REVIEW COMMENTS I I FROM .; TO J. Vance, City Attorney Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner SUBJECT: Unified Control Documents ~OLO. Accompanying this memo you will find documents the unified control of the proposed Stonehayen Development. DATE:. 4=7:-:8;3.. which relate to Planned Unit Please review these documents as required by Appendix B. Section 6C of the Code. Your timely response in this regard would be appreciated. Thank you. CSA:bks Enclosure cc: City Manager Central File PLEAS.E REPL Y TO . SIGNED C".~~...__..? (c'.---. \ I~~ REPLY SIGNED 'ELER GROUP INC " THIS COpy - RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACl " MEMORANDUM TO: February 28, 1983 Betty Boroni, City Clerk FROM: Timothy P. Cannon, Assistant City Planner f RE: Stonehaven Development Corp. Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application submitted by Stonehaven Development Corporation for the rezoning of 88.852 acres from R-2 (single-family and duplex residential) to a Planned Unit Development with a L.U.I. = 4.0. Also, you will find back-up materials including the property owner's list and map, a survey, and the master plan. The application fee was previously forwarded to the City Clerk's office. Please advertise this rezoning for a public hearing for the April 12, 1983 Planning and Zoning Board meeting. ~- ]_'/&:' '-, ~ ././ / ,/?;";-17)/ /; 7'-,,--",_..-,,-~ Timothy P. Cannon, Assistant City Planner TPC:bks Attachments LETTl. . OF TRANSMITTAL SA &E Sat:ter ArchIt:ecturwI & Engineering ~ Ino. 2328 s. CONGRESS AVENUE, WEST 'ALM BEACH, FL 33406 - 305.968.0750 DATil e;2~;? A~'V Z- .Ie. NO ATTII:NTIO.. .. Ie; IV c/---lA \) P0 ~ D To' CiT'1 'ZOO AJ , f?,,)l( N/6JAJ GENTLEMEN: of W\.flIJIDA...:J E:)c.H c:s &'~c~~"T ex:H, ) r=-L ';Ss43><; WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ed C Under separate cover via the following items: o Shop drawings o Copy of letter Prepared By o Prints IJ Change order o P~ 0 Samples 0 Specifications ~Pt?p;77t'AJM.... PP-f1f)F~ t}L.(/V~~5:. U0-r . COF-'ES DRWG NO DESClltl'TION .ItA I if? I J\) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o Appro..ct o Approved OS noted o Returned for corrections C R~submit_copies for approval o Submii_copies for distribution o Retufr:'_corrected prints o For review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE o 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: ,;: COPY TO If _nclo.",.. .r. not .. "of 0", lIi""I., "0"'" .,. .f O"Co. . . ;:If. - ~ C> I '<:. c :.v , "- 'R.. 1'1 \ , (., " '\:l ~ J , '- , ~ r " ~ " - ~,~, " ~\~ z~ \ ~ ~~ ~"" ~ \ "- '" '\ -~ Z(Lr--/;)/ . r-, .77//1 ,(V'-Y'7!l/ !(I_~) ;r->'S(!6/~7 ly.fL. \~ ~ MODE, INC. (~V 't\I~ 904/356-4232 . Suite 654 . Florida National Bank Bldg. . Jacksonville, Florida 32202 January 14, 1983 J~~ l'j \9S'j City of Boynton Beach Planning Department ]l;E, Stonehaven Property To Whom It May Concern: Stonehaven Development Corporation is the purchaser of Mode, Inc.'s 89 acre tract located at Congress and New Boynton Road in the City of Boynton Beach. This is to advise you that they are authorized by us to submit the rezoning application and excavation permit. cc: HFC, WLH, WER, GM RJC/ew ~ STAFF COMMENTS STONEHAVEN P.U.D. 1. Planning Department: 2. Recreation & Parks: See attached memorandum. See attached memorandum. MEMORANDUM TO Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board DATE 6 April 1983 FILE FROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner BUB",CT STONEHA VEN P. U . D. The Stonehaven Development Corporation is proposing to rezone from R-2, Singe-Family and Duplex Residential to Planned Unit Development with a Land Use Intensity = 4 an 82.63 acre tract of land located south and west of the Congress Middle School. This property extends west to Knuth Road and north to Boynton Beach Boulevard. The rezoning requested if approved will provide for the construction of 454 dwelling units com- posed of 232 two-story garden apartments, 92 patio villas and 130 zero lot line homes. Access to the site is proposed to be provided from Congress Avenue and from