CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE Board of County Commissioners RECEIVED County Administrator Jan \\'intt'rs Carol J. Umguist, Chairman Karen T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol :\. Roherts Ron Howard Carole Phillips Joseph Sperlazza Motorola, Inc. 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 SUBJECT: RIGHT OF WAY FOR A RIGHT TURN LANE AT THE INTERSECTION OF N.W. 22ND AND CONGRESS AVENUES ,UG ~3 1990 p! ~~JNI"G .. .. (~ DEor. , . . \ Department of ~:ngine('ring and Puhlic \\" orb Dear Mr. Sperlazza: I am writing to extend the County's thanks for your and Motorola's cooperation in providing additional right of way (or an easement) across Motorola's property on Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd Avenue. Pursuant to our discussion of August 14, I have requested the consultant preparing the plans for the expansion of this intersection to provide me with a sketch and legal description for the right of way for the right turn lane, northbound, on Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd Avenue. When I receive this information, I will forward it to you with the deed necessary to accomplish the conveyance. Again, should Motorola prefer to grant a perpetual easement for transportation purposes, this would be satisfactory for the County. I would like to restate that the County is willing to accept responsibility to relocate any landscaping which is located within the area to be conveyed, to another location on the Motorola site. Again, your cooperation with this matter which will result in a great benefit to the motoring public is sincerely appreciated. You should be receiving the information pertaining to the conveyance within the next two weeks. I can be reached by telephone at 684-4030 if you have any questions. Sincerely, O~L TH~OUNTY /Mfr~w s.~~tel Engineering Asst. III - Traffic Division ASH:emg cc: George T. Webb, P.E. - Deputy County Engineer Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. - Director, Traffic Division John Carroll, P.E. - Director, Roadway Production Division Javier Lopez, P.E. - Roadway Production Division Jim Golden - City of Boynton Beach Enrico Rossi, P.E. - Rossi & Malavasi Engineers File: Intersections - N.W. 22nd and Congress Avenues "An Equal Opportunity - \ffirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 @ prmted on recycled paper 1\1-~\{fJ __ Shalloway, Foy, ./II ~ Rayman & Newell, Inc. n f\flJ\/';..."\\ RECEIVED V~ ,t \lx, JUl 25 1990 . ~ .f PLANNkNG DEPT. July 18, 1990 J. Scott Miller, City I18.JIl8.lJe!' city of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Miller, Last night we received approval for the final plat on the American Development (Target) project. This occurred in less than two months after our initial preliminary plat submittal. I have worked in Boynton for 12 years, and in the past this process would have taken six to nine months. I think your staff should really receive a pat on the back for streamlining this process. In particular, vince Finizio and Jim Golden helped guide the project through. Let me emphasize that in no way did they allow us to violate any city ordinances or produce an inferior project. Their emphasis was on making sure the project met code, not holding it up. It's not often that you see a reduction in and an increase in efficiency in Government. deserves recognition for this fine effort. bureaucracy Your staff Very truly yours, 2~~ President KDS/ar cc: Mayor Gene Moore Vice Mayor Lee Wische Commissioner Lillian Artis commissioner Bob Olenik commissioner Arlene Weiner RECEIVED JUL 25 .1990 Ci~ Y !i'ANAGER'S OFFICE Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road. West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 Tel407J6SS-IISI Fax 4071832-9390 Suite 340, 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel407/286-3223 Fax 407/286-8491 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ .~ 100 E, Boynton Beach elvd, p, O. Box 310 Boynton Beach~ Florida 33435.0310 14071 734.8111 @FFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR July 18, 1990 Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. Attn: Mr. Dan Shalloway 1201 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Fl 33405 RE: Target Shopping Center - Preapplication/Master Plan/ Preliminary Plat - File No. 507 Dear Mr. Shalloway: Please be advised that on Tuesday, JUly 17, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced preapp1ication/master plan/ preliminary plat subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. If you have any questions. concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 7~7~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs , . cc: Technical Review Board C:Target , , I. J ,. ~ J STAFF COMMENTS TARGET SHOPPING CENTER PREAPPLICATION/MASTER PLAN/PRELIMINARY PLAT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached comments See attached comments See attached comments , , , , EN3INEERING DEPARlMENr MEMORANIXJM NO. 90-163 To: J. S=tt Miller City Manager June 2, 1990 (REVISED June 29, 1990) Fran: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer Re: Technical Review Board Carrnents Target Cannercial Center Site Plan and Preliminary Plat '~ appl~cant for ~he above referenced project shall sul:xnit the following mfonnatJ.on, technJ.cal data and plan revisions, in accordance with the re- quirerren~s of the C~ty of ~ton Beach, .Florida, 'Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19, SectJ.on 19-17, Plan Required", SectJ.on 19-65, "Factors to be considered by the Technical Review Board", Chapter 5, Article X, Section 5-142, "Required Irrprovements" . PRELIMINARY PLAT Since the Traffic Inpact Analysis for Target Canrercial Center was sul:xnitted in conjunction with the review of the site plan which preaeeded sul:xnittal for, preliminary plat, the applicant will not have to provide a =rent (new) T.I.A. conditioned upon the applicant sul:xnitting a plan depicting' the construction of the full intersection, located at Northwest 22nd Avenue along Congress Avenue. said plans must meet with the approval of the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer- ing Department in accordance with the guidelines set forth within the County's Traffic Perfomance Standards and the associated Municipal Ordinance as agreed upon during the May 23, 1990 meeting with the applicant's engineer, Charles Walker Jr., Assistant County Engineer, Enrico Rossi of Rossi Malavasi Engineers Inc., Tirrothy Cannon, City of ~ton Beach Interim Director of Planning, Ted Powell of the VIM Group and myqelf. The applicant shall assure the construction of those roadway improvements located west of the I:; of Congress Avenue. Sec. 4C II. Sul:xnit monies payable to the City of ~ton Beach, Florida in the amount of Two thousand six hundred and ninty six dollars ($2,969.00) for the installation of street lights (qty. of seven) along Northwest 22nd Avenue. F.P.L. lighting plan shall be approved by the Engineering Department prior to authorizing the installation of said lights. Section 5B (1) (d), " Required Street Lighting" (CXMPLIED) DevelCl]:Xl'ent plans sul:xnitted with the preliminary plat docurrents shall provide for a site plan sheet 'b1:lat will also be titled "Master Plan", ill response to the request for this sul:xnittal to be considered a Master Plan in conjunction with the platting process. Provide landscaping plans for plantings within the public rights-of-way for NW 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. The applicant will sul:xnit a fornal agreement to faithfully and diligently obtain the necessary ROW pennits for said install- ation. Should therebe no available RCW to landscape, the applicant shall agree to provide and install landscaping at areas so designated by the City Forester in an amount equal to the cost of installing landscaping should there have been suitable area abutting all Target property boundaries. Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting Regulations, Article VIII, Section 5B (1), "Required Landscaping of Public Rights-of-Way". Developrent plans sul:rnitted with the preliminary plat shall contain the narres of the professional project planner, engineer, surveyor and developer including (CX'MPLIED) addresses and telephone numbers (ie American Developnent Inc. address? tel no?) Section 4. "Master Plan" Section 4C (4). Identify zoning classification upon the front title sheet of the Develop:nent (CXMPLIED) plans. Section 4C 16, "Zoning Classification" SuJ::rnit proper surety for all required improvements, including all off-site roadway improvements as directed and approved by the City of ~ton Beach in conjunction with the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineers. SUrety shall equal one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the total costs for the construction of all approved plan canpanents. An additional two percent (2%) administration f~ shall be rrade payable to the City utilizing one hundred percent (100%) of project costs. Section 6A and Section 7. 2., "SUrety". end page 1 of 2 EN3INEERI1:i1.3 DEPARIMENr MEMCRANDUM NO. 90-163 cont'd June 2, 1990 "TARGEI' CQlMERCIAL CENI'ER" " PrOlTide an executed "unified Centrol" document that meets with the approval (Carpl1ed)of the City Attomey. Appendix "A", Section 6F. 3. "Unified Control" including Section 6F. 8. (a) (1) "Legal Docurrents Assuring Unified Control". Off-Site Landscaping shall be considered. a required. improvement and shall there- fore be assured with proper surety. Article VIII, Section 5B (1) (d) "landscaping". , Th= "Developer's Engineer" shall sign, seal and date all opinions of cost. (Carpl1etl) Article VIII, Section 5B (4) "Certified Cost Estimates" The off-site imprOlTements to Hypoluxo Road shall be considered. a required irrq:>rOlTement and therefore shall be assured with surety in an amount equal to the certified "opinion of costs". South Florida Water Management District and Palm Beach County pennits required. Appendix "C", Article VIII, Section 5B (3) (a) "Requisite Governrrental Agencies". Place note on developrent plan sheet no. 3 of 8 that states traffic control devices shall be utilized for all construction within the rights-of-way, in (Ccrnpl'ed) accordance with the Federal Manual of Unifonn Traffic Control Devices MUTCD J. and Palm Beach County pennit conditions. Section 19-17 (k) technical, Section 4N " Performance Standards" and Section 19-21 "Factors considered. by Comnittee in Review", 19-21 (a), "autanotive and pedestrian safety, traffic flow and control" SITE PLAN Sul:rnit a parking facility lighting plan that CCI1Illies with Chapter 5, Article X, Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, Section 5-142 (g) "Lighting Standards" Facility lighting shall be photo-cell activated. Relocate lights in pavement areas into islands. Sul:rnit a photaretric plan indicating horizontal illtnnination levels within the parking facility. There shall be a maintained one foot candle level of illumination within the entire facility which shall include driveways, aisles and other paved surfaces that serve said faCility. Provide a tabulation for the quantity of fill (silica sand) to be importoo for (Ccrnplied)the construction of the site. Section 5B,2,d, "sumnary of quantit,ies", Landscaping plans shall prOlTide for the redeveloprent of sodded swales which are to be fully irrigated, within the public rights-of-way for NW 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. Provide diIrension for the parking lot construction. DiIrensions shall be placed upon the paving and drainage plan. Section 5-142 (g) "Construction Standards". Place intemal directional arrows upon tha ,paving and drainage plan to indicate traffic circulation and flow. Section 5-142 (c) "Traffic Control" and Section 19-17 (e) "internal circulation patterns". PrOlTide parking stall details for standard and handicap stalls. Handicap stall striping shall CCI1Illy with the latest edition of tha Departrrent of Cornnunity Affairs, Accessibility Requirements. Section 5-142 (k) "Handicap Requirements". prOlTide "Fire Lanes" that CCI1Illy with Section 5-142 (g) "Fire Lane Standards" and Section 5-142 (m), "Fire Lanes". (CarpliedJ;>rovide drainage calculations. Respectfully sul:rnitted, ( ') :ft_..-:i- ~--::Q, Vincent Anthony Firi.\;io Section 5-142 (f), "Required. drainage calculations". ~- cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner Timothy Cannon, Interim Director of Planning Ivaf MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-410 TO: FROM: Timothy Cannon Interim Planning Direc~r John A. Guidry Director of Utilities June 29, 1990 DATE: SUBJECT: TRB Review - Target Shopping Center - Preliminary Plan We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: We've completed our review of the above plat and discovered several locations where fire lines or water meters were located outside the utility easements. We contacted Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell. Inc. who said they had also discovered the discrepancies and that a revised plat was being prepared. We have, at this time, approved the developer's plans and returned them for submittal to the Health Department. dmt bc: Mike Kazunas xc: Peter Mazzella . ~,r-::,-~~;r'- "B,. . 1,- C' -"- ..,or: LJ '\ .. 'L U. ,-I ~,..;. o "~,I ' f __~ -- .----- PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-208 TO: Chairman & Members Planning and Zoning Board THRU: Timothy P. Cannon ~C Interim Planning Director FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: June 29, 1990 SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Preliminary Plat File No. 507 With respect to the attached memorandum, dated February 7, 1990, please be advised of the following: /l. 2. 3. 4. 5. j 6. 7. 8. /9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ! 20. Addressed. However, all drawings should correspond to the site plan drawing. Addressed. To be addressed at sign-off. To be addressed at sign-off. Engineering Department has indicated that this problem has been resolved to their satisfaction. To be addressed at sign-off. For future reference. In process. Not addressed. Rezoning approved. Addressed in attached letter from Jacob Wattenberg, dated June 20, 1990. To be coordinated with and signed-off by Forester/Horticulturist. Addressed. Addressed. Addressed. Comment is no longer relevant. N/A. N/A. N/A. Assurance of programmed roadway improvements must be provided prior to sign-off for issuance of a building permit. In addition, the roadway improvements required as a condition of site plan approval are superseded to require the following: 1. Construction of improvements at the intersection of North Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road described in the Kimley-Horn traffic impact analysis submitted with the site plan, or payment to Palm Beach County for the PM90-208 -2- June 29, 1990 cost of same, if improvements are constructed by Palm Beach County. 2. Contribution of $60,000 to Palm Beach County toward the cost of the expanded intersection at North Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue. 3. Construction of site access improvements described in the Kimley-Horn traffic impact analysis submitted with the site plan. 4. Posting of a bond by the developer for items no. 1 through 3 above. The above recommendations are based in part on negotiations between this developer, the Shoppes of Boynton developer, the City, and Palm Beach County (see attached correspondence). 21. N/A. 23. Recommendation only. (24. Not addressed. Additional Comments: 1. The preliminary plat must include construction drawings for all required roadway improvements (Article VIII, Section 5.B.l of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting). k! ES .,. , /~~ GOLDEN JJG:frb A:PM90-208 MEMORANDUM I TO: Chairman and Members Pl~TIning and Zoning Board THRT.': Timothy P. Cannon r-G Interim Planning Director FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: February 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 If it is the decision of the Planning and Zoning Board to recommend approval or the City Commission to approve this application, compliance with the following conditions is necessary for consistency with the City's Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan: 1. Loading :lones have not been provided to serve outparcels (section 11.J of Appendix A-Zoning). 2. The design of the internal intersections at the southeast and northwest corners of the Target Store result in poor traffic flow and turning movements and create potentially hazardous situations. In addition, there is a visability problem at the intersection at the northwest corner of the Target Store that results from the design of the outparcel at this location. Vehicles turning left on the south side of the outparcel cannot see around the corner of the building. It is strongly recommended that the site be redesigned in these two areas to eliminate these problems (Objective 2.5 of the Comprehensive Plan). 3. Exterior mechanical equipment at the rear of the shopping center should have proper screening and noise mitigation incorporated in the design of the center (Policy 1.17.7 of the Comprehensive Plan). A note should be added to the plans to reflect this requirement. 4. Due to the close proximity at the rear of the shopping center to the planned unit development, it is recommended that the rear design of the center be similar to the front design of the center (Policy 1.17.7 of the Comprehensive Plan). 5. The design of the stormwater drainage system does not provide for the pre-treatment of the first one-half inch of stormwater runoff in grassy swales or other landscaped areas (Policy 1.11.7 and 4.2.9 of the Comprehensive plan and the drainage design requirements of Article X-parking Lots). Redesign of the on-site drainage system will be required. 6. The color scheme of the shopping center has not been indicated on the blueprint elevations (see item #14 on site plan application check list). " 7. Typical floor plans and elevations have not been submitted for outparcel buildings. Therefore, a site plan modification will be required for the outparcel buildings (Section 19-18 of the Code of Ordinances). 8. Platting is required pursuant to Objective 1.20 of the Comprehensive Plan, as the portion of the original Congress Lakes planned unit development which lies south of N.W. 22nd Avenue has been divided into more than 3 parcels since 1978. 9. Lighting poles should not encroach parking spaces and should be relocated to landscaped islands (Section 5-l42(i)(2) of Article X-Parking Lots). .I TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 February 7, 1990, Page 2 10. Approval of the site plan is contingent upon approval of the rezoning to C-3. 11. Review of the developer I s traffic impact analysis is based on a maximum 140,000 square foot shopping center. The square footage proposed on the site plan is 142,500 square feet. The square footage of the shopping center must be reduced by 2,500 square feet to comply with the square footage anticipated in the traffic report submitted by Kimley-Horn. 12. The adjacent medians on Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue should be landscaped in accordance with Policy 2.9.4 of the Comprehensive Plan. 13. Turn lane improvements recommended by Kimley-Horn for the project driveway onto N.W. 22nd Avenue have not been incorporated into the set of plans. These improvements must be shown on all of the site drawings at the time of sign-off. 14. The additional right turn-in/right turn-out driveway onto N.W. 22nd Avenue should be removed from the plans, as this driveway has not been included in the Kimley-Horn traffic analysis. 15. Restaurant floor area should be indicated on the site plan, including the maximum seating proposed, to determine the specific number of parking spaces required. 