CORRESPONDENCE ~1AY-1~-95 TUE 17:as b~ F>_&a2 LAW orrlC~S BOOSE CASEY CIKl.lN LusrfZ MARTENS MCBANE 8c O'CONNELL 14. P"'RTf\I~R$H:" '''I(;LUCINO ,..FiOFESSJONA1. ~5iOC"""IONS: ..JOSt.P~ l AC~tRM...N, ""R 'RUC~ ca. AlEI<ANotlll. P."". ,JI:~A,L.O '5. .Cli;~. P:.... 'Nll,.\..IA,1ol R. 'oO$~ m. P..... -JOHN D, ~OY~JH. A.A. aRiA,N ._ ",O~LVH. Ft,,,, (j.AiGO~Y S. l(INO C/ofAR~~$ ... LU8lTZ. p...... COWIN C. \..UNSFOAg AIC:HA~O \., M^"T;:Jol$. ~.".. 4,.~"'I= l1li. .....8"...... Fl..... TI"-lOT........ "'Q(:....l!lITWV. ~.... DqrAN M. O'f;QNl.Ir:l.\., ....A PHIL D. O.CO.IIHtl.1,.. JR. 1';,,", ,J. KORY ,....AKl-lU~!iT .JOHN R. YOUNG, .... A. l.ONHIE 8. tANGilffL.1.0 ,..HJLLIP p. O'CONlIIfl..t... 5~. (1&07'""1:'107) QF"COl.l"l$EI,. NE''- $, eARlTZ .JOnN L.. R1;"">>C;N .AT"'~" oJ. (;"'l!ro~T, .. .... "'LA"" II. C'I'U..IN. ""'..... l,A1.:;tolAEL w. eO,,*NOR$ "oDf:':;d 1... CRANi. P.... Ilt:)N....lD C, tJ;tES(:ENlO MA~e .. Q-ODtH ""lktL O. CRE:ENt OEDfV. A. J,"N~$, ".A. NOIi'TH8R,pGt Towtllt I . J8T14 f"1.00R 81B NQRT" ",,"A~I..E."" Cl"".....:: W..T ,,^..... e~,.~. ~LO~IOA :113401 'l'IELEt='WONE: (401) .~iil"-5900 TnEC:QPIEA {407] &33-420~ JolAt1.IN' AOORJ"$$ ~,O. DR,AWtJt 024.'<:$ WE:$T P.AI..... t!lEAl;I1, "1. ~~""O~"'''~t:G May 16, 1995 VIA FAX 375-6090 Cl\rric Parker, City Manager Ctt.V of Boynton Beach 120 E Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re TargctlOutparcel Dear Carrie: Thanks for your letter of May 16, 1995. I am hopeful the matter will be resolved shortly. I understand that a lease with Carraba's has been submitted. EYen if the Target architect produces the complete set of construction drawings, the fact remains that their approyed site plan was fot 110,000 square feet. It also does not change the fact that the wrillen agreement between Ihe panies spcdfically excluded the mezzanine from the square footage total. It would seem to me that document would prevail. Also, the City's approved site plan was for 110,000 square feet, and that'll all that should have been aiIowed to be constmded. In any eyent, I'll wait to hear from you with the hope of resolving this next week sometime. Again, thanks for your help. Ale/ag 026-3341 CC: Jim Cherof, Esquire Tambri Heyden Mark Walsh (737-7640) 71J2f. 0/ ( I I 1,1,7 - /A~1OU< 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Btadt 'Baukvarti P.O. 'Bo't3l0 'Boynton 'Be~/i., rforUia 33425-0310 City 1faJ1: (407) 375-6()()(} r.9IX: (407) 375-6090 VIA FACSIMILE May 16,1995 Mr. Alan Ciklin Boose Casey Ciklin Lubitz Martens McBane & O'Connell 515 No. Flagler Drive - 17th Floor West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Dear Alan: We have been continuing to research the issue of the additional square footage at the Target Shopping Center. I have had conversations with Jose Aquila, the architect for Currie & Associates, who provided the site plan under contract for American Development, who stated that there was a mezzanine in the original store plan, however, the Currie & Associates drawings submitted to the City do not reflect any interior features, nor could Jose remember the size of the mezzanine. Additionally, I have spoken with the Target architect, Jack Smith of Stevens and Wilkinson, Atlanta, GA., who stated that he provided American Development with a complete set of construction drawings prior to submitting anything to the City for permits. He has assured me that he can provide me with copies of this transmittal letter and plans by the end of this week. While I agree with you that these verbal representations are interesting, until some documents are produced, these conversations may not be pertinent. If such documents are not forthcoming by the end of this week, we will consider other alternatives for addressing this situation. Sincerely, . F' \ \' {\ : ..' '7 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~t>\ ...-,-. Carrie Parker City Manager c: Jim Cherof, City Attorney Tambri Heyden, Director of P & Z .!itmemas (jateway to tlU (jutfstream MAY-l~-~S TUE 17:a4 bQ P_Ial BOOSE CASEY CIKLlN LUBITZ MARTENS McBANE & O'CONNELL 515 No. flaglerDrive .17t~ floor Welt Palm Bmh, Florida 33401 4071831-5900 Fax: 407/813-S226 &Xt ran 5 m ittal to: I TAMBIU]. HEYDEN re: TARGET OVfPARCEL 026-3341 fax: l375.6090 from: 1 Alan J. Ciklin date: I May 16, 1995 pages: 12 NOTES: THE INFORMATION CONTAIN~D IN THIS rACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED AND CONfIDENTIAl. INfORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR EN'CITY N-'MllD ABOVll. IF TJlE RI'ADER OF THIS MESUCE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU Alll! m:RF.BY lWTIJ'lED THJlCr J\NY DISSEMINATION, DISTRJBUTION OR COPY OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TlI1$ COMMuNll:;ATION IN ERROR, 'LFASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY" 1.15' av TELEPHONE AND IlETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. i,-' '''''---'--~--' ..--.- .';'~'.'-"--'~:~ ."~--;::::l "1 I"" '0' f"" "i'" : ; T: ! ~.~~)y~ .~..~-~ ,J! '~ ,,~-;~~ i ~, i \ ;c' f ~ ' : :t) ~ 17 :c"- ii,': ~!> OWNER'.S<NAHE: TARGET STORES ,~ O~~R,\i~NlDRESS : 3 3S0t!JTH'.I.S IxTH STREET';;4"""'>~ d~: ;0'; P.:. OWNERfSfCITY/STXTE/ZIP:C'" MINNEA!?bLIS, MW; 55'4'40-1392 ..:r1a..c;h"',, V1!:-\". li~~;tb\ , OWNER'S PHONE: ' , (612)' 370-591b PROPERTY LOCATION: 1901', N. Congress' Avenue S b f 18 4\5 43 ZON"E,..,j'~;~1I:J,C:l.3\q.~'.a.~..', ~f:. BLOCK: _ LOT: 501 SUBDIVISION:... .!l:...o ...~..,:~:_".~/' SINGloE 'FAMILY';- DUPLEX: ,MULTIPLE: COMMERCIAL: X " INDUSTRIAL:;i"A'\f"'I~';!~'''' ""~. ~~: ! .,...' ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ $2,500,000 '.';,\.~i :~\~,.: ~~~ ,,1<',::J:~IJ: U?,:;.,.i:'~ . DESCRIPTION OF WORlC: Reinforced concrete"'footings;' masonry e'xterior walls with applied cement plaster fi~ish, steel".col1.Ulln.s"...jd;Lst",.gi.rders ahd.;j:fo'i$'rtl3f~' ,~, corrugated. steel roof ,deck ,single ply membrane .roof, concrete slab" Qn j~,:l'.il9:~' ..j ~ ,'. . , -, eiectrical and mechanical ,': .JQ),~.IJ-.. J"hY\'~..,_.~.:ll._...:" . ., \ .J:~{H; ._\11 1Ji..) , ~~.;~..;,...t~~.. ,,', , \, i,.; , ~ .;'~"..... .. :1", . ....,"............,.....~.........,. ..,. ,. __.,,'.. ,..,......"",__" :.1 . . 1111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111."111111111 CONTRACTOR'S BUSINESS NAME: DANI(E'e'OI CONNELL GENE~C:'ON~RACTOR, INC.. ... .'. . .. BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2l5iCNbrthwest"Third'ltreet. Boynton"Beach, Fl ""ZIP:' 33435 ...,BUSINESS PHONE: 407/734-0786 f?J1r1i3n.ITY INSU\lANCE.. EXPlRATION:.DATE: ,J~ne 1., 1991 , ./ .. tv lC-. 1..\....,..I/lJ.hM, ' ',","" ~r" I .' QUALIFIERS S NAME: Daniel J. 0 I Connell, ' ;\:t:.N()T&n~fThfs;p<.1;tQl~VOID~\after~180 DAYS~UNLESS QUALIFIER'S LICENSE I: CG C007848 : the wor~. which itcov'e~s h,as Ibeen, c<!~e3ied. . '" ,\ .' ,... ,,' L, . ".1 "'ilI,I.),k..Aa5.11~~~:,,~0'~J,~l\I!I(~'~~~V.e:'\ltJ:1cl~.,t.~~~. ,l,~ . . -"FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH. THE.. ,HE. C, BANIC'S LIEMf.1ca..t.i..on or co~.t..y. CO)!l...petency.. PIus..;co.n. ~y'*,.'....and .., LAW CAN RESULT IN THE .1'apl'~'r1:.OWNER PAYItfQ~ \.c.