CORRESPONDENCE .,lI... CII -'.J ~ ... P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FL.ORIDA 33435 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Office of the Director of utilities February 28, 1978 Mr. Fernando J. Alonso F & R Builders, Inc. 9555 North Kendall Drive Miami, FL 33176 Re: Meado~ Tract Dear Mr. Alonso: Thank you for your letter of February 27th. In reference to your questions: 1. capacity is available to serve water and sewer facilities to the subject tract of land. 2. There are several possible points of connection for both water and sewer. We have a basic master plan which must be followed. 3. The cost of extending facilities to any development property is totally at the developer's expense without any refUnding from the city. All off-site utilities are required by ordinance to be designed, bid, and installed under our consulting engineers' supervision at the developers expense. 'Further, our engineers must review the overall on-site plans. I would hesitate to give you any estimate of cost until such time as plans are more definitive. 4. It is recommended that you talk with the City planner, Mr. C. Annunziato, about this tract. If this office can be of further assistance to you, please feel free to call. Sincerely yours, PAC:br cc: city Mgr., city Planner (wiatt.) - C~OF BOaTOe:=x~ perr~essna, nir. Utile J -;;, "',~ ,..,' Of ,_,.~1.a, FG.R I:>UILDI;;;R6.INC. Q555 North KendcJl Drive. Mk:lrrl, Fbrda .1317b. (005)2A-2500 February 27, 1978 .FEB 2 8 1918 ~ Mr. Perry A. Cessna Director of Utilities City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: MEADOWS TRACT Dear Mr. Cessna: As I informed you over the telephone today, our Company is interested in purchasing and developing a portion of the "old" Meadows Tract in Boynton Beach. The property in question consists of approximately 250 acres and is bounded by Hypoluxo Road in the North, Congress Avenue in the West, the E-4 canal on the East and lateral canal No. 20 on the South. It is our understanding that the property is presently zoned R-1AAA, which is single family zoning of up to 3.5 units per acre. Based on this, we anticipate a total of approximately 800 units to be constructed over a period of 3 to 5 years. Since the property lies within the City of Boynton's utilities service area, we are hereby requesting the fo11owinq information from your office: ---- 1. Is plant capacity available at the present time to serve this project with water and sewer? If not, when will capacity be available? 2. At the present time, which are the possible points of connection for water and sewer and what size lines will be required to extend service to our area? 3. What future plans, if any, exist to extend service to this area and what costs would be involved? 4. Any other information which would be helpful to us in evaluating this property. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, FJA: ks F & R BUILDERS, INC. ~j /II ,;' ~: //~-fJtf/.J--I?J //"/tt ~ernando J. Alonso e)l!na9! " 4 :Jf 33 I -, FROM Telephone 732.8111 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Office of the City Manager P. O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 TO Mr. Carmen Annunziato City planner SUBJECT: Knollwood Groves' pro~erty/Reversion of zonin9 DATE: 1/16/78 FOLD .. Transmitted herewith is co~y of letter from Mr. Robert C. Ochs, Jr. regarding the above. Please forward a co~y of your recommendation of Oct. 17, 1977 as mentioned in the attached letter along with any other in~ut you may have on this matter. FK:pb Attachment CC: central File w/Orig. Letter PLEASE REPLY TO SIGNED Cit REPLY Concerning the request by Mr. Robert C. Ochs, Jr. please be advised that the zoning has reverted on said land from PUD to RlAA as per ordinance # 77-35. With respect to disannexation of the parcel, I recommend that the land remain within the City as it is in the path of urban development and it acts to consolidate our City boundaries. SIGNED THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED I -, FROM TO SUBJECT: FOLD .. DATE: ~7 "j ::i , . PLEASE REPLY TO SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED GAAVARC co., INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y 11232 lor" 3:1 DETACH THIS COPY-HETAIN FOB t,NSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CAR'30NS ii"HM-:I,--- ~ f;~EE.AT L. STERN, JR Pres.,:::enl !J(no{{u-Tood q}7-0UEj., 'lD"P. Co"'."" '''''.'.S ..\H':'''''O'' ~ 8053 lAWAENCE RD. 33436 fs'sb'lshed ~.930 October 19, 1977 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, City of Boynton Beach, p. O. Box 310, Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435. Re: Reversion of Zoning of KNOLLWOOD GROVES' Property- October 17, 1977 Memorandum to Mr. Kohl, City Manager Dear Mr. Annunziato: Regarding your recommendation to the city manager, that our zoning revert from PUD to RlAAA, we at Knollwood have no objections,. since it is our intentions to remain in agriculture. However, since the city of Boynton Beach presently provides us no services and due to our e~reme North West location from the present city, we request that KNOLLWOOD GROVES' property 08-43-45-07-000- 3010 be deannexed from Boynton Beach and returned to county juris- dic tion. Very truly yours, KNOLLWOOD GROVES, INC. - &~~t!gf'ik Secretary-General Manager CC_ Mr. Frank Kohl, City Manager / }!. 0/ _7.3, MEMORANDUM o DATE: City Manager October l7th, 1977 f'IL!. 'OM City Planner sue,JECT Reversion of Zoning/Meadows, Anson Planned Unit Developments (PUD) It has come to my attention that the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning classification applicable to the two developments named above has expired owing to the failure of the Developers to file preliminary and final development plans as per the City Subdivision Regulations as required by Chapter 3l-l (3) of the Boynton Beach Code. The Anson PUD was approved in two parts. The approximate North one-half was annexed and zoned PUD by Ordinance Number 75-6 on March 4th, 1975. The southerly parcel was rezoned to PUD from R-l by the City Council on June 3rd, 1975 as a part of the City-wide rezoning. The Meadows PUD was annexed and zoned PUD by Ordinance Number 74-31 on September 17th, 1974, Exhibit "c" of this ordinance defined the property commonly known as Knollwood Groves. The Meadows less Knollwood Groves was zoned RS - Residential Single Family District/ Special Exception PUD by the County Commission on July 17th, 1973, Resolution Number R-73-379. ~ It is my recommendation that the City Council take action to revert the zoning from PUD to R1AAA and to nullify any agreements made in connection therewith for the Meadows/Knollwood Groves and Anson Planned Unit Developments. ~s.~ CSA:pf enc. co to: Knollwood Groves Inc. Leadership Homes of Palm Beach Inc. Henry Fox Fenton Martin, Trustee Edward J. DeBartolo Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner sDfn CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ of -!'t ,..... , P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 3343~ CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT NO.863856 October 17th, 1977 Knollwood Groves Inc. 8053 Lawrence Road Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 08-43-45-07-00-000-3010 Dear Sir: Attached to this letter you will find a copy of a memorandum from the City Planner to the City Manager, concerning a property listed under your ownership in the latest tax roll. The memorandum is self explanatory as to the intent and purpose of the recommendation. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me for further information. .I Yours very truly, No. 863856 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIlIEO_ NOT FOR IHTERNA TlONAL MAIL (See Reverse) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C<.- .s.~ '" ~ ::: Si<~O 4: /} c /i W tJt} cf/ . .6.( 'L STREET AND NO PO , STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE $ 13 CERTIFIED FEE . W SPECIAL DELIVERY .. . .. 0 .. RESTRICTED DELIVERY . .. .. w w w 0 0 SHOW TO WHOM AND .. ;; ;; DATE DELIVERED . .. ~ .. .. III " SHOW TO WHOM,DATE. .. ~ .. AND ADDAESS QF .. .. .. . 0 z iii DELIVERY .. 0 0 SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE .. ;:: w ~ .. .. DELlVEAEO WITH RESTRICTED . " 0 Z DELIVERY .. .. z " SHOWTOWHOM,DATEANO 0 .. ADDAESS OF DELIVERY WITH 0 W . .. RESTRICTED DELIVERY TOTAL POSTAOE AND FEES $ POSTMARK OR DATE Jil!,r hi .. "__e.,__ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO City Planner (O O<.!3 llYN O::U.:fIJ.H3:) aNY Cl3asnSNI 'CI3I:13J.SI03U 'J.d1303H NI:lfU3H 9l6t '''ON 'It8E UUO:l Sd ~ .t~ !" !" ~~ ,.. . c: :"l~ H 0 DD~ ~ z ,. S-~.~ ~ ~B m =' n .... o '" ~~~~~~~i ... !'!' d ~8 ~6 666.. ~~i " ~ :0 ~~~~~~Ji J!l S.g- [ g- [~ ij'8- <: o i !..Il .Il_. ' .a ... gJ :0 Poo 0. o.tl~ tl Ii; ~ R .m G'ld ~~;i ~ 0. =. ... o!lQ."Q.~ ~:- \l 11 .. = . Pi'!l _.~ c: 0 0. !.b1 . . I!' < ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ CD III ~~ i ~iO' I H ll. 0. . ~ >} ::s r Ii" 2: : 0 ~ 0 'a :=: ~ = < i;l B q i -n ~. ':' !.... &.; ..... 1 lO:O ~ ....'1 p: 00 :s:..N .... Q 8 ~ ~ ~ g ~ ... .... .... -._--~------ -- --- ~ E o .. OJ '" CITY of BOYNTON BEACH P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 , ...... CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT NO. 863857 October 17th, 1977 Leadership Homes of Palm Beach Inc. c/o Courshon and Berk 1110 Brickell Avenue, Suite 801 Miami, Florida 33131 08-43-45-08-00-000-3010 Dear Sir: , Attached to a memorandum from the concerning a property latest tax roll this letter you will find a copy of City Planner to the City Manager, listed under your ownership in the . The memor and purpose of the concerning this ma \ No. 863857 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PlIOVIllEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIlNIAL MAR. (See Reverse) SENT}'U '- ~ ~K' /I.L~ C' C'_~ ,J (.(./-,1 ; STREGT ~~' ;:V I J '1 i 'f'J i/I . If' r/~ p g., STATE AND ZIP CODe POSTAGE $ i .. CERTIFIED FEE e w w SPECIAL DELIVERY e .. a: R TAICTED DELIVERY e 0 - .. .. a: w w 0 0 $HOW TO WHOM AND l!! :; :; DATE DELIVERED e .. a: a: c w ill :E .. SHowroWHOM,OATE, t; ~ .. AND ADDRESS OF e c .. 0 z Iii DELlVEAY .. 0 0 $HQW TO WHOM AND DATE .. i= w ~ .. a: DELIVERED WITH AESTAICTED e :> 0 z DFLlVERY .. a: z :> SHOW TOWHDM,DATE AND 0 Ii; ADQAESSOf OfllVERY WITH e 0 a: RESTRICTED DELIVERY ~ TOTAL POST AGE AND FEES $ ~ 2l POSTMARK OR DATE ~ < il/,/; 8 ' ',' I ~ '" E 0 .. "' .. andum is self explanatory as to the intent recommendation. If you have any questions tter, please contact me for further information. t~ o I!! :: !ll .. ~ . c: .. !l' "" ~ ~ ~ 'j -" !,... J ". ~ -11"'1 ., , >'" ,...'5 .... Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c~ .s.~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO City Planner 7 (J ~3S 9l6t 'AON 'USE WJOj Sd !" c: z .. .. ,... '" .....- !""". .. !~ 0 DD~ Kl ~ . ~ cn~ cn~ ~ tr ~ ~ ,.. oB'"rn8'"rnoo I: '" ~~~~~~ ~~ .. .. 6 i:: 6 i:: 6 6,. it>:> g ~ ~ q ~ q ~ ~ <Ii: ~ ..~ m 5'J~h J r~. ~H a &: o..tl ~ tl 0.. ~ ~ ~1 -. . mHii o..~. ~'._ a. ~ .. Q..~ i. 4 ~ s l Q.~!.. li" !l ~'~ 'a ~~ ~~ a ~ rt .. ~ ~ ~ ~ a. 0" I'~ ~ a.. _ ::r na. fi" a. rOo.'" 0 .., l1. < = ~ l oS ~ q 8..: ~ o .... .. ~ g-1; 3: ~~ c .., VI ~ ~... ::I ~ d ot" '..cD o III 0, 0(1) 011 I:llll 11::r 0..... ::r'tl o ::l:Il ~ o III S ::l (I) 0, III '. tl:lO (l)Hl 11 :><'''<l III I-' S l:ll o Z In c: '" '" o z !> \,....~ .' i!. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 Henry Fox 1815 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 08-43-45-07-00-000-3011 Dear Sir: ~ -f ~ -.::_- ----- _.-L'=-- I",'j.""", 1- ~"-~"E",;o"'EFl!E ~.,~- L'"~7~1~~!!'~ _ L~ ~~_: - CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT NO. 862763 october 17th, 1977 Attached to this letter you will find a copy of a memorandum from the City Planner to the City Manager, concerning a property listed under your ownership in the latest tax roll. The memorandum is self explanatory as to the intent and purpose of the recommendation. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me for further information. No. 862763 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT flllllMTERNA TIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SEN/TF " .J 1:("1 ...;.r J,.,,,. i STREET AND NO j - , P_O ,STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE $ '" CERTIFIED FEE ~ W W SPECIAL DELIVERY .. ~ a: 0 '" RESTRICTED DELIVERY .-----.!. .. w a: w 0 0 Sf10W TQ WHOM A.tiD W :;: :;: e .. DATEOEUVERED '" a: a: '" w w :Ii '" '" SHOW TO WHOM, GATf.. .. ~ ~ AHDADOR~ e "' '" .. 0 z ill OEllVERY .. 0 0 SHOW TO WHOM A.lIDDATE .. j:: w ~ .. a: DELlVEAED WITH RESTAICTEO e iil 0 Z DELIVERY a: Z :> SlIDW TOWIIOM,QA1E AND 0 .. AODflESS QF DflJVERY WITH 0 W . a: AESTRICTEOOEUVEAY ~ TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $ ~ ~ POSTMARK OR DATE " .. 0( g / 1;/, " ~ / ~ ,/ / 8 " & g: Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c~ . _ s. .---, - -r.- ~~~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO City Planner f d .-;3 ,IVN 031.:nJ.IIJ:) aNY C13HnSNI '03113.1510311 'J.cI13:)3H NllnJ311 9lSt '^ON 'Ult UUOJ Sd t 9' c: z ,. '" :;; tl " I!I :;: .. '" .'" .. Sl c: '" " >1- ~ l -n !,. -<.. S:'" ,.>1 ~ "'''' ~ :0 '"'-- ~;-- !""'. . u'" ~ ~a 0 DD~~ III ~ l'i . 3" ~~ ~~ ~ ~i ~ ::s:;; ~ ~ !"! ~ ~ ~ 0 .- ~ g ~ ~ B ~ Q ~ ~~. 3li "'J i .- h h ~ ~ ~ ni ~" ttitll~tl t n: ~i ~ s. e- . Q..a B.