REVIEW COMMENTS ;4:xt:1~ 7Iv/ ~-M M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Jim Golden Senior City Planner May 29, 1990 Via: Timothy Cannon Interim Director of Planning From: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer Re; Target Commercial Center - Planning Department Memo of Inquiry Why is the Preliminary Plat on the TRB Agenda? In response to your most recent memorandum regarding the above referenced plat, please be advised that the applicant has been directed by this office to provide me with a written request seeking permission of this city Department to consider the applicant's most recent plan submittal as a pre-application process simultaneous with the master plan process and in conjunction with preliminary plat, as the site plan for the Target Commercial Center has already received site plan approval from the planning and Zoning Board and the city Commission (planning Department Agenda Item) . Requiring the applicant to proceed through the preapplication and master plan process prior to allowing the review of the preliminary plat at this late a stage, will ultimately place an undue hardship upon the applicant in the form of an inordinate and lengthy time interval relative to duplicating plan review efforts that occurred during the site plan l'eview process. Should you require any addi tional information regarding the effects of reviewing 6i te plans prior to platting please feel free to contact me at ext. 487. Thank you. (\.. -- - :-\:-A :-I:.' Vincent A. Finizio 6 - - cc: J. Scott Miller"/ City Manager RECEIVED MAY 30 1990 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE )?-~ ~} ~ 4d7~ MEMORANDUM TO: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Asst. to City Engineer THRU: Timothy P. Cannon "'--V Interim Planning Director { ~ FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner SUBJECT: Target Shoppinq Center With respect to the above, why is the preliminary plat being placed on the Technical Review Board agenda when the pre-application and master plan have not yet been submitted for review and approval by the Technical Review Board and the Planning and Zoning Board? ~t./~ ES t. GOLDEN " JJG:frb cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager RECEIVED RECEIVED MAY 30 1990 ell Y MANAGER'S OFFICE MAY 30 1990 c' ..., CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Planning Depa~t.ent 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 FAX NUMBER (407) 738-7459 OFFICE NUMBER (407) 738-7490 FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER LETTER . Date: 7-B-teJ Time: To: Fax Number Transmitting To: Number of es Transmitted (including cover letter): From: 7 / ~- I ~~ /.. if ,. " (' i. ,,' ,:~ 11' -(... '" "~~'-vv, ~~",...,i ~ i I. Cl; ;;1',,1 ',_, ( ./' v....A i....i' '';'~ .,..... ~.t-'I.r ,I: " ' 'I '!, ,: , ~........; ,., -~;j- I_i ..;. ,--1 ',. i . '- ; ," _, c...1 ., ;,' ~.,'_ ",,, ., " , -, -- ," ': ' I.' ~ , /" '/ , - ........ ! I ' ! I _ _:' j,' , ~ ' " ~,.-<o i~; -<- "/ ,,\ ; '- , ,""" .J , - I' ,\ ;...... i " I , '.~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ Mailing: ~ Telephone: Pose Office Box 310 Boyneon Beach. Fl 33425-0310 (407) 738-7487 100 E. Boyneon Beach Blvd. Boyneon Beach. Fl 33435 OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER Mr. Andrew Hertel Palm Beach County Traffic Division Post Office Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402-2429 June 29, 1'990 (Hand-Delivered) Re: Final plat Submission for "Target Commercial Center" Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Hertel: Attached for your review and consideration is a copy of a plat submi ttal for the above referenced proj ect. Please review the plat and notify me if the available rights-of-way is of sufficient dimension and character to accommodate the construction of required roadway improvements, as agreed upon by the developer and the County's Traffic Division. Please contact me at the following telephone number: (407) 738-7487. Thank you in advance of your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, (). ~::L '~cS Vincent A. Finizio Administrator of Engineering cc: Timothy Cannon Director of Planning Target File BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-260 June 8, 1990 THRU: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator TO: FROM: RE: MASTER SITE PLAN - TARGET SHOPPING CENTER Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. All plans submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original raised seal (legible) and signature of the Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings. 2. South Florida Water Management District permit or letter of exemption is required to establish the building minimum finish floor elevation. 3. Lake Worth Drainage District permit or letter of exemption is required. 4. Dimension the width and length of all landscape strips and islands. 5. Show on the plans parking space computations complying with the requirements of Section 11 H. of the Zoning Code for all uses (e.g. retail, restaurants outside storage). 6. Dedicate the outpacel, proposed to be a restaurant and identify number of seats. Include the required parking spaces for the restaurant outparcel in your total required parking space data. 7. Show the elevation drawings of each side of each building, identifying the exterior finish material and color. 8. The exterior finish material and color must match color and material shown and identified on the City commission approved color elevation drawings. 9. Identify the overall height of each building. Show and identify elevation of roof line. 10. Show handicapped accessibility route from Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue public right-of-way to each building. Include spot elevation along the path or route. The handicapped accessibility walkway must comply with the Accessibility Requirements manual. 11. Show the location of handicapped parking spaces fer the 14,200 square foot retail area and identify location of handicapped accessible route to store front from handicapped parking stall. 12. Provide a typical handicapped and regular parking stall detail drawing, showing the dimensions of both type of stall. Indicate the appropriate size, color and location of stall striping for both types of parking spaces. Show handicapped accessibility to each building and/or tenant space by showing and identifying the following: location and height of all handicapped signs, appropriate location, width, slope and length of handicapped ramp, elevation of each handicapped parking space and adjacent curb or Memo: Timothy Cannon Re: Target Shopping Center June 8, 1990 Page Two sidewalk where handicapped ramp is located. Provide spot elevation along the handicapped accessible path leading to the entrance door of each building and/or tenant space from each handicapped parking space. All handicapped code requirements must comply with the Accessibility Requirement manual, January 1990 first edition, first printing. 13. Show and identify the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform required at the entrance to each building and/or tenant space. 14. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pads. Identify type, size and color of material used for the sides of the enclosure. Identify the overall height, width and length. Identify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components for the dumpster enclosure and pad. 15. Indicate location, type, size and spacing of accent shrub landscape material required around three (3) sides of the dumpster. 16. Show the location and identify the type of lawn grass landscape material. 17. The vehicular use area, as seen from the south property line, requires a visual screen barrier (preferably) hedge material. Identify appropriate location, type, size and spacing of required screening material. 18. Provide a detail section drawing of buffer wall. Identify the size and location of the types of building material and structural components for the wall and wall foundation. Identify location, type and color of finish material proposed for the buffer wall. Include on the section drawing the location of the property line (min. 2' from any property line to the wall). Also, show and identify, on plan view drawing, the location of buffer wall two feet (2') in from all property lines. 19. Show location of all signs and/or signage, including directional signs and building and/or tenant advertisement signage. 20. Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space through the required site perimeter landscape strip at both sides of all ingress and egress driveways. The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning, on the site landscape plan drawing, a ten foot (10') isosceles right angle triangle with the right angle on the property line at the edge of the driveway and landscape strip and completing the remainder of the triangle into unobstructed landscaping stating that the vertical space within this area is clear of landscape material between thirty inches (30") and six feet (6'). 21. Show unobstructed cross Visibility area and space through the required site perimeter landscaping at the corner of the property (where two adjacent public rights-of-way intersect). The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning, on the site landscape plan drawing, a thirty-five foot (35') isosceles triangle at the corner of the property line where the intersection is located and completing the remainder of the triangle into unobstructed landscaping, stating that the vertical space within this area is clear of landscape material between thirty inches (30') and six feet (6'). Memo: Timothy Cannon Re: Target Shopping Center June 8, 1990 Page Three 22. Provide statement that lighting pole structures will meet the requirements of the Standard Building Code, 1988 edition, Chapter 12. 23. Identify and show the appropriate percentage of required native landscape material. 24. Identify on site lighting plan that site lighting is photocell activated. 25. Provide photometries for site lighting for the entire site (light levels must comply with the requirements of the "City Engineering Department Standard for Parking Lots"). 26. Provide a detailed drawing of site lighting pole and structural base. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included within your documents submitted to the Building Department for required permits: 1. All signage must comply with Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance and/or approved sign program. 2. Secure approval from Boynton Beach Utility Department and other utility companies, including Florida Power & Light, for location and type of trees planted within utility easement areas bordering a public right-of-way. meh:eaf TRGTSHOP.SDD MEMORANDUM TO: Brian J. La Moffet Jose Aguila FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: June 11, 1990 SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Comments related to Construction Plans for preliminary Plat and Revisions to Approved Site Plan with respect to the attached comments dated February 7, 1990, please be advised of the following: 1. Loading zone adjacent to 8,740 square foot outparcel cannot encroach access aisle (Section II.J.l of Appendix A-Zoning). 2. Closing the two access aisle connections as outlined at the Technical Review Board meeting will resolve this comment. 3. To be addressed at sign-off. 4. To be addressed at sign-off. 5. Engineering Department has indicated that this problem has been resolved to their satisfaction. 6. To be addressed at sign-off. 7. For future reference. 8. Being addressed. 9. Not addressed. 10. Rezoning approved. 11. Not addressed. 12. To be coordinated with and signed-off by Forester/Horticulturist. 13. Not addressed. 14. Addressed. 15. Addressed. 16. Comment is no longer relevant. 