Knuth Road. Access from Boynton Beach Boulevard was discouraged owing to the proximity of the property to the Boynton Beach Mall entrance road intersection. The recreational features pro- posed include three community meeting rooms with pools, eight tennis courts, two children's play areas, 15 acres of lakes, bike paths and a jogging path system. In June of 1981, the Planning and Zoning Board approved a master plan over this same property for Mode, Inc. The previously approved proposal provided for the construction of 456 units in a duplex mode. The current proposal incorporates in great part, many of the comments and concerns raised by the Technical Review Board (TRB) and Planning and Zoning Board. To that end, the TRB recommends to the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council that the rezoning request submitted by Stonehaven Development Corporation be approved subject to compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding dated 1/22/79 as modified by Charles Walker's letter of 3/7/83, and the memorandum from Charles Frederick, Director of Recreation and Parks, both of which are attached to this memo. ~~ ,fc ~ CARMEN S. ANNU IATO City Planner CSA/bks Attachments Board of County Commissioners Peggy B. Eva tt . Chairman Ken Spillias Dennis P. Koehler Dorothy Wilken Receive Bill Bailey S, 1'":.. ~-I.., "r/F"" County Administrator John C. Sansbury Date Time March 7, 1983 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato City of Boynton Beach Planning Department Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding Between Palm Beach County and Mr. Ronald Corbitt, Developer of Duplex Development for Mode, Inc., Boynton Beach, Florida, Dated February 6, 1979 Dear Mr. Annunziato: Please be advised that Palm Beach County has plans to four lane Congress Avenue within the area which is affected by condition number 5.b of the above referenced agreement. It is, therefore, recommended that this project be required to pay the fair share impact fee on a per-unit basis, as building permits are issued in lieu of constructing the affected segment of Congress Avenue, All other conditions imposed by this agreement are still in effect. I have attached a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding for your use. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, OFFIC~ OF TH~ CO~NTY ~~)~~R j!I!?{.Jj~~,-- Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division CRW:ASH:kdl Enclosure: Memorandum of Understanding dtd. 2/6/79 cc: Mr. Tim Cannon Boynton Beach Planning Dept. BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (305) 684-4000 Board of Cour.tv Commissioners Peggy B.' Evatt, Chairman B;.II Bailey. Vice-Chairman Lake Lytal Dennis P. Koehler Bill Medlen L .....-, -- ---.--.. ..~ ~/ r-, County Administrator John C. Sansbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlen County Engineer ~ February 6, 1979 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN PAIM BEACH COUNTY AND MR. RONALD CORBITT, DEVELOPER OF DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT FOR MODE, INe., BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA It is understood that the Developer of Duplex Development for Mode, Inc. will construct or provide the following improvements to help offset the traffic impact of the development on the public roadway system. (1) Dedicate an additional 10 feet of right-of-way along Congress Avenue, providing for a 60-foot half right- of-way. (2) Dedicate an additional 7 feet of right-of-way along Boynton West Road providing for a 60-foot half right-- of-way. (3) Construct a left turn lane on the south approach of Knuth Road at Boynton West Road. (4) Construct a left turn lane on Congress Avenue at this development's access point. (5) At the Developer's choice, provide one of the following two requirements: a. Pay a fair share amount of $97,325.00 to Palm Beach County in order to offset the impact of the traffic demand which this development will create on the road network. b. Construct an additional two lanes of roadway with curbed median on Congress Avenue, including the bridge over LWDD Canal L-25, to the County's satisfaction for a dis- tance of 600 feet centered about the-development's en- trance. This construction shall commence prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the 229th BOX 2429 . WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402 . 