- d. ~,t ~= ;~ '11'4'~ r ~ l ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1= : 9ft . itJ . i.:, :''':,'' 1 ~ Cof '~j-e... '. q-g 't ....~ D I I << > ~ ;!; " '" ala" ~ \ ... ;~~ '9.. VOl:;: l , !:l . .. g '-I .. '" ; A cnlool :lD $Il "... ~! ; ~ =I ~ ~ !!l _ ~! f ~~ -. -= ~ 011 ~g 51- - - >. ~ ~ ut ~~ ~ ,,. ~iil' " a '''-'l'' ~! I e. ~ H. ~.~ Q. ~ ~.. a i!I !\ ~ '" '" ~., , .k,.~__J P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 3343!5 ~ -J. L- . _ -, "r-L-~-i'':'')J''''';Jr- ~~~~~~~~ ! . _..l:;;;l' _. ---"'" ~~_. - , CITY of BOYNTON BEACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT NO. 331871 October 17th, 1977 Fenton Martin, Trustee Leadership Housing 2811 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 560 Santa Monica, California 90403 08-43-45-08-00-000-5010 Dear Sir: Attached to this letter you will find a copy of a memorandum from the City Planner to the City Manager, concerning a property listed under your ownership in the latest tax roll. The mem and purpose of t concerning this /' No. 331871 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAil NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT FOR INTERNA nONAl MAil (See Reverse) SE1:~, _-4 ~. --r' I :/l{j{y~ //.11 .'u /-' Sffi'EET AND NO ,//\{><:!_/?i,'. P,O_, STATE AND ZIP CODE POSTAGE $ U> CERTIFIED FEE . w w SPECIAL DELIVERY . .. a: RESTRICTED DELIVERY 0 . .. U> a: w w 0 0 SHOW TO WHOM ANO W ;; ;; . I- DAP! VLL'.~ 'La. U> a: a: .. lJj w ~ U> SHOWTQWHOM,DATE I- ~ I- ANDADDRES~Ot- . U> .. .. 0 z W OELr.ERY .. 0 0 SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE I- ;:: W ~ .. a: DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED . " 0 Z DELIVERY U> a: z " SHDWTOWHOM,DATEANQ 0 I- ADORESSOFDElIVERYWITH . 0 w a: RESTRICTED DElIVERY w TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $ <- ~ POSTMARK OR DATE Ii. 0( ~ /1/(/' , " ~ 0 .. ~ orandum is self explanatory as to the intent he recommendation. If you have any questions matter, please contact me for further information. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C<,. .s.~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO City Planner '1 of ~'3E :ity 'IVN Cl3I.:1IJJD:) aNY a3HnSNI 'CI3H3J.SlfJ3H 'leII3:)]" NHnUH 9i6t "^ON 'nit LWOj lW I} ~ i ... c: ~ lD ,. '" t""J CD CD Il> ::s 0...... CD 0 '1 ::s III ::r:;:: .....Il> '0'1 ..... =..... o ::s .,:- III .....0-3 ::s '1 <.Q.,: III ..... CD CD ~ ~- !"'" ~ ~l 0 DDi{ n ;. "'~ "'I'! '" '" l;j ~ i ilJl i L ~ ~s sgss!. " ij~q~q~~,g i s'hrlY J n " ~ ll"iilil:l ~ 1:,," ~ Ii' g:~ Q.. ~t;" ~ = ~ '" Ii j SQ.. Q.. !. Q.. I:l 11!..:< i:!:><: ~ i:!: g . 0. ~. It ~ !!. ",' a a. a.!~ l~ ~: R- ::: ~ : g Q ~ " B l~ : ":"' . ; ~~f ila- . _i ~f 1:- d " I!! < :; .lD a .. l!' ~ t~ ~ -,~ .. ~.~ I ~ j g A-t..J. ~ ~ .... .... CITY of BOYNTON BEACH P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 3343!5 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT NO. 331872 October 17th, 1977 Edward J. DeBartolo 7620 Market Street Youngstown, Ohio 44512 08-43-45-17-00-003-0010 0020; 0030; 0060 Dear Sir: ~ Attached to this letter you will find a copy of a memorandum from the City Planner to the City Manager, concerning a property listed under your ownership in the latest tax roll. The memorandum is self explanatory as to the intent and purpose of the recommendation. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me for further information. " Yours very truly, No. 331872 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAil (See Reverse) 0. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . - s. ,r-, . .., ~ ...~~- CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO City Planner SENT TO (. V ), "..~ ,1 ,:7;;/, !) ,/,' ,.' . STREET AND NO PO, STATE AND liP CODE POSTAGE $ "' CERTIFIED FEE . W ~ SPECIAL DELIVERY . a: 0 "' RESTRICTED DELIVERY . ... a: w w " " SHOW.ro WHOM AND w ;: ;: .. DATE DElIVERED . "' a: a: C W w :E "' SHOW ~, .. ... .. AND ADDRESS OF ' "' c .. . 0 z W DELIVERY .. 0 " SHQW TO WHOM AND DATE .. ;:: w ... .. a: DELIVERED WITH RESTRtCTEO . ::> 0 Z DElIVERY "' a: Z ::> SHOW TO WHOM, DATE AND 0 .. ADDRESS OF DRIVERy WITH " W . a: RESTRICTEDDElIVEAY TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $ POSTMARK OR DATE lilY;';i . /(j 0/'33 :it} 11VN Q31.:fIJJlJ:) aNY 03HnSNI '03H]~SIOlH oJ.cIl3:t3H MlnJ3H 9i61 "^ON 'Ult UUOJ Sd !" c ~ '" ,.. '" '" !" h i '" n S!ill ~. f ~ '" o! t ~ I >. t ()oj 1I ~8: II Gj ~ 0 ~[ ,p I'll tI ~~ !I, ~a > . f '\-J~ O. . 1iC '" go ~ 1Pt ,~ = ~ a o III < '" '" .'" '" ..c "' )'! '" <- ~ " 0. C ~ ~ B g; I} ~ ! ~ Z In C '" '" o z !l N ~_ ..... ~ ~ H 0 DDGJ.~ I:J ~ e 8" ~~ ~~ ~ ~i; g A... ~~~~~~ ~o ~ o ~ S ~ S e: S S~, i:;i:> '"' i 11 ~ q ~ q ~ ~" ~"A . m .'hhl rS ~d :? 0 hft. t:l.i" R. ii: t.f b::I Cl o. fi . ~ '" Q.. I: g- Ill" 8.. "'R-,.~ e.- t1 s&. ~ ~ '8 S'!" IT i r ~ 8: H f~ I-' a . .. o It a.lt~ i' ~~: It: l. '" 2-"(.;: ~': 8 (I ~.f"!"': .:J:.e. d R....: . : !!. ~ ~ :..;., j ~S:~:tC.~ 8 Knollwood Groves Inc 8053 Lawrence Rd Boynton Leadership Homes of Palm Beach Inc c/o Courshon and Berk 1110 Brickell Avenue Suite 801 Miami, 33131 Henry Fox 1815 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Rex:ltl8lxMRx:ltx Fenton Martin et al Trustee Leadership Housing 2811 Wilshire Blvd Suite 560 Santa t1oRsia, California 90403 , /7/'/)'111 , !' I" 1. ~ "/;< C+ ?" ~(", ~~Z'(-c:}L "-1' ~- -~S~ ; '~~ ~ c:::: . 'l.?~ t:i!' r- -<::J <\r::-' .; -<C./\f'. ~C:-;:." -~- "'- ' ~" .-{':,"."'- .7,- 1:: ~C '~-r , '(" c. "-..J0 ----<.. ,...~,/ ~. ~~:>J~-.' .-CI ' 1 <~//,C: ~C,)( 'C(.. J.."., "<-. II 0-/33 .........-....1&at...If" . /-...-- ............... . / CHRONOLOGY June 11, 1974 THE MEADOWS 7-30-73 Site Plan Review Committee made five (5) recommendations on Master Land Use Plan. 8-27-73 Site Plan Review Committee could not certify Master Land Use Plan because it did not meet Health Department requirements ({~a ter & Set'er). 10-16-73 - Site Plan Review Committee could not approve Site Plan for Area No. 25 (Exhibit No. 25) because Master Land Use Plan has not been certified. Also, developer said he would sub- mit a revised Master Land Uae Plan showing revised density calculations. 11-19-73 - Site Plan Review Committee certified Exhibit No. 28 as Master Land Use Plan. Committee advised petitioner that approval for individual site plans cannot be given until construction plans for water and sewer facilities are submitted to the Health Department. 