CORRESPONDENCE .>-.,;:. .' rr. l, -' " '~ 't ~. \ I 11~~ tl $ !t'~l-/~ . '\'t .I t~- DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. lOl N. STATE ROAD 7 . 2ND FLOOR POST OFFICE BOX 4399 MARGA TE, FLORIDA 33063 (305) 972-3959 June 30, 1981 Mr. 'It:rn Clark, P .E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 120 Northeast 2nd Avenue Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 FE: C & H PlAT #l JO #7808025 D2ar 'It:rn: Enclosed is the revised cost estirPate for the subject develop- ment with the recreation facilities included. The new bond arrount would then be $1,523,267.60. The new inspection fees v~uld then be $15,382.68 (1% + $150.00). I know that Mr. Franks had already~ sul:rni tted a fee check based on the previous estimate. If you have not already done so, I suggest that you either return that check to him and request a substitute one or request a new check for the difference. I am also enclosing a certified sketch and legal description of the new main recreation area which lies outside of the plat. I have sent Paul Wolfe (Mr. Franks' attorney) a copy of this sketch so that he can prepare the instrument to convey this land to the hane- OtJJ1ers' ass=iation. 'Ihis recreation area is designed for use by all future residents of the land in the PUD lying south of the L-19 canal. Julian Bryan was before City Council on June 16, at which time the council detennined that we had not made a substantial change to the master plan. He plans to be before the Planning and Zoning Board on July 14 to, hopefully, obtain approval of the minor changes and back before Council on July 21 for the same purpose. If all goes well, Mr. Franks then intends to post the bond so that the plat can be recorded and he can beqin construction. , Hr ~ 7'~'; ~l :--l.rk I ~ LIlli1e 30, 29E:l Page 1\"0 I want to L1;a'lk you again for your attention to these matters and l=k forward to ..:>rking with you in the =nstruction phase. If you have any questions, feel free to call. -' Danlel L. Carnahan, P.E. cc: Mr. Stanley Franks (with enclosure) Mr. Paul Wolfe(with enclosure) Mr. Julian Bryan Mr. Peter Cheney IJ'l!:. Carmen Armunziato Mr. Perry Cessna -~.. -----~---...- ~- "'1LAI'\'\^iS 10 ()" SKETCH l\ND LEr;AL DESCRIPTION ~AIN RECREATION AREA NO. 1 A PORTION OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, SAID CORNER ALSO BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE (S.R. 807) AND ON THE CENTERLINE OF AN 80.00 FOOT CANAL RIr-HT- OF-WAY KNOWN AS THE L.W.D.D. Cfu'lAL L-20; THENCE N02047'01''E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 7, A DISTANCE OF 769.47 FEET; THENCE - : N87012'59"W A DISTANCE OF 1528.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID POINT LYING ON A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING AN INITIAL TANGENT BEARING OF S.81041'46"W. SAID CURVE ALSO BEING THE NORTH LINE OF A PROPOSED 80.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY KNOWN AS MEADOWS BOULEVARD; THENCE NORTH WESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 659.60 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANCLE OF 28046'11", A DISTANCE OF 331.20 FEET; THENCE RADIALLY N20027'S7"E. A DISTANCE OF 328.36 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING AN INITIAL TANGENT BEARING OF S.5s026'02"E; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF' SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 130.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32052'12", A DISTANCE OF 74.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S.88'J18'14"E. A DISTANCE OF 95.00 FEET; THENCE S.0,j018'14"E. A DISTANCE OF 320.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND CONTAINING 1.860 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH l\ND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. ~- /' DANIEL L. CARNAHAN REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR ~3002 STATE OF FLORIDA NOTES: (A) REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. (B) LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD. . . SCALE I _SHeET I t1F Z DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LANO SURVEYORS LANO OEVElOPMENT CONSULTANTS 101 N. STATE ROAD 7 MARG.o.TE, FL. 33063 j-;j-;Q 7,"- ' ~ ':':,lDAr.~_._~" ~1r!.:...;1 _ . F~~:_. L,~It:':>_1c'~D 305 - 972.3'; :: E---- 80' kjI\V~ , r ~ "MEADOWS 3GO" r . I I ! SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION MAIN RECREATION AREA NO. 1 , SW'It3'14-E 95.tJt/ ' <f.~ . ..,. 7,z .5Z'IZ~ .f'. I!!;~' 56' 000 /~. <<) 4: 28' 4G,' II" ~ PROPOSE/) fi?o&~9. (",(J' SCALE I r, ~tJ' SHEET ZCFZ HYPtJL UX RI? ~ ~ -__4W.e.e J:..!' _ __ _ . ~ . ::; '0: 11 III ll( ~ ~ I... THIS $ I::E TCH _J,JY .1Z~...'-- ~Il.. LOCATIOA/ MAP 5FC 7-45-4!:> N h. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -..J~~ ~"1~ 1-..:"" ~~~ ~<i{(I) 'I A' ~~I. to' / N87'12''79''\V /~Zf3. 49' " 'l- \)\ llJ~ ~ "- ~ ~ 9E.CC'NER SEe. 7-47'4 ~../ DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSLn... TING ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LANO SURVEYORS LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS 101 N. STATE ROAD 7 ~1i'.RGATEtFL. ~3063 I JOB NO. . IDATE-'_._._-"-.lD""'f"'---'-~-I--:::-.