120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE
P.O. BOX 310
(305) 734-8111
4 November 1983
Ms. Janet R. Worshinski
Vice President
Operations Administration
The Satt~r Companies, Inc.
2330 South Congress Avenue
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Dear Ms. Worshinski:
Please be advised that the above-referenced property lies
within a Planned Unit Development District with a Land Use
Intensity of 4.0. This property was zoned to a PUD by
Ordinance No. 83-20, a copy of which is enclosed.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel
free to contact me.
Yours very truly,
Timothy P. Cannon
Senior City Planner
120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE
P.O. BOX 310
(305) 734-8111
4 November 1983
Ms. Janet R. Worshinski
Vice President
Operations Administration
The Satt~r Companies, Inc.
2330 South Congress Avenue
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Dear Ms. Worshinski:
Please be advised that the above-referenced property lies
within a Planned unit Development District with a Land Use
Intensity of 4.0. This property was zoned to a PUD by
Ordinance No. 83-20, a copy of which is enclosed.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel
free to contact me.
Yours very truly,
Timothy P. Cannon
Senior City Planner
. Real Estate Developers
. General Contractors
. Planners & Architects
. Engineers
. Real Estate Brokers
. Property Managers
. Mortgage Bankers
. Title lnsurors
The Satter Companies, Inc.
October 26, 1983
City of Boynton Beach
Building Department
Post Office Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Carmen Annunziato
Re: Zoning Confirmation - Stonehaven
Dear Mr. Annunziato:
Attached is a letter from Palm Beach County con-
firming zoning on a particular project.
We need something comparable from your office
to confirm the zoning at our Stonehaven project.
Also attached is a copy of the legal description
for Stonehaven.
If you have any questions, please call me at ext.
Thank you.
Jane R. Worshinski
Vic -President
erations Administration
cc: Frederick Roth, Jr., P.E.
2330 South Congress Ave West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 305-968-0750
I ~. t. I ,,' (
, '
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,J,lrlC'~ !<.. ",\;or:~kinski
.2 .):),) .~I.). Con~;rc:,:, .\\'cnue
;';e,;r ?:il:;: Beach, 1'1. 33-1110
~ //~dE
RE: :oning Confirmation on Lot 1,2 and the ~orth 50 f0~t
of Lot 3, Block -I, together ,;ith the South 1/2 of
Lane "A", Bermuda Park .\elel. ';0. I, le,;s the tl'est 1-
feet thereof
Dear \f~. ~or~kin5ki,
Please be :ielvi,;eel that the present :oning for the ~ho~c
referenced property lies ~ithin the CS-Speciali:eJ Com-
merci~l District.
[ trllst this information ~ill be of assistance to ,'ou.
-: ; f
L I " !J.;.il ( L I
P:1tri...:i..l ?:lli~l~r
:orlitlg r~chnician
:\ 11)1) !n,:l.nllERE RO,\O ' WEST P,\L.\I BL\CH, ~'L(JI{{Il.\ :,; 10'; I:O-,} 17\. :;~IJ
. . -. -"'-"-_.._.~_.,---
- :-;'~----- --~-""
A parcel of land in Section 30, Township 45 South,ltange.--""
43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly r
described as follows: _//
-- .
Commencing at the center of said Section 30, run thence
Easterly along an assumed bearing of North 89049'00" East
along the East/West Quarter Section line 40.00 feet; thence
North 01010'26" East 25.00 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING; thence continue North 01010'26" East along the
East right-of-way of a road recorded in Official Record Book
2075 at Page 572, Public Records of Palm Beach County,
Florida, a distance of 1566.19 feet; thence North 89039'11"
East 225.00 feet; thence North 01010'26" East 693.00 feet to
a point in the Southerly right-of-way line of State Road No.
5-804 as same is recorded in Road Plat Book No.2, at Pages
217 through 220, and, OCCicial Record Book 2077, Page 1338,
Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence North
89039'11" East along just said right-of-way 722.68 feet; thence
South 01001'44" West 978.95 feet; thence North 89042'26"
East 314.95 feet; thence South 00059'33" West 1283.40 feet
to a point in the Northerly right-of-way line of Lake Worth
Drainage District Canal L-25 as said right-of-way as recorded
in OCCicial Record Book 2063, at Page 1416, Public Records
of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence continue South
00059'33" West 85.06 feet to the Southerly right-of-way line
of said Canal L-25; thence North 89049'00" East along said
Southerly right-of-way line 1280.08 feet; thence South
00046'08" West 595.11 feet; thence South 89051'35" West
2205.28 feet; thence North 01004 '28" East 593.51 feet to a
point in the said Southerly right-of-way line of Canal L-25;
thence continue North 01004'28" East 85.04 feet to the
Northerly right-of-way; thence South 89049'00" West 347.16
feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, less the right-of-way for
Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-25. Containing a gross
acreage of 86.881 acres and a net of 85.078 acres.
June 4, 1984
TO: James Vance
City Attorney
RE: Conversion of Condominium Development to Rental Development
Attached for your review are two letters
One from the Satter Companies, Inc. dated May 16, 1984 and one
from Florida Municipal Advisors, Inc. dated May 29, 1984.
It is apparent that both of these letters
Development known as Banyan Creek Villas.
makes reference to a Public Hearing to be
refer to Satter's
The second letter
held on June 11, 1984.
The current approved PUD for Banyan Creek Villas provides for a
"Condominium Development". The two letters we have received
indicate that at least a portion, if not all, of the units will
be developed as rental units. Does the original approved PUD
need to be amended by the City to include rental units.
I think it is important that we have your opinion on this matter
for the June 5th City Council Meeting so that the city Council
can adopt the position, if necessary, for presentation at the
June 11th Public Hearing.
rfk- 2- oLr
eter L. Cheney
City Manager
PLC: jc
cc: Honorable Mayor & City Council
Carmen Annunziato
Bud Howell
Central File
'~'n-:-'."S "'::\Dm:,=,~p..--'..~-rP ;,,::::,/-,,):,:,::?,' -, ~:T:'~~-". ~~-''''TT'''''''-''-
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton B2d~~,
Florida, has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 80-19, in which
a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said City, and
WHEREAS, the Stonehaven Development Corporation has
heretofore filed a Petition with th~ City of Boynton Beach,
Florida, pursuant to Section 31-1 of the Code of Ordinances of
said City, for the purpose of rezoning certain property consisting
" of appraxirnately 82(+ or -, Rcres loc3ted ~ithi~ the ffi,!~j.~~'-~
limits of said City, said property being more particularly
"described hereinafter, from R-2(single family and duplex resi-
dential) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District with a land
use intensity of four, as more particularly set forth in said
application and plans, and specifications relativ~ thereto, all
of which items are now on file in the office of the City Planner;
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of
Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore approved said development
plans and specifications and has recommended approval thereof by
the City Council subject to certain conditions; and
WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be in the best
interests of the inhabitants of th~ said City to amend the
aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as herteinafter set forth.
Section 1. That the aforesaid land described in
Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the
same is hereby rezoned from R-2 (single family and duplex resi-
dential) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) with a land use
intensity (LUI) of 4.0, which intensity is determined to be
appropriate under the circumstances represented to the City in
said application, and is in conformity with the Comprehensive
Plan of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida.
Section 2. The aforesaid Revised Zoning ~ap of the
City shall be amended accordingly.
S;:.:;.:--:::.i:-'!1 --
~h~t ~~~2 ~'Jr)~~;:2~:
'""";~ C' c. r '.~, 'C','" -- ',' -','
Development Corporation for rezoning of the subject tract is
hereby granted for the purpose of permitting the development of
said land as a Planned Unit Development (PUD), is specifically
in accordance with the development plans and specifications
therefore now on file with the Office of the City Planner in
the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and all requirements, terms,
and conditions established and set forth in the minutes of the
Municipal Planning and Zoning Board, and the City Council of che
City of Boynton Beach pertaining to the review and approval of
- . .
.;;:. ~_. ~J __ ..._ '.~ '._
-~- ,~
'.','-'- -
~ .-.:.;~- ~-~-' .,:."
" ~,... -, _.-
~ '--"~.'- '- _..':":J... ........-
for reference and staff, are attached hereto as Exhibit "B".
Accept as provided herein, the applicant shall proceed
in strict accordance with all ordinances of the City of Boynton
Beach, including but not limited to its building, electrical,
plumbing, subdivision, planning and zoning codes,:and all rules
and regulations of the State of Florida, Department of Environ-
mental Regulations.
In satisfaction of the recreation dedication
requirements of the City Ordinances, this approval incorporates
a payment by the Developer consistent with the City Planning and
Zoning Board approval.
Section 4. That should any section or provisions of
this Ordinance or any provision thereof be declared by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not
affect the remainder of this Ordinance.
Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective
immediately upon its passage.
day of
day of
, 1983.
~OR .
I J' _-::~,' '
( -/I)). <>~t J;---;:-; "7. "_/~- '1.; '0. L-(.{w'--(.-""--'
(Corp. Seal)
,. .
;Tracts 26,27,37,38,39 and Tract 40, LESS the \<est 25 feet thereof.
,- .;,: T r act 57". L E S S the He s t 25 f P. e t the r P. 0 f, 0 n d T r il C t ~ 58, 5 9' ,J 11 d 6 O. L E S S
;, ;,~ the Sou t h 2 5 fee t the reo f far rig h t - 0 f - way r 0 r L 0 k e \10 r t" 0 r 0 i n 0 9 e
','District Conal L-25 as recorded in O((iciol Ilecord Book 2063, ot'Pane
"<":')416, Public Records of Palm Beoch COlJnty, Florida; t~Ll~ ')0""'" .