13051 6B4-2460 / / .'" . . ,: MEl~ORANDUM OF t1NI1ERSTM"'J.NG BETWEEN PAIM BEACH COUNTY AND MR. RONALD CORBIIT, DEVELOPER OF DUPLEX DEVELOPMENT FOR MODE, INC., BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA February 6, 1979 Page 2 b. cont'd unit in this development. This construction shall be completed prior to Certificates of Occupancy being issued for 60% of the units (275 units). The developer shall supply a detailed set of construction plans, acceptable to the County Engineer, for this proposed construction. The developer will post ~ bond or letter of credit in favor of Palm Beach County for an amount equal to 110% of a certified engineer's estimate of the cost of the Congress Avenue improvements. This bond or letter of credit will be furnished prior to the issuance of the 100th Certificate of Occupancy by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. If Government 4 lanes Congress Avenue in this area prior to' the developer completing 50% of the project, then the developer will pay to Palm Beach County an amount equal to the engineer's certified cost estimate on which the bonding of these improvements to Congress Avenue was based. These monies shall be paid prior to the completion of 60% of the units in this project. The Developer hereby commits to accomplishing the above improvements, and it is understood that this Memorandum of Understanding and attached typical section print for improvements to Congress Avenue will be made a part of the records of the Boynton Beach City Council meeting of February 6, 1979. It is also under- stood that e bridge over the LWDD Canal L-25 shall be a duplicate of the exist- ing b;;,i.d e..-<n'i' Con~ress ,Av Que ,l.y'e, same canal. -- -" ~7~~~~_.? ~;#':/7;7 Ronald Corbitt, Developer . Date . Duplex Development for Mode, Inc. /J . 7 /) /Il/l (~~'7:? (LV~ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division Palm Beach County J I~')...../?? /Date . I" "I FROM TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner Charles C. Frederick, Director Recreation & Park Department SUBJECT: Stonehaven P.U.D, DATE:April 6, 1983 FOLD .f. Upon review of the development subject to our land dedication ordinance, the public dedication required is: 324 multifamily units @ .015 = 130 single residential @ ,018 = 4.86 acres 2,34 acres TOTAL................... ,. ........ 7.20 acres I recommend that the development receive one-half (~) credit for private recreation facilities provided reducing the public acreage dedication require- ment to 3,6 acres. I further recommend developer, CCF:pb CC: John Wildner PLEASE REPLY TO . that fees in lieu of land be provided by the " SIGNED L-~k ' ~ REPLY ~ ./ ~);/- - - tJ - "'/.....----' DATE: 'T 6 8'-3 SIGNED c C..o FORM F269 Available from GRAYARC CO., INC. THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED .:.,,' i ':!i'l( ,II: Jl.1n,"' 1 \ 1 '! "J .~ Mr ,...c... '1'1' le,-". , 11.0 n i...: r...:-;.,;or' ),',J?Sr Tnc~ \r v. ,1 c,:, ), .j i) ..:~ ~ i 1,(,\ ,'Jt'l!j f' '<iT '1'\) 1:; "1'La;';'] !~ (" ,. p,( J '.: nt' ) !'l relJul "j" 1(, (")1rI1i','; t I h'I,)\1",l 'I.' 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E;, J"'PCOi C\;l' q ,-I Da0'_: 7.~ Q' ~})1' P1J'I~iC r',~c.or(s OF ['\',..1,;: r '" 7. 1 C I ; I ~ '.~ Re: f:>(Jrll" Mt,. P(>fI1ck: P,t the n'-':-'!11-:c;t (Ii 3343G, own~.r of ., at yuur ~'( ~ \"tJ~101\1 On ~i1: rclr,. .'1 1 'J.' " ,',t rpC'Jij'~lI,'r'i"r(' " thp ~,(-,~' -I'It" i. :t,e ,- r,' [I ,,-! t~0 Si1'Pt'. , ,C to r joning f.c Bui1dino ;;"1';. /\pri 1 29, 1 q(~:? 1 r HH? '. onri (~l: (if i.'(liJd (:~. R. ~,~ (_~ Tn t/, ~"r. ~,:'l R. WinL1€ster 0-( Qr?n ~,'~I-Lpls Plvd.! P,oynton 8each~ ;:":orida , ab0ve rr_,.,rerer;c prO~l,- '~+v. C,ll:\'" ,'~. '~Cl' l;;t':c~e th<:' fo~ 'ow: " i'l:,:t.'"jry ~ m0t wit~ pl?n~er Roh(lrt ~~ ',~I-' Pa)rn F!er1r:::-) Coun-:y '.,()!l( !