APPLICATION ~ SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City.,of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not .be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all InformatiQR. I. GENERAL INFORMATION l. Project Name: Recreation Area for Lakeshore at the Meadows. PUD 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Rvan Homp-s Address: 2405 Merce'r West Palm Beach. Florida 11401 Phone: 655-1344 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Land Desi2n SOllth Address: 1280 North Con2ress Avenlle. Sllite 109 West Palm Beach. Florida 33409 Phone: 478-8501 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Ryan Homes Address: 2405 Mercer West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Phone: \ 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 , . .. Page 2 7. Wha~ is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Developer -- ~,' (Owner, Buyer, ~essee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. Street Address or Location of Site: On Meadows Boulevard, south of the Hypoluxo Road and west of Congress Avenue, in the city of Boynton Beach, Florida, 9. Legal Description of Site/Froperty Control #: Recreation within Parcel K of the Plat of MpRrlnw~ 100. Plat number 3 as recorded in Plat Book "R Pagp lQf, 700 nf Pnhl<r RQcgrd of Palm Beach County, Florida Section 7 Township 45S Range 43E (Sec 7 T45S R43E) 10. Intended Use(sl of Site: Recreation site consists of pRrk<ng fnrh cars, 30 x 20 swimming pool, decking, bathhouse structure and tot lot. II. Developer or Builder. Ryan Homes 12. Architect: None 13. Landscape Architect: Land Design South 14. Site Planner: Karen Bentz 15. Engineer: Daniel Car nahas-Consulting Engineers 16. Surveyor: Daniel Carnahas-ConsultingEngineers 17. Traffic Engineer: Nonp 18. Has a site plan been previously appruv0d by the City council for this property? No 19. Estimated constl-uction cost of propo~:('ll ifi1prOve~l-.;rlts sno\.Jn on Lhis site plan: $50,000.00 Planning Dept. 10/82 Page 3 II. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Cateqory shown in the Comprehensive Plan 2. Zoning District 3. Area of Site 0.44 acres 19,400 sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including 0 acres % of site surrounding lot area or grounds b. Recreation Areas * 0.44 acres 100 % of site (excluding water area) , Water Area 0 c. acres . % of site d. Commercial 0 acres % of site e. Industrial 0 acres % of site f. Public/In- 0 acres % of site stitutional g. Public,private, and Canal Rights-of-Way 0 acres % of site h. Other (specify) 0 acres % of site i. Other (specify) o acres % of site j. Total Area of Site 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 504 Area ("building footprint") sq.ft. 2.6 % of site b. Water Area o sq.ft. 0.0 % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas) , and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 2,580 sq . f t. 13 % of site d. Total Impervious Area 3,084 sq.ft. 15.6 % of site e. Landscaped Area Inside NA of Parking Lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code) . sq.ft. % of site Planning Dept. 10/82 Pl~nnin0 n~~t. In/R2 f, . ;; Page 4 Landscaped Areas, NA "% of site f. Other sq.ft. excluding Water Area g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas NA sq.ft. % of site h. Total Pervious Areas 16,316 sq.ft. 84.4 % of site i. Total Area of Site 19,400 Olq.ft. lOO % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential 0 sq.ft. b. Commercial/Office 0 sq.ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse 0 sq.ft. d. Recreational 504 sq.ft. e. Publici 0 Institutional sq.ft. f. Other (specify) 0 sq.ft. g. Other (specify) o sq. ft. h. Total Floor Area 504 sq.ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached 0 dwelling units b. Duplex 0 dwelling units c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (I) Efficiency 0 dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family 0 dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 0 8. Gross Density 0 Dwelling uiiTfs per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site 14 feet stories IO. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan o 6 Planning Dept. 10/82 ! ,. ....;,/ .....'" Page 9 IV. MISCELLANEOUS The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: (check) 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. 2. For projects thatg?~erate at. least three thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic ii..!?~..:.t. t....Li.i:.li ~.:.:. :u-..:.=t. :,~ :::':=::".i t.t.:J:::l. 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted uness si e a or ng to the instructions below. j /7/'/</5.r S~gnat r of Owner(s) Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. II/S/ff/ , Date VI. /0/2-,,/87 I Date (We) hereby designate the above signed person as horized in regard to this application. /-o~ ro,/g7 I Date (my) S' e of or ustee, r Authorized cipal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: Planning Dept. 10/82 7, .,-; "..- LEGAL DESCRIPTION Recreation Area Lakeshore at the Meadows Recreation within Parcel K of the Plat of Meadows 300, Plat number 3 as recorded in Plat Book 48 Page 196-200 of Public Record of Palm Beach County, Florida section 7 Township 45 S. Range 43E. /~ ~ ,1}, ~. . M E M 0 RAN DUM November 19, 1987 TO: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: LAKESHORE/HEATHERLAKE AT MEADOWS 300 PUD Concerning the proposal by Ryan Homes that there be one Master Homeowner's Association and one Master Declaration of Protective Covenants governing both subdivisions, please be advised that when the site plan for the,Lakeshore recreation facility was reviewed by the Technical Review Board, the parking requirement was recommended to be one parking space per 1,500 square feet of pool and deck area. Although this parking calculation was not consistent with the parking requirement for pools set-forth in the zoning regulations, which primarily concerns public pools, it was consistent with established policy for private swimming pools serving limited areas within Planned Unit Developments, where the residents are within convenient walking distance of the swimming pool. It was on this basis that the one space per 1,500 square feet of pool and deck area was recommended. Furthermore, at the time of review for the Lakeshore application, there was no indication that the residents of Heatherlake would be sharing this recreation facility. If this information had been available, a greater parking requirement would have been recommended. Based on the above, it is recommended that the reques~ to designate one Master Association for both projects be denied, unless additional parking can be provided consistent with recently amended section 11.H.16.c.12.e of Appendix A, Zoning. kt.~ S J(I GOLDEN JJG:ro cc Central File -. - '''' ....~ (' '-" J~ f 0, 'r ..' / ". / I LANDiI DESIGN SOUTH "ql'::,Yr;-;D nlC"IFI1V30" .l~}~~~ t~,. ~ November 2, 1987 "IOi! ;:: 'l961 I ~ '" ,. Mr. Jim Golden P.O. Box 310 Bay Beach, Florida Pi...it..:.,:,. ";, 33435 -- --- ~_ "_M.-' RE: Lakeshore at the Meadows-Tract K-Recreation Area Dear Jim, As you requested, the following is an outline of the changes made to the set of drawings for Lakeshore at the Meadows-Tract K-Rec- reation Area. The current plans reflect the chantges the building department required during the approval process. Specifically, the building department required additional information concerning the electrical plan for wiring the bath house, the lighting details and more specific information on the bath house. The current drawing set contains 12 pages, the original set contained only 8 pages. The additional pages are due to the com- bination of plans from the signage and entrance feature details to the Recreation Area Plans. The Recreation Area was approved Decem- ber 17, 1986, while the signage details were approved on April 22, 1987. The only changes made to the bath house were on the construction detail plan. The floor plan was redrawn, including the elevation information to reflect the proper orientation. On the original plan, the elevation for the building area was labeled "south" which was corrected and relabeled as "east". The current drawings show the correct orientation of the entrance to the bath house. The building department also required an electrical panel detail as well as a sanitary schematic detail. For more specific information comparing the original to the current set of plans, please refer to the attached sheet. If more infor- mation is required please feel free to contact me. 305.478.8501 . Congress Business Center' 1280 N. Congress Avenue. Suite 109 . West Palm Beach, FlOrida 33409 LAND PLANNING · LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE · ZONING CONSULTATION ..., 1/ ; PaRe I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OriRinal Plans Site Plan Landscape Plan Floor Plans & Building Details Landscape Details Engineer Plans & Water Dist. Plat Plan & Survey Paving, Grading & Drainage Plan Water Dist. & Sewage Collection System Plat Plan Current Plans Site Plan with addition of D~tail Notes Landscape Plan Electrical Plan, Lighting Details, Foundation Plan of Lighting Entrance Feature Layout & Landscape Plan Sign Details , Landscape Specffications Pool-house Revision Engineering Plans-showing location of soil borings Paving, Grading & Drainage Details Water Distribution Plan Sanitary Sewer Profiles Water and Sewer Standard Details -"," '-j ~, 1"--11 .J >'"1 . . J. . . PLANT SCHEDULE ===================================================================================== QTY. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE & REMARKS TREES 8 Bucida Buceras Black Olive 10' Ht x 6' Spr 3 Tabebuia Heterophylla Pink Trumpet Tree 8' Ht x 5' Spr 3 Ligustrum Lucidium Tree Ligustrum 7' Ht x 4' Spr Standard 20 Arecastrum Romanzoffianum Queen Palm 10' Ht, Staggered 2 Phoenix Roebelenii Pygmy Date Palm 4-5'Ht Mlt. Trk, SHRUBS 104 Chrysobalanus Icaco ...Coc9p'I~m 'Red Tip' 30" Ht X 2'OC 98 Philodendron Selloum Split Leaf Philodendron 30" Ht x 2.5'OC 61 Pittosporum Tobira Wheelers Dwarf Pitt. 24" Ht x 2'OC 14 Zamia Floridana Coontie 18"Ht x 18" Spr, 24"QC GROUNDCOVER 249 ** 3 Liriope Muscari Stenotaphrum Secundatum Bougainvillea Spp. Liriope 1 Gallon, 12" OC St. Augistine 'Flora!&wl~ sod Red Bougainvillea 3-4' Runners * ** Sod as needed * Attach to wooded fence. Mulch all planting beds with 2" shredded cypress mulch. ~,,, ',I '-'-',! .-' ;.-