APPLICATION ~ " , (, I. I " <' SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach,.Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. L: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Woolbright Professional Plaza This submittal is for adding an access road from the project's West property line to Congress Avenue 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Address: J. Ronald Simmons/Contract to Purchasp 1028 W. Michigan Orlando, Florida 32805 (305) 425-1772 Phone: 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant) : Address: John F. Wheeler. Enqineer Caulfield & Wheeler, Inc. 2290 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 3 ~oca Raton, Florida 33431 (305) 392-1991 Phone: 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Same as applicant. Address: Phone: 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *. Same as agent * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 Page 2 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Developer/Builder/Contract Purc~aser (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. Street Address or Location of Site: Woolbright Road East of Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 9. Legal Description of Site: See Attached Sheet 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: Office Building 11. Developer or Builder: J. Ronald Simmons, Prime Contractors 12. Architect: Richard C. Reilly, Architect 13. Landscape Architect: Richard C. Reilly, Architect 14. Site Planner: Richard C. Reilly, Architect 15. Engineer: Caulfield & Wheeler, Inc.- Boca Raton, Fla. 305-392-1991 16. Surveyor: Caulfield & Wheeler, Inc. 17. Traffic Engineer: N/A 18. Has a site plan been for this property? previously Yes approved by the City Council 19. Estimated construction cost of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $3,750,000.00 + $9,150.00 (Access Road) Planning Dept. 10/82 Page 3 II. SITE DATA ",The fOllowing information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land U~e Category shown in the Comprehen3ive Plan C-3 Commercial'Community Use 2. Zoning Dis.trict Commercial 3. Area of Site ., ? c; -;:; acres 141 707 .:!A sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including :ci / .\ acres % of site surroundi"S lot area or gr(Junds b. Recreation }\rea s * N/A a,cres .'% of site (excluding water area) c. Water Area N/A acres . % of site d. Commercial 3.2535 acres 100 .. of site e. Industrial "1/" acres % of site f. Public/In- N;'A acres % of site stitutional g. Public,Private, and Canal Rights-of-I'lay N/" acres % of site h. Other (specify) N/A acres % of site i. Other (specify) N/A acres % of site j. Total Area of Site 141,722.46 sq. ft. 100. % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and h~ving a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 26,463 Area ("building footprint") sq.ft. 18.6 % of site b. Water Area N/A sq. ft. % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks; patios, decks, and athletic courts. 99,506.!i!i.ft. 70.2 % 0 f . site: d. Total Impe~vious Area 125,969 sq.ft. 88.9 % of site e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code} 5,547.20 sq.ft. 3.9 % of site Pl~nnin~ n~~t. lO/R2 Page 4 f. Other Landscaped Areas, 10,204.01 sq.ft. 7:2 '% of site excluding Water Area g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding N/A Water Areas sq.ft. % of site h. Total Pervious Areas 15,753.21 sq. ft. 11. 1 % of site i. Total Area of Site 141,722.21 sq.ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential N/A sq.ft. b. Commercial/Office 82,812 sq.ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse N/A sq.ft. d. Recreational N/A sq.ft. e. Public/ Institutional N/A sq.ft. f. Other (specify) N/A sq.ft. g. Other (specify) N/A sq.ft. h. Total Floor Area 82,812 sq.ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached N/A dwelling units b. Duplex N/A dwelling units c. MUlti-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (l) Efficiency N/A dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom N/A dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom N/A dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom N/A dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family N/A dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units N/A 8. Gross Density N/A Dwelling Units per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site 45 feet 4 stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan 331 331 Planning Dept. 10/82 , Page 7 IV. MISCELLANEOUS The following materials must be submitted in one (I) copy: (check) 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, for two hundred dollars ($200). 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (l) hour period, a traffic irlipact -'is.~-l&lyz~;:; ;n\;.::;t be ::ub:r.i tted. 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowl and belief. This application will not be accepted ess gne a cording to the instructions below. , q-~.s- Y5 Date ignature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Jim Wade RIZAT 0 VI. 9'~ '- ~ -J ~ Date (my) Signature of Owner(s} or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Jim Wade 9- 2~- YS"'- Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: Planning Dept. 10/82 -'- . - ," ...-.. /'......, . ",'. '. ~ EXHIBIT PARCEL 1 A parcel of l&nd in Section 32, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 32, thence South 1002'40" East. (an assumed bearing and all other bearings related thereto) along the West line of Section 32 and the centerline of Congress Avenue 596.07 feet: thence North 88000'52" East parallel with the North line of Section 32 and 596.0D feet South of said North line, 4l5.D6 feet; thence North 1002'40" West, 250.03 feet to a line 53.0 feet South of and parallel with the centerline of Woolbright Road (also known as S.W. 15th Avenue as recorded in Plat of Tenth Section, Palm Beach Leisureville, Plat Book 30, Page 130) ; thence North 8BoOO'52" East along, said lin,e, parallel with the North line of Section 32, 167.52 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continue North B8000'52" East, 167.52 feet: thence South 1002'40" East parallel with the West line of Section 32,,605.08 feet; thence South 8S000'52"West, parallel with the North line of section 32, 335.04 feet, thence North 1002'40" West, parallel with the West line of Section 32, 241.04 feet: thence North 88000'52" East parallel with the North line of Section 32, 167.52 feet; thence North 1002'40" West parallel with the West line of Section 32, 364.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2 Together with a non-exclusive easement for the benefit of Parcel lover the following described lands: THE SOUTHERLY 35 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF PROPERTY, TO-WIT: THAT CERTAIN PIECE, PARCEL OR TRACT OF LAND SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF PAlkl BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA, TO WIT: A parcel of land in Section 32, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying in Boynton Beach, ,Palm Beach County, Florida, being the East 365 feet of the West 415 feet of the South 355 feet of the North 951 feet of said Section 32, being more particularly described as follows: ' From the Northwest corner of Section 32, Township 45 south, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, said corner being on the centerline of the 100 foot wide right of way of Congress Avenue, run South 1002'40" East (for convenience, the West line of sai~ Section 32 is assumed to bear North 1002'40" West and all bearings recited herein are relative thereto) a distance of 596.07 feet to the intersection of the West line of said Section 32 with a 'line parallel to and 596.00 feet Southerly from, when measured at right angles to the North line of said Section 32: thence North BBOOO'52" East along said parallel line a distance of 50.01 feet to the intersection of said parallel line with the Easterly line of the aforesaid 100 foot wide right of way of Congress Avenue, the Northwest corner and the point of' beginning of the herein described parcel of land; thence along the boundary of said parcel of land as follows: North 8BoOO'52" East a , distance of, 365t05 feet: thence South 1002'40" East a distance of 355.05 feet; thence South. 8s000'52" West, a distance of 365.05 feet "to a point on the Easterly line of the aforesaid 100 foot wide right of way of Congress Avenue, thence North 1002'40" West along said right of way line a distance of 355.05 feet to the Point of Beginning. 