17. N/A 18. N/A 19. N/A 20. Assurance of programmed roadway improvements must be provided prior to the issuance of a building permit (sign-off). 21. N/A 22. N/A. 23. Recommendation only. 24. Not addressed. Preliminary Plat approval requires that you provide construction drawings for all required roadway improvements that are to be undertaken by the developer. (Article VIII, Section S.B.l of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting) . ~ i- )J.ii (tAMES ,. GOLDEN JJG:cp MEMORANDUM ( THR~': Chairman and Members Pl~nning and Zoning Board Timothy P. Cannon r-t Interim Planning Director TO: FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: February 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Target Shoppinq Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 If it is the decision of the Planning and Zoning Board to recommend approval or the City Commission to approve this application, compliance with the following conditions is necessary for consistency with the City'S Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan: 1. Loading zones have not been provided to serve outparcels (section 11.J of Appendix A-Zoning). 2. The design of the internal intersections at the southeast and northwest corners of the Target Store result in poor traffic flow and turning movements and create potentially hazardous situations. In addition, there is a visability problem at the intersection at the northwest corner of the Target Store that results from the design of the outparcel at this location. Vehicles turning left on the south side of the outparcel cannot see around the corner of the building. It is strongly recommended that the site be redesigned in these two areas to eliminate these problems (Objective 2.5 of the Comprehensive Plan). 3. Exterior mechanical equipment at the rear of the shopping center should have proper screening and noise mitigation incorporated in the design of the center (Policy 1.17.7 of the Comprehensive Plan). A note should be added to the plans to reflect this requirement. 4. Due to the close proximity at the rear of the shopping center to the planned unit development, it is recommended that the rear design of the center be similar to the front design of the center (Policy 1.17.7 of the Comprehensive Plan). 5. The design of the stormwater drainage system does not provide for the pre-treatment of the first one-half inch of stormwater runoff in grassy swales or other landscaped areas (Policy 1.11.7 and 4.2.9 of the Comprehensive Plan and the drainage design requirements of Article X-Parking Lots). Redesign of the on-site drainage system will be required. 6. The color scheme of the shopping center has not been indicated on the blueprint elevations (see item *14 on site plan application check list). -- 7. Typical floor plans and elevations have not been submitted for outparcel buildings. Therefore, a site plan modification will be required for the outparcel buildings (Section 19-18 of the Code of Ordinances). 8. Platting is required pursuant to Objective 1.20 of the Comprehensive Plan, as the portion of the original Congress Lakes planned unit development which lies south of N.W. 22nd Avenue has been divided into more than 3 parcels since 1978. 9. Lighting pOles should not encroach parking spaces and should be relocated to landscaped islands (Section 5-142(i)(2) of Article X-Parking Lots). I TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - site Plan - File No. 411 February 7, 1990, Page 2 10. Approval of the site plan is contingent upon approval of the rezoning to c-3. 11. Review of the developer I s traffic impact analysis is based on a maximum 140,000 square foot shopping center. The square footage proposed on the site plan is 142,500 square feet. The square footage of the shopping center must be reduced by 2,500 square feet to comply with the square footage anticipated in the traffic report submitted by Kimley-Horn. 12. The adjacent medians on Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue should be landscaped in accordance with POlicy 2.9.4 of the Comprehensive Plan. 13. Turn lane improvements recommended by Kimley-Horn for the project driveway onto N.W. 22nd Avenue have not been incorporated into the set of plans. These improvements must be shown on all of the site drawings at the time of sign-off. 14. The additional right turn-in/right turn-out driveway onto N.W. 22nd Avenue should be removed from the plans, as this driveway has not been included in the Kimley-Horn traffic analysis. 15. Restaurant floor area should be indicated on the site plan, including the maximum seating proposed, to determine the specific number of parking spaces required. 16. The orientation of the shopping center to the intersection is significantly different than that which exists at the southeast (Motorola) and northwest (Mahogany Bay) corners and that proposed at the northeast corner (Shoppes of Boynton). The visual impact of rh~ ~~Q~osed design with respect to the other corners at this intersection should be taken into consideration. (With respect to 17.-19. below, see attached excerpts from the Future Land Use Element Support Documents in Exhibit nAn). 17. Since this is a commercial proj ect, no residents would be added as a reRult of the construction of the project. Therefore, parks and recreations facilities would not be needed and the levels of service for these facilities would not be affected. 18. Sanitary sewer capacity is available for the project, consistent with the adopted level of service, as evidenced by the analysis un pages 9-10 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents. 19. Drainage and solid waste facilities are available for the project, consistent with the adopted level of service, as evidenced by the analysis on pages 11-13 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents. TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 . February 7, 1990, Page 3 20. Roadway Improvements The following roadway improvements are required: o Site Access on N.W. 22nd Avenue Northbound through/left-turn lane separate northbound right-turn lane N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue Separate northbound right-turn lane Second northbound left-turn lane by restriping Separate southbound right-turn lane Separate eastbound right-turn lane Second westbound through lane o Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue Second westbound left-turn lane o Six-laning of Congress Avenue from Hypoluxo Road to Boynton Beach Boulevard. o Six-Ianing of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to 1-95. Based on Palm Beach County standards, assurance of roadway improvement would require the project to be scheduled for construction in the County Transportation Improvement Program, the State Five Year Work Program or part of a Municipal Capital Improvement Program. The project may also be considered assured if it is part of a developer agreement and has been secured through bonding with the City or county. In order to meet City requirements, the Applicant should provide an analysis of impacts to N.W. 22nd Avenue, support the historical traffic growth rates and provide the City with assurance of improvements. If the applicant provides information acceptable to the City, the project may be approved but may not commence until such time as construction of required roadway improvements has been assured, meaning that a building permit cannot be issued for the proposed shopping center until the roadway improvements listed above have either been included in the State, County, or City transportation improvements program, or have been bonded or are under contract. Pursuant to policy 2.6.2 of the Comprehensive Plan, the City can recommend to Palm Beach County that the developer's road impact fee payment be credited toward any of the roadway improvements listed above, subject to approval by Palm Beach County. The traffic analysis submitted by the developer was reviewed by Walter H. Keller, Jr., Inc., the City's traffic consultant, to determine consistency with the 1989 City of Boynton Beach Compre- hensive Plan (Ordinance 89-39) and section 9.c.4.h(5} of Appendix A-Zoning. A copy of Mr. Keller's report can be found in Exhibit "B" of this memorandum. 21. Potable Water since the proposed project would consist of commercial uses and would not bring additional residents into the City, construction of the project would not affect the adopted Level of ServiC'e /To-) ,- ~ .. TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 February 7, 1990, Page 4 However, connection to the City's water system may be prohibited by DER, through the County Health Department, under the regula- tions administered by those agencies. Furthermore, since it is very likely that the level of service for water is not currently being met, it is possible that vesting of this project with respect to this LOS may be a potential problem, if construction does not begin immediately. The City Commission will need to adopt a concurrency management ordinance by June 1, 1990. This ordinance will need to include specific rules for determining whether a project is vested. 22. All of the statements w~i-::h have been made in items 17. through 21. concerning availability of public facilities will be subject to the vesting rules which will be incorporated into the concurrency management regulations that the City must adopt by June 1, 1990. In addition to the requirements necessary pursuant. r.:- tho Cude and Comprehensive Plan, the following recommendations should also be considered: 23. Additional bUffering should be required between the Shopping center and the planned unit development through the use of natural features such as lakes, dense landscaping, architectural treatment to rear building elevations, screening of exterior mechanical equipment, and mitigation of noise generated by exterior mechanical equipment. 24. The applicant should be required to construct the addi- tional median/turn lane improvements outlined in items no. 5 and 7 of the correspondence from the Palm Beach County Tr"f~iL: Division that appears in Exhibit "c" of this memorandum. ~l~ ES p. GOLDEN JJG:frb Encs Targetsp PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM NO. 90-077 TO: JAMES GOLDEN - SENIOR CITY PLANNER FROM: ROBERT EICHORST - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJ: TARGET PRELIMINARY PLAT Dumpster and/or compactor details of enclosure and site must be supplied. ~-25/ Ro ert Eichorst R.ECEIVED JUN 7 1990 PLANNING DEPT. - ~ RE:he cc: file EN:::INEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-163 To: J. S=tt Miller City Manager June 2, 1990 Fran: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer Re: Technical Review Board Carments Target Cannercial Center Site Plan and Preliminary Plat The applicant for the above referenced project shall sutmit the following information, technical data and plan revisions, in ac=rdance with the re- quirerrents of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19, Section 19-17, "Plan Required", Section 19-65, "Factors to be considered by the Technical Review Board", Chapter 5, Article X, Section 5-142, "Required Improvements" . PRELIMINARY PLAT Since the Traffic Inpact Analysis for Target Corrmercial Center was sutmitted in conjunction with the review of the site plan which preceeded sutmittal for preliminary plat, the applicant will not have to provide a =rent (new) T.I.A. conditioned upon the applicant sutmitting a plan depicting' the =nstruction of the full intersection, located at Northwest 22nd Avenue along Congress Avenue. Said plans must meet with the approval of the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer- ing Departrrent in accordance with the guidelines set forth within the County's Traffic Perfonnance Standards and the associated Municipal Ordinance as agreed upon during the May 23, 1990 meeting with the applicant's engineer, Charles Walker Jr., Assistant County Engineer, Enri= Rossi of Rossi Malavasi Engineers Inc., Timothy Cannon, City of Boynton Beach Interim Director of Planning, Ted Powell of the VIM Group and myself. The applicant shall assure the construction of those roadway improvements located west of the 1; of Congress Avenue. Sec. 4C II. Sutmit monies payable to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida in the amount of Two thousand six hundred and ninty six dollars ($2,969.00) for the installation of street lights (qty. of seven) along Northwest 22nd Avenue. F.P.L. lighting plan shall be approved by the Engineering Department prior to authorizing the installation of said lights. Section 5B (1) (d), " Required Street Lighting" Developrrent plans suJ:mitted with the preliminary plat docurrents shall provide for a site plan sheet that will also be titled "Master Plan", iril response to the request for this sutmittal to be =nsidered a Master Plan in conjunction with the platting process. Provide landscaping plans for plantings within the public rights-of-way for NW 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. The applicant will sutmit a formal agreerrent to faithfully and diligently obtain the necessary ROW permits for said install- ation. Should therebe no available ROW to landscape, the applicant shall agree to provide and install landscaping at areas so designated by the City Forester in an amount equal to the =st of installing landscaping should there have been suitable area abutting all Target property boundaries. Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article VIII, Section 5B (1), "Required Landscaping of Public Rights-of-Way". Developrent plans sul:.:mitted with the preliminary plat shall =ntain the nanes of the professional project planner, engineer, surveyor and developer including addresses and telephone mnnbers (ie Arrerican Developrent Inc. address? tel no?) Section 4. "Master Plan" Section 4C (4). Identify zoning classification upon the front title sheet of the Developrent plans. Section 4C 16, "Zoning Classification" Sul:.:mit proper surety for all required improvements, including all off-site roadway improvements as directed and approved by the City of Boynton Beach in conjunction with the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineers. Surety shall equal one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the total costs for the construction of all approved plan canponents. An additional two percent (2%) admiiDslt,rel(lT'tmn shall be rrade payable to the City utilizing one hundred percenttM%}-'df-'p~~<IliI =sts. Section 6A and Section 7. 2., "Surety". end page 1 of 2 JUN 4 1990 PLANNII~G DEPT. '" ENGINEERIN0 DEPAR'IMENT MEMCRANDUM NO. 90-163 cont'd June 2, 1990 "TARGET' e<::M>1ERCIAL CENIER" Provide an executed "Unified Control" document that meets with the approval of the City Attorney. Appendix "A", Section 6F. 3. "Unified Control" including Section 6F. 8. (a) (1) "Legal Docurrents Assuring Unified Control". Off-Site Landscaping shall be considered a required improverrent and shall there- fore be assured with proper surety. Article VIII, Section 58 (1) (d) "landscaping". The "Developer's Engineer" shall sign, seal and date all opinions of cost. Article VIII, Section 58 (4) "Certified Cost Estirrates" The off-site improvements to Hypoluxo Road shall be considered a required improverrent and therefore shall be assured with surety in an arrount equal to the certified "opinion of costs". South Florida Water Managerrent District and Palm Beach County permits required. Appendix "C", Article VIII, Section 58 (3) (a) "Requisite Goverrurental Agencies". Place note on developrent plan sheet no. 3 of 8 that states traffic control devices shall be utilized for all construction within the rights-of-way, in accordance with the Federal Manual of Unifonn Traffic Control Devices MUTCD and Palm Beach County permit conditions. Section 19-17 (k) teclmical , Section 4N " Performance Standards" and Section 19-21 "Factors considered by Ccmnittee in Review", 19-21 (a), "autarotive and pedestrian safety, traffic flow and control" SITE PLAN Submit a parking facility lighting plan that complies with Chapter 5, Article X, Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, Section 5-142 (g) "Lighting Standards" Facility lighting shall be photo-cell activated. Submit a photaretric plan indicating horizontal illtnnination levels within the parking facility. There shall be a rraintained one foot candle level of illtnnination within the entire facility which shall include driveways, aisles and other paved surfaces that serve said facility. Provide a tabulation for the quantity of fill (silica sand) to te imported for the construction of the site. Section 58,2, d, "S1.lITlt1aIY of quantities". Landscaping plans shall provide for the redeveloprent of sodded swales which are to be fully irrigated, within the public rights-of-way for NW 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. Provide dirrension for the parking lot construction. DillEnsions shall be placed upon the paving and drainage plan. Section 5-142 (g) "Construction Standards". Place internal directional arrows upon the paving and drainage plan to indicate traffic circulation and flow. Section 5-142 (c) "Traffic Control" and Section 19-17 (e) "internal circulation patterns". Provide parking stall details for standard and handicap stalls. Handicap stall striping shall canply with the latest edition of the Depart:rrent of Comnunity Affairs, Accessibility Requirerrents. Section 5-142 (k) "Handicap Requirerrents". Provide "Fire Lanes" that comply with Section 5-142 (g) "Fire Lane Standards" and Section 5-142 (m), "Fire Lanes". Provide drainage calculations. Section 5-142 (f), " Required drainage calculations". Respectfully submitted, ( J :_.."--:-i- ~-::Q. 0- Vincent Anthony Fin\~to Jim Golden, Senior City Plarmer ,/ Timothy Carmon, Interim Director of Plarming cc: Ivaf RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-297 TO: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director I ~ Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist ~ r~ Target Shopping Center - Site Plan FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: June 6, 19909 1. The applicant must prepare landscape and irrigation plans for Congress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue in accordance with the Policy and Procedure Manual (attached). 2. The native percentages of plant materials should be computed for the total quantities used for the site. 3. The road R.O.W.'s for Congress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue should be sodded and irrigated. RE,CEIVEP KJH:ad JI.I" \i 1900 PLANNING DEPT. - - MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-364 TO: Timothy Cannon Acting Planning Direc~tor - FROM: John A. Guidry Director of utilities DATE: June 6, 1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Target Shopping Center Site Plan Previous memo #90-086, dated February 7, 1990, listed conditions of approval, of which the following have not yet been met to our satisfaction. 1. show the location of the existing 16" sewage force main along Congress Avenue. 2. Add gate valves on all hydrant lines over 20' long and near the hydrant located on the north side of the Target building. 6. shorten water services to the out parcels and retail stores to a maximum of 60' in length by re-aligning the water mains and placing meters in landscaped areas. 7. Show all utility easements. Large trees are not permitted within easements. 9. Provide calculations on the site's anticipated domestic water demand. 15. Rectify the apparent conflict between sanitary sewer services and storm drainage for the out parcels on the east side of the site. 17. Please provide a construction schedule that indicates when potable water capacity will be needed, so as to allow this department to make a determination that reserve capacity will/will not be available for the project. Review of the current generation plans has prompted the following comments: 1A. Short body fitting not allowed. , Timothy Cannon Page 2 June 6, 1990 Memorandum #90-364 2A. Add note "All work to be in accordance Boynton Beach Detail specifications." 20, page 3/8 not in accordance. with current City of Note: eXisting note 3A. show 8" force main along N.W. 22nd Avenue. 4A. Utility easement must include fire hydrants and meters. SA. Dumpster enclosures are not allowed in utility easements. Shift water main to avoid this. None of these conditions or comments are difficult to accomplish. However, we do suggest that the developer meet with our staff prior to final sign-off to verify compliance to our satisfaction. dmt bc: Mike Kazunas , MEMORANDUM POLICE 11 90-073 TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: Target DATE: June 6, 1990 As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 5 June 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. Internal traffic control. 2. Parking isles backing into through aisles. 3. comply with Building security Code (5-8G). 4. No Stopping, Standing, and parking. ~OdJ~ L . Dale Hammack DH/cm RECEIVED JUN '1 1990 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-256 June 8, 1990 THRU: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Develop~nt Administrator TO: FROM: RE: PRELIMINARY PLAT - TARGET COMMERCIAL CENTER Please include the following statements in the note section of the plat documents: 1. Building setbacks shall be as required by the City of Boynton Beach zoning code. There shall be no buildings and any kind of construction, or trees or shrubs placed on drainage or utility easements (water and sewer). 2. Landscaping on other utility easements shall be allowed only after consent of all utility companies that have access right to use the easement. meh:eaf TARGET.SDD T !t l~ (. E T ;;')1- u f'E-d:,./'l~, (' c: )/ T L~ /\, ( 0 S - ""'"k,':;> -,..- AI' -.J -f-'i..-L fuR: ;)v IT ~!; I~ (T r e' Iv f/itX'v ~i:J1 r}/w .J f"'--l._-"-;-r:-- ..../--/""., \ I ~ :" l \"-r i ;....- j/ L( r j.::,' ( Jr ~- \.. /<.- ~- ,- I ('-' v - I ' I '-/t 1_," j~ ..v I ( 1_ -- l. ,.. 1...-- /) j- D ",--u ~ > (c- \.-.: j'v r /' J T/:..Jc:: Ftc ,C {C" \.,'\.. ", ' ~'l/'-( ,..- Iv I ..t.o .A'- /;(I-./: C) r~ 'iA-l'~'_c T ( ,;~ _' "') - j, j' \, ,,' ;" - ,\ T ?L ;i/~\) c-'t /1fJ,]CLffjI.L:,'1I . /\~F(pocri-c-I..!.~G.::' Vi 1-- -Lt~ re c~) ;' '../ ".: '--- - \1"1 (' \tv\' (/ ., ,I ( ( ! " , ..Y, l < , J \"i .' &,,",-1' <" ,{ '- C k. _' i ., '" ( '_c ^ , \" t7 ( ( JS C;' , , - , ): ~ ) / - CO' \,,-< , V~J , ! q;"7 \L rf J. ." j 1\ rev! I l t..} T- r /,' /t j.J I r- ~r I! " ( L )("(-rd~ /10 j,j ! 0' I -I. ('rfV1l.A,., I .) 1',{ I 1- At '. 1 " "J. X .1. ,2, ( 1:> \ I I, \.1 Iv"'. _~ i .> f I( ,3 "f.. < ). L I ,~ CO t +-- (.{ J J 'J VI 1i "2 J' 1., ( \, ~ ,Jll., 1 < ~ " " T H ( - c t f ~ 10 C " " {' (, I' ",,' ",,' -,' ( ~ , cl,< i i fIJC. C;;' , ~ .J.-- '\' (' f lc 1-: );, ~~, r , + -----+-~ .-'- -*- Ct.. \.I>{.,- '(. )- / -t1~' 1~--~'-_k:'vLI._o::''- t I.., f " LI ~ I r -, L F (A ,I '~\ ~ '-- y, Air J.i , ii" "0"\ _x '~~. _~ S ,,' I I j'"", "/ [ cJ' tt}J,,1.\....-,(-..~I(' \..,.- ("? .( J. ,/ ''-t' \.-, , ""\ ^ Y <'/""./-0 . ' ( "~ j i l.- I , \,j\.-' ' f.. Ie i V i...' (7 ~ ' V ) , ' :1 ~ !-.( r,'CC ' [ j \[.~ V , (l v, .,..,..\ , ; v 1 / i.",,,,,, \-. ~I" ,-,,\ ( I ( ," - ... '\..' \1\ t "I. I ( '," I ~ 1-- V\,,-; . ^ ( v'\_I~ I t < ~ ( 1 v --". I "'-f Vl -) \( , ;"-7 ,,1. ;, " c.<...J. 7' . I c/' ~ , /r:.- "'7' '7 ~-, --" -L I! ' ...l- v' I (. ,/ 1"6 , I i I 4 , -vi,.\ ( \.- tV ,1. -+ , I~ { , ( X 'Q" r ,~ ..... t ~ ( /' ~ <} I -j 7- J T -' ..." (;.,. F <J- Ail! ;1 jf Tv C , I c~.., c i.. ~/ , v 1 ~, i ,ro I... . l- .' . , . ,1 ^ ) fie I ~ <cyjc",s,' : ,. '" , i , '1 ,.(" .; jJ l' .', i ,. r' . (),~j/Yv-, 1\ !I j (" ( \~ (.: t' L (. A Ii' (I ./).1 v' \. r (I, // I.- ' I r i :7 " ,i I, r- I " , r I .., /."'-.. ' Ii' ! ' , /0, '. / 4' "_ Shalloway, Foy, iilIIIIiiii Rayman & Newell, Inc. G~ C~CI) Co-p-j ~ ti" ~.