafter, (herein referred to as ("Real Estate"), for the purposes hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFOkE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties hereto and other goe,d and valuab~e consideration, the receip\: and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, it is agreed as follows: ARTICLE 1 - NAME 1.01 The firm name of the partnership shall be KNUTH ROAD ASSOCIATES (hereinafter referred to as "Partnership"). ARTICLE 2 - TERM 2.01 The partnership term shall continue until the date fifty (SOl years from the date hereof unless the partnerShip is dissolved sooner in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 - PLACE OF BUSINESS 3.01 The principal office and place of business of the Part- nership shall be at such place or places as may from time to time be designated by the Partners. ARTICLE 4 - TYPE OF BUSINESS 4.01 The business of the Partnership shall consist of ownin~ and operating the Real Estate as ~n investment and, if deemed advisable b, the partnership, for income producing purposes and of carrying on any and all activities necessary, proper, convenient or advisable in connection there- 6.03 No Partn8r s ,all receive salary for services rend8rec1 to the Partnership, except as may be agreed upon by the Partnership from time to time. 6.04 The Partners shall have such drawing and expense accounts as may be agreed upon by the l'artnership from time to time. 6.05 The cash flow from Partnership operations (except for such reserves as the Partnershi~ may determine from time to time to be n~cessary for retention by the PartnErship to carryon its business) shall be dis- tributed by the partnershi~ at such intervals as deemed advisable. For purposes of this Agreement, "cash flow" means all cash received by ~he Partnersh ip from any source (incl udi ng Partnership borrowi ngs, sUbjt,ct to the provisions in the preceding sentence, and the net proceeds from any refinancing or sale of the Partnership assets), less cash expended for debts and expenses of the P~rtnership, normal contract payments, leose pay- ments, reasonable reserves ~nd other expenses incident to the business of the Partnership), principal payments on any Partnership indebtedness in any capital expendidtures of th.. Partnership.' Such cash flow shall be dis- tributed in accordance with the following priorities: (a) All Partnt!rs' loans (including interest thereon) referred to in Section 5.06 shall be repaid in full, unless otherwise agreed to by such respective lender. (b) Any remaining cash flow shall be distributed to the Partners in repayment of their capital contributions, in the same proportions as their respective capital contributions bear to the total capital contributions of all of the Partners. (c) Any remaining cash flow shall be distributed to the Partn8rs in the same percentage as their respective inter- ests in the Partnership shall stand from time to time. ARTICLE 7 - VOTING,. MANAGEMENT, DUTIES AND RESTRICTIONS 7.01 Each Partner shall be entitled to vote his respective percentage interest, from ti .ne to time. Unless otherwi se sta ted herein specifically to the c,)ntrary, the Agreement, vote or consent c,f th8 Partnership as herein re~uired shall consist of concurrence of the Partners owning sixty (60%) percent of interests in the Partnership which shall be binding on aI' the Partners and shall constitute the acts of the Partnership. 3 7.02 Unless otherw.se stated herein specifically to the contrary, the right to manage and conduct all of the business of the Partnership, including, but not limited to the development, construction, managem~nt, leasing and mortgaging of tte Real Estate and in general the right to borrow money on behalf of tte Partnership, shall be vested in the Partners. 7.03 Each Partner shall devote so much of his time and attention to the business of the Partrership as is necessary for the PartnershlP business. 7.04 The Partners and any member of the families of any of them, and any other person Or firm to which any of them is related or in which any of them is interested, h~rein referred to as Affiliates, may engage in or possess any interest in other business ventures of any kind, indepen- pently Or with others, inclu~ing, but not limited to, the purchase, development, construction, l~ase, sale of other real property, other than that which is involved in thIs Agreement, for their own account or fer the account of others. The fact that a Partner Or any such Affiliate may encounter and take advantage of opportuni~ies to do any of the foregoing themsel ve,; or on behalf of 01.hers in whom they mayor may not have an interest, shall not subject nuch Partner Or Affiliate to any liability to the PartnerShip or any of thp Partners on account of the loss of opportunity. Neither the Partnership nor any Partner shall have any right by virtue of this Agreement Gr the Partnership relationship created hereby in or to such ventures or activities or to the income or profits deriJed therefrom, and the pursuit of such ventures shall not be deemed wrongful or improper. 7.05 The partnershif shall indemnify and hold harmless the Partners from any loss, damage, fine, penalty, expense (including attorney's feesl, judgment, or amount paid in settlement incurred by the Partners because of any act p.~rformed on behalf of the Partnership or in furtherance of its interests. This shall not relieve a Partner of liability for fraud, bad faitn or gross negligence; nor shall there bE' any indemnification, as herein provided, in the event that a Partner shall be adjudged to have breached his fiduciary duty to the Partnership. 7.06 No Partner shalL, in the Partnership name or on behalf of the Partnership, without prior written consent of the Partnership first obtained: 4 (a) Io:ndorse "ny note or otherwise become surety or guarantor (or any pen.on or act as an accommodation party for any person. (b) eorrow 01 lend money or make, deliver or accept any commercial paper. (c) Execute alY mortgage, security agreement, bond, or lease, or purchase, or contract to purchase, or sell or contract to sell any property for or of the Partnership other than the type of property leased, bought and/or sold in the regular course of its business. If any Partne~ shall take any action prohibited by this section, he shall indemnify and hold harmless the other Partners against any l~ability the others ~hall incur by reason of the prohibited action. 7.07 In the event lhat the Partnership borrows money from a lending institution which requires that the Partners individually execute the Mortgage, Note or other secujity instrument, each Part- ner shall immediately sign said Mortgage, Note or other security as so requested. 7.08 The Partnership may nominate others to hold Partnership assets on its behalf. ARTICLE B - BANK ACCOUNTS B.Ol The Partnership shall maintain checking or other accounts in such bank or banks as the Partnership shall determine. Withdrawals shall be made on the signature of any of the Partners, and any other person, as may be designated in writing from time to time by the partnership. ARTICLE 9 - BOOKS AND RECORDS 9.01 The books and records of the Partnership shall be maintained at the principal office of the partnership and each Partner shall have access thereto at all times. Audits shall be made as determined to be necessary by the partnership, and each Partner shall be furnished a copy of the audit report, if any, wit~in thirty (30) days after its completiol. ARTICLE 10 - ADDITIONAL PARTNERS 10.01 With the consent of all of the Partners, additional persons may be admitted as Partners upon each such additional person making, or agreeing to make, such contributions to the capital of the Partnership as shall be determined by the Partnership. S ARTICLE 11. - ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER 11.01 Each Pa~tne~ ag~ees that, except as may be app~oved, f=om time to time by the other Partners, he shall not transfe~, assign, sell, pledge, hypothecate, o~ otherwise encumber, or dispose of his share of the partnerShip or asset of the Partnership or any part thereof, or any right, title or interest therein, currently owned or hereafter acquired by him, except Ii) to another then eKisting Partner; or liil pursuant to a BONA FIDE OFFER made by or to a party who is not then a Partner (hereinafter referred to as an "OUTSIDER"j; and liii) in acco~dance with the require- ments hereinafte~ set forth: (a) in the event that any Partner (hereinafter referred to as the "SELLING PARTNER") shall at any time desire to sell or otherwise transfer all or any part of his inte~est to an OU'I'SIDER in accordance with the requirement set forth in section 11.01 subparagraphs Iii) and tiiil above, then, in that event, the SELLING PARTNER shall be required, before selling or otherwise transferring his interest, or any part thereof, to such OUTSIDER, to first offer in writing (the "MANDATORY OFFER") to sell or transfer that interest, or any part thereof, to thE remaining Partners Ihereinafter referreJ to as the "NON-SELLING PARTNERS") for the same price (or, in the event that non-monetary consideration is to be given, then at the opti<1n of each of the NON-'SELLING PARTNERS with respect to the interest to be purchased by him, for the cash equivalent thereof [also hereinafter referred to as the "price"}) and upon the same terms and conditions as contained in the said BONA FIDE OFFER. The SELLING PARTNER shall attach to said MANDATORY OFFER a true and complete copy of the BONA FIDE OFFER and a written statement containing the name and address of the proposed OUTSIDER trdnsferee and all terms and conditions of the proposed transaction. Ib) Each of the NON-SELLING PARTNERS shall have, and is hereby granted, the absolute right to purchase his respective "proportionate share" las said term is hereinfater defined) of all, but not less than all, of the interest offered by the SELLING PARTNER, as contained in the BONA FIDE OFFER; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that written notice of such NON-SELLING PARTNER'S 6 intention to exercise such absolute right shall have been given to the SELLING PARTN81'. within thirty (30) days following service of the MANDATORY OFr'8R upon such NON-SELLING PARTNER. (c) In the ev.'nt that any NON-SEI,LING PAR'fNI::R fails te, affirmatively exercise the absolute right granted to him in subparagraph (b) above. then the other NON-SELLING PAMTNERIS) shall have, and are he'eby granted, the absolute right to purchase all, but not ess than all, of the remaining interest of the SELLING PARTNER, u~'on the same terms and conditions and for the same price as contdined in the BONA FIDE OFFER; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that wri tten notice of such NON-SELLING PARTNER'S intention to exercise said absolute right shall have been given by such NON-SELI,ING PA~rNER to the SELLING PARTNER within fifte2n (15) days following the expiration of the thirty (30) day period referred to in paragrapl1 (b) above. (d) In the ~vent that none of the NON-SELLING PARTNERS exercise the absolute reght granted ~to them in subparagraph (b) above, then the SELLING PARTNER shall be entitled, during the four (4) month period iumediately following the expiration of such forty-five (45) da( period, to sell or otherwise transfer his interest to the OUTSIDER. Such sale of his interest, however, shall be made unly upon the terms and conditions set forth in the BONA FIDE OFFER and only to the OOTSIDER identified in the MANDATORY OFFER. (e) In the event that the NON-SELLING PARTNER(S) elects to exercise their right under subparagraph (b) and, if applicable, subparagrapr (c) above and so notifies the SELLING PARTNER within the time periods set forth therein, then in such event, the closing of s~ch sale or transfer shall take place at the office of the Partnership at 10:00 a.m. on the later of: (i) the closing date set forth in the MANDATORY OFFER, or (ii) the thirtieth (30th) day following service upon the SELLING PARTNER of such NON-SELLING PARTNER'S notice of intention to exercise his absolute right under subparagraph (b) and, if applicable, subparagraph (c) above. 7 If) At the closing, the SELLING PARTNER shall deliver to the NON-SELLING PARTNEKIS) an assignment of the interest to be sold or transferred to.jether with such other documents reasonably necessary to consummat~ the transaction. The NON-~lLLING PARTNER(S) shall thereupon tender the purchase price or \ ,ther consideration payable by him I them) to the SELLING PARTNER in accordance with subparagraph (b) and, if applicable, subparagraph Ic) above. (g) As used herein, a NON-SELLING PARTNER'S "propor- tionate share" of the lnterest being offered by the SELLING PARTNER shall be that portion of the offered interest computed by multiplying (i) such offered interest, by (ii) a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the interest of the partnership owned by such NON-SELLING PARTNER and the denominator of which shall be the combined interest in the Partnership owned by all NON-SELLING PARTNERS. (h) Any purported transfer or disposition of an interest in violation of the terms of this paragraph shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and shall be void and as such shall be neither recognized nor ~iven any effect by the partnership. (i) The transfer by a Partner of his interest in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall have no effect upon the continuation of the Partnership business. The Remaining Partners shall have the right to continue to use the Partnership name as set forth herein. (j) No Partner may have or maintain an action for partition of any of the property of the Partnership and that suell waiver of right is hereby declared to be irrevocable. The interests of the Partners herein is personalty. (k) The transferee of any Partner's interest in the partnership in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall be subject to all the terms, conditions, restrictions, and Obliga- tions of this Agreeement, including the provisions of this Article. ARTI2LE 12 - DEATH 12.01 Upon the death of any Partner, the Partnership shall be dissolved in accordance with P. S. Chapter 620 (1980). However, the 8 surviving Partners may elecl to continue the Partnership and, if so, shall have the right to purchase the entire interest of the decedent in the Partnership from the successor owner of the interest of a decedent Partner in which event the Partnership shall continue. (a) The PartnEr(S) shall have the absolute right to purchase the interest 0f the decedent in accordance with the provisions of subparagr~phs (d) and (el hereof by notifying the Personal Representative of the Decedent. Said notice shall be sent by certified mail within sixty (60) days following the establishment of the value in aCCOrdance with the provisions of Article 12.0l(d) (with .'l copy to the Partnership). The purchas" price and method of payment shall be as determined in subpara- graph (d) hereof. FailJre to notify shall be deemed to be an election not to purchas, such interest. (bl In the event that the Surviving Partners shall elect not to purchase such in~erest, they shall so notify the aforesaid appropriate party, as wrlll as the Partnership, within thirty (30) days from the date of t ,e election set forth in Article 12.0Ual above. (c) Each notic" of acceptance by a Surviving Partner shall specify the amount of his or her "proportionate share" which such Surviving Partner intends to purchase. In the event that a Surviving Partner shall elect not to acquire all of his or her proportionate share, then and in that event the partnership shall 50 notify the oth~r Surviving Partners who did give timely notice, who shall have ten (10) days from receipt of such notice to notify the representative of the decedent and the Partnership of his or her acceptance to purchase all or a portion of the balance of such proportiunate share. For the purposes of this subparagraph, a SurvivinLJ Partner's "proportionate share" of the interest to be purchased from the deceased Partner shall be determined in the same manner as provided in section 11.01 hereof. A surviving parcner shall waive his right to purchase, as hereinabove described, if he fails to provide the aforedescribed timely notice. (d) In the event that the Surviving Partners have elected to purchase the ~ntire interest of the deceased Partner, 9 ~-_._----"---'--_.- a purchase price (unleqs voluntary agreement can be reached by the parties) shall be ~he val~e as finally determined for Federal Estate Tax purposes. (e) A closing shall take place one hundred eighty (180)days after the va,ue is determined unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties. Any closing costs shall be split equally by the purchasing parties and a selling party. A purchase price shall be paid as follows: twenty percent (20%) at closing by cash, cashier's check, certified check or bank check; the balance by a promissory note bearing interest at Chase Manhattan prime in a form commonly used iD Palm Beach county providing: (a) no prepayment penalty, (b) interest payable quarterly, and (c) principal payable in equal semi-annual installments. Such installments of princifal shall be paid as follows: (a) if the principal amount of the Note is less than $200,000.00, then it shall be paid in eight (8) equal semi-annual installments; (b) if the principal amount of the Note is 'less than $400,000.00, then it shall be paid in sixteen (16) semi-annual installments; (c) lf the principal amount of the Note is $400,000.00 or more, then it. shall be paid in twenty (20) equal semi-annual installments; (d) the note shall be secur~d by assets satisfactory to Seller or an irrevocable letter of credit. In the eve~t that the Partnership has purchased life insurance on the decedent for the purposes of funding this "buy-out" in an amount ~qual to or greater than the percentage of the purchase price to be paid at closing, then the cash due at closing shall be the net proceeds therefrom, payable upon receipt by the Partnership and allocated to the purchasing Partners, as appropriate, the balanct, if any, by promissory note as herein- above described. If the proceeds from life insurance are less than said percentage, it shall be applied against the cash required at closing. The parties may modify this payment schedule upon mutual agreement. (f) If the surviving Partners did not elect to purchase the entire interest of the decedent, then the surviving Partners shall either: (i) proceed with reasonable promptness to liquidate the assets of the Partnership or (ii) continue the business of 10 the partnership as herJin set forth with the estate (and ultimately the distrib~tees of the estate) of the deceased Partner according to said Partnership interest. Unless waived, the surviving Partners and estate of the deceased Partner shall share in the profits and losses of the business during the period of liquidation in the same proportions in which they shared such profits and losses priGr to the death of the deceased Partner, except that the estate of the decedent shall not be liable for losses in excess of th~ decedent's interest in the Partnership at the time of his death. ARTICLE 13 - DISSOLUTION 13.01 The Partnershi? may be dissolved at any time upon the vote of the Partners owning sixty percent (60%) of the interests of the parties. upon any voluntary dissolution, the partnership shall immediately commence to wind up its affairs. The Partners shall continue to share profits and losses duri.ng the period of liquidation in the same proportions as b~fore dissolution. The proceeds from liquidation of Partnership assets shall be distributed in the manner prescribed in section 620.74', of the Florida Statutes (1981). 