APPLICATION DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P. O. Box 4399 101 North State Road 7 2nd Floor MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063 , J. []J~uu[[fu ~[f 1fffi3~[i\f)~ffi'1lUu1f~[b DATE (305) 972-3959 ATTENTION TO /JI~ U.~MF=tJ A..h.\lld7 ill.l() LIT'{ nF l\n,<ulorJ Rr::At.w PU....l..)l,dlr bF;pT. "' WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o .Prints o Change order o Plans o o Samples o Specifications COPI ES DATE NO. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval D For your use G-"I\'S' req uested o For review and comment o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints o o FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS_PP.l? -.lLlLl6.A 1 5 KF1L\.-\E.'\ ~ 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US RR.YA,. '.-:: ~F(':\LlF.Sr RI.D(.... f'E~Mll~) (To BE lJ5F./') A.S Bt'lLWOA~'( COPY TO PftOOUCl aO.1 !NEiEI!IIIt..~. Mass. 01471 SIGNED: ~/0 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify liS. on e. 1LQ.., ~-, ,/ {':1 , j BOYNTON BEACH PLJ..N:nnG DEPi>.RTMENT APPLICATION INFO?-:.L'-.T10N FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAME: AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: PHONE J/ I,p" I'-'(FLO{){Ah ?c.v - JP./rr 12> \jOU;:'/.J T R;:''(.<'.!./0 It( /76 /J-6.f..tprrJ ~^-l.S 4:'/ b/~C4V'06'. f:Z.o. 3;:,/49 I I I .:j65- 94~ -"z<..j()3 r::-./ Jj PRDPF."r.r~ po. lS0JG /:;4b8 . t.Jry H,Cf-I &=./00../ ,H L1 _ l 3'6S'-- (; S"S - S8/D 3Y16A PROJECT LOCATION: U~~/Db c;.,ft.P~ ;dUD . 'J~J Mk[:: (not legal descriptio ) r: . 'I ',"" D~ - .:>0<..7/1-1 o~ ~ yo'rt:lL.-U>0 ,c:.uLJ/l CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) - * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. t /- 1<-,,: '~.~: ~G A:-:; ZO~~It:C: ~,OARD APPIICA:IO~ Be.Y:;'TON PSi;CH, FLORIDA All ~pplications to be processed by the Planning and Zoning Board must be received and accepted by the City Plahner thirte=n (13) days rrior to t~e reg~lar seeting. The applicant ~ill be advised as to suppl~~e~tal ~eetings necessary for application review. All applicants with approved site plans, which at a later date request a revision, will be processed in the same manner as the initial application subject to all Code requirements effective at the time the revision is requested. Name of Applicant C t>J fJ PR-OP6K(/CS Applicant's Address /6 .I2x?,K /S4!'Y? ~)~ p/-/ M gF:/-<:f:.Ji P IJ. . Address of Site:;: ~D{:; /v(U/Xn J<:. tWD. /,,)E;.,y ()!= Cbt. JcrR~'i;'S A JF.- Intended Use of Site ii.,~)ScE t}J:~LJ D7;X:-~ !:e;f05,u(l,j c., RE S:/uPfF.. 150I..JQ;rNlP za_ !J'lT _J. ~ { / " ( Legal Description of Site 7h--.T g "f)F T/../(;' ~/(J/JC Re:.-flWC;D PL..6T { 1 The following data must appear on all copies of the Site Plan: 1. Existing Zone Re::;IDt'""A r/.dG PU,D. 2. Area of Site IF? K.~ 3. Total Number of Units Proposed 86 4 . Densi ty Gross 4. 7 , 2206 4 4 J ) Building Area Sq Ft 'A nEIV{d " t(L>,X 'ilo/J u ., U 1"1''1'" '"I. III{ , , { / Parking Spaces: Reg' 0.,.2 !I:E..{.l/Jlf-Proposed~_.2......PF:R. I Jt.Jr--~- ~_ _ Parking - Aisle ].Yea__Sg. Ft.___~~.__~___ .~_ % 0: Lot Per Acre 5. 