-C;m' ocj::i1p-aOilal L1.~en~s., Di:l.i?'~" .~iAA'l\1nJ/ __::~~;:D~~~l:~i~:-l( -;; ~," . -, 215 NO~j;ilw'Tst, rwt~\ ~t~e.~,1<"1 - .........-..Address:' go ntbh"Be'ach/ Flor1'dif"'3'343' .. No.tar'~,z.id Sigon . re of Certified, Licensed Date: 24,S~pt,emper, 1.990.......w_, .7'CijnU.cto~ or .00fflER . ... sTiTE\~F FLORIDA ! .:' :,:\' it:, ,"l,~;\'lr11,{~' /' ':,COllN'rl"OF: Palm Beach, ..,. . .. ;,.>, . . ~.~' ~~"" \ '," , ..,' "\ ': ~: j,;' . ~ Any\c~ang~'in'.building plans or specifications must be recorded with this 6fficft. Any work , -\..~,~()t":toY~l;'ed above. ~~.,..t4bilve':a:,v.~~d permit prior to startil1g,,~n consider~tion ~f,the granting of this permit. the owner "and builder agree. to erect'this"'structure in fullweolllp;; .J,~~~~~h. tbe Bu.ilding and Zoning Codes of the City of B~m~8n Beach..,F~Qrida,.!,.i\ .... . . ,.." ,..,~ . '. ',"''l'H,'1St:}l,ERMIT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE" . ' .......1 i). ,," ." ~ ",~ih f : ' " I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: Befo'r~' me\'persllnally appe~.r.d. ,Daniel 0" Connell .Jjllll:it ",I.J;',,: :' to'~~ '~~il known- ' .. to be the person describe!!' 1~), a!1d. who executed the foregoing ins~~~~,nt,,~,.a~cliac~2."ledged to and before me that he/she etecuted said instrument for the purposes'thetein expressed~~ WITNESS my hand and ~fficiafilli~l this 24th day of September' A.D. 19 , .:I~..'~ -"~_.~"" . _ ._,_,_::....;;;::.-:;"- .,~_w.. - . \, ".; I<<l1'AAV~9tAll(lPFI.CIlIDA .': ,i rida at Large My_ ~o~~ss;~o~ <~x~llr~~':<f~~~;rk~:" . Ail CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - BUILDING DEPARTH " .'J ""I. \ :t ~~. ~.:::~~" ,\ '": ",:~'~, t.':::.,.."...... 1~ '\~' at,";ft,r"l. I ,1 r 1, ""' " . ,.~. , " , ... 'c- '_~ 0,. l ; <".'1~1I.i:~(! , ~~,-..~~..::_'-:~.~~~' ',,'" .. :"i"ti:";:~: -. ~:! l) .; 1'1 .r.": (: "', ,- : (. ,:I, ~' "."",,'fi'''_ --:';}',. '... "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH :THE MECHANICS' 1,LIEN LAW,.J;CAN . .~"'..,' _' . '~ ' ' ", ,,'.iJ.-" '"iF ""'<'; ,-., ",'.. RESULT IN THE PROPERTY (.- , OWNER PA Y~NG TWICE '. FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , BUILDIN<foEPARTMENT ';~:':~\~',":~. - ";'!f '{:' " .,. ";Ci"""~' . . '),(' ," ,'--"j, J'/?"- - '.' _ x', ., , ':' '~:, ~ . .,r'O_?' l ~* Date Applied: 010l/9b xx NOT ICE xx IN ~DDITION TO THE REQUIREKlHTS or THIS PERMIT. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE rOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS or THIS COURTY. Prepared by: r.f.~ RGO Date Issued: 12/12/90 3rmit Type: BUILDING Permit No: 9000003489 PERMIT , City Range Twnshp. Section Sub Dvsn. Block Lot Plat/Book/Page 08 43 45 18 00 000 5070 TARGET 'roperty Address Zoning Reviewed by .' ,..; I CONGRESS AVE 1901 .C3 GWL .. ;',;; 5ubdivision Name Legal Address' 'i~..-:Y~ ,:';)c; I~ . .J. . 'JB OF 18-4'5-43 18-45-43. SLY 642 FT OF NLY )wner's Name/AddresslTelephone Contractor's Name/ Address/LicenselT elephone AMERIC,~N DEV CORP DANIEL .J , O' CO~lNEL L GEN. CONTR. .0, RICHARD E BOYER 215 NW 3RD STREET NASHUA NH 03060 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 364 880-0000 407 734-0786 , ..dditional Description General/Architect/Engineer -ENANT: TARGET 5TOR~ Construction BFE FFE FLZ 4 Occupancy Sq. Ft. Valuation Improvements M 11,> ~U '. 3.414.000,uu c/(CIAL l:lU1LUING 3chedule of Fees . THIS PERMIT FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE Z -~----------------------------------- !-:-7f,'DT.TFD 48.185.00 3.015.00 51.200.00 DATE- 12/12/90 D:\TE- 12/12./90 Q4- \.. 2.. ,+g-3 o 2., 'L:'0 si?' ~c. (.,f)U '00 ~~'lo .0, ; UN!'ET FEE PAID TH;::s:. FE::ES: T?PE- APPlIC.TION DEPOSIT TYPE- LAW ENVGHCEMENT FEE rYPE~ PUBLIC BUILDING FEE TYFE- RADON TRUST FEE 'TYPE- ROAD AREA H N OF 515 TYFE- SEW~~ SERVICE TYPE- WATER SEPVICE AV 3.DiE,OO J .255.00 15.025.00 1.143.00 25g.418.00 24.003,00 11.752.00 ~6~/2.. .."'//// -- -- ---~ AUTHORIZ_D SIGNATURE CALL 738-7483 FOR INSPECTIONS BEFORE 4,30 P.M, THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS AFTER ITS ISSUANCE, OR IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT INSPECTED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS FROM TIME WORK IS COMPLETED. ~~l~Ul!i1l!6Ml Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit. the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This permit fee is not refundable. ~***sss*s****s*****.**~********************.************************************** . . . . CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY . . . . . . . BUILDING DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . . . . *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* . BUILDING PERMIT NO. DATE PERMIT ISSUED DATE C.O. ISSUED . . . 90 00003489 10/01/90 8/14/91 . . . . SUBDIVISION PROPERTY ADDRESS . . . . . . . SUB OF 18-45-43 01901 N CONGRESS AVE . . . . . . CITY RANGE TWNSHP SECTION SUB DVSN BLOCK LOT PLAT/BOOK/PAGE . . 08 43 45 18 00 000 5070 TARGET . . F,F.E. C/O ISSUED FOR: COMMERCIAL BUILDING TENANT NAME: TARGET STORE . . . . , TENANT #: . . . OWNER/MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR/MAILING ADDRESS . . . . 03060 DANIEL J. O'CONNELL GEN. CONTR. 215 NW 3RD STREET BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 . AMERICAN DEV CORP % RICHARD E BOYER NASHUA . , NH . . . . . , . . . . . . ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* , . THE ABOVE WAS INSPECTED AND IS APPROVED FOR ALL UTILITY SERVICES OCCUPANCY, AND FOR USE STATED IN THE PERMIT ONLY. AN INTERIM SERVICE FEE OF $ 12364.97 HAS BEEN PAID, . . AND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , = ., = = . = = = , ~********************************************************************************* ; ~~'; "F :,()\'STC~; ,"EACH - ,,\'j LD] Nt; DE1"\HT:iF'l; Z.,r. BIJlLD[NC; PEHMfT ;\I'I'LlCAT[()~ , PLEASE PH I 'IT ' l't~ IllY6-1..{3-4S-J~-()()-'?99- 5"~ 10 . (p.,lm Beach County Property Control II) O~ner' s NameAHel~.U:AI-{ PE'-AS~e:~rr Owner's Address ~~~~e LW"~~~ Fee Simple Titleholder's Name -~_..I~~- Owrw r IS - I'hon(~ 1~:3" ~SOl-()OI? Zip - ~4a=l Fee Simple Titleholder's Address (If other than OWller )', Contractor's,Na~e Contractor's Address City. i " I ' StateJ'"=L Zip =,?4ze:<:, ; Job NameT~i:::~~~ ., Job Add'ress . '. '2J::!d1 ~ City . ~.e>. County , Legal Description-flAI..QE.:f~.pT n---M~t=OrJ"""" (If other than owner'~) /'~"'- I t",}._ . , ,I { I~~r M~?1'.M&UU ~.~ .,., ;> Bonding Company Bonding Co.Address City Architect/Engineer's Name~:f\..l ~ ~ m.1~ II\-Tlt+-l Architect/Engineer's Address \7~7 f..J. G:l-1p"Q~f."". ),.\,A=; _ Mortgage Lender's Name U:::::I. II;:.? , I Mortgage Lender's Address ---- State SINGLE FAMILY: DUPLEX: MULTI-FAMILY: (check one) .. ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ c:ln3).CXXJ- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: r-.l ~. lIT /~I~~ {flln,..,,~', CO~ERCIA0 ; - INDUSTRIAL: . Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior:to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be perrormed to meet the standards of all iaws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. : OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing infcirmation is 'accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws reguiating construction and zoning. i WAllNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COt!KENCI!KENT HAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEHKNTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OnTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY 1lEF0RE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COHKENCI!KENT. Signature ~ (" ~ SignatJre~il.. Owner or Ag~nt Contrac'~l Da~e . t,.(!.J,(.::f! Date~I~!~1 or Agent NOTARV PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORID res: ...: arc . 95. My RllNn!:'n TitRE I NtlTAltV 1>111111(' lINlwnw..'.....n". F . ': arcb 17, 19,! fIIhl'tO 'rU"tl1l N(\'r.l.JPV PURl tr. IIN.....'IOU(........., M I , (Certificate of Competency ~older) Contractor's State Certification or Registration No. ~e~l~ Contractor's Certificate of Competency No. I LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: ""L!..L!:L2.. WOPXERS' COMPENSATION EXPIRATION DATE: ~/',~~r.t- APPLICATION APPROVED BY ~ L.~, Permit Officer Date: 1 f IB'I tj I Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must ha~e a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. i NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has been ,commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County:Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS , , . I THIS PERMIT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS, NOT REFUNDABLE . '----- A F r lOA V 1 T STAn 0' n.o1UDA) c:otmry OF 1'Ai.H llEACH) n1Utl'f NO. 91-)).3' f PROPERTY, " app ured, lltlORE HE, the under.igned authori~ per.o~allY , 'i!7~- ~ vho on oath, depo.e. and .ay.: ( )1. ( ')2. I am the o~ner of the above de.cribed property. I am the owner'. authorized agent of the above d..cribed property. Tha't I desire '~.~ 3. 4. (If .igned by agent) Th. owner'. name and mailing addre.. i.l ~/u/A4-1 /du. /j It) tJLu .J!t. )1tloA/.I~ ,#/1 . /' S. I hereby acknowledge receipt of ''\lnning to Hom'eowner." furnilhed by' the City of Boynton lIeach lIuilding Dept. 6. I further acknowledge that it i. my re.ponsibility to check vith the Boynton,Beach Utilitie. Department for Sever and Y&~er location and agrel to have the same brought to my property line 'at my ~xpen.e if .aid S~er . or Water linea a.re vithin ona hundred fifty (150) het of my property. ~~~, ,Affiant . Sworn to and subscribed before me thi. 'J-{ day ot J~ I 19 1/' Jf.d7MJ~ !rotary J'ubl1c My .c.Q.~t...t.on ~x~ire.1 ... I";.;;.;;~'. OFFICIAL SEAL : :' '" "' WILMA MILLER : Jr-!f! ,NOTARY PUBlIC-FlORIOA t ", ~~~ : MY COlt4ISSJON EXP: I "::',,~;,..<:." rEBRUARY 21,1995 . ,......_";.::..... BONDED THRU GO.1N~.UIlt' i . ...... ... . ~. BUILDING DEPARTMENT QZ-'LvS7 BUILDING PK1lHIT APPLICATION '. (PLEASE PRINT) Permit II peN 02,-<..{1,l..j,r-I9-,~O()rp'q5'- 50,.0 (FOR SUB PHRHITS ONLY) (Palm Beach County Property Control II) Owner's Name A.M"'~ ~ Owner's Phone II . Owner's Address':;.. ~- ~ I llN ~ f1br.6. ~A 1 ~H ~ City State Zip Fee Simple Titleholder's Name - ~ (If other than owner) Fee Simple Titleholder's Address (If other than owner's) Contractor's Contractor's City State Job Name Job Address City Legal Description Contractor's Phone II~ .~'~_._, "U;> \. '\ f""." Zip 3e42& Bonding Company Bonding Co.Address City Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address Mortgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address SINGLE FAMILY: DUPLEX: MULTI-FAMILY: HOTEL: (check one)--- --- ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ ~~~ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CCN-e>1lZJ II"T __ ~I".. RETAIL:" OFFICE: INDUSTRIAL: IXR APmNF~G Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separijte permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICB OF C<>>IHBNCllHRNT HAY RBSlll.T IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IKPROVBKBNTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU IN'l'BND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSlll.T WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATl'ORNRY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR"'ilY!I~ qv COHKBNCEHBNT. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature ~~ A~ Date ~ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~r~going i~1rument was acknow~edged before me this ~~h5JSf)L (date) by ~~,~ ~ ' who 1S personally known to me or no as proaucea (type of identification as identification and who did (did not) take an oatn. CAROlKlNG -, IICJfARY PIlll.lC,lrrATE (If RalIllA. AMI 1IfV""'~r "HC)(~S:"'7.1_ _DIIIM:J'MftPU&.lCt, (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement Name of officer taking aCknowledgement--type, n e Title or rank <iJL Serial number, Contractor's Signature ~ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUN~ BEACH ~\fO~6$Oi~instr~~nt was acknow~edged before me this ~~3~ (date) by ~t!~ I ^!.JL~ , who 1S j)ersonal).y known to me or 0 as proaucea v - - (type of identification) as identification &ihO did (did not) take an oatn.' CAROLKlNG , IICJfARY FlIB/J::, STATE (If ROIlIlA. (SEAL) - UYCO"'"ll\1HEXl'IP.!II:_'7,llllll. . "'lIIlIlCJf_RalCI~ 1m.. S1gnature of person taking acknowledgement _ Name of officer taking acRnowledgement--type Title or rank Serial number, if any (Certificate of Competency Holder) Contractor's State Certification or Registration No. r/o"~A?~~I~ Contractor's Certificate of Competency No. LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: ~e. i ('>. I_ '1 :;" WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXPI~_DATE:;:'b 1- \-Cj2.., APPLICATION APPROVED BY ~~.__ Permit Officer Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this ~ermit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Build1ng and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has been commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. Date ee 011383& ~"IZ Date:~ ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS THIS PERMIT OR PLANS FILINC FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE WARNING TO OWNER: "YOUR FAILU~ TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.:FYOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT @. "cF "'. " . (. ' . Date Applied: 06/23/92 NOTICE IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. ermit Type: 3UILDING Prepared by: DEBBIE Date Issued: 07,--3::"/9.2 Permit No: ;20C'002657 PERMIT City Range Twnshp. Section Sub Dvsn. Block Lot Plat/Book/Page . ~ 4 0 f?, g n . . " " . ~ " c . " ~ " .Jroperty Add ress Zoning Reviewed by JNGR2S " A. ~ T '=' cJ d C 3 P ~ 0 '. ' ~ ~ . '. ~ ;ubdivision Name Legal Address ...i"': jF , c . 'lo 0 .. " , oj .. . 3 , 4 0 TARGET REI A 1 , CENTE.R . " 7 ~ )wner's Name/Add ress/T elephone Contractor's Name/ Address/UcenselT elephone M~ -,A~'J ,. , . ., ~r"l ;-.-T I '..lI'l "l.;I~;l. . :- - . . .. ~., \-..! P-. , n .. , . . . .. '..1'--, . '. .Jr.::: ~l:. ~.:',EL , . ..- - : " . j CO~ . A . B::N':JE " . , ~ = , , ::.rr D il '...:0"'.2. 0 , 3 h .. ..., .- 'C;:'~-TC BE 1. ~:, " , j . ,'"'\, .' " , 0 . - . D',.... 