CORRESPONDENCE . .( ...,(,k( ,) ('Iv ~ .J ~..;> L1-" ~11 [n .' ~ If.i ~~_j:!f:""~;." Ill) 1 1,1 n ,i III ill' JUN 20 am LJ l ! OrPtq~!,~,~~~ OF C~V~~OPfJlENT i ST0R;4Ll .. I. SELF.STORAGE RENTALS HAND DELIVERED June 19,2000 Mr. Michael Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Vehicles Parked In Right-Of-Way Along Industrial Avenue and Stor-All Dear Mike: I hate to bother you, but we need your assistance with a problem we are having at our new self-storage facility on Industrial Avenue, The problem is the parking of automobiles, trucks, buses, RV's, and other vehicles by Whittaker Truck Maintenance along our west property line and right-of-way, We have spoken with the people at Whittaker on several occasions, At first they acknowledged the problem and even said they had been lucky to park vehicles there over the years. Unfortunately, they have reverted to their old ways. They have been parking vehicles along our west property line and right-of-way for the last couple of weeks and have damaged the new grass and prevented us from mowing under the vehicles. These vehicles also interfere with the pedestrian traffic Don Johnson mentioned in our meeting last week, I moved from Fort Lauderdale to Boynton Beach 23 years ago and the Industrial and East Industrial Avenue area has always been somewhat of an . eye sore" to me, Even though our property is only a self-storage facility, I believe it is well done and blocks some ofthe industrial views of the area, We are committed to maintaining the grounds and buildings of our storage facility to the highest standard. We are even planting an additional $15,000,00 in landscaping at this time. It has been our experience that once this type of parking is allowed to occur more vehicles are parked, required landscaping dies and the appearance and maintenance of the area deteriorates, We want to be a catalyst for better not worse, Based on the above information, Stor-All requests the City's assistance in resolving this matter. We would recommend the installation of enforceable "no parking" signs along our west property line and right-of-way, They should be spaced close enough together so vehicles can not be parked between them, Stor-All is willing to pay for the signs or reimburse the City for their cost 1375 West Hlllsboro Boulevard' Deertleld Beach' Florida 33442 ' Phone 954A21-7888 . Fax 954-426-1108 . http://wvvw.stor-all.com Mr. Michael Rumpf June 19,2000 Page 2 Mike, we want to be good neighbors and do not enjoy having to ask the City for their assistance in this matter. We do not wish to interfere or harm Whittaker's business in any way. However, we do want to protect our property and operate our business in a way that reflects well on our business and community. Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions or require additional information. Q~ Jeff Anderson Managing Partner lMA/se cc: Code Enforcement Engineering Department City Forester . Building Departrnen~ t~,(vs ,.{ --------.1------ Se~t By: Stor-All Managa~ert: Ltd.; 954 421 3691; ~.lar-27-00 1 : 17PM; Page 1/2 Stor-AII Management, Ltd. 1375 W. HillSborD Blvd Deerfield Beach, Fl 33442 954-421-7888 Fax 954-421-3691 Transmittal Cover Sheet www.stor-all.comstor-all@stor-all.com Indu.lrial Avenue 0304 400 ~.Industrial Avenue Boynton Beech. Florida 33435 Mike, Plea.. r.-<iew and contact John Judd Or me concerning the vehicles in the i Right of Way. A8 we discussed. we would like to arrdnge a meeting to GO over land8caping, as well. Thank you for yOur ".iSlanc.. Submitted Ilv: Patle Maida ProlOD Manalte/' 1;\PROJIOCT5~NDU5T -1, PMD Printed on; 3/27/00 Pa~e 1 ~'_m"_"'--"'r'- Spot By: Star-All Management, Ltd.; 954 421 3691; Mar-27-00 1 :18PM; Page 2/2 """'\ r 'II ~ 7> r,r} "" s_~_'C -::.. rfil____ .. f};1("K/;rl"'.-:L V"","", ~c S:~oky7)~~i }JJi&:.&(_~h",Q ?-rb j1:7~m,,- ._'--_.._--_...__._--_.,~._"- .r;-~o ~P0..&'l..__ *'WL<Z:~~. Q,2~ ~ 6- r- -"J72 -- . .....-.. ._-----. - -- ----.--.--.---..-....-..-.-.----..- - ---....---..---- ._-"--------~.,--_..._-_._..."_.._--"---