~ 7~,~:_ql7Z5 f, &-/0-8,._ LNE> ___ 305. 972.. 3959 ..r_"~_ -~ " "'-r i i !.- - V-I! I i~- 1-- "!" ...-.- ~,., '."r ..i~ / ; 1(\ ./ i) ..' . '/ / ---..... .j-- ,,---'~ '- i <' . .'... . SKETCH AND LEGAL DBsCRIPTION - UTILITY ~ASEMENT BEGINNING AT THE NOR'l'We:AST COHN8R 01" BLOCK "D" OF "C & II PLAT NO.1" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK ,PAGle: OF THE PUBLTC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; SAID POINT ALSO LYING ON A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING AN INITIAL TANGENT BEARING OF s. 03046103" W.; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG EAST L6NE OF SAID PLAT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 739.603~~ET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE gF 30 13'00", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 390.05'; THENCE ON A RADIAL LINE OF N. 63 33'03" E. A DISTANCE OF 16.00 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON A CIRCUbAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING AN INITIAL TANGENT r;Iv BEARING OF N. 26 26'57" W.; THENCE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY A~ONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 723.fN)' AND A CENTgAL ANGLE OF 30 19'49" . AN ARC DISTANCE OF 383.05 FEE'l'; 'l'HENCE s. 88 57'30" w. A DISTANCE ~ OF 16.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF B~GIHNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE, ~. LYING AND BEING IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND CONTAINING 0.142 ACRES MORE OR LESS. I HEREBY CERTIFY TlffiT THIS SK~TCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE POD AND BELIEF. . . , "LeoR. 8lDCk"O" c.a H. PLAT" I DANIEL L. CARNAHAN REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR #3002 STATE OF FLORIDA . . 8 in 0 0 '" ,,; '" .. CIO q '" .. '" ... - , 0 0 "! OJ II> '" '" .. '" " .. .. <t: Ii N.63"33'03" E. \6.00' DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS t INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS DRAWN Royer CHECKED / M B 305-972-3959 FB/PG 101 N, STATE ROAD 7 JOB NO. 7808025 DATE 11- 8,79 MARGATE FL. 33063 ~'-..-:>....J, .;--1 L (.._ " 1 . _<1'-! 1.- .... SKL II AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION LAKE EASEMENT- C & Ii PIWPEKl'IES COMHENCING 'AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNEl, OF SECTION 7 TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANG 43 EAST, SAID SECTION GORNEI{ ALSO BEING ON THE CENTERLINE OF COGRESS AVENUE (S.R. 807) AND ON THE CENTEI{LINE OF AN '80.00 FOOT CANAL RlGHT.- OF-\~AY KNOWN AS T)1E L.W.D.D. CANAL L-20; THENCE N 020 47' 01" E ALONG' .J EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 7, A DISTANCE OF 1144.03 FEET' THENCE N 870 12' 59" W A DISTANCE OF 739.20 JlEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEcINNING: THENCE N 150 29' 30" W A DISTANCE OF 426.87 FEET TO THE POINT OF CUR- VATURE OFA CIRCULAR CURVE TO T::I.'~ LEFT; THENCE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 72.17 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 610 29' 42", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 77.46 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE WESTERLY AND NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 120.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 260 40' 58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 55.89 FEET TO TilE POINT OF REVERSE CUR- VATURE OF A CURVE TO JHE LEFT; TliENCE \,fESTICI{LY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 270.00 FleET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 540 37' 48", AN ARCH DISTANCE OF 257.44 FEET TO Till, POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE \,fI':STERLY AND NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF ')0.00 F"ET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 860 35' 58", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 7 '). ') 7 FEET TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVA- TURE OF A CIRCULAR CURVE TO TIlE LEFT; THENCE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG OAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS UF 228.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 158 02' 34", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 628.91 FEET TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGIlT; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG tjAID CURVE HAVINC A RADIUS OF 850.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 24 04' 23", AN ARC DISTA[,CE OF 357.1:3 FEET TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CIRCULAI{ CUl{VE TO THE LEFT; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE llAVING A RADIUS OF 130.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF nO 12' 50", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 61. 75 FEET; THENCE S 790 23' 35" WAD ISTANCE OF 431. 76 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON A. CIRCULAR CURVE TO LEFT HAVING A INITiAL TANGENT BEARING OF S 250 16' 45" E; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALUl~G SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 659.60 AND A CENTRAL AN~LE 40 32' 29", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 52.28 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N 79 23' 35" E A DISTANCE OF 416.524 TO A POINT LYING ON A CIRCULAR CURVE TO TIll- LEFT IIAVING AN INITIAL TANGENT BEARING OF S 210 41' 40" E; TJIl':NCE SOUTIIl',!{L'i AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 130. OU FEf,T AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 66036' 34" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 151.13 FEI:T TO TilE 1'01 NT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S 880 18' 14" E A DISTANCF llF 69. () I ,'I':I':T; '1'1 WNC[': S 080 18' 14" E A DISTANCE OF 323.93 FEET TU A POiNT LYfNI, IIN ^ Cl!{CIILAH CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING AN INITIAL TANGENT BI-.AKING OJ. I~ ~no '):." OhIO E; THENCE NOWfHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAIIJ CURVE [IAV INC A [{AD IllS OF b59. 60 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04i:l 20' 39", AN ARC IJISTANCE (JIC ',0.01 FHT TO A POINT; THENCE N 080 18' 14" VI A DISTANCI': OF J 16 ,/,6 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON A CIRCULAR CURVE TU TilE LEFT llA V I Nl, AN iN I TlAL TANCENT BEARING OF N 850 40' 49" E; THENCE NOlnHERLY ANII I"ASTEI,LY A LmJl; SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 240.00 FE"T AND A Cli[ITl{AL ANCLL liF '!20 ',9' 03", AN ARC DISTACND'OF 389.49 FEET TU TilE ['(IIIIT OF REVI'!{SL CURVATURE OF A CIRCULAR CURVE TO TlIE RIGHT; 'IIIENCE NOI(f'Il[,!{LY ANIJ FASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 22U. 00 liEE! AND A n:r- I'I\AI, ANGLE OF 1370 00' 00", AN ARC DISTANCE OF '):'[1.U', HE', 1(11'111.: 1'111,,!'1 Iii' REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CIRCULAR CURVE TO TBI' LEFT; TIII:NCI SOlI['III'kI.Y AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 170.UU !,'I~EI ANTI A CLNTRAL ANGLE OF 310 02' 35" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 92.11 FEEl T(I i\ POINT; T!IENCE S ISO 29' 30" E A DISTANCE OF 440.61 FleET TO A !'IIINT [,YINl, UN A CI!,CULAI{ CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING AN IN IT IAL TANGENT BEAI,INl, (JJ: "! 7 30 45' 18" E; THENCE NORTHERLY AND EASTEHLY ALON(; S/\I[) ClIIWI.: IIAVINC A "ADIUS OF 1901.81 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE UF Uj" j()' 2'3", AN AKC DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO TilE POINT OF IJECINNINC. SAll! LANDS SJ'I'I!ATJ" LYlNC AND BEING IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA ANLJ CUIVT/\ IN I M, .~. J44 ACRES HORE OR LESS. "p:: . ..,. ,- 'L - r- '/)v ' .', '.:'! r DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS ,INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS 101 N. STATE ROAD 7 JOB NO. 7808025' DATE 10 -26 - ~ MARGATE FL 33063 DRAWN CHECKED /, /./ 305-972-3959 FB/PO PAGE 2 OF 2 SKETCH AND U:l:AL UESCIUI''J'ION LAKE EASEHENT C & II hUFEWl1ES . 'J .. . . '" '" '" "'.. .. . 'I'.'~ '::. ~~t'I ': .. . .. ... .. 1....I..I4..E. ....t' ,." E.. 4- 40 20' .... R.. 101. 10 I "-SO.OI' ,0 \' .. 9' ,,It.., ,." 'fI, M. eO \1 :J '1\6. ,.- A-'205.'05" R.aZ40,W' A.. !l89 4' , I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SKE'J'ClI !\NIl LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TI\UE AND COl\REC'J' TO THE BEST .~Y~~E AND I)ELILl,'. ft "..,~.~ (i:; . '/<~'~ DANIEL L. CARNAHAN REGISTERED LAND SURVEYUI\ #3002 STATE OF FLORIDA POB. 4- 17.lt 5'" R.. 150.00' ~ A..' 1.75 6.20.00' 20" SCALE'I",2OO R- 800 .00' "..!I1S7.lal ~ H. 1701 z' $9"W. 739.20' N. 02047'0'''[. DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS t INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS 101 N. STATE ROAD 7 JOB NO, 7B08025 DATE 10,26,79 MARGATE FL. 33063 305-972-3959 DRAWN Royer CHECKED {.,/J.l.8 FB/PG Ov-- c../-t-! /'~-r P~I'{!..7 CC6T ESTIMATE (] FOR C & H PROPERITFS iec'i,,~L iJ, ,e) Ji;t, . _~_v:.'i2--- . link, ." n_-c-t~-_.- 12/11/79 By E.F.L. ,P.E. *Rev. 5/5/80 J.T. **Rev. 6/1/81 G. P. Jo #7808025 I. P A VEME:I>.'T Item & Description QJantity Unit Cost PlllDunt A. 8" shell rock base w/l 3/4" asph. surface & 12" stab. subqrade (includes all ',o,urk on Conqress Avenue, r.!eadows Blvd. and turn lanes.) 10,699 SY @ $ 7.30 = $ 78,103.00 B. 8" shell rock base w/llj" asph. surface & 1211 stab. slllXD:2de (collector roads within Tracts A t.'rru D.) *Tract A - 7f,28 SY Tract B - 7(,69 SY Tract C - 10908 SY T~~ct D - 3758 SY = 19,563 SY ~ $ 6.15 = ~184,272.00 C. 611 shell rock base \>,/1', asph, surface & 12" stab. sutqrade <;,582 SY @ $ 5.00 = $ 47,910.00 Subtotal 5310,285.00 II. ~lIsa:-LrANEOUS CXlNSTOOcrION A. 4' wide conc. sidewalk (all tracts) 8,123 SY @ $10.00 = $ 81,230.00 B. 5' wide conc. sidewalk ( along south side of Meada.vs Blvd.) 1,124 SY @ $10.00 .. $ 11,240.00 *C. Street lighting in r/w ?I; FA @ $1000.00 = $ 26,000.00 **D. Recreational Area (Tracts M) (1) 4' Asphalt Walkway = $ 1,000.00 (2) Grading ,Sods 1.3 AC @ $0. 