REVIEW COMMENTS ~. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD HELD IN THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1982 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT Col. Carn R. Reid, Chairman Harold Blanchette, Vice Chairman Dr. Carroll Kennedy Danny O'Brien Louis M. Prezioso Chauncey M. Buck, Alternate Meyer Rubin, Alternate John Serrentino, Alternate Bob Donovan Plan Check Inspector Building Department ~::;"~;;;jr (~J';;i Time 11- , ~ ABSENT Kathleen Deneen, Secretary (excused) Arthur Berman (excused) . The presence of Vice Mayor Warnke was recognized. B ,'... , ., -, "" MINUTES - COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD MAY 3. 1982 RETURN TO OLD BUSINESS Site Plan Approval (tabled) Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Project Description: C & H Properties (Julian Bryan III, Agent) Westside Congress Ave, 3/4 mi. south of Hypoluxo Rd Tract "B" of the Final Recorded Plat 86 Units Cluster Housing, plus Recreational Facilities Meadows 300 Col. Reid noted that there was not enough item from the table. this was tabled at the last meeting because information. Dr. Kennedy moved to remove this Seconded by Mr. Blanchette, motion carried 8-0. Mr. Bryan informed the Board that he resubmitted new copi"es of the site plan. Col. Reid said, with the landscape plan listing the trees, right? Mr. Bryan answered, "correct". Mr. Bryan explained that there were five major areas of dis~ussion. Mr. Bryan recalled that the Board asked that he show the street trees (along the public right of way) and the open area trees. He showed those not only on the over all site plan but he culled out the street tree adjacent to the public right of way and the little detail. He also showed the 23 required trees in the common area. He said what he did there is take the 35,000 sq. ft. of common area and divide it by 1500 and that yielded the number of trees in that area. Using the plan, he pointed that out to the Board. Mr. Bryan said he would simply put in, at the Board's request, the 24" hedge. He also noted that, in addition there is of course a Health Department requirement for a fence around that pool area, which will be shown on the particular contractor's building plans when he submits to the Building Department. Mr. Bryan further explained that a typical house layout which he had drawn at 1" to 20' shows the configuration of a typical house as it sits on a zero lot line format adjacent to the side lot line. He said this was the footprint of the house that the model permit is being pulled for on Lot 51; however, he had every reason to believe they will have a number of different configurations for that house - for example, one may have a one-car garage, another may have a rear patio and pool, etc. He said this is a typical minimum planning package that they would give with each house, and the trees and shrubs will be selected from the list deliniated up in the landscape notes. Mr. Bryan noted that he shows 5 different trees that they would like to utilize which are very similar to the ones they had on Tract "A", and the shrub material would be from the list as defined there. - 5 - (~ ,'" MINUTES - COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD MAY 3, 1982 Mr. Bryan reported that there also was an additional note that was not discussed by this Board but Carmen Annunziato (City Planner) discussed with him prior to re-submitting the plans; that was the fact (and this was unknown to him at the time) that the sprinkler system cannot be optional - it is required - in this particular configuration. So note #3 was changed and it simply says, "all yard areas to be solid sod with automatic sprinklers system." Mr. Bryan noted that he had formerly said optional and the word 'bptiona~'has been deleted since that is required. Mr. Bryan said he believed that covers everything that was discussed at that time. He sai~ once again these will be fee simple detached single family dwellings. Col. Reid said, Mr. Bryan as a developer will have the right to, more or less, insist that people do more than the minimum in their landscape. Col. Reid saw six shrubs and noted that they_have nothing along the sides, so that, if these are bedrooms, there is no planting in there to soften between the buildings. Mr. Bryan said that is correct, because what will probably happen in this zero lot line configuration is some kind of outdoor patio area will be developed in the side yards since they have 12y,' there in useable area as opposed to a single family house perhaps having only 7' to the property line. Mr. Bryan said they will try to encourage everybody, and Mr. Franks intends to show, probably in a somewhat artistic format, some suggestions for how to improve on the outdoor living area. . Col. Reid insisted that there should be planting. He noted that there is no planting shown on the plan but when this is developed with such narrow lots, very possibly, it will be developed like a Leisureville type operation whereby, between the houses, you can reach out the bedroom and shake hands with the people - and that is an objection. Mr. Bryan agreed that is true and that is why, when this was reviewed, Carmen Annunziato's office reviewed the building separations as if it were a typical single family subdiv- ision. Mr. Bryan said Mr. Annunziato would not let them go with any substandard set-backs; for example, they had 25' set-backs in the front. Mr. Bryan said, as a matter of fact, the dashed lines on the site plans that each of the Board Members were looking at delineated a building envelope and C & H Properties has some lati- tude in that envelope as to where they move it front to rear; but it can be no closer than 25 in the front and no closer than (he believed) 15 in the rear. Mr. Bryant said this is a 30' house separation in the rear and 12y, on the side. Col. Reid said there again there can be a problem area; in other words, some planting in the back - these are things that should be considered by him as a developer because it can be very objectionable to look at rear end of houses for privacy. Mr. Blanchette asked if they are going to allow pools in the back. Mr. Bryan answered: as long as they don't interfere with the set- backs, yes. Col. Reid noted that it was pretty tight in there for a pool unless it is a Jacuzzie type thing. Mr. Bryan admitted they are small lots; he said, let's face it, these are not intended to be expensive homes. - 6 - . .' _. ~ MINUTES - COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD MAY 3, 1982 Mr. Blanchette questioned windows on these zero lot lines. Mr. Bryan. said they discussed it with the Building Department as well as Planning and Zoning. Mr. Bryan informed this Board that what he intended to do was have a high window, almost like a loft window, on the zero lot line wall but they have specified that it will always be above 8' off the ground; actually it will have to be on top of the tie beam. Mr. Rubin said there are no shrubs at allan that side of the building. Mr. Bryan said there has to be a 3' maintenance and access easement. Mr. Rubin suggested a plant on the right side of the garage to get rid of the bareness on the right side of the driveway, and even bring it closer to the door. Col. Reid asked Mr. Bryan if he could not bring any plans of the buildings he is proposing to build there. Mr. Bryan said they were there in his files but he didn't have any extras. Mr. Rubin asked how much room there was from the garage door to the end of the building (to the corner'of the building). Mr. Bryan answered 2' probably - something like that. Mr. Rubin felt a few shrubs should be planted in that corner. Col. Reid said this should be developed by the developer; in other words, on both sides of the house and in the back of the house is those butting on the other two. Mr. Bryan said actually, that $hould be something you could anticipate from scale - maybe a hibiscus that could be shaped to grow vertically to soften the corner. Col. Reid said it doesn't matter if it extends over on the next lot because it takes care of both of them actually - it helps both lots. Mr. Bryan agreed. Col. Reid said, when Mr. Bryan makes up his designs to sell these properties to certain people, the Board feels that he should delineate the landscape on both sides of the house and the back where they are back to back. Mr. Blanchette noted that they have a 10' Utilities in back there. Col. Reid felt there was enough room to plant there (between the utilities and the building) . Dr. Kennedy noted that there would havetobe a maintenance area there, too. Mr. Bryan agreed and said of the 12~, 3 would be maintenance easement or access. Col. Reid felt they could plant along the wall even with a house there. Mr. Bryan noted that, if you put in a schaeffelera, you have to put it far enough away from the wall because they will encroach - two to three feet away at least. Mr. Bryan said he doesn't want to be the man responsible for creating a neighborhood squabble about whose tree it is - when you start putting trees on the lot line as a part of the standard package. He said schaeffeleras do drop leaves all the time. He anticipates problems with that. Col. Reid cited Leisureville as one example where people began to plant trees in between to give them a little privacy. It was ascertained that each individual takes care of his own property - it is not like Leisureville. Mr. Bryan said this is not a condo at all. - 7 - MINUTES - COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD MAY 3, 1982 Mr. Prezioso noticed that there are no fences. Mr. Bryan said he did not anticipate any. He said they discussed the possibility of a fence. Since this side area could be an outdoor living area it would seem somewhat of a natural to tie it together with a visual screen or a fence at the corner. He said, not out in the front because code wouldn't allow it. Col. Reid said Pine Tree Villas is a good example (villas which are close together) - they did put fencing in t !'ere. Mr. Bryan said they had talked about offering one option that didn't have a garage but had a one-car carport with a front wall courtyard area - but it would be behind a front set-back. Col. Reid advised that Pine Tree Villas do have a garage there but they do have a private courtyard entry. Col. Reid suggested that Mr. Bryan have a look at it. Mr. Bryan asked about the location. Col. Reid said it is west on Boynton Road on the left side, developed by Mangurian. Col. Reid said the first one they did was Green Tree Villas and then Pine Tree was the next one back there. Mr. Prezioso asked about lighting. Mr. Bryan said lighting has already been covered in the engineering plans which were approved and on to Bond and so forth, and it will require street lights _ it will be FPL street lights_ Mr. Prezioso asked if all the streets will be lit there. Mr. Bryan said not all - all in this Tract - but there will be some other tracts within the PUD that will be private streets that will be a condominium configuration and they might have different types of street lighting - they might not be this high for example. Col. Reid noticed that he had Sabal Palms. Col. Reid said he would rather they use a foliage type tree because Saba I Palms don't do much. Those should be shade trees. Mr. Bryant agreed and said Sabals don't work as well on lots but they do work well around a pool area where you can see through below the canopy of the tree. Col. Reid said they have come and it is part of the minutes they make studie's and come up development for the sides and to their prospective buyers. up with what the Board requested that the Board does request that with an overall suggested landscape the backs of the houses to present Mr. Bryant agreed with that. Dr. Kennedy so moved. Mr. Blanchette seconded. Motion carried 8-0.'" 'r TO ,- Carmen Annunziato City Plannep L Keehp D<</,Ay Building Offieial -, SUBJECT: Meadows 300 - Jraet B - Site Plan DATE: 4-1-82 FOLD. Upon pevieuJ of the site-plan submitted, please be advised of the folZowing comments. "'^:""'''2~~ _~NED Qr.~ ~EPLY i t , t _ , , '; ...DATE: --. 1. Parking pequiped fop pool area; thpee (3) spaees. 2. Sidewalks pequiped. 3. No poof ovephang on zepo lot line. Bept Keehp ---.--.] I (//[ ~Ju! We'{ ( a~l~~,j.ci~~ ./ ) 'J ;(t~ SIGNED , / ---.-- FORM F259 Ah1ilab!e from GAAYARC CO., INC., Brooklyn, NY 1'232 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED r "I !-1\.UM TO F I L E Carm<!.1> S. Annunziato City Planner SUBJECT: Tract B Site Plan/Cluster. Housing DATE: Apr. 2, 1982_. ~OLD. With respect to the above mentioned site plan,please be advised of comments as follows: 1. the rear setback on all lots adjacent to Meadows Boulevard must be twenty-five (25) feet consistent with the PUD ordinance; 2. the front yard setbacks on lots 48,53,58 and 66 must be twenty-five (25) feet consistent with the PUD ordinance; 3. suggest applicant provide a landscaping plan for the common area; 4. suggest applicant provide a typical landscape plan for cluster houses; and, 5. sprinkler systems are not optional. CSA:mpc /1. _ // - , FLEASE f:EPl Y TO . SIGNED L---tZ'-;:'...;';:>U'-r,l.>.(!" c.c--71~~;Z;; ....... --.. -- .-"'- -.. -",~--~,,-,~~,"-_.-..-. ._----_._-_.._."._,~..--_.._,,::::/":._-~:./-._.- REPLY DATE: '.4_ SIGNED FORM F2f>9 AVOIdable from GRAYARC CO.. INC., New Ha'lford, Conn. 06057 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ./ , ...., '.- '. " ( If "I S fA FE IlOAD 7 . 2ND I-IOOR "" POST 01 FICE BOX ~399 MARCATE. FLORIDA 33063 (3051 9723959 . , Jlme 30, 1981 ~rr. Tom Clark, P.E. Ci ty Engineer Ci ty of Boynton Beach 120 Northeast 2nd Avenue Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 BE: C & H PLAT #1 JO #7808025 Cear Tom: Enclosed 1"01 t wi th the "auld then be is the revised cost estirrate for recreation facilities included. $1,523,267.60. the subject devc1o?- The n0." Ixnd clJTOIU1 t The nc." inspeCtion fees \iould then be $15,382.68 (1% + $150.00). I kno.. that ~'rr. Franks had already_sul:mitted a fee chcd; b2scO on the previous estimate. If you have not already cor.e so, I sU90cst U10t you either return that d1eck to him and request a substitute one or request a new d1eck for the difference. I am also enclosing a certified sketch and legal descri?tion of the new main recreation area duch lies outside of the oli'lt. I . . have sent Paul \\Qlfe(~rr. Franks' attoITley) a copy of Uus sketch so that he ca.n prepare the instrum~nt to convey this l:md to the hC'i712- a.,TIers' ass=ii'ltion. This recreation area is desi'Jnod [or use by all future residents of the land in the POO lying south of t:..'le L-19 canal. Julian Bry.:m "~s before City QJlU1cil on JlU1e 16, .It '..~lid1 Lij;~ ~he'=uncil deLe.uninod that h~ h3d not 'f-:lee a su~sLmLi.ll d1.1n"e to the Ir..'lSt.cr pLm. He plans tD be b2[ol'e the P13nnil1CJ :'.nd 7>0ning Eoard on July 14 to, ho~fully, obtain ,l;:{)l'ovi'll of the I"inor cr-,,'J1)cs and b3ck LccfOl-e Council on July 21 [or lhe S.LTC pUll"se. If .,11 'J~'S "'211, ~\r. Frcmks U101 intends to PJst tJ1e bond so tl1.1t ~he P].1t can be re=rdcd and he c:m Q'1in constnlction. / .~ / ;..--.. r'l_ """ ,'i'" I ( r ......dnt to !'flL-!.l \...:0...1 "(Jilin for Y()\ll. .1llpnt 10n "nd leak fon,'.>td t6 eking with you in the cory;t you h.we any qllcs ti ons, f ce 1 f nee to c,) 11. "') thr>L~C II\.lLtl'I"S . ion ph,,,ce. I[ Very tn.l}Y~ .~~.. Durnel L. Carn.>h"n, P.E. cc: f;~-$~:;;;ie;~h~s~~i~iili ~~~loS:I~~2/ ~!r. Paul \';olfe (\~l th enclosure) 11r. Julian Bryan !'!r. Peter O1eney l'ir. Carrren KnnlDlziato Mr. Perry Cessna . / (11 ~'. , " . ,..J-, *C. "'*D. \ }DR C & H 1'I.lli'iil,'nr'S 12/11/79 By F:.F.L. ,P.E. 'r~\', 5/5/80 J. T, 6/23/81 J, ,.. *R.cv. 6/1/81 G, P. Jo ~78080i'5 r. P A VDfrNl' ItB'Tl & D2scription l)Jilnt.ity Unit Cost '''''Jlmt A. 8" shell rock base w/l 3/4" asph. surface & 12' stab. sub:lrade (includes all v.ork on Congress Avenue, t~adows Blvd. and turn lanes.) 10,699 SY @ $ 7.30 = $ 78,103.00 B. 8" shell rock base w/l!:;" asph. surface & 1211 stab. sub::jrade (=llector roads wi thin Tracts A thru D.) *Tract A - 7628 SY Tract B - 7669 SY Tract C - 10908 SY Tract 0 3758 SY = 29,963 SY 'il S 6.15 = 5181,272.00 C. 6" she 11 r=k base \"/11.; 3SDh. surfoce & 12" stab. sul:grade 5>,582 SY @ $ 5.00 = $ 47,910.00 Subtotal $310,285.00 II. MISa:u..~JEOUS C'a'JSTRtJCTION A. 4' \"ide conc. sidC\oJalk (all trocts) 8,123 SY @ $10.00 = $ 81,230.00 B. 5' wide conc. side~alk (along south sice of ,.e2c1c\''S Blvd.) 1,124 SY @ $10.00 ~ $ Jl,2~0.00 Street lighting in r/w ?I'. C-A @ $1000.00 = ;: 26,')00.00 Rc."Crl2ational Area (Trocts M) (l) 4' 1l.spl101t \\aLlchay' (2) Grading ,5cxls (3) 6" R=k/l" ASDhalt (4) Clubhouse (5) Bike Rack (6) 'I'ennis Court (7) Tot wt (8) B. B.('I. Area ~ S 1 , 000. 00 $ 1 4 , 157,00 $ 9,057.60 $ 50,000.00 $ 250.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 750,00 $--'Jl-;iI4-:-60 1. 3 ,'Ie 1332 SY 2000 S_t @ @ @ SU. 25/SF~ ::: S6.30;SY = 525.00/5F = = = = = 1DTN. REX:: foR"'A O,<:3T SubtotCll , ).,'){)~ --(~ ~ J - -1:-0- .. :.v., ...... v -1,)i I -" J .- ",.. .,. . in. DPJ\ IN!\GE \ 1\. Pipe 15" C.M.P. 1,063 iF @ S 13.00 '" S 13,819.00 A *18" C.M.P. 160 iF @ S 15.00 '" S 6,900.00 **2111 C.M.P. 1,151 iF @ S 20.00 '" $ 23,020.00 **24" C.M.P. 1,190 iF @ 5 24.00 '" S 47,760.00 * *30" C.M.P. 2,030 iF @ $ 30.00 '" S 60,900.00 36" C.M.P. 1,863 1F @ $ 37.00 '" S 68, 931. 00 42" C.M.P. 1,10B LF @ $ 44.00 '" $ 48,752.00 4B" C.M.P. 196 iF @ $ 51.00 '" $ 9,996.00 60" C.;.'!.P. 394 iF @ $ 67.00 = $ 26,398_00 66" C.M.P. 30 iF @ $ 72.00 = S 2,160.00 B. StIUctures Standard Catch Basin 47 EA @ S 700. = $ 32,900.00 5' Diarreter C. B. IlEA @ $11 00. = S 12,100.00 6' Diameter C.B. ZEA @ $lB50. '" $ 3,700.00 7' Dia'l€ter C. B. ZEA @ 52200. = $ 4,400.00 · 'Standard ~'an Hole 6 EA @ $ 725. = $ 4,350.00 5' Dia;lOeter N.H. 3 EA @ S 12 00. = 5 3,600.00 6' Diameter n.H. 1 EA @ $1900. = $ 1,900.00 7' Diarr.eter ~l. H. 1 Ell @ 52300. = $ 2,300.00 Overflew Structure 1 E.'\ @ $2300. = $ 2,300.00 Rip Fap HsachBlls 3EA @ $ 650. = S 1,950.00 AsjJ,'1a.l t A ",rons 62 E.z, @ 5 100. = $ 6,200.00 Subtotal *$ 384,D6_00 IV. \'!ATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1\. D.I.P. : 10" (Black Bone Syston) 2,905'@ $ 17. = $ ';9,3SS.GO 8" (All Tracts) 9,OS3'@ $ 15. '" S 136, 2~5. 00 6" (,Zul Tracts) 4,.\S3'@ $ 10. ~- S ,',~, 830. 00 B. Gate Valves: 6" 31 P.; @ $ 350. = S 10,850.00 8" 18 fA @ $ .100. = S 7, .?OO. 00 10" 3 FA @ $ 450. - $ 1,350.00 C. Tc-es: 8" x 6" 17 F:; @ 1 . 36 ';\'11 = S 2,9,<2.00 6" x 611 7 cr.. "J 0.5 Ten '" $ 1 , 1 oe. [10 , 8" 4 FA @ 0.34 Ton = $ 7.13.00 10" x 8" 8 F-/\ @ 0.7 Ton '" S 1,540.00 1011 x 8" 1 E.'\ @ 0.1 Tnn '" S 220.00 D. Fire Ilydrants 22 FA @ $ 750. = $ 16,500.00 Ll_'lllJ l t~ ~,,_ L V lL-1 'J vv ,~. ... ... \ , Subtotal 307, 110.00 v. SJI.NITARY SD,ER A. 8" V.C.P.: 0-6' cut 6-8' cut 8-10' cut 10-12' cut 12-14 . cut 14-16' cut B. 10" V.C.P.: 10-12 ' cut 12-14' cut 14-16' cut C. ~:an fioles: 2,714 l.F @ S 7.00 = S 18,988.00 3,925 IF @ S 7.50 = S 30,223.00 2,887 IF @ S 9.25 = S 26,705.00 2,247 IF @ S 12.25 = S 27,526.00 925 LF @ S 17.00 = S 15,725.00 165 IF @ S 22.00 = $ 3,630.00 165 IF 725U' 245 l.F @ S 15.00 @ S 20.00 @ S 25.00 = S 2,475.00 = $ 14,500.00 ::= S 6,125.00 0-6: 6-8: 8-10: 10-12: 12-14: 13 E.'\. @ S 675. = S 8,775.00 14 EA @ S 900. I $ 12,600.00 = 10 EA " $ 1200. . = $ 12,OCO.00 I:' 8EA @ $ 1400. = $ 11,200.00 6EA @ $ 1700. = S 10,200.00 D. Services: Single **Cauble 61 EA 136 E.'\. @ $ 170. @ S 200. -= S 10,370.00 = $ 27,200.00 E. Force .'lain & PaTIo StaLion: 1. 8" D.LP. F.M. 1,650 U' 2. 8" x 10" Tap TC€ \'1/8 G.V. 1 FA 3. PL<np Station (ca~,plc=te) 1 FA @ S 15.00 @ S 1750. @ S 45000. ~ $ ':>.1, 7S0.00 = S 1,750.00 ~ $ .; '),000. 00 - - - ,-----.- Subtotal $311 ,SS2. 00 'IOT.~lS I . P;Wt::.~'T '''11. ;.nsc. CD:":S,K'JCI'ION .. III. D:<AJ.)!X;E .. IV. h;.'\~.t:R DIS,<<IGlll'IO'< ** V. S,\.'.;I'1/'.'<Y Sr::':.T.R $ ,1n,~S5.00 ~0{), GS.l. 60 )s.1,33r-.OO 107,110.00 111,3'S?OO -:'.)j-.\L - ..,--- Sl/-;)~, '"\6;.t;O > STAFF COMMENTS Meadows 300 -- Tract "B" Building Dept.: Subject to Memo City Planner: Subject to Memo Parks & Rec.Dept.: " " " ,t J'- / /1,,' ..,j "-><!) ,/.. ~..I' ~'.T"''''; I "I FROM TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner Be Keehr Deputy BuiZding Offioial SUBJECT: Meadows 300 - Traot B - Site Plan DATE: 4-1-82 FOLD. Upon review of the site-plan submitted> please be advised of the following oomments. 1. Parking required for pool area; three (3) spaoes. 2. Sidewalks required. 3. No roof overhang on zero lot line. PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED Bert Keehr fs REPLY (~c ../ , i \ ~A. ~ SIGNED ,. ~ ! FORM F269 Available from GRAYARC CO" INC., Brooklyn, NY 11232 HilS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED I TO -, FROM F I L E Carmell S. Annunziato City Planner SUBJECT: DATE: Apr.2,1982 FOLD .. PLEASE REPLY DATE: Tract B Site Plan/Cluster Housing with respect to the above mentioned site plan,please be advised of comments as follows: 1. the rear setback on all lots adjacent to Meadows Boulevard must be twenty-five (25) feet consistent with the PUD ordinance; 2. the front yard setbacks on lots 48,53,58 and 66 must be twenty-five (25) feet consistent with the PUD ordinance; 3. suggest applicant provide a landscaping plan for the common area; 4. suggest applicant provide a typical landscape plan for cluster houses; and, 5. sprinkler systems are not optional. CSA:mpc . /1_ _ ./ -/; REPL Y TO . SIGNED ~l)q, {....?--. 'c! , I .;; "I:, SIGNED ." #-' FORM F269 Available frllnl GRAYARC CO" INC., New Hartford. Conn 06057 THIS COPY FOR PERSON Il,ODRESSEO .01-_, .. MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner O"'T~ April 6, 1982 FIl.E !'"ROM John Wildner Park Superintendent 'UO"CT Meadows "300" Site Plan During our review of the site plan for Tract B of the Meadows "300" Subdivision we noticed that preliminary plans merely call for the construction of two small swimming pools as the only recreational facilities to be provided during initial phases of this project. While the master plan does call for substantially more recreational facilties in later phases, no indication is made as to when these facilities will be constructed. Since Tracts A & B combined will ha'll'E; over 200 dwelling units, it is possible that more than 500 new residents may have only limited recreaticnal facilities for an extended p~riod of time. It is recommended that the developer be required to begin development of planned recreational facilities in adjacent tracts at the same time he constructs both Tracts A & B. ~q ---- t/U~~ ohn Wildner pm cc: Charles Frederick Recreation & Park Director > . '*". ,~;,!jf'., t,~ \., '~;.Si.>. ; ".\ '. . '.,,,}.1~iliiljli~~_,.( DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSUL liNG ENGINEERS, P. O. Box 4399 101 North State Road 7 2nd Floor MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063 . J. []J~uu~ITu &)[f UOO&jj~'l~[I01]Duu~[b DATE (305) 972-3959 ATTENTION "' TO M~ GIT'( CARIVI F.tJ A t-lI..\ l Jd Z I Ii>. -r () () F f:l.i')'( tJIO,J RF:At'.w PL~t-HJIA)lr ~F.fT. WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o .Prints o Change order o Plans o o Samples o Specifications COPI ES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval o For your use G-"1G' req uested o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints o For review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS_PF.J2 ,lut llt.A \ 5KFTL~F.'\ ~ o 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US p.R.yA.1 \ ~ eEA tJF.S i Rl Dt,-. PG~Mn~) (10 Bf: IlSFf) AS BCIlklf.:lAA'( COPY TO PRQOOCn40-2f~\nc.,G_,Ma$s.Ol4l1 SIGNED: ~J~ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us a on e. 1LJ., ~ -... f 'j ,... , j BOYNTON BEACH PLl-,N:n:,G DEPi'.RTMENT APPLICATION INFOEHAT10N FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAME: AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: PHONE II i, it IVf,FA.D(){.;:; ?Q::) - flPA- r g \jOU,Gf..) r RR.y,{:"lJ It( /76 1--'//:-MPr;J ~I-E /:.t::v b/<;;;CAVOE, f:z.o. 5~/49 I I / <:6')- 94~ -..24{)~ (':-./ JJ PR:I>PE-tJ1~ PO. lSt:>)c /S-4b8 . Ury RLA-f l:r=J.r' J.J j:Y'Ll _ I 36S-6SS- 'SE/f) 3:46A PROJECT LOCATION: U~~/Db Cl.,'hPf)0; "dub. . J~4 Mlth (not legal descriptio ).--: u 'n r/ - ;:,00Tf-J o~ "y ,t:lW,,>0 IC-'CJJ6.tJ CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) - - * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded.