LEGAL APPROVAL o RD]J~~",~,C~_J:l..<2...-_28 -53 , ( --/. :') r::J~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 75-19 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING PARCELS LOCATED IN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, FROM ZONE R-IAAA TO ZONE C-3, PRO- VIDING FOR SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVI- SION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore adopted Ordinance No, 75-19 in which a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said City; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be in the best interests of the inhabitants of said City to amend the said Eeviscl Zoning Map as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: The following described property located in the city of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, be and the same is hereby rezoned from Zone R-IAAA to Zone C-3: See attached schedule, Development of the above property shall be in strict accordance with development plans and specifications therefore now on file in the office of the City Planner of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and all requirements, terms, and conditions established and set forth in minutes of the Municipal Planning and Zoning Board of the city Council of the City of Boynton Beach pertaining to review and approval of rezoning application, which minutes are hereby Inade a part hereof by reference. Section 2: The said Revised Zoning Xap of the City shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: ~epa..':-"b_!c.lj_t:y :_ Each of the provisions of this Ordinance is separable, including word, clause, phrase or sCJ.tcnce and if any ~ortion thereof shall be declared invalid, the rc~~jnin portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect, -1- S€::....cion 4: Repealing Provisl.....d: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5: An Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be- come effective in the manner and at the time provided by Law. First reading this \~~day of October, 1978. d- Second, final reading and passage, this ~- day of Novcrrrer 1978. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By: . 0~;~ ~j !AtUU-/c~'7 Vice Mayor 0 -. . ~,., 7}ci/~~ Member l -- ce~ 1~f-J , I ,~- C')-~ . / AI O_Ui. rJ_ . .'<-f....f"'::i<J; :; Council Member " A'l'TEST: :, ) I " r-'.JtK0Y {P~~- City Cler~ - (T--- (Corp, Seal) -2- j/ l\~ " , Parcel #2 - A parcel of land in Section 7, TaNnship 45 South, Range 43 East, lying \'Jest of the Right-of-Way line of Congress Avenue, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follo~s: COlrmencing at the Northeast corner of Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, (said Section corner being also the centerline of Congress Avenue (S.R. 807) and the South Right-af-Way line of Hypoluxo Road); thence run South 50042'19" West, a distance of 64.7E feet to a point On the Westerly Right-of-Way line of Congress A';enuc and the POINT - OF BEGINNING - (p:6. a-.T;-thence- r~n- ~langU-;~id\'lest-e-rly Right-af-Hay by the following courses: South 0010'01" \.,'est, a distance of 59.72 feet to the beginning of a curve, CO:1cave to the East, having a radius of 11509.24 feet and a central angle of 1030' 36"; thence run Southerly, a long the arc of said curve, a distance of 303.31 feet to the cnd of said curve; thence x'un South 1020' 35" East, a distance of 178.82 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave ~esterly, having a radius of 5679.58 feet and a central angle of 3042' 59"; thence run Southerly, along the arc of the ~ust described CUI~e, a distance of 368.34 feet; thence South 88 50 '56" West, departing fro;n said \-!esterly Right-of- Way, a distance of 595.54 feet; thence North 1009'04" West,.a dis- tance of910.00 feet to a point on the Southerly Right-of-Way line of Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral No. 18, as now in use; thence rUn North 88050'5&" East, along said Southerly Right-af-Hay, a distance of 610.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. -.-.-.-.-. ,_.--- -------------_._----~- ---------- J . ./ /2 h'r L- ' '-' MEMORANDU~~ JlUG 29 1978 ') , , / " J2.t'~_ jU)_ ~o: TO Carmen Annunziato, City Planner DAn August 25, 1978 FROM T. Padgett, City Clerk m. REZONING Applications of C & H Properties Co. sU'''CO' Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of September 12, 1978 Forwarded herewith are copies of the following for distribution to interested parties as you see fit: Application and legal description for rezoning R-IAAA to Pud with Receipt #51106, Application and legal description for rezoning R-IAAA to C-3 with Receipt #51107. Notice of hearing as advertised with cover letter to property owners. Quit-Claim Deed with legal description attached, dated 3/22/78. Letter of authorization for Mr. Paul C. Wolfe to act on behalf of C & H Properties, dated 8/15/78. Letter to Carmen Annunziato from Atty. Paul C. Wolfe confirming agreement to pay advertising costs in excess of $100., dated 8/16/78. List of property owners. . Notice sent by City Clerk advising of change of City Councl1 Public Hearing as advertised to October 3, 1978 A complete set of plans is available in Tereesa Padgett's Office. -.J ;JZil;?tY- Tereesa fadgett, City Clerk cc )' r." ,I I'~; r') J~ \..'..' "', JONES, PAINE AND FaSTEn, P. A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS PLE....SE REPLY TO. West Palm Beach 601 F"LAGLER DRIVE COURT POST OF"F"ICE DRAWER E WEST PALM BEACH. F"LORIDA 33402 (305) 659-3000 l""'I'I'1' 8 Al[Jl"'/OIOER GEORGE'" e",I..[Y SAllY 5 et"'50'" ""1...0.'" Vi COHN .,)",_41::5 R COLE ~"'RG"''''ET l COOPER C....."'LES H 0"'''''5[1.- .J'" L ......FlTlN 1'1...........0..... WiLLI...... .. rOSTER ......AJORI[ 0 Cole...""...", BtRNAFlO r GR"'LL STEVE l HENDERSON ....~THONy [ PUCILLO THORNTON"" HEN"",. ","THUR P PUMP,...... T...(:OOO"'[ Vi H[RZOG C"''''''LES L ROWE R BRUCE ..JONES CHR.STOPHER..J SCHILLING ROY w ....ORO...'" ..JR "OBEPT L SELl"'RS ROBIN" LLOYD 5'DNE:Y /10 ~"TUBBS ..II'! .JOHN Ilt""'" Mc:C",...C".[N PAUL'" SULLIV...N ~'R GE",,o,LD" "'COllI. GEORGE P suP"'.... GEORGE'" MOSS EvERETT.J ......N GA..SBEC..... I'IIC......"'O J OI..",CII PAUL C WOLFE .........[5 C P""NE 817 BEACHLANO BOULEVARD P O. eox 3.1106 August 16, 1978 VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32960 (305) 231-1900 Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: The Meadows 300 - zoning Applications Dear Mr. Annunziato: Enclosed please find a letter from C & H Properties Co. to you concerning my authorization to act on their behalf with regard to the zoning applications presented by C & H Properties Co. for the property on the corner of Congress and Hypoluxo. Also enclosed is C & H Properties Co. check number 104 in the sum of $1,000.00 payable to the City of Boynton Beach. It is my understanding that this check is a deposit with the City to be used by the City for outside consultation fees in connection with these zoning applications. This will also confirm our understanding with you that the developer has agreed to pay advertising costs in each application in excess of $100.00, I would presume that you would invoice me when these costs do exceed that amount. Very truly yours, JONES, PAINE & FOSTER, P.A. BY~O~ PCW:PGA Enclosures CC: Mr. C & Stanley Franks H Properties Co. -1 if /-., NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH The enclosed legal ad is furnished you in accordance with Section 9C3 of Appendix A - Zoning Regulations of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. You may attend the meetings personally, by attorney or agent, or you may file a written statement prior to subject hearings. If further information is desired, please call 732-8111, Extensions 231 or 267. TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA August 25, 1978 " and the POINT OF BEGINNING (P.O.B.); thence run along said Westerly Right-of-Way by the following courses: South 0010'01" West, a distance of 59.72 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the East, having a radius of 11509.24 feet and a central angle of 1030'36"; thence run Southerly, along the arc of said curve, a distance of 303.31 feet to the end of said curve; thence run South 1020'35" East, a distance of 178.82 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 5679.58 feet and a central angle of 3042'59"; thence run Southerly, along the arc of the 3ust described curve, a distance of 368.34 feet; thence South 88 50'56" West, departing from said Westerly Right-of- Way, a distance of 595.54 feet; thence North 1009'04" West,'a dis- tance of910.00 feet to a point on the Southerly Right-of-Way line of Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral No. 18, as now in use; thence run North 88050'56" East, along said Southerly Right-of-Iolay, a distance of 610.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. I Containing 12.641 acres, more or less. Request - REZONE from R-1AAA to C-3 District Location - Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue Use Community Commercial Center Applicant - C & H Properties Co. ALSO A Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, on the above requests on S~~, 1978, at 8:00 P. M. t.u...w.,.- a . Any person having any objection to the above, and all persons interested therein, shall present' said objections at the above stated meeting. TEREESA PADGETT, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: PALM BEACH POST-TIMES August 26 and September 2, 1978 V) ~'- I ' ~' . ;,.,} CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 3343!5 ~ --- ~- ~-~f~)i:f"~f;J 'l~""--'.O---=S, . , .~ --. . -- ~ r...::lt:ll'... I, ,._ _ _;;;;;;::::~=_ ~ " ' -:." .'.. ,.. ',~nJ', ,. _._~ . 1~:.~:_!l11~~~ -~ .~:. :== August 25, 1978 NOTICE Please be advised that the Public Hearing scheduled to be held by the City Council on the C & H Properties Company's requests for rezoning has been rescheduled for October 3, 1978, instead of September 19, 1978, as stated in your recent notice. All other statements contained in subject notice remain the same. It was necessary to change this date because two members of the City Council will be out of the City on September 19th. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH /7 ..