REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM 24 November 1987 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Lakeshore and Heather1ake at the Meadows - Request by Rya~ Homes The purpose of this memo is to comment on the request by Ryan Homes to combine the Homeowners Association for Lakeshore and Heatherlake. " As noted in the attached memo from James Golden, parking for the recreation area in Lakeshore.was calculated based upon most residents walking to the recreational facilities. Adding Heatherlake to the Lakeshore Association changes the assumptions upon which parking calculations were based. Therefore, it is recommended that the City object to combining the associations, unless the parking issue is readdressed. c_ fl ~ CARMEN S .;;/ANNUNZI ATO /bks cc: Tom Clark -n""'" r "7.""'l"'r'\' -:r~;-~'~, '.J.. ,.J.. ./ . 1:;J' , ~, ,,",..,..'. .Jl'~ -v.-...o-l. y -- Nov;i 18B7 C~TY ;':L~r ~P.(~~(.'S C;- ;~/~~ '. r" . tJ t! i , i .. '. MEMORANDUM November 19, 1987 TO: cARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: LAKESHORE/HEATHERLAKE AT MEADOWS 300 PUD Concerning the proposal by Ryan Homes that there be one Master Homeowner's Association and one Master Declaration of Protective Covenants governing both subdivisions, please be advised that when the site plan for the Lakeshore recreation facility was reviewed by the~echnical Review Board, the parking requirement was recommended to be one parking space per 1,500 square feet of pool and deck area. Although.this parking calculation was not consistent with the parking requirement for pools set-forth in the zoning regulations, which primarily concerns public pools, it was consistent with established policy for private swimming pools serving limited areas-within Planned Unit Developments, where the residents are within convenient walking distance of the swimming pool. It was on this basis that the one space per 1,500 square' feet of pool and deck area was recommended. Furthermore, at the time of review for the Lakeshore application, there was no indication that the residents of Heather1ake would be sharing this recreation facility. If this information had been available, a greater parking requirement would have been recommended. ' Based on the above, it is recommended that the request to designate one Master Association for both projects be denied, unless additional parking can be provided consistent with recently amended Section 11.H.16.c.12.e of Appendix A, Zoning. ~,~ ,to ~ ~ES J(! GOLDEN JJG:ro cc Central File , '; ..' , STAFF COMMENTS MEADOWS 300 TRACT K "LAKESHORE" PRIVATE RECREATION AREA SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Forester/Horticulturist Memo to be distributed at meeting. ." f" J ~.<. )~ / -, . --~ / MEMORANDUM TO Caxnen Annunziato Planning Director DAT<< November 4, 1987 ,.ILI: F.oM Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist su.,.eT Meaibws 300 Track "Lakeshore" 'Ihe landscape plan as suJ:rni.tted should be changed to reflect: a. Any tree species listed as less than 8 I in height should be designated as a shrub where applicable. b. 'Ihe hedge material along the perineter of the parking lot must be 36" in height at tine of planting. $~H/'2~ Kevin J. allahan KJH:ad -;z,. )f/'!'" jt .... 5 MEMORANDUM 24 November 1987 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Lakeshore and Heatherlake at the Meadows - Request by Ryan Homes The purpose of this memo is to comment on the request by Ryan Homes to combine the Homeowners Association for Lakeshore and Heatherlake. As noted in the attached memo from James Golden, parking for the recreation area in Lakeshore was calculated based upon most residents walking to the recreational facilities. Adding Heatherlake to the Lakeshore Association changes the assumptions upon which parking calculations were based. Therefore, it is r~commended that the City object to combining the associations, unless the parking issue is readdressed. (~. f~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO /bks cc: Tom Clark MEMORANDUM November 19, 1987 TO: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: LAKESHORE/HEATHERLAKE AT MEADOWS 300 PUD Concerning the proposal by Ryan Homes that there be one Master Homeowner's Association and one Master Declaration of Protective Covenants governing both subdivisions, please be advised that when the site plan for the Lakeshore recreation facility was reviewed by the Technical Review Board, the parking requirement was recommended to be one parking space per 1,500 square feet of pool and deck area. Although this parking calculation was not consistent with the parking requirement for pools set-forth in the zoning regulations, which primarily concerns public pools, it was consistent with established policy for private swimming pools serving limited areas within Planned Unit Developments, where the residents are within convenient walking distance of the swimming pool. It was on this basis that the one space per 1,500 square feet of pool and deck area was recommended. Furthermore, at the time of review for the Lakeshore application, there was no indication that the residents of Heatherlake would be sharing this recreation facility. If this information had been available, a greater parking requirement would have been recommended. ' Based on the above, it is recommended that the request to designate one Master Association for both projects be denied, unless additional parking can be provided consistent with recently amended Section 11.H.16.c.12.e of Appendix A, Zoning. fL.-~ { Ad ,z1(MES J(! GOLDEN JJG:ro cc Central File M E M 0 RAN DUM October 27, 1987 TO: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD John Guidry, Utilities Director Bob Eichorst, Public Works Charles Frederick, Recreation and Parks Director Ann Toney, Asst. to the City Manager James Rhoden, Fire Chief Bud ~owell, Building Official Lt. Dale Hammack, Police Department Tom Clark, City Engineer Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Don Jaeger, Chief Inspector FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: NOVEMBER 3, 1987-MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD Please be advised that on Tuesday, November 3, 1987, at 9 a.m., there will be a meeting of the Technical Review Board to discuss the following: 1. Preliminary Plat Meadows 300 Track E "Meadow Park" (resubmittal) 2. Site Plan Modifications Meadows 300 Track K "Lakeshore" (minor change in ~building elevations and landscaping) Oakwood Square Shopping Center (minor changes in building elevations and parking lot layout and design). All plans and supporting documents are available in the Planning Department for your review prior to the meeting. .~t.~ ~ S J il GOLDEN . JJG:ro Attachment cc City Manager John wildner William Cavanaugh Davie Crockett -- -~r-_ F ~. I,: 1 ~r