~", (,~ -r~(.."l rJl'O"0rt:y --.~ ~ . "..; hlll'>!,) t n.;" rf' -~-.. I ~~ ,') n c p d rur'r,: ~!': ;:1\; '~,~r, nnd aske,'! '.)out the rosr.:-i,)il ity .";sory r~,n?r'rf. tl,E' conjlf1Crc';'l! USE' ,,:~(i 'f":lP ap;H~C'!1\'~a"::e r'r)<:;idf::nf i:~- use ."~n - ,,,'~;{'0nt. ~()nlp on "'l.-~l(~ "I:':i'~ ',-1(7t lif.~e~~ c~lec~':!I':' \-;Jl~I' (\t\;er me\nber~, of your St3-;-+~~ M.,. ,'I !'l,:p:, the c~\'nmerc'ial 1 (',,.:-It; "~' ;:;(],:>;-' -:n ~h'~, Vl(-in~+-'y r"~~' l<r. . r. '-11< :ij;..,c:-r, nrt)n~ ;' :_v . '-:' ... 0C.~t' t'it' lLfI3~,1 i--,~!Ii,H i i '...d t t,'(' (1 '~ 'VII ' "I"'-'d :!: ~ ',i. \'.,,' ':~d~ ndll('f-' '_, ~ 1 i -; now n":, 1 ~),.,,':' ~L~~IZ"f0"':or't:, I" c,. (1") t.1l.'r'(-) . r. 0"")" :\ "., ~,:,t:,.::)r;"L C.).)"" ,:' Zon' r ,:1 enl ':, .''''!' ..-, ?,t"~r+ a~) a SD['~" r~'~',':(-I "- "'~ U<~f;', w(~ri,": ai ready CO!!" ~l \.,';o,'~ r;iFlr '\lQ~"''y Dt);.(0('nl"~',-' 0'1 Apr-!! ~+ :~.-, r r,_'~-"Ii-l' ,.-;iscu$S":O'1 witI-, [\'~1~";1 cf tYje lOll Tl:! 1'1' ''';::''~''!1 J~, a~.lout rp:':')'1i~w -:fi - ,.;',/ \~~oposed U",l' :~in~, or i':\,;-' 'Y'f?(~mf'rlt<: '1~.' P'O~)(l-,;r'0 !.;:"r~ The ?bove iYlforr:," r)::=,!, rt i C'-c Sf' co'. D"M:ns cc:Bil1 R. Wincnpc,rer _Ii!J1nt~v ,if'" ,''',' C('nr ,")")'., i 'Ji ,i" " , c your- .....0cn~',.J~; , h !e'~ '..is ~'"'OW. 1 "'r1' "1?YH'1- n inf{Jt..rrll"-C1 n!c, t~",t_ unc1i-'r ,- : l. ,,'p..i'(, Y"(,r>I('t,IC a r.i'~c1 :/;"' i-, ~ 'j fI- 'I ~{n(;(l.. ,.:1' 1(< ~~iSO t.o Y'f.i,:t"J2f1((:::d (:1'1..\ c;-t:,n!i-"d ~~h(11~ aCC(JY"{~'\'~(l tC) qLl~'s'ir'c rjr\j co~,\,(:lC"-,Cf-'11: '-, .i1f: ; '-'"1"i CI"),;' ,':t t,~~ rI1l;)iq~(s';on ., 'IIi :," " II' ~)"-(''";!'' '_ P 1 ,~rl, ,:J' ,n -lilY' :C "i1f'OVO 1 ~ II n C\ P;lnr ..; S~nver.SOTl ~1d [\1\1-)(1 r; l'lChili'[ l \ ~ .. -'on Pi _eri If'E'S ;-0'~ _c i:~ ~): ! V'r' 'c.",1 ~'r t.') ~V) cor\~:,li(~r\:"p r!~ (:'i't'i(~ '1." c. r'~5U'lCet...,. '. i;'lcJin ~"., uur '''1' .vl."~( t't+Jf:r'~~-;(,Y) to "':.,.:.;~ ,~",tV"Y'. V~'ry -+rfl'y yours, ~FNENO[Z ~ ^CSOC~AT[S r\QcW~"'~CTS, r~.!\~;~NCRS, INC. .-, ;,1~ :n r:.. M'1n;,Hi(lpZ ,:, rO,., tee t -'-~ -.~ CITY of BOYNTON BEAcH ~ (;>> 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 334J5..0310 (305) 734-8111 -" Sherry L. Hyman, Esq. Vice President/General Counsel The Satter Companies 2328 S. Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Dear Ms. Hyman: , The purpose of this letter is to advise you that on Tuesday, May 17, 1983 the City Council approved on second reading, Ordinance No. 83-20. If, after you have had an opportunity to review this ordinance, you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . Ca..--_ " , J(" -J:: t? Carmen S.. Annunziato City Planner' i /bks Enclosure cc: City Manager Central File , .? '.-' " 83136 07 I 6 --- ..-.-..... 1\is $ptdaJ tttlCTlttfy DtdI ,\J..d. ,I.. lh.h J.../ h,..t. 1to.I\IO.O t. r""!':t. Anlo1f~ "--1_ ..n,.., .f.., ........ .. "ODE, l_C., . r1';>I,14. ~orFoJ'.tlo". ....... _"If,"..LJ.- H Jut t. 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"C'5'" 2S) of th~ Sout" Ri91'l l'".c ......." 2 lhn, 1C. .)n (et'~ thc'" CII"'~ L-2'\ Co.....-..,,,,y Pl "-ect:lrd. 01 C"n"..'''lnq 11.'21 I\cr, 'lw uc.ct' .ll. ~tccl c t] c.,st., I d.elO<:r).~d C~.t1I.:,n L'lOt.t<r\" .:cm', ...iu (loC'''-t..:IIJt b':"lll'IIIII [:.ISt n.l'j -'1001. JO fl,.>o-\.\.I. t 'st ~2~ t'l,,) lM')j t..1. :;~J( ,. 'qrt; 2: rtOf'"I,I.l 0' ~ ,~.,~. \ 'C',,~() ~ l');>''' C:lt-li...,. ."1<' 11.1 olt, P.,." thence t [1.' ,~ 49'",)"' f":!ct.: ~ '). ~ 1 . ~ 'J1.~' J,,,,,,,, , l'j.01 "'\lV \ ("<,....T.. ':2.."'1 -~~.,-, , ., . . ~.. ',". " '.J4,;., _ _ ... 'j" , ., . .....< ., _. _. - -_.~- """""- ....-~. -.", -- - ~.- - -- -- -- ._- .--- ""-~ - --""'"- --_.....~-<-- ',' TUCltl l' thG,.C'Of' ~t. ."., , ....ke Wort llcl>coJd Ie C.,unty. , l.~ Soultl ".couJ.,; "u.,lic :'.(l H I..C..CO~ t l.j"~ of , I.. I">C..~ l')l ')( t" Mutt, 'lI.~Cj t~~ w,.,.t thr\,l ,(. ~ rc~t t.he' CartaJ L.-~ CO"'l""'" I bccaJ. l: Cn"lt.~l.,in 'Z.6Zl .'c Also Ilc., ~ lNrccl .f) ::.151:.. dCScrlu.d COloW""'II~lt C.'atC'r!<- .:un., til' then!'