-"- fly' /. /:c /h' :;C-I-Cc...~6' ./ .....-< 7 c--~ , Tereesa Padgett City Clerk TP/smk -/ r i )' '~ , ~. , C&H PROPERTIES CO August 15, 1978 City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: The Meadows Gentlemen: This letter will act as authorization for Mr. Paul C. Wolfe to act on our behalf in all matters pertaining to our appli- cation for rezoning. Sincerely, C & R{)PERTIES _L SF/bd P. 0 Box 2291 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Phone, (305) 968.1~73 Miami: (305) 949-3891 ."' :,..~ ~) Al"r-r.CATION TO THE cn:\:: G? JjGYi>!TCii Il'~.';Cll .... , FOR RE-ZONING J:ll\TE B-/2.78 A1TAQIED HEREm IS EXCERPl' FRO!'1 ORDlJ'lANCE NO. 75-19 (2 she€ts) SJ:.Tl'lNG FURTH lNFORMAT10N, E'IC" '10 BE SUPPLIED WITH 11115 APPLICATION. PLEASE PRINT on TYPE 1. l'Jame of Appl icant C..J II. PRDPf5RTI€S Ct>. 2. Name of O"me:c c>f Property C. a/. j./, PRDP6RTI6S CD, (Please list this name or names as it appears on the Deed) 3. Address of Property to be re-zoned Tt/€ SCXJTtltV6ST CDR/JER C>F tlVPOLUXD RI.? {CD<J(jR6SS AVe. It. Legal desel'iption of propel'ty to be re:..zoned: "see A TTA C.,L/&D c&l<TIF/&D SURVS-Y 1/ 5. HO\~ is the property presently zoned? R - / - AAA 6. How do you want the property to be re-zoned? ~() ,4 c- 3 DISTRICT (CDMMU/JITY CDMM6RCIAC..) ? HOlY is the property to be used after re-zoning? "A S' A COM/.1UIJITY CDMMeRCIAL" CeJTGR, IMP 0 R TAN T ----------------- BE~ORE A~IT APPLICATION FOR ZONING OR RE-ZONING WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD' AND THE CITY COUNCIL, A SCALE SKETCH OR TRACING CLEARLY INDICATING THZ PROPERTY TO BE RE-ZONED NUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION. THIS SKETCH }:UST SHO\-J SURROUtlDING STREETS AND PROPERTY \HTHIN A DISTANCE OF 400 FEET OF THE PROPERTY TO BE FE-ZONED. IF THE SKETCH IS NOT AT.:I'ACHED YOUR APPLICATION CANNOT DE CONSIDERED. A ~ill~OO ree must accc~pany each Application. Any reasons ycu may have for wishing this property re-zoned may be indicated on the back of this application. I hereby grant permission to the Planning and Zoning Board to post a sign on the above described premises stating that a change in zoning ha; b7it~:;~,-~~ ;Jrn "ll~gnat:ure f) () fJ<<ItWr?!L E iu~(] 33'IjOl Address ~ --,. Co. c:;:q ~ 3 0 cJ (.) JI.~l. 1'0. /'i-cf'/8 f J;r;OI'CAT10l~ TO THE GEl G? h0YlHCN ))J~.;Cll , FOR RE-ZONING DI\.TE B- /.2~ 78 A1TAOlED HERE'IO IS EXCE:RPl' FRO~ ORDD'lANCE 1'0, 75-19 (2 sheets) SI:.Tl'lNG fDRIH INFDrtWlTION, En:., 'ID BE SUPPLIED WITH nus APPLICATION. PLEASE PRINT on TYPE 1. Name of Appl icant C..,J I-/. PROPeRTIES C:::>. 2. Name of O":ner of Property C. 0/./-1. PRDP6RTI6S Ct>. (Please list this name or names as it Rppears 011 the Deed) 3. Address of Property to be re-zcned Tt-/€ 9tX)TtI/A!6ST CDR/JER OF t/YPOLUXD RI/. .f Cb<./c7R6SS AVe, it. Legal des~l'iption of proper-t~. to be re:..zoned: "se€ ATTACJ.I&D CEI<T/F/eD SURV8"Y" 5. HO\~ is the property presently zoned? R-/-AAA 6. How do you want the property to be re-zoned? I'~ ,4 C- 3 DISTRICT (CDUMU/JITY' CDMM6R'CIAL.) 7. HOH is the property to be used alter re-zcning? A S A COMMU/JITY CC>MMeRC/AL ceJTGR, IMP 0 R TAN T ----------------- BEFORE AtN APPLICATION FOR ZONING OR RE-ZONING WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD' AND THE CITY COUNCIL) A SCALE SKETCH OR TRACING CLEARLY INDICATING THZ PROPERTY TO BE RE-ZONED NUST BE ATTACHED TO 'lEIS APPLICATION. THIS SKETCH MUST SHOW SURROUNDING STREETS AND PROPERTY \HTHIN A DISTANCE OF 400 FEET OF THE PROPERTY TO BE PE-ZOrffiD. IF THE SKETCH IS NOT AIXACHED YOUR APPLICATION CANNOT DE CONSIDERED. A ~~QOO lee must accompany each Application. Any reasons ycu may have for 'Wishing this property re-zoned may be indicated on the back of this application. I hereby grant permission to the Planning and Zoning Board to post a sign on the above described premises stating that a change in zoning has been, reque,ted. ~~ ' f~ - (;y (I a.~1 /lTTr . ~~gna.=e fOj)j(ifLJE I'Z. E [,J,.AI:), -?<;<;oJ.- Address 0Sl!-}r.JOQ ~j'el. No.. 16d'18 . :' f' ; ,"" ~l" . ,,.., ..;l. " . '.' . , , ',... .', ." '. r ~ j. .,. M'P.t.>:CATION TO THE (;El: G? JjOYi-lT(;J: W:';Cll . ~ FOR RE-ZONING nl\TE B- /2- 78 A:J.TACHED HERE'ID IS EXCERPT FRO!1 ORDINANCE IVO. 75-19 (2 sheets) Sl:.Tl'1J.JG }'()RIH INFOrtMATION, h"IC., 10 BE SUPPL.IED li[lli TIUS APPLICATION. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE l. :Name of Applicant C. ~ II. PROPt5RTIES CZ>. 2. Name of O"ner of Property C. <>I- /../. PRDP6RTI€S Ct>. (Please list this name or names as it appears on the Deed) 3. Address of Property to be re-zcned TI-/e SCXJTtlh/6ST CDRt./ER C>F t/YPC>LVXD Rt? i C.cKkrR6SS AVe. 4. Legal description of property to be re~zon~d: "S5G ATTACJ../&D CE/<?77FIBl? SUR~Y" 5. HO\~ is the property presently zoned? R- /- AAA 6. How do you want the property to be re-zoned? ~C> ,4 C- 3 DISTRIC.T (COMMU/J/TY" CDMM&RCIAL.) 7. Ho\~ is the property to be used after re-zoning? '-A S A COMMUA//TY ct)MMeRCIA L . C6IJTGI< . . IMP 0, R TAN T BEFORE A~rY APPLICATION FOR ZONING OR RE-ZONING WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD' AND THE CITY COUNCIL, A SCALE SKETCH OR TRACING CIEARLY INDICATING THE PROPERTY TO BE HE-ZONED MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION. THIS SKETCH MUST SHOW SURROUNDING STREETS AND PROPERTY \nTHINA DISTAHCE OF 400 FEET OF THE PROPERTY TO BE EE-ZC'NED. IF THE SKETCH IS NOT ATXACHED YOUR APPLICATION CANNOT BE CONSIDERED. A ~illQOO ree must accc~pany each Application. Any reasons yeu IDay have for wishing this property re-zoned may be indicated on the back of this application. 1 hereby grant permission to the Planning and Zoning Board to post a sign on the above described premises stating that a change in zoning ha, R~~~, dLhJ '1 II I ' p.O.r[)/U7tJ{'tz e ~u!t9 R FAIl3~ ro~~s - ~&l~ ,-,50tJcJ j\? .. No. tn C W '-< t'l n ..., ..., o III III '" III ;3 III ;:l (T '" ('J o ;:l (T III .... ;:l .... ;:l ..0 III ;:l P. ::0 .... <.Q ::r (T '" I o ,.." I :>: III '< o ,.." 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O::r rt'::r < Ul ;:l rT....roOO'CD,..,,'" ..0 0 -;:l ,.."...... CD' t1 ..ow. m (t)-.J "''''''' CU1rt''''rt'''' PJ...... Hl Ul 0'\ PI ......:s o.~ rt -.J::S CUP, Hl P. '" ..... 0 YO 0 ....:J ro ..0 '" 3 p.. III en.o. ro {J)rort' CDUl rt' rT o ",enenooOIllPJ 100::>"'0 ,..,,;:l rt' rT....O....'1,.." 000 ::r en ro 0. ..... ro ..... CD CD rort' O'ro-..l::>rT '1'10~ro(TOOOrT::r .........,.."IllP. . ""''1ro '<0 en llIoo PJ rt\Orto::stvWI-'O" ::0 .....CDCO' 0 ro ......t"lDI1'"l HlWPllO ..0 ll>. ..... < PJ Ill. ::>..... ::r rt' 0'< ro ro wUl ;:l rt' III 0 - 0 rT. - ..... ::> I '1 ::0 ro ro .... o PJ Hl..... ll> ;:l rT,.." ;:l ,..".....CDill (ToroO<o 1 CD:To.'1 IllHl :>: Z rt' rt' ..... PJ rT rt' 0 III 0 I en .....::r 1-'''''' ,<. rt'0rt' rort' 0 o ""Ill III 0 will ...... 1::S::S tJ" 0 IlIrotl:l!O<Orort' -0 w ro ~\Q ::r w C 0. '0 '< ro..... (D 0\ '"I .... ll> 0 - 0 ;:l = < en en..... ,.." 0 ;:l ro -. 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(J) ..0 ::r::r;:l CD rt'ro ro 0 en I:> rt' '" 0 0 0 .... t-'o Hl rt> H1 0 0.' ::> :>: " () >;;PJCO-..l ro '< ::> ::> - en cO rt'.....{J)'10-3 CD .....0 ro 0 '1 :J 10 '" :>: .......ron-tn::1 '< ::r en o ;I>::r :;:0 H'l V1 <: 1-'- ...... 0 ro '0 I.Q () o:s ::rO""C"" rt;::l tv ro l.,," I'" 0'1 HlCD I en :F.: en PJ '< ....._{J) ",{J)O :. C ::<lrt' :;:. ::r ;1><1) <Uloo trCDrt'O::<l ",<:::S... -....I PJ 10 ~:J rt'roll> ..0 ::r - OJ CD (D 0. ::> III 1-'00.. .t:lo H\:::S Ul W oo.rt'rt' ...... OJ:TM I-rt::Jrollt o :T 0 Ul :>: (D ro rt' 1 i'\i II \)'1 \' :t ~ [}\ t' \)> ~ o CD Ul o '1 f-'. '0 rT ..... o :J [). II \)\ . 1. N \f\ \!)..--- !l; VI o N ...J o I)l V" (D IJ1 N , rn 0J I I II III ~ N [\ I,~ ,c -..---- E:- )4- ~~ (.1 .,' '('''DIU c...',I;'I'O'''''ON S.'(:.lV6 7 ~- t.J '1' ov. This Qult-Clnlm Dad, EHcul,.d I/,i. 22nd Jay o[ Iv March . A. D. 1978 . Ly ,.., ..., LEADERSHIP HOUSING, INC., a COli/oration l'xiftlifl(J II wIer 111e' law.J of Delaware /",,;,,"-" 01 6006 North University Drive, Tamarac, [i,./ porly. 10 General C. & H. PROPERTIES co., a Florida partnership u'/,o.e pos/o[[ke "Jd,"" is 555 Purdy lane, Village of Palm Springs, . one! 'f(wi~(I Florida, its princi!?,d p!{Jc~ 0/ . ...., Florida, 33461 j('COIIJ party: ., ...s l\n,ur'rr "...d t,rrrin ,11'f Irr'nl ."'1)1 PHI," JI.,d .-lUlInd PHi,' ,hJlII .nrlud.. ';"lI:uhr .ncl Jo'",.I. hr'f.. 1,.,.1 r'prr~nUI;'rl. ,.nd ""''l.n, f" ind..iduJh. ...,d ,J-,f ...rf'I".rl ."d """'JI"' of 'lI'P"';OI;O"'. ""au.~lfr Ihf' C""'I'" ,.. ""'"';10 (>' 'rq";",.) '- {Uifflcssdh, T/,,, , ,/... ,..i,/ /;,." """Y.['" "',,/ i" <0"";'/"",/1.." ..[,/... "..~..1 $ 10,00------ in 'Iond paid Ly tIle soiJ s('("oucl pfuly. ,}U! u'c(.ipl w/jcrco/ is Iwr<.'/,y ur:luwwft.du..(( (furs ',rl"/'Y rr'l1li~(': 'C'. leo5c and Quit-claim unlo tll(,. said s('(oncl parly forever. all thc right. litle. interest. claim auJ Jc-OIand wI,ier. the said first pady has in anJ '0 the forrowing Jescribecllor. piece or pOTcel of fonrf. situate. lying anJ beino in 1/.. Counly of Palm Beach Slale o[ Florida . 10 u.i/: -:0 " A certain parcel of land 4S South, Range 43 East, "A" annexed hereto. in Section 7. Township f described upon Exhibit ~ .. To ltnue and to 1101d 111e same logethcr willi all CHIll sill!lulur ,Tlr. tJ1J/)Urt""Ulln~~ ,Tu'TC:unlo belonging or in onywise apperlaining, and all ,he eslatf'. right, tit(c. in(cTc!Sf. 1;("n. equity an(! clu;m w',at~ soever of the said first par/yo either in law or equily. 10 the only proper use. Lcn€'fit anel ')pl,ou! of ,fie soiel .- (--sp;j~'J'.PQrly !oreuer. ....;/1.. _\ .\}.., I':.....J..." .. .:'~.;./ . ..,;>\>1', . in Witness lUhercof r"e saiJ fi<sr parly "as caused '''m pm" .1..... eols 10 he executed in Irs name. anel ils corporafc sear 10 he hereunfo affixed. ' :'."-.: -(CO~';fJ:,^ i~ ';f~~l' J J / ' ':'~ -....:. --' t...;. ......:- by its proper, officers thereunto cluly outllorizcd. 1~8 yQY an )'por irs! DDoue ;~~:{< ~~:~~.}'t. .... w~lI~f";:/~/;: LEADERSHIP. HOUSING, INC., \>.:J/ A.h:EsT,:':...... .:....... ....... ...-:.~::;4::.<..J..:...~...:... a...D."lp..ware...~Q;q;)Qt".p.ti.Qn.....................___ :....'~,I.:::,.::..T.~... RANDOLPH BUCK, 5('(11110'1 '. ., Signed. se~rf'J Clni c!('fil'ercJ in)he prc'5ence 0/: ~I i> ''-.. .-"} _, I ~ /..';.;;t.~f.:.-c,:":~ (;";1":('_::::"{":~"~-'~ ~.... _...;ac...,-~..,?f../ . C.... ,/.r!.L;'-x. :?:..(~................... U). . 5\:\1 /U,n{~y:::=-v'" ......................... D .s.~.. J':()/ORKMAN, ~ce- r...:d... .... ..' ;:-.:: , 00 ........ S<Js , STATE OF COU:\TY OF FLORIDA BROlvARD l I J HEREBY ClRllf\' 1".1 ..n ,).;. d..,.. h('fo.(' ....1'. .n "H.ur dulr .uthu,iu.d o. 1"1' SUI" .nd (':....,,17 .'..,!:"u;d 'u U\I' a,\.."..ltd',rnl'''''' .'''.'''''' .......d S. J. IVORKMl\.N and T. RANDOLPH BUCK, , ., d S retary fr'put"", ... ,hr ~"'p,.r.t:"n "~"'fd ., r.,~1 FlinT ...dl \..n..n 10 no, III t..r d.rV1Ce- PH"ufI" .'" ec . .in ,hi Jo,rID:". iffd. .nd 11\11 Ihff u.".II., IcLnf'..I,d"d ..,cu,in, 'h, Unll' ;D ,lo, pl'''n1r ,.1 )...0 .utl..rribi,,'f. ~iln'''n f,t,I) ,,.d ,C)1ul'I'."'r ..n&u .ult,or;I, du1, "'lfd in thfm h) u;d t:o'pnr.lll'n ."d Ih.1 ,.., If.' .fI,~,.1 ,1.",t1o i, 11,,. I,,,r (I",,,,nl, ".1 ~1,ili1.t)'JI\"II!"""'.'~;'I\' 78 . , 22ndd.,.., Mar" ..,'.\.p," . \\ 11:-.:f 55 ...,~ .....d ...d 011.(;.1 tnl in 1).,1' r.."nl, .nd Sulr 10.1 .Io"..:d Ini. '\': f . .; ..:.....-........ . .<<.~: Ny '."III"t",..I'111 .....,,1. ..... "...1.", I vi, i., ~I,lk ..1 II.... ,t .., I-H~" MJ' C."n""..;..,, l"l';'''l A...W- II. l'ilV J'I"d..4 1.1 A.o'''',;l,.l'' r.,. & Cr')'llhr Co. . 11/\ 11I.I/O/IIl, "' flllldlt', 'I)': - If,,,III"llIllnl.'ll Wn-:, P'CI',IIOII Ur: 11.1 '11 S^'IHlfJ IIY !;I'.VrnmA If. [:"Iolln . ,. ,. .1'IJlIll:;lIt,rJftIJllit:.r.^ ,..,.. ft, .. II,. ,'" NU-1..""':"y "1:.lIlj1 larcjo . I U. :iI 'I".U 'u f ..1/) n,- f~ll' .... t. '. " I'AU~ Off 7 0 3 ( r IlrMII IIrr. . C). ,1'^Gr. 55.. /~ ..} .:) >' , / ! 'n.l'lt portion ()~: the fnl JOIvil1l: d('.~cl'i.bed Ill'Opl'l.ty Iyin); \-Jest of the .st rl.ght-of-w..y 1111<.' of C:0Il;',1:<.'S5 ^Vl'nlll.' , 1;;,iJ j"il:"t-of-I""Y bejn)' 1l11)1:e trticuL'I'ly described in Bonk 1132. Pa!,;l! 163, of the Official Re~ol'ds : Palm Beac~ County, Florida, A parcel of l..nd in Spction 7, To"mship 45 South. Hange 43 East, Palm :ach Coullty, Florida, being the E 1/2 of the NE ]/4; the 51..' 1/1. of the NE .4; S 1/2 of the lvest 1/1, of the Mv 1/4 of the NE 1/4; the SE 1/'.; E 1/4 : the E 1/2 of the SW 1/4; W 619.22 feet of the N 1000.24 feet of E 3/4 : th~ NE l/~ of the SW 1/4; ..11 being in said Section 7; and a parcel of md,l.n Sec~l.on 8, TO\VI1ship 45,Soutl1. R:mge 43 East. P..lm Beach County, :or1da, bel.ng: All that port1on of the \-J 1/2 lying West of the centerline " L,W.D.D, E-4 canal. (The f6~ 1 0\'; i09 dCSC1'ipt. ion nneO~\I",:;se5 tlJP. s,..n\~ pn)pCrLy illJov(' described -in9 I~ore p"rticuliu- i\OId :;l"'ci fie,) ^ 11,:')'c01 nf l;.ncl ill :;"':tion5 7 ,':1d Il, )I"ns~llp 45 :;outh, Ii,1/H)C ,,3 LIst. l'illl11 lJo:.'<1<.:lJ CounLy; Florida, 11191'e piJ.rticular ,scribed as fol101,s: ~ COir,iTlcncing ilt the j';()rl:h0l1st Cnrl1er n:: silic! ~.:"'~cf.j(ln 7 (s.,i(i ::;c-ction co:-nc) i0l9 "Iso the c0.nf,,~,lin': of COj)'jr",;s ilv,'nnc (S.H. HI)7) ,ll\d U,,, ;,oull"! ;,j:'l,]im lIypoluxo Road) tileJ:<,of; th~il('0, S, O:.~0-.17'-/)1" I':., ;110:\'1 l'.il!: E;lst line cf iLl Section 7, <I di.st,lI1c.' nr .In.o,; f,'ct to t/,e ;'OJ;oJT OF lli;r;I;;;o.;I:.;C: thence, 880-5.l'-5<)" loJ"',, ,list;II)'.:" (,f 1,;>c;2..;;> f,~"t to;1 point; 1I1cnCf!, S. 0;:0-(1',- II w. i\ (listC1~t:c of .1,3.L!~J.'J rf~{lt LlJ il I'ninl; t.hf';l1f.~"', :;_ f~Bo-47'-2J" t-/... stance of 9.;5,29 :el~t ':n;, !,oi:1L; Lhcnc'! N, O;~o-Tl'-')l" 1::. il cli:,to1nce of 6,71 feet to a '-,oi:1t; ti'(!nce, ~;. flBo-4"'-4l" I'!. .1 dis/"nc'_' of 31';.35 [e'!t to ?olnt on the l'l('~t; Jine uf t:l,,~ 1,r; ]/~ of 5ilid ~;('ction 7; th0.nce, S, 020-)6'-2 along the I':cst ]i:lt' o[ tl1,' UE J/.j f'" ,,;Ji.d :'~c<.:l.i"n 7, ;, ';l:;t..nc,' of 2,0117,71 ~~t to the centr':- o~ s..:IJ.f'.l :~"ct ion -,"; t h~'nC'l:! s~ (j:~o-r,2t-.;-J" \':.. '::l)onq ti,e i~orth ne of the S:'; 1/.; L'f .<;;,id S"c:t iC':1 7. .-, .;i,;t:1I1C'<' l'[ ~141.1i1 ["PI: to " iJoint; cnC0, 5. O:!I)-3:?'-:>," 1-;.. il di :.;tilJ)C(~ of 1, nO 1.. :?:~ f'~f't : n iI j'Oi:lt: thence, N. 0-39'-19" I:. a di:o~.1nl'l! (,f (,2Il, Ii') fC:',L to il I,oi,n!.; thence. ~;. 020-):"-03" <1 dlstance of 1.,,27.71 f"0.l to a point 40 [,','1: NUI-lh of Lhe South line of icl Section 7, ~i1id poin t bcin'l <11so on the f'()rlh J-i'Jlit-o[-""olj' 'line of L.11:e Irth Dr,iina(}Q Di~t r.:.cr:, l.ilt(~r;,l No.. 70 C.,nal itS nrY..! in US I::.' ; t:l':l1CC, N.. 8110- '-32" E, <110ng Si1i:l North line of ].;l~:'~ h'orth Jlrilinil~Jl! DisLrict L<lLeral 1-:0. cilna) pari1l]",l .t() ;111,1 40 (""t :40J'th of said :jollth lint' of S"cLio:l 7 il stance of 2,819.93 feet 1:0 the EiI,;t, line of silid S<.',:Linll 7; t;h~,nce, continuil 880-33'-32" E. .,l:::lI1~ I:hl"' North line of 5.,i,1 "iln,,1 J,-J.O., and 40 ::eet North 0, e South line of SCl:tion Ij, ;1 el.i, " l,,:lCO of 1.,770.00 fet't to Lho:- centerline of kc \-,'orth Drain,I<Jc ~i5triCI: 1':fJllill.i::;:"..ion No. Il Ciln"l ,1S now in Il!;e; tlll'nee, N 0-33'-32" E. a.! (,;lIJ said cl'nlcl-li;H' of J..-t!:" I"ortlt Drain,Il!e' District ):-4 Co1n..l, <1isli1ncc of 2,J~,O:OIl.["cl. to a pain!;; thence. :1, 1,10:3.1;'-32" I:. alony Solid nterl in,~, a (Jistilnr.e of l, ;~1.1. 7') [,,('t La il J>oint; thencr:, ... .1.;0-'1"; '-J!)" E, onq said c('nl:c-r] in.~ .. c.1i sl;lnrc o~. .11J'i.1'i ["0./. 1:0 a j'oinl: on 1:!le "",st liOl~ of Cl ~Jl'l 1/4 of ~"id :;"<.:1: on ll; th"n.~~!, :4. 020-3.1' -'1'1" J.:. .,Joll') U1C E.-,st 1 i:lC' of "! :Jl\' 1/1, of :-i.li,] S'.~"li<,," H, .. ,Jis'.,'nC;l~ of l,~,7r,.(;l r''''L .1.0 ;1 point 40 f"C't llt:h r,:' t_h~ i-Jart.h li:l'~ of ~~;Iid S('c:ti"11 H, ~;djd point bt'..jn'J :1150 nIl the ~{'uth ,ht-o[--":(l}" Jinf'_~ of lh~ ).;\l:l~ ''':ol'lh Dri1i~liHJ(! Dislrict, Ldlert:ll ::0. lS C('n~) ."\5 ..' in use; th(~r:{"c, s. Eqt)-l)~~'-~9" \.;.. ,.11n;lq s.lid SO\llh ,_9"illill l.i".Jht-of-\"i1i' line ccJllcl to .I:ld ;1 ,Jj~;L...tri~". of. s;(J [.:pt S'.)util oJ lh,""\ i;o.rlh :-~P':t j~l:l line of s..lid :tion 8, :P~.i.:.t:.~...~=-l.-,,"-j*~...~..l."-3--~ lo the !~,-=-l.!J.~~-.S)j~i_il::.(;_i.-=~~~.(~~!~. IJr:CT TO thl! l'i,t:'S-,.'f-":,,~, of I:lt~ 1.;,)'.0. ;';")'Lh Pr,lill;l'l<' lH~':ri("l: :"0)' ;,,;liit ion,': Illl red ri(Jht-of--.':il'," of ]..II.(~L'ill :-;c-.. ) 0, iUlU lhl.~ rif.(~\t-or-."':dr u~ L,ltcral ::0. l~ J , no'.~ lai d out <1:1U in llse. EXIIlIHT "A" PALM OFF BEACH Rf~ Z 8 3 ~ PAGE 558 "'r~ _. ~;;'\'\l"' ... '" -..~ , t\., '1,.... . t~j""t. 1 I:' .,. \..... \.~:t' .. t \.1.\....... ~..'.\~ . . I.'~(\ '. 1:."'.\\ \,\C.'~ Ic:' ! ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " Knollwood Groves ----- ---- Meadows 300 Master Plan . . Rezone from RlAAA to C-3 Rezone from RlAAA to PUD with LUI of 3.36 /,'$80 l~.';lE Q JJd-O~ Abandonment Rezoning ~ Annexation Conditional Use Date Received ~-IL-/~ Date of Public Hearing 9-1).-7'8' City Council It; -3 "'~ /. P&Z Approved Denied <. "