\\<:-1 Ll, - co - May 30, 1990 Mr. vincent Finizio City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: TARGET SHOPPING CENTER AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SPRN PROJECT '89124 Dear Vince, On behalf of the owner I hereby request that the plat and plans submitted to you on May 24, 1990 for preliminary plat approval be processed as a pre-application with master plan approval in conjunction with preliminary platting. Enclosed are two (2) checks as requested. The first one in the amount of $175.00 made payable to the city of Boynton Beach for "Subdivision Pre-Application", the second check in the amount of $400.00 made payable to the City of Boynton Beach for "Subdivision Master Plan". If you need, additional information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me. As always., e:QAf(\o-rrE- Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Associate BJLjdd Enclosures cc: Tom McMurrianjOcean Properties ~~..I c.v~""'E. $../-......1"" A",5<>L. Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 400/655-1151 Fax 407/832-9390 Suite 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel. 4001286-3223 Fax 4001286-8491 SEN7 BY:Xerox Te:ecopier 7020 ; 5-29-90 3:21PM .. Boynton Bch fax;# 1 BOllrd of COU"')' C:ommi..iuno:r. Carol j, 1:lm'l"i.l, Ch~irm.n Kdfl'l1 '1', Morc"o, Vin' Ch.ir l\u,,1 A. Huh",," I~nn Ilnwl1rll l'M[)I~ I'hillip' CDunt)' Admlnhtrator Jin Wlnlen l)~parHn.nt of Unglneerln~ alld Puhlic W urk,~ TElECOPIER TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET TRAFFIC DIVISION fAX NUMBER: (407\ 478-5770 " TRANSMITTAL DATE: 5~ q / q 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING TELECOPIED MATERIAL TO: RECEIVER'S HAME: Timdh\/ P. Co....nrlOn OFFICE NAME: C. i +y t7f' I ]D~ f1 +0 t1 :B-e o.cY, OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( \ OFFICE FAX NUMBER: f \ 7:>,8 7 '+S 9 . **.****....****.***......***.....************...................******..****** SENDER'S NAMEI C, K. UJa..! ke r OFFICE TELEPHONE NUHBER: ( \ .***.***.*.*..*..***.....*...*.**.**********..*.w**~.*.__***************..*** ~ TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (including this transmittal cover sheet: r; PLEASE CALL TO VERIFV RECEIPT OF MATERIAL: YES (1 NO ( NAME OF FAX OPERATOR; l'An El]\MI Oprartunity . ^rnrmath~~ ^l'llon r:mploYt~r" ROX 2.29 WEST PALM nF.ACH, Fl.ORIOA H402-2429 (407) 68~.~OOO - ~._---- SENT BV:Xerox Te1eoopier 7020 5-29-90 3:21PM Board of County Commi..iollel'll .. Boynton Boh fax:# 2 Carol J. Elmquist, Chairman K~rin T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A, Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillip' Count" Adminilt...to. j an Winters Department ()f Engin~cring and P"bllc Work. Mil,)' 29. 1990 Timothy p, Cannon Interim Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 SUB~ECT: NORTHWEST 22ND AVENUE AT CONURESS AVENUE Dear Mr. Cannon: I am writing to follow up on our meeting of May 23, 1990 regarding the various developer obligations for construction at the subject intersection. A summary of these developments and their respective obligations Is as follows: Palm Isles. P.U.D. !Unlncoroorated Palm Beach County) Design and construct two additional lanes on Congress Avenue to complete the six lane section from Boynton Beach Boulevard to N.W. 22nd Avenue. Shoooes of Bovnton (Citv of Bovnton Beachl -Westbound right turn lane -Eastbound dual left turn lane -Northbound right/thru lane -Southbound right/thru lane -Modifications to the signal -One additional northbound and southbound thru lane on Congress Avenue from N.W. 22nd Avenue to Miner Road (to complete the 6 lane section). Tareet Shaoolne Center (Cltv of Bovnton Beachl -Northbound right turn lane -Second northbound left turn lane (by restrlplng) -Southbound right turn lane -Eastbound right turn lane -Second westbound thru lane 'IAn e;'1l,la] Oppot'tunity _ Affil'mativCl Action hlYlploY~l"l' BOX 2429 WFST PAI.M REACH, flORIDA 13402-2429 (407) ~R4-4000 0. print~d pn 'fI~'1~~"" SENT BY:Xerox Teiecooier 7020 :-29-90 3:22PM .. Boynton Bch fax:# 3 Timothy P. Cannon May 24, 1990 Page Two At our meeting, it was noted that certain of' these required improvements had overlapping developer commitments, It wu also noted that eKistlng right of way constraints precluded the construction of northbound. Bnd southbound right turn hnes. Lastly, it was pointed out that, while there is no specific developer requirement, dual left turn lanes, westbound, would be required on Northwest I1l1nd Avenue in order to provide an acceptable alignment across the intersection. In an attempt to eliminate confusion resulting from the overlapping conditions, as well as waste, I mllde the following proposal which should result in some savings to ellch of the developments involved. Basically, it is my suggestIon that the intersection be built to provide the following geometrics, with the construction to be accomplished as a part of the overall project to six lane Congress Avenue. The Intersection geometries are as foll ows: Conaress Avenue Southbound - 3 thrus, 11 lefts Northbound - 1 right., 3 thrus. Z lefts .You will approach Motorola for the right of way necessary to accomplish the construction of this right turn lane, Quts1de of the third northbound lane. If Motorola is unwilling to dedicate, this lane could be deleted. (See attached marked plan.) Northw~st ZZnd Avenue Eastbound. 1 right, 2 thrus. 2 lefts Westbound - 1 right, 2 thrus; 2 lefts Further, it was suggested that Rossi & Malavasi and Kimley.Horn work together to establish approximate costs for the construction on Northwest 22nd Avenue. These estimates are to be based on red 1 ine sketches for the suggested geometries. It is my suggestion that the involved shopping centers simply fund the cost of the improvements on N.W. 22nd Avenue on their respective sides of Congress Avenue. With this work being Included in the project to widen Congress Avenue, both projects should realize II savings over what would have been chargad if the improvements were contracted individually, SENT BV:Xerox ie!ecooier 7020 5-29-90 3:22PM .. Boynton Bch fax:# 4 Timothy P. Cannon May 24, l~~O Page Three It was agreed that we would meet again with the same group of people o~ Tuesday, June 5 at 10:00 in the Traffic Division to discuss the conceptual sketches and eost estimates. A copy of the plans for Congress Avenue which has been marked to show the additional r1ght of way to be raquested from Motorola Is attached for your use. Your assistance with this matter of mutual interest is gredtly apprec1ated. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any help with this. Sincerely, charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division CRW:~:;g Attachment: Plan cc: JOhn Bendltz, Kimley-Horn & Assoc., Inc. Enrico Rossi, Rossi & Malavasi File: Intersections - N.W. 22nd & Congress SID - Palm Isles P.U.D. Munic. . Boynton Beach ............ I, " " ~ . .... , ....- ,!II",- ' llOyn~on U'" " ~ ...... -""'~'" ,_.,."",....., I \ \ \ \ , , ".' ---' . .. . I At I \ I Kimley.Horn I CERTIFICATION OF OFF-SITE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT OPINION OF PROBABLE COST We have developed preliminary engineering plans for the required off.site improvements at the intersection of Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue at Hypoluxo Road associated with the proposed American Development, Inc, project in the southwest quadrant of Congress Avenue and N,W, 22nd Avenue, Based on the preliminary engineering performed, we have prepared an opInIon of the probable cost of these two off-site improvements. The contribution level at the intersection of Congress Avenue and N,W, 22nd Avenue was negotiated with Palm Beach County, Breakdown of the probable costs for the intersection of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road is attached, The cost estimate performed from conceptual designs have been increased by 10% to reflect adjustment for additional detail. The totals projected for these two intersections include the following: Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd Avenue $60,000 Congress Avenue at Hypoluxo Road $180,000 We hereby certify that this opllllOn of probable costs are accurate based upon the best information available, Additional monies will be bonded if the estimate fer Congress venue at Hypoluxo Road is revised up following fin~~ 0-2\ .qu John F. Benditz, P,E. Vice President J FB:jsl Florida Registration Number 35470 --------=------'-_.'---'-----'--'- 4 .1'(" . ." == Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. June 19, 1990 Mr. Pete Maze1la Boynton Beach utilities Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: TARGET SHOPPING CENTER SFRN PROJECT '89124 Dear Pete, In a discussion with the developer regarding your question #17 of the T.R.B. review, they indicated that the potable water capacity will be needed during the first quarter of 1991. Construction is scheduled to begin around mid August 1990. Sincerely, '~rl Crlr ~ J. LaMotte, P.E. Associate BJL/dd cc: T. McMurrian Engineers. Planners. Surveyors \ 201 Belvedere RO<ld. We~t Palm Beach. Florida 33405 Tel. 407/65"i 1151 f'ax 407/RJ2-9J90 Suite 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Te\. 407 /286-3223 TARGET COMMERICAL CENTER DOMESTIC WATER USE SFRN PROJECT #89124 JUNE 14, 1990 (Based on Palm Beach County Environmental Control Rule - I) TARGET STORE 110,000 FT' X 0.1 GAL = 11,000 GAL/DAY DAY-FT' RETAIL STORES 14,200 FT' X 0.1 GAL 1,420 GAL/DAY DAY-FT' 4500 FT' 4,500 FT' X 0.1 GAL = 450 GAL/DAY (OUT PARCEL) DAY-FT' 4500 FT' 4,500 FT' X 0.1 GAL = 450 GAL/DAY (OUT PARCEL) DAY-FT' 8750 FT' RESTURANT 300 SEATS X 50 GAL = 15,000 GAL/DAY (OUT PARCEL) SEAT TOTAL = 28,320 GAL/DAY TOTAL ERC's 28,320 GAL X 1 ERC = 81 ERC's DAY 350 GAL/DAY MAXIMUM DAY USE 28,320 GAL X 2.0 = 56.640.0 GAL/DAY DAY MAXIMUM HOUR 56,640.0 GAL (MAX) X 1 DAY X 1 HOUR = 39.3 GAL/MIN DAY 24 HR 60 MIN Brian.J. La otte, P.E. Florida Reg. No. 41074 , =: Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. SFRN PROJECT #89124 DATE: JUNE 20, 1990 TARGET SHOPPING CENTER REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (BONDED IMPROVEMENTS) 1. A) WATER---------------------------------------$ 83,685.00 B) SANITARY SEWER------------------------------$ 35,890.00 C) EARTHWORK-----------------------------------$185,895.00 D) SIDEWALKS-----------------------------------$ 6,560.00 E) SURVEY--------------------------------------$ 2,500.00 F) CONCRETE BUFFER WALL------------------------$ 14,790.00 G) TRAFFIC CONTROL-----------------------------$ 2,000.00 H) LANDSCAPING---------------------------------$ 21,956.00 $353,276.00 + 10% 35.327.60 110% $388,603.60 2. OFFSITE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (INCLUDES 110% OF TOTAL COSTS) A) CONGRESS AVENUE AT N.W. 22ND AVENUE---------$ 60,000.00 B) CONGRESS AVENUE AT HYPOLUXO ROAD------------$180.000.00 $240,000.00 TOTAL BOND AMOUNT $628.603.60 2% ADMINISTRATION FEE 0.02 X (353,276 + 155,777 + 54,545.45) = $ 11,271.97 USE $11.272.00 Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel, 407/655.1151 Fax 4071832,9390 Suite 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 TeI,407/286-3223 Fax 407/286-8491 _ Shalloway, Foy, ~ Rayman & Newell, Inc. SFRN JOB NO: 89124 DATE JUNE 19, 1990 TARGET SHOPPING CENTER ENGINEERS COST ESTIMATE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PAVING, GRADING & DRAINAGE = $ 637681. 25 WATER = $ 83685.00 SANITARY = $ 35890.00 TOTAL = $ 757256.25 CONTINGENCY (15%) = $ 113588.44 GRAND TOTAL = $ 870844.69 ** NOTE ** This Engineers opinion of cost is for preliminary feasibility and budget purposes only. It is not based on a completed set of approved plans. Final project costs may vary substantially. Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 407/655.1151 Fax 4<171832,9390 _ ~l~ Swte 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Te!, 4<17 fl86-3223 Fax 4<17 fl86-8491 III Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. SFRN JOB NO: 89124 DATE JUNE 19, 1990 TARGET SHOPPING CENTER ENGINEERS COST ESTIMATE PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE ===~===================~============================================== SOD 750. SY @ $ 1.40 $ 1050.00 STOP SIGN 30. EA @ $ 205.00 = $ 6150.00 1 1/2" ACSC TYPE II 32400. SY @ $ 3.25 = $ 105300.00 6" LIMEROCK BASE 34020. SY @ $ 5.50 = $ 187110.00 2" ACSC TYPE S-III 7100. SY @ $ 5.50 = $ 39050.00 9" LIMEROCK BASE 7455. SY @ $ 7.25 = $ 54048.75 12" COMPACTED SUBGRADE 43450. SY @ $ 1.25 $ 54312.50 SAWCUT ASPHALT 1. LS @ $ 150.00 = $ 150.00 1ft CONC HEADER CURB 64. LF @ $ 7.00 = $ 448.00 TYPE "0" CURB 3400. LF @ $ 6.25 = $ 21250.00 CONC WHEEL STOP 781. EA @ $ 8.00 = $ 6248.00 24" WHITE STOP BAR THERMO 320. LF @ $ 2.50 = $ 800.00 SIGNING & STRIPING 1. LS @ $ 6000.00 = $ 6000.00 TYPE C INLET 14. EA @ $ 1400.00 = $ 19600.00 TYPE E INLET WI WEIR 2. EA @ $ 2700.00 = $ 5400.00 TYPE D INLET 7. EA @ $ 1600.00 = $ 11200.00 TYPE D MANHOLE 1. EA @ $ 1600.00 = $ 1600.00 15" RCP 1453. LF @ $ 20.00 = $ 29060.00 18" RCP 195. LF @ $ 23.00 = $ 4485.00 IS" CAP 240. LF @ $ 17.00 = $ 4080.00 IS" PERF. CAP WI D.F. 1722. LF @ $ 37.00 = $ 63714.00 S.C. ENDWALL WI 18" DIA. 2. EA @ $ 400.00 = $ 800.00 6" PVC - R.W.L. 50. LF @ $ 10.00 = $ 500.00 8" PVC - R.W.L. 625. LF @ $ 12.00 = $ 7500.00 12" PVC - R.W.L. 375. LF @ $ 15.00 = $ 5625.00 CLEANOUT PVC - R.W.L. 1. LS @ $ 600.00 = $ 600.00 CONCRETE DUMPSTER PADS 3. EA @ $ 500.00 = $ 1500.00 --------------------- TOTAL = $ 637681.25 Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, West Pahn Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 407/655.1151 Fax 407/832.9390 Suire 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel. 4071286-3223 Fax 4071286-8491 . Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. SFRN JOB NO: 89124 DATE JUNE 19, 1990 TARGET SHOPPING CENTER ENGINEERS COST ESTIMATE WATER ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8" DIP 2250. LF @ $ 13.20 = $ 29700.00 8" 90 DEG. EL. 12. EA @ $ 180.00 = $ 2160.00 8" GATE VALVE & BOX 7. EA @ $ 525.00 = $ 3675.00 8" TEE 3. EA @ $ 350.00 = $ 1050.00 8"x6" TEE 5. EA @ $ 320.00 = $ 1600.00 F.H. ASM. WI 6" G.V. 6. EA @ $ 1230.00 = $ 7380.00 SAMPLE TAP 2. EA @ $ 200.00 = $ 400.00 8" DETECTOR CHECK ASSEM. l. EA @ $ 8500.00 = $ 8500.00 10"x8" TAP. SLV. & VALVE l. EA @ $ 2400.00 = $ 2400.00 16"x8" TAP. SLV. & VALVE l. EA @ $ 3000.00 = $ 3000.00 1" SERVICE & APPURTENANCES 300. LF @ $ 10.00 = $ 3000.00 1 1/2" SERVICE & APPURTENANCES 80. LF @ $ 12.00 = $ 960.00 2" SERVICE & APPURTENANCES 110. LF @ $ 16.00 = $ 1760.00 2" BACKFLOW PREVENTER 2. LF @ $ 250.00 = $ 500.00 3/4" BACKFLOW PREVENTER 13. LF @ $ 200.00 = $ 2600.00 JACK & BORE 20" STEEL CASING 100. LF @ $ 150.00 = $ 15000.00 --------------------- TOTAL = $ 83685.00 Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 4071655-1151 Fax 4071832,9390 Suite 340.900 East Ocean Blw., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel. 4071286-3223 Fax 4071286-8491 ==-= Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. SFRN JOB NO: 89124 DATE JUNE 19, 1990 TARGET SHOPPING CENTER ENGINEERS COST ESTIMATE SANITARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8" VCP 0-6ft CUT 516. LF @ $ 12.00 = $ 6192.00 8" VCP 6-8ft CUT 670. LF @ $ 14.00 $ 9380.00 8" DIP 0-6ft CUT 92. LF @ $ 23.00 = $ 2116.00 8" DIP 6-8ft CUT 63. LF @ $ 24.00 = $ 1512.00 MANHOLE 0-6ft CUT 5. EA @ $ 1250.00 = $ 6250.00 MANHOLE 6-8ft CUT 3. EA @ $ 1410.00 = $ 4230.00 CLEANOUT 4. EA @ $ 115.00 = $ 460.00 CONNECT TO EXIST. MANHOLE l. EA @ $ 1750.00 = $ 1750.00 6" SERVICE & WYE 500. LF @ $ 8.00 = $ 4000.00 --------------------- TOTAL = $ 35890.00 Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach. Florida 33405 Tel, 407/655-1151 Fax 407/832-9390 Suite 340. 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 TeL 407/286-3223 Fax 407/286-8491 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN JERRY TURNER & ASSOCIATES OF FLORIDA. INC. 25 SEABREEZE AVE. DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33444 305-276-0453 COST ESTIf'I.ATE OFF-SITE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMEMTS TARGET RETAIL CENTER - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Congress Avenue - Median Improvements Quantity Name Specs nnit Price rotal (3 ) LIVE OAK 18'HEIGHT 8'eT $486.00 $1,458.00 Congress Avenue - ROW Improvements 10,760 sf 10,760 sf St. Augustine sod Irrigation $ $ .15 $1,614.00 $4,842.00 .45 TOTAL - CONGRESS AVENUE $7,914.00 N.W. 22nd Avenue - Median ImpI:Ovements (3 ) LIVE OAK 18'HEIGHT g'CT $486.130 $1,458.00 (52 ) JASMINE lS"HEIGHT ~ 7.50 $ 390.00 " 1,622 sf St. Augustine sod I;> .15 $ 244.00 2,512 sf Irrigatlon $ .45 $1,131.00 (1 ) Jack and Bore $3,500.00 N.W. 22nd AVENUE - ROW Improvements 12,197 sf St. Augstine sed $ , c $1,830.00 ...L..) 12,197 sf Irrigation $ .45 $5,489.00 TOTAL - N.W. 22nd AVENUE $1~r~42.~e TOTAL OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS $21,'0156.;01:1 MEMBERS - AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS AND AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PLANNERS SFRN PROJECT #89124 DATE: JUNE 20, 1990 TARGET SHOPPING CENTER ENGINEERS COST ESTIMATE EARTHWORK ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 41,310 CU YD x $4.50jYD = $185,895.00 SIDEWALKS ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 820 L.F. x $8.00jLF = $ 6,560.00 SURVEY ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ PRM's, PCP's LUMP SUM $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 CONCRETE BUFFER WALL ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 986 L.F. x $ 15.00jLF = $ 14,790.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ LUMP SUM = $ 2,000.00 'S Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. TARGET SHOPPING CENTER SFRH PROJECT NO. 89129 D.O.T. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS BY: BRIAN J. LaMOTTE, P.E. JANUARY 26, 1990 t l~{~ ~ Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 120l Belvedere Road. West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 407/655-1151 Fax 407/832.9390 8uz..y t:.AtJr Suite 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel, 407 /286.3223 f 01-26-1990 C1 = 0.80 C2 = 0.00 C3 = 0.00 II = 0.024 STORK FREQ. = 3 ZOHE = 10 PROJECT TARGET JOB #89124 I DRAIIlAGE AREA i STRllC'l' I (ACRES) I FROIl LEHGTB I IIlCR SUB. SUU I TOe TOF IHTEH. TO (FT) I TOT. (CA) 1 (KIll) (KIll) TOTAL TOTAL R.O. (CA) (CFS) i ELEV. OF H.G. I lliLET I IlIVERT EL. I !LEV I UPPER r.oo:R FALL I (FT) I EHD EHD (FT) I I HYD. i I PRY. I DIA./ SLOPE I VEL. CAP. (Ill) I l I (FPS) (CFS) II ~========~==================~==================~====~========================================================================== 1 2 0.21 0.21 0.17 45 10.00 1.16 6.81 0.17 11.39 11.37 0.02 1.1412.00 7.25 7.16 0.09 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.040 18 0.200 0.65 1.1 2 3 0.23 0.44 0.35 11.37 11.23 0.14 85 11.16 1.08 6.56 0.35 2.31 12.00 7.16 6.99 0.17 18 0.165 0.200 1.31 2.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 4 0.65 1.09 0.87 11.23 10.98 0.25 125 12.24 1.18 6.34 0.87 5.5312.00 6.99 6.76 0.22 24 0.204 0.180 1.76 5.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 0.56 1.65 1.32 10.98 10.82 0.16 125 14.32 1.29 5.99 1.32 7.91 12.00 6.76 6.54 0.22 30 0.127 0.180 1.61 7.9 5 10 ------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------- 0.46 2.11 1.69 10.82 10.57 0.25 150 18.41 1.34 5.42 1.69 9.15 12.00 6.54 6.27 0.27 0.170 30 0.180 1.86 9.1 6 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.37 0.37 0.30 11.13 11.02 0.11 145 19.45 2.72 5.30 0.30 1.57 12.00 6.91 6.56 0.35 18 0.076 0.240 Q.89 1.6 7 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.65 0.65 0.52 110 10.00 1.63 6.81 0.52 11.12 11.02 0.09 3.54 12.00 6.83 6.56 0.26 24 0.083 0.240 1.13 3.5 8 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.59 1.61 1.29 165 22.17 1.34 5.01 11.02 10.57 0.46 1.29 6.45 12.00 6.56 6.27 0.30 24 0.277 0.180 2.05 6.4 9 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.46 0.46 0.37 10.80 10.57 0.23 2.50 12.00 6.50 6.27 0.24 18 0.194 0.200 1.42 2.5 118 10.00 1.39 6.81 0.37 10 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.45 4.63 3.70 90 23.52 0.80 4.88 10.57 10.47 0.10 3.70 18.0612.00 6.27 6.16 0.11 11 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.110 42 0.120 1.88 18.1 0.27 0.27 0.22 10.58 10.47 0.11 165 10.00 3.31 6.81 0.22 1.47 12.00 6.49 6.16 0.33 0.067 18 0.200 0.83 1.5 12 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------- 0.43 5.33 4.26 125 24.31 0.98 4.80 10.47 10.29 0.18 4.26 20.48 12.00 6.16 6.03 0.13 42 13 14 -------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.32 0.32 0.26 10.44 10.29 0.15 162 10.00 2.74 6.81 0.26 1.74 12.00 6.36 6.03 0.32 18 0.141 0.100 2.13 20.5 --------------------------------- 0.094 0.200 0.99 1.7 14 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.65 6.30 5.04 10.29 10.05 0.24 125 25.29 0.84 4.72 5.04 23.7712.00 6.03 5.91 0.13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.190 42 0.100 2.47 23.8 '\ , I DRAIllAGE ilEA f STRUCT I (ACRES) I FiOIl LE1lGTB1IllCR SIlR. SIlR.T, TOe TOF IIlTEll. TO (FT) I TOT. (CA) I (lIIll) (lIIll) TOTAL TOTAL R.O. (CA) (CFS) I ELEV. OF H.G. 1 IIlLET I I1lVERT EL. I ELEV UPPER LOlIER FALL (FT) I E1lD E1lD (FT)! 01-26-1990 C1 - 0.80 C2 - 0.00 C3 - 0.00 11 - 0.024 STORM FREQ. - 3 ZONE - 10 i HYD. i I PRy. I DU'I SLOPE, VEL. CAP. 11 (Ill) I l f (FPS) (CFS) PROJECT : TARGET JOB 189124 ===--============================================================================================================================ 15 0.24 0.24 0.19 10.14 10.05 0.09 0.053 16 162 10.00 3.65 6.81 0.19 1.31 12.00 6.23 5.91 0.32 18 0.200 0.74 1.3 ._~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 0.46 7.00 5.60 10.05 9.84 0.21 0.112 17 190 26.14 1.53 4.64 5.60 26.01 12.00 5.91 5.72 0.19 48 0.100 2.07 26.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 1.48 8.48 6.78 9.84 9.50 0.34 0.155 18 220 27.67 1.50 4.52 6.78 30.67 12.00 5.72 5.50 0.22 48 0.100 2.44 30.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I DRAIllAGE AREA I STROCT I (ACI1ES) I FROK LEKGTH1IllCl1 SOB. SOB.T, TOe TOF INTEIl. TO {FT) I TOT. (CA) I (KI&) (KIN) TOTAL TOTAL R.O. (CA) (CFS) I ELEV. OF H.G. i IIILE'!' I INVERT EL. I ELEV ,OPPER LOWER FALL, (FT) I END END (FT) I 01-28-1990 Cl = 0.80 C2 = 0.00 C3 = 0.00 N = 0.024 STOiK FREQ. = 3 ZONE = 10 I HYD. I I PHY. I DIA., SLOPE, VEL. CAP. K (INh I I (FPS) (CFS) SIlALLOWAY, INC. PROJECT : TARGET JOB 189124 ===========================================================--==================================================================== 1 0.71 0.71 0.57 11. 79 11.12 0.67 0.462 2 145 10.00 1.10 6.81 0.57 3.87 12.00 8.72 8.20 0.52 18 0.360 2.19 3.9 ---~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 0.59 1.30 1.04 11.12 10.79 0.33 0.311 3 105 11.10 0.80 6.57 1.04 6.83 12.00 8.21 7.83 0.38 24 0.360 2.17 6.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- 3 0.59 1.89 1.51 10.79 10.44 0.35 0.190 5 185 11.91 1.56 6.41 1.51 9.69 12.00 7.83 7.50 0.33 30 0.180 1.97 9.7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------- 4 1.17 1.17 0.94 10.60 10.44 0.16 0.082 5 195 10.00 2.50 6.81 0.94 6.37 12.50 7.79 7.50 0.29 30 0.150 1.30 6.4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-- 5 1.04 4.10 3.28 10.44 9.50 0.94 0.818 6 115 13.47 0.47 6.13 3.28 20.10 12.50 7.50 7.29 0.21 30 0.180 4.09 20.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . , !!U!'~!~I!!J SUBJECT ,< r;;, (1 S' t-"<>PP U\ C, (<: rJ Ff! Jl9 ,.1 7 BY H c r--=>R-. $'-1.5- '10 [ I eNGINEERS. PLANNERS. SUAVEYORS TEL 305/655."5' 1201 BELVEDERE ROAD, WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33405 DATE SHEET NO, .L OF ~ SCALE &Frl TAA7t0d 7Rc,:.cH -S'INcf TI-h. (f A. G>",,,,f%<,p,L S(rt:, t'Aj!