REVIEW COMMENTS t '! STAFF COMMENTS WOOLBRIGHT PROFESSIONAL PLAZA SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Engineering Department: See attached memo Planning Department: The property owner must dedicate an additional ten (10) feet of right-Of- way for Congress Avenue within forty-five (45) days of site plan approval Building Department: See attached memo , 17 October 1985 TO: File FROM: Timothy P. Cannon RE: WOOLBRIGHT PROFESSIONAL PLAZA Site Plan approval for the revised Woolbright Professional Plaza was postponed by Council until the November 6, 1985 meeting. The applicant, John Wheeler, is to provide to the City Council, a time limitation for dedication of ten feet of right-of-way for Congress Avenue where the entrance road for the project intersects Congress Avenue. ~/~ Ibks M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner September 30, 1985 1\J~,CEIVED OCT 1 1985 r" "G DE-PT. pLA\'l,,\I'l ' " FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer - - RE: Site Plans, Woolbright Professional Bldg. Comments: 1. Calculations are required for drainage. 2. percolation tests are required. 3. Paving Detail sheet No.2, note No. 7 should refer- ence the City of Boynton Beach. 4. Sidewalk should be continuous thru driveway. 5. Palm Beach County Engineering Department to approve the construction on Woolbright Avenue. (County permit required,) 6. Traffic signs including stop sign should be shown on the plans. Tom Clark TAC:ck f'''-- MEMORANDUM l5 October 1985 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Timothy p, Cannon, Senior City Planner Woolbright Professional Plaza - Site Plan / RE: . John F. Wheeler, agent for Woolbright Professional Plaza, has notified the Planning Department that he has been in contact with Lindsley Lumber Company, Inc. concerning the Planning Department staff comment requiring the dedication of lO feet of right-of-way for the future widening of Congress Avenue'. The right-of-way to be dedicated represents the westernmost portion of a 35 foot access easement which runs parallel to Cedarwood Villas and connects the Woolbright P~ofessional Plaza to Congress Avenue. According to Mr. Wheeler, Lindsley Lumber Company, Inc. has agreed to dedicate the right-of-way in question and will submit a letter to the Planning Department stating their intent to meet this re- quirement. However, due to a Chapter II reorganization, it appears that the subject right-of-way cannot be dedicated within 45 days as stipulated by the Planning Department and approved by the Plan- ning and Zoning Board. It is recommended that this item (IV.D.7.) be deleted from the Conse~t Agenda in order to ascertain from the applicant a reasonable time-frame for dedicating the necessary right-of-way. ~4~ rp ~~--<~ . Timothy P Cannon flat cc: Central File . ---"._~---,--,~