25/SF = $ 14,157.00 (3) 6" Rock/I" Asphalt 1332 SY @ $6.80/SY = $ 9,057.60 (4) Clubhouse 2000 S.F @ $25.00/SF = $ 50,000.00 (5) Bike Rack = $ 250.00 (6) Temlis Court = $ 8,500.00 \7) Tot rDt = $ 7,500.00 (8) B.B.0. Area = $ 750.00 SLI\3 'IDTAL $91,214.50 CXST ESTIMATE CCNI" D **E. , Recreation Area (Tract G) Same Costs as Rec Area Tract M Subtotal III. DRAINAGE A. Pipe IS" C.M.P. **lS" C.M.P. **21" C.M.P. **24" C.M.P. **30" C.M.P. 36" C.M.P. 42" C.M.P. 4S" C.M.P. 60" C.M.P. 66" C.M.P. 1,063 IF 460 IF 1,151 IF 1,190 IF 2,030 IF 1,863 IF 1,10S IF 196 IF 394 IF 30 LF B. Structures Standard Catch Basin 5' Diameter C.B. 6' Diameter C.B. 7' Diameter C.B. 47 FA @ IlFA @ 2 FA @ 2 FA @ **Stanc!ard ~ Hole 5' Diameter ~1.H. 6' Diameter M.H. 7' Diameter M.H. 6 FA @ 3 FA @ 1 FA @ 1 EA @ Overflew Structure Rip Hap Headl~lls AsPhalt Aprons 1 EA @ 3 EA @ 62 EA @ SUbtotal IV. l'lATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM A. 10" 8" 6" (Black Bone SystEm) (All Tracts) (All Tracts) 2,90S'@ 9,083'@ 4,4S3'@ D.I.P. : B. Gate Valves: 6" 8" 10" 31 FA.. @ IS FA @ 3 FA @ 17 FA @ 7 FA @ 4 EA @ 8 FA @ 1 EA @ C. Tees: 8" x 611 6" x 6" 8" 10" x 8" 10" X 8" = $ 91,214.60 $ 300,899.20 @ $ 13.00 @ $ 15.00 @ $ 20.00 @ S 24.00 @ $ 30.00 @ $ 37.00 @$ 44.00 @ $ 51.00 @ $ 67.00 @ $ 72.00 = $ 13,S19.00 = $ 6,900.00 = $ 23,020.00 = $ 47,760.00 = $ 60,900.00 = $ 6S,931.00 = $ 4S,752.00 = $ 9,996.00 = $ 26,398.00 = $ 2,160.00 $ 700. $1100. $1850. $2200. = $ 32,900.00 = $ 12,100.00 = $ 3,700.00 = $ 4,400.00 = $ 4,350.00 = $ 3,600.00 = $ 1,900.00 = $ 2,300.00 = $ 2,300.00 = $ 1,950.00 = $ 6,200.00 *$ 384,336.00 $ 725. $1200. S1900. $2300. $2300. $ 650. $ 100. $ 17. $ 15. $ 10. $ 350. $ 400. $ 450. = $ 49,38S.CiO = $ 136,245.00 = $ 44,830.00 = $ 10,850.00 = $ 7,200.00 = $ 1,350.00 1.36 Ton 0.5 Ton 0.34 Ton 0.7 Ton 0.1 Ton = $ = $ = $ = $ = $ 2,992.00 1,100.00 74S.00 1,540.00 220.00 D. Fire Hydrants 22 EA @ $ 750. = $ 16,500.00 COOT ESTIMATE a:Nr' D " E. Services: . 4-P1ex Services **Sing1e Services Double Services Subtotal = $ 7,750.00 = $ 6,600.00 = $19,800.00 307,110.00 31 EA @ $ 250. 33 EA @ $ 200. 88 EA @ $ 225. V. SANITARY SEW'ER A. 8" V.C.P.: 0-6' cut 2,714 IF @ $ 7.00 = $ 18,988.00 6-8' cut 3,925 IF @ $ 7.50 = $ 30,223.00 8-10' cut 2,887 IF @ $ 9.25 = $ 26,705.00 10-12' cut 2,247 IF @ $ 12.25 = $ 27,526.00 12-14' cut 925. IF @ $ 17.00 = $ 15,725.00 14-16 ' cut 165 IF @ $ 22.00 = $ 3,630.00 B. 10" V.C.P.: 10-12' cut 165 IF @ $ 15.00 = $ 2,475.00 12-14' cut 725 IF ,@ $ 20.00 = $ 14,500.1)0 14-16' cut 245 IF @ $ 25.00 = $ 6,125.00 . C. Man Holes: 0-6: 13EA @ $ 675. = $ 8,775.00 6-8: 14 EA @ $ 900. = $ 12,600.00 8-10: 10 EA @ $ 1200. '" $ 12,000.00 10-12: 8 FA @ $ 1400. = $ 11,200.00 12-14: 6EA @ $ 1700. = $ 10,200.00 D. Services: Single 61 EA @ $ 170. '" $ 10,370.00 **Double 136 EA @ $ 200. = $ 27,200.(10 E. Force Main & Punp Station: 1. 8" D.I.P. F.M. 1,650 IF @ $ 15.00 '" $ 24,750.00 2. 8" x 10" Tap Tee w/8 G.V. 1 EA @$ 1750. = $ 1,750.00 3. Punp Station (canplete) lEA @ $ 45000. = $ 45,000.00 Subtotal $311,852.00 TCII'ALS 1. PAVEMENr **II. MISC. C<:NSTIUCTICN **III. DRAINAGE ** IV. WATER DISTRIBUTICN ** V. SANITARY SEWER (~/ 'IOTAL ! $ 310,285.00 300,899.20 384,336.00 307,110.00 311,852.00 $1,614,482.20 DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 101 N. STATE ROAD 7 . 2ND FLOOR POST OFFICE BOX 4399 MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063 (305} 972-3959 C-L{./~I ~,./C-::l . Mr. Tern Clark, P.E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 120 Northeast 2nd Avenue Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 tin.t, \ June 30, 1981 RE: C & H PLAT #1 JO #7808025 .~.----- \l.eCe\\JC'd.. . -V .. :/-'~~ .... ql~~ \)o\e~,--~ {\ f\\~ Dear Tern: Enclosed is the revised =st est.imte for the subject develop- ment with the recreation facilities included. 'Ihe new bond annunt would then be $1,523,267.60. The new inspection fees would then be $15,382.68 (1% + $150.00). I know that Mr. FraT1ks had already_sul:rnitted a fee check based on the previous estimate. If you have not already clone so, I suggest that you either return that check to him and request a substitute one or request a new check for the difference. I am also enclosing a certified sketch and legal des=iption of the new main recreation area which lies outside of the plat. I have sent Paul \'iolfe(Mr. Franks' attorney) a =py of this sketch so that he can prepare the inst.rurrent to convey this land to the hare- owners' association. This recreation area is designed for use by all future residents of the land in the PUD lying south of the L-19 canal. Julian Bryan was before City Council on June 16, at which time the council determined that we had not made a substantial change to the master plan. He plans to be before the Planning and Zoning Board on July 14 to, hopefully, obtain awrova1 of the minor changes and back before Council on July 21 for the sane purpose. If all goes well, Mr. Franks then intends to post the bond so that the plat can be recorded and he can beqin construction. Mr. Tan Clark, P.E. June 30, 1981 Page 'IWo I want to thank you again for your attention to these matters and look forward to \IOrking with you in the construction phase. If you have any questions, feel free to call. L. Carnahan, P.E. cc: Mr. Stanley Franks (with enclosure) ~Ir. Paul Wolfe(with enclosure) Mr. Julian B:r:yan Mr. Peter Cheney Mr. Canren Annunziato Mr. Perry Cessna . ,- \:-~(j JONES & FOSTER, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS 601 FlAGLER ORIVE COURT P. O. DRAWER E WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (3051659-3000 APR 1 5 1980 LARRY B. ALEXANDER GEOl'l:GE H. BAILEY SALLY 5. BENSON ROBIN A. BLANTON W. CHESTE::R E1REWER, JR. JAMES R. COLE MARGARET L. COOPEI=! B. JEANE CRIPPEN CHARLES H. DAMSEL, JR. L. MARTIN FLANAGAN WilliAM A. FOSTER MARJORIE: O. GADARIAN HAYWARD O. GAY STEVE L. HENDERSON THORNTON M. HENRY R. BRUCE: JONES ROY W. JORDAN, JR. Tr-tOMAS A. KOVAL CLINTON W. LANIER ROBIN A. LLOYD JOHN BLAIR McCRACKEN 5. CAROL McLEAN GEORGE: H. MOSS PATRICK M. O'HARA RICHARD J. aLACK ARTHUR P. PUMPIAN C. BROOKS RICCA, JR. CHRISTOPHER J. SCHilLING ROBERT L. SELLARS SIDNEY A. STUBBS, JR. GEORGE P. SUPRAN EVERETT J. VAN GAASBECK PAUL C. WOLF"E VERO BEACH OFFICE JONES, FOSTER & Moss el7 ElEACHLAND ElOULIeVAFlD VERa BEACH, F"LORIDA 32960 (.305) 231-1900 April 15, 1980 HAND DELIVERED City of Boynton Beach 120 Northeast Second Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Attn: Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner RE: C & H Properties (The Meadows) Gentlemen: This will confirm the understanding reached between my client, C & H properties and the City, through the City Attorney, Mr. Vance. We wish to withdraw from the agenda the request for an extension of time for preliminary plat approval. It is our intention to submit the final plat for approval prior to the first of May. It is our understanding that by doing so we will have met all of the code requirements to preserve our zoning on the property located at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue. Thank you for your courtesy. Very truly yours, JONES & FOSTER, P.A. By PCW:PW CC: Mr. B.J. Harris Mr. Stanley Franks James Vance, Esquire 4( (j:., -/;; j:i, ~ DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 101 N. STATE ROAD 7. 2ND FLOOR POST OFFICE BOX 4399 MARGA TE, FLORIDA 33063 (305) 972- 3959 MAR 24 1980 Harch 20, 1980 Mr. Peter Cheney City Manager . City of Boynton Beach . Ene. 116 S. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435 RE: Meadows 300/ C & H Plat #1 Dear Hr. Cheney: In reponce to the memorandum from Carmen Annunziato to you dated Hareh 10, 1980. ('copy enclosed), I~would like to re- quest an extension of the preliminary plat approval for our first plat which Hr..Annunziato indicates will expire on Hay 21, 1980. As you know, we are still working on the agree- ment for water and sewer facilities. I.understand the new ordinance is going to be before city council for second read- ing on April 1, 1980. Thank you for your attention to this matter. /'. vercu~Y"yours , 'l./(t: ~ ~ ,. DanieTL. Carnahan',' P .E'. DLC/dh cc: Stanley Franks Paul Wolfe, Julian Bryan Hike Ambrose Carmen Annunziato . ~,~. MEMORANDUM , . Peter Cheney, City Manager DAT. 3/10/80 . ,..... City Planner' SU."'.CT Extension of Zoning approval for Meadows 30n/ ('! & H. Plat '1 _ , se~tion 31-1 J(b) (3) of the Boynton Beach Code mandates that a developer commence preliminary and final platting within 18 months of the'date of. approval of zoning to Planned Unit Develop- ment. As noted in Mr. Carnahan's letter, the zoning to PUD for the Meadow's 300 development was approved 'on 11/8/78. In the fall of 1979, the developer commenced platting procedures by filing a Preliminary Plat with the 'City. Said preliminary plat was approved by the City Council on 11/21/79. The. develc.p.zr' s final' plat is awaiting a developer's agreement for.sew~r and water service to his property. Therefore, in answer to Mr. Carnahan's questi.ons (letter attached) I interpret the 'ordinances as follows: ' , ' l. mitted and the zoning as long prelimi.nary and Final development plans were sub- procedure has been comenced. Thereby saving the as platting continued in a timely.manner; and, rightly approval Plat is 2. The extension to the 18 month ti.me limit should be a request for an ~xtension of the preliminary Plat which will 'expire on May 21st, 1980. If the Preliminary extended then the zoning will remain in full force. .By.copy of this memo I am notifying Mr. Carnahan of my interpretation of said zoning and platting requirements. , -~------------,--~._------t"""::~::.::.':-:=:..::- ::J:"O"-'- -':~._- ---. -'-' . Carmen S. Annunziato,~ , Ci ty Planner CSA:pf enc. cc: Mr. Dan Carn~h~n Tom Clark, City Engineer Central File ,~, '."',.'>W]i, 'pn~' ,'n, ff, ~ A,.,' .,..l/j,,,V.:J W'..J .y . ,-' ~ ". ,'''. "'. '" . , ~. '," .<',' ,., '.., . , ,~. l~0 ~\ ~~~9 LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ,....AJ........) 13081 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL MAILING ADDRESS: ROUTE 1 . BOX 711 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33445 Januar,y 23. 1980 Mr. James Thiele Daniel Carnahan Consulting Engineers. Inc. P. O. Box 4399 Margate, Florida 33063 Re: C I H PLAT NO. 1 Dear Jim: We have reviewed your drainage plan and computations and do hereby approve the outfall for connection to our facilities. Very truly yours, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~gJ~(! Richard s. Wheel1han' . Assistant Manager RSW lIC cc: Mr. Richard Rogers. Penllit Director South Florida Water Management District ,/'Mr. Tom Clerk. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach JAN 21\\980 Oelrev Beach &: Boca Aaton T 1 Boynton Beach & Wen Palm Beach 137-3835 ~.535.,l Preliminary plat/ C&H Plat No.1 Fire Department: See attached memo; Utilities Department: Subject to revised detailed utility drawings submitted on 11-8-79; Recreation Department: See attached memo; SEP 25 1979 REPLY MESSAGE This form J,vlIIU.bte 'rom Grlllyarc Co., Inc., A SUbsldluy of Dictaphone Corpo,."tlon. .12 Third Av... Brooklyn. N. Y. '1232 I --, FROM TO Tom Clark, City Engineer Allan Nyquist, Fire Marshal SUBJECT: _C_._&.JLl'la.t_.#.1 FOLD -+ .DATE:_..9-7.1 7q Fire hydrants shall conform with Subdivision Regulations #77-36, Article X, Section XVI B - "Fire hydrants shall be spaced no greater than 300 feet apart and the remotest part of any struc- ture shall not be more than 200 feet from the hydrant and shall be connected to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter." CC: Carmen Annunziato,~ City Planner PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED GRAVARC co.. INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDReSSED Sc~ 25 1979 M E M 0 RAN DUM September 24, 1979 TO: Mr, Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Meadows 300 Parcels B, C, and D, dedicated for private recreation purposes shall reflect specific recreation facilities to be provided as described in Sub-Division regulations, and such facilities shall be bonded. c~ C_ 'l.:-/~)(2;' I, "_ _...... -._ Charles C. Frederick, Director Recreation & Parks Department CCF/as XC: Carmen Annunziato / City Planner ,,/ UANIt.L \....-I\KNf\liAN \....-UN::'UL I ji"U L,~Ulj'd:.t.K;:', iN..... 550 N. STATE ROAD 7 . 4TH FLOC'& MARGA TE, FLORIDA 33063 (305) 972,3959 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: -I ()yf\ (' JA.~k (]-b e.l0h, c-Jo t)."... ~f\.) U . ~/0b u DATE: /0 I ~DI7"l t. I .. '. RE: ct 1-\ "Dr-10~'iC.-<:., 'P10.\ ....L , \ JOB II f(OC;O?~S Transmitted herewith, please find ~:Pr~INk of the following material: C Se.~ Gf\: Fil0t>..\ Ewf., Pll\/..J<: For::.. C~H pi?o{).-pIIl.'T.lh1. .6R~ 1\.tf~J~ 5 ~'I~ '=-~; P.E,~, S8f\lE.~ ~~~~k ? ~I+k DeP' ~A.b ?~W":1.~~' 2 ClAat.S . "20 tRe.ck -\0 'D.E ,j;: { w 1c ,?, e .Co !.IEA\V^r~yt, . _~- ~ CA?I~: -Pr-Qt~"";I0{\t:'j PIAl SvLb,1,<,+kl?r4:rc.c w}LAkr/EftS'1A~, If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office,.' , Very truly yours, .. o J-< f . /) C' G;U. CiVrl\~.' ___.J..__ ___ Haild Delivered X Pick Up Received by: Regul ar Ma il Certified Date: -_.~ DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 550 N. STATE ROAD 7 . 4TH FLC MARGA TE. FLORIDA 33063 (305) 972-3959 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: -T ()yY\ (' ,/f'\v:k Li-k. t:"-JG,. C/o en,,,> ~1\,) EeL, . ~/0f:; o DATE: /0 I ~o 17"1 t I IRE: ct!-\ "Dr();).cW1I-t_~. ?\0." ......1- , \ JOB # I(OCO"?/~ Transmitted herewith, please find ~~;'PRIJs of the following material: C SelS bPI: F,u\\\ I::."-.lf.;. PIf\/0'? fol2.. C~14 Pi?cj) "P11l)'.l>.:i.. .(-tR~ A-*vv-D) 5 f:-vr8S ~I't ~ P,E,~, S0\JE.f2:...~;)."~t~<:' ~4~!.u\ Der '0",..\-t~ 'P8?'VI<:~~ . 2 ClAtLls. ~ ~20 Jl..-ect .J.,C) Dc'~ {~W -\.~ "? ere IiEAIV/cr'q+. . o CA?iL"S: "PC-Q\\,,-\\ /o.JI\IC'j. ~ Sl),&"",-4n l ?r4:ME. w)LA.bj~.tlS.tlE~ If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, J J ~.c: (j)T~I~E j/ . Hand Del i vered X Pi ck Up Recei ved by: Regul ar Ma 11 Date: Certified -- L " Iv 'f--.. t ~/ ~I(\] ~. STATE ROAD 7 . 2'iD FLOOR <.. f Vif .' \I'UST OFFICE B(lX 4399 ,c/" \;.,v 0 rt M.I\,RGATE. FLORIDA 33063 I (; .6' 1;('1) 972. "'';~ fEL C ~r-.;AHA:\' C(1NSlLTIN(~ EN(, ER5. INc. \ December 12, 1979 DEe 19 1979 Mr. Rick Ellis c/o S.F.W.H.D. Gun Club Road West Palm Bedch, FL 33406 RE: C & H Properties ~ #1 Tracts A thru D.~ Dear Rick: As per our telephone conversation on this date, this office will adjust the design minimum furnished floor ele- vation to 14.0 M.S.L. as requested. , In addition we will revise the overflow structure detail to Sf)OW a 1" (one inch) wide bleeder slot running a length of one half the , circumference of the C.M.P. overflow pipe (see detail atta- ched). I would greatly appreciate your notifying this office as.to the date of the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors. Should you have any further questions or require ~ny further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly ~u?, _ _ ~ I:~~ 0:' ~. (PL-. Eug~ne F. Lozano, F.E. Director of Engineering cc: Stanley Franks Tom Clark, City of Boynton Beach Eng., Dir. of Eng. Enclosures EFL/dr DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 101 N. STATE ROAD 7. 2ND FLOOR POST OFFICE BOX 4399 MARGA TE. FLORIDA 33063 (305) 972.3959 NOV 8 1979 - November 8, 1979 Mr. Tom Clark City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 116 S. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL RE: C & H Properties Dear Tom: . - Attached.please find the revised final engineering.plans. for the above referenced project_for your review and approval. I have forwarded_a set of water and sewer plans directly to Perry for his review. The re;ised pl~t sh~ll be following shortly' for your review. I shall greatly appreciate your_prompt attent~on to this project. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me. . Sincerely your,s, ?t~Ct~ rfti:;fill;fC Eugene F. Lozano'/p.E. Director of Engineering Enclosure cc: Perry Cessna Stanley.Franks City Planner CITY of -BOYNTON BEACH NOV 7 f~~ -;. P. o. eox 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 3343!5 Office of the City Engineer November 7, 1979 ~lr. Gene Lozano Daniel Carnahan Consulting Engineers, Inc., 101 N. State Road 7 Margate, Florida 33063 Re: C&H, Plat No.1 (P.V.D.l Dear Mr. Lozano: I am returning herewith a set of plans and a print of the plats with notations marked thereon. Also returned herewith are four sets each of water and sewer applications with two checks for the D.E.R. Approval of plans is also predicated on approval of the Water Management District and the Lake Worth Drainage District. Prompt re-submittal of revised plans will be necessary for further processing for approvals. Please advise if you have any questions concening the above. Very truly yours, CITY O. BOYNTON BEACH /-, //J 4/ (/ '. ~/C-C'(? //Vi !/ct- yj:- Thomas A. Clark, P. E. City Engineer TAC :mb Encl. cc: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner OCT 2lD 197) MEMORANDUH October 25, 1979 TO: TRB MEHBERS ,Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Perry Cessna, Utilities Director Sgt. Camardella, Police Department Charles Frederick, Recreation Director Bud Howell, Building Official Al Nyquist, Fire Harshal Fred Patrick, Department of Public Works Re: ~pmin~rX_,I'~~ts Date: Monday, October 29 at 3:00 P.M. (Conference Room) A TRB meeting has been scheduled at the above time to review the construction plans and preliminary plats for: 1. BoYn.1:~Il_>~!l:l<~Plat No. II 2. .s..~.._g! _f'_lOl,t?-Jo. 1 Please attend or send a designated representative. =_C\/~~_~ C{;~.- Tom Clark TAC:mb cc: City Hanager M E M 0 RAN DUM September 13, 1979 ~ \~'\~ \ TO: TRB r.iEMBERS s<S Carmen Annunziato, City Planner perry cessna, Utilities Director Sgt. Camardella, Police Department Charles Frederick, Recreation Director Bud nowell, Building Official Al Nyquist, Fire Marshal Fred Patrick, Department of Public Works Re: TRB Meeting to review final and preliminary plats Date: Wednesday, September 19 @ 9:00 A.M. (Conference Room) ~he following preliminary plats will be reviewed at the above meeting: 1. C&H Plat No. 1 (PDD) 2. Josephine S. Latino Subdivision 3. Boynton Central Park (formerly known as Boynton Industrial Park) The following final plats will be reviewed: 1. Tract "M" Hunter's Run 2. Sky Lake The proposed preliminary plat for Boynton Lakes Plat No. II will be discussed but no formal approvals will be required until certain revised utility drawings have been submitted. Members of the TRB who do not have plans for the above are requested to pick them up at my office and/or review plans which will be avail- able prior to the scheduled TRB meeting. please advise if you have any questions concerning the above. ~ \/0 . -~ Clark ----------- Tom TAC:mb MEMORANDUM ,:.' I _",f, '..-, , Tom Clark, City Engineer DATI! 9-10-79 J'ILIl 'OM SU.JI:CT C & H Preliminary Plat I City Planner Master Plan Master Plan 330 units. concerning The above Preliminary Plat is consistent with the approved in unit types and unit numbers. Be advised that the contemplates 332 units, where as the Plat provides for In addition please be advised of the following comments the plat and plans: Plat I 1. Dedication should be made clearer as to the right-of-way to be dedicated to the City and to the County; 2. Dedication of private recreation and drainage lakes to be made to the Home Owners Association and the perpetual maintenance of same must be shown on the plat; and, 3. How are the drainage lakes to be dedicated for Home Owners Maintenance as they are not apart of this plat? Tract A 1. Must plat ingress, egress and utilities easement; 2. Must plat 5-ft. limited access easement along BO-ft. right-of- way; and, 3. Must plat easement for all public utilities. Tract B 1. Entrance street to be GO-ft. in width as opposed to 50-ft. shown; 2. Must plat limited access easement along BO-ft. right-of-way; and, 3. Dedicate lift station site in Tract B. Tract C 1. Must plat limited access easement along BO-ft. right-of-way. Tract D 1. Must plat limited access easement along BO-ft. right-of-way; and, 2. Must clearly define use of Parcel B. Construction Plans 1. In order to have a more clearly defined intersection with Boynton Lakes Plat I, I recommend that BO-ft. right-of-way in C & H Plat I be 4 laned and divided for a proper distance west of Congress Avenue; Tom Clark Page 2 C & H Preliminary PLAT I 2. Must provide details of intersection of SO-ft. right-of-way with Congress Avenue. It is important to show proper turning lanes; 3. Road and utilities should be completed to the limits of plat in Tract D and temporary turn-around should be provided; 4. A Bike Path is recommended in lieu of one of the required side- walks in the SO-ft. right-of-way; 5. Street cross sections for the SO-ft. right-of-way must be provided; and, 6. Street lights must be provided in all tracts. CSA:pf enc. Co...