16. The orientation of the shopping center to the intersection is significantly different than that which exists at the southeast (Motorola) and northwest (Mahogany Bay) corners and that proposed at the northeast corner (Shoppes of Boynton). The visual impact of rhe ~~cposed aesign with respect to the other corners at this intersection should be taken into consideration. (With respect to 17.-19. below, see attached excerpts from the Future Land Use Element Support Documents in Exhibit "A"). 17. Since this is a commercial proj ect, no residents would be added as a result of the construction of the project. Therefore, parks and recreations facilities would not be needed and the levels of service for these facilities would not be affected. 18. Sanitary sewer capacity is available for the project, consistent with the adopted level of service, as evidenced by the analysis un pages 9-10 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents. 19. Drainage and solid waste facilities are available for the project, consistent with the adopted level of service, as evidenced by the analysis on pages 11-13 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents. TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 February 7, 1990, Page 3 20. Roadway Improvements The following roadway improvements are required: o Site Access on N.W. 22nd Avenue Northbound through/left-turn lane Separate northbound right-turn lane N.W. 22nd Avenue and Conqress Avenue Separate northbound right-turn lane Second northbound left-turn lane by restriping Separate southbound right-turn lane Separate eastbound right-turn lane Second westbound through lane o Hypoluxo Road and Conqress Avenue Second westbound left-turn lane o Six-laning of Congress Avenue from Hypoluxo Road to Boynton Beach Boulevard. o Six-laning of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to 1-95. Based on Palm Beach County standards, assurance of roadway improvement would require the project to be scheduled for construction in the County Transportation Improvement Program, the State Five Year Work Program or part of a Municipal Capital Improvement Program. The project may also be considered assured if it is part of a developer agreement and has been secured through bonding with the City or County. In order to meet City requirements, the Applicant should provide an analysis of impacts to N.W. 22nd Avenue, support the historical traffic growth rates and provide the City with assurance of improvements. If the applicant provides information acceptable to the City, the project may be approved but may not commence until such time as construction of required roadway improvements has been assured, meaning that a building permit cannot be issued for the proposed shopping center until the roadway improvements listed above have either been included in the State, County, or City transportation improvements program, or have been bonded or are under contract. Pursuant to policy 2.6.2 of the Comprehensive Plan, the City can recommend to Palm Beach County that the developer's road impact fee payment be credited toward any of the roadway improvements listed above, subject to approval by Palm Beach County. The traffic analysis submitted by the developer was reviewed by Walter H. Keller, Jr., Inc., the City's traffic consultant, to determine consistency with the 1989 City of Boynton Beach Compre- hensive Plan (Ordinance 89-39) and section 9.c.4.h(5) of Appendix A-Zoning. A copy of Mr. Keller's report can be found in Exhibit "B" of this memorandum. 21. Potable Water Since the proposed project would consist of commercial uses and would not bring additional residents into the City, construction of the project would not affect the adopted Level of Servif"e (I.0S) . TO: Chairman and Members, planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 February 7, 1990, Page 4 However, connection to the City's water system may be prohibited by DER, through the County Health Department, under the regula- tions administered by those agencies. Furthermore, since it is very likely that the level of service for water is not currently being met, it is possible that vesting of this project with respect to this LOS may be a potential problem, if construction does not begin immediately. The City Commission will need to adopt a concurrency management ordinance by June I, 1990. This ordinance will need to include specific rules for determining whether a project is vested. 22. All of the statements wn.i-::h have been made in items 17. through 21. concerning availability of public facilities will be subject to the vesting rules which will be incorporated into the concurrency management regulations that the City must adopt by June I, 1990. In addition to the requirements necessary pursuant: b:- ';:~G Curle and Comprehensive Plan, the following recommendations should also be considered: 23. Additional buffering should be required between the shopping center and the planned unit development through the use of natural features such as lakes, dense landscaping, archi tectural treatment to rear building elevations, screening of exterior mechanical equipment, and mitigation of noise generated by exterior mechanical equipment. 24. The applicant should be required to construct the addi- tional median/turn lane improvements outlined in items no. 5 and 7 of the correspondence from the Palm Beach County Tr"i':':i<..: Division that appears in Exhibit "C" of this memorandum. I~l~ qf\MES fjJ. GOLDEN JJG:frb Encs Targetsp I Kim/ey.Horn I Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. SURVEYORS 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 407845-0665 Facsimile 407 863-8175 June 20, 1990 4071 T.00(07) '" Re: American Development Corporation Off-Site Roadway Improvement Contribution RECEIVED JON 22 1.!Q)I I PLANNING DEPT. Mr. Tim Cannon Interim Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Boulevard P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 - Dear Mr. Cannon: As you are aware, we have been discussing various off-site improvements and commitments by American Development over the past several weeks. This letter is to follow-up on our meeting of June 12, 1990, and subsequent discussion with Mr. Charles Walker regarding the various developer obligations for construction at the above- referenced intersection. There has been some confusion relating to the over-lapping and other conflicting improvement requirements of multiple developers at the NW 22nd A venue/Congress A venue intersection. The traffic impact analysis performed by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in January 1990, provided the basis for the development conditions placed on the American Development site by the Boynton Beach City Commission on February 20, 1990. That report demonstrated the need for 5 approach lanes on the northbound approach of this intersection, and 4 approach lanes on the other 3 legs to meet the prescribed level of service standard to allow approval of this development. The only uncommitted improvement on the traffic impact analysis was the addition of an eastbound right-turn lane on NW 22nd Avenue. Dual lefts on NW 22nd Avenue were solely the requirement of the Shoppes of Boynton and could not have been accommodated without right-of-way acquisition unless American Development had agreed to provide the additional right-of- way requested by Palm Beach County. This dedication is being done without cost or impact fee credits. The proposed NW 22nd Avenue intersection improvements recommended for construction by Palm Beach County provide for 5 approach lanes on all 4 legs of this intersection. This results in 3 more approach lanes within this intersection than was identified as required to meet the requirements for the City of Boynton Beach. While we agree that the proposed intersection configuration will offer improved quality of flow beyond those required to be constructed, it should be recognized that these levels of improvements go over and beyond those that are required to meet your prescribed standard. Anaheim . Charlotte . Dallas . Fort Lauderdale . Fort Myers . Nashville . Orlando . Phoenix Raleigh . San Diego . Stuart . Tampa . Vere Beach . Virginia Beach . West Palm Beach B u i 1 din gel i e n Ire I a I ion s hip s sin eel 9 6 7 Mr. Tim Cannon -2- June 20, 1990 American Development has accepted a commitment to construct a second westbound left-turn lane on Hypoluxo Road at Congress Avenue, which is projected to cost $180,000. This, by itself, is in excess of the project impact fees ($168,740). In order to make this improvement, American Development is funding right-of-way acquisition. Given that the American Development commitments are in excess of impact fees, they cannot agree to improvements on NW 22nd Avenue above the required uncommitted improvement, an eastbound right-turn lane. It should be emphasized that American Development has already made a sizeable commitment to the NW 22nd Avenue intersection, in addition to the right-turn lane, in the form of right-of-way dedication. The appraised value of this dedication was over $200.000. This reduces the total cost of the NW 22nd Avenue improvements. Note that American Development is buying right-of-way on Hypoluxo Road and giving it away on 22nd Avenue. In recognition of the right-of-way dedication by American Development and the contribution to Hypoluxo Road, which is already in excess of impact fees, it is proposed that American Development Fund the cost of adding the right-turn lane to the committed NW 22nd Avenue project. This cost is projected at $60,000. With this contribution, there will be sufficient impact fee revenue to construct the NW 22nd A venue improvements. It is our understanding that with the $60,000 contribution, the County would agree to assume the responsibility for implementing the expanded intersection improvements with the balance of the cost to be covered with the remaining traffic impact fees from the Shoppes of Boynton. A copy of the functional plans reflecting the expanded intersection improvements are attached. The off-site commitments of American Development will then be $240,000. This is 127 percent of its impact fees. Inferences have been made by certain parties that American Development is not paying a fair share of improvements at this specific location. This appearance stems from the fact that: (I) The Shoppes of Boynton are adding more new trips to the network than the American Development project. (2) The Shoppes of Boynton off-site improvement dollars are all being funnelled into improvements within or adjacent to this intersection, whereas the American Development off-site improvement responsibilities include Hypoluxo Road. (3) To implement the improvements that the County has requested, it would require no additional funding from the Shoppes of Boynton beyond the level of funding covered by impact fees, whereas, the American Development project are looking at total off-site improvements which are expected to exceed their impact fee contribution. Mr. Tim Cannon -3- June 20, 1990 Please advise if you have any questions regarding this matter or require additional clarification. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-H~D ASSOCIATES, INC. Jo F. Benditz, Jr., ~ Ice President JFB/SGG:jsl Copy to: Charles Walker (w/attachment) Alan Ciklin 4071 TOO- TC-L062090- jib. wp I Kim/ey.Horn I Kimley-Horn and Associates,lnc. ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. SURVEYORS 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach. Florida 33407 407 845-0665 Facsimile 407 863-8175 June 20, 1990 4071 T.00(07) Mr. Timothy Cannon, Acting Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: American Development Dear Mr. Cannon: As discussed in our telephone conversation on Monday (June 18, 1990), we have identified the incremental traffic impact associated with the additional 2,500 square feet in the American Development shopping center. Tables I and 2 (enclosed) detail the traffic generation of 140,000 square feet (from the approved traffic study) and 142,500 square feet, respectively. Table 2 also includes the incremental difference of the additional 2,500 square feet. It should be noted that the external traffic impact, associated with the additional 2,500 square feet is 49 daily trips, and 6 trips (both ways) during the PM peak hour. These traffic impacts are insignificant and will not affect the results of the traffic analysis and the supplemental information provided to the City. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. J;;..0 0",1r-v-b ~& Jacob Wattenberg, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer JW:map Enclosures . Copy to: Alan J. Ciklin RECEIVED' 4071 TOO- TC-L061990- jw. wp JUN 21 1991' PLANNING DE~r. Anaheim . Charlotte . Dallas . Fort Lauderdale . Fort Myers . Nashville . Orlando . Phoenix Raleigh . San Diego . Stuart . Tampa . Vera Beach . Virginia Beach . West Palm Beach B u i I din gel i e n t rei a t ion s hiD S sin eel 9 6 7 I Kim/ey.Horn I ~I '" ~I Sl '" on '~ zl ~ ~I Ie ....- on - :E "- ~I '" ~I 0 '" on '" l~ ~ ~~ " '" '" 0 "j ",' ~.... z ~ ~ ~ ~ i '" ;~ ~ ~ on '" ~ ~ ~. !!l - m " _ti .... - ~... w d ';( ... ! Ill' on'" f + "'''' on 0- '" 21 '~ - oon '" ,,~ ~ ....~ '" ~ " + ~ -4";::: >-m ~~ ~ -~ 0 ....~ " ,..: cc .. .; o' " ....'" ...... ~ ~ - " ~ .. 0 .. ~ !j ~ '" - .. .. e .. 0 0 .. ... 0 0 ~ '" 0 0 0 ::> '" 0 gal 0 ;! .~ '" - .. e:; ,_ u ~O; "'u .. ~ ~ fi- e o ~ .. o ~ u ~ .. ~ 0 '- ~ ~ 0- g; <..~ e ~ .. ~ 11. ~ ~ u '" h '" c ~ 0 ....~ 0 , ~ ~ '" ~ j .. , - .. <.. '" <.. .. .. ::> ~c ~ " .. e e .. .. :ii "E ..~ .. " ~"- ~~ u ~ .. .. u e .... ~ !! i,~ , 0 ,_ 0 0 - - ~ .... m .. .. d ;:: ~ > ~ m .. .. 0 u" u z_ ~ I Kim/ey.Horn I ~I on ~I <8 '" '" on ~ .~ zl ;::: ~I g: '" ~ - on "' ~ ~I :l! ~I :g ... '" l~ ~ !~ ~ ~ '" 0 0 3~ ",' ",' .. z ~ .. .. .. 5 I ~ ~ ..... :s :0. ~ ~ ~ ;:: ~ i!il m Q _lli ~ N ill" ~ w 8 z~ ~ ! llI' on", ~ Q. + ...'" on '" 21 .~ oon '" .. .....~ ~ ~ .. '" x " + .. -t)"~ :>om ~~ 8 -'" 0 ~ x " . ~~ on m ..... c: c: 'i Q ~'" ~ ~ on ~ " .. .. 0 .. J ~ !l ~ .. D> ~ on on .. c: .. 0 '" B ~ .. 0 0 ~ 'c on on 0 :J g '" ~ g] ;:: ... '" ! _ m c:"5 .~ U .... ~ D>U m on .. .. 2- c: 85 m ~ U .. ~ -.. 0 .. Q. '" .. .. ~ ~. .. m 0 ~ m .. U '" D> m ... '" .. ~ :>0 0 ...... c-.D .. .. D> .. 0; ! ~, '" ~ .. D> .. ~ , :J ..'" .. > .. " ~ .. c: c: .. .. m l' .. .. .. Q x~ .D U c: U .. .. m m ~J U c: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ " .. 0 .. - .. .. ~ m .. d .. ;::: .. > .. .. m .. m " 0 UQ U Z ~ ~ I Kim/ey.Horn I Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. SURVEYORS 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach. Florida 33407 407 845-0665 Facsimile 407 863-8175 June 20, 1990 4071 T.00(07) Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Traffic Department Department of Engineering and Public Works Palm Beach County 160 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Re: American Development, Inc., Off-Site Roadway Improvements Congress Avenue at Hypoluxo Road Dear Mr. Walker: In recent weeks, we have discussed a number of various alternatives for implementing the intersection improvements at Congress Avenue at Hypoluxo Road required of American Development, Inc. by the City of Boynton Beach. The City has required that dual left-turn lanes be provided on the westbound approach to this intersection. At your request, we have identified the additional cost to provide complementary dual turn lanes on the eastbound approach. Attached you will find the functional roadway expansion plan reflecting both improvements following the alignment previously discussed. The plan will require right- of-way acquisition from approximately six (6) residential parcels totalling approximately 0.1 acre. The County's assistance in acquiring this right-of-way will be needed. You will also find attached a cost estimate prepared for the above referenced improvement. The estimate identifies those additional elements that the County would be responsible for to implement the additional improvements not required of American Development, Inc. All items have been increased by ten (10) percent to account for adjustment in detail that may occur when final engineering design is completed. The estimated split of responsibility at this location is approximately $180,000 for American Development, Inc. and approximately $46,000 for Palm Beach County. The $180,000 estimate for American Development is included in a bond prepared to accompany their plat submission. You will need to advise us as to what mechanism to follow to reimburse the additional $46,000 in expenses at this location. Anaheim . Charlone . Dallas . Fort Lauderdale . Fort Myers . Nashville . Orlando . Phoenho: Raleigh . San Diego . Stuart . Tampa . Vero Beach . Virginia Beach . Wesl Palm Beach Building client relationships since 1967 Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. -2- June 20, 1990 The developer is prepared to proceed with the final design of all improvements at this location. Please advise us as to the method of joint participation at this location or if you have any Questions regarding this matter. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-H5. AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ditZ'J~ Vice President JFB:jsl Enclosures Copies to: Tim Cannon Vinnie Finizio Alan Ciklin 4011 TOO.CW -L062090- jCb. wp HYPOLUXO ROAD & CONGRESS AVENUE CONSTRUCTION COSTS DEVELOPER RESPONSIBILITY COUNTY RESPONSIBILITY COMBINED RESPONSIBILITY UNIT ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ITEM UNIT PRICE QUANlTY COST QUAN lTY COST QUANlTY COST CLEARING & GRUBBING AC $2,000.00 0.75 $1,500 0 $0 0,75 $\ ,500 12" STABILIZATION SY $1.25 1805 $2,256 435 $544 2240 $2,600 8" LINEROCK SY $7 ,00 1805 $12,635 435 $3,045 2240 $15,680 2.5" ASPHALT SY $5,00 1805 $9,025 435 $2,175 2240 $11,200 12" STABILIZATION SY $1.25 240 $300 0 $0 240 $300 4" LIME ROCK SY $5,00 240 $1,200 0 $0 240 $1,200 1.5" ASPHALT SY $3,00 240 $720 0 ~O 240 $720 1.25" TYPE S-IlI SY $2,50 5130 $\2,825 520 $\ ,300 5650 $\4,125 TYPE F CURB & GUTTER LF $8.50 1845 $\5,683 0 $0 1845 $\5,683 CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY $18.00 645 $11 ,610 0 $0 b45 $11.610 CONC. SEPARATOR (4') LF $20,00 0 $0 300 $6,000 300 $6,000 CONC. SEPARATOR (VAR.1 LF $26.90 0 $0 260 $6.994 260 $6,994 CONC,PAVEMENT REMOVAL SY $3,50 330 $1,155 265 $928 595 $2,083 ASPH,PAVEMENT REMOVAL SY $3,50 35 $123 500 $1,750 535 $1,873 MOD.ORAINAGE STRUCTURE EA $1,500,00 2 $J,OOO 0 $0 2 $J,OOO EXCAVATION CV $4.00 bOO $2,400 145 $580 m $2,980 SODOING SY $2,00 1015 $2,030 0 $0 1015 $2.030 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MOO. LS $25,000,00 0,75 $18,750 0,25 $6,250 $15.000 PAVEMENT MARKINGS LS $4,000.00 0,75 $3,000 0.25 $1.000 $4,000 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LS $\2,000.00 0.75 $9,000 0,25 $J,OOO $\2.000 MOBILIZATION LS $15,000.00 0,75 $tl ,250 0,25 $3.750 $\5 ,000 ---------------------- __8___________________________________________________________ TOTAL ROAOWAY ITEMS $118,461 $37.315 $\55,777 AOJ. FOR OETAIL (IOXI $11,846 $3,732 m.578 ENIGINEERING $37,000 $4,000 $41.000 RI GHT-OF-WA Y $10,000 $0 $\0.000 CONSTRUCTION ADMINI2I) $2,369 H46 $3, II 6 ---------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ PROJECT TOTAL $\79,677 $4S,79J $215,470 l(im/ey.Horn Kimley-Horn and Associa\es,lnc. ENGINEERS. PLANNERS I sunVEYORS 4431 Emhfl'C\I\"~lQ OtlVl:l Welll Polm Bellch, FIorillo 330107 4070>15-0665 focslmllc 407 063-8175 June 14, 1990 4071 T.OO Mr. Vinnie f-"inizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department Post Office Box 310 Iloynton Ileach, Florida 33425 Re: American Development Dear Mr. Finizio: Thank you for the information that you provided to me concerning the requirements for plat submittal for the Amcdcan Development project. The purpose of this letter is to confirnl those requirements as you stated in order to insure a complete plat submittal. It is my understanding that in this case you will require, in lieu of full construction documents for off-site roadway improvements, the following items: I. Conceptual drawings showing the roadway improvements that have been agreed to by the County Engineer. 