1"1 - 0 . .. 40 ; ~. S4 , ; .-, " fV '0 ,dditional Description General! Architect/Engineer ~. :,j ,...~.; y : ... . . i .. c .. , .. , . Construction BFE FFE FLZ Occupancy Sq. Ft. Valuation Improvements , , . .,. - . ., . C(j >1 ~l E ~ " t:: , ....u I " . . ..'-t"_ . .. c ., - , ~ L .. . 0' ~ ~chedule of Fees , r t! 1 , E11.H T "" 2:E .. J."'; ":T R~ .. UNI.lAE LE . UfO I, q LLlJ D A ~ , '0 . . , . . .. , . '0 '0 + , , .. . , , .. '0 , , , . . , " . , '0 , '0 . , , , , U .;:': E'T YB:.s S..5,C.C!: a :, B, -tSI, z...to - -. ._- ---. -,,' ;:. l.., ,;,. ~. li i... - -,,, ~.......U-.J =.~, ~s- " ' ..:; 1. -. :: ,:.. I"C ""!: ,_ ,::.:..J 0 =,~, 7E- - l :l""' . u - - F~:;; . ,-' ~:r~~:~7I:t. =~~:3=: -'-, i .!.'--" -'_ - - -. - - ,- ---, -- ~ ~ - - -- ~ - . _ c.., _ -'- _ '- _ _ '- _ ..I..' J ,""...;._,,- 1 "' - ~ ",-. .... , ;; '.::i _ . "'t':: ~ ... ~ -<.:. ;:',.i. Iji~ .-j Th:_'; -: s":;::E _ ~ r ~- rt..._:',_,- .:'.:T.S.:" ~ '; Sl~ '. ~ f ':';.7Si.51 '-;:-':Cr E- .-.....,......- .........-.---- ... ;:'.'.' .t!.~. ~ 2.;-;'. 1.. ,__,:" '- , u: ",'. _ ..' :~. F E - _~"'I Ei;?:'::.=i"i:2:~;: lic.~ .18. L , ;;ell" ciL ~.~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AU:HC~I:EJ SI~NAT~~E .~2::t jER\-=-=.::: ..,- - ..., '_ , j .::. .;; . -i' ~ 73:3 - ";' -+.s -' c -'~, _'-;Sr;C~~~;:'r~ BZ?.:EtS -+:3J E.M. THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE, OR IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT INSPECTED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS. Any change in bUilding plans or specifications must be recorded with thisoHice. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit. the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. This permit fee is nol refundable. A MER DEVELOPMENT I CAN CORPORATION 9 October 1992 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: BDOKSTOP Permi t #92-2657 To Whom It May Concern: Please consider this my authorization for Rhonda Harrell of North South Construction to pick up the temporary Certificate of Occupancy to be issued in the name of American Development. Very truly yours, AZ~) (~~ Richard C. Ade President STATE OF FLORIDA The fore90in9 instrument was acknowledged before me this 9th day of October 1992 by Richard C. Ade, who is personally known to me and who has produced nfa as identification and who did not take an oath. ^ J " ! t ,I {~, ?l' nature of p son taking acknowledgement and serial nu er, if any. ~ CAAOlKlNG , ~, 1<<lT.\RY I'tl'll.c. sr~TE CF FtCIlIlA. "'Y~$:?lr.et~.:tt171_ .') JCIN:::a)'MIIHl7"":.ltl;;l,.',tU.:.aan. ' CCMlii;lOlQNMO.- CCm":11,q CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT PLEASE PRINT Applica t ion II Master Plan # 90-3 9,~'I PCN # 08 43 45 18 00000 5070 (Palm Beach County Property Control #) APPLICATION DATE: ACCEPTED BY: OWNER'S NAME: AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT .CORP. A NEW HAMPSHIRE CORP. OWNER'S ADDRESS: 4 WATER STREET OWNER'S CITY/STATE/ZIP: NASHUA NEW HAMPSHIRE 03060 OWNER'S PHONE: . /.9&1 '-1), {lc7YJ{2/U(MV PROPERTY LOCATION: S.W. QUADRANT OF INTERSECTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND N:W. 22ND AVENUE, BOYNTON BLOCK: LOT:BOYNTON BEA~rf~: SECTION 18 AND 19 TOWNSHIfoNW: SOUTH RANGE 43 EAST SINGLE FAMILY":" DUPLEX: MULTIPLE: COMMERCIAL: 'f, INDUSTRIAL: """ ~ on ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ 405,034.00 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: PAVING 234,000.00 i/'" DRAINAGE 104,303.00~ SITE LIGHTING 32,731.00~ IRRIGATION 34,000.00" UJc... I? W ~L 11...0 ..... Ilg ~lgl!III~llllilllllllllllll~RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII=IIIII! II!illllllllllllilillii~~II~=lllilll CONTRACTOR'S BUSINESS NAME: NORTH SOUTH CONSTRUCTION CORP. BUSINESS ADDRESS: 2010 LINDELL BOULEVARD DEL RAY BEACH, FLORIDA ZIP: 33444 BUSINESS PHONE: 407-276-6089 LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: JUNE 1, 1991 QUALIFIERS'S NAME: JOHN P. O'GRADY NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS CG CB05144 the work which it covers has been commenced. QUALIFIER'S LICENSE #: All Contractors must have valid State Certi- "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANIC'S LIEN fication or County Competency plus County and LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING City Occupational Licenses prior to obl:aining TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROV~TS" ~ practice. ~~~II~llil~liliiiiiilll~liiillllllliiliillliillllgllln!IIIII AFFIDAVIT b Notarized Signa ure of Certified Licensed '-&- Address: Date: IFlo-90 Contractor or OWNER STATE OF FLORID~ 0 (J COUNTY OF: . t~1 _ IN\. DM't t.... ~ Any change.in" building plans or specifications must be recorded with this afficp.. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting in consideration of the granting of this permit. the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full comp- liance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida "THIS PERMIT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE" I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: Before me personally appeared ~(){\dC; 'S. ~) AJ\ I QJ to me"well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that he/she executed said instrument for the purposes therein expressed. and official seal this LD day of D(jl KX\;\..\:)Q.A- "ISSUANCE OF THIS :<iOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA.. MY COMMISSION EXPII1E:S: APWL .!A. 1993. My Commission E;Kplres BONIJED THRU NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRITER.. /\\ ~IG\:-' /.,c:y---: 1'->' erN OF . R) I~"J' BOYNTON f\f.ACH , -../ Pl/I.N f([:VIEW PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RE'S~RIq~7 1990 ~ '.'...1 '.,,\ f~l,~'::IT :,;,\1 p~r.CH /0. \ <-), t. i '.J" n 'J..~ -... / . \1 ..... .' '- .' Large "FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MECHANICS' LIEN LAW CAN RESULT IN THE PROPERTY OWNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT @" "6 <(,:' ~-tt- Date Applied: ',' :;.-, ~~ NOT ICE ~~ :N ADDITION TO THE REDUIREMENTS OF TRIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY, .rmit Type: SITE IMPROVEMENT Prepared by: ,,~ 1. -0 :: - Date Issued: 1 'l ' Q" Permit No: ?":: 'J:l ':\ ':' =; '? :::: -: City Range Twnshp. Section Sub Dvsn. Block Lot Plat/Book/Page - 0 4 . - 1 0 ,-, .- Ct ,-, .- , Q 7 (". AP'-;ET - - - - - roperty Ad dress Zoning Reviewed by C J1F:F , .3.. ~?.E 1 0 - - . - ~ .. - .. 0 .-, .. ubdivision Name Legal Address NOV 1 J' Uc c , : ," J , " - ..:' - .. -} 0 G. -'t c: .. 4 , , , ? E ~-= 7'1" Jf . . - - - - - . - .. - .. - - . - .. 'Wner's Name/Address/Telephone Contractor's Name/ Address/License/Telephone c - ... , - .. -. - c i',f.-, 2T -.. ,- - :i'T' .., JI-f -. - - .. ..,,,, - - .. ~ , .. - .. -- - -- - d : .. - - - .. - - .. .. .. .. " .. - - .. ~ ~ ~ ..- .- ~ .- ., r, ~ :!'::<~~- L 1=1 , --'!"\ - .......- .. .. - --- - . .~ - - , : .. .. , " .. -3 - i; CEL.t: \ '32_~_ ,- , , i. J. ., - .. - - .. 4 - ~ 0 ,- - .. .. - - +' 7 - ... s .. ,-, - - .. - .. - - - - - - - .. - - dditional Description General/Arch itect/En g ineer -., , , , Construction BFE FFE FLZ Occupancy Sq. Ft. Valuation Improvements J, " .- , - .. - "-.0' r ~,1 p ROVE>L:;;?II .. - " .. 7 .. - - 1 - chedule of Fees .. TJ-: P~?~:: FEE TC NJT REFU~DA?ff XXXX~XX~~XXX7.X~7.XXX~X~~~~XXX~~7.~XX~7.~ -.- -~~ , '< J' , 1 c: -,- -- - --- . ,.. L ,- - - -. -- J ..,. ~~; :.,.. -:;.' \ ';1'1 '7 -- -. '.-" . - '.'~ -; ;;-,,-, I -, . r""" ., .;., ';' ., '-r ~ ''TH"-"::~ ---'- -. - , ' :-A. THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS AFTER ITS ISSUANCE, OR IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT INSPECTED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180l DAYS FROM TIME WORK 1$ COMPLE;:TE;:D Any change In building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must havea valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit. the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, This permit fee IS not refundable. MAR- 6-95 MON 1~:~~ bQ P_1a1 LAW OFFICES Boose: CASIl:V CIKL.IN LuelTz M"~Te;N~ Mc;6ANI!: e. O'CONNI!LL " II'ARTP'H::"':SH1" rNCLUDIf'lG ,.rtOl'"C.SSIONAL ....SSO-CIA'TIONS ....O~t:I"'N L.. ....;"J::""MAN, oJf'!, .I!lUCs: <;. "'"I;:X""J"I;Ior;;;~, p.1-., ~1~FtAL!) S BEER ~_A. WILUAM R, aoC-~I".. tft 1-',.4.. ...IOHN 1:), B.::rO.IN, P ,"" PATRICK.J. (':,'S~Y, P;A AL"N J CI+l.I,.!N, II".A MIC~"'j::L W CONNOR~ "CQt:I'fT l.. (:~A/'Ilr;. ......., F<QN....l-t> 10:. (;A'It~C;C:NiLO MARC- ~. bOslN t..llKt.;., o. GAEE;.NI!!: r:H;:e,RA A. JeNKS, p.A. IllIrr'....N S .JQSI,.YN, fI,.... ~"'IIi:GO"'"" ~. lill'olQ CHA~L..$. a.. Io.V9.T.J:, P.A I!:DW;W e. Ll"IN$I""QRD AleI1A~O L "lARTENS, P;A, t.Ol.,lli I!t, McBANE, P.';" TIMOTHY ~. McCAil'T...-Y. ~_.. ElRIAN ~. O'CONN!':LI.., F>..... ~Ml'" g O'CONNELL. JR., ~.A ..I. KQl\y ~"'''U\HI.I"~'' .JCHI'Il D. "'OVN~, P...., LONNI! a. ZANGFl:ILLO PHILLIIit O. O'CONNEI.I., sA'. {1~O'-I"7) 0' eOlJNilt"1. NEiL $. BAFhTZ JQHI'II 100-. '"'eM"!!!:'" NORTHDRIDGE TQWl';R I . 19'''' 'LOO" .Ia "'01=lT~ n......."'r;;;1lt cr.RlV& WEST PALM IlE;:A(;H. Fl.O~ID'" 33-401 TELEI"HOtd: (~07) 832.5900 TUE:COF'IER (407) 6Jj.-4209 MAIL.INy AOORE"~ P.O. PRAW~~ QpiG~~ WIi$T ~"'L,", 1IJI!:.o.C!"". "'10. ......Q;:I:-..4=.. ID FAX 375-6090 March 6,1995 ~[' 'n :-. n', . I J.... ~)(l'U"UJU"'C' Planning & Zoning Cit), ofBoyntoJl Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 r i~ ~ U D U,ffi/l i uU t.f.4R 6 1995 I ~ ! \ I I i ~ i , PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Re: Target Center/ConBres~ & N.W. 22ndJOutparcel Dear Mike: Please find enclosed a copy of the Warranty Deed from American Development to Dayton Hudson C.orporation (Target). You will note that the conveYlIIlcc took place in July of 1990, prior to the date ofperl11it application or permit Therefore, American Development clearly did not own the site, even though the Target contractor put their name as owner on (he permit application. P"rhaps more importantly, YOll will note that the Target center was platted and that the conveyance was of Parcel B of 'farget Commercial Center, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 66 at Pages 48 and 49. Based on the foregoing, the only issue appears to be how my client, American Development, recaptures the 4700 ~quare feet, whieh Target was allowed to construct without authorization front American Development. 1 am hopeful we will be able to set up a meeting thIs week with you and/or Tambri, Jim Cherof and Carrie Parker (0 resolve tlle problem AJC/agl026-03156 Attachment ees: Thorn"" T McMurrain (73i-7640) .. "..-r:' . . ./. " '~"" ~ 1;' '~::l"l~ .....:., ';, ::' '.' ',.' :',,1: ",' ',' \,' 1.3:31 b.:.. Of~AH ~ROP~R-IIES 7346936 1=>_132 '-'.Q';: ( JUl,.~2h~\990 ~3'" ~O~~21. :50~C? . . QR! 4::JZ'1 hi?.;",. ton :,~~1ll.000JOO Doc ' 231:175.QO JOI tI Q Ot./tKC,tLEnK-.Pfl eOI}NTr, F'l. . WA~RANTY IlH:D ", , < . , TI1IS Uil)f.NTUH~.' ,Url'" thB ?5th day of ~U'y. 19!1(),' bet'l'fOlqn AM~1l T C^~ Of V Et.OrNEIH CQRPOkllT[()tl. ~ New .l1~n'lI,h i rll,Clll'pOl'lt1cn. gr~ntor, .n4 v~Yro" ~UP$O~ CORPOR^TION, n.M'~".s~t, ~orpol',tlQn. whaSi post Dff1c~ a<<dreis " 33 SouLh S'~th S~r..t. Minn~,p~li., ~lnn~lota '540Z, of tIle. COl/nty of IIcnnepll'l, Shh .", "Minnuoh. gOlltee, ' WlTNf:sserll, ~hH sal~'llr,ntor. ;01' llnd in eori.1~o...t1onof t~"- $UIlI \'If ,Tan Itnd Nc/lO,O ($10,IlO) 1>ol)ll's. and other' !llJod. and v~luabh cOI)'ldentlon$tQ sa1~ !l1'lInt".. in' ~..nd llaH by Hid \/..ntoe. tha I"ftoQlpt wller''''',f h Il.DrDl-.\' aeknow'.do",tt. .flu' Ol'lnhd. bHg~lnDd and ~o1d to the !!lid granteO. ind OI"~ntell,ls sucCes$or~ ~~d ossll1llS fOi'cver," the 10110,1'1119 dD~cr1b,~ land, .$1.tuah. lying ~lId be1ni In Palm Oeach COUllt.y. ~Iorlda. tt).w1tl .' ,'. . pM/eEl. "D' "f TARl:ln COMMEP.CUI. cF.'NlFll. 'lccor1l11\.!J 't.o . the P1H there,or. l'otcCJt'111>t1 In Plnt. !look 66 at Pnop.$ " . 4B nnd 411, of thw Public IlNol'd~ of ,P.lllll.Se,aeh'County, 'F10r14a, ' . . " . " "\.)., r \". ~lJll,'rC'l' TO l'Il~trletlonc. ....urVlltion~, cOlld1.tions.' r,i",Hlltfons an<l IHH""'ll,h. ,of raeel'd and to taxes for ,the tell' 1990 and .11 S\lbUQllnllt )'u.rs.' " '., ", ":, ".:' '. , : >: ./. ", ". ~ :,' '. \. \<',. ~ . 'The \Irlnt"r does horeb.v tully warr,ant tile tU,. to th o.r<ire,.hl nil p\'operty. and will dDflIn<l tilt ume,".g,lntt tltf hw~u' 'ilh'11'IIC ot .1 Lpltrtons whomsollver. ", ". , . .,',. 1~ WlTNl;SS WHEREOF. thll gl'antor has hereuntO$rit:',sranto,r" tiMid ud cur th~ day IInd yo!!ar f1r!lt abov'"wrft~"n. 'tu~o~. I.~,.d~hd d~11~.rnd AMERICAN DEVELtipM~Nr CO~PO~AT[ON. in Ht ~I'uonc. of, a Nl1w Hal1lpshfr, eOl'pura.t.~on ' 'tJ. -'" .: " . ...,..1' I ' ~. '.' . By.: ~:.f,~.r;:,~k(~J..i~.i~\':";~~~;l\ ts I'AS1, t'n .', . 1.}i(;J '~~'i:' , f.f\ ;'\ 1;; If . \ "'..~ :11 V. ~.~ . ,,"'\'.. ,." .; . ..". ,,'I, ''10 " . 'w II "..Iwt"- '-."(;" '1IH'tl".i..;-'~ 4'1 ~.'., 'tl\\ ~...'i ' '. ',' . l..\V . , :"":'lIlm\"..~ . ;4';' './ ?;;;:nr.:'ti<}~~-!U<-Y~C(j -~I~!:,-{~-(t~__ .. STAre OF ~LDR1DA . COUNTY or PALM 9~ACH ,~ f "EREBY CERTIF' that qn this d~y before me',.an Of11G,r dUlY '~,~~, qlla I 1 fi~d to take acknowlcdgnlcnt5 t personally IIPPWllr\!d Rl..hllnl ^d.., as Presl<l9nt 01 Amp.rlcnn l)evelClpmont Ccrporlttlln. . ME'''' lIC1mp,hire corpPYHillll. ~o 1M kno,",,, t.n bA the pe'rson du..rlbtd in and who e~~cutcri the fore901nQ fn~trument and a~know'edvcd before m~ that he .~e,ytad the Slme. ' WlIHtSS l1\y hand and OrnG1al Hal 111 the COllnt,y on6 Slah 1ut aforeuid tllis 25th day of JUlyY90, ,'. , .t?'~~f~~~~ My eOlnln!ssloll expIres: .. .< "'r,(' ,.....0,,;'1'.....,.;.,.. ' 'r~ ')or,\ .',. J'! \f.'" ThiS 1nHrulTI"nt w., I?rIlP");~~"~~I\/~ it1;. RIchard 11. Crltchfitl<l \ (", '~"'dil" ..oo..j!i.i A I CII^ RII H. CRITr.;lIFl!iL.O, P:'I{>",';':-,/lI ,,' / i ~911 Gla~u lI<locl, Sui \6 tot';~.,f'o,:i;J'i~'\~~" l\cc~ n.lort, f'1l)rl"'a 33431 ',.>"",.;:.,,,,., 11..""1 p,bn,. ~i.l. .r I bib \lI~ romrttl'rUa" '\('~,. A\a,'/tl ltJ. 1"1 "~u'n,. flU, "lilt"."".~", -r. '. t~. , ,~. >: t.I'/;'J'~,~::.; , ," .,r.tl'fJ:-...'I......-.... ,'." ..' .~.1;::,~,~j:t..\.4":-.{~,~...,!~.;'l. ~., .\:,~~;~.~h.... . '..-,,;,'1',,' \ I." . . . - ,....... M.::'R-- 3:-95 J:-RI. 14:Zla k::.1C F"_la1 LAW orj:',CE..& BOOSE CASEY CIKLlN LU61TZ MAI'lTI!:NS McBANE e. O'CONNELL AI. ~AnTN(:1"I:5111'" INCt.UOINO "I"IlO/"I!:.:a~IONAL AS!,;OC,-.TIOt-l5 JO$ltPH L A.CKtRMAN. .JR 8~IAN g, .JO$,- 'fN, P,A. PMI",,,,I'" 0, g'CON"'CLL, ;J". (I'!!IO,.-I..T) aRUt;E G. "':"EXi\NDl!:I"I, iD A, oJf.".LD ~, et:.r;lII., P.A. W,LLIAM R. .COSE. m, UA G"'I!!:.~Q'n ~. l'IINO C~"'Rlolili .... \..\J~ITZ. 0. A. E.OW:N C. LlJI'IISF"ClRD RICH.6,~O L,. ~AqTENS, P,..... \"OU1~ R. M(:BAN E. P A, TIMOTHY"', MCC....ATHY, P.A .RIAN fol O'':-ONNEL.i... ".A. PHIL D. O'<;'ON"'EU., JR.. P,. ..I, I'\O,",T l"A""KHWI'I"~T ,.IOH'" Ao, "'OU1'''~' P,"" LQNNlt I. ZAN(OAILt.O OF' COUNSCf. hE'''' 5. BAA'I,.l ...191-11'01 "'. A"M;;.IItN .JOHN C .OYK111i. P.J!. f!t"TjalC~,J, CASEY. P 10" AIoAN.J. C':u~L1N, f'I.A MICI-1A~:.. W CONNOR$ ~l"JaERT l.. CRANE, P. A, ~ON"'I,.C: ~, enl!::!!Iet.N.to M"'~e ~ DOQIN MIKl!l D. GRL(~~ O!i;e~A ,', ..J~NKS, P'..a" NORTl-4e~I~GI:: ,.OWEFl t . IS.... "1,.00" 515 NODTtoI rL....GLUI oR'''~ WEST PA'l.M BEACH. rJ..OFl:IDA 33401 '1'[LEPHONE (.407) a:32..5~OO Te:I".ECOPlli];j;t (407) 63:3-"'~O' MAILING A~grtt;:$$ F',O. C1RAW[R 024~Ze w~S'l' ~ALM 111I:"CH, "L ~~Oi!:-.II~'c!1@!j March 3, 1995 VIA FAX 37~-(j090 Michacl Haag, Site & Zoning Administrator Planning & Zoning City of Boynloll Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Target/Outparcel Dear Mike: I have done some further investigation regarding the status of Target. Upon reviewing the approved ~it. plan, the Target cemcf was to be 110,000 square fuel. My understanding that its as-built square 100tage ended up being 114,728 square feet. This is the square footage that was eonSllUcted without approval from the adjacent property owner, my client, American Development. Target or their contractor pulled their own building permit and constructed their own facility aner they purch.lSed the property. My client had no involvement in pulling the building pennlt or the construction of the facility, to the best of my knowledge. I believe that when you review the as-built construction plans and compare them to the approved site plan, it will bear OlJt my conclusion. The fact still remains, if this all proves to be accurate, that Targel, without authorization from the neighboring property owner, overbuilt by 4,728 square feet, and that 4,72& square f~,et was deducted from American Development's vested square footage. Weare now in a position whe..e we cannot satisfy the needs of the prospeotive tenants on the American Development site, and need the City's assistance in regaining what was lost by Target's actions. \ju) ~ m ~ " WI ~lW,i \nl\ .. 3 !~,,~' :.i\.'I_~~~,"". ~~ MAR- 3-95 FRI 14:3~ b~ Michael Haag. Site & Zoning Administrator March 3, 1995 Page 2 P.la2 Again, thanks for your cooperation. I'll wait to hEar from Netas 026-03156 ccs: Thomas T, McMurrain (737-7640) Joseph Pollock, Kimley-Hom (863-8175) Alan J Ciklin LAW OFFICES BOOSE CASEY CIKLIN LUBITZ MARTENS McBANE a O'CONNELL ,JOSEPH L. ACKERMAN. ,JR, BRUCE G. ALEXANDER, P,A, ,JERALD S. BEER. P.A, WILLIAM R. BOOSE, m, P. A. ,JOHN 0, BOYKIN, P. A, PATRICK,J, CASEY, P.A. ALAN ,J, CIKLlN, P.A. MICHAEL W. CONNORS ROBERT L. CRANE. P,A. RONALD E, CRESCENZO MARC S. OOBIN MIKEL O. GREENE DEBRA A. ,JENKS, P.A. VIA FAX 375-6090 A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS BRIAN B. ,JOSLYN. P. A. GREGORY S, KINO CHARLES A. LUBITZ. P. A. EDWIN C, LUNSFORD RICHARD L. MARTENS, P. A. LOUIS R, McBANE. P.A. TIMOTHY p, McCARTHY, P.A. BRIAN M. O'CONNELL. P.A. PHIL Q, O'CONNELL, ,JR.. P.A. ,J, KORY PARKHURST ,JOHN R. YOUNG, P.A. LONNIE B. ZANGRILLO PHJLLlP O. O'CONNELL. SR, (1907-1987) OF" COUNSEL NEIL S. BARITZ .JOHN L. REMSEN NORTHBRIDGE TOWER I . 19TH FLOOR 515 NORTH I'"LAGLER DRIVE WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 TELEPHONE (407) 832-5900 TELECOPIER (407) 833-4209 MAILING ADDRESS P,O. DRAWER 024626 WEST PALM BEACH, I'"L 33402-4626 February 24, 1995 Michael Haag, Site & Zoning Administrator Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Target Center/Congress & N.W. 22nd/Outparcel Dear Mike: Thanks for your letter of February 21, 1995. I have signed the request for information, and it is enclosed. However, I am perfectly satisfied with someone from your Department looking at the Building Department records and comparing those to the approved Target site plan. That review should reveal the difference between what was approved and what was constructed. Again, in the event Target was allowed to increase their square footage by 4,728 (approximate) square feet, that was taken from my client's property. That is the main issue and there should be a resolution. Regarding the platting issue you raise, if the Target parcel needs to be platted, that issue can be addressed and resolved between the parties. However, notwithstanding that issue, Target nor the City had the authority to reallocate 4,728 approximate square feet from my client's property to add to the Target store. As soon as you have had an opportunity to compare the building plans with the approved site plan, I would appreciate knowing what you have learned. Again, thanks for your help. AJC/ag/026-03156 Attachment _....~\:~-_..". ~~ ~ ~...~.SLb. , ~ It; _.- r f:bJ L. "( .' \~~ 7.0\1\\1l;u . ccs: Thomas T. McMurrain (737-7640) Joseph Pollock, Kimley-Horn (863-8175) FE::E:-22-9S l.oJE:D lS~~l bo:::. P.01 LAW OF"FIC(S Boos!:: CASEY CIKLIN LUBITZ MARtENS McBANE Be O'CONNELL .... PAA'tNEASt-!IP INCLUClIr-.G PROPES$IQN.lL Assoc,.a.nON$ .JO$c.;pl"l L "'C~EIiIMAN. oIl"l DI'tV(;C G. AL[:XANt.1c:."" P." .J~~"'I.D., a!=:Ij;A. ""',"", WH.U.oI.1oI A. BOOSE. m. ".L. JOHN I). aQ't'KIN, P...... 1t""'RICK.J. CA~I!:"', !!',A A~AN J. CIKl..ll'ol. Po. A, MICMAE;L W. COt.;I'IOR5 ROlleR'T L, C~Mf::. ~,A. ftONAL.O' ~ c.~I!:.':Iel::;l't:i:O M.4,~'; .' l)Q&\IN MtKE'l D, GAEENE OE:8AA,... .Jf:NKS. ,.,.. 8RI,,1't4 e. ...OSL....""'. J:>_A GI"EGORY 5. I.:/NO eri..."",e;~ A. Io.U8ITL, .....,.,. I!:ewl.... o:!;. ~"'...5,.O,..O AICI-IA~D L MARTENS. P...... 1.0JJI$.., M;;8.t.NIt. p," TIMOTHy P. Mct:ARTH"t'. ~A. fiR/AN ~. O'CONNf:LL. ~A, PHIl. D. O'CO~NE!..l. -'JOt,. IfI'.A. oJ, KQfilY PARKHt.JR5T ....Ot1h It. "OUN~. ~,^. !...QNhilll ., 1Ali>IyR1L...O ~HILLIP 0, O'CONNI;:I..l... SA, (ril01"1;'61) 0.. !=:.QUNI:.I::!... NlrlL. $. IilARI"Z ,",OHN ...' ft~M$t.foI NO~Tt--tB~ICG( 'tOWEA I . I.nl LFL.OOIIt ,'. NQATH FLAOLIUI OIllIVC Ws:;S'" p^t.l'I\ t:5C!:A';"', f"LQI'I:IPA ;'''''''0'1 U.LtPHONI! (407) 832-$000 T~I..~COPltFl :~01) 83J,-4Z0ii MA.Il-I....~ A.OO'!h;~C.c. ~,O. O~"'WEl!t o~"'~e WrST PAI..M ,U,C::H. J"t. 33402-46~. February 22, 1995 VIA FAX 375-6090 Michael Haag Site & Zoning Administrator Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Bl)~nton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Target Center/Congress & N.W. 22ndlOutparcel Dear Mike: Have you had th,) opportunity to review the issues set forth in my January 31, 1995 letter? If you need any ot.'1er information, or if there is anytpjng I can do to help expedite a resolution. please let me know. Thanks for yOU! cooperation. Ale/ag 026-03156 Attachment ccs: Thomas T. McMurrain (737-7640) Joseph Pollock, Kimley-Hom (863-8175) rn), ~ {; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' l& FEB 22. 