\llol'--'"" "'-EQ'-'lfE) PRCTf~I\T..f4 If 0",( HALF (NCI-j VOlu..f T<> I?f TRff\7f:1' d./J" 0.5--:-- = 1",-11\(-1,..1 IISS",,,,E CO "'TIG> l. l' TQ. '-'-Cf'-' r- (; IS' S bl A, T 10 , 7 S I [L' I ~,l;; (.,NTICol [l = (O,Ot>' (~o IC,~S n= 9,7~' L' V' J.~' ~,I.S J~" , (l = f,so As = I' 1:[ , ","" " I\.. /1 "-1= \,' ~I ~ f;:: = 0'0001 v l:: (H,-w 't ~ 11__1", -),.....~ TJ..fiL'llr)+ llii>l("'-y.)- w'1~ ~,-' 9 00001 (h.5t Ic,T~"J.'l.r,.LI.-'-:L 'l.SLtJ.'.l,I..$", I) 1(/'f?y\""-~), L.d..lcs 157 b FT "- frIN' - .('f Pr.\'~ ....."'( L :: ~ ~\W\~ L I ~~!!!.!!I SUBJECT' ,\<~~ ~~C)'i?~\~c;,. ~ Ir'~~ BY "\<.. 'N\. ~ \A ~<<:.~ ENGIM;ERS - PLANNERS. SURVEYORS TEL. 3051655-1151 , 1201 BELVEDERE ROAD, WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33405 DATE ""~"{ ~ ~ \Q,o,~ . SHEET NO, -L OF _ SCALE "",,~R~ "'~~\-a..'\ \)~,,\.~~~ ~"-~~ "Cl~~ ~~ ~,~<::.~ - 'e::.,~"-,,Q:,~ ~t~~ :t:. ?~(:)~l::)~~~ ~~~",,\t:.~~ ~ --- \4.0C) 1\ .-SD s.se 10.7S \. ~~\'-<;;)\~~'\ ~\"""~,,~~ ~~~ 2., ""\~\~~Y\. ~~~~\~""" \"'t::)\: S. ~~~~'"'~ ~.....,~~ ""'~~ "l-, ~~''\3:~",,\'tl\:l ~~~~ ~~\~ -- - - - - - - - --- \. \C,.....'- ~" ~ '2.. ,~\'-~\~~~ ~, "'~~'l\~~~ 4. \~~~~ \~~"'-::. - -- \ C. \ ~ 3.. ..s~ O.7D 8.CiO ~~~~~ ~~"5:. ""I:..~~ r-.<:..~'<;;.~ TIT _ ~,~~""~~ ~ \. ~"'k~,,-,~"'''l::l~ ~~~C-~ - - - - b- 8' 9 ~c:....- \~ . 2. ~,'- ~,c:.~~ - - - o. 73 "'~- \~. ~ 0.70 "'~~"'::. <ii. a\'e" s.=O.~~H a. "eo"...... ~,c:.~"'~~ - 9. be:> ~<;;;.'S. ~ \....\~""--"..... ~~~ \\.SD 'C \4.tlD '5:."C~ 't~~""" - 2..S \"c:..~~~ ~~~~ ""~ ~''''''=- \).J~\~ Q...~~~""" ~ "e'-~~~~~ \'S 6 'x. """ C~\: ~ ,,'-.).... ~\ ~ ~ \ ~ ~4" \>>\ ""i:l~ ,." '= JO.7oS \~\1~~""'~~ ~\~~~'-~ }-.,.~ \~" R~~ f>,,\: /oc:f-c ~~~~ i ! PROJECT NAIIE: TARGET *** SCS RUNOFF & FLOOD ROUTING - 3 - YEAR STORK RAINFALL = 2.5 INCHES 24 HOUR DURATION STORK TIME (HR) RAIN (IN) RUNOFF (IN) RUNOFF (A-F) DISCHARGE STORAGE STAGE (CFS) (A-F) (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.16 10.00 0.53 0.23 0.25 0.0 0.25 3.86 10.50 0.59 0.27 0.30 0.0 0.30 4.65 11.00 0.67 0.34 0.37 0.0 0.37 5.74 11.25 0.74 0.39 0.43 0.0 0.43 6.63 11.50 0.80 0.44 0.49 0.0 0.49 7.53 11.75 1.22 0.82 0.90 11.3 0.79 11.74 12.00 1.64 1.22 1.34 13.0 0.97 11. 92 12.25 1. 73 1.30 1.43 11.5 0.81 11.76 12.50 1.82 1.39 1.53 10.3 0.68 11.63 12.75 1.87 1.44 1.58 7.2 0.55 11.36 13.00 1.92 1.48 1.63 0.0 0.53 8.12 13.50 1.99 1.55 1. 70 2.4 0.55 10.99 14.00 2.05 1.61 1. 76 0.5 0.55 9.66 19.00 2.34 1.89 2.07 1.0 0.55 10.77 24.00 2.50 2.05 2.25 0.0 0.53 8.18 . Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, mc. SFRN JOB NO: 89124 DATE MAY 24, 1990 TARGET SHOPPING CENTER ENGINEERS COST ESTIMATE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PAVING, GRADING & DRAINAGE = $ 629351.30 WATER = $ 76520.00 SANITARY = $ 35455.00 ------------------------ TOTAL = $ 741326.30 CONTINGENCY (15%) = $ 111198.90 ------------------------ GRAND TOTAL = $ 852525.20 ** NOTE ** This Engineers opinion of cost is for preliminary feasibility and budget purposes only. It is not based on a completed set of approved plans. Final project costs may vary substantially. Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, Welt Palm Beach. Florida 33405 Tel. 407/655-1151 Fax 407/832.9390 Suite 340, 900 EaSl Ocean Blvd., StU&l1, Florida 34994 Tel. 4071286 3223 Fax 407(286-8491 ........ _ Shalloway, Foy, IIIiiIiIII!!I Rayman & Newell, Inc. . AHERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION/TARGET (SFRN PROJECT 1891241 ONSITE EARTHWORK EXISTING ELEVATION AT EACH NODE OF 100'x 100' GRID A B C D E F G H I J K 1 11.4 11.6 11.6 12 11.9 12.4 12.6 11.3 10.45 10.8 13,68 2 11.8 12.1 12.4 13 12.2 12.5 13.8 11.3 10.5 10,4 13.36 3 12.4 11.9 12.2 12.7 12.3 12.3 13.2 12.9 10.6 10.1 13.16 4 11.8 12.3 12.4 12.2 12.3 12.1 12.8 10.6 13.25 5 11.8 12.8 13.4 12.3 12.6 12.2 12.6 13.5 13.4 6 12.4 11.6 5.2 1.95 11,7 12 12.3 13,4 7 11.7 12.4 11.7 12 11.8 12.4 12.9 8 12.25 12.4 AHERICAN DEVELOPHENT CORPORATION/TARGET (SFRN PROJECT 189124) ONSITE EARTHWORK AREA OF EACH GRID (SQ. FT.) A B C D E F G H I J K 1 2025 5405 5928 6252 6610 7007 7363 7780 8109 8499 3755 2 4500 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 4000 3 3038 9816 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 4000 4 8439 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 4000 5 8773 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 4000 6 8200 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 4000 7 5728 5789 10000 8430 7692 . 7692 3200 8 4160 4480 >it ~~~~ Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road. WeSI Pahn Bcach, Florida 3340S Tel. 407/655-1151 Fox 407/832.9390 Suite 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuan, Florida 34994 Tel. 407/286-3223 Fox 407/286-8491 _ Shalloway, Foy, I!IiiIIII Rayman & Newell, Inc. AHERICAN DEVELOPHENT CORPORATION/TARGET (SFRN PROJECT '89124) ONSITE EARTHI<<lRK PROPOSED ELEVATION AT EACH HODE OF 100'x 100' GRID A B C D E F G H I J K 1 11.25 11.5 12 11.3 11.5 11.1 11. 25 11.5 11.25 11.25 11. 25 2 12.25 12.5 13.25 12.4 12.2 12.25 11. 75 11.75 12 11.65 11. 25 3 12.1 11. 88 12.05 12.75 13.25 12.25 12 11.75 11. 85 12.05 11.75 4 12.15 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 12.25 12 11. 85 11 5 11.85 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 12.35 13.25 12,05 6 12.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 12.65 12.25 12.5 7 10.25 11.75 12.05 13.25 11.75 13.25 12 8 11.8 12.15 Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, Welt Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel. 407/655.1151 Fax 4071832.9390 Suite 340. 900 Easl Ocean Blvd., Stuart. Florida 34994 Tel. 407/286-3223 Fax 407/286-8491 . !!!!!!!II Shalloway, Foy, IIIiIiII!I Rayman & Newell,lnc. AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION/TARGET (SFRN PROJECT /89124) ONSITE EARTHWORK DEPTH OF CUT/FILL AT EACH NODE OF 100'x 100' GRID (NOTE: tVE=FILL, -VE=CUT) A B C D E F G H I J K 1 -0.15 -0.1 0.48 -0.7 -0.4 -1.3 -1. 35 0.24 0.96 0.54 -2.43 2 0.54 0.48 1.02 -0.6 0 -0.25 -2.05 0.54 1.8 1.5 -2.11 3 -0.3 -0.02 -0.15 0.06 1.14 -0.05 -1.2 -1.15 1.5 2.34 -1. 41 4 0.42 1.14 1.02 1.26 1.14 0.18 -0.8 1.5 -2.25 5 0.06 0.54 -0.15 1.14 0,78 1.26 -0.25 -0.25 -1.35 6 -0.15 1.98 9.66 13.56 1.86 0.78 -0.05 -0.9 7 -1.45 -0.65 0.42 1.5 -0.05 1.02 -0.9 8 -0.45 -0.25 AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION/TARGET (SFRN PROJECT /89124) ONSITE EARTHWORK VOLUNE OF CUT/FILL (CUBIC FEET) AT EACH NODE OF 100'x 100' GRID (NOTE: tVE=FILL, -VE=CUT) A B C D E F G H I J K 1 -303.75 -540.5 2845.44 -4376.4 -2644 -9109.1 -9940.05 1867.2 7784.64 4589.46 -9124.65 2 2430 4800 10200 -6000 0 -2500 -20500 5400 18000 15000 -8440 3 -911.4 -196.32 -1500 600 11400 -500 -12000 -11500 15000 23400 -5640 4 3544.38 Il400 10200 12600 11400 1800 -8000 15000 -9000 5 526.38 5400 -1500 11400 7800 12600 -2500 -2500 -5400 6 -1230 19800 96600 135600 18600 7800 -500 -3600 7 -8305.6 -3762.85 4200 12645 -384.6 7845.84 -2880 8 -1872 -1120 TOTAL VOLUME OF CUT/FILL (CUBIC YARDSI= 41310.79 THEREFORE, TOTAL VOLUME OF FILL (ONSITE) REQUIRED IS= 41310 Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, Welt Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Suite 340, 900 Eaat Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel. 400/655-1151 Fax 400/832-9390 Tel. 400/286-3223 Fax 400/286 8491 I Kim/ey.Horn I TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Prepared for: R.E. Boyer Nashua, New Hampshire Prepared by: Klmley-Hom and Associates, Inc. West Palm Beach, Florida December 1989 Revised January 1990 COPR Klmley-Hora 4071T.00 I Kim/ey.Horn I Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. SURVEYORS 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 407 845-0665 Facsimile 407 863-8175 December 27, 1989 Revised J an uary 3, 1990 4071 T.00(07) American Development c/o Mr. R.E. Boyer 4 Water Street Nashua, New Hampshire 03060 Re: American Development Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Boyer: We are pleased to submit our traffic impact analysis for the proposed American Development shopping center to be located at the southwest quadrant of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida. It has been a pleasure working with you and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ~&~r Steven G. Godfrey, P.E. Principal ;:2':hf). } ho/~ 6 SGG/KC:jsl Florida Registration Number 18499 4071 TOO-RB-LOIOSIlO-,.., wp Anaheim t Charlotte t Dallas . Fort Lauderdale t Fort Myers f NashVIlle . Orlando t Phoenix Raleigh . San Diego . Stuart . Tampa . Vero Beach . Virginia Beach . West Palm Beach Building client relationship. since 1967 I Kim/ey.Horn I TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ INTRODUCTION INVENTOR Y AND PLANNING DATA 2 Inventory 2 Planning Data 2 PROJECT TRAFFIC 4 Traffic Generation 4 Traffic Distribution 4 Traffic Assignment 6 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 7 ASSURED CONSTRUCTION 8 LINK EVALUATION 9 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS 11 RECOMMENDATIONS 14 APPENDIX A - Critical Movement Analyses Worksheets APPENDIX B - Highway Capacity Manual Intersection Analysis 4071 TOO- TOC-ROI0390-toc. wp -i- I Kim/ey.Horn I LIST OF FIGURES Filzure No. I 2 3 Title Existing Roadway Conditions Performance Standards Analysis PM Peak Hour Traffic Assignment LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Trip Generation 4071 TOO- TOC-ROIOSgo-toc.wp -ii- ~ 3 10 12 ~ 5 I Kim/ey.Horn I INTRODUCTION The proposed American Development site has been evaluated for 140,000 square feet of retail shops. The project will be located in the southwest quadrant of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Access to the development will be provided on both Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue. In addition, the center will have cross access with Catalina Centre located south of the site. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., was retained to prepare a traffic impact analysis for the proposed development. The analysis was performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, with the exception of level of service standards, as requested by the City of Boynton Beach. Level of service standards were obtained from the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. This document presents the methodology and the findings of these analyses. The traffic impact analysis examined the site access intersections, and intersections on Congress A venue that represent the termini of impacted links. The analysis used current data available from Palm Beach County, which was supplemented with data collected in the field. It was assumed that the development was fully built out by the year 1992. 4071TOO-R010390-kc.wp -1- I Kim/ey.Horn I INVENTORY AND PLANNING DATA Ioveotorv The data used in this analysis were obtained from Palm Beach County and from field studies performed by Kimley-Horn. The data included: o PM peak hour turning movement counts o 1988/1989 and 1989 average annual 24-hour traffic volumes o Historic count data o Roadway geometrics o Approved development traffic Counts were adjusted to reflect existing average annual daily traffic conditions where necessary. Existing area roadway conditions are shown in Figure 1. PlaooloR Data Site related information was provided by Currie Schneider and Associates. The analysis contained herein is based on primary site access on both N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. Access continuity between Catalina Centre and American Development is also assumed. 4011 TOO-ROI0390-te,"p -2- cL! o -..... ~..N .. o <C ..... ",N .. ! .N. ~ NOT TO SCALE o " W U Z W " ~ ... HYPOLUXO RO. H-;J,\:;KZ !,--! . N NO U..... ,,;. N A 8025 2L N.W. UNO AVE. r-, '( SITE I ',---"" J .. 00 .. ..... ....m"" N OLD BOYNTON RD. A 8448 2L .. "0 o ..,..