6. % of Lot 7. E.. a S:.reet ;"~rea Sq. Ft. , (:., : ..L',-, t % 0: Lot 9. Landscape Area Sq. Ft. 6/.)6 Storips 10. Height of Buildings /7 Feet ~~ 11. Total Floor Area /g'7r.271 Sq. Ft. What is the applicant's interest in the premises affected? ~ Agent, Lessee, Etc.)~~------'~~--~--- (I) (h'e) understand that this Si te a;:'proval }:.eCCTT'es a part of the ~'ermanent records of the Planning and zoning Board. (I) ('de) hereby certify that the above stateThents and the statements or s~owing5 ma2e in a plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (m owledge and belief. This applicap n will not be ac- ss signed by the owner of the rop ~ / '--.: o of Oh'NER gna 1:2Q igned person to act nt in regard to this petition. (To be executed when Owner designates another to act on his behalf.) " co:.:..:~_~!.;::,:y J..T~.: '_:-_.~_~:=r ~~ BOYNTJN B~ACH, FLO~=~A Date g- 51> - 8.2 Preliminary ( ) Final (X) Reauest =or Change Sign Appro\'al Project Name Mt=;.t'./)/)/-,!!S SoD ~ " Legal Description 17J;~ 13 /Jp TlJ5 ,cll ]tiL RFJJ.'JR.DF;O PL/JT / Acdress of Site <,56(.1pJ S/06 r:" /.J PR6P6~T/6<::: Archi teet JI/!::'6 l1J6t..o;t:. ( /..16J5. tJ() t.J<; /!:,OJ D _ Owner Tel. II 65"$- <;;8/() Tel. II 96S-86"67 open to the Public. All meetings of the Community Appearance Board are I}WORTANT - Requirements for Review: IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEh~D, A REPRESENTATIVE WILL NEED .TO BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. Preliminary Review Requirements: A. Site Plan (including the General Landscape Development) B. Building Plan C. All Exterior Elevations with material designations D. Outline specifications of facade and roof treatments E. Sketches of all signs and their dimensions F. General Exterior color description (including signs) Final Review Requirements: h. Site plan sh~~ing setbacks, lan~scaping, all Gutside areas and their ,.~: ::: -- --. L~r.::~::=.~inq ::-.2Y t= =-=-_ c-E:-.2:-F-::" ::~::-:-.~ I ::-.:-: :::.-.~ :.-.~:..=:.-_"':~ 2.:::C ~e~~~~_ ~~-~~S c~ ~:~~~2 an6 ~~~es ~.~s~ be nG~Et, iLC:U~l~g lighting, fE~C~S, or any outside perffianent fixtures and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (10% minimum). B. Building Plans C. Detailed drawings for all signs D. Exterior surface treatments (includinq roofs) E. Exterior color sche~e (including that of signs) All colors must be desig~ated by sample. F. Six (6) sets of working drawings and specifications. Date of Review Follow-up Date Decision 0= review (as stated in official minutes of the meeting) Community Appearance Board [-= eha i rl~,dn . ~ I' ---.. ~---~-,~ ~ _"_..... _'.:, ,.~ ~ :-~:~.:,J".' __ ~ ,... - ~-_..,-------~---- '. CC:'0F ;.~,~:, ::':.-.=-=.;: IJ...L SC!1ED:.:::...r: .. D2.te 5-~6-82. f J r ;; /'v'\ 7R . '(D (I Job !\ame /VtE.t.,[)6U~ dVV - (" -N1 10 Location f1FA3.(X>lAX &t.v/), ~ JG~ 01=' 6JUSR.H;~ /JUb t I Applicant C...; fI iJpOFef'{?/SS. Address p (1.&:4 !<:;Q6X tJq P,6.(./.{ gblyj..f Tel. # 6'J't-S'R/o SURFACE MATERIAL COLOR ('iame) /..J !Ll ;i:y Vuy _Ih1!:y U.n.R I-Jf. ~ _VdI-y I0IA ( (//-,I'.~ I VAP<"/ I INSECT SCREEN ~t tJ fY)/) tUcvo tJ~1D Ir /iv' 1/ /-r.::- ~ Df ~IJ/I. Kr ; /J~ $"17 )(,{' ./:) sy-r-( ),C".?'> BEAMS COLUMNS DOORS FASCIA GABLE ENDS GLASS . GRILL PANELS RAILINGS ROOF SHUTTERS SOFFIT WALLS OTHERS (as required) 0, of Applicant CAB Form #2 City of Bo~'nton Pc~~'h J~~5-75 "' ~ -~~------'''-'-'''--- BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT '. SITE PLAN APPROVAL CHECKLIST Da te Recvd. '? - '5 -'i52 ,II1<'ctd.N~ )t70 P Ci P Project Name Tj,,,(+- 13 Developer eel" f!- (1rV)<l"'" 1; Pc) Owner (.1# f?i't'IAI'..../II'S , Architect Milrf WO>4:I' /- If) eo....' e {', (J <'tv/.5 GENERAL: (Are the following requirements met?) ~~roject cost greater than $100,000. ~(6) copies submitted by applicant V rFees attached/received. ~scale of 200 ft. (or less) to the inch. Agent ,),kfV] i7J^ trY kJ Trustee Surveyor }) p mY!A 4 t, 1Y Y) Lrti/'l/Irl0'-/'1 Engineer ( 7 for PUD) ....;s.5i"!,j 2 PLAN REQUIREl1ENTS: ./, A.I. V-A.2. -A.3. =:LA.4. A.5. ,,// A. 6. A.7. A.8. LA.9. -j,L..A.10. (Refer to Sec. II, Zoning Regulations.) Comments: . + 10/. 1)1'"1// c; {IIV' Ii/J",,,rlv<tgv.; 13/",..:1 ,L;"~~frlj'" "i ih-,;"f y(""J5/ ~~ 10 ~~'UV ]:'rl":ft r;,v r"/' I f- 5J."p 0 1/ V~ rViid Io~ d1n:~ ~ vZ.f~~r~ ,,-to. .pc! ;.... ~.I../) , {/ INTER-AGENCY COORDINATION: ~alm Beach County (traffic analysis) ~chool Board (school plant planning) ~South Florida Water Management District (drainage) (other) REVIEW SCHEDULE: LT.R.B. P.&Z.B. C.A.B. -Council Da te: Cf - 2 -'t''7- Action: ADDITIONAL REMARKS: (orig 2-79/DCG) ,[ -" ,Jr ~.... j CI:'~- OF LC'-_'NTOl~ 5EP,,':H PL;~:~:~ING D:2PART1':ENT REPORT ON CONFORMANCE OF SITE PLAN TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING REGULATIONS DATE RECEIVED 3 - 3 ' ~2 PROJECT NAME J/ll"nrluvv.:; , J Ii () 7;;{' rf f3 7, Ie fir! ~ LOCATION W..os f o{l r;~rrif I}i/e~ /1"...-/h 7',)'" ,,-f' f -5-/'/ (ro/V'O,-.J 7 , f/rl,rI'" t 17Wl J4y<,v,or! T-cY' //';<'~'II,o" iut f ') / EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE ~h '7-:'lIf' - ~~.')y 11"'1/",1/:./ (/"';~c; PRESENT ZONING (Use Permitted?) p[/;;J. / )1/''''''''' (f I'd <15 r'" ?9J9 v"{Jv~'; ""''I,d/r' WY't:.>l(1h":;e./ 1 / ' l/1h/~ , I' uc'e /c;- ,- PROPOSED ZONING (Use Permitted?) 5;'/4/,u . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN -- TEXT {i. I v CQ/1.f7i, (I., ,.,; 10 (;'A~F1 . P{.JVl T('.,,+ , - 2 - tjhp,"/VI r/5 lv'A/" /tv> rJ )0 I"t- '1 a j I- v 0';:' , - I fvrft? q j d.pPI~; f r luo N7V1/,/,'cf 1Ar;.j~ ~ft' o,...~ ; .,;/ v R!?,id,oH 1/0'1 / ' L(- <6 "J ,/. u / drv(" / 4tC 7 '} /<. - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN --FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP IA/;!I.; Fulu....~ .-If a. I-"'~d /"';/1/'(' / i.5 (/<;e P/r/vt I CONFORMANCE TO ZONING REGULATIONS: ,f? II O. Zone Bldgs. & Site Regulations .- Site Plan 5);;tlc/ - / ~I/O(/ 5! -1'1_ Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Lot Depth 55 ,c'f,/ .I ~ (-I- Min. Rear Yard Min. Side Yard ~ tJ ,,L f2 -:i <t" f./ Min. Living Area 2,2Cl() / t1q ; '" /..no' Y. Max. Lot Coverage l.f{l ,yp Yrrr:vY' I ' Max. Structure Height - ,M;V1. Pvw f Yt",d '2C; -17-, 17'1 MMdv...."j f}/,;j. - /'7 ~7-, ---. cr", ;l1('"c./c.....$.. /}It/d. .- } i i - 3 - Comments: Accessory Bldgs. , I /(;i/l f' Fences & Other Structures wi thin Setbacks --4/&"'1 e Buffering Required /1//'1 ",{' Nonconforming Uses, Lot, and Structures {lit'" e Required Parking Spaces parking spaces Provided ?~ hV' /nor; I / 5'lV:""''''':,J o ADDITIONAL REMARKS: A;..~ + / i..~' l ~j I < ~./ ~ r CO!1MUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Date I J/()~Jg ~ Preliminary ( ) Final 0<) Request for Change ~ Sign Approval ( ) Project Name J1IIl?l"loOrvS Legal Description -t RItCT 0 0 F Fttu/4.j (( CJcoR..M--D (JI.. It T Address of Site rt::, jl~(,c<, ,:') SO'-'/~ SID..(/ of fYI .e ,4. t:Jo ..".s 4L.uO Owner BOfj "'-IOvv tv 1"''7>/ CoRPr Tel. # ]DS-6f)7-t3O (I Architect U (C 15/'r vv ()..e S I 6 ..J 'S'-f...()IO ::> Tel. # G'Pt-0000 All meetings of the Community Appearance Board are open to the Public. IMPORTANT - Requirements for Review: IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE WILL NEED TO BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. Preliminary Review Requirements: A. Site Plan (including the General Landscape Development) B. Building Plan C. All Exterior Elevations with material designations D. Outline specifications of facade and roof treatments E. Sketches of all signs and their dimensions F. General Exterior color description (including signs) Final Review Requirements: A. Site plan showing setbacks, landscaping, all outside areas and their uses. Landscaping may be in general terms, but the heights and general types of plants and trees must be noted, including lighting, fences, or any outside permanent fixtures and calculations or parking lot landscaped areas (IO% minimum). B. Building Plans C. Detailed drawings for all signs D. Exterior surface treatments (including roofs) E. Exterior color scheme (including that of signs). All colors must be designated by sample. F. six (6) sets of working drawings and specifications. Date of Review Follow-up Date Decision of review (as stated in official minutes of the meeting) : Community Appearance Board I Chairman CAB Form U City of Boynton Be ~.' , COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD COLOR AND MATERIAL SCHEDULE Date/:1- I ~11c3 3 ( . Job Name ;11 P iJOOlu.s. Location m€'Mov5 Applicant fio:J'" 1"OK/ Address 9/6 oS 1 300 eLl? D C<- t!"-:; 7-' J/ PiS ()( / e'5"" 0 F Co f? P FtfJ 3 ~l/o8 C'G'YJf/.J)' 3 , Tel. it r;;87-(30CJ SURFACE ~~RIAL BEAMS COLUMNS II/1ft I DOORS woo (:) 1//4 f? j FASCIA VJ t/ <0 tf) vJ4 (I.. 'J GABLE ENDS {~)(')o.D / StUc.c 0 [/11Kj jJtJrf -E: GLASS c! e'r:J. (L GRILL PANELS tv /A- AJ j4- INSECT SCREEN A//A Iv tl.l. RAILINGS 1v//1- fUll+- ROOF -set p vf.-~ I SHUTTERS 1'./ J4 Iv ~ SOFFIT 57 {J ceo t/A e 1 WALLS 'C:TO c: cO f//'>J OTHERS (as required) CAB Form #2 City of Boynton Beach 12-5-75 ,,"# , f <'I ""1 '1' '1../1 ~ ) I CO" sn:TCH M~[) !.U;^" I)ESCHII''J'ION MAIN R~CREATION AREA NO. 1 /',y :;").. '" <"-0;>; SO -f'-9. (' >- sd' _ :c->- -1-0 -<I'"""c- <C'c:;.. G' -f'.y ,?. ,>- <: ,/~ ~ ; ,XJ "- \) " tv , ~ " 4.. . -"z- --7';;> 5,?'IZoo .p. <1 Sty . 1':'0 c.?o <:\, -8' '" 4~' 1/" /;;J/? OJ;? f).5t.!) --- 1.~~^LE I / --:')t/' S;58"13'1.J'E ?5lk" k' &~"'l. [.-0' 80' ~\V I,') I 'j '/ l \ ,II . /) \ " ~ ... \1 " ~ ~"~~f~r<tl':-;:"'C'::_~":-'c. t 11 TNI5 )--d} ;; <;1.:[ fClI-l':Y .\ - V "-, L!Y.L'''' L 1{' - -- -,- . - - -. ~ -. - .:.-:- LOC/17lrJN I,I.':? sa 7-"~;'4~ N k. ~ '" " ~ ~ ~ \')'-5 -J ",.": ,,::', "''<;- !-..'\:, ~i~~ "- " 'Q tn / ,:--',r A :::,,'~.0!.:"'-'--/ V . ] . v,.,., "V "- I L ~ I.. >.' \ ...4.1 I.'." \ .))' .-" "':~I' ,. "- ~'" -: I ~ ~ l }.. ! ~lt- ('(:(~'.~.....' .". . ~ ..: ,. / ~", L .' ~ ~ I J /" S.'/EE r ;,-,:,'c' -- ---- --' DAN!EL CAF~NAH^N CONSULTING LNl~IN[-TI~S, li\!C. CONSU/IING ENONEl:NS [jlNO ,1.,'{I. ,'I ',~ ) O:,'S '-/11\'0 ()CVUO/llf.'Nr CO/t.",,'{II.?:,!\')S \01 ;1). S \hl [ '~l).\l) 1 ~,~'\I;l~I\II.',I'I.. ..\:-l"'-' .. \ ~:") ',~ I . \ .,' : ,:) ~'- .'. ,.. ---. .., .- "\ f ' L "1.'I:A[)I)\','~; 3nO" SKI:TUI AND 1.J.:r;AL DF'sCHII'T10N MAIN RECREATION ARSA NO. 1 A PORTION OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 7, TO\.;NSIIIP 45 SOll'l'H, FAN(;!: 13 I:!,;;T, BEING MORE PARTICULARL:' DESCRIBSD 115 ,'OLLOh'S: COMMENCING 'AT TilE SOUTIIEAST CORNER Of' SECTION 7, TOh'NSIIIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST, SAID CORNER lILSO BEING ON THE CEN'ITRLINE OF cow;/n:ss AVPJUE (So R. 80n lIND ON THE CENTERLINE Of' lIN 80.00 FOOT C;\~lIL HIr'II';- OF-I~AY KNO\'IN AS THE L.W.D.D. CANAL L-20; THENCE N02047'01''E 1I1.0NG TilE EAST LINE OF' SAID SECTION 7, A DISTANCE or 769.47 FEET; TIIENCE . N8iJI2'59"\o,' A DISTANCE Of' 1528.49 FEET TO TilE POINT OF BS(:I1\NING. 5AlL) POINT LYING ON A CIRCULAR CURVE TO TilE RIGHT HAVIN':;7\iTIFTI'J'[7iL-;fi~~J(TNT BEARING Of' S.81041'46''1I'. SAID CURVE lILSO BF:ING THE NORTH LINE OF 11 ?ROPOSED 80.00 FOOT RI GHT OF I'! 11 Y KNO\,'~1 AS ~lE".DO\':S I30ULEV ARD; THENCE r,QKJ'l1 \,ESTERLY lILONG THE ARC OF 511ID CURVE, JlllVINC; A RlIDIUS OF 659.60 FTET 1\''0 A CENTRAL ANGLE or 28046'11", A DISTANCE OF 331.20 FEET; THENCE RII[)]l\1.LY N20027'S7''E. A DISTlINCE OF 328.36 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON ^ CIRCULl\R CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING AN INITIAL TAN~ENT BElIRING OF 5.55026'02"[; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG TilE lIRC OF 51110 CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 130.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32052'12",11 DISTANCE OF 74.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE S.88018'14"E. A DISTlINCE OF 95.00 J'EET; THENCE S.08018'14"E. A DISTANCE OF 320.00 FEET TO THE P01NT OF BEGI1\Ni"C;. SAID LANDS SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN PALM BEliCH COUNTY, FIDRID1I lIND CONTAINING 1.860 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. I HEREBY CERTIf'Y THAT THIS SKETCH JI.ND LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS THUr: ,\ND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF NY J\NO\oJI.F:DGE lIND f1f'LIEF. /d- DlINIEL L. CARNAHAN REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR #3002 STATE OF FL8RIDA NOTES: (A) Rf.PRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH liRE NOT \'111.1 D UNLESS SFJII.I:O \vlTli AN E~BOSSED SURVEYOR'S SElIL. (B) LlINDS SIiO\':N H L HEON \\'FRE NOT l\l\S'j'I~AC'1'lcD FOR I:"\~~ \'::", iJ< ['S ,\:,: J, ll!< RI GIiTS~OF-\~A Y Of' RECORD. SC,\lE 1 ~;:, .'..: r J. .l' Z DANIEL CAF\NAHAN CONSULTING ENl;INE:El\~.~, II\!C, CONSULTING ENG/Nf:.THS l.IltVO SW;'VFJ ONS /..'liVD O!.VU ()/~;(/.'.vr (.'0,',::,'(11.7>) \' / S " ; , ......, '" \', \.. ,'I .. '.' '.1 .".. .. ,