'Said lands lying a~d being in Palm Beach County, Florida, as set forth in paragraph 6 of j;hat certain Instrumont entitled Agreement and Eastments, ,dated November 16, 1981, recorded December 4, 1981, in 'Official Record Book 3637, Page 0347, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. and Official Record Book 3637, page 0357 of the Public Records. of Palm Beach County, Florida. . .. ~. , " .... AGhEEt\ENT AND EA!"EMF:IHS tJ ,." This Aqreement made and entered into as of the aay of November, 1981, by and bet~een the following parties, to wit: EVANS PUODUCTS CO~~ANY, a Delaware corporation (-EVANS.), whose address is 200 Union Street, Braintree, Massachusetts 02184. r ... ROBERT A. GUTEHMA ("GUTERMA-), whose address is Palm Beach. County, Florida. ') j " LINDSLEY, INC., FORMERLY LINDSLEY STORES, INC., a Florida Corporation (-LINDSLEY.), whose address is 8405 N.W. 53rd Street, Miami, Florida 33166. :> SUN Banking Atlantic FIRST NATIONAL BhNK OF PALM 8EACH COUNTY, a United States corporation ("SUN BANK-), whose address is 362 East Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida; . ) WITNESSETH: That the parties hereto, for Ten (SI0.00) Dollars and other good and valuable considerations by each unto the others in hand raid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and in consideration of the presents, do hereby promise, stipulate, covenant and agree as follows, to wit: " . , , J ) 1. Under dale of January 31, 1974, a certain -Reciprocal Easement Agreerllent" recorded in Official Records Book 2342, at Page 1601 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, was entered into between Food Fair Stores, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation, and Lone Star Hawaii, Inc., a Hawaii cvrporation, with respect to certain property in Palm Beach County, Florida, described on Exhibit A attached to the said agreement, a copy of which exhibit is attached to this Agreen1ent as Exhibit -A-, and made a,part and parcel hereof. and which property, Exhibit -A-"was then' owned by Food Fair Stores, Inc.; and which said Reciprocal Easement Agreement likewise concerned property in Palm Beach County, Florida, described on Exhibit 8 attached thereto, a copy of which exhibit is attached hereto and made a part and parcel hereof. and which pl'operty, Exhibit "8", was then owned by Lone Star' Hawaii, Inc. ; 1 j,{,O 2. un January 29, 19B1, an agreement, recorded in Official Records Booy. 3469, at Page 1235 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida, ....as entered into tJetween E~ANS and LINDSLEY, by which each party thereto purported to release and discharge the other !rom the reciprocal easements referred to in the agreement described and identified in paragraph 1 hereinabove. 3. On said date. January 29. 1981, although EVANS was the successor in interest in ownership to the property owned by Food rair Stores, Inc., Exhibit -A-, LINDSLEY waS not, in fact, the successor in o.;nership to all of the property owned by Lone Star Hawaii, Inc., ,,'hich property is described in Exhibit "a-, hereto; and therefore, the agreement re!erred to in paragraph 2, above, dated January 29, 19B1, was not e!fective. ') ., :) '- 4. At this time EVANS is the owner of all o! the land described and referred to in Exhibit -A-. The remaining parties to this Agreement, GUTERMA, LINDSLEY and SUN BANK, among them, are the owners of all o! the property described in Exhibit "a-. - 5. All of the parties hereto desire to effectively terminate the reciprocal easement agreement referred to in paragraph 1, here- inabove, and to provide for other easements hereinafter referred to in lieu thereof. r) C) r> D -J RETURN TO -- PREPARED DY AND RETURn TO: RICHARD B. MATEER, ESQUIRE 2250 GLADES ROAD . BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431 \\05.1{', t'1I\TEER &. GilLESPIE, p.p;. Post Ollic.c U:.~ il7 a t.oen Rutan, F10ridu 33432 . . 6. EVI\~S hereby oives and Qrants to GUTERMA, his successors .. ;;"'~;':-'and assigns, a perpetual, nonexclusive, easement for right-of-way in common wit h EVr\l,S and ot her sent it 1 ed thereto over and across the land described in Exhibit .C. attached hereto and made a part and parcel hereof, and in addition thereto, if made necessary by virtue of construction of the wall referred to in paragraph 6F, an additional strip of land lying on the north boundary of the Exhibit .C" land equal in width to the width of such wall and the founda- tion thereof (but limited to a maximum of three (3) feet in width), to the purpose and end that the eilsement in this paragraph will consist in a strip of land thirty-five (35') feet in width unencumbered by any structure thereon; and with respect to such easement the parties hereto agree as follows, to wit: A. Tile purpose for the easement is to allow' access, inqress and egress, for GUTERMA, and his successor~ and a~5igns, to Congress Avenue from the property described in Exhibit "B" hereto, and access, ingress and egress, for EVANS, its successors arid assigns, to Congress Avenue from other portions of the property described in Exhibit "A". B. No building, structure, fence, wall, or imp'O'diment to the free f low of passage by pedest r i ans or veh i cl es shall be con- structed, erectpd, or Il,aintained on the land described ill Exhibit "C" hereto; provided, ho,,"ever, that EVANS, and its successors and assigns, shall have the privilege to install in the said easement land, Exhibit "C", such public utility or public service installa- t ions as Iliay be necessary or requi red, from time to time, to service the property, L>.hibit "1\", including, but not limited to, pipes mains, lines, conduits, and equipment and paraphernalia related to such purpose. EVAl\S shall have the privilege, liY.e....ise, to enter the easement area, from time to time, for the purpose of maintaining such underground installations if they shall have been installed, provided, ho~ever, that any such installation by E\y\NS and 'the' n,aintenance thEreof, shall be at the sole cost and expense of EVANS, shall be done in accordance with the standards, require- ments and specifications called for by Palm Beach County for such under<:lI'ound installations, and shall COII,ply with all applicable, building, zonlng and ott,er laws and ordinances of gov(;rnmental' authorities rel~ting thereto. In connection with the installation of any public utility paraphernalia as has just been referred to, EVANS agrees to cause the same to be done as expeditiously as possible to the end tt,aL persons using the easement area, Exhibit "C., shall be disco~"oded as little as possible. r-- cr> cp ('f") , tlO C. The (;aseIT,ent <:.rea, Exhibit "C", may be paved by GUTERM at such tiITi'" as GUTLHI':A, or his successors or assigns, shall develop the GUT[HM~ property, Exhibit "8", and desire to have access to Congress Avenue over the saiGl easement property, ilnd in t hat connect ion, t.he pav i ng sha)) be done in accordance wi th the standards, requirements and specifications called for by Palm Beach County for public ...'ays, and in accordance with all applicable building and zoning laws and ordinances relative thereto. GUTERMA shall seek to have the work done by reputable and licensed paving contractors at the lowest practicable cost and upon the paymen~ in full therefor shall submit to EVANS verified bills, invoices, receipts, and vouchers for the doing of all of such work, whereupon EVANS shall reimburse GUTERMA for 'one-half (1/2) of the cost of such paving installation. While such work is being performed, GUTERMA shall maintain customary liability insurance coverage nam- ing EVANS as beneficiary thereof with respect to property damage or personal liability claims. Such insurance shall also be maintained by GUTERMA and EVANS, as the case may be, when performing any maintenance or repair work upon the easement area, Exhibit "C". In the event that EVANS shall elect to pave a roadway within the ease- ment area, Exhibit "CO, the paving shall be done in accordance with the standards, requirements and specifications called for by Palm . . co an (I") c:;, D- .' .. en an CW? c::> a... r- CW? (00 m , co . , Beach County for public "..ays, in accordance with all applicable building and zoning la..'s and ordinances relative thereto. EVANS' shall seek to have the work done by reputable and licensed paving contractors at the lowest practicable cost and upon the payment in full therefor shall submit to GUT ERMA verified bills, invoices, receipts, and vouchers for the doing of all of such work, whereupon GUT ERMA shall reimburse EVANS for one-half (1/2) of the cost of such paving installation. While such work is being performed, EVANS shall maintain customary liability insurance coverage naming GUTERMA as beneficiary thereof with respect to property damage .or personal liability claims. All verified bills shall be paid by either party within fifteen (15) days after the same are submitted. D. From and after the time when EVANS shall improve its property, Exhibit "A., with a building, improvement, and commence use of the said easement area for access to Congress Avenue, EVANS shall, if the paving of the easement area has been performed in accordance with the standards, requirements and specifications called for by Palm Beach County for public ways, contribute to the cost of maintenance of the pavement on the easement area, by divid- ing such maintenance cost from that time thence forward equally with GUTERMA. Similarly bills presented for contribution to main- tenance shall be paid within fifteen (15) days from rendition. Maintenance costs shall be actual, net, bona fide costs. After EVANS con.n,ences use of said easement for access to Congress Avenue, EVANS may perform such repair or maintf'nance thereon as GUTERMA fails to perform, and recover from GUTERMA one-half (1/2) the, cost thereof, on the same p~yment terms applicable for payments by EVANS to GUTERMA. E. The parties agree that in the event it shall be necessary to relocate the easement area, Exhibit "C., northward by virtue of laws, ordinances, or requirements of the City of Boynton Beach, in order to provide a wall barrier, or buffer zone with relation to the development or use of the EVANS property, ExlHbit "A.,' the parties agree that they will enter into and' execute such agreen,ent as may rear,on"bly be proper and necessary to cause the re 1 ocat ion, nor thward of the sa i d easement area to prov ide the route which is rr.ost direct to Congress Avenue from the GUTERMA. property, Exhibit .U., taking into account buildings then existing on the EVANS property, Exhibit "A". The easement area is intended to afford GUTERI'\A access to Congress Avenue. The easement will survive even if curved or arched to reach a curb cut into Congress Avenue. In no event, however, shall the easement area be less than a width of thirty-five (35') feet. F. If the City of Boynton Beach requires the construction of a wall in ll,e area Exhibi t .A" as a result of the paving of the easement area, Exhibit .C. prthe development of the area, Exhibit "A", it is understood that the construction of the wall shall be undertaken, completed, and paid for by the party whose paving of the easement area or development of the Exhibit A area required such wall be constructed. . . 