13.02 If any of the following events shall occur: (a) If'any parcner shall be the subject of a voluntary or involuntary petition (which remains undismissed sixty (60) days after its filing) 1n bankruptcy or shall be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, or shall admit insolvency or file any petition or answer seekIng any organization, arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution or similar relief for himself under the present or any future federal bankruptcy act or any other present or future applicadble federal, state or other statute or law relative to bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief for debtors or shall seek consent to or acquiese in the appointment of any trustee, receiver, conservator or liquidatcr of said Partner or of all or any substantial part of his properties or his interest in the partnership (the term "acquiesce" includes but is not limited to the failure to file a pel:ition or motion to vacate or discharge any order, judgment or d~cree providing for such appointment 11 within ten (10) days after the appointment); or (bl If any Partner shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors cr take any other similar action for the protection or benefit of creditors; (c) In the event of the occurrence of an event set forth in Section 620.71(3) and (5) and (6). If such dissolution is caused by a Partner doing or suffering any of the acts set forth above, or by violating this Agreement or by conducting himself or becoming incapacitated as described in F.S. 62D.715(1)(a)I~)lc) and Id), then such Partner shall bE deemed to have caused -he dissolution wrongfully and the remaining Partners sha 1 have all rights provided to them in F.S. 620.745 or, in the alt,>rnative, may cause the liquidation of the partnership assets. 13.03 In the event (,f the occurrence of an event specified 1n section 13.01 or 13.02 abOVE, any gain or loss on disposition of Partnership properties in the process of-liquidation shall be credited or charged to the Partners i, the proportion of their interests in the Partnership. Any property distributed in kind in the liquidation shall be valued and treated as though the property were sold and the cash proceeds were distributed. The difference between the value of property distributed in kind and its book value shall be treated as a gain or loss on sale of the property and shall be credited or charged to the Partners in the proportions of their interest in the Partner- ship. 14.01 ARTICLE 14 - DEFAULT In the event any Partner fails to make any payment required by the provisions hereof, within ten (10) working days after the same becomes due and paYable by such Partner, then such partner shall be deemed to have defaLlted in the performance of his obliga- tions under this Agreement (hereinafter referredd to as "DEFAULTING PARTNER'), and all of the interest of such DEFAULTING PARTNER shall thereupon become a "Defaulted Interest" and shall be subject to dis- position as hereinafter provided. The date said payment was origin- ally due shall be called the "Defaulted Date". While in default, a Defaulting Partner shall have no right to vote or otherwise direct or control the activities of ~he Partnership. 12 witnin ten (10) dais after the Default Date, each of the NON-DEFAUL'l'l NG PARTNER or PARTNERS shall by wri tten notice to the Partnership, signify his willingness to pay his pro rata share of the required payment owed by tie Defaulting Partner. If no notice is received within such period of time, such NON-DEFAULTING PARTNER shall be deemed to have refused to pay his prorata share of the requir~d payment owed by the Defaulting Partner and the options available in this Article will not be available to such NON-DEFAULTING PARTNER. The NON-DEFAULTING PARTNERCS), who have signified by a timely writi~g, their willingness to pay sLeh required payment owed by the Defaulting Partner shall forthwith pay over to the Partnership his pro rata shdre of the amount owed. Upon payment to the partnership of such pro rata share such NON-DEFAULTI NG PA.RTNER or PARTNERS shall thereafter reqUl re the following rights in and to such Defaulted Interest: (a) A lien up,-.n such Defaulted Interest for the pro rata amount so paid, plus i1terest thereon at the highest rate permitted by law. The DEFAULTING PARTNER shall have the period of time hereinafter stated from the Default Date to pay to the Partnership the amount owed by the DEFAULTING PARTNER, plus interest and all charges by the Partnership incurred on account of such default. If S0 paid, the Partnership shall remit to the NON-DEFAULTING PARTNERIS) advancing such monies, the sums due. (b) Should the default not be cured in full within thirty (30) days from the Default Date, the NON-DEFAULTING PARTNER or PARTNERS shall have the right and option to purchase their pro rata share of the Defaulted Interest pursuant to the remaining provisions of this Raticle. (c) The NON-DEFAULTING PARTNER or PARTNERS desiring to purchase the interest 01 a Defaulting Partner shall, within sixty (60) days from the expiration of the curative period, purchase the interest of the DEFAULTING PARTNER for a purchase price of one hundred percent (100%) of the book value of the DEf'AUL'rING PARTNER'S interest less the amount of the default. Cd) The NON-DEFAULTING PARTNER(Sl are authorized and directed to issue an assignment covering any Defaulted Interest in the event the DEFAUL~ING PARTNER, as seller thereof, fails or refuses to execute a proper assignment. Each Partner does 13 hereby irrevocably appc)int the then NON-DEFAULTING PARTNEH(S) "5 his lawful agent and attorney-in-fact coupled with an interest for valuable considera~ion to execute such assignment. 14.02 The purchase ,rice to be paid by the PURCHASING PARTNEH(S) who purchase a D~FAULTING PARTNER'S interest in accordance with the provisions of Arti,"le 14 shall be paid in the following' manner: (a) The PURCHASING PARTNERS shall take subject to the DEFAULTI NG PARTNER' S PI"O rata alloca tion of any mortgage indebtedness encumberiug the property and the PURCHASING PARTNERS shall be entitled to a credit therefor. (b) The PURCHASING PARTNERS will each deliver to the DEFAULTING PARTNER, a fully executed unsecured promissory note for his pro rata share ~f the balance, less credits and normal proratable expenses, on a form commonly used in Palm Beach County, Florida, providing for acceleration on thirty (30) days' default, attorneys' feeg, bearing interest at the rate of seven percent (7%) per annum, and subject to the provisions of this instrument. interest an I principal payable in the number of equell annual payments as here,nafter provided. (c) The Note s lall be payable as follows: (i) "I f t'"le balance due to the DEFAULTI NG PARTNER is less than $50,000.00, then the note shall provide for a single payment at -he end of one year. (ii) If the balance due the DEFAULTING PARTNER is between $50,000.00 and $100,000.00. then the note shall provide for two (2. equal annual payments. (Hi) If tLe balance due the DEFAULTING PARTNER is greater than $100,000.00, then the note shall provide for four (41 equal annLal payments. (d) The note may be prepaid in whole or in part at any time without p~nalty. 14.03 The reamining Partners may, in the alternative to the acquisition of a defaulted interest, cause the dissolution of the Partnership. Such right shall also apply in any other material default which is uncured afte~ ten (101 days notice herein. 14 ARTICL~ 15 - AMENDMENTS 15.01 Any amendmencs to this Agreement shall be made in wri ting and shall be attaci,ed to this original Agreement. ARTICLE 16 - BINDING ON SUCCESSORS 16.01 This Agre~nent shall be binding upon and operate for the benefit of the parties hereto and their heirs and legal representa- tives. It shall be bindinq upon any transferee who has received any interest in the PartnershiJ, and upon the heirs and legal representa- tives of such transferee, ~nd upon any person claiming any interest in any of the Partnership pursuant to a purported transfer made in viola- lion of the provisions of this Agreement, and upon the heirs, assigns and legal representa ti ves "f such person. ARTICLf 17 - MISCELLANEOUS 17.01 If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phra,e or portion of this Agreemerct is. for any reason, held invalid or un;~on- stitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion Sh.lll be deemed a separate, disti~ct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions her,!Of which shall be enforced to ehe fullest extent permitted by law. 17.02 Except as otherwise provided herein. this Agreement shall terminate and become l1ull and void upon the dissolution or liquidation of this Partnership. 17.03 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with t.he laws of the State of Florida notwithstanding the residence or domicile of any of the parties heret.., now or in the future. 17.04 Any notice re'.lui red by this Agreement shall be deemed to have been served if sent re~istered or certified mail, addressed to the party to whom such noti,;e is intended to be given, at the address set forth above or at such Dther address as each party shall have pre- viously furnished, in writing, to the partnership. 17.05 This instrument contains the entire Agreement of the parties and may not be changed, modified or cancelled except by writ- ten instrument, duly executed by all of said parties. 17.06 Captions or tItles of paragraphs contained herein are for convenience only, and neither limit or amplify the provisions of the Agreement itself. 15 17.07 Any provision" in this Partnership Agreement may be waived by unanimous vote of the Partners entitled to cast votes. 17.08 In the event that any Partner shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with the provisions of this Agreement, then, in that event, and so long as such lefault continues, such defaulting Partner or transferee thereof in vi ,lation of the provisions hereof shall ne,t be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Partners and the holder of such interest shall not be "ntitled to any distributions in respect of his interest. 