~ ... N BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. o "0 oC ......J "'''' N iii ~ CI) CI) w " " Z o U WOOLBRIGHT RD. LEGEND C 21,822 4LD LEVEL OF SERVICE EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES LANE GEOMETRY INTERCHANGE . C 43,888 8LD '" .. .!. FIGURE 1 AMERICAN OEVELOPMENT EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS 1__.1 4071T.OO I Kim/ey.Horn I PROJECT TRAFFIC Traffic Generation The traffic generation potential for the proposed American Development shopping center was based on the traffic generation rates published by Palm Beach County. The development was generated considering its relationship to the existing Catalina Centre. The two shopping centers are contiguous and will share common access. With respect to traffic generation and circulation, they will function as one center. Peak hour characteristics were based on information published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trio Generation Reoort (Fourth Edition). The generation rates used in the analysis are included in Table 1. Traffic DIstribution From a review of the existing and approved development in Palm Beach County and considering the arterial network with its travel time characteristics, the external traffic distribution was calculated. The distribution, summarized by general directions, is summarized below: NORTH 30% SOUTH 30% EAST 15% WEST 25% 4011 TOO-R010390-kc, wp -4- I Kim/ey.Horn I 8\ N '" '" '" 0 :'! ~ ~ . . . ~I ~ N '" ~ '" ~ '" '" ~ ~I 0 0; '" :;>. ~ ~ .., l,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N '" "'. o. - . .; . ~ .., > . z ~ '" ~ '" ~ '" ~ ~. "'. ;! 0 ~ z 0 . . 0 c w " w ~ z ~ N .. W ~ ": c ~ + . ~ 0 ~ ;; ~ .~ ~I ;: . " + .., . . . '" ~ . 0 . 0 . ...: c 5 N ~ . r,> ~ , N ;) . . ~<c . N I.l ~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ , .';) 0 Q J- \ ) 0 ';; 0 0_",- ~ 0 N 0 o~'r~{ 0 ~ A N N '" , ' 0 ~ 0 :;>. ;! ~ ~ ,l ..." " " .. ." .. " 0 (".~"' . ~, , . 0 ("G 0 .. . o. ~ .. ~ - . .. 0 '5 .. - ~ c . . . . 0 .. u . 0 . . . . K . ~ ~ K 0 , 0 ~ , ~ . 0 ~ 0. . .. . . . > ~ . . 0 > 0 . u ~ . . . 0 . u 0 u . , ~ u C <Tn . 0 . . . . ~ 0 . 0 t ,~ u . . .. .. - . . . I . ~ . I . . . . . ~ u c u z 4071TOO-ROI03IlO-ke,wp -5- I Kim/ey.Horn I Traffic: Asshmment The distributed external trips for the project at full buildout were assigned to the roadways within the radius of influence, both in terms of daily external trips and PM peak hour directional volumes as appropriate. The assignment is based on estimated minimal travel routes and considered assured construction. 4071 TOO-ROIOSllO-kc,,,p -6- I Kim/ey.Horn I BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Traffic counts during the PM peak hour were conducted at the existing site access and on N.W. 22nd Avenue. Trips that will be generated by six approved developments in the area were reviewed. These developments are as follows: 1. Quantum Park (Boynton Beach Park of Commerce) 2. Motorola 3. Citrus Glen PUD 4. Melear PUD 5. Elementary School "Po 6. Knollwood Groves The review of the developments above indicated that none of the projects add ten percent (10%) of the Level of Service "D" service volume on the links in the study area. Therefore, traffic from these developments was not added to the projected background traffic. According to requirements of the Palm Beach Traffic Performance Standards, existing traffic volumes were grown by factors determined by a review of anticipated development and historical growth data. The growth rates ranged from 5% to 9.8%. 4071TOO-ROI0390-ke,...p -7- I Kimley.Horn I ASSURED CONSTRUCTION The existing laneages for each link analyzed were identified. A review of the Palm Beach County Five-Year Plan, Florida Department of Transportation, as well as those improvements committed by the developer's of projects in the area, was made to identify pertinent roadway improvements. No roadway improvements were identified as assured construction. The following improvements were identified as requirements of development for the developer listed: Fiscal Required Roadwav Link ImDrovement Year Bv Congress A ve- N.W. 22nd Avenue to 6LD 90/91 Boynton ? It $J'u'IJf\) nue Boynton Beach Boulevard West N.W. 22nd Avenue to 6LD N/A Village .-, k>J" ~1I , Miner Road Shopes 4071TOO-ROIOS90-kc.wp -8- I Kim/ey.Horn I LINK EVALUATION A link performance standard evaluation was undertaken for each link considering its total traffic volumes and the roadway laneage to be in place in 1992. Project traffic, total traffic and the level of service by link are depicted in Figure 2. Based on generalized Palm Beach County service volumes, Level of Service "C" will be maintained within the impact area, with the exception of the links listed below. Based on average annual daily traffic (AADT), Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to 1-95 will function at Level of Service "D" as allowed in the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. In order to comply with City criteria, Congress A venue would need to be upgraded to a six-lane facility from Boynton Beach Boulevard to N.W. 22nd Avenue. This link has significant impact and exceeds the generalized performance standard threshold for Level of Service "D". The improvement is a condition of the Boynton West Development Order. Theoretically, generalized link analysis (AADT) suggests that Congress Avenue will operate at Level of Service "D" between N.W. 22nd Avenue and Hypoluxo Road. However, in urban areas. link operating conditions are actually controlled by, and more accurately defined by the operation of the intersections at the termini of the link. Further analyses of the operating conditions within the vicinity of this link were made. Detailed intersection analyses, included in Appendix A. show that with certain turn lane improvements (see Recommendations), the intersections of Congress Avenue with N.W. 22nd Avenue, and with Hypoluxo Road can operate at Level of Service "D" for peak season, peak hour conditions. This is consistent with the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. 4011TOO-ROI03llO-kc.wp .9- ;:: ..'" G:IIoC') ..J f?ON ~ o ar~:..J N _N o ~ t .N- ~ NOT TO SCALE .. ....0 QC'IItD-I t"- .... !:! ;;; ....0 00.....1 01"';'" .. - C 454 111,938) 2L N. W. 22ND AVE. r--~ \. SITE , ,~_J .. "00 'w~ tn..~ ~.. .. C 515 (12,089/ 2L OLD BOYNTON RD. ;;; ....:::0 LU~'ii; .. BOYNTON BEACH BLVlf. ci .. I&J o :z: I&J .. ~ ... .... .. ..~O '< II) ....J ...... .. ui ~ ::: WOOLBRIGHT RD. I&J .. Cl z o o LEGEND A 454 133,0881 aLD . LEVEL OF SERVICE PROJECT TRAFFIC TOTAL TRAFFIC LANE GEOMETRY INTERCHANGE HYPOLUXO RD. D 545 (52,495) 8LD '" .. .L FIGURE 2 AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARD ANALYSIS 1'--1 4071T.OO I Kim/ey.Horn I INTERSECTION ANALYSIS According to the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, major intersections should be analyzed if anyone of their approaches are anticipated to be impacted by the proposed project in excess of 10 percent of the AADT. No major intersections in the study area met this criteria. PM peak hour turning movement traffic counts were obtained on Congress Avenue at the north access to the existing Catalina Centre and on N.W. 22nd Avenue at the Mahogany Bay entrance. The historical growth was also applied to the through volumes to arrive at 1992 background peak hour traffic volumes. Catalina Centre volumes were adjusted to reflect a connection to N.W. 22nd Avenue. Project peak hour traffic was then added to each access intersection. Peak hour project and total traffic at project entrances are depicted on Figure 3. An unsignalized capacity analysis was performed for each of the project access intersections. The Intersection Analyses worksheets are included in Appendix B. The worksheets indicate that the project trips at the access on Congress Avenue will experience some delays. The worksheet does not account for gaps created by the signal just north of the access at Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue or the fact that a sufficient median exists at the access to provide refuge for vehicles making this left hand turn. This allows the left. turn to be made in two separate manuevers. It is also probable that the left-turns desiring to exit the site on Congress Avenue will redistribute to the access on N.W. 22nd Avenue or to the adjacent signalized Catalina Centre access to the south on Congress A venue during peak 4011 TOO-ROUlllllO-kc, wp -11- N.W. UNO AVE. N-iii =~.... 0"'0 H\ _0(1101 -4(871) - 22(22) 1- , ~ (12)0- (556)3- (24)20 _ Hf ..~~ ~-oo ...-..- -00 .. .. - - / ( SITE w >, c .. .. w a: " z o " .1- -' -.. "00 .... ~~ n , ~ , ~- (78)25 - (105180 _ H .... 00- oo; ..~ -~ LEGEND ! -N' 1 60 (1051 PROJECT TRAFFIC TOTAL TRAFFIC FIGURE 3 AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT PM PEAK HOUR NOT TO SCALE 1---1 40TH.OO I Kim/er.Horn I traffic periods. Avenue has been Avenue. A portion of the exiting left-turn volume on Congress redistributed to the less congested access at N.W. 22nd The opportunities afforded by the signalized entrance to Catalina Centre and the N.W. 22nd Avenue entrance should allow adequate driver discretion to avoid excessive delay. 4071TOO-ROI0390-kc,wp -13- I Kim/ey.Horn I RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analyses presented, which generally conform to the requirements of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, the improvements presented in the previous link evaluation and intersection analysis sections would be required. These improvements are summarized below: o Site Access on N.W. 22nd Avenue Northbound through/left-turn lane Separate northbound right-turn lane o N.W. 22nd Avenue and ConRress Avenue Separate northbound right-turn lane Second northbound left-turn lane by restriping Separate southbound right-turn lane Separate eastbound right-turn lane Second westbound through lane o Hvooluxo Road and ConRress Avenue Second westbound left-turn lane o Six-laning of Congress Avenue from N.W. 22nd Avenue to Boynton Beach Boulevard. 4071TOO-ROUIS90-kc.wp -14- I Kim/ey.Horn I APPENDIX A CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSES WORKSHEETS KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS AVENUE AND N.W. 22ND AVENUE EXISTING CONDITIONS - PM PEAK HOUR Iqg'l Co~l- 1:1./28/89 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 75% CRITICAL N/S VOL 918 CRITICAL E/W VOL 331 CRITICAL SUM 1249 ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 R. . T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 271 1302 184 68 887 175 143 131 129 145 183 58 (I,H) NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH LEFTS/CYCLE :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) 1. 0 - 99 ( #PED/HR ) 90 SECONDS 1.0 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 885 276 SOUTHBOUND 631 33 EASTBOUND 152 123 WESTBOUND 208 125 LEFT TURN CHECK INPUT VOLUME ADJUSTED VOL CAPACITY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND 271 277 o N/A SOUTHBOUND 68 34 o N/A EASTBOUND 143 123 o N/A WESTBOUND 145 126 o N/A CON22.CMA January 3, 1990 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES. INC. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS AVENUE AND N.W. 22ND AVENUE 1992 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC - PM PEAK HOUR ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 103% CRITICAL N/S VOL 1211 CRITICAL E/W VOL 498 CRITICAL SUM 1709 ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 Roo Too L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 369 1667 258 95 1135 238 194 187 175 203 276 81 (no) NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH LEFTS/CYCLE :4. Both Turns :4. Both Turns 1. 0 90 SECONDS 1.0 Protected (With Overlap) Protected (With Overlap) 99 ( #PED/HR ) CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 1146 394 SOUTHBOUND 816 65 EASTBOUND 212 184 WESTBOUND 314 195 LEFT TURN CHECK INPUT VOLUME ADJUSTED VOL CAPACITY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND 369 394 o N/A SOUTHBOUND 95 66 o N/A EASTBOUND 194 185 o N/A WESTBOUND 203 195 o N/A CON22B.CMA January 3, 1990 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS AVENUE AND N.W. 22ND AVENUE 1992 TOTAL TRAFFIC - PM PEAK HOUR ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 106% CRITICAL N/S VOL 1236 CRITICAL E/W VOL 515 CRITICAL SUM 1751 ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 RT. T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 R. . T. . L. . 12.0 12.0 12.0 NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 376 1690 264 95 1160 244 204 189 188 207 280 81 (116) NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH LEFTS/CYCLE :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) 1 . 0 - 99 ( #PED/HR ) 90 SECONDS 1.0 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 1163 402 SOUTHBOUND 834 65 EASTBOUND 220 196 WESTBOUND 319 200 LEFT TURN CHECK INPUT VOLUME ADJUSTED VOL CAPACITY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND 376 403 o N/A SOUTHBOUND 95 66 o N/A EASTBOUND 204 197 o N/A WESTBOUND 207 200 o N/A CON22T.CMA January 3, 1990 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS AVENUE AND N.W. 22ND AVENUE 1992 TOTAL TRAFFIC - PM PEAK HOUR W/IMPROVEMENTS ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 87% CRITICAL N/S VOL 1078 CRITICAL E/W VOL 364 CRITICAL SUM 1442 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 Roo 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T.. 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 Loo 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 Loo 12.0 5 L. . 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 376 55{Cl s) 16M 204) 167(207) THRU 1690 1160 189 280 RIGHT 57(2/;,Y) 40(244) OC \ y'ii) 81e 17(;,) NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WI;:STBOUND PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH LEFTS/CYCLE TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) 1 . 0 - 99 ( #PED/HR ) 90 SECONDS 0.0 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 1013 237 SOUTHBOUND 695 65 EASTBOUND 113 196 WESTBOUND 168 200 LEFT TURN CHECK INPUT VOLUME ADJUSTED VOL CAPACITY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND 376 451 o N/A SOUTHBOUND 55 66 o N/A EASTBOUND 164 197 o N/A WESTBOUND 167 200 o N/A CON22T1.CMA January 3, 1990 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS HYPOLUXO ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE EXISTING CONDITIONS - PM PEAK HOUR l'i8'i Co,~f-- 1,,1J.8Ir:,q ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 76% CRITICAL N/S VOL 609 CRITICAL E/W VOL 650 CRITICAL SUM 1259 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 1. . 12.0 1. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L.. 12.0 L. . 12.0 5 6 NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 187 773 0(.2.46) 137 723 0(161) 225 435 o CUI-e) 365 542 28 (16S) NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH LEFTS/CYCLE :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) 1 . 0 - 99 ( #PED/HR ) 90 SECONDS 1.0 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 463 176 SOUTHBOUND 433 116 EASTBOUND 261 221 WESTBOUND 325 389 LEFT TURN CHECK INPUT VOLUME ADJUSTED VOL CAPACITY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND 187 176 o N/A SOUTHBOUND 137 116 o N/A EASTBOUND 225 222 o N/A WESTBOUND 365 389 o N/A CONHYP.CMA January 3, 1990 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS HYPOLUXO ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE 1992 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC - PM PEAK HOUR ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 94% CRITICAL N/S VOL 776 CRITICAL E/W VOL 781 CRITICAL SUM 1557 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 5 6 NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 226 974 0(.>'18) 167 925 0(1%) 275 500 0(155) 442 623 34(./.01) NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH LEFTS/CYCLE :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) 1 . 0 - 99 ( #PED/HR ) 90 SECONDS 1.0 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 584 222 SOUTHBOUND 554 152 EASTBOUND 300 281 WESTBOUND 373 481 LEFT TURN CHECK INPUT VOLUME ADJUSTED VOL CAPACITY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND 226 223 o N/A SOUTHBOUND 167 152 o N/A EASTBOUND 275 282 o N/A WESTBOUND 442 482 o N/A CONHYPB.CMA January 3. 1990 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS HYPOLUXO ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE 1992 TOTAL TRAFFIC - PM PEAK HOUR ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 95% CRITICAL N/S VOL 789 CRITICAL E/W VOL 785 CRITICAL SUM 1574 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 5 6 NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 228 992 0(301) 167 942 0(1%) 275 500 0(IS7) 445 623 34 (-Z.OI) NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH . LEFTS/CYCLE :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) 1 . 0 - 99 ( #PED/HR ) 90 SECONDS 1.0 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 594 225 SOUTHBOUND 564 152 EASTBOUND 300 281 WESTBOUND 373 485 LEFT TURN CHECK INPUT VOLUME ADJUSTED VOL CAPACITY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND 228 225 o N/A SOUTHBOUND 167 152 o N/A EASTBOUND 275 282 o N/A WESTBOUND 445 485 o N/A CONHYPT.CMA January 3. 1990 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS HYPOLUXO ROAD AND CONGRESS AVENUE 1992 TOTAL TRAFFIC - PM PEAK HOUR W/DUAL LEFTS WB ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 87% CRITICAL N/S VOL 789 CRITICAL E/W VOL 654 CRITICAL SUM 1443 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 R. . 12.0 R.. 12.0 R. . 12.0 R. . 12.0 2 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 3 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 T. . 12.0 4 L. . 12.0 L. . 12.0 L.. 12.0 L. . 12.0 5 L. . 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 188(228) 127(',,,7) 235 (2.75) 445 THRU 992 942 500 623 RIGHT 56 i 0'01; 0(/%) o (157) 34 Uo') NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WI;STBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH LEFTS/CYCLE :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) :4. Both Turns Protected (With Overlap) 1 . 0 - 99 ( #PED/HR ) 90 SECONDS 0.0 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 594 564 300 373 LEFT 225 152 281 280 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 188 127 235 445 ADJUSTED VOL 225 152 282 533 CAPACITY 0 0 0 0 -MOVEMENT N/A N/A N/A N/A CONHYPTl.CMA January 3, 1990 " ~--- --~-- --.---..------ I Kim/ey.Horn I APPENDIX B HIGHWAY CAPACITY MANUAL INTERSECTION ANALYSIS 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-1 ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 30 PEAK HOUR FACTOR..................... 1 AREA POPULATION...................... 150000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET......... DEVELOPMENT ACCESS NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET....... CONGRESS AVENUE NAME OF THE ANALyST.................. KC DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy)...... 1/3/90 TIME PERIOD ANALyZED................. PM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... 1992 BUILDOUT - PEAK SEASON INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE EASTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT 78 98 o THRU o 2151 1469 RIGHT 105 o 187 NUMBER OF LANES EB WB NB SB LANES 2 2 2 ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS ------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N WESTBOUND ----- NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION % SU TRUCKS % COMBINATION AND RV'S VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES ----------- ------------- ------------- EASTBOUND 0 0 0 WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND 0 0 0 SOUTHBOUND 0 0 0 CRITICAL GAPS TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL ( Table 10-2 ) VALUE ADJUSTMENT CRITICAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ MINOR RIGHTS EB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 MAJOR LEFTS NB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 MINOR LEFTS EB 7.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... DEVELOPMENT ACCESS NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... CONGRESS AVENUE DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALySIS..... 1/3/90 ; PM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... 1992 BUILDOUT - PEAK SEASON CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- POT EN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v( pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c ( pcph ) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH ------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ MINOR STREET EB LEFT 86 75 25 25 -61 F RIGHT 116 412 412 412 296 C MAJOR STREET NB LEFT 108 145 145 145 37 E IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... DEVELOPMENT ACCESS NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... CONGRESS AVENUE DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALySIS..... 1/3/90 ; PM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... 1992 BUILDOUT - PEAK SEASON 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-l ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 30 PEAK HOUR FACTOR..................... 1 AREA POPULATION...................... 150000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET......... NW 22ND AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET....... DEVELOPMENT ACCESS NAME OF THE ANALyST.................. KC DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy)...... 1/3/90 TIME PERIOD ANALyZED................. PM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... 1992 BUILDOUT - PEAK SEASON INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: 4-LEG MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTHBOUND: STOP SIGN CONTROL TYPE SOUTHBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES --------------------------------------------------------------------- EB WB NB SB LEFT 12 22 42 45 THRU 556 871 5 5 RIGHT 24 110 96 12 NUMBER OF LANES AND LANE USAGE EB WB NB SB LANES 2 2 2 2 LANE USAGE L + TR L + TR ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft ) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS ------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------- % SU TRUCKS AND RV'S % COMBINATION VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES EASTBOUND o o o WESTBOUND o o o NORTHBOUND o o o SOUTHBOUND o o o CRITICAL GAPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (Table 10-2) VALUE ADJUSTMENT CRITICAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ MINOR RIGHTS NB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 sa 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 MAJOR LEFTS EB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 WB 5.50 5.50 0.00 S.50 MINOR THROUGHS NB 6.50 6.50 0.00 6.50 SB 6.50 6.50 0.00 6.50 MINOR LEFTS NB 7.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 SB 7.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... NW 22ND AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... DEVELOPMENT ACCESS DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALySIS..... 1/3/90 ; PM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... 1992 BUILDOUT - PEAK SEASON ---~---..~----~._-,-- CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - V LOS P M SH R SH ------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ MINOR STREET NB LEFT 46 75 68 68 22 E THROUGH 6 98 93 > 93 > 87 > E RIGHT 106 800 800 > 581 800 > 470 694 >A A MINOR STREET SB LEFT 50 75 63 63 14 E THROUGH 6 104 99 > 99 > 93 > E RIGHT 13 634 634 > 245 634 > 226 621 >C A MAJOR STREET EB LEFT 13 339 339 339 326 B WB LEFT 24 570 570 570 545 A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... NW 22ND AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... DEVELOPMENT ACCESS DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALySIS..... 1/3/90 ; PM PEAK HOUR OTHER INFORMATION.... 1992 BUILDOUT - PEAK SEASON