3 " .' ,...., :.j. >>". c co m c Cl- r-- (I') cc m ,10 . " 7 ./It the present time there is an underground installation accessible for \oo'ater and sewer connections at the .southeasterly corner of the GUTERMA property, Exhibit "B", In order to afford EVANS a more pr act i ca land direct route to reach water and sewer service for use in the land, Exhibit "1\", GUTERMA does hereby give and grant unto EVANS, its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non- e xcI us i ve, easel1lent over and across the area of land descr ibed 'in Exhibit "0", attached hereto and made a part and parcel heretif, and in connection with such easement, the parties agree as follows, to wit: A. The purpose for the easement is to permi t the use of water and sewer facilities presently existing at the southeasterly corner of Exhibit "B" property by the owners and users of Exhibit "A. prope rty. The easement shall not be bu il t upon by any struc- ture, wall, fence, building, improvement or other impediment to the access thereto. B. Any installation to be made of water or sewer, pipes, lines, mains, or eguipment shall be done in accordance with all applicable building, zoning and other laws, ordinances and require- ments, as ca 11 ed fOf by pai;n Be ach county, and as exped i t iously as possible, and at the sole ~0st and expense of EVhNS, or its succes- sors and assigns. Such installation work shall include restoring and replacing the e;,sellient area to the condition existing before such installation began. C. Reasonable access shall be afforded to EVANS,' its successors' and assigns, to the easement area, Exhibit "D", for the purposes of installing such pipes, lines, mains or underground eguipment (except that the same need not be underground to the ex- tent they do not unreasonably interfere with the use of easement), and ~aintaining the said installations, if they shall have been 50 installed. . Ei:' If the property, Exhibit "A", or the property, Exh\bit "B", is, or shall hereafler be divided, or subdivided in ownership, for purposes of this instrument, it shall be deemed that all joint owners of the separate parcels, Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", shall be bound rateably and proportionately to all of the terms,' provisions and conditions herein contained. 9. This hgreement shall be deemed a covenant running with the land and binding upon the parties hereto, as well as their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns wherever the context so reguires or admits. 10. All of the terms, provisions and conditions herein con- tained, including the legal descriptions in the exhibits attached hereto, are subject to any conveyance or conveyances which may have been made heretofore in favor of Palm Beach County or the City of Boynton Beach for street widening or other public purposes, 11. To avoid the expense and delay of litigation, the parties agree to arbitrate any disputes arising out of this document, under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. A party desir- ing to arbitrate a ,dispute shall notify the other party in writing and name a person to represent him and shall call upon the other party to name his Arbitrator withIn fifteen (15) days. The two Arbitrators shall name a referee within fifteen (15) days there- after to serve as a board of three (3) Arbitrators. The Board of Arbitrators shall consider the matters in dispute and'render their report of findings within thirty (30) days after the naming of the referee. The report shall be binding on the parties if signed by all or by two (2) of the members of such Board. The costs of arbi- tration shall be borne equally by the parties or as determined by the Board of Arbitrators. The report of Arbitrators shall be made a rule of Court. . . 4 " .' 12. . Th is/;9 H'E'ITIE'nt n,ay be e),ecuted in any nunlber of counter- parts, each of which shall be deemed to be an'origin~l, but all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. .-if-' ..... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed as of the date first above set forth. WITNESS EViII,S PRODUCT COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ,.,,11"""""/."~/, ",' 1.\ ,l / ..,. . ') .''''''''.1 " . .". ':, ",,)' " J: ( ',./ :.... I' '. L2 i';(" ( :: :. -, '. .... "I ; t ~..~ '. " ", ...., , '.1)...,.:',""': ---::-., 'liee rre3iJdIL,.9sS7 7r...aJ......:'''111 :' ("EVANS") ""',..",....,...,' c-66 fu~-, '0 , .1If::C' (I&14"~ ~t'>- ~-'-~ BY: ~' ROBERT ILTERM~ - ~ ~ By:~;r- . / ' , '7' ~(?GUTERMA") -> 0' // \/j( :,0,/ ' . j- / c./ , LINDSLEY, INC., FORMERLY LINDSLEY STORES, INC., a Florida corporation ijakt lj'~ r; - /JJz e(l/Yl n'. if h ~ c..... ':j .k ~t=--,'\ ."." ..' . ~'''''''I.',\'::I''J. BY: ~ - V..,"" "t: ". """..~ os- ,g,,(U.'':/4Yf. /: (' : ("LINDSLEY") .",', . ~', It." ",',o I . ", ,l'." ' III \, ... '.' . '1' "'~ I d I. SUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, a United States Banking Corporatio " / .' (,'-'2~~'~/:;/~/ /~, /,r--' BY' /' " . / ~7.'%///1(' '( j ,/;y' '. ( , ~.:/C... '7' , '.,:.',~ pre~id~.nt [-,/ ,,t ("SUN "BANK" ) t~,--.-- co ~ (:) 0... " r-- eo co eo 5 ,'ICO Th~foregoing instrument was acknowledgedYbefore me this ;?;-- Clay of .fl(" ,1981, by F ::;,~-v= -, as President of SUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, a :,:',t:' sea". Book'09 cocpomiOO'dOlf oC U.. . cpocotioo. ",~'_ .......... Notary Pu iC .' " ':j.,... ..:.;,-, My Commissio Expires: C""oo.I . ....:..: ;. ~ - " ,:': '.' ; ""w' co: o' .. :.' : l '::";': ('I') . ~- j , .:- " (. : C) ....;. .... l ~ ". ....>s~ } C- -,,:';1 .:..... "~,,,",'~;;') ,,~~' :v~~ , . ' , ., " "- (\') co (\') . a;l . ' STATE Of fLORJDh } ) COUNTY OF PALM UEACH ) 55: . < me thiSr(etL, indix:i~tJl!fiLl.);' . .......' no" ',' . '," 'D '" ~ ~~r. ~ "'......,,"'" .., :.~4' ~ f f",....rJ r . ....y. ':;." . "':' . rLJ ',<" -e ' _......N.C.. r"o;~ E. :. -,',.. ~, . .: .: xpireS,o......v ' '.,:.; '-=. ~'" /) LI c' "".. ; . '\. ,('.....~ J- .....~.") /' " (0 ,...., v' .' '1'1/ IIIDA r:i .\....... II" ." 1t"....Il,,'l. Clay The fpregoing instrument was acknowledged before of /. "'r-I'I,rX,. , 1981, by RODERT A. GUTERMA, Vi Notary Pu' iC My Commission STATE Of MASSACHUSETTS COUNTY Of i!."jofK ) } ) Notary Public. Stal@ 01 FlOrida alLArlla Me' V Ommli$lon expires M.rch 28. 1985 Bonded lhrol'gh Cornplius. Johnson & Cia' 'Inc. SS: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /&. tI day of :::ZLE?!~(.r)!_k.v/_-' 1981, by _F_viflIJ pt.r"-.:!L/?1a.n -, as ~(e r,' "ll.cl)t of EVANS PRODUCE COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, ~"7 I/Ll"))U,:1, ' on enal1 01 the corporatIon. ' .. . "I 1'1 y{~ (' )JU-rtP ~ Notary PubliC My Commission Expires: ~)//'~~ , . ;' /JiIi:fSr.-I:.LUFIf STATE Of f1;01ttD'I> ) I - ) 1.,1o</o/k COUNTY Of ~ } SS: , The foregoing instruJilent was acknowledged before me this /6cA day of '-::1.:..c~t?cDl_~--' 19B1, by f.ue.,rf -1/ P'::' Q,!,,[/F",r as %l~ "S:.},'~t!i.'7lJ. 01 ,LINDSLEY, INC., a Florida corporatlon, on behal't of tfle cor'por c.tl on. , ~L (; /' )JZ ~-' ,".' '" Notary Public _~ My Commission Expi res: -t')I/I'J, " STATE OF FLORIDA ) } ) 55: COUNTY Of PALM BEACH " . , :,., . ", "1ft- ~ '''-'.JiP',..'L .:.. . . . ,,' 6 . , , .' ~.1li'''''''',.,.., .. "" 'J:h,"'\T c::u.:.;:ru l~, :F.V'..::zL 0" ...-dO cr r.r:ID srnr-w:, r;y:c;G NID ~an:; :c1 'DiE o::Mm G? I'AU1 BE,'-.Cl1, c:;<'...2 OF D.O);JI:.\, T.J \lIT: A rarC2l"'G~ l=d in S~7J.on 32, ~'li? 45 SOl.:th, fun;EJ 43 ~;, 1yi.. in DOYDb:..') PJ.,"("l, Pc.l:::: E-=-;~.ch .(l:;t.::)ty, Flodda, b2i."XJ ~ :<:am; 3~~ ~t , t.."1e ~~ 4.l5 i"ed of 0;0 5::\..'th 355 feci of ~~ Ibrth 951 feet of said Sec"...i= 32, bclng tD.."'B r..'l...."'t1ro'l?rly re.=ibe.i AS f'n"r!,o/S: FIu.l t..~ 11:.rU:.-cst rorr.e:- of Section 32, -:rcC:.s.'Up 45 Eouth, P<c:T.;e 43 D..:;t, Pcl.::l a..v~) Cb~t'/, F1r-:~ c.z., uai:l ronY'.I bc.irY] on till) =b:>(;li.'le of tie 103 fDot. \~ rlSllt o~ \.Z:f of CU":Jress I,Vel1lB, ~. routh 1 02' 40- D>.st (far CDJ""'---.i.enc2, t,h~ 1~'5t: lL"1e of =id 5cc"...icn 31 is e'i<;J~ to beur . Ibrth 1 02' 40. l,~-t 21M3 all l::zarlr;;;9 recited herein are relirt.ive t.."ereto) a distz.~ of 5%.07 !~t. L:l tJ'.C i.'1"'~\f~.J.c;:) of the Be:rt: ~ of cairl Sectl.-:n 32 with a li.'1Z P'-"7~ tD [;;".:J 596.00 teet S:;Ht:hciy fru:1, 'I..~ r:.c=WC'il at ric:::.t L:..'-Lles to t.~ Ibr"'.lJ 1l.'>3 of r.aid Sect.io:1 32; t:.hs-"";Ca Ibrth sf? CO' 5:;- r>~t. c.l!:;.:-.g S-3id r~e1 line eo 13~ of 50.01 feet b:> tr-..:! in~2"..:.s..::otjD~l of G.'lk pa:u.lJ.e1 line with t.he E2.s't.crly line of U.; n5:J=.dd 100 i...~:: ~r~ ~jg..'Jt of \,;J'J of ec.:-:;-~5 ls=, U:e IDrtr-~~ ,rorn.:.:r 'c...u Un r.:>-.i.llt of k0i:;;c1.n;; of the h€~ ~----:ibc:d~- ,..~Pc:."~J..ir1:1; ~'= ill=>;) t:_c. Lc....Jrl.:'L...::,' of baid fU:-ccl of 1;r.d as fu6J.c.-s: lbrth oS:> 00' 52- <'.";: ~ d.,,:,::: 0:.' of 3G5.05 feet; (j.e-.r::e South 1 02' 40- ~ a ~.J.::a of 3~.5,(j5 ::C:-~t; ~= South 83 00' 52- r~, l> (}b-t.=.,-.:;e of 3(,5.05 lee';: to Co lDi::t c. tIo; E.2..stcrly ll.~ of iS~ afcre,<;,;:.1d 100 f:cot v-C!e rl9t of -..:c.'j of 0 u",,-;::JS i;7L"1o:?, thf:lX,':2 l~rth 1 02' ~O. l;'~ aJDn] said ri~t of \:;:;y liw a cs~~ of 355.05 fos't to tie FoGt 0: a--:;-i'1."'Llng. $.;l.id h..-:::s lJ~ al'.5 te.iCJ in paJL Lead) Cbunty, Florlm. I EXHIBIT "A" C'P) co po) CJ Q.. r-- en co co aD " .' , r""..~ ,., .. ~ ... U) C'1 = Cl. ,... C"") CD C"") .~ :. ,N rI Qy-no...... of S= !);: ~ b (7...,.