17.09 The parties auree that irreparable damage would be done to the goodwill and reputatJon of the Partnership if any Partner should bring an action in ccurt to dissolve the Partnership except where a material violation cf this Agreement has occurred or as provided for herein. Care ras not been taken in this Agreement to provide what the parties feel is fair and just payment in liquidation of the interests of all Partners. Accordingly, each party hereby waives and renounces his right to such a ~ourt decree of dissolution or to seek the appointment bv the court of a liquidator for the Partnership. 17.10 Each of the parties acknowledges that the parties will be irreparably damaged (and Jamages at law would be an inadequate remedy) if this Agreement is not specifically enforced. Therefore, in the event of a breach or threatened breach by any party of any pro- vision of this Agreement, then the other party shall be entitled, in addition to all other rights or remedies, to injunctions restraining such breach, without being required to show any actual damage or to post any bond or other secun ty, and/or to a decree for specific per- formance of the provisions 01 this Agreement. 17.11 If any legal aLtion or other proceeding, including arbi- tration, is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connec- tion with any provisions of this Agreement, the successful or prevail- ing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attor- ney's fees and expenses, court costs and all expenses even if not taxable as court costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fee~ and expenses incident to any appeals), incurred in that action or proceeding (plus interest on such aggregate amount at a rate per 16 annum equal to the maximum rate under applicable law), in addition to any other relief to which ,;uch party or parties may be entitled. 17.12 No remedy helein conferred upon any party is intended to be exclusive of any other lemedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No bingle or partial exercise by any party of any right, power or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed the foregoing Partnership AgreE'roent as of the date first above written. WI'rNESSES: /fJ,; / , // /1 4"~~6eTtC p~tc~ (~'-J<-I Jr/?(7~ As t HERBERT BROCK ? - Lzt/7 /~;ja ' JtHalz.~ " /,' ~.:n~~ As 0 ANDREW BROCK ~__"c-,.. - - " ,~'--':'~<;2_ ) . PETER BKUC~ (SEAL) As to PETER BROCK ! ifc:j41!iii ,J}itCdMr ~L!J~s(Yt~;:dt /{p~ WILLIAMS. G AM (SEJlL) STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared HERBERT BROCK, well known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily. (SEAL) and~icial seal in the County and State Of, ~ ,l9J"S-. l ~ ( ~A/l~(7~ Notary PubA~C~a~q~te of Florida My Gommission Exprres: 1 7 Ibbv Pu!,1:r, Sr,:. of nOI;~~- My ~~m;~ljs:;j::H~ b.....i:.;~ (\~C. 11. 192a' last WITNESS my hand aforesaid this .sl _ day STATE OF VLURIDA : SS CO UN'!"!' OF PALM B1~ACH [ HEREBY CEH'I'H'Y t lat on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State af0resaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personalll appeared ANDREW BROCK, well known to m~ to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same in the presence of two subscribincl witnesses freely and voluntarily. WI'l'NESS my hand an" aforesaid this .$/4 day of ficial seal in the County and State last . 193'5"'. (SEAL) ~ .J1S{!~L Notary Publlc, State of Florida At Large My Commission Expires: " . , . . . Not~ry PU~itic StJtc af f.brid, MY' (c:m;:~.i~i"ll c::~,i;-es Dcc. 11. 15'88 ll"''''I~o In," lt~'v r.,j~ 1"""",0<<" Inc. STATE OF fLafUJ).. Y ) L0Ls-ttt~tS-h.:.s S COUN'l''f OF PALM fI!':ACH >1) I HEREBY CERTIFY thdt on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State afo~esaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared p~rER BROCK, well known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily. (SEAL) and official seal in the County and State last of _ E.dn.l1~AJ/ ,19~. Oi"J'I. <J .t:;:u ('~ Notary Public, St At Larg My Commission EXR'res: CONSTANCE GALUN I- Notal"} publlG, State ,of New Yor No 60-4691555 a \llIed in' Westchester coun~3:S- c~~mISSion Expires March 3D, 1 "- of Florida WITN~SS my hand afores~id this ~"'-' day STATE OF FLORIDA ) :SS ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared WILLIAM S. GKAHAM, well known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily. \1:; BALl and ~fficial seal in the County and State last of -C/fL-nu~, (J ,19 f"S: l~j--~'!.(J~ ~~c, State of Florida At Large My Commission Expires: Notarv PuMic, State of Florida Mv (omm:,,;,. Expire, Dec. 12. 1985 '~J)dod rh," IcQ'1 hin-lru"'."u.I"c. WITNESS my hand aforesaid this ~I day 18 AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND Si\t..E AGREEMENT ("Amendment") is made effective the 23rd day of November, 1998, by and between KNUTH ROAD ASSOCIATES, a Florida general partnership ("Seller"), and STOR-ALL PROPERTIES, INC., its nominees or assigns ("Purchaser"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller and Purchaser entered into that certain Agreement for Purchase and Sale last dated November 24, 1997, as amended by that certain Amendment thereto dated March 2, 1998, for certain property situated in Palm Beach County, Florida (collectively, the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Seller and Purchaser desire to modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the swn ofTEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows: I The recitations heretofore set forth are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. 2 Terms not otherwise dermed herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Agreement. 3 In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the terms and provisions of this Amendment and the terms and provisions of the Agreement, the terms and provisions of this Amendment shall control to the extent of such conflict or ambiguity. 4 The "Closing" (as defined in the Agreement) shall be amended to be the sooner to occur of: (x) June 1, 1999; and (y) fifteen (IS) days following "final approval" of the "Conditions Precedent" (as those terms are dermed in the Agreement) set forth in Paragraphs 6(a) and 6(b) of the Agreement; provided, however: (i) Purchaser may elect a sooner Closing upon at least ten (10) days notice to the Seller; and (ii) the Closing shall continue to be subject to all of the following: (a) the Conditions Precedent set forth in Paragraphs 6(a), 6(b) and 6(d) of the Agreement; (b) all of the representations and warranties of the Seller being true and correct as of the Closing; and (c) the Seller nol being in default of any of the Seller's covenants and obligations under the Agreement. The Condition Precedent set forth in Paragraph 6(c) of the Agreement is hereby deleted. Notwithstanding the revision of the Closing, the date for proration of taxes shall be December 1,1998. rTL1313871:5 November 301 1998 1 5 The option of the Purchaser and Seller to terminate the Agreement based upon the failure of the Conditions Precedent set forth in Paragraphs 6(a) and 6(b) of the Agreement is amended from nine (9) months following the Execution Date and one (I) year following the Execution Date. respectively. to June 1, 1999. :", .,. - 6 This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original. but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Amendment may be executed via telecopy. 7 The parties executing this Amendment warrant and represent to the other that they are duly authorized to sign this Amendment and that this Amendment is binding and enforceable against each of the respective parties without the joinder or consent of any other person or entity. 8 Except as specifically modified hereby, the terms of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WIlNESS WHEREOF. the parties have executed this Amendment as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: PURCHASER: Name: Title: Date: November~, 1998 SELLER: KNUTH ROAD ASSOCIATES By: Name: Title: General Partner Date: November _. 1998 l"1'L:373871:5 November 10, 1998 2 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE ("Amendment") is made this 2nd day of March, 1998, by and between Knuth Road Associates, a Florida general partnership ("Seller"), and STOR-ALL PROPERTIES, INC., its nominees or assigns ("Purchaser"). WIT NE S SE TH: WHEREAS, Seller and Purchaser entered into that certain Agreement for Purchase and Sale dated December 2, 1997 for certain property situated in Pahn Beach County, Florida ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Seller and Purchaser desire to modify the Agreement as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the swn ofTEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows: I. The recitations heretofore set forth are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Terms not otherwise defmed herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Agreement. 3. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between the terms and provisions of this Amendment and the terms and provisions of the Agreement, the terms and provisions of this Amendment shall control to the extent of such conflict or ambiguity. 4. Paragraph 6c of the Agreement is hereby revised to extend the Inspection Period to March 16, 1998. 5. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Amendment may be executed via telecopy. 6. The parties executing this Amendment warrant and represent to the other that they are duly authorized to sign this Amendment and that this Amendment is binding and enforceable against each of the respective parties without the joinder or consent of any other person or entity. I FTL:228300:4 7. Except as specifically modified hereby, the terms of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: PURCHASER: ~ERTlES'INC "\ /z. / <f6. I I l 0.