REVIEW COMMENTS M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner FROM: Betty Boroni City Clerk RE: January 26, 1989 Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of 2/14/89 DATE: Attached please find a copy of the following advertisement scheduled to be published in The Post on January 29, and February 5, 1989 for the Planning & Zoning Board meeting of February 14, 1989: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Parking Lot Variance Steve Cooper ~g~~ Betty, Boroni / pc Attachment cc: City Manager ltECE1\Tf,D ~~ , ,. pLf\N (". . ',) .- ---".. ~.<-- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:30 P M. on February 14, 1989, at Prime Bank Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for a parking lot variance on the following described property: Applicant: Steve Cooper Owner: Steve Cooper and Ralph Lunati Agent: George C. Davis, Architect Legal Description: A parcel of land lying in Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of 'the Easterly right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railway with the East-West Quarter Section Line of Section 4, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida; thence Easterly along said East-West Quarter Section Line, a distance of 80.90 feet; thence Northerly, parallel with the said Easterly right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Railway, a distance of 62.67 feet to an intersection,.~ith the Northerly right-of-way line of GUlfstream Boulevard; thence Easterly along said Northerly right-of-way line a distance of 70.55 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave to the South having a radius of 1950.08 feet and a central angle of 5U 59' 38"; thence Easterly along the ar c of said curve a distance of 204 feet; thence continue Easterly, along said right-of-way line, tangent to said curve, a distance of 68.82 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel to be herein described; thence continue Easterly, along the same course, a distance of 217.96 feet to the point of a 'curv.ature of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radius of 20 feet and a central angle of 72u 27' 50"; thence Easterly and Northerly along the arc of said curve, a' distance of 25.29 feet to a point in the Uesterly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway No. 1 IS.R. is); thence Northerly along said right-of-way line tangent to said curve, a distance of 180.03 feet; thence Westerly, making an angle with the preceeding course of 1070 33' .34", measured from North to West, a distance of 263.45 feet, thence Southerly, making an angle w1th the preceding course of 980 33' 12" measured from East to South, a distance of 187.60 feet to the Point of Beginning atoredescribed. Location: 3675 S. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL Requested Variance: RELIEF FROM ARTICLE X - PARKING LOTS, Section 5-142, Required Improvements of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances (h) Driveway (3) No parking lot driveway may be constructed closer than thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of a higher classifica- tion as shown on the city or county thoroughfare plans. proposed Variance: A variance for the driveway on Gulf- stream Boulevard 120' west of the S.E. property corner as it would interfere with landscaping and parking and place it adjacent to the existing driveway into Gulfstream Mall, and the driveway on South Federal Highway 140' north of the S.E. property corner as property has only 180' of frontage. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH cc: Mayor and City Commission City Manager City Attorney City Planner J. Costello Recording Secretary Town of Ocean Ridge PUBLISH: THE POST January 29, and February 5, 1989 M E M 0 RAN DUM January 23, 1989 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: TRANSMITTAL OF TWO (2) CHECKS FOR DUNKIN' DONUTS AND CLUB TIFFANY Attached herewith are the two checks referenced in my memo dated January 18, 1989 ($300.00) for Dunkin'Donuts (this was not available to transmit as was indicated in that memo) and in my memo dated January 19, 1989 ($200.00) for Club Tiffany. ~ ~ J~ (j, ~ TAMBRI J. HEY!JE:N TJH:ro Attachments MITTAL MEMORANDUM January 19, 1989 TO: BETTY BORONI FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: CLUB TIFFANY (F.K.A. FRONTIER RESTAURANT) PARKING LOT VARIANCE APPLICATION Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents related to a request for a variance to the Parking Lot Regulations (Section 5-142.h.3). Also enclosed is a check for $200.00. Another check for $200.00 to cover the $400.00 fee for review and processing of this application is forthcoming and will be forwarded to your office upon receipt. Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the February 14, 1989 meeting. J~~.7J. ~ TAMBRI J. HEY. N (j TJH:ro Attachments CLUB -. M E M 0 RAN DUM /)/rre. TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: (-:JIAL'? Tfr-FJJVY- PARKING LOT VARIANCE Secti~n 5-145(c)(4! of the C?de of Ordinances requires that when a var~anc7 to Sec~~on 5, Art~cle X, Parking Lots is requested, the,Techn1cal Rev~ew Board must forward to the Planning and Zon1ng Boa7d a recommendation, and that the recommendation forwarded 1S tO,be made,part of the public hearing proceedings. To that end, th~s memo ~s forwarded, consistent with 5-145(c)(4). C":J' C J)'V';Ji'<",/.J- v. Ct" J {ov sf,vc, Co rev ~ !.5 V % ,.(0 ~ f ': 1 ~ v <'( V I " VI. (c. I CJ S ( <- I { ., ,"1 .5" ~ I CfJ.. C ~ J ~ 3 J t( UVIVC W'y.> '>0 f f- L. tc;( v t I::J ( , /-, IZ :; ~ r. f, . d ... 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