1995 :~\ i PLANNiNG AND ZONING DEPT. . . %e City of 13oynton 13eac/i 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beach 'Boukvartf P.O. 'Bo'(31O 'Boynton 'Bead., ~foritla 33425-0310 City J{a[[: (407) 375~ ~.!U: (407) 375-6090 February 21, 1995 Alan J. Ciklin Law Offices Boose Cassey Ciklin Lubitz Martens McBane & o'Connell 515 North Flager Drive west Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Target Center Congress & N.W. 22ndjOutparcel Dear Alan: I have received your January 31, 1995 and February 15, 1995 correspondence regarding the above-referenced project. As we discussed at the January 23rd, 1995 meeting the actual square footage (gross floor area) of the existing buildings at the Target Center is identified on the permit set of working drawings which are located in the Building Department. You may request the plans and files to review the square footage from the Building Department or request our staff to obtain the data (see attached work request form). You are correct is stating 142,500 square feet (gross floor area) as the maximum square footage allowed for the project and that expansion or construction of structures or buildings that exceed that maximum square footage would require review approval by Palm Beach County Traffic Division and the City of Boynton Beach. please note that the traffic impact study is submitted to the Planning and zoning Department and forwarded by staff to the County. The remaining square footage (gross floor area) available at the site to expand or construct a building is the difference between the 142,500 and the combined total building square footage of all buildings at the Target Center. You have mentioned three interesting points in the January 31, 1995 letter; the first being an additional 4,728 (approx.) square feet that was added to the Target building while under construction, the second being Target's fee simple ownership of property and the third being the balance of the property that your client owned. ji(mema's (jateway to the (julfstream Page 2 Target cente/congress & N.W. 22nd/Outparcel February 21, 1995 The first issue will be resolved after the total square footage of the Target building is retrieved from the Building Department. concerning the second and third issues, city records indicate that the Target Center is one piece of property (Target Commercial center, plat Book 66, pages 4B and 49) and there has not been a request to subdivide the property. It appears the property may have been subdivided without City approval. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. Attachment CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROJECT/PUBLIC RECORD INFO/COPIES REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: Name Adress &/or Dept. Phone/Fax DATE NEEDED: NATURE OF REQUEST (Check all that apply and use space provided fur subject and special instructions) Files/drawings pulled for viewing Copies # Information/Question needing research Project (map made, letter written, report prepared, etc.) NOTICE: 1. You may inspect the requested records without charge unless the nature or volume requested requires extensive clerical or supervisory assistance, in which case you will be advised of a special service charge. 2. Plain paper copies shall be furnished upon payment of 15 cents if the paper is copied on one side and 20 cents if the paper is copied on both sides. 3. Copies of microfiche shall be furnished upon payment of 25 cents per page (copy on one side of the paper only). 4. You shall be notified of the anticipated completion date within 24 hours after request is acknowledged. Signature of Requesting Party Date of Request Dept. Head/Division Head Anticipated Completion Date By Department Employee Date Completed A: REQUESTS /cmc orig. 11/22/93 FE~-15-95 WED 1S~1B b~ P_12I1 LAW OF'F'IC~S BOOSE: C,o,SEY CIKLIN LUBITZ MARTENS MCBANE: e. O'CONNELL .. f'AA"'''''f;;R:SM1P INC...1,I01NG PAOFE$!jIQNAL "'-5$OCIATiON~ .J~Sl~H !... AeKtRp.{A~. .Ht bRUtr G. Al..nANDE~. ~A. "'~R"LO S, BCER, P."'. Wl"'l..!"'" ~. .oO-~~, IU. ~,..., .Jc:lI'"l'" D. .0\(Kl"". #t.... P"'TRICK.J. e",sE.V, P.A. Al.AN.), CIKl..IN, ~", MICHAEL W. CONNORS ROe~Ai' L, eR,A.,NE. li', ft., RONAl.P !:, e~E:SCF;"IlO MA.RC .. CoOD IN Mll-\~", Ct. OI't;cIP.-t D&;.".a...... .J~NIol.., ~...., VIA FAX 37S-6090 .~I""N ., .JOSLYN. P..... <i-fU:GORY g, kiNO CHA~\.tS -., lUSITZ. l!l.A. IC:OWlhI \;. I..UNSF"ORCl DIl;Ioi"'~Q "'. """""Tf;H$, P.A l.OU!S A. M~I!!I.AU~, ~ A. 'TIMOThY p, 1"'lh;:CARTHY. Po", .~IAN ,"", O't;O"lNEI.'- ~,...., PHIL D. O.COl'HiEI.I... ';P"lD.A. ..I, ~ORY PARt<ioiUAST JQHh A. YOUNG, P. A. l.ON"". e. ~""Q'''III1..LO Mic'lael Haag Site & Zoning Administratur Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach p, 0, BOJ<310 Buynto~ Beach, Florida 33435 February 15, 1995 Re: TarBet Center/Congress & N.W. 22nd/Outparcel Dear J\.llke PH1LI..lP I). O'('ONNEL.~. SR, {IQ07~Ii'e"l 0,. eouN~t.L Nell So .AR1U .JOI-1H L RE~$EN NOl!lfH.AIO(;~ ,.OWC.R , . I."" ,.LOOA :815 NOIt'rH F'u\Gl.e;J;t DFlIVE Wt/t.8T PALM BIII!:AC". r"'OI'llIOA :r.:...OI TELEPHONII!: {407} e,~2~~900 1't.lt!COPltA (407) 833r420; MAtL.It./C .oOFilES!o P.O. QRAWER 02"'62e WE;5T PAl..M eE:AC~. n 33-"02-04620 I caned you latc lafot week to see uyou have had a chance to look into the issues set forth in my January 31, 1995 letter, a copy of which is attached. I would appreciate it if you would look into tbis mailer and advise me as to how the problem can be resolved. Again, thanks for your cooperation. AJe/as 026-03156 Atwchmem CCS: Thomas T. McMurrain (737-7640) Joseph Pollock, Kimley-Horn (863-8175) /IDJ fE & fE n \VI fE ,1n1 IJ/Jj Fffi' 5 /995 ~j .?fJ .,' ~'o1~~WM.'f.D CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROJECT/PUBLIC RECORD INFO/COPIES S"'.']"""" BY, ~ft~ Cit; (lJ N_ i/~; tfl~~:?~{;~ ~~~~S~ePt. _-':'d- '3 _ ;j 5 .t. zb Phone/Fax REQUEST DATE NEEDED: NATURE OF REQUEST (Check all that apply and use space provided for subject and special instructions) Files/drawings pulled for viewing Copies * . .I (map made, prepared, ~ ~-... NOTICE: 1. You may inspect the requested records without charge unless the nature or volume requested requires extensive clerical or supervisory assistance, in which case you will be advised of a special service charge. 2. Plain paper copies shall be furnished upon payment of 15 cents if the paper is copied on one side and 20 cents if the paper is copied on both sides. 3. Copies of microfiche shall be furnished upon payment of 25 cents per page (cop~' en cne S1 de of the paper only). 4. You shall be notified of the anticip' omple' 24 hours after request is acknowle OJ- -~tj -1~ Date of Request 3/3/ri:5' Antric~pated Completion Date ''.) /'/f.r Da{e' Completed DrY1 ~!V'}) ~ ,-4\. ?>' A,REQUESTS . J~~~ ...........--..' "'- j1VU--J.- Bt<~~(l.J ~.~~ ~~~ .;tY~~~f . ~~~'%::!:~ ~f ~';APLAdJ~ -~~~M. -7 ,~.-~ "'L:-Cr~:~::-' ~~~ f4-. . *(~~~~ ~/~)~ .) ~~.~~7 within ig t re 0 Re~ng Party ~~d~~ ~J Dept. Head/D' isio. Head e l-t Department Employee \~ ~ lli.~.~ \1.- ~[f}\\\ \\lff';B5J11E 'i t~'Pir:': '. ~J \ ,_l;!~\'\-'-' .,. ..~---- orig. 11/22/93 --A" ""'p-J} l-on_/~/~:- __ IV! () lOA / ~ (I=IHONE CALL) DATE8/1~:;;1' ~~J PHllN[[) REliiilN8T YOllH CALL PLEASE CALL WILL CALL ^GAIN CAME TO SEE YDU -- WIINISIO S~5-'!.S~_. rnRM,lltf.I:', lUPS --~..._..._..~~ \ c;i,\.W?'TJ--- I I ~" ''.0'' ) -- - 'l~j:~~ ,.1'S f";ji!'o'I,llllll- ~,_ "_..~, ,.' ""c,_.,.,,, .....,..,. AN-31-'95 TJE 10',:54 ID: TEL NO: --1!0261'0i L"W OFF'lCE:S BOOSE CASEY CIKLIN LUBITZ MARTENS McBANE 8c O'CONNELL ..,105 Dt-I &,.. ACKt:RMAH. .JR. _"U E G. 4t.&J(ANta 11:, F' "- .Ii;" 1...... ,.I:e~, p,,,,. "tn.. "''-' R, GOOGE, ~, A A "0t1 Q. aO'fKltl, I"\,r." fl'AT ICK loI. c;A:>>CYI ,...."\, ^.A 01, 'C1P;1.1l'ol. .. /It. ",l~ "&t. Y't. QONNO~~ ~o "T I., CftA.NC. !II. A, 'R() '-.I)!:. CRCICE:NlO M4 .. DoalN t.A1~ lO.ORltE."!: 011: #t 4. ...It"""" "-,A. ... j!Io....RTNi;RSr;lp :NCI.-UD'.":Gi PROr'!:.OSSIO..........L ASSOCIATIONS I I!!IAIAN S. .JOSLVN, tI'.A. PHIL.LlP O. o'eo~ &I=t, (Ie07.I.oj G""~GORt' $. r<INO C1r:- cCUN.r:L eH,4,RLES A.. LUSITl. P. A Nt.U, :t, OARITZ ~DWIN C, \.'JNSFORD JQtolN L. AEM:!!f.N I I':IC~A.!!IC I., j,("'~T1t"'S:, P.1L. HORT""U.AI~e: TCWC:l!l' I '" I()flol ~l.OOA' !;IS NQ~TH nAGLER !;;U;rlVI , Wi.5T p^"'M,ali;^~"', ""'0"'0',111, ~~4011. T~I..&PHQt.lE (4Q7) ""2-"000 TEL~COPIER (.407) B33.."'~08 I.QV'=' !'I. M;D....Nc:. ...."" "flfoolO'Tt1... ~ ",..::e""'''''HY, PI..., ilIAIAN I..ti. O'eOfo.lNI:I..L. PA PI"IlL 0 ()'CUNN~\..L..JI'!:. ",A, J. KO~ ~~"...HUI'!ST .,JOHt1 ft. YOUNG, p,,,,,, \,QNNI[ e. lANGlol:lLl..() Ml"ltlo.lrolO ^D'DR~.~ P.O. 'f=lIU,WIU:I 02-48~~ WEST PALlwtISEACH, Fl 3:J4g~-4Hl215 January 31, 1995 VIA FAX 375-6090 %IiIlchac1 HMS Site &. Zoning Administrator PJluring & Zoning City of Boymon 'Beach P.O.Box310 Boynton Deach, Florid... 33435 I Re: Target Center/Congress & N,W. 22ndlOutparcel Dear Mike I I i I appreciate yOU! meeting with me on JllIlUary 23rd to go over the approval status oIlhe Target center I i and the remaining outllarceL As you indicated, based on what you believed was the last approvoo site I plan, the Target center, including the outparcel. was approved for 142,500 square feet, of which 139,651.5 square feet have been eonstr"cted That le<lv", 2,&48_5 square feel remaining to be developed on the last OU tpllIcel I , , , You indicated during our meeting that if the outparce! owner wanted to exceed the 2,848 square foot . &sure, we would have to go back to Palm Reach County And get traffic approval for llDything in excess , of thllt alllOunt_ I have consulted with Joe Pollock of Kimley-Hom regarding traffic capacity in this , vicinity, md he indicates that N W 22nd is over-capacity, and that no relief will be in sight until 1996- i 97. As I indicated. my client, the owner of the outparcel, bas been discussing the site with a restaurant. whi"h needs approximately 6,000 square feet. I , I I ! i In reportIng the results or Qllr dlSClIssion, ""d my di,,,,,..i,,n -mih Joe Pollook to MY oliel1t, it WM . , broug.ltt to my attention that during the coru:truction of the Target store on the property which they own ' I in fee simple. it was discovered that they exceeded the amount shown on their site plllD by somewhere I I in the n0ighbOlh:>od of 4, 72& square feet. 'they were already under construction. I understand, and they I were 11Itowod to completo the construction. I The problem, of course, is that the 4,728 square feet wl1jch Target "over constructed" had to come from someplace_ What happened, I think, is that additional square footage was subtracted from the square rn ~{g~n\'l1~ m\ -1. , r JAN 3 , \995 ! PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. -. _.. ~.. . JA~~-31-'95 T.JE 15:54 ID: TEL NO: 11026 P02 Michael Haag January 31. 1995 !PAlle 2 t footage remaining on the bed.nee of the property which my client owned. In other ~ordg, when Target I exceeded their site P!1IIl. 4,728 square feet was deducted from the remaining vested inventory my client I had remaining. BlUed on my (,-""\'('!'Sat;ong with a variety of peopl.., I beli"v" the foregoing is correct; however, I could ; stand to be eorli'OOted and wo\.ld appre<:iate lII1Y other information you have If the above sceruuio is IIcmrllte. I need to seek the City's assistance on behalf of my client to regain the 4,728 square feet which tlle City elected to permit Target to construct To the best of my knowledge, no authorization Wll!l requested. nor provided by my client The result is that .:1,728 square reet was taken from them, llftd I based on the traffic condition, Cllnnot be regained at this time. I I would apprcdllte your checking in to this matter llnd helping me come up with a satisfactory I ('JJnc1usion, if. in fact. the tbregoing proves correct I ThAnk~ for your help, Ale/as ecs: Thomas T. McMurrain (737-7640) Joseph Pol1ock, Kimley-Hom (863-8175) ( APPENDIX A-ZONING Sec. 6 3. Building and site regulations. No building or portion thereof shall be erected, constructed, converted, established, a1. tered, enlarged or used unless the premises and buildings shall comply with the following regulations: Minimum lot frontage 75 feet Minimum lot area 15,000 feet Maximum lot coverage 40 percent (building) Minimum front yard 20 feet Minimum side yard None (see Notes (interior lots) A and B) Minimum side yard 15 feet street side (corner lots) (see Note B) Minimum rear yard 20 feet (see Notes B and C) Maximum structure height 45 feet, not to exceed 4 stories A: Where rear access is not available from a public street or alley. a side yard of not less than fifteen (15) feet shall be provided on one side. B: When abutting a residential zone, side and/or rear yards shall be thirty (30) feet minimum. C: Where rear yard access is available from a public street or alley, rear yard may be decreased by one-half the width of such street or alley, but in no case shall a rear yard be less than ten (10) teet. 4. Off-street parking. As set forth in section 1l.H hereinafter. 5. Repair and service of merchandise: The repair and service of merchandise for household customers shall be permitted as either an accessory or principal use, for any merchan. dise which is typically sold in the C-3 district, excluding rebuilding or refinishing of any type. 6. Exterior display and storage of merchandise. Exterior dis. play of retail merchandise shall be permitted, provided that such merchandise is owned by the operator of the business occupying the building, and is the same type of merchandise that is typically sold within the building. Exterior storage of merchandise shall be for a length of Supp. No. 45 1922.5 .. ~ '" ~ o.A \ ~ \;;:::0.0.- ~ '~t I ~~~~~ - .----~ tl- e \I ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ " ({'...... "::)-...... .... ~ ~ ~ ~~ I' ,\ :~~ ~';~-'. -.,; ,'. ~ a c..\~ l' ,"" \..,~ cd. ~ \2 '::l \j "" ~ ~ 1 'I --:" ~. \'.r ~ -.1- ,"" ' . '" '1'" ....... - t ~,~ ~ " ~- -, ( ... ;. b __'" _ 1 ..." ~-'l-l i -:;.. 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