~\ Date: . 1998 SELLER: KNUTH ROAD ASSOCITES, a Florida general partnership ANDREW BROCK, General Partner Date: .1998 2 FTL:228300:4 Sent b~ :RUD,EN Mc.CLOSKV 18FL Feb~_A5-99 02: 37PM f~OM 95476449~~954 426 1108 page 2/ 2 RUDEN MCCLOl;iKY SMITH SCHUSTI!:R & RUSSELL., P.A. 200 EAST BROWARD BOUlEVAllD FORT lAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 POST OffICE BOX 1900 FOIU lAUDeRDALE, FLORIDA 3l30:l 19541 7&4-6660 I=JJ(:: (954) 76404'996 ..... l T 0 h tll:- Y -; ;\ t L' W WRITER'S DIRECT OlALNUM8EI(, {9SAI 521.241 S E-MAIL: MKSlIflUDEN.COM February 5, 1999 The City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boule lard Boynton Beach, FL 33424 Re: Stor-All Properdes, Inc. purc/Jau from Knuth Road Associates; Our File No.: J '492-83 Dear Sir or Madam: Based solely upon Om' review of Chicago Title Insurance Company's Title Report under File No.: 309709833 and update ref)rt under File No.: 309900800 certified through January 25, 1999, we are of the opinion that fee :imple title is vested in Knuth Road A5sociates, a Florida general partnership. Sincerely I Mark K~ merstein cc: Jeffrey Anderson Sent. b"lIRUDEH McCLOSKY 18FL FE'''' ~3-99 11 =53aM 10140 F'EB 03, 1999 1P: CHI'-I'iGO/TlCOR TITI..E TU.NO: 95'HI17-0407 fro~ '547644~-'~*954 426 1108 p a q e _1.L ..L...- .33761 PAGl::l 2/3 @ CfoilCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY UPQATE STATUS OF AGENl"S' TITLE REPORT Agent File ND.: 11492-83 Our Fil. 1110.: i09900aOO TD: Ruden, XeCIQaky, smith, Schuater i R~asQll, P.A. 200 Bast Broward Blvd., P.o. Sox 1900 Ft. Lau~erdale/ Flori~ 33301 Attn. Valeri.. Ja.eot>a EfFECTIVE DATE Of LAST PRIOR TIn.e REPORT: Oecemb..r 5, 1997 at 8:0e a.~. EFffCTIVE DAil: OF THIS UPDATE TITLE REPORT: January 25/ 1'99 at 8.eo a.m. The Report on Status of TItle from 1I\e effective date of 1118 10$1 prior Title RePQrt hell been tontinued. MATTERS APPEARING OF RECORD SUBSEQUENT TO THE LAST PRIOR ~ REPORT: IlO:I:IIIKG l"OUHIl OP UCORD This update supplement. the previous StatUI of Titl. Report to you, No. 309900800. THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE Of THE ISSUANCE OF A CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY POLlCV BY THEADDRESSEEASAUTHORlZED BY THE COMPANY. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DISCLAIMS LIABILITY TO THE ADDRl:SSEE OR ANY OTHER PARTY IN THE EVENT THIS REPORT IS USED fOR A PU!lPOSE OTHER THAN AS STATED. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RoSanne Laferriere Title Teehnieian -F~ . . AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE 'IHIS AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE ("Agreement") made and entered into by and between KNUTH ROAD ASSOCIATES, a Florida general partnership ("Seller") and STOR-ALL PROPERTIES, INC. ("Purchaser"). . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Seller is the owner in fee simple of that certain parcel of real property ("Land") as more particularly described on Exbibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof and all easements, interests and other rights, if any, which are appurtenant to the Land, including, but not limited to, all right, title and interest, if any, of Seller in and to any land lying in the street, road, avenue or other right-of-way in front of or joining the Land and all right, title and interest of Seller in and to any awards made or to be made in lieu thereof, and in and to any unpaid awards for damages to said real property by reason of change of grade of any street, road, avenue or other right-of-way ("Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, Purchaser is desirous of purchasing the Subject Property and developing the Subject Property as a self-storage facility ("Contemplated Use") and Seller is desirous of selling the Subject Property upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereofis hereby acknowledged by each party hereto from the other party hereto, and a hereinafter receipted deposit and in considerations of mutual covenants and conditions and promises herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: 1) The foregoing recitations are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. 2) Seller agrees to sell to Purchaser and Purchaser agrees to purchase from Seller, the Subject Property I upon the terms and conditions herein set fqrth. The purchase rice to be paid by Purchaser to Seller for the Subject Property shall 4) The Purchase Price shall be paid as follows: ;r1 !}.~J ~1 a) Within two (2) business days following the "Execution Date" (as hereinafter defined), Purchaser shall deliver to Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A. Trust Account ("Escrow Agent") the sum ofTEN THOUSAND DOLLARS 1 rn.,r2?J..96.9:S November 26, 1'~7 - -----~------------ --~~-" encroach upon Purchaser's proposed improvements; and (iii) taxes for the year of Closing; (iv) zoning and governmental resolutions (e.g. setbacks, etc.), and (v) matters on Exhibit "B" hereto. Seller covenants to execute such reasonable affidavits and undertakings reasonably required by the Title Company to delete: (i) the Schedule B, Section I requirements in the Commitment (except liens which may arise out of mechanic liens with whom Purchaser"has contracted); (ii) the standard printed exceptions in the Commitment for parties in possession and unfiled liens which are customarily removable by such affidavits; and (Hi) the gap exception. 6) Unless waived in whole or in part in writing by Purchaser (which Purchaser shall have the right to do), this Agreement and Purchaser's obligations hereunder are subject to and contingent upon each and all of the following (hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as the "Conditions Precedent" and singularly as a "Condition Precedent"): a) Purchaser having obtained, by the Closing (as same may be extended as contemplated hereunder), fina1 approval of a site plan of the Subject Propeny by all applicable govemmental authorities which is acceptable to Purchaser (in Purchaser's sole discretion) and consistent with, and which shall provide for, a self-storage facility of not less than sixty thousand (60,000) square feet of gross floor area ("Contemplated Use"). Purchaser shall, in consultation with the Seller, promptly proceed and diligently attempt to obtain the aforementioned approvals. Ail costs and expense with respect to obtaining such approvals shall be borne by Purchaser. Seller covenants to use its best efforts to cause the joinder of any mortgagee (although this reference shall not be deemed to mean that any such mortgage is a Permitted Exception hereunder) in any such petitions and applications. As set forth in this Paragraph 6, "fina1 approval" shall mean final approval with all time for further appeal being expired, and with no appeal being then pending and no appeal instituted and no petition filed. b) That, at the time of the Closing contemplated hereby, the Subject Property will have received fina1 approval for zoning consistent with the Contemplated Use and shall be consistent with the aforesaid site plan approval to be sought by Purchaser. In conjunction with the foregoing, Purchaser shall, in cOJ?Sultation with Seller, promptly proceed and diligently pursue fina1 approval for zoning of the Subject Property upon terms and conditions reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser. All costs of the foregoing zoning approval shall be paid by the Purchaser. In conjunction with the approvals contemplated by subparagraphs 6(a) and 6(b) hereof, Purchaser agrees to advise the Seller in advance of any meetings with governmental authorities (including staff meetings) with respect to the Subject Property and permit the Seller to be present at such meeting(s). c) Purchaser shaI1 have ninety (90) days from the "Execution Date" (as hereinafter defined) ("Inspection Period") to conduct such investigations and make such tests 3 l'TL,271969,$ November 24.. 1997 ($10,000) ("Initial Deposit"), which amount shall be held in accordance with this Agreement, and which shall be credited toward the Purchase Price hereunder. All amounts to be held in escrow pursuant to this Agreement shall be deposited in accounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. b) At the end of the "Inspection Period" (as hereinafter defined), Purchaser shall post with the Escrow Agent an additional deposit ("Additional Deposit") in the amount of FlFTEEN TIIOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000), which Additional Deposit shall be held and disbursed in the same manner as the Initial Deposit. c) Following the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Paragraph 6(a) hereof, Purchaser shall post with the Escrow Agent a second additional deposit ("Second Additional Deposit") in the amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($15,000), which Second Additional Deposit shall be held and disbursed in the same manner as the Initial Deposit The Additional Deposit, the Initial Deposit and the Second Additional (collectively, the "Deposit") shall be held in escrow by Escrow Agent. d) The balance of the Purchase Price shall be payable at the Closing (as hereinafter defined) plus or minus prorations as hereinafter set forth in the form of cash, wire transfer, local attorney trust account check or local cashier's check which said sum shall be a part of the aforedescribed Purchase Price. 5) Within ten (10) days following the date hereof, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser a commitment ("Commitment") issued by Chicago Title Company (Title Company") for the issuance of an ALT A Form "B" Marketability Owner's Title Insurance Policy without exception other than the Permitted Exceptions for the amount of the Purchase Price. If Purchaser shall have any objection(s) with respect to the status of title to the Subject Property as reflected in the Commitment and/or the Survey, Purchaser shall notify Seller of such objections ("Title Notice") on or before ten (l0) days following Purchaser's receipt of Seller's Title Evidence ("Title Review Period"). In the event the Commitment or the survey of the Land to be obtained by, and at the sole cost and expense of Purchaser ("Survey") reflects any title condition which shall render title to the Subject Property to be other than good, marketable and insurable, as herein prOVided, subject to the Permitted Exceptions, then Seller shall be required to use reasonable diligence to make Seller's title to the Subject Property good, marketable and insurable, however, in so doing, Seller shall not be obligated to commence any suit or to incur any expense in excess of $5,000.00, plus the amount required to discharge any mortgages, construction liens or judgments which Seller placed or permitted to become a lien on the Subject Property and Seller shall have a reasonable time, not to exceed sixty (60) days, in which to render title to the Subject Property good, marketable and insurable. If, after the expiration of said sixty (60)-day period, Seller has not cured the defect(s) of which Purchaser gave notice, then the provisions of Paragraph 15(b) shall be applicable. As set forth herein, "Permitted Exceptions" shall mean: (i) those matters not set forth in a timely-served Title Notice; (ii) customary public utility easements and other matters common to the subdivision which will not 2 P'l'L:271969:S November 2",. 1997 ~- ~- ------ ----~-~" on and with respect to the Subject Property as Purchaser shall desire to detennine that Purchaser is satisfied with any and all matters concerning the Subject Property, including, without limitation, the availability of water and sewer, the condition of the soil, the marketability of the Subject Property and such other matters as Purchaser deems appropriate. If, on or before the expiration of the Inspection Period, Purchaser has not notified Seller that Purchaser is not satisfied with the Subject Property as contemplated by this subparagraph 6(c), same shall be deemed acceptable to Purchaser and the Condition Precedent of this subparagraph 6( c) shall be deemed to have been satisfied. If, on or before the expiration of the Inspection Period, Purchaser does notify Seller that Purchaser is not satisfied with the Subject Property, which determination shall be made in Purchaser's sole and absolute discretion, this Agreement shall be deemed CllnCeled and all monies and/or promissory notes deposited hereunder shall be forthwith returned to Purchaser by the holder thereof and except as otherwise provided below in this paragraph 6, all parties hereto shall be released and relieved from any and all further obligations hereunder or arising herefrom. Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold Seller hannless from loss to person or property, caused by acts of Purchaser, its agents, contractors and/or employees upon or in respect of the Subject Property during the Inspection Period. Purchaser shall also indemnify Seller against, and discharge at no cost to Seller any and all construction and/or other liens or liabilities which Purchaser may have caused or suffered to arise in respect of the Subject Property. The indemnities set forth in this subparagraph 6( c) shall survive the Closing or the tennination of this Agreement. d) That, at the time of the Closing contemplated hereby, there are no building moratoriums in effect, pending, threatened or imminent for construction of any improvements or the issuance of building permits with respect to the Subject Property, and there are no sewer and water hook-up, water extraction, electrical or other utility moratoriums in effect, pending, threatened or imminent with respect to the Subject Property. Purchaser shall be obligated to make diligent, good faith efforts to satisfy the Conditions Precedent. Seller shall be entitled to cancel this Agreement jf all Conditions Precedent shall not have been satisfied or waived by Purchaser within one (I) year following the Execution Date. Should this Agreement be Cllnceled due to the failure of any Condition Precedent, the Deposit shall be forthwith returned to Purchaser by the holder thereof and all parties hereto shall be released and relieved from any and all further obligations hereunder or arising herefrom, except as otherwise noted in the last two sentences of paragraph 6( c) and except also that Purchaser shall be obligated to deliver to Seller, to the extent permitted, free and clear of all liens, charges, unpaid fees, and/or other liabilities, all plats, drawings, specifications, studies, surveys, submissions, test reports and results and other materials, data and/or the like prepared and/or developed by or on behalf of Purchaser in connection with its investigation of the Subject Property and/or its attempt to satisfy the Conditions Precedent, all without any warranty or recourse. 4 l'TL:211969:S November 24: 1997 - ---- ---- ~--- . 7) As a material inducement to Purchaser to execute this Agreement and to close the transaction contemplated hereby and to pay the Purchase Price therefor, Seller warrants and represents to Purchaser that: a) To the best of Seller's knowledge, Seller has good, marketable and insurable title to the Subject Property in fee simple and subject to no liens or encumbrances whatever other than the Permitted Exceptions. b) This space is intentionally left blank. c) To the best of Seller's knowledge, all municipal and gove=enta1 ordinances, rules and regulations have been complied with and Seller has received no notice of citations or violations thereof. d) As of the date hereof, there are no pending condemnation or eminent domain proceedings which would affect any portion of the Subject Property and Seller has no actual knowledge of any threatened proceeding. e) Seller is not a party to and, to Seller's actual knowledge, the Subject Property is not affected by any service, maintenance or property management agreements or any contracts or other agreements of any kind with respect to the Subject Property which is not reflected in the Pennitted Exceptions or which is not terminable by Seller and Seller will not hereafter enter into any of same during the term of this Agreement The Subject Property shall be free and clear of any lease (written or oral) and there shall be no party in possession of the Subject Property at the Closing. f) There is no pending litigation involving the Subject Property and, to Seller's actual knowledge, no threatened litigation involving the Subject Property. g) Seller is not a "foreign person" within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, so as to require the withholding of any portion of the Purchase Price for Federal income tax pUIposes, and Seller agrees to execute, at Closing, an Affidavit evidencing same. h) Seller has no actual knowledge of any adverse environmental condition upon or below the Subject Property (including, without limitation, hazardous or toxic materials or gas tanks) which would prevent, impede, limit or render more costly the development of the Subject Property for the Contemplated Use. To the best of Seller's knowledge, Seller has not caused any adverse environmental conditions to exist on or beneath the Subject Property. 5 l"l'L;2?19~9:5 November 2ir 1997 ~--~------ -----. i) To the best of Seller's knowledge, the Subject Property is not the subject of a right of first refusal or option to purchase in any third party. j) The party executing this Agreement is duly authorized to bind Seller without the further authorization of any person or entity. k) This space is intentionally left blank. 8) Seller hereby grants to Purchaser and Purchaser's agents, employees, servants and contractors the right to go upon the Subject Property during the term of this Agreement and make such reasonable and customary tests and investigations and do such reasonable and customary things; including, but not limited to, surveying of the Subject Property as Purchaser shall deem necessary or appropriate, including, but not limited to, tests and investigations necessary for Purchaser to determine the existence of any conditions herein represented to exist or with respect to which this Agreement is contingent and those tests and investigations that may be necessary for Purchaser to determine that Purchaser can utilize the Subject Property for the Contemplated Use. Seller acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser's investigation of the Subject Property is solely for Purchaser's benefit and shall not limit or reduce the representations and warranties made by Seller hereunder. Except for the representations and warranties of the Seller under this Agreement, Purchaser acknowledges that Purchaser has relied on Purchaser's own due diligence and not upon any other representation or warranty of the Seller or any agent or employee of the Seller. 9) The conveyance of the Subject Property by Seller to Purchaser shall be by special warranty deed. Seller and Purchaser acknowledge that time shall be of the essence as to all acts of Purchaser and Seller hereunder. Seller agrees that all fill on the Subject Property shall remain on the Subject Property. 10)( a) Unless extended by any other provisions of this Agreement, the "Closing" of this transaction (execution and delivery of the warranty deed, as well as the execution and .c!"I delivery of all other documents required pursuant to this Agreement and the payment of all sums (if.1. required to be paid) shall tske place on the earliest of: (i) the 365th day following the Execution Date (subject to one extension per paragraph 10(b) below), Unless this Agreement shall have been sooner terminated pursuant to any other provision hereof, (ii) fifteen (15) days following the day that a building permit shall have been issued to Purchaser or its contractors in connection with the Contemplated Use, or (iii) one hundred twenty (120) days following the fma1 approval of the Conditions Precedent set forth in Paragraph 6( a) hereof. In the event the Conditions Precedent have not been satisfied or waived by Purchaser on or prior to nine (9) months following the Execution Date, then Purchaser shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and receive the return of the Deposit. The Closing shaI1 tske place at the offices of Escrow Agent in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, or such other location mutually acceptable to the parties. 