,. ."'6 an d7 1 v l' n <1 5 t C "." "'" _ ~ C;".,.,.' '.. . . , .. ..
ie,," '," ou..; G, "'>c. c"", .... . -' >C. '>. .."'0.',00:. "'0, 0-<501
' :l '; .~ il ;,'" 1 S .. - Cor c " c: ." ,( 0 d J ?l a t Go c;( t, o. 2. J ~ "a r C Z: It!; r ~ : 2 2 _' j' r
-.; R e cor d s a f P a 1,.1 Be a c h Co u n t y, F lor i d a,; T r act s 8 and 2 5 L E 5 5 : II e :..; \ : ; ; : ~ _
'; ::)n 5 0 fee t ,( a s mea Sur e d a Ion 9 the Sou t h L i n e 0 f S aid 5: ate. ;;:; a ~ 5 _ :: G :; G f'
,,~,,~the NortherJy 700 feet (as meilSured along the lIesterly 1 ine of s,a;o ~;-acts
/;1;:8 and 25),'atportion of said Tracts lying Southerly of tllO $o~t"
.,';;'i:;.Rfght-of-W, of State ROod No. S-804; and LESS the :':est 25.0 feet of
,\,/; port'on'of\Tract 25;. Tracts 66 thru 70 and the East 260 feet of Tract
~)?7~,<Lr~S~t.'eI;,Nort~';_60.0feet t~ereof for Right-of-Hay of Lake I{OI.t.h D"ilinage
'.};:D1strJct Cana1'l.,::-,25,>a));,sa1d Tracts Oe1ng a rOrtlon of PallO Beach
<:~"~,Company P.l;atNO>....8",~rec'Ordedjn,?Jat.Jlook 5, at Page 73, Public Records of
,,,~~)1Pa'lm Beaclf;County,rlUO.rid'a."' .,' '.;':",
-.' I(/'-:"'~ .-i>.".., ,..:: ~- ~~':;:;':;_~-"';-~';~'~(::.'-"":",-:::..~:-._~.I'J. .'.'~_ _.. _..
"'':-:';''-Con ta i n fn g'~a'.':g rocs's~'a'c rea 9 e '0 f 88.852 a c res
'~iil~tfi;h :ii~~a~+:,,'~~~~~i~;;~;i'A!,';"S;'<'~~~Z~ -, ~;;:' <'
".:. de's:trl.'b'ed:\.as'A.cJ'1ows ::"<".~
i!_~. ."\';:"." '. ... _:'':'_''-:'~~'' '.....l-";,..,..::'....~~.._. . . :.'_ .
.t\;m-\Ap .ar c e l;~,Qf;.:!And,r~'Se,c t 1 on 30, "!o wn s h 1 P 4 ~ 5 0 ~ t h ,
,".-':l:t~i':B,ea ch,CC,unty ,'Xf..;.t~r-,l~a ,mo re part 1 c U 1.a r 1 y des c r 1 bed
'~<~;{2t.~':::'r< ';, :.:j\'~;~.:~f:./,~:-~;:rf:<~:~~:~~r~:~~<A-:.~... ";,;. -'~:~Y. . .;{"
~~~,\:2-i):o.mmenc.tll'g'at:.t~,ecenter of said Section 30 "'1n ther.:~ eJs:er'J 0 "",;
, ;~:;;':f \'a S S lJ m ed, ',be a r i no ,'(l f :; 0 rt~) 390..; 9 '; 00" E a s t a j 0 n g the E a s t _ t... est Q II a rt e r
;~:;~;)~)e.ct;on;~b~ne'46:....oQJ,eet;thence;,North 01010'26" Eost 25.00 feet to the
.-,~~-:,;.?I'OlNT,Or>BEGIrmI)'l.G;thence contlJlUe Iforth 01010' 26" East along the r~st
:>t:i:Ri.9ht-oJ;;.~,a'yoJ;;:a-,road;Tecorded :in Off!cf~l Recor? OOO~ 2075 at i'a'Je 572.
"-,;J;Jj.;"::l'ublic Jtecords of;Pal:.~,(leach County, F'orl-da. a dIstance of 1556.19 (eet;
~f~":.i!.;:'thence 'north 890,39'\'n" :East 225.00 feet; thenc\! 1l0rU. 010 lu' 25' East
""~",'" - ,', - "..-. - ._~
:.';;':h~693. OOfl!l!t to-,a:::polnt ).1 n. the Sou t her? y R i gh t -0 f -lOat Line c ( 5 t a ~ t' Koa d
:Y;':;:'!'F~/lo. S-804,<Ht.ul~h,'rE'co,.ill!d'fn ROild Plat 8001( 110.2, at i'ages 217 thru
.~:t.'~"'2Z0 IInd,'.Offfc,faLJlecord 600ie l077. PII'le 13JB, PUblic ReJ:O"d~ of I'dl., [ledc:h
:\iz;:icou~ty,':iloridll'~':,ftf:l.'"ce: 890 39' 11- East along just Hid Right-of_
~;?;-:{lIai!72'z.58"fcet;:'t.hcnceSouth Olo 01' 44- West 973.95 feet; thence /Iorth
;\;:'?"B9,'4Z:,2""::faSLJJ4~.;95",feet,;thenc~ South 00,059' 33" West 1233.41 feet
<~ito',i po{nt.;i:nth,I't',t!orthe,rly Rfgh."-of-Way Lin2 of Lake Worth Drainage
'0-'l''<:~Of.s tr i c,F'.'C'a,na l',X":2,5;'.a,s;'.s a 54..R i gh.,t-o f -Way is reco rd ed in 0 f f f cia 1 R eco rd ,"'" '.
"C"JI,..... .-- .' " - -. ,-". :_,.' __',,' t : ~. _,.,. '..' ,
3'~'i?~1,eo,cik;,.206:l.',,-};';?ag,e;44JG!;j!jPub,licReco rds 0 f Pa 1 m B ea c h Co un ty, Fl 0 r i da; .
,,;,:,:=.If.-thence,cO'nt.lnue;,;$o uthO.o.o.5,9' '33 ", I~es t 85. 06 feet to the 50 u the r 1 y R 1 gllt-
;:~. "€Kr'::Way.Lfire'>o(,:jd'Canal:L;'25; thence North B9u 49' 00" East along said
:~jT{S'ou.therlyg'RI;ghtr:of,;'}laj}IUiH!J .280.0B feet; thence Sou th 000 46' 08" lies t ...'
:'fI,;t;:S95.,1l'''feet;::,the.n.ce,:S;O"u,t,h..,B 90:i.5,1, I '. 35" lies t 220, S. 28 feet; th e.n c e rlo r t h 010,.._
J,~w'r,''{'i28~: E:ds.,t:59:3,~5-1,/f:ee.t\'toa point in the said Southerly Ri9ht-of-l~ay ,."..
;~~J:;~.lj.neo f C;a'nirl.l;;',2,St;;:;,t;hencecc n tinu e 110 r thO 1 0 04 I 28" East 8 5 . 0 4 feet to
'0YjJheNorth,er.1Y.Righf.,.:o'J'_Jl.ay; .thence South 890 49' aD" Hest 347.16 feet to _..,
:'~tf:h~" PO l~rf..oF..;[J,E,G{;N/j;V~~'6:'i:~ts.<the.~i ght.-Of -Way fo r La ke 110 r t h Ora i na 9 e
;f..],<,D~iif:.~t,~ c.' :f.a~al,~~',}E:~)::" ';','~ '. ,. ',. :.
,;~'~o.l'1ta i n ing:.a-,',grp;SS:;,acreage . 0 f 88.852 acres, ~ n d a net 0 f 82.627 a c r es. ,: ' ':;
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APRIL '12, 1983
on the detailed input they are provided with in the consideration
of the Board's business. He was also glad to see Pat Ramseyer,
Recording Secretary, back with the Board.
Chairman Ryder welcomed everybody to the meeting and introduced
the Members of the Board. As he had not heard from Douglas
Sussman, Alternate Member, it was assumed he was absent. Chair-
man Ryder also introduced the City Planner, Assistant City
Planner, and Recording Secretary.
Chairman Ryder expressed that the Board was honored to have
all of the Members of the City Council present (Mayor James R.
Warnke,_ Vice Mayor Carl Zimmerman, Councilman Joe deLong, Council-
man Samuel Lamar Wright, and Councilman Nick Cassandra). He
recognized the presence of City Manager Peter L. Cheney and
Owen A. Anderson, Executive Vice President, Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Hester moved to accept the minutes as presented. Mrs. Bond
seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0.
Mr. Annunziato said the Board Members would find a modified staff
comment for the Coral Industries building, which they failed to
include on the initial transmission of the staff comments which
were forthcoming from the Technical Review Board.
Stonehaven Planned Unit Development
- 2 -
APRIL 12, 19B~
Stonehaven Development Corporatiop.
Mode, Inc.
Rezone from R-2 Single Family and Duplex Resi-
dential to Planned Unit Develop~ent with a Land Use
Intensity = 4.0
Congress Avenue, west of 'Congress Middle School
with frontage on Congress Avenue, Knuth Road and
Boynton Beach Blvd.
Residential development p~oviding for the construc-
tion of 232 garden apartments, 92 Datio homes and
130 single family/zero lot line ho;es - total 454
See "Description" attached hereto and made a part
hereof as page 4.
Chairman Ryder informed everyone that 2nd Avenue is going to be
Boynton Beach Boulevard. As an additional brief description,
Chairman Ryder said the canal is just south of the TV station on
the westerly side of Congress Avenue, which is the northerly
boundary line on Congress Avenue. The frontage of the develop-
ment on Congress proceeds south for about 600 feet. ~hen it goes
westward all the way back to Knuth Road, and there is an angle,
and the development goes up to Boynton Beach Boulevard right
behind where Gallo and that center is on Knuth Road and Boynton
Beach Boulevard.
Mr. Annunziato, City Planner, told Members of the Board this is
a request for rezoning to a Planned Unit Developsent with land
use intensity to equal 4 for the Stonehaven Plap.ned Unit Develop-
ment. The owner is Mode, Inc., who, in fact, .hcc a master
plan approved on the property in the late 1970's or early 'BO's
that provided for 456 dwelling units in a duplex mode. Mr.
Annunziato said the current applicant, Stone haven Development
Corporation, is an operating arm of the Satter Home Development
Company, which is developing the Dos L~gos PUD Or! North Congress.
Mr. Annunziato stated that the request\is to construct 454 dwell-
ing units of four different types. He referred the Members to
the overlay and said the eastern two-thirds in that area. would be
the garden apartment area, and those were in the cop.figuration of
the squares the Members saw. Mr. Annunziato advisec that they are
two story, eight unit buildings.
To the west of the garden apartments and to the p.orth of Canal 25
on the west side of the spine road are the one story, four unit
patio villas. Mr. Annunziato said this is a product that is
being constructed at Dos Lagos, more or less.
The remaining units (single family community, so to speak)have a
zero lot line or shared lot line unit in a cluster ~ode. Mr.
Annunziato thought there were 92 of that type.
- 3 -
:nC:L:TES - PLA",N "Description"
,APRIL 12', 1983
Tracts 26. 27, 37,38, 39 and Tract 40, LESS the \.lest 25 feet thereof,
T r act 57, l E S S the \.I est' 25 fee t the reo f, and T r act s 58, 5 9 u 0 d 60', L E S S
the South 25 feet ,thereof for right-of_way for lake "orth Druinuge
District Canal l-25 as recorded in Official Record Book 2063, at'Page
1416, Public Records of Palm Beach County, FlOrida; that ponioo of Tracts
6 ,a n d 7 1 y i n g Sou tho f the Sou t h Rig h t - 0 f - \.: a y l i n e 0 f S t d t e R 0.:: d, /I o. S _ a 0 q
as Same is recorded in Road Plat Book I/o. 2, at Pd~e Zl7 t':ru 220, ;'u:>lic
Records of Palm 8each County, Florida,; Tracts 8 and 25 lESS :nr ~~\:er:v
2 5 0 fee t (a s mea sur e d a Ion g the Sou t h li n e 0 f sa idS: " t e ~:; J ~ 5 _ 3 C :; c f'
the Northerly 700 feet (as meaSUred along the Westerly 1 ine 0f saio :~act~
8 and 25) of that portion of said Tract~ lying Southerly of tne SOctn
Right-Of_Way Line of State Road No. 5-804; and LESS the JcSt 25,J :c_~ of
said portion of Tract 25; Tr,lcts 56 thru 70 Jnd the East 260 feet of Tract
71,'LEss t.he "arth 60.0feet thereof for Right-Of_l~uy of Lake Ho,"th D,"ainage
District Canal L-25. all said Tracts being a Portion of Palm BeaCh Farms
Company Plat NO.8, recorded in Plat Book 5. at Page 73, PUblic ReCords of
- Palm Beach County, Florida.
Cantainin~ a gross acreage of 88.852 aCres anda net of 82.627 acres.
. . . .
.,..~:" -.>'
.- -'. .~ ". .... .
Also descrlb~d~a~:Jollows:
A parcel 'of la~d in Section 30, Township 45 South. Range ~J East, Palm
Beac.h County, Florida. mare partiCUlarly described as fal JO>ls:
Commencing a t the center af sa id Section 30 run thence Easterly along all
aSSumed bearing af North 8g0 49' 00" East along the East-West Quarter
,Section Line 40.00 feet; thence North 010 10' 26" East 25.00 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue North 010 10' 26" East alang the EJ~t
"';Rlght-of_lIay of a raad recorded in Official Recard Bao~ 2G7S Jt ?a'je 572.
'.Public Recards of PaIr:! Beach Caunty. Florida. a distance 0: 1556.19 fee~;
Ull~nce Horth 890 39', II" East Z25.00 feet; thence Hort!'J 010' j:>' 25- [Ht
,'693.00 re~t to' · ~olnt in the SOutherly Right-or-Way line cf State aoad
- ,lIa. S-804 .s U..., is reco,.ded In Road Plolt Boo!!. 110. 2, at rages 217 thru
ZZO .nd Offfchl ReCord Book 2077. Page 1338. PUblic Records of Pal", lledCh
'COU~tl. Florid.: thence Horth 89~ 39' 11- East along just said Right-of_
'W"t 72Z.68 feet; thence South 01 01' 44- West 978.95 feet; thence /lorth
-89 42' 26- E.!st314.95 feet; thence South 000 59' 33" West 1283.41 feet
to " pOfnt,;1n till! Nartherly Right-Of_Way line of Lake \.Iortl1 Orainage
,.,Dlstrict, Canal L..25 a;; said Right-of_Way is reCorded in OfUcial Record
Book 2063, Page 1416. Public ReCords of Palm Beach County, Florida;
thence contInue South 000 59' 33" l~est 85.06 fest to' the Sautherly Rigi,t-
Of-'>Iay Line of said Canal L-25; thence North 89 49' 00" East along said
Southerly Rlght-of-Hay Line 1280.08 feet; thence South 000 46' 08" West
595.11 feet; thence South 890 51' 35" West 2205.28 feet; thence t1arth 010
"04" 28" East 593.51 feet to a POint in the said SOutherly Ri'lht-Of_~:ay
line of Canal l-25; thence continue North 0;0 04' 2[]" East 85.0q feet to
th~ Northerly Right-of-Way; thence South 890 49' 00" Uest 347.J6 feet to
' the POIHT OF BEGI NNING, 1 ess the III ght-of-lIay for La ke Worth Ora i ndge
District Canal l-25',',
~Contalnjn9 a gross aCreAge or 88.852 acres lnd a net of 82.627 aCres.
- 4 -
APRIL 12, 19E13
Recreation on the site is providing for three co~unity centers,
each having active and passive recreation, Mr. Annunziato informed
the Board Members, with swimming pools, a meeting roo:::, and
tennis courts. In the area north of Canal 25, there are also two
active child play areas.
Mr. Annunziato said it was suggested by the Recreation and Parks
Director that an attempt be made to connect this property through
a cut in the existing fence with the play area of Congress Middle
School, which will have to be negotiated with the School Board.
>-C2(:33 to ::.ho ;:: i te ':'3 "[1:":::':-, Co~:;.c~:.;.ss ":lV-;-::'::: L.~~ c:n. -:.l.' e .30Ut;::::~2S:' 2.::'::'::
Knuth Road at that location. Access to the site from Boynton
Beach Boulevard was suggested against at the time the Mode
Development was approved because of the potential interference
with the road which will connect Boynton Beach Boulevard with Old
Boynton Road to serve as a southern entrance to the Boynton Beach
Mall. The turn lanes, etc. will cause traffic problems at the
northern end. Mr. Annunziatio told the Board Members that was why
they did not see access north to Boynton Beach Boulevard.
The application was reviewed by the Technical Review B~ard and
comes to the Planning and Zoning Board with a positive recommenda-
tion, subject to staff comments, as follows:
City Planner:
See M:rrorandum atttacrm as page 6.
Mr. Annunziato called attention to the fact that they were
recommending that the Planning and Zoning Board continue to approve
the request of Charles Walker, Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer,
and that the Memo of Understanding which was approved as a part
of the Mode Development shall stand in full force except for a
modification to paragraph (5) b. In lieu of constructing an
improvement, Mr. Annunziato said this would request that this
developer pay the fair share of impact fee on a permanent basis.
Recreation &
Park Dept.
(Charles C.
"Upon review of the developrrEnt sub,ject to our land dedication
ordinance, tb= public dedication required is:
324 multifamily units @ .015
130 single family residential
@ .018
::::: 4.86 acres
= 2.34 acres
7.20 acres
I recomrend that the developrrent receive one-half (1/2)
credit for private recreation facilities provided reducing
the public acreage dedication require.'TleJ1t to 3.6 acres.
I further recomrend that fees in lieu of land be provided
by the developer."
- 5 -
B~)yNTO~ BEACH, FLORIDA lv\ E jy\ 0 RAN D U 1'1\
APRIL 12, 1983
Chairman and Hembers
Planning and Zoning Board
6 April 1983
". Carr..en S. Annunziato
City Planner
The Stonehaven Development Corporation
R-2, Singe-Family and Duplex Residential to
with a Land Use !l~,''=''':''l~i-:-:q = .1. :-:'I.n 82.63 ac"!':'~
is proposing to rezone from
Planned Unit Development
!.-..-- .-.';'" -- --
- .
"<nue;, <<oan ana nort.n to Boynton Beach Boulevard. The rezoning requested
if approved ~vill provide for the construction of 454 dwelling units com-
posed of 232 two-story garden apartments, 92 patio villas and 130 zero
lot line homes. Access to the site is proposed to be provided from
Congress Avenue and from Knuth Road. Acces~ from Boynton Beach Boul~--:rd
was discouraged owing to the proximity of the property to the Boynton
Beach Mall entrance road intersection. The recreational features pro-
posed include three community meeting rooms with pools, efght tennis
courts, two children's play areas, 15 acres of lakes, bike paths and a
jogging path system.
, ." . '-.:- '. ~ ,-, -
.;;;..-. ,-;";;'l~,-",..... ., -';;:.;:J ~ ._.......
In June of 1981, the Planning and Zoning Board approved a master plan
Over this same property for Mode, Inc. The previously approved proposal
provided for the construction of 456 units in a duplex mode. The current
proposal incorporates in great part, many of the comments and concerns
raised by the Technical Review Board (TRB) and Planning and Zoning Board.
To that end, the TRB recommends to the Planning and Zo~~ng 30ard and
City Council that the rezoning request submitted by Stonehaven Development
Corporation be approved subject to compliance with the Hemorandum of
Understanding dated 1/22/79 as modified by Charles Walker's letter of
3/7/83, and the memorandum from Charles Frederick, Director of Recreation
and Parks, both of which are attached to this memo.
('l <'--".---1__ fr.: _~
City Planner
- 6 -
APRIL 12, 1983
Chairman Ryder felt the essence of Mr. Walker's Memorandum should
be spelled out. A copy of the Memorandum of Charles R. Walker,
Jr., Professional Engineer, Director, Traffic Division, Palm
Beach County, is attached hereto as pages 16 and 17.
Mr. Annunziato read the Memorandum of Understanding. As to
paragraphs (1) and (2) of said Memorandum of Understanding, Mr.
Annunziato advised they had been accommodated. With regard
to paragraph (3), he said it would have to be accommodated after
construction. Mr. Annunziato read paragraph (4).
Mr. Annunziato referred ~o paragraph (5) and wanted to talk
about Knuth Road while the overlay was before the Board Members.
He said Knuth Road exists as a 30 foot Palm Beach Farms Plat
road, and no rights-of-way were ever required from the Gallo
development for Knuth Road or from the Quail Ridge development
for Knuth Road.
Knuth Road, in the Boynton Beach scheme of things, will serve as
a collector connecting Woolbright Road to Old Boynton, Road, which
in effect is the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Mall. It will
actually relieve Congress to some extent, and there may be some
potential for connecting from Woolbright south to Golf Road,
thereby providing approximately a 1-1/2 mile collector running
north/south approximately 1/4 to 1/2 mile west of Congress. Mr.
Annunziato stated that the problem is that this applicant is in
the position of having to construct Knuth Road without the right-
of way.
Mr. Annunziato said the City has met several times with the owners
of the property to the west of the Stonehaven development and the
Gallo properties and are very close to arriving at a conclusion as
to what the right-of-way will look like in terms of width and the
construction that might be proposed in connection with that right-
of-way that will be dedicated by these various property owners.
Mr. Annunziato advised that the developer of this site will have
to construct Knuth Road and install a gravity system to serve his
property as well as the properties off,site, which he just
mentioned. Also, Mr. Annunziato said ~ water line will be required
to be constructed in Knuth Road through the limit of this
developer's property.
Chairman Ryder asked about sidewalks on the eastern side of Knuth
Road. Mr. Annunziato answered that there will be a bike path on
the eastern side of Knuth Road. Chairman Ryder asked if that would
be the northerly edge of Boynton Beach Boulevard. Mr. Annunziato
replied, "Yes. even though the development is set back." Mr.
Linkous thought it would be rather limited with a 30 foot right-of-
way. Mr. Annunziato advised that a 30 foot right-of-way could
never be constructed to 'serve a collected capacity. He said they
are hoping for a minimum of 60 feet in an urban section. More
generally, Mr. Annunziato said they have an 80 foot collector road
- 7 -
APRIL 12, 1983.
Mr. Linkous questioned whether that would be from Golfview Road
down to 23rd. Potentially, Mr. Annunziato replied, at least to
Woolbright. Right now, Knuth Road, existing as a 30 foot Palm
Beach Farms Plat Road does connect Woolbright Road with Old
Boynton Road. Mrs. Bond asked if it did not go back into 23rd.
In part, it was abandoned when Quail Ridge was platted south of
Canal 26, ~tr. Annunziato answered.
In all of their planning for the developments on the west side
of Congress between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Woolbright, Mr.
.... _.
serve as a nor~h/SOUtn coilec~or. in iact, Mr. Annunziato
continued, there is a request on the part of the Quail Ridqe
Property Owners requesting abandonment of that portion of Knuth
Road between Canal 25 and Canal 26, which is being reviewed by
the Palm Beach County Engineering Department. The Council has
acted in support of the staff in suggesting to the County
Commission that this abandonment not occur and that Knuth Road
will serve Boynton Beach. In fact, Mr. Annunziato added, it is
located in part of Boynton Beach already. )
Mr. Linkous asked Mr. Annunziato what he would consider the
minimum efficient width for a collector. Mr. Annunziato answered,
"60 feet." He told Chairman Ryder the paved area for two lanes
would be 24 feet, and where you have to go into a turn lane
section, it would be 36 feet. Then you have your sidewalks, curbs,
etc.. Mr. Annunziato advised you do not want to have a collector
which carries that kind of traffic located very close, so the
separation of right-of-way offers a buffer. Mr. Linkous referred
to south of this same project, at the northwest corner of 23rd
and Congress and the Tate property.
Mr. Annunziato explained that the Tate property does not abut Knuth Road.
There is an intervening 20 acre parcel but they have provided for
an east/west thoroughfare through the Tate property. Because of
the failure to take down rights-of-wa~ in connection with the
northern Quail Ridge plat, Mr. Annunziato said the center line of
Knuth Road will move east. Mr. Linkous noted Mr. Annunziato
mentioned there were negotiations for additional rights-of-ways
from Gallo and the subject property. Mr. Annunziato replied,
Concerning the request for rezoning from R-2 to this particular
PUD, Chairman Ryder pointed out that they were going from an
area which presently permits a density of about 10 units to the
acre. This will result in about 1/2 of that density or a little
over 5. Chairman Ryder commented that Boynton Beach is trying to
keep within reasonable bounds.
Concerning the noting of lakes, Mr. Annunziato was sure it was no
surprise to everyone that they are now in the very deep muck stream.
They will see lakes in the properties north and south.
- 8 -
April 12, 1983"
~tr, Linkous assumed the Technical Review Board discussed the
right-of-way. Mr. Annunziato said as it stands, the right-of-way,
which is more or less left to Charles Walker, County Traffic
Engineer, of 80 is preferable to 60, but when you get in the'
area of the Gallo property, you are talking about co~~ercial
property. He thought the County would have to respond by saying
they will not reduce the ability to build. on the property as a
result of the dedication. Mr. Annunziato said there are those
kinds of things going on, and it appears that it is working.
Mr. Ned Marks, Architect and Planner, Satter Company, 2330 South
Congress Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida, told the Members of
the Board there are 130 lots that are single family. He stated
that they are not sure it is going to be- zero lot line. What they
are moving to today in the new developments is smaller lots. Mr.
Marks informed Chairman Ryder there is a possibility they may go
one way or the other. It depends on product line, an~ they are
trying to project ahead. They are talking 1984. Mr. Marks
explained that it is sort of difficult now. They have a good
idea of the direction they will go in the product line but how
they will cluster or exact floor plans are still in the develop-
mental stage.
Generally, they will have it mixed, Mr. Marks replied to Chair-
man Ryder's question, and the portion they now indicate. Mr.
Marks felt it was an intelligent approach to offer a variety of
living units in terms of a variety of life styles. He said
they want to take an intelligent approach to that in marketing
and development work to offer a variety of flexibility in move-
ment, particularly in the pricing of affordable housing where
they take people from one price range and give them flexibility-.
Chairman Ryder asked what the width was of the main thoroughfare.
Mr. Marks believed the spine road is a 60 foot right-of-way. At
this point, they are considering that a private street. At this
time, there is no consideration of any dedicated streets within
the development, Chairman Ryder asked. Mr. Marks replied, "No."
He said they are going to have walks. .
Mr. Marks said they intend to do some streetscaping. He felt
in the past their Satter properties developed so quickly, they
fell short in some areas of streetscape. Mr. Marks said the
Members could see some of the amenities they are affording the
inhabitants, and he mentioned the lakes, recreational area, walk-
ways, and places to sit. He said they were going to try and
implement some of those ammenities.
Mrs. Bond asked if it was a condominium type of development and
said she thought she heard the word "children" before. Mr.
Marks informed her that there are three different communities.
The single family homes are naturally family oriented. The
- 9 -
APRIL 12, 1983,
patio homes also can be either a single family or a young fami>:
with or without children. The garden apartments could also b~
the same way but, usually, you find a lower percentage of family
oriented people going into a smaller ga~den apartment type of
>l.:~ - i.Li~>:'S tolu C11i:......:;:'::..~: _-::.::iC1E:':- -cne floor area oJ: t~-i.2 garc.eIl
apartments would roughly be about 1,000 to 1,100 square feet
consisting of two bedroom, two bath units, which seems to fit the
needs from young families to retirees.
Vice Chairman Winter inquired about the two story, eight families.
Mr. Marks clarified that was an eightplex (four units with four
units above). From an economical approach, he said they would be
investigating that unit in the very near future to see how it
Vice Chairman Winter noted Mr. Marks was saying 4,000 square feet
on each floor of the eightplexes. Mr. Marks said that was
correct. Vice Chairman Winter was thinking about the'scale and
did not think it was very logical. Mr. Marks was sur~ that was
the scale.
Chairman Ryder said apparently, they were in accord with the
requirements, particularly frQ~ the County with regard to access
and the impact fee or equivalent. As far as he knew, Mr. Marks
replied, "Yes," from his standpoint as Planner and Architect.
Chairman Ryder said it was a policy the City has had in effect
for quite a while. With the Mall and other improvements coming
along, apparently, in this regard, Chairman Ryder thought the
County preferred to do this. Hopefully, they are going to widen
Congress Avenue. Mr. Marks commented that was understood.
Chairman Ryder announced that this is a public hearing. He
asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the rezoning.
John R. Eck, 1373 Partridge Place NortH, Quail Ridge, Boynton
Beach, Florida 33436 informed Members of ,the Board that he is
the current Chairman of the County and Community Affairs ~ommittee
of Quail Ridge, which was the reason he was here representing
Quail Ridge as an abutting or adjoining property owner.
For his own clarification, Mr. Eck wished to ask a couple of
questions. He gathered that the reason for the rezoning request
was because of the addition of the single family homes, which
was not in the original plan. Mr. Annunziato answered that the
reasons for the rezoning are several. In the prior zoning classi-
fication, garden apartments were not permitted. Secondly, zero
lot line housing is not permitted. Chairman Ryder interjected
that it was primarily a duplex arrangement previously.
- 10 -
APRIL 12, 1983,
Mr. Eck questioned whether the density of the property had exceeded
the limits for or since. Chairman Ryder ans\-lered, "Correct."
Another point for clarification Mr. Eck brought up was whether
the patio homes were all one story. Mr. 'Marks said that was
correct, and the single family homes are all one story. Mr. Eck
asked if the garden apartments will be two stories. Mr. Marks
replied, "Yes. That is correct."
Mr. Eck had a copy of the drawing so he knew their general loca-
tion. With relation to Quail Ridge on the west, Mr. Eck questioned
if the garden apartments were far enough east from Quail Ridge's
common boundary (mainly Knuth Road) so that they would not present
any visual undesirable view from the current residents of Quail
Ridge. Chairman Ryder advised that they were several hundred feet
west of Congress Avenue. Mr. Annunziato said it would be something
like in the nature of 600 feet or two city blocks.
Mr. Eck heard some reference to an impact fee but did not hear
how much it was. Mrs. Bond advised that it was $97,32~. Mr.
Eck asked if there was any specification as to how that impact fee
would be used. He told' Chairman Ryder one of the reasuns he raised
this was because of the meeting last night with Commissioner
Koehler. As impact fees are imposed, it seemed to Mr. Eck that the
sense of the meeting last night was that to the degree sensible,
they ought to designate as much impact fee as possible for the
widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard to help relieve the severe
traffic problem.
Chairman Ryder admitted the City does get some benefit from Boynton
Beach Boulevard. He pointed out there is no direct access on
Boynton Beach Boulevard (just Knuth Road). Chairman Ryder said the
impact fee is based on whatever it costs to widen the roadway. In
this case, they will eventually have a four lane roadway on
Congress Avenue. In this case, rather than have the developer do
the widening, Chairman Ryder said the County would prefer to get
the money because they want to do some additional work on Congress
Avenue. The present widening stops abo~t at the school, and does
not go south of that. Mr. Annunziato said the expenditure of these funds
that go into the County Traffic Zone Escrow Account would then be
negotiated with the City Council and the County Commission.
Mr. Eck asked if he could infer from that that none of these impact
fees go to the widening of Knuth Road. Mr. Annunziato replied
that none of these impact fees go to the widening of Knuth Road.
Knuth Road is a requirement of the site over and above the impact
Because of the meeting last night, Chairman Ryder could see that
Mr. Eck "as conscious of 'the impact fee. He said it was brought
up that it was unfortunate that it did not prevail generally along
Boynton Beach Boulevard from Congress to Military Trail because
all of the Drexel developments along there substantially preceded
the institution of the impact fee. That was the way Mr. Eck under-
stood it.
11 -
APRIL 12, 1983
Mr. Eck thought he heard some comments that Knuth Road is being
looked upon as a collector road and will ultimately connect with
Woolbright and Golf Road. Mr. Annunziato confirmed that ~rr. Eck
heard correctly. Mr. Eck pointed out that part of Knuth Road has
been abandoned because of Quail Ridge way back. Mr. Annunziato
said if Knuth Road is to be connected southward from Woolbright
Road to Golf Road, it could not follow in a straight north/south
course. Mr. Eck said it would be a jog. Mr. Annunziato stated
that it would jog through Woolbright Roap. He added that both
legs could connect to Woolbright Road, approximately 600'or 700
feet apart.
On the lower left hand of the drawing was a little schematic,
which Mr. Eck did not think the Members could see. Mr. Annunziato
said they could look at the annexation map, which would show the
municipal limits. Mr. Cannon pointed out the location of Knuth
Road, between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Woolbright Road. If
there is going to be a public right-of-way, Mr. Annunziato said
it would have to be Woolbright Road and Golf Road, between Quail
Ridge and Congress. He said it would be somewhere w~thin the
municipal limit and, therefore, not center line to center line.
Mr. Annunziato said that potential was lost when Quail Ridge
platted several years ago. Mr. Eck wanted to make sure there was
no misgiving about that. Mr. Annunziato assured him there was no
South of any Woolbright extension, Mr. Eck said the original
straight line of Knuth is now completely abandoned due to Quail
Ridge. Mr. Annunziato agreed. Mr. Eck pointed out that Knuth
would have to be relocated. Mr. Annunziato co~~ented that it
would be off center.
Mr. Eck further asked if they they go to the north of any Wool-
bright extension of Knuth Road, is that determined to ultimately
be a possible necessity. Mr. Annunziato asked if he was talking
about the leg of Knuth Road between Woolbright and Boynton Beach
Boulevard. Mr. Eck replied, "The southernmost part of that, not
to Golf Road. North of Woolbright." Mr. Annunziato asked if Mr.
Eck was talking about that part of Knuth Road, which is adjacent
to Quail Ridge. Mr. Eck answered, "Yes." Mr. Annunziato told
Mr. Eck that was considered to be a necessity. .
Mr. Eck asked if there was any land that gets landlocked. If
'Knuth ran as far as Boynton Beach west, south to the entrance of
this development, and suppose that is all the further Knuth went
from Boynton Beach Boulevard going south to the entrance to this
new development, Mr Eck asked if that would landlock any land in
there. Mr. Annunziato informed Mr. Eck that there is a 20 acre
parcel which joined in the application for abandonment that was
submitted to the County 'Commission, which Knuth Road would serve.
Mr. Annunziato said that property also could be served from
Woolbright Road. \..hat Mr. Annunziato I,as saying was that City
Council reacted to this issue by supporting the City staff and
recommending to the County Commission that the abandonment request
should be denied at this time.
- 12 -
APRIL 12, 1983
Mr. Annunziato expressed that the City staff feels in their planning
that Knuth Road will, in fact, carry traffic. Chairman Ryder
said the Board has had applications for developments along the
south side of Woolbright, going west from Congress Avenue in the
direction of Quail Ridge, so the City is, apparently eventually
going that way.
In the event there should be a continuation of Woolbright Road
connecting with Military Trail, Mr. Linkqus commented that then
Knuth Road would be extremely important to the City as being a
collector road or a major from the shopping center (with the
big mall going in). Hopefully, Mr. Eck said it would not happen
but if it does, he would have to agree that Knuth could be a
Presently, Chairman Ryder said you go all along Boynton Beach
Boulevard from Congress to Lawrence Road before you have any kind
of a north/south traffic, and that does not go all along in a
southerly direction. He thought they should consider what they
are going to do with this particular proposal without conjecture
, .
about what mlght happen.
Mr. Mauti said this was like what Quail Ridge did when they had
access on the northend of their development off of Old Boynton
Road, using Knuth. Mr. Eck agreed. Mr. Annunziato stated that
Woolbright Road, more or likely, will be developed sometime in
the future from Jog Road to the ocean, with an interchange at
1-95 to serve Congress, four lanes east of Congress, and there is
scheduled to be four lanes west of Congress. There is a shopping
center developing at Woolbright Road and Military Trail now,
which is served by Woolbright Road. Because Woolbright Road is
the only arterial and potential to relieve Boynton Beach Boulevard
between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Atlantic.
Mr. Eck concluded by saying the people in Quail Ridge think this
is a pretty nice development and take no exceptions to it.
Lowell Bennett, 400 S. W. Golfview Terrace, Boynton Beach, spoke
both as an abutter to this development and as a Director of the
Leisureville Community Association. Mr. Bennett read a letter
from Palm Beach Leisureville Community Association, Inc., dated
April 5, 1983, addressed to the Boynton Beach Zoning Commission,
which substantially states their position regarding this
development. A copy of said letter is attached hereto as pages
14 and 15.
Mr. Bennett then referred to the Memorandum attached hereto as
pages 16 and 17.
"This construction shall =rnrrence prior to the issuance of the
Certificate of CX:cupancy for the 229th unit in this developrrent.
This =nstruction shall be completed prior to Certificates of
Occupancy being issued for 60% of the units (275 units)."
- 13 -
M.lNUTt;::> - t'L"ANN.lNG ANLJ 40N.lNG BOARD
a.~7':~1! '~';::'\l... "'-'11,,...
%::,~u..:...M"""...i;.-:;jiE;!.;""-S: COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION
_ APRIL 12, 1983
PYO~H: f~'J5.'
..,.......... -,.
1.'\1 C.
April 5, 1983
Boynton Beach Zooing Commission
P. O. Box 310
Boyntoo Beach, 'Florida J3435
1n reference to the Stonehaven p.. U. D. located West of Congress
A~enue and South of Boynton Beach Blvd., the Palm Beach Leisureville Board of
Directors is favorably impressed with the OVerall plan.
The Satter Architectural and Engineering Group, Inc. has presented a
well designed plan for the developement and we would welcome,them to our area.
. 'v
We ~re, however, deeply concerned in regard to the! traffic pattern
shown on the overall plan for the developement. The plan calls for an entrance
, onto Congress Ave. approximately 300 feet South of the L-25 Canal, and
approximately midway between the Canal and S. W. Golf Lane. The only other
entrance would be on 'the West side of the developement onto Knuth Road. It is
our understanding that the developer will pave Knuth Road.
It is our opinion that the majority of the residents would find the
Congress Ave. entrance the most convenient.
Presently Congress Ave. is a high traffic area, especially during the
early morning and late afternoon hours. We can anticipate that the traffic
williincrease substantially upon the completion of the Boynton Beach Mall and
the Motorola Plant.
The plan presently shows the addit~on of a right and a left turn lane
for access to the developement from Congres~ Ave. and no changes for access
fro~Bpynton Beach Blvd. to Knuth Road. We; further anticipate that the
proposed traffic pattern would encourage motorists to use S. W. Golf Lane and
other Leisureville Streets as access to Boynton Blvd. and l~oolbright Road.
Based on a telephone conversation with Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr.,
Director of Traffic Division, Palm Beach County, it is our understanding
~--". -
- 14 -
APRIL 12, 1983
, .
tha t there are presently no speciE ic plans to \"iden Congress Avenue in the
concerned area and it may be several years before sllch a project yi11 be
He, the Iloard of Directors of Palm,Beach Leisureville Community
Assuciation, encourage you to approve tIle Stonehaven p~ U. D. project-wit!:
the proviso that the traffic pattern be restudied and that a more satisfactory
plan to handle the traffic be submitted and approved, subject to the same
conditions specified in the Palm Beach County Traffic Division Hemorandum
dated February 6, 1979, and addressed to Hr. "Ronald Corbit for Hode, Inc.
relative to start and finish of the roa~ modification.
Very truly yours,
Palm Beach Leisureville Community Association> Inc.
Board of Directors
fl~-<:~~~l! -LU
/ President
, /// . 4) .
)J /-J..c, ~d /;:a Lcla"/
IL Buril Barclay, I
Vice Pr}'sident
-'I .' /1 ~/
/r":., ~/ 1/'\' "f:/ {r' i""4'~
Robert H. Strahan 'j' ...
, " .:::J- . /.
.J ( L -- 1\ I.e ,,--,vlt
Lew K'. Fernald '
Edward H.
. -'^') C .~ \...(C:;,
'2 /' /' !/L ( {7'~ L._~
Nicholas Galligan {tL .r( u./ '
.~ i
. ? '. ,::::'. " j 1
, _ ft: lV- ( l .~ / .-:'r ?. ( ,.
Lowell' Benne~
~4~ " .,
Thomas Davis
-%, -4, It!. (/ d,...H.fL
Stanley ~~ Petersen
- 15 -
County Administrator
jOhn C. Sdn~burv
Peg;y 6.. Evatt. C,<urman
B;J! 3~dey'. Vice.Chairman
Lake Ly!.1
Dennis P. Koehler
Bill Medlen
......-/'-'\.~.., ~ -. "-
,.. ., \,
r '-~f
. ~ ". r..J t: -:--. "\
- "
, "
Department of E ngi neering
and Pub1ic-Works
H. F. Kahle",
County Engineer
February 6~ 1979
It is understood that the Developer of Duplex Development for Mode, Inc. will
construct or provide the following improvements to help offset the traffic
impact of the development on the public roadway-system.
(1) Dedicate an additional 10 feet of right-of-way along
Congress Avenue, providing for a 60-foot half right- ,
(2) Dedicate an additional 7 feet of right-of-way along
Bo}~ton West Road providing for a 60-foot half right--
-Construct a left turn lane on the south approach of
'Knuth Road at Boynton West Road.
(4) ConstrJct a left turn lane on Congress Avenue at this
development's access point.
(5) At the Developer's choice, provide one of the following
two requirements:
a. Pay a fair share amount of $97,325.00 to Palm Beach
County in order to offset the impact of the traffic
demand which this development will create on the road
b. Construct an additional two lanes of roadway with curbed
median on Congress Avenue, including the bridge over
LwnD Canal L-2S, to the County's satisfaction for a dis-
tance of 600 feet centered about the development's en-
trance. This construction shall commence prior to the
issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the 229th
- 16 -
BOX 2429
13051 684.2460
. '
February 6, 1979
Page 2
b. cont'd
unit in this development. This construction shall be
completed prior to Certificates of Occupancy being issued
for 60% of the units (275 units). The developer shall
supply a detailed set of construction plans, acceptable
to the County Engineer, for this proposed construction.
The developer ",ill post a, bond or letter of credit in
favor of Palm Beach County for an amount equal to 110%
of a certified engineer's estimate of the cost of the
Congress Avenue improvements. This bond or letter of
credit ",ill be furnished prior to the issuance of the
10Dth Certificate of Occupancy by the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida. If Government 4 lanes Congress Avenue
in this area prior to' the developer 'completing 50% of
the project, then the developer ",ill pay to Palm Beach
County an amount equal to the engineer's certified cost
estimate on which the bonding of these improvements'to
Congress Avenue was based. These monies shall be p~id
prior to the completion of 60% of the units in this
The Developer hereby commits to accomplishing the above improvements, and it is
understood that this Memorandum of Understanding and attached typical section
print for improvements to Congress Avenue will be made a part of the records of
the Boynton Beach City Council meeting of February 6, 1979. It is also under-
stood that e bridge over the LWDD Canal L-25 shall be a duplicate of the exist-
ing b~}.d e....-crt Con~ress #Av nue o;,:er-. same canal. -- - u
e. ~7~?~~~~.-~fj/ e-/!/?"7-::?
17 - :...,;'....._._ ( ....,....,- ..;,...~ - -~ 7?;' ,
Ronald Corbitt, Developer ' Date -
Duplex Development for Mode, Inc.
Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E.
Director, Traffic Division
Palm Beach County
- 17 -
'~lr. Bennet t stated th
... . ., ".y ~., ..... .
c.V'.~'~h; ;;;:%'7;;,;e.'.".d "e Co..;. 'T;:;?]: ~bo., "e. "d,
.~. " . · o. ~'g.... 'v ....'0. _,
f.... · ,:. ;5 mil.s Per 'oec V'i.., i:'~~ C...... I.. i. .....
i. do.. e; · Pl.. '0 'ok. .". Of ". ,..;'.oP'.,o.. i. . 'i",.
left tur; la thefov."" Pl.. sObmi".d M. .~. o. Co.g.e.. .ve...
'. o. .....boO.d. .. , . .'.e.. "'. '"
tOverlap the eXisting left tUrn Ira f~c on Congress Avenue Will
"f',. ....i.g · ". foe '0"" d .
Memb... Of.. BO' 0 'o"'ve.. COIf L... , o~. Co...... .v..o.
. eo... "ey feel ..~ . . ... e'.e.. 'Old
o.y le'd '0 g....e. ... .. .. "e. "e.e "
b.... Of 'Od.y'. .xi.;;:.....o.: "d i. "O"d b. 'ev'ev:J ...
..., v" '''''''i''.d i. J,i~~ff,. '.d .0.' o.e .eoe...."y '::;" '!:e
Further, Mr. Bennett ,d
d"e."y 'o"h Of 'he 't~25'~. oondom'.i"> '. L.i"'eVille
d',.O',y 0.'0 h.s onlv
; d Congress Avenue:rt - one entrance, and it is
'..oe by,.. addi' . 0'.'0' '.'p boO b
currently spec;f;ed. traffic W~th no cha e ~nconven_
. '. .ges o"ee "'. "ose
Mr. Bennett commented that th
"e Pl..s a'd 'he o~P'.y r;Y "e fnvO'.b,. 'mP'es'ed Vi'h
"afflo P'obl.m o. Co.g..;. .ve' sOlo'io. 0.. be fOO.d '0 "e
g~ve this develoPment th ' I ~Ue, Mr. Bennett Said they "Ould
e~r 0070 sUPPort. ~
Chairman RYder POinted OUt th
io. "e f.o, "a. 'hey "d def~i a 10' Of "e P'oble,. ve'e doe
e.....V.". Developm.n, .0' e.o'e. " . .es", Of 'he
~d f.e OO' OO.i.g di;:;~fg P'OVisio.. foe lef, 'o..s
· 0, d hove be.. ..k.. oa.. Of b Yo,. 0.'0 "e 'O'd, whioh
Y Mr. Campanelli.
M.., .o'ed '. "e J 1/2, "e a'e. has o"'~d '~',s'e '.. b..n . 'o"de.. 0'
"ch · '.e.e'doo, s. ..a...."Y. T'e'e hOd
v," "ey "O"d '~~.;e':~"d .0' pre'e.d '0 'ell ..;~%~
Le.....V.,le hOd b.e. a 00 Y.o.. 'go. RYd.. s .
~Od,b.e. P"'ic"..,y i.'.~:;~d .Me 'h?09h. "e Ci., COnoo;td
or , -OOO'.d a -""".e is 00 '. see'.g .... v'''ev.. is
:e.e'i.. Tee..o. s'a"ed 0,. "PO"ble vi'h w'.. 'he Ci.. '0'
~~:.:~;.ef~~g ~h:,;~~ ~::. ~~.'t~:~.:;o; ~;;%%~:;::~e '~"hey
f C"y '.s gO.e '0 .0,.. Vi'h C b 'e...ded,"<. Ben.e" 'h..
.:0., Of. "e.bOVli.g "'.y, o. b.~~;el'.d. vho v.... '0 go in
the C~ty ~s concerned abOUt L' Of the apartment oWners
e~surev~lle. ,
'Ar B
',. ennett agreed With Ch '
'.'e.'ion Of "oPP'.g g.OV:~"~ RYde. "d .aid "e,. "d .0
~'f... Of OIl Of "e ci'ieeds ,~v::e., he "oog.. 'he sa'e,v a.d
e;: ~~o'e::. H. va. di.apPo'.'ed i% ;h'~."y oee i.Volved 'n
. e. ey .efos.o '0 .ake.. 0 e o'.'y TreefIo Deoa...
1. sPeed """. M.. Be..e" f~, ".ge 'f... .eVievi.g ". '5
',g., aocOos 0"'0 CO'gee.. 'V..:e d'f "y o. "e "i.d
~; ;OOldbe .y.P.....'o '0 'h.i. p:"~fg 'he P'ak 'os. '0,..,
v. .. 's · P'obl... . 0 e.s. C"".a. RYde.
.~, L.J
APRIL 12, 1983
.-.~.:::.,,";:: "
- 18
-.-..... ....
. . .-~~ ~:' {c-
~- -" :-}.:=:_'~'!~
. .....,.".~%j~~.
t.:i.--7:~~-~~-."~ '-_
. P, '.
:<.-:::~,;:_:'.:-:~.~-..., '-,'-
- '-........
- -..'. ~>';:'-~:;~-~.~~~i~'~>~'I-::t.?~~;-.::~~.~::~~~~~ifi:i:fi;..:~:';;';. ::-;..~:t:....,._; .
;.." ..;. _....;..~\--
APRIL 12, 1983
At this point and time, with the Boynton Beach Mall coming in,
;,lotorola, and Stone haven PUD (which they welcome), Mr. Bennett
said they were saying the time to correct the traffic situation
is now, not at some date in the unforeseeable future. If they
had been able to go to Charles \'ialkcr, Di,rector, Traffic Division,
Palm Beach County, and have Mr. Walker tell him he had firm plans
to take care of this situation in one or two years, then Mr.
Bennett said they, in turn, could give their wholehearted support
for this project but, according to Mr. WaLker, there is no
definite date. Mr. Walker assured Mr. Bennett that they are
widening Congress Avenue north of Hypol~~o Road, which did not do
them any good.
t1r. Bennett repeated that the traffic situation should be changed.
He said there may be financial or other reasons why it is
absolutely impossible to do it at this time or within 12 to 18
months, but Mr. Bennett did not think that relieved Leisureville
of the responsibility of investigating the possibilities of it.
Mr. Bennett lives backing onto Congress Avenue. The traffic does
not cause him any inconvenience except for the noise. .He sees
people lined up in lines four and five blocks long, and could
imagine what is going to happen when they put in the proposed
entrance to stone haven , adding only a right turn lane and a left
turn lane. He felt the additional traffic would be more than
that simple adjustment can handle.
Mr. Annunziato, City Planner, was aware of what Mr. Bennett said.
He thought the issue had to do with the amount of frontage of the
project on Congress Avenue and the proximity of that with the
road to the southeast and the canal across the north. It appeared
to Mr. Bennett, from the overall plan and from pacing off the
distances concerned, that the left turn lane for northbound
traffic would virtually wipe out the existing left hand turn.
Chairman Ryder thought that was an important consideration that
needs some attention and should be studied.
Mr. .~nunziato advised Mr. Bennett that the issue of traffic on
Congress was something that would have to be resolved by local
government (Municipal, County, and perhaps even state) as it is
a big issue. Chairman Ryder referred to Quail Ridge, Limetree,
and Bent Tree where they have two lanes and right and lert turns.
He said money is the key factor.
As there was no one else wishing to speak in favor of the
rezoning, Chairman Ryder asked if anyone wished to speak in
opposition to the rezoning. There was no response.
:1r. .~nunziato thought perhaps Chairman Ryder would want to address
the nature of the left turn lanes to the applicant's engineer.
- 19 -
APRIL 12, 1983
Mr. Fred Roth, Civil Engineer, Satter Company, informed the Members
of the Board that they had not done a lot of investigation into
the left turn movement, but it was something that would have to
be taken care of in the final design. Basically, what they have
done to date is to just get the criteria from the County Traffic
Division. ~r. Roth said the turnout wi~l eventually have to be
coordinated and permitted through the County. Their Engineering
Department, as well as Mr. Roth, will have to do whatever studies
are necessary to determine the proper movements in that area.
The only thing Mr. Roth could do was to assure the Board that at
the time the plan is actually developed, there will be permitting
that will require that there be no detrimental cross traffic in
~~~~ ~?f~ ~',]~~ ~r~a.
On the Memorandum of Understanding (pages 16 and 17), Mr. Norem
questioned whether the County was actually asking them to do (5)
a rather than (5) b. Chairman Ryder explained that the County
wants the money rather than having the developer do it. Mr.
Norem asked if the same figure that was in existence four years
ago still stands today. Mr. Annunziato answered that it would
be based on the current County impact fee, which is $~OO for an
apartment and $300 for a single family home. He believed that was
Mr. Annunziato clarified that it all depends on the configuration.
If the single family homes are built detached, they ,.,ill be
single family homes. If they are built attached, which potentially
could happen on the zero lot line, they will probably be
considered multiple family units. Mr. Annunziato estimated it
would be somewhere near $90,000, more or less, if not exactly
$97,000. Mr. Linkous asked if $97.000 would then be allocated
to widen Congress. Mr. Annunziato answered that it would be put
into an escrow account in connection with this traffic zone.
When the County Interlocal Ordinance was drafted, Mr. Annunziato
said each traffic zone had an escrow account created with it, and
the dollars collected in that traffic zone go into that escrow
account for expenditure in that area. He thought Boynton Beach
Boulevard and Congress Avenue are both ,in this traffic zone and
said it could be an overlapping of funds.
In addition to considering the staff requirements, Chairman Ryder
pointed out that it was important for the Members to also include
the Memorandum of Understanding with regard to the roadway
improvements. Mrs. Bond asked if they could add that the traffic
pattern be restudied. Chairman Ryder thought it would be done
anyway and thought it was important to point out that there is a
problem with the left turns at Golf Lane and the proposed one.
Mr. .Annunziato wanted to recommend to Mr. Roth or the Satter
Company to prepare an analysis for the Council's review, as he
thought the Council would be concerned about this issue. Mr.
Annunziato thought it was incumbent upon the applicant to at least
explain to the Council how this problem can be mitigated.
Mr. Linkous asked if it should not inject Knuth Road to be
- 20 -
APRIL 12, 1983
reviewed also. Mr. Annunziato replied that the issue of Knuth Road
is somewhat settled in that it needs to be constructed to serve
this property. In his recommendation, Mr. Annunziato would p.refer'
that Knuth Road be given with the project. He advised that it is
part of this project, and there is no way to veer from that.
Mr. Linkous moved to approve the Stone haven Planned Unit Develop-
ment subject to the review by the engineers of the Satter
Company in conjunction with Charles R. Walker, Jr., Professional
Engineer, Director, Traffic Division, Palm Beach County, and his
Memorandum of Understanding dated February 6, 1979 with regard to
roadway improvements, and subject to staff comments. Mr.
Hester seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0.
Chairman Ryder acknowledged the presence of Steve Cohen, Sun
Sentinel, saying the Board missed him.
Warehouse Facility for Coral Industries
Robert R. Kipp, Jr.
Robert R. Kipp
1365 Neptune Drive
Construction of 22,480 sq. ft. warehouse to
include ancillary office
Chairman Ryder informed the Members that this is an M-l location
on South Congress Avenue.
Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner, said the plan came to the
Planning and Zoning Board with a positive recommendation from the
Technical Review Board, subject to staff comments. Mr. Cannon
said the site plan was for a 22,480 square foot warehouse building
to be constructed on a 1.24 acre site. Mr. Cannon indicated the
building, the lot, Neptune Drive, and said Congress Avenue and
Hunters Run are about 900 feet to the ~est of the property.
Mr. Cannon pointed to the parking on the northend of the property
and southend of the property. He said there would be one entrance
Mr. Cannon also showed the location of the dumpster and said the
'applicant is going to construct a fire main and a fire hydrant.
There will be a sidewalk along Neptune Drive.
Mr. Cannon read the staff comments as follows:
Building lkpt.
(Bert J. Keehr,
lkputy Building
"1. RailiI')g will be required on both sides of the handicap
2. Handicap signs will be required.
3. (Crossed out and deleted by Bert Keehr, Deputy
Building Official.)
4. Construct sidewalk thru driveway."
- 21 -
--<>'--l1, FLOr\IDA
Ci ty frJgineer:
utilities Director:
"SobJect '0 '-'iC"eq Olev",o~ 0' ''''' CO" aULW'",>
line. "
APRIL 12, 1983
Felice Depart7ent:
"PrOVide easements for water line."
Mrs. Bond mOVed tho, 'he Site Plan for the ware hou Se 'a en;". '0,.
COral IOdUstries be approved. SUbjec, '0 all stuf, coemen,s. Mr.
"andelt SeCOnded the mO"on. and 'he mO"on carr'ed 7-0.
Roner, R. Ripp. Jr.. 2210 N. ". 10'h Placc. DSlrey Beacb. Flor'da.
'Old Cha'rmon RYder he was aWare "' 'he reco'~enda'ions mode by
the staff and had no problems With them.
"P- "'op sign op r'she sloe of e""." as oPPoSed
to the left side. '
Cha'rman RYder oSSlimed 'ha, when " comes before 'he Council.
'hey "'" have an ino'CO'ion of 'h'e SOlu"on o'her 'hon who,
'he BOard had here now. Mr. Annuneia,o Suggestcd i, be oPoroved.
SObjec, '0 stoff commen,s. and SOld Mr. Cessna W"l be pre'en, a,
'he C"y Cooneil Mee"nq. Che'emon Ryder 'a'd 'he Boord wOuld
'oke Mr. G"ber"s woed foe " bu, PO'need ou, 'het 'he C"Y
Council will have to be Satisfied.
Mr. Cherles N. Gilber,. 35-C SOUtbport Lene. BOYn'on Beoeh. wes
fe'"il'ar wl'h 'he Memorend", of Perry A. Cessne. Direetor of
"till"es. He edv'sed 'hot 'he'r Engineer. COnead SOhaefer. bes
been 'n COnference w"h Mr. Cessno. They beve Worked au' 'het Mr.
Cessne cen egree '0 gO along W'th the Wey the sewer lInes were
lnd'oe'ed on 'he Plen. deSPIte Me. Ceosna.s Memorondum. In
Othee Words. ef'er 'he Memorendum. Mr. G"bert oe'd 'hey hed 0
The Only stoff oomment ves from 'he "'il"ies Depar'men,. COpy Of
Which is attached hereto as page 23.
Mr. Cennon 'ndice'ed tbe Hun'er's Run GOlf Clubhouse ond Summ"
DriVe on 'he OVerley. Ue sbowed 'he pOol end pOol hoose loca'ed
in the center Of the loop.
Mr. Cannon advfsed 'he "embero 'het 'bis site plen cOmes to the
Plennfng end ZOnlng BOerd Witb e POS'tive reCOMmende'fon from 'he
Teohnfcel ReView Booed. SUbjeot '0 s'off commen,s. The S'te plen
fs for 'be OOostroct'on Of 25 Oingle femily. de'eched hooee on en
elgbt ecre sf'e. Th's WOuld be 10Cd'ed on 'he eOU'h SIde Of
Summf' Drfve. immedia,ely '0 'he wes, Of 'he olUbhouse.
Trect "K" at Hun'er's Run Golf end Raoquet Club
Charles N. Gilbert
SUmmit ASSOciates, Ltd.
SUmmit Drive, East Of "The WOOds" ,
ConstrUction Of 25 Single family hemes
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APRIL 19, 1983
~rr. Cheney stated this does not need to be on a concrete slab,
but it does need to be tied down for hurricane protection. He
talked to the Building Official this morning and he was going
to look at it again and meet with the students and owner of the
property. It would be best to be located in their own back
yard in view of control and insurance. He explained how if
this was placed on public property, we would have to provide
liability. He doesn't think there have been complaints by the
neighbors at this location, which happene~ at the previous loca-
tion. He suggests they see if it can remain on their own pro-
perty through the Board of Adjustment and if not, we will see
what the situation is for locating it on public land. Public
land should be the last option.
Councilman deLong requested the individual who made the second
to his motion to lift it, so he could withdraw his motion. Mr.
Cassandra withdrew his second to the motion.
Councilman de Long made a motion to have the City Manager pursue
this according to the lines stated with the last resort being
public property. They would have to go before the Board of
Adjustment first and he moves to waive the fee for applying for
a variance. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion. Under \
discussion, ~rr. Cheney suggested that they not take it down
and ~rr. deLong suggested they obtain written permission from
the neighbors in the area where it is located. Motion carried
Noting the time, Councilman deLong moved to dispense
regular order of business and go to public hearing.
Zimmerman seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
',vi th the
vice Mayor
Approve rezoning request submitted by Stonehaven Development
Corp. to rezone an 82i acre tract of land located on Congress
Avenue west of Congress Middle School :from R-2 to Planned Unit
Development for construction of 232 two-story garden apartments,
one-storv patio homes and 130 single-Bamilyjzero lot line homes
Mr. Cannon informed the council that this is a request ~or
rezoning to Planned unit Development with a land use inten-
sity of 4 for Stonehaven. The owner is Mode, Inc., who had
a master plan approved on this property in the J970's for all
duplexes. Stonehaven Development Corp. is the developer and ~
they developed the Dos Lagos development. This request was
heard by the Planning & Zoning Board last week and they unani-
mously recommended the rezoning be approved subject to staff
cOQIDents and additionally that the applicant provide a proposed
design for the interface of left-turn lanes at the Congress
Avenue entrance to the property.
APRIL 19, 1983
Mr. Cannon continued with showing a plan of the development and
pointing out where the various types of houses vlould be located.
He also pointed out the location of the three community centers
and told about the planned recreational facilities. He then
explained the access to the site and ro~ting for traffic. He
told about negotiations to hopefully obtain a 60 ft. right-of-
way for Knuth Road, so it can be a collector road to relieve-
some of the traffic on Congress Avenue.
~1r. Cannon refer:'t:'~;..:': ;.-~- "'-:l"::": ?~_,"lff 1~,)"D'T,e~:,t~. ~nc1 read the meTI'lDS
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is recommended the City Council continue to approve the request
of l~. Walker, director of the Palm Beach County Traffic Divi-
sion, and the memo of understanding from Mode, Inc. to be in
full force with the exception of the modification to Paragraph
5.b. The Planning & Zoning Board also requested in their approval
that the developer address the problem of conflict between the
left turn lanes at their entrance on Congress Avenue and hope-
fully, the developer will provide a diagram how these will be
Mayor Warnke ascertained that a representative of th~ applicant
was not present in the audience. He asked if anyone desired
to speak in favor or in opposition to this application and
received no response.
Mr. Vance clarified that apparently there is one unresolved
problem regarding the turn lane on Congress Avenue and Mr.
Cheney disagreed and stated this will be resolved with the
site plan. He added that the representative was present at
the Planning & Zoning Board meeting and agreed to all the con-
ditions requested by staff. Mr. Vance recommended that the
record before the Planning & zoning Board be made a part of
the record at this point.
~~yor Warnke declared the public hearing closed.
Councilman Cassandra referred to the impact of traffic from
Knuth Road and asked if it would join into four lanes at
Boynton Beach Boulevard and lrr. Cheney informed him that it is
two lanes now, but will be widened to four lanes. ~rr. .Cannon
added that a copy of the County Traffic Engineer's analysis
and improvements were submitted and they do ncrt want the
developer to construct any improvements in that area, but
are requesting the payment of a fee. Mr. Cheney added that
the actual development is probably l~ years away and it is
hoped the four laning of Boynton Beach Boulevard or Congress
Avenue will take place by that time, but there is no specified
plan at this time.
......~,. ---"-;~.-:..",~ ~ .,:' ". .
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APRIL 19, 1983
Mr. Cassandra referred to the zero or shared lot line scarina
him with houses built so close together and ~lr. Cannon informed
him the overall density of this development is exactlv thesarne
as the previously approved development and conforms with the
comprehensive plan. With a planned unit development, it allows
a developer to develop housing which is marketable. Mr.
Cassandra stated that this is going from R-2 to PUD and R-2 has
setback requirements and Mr. Cheney replied that with PUD, there
is more open space in larger areas. This is the averaae lot
size with four to the acre and the overall density is low.
\~at they are doing is putting the houses close together to
create a larg8 common open space~
Councilman de Long moved to approve the unanimous recommendation
of the Planning & Zoning Board submitted by Stonehaven Develop-
ment Corp. subject to staff comments. Additionally, subject
applicant will provide a design regarding the entrance on Congress
Avenue. Also included, is that building permits wi~l nQ~ be
issued until the proposed design is approved. Vice Mayor
Zimmerman seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried
Councilman Wright moved to revert to the regular order of ~
business, seconded by Councilman deLong. Motion carried 5-0.
~myor Warnke ascertained there were no further speakers and
closed the public audience period.
Use of City Reviewing Stand by First Baptist Church
Mayor Warnke announced that Mr. Larry Poe, representing the
First Baptist Church, requested this item to be moved into
this position, so he can leave to attend another meeting.
Councilman deLong moved to consider,this request, seconded by
Vice Mayor Zirrunerman. Motion carri~d 5-0.
Councilman deLong moved to grant this request because'we have
done this on previous occasions. Councilman Wright seconded
the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Cheney informed the Council
this is the second request we have had for thi~ and the third
one is pending. He suggests possibly we should look at this,
establish a fee and decide what kind of organizations should
be allowed to use this. He recommended against this originally
and still does. It does cost money to do this, it takes time
to set the stand up and it gets wear and tear. He thinks a
- policy should be established who to give it to. Councilman
deLong referred to this request being under the wire and sug-
gested waiting for a recommendation from the City Manager re-
garding an actual fee for discussion at a later time.