1-2-74 Division of State Planning issued letter recognizing that this development showed evidence of having vested rights and did not have to comply with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. KSR:ctc /1 Ct -i:S I' ,.: I: I' " .' J; , !I I, il 1: pursuant to the Master Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach, " ii Florida. " !! " ,I i: Boynton Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include the F Section 3: That the territorial boundaries of the City of " ., above-described property. " " ~ ; ~l 'j ii of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. I' jl " r hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in the l' I City's existin, g Code. il I Section 6: . Separability: Should any section or provision j of this Ordinance or any portion hereof, be declared by a Court ,I " I, I' of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not f; i: affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or any 11 Ii part hereof, other than the part declared to be invalid. !i " il j, - , :! effective in ;j:he manner and at the time provided by law. ;, ." ~ ( 'i jj First reading this 2Dth day il II !l II II " 'I !~ 1; ii I, ., !r .' 'I P Section -4: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances or parts Section 5: Authority to Codify: Specific authority is Section 7: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become Second, final reading and passage this of August, 1974. 11el day of J~--"tz.;., /"'4/ , I 1974. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA i- B(}l" {.f,,<r ~ ' " '-' a 0 I. ~ cf a'-LL~- Vice C I /' .6 CIa. /ul l{ {tlU't44t" f' ~ cO=cilman4 .~~ud ~*~ " Counc an '. .. r " " ;: ;: ATTEST: , ". .. ~! I' ,I I'J, -, /1' ~: ('n I II" ,." /''-i ....7:. ;: City Clerk ~I ,(, "'NT.. " I ~ of ~~=c-o Councilman , , " 'i 'I " " !1 " .' ,: -2- :t /5 uf 33 I.... iJ... 'If.i. \.t,............. ........, n"'~~;.' h~in!'" t:l...rl ,'1... cf th,... l'lj:"!, Lhc .. .~".' ..J)...... .... '-'-'0 -- -~ - 0.....1.) ;,." ~t'n "" 0& -ll~ --,,1, of the to'E" the Sr.\. t:'\. of tI1C t;"~- ~.._' t,.......- ..:- .l.. L. ".. .l\~'''.. 1\ ,,-, JJ't" Uit .L<o2 :;. ~2 1 of the i'L 1000.24 t of E3/4 of the i':i,n~ of the SH~ t all being in id Sc(Ction 7, 2nd a parcel of 12;"ld in Section 8, Tm':nship 45 South, !l~e 43 E<1.st, P.:11111 Beach County, Florida, being: All that portion of lying ~':est of the centcrli<?c of L.U.D.D. E-4 canal. 5\.11, of th.. ,.-:., ..~. .. .. .......- , of th~ SHl;: ":. II thc (The fo110~ing description encompasses the sa~e property above de- ribed, being more particular and specific.) A parcel of land in Sections and 8, Totmship 45, South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more rticularly described as follows: Comc~encing at the Northeast corner of said Section 7 (said Section corn ing also the centerline of Congress Avenue bS.R. 807) and the South R/W rle of Hypo11l..'Co Road) thereof; thence, S. 02 -471-01" ';01., along the East ~e of said Section 7, a distance of 40.04' feetDo the POINT OF BEGiN~ING; =l1ce, S. 8So-51 ~-59" U., a distance of 1,262.42 feet to a point;. thence, 020-41.'-41" H.. a distance of 1,332.29 feet to a point; thence, S. 880- '-23" \01. a distance of 945.29 feet to a point; thence N. 020-37'-41" E. Estance ofES6.71 feet to a point; thence, S. 880-49'41" W. a distance of 5.35 feet to a .point pn the Hest line of the' NE% of said Section 7, thence i 020- 36 '-21" ,.. along the 1.-lest line of the NE~ of said Section 7, a dis-, lee' of 2.007.71 feet to the center of said Section 7; .thence, S. 880-42'- '1~. along the North line o~ the swt of said Section 7. a distance of L83 feet to' a point; thE:nceo S. 02 -32'-23" H.. a distance of 1,001.22 ~t to a point; thence" N. 88 -39'-19" E. a distance of 628.49 feet .to <;i. lnt; thence~ S. 020-35.'-03" H.'a distance of 1.627.71 feet to a point 40 ~t North of the South line of said Section 7, said point, being also on ~ North right-of-\vay line pf Lake t\"orth Drainage District, Lateral No. 20 12.1 aSTIm-T in use; thence. N. 880-33'-32" E. .along said North line of Lake ~th,Drainage District Lateral No. 20 Canal parallel to and 40 feet North said South line of Section 7 a distance of 2,818.93 feet to'the East' line said Section 7, thence, continuing N. 8.8~-33'-32" E. along the North line said - Canal L-20, and 40 feet North of the South line of, .Section 8, a ;tance of 1,770.00 feet to t~e centerline of Lake Horth Drainage District lalization No.4 Canal as not" in use; thence, N. '080-33'-:-32" E. along ~d centerline of Lak~ Worth Drainage District E-4 Canal,. a distance of ~50'.OO feet: to a point:; thence, N. 140-33'-32" E~ along said centerline. listance of 1,213.79' reet to a point; thence, N. 34P-44'-35" Eo along said I ~er1ine a distance of 485.~5 feet to a point on'the Eastl~ne of the ; of said Section 8; thence, N. 020-31'-49" E. 'a10ng the East line of the ; of said Section 8, a distance of 1.575.61 feet to a poi,nt 40 feet South ~he North line of said Section 8, said poi~t being'also'on the South ;i'f--of-t-ray line of the Lake Horth Drainage ,District. Lateral No. 18 Canal not-7 in us~; thence, S. 890-02'-29" 1\'. along said South Canal right-of-",ayi ~, parallel to and a distance of 40 feet South.of the North Sectio~ line i said Section 8, a distance of 2,484.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNI~G. ....... ;JECT to the rights-of-way of the Lake Horth Drainage District: for addi- ,;;a1 required right-of-,.]ay of Lateral No. 18, and the right-of-'-7ay of eral t::-o_ 19 as no,.; laid out and in use. ..JECT to an eas e",-ent grant.cd to Florida Pmver & Light, . recorded in OR ,k 660, Pages 590 and 591, OR. Book 679, Pages 87, "90, and 93, Public ords of Palm BcC'.ch County. Florida. EPTI:;;G THEREF~1.J:.j the right-of-~.:ay of Congress Avenue (S .R.807) as nO:1 <! nul: ar;d in us~, and recorded in O?. Book 1132, Pilge'162, Public Recore!'; I'~1!:l Beach Cot:nty, Florida. Eio:HISIT "A" Contai;1ing 549J;92 Acres /, '~.~ / 0 Jr ~?6 - ,,' ?;:.~".~,. 1 A ~r.:lct of land ~n section S, Tm-mship 45 South, Range t, 3 East, Palm Be?-ch County, Flozida, more particularly describ~d as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of said Section 8, at a dista~ce of 312 feet west of the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly, naking an angle with said section line, measured from ,...est to south or 830 34 I and along the '.Jest line of High Ridge Subdivision, according to the plat thereof re- corded in Plat Book 22, page 6, public records of Palm Beach Countyz Florida, which said west line is also the east bound- ary of the Lake Worth Drainage District, a distance of 3,703.7 feat to an angle poin~ in said west line of High Ridge Subdi- vision; thence southerly, making an angle of deflection to t.~e east frqffi the preceding course,' of 3052' 30", a distance of 269.34 feet to L~e southwest cozner of Lot 35 of said High Ridge Subdivision. thence easterly, along the south line of said Lot 36 a dist~~ce of 144 feet, more or less, to a" point in the west" line of Government Lot 7 of said Section 8, accord- ing to GoverThuent ~urvey; thence southerly, along the west line of said Governm~~t Lot 7, a distance of.l~320 feet, more or less.. to a point in the south line of seid' Section 8, at a" . "distance of 386_89 feet west of the southeast corner thereof; thence westerly, along the south line of said"Section a,.a' dist~~ce or 2,796 feet, more or less, to. the east bank of the Lake No~Lh Drainage District Canal No. E~4; .thence northerly, along the east b~~ of said Canal, to a point in the north line of said Section 8. ~ence easterly, along the north line of said Section 8, a distance of 1,5~5 feet, more or less,. to the ~oint ~f"beginning;. SOBgECT to the' rignt-of-way of the Hypoluxo Road, and to any and' all other rights~of-"Iay or ease;nents of. record;. .: Being also known ~ that part of Government Lot 2 lying east .of Canal LESS road ana'c~~al rights~of-way and .all of Gover~~ent Lot 6, and submerged land adjacent thereto in Sectiqn 8, TownT ship 45 ~outh.. Range ~3 East; '." . EXCEPT~l; THEREFROM t~e following described parcels of land: a)Corr~ancing at the Southeast cprner of Section 8, .Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, :Florida. thence S-880-30'-45" \'1. along the south line of said Section 13, a distance of 386.32. feet "" to the South~est corner of Gove~~ent Lot 7 of. said Section 8; thence N-20-53'-24" E along the west line of said Governr::ent Lot 7, a distance of 60.18 feet to a point on a line lying 50.00 feet nor~~ of, when measureu at right angles, and parallel with the South line of said Section a and the point of beginning; thence S 880-30"-45" W, along the said parallel line, a distance of 115.50 feet to a point; the..T!ce N 10-34 '-02" E, a distance of 1259.39 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 36, according to the plat of High Ridge Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 6, in and for the public re- cords of Palo Beach County, Florida; thence N 880- 38'-00" L, along the Sout.h Line of said Lot 36, a distance of 144.63 feet to the Northwest corner of the South one-half (51/2) of said Government Lot 7; thence S 20-53' -24" t'1, along the t-7est Line of said Govern~~~t Lot 7, a dista~ce of.1260.96 feet to the EXHIBIT "B" Page J,:, j/," :6 ",': .~ / / v I , - .' ,. point of beginning of the h~rein described parcel. Sai~ parcel containing 3.7549 acres, ",ore or less. b) Beg innin3 at a point in the North line of Section 8, Township ~5 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, at a distance of 312 feet west of the RorL~east corner thereof; thence.Southerly, making WL angle with said section line, measured from West to South of 830-34' and along the West line of High Ridge Subdivision according to the plat thereof recorded L, Plat Book 22 at Page B, public records of Pa~ Beach County, Florida, a distance of 660' thence Westerly along'a line para~lel to the right- of~way line of nypoluxo Road a distance of 750 feet; th~nce Northerly along a line paral'lel to the t'lest line of ~gh Ridge Subdivision to the North line of said Section B; thence Easterly along the North line of said Section B, to the point ofbegin.,ing. I .. ,PARCEL 2 . .. ._ '. o. The Sout..l]. 60 _ 00 45 South, Range t'7est 25_00 feet. ~~et of Gover~ment'Lot 7; Section"S, 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, thereof, more particuiarlydescribed r:'1 'L.... . .10~..m.Si!1p less. tp.e ' as follo-o;.s: Co:mma.'1chg at t..lJ.e- Southeast corner of S.ection 8, ,Tm-mship 45 Sot!th~ Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida;. thence S 880-'30'-45" W, along the Sot!t..~ line of said Section 8,'a distance of 25.05 feet __ '-' to a point on a line lying 25.00 feet \-lest or, vJh~n measured at right angles, ana pa:!:"allel "lith the East line of said Section 8 and Tn? point of beg~nning of the parcel to be herein described; . thence continue S 880-30';"'45" W, along t..."1e south line of said Sec~ion 8, a distance of 361.27 feet to a point, thence N 20_ -53 1 ;....2~... E, a distance of 60.1B feet to a point on a line lying 60_CG'zeet north'of~ when measured at right angles and parallel -.;.,ith the South 1'i;..e of said Section ~;. thence N B80-~0'-45" E, . along _said parallcl line,' a distence of 350 ~ 59 feet to a point on a J.i!ie lying 25_00 feet '\-lest of, ,.hen meast!:;;:ed 'at right angles and parallel ""vith-the east line of said Section Si 'thence S 20_ 14"-00" W, along tlle said parallel ,line, a distance of 60.13 feet 'to :tne p:lint of heginning of the herein described parcel. -. " :.... .,4 .Sa.;d pticel co-"t-"'.;....;ng 0.4972 acre, more or less. ," ," '. . '.- A...... .. EXHIBIT IIBu pege 2 />1 r" ,;3 I ',", -, Cont~ining 257.f04 Acr~s A parcel of land in section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: The'East Half (E 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) and the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. ~ ;.... ~ ;1-.":; . -., . .".-. ~ . --:.;~. -' -~: " , '-' '. ' EXHIBIT "e" Containing 115.6363 Acres /9 ('l~ ,:3 ,,..- i ',' :! ORDINANCE NO. 75-- t AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING THE MUNICIPAL TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF SAID MUNICIPALITY BY THE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN UNIN- CORPORATED TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING LESS THM. TEN PXGISTERED VOTERS, LYING CONTIGUOUS THERETO AND WITHIN PAU4 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO WIT: A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TO~.SHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PAU~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR ZONING CLASSIFI- CATION; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, SAVINGS CLAUSE, AN EFFECTIVE DATE M.D FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the owner of the property more particularly described hereinafter has heretofore petitioned the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, requesting the annexation of certain property lying adjacent arid 'contiguous to the terri- torial limits of said municipality and within the same County to the municipal territorial limits of said City; and I , vffiEREAS, said tract of land contains less than ten registered voters; and i WHEREAS, all requirements of the Charter of the City of .' 1 Boynton Beach, Florida, and of the laws of the State of Florida, " relative to annexation of contiguous territory have been complied with; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, deems the annexation of said land to be beneficial to and in the best interests of the said City and the owner of said , d ': land that said land be annexed and included within the municipal territorial limits of said City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the City council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby annexes the tract of land more particu- larly described in the attached Exhibit A, which is hereby made a part hereof, to the municipal territorial limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Section 2: That the territorial boundaries of the City of I ,3'- ", () / ,,"' " " i '1 , " ,! Boynton Beach, F1orida, are hereby redefined so as to include the above-described property. Section 3: That subject property is hereby zoned I ZONE PUD not to exceed a density of six (6) units per acre, ,I , pursuant to the Master Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach, , Florida. I Section 4: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances or parts : of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5: Authority to Codify: Specific authority is : hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in the ! City's existing Code. I Section 6: Separability: Should any section or provision " I ~lof this Ordinance or any portion hereof, be declared by a Court :1 'Iof competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not .1 affect the va1idity of the remainder hereof as a whole or any ,jpart hereof, other than the part dec1ared to be invalid. '\ '.' i Section 7: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become :\ ileffective in, the manner and at the time provided by law. : j Lf. 7l.- ;j First reading this I -- day of February,: ,1975. I L/7;{. ! Second, final reading and passage this 7- day of ~ , 1975. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA " " '\ ~ ~M~ flAff Ci ty Clerk # By ~~ ~. ~' Mayor , I~P ',. 6 ' ~ic~7iff - . f!cti'U<cl!.-X4tt L-,td";.~"< -;.- 7 - Council 101:mber /. _ " " L 'f". ~...) ) i- ,. .... (1 ./.1, [,.,..1.... f (.: ..' :.-' 1__ CCUncil Member ..I .,,// ,/-:-- -'. ..-:;:.,...;....,..(...,-_...- ./~,,/.,...":""/ Council Member 'i ATTEST: / -2- /"1 "r.-J .,. L , -:3 - ( I , i o I I .1 t II " .Ii ,. J , ~ , :1 . .. I' ~ f: Ii " Ii ;; I~ I~ : , .~~ ~ ~. fi:::" '. ; .r !- - ~. ~ L R ~~ ::' . " ~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~. I I I ..1: _ ro' J'':;' ;,). ". -; ;: ; :, ~.~ :: !: ;; nz'1" -. :: ::; ,...- !...:: ~ ':~ 0 ..._ J; :; .., :;;:;=~. -::.; ')tnr~-;:~C'\:;;: ....:: _ ". 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I' \ I o \ , I--~~ JUl 1 7 1973 RESOLUTION NO. R-73- 379 I , i -I i I ! , i ! RESOLUTION APPROVING ZONING PETITION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, as the governing body, pursuant to the authority vested in Chapter 163 and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 70-863, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1970, is authorized and empowered to consider petitions relating to zoning; and WHEREAS, the notice and hearing requirement,s as provided for in Chapter 402.5 of the Palm Beach County Zoning Code Ordinance No. 73-2 have been satisfied; and - WHEREAS, Petition No. 73-68 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County at its public hearing conducted on 28 June 1973. :, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, assembled in regular session this 28th day of June, 1973 , that petition No. 73-68, the petition of WILLIAM J. HOLLAND for the REZONING, FROM AG-AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO RS-RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT, of a parcel of land in Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; the South . 1/2 of the West 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4; the East 3/4 of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast l/ll of the Southwest 1/4; the Northl-lest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest l/4; './; ~n (' /, /,._.1 (7 -0 JUl 1 7 1973 the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 being in said Section. 7; and all that part of a parcel of reclaimed land in Sections 7 and 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, conveyed by the Trustees of the International Improvement Fund of the State of Florida Deed No. 20996 as recorded in Deed Book 1107, pages 192 and 193,' lying in said Section 7; all of said lands here- inabove described being more particularly described as follows: beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section 7 (said Section corner being also the centerline of Congress Avenue (S.R. 807) and the South right- of-way line of Hypoluxo Road) thereof; thence South 880 51' 59" West along the North section line of said Section 7, a distance of 1262.42 feet to a point; thence South 020 41' 41" West, a distance of 1332.29 feet to a point; thence South 880 47' 23" West a distance of 945.29 feet to a point; thence'North 020 37' 41" Ea.st, a distance of 666.71 feet to a point; thence South 880 49' 4l" West, a distance of 3l5.35 feet to a point on the West line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 7; thence South 020' 36' 21" West along the West line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 7, a distance of 2007.71 feet to the center of said Section .7; thence South 880 42' 47" West along the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 7, a distance of 943.83 feet to a point; thence South 020 32' 23" West, a distance of 1001.22 feet to a point; thence North 880 39' 19" East, a distance of 628.49 feet to a point; thence South 020 35' 0'3" West, a distance of 1627.71 feet to a point 40 feet North of the South line of said Section 7, said point being also on the North right-of-way line of L.W.D.D. Lateral . Canal No. 20 as now in use; thence North 880 33' 32" East along said North line of L.W.D.D. Lateral Canal No. 20 parallel to and 40 feet North of said South line of Section 7, a distance of 1564.39 feet to a point; thence South 020 41' 41" West, a distance of 40.04 feet to the South line of said Section 7; thence North 880 33' 32" East along said South line, a distance of 1254.54 feet to the Southeast corner of said Sectiori 7; thenc~ North 020 47' 01" East, running along -2- ,. i - , . "'1 <-- ,..,.,. :-::z.. ",' ',X "'-J 1/"'--- . - . JUl 1 7 1913 the East line of said Section 7, a ?istance of 5322.84 feet, more or less, to the Point.of Beginning; also all that part of 'the North 330 feet (as measured along the North-South quarter section line of said Section 8) of the West 1200 feet (as measured along the North line of said Section 8) of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 8 lying Easterly of the Easterly bank of L.W.D.D. Equalizing Canal AND THE FURTHER SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT on a parcel of land in Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4; the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4; the North 3/4 of the East 3/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; the East 1/4 of the South 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; the East 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4, less the South 40 feet thereof; the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4, less the South 40 feet thereof; the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4; all that part of the West 1/2 of Section 8 , Township " 45 South, Range 43 East, lying Vlesterly of the centerline of the right- of-way of L.Vl.D.D. Equalizing Canal No. E-4, less the North 40 feet of the East 1/2 of the said West 1/2; and all that part of said Section 8 lying Easterly of the Easterly bank of the L.W.D.D. Equalizing Canal No. E-4 and Westerly of the West line of High Ridge Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 22, page 6, and Vlesterly of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 36 of said High Ridge Subdivision, together with all the South 60 feet of said Section B lying Easterly of the said Southerly extension of the said West line or Lot 36; less and excepting therefrom the East 750 feet (as measured along the North line of said Section 8) of the North 660 feet (as measured along the said West line of High Ridge Subdivision) of all that part of said Section 8 lying Westerly of the said West line of High Ridge Subdivision. Said property located on the south side of Hypoluxo Road and approximately 3/4 mile east of Lawrence Road, was approved as advertised subject to , I . , ...,.... Il....... -3- ;!j (-' ',3 l dUl 1 7 1973. the following conditions: (1) Prior to filing succeeding plats, required signalization, as reflected by traffic impact analysis, shall be installed at , , the sole cost of the developer, when required by the County Engin~er; (2)Based on the traffic impact analysis, Congress Avenue is to be four laned through the development and constructed by the developer at his expense; (3) Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the'developer shall dedicate, to Palm Beach County, the additional right of way required for Hypoluxo Road; (4)The developer shall provide for and construct Miner Road from their west property line to their east ingress and egress point as shown on the site plan. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Culpepper , who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner: .larren and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Lake Lytal E. W. Weaver Robert C. Johnson George V. Warren Robert F. Culpepper Aye Absent from meeting Aye Aye Aye The Chairman thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this l7th day of July 1973. PALM BEACH COUNfY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNfY COMMISSIONERS " ..J ' .. "", APPROVED AS TO FORM AND , LEGAL 5' J"I'''IENCY ~~..." rl '- ,~ ;~':;> ....~ ., ............... :.-- '-~ -.......... (! ~'~"""- · ":--:;'Cou~~', ATTORNE.Y: ....;; JOlIN B. DUNKLE, Clerli .~ ~ l'j I" . . ., / , .' . ::', . .r~ , . .Ii By: "i'nlt./-.<" -d, G 1.1 :~:i(v: Deputy Clerk- " " ., ~ FILED TI:I15 _lJ...tL____...DA, OF t1&1.'-L......_........_...... 19.1~... _.-....._-7f~ -r 'AND n~"(:Ofl:)EO IN nESOLUTIOI't MI....UTE BOOK NO..,.....~. .Y.. ,..,...., AT PAGE.etQ.-=.:~..3" RCCO;.'" V,'H,.'IEO JOHN E. IJUW~LE. CLEllK () , ". SY..rt,L..~.!?ji......IWC,w.~,-:...---- O,C. , . , . 1.1.1' .' .J.' .. , ':: . '- - 4 - f.~0 (J . .':3 I I i I ! I I ,~" " '. ..... ; ...'".~! ....'\ ~'....,.~l:l.:. l",.,vDE ~ :;).1 (3) , ConditiOlls and stipulations. In recommending zon- ing of land to PUD classification, the planning and zoning board may recommend and the govern- ing body may attach. suitable conditions, ssie- guards, and stipulations, 'in accord with stand- ards set out in. these zoning regulations and in this section. The conditions, ssieguardll, and lltipU- lations so made at 'the time. of zoning to PUD shall be binding upon the appli'cant or hill succeSllors in interest. DeviatioIlll from approved plans except in the manner herein set out or failure to comply with any' requirement, condition, or. ssieguard, shall oonstitute a violation of these zoning regula- . tions, It is intended that no' conditio:ls, safeguards, or stipulations be required which are not within the standards set out in these 'zoning regulations and , in, this section and that conditions, safeguards, and stipulations be clearly related to the ends and objectives of these wning regulatioIlll and this section. .t..... I I ' If the preliminary development plan and fil11l.1 ,development plan as set out in subsection (K) hp.lnw ha..q not. hppn rnrnmp.nr':M' within p.1E"htppn fI8) months of the date of zonins:r of land to PUD. then the PUD c1assificatioIl andLUI ratinl! shall ,revert to original or. hil!he~t zonins:r; A new plan approval shall be required with procedures as for a new application for zoning (including payment 'of fees) and no such new application shall have the effect of increasing the LUI rating as previ- ouslyapplied, (Ord. No. 74-1~, ~ 10,8-6-74) (K) PRELIMINARY PLANS. AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT I " : (1) Plans for development of land zoned to PUD shall be processed in accordance with procedures established in the city subdivision regulations. The same infonnation and date shall be in substantial compliance with the site development Supp, No, 26 . , 420.10 ;,- \1 ! "..... (\ ,....--,.., ( . , . l7,'"'l .:~ .' ;: ORDINANCE NO. 74- 3/ :' JL~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING THE MUNICIPAL TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF SAID MUNICIPALITY BY THE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN UNIN- CORPORATED TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING LESS THAN TEN REGISTERED VOTERS, LYING CONTIGUOUS THERETO AND WITHIN P~1 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO WIT: THREE PARCELS OF LAND IN SECTIONS 7 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PAU1 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; SAVINGS CLAUSE, AN EFFECTIVE DATE,,' ,ZONING CLASSIFICA- ~IONS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. :1 1! .l :; ii ,i Ii , . " " , i. ~ ; :j t. t! " 'I !, .. q " J~ r described hereinafter has ,heretofore petitioned th~ City Council J: WHEREAS, the owner of the property more particularly ., of the City of Boynton Beach, Florid,a, requesting the annexation 'j q - " of certain property lying adjacent and contiguous to the territor-i " :! Ii ia1 limits of said municipality and within the same County to the I' :i I !: ji , 'i ii '- municipal territorial limits of said City; and WHEREAS, said tract of land contains less than ten regis- ;! " f; tered voters; and H ~i i'lHEREAS, all requirements of the Charter of 'the City of H 1: 'Boynton Beach, Florida, and of the laws of the State of Florida, !l :i relative to annexation of contiguous territory have been complied ;: i: .! wi thi and ~; 1.'1 h " WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beac , I. 11 :: Florida, deems the annexation of said land to be beneficia,l to ,I and in the best interests of the said City and the owner of said " ;1 land that said land be annexed and included within the municipal ~; :' territorial limits of said City; " Nm-l, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: " Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby annexes the tract of land more particu- larly described in the attached Exhibits A, Band C, which are : :: hereby made a part hereof, to the municipal territorial limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. " Section 2: That subject property is hereby 'zoned ZONE PUD :' 'i ~"~, ;:"'2'. ...___,-,):...:r ~.Q. - i .2~/:2. - 7'" , '~ ;; ," C~1',t~JXt-.,J C(- r l.- - -~~ '_..... i; I' ~ .' ~fl.--..,.._. ~ / a-....., , ORDINANCE NO. 77- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, CONFlffi1INGiREVERSION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR ANSON AND MEADOWS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR PUD FROM R1AAA PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS,OF CHAPTER 31-1(3) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLGRITDA; PROVIDING FOR A SAV~NGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISIONS, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ;, 11 I- ,I 11 Ii !\ ,I I' ,I Ii Ordinance #74-31 and Ordinance #75-6 of the City of Ii Ii I I , I I WHEREAS, properties more particularly described in , Boynton Beach) , I said I 1 Florida are annexed to the municipal limits of said City, properties being more commonly known as the Meadows and Anson Planned Unit Development, and WHEREAS the developers of said project have abandoned said project and have failed to file preliminary and final i I I I: I' Ii II Ii II 'I Ii (, I' I' I' II II II j I I I II il " ., i! L " i; Ii " development plans as required by City zoning regulations Chapter 31-1(3) of the codified ordinances of said City within the time limit set forth therein; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of said City zoning regUlations, failure to proceed with development automatically results in reversion of subject property to the highest existing zoning classification under the City's zoning code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CIT~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: I ! , , I constituting the above described development, be and the same is I hereby reverted to zone R1AAA, and any and all agreements hereto-! fore made with the developer of said project are hereby deemed I , null and void pursuant to applicable provisions of the ordinances! Section 1: That the municipal zoning of property , I I this i of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Section 2: Separability: Each of the provisions of i ;, vrdinance is separable, including word, clause, phrase or sentence, ~ i ! :: and if any portion thereof shall be declared invalid, the remaini4g Ii portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and ! Ii I I; ! Ii ! J! ~ II ! ! I I ,I II effect. I ;!., ',i 0/ 4 r. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE 6~ THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, CONFIm1INGTREVERSION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR ANSON AND MEADOWS PLANNED UNIT DBVELOPMENT FOR PUD FROM R1AAA PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 31-1(3) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON 'BEACH, FLGRrrDA; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISIONS, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, properties more particularly described in Ordinance #74-31 and Ordinance #75-6 of the City of Boynton Beach Florida are annexed to the municipal limits of said City, said properties being more commonly known as the Meadows and Anson PJ,nned Unit Development, and WHEREAS the developers of said project have abandoned said project and have failed to file preliminary and final .. development plans as required by ta.L..! sMksivi.:3i81. ~!.CJ a1 r ~~ns, Chapter 31-1(3) of the codified ordinances of said City within the time limit set forth therein; and . WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of said City PL"""N~O ---rr- ~e""'ELo,fl.""~T .'lseiyiaion regulations, failure to proceed with development automatically results in reversion of subject property to the highest existing zoning classification under the City's zoning code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the municipal zoning of property constituting the above described development, be and the same is hereby reverted to zone R1AAA, and any and all agreements hereto- fore made with the developer of said project are hereby deemed , null and void pursuant to applicable provisions of the ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. . Section 2: Separability: Each of the provisions of this ordinance is separable, including word, clause, phrase or sentenc , and if any portion thereof shall be declared invalid, the remaini g portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. 3D rf 33 'fT...,..-. ... ,~ \ " ~'''J , - '''-- ( (I fYI, '1 \ ~ ~ .o,~J1 A.O_,W. THe , ....... \.,\1 ..... ( J ,Loa ,'.eoa' , , .- --======-- -- -' . ~ -.---.....-1>' /\ 11.1- THE MEADQ\-IS PI1ASING INFORMATION Phase 1 Golf course, 325.8 ac. 3.9 ulac 39% of site B,C,H,I, roads, water 1260 units Phase 2 O,P'Y'Y1 61. 3 ac 570 units 9.3 u/ac 7/0 of site Phase 1 & 2 acres - 387.1 Phase 1 & 2 units - 1830 Phase 1 & 2 density - 4.7 Phase 3 J,K,L,D 75.3 ac 430 units 5.7 ulac 9% of site Phase 1,2 & 3 acres - 461. 6 Phase 1,2 & 3 units - 2260 Phase 1,2 & 3 density - 4.9 Phase 4 Q,R,Z 56.4 ac 762 units 13.5 ulac 7% of site Phase 1,2,3, & 4 acres - 518.8 Phase 1,2,3, & 4 units - 3022 ~lase 1,2,3 & 4 density - 5.8 D' 5 ~0~~~_ AA,A,A1,E,F,G,M,N roads water , , 181.2 ac 1003 units 5.5 ulac 22% of site r:;: l.rj :;.., i;.:Y;~~ ~:~?) r_,;' I~".~.l~~-;~' \.-'."..:.'] " . ~ -rj 0..,.. . . ;.-- t::rUJ () ,~V- vfiV5..Y ~ pJ-uv. b~i 1 pUD ''/.!~ -: 0:.,;..) ~",:.r:;Jr {It)pl/ 15t..,;l . tJU I _3':(. of 33 . / Phase 5 - cont'd Phase 1,2,3,4 & 5 acres - 700.0 Phase 1,2,3,4 & 5 units - 4025 Phase 1,2,3,4 & 5 density - 5.8 P:1ClSe 6 S,T,U,V,W,X 135.6 ac 7.3 ulac 16% of site Phase 1,2,3,4,5, & 6 Phase 1,2,3,4,5, & 6 Phase 1,2,3,4,5, & 6 988 units acres - units density 835.6 5113 - 6.0 r.;::.,_._ _ ... '"' , " _ , . . "-.'i~'..~ 'I.,r:>);,,~,'.. ." ,," .'.-q C::~]P~f '. .'rJ __36 ~i _::.':,~\