2. Cost estimates for thosc improvements. 3. A statement indicating that if the County Engineer determines that the cost estimates were low, then additional be bonded immediately to allow the projcct to continue. subsequently monics will 4. Bonding in an amount of 110 percent of the cost estimatcs for the improYcl't.\cnls. 5. Payment of the two percent administrative fee to the City of Boynton Beach. ^""h<:im . Ch:i'\u\\'\l ~ Or.\\nll . fOIl lDtldcrdnlo . Fori Myols . Nnr.hvlllll . Qrlrmdo . Phoenix n(llclgli ' SAn O,ego . SlUR" ' Tnmno . Vero Deach . Virginia Delich , We!:l pn.", BeDch o U I I dill gel I fI n Ire I 8 , t II n s hip s , I nee I 9 6 7 Mr. Vinnie Finizio -2- June 14, 1990 Again, thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. -~ ~6<;;;( F.T. (Terry) Watson, AICP Senior Project Manager FTW /mcc 40711'00- YF-LOGl4.90-FTW .wp Concurrence: ~~~*.A~~ Date: tvl 14- / 90 , , _ Shalloway, Foy, .. Rayman & Newell, Inc. ct4--\ c~ C I) Co-p-j TO tt-. ti, \ \~--1 Ll. 0_ May 30, 1990 Mr. vincent Finizio City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: TARGET SHOPPl:NG CENTER AHERl:CAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATl:ON SFRN PROJECT '89124 Dear Vince, On behalf of the owner I hereby request that the plat and plans submitted to you on May 24, 1990 for preliminary plat approval be processed as a pre-application with master plan approval in conjunction with preliminary platting. Enclosed are two (2) checks as requested. The first one in the amount of $175.00 made payable to the city of Boynton Beach for "Subdivision Pre-Application", the second check in the amount of $400.00 made payable to the city of Boynton Beach for "Subdivision Master Plan". If you need. additional information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me. As always.. ~d"rTL Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Associate BJLjdd Enclosures cc: Tom McMurrianjOcean Properties ~~..I Cv"....." Sc.J..........l~ A!.""G. Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Belvedere Road, Wesl Palm Beach, Rorida 33405 Tel. 4117/655.1151 Fax 4117/832.9390 Suite 340. 900 East Ocean Blvd., Stuart, Florida 34994 Tel. 4117f286-3223 Fax 407f286-8491 I . Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. May 24, 1990 Vincent Finizio city of Boynton Beach Engineering Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: TARGET COMMERCIAL PLAT REVIEW BOARD SUBMITTAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL SPRN PROJECT '89124 Dear Mr. Finizio, Please find enclosed the following information for your review and approval (per Append. C, Art. VIII section 5) : 1. Two (2) sets of Construction Plans. 2. Summary of quantities. A. Bonded Improvements B. Non Bonded Improvements 3. The soil analysis. 4. Two (2) sets of the Landscape Plans. 5. Six (6) sets of the Preliminary Plat. 6. Two (2) sets of the Site Plan. 7. Two (2) sets each of the following calculations: A. B. C. South Florida Water Management Fire Flow Water and wastewater demand District RECEIVED .. 25 1990 i- PLANNINQ 9EPT. Engineers. Planners. Surveyors 1201 Be'vede.. Rood, We'l Palm Beach, Florid. 33405 Tel. 407/655-1151 Fax 4071832-9390 Suile 340, 900 EUI Ocean Blvd., Stuan, Florid. 34994 Tel. 4117/286-3223 Fax 407/286-8491 vincent Finizio April 16, 1990 Page -2- 9. Check Number 1099 in the amount of $328.00 for Preliminary Plat approval. sincerely, ~urrL Brian J. LaMotte, P.E. Associate BJL/dd Enclosures cc: T. McMurrian/Ocean Properties J. Golden/City of Boynton Beach LAW 9FFICES BOOSE CASEY CIKLIN LUBI;TZ MARTENS McBANE e. O'CONNELL . . /'j::>ARTNERSHI~ INCLUDING ~~.~F.ESSJONAL ASSOCIATIONS . BRUCE G. ALEXANDER FLETCHER N. BALDWIN.1I[ ..JERALD S. BEER WILLIAM A. BOOSE, m ~,A. ..JOHN 0, BOYKIN PATRICK ...J. CASEY. P.A. ALAN ..J. CIKLlN, P.A, CORY..J. CIKLlN MICHAEL W. CONNORS ROBERT L. CRANE, ~.A, e, ..JEANE CLARKE FREDRIC E, EF='STIEN LEE e. GORDON MICHAEL 0, GORDON, P.A. MIKEL D. GREENE DONALD H. GUSTAFSON. ..JR, 7 May 1990 LYNDA,J, HARRIS, P,A, DANIEL A. HERSHMAN DEBRA A. ..JENKS BRIAN B, ,JOSLYN BRJAN T. KING Ct-tARLE$ A. LUBITZ, P,A, RICHARD L. MARTENS. P.A. LOUIS R. McBANE. P.A, CLAUDIA M, McKENNA MORRIS G. (SKIP) MILLER BRIAN M. O'CONNELL, P.A, PHIL D. O'CONNELL, ..JR.. p, A. CARl A. PODESTA STEPHEN L. SHOCHET SUSAN WILLIAMS LONNIE e. ZANGRILLO PHJLLIF=' D, O'CONNELL, SA. (1907-1987) OF COUNSEL ..JOt-tN L. REMSEN LEWIS M. SANG NORTHSRIDGE TOWER I . 19TH FLOOR 515 NORTt-t FLAGLER ORIVE P.O, DRAWER 024626 WEST PALM BUCH, FLORIDA 330402-<4e26 TELEPt-tONE (407) 832-5900 TELECOPIER (407) 833-4209 Timothy P. Cannon, Acting City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: American Development Dear Tim: I understand from Jose Aguila that there whether the City Commission approved 140,000 Development, or 142,500. is some question as to square feet for American After reviewing my file and the minutes of the meetings it is clear to me that both the Planning and zoning Board and the City Commission knew that they were approving 142,500 square feet. The primary reason is that the site plan submitted and used for demonstration purposes at the City Commission meeting reflected 142,500 feet. In addition, at the Planning and zoning Board meeting held on February 13, 1990, this specific issue was discussed. I've attached a copy of Page 11 of those minutes. You will note under the site plan approval portion that I requested that 142,500 square feet be approved, and that you indicated that it could be approved as long as our traffic engineer would certify that it would not affect the road improvements required. That revised report has since been submitted. A motion was made to approve the site plan for the construction of 142,500 square feet. At the City Commission meeting held February 20. 1990, the same site plan was discussed at 142.500 square feet. At that meeting. Commissioner Wische made a motion to approve the site plan (WhiCh reflected 142,500 square feet). Commission Artis seconded the motion, alilil-rt:~~t;,.ion carried 5-0.~1.1ll vED JJM~l98O PLANNINQ OliPf. - - Timothy P. Cannon, Acting City Planner City of Boynton Beach 7 June 1990 Page Two There is little doubt in my mind that the 142,500 square feet was approved, and it seems fruitless to require the developer to go back through any process whatsoever for a 2,500 square foot difference on a project of this magnitude. Please review this at your convenience and advise me as to your decision. AJC/ag Encls. ccs: American Development Jose Aquila KTMLEY-HORN TEL No .407-863-8175 Feb 20,90 13:16 No,018 P.03 Memo/Jim Golden -2- February 20, 1990 The next step in our analysis was to determine capacity available to get to the threshold for Level of Service 'C', The Intersection of Congress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue doesn't have any more capacity avallable, However, the intersection of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road could be Increased by I.l percent and perform at a Level of Service lei. The turning movement volumes were used to determine peak hour volumes on Congress Avenue, The volumes follow: Congress Avenue, north of NW 22nd Avenue l,13a Congress A venue, south of Hypoluxo Road 2,693 By using the a-percent peak-hour pucentage on Congress Avenue north of NW 22nd Avenue, the Level of Service 'C' threshold for the link was calculated II 39,225 daily vehicles. The peak hour volume for Congress Avenue, south of Hypoluxo Road, was increased by 1.3 percent as determined before. By using the a-percent peak-hour percentage on this link, the Level of Service 'C' threshold for the link was calculated 8S 34,100 daily vehicles. The following table compares the total daily traffic volumes at project buildout with the , 'Level of Service 'C' threshold calculated in this analysis: LOCB tion 1992 Total Volume LOS 'C' Service Volume Congress A ven ue, north of NW 22nd Avenue 3S,465 39,22S Congress A venue, south of Hypoluxo Road 34,638 34,100 As shown in the table above, the link north of NW 22nd Avenue wlll perform at Level of Service 'C', However, the link south of Hypoluxo Road exceeds the Level of Service 'C' slightly by approximately 500 vehicles per day. Since the peak-hour analysis shows Level of Service 'C' conditions wlll be met, it can be concluded that Level of Service 'C' annual average conditions will prevail even through KJMLEY-HORN TEL NO.407-863-8175 Feb 20.90 13:16 No.018 P.04 . . Memo/Jim Golden -3- February 20, 1990 the theoretical dally service volume is slishtly exceeded, The slight dbcrepancy (Jess than 2 percent) in the daily venus pcak hour conclusions is rclated to the fact that only limited data arc obtained by Palm Beach County and the Florida Department of Transportation In determinins existing average annual daily traffic. Analvlls 01 Boveton Beach Boul...rd In order to determine the service volume for Level of Service 'D" on Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to 1-95, the peak-hour percentage for the PM peak hour was calculated. The 24-hour machine counts were obtained from Palm Beach County. From the counts, a peak-hour percentase of Ii percent was calculated. By uling the peak-hour service volume for Level of Service "0" (3,240) and the Ii percent, the Level of Service "0" threshold for this link was calculated IS 54,000 daily vehicles. I The total traffic volume for Boynton Beach Boulevard horn Old Boynton Road to 1-95 is 52,495, as Indicated in the traffic impact analysis. This link will operate at Level of Service "0", as required by the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. , , SGO/MTP:map Attachments Copy to: Walt Keller 4071TOO-).(()SSOOO-'n."p KIMUY-HORN TEL No.407-863-8175 Feb 20,90 14:31 No.023 P.01 I Kim/ey,HOI'n I FAX TRANSMITTAL KIMU;Y-liOKN AND ASSOCIATE:5, INc:. 4431 Embarcadero Drl.e WCSI I'alm Deach, ,.Iorllla 334D7 Phone Number: (4D7) 845-0665 F'JIIY Nnmh"r. 1407\ 161.117~ TO: ~~ COMPANY ND VAX NUMBER '1~!- 71/r;1 PLEASE DELlVER THIS FAX TO: NAME: 9'--' c;;.,.eJ.,~- TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (ineludinlll'u Cover Sheot): /0 TIME: JOB 11-: ~st.-.- ~. J-- ~~fr", .:< () tJ ,t'/1? .. @7FT"'" FROM: DATE: IF YOU IJO NOT RECEIVe ALL PAGES OR HAVE ANY PROllL~H TRANSMITTAL, PLIlASF. CALL (407) 845-0665 AND ASK FOR EXTENSION l' THE COMMENTS: ,6,'';'-7 ~ ~ (I nn~~~ ~ I ' ~ I' ?fr FAX.map ll(lJ(/J/J KIM!-EY-HORN TEL No.407-B63-B175 Feb 20.90 14'31 No.023 P.02 t Klmley.Hewn I PROJECT f/Mi:.R./CIIIJ ':!Ji'VHOPMEJJT' - cnpI'lc:. ,.r~ fIIJ/lt%t5 CALC. BY MlP DATE ()1.!lg!9o CHECKED B~ATE . CO>><;/2.E,SS A.~~IJW; SHEET NO. REVISED BY i OF DATE <\ '0 I (,.('I~'>I \, '1,.('> "Ie J!lj."J,> /qo ".,. A'..oJ,:",o I;, rooT F"J~. . 1.1-1 'JJ';'iJL ((lll'IJ.~ ~~ I. H i~ I...~f"..,f' nl/;.l'c~~ Ar"I'-lL'O~ ('OAX,}RfS5 AtJE" 1 ....'.),lIC\ All[. A,."".f\., ---- --lii<i3d,-~~~.rr.-lqq ~.~~) AAT '-V<~j"}.- J.:!1~ 'r.le. \ k,)~~( l %9 ;;,l,4 1 3~d NB 1 1'61 116;" ..3 148:S "R. ..S8 J,J6 6 .1,3<- L 95 1';3 0 8~ ~e l' II ~5 Q'16 J...~ IO)JI ~~ ..lJB ,>,oq (; ~I6 L Jq...\ 170 10 IBO <,p, T IB1 164 ~. 16f. fi- 115 154 '3 167 L J,O~ 1'1$ ~ 18.!, IIJB T .1.1'" .Z1.<, "I '/''lo> P- 11(. Ie", 0 1$4 .111 ~~~ X~"~~"~__:.~G_~C;:;$ AVe .kn <' Iqq:t, J'",.k PIl'! ..-t-1""ic..<l~ ! q q Ic.._~~, t-~I A .!,.L _~ !'."^,, "It .1~qJ, P." '. I.~k. .", L J.l (; ,qS ~, JOO bb 'r 914 9$1 Ie B1~ P. :,,'18 ~ 61 3 .?61 L I G 1 I ~.. l~' ~Il l' '~J 811 11 6-"8 R. Iq b 17 ;, Il:lJ L ..(',75 .z,11 ...~I <Eo T ~oO 439 -\.3'1 1" 155 1.36 -0 1~8 L -14:<- .368 .3 MI UJI:l r 6"3 5'l6 ~H. R. .!oCtI /76 1'It. - --'-'--_.._---,..,~._._-_._----- Klt1LEY-HORN TEL NO.407-863-8175 I KImI.y.Horn I Feb 20,90 14:31 No.023 P.03 SHEET NO. REVISED BY .u OF DATE 4 PROJECT AMcQIUl1J :In:VE.'Wi'MiIllT" CIlPIlLITY CALC. BY M')? OAT! O),!lq!qo CHECKED BY A /.l41. V&IS DATE eM r) ..'.:.(p.lvv..'L~ .. jD"~ t'c-tl(\,-I'.I.", ;f /JuJ .2.' "lel A",e.. _". ~,M____~ . LOS "e::;.t /;;6 ~ C,../;""L .... vlVI"r) '-l~"" J,c.ld., LO:"::" "C" = /2.70 G~t:,,,t (. ......t.J.JJ,) 58 I. 83 T 10~,/ "R -lIS Iii I'! ("I" (.!;:,T,o,1~,!jt f.1o,J-Q.. ,,5 J.~"l A"~_ L_J IJ8 l' /185 e:E1 1- 180 Ill!! Q, J S>\ 18/G ~ '--j-~l\~_ HtllIIr.. V(J~JJh\~, I~J~+181't: .~1~8 LOS "eli f'r.:..<:..l hLlIAlt. 31:58 UbI1IlCl 81. t'(..(Lt:.. hC,lOL piJ.L1.u.li,..(~..-, .=')- ~1!B/o.OB ;:;, .jqJ JJ~S ~L\ _; \. ) EI ,'J IJ f!~1:1Ii>\1 1. ,-to... ~~~!~;l",.~ .IL~J'o~. 1.00, "c:' 1.1 S~ c..:1;".1 S.",,,, 1~'O/IJ.,-5"1";' 1.01,3 0"... t,3 10 \mtJ..t...aJ.,IC,..J ~ 'R...l<. Ilow<.. Vo lu.rll''=' 0" (("n()~!_~\. s,.JI. ".3 ll\"...'e..\'t)I.CI KA. '-0.-' ....J !.\(J L ~oo SBT BJ.B -r il-h ~'e II, 13& R. ,/,61 Wt; L ,1~1 IH.' 13.Q 133f....,3;;'lo ..H13 "1'.73 (1.013) = J,1-/,B U'~5 81. p."l hO\J!<.. ~I~t =~ J.1.1fJ/".C>!;; = 34, 100 1),,~~ u),S "C" p,ck \'cu,<. <'7.1,8 To ~~\ VoL",rno. j"".. "''ro.J" ".,,\1. o~ ~y"l"o 31, GS e Dc} oj f.tw ~ftJ A~ ,:'.5) ~6:; Cf""'~'\'-'~'I6Tl\ ~IQ~~~ 'l!..'lIl:\ OK. u,,,11. .".1 ).\:.~IJ~ '"le'l" KIMLEY-HORN TEL NO.407-863-8175 I Kim_-Horn , Feb 20,90 14:31 No.023 P.04 PROJECT CALC. BY M1P I\MI:RICnIJ JJE"Vt.':lI')PIJlt;m- - G~I'(~G1n ()IJRI..'/GIS SHEET NO. REVISED BY .s OF DATE ,of DATE Dzl,ctl'io CHECKED BY DATE KJMLEY-HORN ,/ TEL No.407-863-8175 Feb 20,90 13:16 No.OIS P.02 ~ A:~~ , -' / I Klmley.Horn I Klmley..Hom and Aaaoclatea, Inc. ENGINEER. . "1."NNER8 .. 8V",VEVOR8 4431 embarcadtro Orl.... Weal Pel," SlIch, florlda 33407 .07 8"5~06e6 'ec8lmlle 407 afl3~8f76 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Golden February 20, 1990 FILE: 4071 T.OO(07) RESPONSE DATE: N/A FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Steve Godfrey Supplemental Analysis for American Development Analvsls OB Cono:res:. Avenue In order to determine the service volume for Level of Service 'C' ~n Congress Avenue from Hypoluxo Road to NW 22nd Avenue, the (ollowing intersections were analyzed: o Conllress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue o Congren Avenue and Hypoluxo Road Twenty-four-hour machine counts were obtained from the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. From these counts, the peak hour percentage for the PM peak hour was , 'calculated. An g percent peak-hour percentage WIS determined for the link on Congress Avenue. The turning movement volumes at the intenections above were adjusted to average annual conditions by using FOOT adjustment factors. Critical movement analysis were then performed to determine the level of service conditions at each location. The results of the critical movement analysis follows: Congress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue . LOS .C. Critical Sum 1,269 Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road LOS .C. Critical Sum 1,234 The threshold for Level of Service .C. for In Intersection with four phases Is determined by a critical sum of 1,270. Ar\t.t1,lm . cn.,lol. . 0raI1u . Fort LtuderaM . FI,)rt M)wl , W'lhvlll, . Orlando . f"hOtnI. Raleigh . San D1evo . 8tu.,t . lelfllJI . V.ro B..o~ . Vlr;lnll Iktch . w.at P*I", 8..ch lulldlflg ell,", r.lltlonlhtp, Ilflel 1.t~ KIMLEY-HORN TEL NO.407-863-8175 Feb 20,90 14:31 NO.023 P.OS I Klmley.Horn t PROJECT nM~RlcM.) 'J)~VCUJPMH)T - cAPIlGITY IlIJIlL'f:':oI$ CALC. BY M1f' DATE JII'l/90 CHECKED BY DATE SHEET NO . "1 OF-1 REVISED BY DATr: . 60'1'" (II,) e.o:: RC II B~vli Covml- or' T- QS 0>'/ ::Bu,,\J;,,,, T'-,=.A Slod. G/n/BB PM "-i:.)c:.A.t~ I \DII.II- ~"\"~.J~"":~_. BI,l vl j1: l':c__ .,.... , ~(b\"tJtl\C.)~ 'I=><.o-k \-\.WL :D~;~ ~~l~ -0;.a,\.J" ~IB '." 11\8 'Tf.v>"-~' GG.I lb 'I~U)~\ .. 1<, EI:> ';(:5\.1- ,30$ .J;I..9G '\8"-<1 1"1 Oil I 118-1'1 74QS 38..3 e~ ,;') \, 1f'f)..K trl)U)C. ""\~fl.\.lB'"I\'o.,-~r' .}.~%/ile-, 3SQ . ~,O % fuwn,\ G 'I. '~a.t II"""_-~b,,"c.)i:,.,,,r._ o-""L /'0$ "0" ~ 3"'~O j", 'j~L' ptol, I.UlHC .--> _.J "'-" ~> "'d)T,5".", LoG "0" = 3MO/o.ot;, = $~JOOO J)";'-.:~..,__~~~~~ Klt1LEY-HORN I' lC) 0- I f-j .f- a ::;,. -J l() 1: u q: lu CO z: ~ Z ,.- g - ..... :t. o <- TEL No.407-863-8175 .- ----.-- ~ ,I I [.) ..,. ~ .JR-- ~ -J-- 'l\ "'0 \'<'I[J >0 "'Il; ~ Feb 20,90 14:31 No.023 P.06 <l'~ :h M ~ -<:J ~~-- ~[:>- ~ ...s'3"- I I I I II , I I I .-/ 'Ifl~_ " '11 <:1 ,-.. ~ ~ _VI ..,.J S!; , ~, <;>c !::(T... '. ~ ..... - t>- ~r- ,-.., ,.... ,- , ~ ~ " , '" --, ,..._._,-,.--- ---,.. ~_..,--~._--~-- ---- K H1LEY-HORN TEL No ,407-863-8175 Feb 20,90 14:31 No,023 P.07 .' '-' '-" I-ll INIERSfCllOH COUWIS AI DOYR10N BEACH ILVD Il 12 11. I~ '(I~'I~) 14 . I. '111'lb) InIAl 16eB-JS 8B BB 12 9 21 9 5 Ii 2Jl " m 121 I! 19 '9 21 I ,b m .l 172 191 hi II 71 31 lb 51 "2 81.8 23b 21; 11, ,b 1.1 III 10 III 102 15 31l 711 1b 28 18. b3 2) 06 134 38 41. 256 19 37 lib 8. l' 123 III 45 584 251 92 38 121 71 3b Jib 9&l one 5,2 211 78 51 m 112 .2 H' 1892 15 12. 2b7 6. '6 112 86 43 12' '1\ ~~-----m-2J1"' 61 '--38-"juj-.-..g'j-.'sil--nm-eif'---.m.---.n. .5 m m 91 :u. 121 15 II Ita BlI 8900 lib 21S 69 .S III 91 19 138 Bbl 15 311 21] 7B 48 118 56 41 " liB ,B 24l 217 .1 3. 'b BB .8 126 bIb 45 168 117 9S 32 III 19 32 III 755 lieD 21' 221 69 48 III 71 42 lIb 121 15 27\ 214 S2 31 IS IS .3 121 712 3B 298 226 71 31 III 61 J) '9 119 4\ III II' .1 21 91 't I) 115 125 1188 2b. 225 II 34 II' 62 lb 98 bl3 1\ 188 241 73 ,S II~ 18 4. II. 765 II 218 m 86 4J m 76 59 Il1 !bB 4\ 313 2\9 99 .5 1.1 b2 52 Il~ Bll 12i8 181 254 53 II 12i Bb 52 lIB 799 121\ 117 268 73 \7 122 Bb 51 m 833 31 217 :71 " 35 129 81 4\ m III .5 3lS 242 71 20 115 Vi 58 14i 822 Il~1 519 21~ 'I 4J III 19 4. l85 815 -~-3-2i-"'2'i2-'--"--6b-'''''---i7 ,,,-_..,~.., 9j'..._-,._..~5 .... .,., ....4i-.__._.13b.._-,._~7j,j_._m_....' .,-. ,..' ... -'- .'.-'.'" 3i 15J Z37 71 15 li9 82 5. 131 811 43 124 2lI II 10 111 71 4~ 115 m 1.81 328 291 III 45 14b 91 51 112 il9 15 l49 231 56 29 85 82 59 141 7V7 51 291 211 81 37 119 91 19 141 76. 15 ll6 23i 12 36 lia 16 56 J 52 m 1510 Jl! 198 95 39 125 94 58 m m 15 327 219 66 3l II lB4 58 162 Bll 31 JIB 131 17 27 184 JIl 72 17l BI. 45 m m 85 39 121 76 18 146 S9i 1111 381 216 lB8 53 J51 14B 92 248 1811 15 3Bb 254 87 45 III 131 B2 21l 98S 38 3BI 279 ae 51 III 141 85 22. 1121 I) 371 271 89 43 III 14. 75 219 992 1711 152 219 188 II liB III B7 219 leU J5 313 352 99 49 119 189 119 298 11.2 31 311 118 183 27 198 181 113 29. 1111 45 31B 268 134 35 1.9 lei li9 289 181. mB 3iJ 168 97 ".>>-m--Tii-'---so--~195i----"-- 15 253 216 91 31 128 liB 7B m m 31 26B lB8 13 31 184 III BI J94 71\ 45 m m 65 2. 91 14 71 114 738 1988 216 21B .8 14 62 9J I. 137 b2S !. , "~1 ; ~----_.._-,_.,------------- KHILEY-HORN TEL No ,407-853-8175 Feb 20,90 14:31 No,023 P.OS "-" -" 2'" 113 ~~. m ut 2M m III 111 2m me m m m 61 lU /YO III J18 1m me m 381 II~ H 151 142 III 15) 1481 2lee m 2Ba as H m 181 m leD m me 211 m 55 13 188 76 11 146 611 BIBB ]69 16. IB 31 8\ 171 41 21B 638 B1B8 62 IBB ) I' 26 lBI 38 134 m Ilea 62 4! 1 lJ 20 11 10 31\ 151 me 31 31 17 J 13 II 0 18 101 ~ me II II ~ 6 u 11 12 3' m 1m m 130 31 13 44 66 J9 85 411 TOTAL. 1113\ 14\" 1824 1211 1841 681\ m\ 'l8' \8601 " ,I No.407-863-8175 Feb 20,90 14:31 No.023 P.09 KI~LEY-HORN TEL SCACH &r:' '-' F'AL~I TUANINQ MOVE~IENT COUt.Jr lilO'rNTOI" Bctl [)L/l~::> COUNTERS NAl'-IE. J M PARK$ COUNrER )',10, 0 CDLI~rr DAY, l'IO~IC'AY C:OLNl DA1L: 6-27-8:::: PE;:. SOUTH APP NORTH APP I,IESr APP EASr APP END LT THRU J:.:T LT Ttl~U F:T LT THRU m Ll lllf;U (;1 1 01 AL ----- 711 ~ (I 0 (I (I (I (I 0 (I 0 Ci 0 (I 0 7,~0 0 0 0 (, 0 (I 0 (I 0 [I 0 (I 0 7:4~ (I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 (t (I (I 8,00 0 " 0 0 " 0 0 (I 0 0 0 (I (I 8: 15 0 (I (I (I 0 0 (I 0 0 0 (I (t (, 8:30 0 0 \) (I (I 0 (I (I I) 0 (I (I 0 8:45 0 0 (I c' 0 0 0 0 0 [I [I 0 0 ~ 9:00 [I Q 0 (l (l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,15 " " Q 0 0 (I (J 0 [I (I (I ij (I 9:30 0 0 0 0 Q Q (l 0 0 0 (> [I (I 9:45 0 (I 0 (I 0 (I (< [I (I (I 0 (I (I 1 Q, 00 0 (I (I (I ., Q 0 I) (I 0 0 0 (I 1 0 ~ 15 (I (I (I (I (I 0 (I C' (, (, (I (I (I 10,30 (I (I (I (I 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 (I (I 10.45 0 0 (I (I (I 0 0 (I 0 0 (I 0 0 11,00 0 (l Q 0 0 0 (I (I 0 [I 0 0 0 II "5 0 (I (I [I 0 (I (I (I (I [I [I 0 (I 11.30 0 (I " (I (I (I (I (I (I (I 0 0, (I 11.45 (I (I 0 (I (I 0 (l 0 (I 0 0 (I (. 1 ;2 d)o 0 (I 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 [I (I (I (I 12d5 (, (I (I 0 0 (I (l (I [I (I 0 (I " 121 ~O 0 0 (I (I 0 0 (I (I (I (I (I (I 0 12,45 0 (. 0 (I (I (I 0 Q (I (I 11 " " 1:3.00 " 0 0 0 (I 0 (I 0 (I 0 0 " " 13:15 (I 0 0 [I 0 (I (I (I (I 0 (I (I " l:3:ClO 0 (I 0 (I 0 (I (I (I 0 0 0 (I (I ICl:'l5 0 0 0 (I (I 0 (I 0 (I 0 Q (I " 14,00 0 0 (I (I 0 [I (I 0 0 0 Q Q (I 14: 15 (I 0 0 0 (I (I (I 0 (, (0 (I 0 Q 14:30 (I 0 (I (I 0 (I 0 0 0 (I 0 (I 0 14 ;'"1;:i (I (I (I (I (> 0 0 (I (I " " " (I 15: 00 (I 0 (I (I (I 0 (I (I 0 (I <, 0 0 15: 15 (I Q 0 (I (I 0 (I (I 0 0 0 (I (I 15;30 0 (I 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 15;4'5 0 (I (I 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 (I 16:00 (I (I (I (I (I 0 (I 0 0 (I (I 0 0 16~ 1 ~ (I (I 0 (I 0 (I 0 (I 0 (I (I (I (I I.S:30 0 0 0 0 0 (I (I 0 " 0 " " 0 16:4:; (I (I (I (I (I (I (I 0 (I 0 0 0 (I 17 :00 152 (I 87 0 (I " 90 Pl " " 20j '''' /79 17:15 lS9 0 109 (. (I (I 97 ~(l2 0 0 270 82 5'4,' 17:30 183 0 113 0 (I 0 77 1':>3 0 (I :232 86 844 17:45 180 0 109 0 (I 0 77 13~ 0 [I 20b 6~ US 18:00 (I 0 0 (I " Q (I 0 0 0 0 0 (I --~-- TOTAL 704 " 418 (\ Q 0 ~'ll ,,<II 0 0 712 30j 3341 :,~~ '.' --- ----~---,-,_.,._----,~---~- Klt1LEY-HORN TEL NO.407-863-8175 Feb 20,90 14;31 No.023 P.l0 fAll"! 8E"KH COI_U"ITi' 24 -H~ ?iF'F'F:CIA,CH '",''-'LUliE COLlIIT *w~~*~~.+~**~**~~~~~*~~~..~~~.~ LO(:AT I otl: ,.11,,' 221,,1t' f1",,' C:C:I"IGr:E~; ~f\\D DI\'i: 113D \~I~J)J:?);l.V1 AI,' F't::f;'r H(IUF I ':, ~.: 3(1" :.:;: ~:Q HUIWER (IF ,.,fF-ROACHES; 'I r~It"f r-'Ef-''if< r..liJl.l.H:1E '=: 30';';~; r;oATE: 12.-1 3-~:",. ft'-l ~Efi:-'.. rIlJUt.' I'; .".) :4':.'-~:\:45 COUNTEr:',. 1',I~'II'IE; ,1 TUTTLE f'r'! f-EAr. '}eILUI'IE ~ 0,)1 ~":: IAIEAIHEP COI'WIT]!)'.I, CLEt.F' TII-IE ~IIJF:TH SOU" II TOTAL t,,:\':T !"JE:,.T TCITHL GF:Hr"JC'TCrrflL .'---"'''' ---..,- --._-- --~-- --....,..--- --- I : (IOHf1 1 ~LI li:i:;: 31 =, 1 1 ~ '~3 toll '.1 ;"' ~': , 2:CIOAI1 ~~~; €,i4 l<lj ....i1~. ,?:. ,~, :~' ::04 .' , 3; Ij (1f'll'1 '=:2 ~,(\ ~2 ~;6 1'" "I 1 ~'.:. 'I : 00(,'''' ~~:' 43 <c ::','" .'20 ':').-1 [ 1 " ,-,..... ., ':;: OI)A!"1 ,f.I~ 4t: 1 (I ~. 37 .-"... L ::- [ :'1 .... -' ,', ;OO~"-I : 5CI 7~ 222.- ~9 85 1'1'1 .36-=-, -:: OOAI1 ~,80 1<;:'1 871 1 ~~, 3~:5 ':,::0 j 401 t{ : (I OAt~l 1.2':,'5 50$"' 17;'4 ~;.....,? 748 I I 4:' 2'~'21 ,? 1 (I Oi~~'1 1 1S4 .:;,12 179..::. 32:;: ,:.4:3 ';':-'1 -,'" ~'::, .., ...... J (" ')(I':1t'l '::;';62 63'.;' 1 ,~21 ::01$' ,11" .",..,l-:: '2 2:;~l:" [ \ :001'.1-' I I ,~9 8CI:;3 1 '!72 2.~.2 ;.f~:2 ,0".:) 2.:.\.-:..;'. I 2:DOAI'! I 1 '~,1 1 1~:2 2306 ::4 ;:~ 4"'-' -,r 30;'1 c.~. , '-"..' 1 IOOPt1 1 204 124'~' 24j;;; ::07 41 1 ? J:;; :::171 2: DC'F't'l 1 1 8..~ 1 31 " 2',5(13 30[ .371 672 31 ~':, '~:: ClOPtl 1 185 1408 2~'~3 34,- 40,5 ..~ '"' -. 3:.34.:'. , -'~' 4 : I)OPI-j 1 :26~ ,,- I 648 25"16 '17'1 4(\5 ~~7 .::' ;:~'.;:'2 5 : OOPt'j 1:2::;:1 1 ..'..:or" .27':::~~ ~72 460- Ifn:': 4(12", ,~ : OOPI1 12';':.3 1842 :;;1'3:5 5,'\ 4.....-:! j 0;':4 41 ''8 "'''' 7 : OOPf-! 1 ::,~O 1444 2674 336 448 ~1:3.~) 345~: :=:. OOPH I 1 1 1 1 "i~ ~l 2286 ,CI'",s "::>.:,c .:!,'~:8 ?S:'24 ~ . - ~I,..)..' ,J'-....., '.;': DOPt" 731 1 1 26 l::<~7 I ';OJ :220 '11 1 :?2.:.::';: (I: (lOP"'1 5Q~ 1 (1ge 160.1:. 1 :3:3 U.3 2$=',::, I 902 1 : (I OF'!',! ~::'53 8:5':: 121 1 1 14 lliO.... :i.c.. J tJ '?~ ...~ 2~O"Pl"'t :22Cl ~.~'6 576 ~l,~. 87 j 4~' ?1 $' ~, -, ~,._-_....- -...._--- --....-- ----..... -----"- ---..--....----- iOTAL 1a43~ 1~6~~ '38084 5775 ?1.~2 I ::293~" 510:11 ":'1/-'1 PHF .'1"1 .85 .8.5 .s:-' .95 P:"l PIIF . ';-~I . 5'~ ',.0( Y'~' . 'ir7 .1'" . ~ I, , ,;:'."j.,. 'V.l KIMLEY-HORN TEL NO.40?-863-8l?5 Feb 20,90 14:31 No.023 P.ll :,'1~~'",,: .' ';. ..,'. " PAlM BEACH COl.NTY 24-HR APPROACH VOLUME COUNT ****************************** LOCATl ON: HYPOLUXO RC/CONGRESS AU AM PEAK HOUr~ IS 7:15-8:15 NUMBER OF APPROACHES I 4 AM PEAI( VOLLlI-tE '" 3182 DATE: 1-2-QO PM PEAK HOUR 1 S 'I: 1 5-5 ; 1 ~ COUNTERS NAME: HARTMANN PH PEAK YOI..UI'IE .. 4396 WEATHER CONDIT ION: CLEAR o /,~"',l!i' I. TIME NORTH SOUTH TOTAL EAST WEST TOTAL GRANDTOTAL ---...-- -..._-- ~--~~ --....-..... -_...~~ ---~...._----- 1:00AM 172 '>1 2:33 51 4~ 96 329 2: OOAt1 90 5~ 140 ~7 215 63 209 3100AM 45 23 ..S 87 18 105 173 4:00AM 22 22 44 29 19 48 'n 5:00AM 24 79 108 41 90 131 234 6:00AM 28 259 287 174 3:34 528 815 7100AM 143 766 929 601 10:59 1660 2589 8: 001*1 529 962 1491 620 1046 1666 3157 9,OOAM $44 S94 1726 :146 679 1227 2955 10:00AM 70B 905 1513 611 670 1281 2794 11100AM '>74 E'75 154~ 632 711 1343 2892 12:00AM 7.0 95"1 1714 662 687 1349 3063 ) :OOPM 833 1078 1911 74::i 719 1464 3375 2:00PM B9B 1152 .20::10 756 739 1495 3545 3:00PM BE'4 IS35 :!219 951 979 1930 4149 4:00PM 989 146a. :!<l::J6~ 964 945 1909 4365 5:00PM 1003 1396 2'101 1192 769 1961 43"'2 6:00PM 10013 1093 2106 1015 672 1687 3793 7,OOPM 959 .67:5 1784 687 579 1266 3050 a,OOPM 623 636 1461 447 362 809 2270 9:00PM 612 67S 1290 353 285 638 192B :~ 0:00PM 432 307 739 274 241 515 1:254 .I,OOPM 373 20:5 578 175 178 353 931 . :2: OOPM Z36 16.9 4D5 127 92 219 62<\ ----.--- ----... ----- ----- ----- ---..-----.....- il TOTAL' 13066 16117 29205 11779 11964 23743 52946 AM PHF' .77 .65 .89 .86 .92 PM PHF' .9"1 .93 .93 .91 .$'::; " '. -I"':,' - -...-,,----.- --.----..-----. ~--~ - I Kimley.Horn I Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. SURVEYORS 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 407845-0665 Facsimile 407 863-8175 February 9, 1990 4071 T.00(07) Mr. Timothy Cannon, Acting Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: American Development Shopping Center Dear Mr. Cannon: This letter is in response to the comments on the American Development Shopping Center traffic impact analysis by Walter H. Keller, Jr., dated February 3, 1990. Our response follows: Item No. 1 - TriD Generation Consultants generally agree. Item No.2 - TriD Distribution Consultants generally agree. Item No.3 - TriD Asshmment Figure 2 of the traffic impact analysis (attached) has been revised to show assignment on the missing links. The assignment shows most of the traffic traveling east of Old Boynton Road on Boynton Beach Boulevard using Old Boynton Road as opposed to Boynton Beach Boulevard. This route was chosen since it represents the shortest path between the site and Boynton Beach Boulevard east of Old Boynton Road. The traffic assignment does not include the interchange of 1-95 with N.W. 22nd A venue. The interchange is scheduled for construction by FDOT in FY 1993/94, while the buildout period of the project is in year 1992. Traffic between the site and 1-95 was not, therefore, assigned via N.W. 22nd A venue. Anaheim , Charlotte . Dallas . Fort Lauderdale . Fort Myers . Nashville , Orlando , Phoenix Raleigh . San Diego . Stuart . Tampa . Vere Beach . Virginia Beach . West Palm Beach B u i I din 9 c j i e n t rei a t ion s hip s sin c e 1 9 6 7 Mr. Timothy Cannon -2- February 9, 1990 Item No. 4 - Backl!round Traffic In order to determine background traffic for the study area, historical traffic growth was reviewed. Traffic growth patterns are usually based on four years of data. In this analysis, however, traffic growth between 1986 and 1987 was not used since it included the opening of the Boynton Beach Mall, which added a one-time significant impact to the network. The following table shows a comparison in the annual growth rate: Roadwav Annual Growth 1986-1989 1987-1989 20.2% 12% 9.9% 14% 8.3% 7% 10.1% 7% 14.0% 10% 13.4% * 15.7% * 11.6% * Link N.W. 22nd Avenue West of Congress A venue East of 1-95 Boynton Beach Blvd. West of 1-95 Congress A venue North of Boynton Beach Blvd. South of Hypoluxo Road South of Lantana Road North of Lantana Road South of 6th Avenue *Not in the study area. TIA 13% 15% 6% 9% 8% * * * It should be noted that the differences between the three-year growth rates and rates used in the TIA resulted from applying growth, in terms of vehicles per year, as opposed to percent per year, in the TIA. Item No. 4 - Total Traffic Figure 2 (attached) depicts total traffic. Growth factor used in the traffic impact analysis as well as the assignment used, resulted in a total traffic which is different than the one calculated by Walter H. Keller, Jr. , Mr. Timothy Cannon -3- February 9, 1990 Item No.5 - Conformance to the Cltv of Bovnton Beach Comorehenslve Plan The City's Comprehensive Plan requires links to operate at Level of Service "C", with certain exception links. Kimley-Horn and Associates' traffic analysis indicated that Congress Avenue, between N.W. 22nd Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard requires six- laning to meet City's criteria. Theoretically, generalized link analysis (AADT) suggest that congress Avenue will operate at Level of Service "D" between N.W. 22nd Avenue and Hypoluxo Road. However, in urban areas, link operating conditions are actually controlled, and more accurately define by the operation of the intersections at the termini of the link. Further analyses of the operating conditions within the vicinity of this link were made. Detailed intersection analyses, included in the TIA, show that with certain turn lane improvements, the intersections of Congress Avenue with N.W. 22nd Avenue, and with Hypoluxo Road can operate at Level of Service "D" for peak season, peak hour conditions. This is consistent with the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. The analysis therefore concluded that based on the intersection analysis and improvements, Congress Avenue will operate at an acceptable level-of-service between N.W. 22nd Avenue and Hypoluxo Road. The section of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Old Boynton Beach Road and 1-95 is currently a four lane section. The section connects the fully expanded intersection at Old Boynton Road (with 6 through lanes) and the "T" interchange intersection at 1-95. The subject site has a minimal impact on the link. Further, Woolbright Road is scheduled for extension in fiscal year 1990/91 to Military Trail to relieve Boynton Beach Boulevard. Given the fully expanded intersection, this link does not have any operational problems at this time. It is anticipated that subsequent to the completion of Woolbright Road, traffic with the site impact would be smaller than today's traffic, and will not result in any operational or capacity problems. Summarv In summary, the following improvements are required to meet the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan criteria: o Six lanes on Congress Boulevard between Boynton Beach Boulevard and N.W. 22nd Avenue. Mr. Timothy Cannon -4- February 9, 1990 o Intersection improvements as specified in the TIA. It should be noted that given the intersection improvements, committee by the Village Shoppes of Boynton Beach at Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue, the intersection will operate at Level of Service "Co. These improvements are somewhat different from those recommended in the TIA. Should you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, KIMLEY -HORN ANDASSOCIA TES,INC. J: ~ hJ~it~ ~ 6 Jacob Wattenberg, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer JW:cb Enclosure 4071 TOO- TC-L020990- jw. wp ~ ...on moM ... MOC'll ~ o ....oJ m N~N o ~ ! -N- ~ NOT TO SCALE (REVISED 02/09/90) o 0: W o z W 0: ~ oJ ;;; .....0 CC"\ICO... ,... .;~ ... C 454 (11,938) 2L N.W.22ND on ""'0 Co"lt..J (J) .;"It ... C 621 (12,105) 2L A 242* (10,541) 4LD AVE. E 529 (38,614) 4LD "' "'00 wC'llItJ..J .. ... ~'" ... C 515 (12,089) 2L OLD BOYNTON RD. on w :;;~~9 ,...CO"lt ... BOYNTON BEACH BLVlf. C 61* (41,466) 6LD ;;; ...~c <c an ...... .....'" ... ui ~ !J) !J) w 0: " Z o o WOOLBRIGHT RD. LEGEND A 454 (33,088) 6LD LEVEL OF SERVICE PROJECT TRAFFIC TOTAL TRAFFIC LANE GEOMETRY INTERCHANGE INSIGNIFICANT IMPACT . * HYPOLUXO RD. ., '" I FIGURE 2 AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARD ANALYSIS '....--..1 4071T,00 MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA FEBRUARY 13. 1990 It must be removed from the Master Plan for the P.U.D. prior to rezoning. The City Commission reviewed the Master Plan Modification at the February 6, 1990 Commission meeting and voted that the request was not substantial in nature. The recommendation'-cif ehe~TRB to the Commission had been that the request was substantial in nature. Since the rezoning application is based on,a previously approved change to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, staff analysis of the rezoning is not required as it is imple- menting land use shown on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Golden felt the heart of the analysis lied in the site plan application. A Public Hearing is still required on the rezoning before the Planning & Zoning Board and the Commission. The site plan provided for a 142,500 sq. ft. shopping center. however, the traffic statement submitted by Kimley-Horn analyzed 140.000 sq. ft. The approval would be limited to 140.000 sq. ft. The shopping center will be anchored by a Target Store and there will be 3 out parcels. Access will be provided to Congress Ave. by utilizing the existing driveway at the north end of' the Catalina Shopping Centre. As a safety measure, Palm Beach County Traffic Division\is recommending a modification to the median at the existing north driveway, which would prevent northbound left turns out of the driveway. The center had been designed in a manner that appeared to be an extension of the Catalina Shopping Centre. The building will have a creme colored concrete stucco finish with aqua awnings and a Spanish barrel-type roof. No color chart was submitted by the applicant which indicated specific colors. The TRB recommended that the construction drawings submitted with the plat document reflect the changes outlined in the staff comments. prior to site plan sign-off. The TRB recom- mended approval of the site plan, subject to the following staff comments: Building Department See Addendum C attached to the original copy of these Minutes in the City Clerk's Office. Engineering Department 1) See Addendum D attached to the original copy of these Minutes in the City Clerk's Office. 2) Subject to successful replatting. - 9 - .' MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 13, 1990 Mr. Alan Ciklin, attorney for American Development Corp. addressed the fact that 59 mUlti-family residential units are assigned to this tract. He acknowledged that perhaps the property was "double-dipped" but felt there was no question it des~rv~ to be commercial because of its loca- tion. He noted there were some recreational facilities on this property at one time but each of the projects developed within the PUD each did their own recreational facilities. In essence, this will exceed what would have been there. Remarks were made about the City designating this as commer- cial in the land use plan. It went to the DCA and came back with that designation. He stated he was present to fulfill the Comprehensive Plan and State Statute requirements. Mr. Ciklin stated the property does have to be platted. Rezoning Application: Relative to the rezoning application, Mr. Ciklin indicated he agreed with staff comments. Chairman Walshak asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in opposition to or in support of the application. As there was no response from the audience THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Lehn~rtz moved to recommend approval of the rezoning from PUD to C-3. Mr. Collins seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Request for Site Plan Approval: In connection with the request for site plan approval, Mr. Ciklin remarked he didn't have a problem with the staff com- ments but he hadn't had time to work out all the details. They had been in touch with Walter Keller and trust these items will be worked out prior to the Commission meeting. The applicant will comply with whatever the conditions are. The original site plan application was for 140,000 sq. ft. Because of design criteria the site plan went up to 142,500. Mr. Godfrey, the Traffic Engineer had indicated it didn't make any difference at all on impacts. Rather than do 140,000 now and then have to come through the whole process again for the 2,500 sq. ft., Mr. Ciklin asked that the 142,500 sq. ft. be approved. Mr. Cannon thought it could be approved as long as Mr. Godfrey could certify that it uld not affect the road im rovements that are required. r. 1 lin stated they would submit a revise epor 1n this regard prior to the Commission meeting. - 11 - I Kim/ey.Horn I CERTIFICATION OF OFF-SITE ROADWA Y IMPROVEMENT OPINION OF PROBABLE COST We have developed preliminary engineering plans for the required off-site improvements at the intersection of Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue at Hypoluxo Road associated with the proposed American Development, Inc. project in the southwest Quadrant of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue. Based on the preliminary engineering performed, we have prepared an opInIOn of the probable cost of these two off-site improvements. The contribution level at the intersection of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue was negotiated with Palm Beach County. Breakdown of the probable costs for the intersection of Congress Avenue and Hypoluxo Road is attached. The cost estimate performed from conceptual designs have been increased by 10% to reflect adjustment for additional detail. The totals projected for these two intersections include the following: Congress Avenue at N.W. 22nd Avenue $60,000 Congress Avenue at Hypoluxo Road $180,000 We hereby certify that this opInIOn of probable costs are accurate based upon the best information available. Additional monies will be bonded if the estimate for Congress venue at Hypoluxo Road is revised up following final design. 0 ~ ~l-otu John F. Benditz, P.E. Vice President JFB:jsl Florida Registration Number 35470 " HYPOLUXO ROAD & CONGRESS AVENUE CONSTRUCTION COSTS DEVELOPER RESPONSIBILITY COUNTY RESPONSIBILITY CO~BINED RESPONSIBILITY UNIT ------------------------ --------------~--------- ------------------------ ITEM UNIT PRICE QUANITY COST GUANITY COST GUANITY COST CLEARING & GRUBBING AC 12,000,00 0,75 1\,500 0 10 0,75 11,500 12" STABILIZATION SY 11.25 1805 12,256 4J5 1544 2240 12,800 &" unEROCK SY 17 ,00 \&05 112,635 m 13.0\5 2240 $I5,b80 2,5" ASPHAlT SY 15,00 1805 19,025 m 12,175 2210 111,200 12" STABILIZATION SY 11.25 240 1300 0 10 240 1300 4" UNEROCK SY 15,00 140 11,200 0 10 140 11,100 1.5" ASPHALT SY 13.00 240 1m 0 10 240 1720 1.25" mE S-IlI SY 12.50 5130 112,825 510 1\,300 5b50 114,125 TYPE F CURB & GUTTER LF 18.50 1845 l15,b83 0 10 \845 $I5,m CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY 118,00 b45 III ,bl0 0 10 b45 III.bIO CONC, SEPARATOR (4') LF 110,00 0 10 300 Ib,OOO 300 Ib,OOO CONC. SEPARATOR WAR.l IF $2b,90 0 10 no H,m no Ib,m CONC,PAVEMENT REMOVAL SY $3,50 JJO 11,155 2bS 1928 595 11,083 ASPH,PAVEMENT REMOVAL SY IJ.50 35 1123 500 11,750 m II,m MOD, DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EA $1,500.00 2 IJ,OOO 0 10 2 IJ,OOO EXCAVATION CV 14.00 bOO 12,\00 145 \580 745 12,980 SOODING SV 12.00 \015 12,030 0 10 1015 12.030 TRAFFIC SIGNAL HOD. LS 115,000,00 0.75 118,750 0.15 Ib,250 115.000 PAVEMENT ~ARKIN6S LS H,OOO.OO 0.75 IJ,OOO 0.25 11,000 14,000 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC LS 1\1,000,00 0.75 19,000 0.25 IJ,OOO 112.000 MOBILIZATION LS 115.000,00 0,75 llI,150 0.25 13.750 115,000 ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ROADWAY ITE~S Illa,4bl 137.315 1155,777 ADJ. FOR DE1AIL Il0tl 111,&4& 13,732 $I5,m ENIGINEERING $37,000 H,OOO HI.OOO RIGH1-OF-WAY 1\0,000 10 1\0,000 CONSTRUCTION ADMIN(2II 12,369 1H6 $3,116 ---------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ PROJECT TOTAL $179,b77 \45,793 1215,470