6 PTL,27196~,S November 24. 1997 (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Paragraph 10, Purchaser may elect to extend the Closing (from the date same may have already been extended in accordance with the terms of this Agreement) for one (1) additional thirty (30) day period by paying TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000) ("Extension Fee Deposit") to Escrow Agent prior to the Closing Date, which amount shall be credited toward the Purchase Price and shall be deemed an addition to , and a part of, the Deposit hereunder. (c) This space is intentionally left blank 11) The parties agree that the following shall be the schedule of obligations with respect to the Closing expenses hereunder, to wit: a) Seller shall pay for: i) any state documentary stamp taxes (or other transfer taxes) and surtaxes on the warranty deed; ii) the cost of correcting any title defects; and iii) the cost of the Commitment and the title premium associated therewith. b) Purchaser shall pay for: i) the recording of the warranty deed; and ii) the Survey. c) All governmental and quasi-governmental improvement liens which have been certified as of the date of the Closing or with respect to which the work has been substantially complete as of the date of the Closing, though not yet certified, shall be paid by Seller and, if not certified, Purchaser shall receive a credit, at Closing, in an amount equal to the latest estimate therefor by the applicable governmental agency, provided that, upon request by either party hereto, the parties hereto shall, upon the actual amount of such lien being established, make whatever adjustments are necessary to reflect the actual amount of the lien notwithstanding the fact that the Closing of this transaction has occurred. Pending governmental and quasi-governmental improvement liens with respect to which the worlc has not been substantially completed as of the date of the Closing shall be assumed by Purchaser. d) Real property taxes shall be prorated as of the date of Closing taking the maximum discount into account. If the Closing occurs on a date when the taxes for the year of Closing are not fixed, but the then-current year's assessment is available, taxes for such year will be prorated based upon such assessment and the prior year's millage. If such 7 P'rL:2'19&9:S November 2~, 1997 year's assessment is not available, taxes will be prorated based upon the then-prior year's tax. If the tax proration is based on other than the actual amount of taxes in question then, upon the actual amount of such taxes being known, the parties hereto agree that upon the request of either party, such taxes will be re-prorated and the appropriate adjustment made notwithstanding the fact that the Closing has occurred. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, all expenses and revenues of the Subject Property shall be prorated or credited as the case may be to the day of Closing. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the Closing. 12) Possession of the Subject Property shall be delivered by Seller to Purchaser at Closing. Risk of loss to the Subject Property between the date of the execution of this Agreement and the date of the Closing shall be upon SeHer. 13) In the event of the commencement of any condemnation or eminent domain proceedings for any public or quasi-public pllIpose at any time prior to the Closing hereunder, resulting or which could result in the taking of any material part or all of the Subject Property, Purchaser shall have the option of: (i) canceling this Agreement, in which event the Deposit shall be forthwith returned by the holder thereof to Purchaser and upon such repayment, this Agreement shall be null, void and of no further force or effect and all parties hereto shall be released and relieved from any and all further liability or obligations hereunder; or (ii) Closing the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, in which event the Purchase Price shall not be abated; provided, however, that Seller shall assign any condemnation or eminent domain award and its right to receive same to Purchaser. As set forth herein, a material taking shall mean a taking of any portion of the Subject Property that (a) requires a reduction in the gross leasable area of the facility to be constructed on the Subject Property, or (b) results in a material increase in the cost of the Project. Seller agrees not to enter into any settlement of any condemnation proceedings or eminent domain proceedings without the prior written consent of Purchaser which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned, and Seller agrees to immediately notify Purchaser in the event any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding be instituted. 14) The obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement are subject to all of the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement having been true and correct in all material respects on the date hereof and on the date of Closing. 15) (a) lfPurchaser shall default in the payment of the Purchase Price or otherwise default in any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement on the part of Purchaser to be performed, Seller shall retain the Deposit as full and agreed upon liquidated damages in full settlement of any and all claims against Purchaser for damages or otherwise and Purchaser shall have no other or further liability hereunder except as otherwise provided in paragraph 6 above. The parties acknowledge that this provision for liquidated damages is a fair and reasonable measure of the damages to be suffered by Seller in the event of Purchaser's default because the exact amount of damages is incapable of ascertainment. Notwithstanding any 8 FTL:27J.969:S November 24, 1997 provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Purchaser shall not be in default hereunder, unless Seller shall have provided written notice of the alleged default and a period of ten (10) days after receipt of notice to cure same. (b) If on or before the Closing (i) Seller is unable to deliver good and marketable and insurable tide to the Subject Property subject only to the Permitted Exceptions, or (ii) Seller shall have failed to comply with any other term, provision, covenant, agreement or condition of this Agreement, or (iii) any of the material representations and warranties made by Seller herein shall be in any respect untrue, Purchaser shall have the right: i) to cancel this Agreement by giving notice to Seller and this Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated as of the date of such notice, in which event Purchaser shall be entitled to the return of the Deposit; or ii) to take tide subject to the defect, exception, objection, inaccuracy or failure without price reduction or abatement (subject, however, to the next paragraph). Without limiting Purchaser's rights contained in this Paragraph, in case of a lien or encumbrance which Seller placed or permitted to become a lien on the Subject Property and which can be removed at the time of Closing by payment of a liquidated amount, Seller covenants and agrees, at Purchaser's request, to remove such lien or encumbrance at Closing so that the Subject Property can be conveyed to Purchaser free of same except non-delinquent real estate taxes which are not yet due and payable and the other Permitted Exceptions. If Seller willfully fails or refuses to deliver the Deed and no lien affidavit in default hereof, Purchaser shall have the sole option of either (x) terminating this Agreement, receivmg the return of the Deposit and a payment from the Seller in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) representing a negotiated and agreed upon liquidated damage amount ("Seller's Agreed Payment"), in which event Seller and Purchaser shall be released and relieved of any further liability and this Agreement shall thereupon be null and void; or (y) suing Seller for specific performance. . 16) In connection with any litigation arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees actually incurred, which reasonable attorneys' fees shaI1 include, but not be limited to, those reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by such prevailing party for the services of its attorney(s) at all trial and appellate levels and post-judgment proceedings. 17) Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, all notices to be given hereunder shaI1 be in writing and sent to the parties as hereinafter provided, certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, said notices shall be effective on the day such notice is deposited in the United States mails. 9 FTL:271969:S November 24, 199' Notices as to SelJer shall be sent to: Knuth Road Associates 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 and a copy to: Levy Kneen, et al., P.A. 1400 Centrepark Blvd. West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attn: David 1. Wiener, Esq. Notices as to Purchaser shall be sent to: Stor-AlI Properties, Inc. 1375 West Hillsboro Boulevard Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Attention: Jeffi:ey Anderson and a copy to (and notices to Escrow Agent): Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & RusselJ, P.A. 200 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1500 Post Office Box 1900 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302 Attention: Mark Somerstein, Esq. The place to which any party hereto is entitled to receive any notice may be changed by such party by giving notice thereof in accordance with the foregoing provis~on. The attorney for either party may send and receive notices on behalf of that party. 18) Each party hereto represents and warrants unto the other party hereto that, other than Kiss Realty, Inc. ("Kiss") ("Broker"), who represents Seller in this transaction, there are no real estate brokers or agents involved with respect to this transaction and that there are no brokerage fees, finder's fees or broker's commissions due as a result of their respective executions of this Agreement or which wilJ be due as a result of the Closing as contemplated hereby by virtue of their respective acts, inactions, conduct or otherwise. Each party hereto does hereby agree to indemnifY and hold the other hannless from any breach of their respective representations and warranties as set forth in this paragraph. Seller agrees to recognize and pay a brokerage commission due the Broker in the total amount equal to FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND FfVE 10 PTt.:2719U:$ November 24: 1997 -- -- .'_~_'_'~__________u__ _____~_ HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN AND 40/100 ($47,567.40) and which is deemed earned as of the date hereof but which shall not be payable unless and until the Closing occurs. Seller acknowledges that Stor-All Realty & Property Management, Inc. is an affiliated company of Purchaser and represents Purchaser in this transaction but shall not be compensated in connection with this transaction. Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold the Seller harmless from any claim by Stor-All Realty & Property Management, Inc. for a commission with respect to the Suliject Property. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the Closing. 19) This instrument shall be governed by and enforced and construed under the laws of the State of Florida. 20) Purchaser named herein shall have the absolute right and power to assign its interests in this Agreement to Stor-AII, Ltd., or any entity affiliated with Stor-AlI, Ltd., and Seller agrees that upon any such assignment, the assignee shall be deemed to be Purchaser under this Agreement and Seller shall close this transaction with such assignee with the said Purchaser named herein having no other or further liability hereunder. 21) Whenever the context so requires or admits, any pronoun used herein may be deemed to mean the corresponding masculine, feminine or neuter fonn thereof and the singular fonn of any nouns and pronouns herein may be deemed to mean the corresponding plural fonn thereof and vice versa. 011 1J...-iJ-~1 22) The Execution Date shall be the date this A$eement has been executed by the last party (purchaser or Seller, as the case may be) to execute same and Purchaser's receipt of a fully executed duplicate original. This Agreement shall be void if Purchaser has not received a fully executed original of this Agreement within ten (10) days of the date of execution by Purchaser. 23) This Agreement shall not be construed more strictly against either party by reason of the fact that one party was responsible for drafting. 24) Seller acknowledges that Purchaser has materially relied upon all of the representations and warranties of Seller hereunder, and such representations and warranties shall survive the Closing. Other than as otherwise set forth herein, Purchaser is purchasing the Subject Property in its "AS IS" condition. 25) This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, permitted successors and/or assigns. 26) This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same Agreement. This Agreement may be executed via telecopy. 11 P'l'L:271969:!5 Novemb.r 24~ 1997 " ~'~-_._---~~---~--~--- 27) No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective against Purchaser, unless it is in writing and signed by Purchaser, and shall only be applicable to the specific instance to which it relates and shall not be deemed a continuing or future waiver. 28) Escrow Aeent. The following shall apply with respect to Escrow Agent's involvement in the transaction contemplated herein: a) Escrow Agent shall not release any portion of the Deposit to Seller prior to forwarding notice to Purchaser in accordance with this Agreement ("Escrow Notice"). In the event Escrow Agent shall receive a notice of objection within ten (10) days following Purchaser's receipt of the Escrow Notice, then Escrow Agent shall not disburse the Deposit to Seller and shall, at Purchaser's request, deposit the Deposit in the registry of a court of competent jurisdiction where the Subject Property is located. b) Unless Purchaser is in default of this Agreement, any interest earned on any monies deposited with Escrow Agent shall be paid or credited solely to Purchaser. c) Escrow Agent shall not be required to take notice of any default by any of the parties hereto or take any action with respect to such default which, in its opinion, involves any actual or potential expense or liability to it unless notice in writing of such default is given to it and it is indemnified in advance in a manner reasonably satisfactory to it against such expense or liability. Escrow Agent shall not be under any obligation to take any legal action in connection with this Agreement or for its enforcement or to appear in, prosecute or defend any action or enforcement or legal proceeding, which in its opinion, would or might involve it in any cost, expense, loss or liability, unless, and as often as required by it, Escrow Agent shall be furnished with security and indemnity reasonably satisfactory to it against all such costs, expenses, loss or liability. In any case, Escrow Agent shall give notice to Purchaser and Seller of its requirement of indemnity specifying the action. Without limiting the foregoing, each party agrees to indemnify and hold the Escrow Agent harmless from all loss, cost or expense reasonably incurred by the Escrow Agent in connection with acting as escrow agent hereunder including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs (including retaining the services of Escrow Agent's own attorneys). d) Escrow Agent shall incur no liability in acting upon any signature, notice, request, waiver, consent, receipt or other paper or document believed by it to be genuine, and it may assume that any person purporting to give it any notice or advance in accordance with the provisions hereofhas been duly authorized to do so, and the undersigned hereby jointly and severally indemnify and agree to hold and save Escrow Agent harmless from and against any and all loss, damage, cost or expense it may suffer or incur as depository hereunder, unless caused by its willful refusal or willful failure to act pursuant to the terms hereof. 12 P'TL:271969:5 November 24, 1997 e) In the event Escrow Agent perceives there to be any bona fide disagreement between any of the parties to this Agreement and any other person, whether or not a party hereto, resulting in adverse claims or demands being made in connection with any sums or property involved herein or affected hereby, then Escrow Agent shall be entitled: i) To refuse to comply with any claim or demands on it as rong as such bona fide disagreement shall continue, and in so refusing, it shall make no delivery or other disposition of any funds then held by it pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, and it shall not be or become liable in any way or to any person for its failure or refusal to comply with such conflicting or adverse claims or demands, and ii) It shall be entitled to continue so to refrain from acting and to so refuse to act until (A) the right of adverse claimants shall have been fmally adjudicated in a court assuming and having jurisdiction of the funds (or other property, if any), involved herein or affected hereby, or (B) all differences shall have been adjusted by agreement and it shall have been notified in writing signed by all persons interested; or iii) Interplead the sums in controversy into a court of competent jurisdiction after deducting therefrom its filing fees, expenses and legal fees incurred in filing the interpleader. Following said interpleader, Escrow Agent shall, ipso facto, be relieved of all liability to any party hereto for any claims arising out of or resulting from this Agreement. f) Escrow Agent shall not be bound by or charged with notice of any transfer or assigmnent of any interest herein or in the subject matter hereof, in whole or in part, made by any of the parties hereto, or its successors or assigns, until written notice thereof is delivered to it and the other parties hereto is obtained. g) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Paragraph 28 to the contrary, upon notification of a dispute between the parties and the request of either party, Escrow Agent shall interplead the sums in controversy into. a court of competent jurisdiction. Seller acknowledges that Escrow Agent represents Purchaser and may represent Purchaser in the event of a conflict hereunder. 13 P'l'L,27US9,S November 2~, 1997 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the dates set after their respective signatures. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: PURCHASER: INC., a Florida Name: Title: Date:--4I'1 '1 Jelfrey M. Ander.ron VIce PJaIdenI .1997 SELLER: KNUTH ROAD ASSOClA TES, a Florida general partnership By: Name: Title: General Partner Date: . 1997 JOINDER The undersigned agrees to act as Escrow Agent in accordance with the terms and provisions contained in the foregoing Agreement for Purchase and Sale. ESCROW AGENT: RUDEN, MCCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. By: Name: Title: Date: ,1997 14 FTL:271969:S November 24" 1997