~.... Rc;E":~ Po ~ ).:! Vi I) (f'7~'.- ~~l k~ '~'l 2A:~~'''' '- y ':.. c,7:f (}l. :f~ ~". ' ~~ '~i n l:l ~:" r,l~/m8.' j':t-l ~'TJ:T<i:>~F' ":""'10.,...", I-/.;:J,"=,-rc 1'0 r ~ III ~"'_rtP .\ Sc-ck ,..:-:;:0' 1\1 a1~ ffvY :: .. 1~1 \:~'i L t . IJ ~\ c r:__~~ll: ~. ~c-;;.~ ~c..I ---'"'J...-;.......w 1 ~, G.74,):';c~ f'-lDIP1ICl'1 'B ,) <. ~. :. (,j , ~ , A PAAC!L C" Uo'V l'i ~r.I,-'; ~:, l~&;IP ~) ~::'-ro>1, J;.I#:.E ~} EAST, CITY C~ f,Cr.,lOi ~ P)V', WD1 c..:um, fl.O.1 CA, ~ I/G /"CS'': PA?11 ~ T ~~:;;ll CUl I'S f<'\..LO,.'$: ' ~ 1r-t: I-D'-T....~'l ='~R C-4 ~::1ID-i )1, 1C>1"C.r1IP ~~ ~'TH, F"'~ ~) [.,>5T, P:.:J-1 eud tDJ'TT. i~l::'>', !.-QD ~ ~I"':; Oi Trt: (~~1I:; C" Tl".! 100 fOOT ~1C>11-ct'->;AT (1"\ t.:N:-~S ".."JI..~, k'Jj !.:L'TH I' C1' '-C" f (fc:l c:M'D;I~.c:, TM< ~'!S1 UN: CF !.--\lD SlCllcN 32 IS .\5~ TO t-Vo': t.::hTH I' C1' ~o" \I "''f) I-L!.. UH'IIrGS ~Cln:D ~F.!l'i 1<'': J;lLATlvt ' 'IH:!'.!TI.) A OISl...'C O' ~9&.u7 n~T TO '\}f lh~tClIOi CI' '\}f \OUT LIt.E C1 s.:.IO ~C1IC'/ 32 ",''1M'' LIt>!. rM~L 1" ~ 59. f~ ~r~__;u,T ffn-l, ~l /'fASlJ',U) 1,1 Idl:rlT f.Jt.:.U 10 'lH: "''lI.'IM LI~ V !.--\ID S~~T1Di )2) Tt'!:..c! N Se<' CO' 5;" E IJ,Dl:.S,l,IO PMALLU Ll~ A . PIS1H":: CI 50,01 fuT 10 Tl".!: 1I;;IX>I~rJCH C" ~lO rAA>U!L LIN: WI'IM 'lH: U5TlRLT Ll/<f (;;f rrr. WD'.!.!.AIO 100 fO:::T 1I1:.e P.l'-HT..{A'........T CI' CO~SS "V"~ TO n~ P'JINT CI' Ci~ltflltG U' TI'1: tv;.::JN ceO)?,!;) r.",m:\. (;f LJ./'DI T~ ~ l)i; e,:ulWiY C" !.Alll PAi.Cll CI' L.ND J.5 r0LLCl.-s: t1 L~ CO' 5:" ( " D1STH-C U' ,&"O~ r;:!,Tj Tl-".JoC S 1. 02' &,;i" [ A OIST....~ CI' )~~,O~ n_~) 1r~....::~ t1 H" CO' ~2" f " D15T;,>oC C1' )~~.o.. f[~T 10 n= ~T c::R>0< - CI' :.>-10 p,r..-UL Cl LJJ-V} T~~ H l' 01' !,C" II A OJ51Ha (j &05.t8 HEY ;0 TK t.OP.Tt"'J05T o:;;:<'f:Jl C? ~ID P).;..C.!L 0' L,;i'.tlJ nva S U" 00' 5." II). OI5'i;'>~f Co. &H.51 F-!1 TO ~ ~:''''It-C CF A c.u'l! 0:,1-:..'..': TO lH! s.:;I,/T}'!.AST l....l1tG A 1tAP1L:5 Ct' 25.CO fur #:) A cv,TAAl. IV'GU: (I' es' 0)' ,;") ll-'.JC );UH;;{.:..T, S')..~Uov.!.T f.JV w,m-ou.y ~ 1tf A?C D' !JJ" , C-"""-: A DI5T;..>-C! (>' ,a,Cb rUT 10 n<t. 0-.:>" !.AID CJ'vt; li"'..N:~ S l' 02' !,C" f A D151.:N:: C' ;:5.1o'-t 11_<1 TO T,,,, POINT a' ~tH~It-.C. (D'{TAII<It.C 6.7"5 ,o.e;;us Y-:R! Cl U55. !.AID V/'J:6 LTI"':' kf:) ~IN;. l'i p~ e~ Ctl.J.OT, fLc:llD". IxmBIT "n" , . " ': . ~ "!."'!'".~ ..~.t U') U) (lQ c::I ~ r0- C"') U) co .eo 'r' " -. -- TIlL srJl~F,LY 35 tu.l' OF TEE FOll.OolING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF PROPERlY. 'I'O-WlT: 'lJ!Al' u.:w,r..l );'~~, I?-.r,--;::. on 'ITJ.cr CF V:lD ~, r;y:n;(; rim E:::!}<; r:; "lliZ O::::Un"i O? P}'.I.M BDm, c:;..n;; OF FJ1)rm:;,\, TO \-111': A p.:l.I'CeJ.. '):)f ~..a in &.......--t1= 3:!, ~lS.'Up 45 South, Range 43 East, lyin;' in BcrfDt= ~~, P,u::. ?h~'(lX:)ty, FlDrl&, beirq ~ East 365 fect. of the .~ <...\5 f.c0t of 0'.e Souili 355 feet of e-~ Ibrth 951 feet of laid SectiJ:o 3:, being I:I)..."'2 >..a...-i"Ic--,hTly ~ as f'"","t"<.IS: Fran t..~ IbrtJ::,'-'25t CD~~ of Section 32, ~~'1ip 45 &:n.."t.'l, P,an"tl 43 IZst, Pab B~ (bunt)', F1orl~, sdi1 rorrF..I bP.Jn.) an tN.; =u;:;line of t.':e 100 fIxh', wiCa rl<;ht 0:: \0'<31 of CO'>J~''l:-..qs 1\Y1-~, n... South 1 02' 40. East (for o:.-'ci',"-~E, t.\e \;st line of =id Secti..o=1 31 is l'o<;:\!"=G to beLlr Ibrth 1 O:! I ~O. >>f.'St 2J"j all b?ar'~ n.:::it.ed herein are 'relal jve t.\e:reto) a distz..-x:e of 596.07 :eoct to t.~ !nte.::s<.-cticn of t:'le rrest line of said Secticn 32 \.1tb a u.~ [\'L.-,.1',,1 to er.::'l 596.00 ~ So~y fu:rl, ~;en =.s~ at ric".-.t 2..-.:1les ~ t.'I-:e lbrtb llr02 of said Se...-tion 32; ilie:Jce Ibrtb sf? DO' 52" ~t ~.g 53iG parillcl l.i.ne a distance of 50.01 feet to th.oL""tt"=~.c.~ of ~ parallel line with t.."e I'.E.sterly line of the, z:5:Jl""""'~ I c'. 100 fro t ..r...re r-:l cp t 0 f \.c.)' of Cb...,r "'(;$S A -=, ~ I brtJ:;..>est ro~ z:.n::1 t.r..z pint of w",bniT"J of t.:-.e l>ercin ~~1~"''',l.l'lTd; tbsr.C2 lilon:; the, 1.o.;,-11a,:)' of said fll.---cl of bX as fu2.l.c-ts1 lbrth arf DO' 52" Ecst a di:3~--e o! 3(,5.05 feet; tJ':=:..re s:>uth 1 0:2' 40. ~ a &\:zJ.nc.'e of 355.05 u:~t; t:kD02 S::n.rth 88 DO' 5:2" \'k:st;, e. disbr.c.~ of 3(;5.05 feet m a r-oir.t m tJi! Easterly ll.~ of 6'1a ~ 100 frot wrk rlS;l1tof \,:z,y of Cl .;ress 1::C.""lt::2, u-~ Ibr-.n 1 0:2' ~O" ,\;est ~ said rlgtt of ...:"y ll.--e a illst2=~ of 355.05 ia.->t to the R>int of h..~J. ~d lc..~ lyin; aro L:eiD;J in Palo ~ Cb\.I:1~, FlorlGi. DJ-II!117 "e" , , " , . ~, . .,' . ...1.:....... ..:" c.o CD (I") c;:) 0- . i r-- P') CO CO I IX) .j '. " " TrI SOlffilE:P.LY 30 f'EE:I' OF TEE FOUDID1G DESCRIBED PARCEL or PffiPE:lITY, 'IO-WIT: '. A PAACH c- ~ IN ~Cil,,"" )" H>.t~ll' ~) !>OJTH, 1UhG-t ~, fAST, CITY C,o wn..Oi ~, I'~ ~ co..HTT, /'1..C\ I C-', e.! II-G ~ P.... T I ~ T OU::;l: U!l I>S fC\J..l.W'S: , rllC'I '!l-f. tc;T>>o't5T =~'~Jl. Ct' $!::1'ICN )2, 1C'.t'<$>1IP ~) ~'TH, F.NU ~, fA5~, PJJ.J1 !\UD1 to.HJY, 1'L.C'lI~, SAIO c.c~~ U,,~ 0'l1H: CO'oTf>U.lN:: CI' n-~ leD fCOT RI(;>fT-O'-kAY CI'~ ~, "'o~, ~ ~ri l' 02'l,(I" t (f(;\ c.:::MJI)ve". Tr.f ~~'T ll~ C1' ~ID "Clio.. )2 I' ~:~ TO Uh1 IQ'lTH 1" ~2' ~O" II J.H) /oil [,;';':;)I<G5 Rl'CITD K'P.!IH ).;J.! J;!LATlvt . ~) " DI51~! CI' :90,07 fUT TO TH:: 1Ir.~fCllCi C1 ~ \.1:5T 1I1./! 0' !:)olD ~ClIOi )2 WITH A L11':: r.N~"1. 10 ;"'I) )9~ fL"T s.o".'r"'..J<:,T fPD'1, ~.. ~~ AT RI(;>fT /1iU!.5 TO ~ 1'::'<>'111 lite C, ::.qO ::"Clj:;, )lj T,l:....c: H bf<' CO' ,," f />J..O&:. 'S)'IO P}il.ALlLl 1It.E A' . PI,TJ.'<':.! CI' )o.Ol rUT TO .,~ 1"",~lCTIOi Co'" 5AIO p,<,;V.U.ll Llt-~ IIIlN n.>;:! LA5HJl.lT 1ItP- Of' nt': Af~~SJ.IO 100 fCCT \Jl~ RICHT-U'''''''Y 0' ro~55 J.,\'DU. TO -~ F0lliT V nt~IH'HN:; 01' ~ K."-'.IH U-~I(D P);'CTL ('.,. LN-V) 1,~'::f /oUJG 1HZ e::;u&;lY CI' !:).IO PAAQ.l Of LJ.,>1O ~ rouors: N 5S' 00' '1" fA OJ5.J.t.C CI' '").0) r::!TI lt~ , l' 02' &,()" f A Dl'T,l,>-,Cf V ",,0' n...."TJ rtlU:::f N &,. C~. )2" f " D1ST~ C1' )n,04 Hn TO ~ ~51 == - CI' :v.J0 p;;.ul O' LlK)) Tt"L'~ Ii l' 02' 1,.;)" II >. DlSOh'C CI' 60).08 fUT TO Dr. /oOlTrCAST =-y;. CI' ~~IO p,l;,C':::l v U..'D) "ac ~ tL. CO' 52" II " ol,T':''<C.! v 675.51 r::!:T 10 ~ U"""II<G C>" A CJ"y COt.:.A'.:: TO rr.: ~1 w.'nl-G A 1;,t,,)I\r.o Of' )5,00 fUO' 1-10 ,., w.,-;:)~ J.,Ll;l! ,'1' ES. OJ' ""J ",,-,C \!'2.5T;:;u.y, ~..f..5~y ~;J ~.l.T ~l!rt:. ~ AA( cP WD 0;:;-.1: A DI5T1....::r CA' Ja.r,6 n':l TJ ~ f"D Cr' ~lD Q.tl\'t; It'''.:.N:e s I" 02' &'O"!: A Dl~T#.c. Cl' :2),1,-4 f~1 T:' n-.= K,INl Ci' t-l'~Jt"l~. c.o.7AIHII-G 6.7") ,_,C'l,H t'C'lf O'l Ln5. ~ID L.A'.:JS L T11-G J.H) U IN:; IN PrJ.J1 e:;.:H t=m, fL.CS\l",,-. .' EXHIBIT "D" 1 RECORD VERIFIED PA!.M 6EACH COUNTY, FU Jm:N [J DUNKLE ,.., r.~~ C!~CU!T ~C'J:lT n ..... n ::> ('oJ = ..:T en x: Q; ..:T I W uJ = <P ..J;j;! I 1 II ,I <I II I I I I -1 0 , ~<') "- 'P CIQ Q Q.. r- ('f') co (0 . eo .,: IRREVOCABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT . ~~ . Th~s Agreement made and entered into this . ~ l -day of November, 1981, by and between the SUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, a United States Banking Association ("SUN BANK"), whose address is 302 E. Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida, and ROBERT A. GUTERMA (GUTERMA) of Boca Raton, Florida. WIT N E SSE T H: That the parties hereto, for ten dollars ($lO.OO) and other good and valuable considerations by each unto the other in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and in consideration of the presents, do hereby agree as follows: A, GUTE]~V, hereby gives and grants unto SUN BANK its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive right-of-way for pedestrian and vehicular traffic, over and across the land described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, owned by GUTEru'~ for travel between the land owned by SUN BANK described on the attached Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that certain right-of-way ea~ement to Congress Avenue given in favor of GUTERMA by EVANS PRODUCTS COMPANY,' a Delaware corporation, dated November 16 , 1981, which easement is described on the attached Exhibit C. This right-of- way is not personal in nature, but shall run with the land. Furthermore, GUTERMA grants and assigns to SUN BANK and ~ts assign<, full enjoyment of all rights and privileges he possesses to use the EVANS EASEMENT jointly with him, his successors or assigns, The exact location of this right-of-way shall be limited to an established driveway system when one is established on the property and may be relocated in the event the driveway system changes so long as it connects to the Bank's right-of-way. Use of this right-of-way shall not interfere with the business operations, customer safety or parking arrangements. Ii I: I B. SUN BANK hereby grants to GUTERMA, his successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive right-of-way for pedestrian and vehicular traffic to Woolbright Avenue over and across its property, said right-of-way being located on the established Jri V ,''''''y system and shall be connected with the established driveway system on the GUTERMA property. Use of this right-of- way shall not interfere with the Bank's business operations, customer safety or parking arrangements. The Bank may relocate this right-of-way at its discretion so long as access to Woolbright Avem-!e is provided. 11.is right-of-way is 'not personal in nature; but shall run wlth the laud. . . -" C. Neither party shall be responsible for the maintenance or upkeep of these rights-of-way. This instrument was prepared by: DOAK S. CAMPBELL, III GUNSTER, YOAKLEY, CRISER & STEWART 551 S. E. 8th Street Delray Beach, Florida 33444 J RETURN TO I<OSKI, MATEER & GILLr:~?I!:' P- A' Po~t Dffb C::;x 478 '-'- '-" .'" Coco Raton, FloridJ 33432 1 II .' IN \'HTI,l:SS WllEHEOF, the parties hereto have o::aused this agreement to be executed the date heretofore set forth. \~ , / 'if /:1- ________ '/1 ROBEHT A. GUTERMA -r f I, L ., , /'\ .' . d ('.i' /' , / v'.. / /L'" ('0,1.. ') ,~ ---I-~~ , /. /.