REVIEW COMMENTS M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department DATE: February 3, 1989 RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - CLUB TIFFANY Upon review of the above mentioned site plan, the following comments must be addressed in order for the project to con- form with Boynton Beach city codes: 1. Dumpster enclosure details must be provided. CBS walls on three (3) sides are required. 2. South Florida Water Management District approval is required. 3. Rooftop air conditioning units must be adequately screened. 4. Conditional use approval is required. 5. Chapter 3, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, must be adhered to. 6. Parking lot lighting must comply with City codes. 7. Sign details must be provided for City Board and Commission approval. 8. A thirty-six (36) inch high landscape buffer is required along the Federal Highway and Gulfstream Boulevard rights-of-way. Landscape material for this buffer must be maintained on the site. 9. The parking areas along the interior property lines must be buffered by a full hedge. If the applicant wishes to take credit for existing hedge material on the adjacent property, the adjacent property hedge must be full and irrigated. 10. Additional trees are required along the Federal Highway right-of-way. 11. Three (3) handicapped parking stalls are required. These stalls must be painted blue in conformance with City codes. 12. Handicap accessibility is required to the building. 13. Specify the color and material for the proposed awnings. 14. Parking lot dimensions must comply with City codes. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DO~,J~ DJ:eaf cc:E.E.Howell CL VI [J rJFFJt-N Y J, S!to Ut L{) f)R::rVE WJr-y ONTo t; U [F SiR-fJtJi {J[ V[). BE j[oVeD C-t,05~R To w!3sT f?-off:RT'f [Jou;';OkRY <' 2- 5trorAC-D A- PJrR-/:::J-N( {or co)j)Jf3cT:p:,},/ /0 Trf-c /1*+)/ I1kLC [lEREQCtTI<i3D /0 Tkf:E fj(+PS OFf"::- T/If.-t€ok,D }./ !5 T OJ () f<-Ie . 3. tR~!3 srlr)/ DPJ~ 5.f-C<-){~ (~EQ (A.l-Re 5+TE PUN J2J:v+I5C Lf; jJ()"hPsTER? ([JoG) 5. 1&2 _5~kT.5 :::. 65 .-Sfkc ~5 I<e&. /&5 r>;<.o V+()~(J ffAVc tf. 5flrCe #- f3 /)0(35 /JoT'SvtFFrc.f-EIVT BA-c!2-{),J'SPA-CE 7 [A)JP.-S{A-?JE +sckJ.JD /IT t. Uf-F.-5TI< Ellft j)f(+ Vf.~wA--Y [(;/f;c5 T s:rDf ) )/0 r to C(Nf) E [) -OFF <;. (Ju:;:L-D:r)Jt...- JrRJ5k-l-> .5ft-ow)/ A-5 t 3So 0)/ APF>{kJrf1C- AND i)S6'2 (9)/ S:rTl:: fLAY. PLE/rSE: CLJr:-R.J:F7, cr', fFRf (j--Yj)RJr-J./T CO V0RJrC:E (SC3'f A/o(FS I9N f)/4)J6f;f<:rJv(. [0, frD lAC) ENrr:RjA-:p;f{f)/i);o r PE!?/( J:TTED :;=),j L-3 ?o)J:pJ~ P+5(f2+cT, {( , B Jr-R5 /r;-).j D t-- 0 cf;: rJr :P--- Co uj./c.-E S f!J3 a rAT!? c (o)jfJJ:'r'FoAlkL fA51:: kPfj(oVA:-L +F [ockT~P (;./:rr(f-.:r)/ c(DO reET C9F P/(op!3RTY tY7)./ri... WJ:Tff--f-/./ ;(-ICE,YTP[9Jr.:rkL- (?o)/:r)/ri... 0+5 T/~FcT (.I ff<oVFDE D0rk.J:C--5 ON CTCZff-rpo{k ;f-)j[) FFArC{f(~ . 13. A-RJ5 TWo foLE5 .5-rAFFkF(3)Ji t+uffT+)/~ ? CTo/1) l'r /iRf- f)fi-1-:r:L-> oN J)RA-.r)/A-ctf S '(.5n~){ Sc{F-F:r-c.:r~).jT /0 Sff-ow {oJ1PL-+kNCE W+r-tf- coDE /(0c2Uf--120/(f;J./(j /5 f-+f<-F-J)/k [aT ACCeS; Jt+S[(3S ,flus! Be c2? I