<.' II n,:rall'::tI r..\st 1\1') boJOl... 10 rtufl.I.I, t...t. 2 2~ t;,)0I .'" rl'l. :';-JI I' '9(". ; "lori.\., a~ h',er ';.nc,,<:g $r'33" Q{-ll,,\, ..",id k ~t. r....,1 thc"C'~ (I'll' ,/ "')'00" rect: t'''SI' ~ 'Ill. 5 I,u....., l';.O.f '')'(1(,0: ( {','IT,' 1:~.4; )- ;":" ( ~ ~~ .. .ft~...'" ..... it( '; _ ~ '...!f!l r .. '- 1li; Lao .... ..... ,'la ..... 1 ...... -- c.. SU. 1. 1. 1. ... - - .. L, ). s , 3< ~ '" --- ij3136 0711 ---- A O. 'I', It., '---I.. ..WI"" -'-... "ODI., J_C., . tlol'l.'. ..tp.:r.ll.... ~""","""","S4. rl~I'J.'. ..... ..U'.\.." .:l.el.o....J4h. '101'1'. Tfgdhtt. .-ttl ." I.lw -'". ~.. ...J __, - ---- Tf 1I.ut .... "JIM. .w - _,....... 1--, ... ... ... '" '" ......-1_ .oo""".......- ::~ ;:;: =-==- -- --=~ ~- --.--=-:.:::... -;; ::.: .-=..:: In 1t<<itn.t:ss \Amo(. I.... .....J __ "- "--..- ,......E...._... ~ _, "', -' M--.i.. _" ~" . J:'" t1'~J I, /'c/, , " :---., f. ~" '" ... ~n..t"""""',"'.J'" . ~ "11.._"'10.00 ...J........ ~ ~iJ--. ___...4....(.. ~_J r \ . L..o..I.,..-...........a...z.-. ~ _.....t....-.__...-(~......lIw.-""..........-_"-'_... '..1. ..",.,it C_,.n....&......., . 'TAn Of ru>t.JlM" (::(K;NTY or",....".;oOl: .f.- - '" .. Aa ..41.14.. o..~~blr4 1.t.I'..~ 1. ..4 t. tb. property '..c~1~ 1. ._hl~lt .~. .tt.c~.. ).1'..0 ..4 .... . part ~.r..f. .CIoJI:C"f YO, 1. T.... for 1'" ... .ab..~..at J..r.. J. All ....tr1ce10.., rl..rYall... ... .......t. ot raeo..'. J. T~.t clrt.l. .Qrt.I,. 1. '..01' .r .Dt~. .. CA.r.~... 'ata' .1... 4. 1"1. r.,,"J".' 1. a.a. .oolr. 1'31, ..... .", .. COt...ct. by that ~.ttat. JA.tt~..~t r.cor... i. 0... look 'O..~ P.,. "2. .. .o41tL.4. all DI tho tab)!o k.oorC. of ,al. ...tt C.a.ty. '10r14., whlc~ oort,.,. tho ,r..too hor'~' ..pr...l, ....... .n4 .,..... to ~.,. ._~_......._ ..._100....""'"'..--..1............_.... .......__ h. .____ ..'~1.~..'""....uJ.......el_...~_ _..._.... J;~ .,? ... D I,n ". ~ .t....\ .:ill, c:....~~.tM. &ap1UU O)',.'}. & /.1 ., ~ . :',_~:~~;., ,. ~n .__,. " :' ..~...' SElIU:. 6 .CIUIl:O~DII,Jl Iw'I.-..ttl.Jo"'}lM'rJ #OJ _11U.. A. hl)o.u ..w..... ~ ,.al I:.'C Oalrla"'. p.lek 11.". rt. Lao4.t4.1.. ,1oJ'i.. ))10' ,.......... .... Th' aubj.cc ptoportJ i. Dot OOW aOt h.. Jt ...r ~... tho b~...t... of tho ,r.otor h.t".. Jllb JpttIAI tsarraalJl lltt4 "... do. 111. "',01 ...... ,UGI r. CVLV..'OO... loti_leu.ll,. ~ ~ ~ "-- ~......,. ~ ,... __ ~J ....-If' .w. ..J .-... tJ,., .... .,- ill ,-,.a, _'W eI -U !.oJ ..j.. .J-,". 11..1............ "- ~~,-JJ..!..z_~.. ..,Q-J.--, ...JJi-J...J....... h-_I.o I"" loll... ..dL"........J'"u~d.._ __.... '-f..l ~.,.Jl__ ~ ~. I~" .... -'- .... ..oJ...-... "-l."..J-'.......)-.J~ J/J>t'~L ~,. CDLVE.ROU'. 1 MUUT CI..n"...._.........~_... eolf_ '-Jr..-....... '- ~"'*'_..o.._ or-.......... ~ ----.-__ .~G' r. CULY~kAOU... In4iVl4u.l1,. ... ...-.... ,,1/&r ..." /.<v '.' ,; 1'r4lct. U,grC:Or 'i'. ",,-j O-lite No ll'Il'eo,d Cc,l.Inty. thoe $01.1 r<tcorcl" itubllC' l~ U:.o;~ I.inc of f.. .-.c. 1~) 01 ~"tt, lit the k'l'S thru 7(1 ((OCt th e"",,J t. eO&"r.I~"Y ll.Ioc;ouJ.. (.....n t " ~ " U 621 ~.lsu ul;: ^ ",,",r~c 4) I:,)I,t ~.scnl lD . Con""..',,, [nSt.rr .',01'1'\ lh('",'ll ~::r.llll: T..lst r IHal. flu"" t.,.t : t" 011 f1'I. :; r '<j{'l" Tlorl C)! \~., th~nr. ~')'3! t>(-U. 6"'1\1 .t . then { rl}' 049'0 teet t"; ~';) '.In, t.~, .,. ('("'oj 1;1. , - ~ H ..) - n - 'D '- 0- r r o r. n ... .... f (>- '2: e>- m W') 0- s:- a- - ...J. c_ .. 1. .. J. ... M - ., . 1.~' tw.' y" " . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Companies, Inc. February 8, 1983 Boynton Beach Planning Deparl:n1ent City of Boynton Beach 120 NE 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Stonehaven project 89 Acre Tract Corner of Congress Avenue and New Boynton Beach Application for Rezoning Applicant: Stonehaven DevelOJ=llEIlt Corporation, Contract Purchaser CMner: Mode, Inc. Dear Ladies and Gentlerren: Enclosed please find applicant for rezoning together with our check in the SlIDl of $300.00 and eight (8) sets of the fOllowing documentation: 1. Staterent of applicant's interest and copies of Warranty Deeds, Purchase =tract and written ronsent of seller/owner 2. Certified boundaJ:y sketch by surveyor together with an accurate legal description of the property and aJ.ITputation of total acreage 3. Certified list of property CMners within 400 feet of the subject parcel and affidavit of applicant 4. Location map 5. Steterrent of major planning assurrptions and objectives and Soil Identification Staterrent for Stonehaven. 6. /~opoSed Horreowner Docurrents. s~~cerel y , ~'1I 11 {. \ IJ Slli/maf encs. P. S. Site plan is also enclosed. We would appreciate this being revie\\ed at your next Planning & Zoning Board rreeting to be held on March 22, 1983. "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2328 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM , NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAME: S':IrnEHAVEN AGENT'S NAME: Stonehaven DevelcpllEIlt Corporation ADDRESS: 2330 S. COngress Avenue West palm Beach, Florida 33406 PHONE: 968-0750 OWNER'S NAME: MJde. Inc. (or trustee's) ADDRESS: 1408 N. Westshore Boulevard - Suite 906 Tarrpa, Florida 33607 PHONE 813-877-3526 PROJECT LOCATION: rrmgr<>"''ii )\uenne ?T\d Ne.' Boyntoo Road (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) c/o The Satt<'r C'.nmp;'ln;"". Tn,.,. 2330 S. COI\gTI'>RR )\vpnn" West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 " * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. ~.,-,--._.--_._-----~--- . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners Ie Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Companies, Inc. February 8, 1983 City of Boynton Beach 120 NE 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Application for Rezoning Stonehaven Project Corner of Congress Avenue and New Boynton Road Dear Ladies and C'..entlerren: Stonehaven Development Corporation is the contract purchase of the property sul:mitted herewith for zoning. The CMI1er, Mede, Inc., has authorized the rezoning application as evidenced by their letter dated January 14, 1983 attached hereto with the purchase and sale agreanen.t. Also attached are oopies of the Warranty Deeds into M:>de, Inc. Sincerely, STONEHAVEN DEVELOPMENr CORPORATION BY Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman Vice president/General Counsel "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2328 South Cong,ess Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 . Real Estate Developers . General Contractors . Planners & Architects . Engineers . Real Estate Brokers . Property Managers . Mortgage Bankers . Title Insurors The Satter Companies, Inc. May 16, 1984 ~-_. -, .),-:--- r,'O H- . ..'N '-'-J' - ~ ,,:::."'. ;,,'-,- ,,'" . , .:Q ~~ .:' ,,' 'IS . -'. ",' ",o.l . ",> ~ \:Ill'" . ,?) ~\ ~"'l t..... :t.J ~t -.ee~" 'q:.. C\\'I ~ ., "..~ Of' ~,'- <I. C'.q.l r .- 4-. ':- '-.- :-., The Honorable Carl Zimmerman, Mayor City Commission City Hall P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Stonehaven - P. U. D. on Congress A venue Dear Mr. Zimmerman: In late 1983 the City Council approved rezoning of the subject property and our P.U.D. which contain a 166-unit single family subdivision and a 288-unit attached multi-family community. Both plats were recently recorded and we will soon commence construction of our singl~family community. Our multi-family parcel was designed for innovative but moderately- priced two-story villas containing 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units. We recently completed our architectural plans and believe we have achieved our design goals. The condominium market in Central Palm Beach County is, however, quite weak with a great deal of existing unsold units. In addition to the weak condominium market, we believe the large influx of new moderately salaried residents who will be associated with Motorola or the [viall will create a significant but unmet demand for rental housing. For those reasons, our company has decided to develop our multi-family project as a quality, moderately-priced rental community to be built in accordance with our original plans. The federal government also has a concern about the lack of adequate rental housing. To encourage its construction, the U.S. Congress has created a tax-exempt bond financing program. We have applied to The Palm Beach County Housing Finance Authority for participation in this program and they will hold a public hearing on our community in early June. While we do have to agree that the community will be rental for ten years and to meet some other public purpose tests to be eligible for this tax exemption, please be assured that no restrictions are placed on the community which will adversely affect its appearance, quality or .. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IN REAL ESTATE" 2330 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750 Boynton Beach City Commission May 16, 1984 Page 2 operation. In fact, the lower mortgage rates created by the tax-exempt band financing allow us more funds for operation and maintenance. Our company has had a great deal of experience in apartment ownership. We now operate nearly 1,000 units in Palm Beach County and built three communities last year using the tax-exempt financing. Enclosed is some additional information concerning our apartment commooity. I will be glad to answer any questions you might have. We hope we will have your support and cooperation concerning this project. We look forward to a continued excellent working relationship our company has experienced with the City. Very truly yours, 4fter President RAS:mm Encl. cc: Earl Mixon, Housing Finance Agency David Brandt, Municipal Advisors, Inc. City Commissioners FLORIDA MUNICIPAL ADVISORS, INC. 860 U.S. HIGHWAY ONE NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 305-626-4760 Hay 29, 1984 "1- Mr. Peter L. Cheney City Manager P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 '. . i'\ ~ ~~'\ ~If'~l ",,,"Cf;1":;,1l~' ........ _.,r.{\t::'-'. ~J toi\~ Dear Mr. Cheney: The Housing Finance Authority of Palm Beach County, Florida is considering the issuance of bonds for the construction of rental housing to be occupied by persons and families of moderate and middle income. The proposed project will be the subject of a public hearing to be held on June 11, 1984 as more fully describ- ed in a recently published notice of public hearing, the text of which is enclosed for your reference. The project site is located within the municipal boundaries of Boynton Beach. The Authority has established a policy whereby the developer of the project and the Authority itself must notify the munici- pality of the proposed financing of the project to be located within such municipality in advance of the date of the public hearing. This project, which was at the time referred to as The Villas of Boynton Beach, was the subject of a letter to you dated November 23, 1983 regarding a public hearing which was subse- quently held but which did not include this project. Once completed, 20% of the units in the project must be rented to persons of families whose income does not currently, exceed $20,800 and the monthly rental charge may not exceed $520.00. The project must remain a rental project for a minimum period of 10 years. If you should have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, ~. L drav,N- David Brandt INDEPENDENT MUNICIPAL BOND CONSllLT.....NTS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS BY THE HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Public notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of June, 1984, at 9:30 a.m., the HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA (the "Authority") will conduct a public hearing at the Palm Beach County Courthouse, 300 North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, in Room 101 (the former County Commission chambers), for the purpose of giving all interested persons an opportunity to be heard on the proposed issuance by the Authority of tax-exempt Revenue Bonds of the Authority in an aggregate principal amount not expected to exceed $15 million for the following project. Proceeds of the bonds are expected to be used to finance all or a portion of the cost of construction of a multifamily resi- dential rental housing project proposed to be located on Congress Avenue one-quarter mile south of New Boynton West Road, Boynton Beach. The project will consist of 288 garden apartments to be known as Banyan Creek Villas and include a pool, clubhouse, handball and tennis courts to be occupied by persons of moderate, middle and lesser income. The project will be developed and owned by Banyon Creek Associates, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership of which the Satter Companies, Inc. is the general partner. For further information contact the Housing Finance Author- ity of Palm Beach County, Florida, attention; Earl Mixon, .~ssis- tant Program Administrator at (305) 837-3065. ._-~"----_._--- ~._- MEMORANDUM- '0 DATI: Betty Boroni, City Clerk 8 April 1983 FILl: FIIIO" 5UBJECT KNUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY STIPULATION Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner Accompanying this memo you will find the original of a stipulation prepared by Vincent J. Gallo, Sr., et al which provided the basis for the dedication of rights-of-way for Knuth Road. This stipulation is related to the Stonehaven Planned Unit Development request. I am forwarding this document for central file purposes. , (~<--- ~ ,\{ NMb--* CARMEN S. A NZIATO CITY PLANNER CSA:bks Attachment cc: City Manager Sherry Hyman, VP/General Counsel Stonehaven Corporation . .INSURANCE. Automobile Homeowners Mobile Homes Flood Fire & Marine Boats . Yachts Surety BondI Crime Fidelity General LIability Worker's Comp. Business Packages Whole LIfe IRA's Pensions Mortgage Protection Term Group LIfe & Health Major Medical Medicare Supplements Annuities Dlsablllly Income Builder's Risks Fleets Payment Plana SR-22's Mutual Funds .REAL ESTATE. Residential Commercial Investment Condos Appraisals Rentals Property Management v. J. GALLO &, ASSOCIATES, INC. 3452 NEW BOYNTON RD. (S804) . PLAZA WEST . BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. 33436 . PALMIDELRAY: 3Q5t732-1100 . BOCA/BROWARD: 305/421-&188 APRIL 4, 1983 Date TIme r MR. CARMEN Af\8\lUNZIATO CITY PL.At-l'JER CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33435 RE: SATTER P. U. D. -APPLICATION! KNUTH ROAD RIGHT OF WAY DEAR CARMEN: WE THE OWNERS OF PLAZA WEST HAD A MEETI~ TO DISCUSS THE REQUEST BEI~ MADE OF US TO AGREE TO DEDICATE UP TO 25 FT. OF THE WESTERN EDGE OF OUR PROPERTY FOR THE EVENTUAL NEEDED RIGHT OF WAY FOR KNUTH ROAD PROPOSED TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS A "COLLECTOR ROAD". WE ARE WILLI~ TO DO SO ON THE FOLLOWI~ CONDITIONS 1. THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF KNJTH ROAD, THE SEWER LINE AND WATER LINE BE ACCCMPLISHED WITHIN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS. 2. THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE, ALCNi WITH A MAN HOLE BE PLACED AT THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF OUR PROPERTY AT NO EXPENSE TO US. 3. THAT A LETTER BE GIVEN TO US BY THE COUNTY, STATI~ THAT OUR GIVI~ OF THE NECESSARY RIGHT OF WAY WILL NOT LESSEN OUR LAND USE DENSITY AS SET FORTH IN THE CS ZONI~ CODE OF THE COUNTY. 4. THAT THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, SATTER DEVELOPMENT AND THE WINCHESTER FAMILY AGREE IN WRITI~ NOT TO OBJECT TO AN APPLI- CATION TO BE FILED BY US WITH THE COUNTY PLJ\lII'lING AND ZONI~ BOARD FOR MAXIMUM BUILDI~ DENSITY USAGE OF OUR LAND AS SET FORTH IN THE CS ZONI~ CODE. 5. THAT WE WILL INCUR NO EXPENSES IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF KNJTH ROAD, THE SEWER LINE OR THE WATER LINE, INCLUDI~ FIRE HYDRANTS. 6. THAT OUR PRESENT SEPTIC TANK AND DRAIN FIELD WILL NOT BE DIS- TURBED PRIOR TO THE AVAILABILITY OF SEWER HOOK-UP. 7. THAT WE ARE GIVEN A LETTER BY THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH THAT WE WILL BE PERMITTED TO HOOK-UP TO THE SEWER AND WATER LINES FOR OUR PRESENT BUILDI~AND /W'( FUTURE BUILDI~S WITHOUT ANY REQUIREMENT THAT WE BE A!\lII8XED INTO THE CITY. V NCENT J. m tC.b ........ l..CI. ~ {~!,:'\} REAltOR Highest Stondards of Professional Service ------- .' , . . . - 2 - VJS!PS .. '. ~\l~.~~ BETTY W. ALLO )