-r- ,-- l _~/-L-_fL:J,.,-(.-t#// ~ J ,'// (" ? B I...'-~-~ y: SUN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF pALM BE~~-~5?~/ /'7-;~~//'~/-- . STA'l'E OF FLOHIDA ~ .. ~ COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I hereby certify that on this day, before me, an officel duly authorized in the state aforesaid and in the county I aforesa1d ,t,o tnke ,aCkn,OWledgements, personally appeared C ~ "jt:~'." ,-"...' , to me known to be the person desciTbed--:lI"--'.lll(]-W)lO cxeculeclthe foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. ' .' " . I,. 'I' ,:-:) . ., }~', "\'"'''''' WITNESS my hand ~",,~,"", i' ~pJ.t~:: ~foresaid this ,-;;.r : .~ t J- / i.:~ : ~:' : "'j', _. ~ea 1 '.1 : -':~>~'.. :..~;::".//." '- I CD LO CO') Q 0.. r-- ('t) W (Y') , CIC offic~al seal in the county and DI;;Z:;';[~ Notary publi'j/ My Commissidn Expires: and day , '. STATE OF FLORIDl\ .'. , COUNTY OF PIILM !lEACH I hereby certify that on this day, before me, an officer duly uuthorized in the state aforesaid and in the county aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared ZiJri,cr A. C;;1A"'l:,i2r*f~ ' to me known to be the persor descrlbed in and' who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. state WITNESS my hand and official seal in the county and aforesaid this 3!L day of .;J,.!~t1fk~, 19B1. ................,.. ~ .....,1.f,~,DlJ....... . \. '" ."' ,- ..... ". Notary PU lic . ;:;' .(;, "o'to ,;...-::\~ My Commission l'0.Ji(~r-'~;..', :':::! ':; .',". 1.../ C,...,,,_ ! "'. . '" '" .' (' ~ .... " ? -...... ... .. NfJ\try Pvhlic. State of Florida nt U';g4., 1/)11 r,"\ \...'::........ . '" \.'\' ..,., Commission expiros March 28.1965 .,,,,,,,.,, 8ondfK1lhrough Cornelius. John&cm A ClnclL. tne. . I I Seal. ~)JiJLli 'E' en ~ P'l C 0- r-- ~ co ('() 'co ~. ,er,.,l c! :c"~ ir. ,.,,':;:,r, ~" :>:,~,if ~S S,'Jth, ;:.c~~fo ~3 r?~t, r,:'IE- !CrtjC'l<::r:'y c,--~cr~:,:-O'::S fCljJ':'....S: C0n~Encing at t~~ ~ort~~~st corn~r of s~ction 32, thence South 1'02'40. fast (an a~slln.ed t.Earing ond all other bearings relatPd tl,erelo) along the ~est line of Section 32 and the centerli~~ of C{'~rp~E hvenue 596.07 fpet; th~nce North 6B"00'52. rcst ,?r2l1el ~it~ t\E ~orth linE of s~ction 32 and 596.00 feet ~:,~:>, c~ ~?j(' ';,nr, :i"E, 41S.Qf ffoot; tl,c-."e ]:0rth 1'02'40. ..est, 2~~.C~ ~..: tC c :;~~ ~~.G ffc-t S~~ti. cf c~6 ,cralIE] with tte _~r.~rJ-~~~ c~ ~-l~~r,~~c'r.~ ~~~6 (~:50 kn~~~ as E.~. l~.t~; hvenue a~ ....-..~_. . '. ~ ~----~ . .~- :~.:-:'~:>:S lL ,:2', (,~ :~r,t~, [pctic',,, Tclr. ?,,<-cr. LEj~,,;rE\'i)le, plct. :-:.c"': :.[, :=~~ :!C;; ',:..:,,;, );~'rt~. d'(,C":-:' [oft cIc,n<;: scid line, ',c:-E::E: ",ilt. ~'.~ 1,.,ti. linE of ~~,:ior:-:':, lti.:.: fEci,t te, tbe ?;:'"l:: cr r:::::~;';:)':;; ::H,ce c8"tir.:.;E j;(.rth bt'C,;',Z. rcst, 167.52 Tl'€t;-t:~:::-'r~~'i'Sc"'.Jtr. l'~2'4(:' r<.5t prallEl ",'itr. t~.E "e-st line of ~E-~tio~ ~2, f:~.GE fiet; t~.nce south bb'OC'~2' "est, parallel ",itt-, ~~,E 1:0Tlr, Lr.. of ?,e~~ion 3:,33,.04 feE-t, U.E-IoCE I;e,rth l'02"C' ~ESt, =o:-c:le: ~jt~ t~e ~Est line of Se~tion 32, 24l.04 feet; Uc,'"e !;(,~u. t.t'C.C',2. !:<.st "crallel with H.e ]_orth :.ine of fE-ctiQT, ::, 16:.S: fE~t; \.~,t-nce- !;(,rth 1'02'40. ~'e!'-t parallel witr, thE "E-5t lir.E (,f :;,H'lie,r. 32, 3ECD4 fE-et to the POIh'T OF BE.Gl';t\lNG. LESS 1-. ;'Dr..~(.r"'cf SE-;:tlon 32, To.'f-ship 45 SOUll'., F.anoe 43 Last, t.~lng mGTe particularly described oS follbws: Co;r"-,er,~H'c.; ot the J;orti'.,,'PEt COTner of Section 32, trll::ncE; Sout.t, OC.G214011 East., (ar. assuITled bearinc and all other DeaTiT,c!'- relative thereto) alono the'west line of said section 32, 293.04 feet to the center- 1 ir,e iT.teTsection of Woolbright Road (also known as S,W. 15th hvenue accoTding to the Plat of Tenth Section, Polm Beach Leisureville, Plat BOOK 30, Page 130); thence North 88"00'52" East, along said center- line 415.06 feet; thence south 01"02'40. East, 53.01 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of said wool- bright koad and the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continuing SOUtli 01"02'4D" East, parallel with the westerly line of said Section 32, 364.04 feet; thence NOTth 8b"00'52" East parallel with the centerline of Woolbright ROod 167.52 feet; thence North 01"02'40" West poTallel with the West line of Section 32, 364.04 feet to the: Southerly Tight-of-way line, of woolbright Road; thence South B8"00'~2" West ~long said right-of- way ling 167.52 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing l.40 oCTes. more or less, LESS the North 7 feet which has been conveyed to palln Beach County for road right-of-way. '. . " ' .. .--,...-.- .--- . ---- - -- .---" .-_. --.-.--- -. -'--- .--..-.--" --.--- .....-------......-. C) - ~ o Q.. r- ~ ~ ro ,a::l "EXHIBIT C" , . ", '~~. S I This ;_...,.I.,'rot r';,GP d'd ,r,t.".o ir,Lo as of the _~1(,-~ __ day of l,':"\,b',!""r, 1~81, Ly ,','ll 1..-\'~,'0n Lhe follC'..ing parties, to \o'it: EVh~S PHOUUC1'S C0~?h~Y, a Delaware corporation ("EVANS"), \o'hose addrfo'ss is 20D Union Street, Braintree, Massachusetts ,02164. ROBUn A. GUTERMA ("GUTERMA"), \.Ihose address is Palm Beach County, fJorida, Llt;nsu:;y, INC., F':'r,~lERLY LlIWSLEY CC'Cf,oration ("LIt-;[Jo,LEY"), ",'hcse address Miami, Florida 33l66. E''lORfS, INC., a is c405 N.W. 53rd fJ ori da Street, SUI, Fanking Atlantic rJ kST );11'1' ] Ci!;;,L [,1-1;(: OF rilL/", bU,CH corporation ("SUN BANK"), whose AVEnue, Delroy Beach, Florida; COLlNTY, a Uni tpd States address is 362 East \oi]'Tt;i.,',SlTll: That the parties hereto, for Ten (~lO.OO) Dollars end oU,('r 9(,(,d end valuable corlcidi:rations by each unto the others in Lend r ',id, t),fo' I ;-ceipt and sufficiency of which is llereby ad:nQ\o']pu:;'-o, bflO in consideration of the presents, do hereby plo~ise, stipulate, covenant and agree as follo\.ls, to \.lit: 1. l;"o('r ""Le of .1anuary 3l, 1974, a certain "Reciprocal Easement ~gr~~~~nt" rpcorded in Official Records Book 2342, at Page 1601 of the publ ic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida" ...as entered into betWfo'en Food Fair Stores, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation, and Lone Star Hawaii, Inc., a Hawaii curporation, \.lith respect to certain property in Palm Beach County, florida, described on Exhibit A attached to the said agreement, a copy of which exhibit is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit ",,", and JI,ade a part and parcel hereof, and ....hich property, Exhibit ",,", ,,:as I hpn co'nE-d by Foc.c} fair SLores, 1nc.; and \.Ihich said Reciprocal fasen,ent ;'91 f('llofo'nt 1 i ke....ir,e t'oncernfo'd property in Palm Drach County, Ilorian, aE'~,cribed on [xhii:Jit B atlached thereto, a copy of which E'xhiblt i~ a\tat'h':d t.r'fo'to and JI,ade a part and parcel hereof, arid ....hich plol'<,-rty, EXf,ibit "1:;", ",as then o....nE-d by Lone Star' Il a\o'ai i, 1 nc, 2. un Jdfluary 29, 1981, an agreenlent, recorded in Official Records B00k 3469, at Page 1235 of the Public Rfo'cords of Palm Beach Count)', Florioa, ""as rntE-red into oet...een EVANS and LINDSLEY, by ",'hich (-ach perty thfo'H'to purported to release and discharge the other fran, the reciprucal easeJllfo'nts rE-ferred to in the agreement descrioed and identified in paragraph 1 hereinabove. 3. On said date, January 29, 19B1, although EVANS ....as the successor in intelest in ownership to the property owned by Food fair Stores, Inc., Exhibit "A", L1NDSLEY loIas not, in fact, the successor in O\o:nership to all of the property owned by Lone Star Ila...aii, Inc., ",'hich property is described in Exhibit "B", hereto; and thE-refore, the agreement referred to in paragraph 2, above, dated January 29, l~Bl, was not effective. 4. At this tin,e EVANS is the o\.lner of all of the land described and referred to in Exhibit "A". The remaining parties to this "g r('enlent, GUl'ERMA, LINDSLEY ,and SUN BANK, among them, are the o\.lners of all of the property described in Exhibit "B". 5. All of the parties hereto desire to effectively terminate the reciprocal easement agreement referred to in paragraph 1, here- inabove~ and to provide for other easements hereinafter referred to in lieu therpof. R~TURN TO -"'" PREP AHED DY JI.llD lillTURN TO: RICl~RD B. MATEER, ESQUIRE 2250 GLl>.DES ROAD BOCA PP,TON, FLORIDA 33431 KCSI~I, ,,~!\T[ER & GIUESPIE, p',]t F ct Olf I,:r: E,)): 47 [) CO:z F:~::Jr" FI;,ridJ 33432 t-. f\r,.~.C: ~..:\t~.. r.i"r.~ ,-"r: n:.:'11~ to (:.l.\Jt'-.....l..., t,l~ !=-'It"~('~~(dS ::!"I.J i1r~ll:n~, 0 ,t-Ijf.t..t,l, '.-)rj'~C'"l\''-:, (;~~(~.:'"~nt fc,r _J'l,:,llt-(lf-","d)' in cc.>,jl'~ln \o..ith ~'.\...": ,:"_',6 ,~,thl?'r!= (rdjt)~:c1 ttd:'ff2tO o\'('r and itcrOf-S tl.'? land (l€~clilIPd In f:-hihll "c" l"JlliJe-Lf,d LE:'rf'tO arid Jlodl? iJ part and parC'el hE-rl'"f, cf,ci ln c.ciditic,n thprpLo, if n,,,de n~cess"ry by virtue of constructi.:.n of thE' \.'all referrl'd to in paragraph 6,f, an additional strip of li,nd lying on the north boundary of the Exhibit "C" land egual in \,,')dth to the width of such wall and the founda- tion thereof (l,ut I i;nitpd to a nli,ximum of three (3) feet in ....idth), to the puq.ose and e:nd that the f'i\Sc,ment in this paragraph will consist in a strip of ]"no lhilt:,'-fi\'e (35') feet i'n ",'idth unencumbered by any structure t he)"'l'''; '!flU ",'i t h res;",ct to such easement the parties hereto a,"ree as follo'.,~,. tc' ',,,L: I,. -rIlE' 1-':']1 ;"'C'!".0 for tile' fa~,prr.E'nt is to a]]o\ol.~' aC"cf'S~, i nqrf?sf- arid ('~rf'!-s, fCll" Gl'TrJ-.J~/\, dnn his ';-lH..'CC'f,f,OrG and (Ir.~j~n.s, to Congress l,\'er,up fn.", thE- property d<'scrihE-d in Exhibit "8" hereto, ar,d acceES, ir,,,rf>~s alid ("gress, for EVANS, its successors and assigns, to Cc,r',!JPSS ',\'C'nue froJ1l other portions of the property described in Exllibi L "A". B. 1;0 builriin"" structure, fence, \.'all, or il:,p<:>din,ent to the f~('€' flo\.' of t'a~~,,,'H! by !,N1C'strians 0r vl'hiclcs shall be con- "tructE-d, er('ctr>u, or 11,,,intaine-d on tbe land of.'scribed in Exhibit "c" h"reto; proviol'o, Ilo\.'evf'r, that EV1,t~S, and its SUCC'l'ssors and assigns, "hall Ila"f' the- privil("ge to install in the s"icJ easen'E'nt land, Exhibit "C", suel. public utility or public sf'rvice installii- t ions "s lIl"y be 1,('Cf'ffary or required, from time to tin,er to service thf' pre'perLy, rxhibit "A", including, but not lirr,ited to, pipf's mains, lines, conduits, and f'guipJ1lf'nt and paraphernalia related to such purpose. EVANS shall have the privilege, like~isei to E'nter the C'?se:rent area, frolll time to time, for the purpose of rr,aintaining such ur,chO'rground installations if they shall have been i nstall!"d, ,prc,vid~d, Ila..cver, that ;,ny such installation by EVr,r,S cr.d the D,alnlu,anC'E' thfr~of, Eh"ll be dt the sole cost and eXP'i')se of [VAt.S, ~hal 1 b", d'.Jne In "cC'orc1ance \.'J Lh the standards, regulre- D,c,nts and c,'f'cific;,uof,E, call1=d for by I'alD, BEach County for such Undf:'fC?roullu irlst c) L':jtif,;-I!;" urln ~-,hall cCIII,ply ",'jth ;111 applicable building. 2.oning "r,d c,thf'r le.'f ano c'rdir,ancl=s of govl=rr,n,enLa1 authoriti<:, rcli,ting thfrf'to. In cc,r,nl-ction witt, H,e installation of dr.y public utility I,;n"phernalia as has just bpen referrt'd to, EVAl'S ilgrf'eS to cause the salT,e to tJe done "s E'xpf'di t iously as possible to the eno It,at persons using the E'csement area, exhibit "C", st.all be cilSC0rJI,oo('d as little as p0ssible. - C. Ti,e ed~,('J"er.t i..rea, Exhibit "C", may be paveci by GUTER~~ at SUCh tin,,,, ,,5 GUTERtlA, or his successors or assicns, shall develop ti,e GU1[h....r, property, Exhibit "H", anci Qr!sire to t,ave access to Con"aess ',,,enuE' OVE'r the said easement property, LInd in that connecti0n, the paving shall be done in accordance ~ith \t,e standards, rE'Cjuirf'l:,ents and specifications called for by ralm Bf'ach County for public \.ays, and in accordance with all applicable building and zoning la~s and ordinances relative thereto. GUTERMA shall seek to have the \Jork done by reputable and licensed paving contr"ctors at the 10;':<'5t practicable cost and upon the pa)'lTient in full therefor shall sutJlIlit to EVANS verified bills, invoices, receipts, and vouchers for the doing of all of such work, whereupon EVANS shall reimburse GUTERMA for one-half (1/2l of the cost of such paving installatlOn. While such ....ork is being performed, GUTERMA shall n,ainlain customary liability insurance coverage nam- ing EVANS as beneficiary thereof with respect to property damage or personal liability claiJ1l~. Such insurance shall also be maintained by GUTERMA and EV',NS, as the case n,ay be, when performing any maintenance or repair work upon the easement area, Exhibit "C". In the event that EV^~S 6hall elect to pave a road....ay within the ease- ment arE'a, rxhibit "C", the paving shall be clone in accorddnce ....ith the standards. reguirf'lT,ents and specifications called for by Palm . ' "- cor> c Q.. ..... C") CP Cf':I , !Xl ~ ""- (W') Cl c... - (W') CoO (0 .'CO " fr--;h ''',1llY f"r .~,\.' ...'.~..:, jfj l"'J,\">fl,;o[-I("(:' \,o.llh all (jF'plic(:1ule t'di~.~~n,.j. '=-::10 ,.r.~:I) .~""~ '1:I,j ,'JdJ:.:~ncf~ If'lc1ti\'E- thefE'tO. EVhNS' ~~,n)l ~.(,(r. 11-' Lc',e t:.:-' _:.[,~ l-~~)nE- by rf-putablf:' and liCE'nsE'd raving ('c,ntr"ctors at tloc' J(,",~t I,,;,cticoble cost and upon 'the payn,ent in [,)11 l:...1(' [(,r ,ct.,,]J ,,: ,[,it to GUTER....A verified bills, invoJces, 1'..ceii'\S, "nd v,',,,d,ers fvr the duing of all of such work, whereupon GUTERI'.A shall reill,t.urse EVAl\S for one-half (1/2) of the cost of such paving installation. .....hile such work is being per'formed, EVANS shall J!,aintain custoJ!,ary liability insurance coverage naming GUTERMA as beneficiary thereof with respect to property 'damage or personal liability claims. All verified bills shall be paid by either party within fifteen (l5) days after the same are submitted. D. From and .:.fler tl.e tin,e ....'~.en E'JA:~S shall improve its prOl""rty, Exhibit "II", .....ith a building improvement, and con,mence use of tt.e said cas~m~nt area [or access to Congress Avenue, EVANS shall, if the pavirl':1 of the easell,ent area haS been performed in accordance .....ith the standards, requirements and specifications called for by Palm BEach County for public ways, contribute to the cost of maintpnance o[ the F"vcIT,ent on the easen,ent area, by divid- ing such n,aintenance cost [ron, that tin,e tt.ence forward equally with GUTf~MA, SimiJ;,rly bills presented for contribution to main- tenance shall l,e F,io within fifteen t15) days from rendition. Mai n\c-nar,ce costs St.ilJ 1 be oclual, net, wna fide costs. After EV1,~S co;,..r.E-nc,>s u~,e (,f said eas€:lI,ent for access to Congress l.venue, EVANS n,a)' pf-rforrn fuch repair or n,aintrr.ance thereon as GUTERMA fails to pi?rform, "nd [(.cover from GUTERMA one-half (1/2) the cost thcr('(,f, on tLe ~,':':Le i:.YlI,ent terH'S applicable for payments by EV1,tlS to GUTLRMA. Eo The I,art iE'S agree that in the event it shall be necessary to reloc"te the easen,ent area, Exhibit "C", north.....ard ,by virtue of lo~s. ordinances, or reguirements of the City of Boynton Reach, in oreier to provide a .....all barrier, or buffer zone with l'elat ion to the oev(']e'I,::iC'nt or USE- of the EV1,l\S property, Exhibit ",,",' the part ies ""reI? that they .....ill enter into and ext'cute ,Such agrc-en'E-nt as [Lay rE o,for",bly be proper and necessary to caus~ the rE-location, north.....ard of the soid eas,E-n,ent area to provide the rOLlte .....hieh is rr,ost direct to Congress Avenue from the GUTERMA. property, Exhibit "e", taking into account buildings then existing on the [\,,,t;5 I.ropert)', Exhibit "A". Tr.{O cesen,ent area is intended to afford GUTERM" access to Congress Avenue. The easement will survIve even if curvE-d or arched to reach a curb cut into Congress J>.\'enue. In no event, ho.....pver. shall the easement area be less than a ~idLh of thirty-five (35') feeL. F. 1 [ the Ci ty of Boynton Beach requires the construction of a .....all in the on'o, Exhibit "A" as a result of the paving of the E'ilSEn,ent arr-o, Exhibit "c" pTthe developn,ent of the area, Exhibit "A", it is unclerstc,oo that lhe construction of the wall shall be undertaken, ('o;;,r.lcto:-d, "nd paid for by the party whose paving of the casemcnt area or deve10pment of the Exhibit A area required such wall be constructed. 3 (W) - en C) ~ ...... cr> w m ,1:0 , j . . , . , . , ~ , ,... 1 \ , I {; ; ~ I' i \. 1 '.~ r (, U rnj ii, ~: t ;j ) ) "t i l' n I' . ~ }; I ,t.. f I I ... ~ ~ ' ,.. r ,;. .",' t j \' r IS;' l ll, €' (' ,., u t l".l C1 S t f' r 1 y l.",l:p.r'llf j~,C' I_~',,'J::":\ ,'It;:, ~">.Lit.,it "lj.... In (Jlo(:'r to cdf\>Id f\'I~.~S a. r:"'l€ J':d~l,_',".:.l c",3 (3ilr~ct rOdte to rfCich \o.'ale:r and ~(:\o.'(:-r ~"lVjl'(- fc'c ,,:C' ir. 1.1", 1""d, r,t,iblt "A", GUT1~Kr.l\ ooes hect-by give end grarlt unto f\iJ,'~S, jts ~UCC(-~~,ors and d~,signs, a perpetual, non- ('~Clllfivp, eil~"';H'nt o\'c-c ;,no accoSS the area of land described in [~hibit "D", attvct,c'd t,..'r..to and made a p<1rt and parcel hereof, and in conr,pction ..,ith such .-'asen,ent, the parties agree as follows, to wit: A, Tl,e pUfl":'s" for the easenlent is to permit the use of ,,;;ter ,;r,d ~(>..'('r facilities presently existing at the southE'i'lsteriy cc,rr,er of f.xhi loi t "B" .,re'p",rty by the c'..nE'rs and users of [xhibi t "A" F,roperty. The rascJ;,E'nt shall not be built upon by any struc- ture, "all, f~nce, building, in",rovE;;,t-nt or other in,pedin,ent to the "ccess tt,('reto. B. Any infti'}lation to be 1I,ade of water or sewer, pipe6, lines, IToi'.inS, or ~guif'n,,=nt shall be done in accordance with all applicable builfiir,g, 7uning and other laws, ordinances and require- I;,E-nts, as callE'd for by Palm beach County, and as expeditiously as possibJe, and at the soJe rost and expense of EVANS, or its succes- sors and assigns. Such instcUation work shall include restoring and l€'plaeing the ei".U"Hlt area to the condition existing before such instaJlation lot-gan, C. ,,(afC>',i,~,le neccss shall be afforded to EVANS, its sUC'C"E'f.sprs' ano 2~E i':.)n~, to the easelrient area, Exhibit liD", for the purpose'S of installing such pipes, lines, rr,ains or underground equil'n,rnt (excq>l thnt the sallie need not be underground to the ex- tent they do not uJ.r(i,~c)nnbly ir,terfere \o.'ith the use of easen,ent), and n,ain\ aining the said instaJlations, if they shall have been 60 inftallE-d. '8,' lf the l'Il't,(.rty, Exhibit "A", or the prr,pE'rty, Exhibit "B", if, or sl."ll t,~rtcftE-r be diviued, or subdivided in o,,'ners,rip, for purposes of this irl~,trun,(-nt, it shall be dceen,ed that aJl joint o...ners of the ~,('j'orat(' rcrcel~, Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", shall be bound rateably and proportionately to all of the terms, provisions "nd conditic'ns herein contained. 9. This A9rE'cn.pnt shall be deemed a covenant running with the land and r,incJinq upor, tr,e p"rties hereto, as well as their heirs, perso~al rej'rcfEntati\CE, successorS and assigns wherever the context ~,CJ r('lJlr('f 0: oonjts. JO. AJl of thc- t~lns, provisions and conditions herein con- tained, including the )(9al descriptions in the exhibits attached hereto, are 5ulojE'ct to any conveyance or conveyances which may have been nade hercetofc,re in favor of Palm Beach County or the City of Boynton Beach for SlreE't ...idening or other public purposes. 11. To avoid th~ Expense and delay of litigation, the parties agree to arbitrate any disputes arising out of this doculllent, under the rules of the h~,erican Arbitration Association. A party desir- ing to arbitrate a dispute shall notify the other party in writing and name a person to represent him and shall call upon the other party to name his Arbitrator witbin fifteen (15) days. The two Arbitrators shall name a referee ~itbin fifteen (15) days the,re- after to serve as a board of three (3) Arbitrators. The Board of Arbitrators shall consider the matters in dispute and render their report of findings within thirty (30) days after the naming of the refen-e. The report shall be binding on the parties if signed by all or by two (2) o[ the members of such Board. The costs of arbi- tration shaJl be borne equally by the parties or as determined by the Board of Arloitrators. The report of Arbitrators sball be made a rule of Court. 4 .' - - 0') c::> D- r- P') CQ , en , t::Q 12. Thi~ J.,C:<I<~:'d,t pay bE t>~cuted in any nun,ber of counter- rarts, ei'C'l, of ...Ioich ~ha1l loe dEP,ed to bE iin original, but Illl of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. IN I-ilTla;SS ..'!JEfiEOf, the part ies hereto have caused these presents to be e~ecuted as of the date first above set forth. \-i1'1'NESS C), ' , C!.d (J fA..J.A:..( 0 EVhNS PRODUCT COr-:PANY, a Dela~iire corporation ,.,,"", ,',"'"'' (.", " , , - , , " ~ " . ." .. rJ . ~ /., :~ ij ~~~2' ::-:;: \':2E rr(3~~t:lll/l.5S; 7rraJ&AA,.~~,\ I l"EVhr~S") "... ; ~ : , " "~I " , ~. hfJI '(..-L---rJ'~ BY: ~,<,-- ~~~<-f'__ ROBERT A. GUT ERMA , " ,j :/',', I " J9~V~/: . .- .-- f ... BY: I.' . ~------ I "GU'lLRI'.h" ) " ' I ~-~~- .. -" , Ll HOSLEY, Il~C., FO;':~~ERLY LIIWSLEY STOF.CS, n:c., a florida corporiition BY: I ,~I " 1/' , f7. ' lir' 7 rY~ L " '\ ->:~, .t.__ ~<-\.. -J J.-)._~-'J\ ~- .-- "'-'.57 $NU':# iJ. \l--;. "'- t; 1 1 E- oS lOt:: JJ l I"Llr;DSLE:Y"} , I. " 'I. , : .---- - ( . ) ~'~/1.~ ki " j SUN fIRST KhT] Ol,hL BhlH~ OF PhLM BEhCR COUNTY, a united States Banking Corpor-at Ion - / ~ , ./ - ,/ / <. ( "-'/o'//'f~~ BY' / -- ///-:.,. . . t .. .' .. ...... "- f"! ;, / pr-esident .../o' "'. ("SUN 'BANK" ) /~";'J/~ - . ' ~ ~ , . .' ~ 1 h l' l 0 f rL:) r ll' h ) } COUNTY Of fhL~ BEACH ) E,S: _ ,JI me this. >:'1--- individually. day T~e fOlegoing instrument waE acknowledged before of /. :','/":10,,-:' , 19B1, ~bY ROBERT A. ;/~n:.RI1A' ./"'\.. tiotary pu lC My Con~ission Expires: STATE Of l-'.J.SS/,C1JUSETl'S COUNTY Of to,~(K } ) ) t..CJICiry Putllic Slalf' 01 nonda al16rruo Me .- '. OfrllTlt~'Slor, e"pl(~ MarCh 2E:1. 1985 &~r,C!t-r, I"'(."'(jtt Cc,,,.te.l;us, Johnson & elM". 'tnc 55: Tt.t foreaoing instrun,ent w'as acknow'ledged before me this /t: Ii day of :JiJ7/,J:'.71.{':=!Y-, _' 19B1, by _.E.,U,f.' -II- P t.rcJ1/?l~ -, a!, \~' ' ce ;'r...~.,'t1~ of, L\'I,t;S PRODUCE CO/'-'J'ANY, il uelaw'cre corpor.,tlon, ,p t'N')"'''' ' on,ellal 01 tile COll'urallon. ,', "I ~.e:,-[' );t ~7V--- holClry Public ~Y Corr~jssion Expires: v~/~t , f} "'5rr 6111';':" STATE Of r~~M } I ' ) C,.-I,. IA:. COUI,T), Of [;i,: ~ ) SS: " If c/. ,"he- f0re-uc,ina instrun,ent w'as ad;r;o.:leoc;ed beforr me this cay of '-::1 :'-:X~'7~ J~.J._' 1981, by J:;..,",r (of' - (' 6 'l'~!:'.l'-". cE ....;_.~- i.,,: J-:.-:-tt of LJ I,DSLEY, JNC., c 'florHia corporatlon, be-ioc.l1- ;c'~ ~tl,'<' \'.'o'?PC'1 i>l Jon. on /' ~:u.L (~ r ')J; ~- " hotary PUIJI1C I 1"1' COI;,;;15sior. LXFireE: "I1f'/.r.f. 51 ATE Of fLORJ Dh ) } ) 55: COUNTY Of PALM BLACH ~ - (r) c:> Q... The foregoing inslrurr,ent ",as aCl<nOWled9~~:~:~lIe this ell day of k-,~- ' 1981, by f::; - , -, as Presicient of SUr-; f JRST Nr,TIONAL BAI,K Of PALl'. BEACH COUNTY, a united Sta,e, .anking co,po'a'ion~alf of the ,po,a,ion. Notary Pu lC My COlwlIissio ".,. it- '~.IlF...'l i:"; " r-. en CoO en ,'a:l (, -- CD - "" c 0- r- ~ (p Q:') 'CO ':liAT c::::E~1 ~~" r?:":-:-;;. en r:;r..,~::.-:::: c.::' r.;..:f9 :::-J.'~"u.~, J:{~~ ;;.~ E:i:DC I:1 ~ c:Aln-I C? r'.t.~~ i'::=;'J..-111 c:;..:.:; CP flD~, 'I? HIT: A ~ "O~ ). .r. in ~.;_:J.u;) 3~, ,::::,~;'~J? ~5 5:>\.:t11, R::-:s'" ':'3 ~~;, ly.L., in r'::?~'Db.4') u.ac..':l, Pi_:'.::: :., '..c-..(D.:lt;." Flocl.d.a, b::..L~ e:..e ;:-'oct 3::;) fret . e:.e ~~ 4.15 f.(:~':. or e"" ~">u~..h 355 [.,:-t. of e-~ ::.orth 951 feet of said Sc-..:;ti= 32, b2.i.;!;J ox;;: r:3....-tlc.Ur~l:r U<"< ~c-'...b",.,j i"..'J fullc,,'S: 7p:JJ e,~ )l:..r1_3.-"c:ot lnrr.,~.= or s<:~~Jn.'1 32, 'I~.s.:-lip <:5 C;:)l;tl1, P.i~.;e 43 I2.st, l'~ f::(->~l Cb\.'J'It-/, Y.lc.::iCc., r.aid rorrlP..r lP...in<] on th; =llPolli.e of tie 10:> bJt v:CJ 11.<jlt o~ "'-Tj of ea-~ l,..~}~, n... ~outh 1 02' 40. Wst (fur cr'O"""-"5C'-:-, t:,~ \~,-,..'t lL--:e of :;.,.~ s""C"..Jcn 3.2 is r:ssu.-=3 to beur Ibrt.~ 1 02' 40" l~''"'t i.:;ld all b:...a.cu;:JS ~te.i J~cln ilI8 lelBUve t:b""etO) a disV_;':)3 of 590.07 f,-~t lD ti~ inle~.ctic:J of L~e P.e:3t l.i.De of &aid' Secti.::n 32 ...dth a H:.2 pr.:?11P1 to n:.d 596.0D footSo~J' f:ru:1, ~en U'~.u-dl c.t rl~:-.t i:.."l-:Ues to tJ)03 lbrth lirlo3 of said s.e.....--t.i..c:1 32; t..'>s-= Ibrlh 5&.0 00' 51- ""t <.In:--J r,aid r..a..nlllel line e. 13iBt.iD-C3 of 50.01 fe.::t tr> t.h:' bt_4r-.--",,:~jC,.1 of t;:,-,ic pariillel line with lIe Ds"-..erly line of thO! 1 r,-,__~o~1 '" 100 ,,< ,. ,,' ", --',....,t ~f ,,,., or ,...-'~~~S ]..-=~ '''p I'~--'>" ,,--+ .l..-...>..J__'-_~ .L.......... ~....~ ;J=,_ \..' .........;] .... L.L.I.....~'--' ...c... ''';;, t..-__ L.,JJ..u......:..:..1.. coD12.!' 'c.:-,C:; t.b~ r.:.:.il~ o~ h:.::i~:l,L";l of t."-'~ L;>.r~ c.~l::.::J :;", T.cJ.:~la...i; l1:,,"n::'~ el:-.::-.] U-,., 1,_,:,,;,...:',,' l'f ~~i,j r,";TEl 0; );:c-s = fDllc~: 1brth E~' 0:>' 52" !:...,_,,,- ~ l-::5':.:,:~--e c'! 3(5.05 f.:?t; Y=~ 5::>~th 16 02' 40. ~ a c.L"~-,"':-2 of :,~.S.(jS ::.".t; eu-C;.~ ::.::Tllth 89 00' 52" 11c-,st, l: <ll.st-=.,-.:;::e 0; 3[,5,O~ Ie>:';: tD '" ]t:,i::l.. CJ U.e f.2.5tJ:,"ly lL~ of h''''-s cJ:nrt=.'lid 100 frot v'....ce .-'r-'lt c' .,"., C,C r~-."_'< ....~,...., ",r'-~ J'-""" 1 0'" '0" ,---.-+ "'-r'" --.... ~.l;>. .. "'__' ._ \...4...o..-...;,~l..-_ _ J..__l__, ..-._-....._ .J.J.~J -.... I"'-~~ c....L1-',..; ~ :d~t o! \.'3y JJ..:e a ,::t.\c,,,:;," of 3):'.05 feet to e-~ T-ob.t 0: Ec.:;i'1:"aing. ~d J_c..~ l\>i::::" CJ..} l"jt;J 1..'1 Pel;:. v_'dch Cb..ntv, Flonm. ~ ~ - I DJiIBIT "All , - - en c Q.. - (I'l fQ cr> ,CD ,.... .... )_/ C.YT""--- c,r S:x ~;: t, ') 7,......,.'" R.::t':!J tl II ( t' " 1..: r- \il '''\ jP';;!)' ~ ~ -; (2"""'''-<'':''''' )~ kJ c' ._,.:;:<-~. 1 ~~ ~i \~~ f Il.J~ 1"1 ':~,:-' , 0/''08 ),.r-.-;;-;:;:.x.-:;;:!~J..:J"'" ~, N;';",~';'C \~ \ '. ;.1~t9 ~ SNJo. r.::-XJ' In c(.b......:vY ~ ~') {..,V" "' 1'1 l~'\ ~ l.- I/" .G~~5' \ ~: .___- - --- - .^.;i..yzc:::.-=j;-j..;:;'c..J s~:....,...;.....-w G,74}:"';crv" If ~ 0 lr; \'1, / 11 .) 3 <. 'J " (; , ~ ') A F,&./l~:" (...... L:.JC p; ~,:,:"'7J:', ~:, ~:-___!.rI1P 4~ ~::;.."T'i, ~G: It} [&..$i, ell,. (./' [.......-:;,.\l'l ~~A.01, fhJ'\ ~ t.:U'm# f~l~, L..;,l'G J-O",! fM1Jc..:..;..:.:~y ~~~lcP J..5 K\...\..fl,..OS: r~ ,rL "",,~~~~T c::A'l:" V :~:11D'; )i, 1C'~'011P ~~ ~O,..T", f.~'<;~ ~) (_5T, P;.J\ ~-i:;"::; t.?JTY, il.L-"I:>', ~,lD c.:.c,'.Col ~I>'(' Di.rt: {~.:,';'II"'- r;;!' Tt'.! ICO lOOT I;1:/1T,J'f..;.J.Y U"\ o-;:..~S A',-r'~X, .'J', ~'L-;-M I' c=' ..:" ( (fCA c:M'D;I~a, TI':E ~~Sl lH-f (..< !.AI:> 5[010:. )2 IS .~~~ TO r.u.i; t~,,, ,0 0' ~"" III-.'D;.;..'.. ev.;.IIi.S ~C1,D ~f.!;h ff.!. ..1lATIYlO . Tn:.'.!l1.) A Ol5TA'oC.! O' ~,&.L; H~T TO it!: Ih~~!CTIer; Ci' nf >'EST lit..!' C" ~ID ~OlC1 )J ",'Tri A lih:: r;,;.~" 10 k:J ~S; fC-'1 !.OJT"'~T ffD"o, ..~; rt.J.:!~.!.:> 1.1 hl:xT f.,'c;J..:, 10 Ttf k.'q,:11ll~ U 5--'10 ~::Tl:ti )21 Tr.::"-!: N 8<" co' ~;" E N,D;;'SAID P~U1. lI~ t. ' OI~1H.>:e C' ~O,Ol ruT 1J Tt'.!: \I"rx,ICTJOi t:f Y-1D f';..:>,1.U.!L lIt-!: I<ITri T~ u.snRLT lIM t:f ~ ;.'~ID 100 IOCT Io'ice PICHT-Q'...." CR CO~55 t.'{'-~ TO ~ v.J1~ (j' U:;It-hl>-C Ci' T~ tc.;.!.IN [.CCAl?D p,,:;crL D' LHDI T~ 1-l9;':' 1rc E-:>,:c.>J;Y ~ ~In P},;CU (J' um I-S r:>LLD'-;; Ii It'' C~' ~:" E " D15THC V ~&~,O~ nzTj ~...:-: 5 10 C:. 1,)" E A Dl51.....c Ci' }~5,O r:'.:1; or':''>:: Ii ,e-- CO' 5=" f " DIS,"""-:: C1' ))S.O;, H~T 10 n-:o ~~T CJ"'Ul - (:I' ~lD f'f.,'-UL Co' LJ.,"') ';'ro:..";:,! H 100' l"i" I< Po. Ol~;"".u C7 O~... IUl ;0 j}<; 1"".;yc~T ~ (;1 ~lD FAi-L!L V u.''::J 1/'L-.c: 5 H" C'O' ~2" II " Ol~'.:.'::': C,O 67S.51 r~ TO T~ t!~;t/,l~ CF A c..:,o{!' ~:~,t ro it;! s.:;v7t'VST hl,'nloC Po. R<.;llL":> (t' '5,~O f~ tKJ " CI:'oT.lAL #i.~ tJ' es' 0)' )2"; ;r-'"..,,-..a .UTE^:.Y, !.o.;n'~UTV.LY /-JV ~T Al::rl:, lrf /ViC D' WL' c.;;;-.-:. A Dl~T;..oa 0' ~a.t6 ,ED TO TK! ~ " ~ID CJlYE; n-"...N':: S l' 02' &,()" ~ A OIST;,'C C' :25,1.'. ft-'1 TO T.c POl~ CS' e!CIIl1I,"" CDfTAINII-G 6.7~5 ,oCIlS t= Cl USS. ~ID lJ;N:6 LTIIW klO e..!11oC IN p~ e~ UV.OT, 'lOU..... DJlIIllT "B" = r- ('t':l c::l ~ r- ("') w . ("') CP " '~'J:;: ~.>_..-~~~ ~j:~Y 35 rI::'~ c::' TI~ FGIJJ):.r:DJG ~,~-.::.:;.._~~_:;:-:. r;-/-~l. OF r'R:t=E..-:'T.{,' ~W1';': :::..-;:' c:.:-C..Ii P:-:.1....~, I .~~.(-::~ 0;\ ~t]t:.:l' CC' L~}jD S7~'~' w~:::; ~;n }:-:-n;::; r:..; '7'-;;:' o.:;J:7i C? Ii\~~ i";r.::~~, [.:.:;..~ CP F!_Dr~, TJ l;JT: ... ~......-..r-4'-of1 'or-"; <\,., r'.........,--....~., r-~..,c.'~.. jlC r-\..+~ T'-____~ ,.3"C""~r-t l'''~ n ,t".::l...i.v- .... .............:..- ,i._, ~..-:o___,_..~ __, J.- --:>tI~~ ~-' t>..J....~I, c...:::....-.J-..,;... ~:....J, .I......~.J in r~:r.1'U\= F"~~.(..-'c.. r-"b E..::.,'.c;l . (b::C L-y , }-JJ):::i..C.~, u-J.:>;j t""" E.::st 35) fE'""t of t:.e ~:"''5t (,..1-5 f..:,_,:, cf e~ cO;.J~'1 355 [.cd of e.:l lDl-tl'l 951 fuet of paid S",----tioo 3:::, L.:J:>J I:D.:~ ,..:,:-tJ.c.-,1?rly ~~ 1cS f:-,i1n..-s: F'.rcrn L~ }brU;.>~'5t CD.:7'.PJ of [.e.;,,-tlon 32, ~~'1i? ~5 Scn,:'~'1, ?..:=:;e ~3 I2st, rab n.'..~ (bU!.ly, noriCe., ~ (l)nY::I' lPJn) on Uli'J ~1t.eZ;line of L~ 100 fcx:>" ...1c.8 l-i\.,ht 0: \o'.'lY of ec.-'F(~..s ,..~, :r\.., ~,outh 1 02' 40. D>.st (for O:b,"~E, t:e ~~:..,'t; lir..e o~ said Sec.-tio:1 31 is ~s=.~ in b;;..JI 10rlh 1 02' ~O. \;est 2Jd i,ll b:>>rw:J9 n>:::ited h,.~ are reJ..a1 iva L"~"'eto) " distz..-.ce of S90.07 :L,c,t t::l t.:lC lntr_"'3kcJen c.i be ~ llLe c! c;.;iid ["<-....--ticn 32 ",'itb a )1.:1.3 l^,"l!';,lld to ;~-:) 595.00 f.e:r: 5:l~Y fun. ~cn lJ:2S.u-~ bt :dc;':.t C'_..-:1'~ ~.J L.....; !:ortb lir..:l of E.aid ~",--tion 32; U.c.."')(;i) 10rth oS.D CO' 52" E~t h1::':'J ~_~u; [.:u-"llel liT.e a aist=':>:1 o~ 50.01 feet in t..'.e ~.:::L',,=:~'c'C-~_:[,:'1 of [:;:~~c r ,'x.:!}} el llJl'" "oj lh e~ f...o:sLe.rly 1 ir:;.; of ee ~r~~,~~i'" "'0 .r, -_~ .,r'A, 1",Lt o~ ,-.-, .,~ r~-~~,'~ ""r~'~ "--. l',-,~,--,.~t ,.-,J_..._~ .........v _u....... ........4~ "':.;_J .. "'!"~J v'" V..J..<~~_I....--'~ ^...;..~L-_, L..-__ ........l.L..J~~~ (D.::n~ c"ro e~ p:-ili-.t o~ b:~-1-7J..r.LJ of t:.e L.l?_~in c.;~.;ci?- . .-~~~; t.t.-2.r-C2 t:."-C~l:; t::"'" LO''::-~::4j of E~d Fl':-C:~ of 1=-::: as f::>dlc-~"31 lbrt.h mf CJ:J' 52" !:.z~'t a C~2t-:'''-''' o! 3C5.CJ5 fcet; Vcc;-.::2 S::n;t.'l1 02' 4D" ~ il Cist..::.:...""" of 35::,05 f~~t; t~J..r."2 S::;Jlh 88 00' 52" H::st, e dlsL=,N,:o; of j('5.05 [c,;,t t::> i.1 roir.t G:'l U~ [.2sLerly li..~ of ~":E, afr:rresdd 100 irot "'......ce rl91t,of '.:c.'j of n-sr(::cs ],'.'c:n;o:', U.;.~ lDr-JI 1 02' ~O" 1;e:::;t dorD S2.i.d rlgLt of ....3y lla~ a illst2.r~~ of 355.05 i.x-'t to tI-2 fuirrt 0: ~-:;li;nin..J. ~d la.-:es 1yir;; arri lceinJ L'1 rD.ln D:"'~ CtJ\n~, Plorlfu. . .... DJ{l5IT "C" . en ..... CI'l CJ D- ..... en ClC m .e::l , , " '. Tr:E $.'Jc'n:.:?:,,y 30 i ;..t.l' OF TI:L: FOU.odING :'LSCF-'::=E::l ;.:..?'..I:.. (,= Pr::.r~J' I ':D-h'"1T: A P,L.;,C1J. c...... L~~ IN ~~r-;;::"i ,:, T:;..J'~:.Ct ~} ~')JTH, R':~ L,) E.l.ST, CITY C.f ~..:;Tf1-;i::N V-A01, f~ ~~ c.;::u,n, f'~J~, E-!.;/"G ~ ?;';"lJ~r D(.3::;;:=.o AS f-C\..U.~: r,,-~ T>.: ~.A~r;''!.5; C::'.'~' ~ ~.~::1;D1 )'. 1~,lP "5 ~.:>,";';1, F,;.;a ", US~. p~ ~~,,;;- t.:1J-(il, 1'~I:'\, Y10 c-:;;-8 e-El''':; 0"4 7rt: (~"'~~J..:~ U' i"~ lCO fOOl 5(J011~....:,..,A,( cP~ C--~, }..~u.!., ~::....."'" ~-:...:;;, 11) 0;' I.,./ju f (F:A c...::-""~;IC....:!, rr:.:. ...~~lllh! ~ !.AID ~lC1ld.4 )~ 1~ ~!:..>":;.~'-o rL';""'( r~7"ri ~. V:!' ~C" '" h-CJ ~ ~.:...=\:,."'S F.lC1TI:' t-(;.!lN}..;.!. J..!~TJ'It' ir1:\.!7:') )., (;:.:p~:: J" :::::,::'7 n=T '-'0 r~ Uj7L~tC1JC;i CP ~ \.~ST LJ~ D' ~l:> ~ClJOi ,~ ..I ~rI ;. ll'~ 1 N).~ ~~""'- 1: ;',"D ~;~ f ~'V1 !.,?.;'7.~~'I' f;~., ~...~~ ~-A5l~ AT RlDiT ~~ TO ~ri: ,;:':;}1 lI'JO V ~qD ~'r.rl::; )1) Tr::".a Ii H~ CO' 5;" f ALOI:: 's;.ID Pt,v..u.n. llt,c A ' . C'15;J..~~ V ~~.rl un 10 ~,;:: 1~1t;01~~1:H C' ~ID p,t.;,>J..LU. llt,~ lilTl1 n~ U5THLY lJ>e c; 1M.: J..';J.:_~~.~I' :c;, FeeT ~J~~ Rj:.r,7-:.F~~T Ci' p::..:::..!~S J..'."'f:!~.z TO '(r-~ P:,I"'i" Ci~)t-l-il""::; VI' Trf: ti..~:H v.:-=:!-::;"J c~ PMC'EL c." l-N",t"l) T,~'::C I-l.!:JG '-rZ f;.::uc;...;..'( (..I" ~In f'AAC!..l C# u.;o ~ r=~lC)r5: Ii t;O (,;;' ~;" ~ A (;IS~k-C V ),S.O r:~TI Tr~.N:': 5 1. t~' '-V" [A D1ST....a (J' ))s.~~ n~J 1,-iJ::~ N H. c;;' ~;" t ,. C1S7~ U' )JLCt, /::U 10 ~ !.Ur.rV5T c::.;.xJ< V' 'IA1~ f.'}-[!\' Ci' L-"'::>l T''oL'~ Ii 1. C;, ~....... A CIS1;".:.! if HS,Ci HiT 10 II'!'.: t':':'TKAST c::.:;.:",",;, c..'" !..~.IO f)..."t~:!.. (;11 LJ....oJ 1r2,a ~ the tot ~~II 'Ii}. Dl,r.:....c.! '" 67~.~1 "~"T 10 T~ [~;;I~I!.'" V' ,. (:.1",,1 CO'::':',,:: TO n~ !o.:I.r.:-<:.'~i r....,1'" A F,t..:Jllr. (.i' 75,00 /~. 1-10" (D,';;:)l, AL.L~ 1.,--:' lS. CJ' ):") "t:::l~:: \,.~sr~J..r, ~)..r.}:'-:..5~~'J' J..1;J !.OJin.:J".l.Y "~G TrZ H\C C? WD =.:: A ~1~ii.....:I 0' Ja,:~ 1,-'1 10 r~ /0.0 Cr !.AI::> M','!:; rro",,"<Ce S 1. O~' ..~" [" OISlHoC! CR :~5.l,l, r~T 1(, ~r':: i-~I/'iT c..' nS:'t,I";, (':'-,,"'ll'il><:; 6.]"~ ~S f'{;ll O'l USS. ~ID LA'~ lYlI'C J..'D r-tl><:; IH fAL'i r:.'-J1 ~'m, fL~:::A. ~ EXHIBIT "D" . ; . r:ECC~D \rZ:~:r:=D PAl.M DEACH COUNTY, FLJ JOHN 13. DUNKLE CLl;RK C)::CU1T cou:'rr -, <t M_r'_'.~ ~ SECOND ADDENDUM TO DEPOSIT RECEIPT AND CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE BETWEEN ROBERT A. GUTERMA AND ALAN J. WERKSMAN OR ASSIGNS, DATED MAY 14, 1981 WHEREAS, the above mentioned contract, dated May 14, 1981 has been assigned by Alan J. Werksman to FME REALTY ASSOCIA'l'ES; WHEREAS, the parties to the contract desire to modify a certain escrow agreement entered into between ROBERT A. GUTERMA and Chicago Title Insurance Company, an unexecuted and undated copy being attached hereto and incorporated here- with as Exhibit 1, wherein Mr. Guterma and Chicago Title Insurance Company agreed to create an escrow account in the amount of $5,250.00 for the benefit of Allen J. Werksman, trustee and assigns: 1. ROBERT A. GUTERMA, as seller, acknowledges his obligations and responsibilities pursuant to the terms of the escrow agreement as entered into between himself and chicago Title Insurance Company. 2. ROBER'l' A. GUTERMA further represents that at the time of closing on November 30, 1981 said agreement between himself and Chicago Title Insurance Company has not been returned by ~hicago Title, executed by a person so authorized to execute such an agreement. 3. In light of the absence of an executed escrow agreement as envisioned by the underlying Deposit Receipt Contract and Addendum thereto between the parties, Mr. Guterma agrees to establish an escrow account in the amount of $2,625.00 (the amount that Chicago Title is obligated to provide Koski, Mateer, Gillespie & Allison, P.A. (KMGA) pursuant to the terms of the escrow agreement) to be held in escrow by the Law Firm of Shapiro, Leder, Kimler, Entin & Werksman, (SLKEWl, suite 109 Intercenter, 160 S.W. 12th Avenue, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441. 4. The $2,625.00 to be held in escrow by SLKEW along with the $2,625.00 being held in escrow by KMGA shall represent full compliance with the above-mentioned escrow agreement between Mr. Guterma and Chicago Title Insurance Company. 5. Upon receipt of $2,625.00 by KMGA from Chicago Title, said receipt being duly acknowledged by KMGA to SLKEW. SLKEW shall remit the amount of $2,625.00 to Mr. Guterma. /) , ' " /It,- ;j';! I I:' // " ; Y', ; . ' ,,-li/ Ii' "I If ~/ I' ,/ ".,,r-- /, ROBER'f A. GU'l'ERMA ~4~ I, , "I ,(, ~fJJ , d ! ' Ii / I ;' // / ~ti.. , !' ., . ~~ / (, /, I, "I.,. " i I t I By: REALTY ASSOCIA~ES0 ", ./ ' ,,\ L ,/ '" '--'\.-L / 'L ' Z"~ ~ FME " ....-..---- . _....._..--'--_.~----- ".. --....._------,- -_."._---~-_. "~-. .,-~-~--,_._- LAW O'-"CES KOSKI, I>1ATEER. GILLESPIE & ALLISON, P.A, r:-IR5T AMERICAN BANK BUILDING ARTHUR C. KOStl:1 RICHARD e MATEER R BOWEN GilLESPIE m DONALD M A.LltSON STUART l. LEVIN. . "'O""'TT I: 0 CONN. BAR ONLY 225(') GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON t FLORIDA 3n4fl1 POST O~F"lCE eox <478 Boe... R"TON, "-LORIDA 33"'32 ...l:Ie... COOf" _~OS TCLI:PHONE: ::lf5e: 2300 BROWARD <426.0320 ESCRO\~ AGREEMENT Robert A. Guterma and Chicago Title Insurance hereby aqree this day of November, 1981, to Escrow the su~m of Five Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and no/lOO Dollars ($5,250.00) with the Law Firm of Koski, Mateer, Gillespie & Allison, P.A, which sum shall be provided on a 50% payment each to held in an interest bearing account to be held for a period of ten (lO) years from this date and paid to Allen J. Werksman or his assign as full payment toward verified and bonified receipt for the actual construction costs of a 6' high boundary wall to be constructed pursuant to paragraph 6(f) of the Agreement and Easement, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit l, a composite exhibit consisting of ten (lO) pages, Should the wall not be constructed by Allen J. Werksman or his assigns, then and in that event the parties hereto shall receive return of their respective deposits with any interest paid thereon. Should the cost of the construction of the wall referred to herein exceed the escrow funds on deposit with the law firm of Koski, Matecr, Gillcspie & Allison, P.A., then and in that event all funds shall be disbursed including interest paid thereon upon receipt of the bonified receipts and vouchers documcnting thc actual construction costs. DONE AND AGREED /s/ ROBERT A. GUTERMA Is/ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Dated: Dated: Exhibit 1 ~ (~ , . COMMISSSION AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this 16th day of February, 1984 between FME Realty Associates, Seller and Burkard McCloskey, Professional Investment Services Corporation, Land Unlimited and l<'rell Jones Brokers in connection with the sale by Seller to Excalibur Real Estate Corporation of property described in the exhibit attached hereto. 1. The total couunission shall be $70,000.00. 2. It shall be shared among the Brokers as Follows: (a) Burkhard McCloskey (b) P.LS.C. (c) Land Unlimited (d) Fred Jones $23,333.33 3. 'fhe COllllllission provided for above shall be de~ned earnell, due and payable only if the total consideration set forth in an Agreement of Sale between the Seller and Buyer named above, dated February 16, 1984 has been paid in full and not otherwise. 4. Seller recognizes the above Brokers as the procuring Brokers in connection with the above mentioned sale and agrees to pay the aforesaid co~nission, provided only that the closing cont~uplated by the agreement mentioned above takes place and the consideration is paid as contempla- ted therein. " R/32