REVIEW COMMENTS H .,1 , M E M 0 RAN DUM November 3, 1986 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Planning Department FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Easement Abandonment, Lot 64, Block B, The Meadows 300, Plat No.1 Letters from Utility Companies have been received as follows: 1. Letter from Florida Power & Light Co. dated Sept. 4, 1986 2. Letter from Access Cable TV dated Sept. 5, 1986 3. Letter from Southern Bell dated Aug. 8, 1986 Predicated on the response of the utility Companies, the Engineering Department has no objection to the abandonment request. -dJ Tom Clark - ~ Va-- - TAC/ck 7 d' (L: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOyNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Wednesday, November 12, 1986, at 7:30 P. M. to consider an application to ABANDON a utility easement submitted by Boynton West Corporation, on a parcel of land more particularly described as follows: That part of the 6 foot utility easement lying on Lot 64,. Block "B", THE MEADOWS 300 PL~T NO.1 P.U.D., according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 43, Pages 58 - 62, inclusive, public records, Palm Beach County, Florida, that runs parallel with and is contiguous with the Westerly line of said Lot 64, LESS, HOWEVER, the North 6 feet thereof ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Council of the city of Boynton Beach on the above request on Tuesday, November 18, 1986, at 8:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permfts. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in per- son or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & zoning Board or city Council with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim recordHof the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH aa PUBLISH: THE POST October 26 & November 2, 1986 , M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE: October 21, 1986 FROM: Betty S. Boroni City Clerk RE: P&Z Meeting of 11/12/86 Forwarded herewith please find responses from the Utilities and Engineering Departments pertaining to the easement abandonment application submitted by Boynton West Corporation. 7!fg~. Betty S. Boroni BSB/smk Attachments cc: City Manager - --;., - ..~ " 198B , .. " _j. ~i.~ --_..~ _._.~.- .3 I' ,,'/ Of ,l.P " FROM TO ~ Mr....John Guidry Utilities Director .., Sue Kruse Deputy City Clerk DATE: 10/13/86 . "'OL.D~ SUBJECT: Application .for P&Z Meeting of 11/12/86 ., '" ". ~.. - ........-~-. applic~o~ .. , , J llttached please find a copy of.an easement abandomaent subaitted bY--cBoynton West Corporation. ... / . Please review'and advise of your recOmmendation for: approval or disapprova1 in accordance with sec.tion.. 22-40 (a) (1) of}:he code".....g ~.- .~..... "._' ".....,., -~.. .;.:;..:...."'.~....>~.~. """c~~;.,.....~..'.~....,.._..~_._:... . ,;i:..'"",.~ ~1''-.' ."~ - ...:....-.~.' . ~..-. . -..... ~ - . ~.. ~ ~.;. ~.~.. . ",:0." .^_'~+"~ - .~. . ;. :.. ... J ~., .' - " ~-. -j ::;. .....;. -'-~'>~~~' 'L '" :"'~',,,:~ ;~"I';~i!6~~~ .:." ~u.'. ...,~:. - .~.~ .-", ,-.-'''- ~ ~-:-- +" i ) / :~:: '" )'~.,..1~.......,. :.:.~:'..~~..:'_" ,::-~., ;. ~. ,~ Thank YOUr I .. . '--.,., .' .''1;' Sue Kruse.. RETURN TO ';c-:--..,. f;'>~.i_",,, . ,. ." ,-, ;" - \ . 4\s. \ \- '. .- '-,,:.: -. . :'4,: ~., , .~.-. We A we' u-+.1.t~s ~ "-- .--- ,t7: .. 1.,_';?,"." .' I.... (\0 ~ ... e.a..~~Me,J-- ~, SIGNED , ~ ~ ., ~--:--""ON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COPY TO SENDER .., . 50f~" j i' , <<j .~ -..........- ~ '-"--., , .~#l'".,,,. .-- TO ... .,.", - r Y'~ . f.. (" 'FROM Mr" Tom.' Clark City ~eer . . - - - -_....~. .... - ... c.. ..= -'::l -----~;___ --..;.0 __ ''''4;<' Sue Kruse Depu~y City Clerk SUBJECT:App~tion for P&Z Meetinq of 11/12/86 DATE: 10/13/86 POLO. Attached please. find a copy of an easement baandonment application submitted by Boynton Best Corporation. Also included are copies of leti:ers frolll Southern Bell. Access Cable TV, and Florida Power &. Liqht co. for your infoxmation. : ,;,.... ~'- Please review ilIid advise of your recnmmendation for approval or disap~"Gl in accordance with Section 22-40 (a) (1) of the code. ~.':-. , '" - ".,;'?t~f;:~i1l~~' . ._~ ..;,.~~:~_~::~r~i~}' .-.:' ';J _.... ."" -......'" , .....; -~:..-.''- .Thank you, RETURN TO . SIGNE~./~_ .....,. -""~ SuleKrusez' '>". REPLY.. ." - "",,","'~.. '- ". '.- '.~." . '~.' Predicated on the respons~ from the Utility Companies, the Enginep~ng Department has no objection, to the proposed easement abandonment. " .1>.. ~ r'''-- - . DATE: /d zA SIGNED ~d/ Item , F2e9 @ Wheeler Group Inc. f919 PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COPY TO SENDER I U) '-.. r I FROM TO Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director Sue Kruse Deputy City Clerk SUBJECT:__~EEJ:L9<l:t:i,grl__fo:r:__~~~l>i",e:tJll'l_Q~ _ llI1:1L~_L_______ __ _JJA TE: _ __ ___tQLL~L8(j____~_ ,.OLD. Attached please find a copy of an easement abandonment application submitted by Boynton West Corporation. Please review and advise of your recommendation for approval or disapproval in accordance with Section 22-40(a) (1) of the code. PLEASE REPLY TO SIGNED Thank you, . Sue Kru-se- REPLY The subject easement is located along the zero lot-line of lot 64, and this would prohibit the placement of a home on this particular lot. There is an abutting 6' utility easement located on lot 65 which can serve lot 64 if the easement in question is abandoned. Therefore, the Planning Department has no objection to the proposed abandonment. DATE: SIGNED /' /. if / \t; Item II F269 @ wtuJejer Group Inc. 1979 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED - ./ ACCEss CABLE T~, ,/ -=- ~ oc.caSI the worW West Boynton, Inc. September 5, 1986 !f Mr. Tim Lynch Hasco Companies 840 U. S. Highway #1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 RE: Abandonment of Utility Easement on Lot 64, Block B, Meadows 300 Plat No. 1 Dear Mr. Lynch: Access Cable of West Boynton, Inc. has no objection to the abandonment of a portion of the 6-foot utility easement on the above referenced property as described on Attachment "An. We understand this abandonment is required for the placement of a zero-lot-line home on this lot. If you require any additional information, please contact us at 736-0107. , Sincerely, . z:. I~ Mf//;r~z //' , I, ,/ Leonard C. Jego .' Vice President LCG:ab Attachment 2000 West Glades Road. Suite 2/X! .8=0 Raton. FL 33431 9' D/' /;.-, Telephone (305) 736-0107 i, , " SEP 0 8 iSub X 2409, DEUlAY BEACH, FLA. 33447 1=l=1l! FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY September 4, 1986 !I Hasco Companies 840 US Highway 1 Suite 400 North Palm Beach, FL 33408-3895 Re: Abandonment: Lot 64, Block B The Meadows 300 Plat No.1 Gentlemen: Florida Power & Light Company has no objections to the proposed abandonment mentioned above. If we can be of further assistance to you, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ." ,r' / ,/ '...., .y , '-' ./'~.-;.. " ~D. F. O'Connell District General Manager DFO/JG/dc i , :' ,"~ /"Jr' . (yf."" " ~ 6 " 1 'L PEOPLE .SERVING PEOPLE _..-------- --..----.---------------- --~--- . '. . AUG 1 3 1986 "..--- . @ , Southern Bell P.S.Oavls Engineering Manager 2021 South Military Trail, Room 202 West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 305 439-9345 August 8, 1986 .. ., , Hasco Companies 840 U. S. Hwy #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 .' Re: Abandonment of Utility Easement on Lot 64, Block B, Meadows 300 Plat No. 1 Dear Mr. Lynch: Southern Bell has no objection to the abandonment of a portion of the 6-foot utility easement on the above referenced property as described on Attachment flAil. We understand this abandonment is required for the placement of a zero-lot-line home on this lot. If you require any additional information, please contact Carole McKenzie at 439-9364. Yours truly, ~~ Engin ng Manager Attachment CDM/ j h i' A BELLSOUTH Company '" (:/ / , 'v.".