-.- \ .", f. C ~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner DANIEL A.RNAHAN CONSULTING EN! 'EERS, INC. ~.. j} ;J <;<;,1 ~ STi\ II: ROt\[) 7 . 4T11 FLOOR ;- G ---I-!::::+._.~ MARGA T/:. FLORIDA HOb3 .. ..75 /1 ~ .. (ll~'il 97: N59 . ~~-~ T7. ' . C y II-Ilr 71.. / LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: illr 0 ToN" C fa t J::/ P. e; DATE: R I~J h cf C\{..~ E"7;/"I~'O"'" r ; f- '1 CJ +- Do'l r"'10Jl'"lf~~ RE: r -+ H ~ I c,,-\ AJn .1 . JOB /I Transmitted herewith, please find ~ S-ff~ of the following material: (K-ecord r" I~(+ . -11 d ~ -t'l ~ c)-\- cans+, p/Of'l,s. c.h-e <:.-/<-. ~or $<;;O.Cb If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Hand Delivered~ Pick Up Recei ved by: Regular Mail Certi fi ed Date: SEP 4 1979 NOV 9 DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 101 N. STATE ROAD 7 . 2ND FLOOR POST OFFICE BOX 4399 MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063 (305) 972-3959 1979 -, , , November 8, 1979 .J ..1 ,.-1, . , " ., I'~'~ '~."~' , .'. '." ' "" , .' \ c' ,," .~'i t ~ '~ ;:. " , ~ ' I' _;;..' "IC~, /).. '''i' ,', .-.., "t..._ ' ,', I ! tT~'\ '-:', \ , . Mr. Tom Clark City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 116 S. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL , . RE: C & H Properties --"'''''''''''-~'~,,,,....., '=.,......,."-~,.,_.,,. Dear Tom: Attached please find the revised final engineering.plane for the above referenced project for your review and approval. I have forwarded.a set of water and sewer plans directly to Perry for his review. ~ - - - The revised plat shall be following shortly for your review. I shall greatly appreciate your,prompt attention to thie project. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Si~cerely your~~) ~ tit -1/1 ~' ,tiC /<.- ./{ t-/ (, ,', (-€...!, / Il '-- t. ~ '"1:-,i /_ E~gene F. Lozand( P.E. Director of Engineering Enclosure cc: Perry Cessna Stanley ,Franks City Planner(~ MEMORANDUM o Tom Clark, City Engineer DATil 10-1-79 ..ILE -"OM SU8JlrCT City Planner C & H Preliminary Plat #1 I have reviewed the revised plat and plans for C & H Plat No. I, and the following recommendations are forwarded for Planning and Zoning Board consideration: Plat I 1. The drainage lake and ditches are not a part of this plat; there- fore, they should be dedicated to the City as drainage easements and the responsibility for maintenance should be vested in the C & H Homeowners Association, Inc. Tract A 1. Must plat 5-ft, limited access easement along SO-ft. right-of- way; 2, Must plat easement for all public utilities; and, 3. If units are to be sold fee simple, the plat should reflect the unit locations for record purposes. Tract B 1. Must plat limited access easement along SO-ft. right-of-way; and, 2. Lift station site to be dedicated as a parcel to the City. Tract C 1. Must plat limited access easement along SO-ft. right-of-way. Tract D 1. Must plat limited access easement along SO-ft. right-of-way; and, 2. There are two parcel "B's" in C & H Plat #1, one in Block B and one in Block D. This must be corrected. The purpose of Parcel B in Block D is for right-of-way and should be noted accordingly. Construction Plans 1. In order to have a more clearly defined intersection with Boynton Lake Plat I, I recommend that SO-ft. right-of-way in C & H Plat I be 4 laned and divided for a proper distance west of Congress Avenue; Tom Clark Page 2 C & H Preliminary Plat #1 2. Must provide details of intersection of SO-ft. right-of-way with Congress Avenue. It is important to show proper turning lanes; and, 3. Road and utilities should be completed to the limits of plat in Tract D and temporary turn-around should be provided. CSA:pf ) enc. Vbi . (~~ S (]~=cJJ .-f;. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner I~';j;'~ DANIEL ("\RNAIlAN CUI\SULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ~~".:. <'\~,,^ )..v ~ \"f\ ,i.' :--... ~1,,\'1 I i((\.,i! 7 . HII J'L00.. ( ~ '.1'" rJ \1.-\i(c,..\ I L. I LUIUDA 3.$\103 ~ r I i k'\~l ,r;: ,QS9 -t/ ~{ 0 SEP 12 1979 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: /J1 ~....b.~~'L_{!?:-A~~-7-f?t7 G-cr c:;:-,;JC (,J ~4. __ C! t rL. ~t?F.......B. c>y ,,).'Tb ~ g 61 ell DATE: 10 5i?PT 7 ') G.!;I. ~Ar ;-;~ Transmitted he,-ewltll, ~led,e tilld (5C'!.~$.~w...ot of the following material: . JOB # 7Bo302~ t, 5E'TS P'-'Af' ? ;ZCSd6HJI7"T4( Z. ,. CCNSTtZ-f,<CT)o.J PiA..)!.) DA rA of S tAt5JFe--r If you hdve dllY qCJ,'.tiolls ,-egdrdillg the above, please contact this office. ve~~ --Z::::::>.L/.J CAR,.JAI-/4,J Hand Delivered )( Pic k Up Regul ar Mail Certified Rer.eivpd bv' Date: