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CORRESPONDENCE MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunzlato, Planning Director ~ ~\~ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities,,\~ Dece~ber 1, 1987 Fro~: Date: Subject: TRB Review - Woolbright Professional Center We can approve the above-referenced project, subject to the following condition5: 1. Connect the sanitary sewer syste~ on-site to an existing ~anhole at the property line near the southwest corner of the site, rather than the existing ~anhole on S.W. 17th Ave. as shown. 2. This connection to existing ~anhole to be an external drop type if the invert difference exceeds two (2) feet. 3. Move the wet tap and water ~ain at the east entrance to the west approxi~ately thirty (30) feet so that the proposed fire hydrant is five (5) feet ~ini~u~ and ten (10) feet ~axi~u~ fro~ the edge of the roadway. 4. Add a note to the utility plans to the effect that all ~aterials and work~anship ~ust be in accordance with the Utility Depart- Ment's standard criteria. d~t R"BCflVED C q )961 at! .- , 0\:.1'1. PLPS-lNiNG - - I I I I MEMORANDUM December 1, 1987 TO: KILDAY AND ASSOCIATES FROM: PLANNING DEPT. RE: WOOLBRIGHT PROFESSIONAL CENTER 1. As per previous correspondence from the County Traffic Engineer, as well as a recommendation from the Planning Department, the west driveway should be aligned with the existing median opening on Woolbright Road, and the median should be reconstructed to provide for a westbound left turn stacking lane. 2. It is recommended that the dumpster be relocated away from the existing homes to the greatest extent possible. 3. The setback adjacent to the residential zoning must be thirty (30) feet. 4. The note on the site plan concerning building height should be clarified to differentiate between building height and parapet height. 5. A note should be placed on the lighting plan that indicates that the lighting is to be directed away from the abutting residences. 6. The Comprehensive Plan requires the removal of all exotics in connection with site development. 7. Provide cross-section on buffer wall and dumpster enclosure detail. 8. Provide cross-section of canal, including proposed treatment. 9. The proposed drainage scheme is inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan requirements. -2- 10. The Planning Department is recommending that canopy trees be planted 20 O.C. and seventeen (17) feet in height at time of planting along the south and west property boundaries. 11. The Comprehensive Plan requires energy efficient site lighting (sodium types or metal halide). 12. Building square footage to be limited to 26,550 Gross Floor Area consistent with approved traffic report in connection with rezoning. ~r~ J ES JI GOLDEN JJG:ro M E M 0 RAN DUM November 23, 1987 TO: FINANCE DEPT. FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: PROCESSING FEES Attached, please find the following checks: Oakwood Square Shopping Center, Site Plan signage, in the amount of $200.00; West Industrial Park Site Plan Modification, in the amount of $200.00; '~Hunter Run the amount oOlbright $300.00; Tract D-2 "Cambridge I", site Plan Modification, in of $200.00; Professional Center, Site Plan, in the amount of Meadows 300 Tract "L" Heatherlake, site Plan Signage, (Ryan Homes) $350.00. The account numbers for deposit of the checks are indicated on the backs of the check~. ~ t. .Mt S ;:q. GOLDEN . CSA:ro Attachments cc Central File .'. 11-22-1987 SHALLOWAY INC. ENGINEERS, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS PROJECT NAME: WOOLBRIGHT PROFESSIONAL CENTER AREA GROUND STORAGE 100 YEAR RAINFALL = 2.7 ACRES = 2.12 INCHES 100 YEAR FLOOD STAGE = 19.7 INCHES = 16.46 FEET STAGE STORAGE DISCHARGE 8.50 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.50 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.42 10.50 0.01 0.60 11. 00 0.02 0.7J 11.50 0.04 0.85 12.00 0.06 0.95 12.50 0.09 1. 04 13.00 0.15 1.12 13.50 0.26 1. 20 14.00 0.43 1. 27 14.50 0.66 1. 34 15.00 1. 14 1. 41 15.10 1. 28 1. 42 15.50 1. 97 4.64 16.00 3.00 12.22 16.50 4.05 22.33 17.00 5.10 23.91 17.50 6.15 24.69 , PROJECT NAME: WOOLBRIGHT PROFESSIONAL CENTER **STAGE - CUMULATIVE STORAGE CALCULATIONS** VERTICAL STORAGE AREAS LINEAR STORAGE AREAS AREA NUMBER - 1 STORAGE AREA 1.30 ACRES LINEAR STORAGE FROM ELEV. 14.40 FT. TO ELEV. 15.50 FT. VERTICAL STORAGE FROM ELEV. 15.50 FT. ON UP AREA NUMBER - 2 STORAGE AREA LINEAR STORAGE FROM ELEV. VERTICAL STORAGE FROM ELEV. 0.10 ACRES 9.50 FT. TO ELEV. 14.40 FT. ON UP 14.40 FT. AREA NUMBER - 3 STORAGE AREA 0.70 ACRES LINEAR STORAGE FROM ELEV. 12.50 FT. TO ELEV. 16.00 FT. VERTICAL STORAGE FROM ELEV. 16.00 FT. ON UP STORAGE (AC-FT) LIN. LIN. LIN. STAGE AREA AREA AREA TOTAL (FEET) 1 2 3 (AF) 8.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.00 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 12.50 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 13.00 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 13.50 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.3 14.00 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 14.50 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.7 15.00 0.2 0.3 0.6 1.1 15.10 0.3 0.3 0.7 1.3 15.50 0.7 0.4 0.9 2.0 16.00 1.4 0.4 1.2 3.0 16.50 2.0 0.5 1.6 4.0 Nav 22 1987 , 17.00 2.7 0.5 1.9 5.1 , 17.50 3.3 0.6 2.3 6.1 PROJECT NAME: WOOLBRIGHT PROFESSIONAL CENTER **OUTFALL STRUCTURE RATING** OUTFALL STRUCTURE TYPE: WEIR LENGTH WEIR CREST ELEVATION : WEIR COEFFICIENT WEIR 48.00 15.10 3.13 INCHES FEET BLEED DOWN DEVICE: TRIANGULAR ORIFICE BLEEDER WIDTH 6.00 INCHES BLEEDER HEIGHT 6.00 INCHES BLEEDER INVERT ELEV.: 8.50 FEET OUTFALL PIPE LENGTH OUTFALL PIPE DIAMETER: MANNING'S 'N' PEAK TAILWATER ELEV. : 153.00 FEET 24.0 INCHES 0.024 9.50 FEET STAGE WEIR PIPE RATING (FEET) (CFS) (CFSl (CFS) 8.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.42 6.17 0.42 10.50 0.60 8.73 0.60 11. 00 0.73 10.69 0.73 11.50 0.85 12.35 0.85 12.00 0.95 13.80 0.95 12.50 1. 04 15.12 1. 04 13.00 1.12 16.33 1.12 13.50 1. 20 17.46 1. 20 14.00 1. 27 18.52 1. 27 14.50 1. 34 19.52 1.34 15.00 1. 41 20.47 1. 41 15.10 1. 42 20.66 1. 42 15.50 4.64 21. 38 4.64 16.00 12.22 22.26 12.22 16.50 22.33 23.10 22.33 17.00 34.43 23.91 23.91 17.50 48.25 24.69 24.69 , PROJECT NAME: WOOLBRIGHT PROFESSIONAL CENTER *** SCS RUNOFF & FLOOD ROUTING 25 - YEAR STORM RAINFALL = 12.0 INCHES 3 DAY DURATION STORM TIME (HR) RAIN (IN) RUNOFF (IN) RUNOFF (A-F) DISCHARGE STORAGE STAGE (CFS) (A-F) (FT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 9.50 12.00 0.88 0.08 0.02 0.0 0.00 9.54 24.00 1. 75 .0.51 0.12 0.2 0.00 9.69 36.00 3.02 1. 43 0.32 0.3 0.00 9.80 48.00 4.31 2.51 0.57 0.2 0.00 9.77 53.00 5.05 3.17 0.71 0.5 0.00 10.14 58.00 6.86 4.85 1. 09 1.0 0.08 12.25 58.50 7.15 5.12 1. 15 1.0 0.10 12.54 59.00 7.54 5.48 1. 23 1.1 0.13 12.86 59.25 7.84 5.76 1. 30 1.1 0.17 13.11 59.50 8.14 6.05 1. 36 1.2 0.22 13.29 59.75 10.16 8.00 1. 80 1.3 0.63 14.43 60.00 12.18 9.96 2.24 1.4 1. 04 14.89 60.25 12.62 10.39 2.34 1.4 1.11 14.97 60.50 13.06 10.82 2:43 1.4 1.18 15.02 60.75 13.28 11.04 2.48 1.4 1. 20 15.04 61. 00 13.51 11.26 2.53 1.4 1. 22 15.05 61.50 13.85 11.59 2.61 1.4 1. 23 15.07 ~ ~ 62.00 14.12 11.86 2.67 1.4 1. 24 15.07 '" '" .:::.. 67.00 15.52 13.23 2.98 1.4 0.97 14.82 ~ , 72.00 16.31 1.3 0.58 14.33 , 14.01 3.15 J' ~rd of County Commissione~ County Adnlinistrator Jan \Vinters t uh,.J A. Roberts, Chair . Kenneth'M. Adams, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol J. Elmquist Dorothy Wilken September 23, 1987 Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahler! County Engineer RECEIVED Mr. Carmen Annunziato, AICP Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: WOOLBRIGHT PROFESSIONAL CENTER SEP 28 3981 PLANNING DEP.T. Dear Mr. Annunziato: In accordance with your request, the Traffic Division has reviewed the subject project and offers the following comments: 1) Given that the traffic report for this project assumes a SO/50 split between medical office and general office uses, it is recommended that the project be conaitioned to a maximum 50% medical office use at any given time. If such a conditioned approval is not possible, the report should be revised to reflect the maximum traffic generation which could be expected with the proposed land use. 2) Existing traffic counts given in the report are two years old and should be updated. 3) As the proposed land use is office, the peak hour percentages should be revised to 18-19% in accordance with I.T.E, recommendations. 4) The traffic impact study should be modified to analyze the same square footage of building area as shown on the site plan. 5) Unless there is a compelling reason .to do otherwise, the proposed western entrance should be aligned with the existing median opening. A left turn lane should be provided on Woolbright Road at this location. This suggested realigning of the driveway would not result in a shortening of the existing left turn lane, west approach, as presently proposed. 6) This project should be required to dedicate 60' from centerline for the ultimate one-half right-of-way for Woolbright Road across its frontage. 7) This project should be required to pay the Fair Share Impact Fee. . .. An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-1989 (305) 684-4000 Page 2 As always, the opportunity to comment is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~.{j!L Charles R. Walker, JR., P.E. Dire~~r, Traffic Division CRW/ A'!'H/ jd File: SID "W" . .. JOSEPH JINGOLI & SON, INC. Contradors 3131 Princeton Pike Building #4. Suite 209 Lawrenceville, New Jersey 0864B (6091 896.3111 August 20, 1987 P. Steven Elliot Suite 400-B 1551 Forum Place West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Woolbright Road Property Dear Mr. Elliot: Please be informed that the managing partners for the Partnership - Woolbright Professional Center - is my wife, Frances, and myself. All documents relative to the above referenced property can be signed by either of the two managing partners, Yours very truly, ~:: ~~,~Y~~~~;;rL " ~~~~ ~ - Joseph R. Jingoli I C JRJ/eo ~ .// y SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomp12~e applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Woolbright Professional Center 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by' Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Woolbright Professional Center Partnership Address: 3131 Princeton Pike Lawrenceville.N.J. 08648 Phone: (609) 896-3111 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kieran J, Kilday/Kilday & Associates Address: 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach,Fl, 33401 Phone: (305) 689-5522 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Same as #3 Address: Phone: . 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 rage 2 7. Wha~ is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Owner. (Owner, Buyer, ~essee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. street Address or Location of Site: The southwest corner of L.W.D.D. E-4 Canal and Woolbrig!1tHoad,,_____.____ 9. Legal Description of Site/Property Control #: Parcel "D", Plat of Tenth Section P.B, Leisureville/ 08-4~-42~~2-04-126-0000 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: Professional Offices 11. Developer or Builder. Woolhright Professional Center Partnership 12. Architect: F. Kirk Stetson 13. Landscape Architect: Brenda Halev/Kilday & Associates 14. Site Planner: Same as 1113 15. Engineer: Shalloway,Inc. 16. Surveyor: Richard L. Shepard & Associates,Inc, 17. Traffic Engineer: Shalloway,Inc. 18. Has a site plan been previously ap?ru\.l~d by the City COUI1Cil for this property? No, 19. Estimated construction cost of pro:)()::\"l ir,:I1l"ove;:",-.;!".ts sho\.,;n on lhis site plan: Over $100,000.00 Planning Dept. 10/82 Page 3 II. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. l. Land Use Ca teqorv shown in the Comprehensive Plan Office Commercial 2. Zoning District C-l . ,,3. ArAa of Site 2.7 acres 117,612 sq. ft. 4. Land Use _.- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including 0 acres 0 % of sit;] surrounding lot area or grounds b. Recreation Areas * 0 acres 0 % of site (excluding water area) c. Water Area 0 acres 0 . % of site d. Commercial 2.70 acres 100 % of site e. Industrial 0 acres 0 % of site f. Public/In- 0 acres 0 % of site stitutional g. Public,private, and Canal Rights-of-Way 0 acres 0 % of site h. Other (specify) 0 acres 0 % of site o % of'site i. Other (specify) o acres j. Total Area of Site 2.7 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 28.000 Area ("building footprint") sq. ft. 23.8 % of site b. Water Area o sq.ft. o % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas) , and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 59,664 sq. f t. 50.8 % of site d. Total Impervious Area 87.664 sq. f t. 74.6 % of site e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code) . 4,660 sq. f t. 4 % of site Planning Dept. 10/82 Pl~nninn n~n~. lnlR2 Page 4 f. Other Landscaped Areas, 25,288 sq. ft. 21. 5 '% of site excluding Water Area g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas 0 sq.ft. 0 % of site h. Total Pervious Areas 29,948 sq.ft. 25.4 % of site i. Total Area of Site 117,612 sq. ft. 100 % of si ':e 6. Floor Area a. Residential 0 sq.ft. b. Commercial/Office 28,000 sq.ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse 0 sq.ft. d. Recreational 0 sq. ft. e. Publici Institutional 0 sq.ft. f. Other ( specify) 0 sq.ft. g. Other (specify) o sq.ft. h. Total Floor Area 28,000 sq.ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached 0 dwelling units b. Duplex 0 dwelling units c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (1) Efficiency 0 dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom 0 dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom 0 dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom 0 dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family 0 dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 0 8. Gross Density 0 Dwelling Units per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site 17 feet 1 stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan Medical/Professional Office 140 1 sp./200 S.F. Gross Floor Area 140 Planning D~Ft. 10/82 Page 9 IV. MISCELLANEOUS The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: (check) XX 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as oer the attached fee schedule. n/a 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) sing12 directional vehicle trips in a one (11 hour period, a trai:l~ _' _ _ _... _ _ _ 1.. _ ~ _ ._..~..... 'L-....... ~..l-._~ .................::1 ..l..4..t"'......__'- '-4.411:........1............ .............. -''- ---........- ........--...... XX 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION ** See attached (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT ** See attached Signature of Authorized Agent Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. Date Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. . SPACE BELOW THIS LI~E FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: Planning Dept. 10/82 V, CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Sincerely, s----:?~?~~C---. / //~ ~' ./ /' / Joseph R. .Jingoli-Managing . ./ / I Partner STATE OF:Florida COUNTY OF: Palm Beach I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 18 th day of November " 1987, before me personally appeared Joseph R. Jingoli to me known to be the'person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official the day and year last aforesai . (NOTARIAL SEAL) Expires: NCTI~R'( PUBLIC SiF,TE OF n.cno,' MV CDK~ISSiON Exr Sfy! 17.1S3~ CaNOED TH~U GEliSRAl II". ur.o.' -, 11-19-87 Date VI.AUTHORIZATION OF (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application, Sincerely, "-~- '----------=-"':.--;:;::- /~:;-~~~ (-'-"-~/--< /~--~-;, / /~ Joseph R. Jing~i~-Man~ .. Partner ST A TE OF: Florida COUNTY OF :Palm Beach I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 18th day of November ., 1987, before me personally appeared Joseph R,Jingoli to me known to be the'person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. (NOTARIAL SEAL) N tary Public tate of: My Commission Expires: WITNESS my hand and offici the day and year last aforesa d. nCT~RY PDGLIC S:~l~ c; ~tO~IDA MY CG~ln3~ICIJ Exr :J~~T 17,E:!.l9 BONDED THRU GEii:;-:AL I1~S. ur.D. , - .' . 1" / I l' A ItT N H It S II 11' A U It gEM E N TillS AGREEMENT, entered into this duy of BETWEEN, JOSEI'll R. JINGOLl of 5 Twining Lune, West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 and FRANCES W, JINGOLI, of 5 Twining Lane, West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 and JOSEI'll R. JINGOLI, JR. of 5 Twining Lune, West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 and STACEY A. MARKOWITZ of 45 Viburmun Court, Lawreneeville, New Jersey 08648 and KIMIlE1tL Y JINGOLI of 5 Twining Lane, West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 and MICHAEL JINGOLl of 5 Twining Lane, West Trenton, New Jersey 08628: WITNESSETII: AltTICLE I Creution, 1'U1'pose, UUl'Ution , Section 1.01. Formation (u) The above numed pel'sons (the "I'ul'tnel's") hel'eby enter illto u partnership (the "Partnership") for the purposes set forth in this ugl'eement. The Partnel'ship shall be a general partnel'ship govemed by the Uniform I'al'tnership Act of the Stute of New Jersey, us from time to time alllem]ed. The business of the Partnership shall be conducted undel' the name of WOOLBRIGHT PIWFESSIONAL CENTElt. (b) Concurrently with the execution of this agreement, the I'Ul.tnel'S shall execute and acknowledge a Fictitious Business Name Statement and cause the same to be published and filed in accordunce with the Statutes of New Jersey. The Partners shall execute, acknowledge, file and record all such amendments and said statements as may be l'equired by this agreement, or amendments thel'eto, or by law. (c) The principal office of the Partnership shall be located at 3131 Pl'inceton Pike, Lawrenceville, New, Jersey. The principal office may at any time be changed by the agl'eement of Partners. , . . Section 1.02. Purpose The purposes for which the Partnership is forllled and the business of the partnership shall be to invest in the real property described in Exhibit "A" hereto (the "Pl'operty"), for long-term growth. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to restrict in any way the freedom of any party hel'eto to limitation, the acquisition, development and exploitation of real property, without any accountability to the Partnership or any part hereto, even if such business or activity dil'eclly competes with the business of the Partnership, and no party her!lto shall have any interest in any olllel' business or activity by virtue of this Partnership. Section 1.03, Term Unless sooner terminated, in accordance with the pl'ovisions of ARTICLE IV, the Partnership shall terminate and end on June I, 2070 or at any eadieI' date on ..' . which the Partners no longer have any intel'est in the Property. ,"' . Sedion 1.114, l'el'l:entnl:eH of Intcl'l~Ht The l'espeetive intel'est of the l'Ul'tners ill Hill! to the net ['1'oIH 01' loss of the Partnership shall be as follows: Pal'tnel'S Pm'cen t Joseph It. Jingoli Frances W. Jingoli Joseph It. Jillgoli, Jr. Stacey A. Markowitz Kimbel'ly Jingoli Michael Jingoli 16.68 16.68 IG.6G 16.6G 16,66 16.66 Section I.OS. Liability of PartnCl'S No Partner shall be liable, for any obligations incUl'red by any other Partner, whether incurred before or after the execution of this Agreement. Each Partner hereby indemnifies the other and agrees to hold the other harmless from all such excluded obliga tions. Section LOG. Iteimburseable Expenses If any Partner pays a properly incurred obligation of the Pal.tnership, such pal'tner shall be reimbursed by the Partnership upon presentation to the other Partners of satisfactory evidence of such payment. Section 1.07. Control and Manu~elllcnt In order to facilitate the handling of all matters pertinent to the purpose of the partnership it is understood and agreed that the absolute management and control of the business and affait's of the Pal'tnel'ship, except as specifically otherwise set forth hereinafter, shall be and the same are hereby vested in the Management Committee, which Management Committee shall initially consist of Joseph It. Jingoli and Frances ,; W. Jingoli, the Managing Partners. Each Munaging Partner shall have a vote on all issues based on his or her percentage interest set forth in paragraph 1.04. The Management Committee shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Partnership for all acts it takes except for fraud. The indemnification shall include all costs and expenses and reasonable counsel fees. In the event that any of the Managing Partnel'S should cease being a Partner, the remaining Managing Pal'tner shall have the right to select any two partners to be placed on the Management Committee and shall have all the powel'S of management hereinbefore set forth. Provided, however, if the spouse of a Managing Partner takes all or part of his or her in terest by assignment or otherwise, he or she shall accede to his or her spouse's position on the Management Committee and have the same proportionate vote. In the event that all Managing PUl'tners shall cease being a member of the Partnership, the Management Committee shall consist of all Partnel's and all decisions in respect to the Partnership, except as herein otherwise specifically set forth, shall be made by majority vote of the Partners, with each PartiteI' having as .many votes as his or her percentage of Partnership Interest. . SecLion I.U8. ^ccounLinr~ (a) The l'artner~hip shall IllUilltain COIII[lJete books nlll! rcconls ill accol'lluncc with the accl'ual IlIethou of accounlillL:, accul'Utcly l'enecLinl~ the uccollnts, business anu transuctions of the Pal'tllel'~hip in UCcol'uunce with this SecLion 1.UB. Such books und records shull be kept at the principul office of the Pal'tner~hip 01' at ~uch other office as shull be de~ignuted for such purpose by the Partners. All Pal'tners shall have the right to inspect und examine such books und record~ at all reasonable Lillles dul'ing business hours. (b) The Partnership shall maintuin a commel'cial checking account or accounts (collectively, the "Account"), in such bank or banks as the Partners mutuully agree upon from time to time. All funds of the Partnership shall be made only by check signed by such persons as may be authorized from time to time by the Purtnel'ship. (c) The Partnership shull adopt a calendar yeal' for accounting PUI'poses. Financial statements in such, detail as may be agreed upon by the Partners shall be prepal'ed annually by an accountant selected by the Partilel'ship and uelivered to all the Partners on or before May 31, of the next following year. All finuncial statements shall be aecurute in all mutel'iul respects IlIld shull present fuirly the finuncial position of the Partnership. All costs and expenses incurred in the preparation of said accounLing shall be considered to be a direct expense to the Partnership. The financiul statenlents will be unaudited and in the event that any Partner requests audited financiul statelllent~ of any year, the additional cost and expense incurred in preparation of the audited financial statements over and above that normally incurl'ed for pl'eparaLion of unaudited financial statements shall be paid by the Partner requesting said audited financial statements. (d) The Partnership shall cause to be prepared and shall file on 01' before the due dates (or any extensions thereof) annual United States and State Pal'tnership Returns of Income and any other Federal, State or local tax returns requil'ed to be so 'filed. Each such return shall be submitted to all Partners a reasonable time in advance of the required filing date. t (e) The books and records of the Partnership shall include such assets, . liability, income and expense accounts as are appropl'iate to the Pat'tnership, and separate loan, capital and undistributed earnings accounts for each Partner. (f) In all cases, accounting transactions shall be recorded and accounted for in accordance with generally accepted accounting pl'inciples. Section 1.09. Services of Partncrs The services of the Partners in a capacity as a Partner, shall be rendel'ed without costs to the partnel'ship, pt'ovided, however, any services rendered to the Partner in a capacity other than that of a Partner (such as legal set'vices, accounting sel'vices, etc.) shall be paid fOl' by the Partnership to the Pal'tner. Section 1.10. Distributions (a) The net cash receipts of the Partnership as hereinafter defined shall be distributed as. soon as practicable after the close o~. eacha,ccollllting year of the Partnership or more frequently if the Management Committee determines to make more frequent distributions, which distributions shall be made to the Partnel's in propot'tion to their Partnership interest. . (ll) Thc tcrm "l~Ct Cush ltcccipts" us uscd hCI'cin ~dull Incun nct profils derived from the l'l'emises owned by the PU1.tnership, as ascel.tuined through the lIse of stundul'd uccountin~ pl'uetices upplicd on u consistent llusis, except thut (u) dcpl'cciution of building, improvements, furniture, fixtures, furnishings and equipmenl shull not be taken into accountj (b) mortgage amortizution puid by the Purtnership shull be considered a deduction; (c) any amounts expended by the Partnership fOl' cupital improvements in excess of proceeds f!'Om loans to the Partnership made for the purpose of financing such construction shall be considered a deduction; (d) u I'eusonuble reserve determined by the Manugement Committee, shall be deducted to provide funds for current opemtions, improvements or for any other reasonable contingencies of the l'm'tnel'shipj und (c) the excess cash proceeds derived from any mortgage refinancing or sule of the pl'operty shull be included except thut the excess pl'oceeds, if uny, of any intel'im, lelupol'ury, construction or permanent financing shull not be considet'ed PUl't of Net Cush lteceipts until completion of all improvements to be constructed in connection with currying out the purposes of the Partnership. Section 1.11. Vuluution of the l'ul'lnershill (a) For all purposes of this Agreement, the value of a l'artnel"s Interest shall be equal to the sum reulized by multiplying the percentuge of suid Partner's lntel'est times the fuir market value of the Partnership as suid fair murket value is hereinafter defined. (b) On January 1 of each year or within 30 days thel'eufter the l'Ul.tnel'S and all other parties in interest agree that they shall attempt to determine by lIJutuul agreement the fair market value of the Partnership and that if a determination is reached, said value shall be set forth in a document containing the following language, which document to be effective will be signed by persons representing at leust 85% of the intel'est in the Purtnership whether said persons, shull be partnel's 01' merely have the rights of an assignee as hereinafter defined: . " "The fair market value of Woolbright Professional Center, a New Jersey Partnership, as of January 1 is $ ." This determination shall expire at such time as the Partners and other parties in interest enter into a new determinution of vuluution us afol'esuid 01' in the failure to enter into such a new determination 60 days after a new determination should have been reached. In the event that the Partners and other pal'ties in interest cannot reach a determination as to value by agreement as aforesaid within 60 days after the appropriate date as specified above, the prior determination shall be null and void and of no further force and effect and the fair market value of the Partnership shall be calculated in the manner set forth in 1.11 (e) when, as and if said valuation is required for any of the purposes of this Agl'eement. Notwithstanding anything to the contl'ary hereinbefore or hereinafter, no new valuation shall be effective unless any purty whose interest in the Pal.tner~hip, whether suid purty be u Partner ,~l' merely hfjve the right of an assignee as hereinafter defined, eoncurs in said valuation if at the time said valuation is set said party's interest is the interest which requires a valuation to be set so as to implcmcnt thc"tcl'mS of thc Agrccment. MOl'COVCt', no change in valuation hud been made prior to thc cnd of any calendar year without the unanimous consent of all parties in interest if a valuution had been made previously during thut culendUl' yem'. Ii') 11' Ihll vlIllIlIlllIll 1""11111'1"1 I.y 1111' 1'1'lIvlllllU III'IIV.,..IIIlIl III' Ihlll 1\1'110'111 1.11 hllH oxpil'lll1 ily ilH \OI'IIIH 111111 II IIIlW VlIllIllllolI ill l'llllllil'llll 10 hllph!llIlIlIl Iho l('I'IIIH amI provisions of this AgI'cement absellt un agreemcnt bctwccn ull lJUI.tiCS in illtCI'CSt, the vulue of the Partnership shall bc dctcrmined by thrcc appI'uiscrs, all to bc mClllbm's of the M.A.I. since the basic ussets of this Partncrship consist of I'cul pI'opcrty, OIlC of said appl'aisers to bc appointed by the withdl'awing Purtncr, 01' othcr sclling party in interest, and/or his legal representative, one of said appraisers to be appointed by the Management Committee and the third appraiser toJ;le appointed by the two appraisers appointed as first provided. Inasmuch as the Partnership is in essence a Partnership engaged in the ownership of real property the appraisers are hereby directed that the value of the Partnership shall be based on the fair market value of the asscts of the Partnership plus the cash held by the Partnership less all liabilities. A party having a right to dcsignate an appraisel' shall do so within 20 days after demand by any othcl' party having the right to require an appraiser. Each party shall pay the cost of their own appraiser and shall share the cost of the third appraiser. (d) The valuation determined as aforesaid shall be determined the full agreed vulue of the purtncrship and all assets, both tangiblc and intangible, including but not limited to, good will as well as all liabilities, including mortgages, liens, notes, 01' any other encumbrances of any kind whatsoever, if any, upon the assets of the Partnership shall be deemed to huve been considered in determining said value and devising the formula for determining said value. (e) Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement to the contrary, all periods for acceptance of any offer to sell a Partnership Interest, or an assignee's interest hereunder, shall be tolled in the event thut the last valuation certificate not effective on the date upon which value must be determined for the purposes of said offer and shall remain tolled until the alternative valuation pursuant to 1.11 (c) has bcen dctcrmincd and copy of said vuluation is sel'vcd upon alllJartics in intcrest. ARTICLE II , . Prosecution of Projcct Section 2.01. Assj~nlTlcnt of Partncrship Concul'l'enUy with the execution of this agrccmcnt, Joscph ll. Jingoli will assign to thc Partnership his contract to purchase the Property dcscribed in Exhibit A. Thc Partncl'ship shull reimburse and Joscph R. Jingoli for any cxpcnscs incurrcd by them and shall pl'oceed to closc titlc in accordancc with thc agrccmcnt of salc. All real estate transfcr taxes and the premium fOl' a standard form owncl"s policy of title insurance shall be puid by the Partnership, and it shull pay ullrecording costs. Section 2.02. Insul'Unce Appropriate insurance coverage with respect to public liability, property damuge, personal injury, fire and casualty will be procurcd by thc Partncrship aud the premiums thcrefore will be paid from the assets of the Partnership. ARTICLE III Sources and Fuuds Section 3,01. Capital Contributions (a) Concurr~ntly with the execution of this agreement, shall contribute cash as the initial capital of the Partncl'ship as follows: ., . each Partner (b) Subject to the pl'ovlslOns of Section 3.U2, 1..<3 l'al'lllcrs shall 1I1ake such additional capilal contributions, in amounts equal lo the pel'cenlage theil' illilial capital conll'ibulions bears to the tolal initial capital contl'ibutions, as may bc l'cquircd (rom time to time to meet the obligations of the Partnership. Section 3.02. Cash Advances to the Partnership Any Partner may loan funds to the Partnership in such amounts, at such times and upon such terms (which shall be no less favol'able to the Partnel'ship than those available from third parties) as may be agreed upon by the Partners. Such advances shall be evidenced by notes of the Partneri>hip executed by all the other Partners " on behalf of the Partnership. Such notes shall be paid in full prior to any distribution of cash to the Partners in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.1U. Such payments shall be applied first to interest and then to the reduction of principal. . . ARTICLE IV Limitations on Sale 01' other Volunlary Disposition Section 4,U1 No Partner shall assign, pledge, encumbel', sell, transfel', hypothecate in any manner subject to all or any portion of his or her intel'est except in the limited circumstance hereinafter set forth. (a) A Pal'tner may offer his 01' her interest to thh'd parties subject to the following terms and conditions providing he or she receives a bona fide outside offer: Any bona fide offer by a third party purchaser shall be served upon the Partnership by sending copies to all Partners at their mailing addresses set forth above by United States Certified Mail and the Partnership without the vote of the withdrawing or selling Partner shall thereupon have the right of first refusal for 45 days after receipt of said notice to purchase the interest for sale either 0) on the same terms and price as set forth in said bona fide offer or (ii) for an amount equal to the valuation of a Parlncrship interest as said interest is defined in Article 1.11 as of the end of the month preceding receipt of the offer. Notwithstanding the foregoing and irrespective of the terms of payment set fOl'th in any bona fide outside offer, the Partnel'ship will use its best efforts to make an initial payment of 2U%. The balance shall be payable commencing January 2 of the year following closing in a number of equal monthly installments so that the last payment will be 6U months after first payment, which pUl'chase pl'ice shall be payable with interest equal to the maximum rate permitted as of the date of the mailing of the option offer as set (orth in 4.Ul (a) by the laws of the Slate o( New Jersey 01' the prime rate being charged by the National State 13anl<, Elizabeth, New Jersey, whichever is lower on the unpaid pl'incipal amount with each payment of interest and principal to be paid with each monthly installment. The first payment shall be made within 3U days after acceptance of the offer and the balance of the payments shall be evidenced by a negotiable promissol'y note in form and substance satisfactory to counsel for the Partnership. (b). If the Partnership does not exercise its option under Subsection (a), the Partner giving notice shall send notices to all persons having any interest in the Partnership whether' said persons shall be partners or merely, have .,the rights of , .... assignee and each of said persons will have a 3U day period in which to agree to purchase the Interest so offered and in sending back notice of acceptance shall indicate (a) whether they wish to purchase; and, (b) if they wish to purchase whether they will only ,purchase _.,- their. p"o rata portion or are willing to purchase pro rata allY pOI'tiOIl of the illtl!l'cst that does not respond within the 30 day period shull be deellled to huve declilled to exercise their OptiOIl to purehuse. Each pUI'chusel' shull huve the riGht to elect his or her OptiOIl as to the tel'ms, amount of payment and provisions of payment to the sume extent as if the Partnel'ship had elected to purchuse. If any Purtner purchases, the interest he or she purchases shall be Qeemed to increase his or her partnership interest. (c) If the Partnership does not exercise its option under Subsection (a), and if the other parties in interest do not exercise their option under Subsection (b) so as to buy all the interest offered, the Partner giving the notice shull be fl'ee fOl' 30 days to sell, trunsfer, or otherwise dispose of his or her Partnership Intel'est to the person or persons specified in the notice at the price specified and subject to the terms contained in the bonu fide outside offer. l'urthermol'e, in the evellt thut the l'urtnel'ship and/or any other purchaser, when exercising his 01' her option to pUI'chuse elects to pUI'chase at a price lower thun the price set in the bonu fide offer, then und in thut event the withdrawing Pal'tner or other party in interest shall have 30 duys in which to withdrnw his or her entire offer and continue on as a Purtner or party in intel'est as though the offer had not been muue. l'ul'suunt to It.S. 42:1-27, the ussiGnee of till or part of the Partnership Interest shall, however, not be entitled, during the continuunce of the l'Ul'tnership, to interfere in or have uny voice in the management or adlllinistrution of the Purtnership business or uffairs or requil'e any inforlllution or account of Purtllel'ship transuctions. The assignee shall merely be entitled- to receive, in accordunce with the tel'ms of the assignment, the profits and shall shure in the losses and shull be entitled to share in cash flow and distributions to which the assigner otherwise would be entitled to share in subject to all the rights herein set forth and shall ulso have such other special rights as set forth in the Agl'eement in respect of purchasillg auuitionul illterest which additional interest if purchased shall be subject to the same limitations as set fOl'th in the previous Pl'ovisiollS of this Article 4.01 (c). An ussignmellt or transfer us afol'esaid shall not terminate the Partnership. t Section 4,()2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained . hereinbefore, any Partner shall have the right to assign all or any portion of its Partnership Interest to any member of his or her immediate family (immediute family being defined as wife/husband and/or children over the age of 18) or to a trust for the benefit of his or her minor children of which a member of his or her immediate family is the trustee. In the event of a transfer as aforesuid, the Purtllel'ship or other Purtners, or other parties in interest, shall have no right of first refusal but in respect of uny subsequent disposition of said interests all the limitations on the trunsferability set forth in this Agreement including, without limitation, the rights of first refusal. Pursuunt to R.S. 42:1-27 the assignee of all or part of the Pal'tner's interest shull, however, except in the case of an assignment to a spouse whether by gift, conveyance or devise or otherwise, not be entitled during the continuance of the Partnership to interfere with or have any voice in .the management or administration of the Partnership transuctions. The assignee shall merely be entitled to receive in accordance with the terllls of the assignment the profits a~d shall share in the losses and cash !Iow and, distributions to which the assigner would otherwise be entitled to share in subject to all the obligations of the assigner. The assigner, however, shall have all the other special rights given to a non-partner pursuant to'the terms of the Agreement. In Ule case of an assignment to a spouse, the spouse shull have the full rights of the assigner to tuke part in all l?uI'lnCl'~hip uffuh's wiLh u 11010 on u 1'1'0 I'ulu busis bused 011 .,'0 l'm;poctivo pel'conlu~c of ownorship in the purtnel'ship. AItTICLE V Section 5;Ul. Cuuscs of Dissolution The Partnership shull be dissolved in the event: (j) A majority of the Partners withdraw from the PUI'tnership, whether or not in contravention of this agreement; (ii) A majority of the Partners shall file a volunlary petition in bankruptcy 01' are adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent; (iii) All of the property has been sold. Section 5.U2. Dissolution (a) Upon dissolution of the Partnership by expirution of the tel' III hereof, by operation of law, by any provision of this ugreement, ,<!r by ugreement between the Partnel's, the Partnership's business shall be wound-Up and all its assets distributed in liquidution. In such dissolution, Joseph It. Jingoli, Frunccs W. Jingoli, Joseph It. Jingoli, Jr., Stacey A. Markowitz, Kimberly Jingoli and Michael Jingoli shull be co-liquidating Partners; in such event the co-liquidating Purtners shall have equal I'ights to wind up lhe PUl'tnership and shull cause its Property to be sold und. distribute the proceeds of sale as provided in Subsection 5.U2 (b). In a dissolution pursuant to Section 5.Ul, the liquidating Partnel' shall be as thel'ein provided and such liquiduting Partner shall huve the right to wind up the Partnership and cause the Partnership's Property to be sold and distribute the proceeds of sale as provided in Subsection 5.U2 (b)., (b) The proceeds from liquidution of the pUI.tnorship shull be upplied in the following order of priority: (j) Debts of the Partnership other than to Partnel's; (ii) Debts of the Partnership to Partners; (Hi) To all Partners in the same ratio as their capital contribution, and aCtel' all Purtners have their total capital contl'ibution l'etul'Iled; (Iv) To all Partners in pro rata amounts as set forth in Section I.U4. . . . Alt'I'lCLIl VI General Provisions Section 6,()1. Notices All notices and other communications required 01' pel'mitted to be given or delivered hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given either personally or by mail, addressed to the Partner intended at his or her address set forth below 01' su(:h other address as he or she may designate by notice given to the other Purtners in the manner aforesaid. Nallle of Partner Address J.oseph R. Jingoli 5 Twining Lane West Trenton, New Jersey U8628 Frances W. Jingoli 5 Twining Lane West Trenton, New Jel'sey U8628 Joseph l~. Jingoli, Jr. 5 Twining Lane West Trenton, New Jersey 08628 Stacey A. Murkowitz 45 Vibul'mun COUl't Lawreneeville, New Jersey U8648 - \l- Kimberly Jingoli 5 Twining Lune West Trenton, New Je,I'sey 1I11li211 Michuel Jingoll G 'l'wiuiug IJUllo West Trenton, New Jersey U1l6211 Section 6.U2. SuccessOl'S nnd Assir,ns All rights and duties of the parties hel'eunder shall inul'e to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. Section 6.U3. Governin~ Law This agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the interpl'eted in accordance with the laws of the Stnte of New Jersey. Section 6.04. Pl'evious Ar;reelllents This Agl'eement supel'sedes all pl'evious agreements, wl'itten or verbul, of the Partners, with respect to the subject matter hereof. Section 6.05. CountCl'pnrts The ngreement may be executed in severul counterparts and all so executed shull constitute one ugl'eelllenl binding upon ull pur~ies hel'elo, even though all the parties arc not signatory to the original or the same counterpart. Section 6.06. Investlllenl Itepl'esentalion Each of the parties hereto represent and warrant that they arc acquiring theil' Partnel'ship interest for investment purposes and not with a view for sale or re-distribulion and no transfer of any Partnership Interest will be permitted if said transfer would violate any applicable federal or state law or regulation. . . Section 6.07. Election PUl'suantto Section 754 In the event of the transfer or assignment of any interest in the Pal'tnership, the Partnership shall file a timely election under Section 754 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended to adjust the basis of the Partnership Property. Said election shall be made in the manner requil'ed by ltegulation 1.754-1 (b), as amended, and shall be filed with the Partnership l'etum for the taxable year in which the transfer of assignment is made. ARTICLE Vll Deu th of a Purtnel' Section 7.01 In the event of the death of a Partner, the Pal'tnership shall not be dissolved or terminated but, in any of such events, the interest of the Partner with respect to whom such event occurred shall pass to his legal representatives, heirs or beneficiaries, .and said legal representatives, heirs or beneficiaries, respectfully, but said assignee pursuant to R.S. 42:1-27 shall, however, not be entitled, during the continuance of the Partnership to interfere in or have any voice in the management or administration of' the Partnership business or ufCail's or'''requh'e' any"information or account of Partnership transactions. Provided, however, if' the heir is the spouse of the deceased partner, she or he shull accede to his or her rights of Jl1unugemant as set forth in Purugruphs 1.07 and 4.02. The assignee shull mel'ely be entitled to receive, in accordance with the terms of the ussignment, the pl'ofits und shall shal'e in the losses to which the ussigner otherwise would be entitled to shure in subject to all tha obligations of the assignel'. The death of a Partner shull not tel'llliuute the Partnership. In the ..111, evcnt of a death of a PartnCl', 01' othcr party in intcl'cst, howcvCl', the Icgal representatives, hcirs or beneficial'ics shull huvc thc right at uny timc within two ycurs of the date of thc dcuth of the Partncl' 01' othel' PUl'ty in intcrcst to rcquirc thc Partnership to purchase the entire interest held by said legal I'cpl'esentative, hcil's 01' beneficiaries for an amount equal to thc valuation of a Partnership Intcrest as dctcl'lllincd undcr Article on the date notice of cxel'cisc of this option is servcd upon thc Partncl'ship. Payment shall be made over a period of five years and the selling party shall receive during each calendar year 20% of the purchase price to be payable with intel'est equal to the maximum rate permitted as of the datc of the mailing of the notice by thc law of the Stute of New Jersey or the prime rate being charged by the National Statc Bank, Elizabcth, New Jerscy, whichevcr is 10wcr, on thc unpuid pl'incipal amount, with cach payment of interest and principal to be payuble in ,quartcl'ly instullments. Thc first payment shall be made within 30 days after sending of the notice and the balunce of thc paymcnts shull bc cvidcnced by a ncgotiablc promissory notc in form and substance satisfactory to counsel for the Partnership. , . Scction 7.02 In the cvcnt of the bankruptcy 01' insolvcncy of any Pal.tncr, or should any Partner commit any act of bankruptcy 01' take advantage of any bankruptcy, rcorganization, composition or arrangcment statutc or should a l'artncl' bccomc insunc, then such Partner ("Insolvent Party"), from and after said date shull cease to be a Partner or have any voice in the managcment of the Partnel'ship and thc Plll'tnership shull not be dissolvcd 01' terminuted. PU1'suunt to It.S. 42:1-27, the Insolvent PUl'ty, or his 01' her legal representative, shall, however, not be entitled, during the continuance of thc Pal.tnership, to intcl'fcre in 01' have any voicc in the munugcmcnt 01' Udlllillistrution , of the Partncrship business or affairs or require any information or account of Pal'tnership tl'ansactions. The assignee shall merely bc cntitled to rcccivc, in accordancc with thc tcrllls of the assignment, thc profits und shall sharc in the losscs und cash flow and distl'ibutions to which the assigner otherwisc would be entitled to share in subject to 1.111 the obligations of the assigner. Within 90 days after any of thc evcnts set forth in this Article 7.02 tukes place, the Partnership shall have the right to purchase the Insolvent Party's Partncrship Interest for the same pl'ice as set forth in Article IV but vuluation shall be sct as of the month ending before thc datc of insolvcncy and ull rcfcrcnce to an outsidc offcr shall be ignored. Paymcnt shall be madc as sct forth in Al.ticle IV and the same terms and conditions, (i.c. thc l'ul'tnership can clect puy out schedule extending up to 18 months after the first paymcnt). AHTICLE VIII Adjustment of Basis Section 8.01 In the event of a sale, assignment 01' othcr disposition (including condemnation or involuntary convcrsion) of the )?artnership .Propel'ty, any . ' gain realized by the Partnership shall be allocated, first to Joseph H. Jingoli, Fl'ances W. Jingoli, Joseph It. Jingoli, Jr., Stacey A. Markowitz, Kimberly Jingoli and Michael _1.1__ Ji!l~oli, to the extent of uny disproportionute withdl'uwuls Illude by tholll; und, thOI'Otofol'O, . 'the bulunce of uny such guin shull be ullocuted ulllong the l'ul'tnCl'S in ucconJuucc w ilh the percentuges of intel'est us set fOl'th herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we huve hereunto set our hunds uud seuls the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: --f}.l<,~ ~ d~i' r4...Jbd ~. czl;lj!"'~ W,:tia ~ r7!Jv,-../~I~cL , (J ~Ub ;j .J/,g:/.j - , , ~ J);;&j C11i..-./,-L '/;.;~ CJ v/J?J U ? _____________. // /'-'-:;.0- '---V,-"::,~~ :.....?~;~-.--:~ .' / . ~o~ph-1L Jingoii ~ ;::- - ~" , '" p' .." ,,' . ...~ c-- -'7 -t:Y'" ~ .... ~:7~~ ~p ~o~ ,:>.-----. '---'" ,- .-j'),\c"'-. , .,' \ [~ '. ","'! Stacey A.. Murl~~itz (),j (, -)' ~, ' ~I\(, '\ l{i lIIbel'ly J IIIg It '4--,,-- ,/ ( #k~~y(::7- Michael ,ungoli -- . . ..' . ~:i,,~,;H,i~_~~~;,., ~ .'. .' :.",ttl,( 'l1,;ro- ~ :~'/-;K : ''':Iii f.fSilIii!'" .~, " , :;;~r ~fll~l.~ ;:j-:::-:': '.~'!' ~...~~~. 'P. ;.I~", ,Is-. '~.l.}...:.::,. : ..' -i . . . ,'.-t' , 1"'-~.' .."t'l'~' ,....,::/;'.,. ': '".,'1'.;.. . ~', 3- -,' ..1..:.c! ...:.,.. ."' . .~! fS.::.::, " . .---:.: .... ," 1,;.,',.... Nr~'C'; '" ' "'(if!' 'ii': : ;..".... .' ....~;<. :C"~f;': . = ",:trl' ---..!.~.'!...,. ...t'.~~'ft~. , ~O... ..,~~i',"-'-_1a... ,.',.. t .. :',..,' -~"',. 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""~ !t(lmTTTI m ~ ~ ~ M..."", ,,'.~t> rr1' IT '1IIl! rrtT1 ~d'Y ~"\ \~ II" 1111\1\' nlfll ~ ~~h ;X", m fTTT1l\\\ ~a \:.\111 IIIIM\ TIm 1\. ~0r\ ~ 1\' ill rTTTTT\ 111II ... K;'" l;C , T ffif1ffi III ....:,\-\ V ~,'\I [111m f11 J ::. ,;:-' II ,11fl11l' 11' i:J-:-j' H ~ IT mmn III .rt:::t:J:::~, m1 n I ,I .::1- ~'" \mIT1 rTT i= C\ ~,l" II Tlmll' m n '\' ;\.., _111m , ,III" , I !!Il ~, i cr 1 JIi I q \ TlCE ~I m' I "I :lfT....~1Q~' I ">~o , ~ err ,..)~;; ~/j ~,". ~~t" ~ :.J."-;1:j i~;\ r,- II ~~ : - "II "- ; 1'Un ,u,../,..utii:' . I IIITTl ~1\1\lllllm I 111111'11\ 11 1\11111 r II TAm! 11111I1'~ I~ PUt ~ ~-~ ~..J eft /, ,'" 1?1\ I'..\! Tl,/f' ;j ~ ...,.; ~J r / ' aij SITE-; k~ ~ '",/ I-H+J ~~, ~o;._=' ~ "i. ><f..O<':cN.,' ,tlr:::::h" I' : ^-<"'-'<, :!'" ~~' /,'-='V J:'. 'I'J P'UD ~ ' ; IlT "r " - ...1: I J "" - 0Gl r'r~. __ - r= li$ I " 'II/. . - - m- '" \,J='~ \---.---- -;;': /J 111. 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ I ?,/ / f/(/;/ - = i )f 'f: 7/J / f///I . I ,~ '~ ''''p II, ':t.Y IT III r -, ,~) ,,: e[,&,: '//lfJlK/' ., rr -;- 1 j, ~ ~ \-- '\.:1 R= rT ,~-I . 'I Rfi. .. ,J~' ',LOn +- 11 f::t: C' ~1-- - ~ Jj(f:+.~-' 'i",'-l,! '. ~.. /~n"'IEC:it_ ~L t~~ / I I T' ~t{l :1':+-<)-1--- -( ..... " fIll I \ "l ~ 'rT"'-j , : /, ""f' .'/ (II, "T/tJI ~ J~~'+I T ':"'" 7. '. (~ ...D --r~; .... //lD 1 It' ,j -+- "'~ <""'" 'A ~y ~ ,';',',1.' : i//J:j I T .- ~ _,~ ""'. i,l 'II:~ "" ~ ry, m>-,' 'ii~r ; ~'i,~~~+H'H1=1L, ','h ~i '1, I iri'=l- =E~ 7lH ~ ,'n'T' ;l~: :~ I,,: - "'= Ii : : ; 1 L . : 0'/1' rr 0 '" M'CE' . ," _':' T':; 1:11\:';' 'j' I et _ \, iTI---.I ._ - 9: ... C1 1 ~ ~ f , T ~ MEM:lRANIXJM '10: David IBvy Trade w:!.ros Developnent FRCM: Peter Flotz Director of Traffic Planning April 8, 1986 Review anj SUmmary of !-fiJrray Dvl"""'k Associates Traffic study Illcr'E : ~: As requested, Barton-Aschman As"""iates, me. (BlI) has urrlertaken a review of the traffic study prepared by Mr. Dan Murray for the proposed Woolbright Place PCD. Our function was to establish the technical validity of Mr. Murray's l:ej,.vl:t anj to provide an executive SUlIIllIaIY anj interpretation of its fimings. Based on our analysis, we offer the followin] d:lsentations: 1. 'lbe report considers the impacts not only of the proposed PCD, b.1t also of the POD which was recently denied. It is our understanding that only the PCD is urrler consideration at this time. Development on the site is greater than what you l-n-~ at this time. 2. As requested by the City of Eoynton Beach, the report addresses the influence of other development in the vicinity of the site. The report ""'<;:I.lII\es that J.,425,045 square feet of commercial development anj 300 hotel rooms will be oonstJ:uct:ed anj occupied by the analysis year (based on Table 1. page 4). '1his amount of development, if the analysis year is assumed to be 20J.0, assumes an annual absorbtion rate of 57,000 square feet of comme=ia1 space alClD] Woolbright Road from Cl.uyle.>5 Avenue to 1-95. We are unable to comment on whether or not this absoJ:btion rate is realistic. '1his represents a significant increase in S1.ll:':I:'OUI' development. 3. The trip generation calculations performed in the report lump together the trips which will be generated by both the PCD anj the RID. Of the estimated J.0,ll9 new external trips per day, which will be generated by the site, awraximately 7,000 will be oriented to or from the PCD. 4. We ~ with the analysis that the proposed zonin;J, when compared to the existin;r zonin;J, generates a comparable number of trips. / J. 5. We concur with the revised trip distrih.rtion percentages. 6. Tn-i revised figure for projected average daily traffic describes the amount of daily trip making on surrounding roadways. This figure is consistent with =ent projections made by the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization. 7. The site comprises 10.2 percent of the total projected daily traffic volume on'the roadway at the maximum point just east of SW 8th Street. If the roadway remains a four lane divided configuration, the PCD will represent 9 percent of the Level of Sel:vice C capacity of this roadway. Tnese levels of concentration are present only on Woolbright Road between SW 8th street and 1-95. At all other points the site represents less then 10 percent of both the daily traffic and Level of Service C capacity of the roadways. 8. Tne PCD contributes 550 or approximately 23 percent of the 2400 new peak hour trips generated by all new development in the Woolbright Road Co=idor by the year 2010. 9. We concur with the report's interpretation of the Palm Beach County Traffic performance standards. It should be noted, that under these standards, the project falls under category "B", implying that sufficient roadway capacity exists or is programmed to accommodate this development with no further improvements than those which are currently programmed by the county. 10. Figure 8 of the report on page 22 illustrates the daily levels of service projected for the year 2010 on roadways surroun:ling the site. Tne worst service on a daily basis will be Level of Service C and this will occur only on Woolbright Road between 1-95 and SW 8th Street. All other links in the area are projected to operate at Level of Service A or B. It should be noted that, while the procedure for preparing this report was to estimate the development which might oc= over the next 25 years, only those roadway improvements which are programmed to OCCur ---wIthin the next ~ years were taken into account. This implies that if no further roadway improvements, other than those =rently committed to by the county are built by the year 2010, and all the assumed development oc=s, then the worst level of service that residents of Boynton Beach can expect to experience will be Level of Service C. 11. Table 4, on page 23, of the report discusses the AM and PM peak hour Levels of Service which will be experienced at intersections aroun::l the site. Typically, intersections in close proximity to the site are analyzed in a traffic analysis during the peak hours because they tend to be the weakest links in the traffic canying system. Tne results of Mr. M=ray's 2 analysis show that, at worst, these surrt:ll.11'Xib intersections will operate between Level of Service A and D. The worst Level of Service occurs at Seacrest Boulevard and Woolbright Road which is proj ected to operate at Level of Service D during the peak hour. It is important to note that in Table 4, under III-C, this intersection under current PM ~ ho..1r existing conditions now ~t Level of Service ~ Therefore, lieIther the p=ject, ~ the dev= is P=lected to worsen the traffIC levels currently ~. Any Iiltersecti.ons in the site vicinity are, at worst, P=Jected to operate on the border of Level of Service C am D. All of these projected traffic levels fall within acceptable levels for the peak ho..1r. U. '!he recommended SW 8th street Corridor highway requirements founi at page 25 of Mr. Murray'S r"'I,>UL t, follow staOOard, desi.rable urban plannin:J standards, and are appropriate f= the l:'L~ development. 13. The recommended configuration for the intersection of SW 8th SL.=t and Woolbright Road founi on page 26, contains the additiat of turn lanes which are required due to development other than the J:'L~ R:D. BA recommends that a more detailed analysis be conducted to determine the requirements of the PCD, and that the remaining configuration of the intersection be allotted to the ~te developments. PF/jp 3 -Mtf> ).~- MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES " TRAFFIC ENGINEERiNG CONSULTANTS April 1, 1986 David Levy 1600 South Dixie Highway, Suite SC Boca Raton, Florida 33432 RE: Traffic Report For The Overall Impact Study On The Developments In The Vicinity Of SW 8th Street & Woolbright Road In The City Of Boynton Beach In Palm Beach County MDDM Project #85-180 Dear David: I am pleased to submit subject project. The report findings and recommendations. the Traffic Impact Analysis outlines the evaluation and Report for the summarizes the I appreciated the service. Please advise required on this report. opportunity of providing this traffic engineering if further information and/or clarifications are Sincerely, ~~/~ Daniel N. Murray, P. LPCA"'A"ON men BOCA RATON OFFICE: 936 WEST TROPICAL WAY. PLANTATION, FLORIDA 33317. (305) 584-0073 21464 WOODCHUCK WAY. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33433. (305) 487.3231 MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT ON THE OVERALL WOOLBRIGHT ROAD -- SW 8TH STREET PROJECTS LOCATED JUST WEST OF 1-95 -- WOOLBRIGHT ROAD INTERCHANGE IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES P,.pm' By, ,1)."./ .4~-;?____ Y~kr,; Daniel N. Murray. .. Da te MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TABLE OF CONTENT ---------------- ---------------- Page Introduction................................................. .1 Site Location Map -- Figure #1................................2 Project Land Use Data.........................................3 Trip Generation...............................................3 Table 1 -- Other Future Traffic...............................4 Figure A - Other Future Traffic..............................4A Table 2 __ Future Traffic Based On Existing Zoning............5 Figure B - Development Land Use Plan.........................5A Table 3 __ Future Traffic Based On Proposed Zoning............6 Figure C - Proposed Project Development......................6A Trip Distribution.............................................8 Daily Traffic Assignment......................................S Peak Hour Development Traffic.................................8 Trip Distribution Percentages Figure #2....................9 Trip Distribution Percentages Figure #2A..................10 Trip Distribution Percentages Figure #2B..................ll Trip Distribution Percentages Figure #2C..................12 Trip Distribution Percentages Figure #2D..................13 Average Daily Development Traffic Assigned -- Figure #3......14 Area Average Daily Traffic Assigned -- Figure #4.............15 Peak Hour Traffic Assignment.................................17 Traffic Performance Standards Category Evaluations...........17 AM Peak Development Hourly Traffic -- Figure #5..............18 PM Peak Development Hourly Traffic -- Figure #6..............19 Traffic Performance Standard Evaluation -- Figure #7.........20 Highway Capacity Analysis....................................21 Highway Link Capacity -- Figure #8...........................22 Table 4 _ Highway Capacity Level Of Service Summary.........23 SW 8th Street Corridor Highway Requirements..................25 Fair Share Traffic Impact Fees...............................26 Conclusions................................................. .27 Appendix "A" Appendix "B" Appendix "c" Traffic Counts Highway Capacity Analysis Trip Analysis On 1ST Baptist Church Facilities - -- ---_._-,-----_....-----~-- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES INTRODUCTION ------------ ------------ The purpose of this traffic report is to undertake a detailed traffic impact analysis on Woolbright P.U.D., Woolbright P.C.D./Office, and Woolbright P.C.D./Shopping Center. All calculation were based on the land use data presented in Kilday & Associates, Landscape Architects/Planners site plans. Included in the overall analysis will be a traffic assessment of active projects in the vicinity of Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street, so that accurate transportation needs & improvements can be established & implemented, which will insure the maintenance of a reasonable traffic level of service. Other specific projects included in the analysis were: Palm Beach Commerce Center, Pylon Interstate Park, the Ml Parcel between RR & 1-95, and projects approved along Woolbright Road to Congress Avenue & in the vicinity of that intersection. For further details, refer to Table #1 & Figure A. ~ d Murray Dudeck & Associates, Traffic Engineering Consultants have been retained by Tradewinds Development Corporation to investigate and determine the overall traffic impacts created by the several proposed & approved developments. flow and safety issues are properly To ensure addressed, Woo1b w e e to assess the deve10 ment acc ion s~ ltlona y, a e 81 co~ducted to obtaln any ln ormation on other projects. &\w:j.lli_!;liIt-~{;>_J :g~.M~ Wy'OdS!liM at th~ criti~al o taine from Palm Beach ~ounty & t~e Department of Transporta lon an were con uc ~by MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES. This data is reflected in Appendix "A". Likewise, an examination of the surrounding highway network & adjacent trip attractions & trip productions was made, to be determine realistic route selections and trip patterns. -1- =='Lj9J~j MURRAY.DUDECK & ASSOCIATES SHE LOCATIO!; MAP Figure ~] t 'ORTlI ~================ Old Boynton Beach Rd, 1-95 Boynton Beach Rd. . Ocean Drive . ********** Congress Ave. ************** * Woolbright * * Place PUD * · * Ml * · * Parcel * *********** ************;~* * Woolbright * * Center * ************** * Shoppes At * * l\oolbright * * Place * ************** 1-95 SB Off-Ramp 1-95 t\B On-Ramp ************~::* ************** Woolbright Rd. . ******************* * Palm Beach * * Commerce Center * ******************~ 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 t\B Off-Ramp 1-95 SI,' 8th St. -2- \ ----" --~._~----_._-~--- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES PROJECT LAND USE DATA --------------------- --------------------- The "Traffic Impact Analysis" was based on the site plan data obtained from Kilday & Associates for Woolbright P.U.D., for Woolbright P.C.D./Office and for Woolbright P.C.D./Shopping Center. Specifically, the pertinent data used for traffic engineering purposes is as follows: ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Project Description Proposed ------------------- ------------------- -------- -------- Woolbright PUD -------------- a. multi-family units b. church--school 1. 1st. phase 618 d.u. 2. 2nd. phase 500 seat church 100 school students fellowship hall 500 school students 1,200 seat church 11.0 acres 3. 3rd. phase c. recreational Woolbright PCD / Office ----------------------- a. bank b. general office 5,000 sf 35,000 sf ------- ------- 40,000 sf Woolbright PCD / Shopping Center -------------------------------- a. main center b. outparce1 #1 c. out parcel #2 168,000 sf 3,000 sf 3,000 sf ------- ------- ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 174,000 sf TRIP GENERATION --------------- --------------- In determining the trip generation for the proposed project it was necessary to use the Institute of Transportations Engineers Trip Generation--Third Edition Publication and recent update trip generation data. Additionally, data from other traffic studies prepared by MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES was referenced. u1 ns raffic eneration an O~~~T~~iOR canacmt~ -3- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TABLE 1 ------- ------- OTHER FUTURE TRAFFIC FROM POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT =============================================== WOOLBRIGHT ROAD CORRIDOR BETWEEN 1-95 & CONGRESS AVENUE ======================================================= Map # Description Status Unit Size Trip Rate ------ --------- --------- ------ --------- --------- P 174,400 sf 14.3 T/ksf 0--30% 202,000 sf 4.88 T/ksf V--70% 202,000 sf 4.88 T/ksf P 164,400 sf 4.88 T/ksf P 150 rooms (70% occupancy) 10.14 T/or ------------------ ------------------ 1 Boynton Commerce Center a. office b. office/warehouse 1. existing 2. proposed c. hotel d. multi-land use development = 5,051 x 25% ~,~;:; p......~ new trips Daily Trips ----------- ----------- 2,494 vpd (296)vpd 690 vpd 802 vpd 1,065 vpd ---- 5,051 vpd = 1,263 vpd ----- = 3,788 vpd 2 Pylon Interstate a. office 1. existing V--I00% 26,000 sf 17.7 T/ksf 460 vpd 2. proposed P 184,000 sf 14.3 T/ksf 2,631 vpd b. hotel P 150 rooms (70% occupancy) 10.14 T/or 1,065 vpd c. bank P 3,000 sf 192 T/ksf 576 vpd d. restaurant P 6,000 sf 74.9 T/ksf 449 vpd ---- 5,181 vpd e. multi-land use development = 5,181 x 25% = 1 295 vpd ----- new trips = 3,886 vpd 3 DR. Chua--Medica1 Office P 26,000 sf 54.6 1,420 vpd 4 Woolbright Prof. Bldg. UC 81,213 sf 17.7 T/ksf 1,437 vpd 5 Woolbright Corporate Center a. existing 0--50% 53,000 sf 17.7 T/ksf (469)vpd V--50% 53,000 sf 17.7 T/ksf 469 vpd b. just built V--I00% 53,000 sf 17.7 T/ksf 938 vpd 6 2300 Building P 6,184 sf 17.7 T/ksf 109 vpd 7 Congress Prof. Center a. existing 0--25% 53,000 sf 17.7 T/ksf (235)vpd V--75% 53,000 sf 17.7 T/ksf 703 vpd 8 Glendale Federal P 34,848 sf 17.7 T/ksf 617 vpd 9 Ml Property AP 20 acres 62.8 T/acre 1,256 vpd 10 Envirocivil Office P 50,000 sf 17.7 T/ksf 885 ---- Existing Trips = (l,OOO)vpd New Trips = 15,508 vpd ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Status: P=proposed, O=occupied, V=vacant, AP=anticipated proposed UC=under construction -4- ~ ..: H C > :z; L . f>j W Z .. . ~ :> '" . 0 !? w . .. 0 ,.., ~ ~ C '" V :> S '" '" 0 C ;;J .. " 0 u H ~ 0 ~ ~ I '" l< '" .. p:: . ~ H ;; " =0 0 ~ 0 Ui :) I Ii -ll=L,1 R i~-/~~ I, . ~~.-I--~~' : 'I"" 0) ~ ~ M -- - .-_, ,~,..., ;;c~ "j:;''''''';j 1 ..:~: -, ,~-.:-C! -:' -:4_,-: ;./~-t. ~f~~ ~5_3 :-~:-kG fJU i:[ CC-c "00 -cp--of," t0l;C:~I" u' ~ , ~_'~J=!;"-;,~'~i-?1b::i'I'-?-,L:::~ ,~ __ -. : ~: -l-l' If .it lt~.t;l'"'~f~ -~ .r- - :,'f,Jll .: JL-'0.~" :_!l_~.. ....t'"~~....:.::_..I;.,Ji""~';. .,.-.....-.:Jf:' \' ..._=~ ~. .,-l',"- --.- 'J :.:-:~~~\/"'~.;;f-;~(;':--~-~~,.:;: , _. --=,1','..' '~~.-., '-"Cc..,.I "oJ J-,---<",J,/' ~ ...---.........--=>-i f:t f~;!ll~/ /.}~'.~?~~;1.~':ll... ~,"::C1~,//)~:~"~W"', ; -'- -"'-~~.;,;~?/.,..~.. ~~ =:..~ ~ ~'\~~S~~(~'~~~]f 2 ::,; u l.;.:c".' '" W" V) II 0' i ~.! t':I.: UI'l I ~ ~ \; 'lit co It) 1'1 II ~ ---; i....j ..... o 'I"" co --_.._._--~---,._------,.~----'---_.__.,. MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TABLE 2 ------- ------- FUTURE TRAFFIC FRO~I PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ====================================== BASED ON EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION ====================================== Map # Description Status Unit Size Trip Rate Daily Trips ---- ------------------ ------ --------- --------- ----------- ------------------ ------ --------- --------- ----------- 1 RIA -- Single Family P 339 du 10 T/du 3,390 vpd 2 R3 - Multi-Family P 127 du 7 T/du 889 vpd 3 C2 -- Office P 32,580 sf 17.7 T/ksf 577 vpd 4 C2 - Retail P 135,000 sf 66.7 T/ksf 9,005 vpd 5 REC -- Recreational P 3.0 acres 50 T/acre 150 vpd ----- j 14,011 vpd ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Multi-Land Use Development 14,011 x 25% = 3,503 vpd ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Passing Retail Trips 9,005 x 25% = 2,251 vpd ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Resulting External Trips: 14,011 - 3,503 = 10,508 vpd ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Resulting New External Trips 10,508 - 2,251 = 8,257 vpd ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Status: P=proposed -5- i ~ '" .. .' H "" L . ~ Z W "' . :> '" c tIl Q ~ . ::> .. 0 ~ ~ .. p U ~ S '" H .. I .. I E-< '" Z u .. ~ " i:l "" I 0 !( H w "' :> . . ! w . ~ c :t: p 0 ~ It) - , ;::':: / .. -'.- ,--.-..... ;; ";, ~J_ ~ G M ~ '" V) ~ 0.: "" s:. : JI ~ ~ I \:i::) ,!' c[l=L' K i1J ~,~~: I, .i!.-J:-_.~' , .~i .:~'~.~gf{' r '.~. f.-f-~':*~-:}: ~ -"'0',------,_. l'l a . u l,'b~.'L-'1 -.....~ . . , ",;:j, I ~'~ I o ~ ,..r~,-' o.~ c=' I :t,;; ~ "ot I ...\ , II' '061 ./1I!?IW1(?{?A1 o ::) [l -'" . .-:< IT" " ':;4 :p .Jp , --- , ' C_~. I MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TABLE 3 ------- ------- FUTURE TRAFFIC FROM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- BASED ON REVISED LAND USE DESIGNATION ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Map # Description Status Unit Size Trip Rate Daily Trips ------------------ ------------------ ------ --------- ------ --------- --------- -------- ----------- ----------- A Woolbright PUD 3. 4. 5. multi-family P 618 du 6.6 T/du 4,079 vpd church- P 1200 seats a. weekday 10% occupancy 1.0 T/seat 120 vpd b. weekend 1. 1st service 50% occupancy 0.8 T/seat ~pd 2. 2nd service 80% occupancy 0.8 T/seat JJ6B}vpd 3. evening service 60% occupancy 0.8 T/seat ( 5.26+".pd fellowship hall P 10% occupancy 1.0 T/seat ,- 120 vpd school P 500 students 1.02 T/stud. 510 vpd recreational P 11.0 acres 25 T/acre 275 vpd ----- 5,104 vpd 1. 2. B Woolbright PCD / Office ----------------------- a. bank b. general office P P 3,000 sf 35,000 sf 192 T/ksf 17.7 T/ksf 576 vpd 620 vpd 1,196 vpd C Woolbright PCD / Shopping P 174,000 sf 62.0 T/ksf 10,788 vpd ------------------------- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1. .....o.flo,..t-. -6- z ~ "" :>:: p.. u " > . 0 "' . u H " w z "" .. ~ " :> " . '^ . "" Q w ; . p ... < ~ ~ " i:i H ~ U "" '^ ..., " 0 .. ~ " p.. u l'l p i: "" U:J I 0 ti p.. .. 0 . ~ ~ " :Ii p.. ~ :< c (.) ,_ _."' _.____,~. H~_ ~t ~ J:. f-;iT~1 ~p i:j ~{' IX t;;lJ!lli i' '+" ;~'~~',;-::-0J~; ;..:_~ _.c ~,,,n!}, I'" I ::l ~ }~.~~:~h~U.J~ ; -~ c. ~ '==c. ,---" (.) ID '" ::,; , '" ~ ~ ~ ~ 0" I '~~~:~J\::iI~~' .- I ,.-j --..~~--7; u ,-- '~"- '-~': Ii , ::l I I: -~~~ ,:0.,=, 8: I -. . <Lt ! 11-1- '.!~ M IX . u r','I:I,'IU','--: -I :"'ln~~i I ~\, I o. ,.r$ 'b~" g~. 1 OJ: 1 "~ ' II' '(J,J/ ./1I9lWlfJfJ/If u o :l ~ w . ~. II" " ~4 ::lJ -IP , i :~ ! =M:iJ)xr MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES A,.J ~~ ............................................. A...... oJ}. '"'..~................. \}I-t .;' . . . . , . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . 'j.IJ' . . , pC"'-; , , . . 'r': r. , . . . . . . . , , . . , . , . . ':rV' c>,' Multi-Land Use Trip Reduction; (5,104 + 1,196 + 10,788) x 25% ; 4,272 vpd vLV" " ........................................................................... .....,...................................................................... DRIVEWAY VOLUMES VS. TRAFFIC ADDED TO THE STREET SYSTEM is a very important issue when you are dealing with commercial shopping centers. It has been recognized for a number of years that such a development does not produce all new trips, however the data collection has been somewhat limited and traffic reports did not include an adjustment for these facts. Furthermore, the data clearly indicates that the passin~ motorists is more /1eadilY attracted to the smaller, local shopping ~"IlCJPs than the major plazas. For a center such as the Woolbright PCD / Shopping Center, it is reasonable & conservative to deduct 25% of the trips as passing trips, I since data collected on comparable sites exceeded 35%. I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ti>J : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :.:)l../' ( ?~~ .~~~~~~~~~..~... ~~: ~~~.~. ~~~...~.. ~:~~~ ,~~~...,.,............. <'~~:'... \ / . . . , .. , , , , . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . , . . . . . . .. . . . , . , . . .. , . , , . . . . , . . . . . , . . .. .. . . , . \! \ '~l) Resulting External Trips ------------------------ ------------------------ Multi-Land Use Trip - 1,276 ; 3,828 vpd - ,~9; 897 vpd -(2,69) ; 8,091 vpd ~j ~~~~6 j .':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: ; b. residential office/bank shopping center ; 5,104 1,196 10,788 a. c. ; Resulting New External Trips ---------------------------- ---------------------------- 12,816 Passing Trips 2,69;') New External Trips External Trips 10 ,119 vpd ........................................................................... ...................,........................................................ Status: P;proposed ** NOTE: (1,824 vpd) is weekend Church traffic which is not included in the daily traffic figures -7- MURRAY -DUDECK It ASSOCIATES TRIP DISTRIBUTION ----------------- ----------------- To determine realistic traffic distribution percentages, it is important to recognize the trip production & attraction characteristics, which are classified under TRIP PURPOSES. Also, motorists select specific routes based on travel comfort, travel time, travel safety, etc. Thus it is important to recognize the alternative highway links in considering trip route selection. Therefore after a careful review and evaluation of the surrounding trip influencing factors, the trip percentage distributions were determined as depicted in the Trip Distribution Percentages -- Figure #2, #2A, #2B, #2C, & #2D. DAILY TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ------------------------ ------------------------ By utilizing the trip distribution percentages indicated in Figure #2, #2A, #2B, #2C, & #2D the various project traffic on each affected highway link within the area of influence can be determined. The computations are depicted in Average Daily Development Traffic Assigned -- Figure #3. To determine the overall impacts on the transportation network, it is necessary to recognize the traffic impacts on each of the highway links within the area of influence of the subject development. Therefore, the traffic levels under current conditions and due to the project generated traffic have to be assigned onto the transportation network. The critical traffic figures, which includes the existing traffic, the related development traffic, and background traffic from other adjacent approved projects, are depicted in the Area Average Daily Traffic Assigned -- Figure #4. PEAK HOUR DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Since the real traffic impact is measured by calculating the peak hour capacity impacts at critical nodal points, it is important to determine the average peak hour traffic. Based on the various land use projects, the evening peak hour period is the most critical time. However, the morning peak hour period will generate substantial levels of traffic, especially the office land use category and usually different critical lane requirements are needed for this peak period. Therefore, both peak hour periods were calculated by using the lTE peak period trip rates and updated trips presented in other ITE publications fo11o~s: -8- - TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES (residential/school/church) ----------------------------- t NORTH ----------------------------- Figure #2 Old Boynton Beach Rd. (5%) 5% Y . ~ 5% ~ (15%) Boynton Beach Rd. ~ (5%) ~ 15% Y 1 Y 1 (25%) 25% 15% (15%) ~ 10% Ocean Drive ~ (10%) (35%) 35% " \. y A 1-95 SB 1-95 NB Y . Off-Ramp On-Ramp 5% (5%) *5%* 65% (65%) (20%) 20% _Woo1bright_ ...,Rd._15% ~ (40%) -- t (20%)~ !.-<5%)~ (15%)~ - 40% ~ '- 25%~ 5%~ ~ 5% (5%) 10% (10%) 15% (15%) Y J Y . 1-95 SB 1-95 NB Congress Ave. On-Ramp Off-Ramp SW 8th St. LEGEND ****** " (65%) Ingressing Traffic Distribution 65% Egressing Traffic Distribution *5%* Residential Off-system Trip Percent Attraction -9- MURRAY DUDECK & ASSOCIATES .--~_.-------,.,---------- -.----.--------..- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES (office) Figure #2A r~ ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Old Boynton Beach Rd. --(5%) ~ 5% Boynton Beach Rd. y . y . (5%) 5% 15% (15%) -- 5% Ocean Drive ~(5%) (10%) 10% " ~ y . 1-95 SB 1-95 NB 5% Y l Off-Ramp On-Ramp 10% (10%) (5%) A 90% (90%) (25%) 25% ~ ~(10%) - Woo1bri ht Rd. 20%- 60% -- 35% __ (20%)~ 60. ~ '" 35.~ 10% ~ ~ ~ 5% (5%) 10% (10%) 25% (25%) Y . Y . 1-95 SB 1-95 NB Congress Ave. On-Ramp Off-Ramp SW 8th St. LEGEND ****** (60%) Ingressing Traffic Distribution 60% Egressing Traffic Distribution -10- ==M~ MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES (shopping) Figure #2B t NORTH ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Old Boynton Beach Rd. -- 5% ___ (5%) Boynton Beach Rd. --.: ~ *5%* (10%) 10% Y 1 ,'" 10% -- Ocean Drive (10%) --- *5%* (20%) 20% " ~ , 15% 1 (15%) *10%* Y 1 80% (80%) 1-95 SB Off-Ramp 1-95 NB On-Ramp 5% Y (5%) 1 10% (10%) Y . (10%) t " 10% 10% (35%)-- ~(20%)-- 35% ~ -\.20% --- (10%) _Woo1bright_ .....,Rd._30%-- _(40%)-- (30%)_ 40% ___ Congress Ave. 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp SW 8th St. LEGEND ****** (80%) Ingressing Traffic Distribution 80% Egressing Traffic Distribution *10%* Residential Off-system Trip Percent Attraction -11- I y (15%) <10%> y 5% [5%] =MSxr MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES (other SW8th St. projects) ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Figure #2C NORTH + Old Boynton Beach Rd. - (5%) ~ 5% Boynton Beach Rd. (5%) 5% Y . - 5% Ocean Drive ~(5%) (10%) 10% " \- . 1-95 SB Off-Ramp 1-95 NB On-Ramp 100% - y . (100%) ~ 90% (90%) (30%) 30% <10%> [10%] <30%> [30%] ~~ t A f -- - - <10%>_ _Woolbright Rd 20%L 20%_ _(65%)_<70%>_ _(35%) <40%> _ (5%) , <20%> (20%) 65% [70%].... 35% [40%] 5% ___ ~ ___ ~,~ '" [10%] (5%) 5% (5%) 30% (30%) <5%> <100%> [100%] [30%] <30%> y . 15% [10%] 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp Congress Ave. (90%) 90% <100%> [100%] *5%* SW 8th St. LEGEND ****** Ingressing Traffic Distribution For Ml Property Egressing Traffic Distribution For Ml Property Ingressing Traffic Distribution For Palm Beach Commerce Center Egressing Traffic Distribution For Palm Beach Commerce Center Residential Off-system Trip Percent Attraction -12- _____..~...__ ~ _.___._____.___.____w~__.~_______~_ MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES ----------------------------- ----------------------------- TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES (offices along Woolbright & Congress) Figure #2D y . 15% (15%) _(5%) ~ 5% 5% - Boynton Beach Rd. (5%) ~ y . 25% (25%) ~ 5% Ocean Drive y . (5%) 30% (30%) y . y . 35% (35%) 10% (10%) - -(30%) Woolbright Rd. 50% ~O%) ~ 30% (15%) 15% 10% ( 10%) Y . y . SW 8th St. (10%) 10% Y . Congress Ave. LEGEND ****** 15% Ingressing Traffic Distribution (15%) Egressing Traffic Distribution -13- NORTH t 1-95 SB Off-Ramp 1-95 NB On-Ramp (10%) j- '" 10% 10% ~ 10%) - 10%~ ~(20%) :- 20% \- (10%) 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp MURRAY -DUDECK " ASSOCIATES AVERAGE DAILY DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC ASSIGNED Figure #3 + NORTH Old Boynton Beach Rd. Boynton Beach Rd. 191 .,f 957 \.. 574 [00] [45] -- [45] ( 270) (539) (00) <461> <1541> <619> *00* *63* *63* -00- -00- -00- 329 00 329 Ocean Drive 383 383 [45] [45] 383 861 (270) (540) [112] [314] <698> <968> (270) (1618) *63* *63* <765> <2793> , -00- -00- *188* *440* t \-191 {329} rOO} 1340 .( -1151- -3070- 574 2488 [329) [1315} [90] [135] [90] [807] (809) (1079) (1079) (4315) 1-95 SB \ <1090> <1788> <2509> <7610> Off-Ramp *188* *251* *126* *1130* -767- -1151- -00- ~ -767- [1973} [3289} {OO} [658} Woolbri ht Rd. 574 .( \.1531 287 '" 191 [112] , [45] [179] 383 -- [538] (270) (270) (1618) [90] (2158) <669> 1-95 SB 1-95 NB <506> <2371> (539) <4227> *188* On-Ramp Off-Ramp *63* *251* <1012> *816* -1151- -384- -1535- *63* -5372- [329) 287 191 [658} [3289} -7674- {1973} [112] [90] Congress [658} SW 8th St. (270) (1078) Ave. <669> <1359> *188* *64* LEGEND -1151- -768- ****** [329} [657} ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 1531 [538] (2158) <4227> *816* -5372- [1973} Woolbright Place PUD (Residential/School/Church) Daily Traffic Woolbright Center (Office) Daily Traffic Shoppes At Woolbright Place (Shopping) Daily Traffic Total Project Development Daily Traffic Ml Parcel (Other Project) Daily Traffic Boynton Commerce Center (Other Project) Daily Traffic Offices Along Woolbright Rd. & Congress Ave. -14- ="'~ MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES PROJECTED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC BASED ON PROPOSED LAND USE ZONING ================================================================= Figure 4 + NORTH Old Boynton Beach Rd. 28798 (461) [29259] <329> (29588) " 15078 (1090) [16168] <2928> (19096) \.. 15078 ~ (506) [15584] <11 05> (16689) Congress Ave. nton Beach Rd. --( 28798 ( 619) [29417] <329> (29746) Ocean Drive 14031 (1788 ) [15819] <4691> (20510) 18375 (2793) [ 21168] <4825> (25993 ) 14060 (680) [14740] <745> (15485) ""- Seacrest Blvd 1-95 SB Off-Ramp 1-95 NB On-Ramp Woo1bri ht t Rd. ..( 14031 (2371) [16402] <5075> (21477) 14031 ( 4227) [18258] <8161> (26419) 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 I 1-95 NB Off-Ramp 16295 22718 (340) , ( 1359) [16635] [ 24077 ] <373> <1489> (17008) (25566) SW 8th St. LEGEND ****** 14031 (2371) [16402] <5075> (21477) Existing 1985 Average Daily Traffic Development Average Daily Traffic Existing + Development Average Daily Traffic Other Potential Woolbright Road Development Daily Traffic Existing + Development + Other Background Average Daily Traffic -15- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Peak Hour Percentage Of The Daily Trip Generations ~================================================= Type of Development AM PM In Out In Out ------------------- Residential PUD 1.6% 6.6% 6.6% 3.3% Office Business Park 7.9% 1.5% 2.2% 8.3% Office < 100,000 sf. 8.2% 1.4% 1.1% 6.4% Shopping Center 1.3% 1.1% 4.3% 4.7% M-l 6.8% 6.8% 6.5% 6.5% -16- MURRAY -DUDECK Be ASSOCIATES PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Based on the aforementioned peak hour data, the development traffic & other related project traffic are assigned to the critical adjacent intersections as depicted in the AM & PM Development Hourly Traffic -- #5 & #6. TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CATEGORY EVALUATIONS -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- As mandated by Palm Beach County, all highway links within the influence area of traffic impact have to be analysed to determine if there are critical traffic capacity constraints. Specifically, when the existing daily traffic is over level of service "D" on any link and the development significantly impacts the traffic level, then the project is a Category ~~~~~i:~1~~U2ti~j[2~~;fi~~i~~a~~ ~~!~~1~: Thus a detailed analysis of the daily traffic on the "19" affected links within the traffic zone of influence was undertaken. The results are depicted in the Traffic Performance Standard Evaluation -- Figure #7. Based on this evaluation the following comments are offered: #1 In analyzing the daily traffic under the criteria in Category "A" on all "19" affected links, the results indicated that the project is not flagged as a Category "A" project. Therefore, this project DOES NOT have to committ to offsite roadway improvements, before even being considered a viable project submission. #2 Under the proposed development at full capacity the project is a Category "B" Project. #3 Under Category "B" generate traffic in assumed a 4-1ane necessary. phasing examination, this project does excess of the standard, if Congress Avenue divided section. Thus phasing will not not is be -17- =M~ MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES AM PEAK DEVELOPMENT HOURLY TRAFFIC Figure 5 + NORTH ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Congress Ave. [61][190] (OO) (94) <00> <34> 00 21 y '" ~ 23<36>(47}[127] ~ 17<21>(27}[116] Woolbright Rd. Seacrest Blvd. . ~ 00 10 <00> <14> (OO) (44) [30] [94] [70] (43) <12> 11 ~ Woolbright Rd. ... 6<7>(22}[35] SW 8th St. [141][100][200] (87) (lOa) (200) <87><39><200> 70 35 145 Woolbright Rd. ~ Y '" ~110<165>(165}[165] ... 00 <00> (00}[162] ~OO <00>(424}[424] [25](21) [13](10} [13] (10) <15>13 ~ <8> 7" <7> 7 "'" ~ 6 <7> (21) [35] [81] (72) [28] (OO) [130](121} <72>55 ~ <00>00 .. <00>00 "'" ~ . ~ 00 24 00 <00><28> <00> (22}(40) (81) [76](40} (81) 1-95 NB On-Ramp 1-95 SB Off-Ramp [300] (246) <64> 38 "'58 <87>(329}[~7] Woolbright ~ Road ... 23<26> (86)[ 140] [180](161}<115>86" [117](108} <73>47"'" ~ [129](120}<85>59 ~ 35 [51] (41}<30>27" <61> (243) [297] 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp LEGEND ****** 86 <115> (161) [180] Development AM Peak Hour Traffic Development + M1 AM Peak Hour Traffic Development + M1 + Boynton Commerce Center + Pylon Interstate ~I Peak Hour Traffic Development + M1 + Boynton Commerce Center + pylon Interstate + Other Development Within Woolbright Road Corridor AM Peak Hour Traffic -18- =M:f?)xr MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES PM PEAK DEVELOPMENT HOURLY TRAFFIC Figure 6 + NORTH ================================== Congress Ave. [23][151] (00) (78) <00> <61> 00 49 , '" ~ 50 <62>(126)[201] ~ 22 <26> (58) [98] Woolbright Rd. Seacrest Blvd. J,. ~ 00 26 <00> <30> (00) (39) [49][109] [ 45] (41) <33> 31 ~ Rd. , SW 8th St. [87] [43] [43] (65)<33>32 ~ (33)<17>16 ~ (33)<17>16 '" [167][ 78][289] ~15<16>(20) [22] (160)(78)(289) ~246<299>(299)[299] <160><61><289> ~OO <00> (00) [22] 144 57 236 ~ 00 <00> (118)[ 118] Woolbright Rd. ~ , '" ~ 16 <16> (20) [22] [202](162)<162>146~ [126] (00) <00> 00 ~ [76] (34) <00> OO~ ~ J,. .., 00 61 00 <00> <65> <00> (127)( 129)( 446) [134)( 129)( 446) 1-95 NB On-Ramp 1-95 SB Off-Ramp [158] (151) <100> 75 ~125<153>(220)[235] Woo1bri"ht ~ Road ~ 62<65> (8l) [89] [495](411)<156>128 ~ [316](274) <83> 58~ ~ [322] (280) <89> 64 ~ 63 [173](131) <67> 64~ <88> (139) [146] 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp -- 128 <156> (411) [495] LEGEND ****** Development PM Peak Hour Traffic Development + M1 PM Peak Hour Traffic Development + M1 + Boynton Commerce Center + Pylon Interstate PM Peak Hour Traffic Development + M1 + Boynton Commerce Center + Pylon Interstate + Other Development Within Woolbright Road Corridor PM Peak Hour Traffic -19- _._.._"---_.__...._---~_.-~_.._-,_.-._---~._----------~~-- =M~ MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARD EVALUATION ;====================================== Figure #7 , NORTH Old Boynton Beach Rd. "ME" <B> nton Beach Rd. "SI" <B> ~ "ME" <B> Ocean Drive ~ .( "SI" <B> "SI" <B> \- "SI" "SI" "SI" "51" <B> <B> <B> <B> / Woolbri ht Rd. ~ / \- "SI" "SI" "SI" <B> <B> <B> "SE" r <B> 1-95 SB Off-Ramp 1-95 NB On-Ramp "SI" <B> ~ "SI" , <B> '''SI'' <B> "'" "SI"~ <B> "SI" <B> \-"SI" <B> 1-95 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp Congress Ave. SW 8th St. LEGEND ****** <B> Performance Standard Category With Development Impacts "51" Performance Standard Category With Significant Impacts "SE" Performance Standard Category With Significant Effect "ME" Performance Standard Category With Minor Effect -20- ------_._----_.~._--~~----~----- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES HIGHWAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS ------------------------- ------------------------- To determine the level of service of the adjacent highway links, which the subject project will impact, it is essential to examine the highway carrying capacity. ~ra~nn~hl~ - ~ <n -r-h/e traffic movement can be achieved if the roadway sections are operating at or above level of service ~ For a 2-lane undivided highway a total of 15,800 vehicles per day results in "D" service, for a 4-1ane divided highway the figure is 36,000 vehicles per day, for a 6-lane divided highway the figure is 55,800 vehicles per day. These service volumes were taken from the Table 31-1 of the acceptable DRI standards of which a copy is included in Appendix "B". Furthermore, to achieve thp __r<_nm nv- ~ ~ traffic flow it requires that all links operate at level of s~ or better, which is 13,100 vehicles per day for a 2-lane un~way, 30,000 vehicles per day for a 4-1ane divided roadway, 46,400 vehicles per day for a 6-1ane divided roadway. A careful examination of the was made so that the highway link determined. Under the exist' Avenue b daily traffic figures shown in Figure #4 capacities (refer to Figure #8) could be . . ess f the To determine the peak hour impacts, it is necessary to evaluate the traffic movements at the critical adjacent intersections, which are W~' ilili!!i Ii. :i'1'I Iii_II "rreet, lfnnlhrjohr RM~ f' _T,Q~ r~m"O ~ ~ Uilbr;~h; ~~iQ and "~Arrp~r .~~~~rd ~. Woolbright R~ uti izing the Transportation Research CircUlar #2Y~, f~e crlt1cal ~ovement ~~al~~:~_~~he,,~tu;l l~el ~f~se;~i~es ~~a; ~pi:"_~1~~~;~~~~~~. ~;~:~E:::<~_;~ c 't def" . it will be necessar to incor orate cert' os' 've t c 0 erat10na 1m & . '\lV"wri i"r< Vi [prUi.,!i:..J.l'"Il~1.rJ~ti~!."j-rr* lII'llill -f ra:>se ~r~~t~ I~ Illlnor\ ,~,IU@.~"..l,~~xa.~..~~"'.w.J",."'-U;llli?i1l.L Ib"~ ,tlJE ~~~~~s.jn~Fn-i~. -21- ~....-_._-----~--~------_._-~~~---- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES HIGHWAY LINK CAPACITIES UNDER PROPOSED LAND USE ZONING ====================================================== Figure 8 , NORTH Old Boynton Beach Rd. Bo nton Beach Rd. A .( ~ "A" A <A> "An <A> Ocean Drive \. *** D A A liD" "An "A") <E> <A> <A> , 1-1001 bri ~D *** ~ A A A "D" "An "AIt "An <E> <A> <A> <C> A "An Seacrest Blvd <B>~ ' 1-95 SB Off-Ramp ht A "An 1-95 NB On-Ramp Rd. <A> ""'- 1-95 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp 1 A "A" <A> B "B" <B> Congress Ave. SW 8th St. LEGEND ****** A Highway Link Capacity With Existing 1985 Average Daily Traffic "An Highway Link Capacity With Existing 1985 Average Daily Traffic + Development Average Daily Traffic <A> Highway Link Capacity With Existing 1985 Average Daily Traffic + Development Average Daily Traffic + Other Woolbright Road Project Average Daily Traffic *** Capacities With 5-Year Work Program Improvements NOTE: Link Capacities Based On Updated DRI Table 31-1 Daily Service Volumes -22- --~_._---_._..,.----_..._.._-_.-..._-~._..._- - ---~---~--~---~-----"-- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TABLE 4 ------ ------- HIGHWAY CAPACITY LEVEL OF SERVICE S~~RY ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Description Level of Service ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- I) Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street ------------------------------- a. AM Existing+Deve10pment+M1+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + 2 left lanes for WB/EB "c" b. PM EXisting+Deve10pment+M1+Boynton Commerce Center+Pylon+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + 2 left lanes for WB/EB + free right "C/D" II) Woolbright Road & 1-95 -- West Signal a. AM Existing+Deve1opment+M1+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + Free Right Merge "B" b. PM Existing+Development+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + Free Right Merge "C/D" III) Woolbright Road & 1-95 -- East Signal a. AM Existing+Deve1opment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Pylon+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + 2 left lanes NB/EB "e" b. PM Existing+Deve10pment+M1+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + 2 left lanes NB/EB "e" -Z3- =M:i5)xr- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TABLE 4 (continued) ------------------- ------------------- HIGID,AY CAPACITY LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Description Level of Service ----------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------- III) Seacrest Boulevard & Woolbright Road a. AM Existing+Deve1opment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. Existing Geometrics + 25% RTOR "B" b. PM Existing+Deve10pment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. Existing Geometries + 25% RTOR "n" c. PM Existing Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) "D" IV) Congress Avenue & Woolbright Road a. AM Existing+Deve10pment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. With Congress Avenue Improvements "A" b. PM Existing+Deve1opment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. With Congress Avenue Improvements "B" -;2'1- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES SW 8TH STREET CORRIDOR HIGHWAY REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- To properly serve the proposed development and to provide safe & reasonable highway conditions for the traveling public, it is essential to establish recognized transportation guidelines for the SW 8th Street corridor. The following comments address the recommended highway requirements: #1 SW 8th Street shall be constructed as a 4-1ane divided highway between Woolbright Road & the Industrial Access Road to the Ml property. #2 Only one median opening shall be provided between Woolbright Road & the Industrial Access Road, which shall jointly serve the office complex on the westside & the shopping area on the eastside. The median shall be spaced midway between the two intersecting roadways. #3 In developing the main access to the church, it shall be aligned directly opposite the Industrial Access Road, so that a common median opening can be utilized. #4 The Industrial Access Road shall be a 2-1ane undivided highway with adequate right of way to expand to a 4-lane urban collector. #5 A secondary access to the shopping center shall be positioned a minimum of 330 feet from the intersection of SW 8th Street. #6 The access to the residential housing sites shall be spaced so that a minimum of 660 feet between access intersections or any sideroad intersection be maintained. This will facilitate the construction of left turn lanes & right turn lanes at these two access and thereby not require that SW 8th Street be a 4-1ane divided highway thru this section. #8 The location of the access to the be constructed directly opposite on the westside of SW 8th Street. residential housing parcel #2 shall the access to the recreational area #9 All development access onto SW 8th Street Road shall have a left turn & right turn lane for both ingressing & egressing traffic. #10 Access on Industrial Access Road shall have ingress turn lanes only. #11 The intersection of Industrial Access Road & SW 8th Street shall include two thru lanes, one left turn lane, & one right turn lane for the north & south approaches and one left turn lane & one right-thru lane for the east & west approaches. -25- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES #12 The transition area between a 4-lane divided undivided highway has to be carefully delineated balance & continuity retained. Signing & pavement incorporated into the design to insure positive unexpected lane drop or lane change. highway & 2-lane and proper lane markings shall be guidance and no #13 The intersection of SW 8th Street & Woolbright Road shall include a double left turn 1ane,a single thru lane, and a free right turn lane on the north & south approaches. The east approach shall include a double left turn lane, two thru lanes, and a free right turn lane. The west approach shall include a single left turn lane, two thru lanes, and a free right turn lane. Also, the intersection shall be signalized and coordinated & interconnected with the 1-95 signalized, when the signal is warranted. FAIR SHARE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Based on the Palm Beach County Ordinance #85-10, developers are required to pay a fair share fee for impacts created by their development traffic. This ordinance has established fee rates for various type of lane development activity. The following calculations depict the land development categories, the dollar rate, and the total fee assessment: ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Type of Land Development Activity Units Fee Rate/Unit Cost Multi-family residential Church 1/7(1824) School 618 du 261 vpd 510 vpd $562.00 $26.79 $26.79 $347,316.00 $6,992.19 $13,662.90 General Offices Shopping Center 38 ksf 174 ksf $482.00 $1,752.00 $367,971.09 $18,316.00 $304,848.00 subtotal = development impact fees = $691,135.09 -26- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CONCLUSIONS ---------- ----------- #1 The proposed project will generate a substantial level of traffic onto SW8th Street, therefore ALL the requirements stated in page 25 of this report shall be incorporated, to insure proper traffic flow & safety. #2 The project will generate a significant level of traffic onto the highway system. However, since Woolbright Road has low daily traffic, this roadway does not create a Category "A" situation. But the traffic distributed onto Congress Avenue will create some problems, if you assume that Congress Avenue is not going to be widened. However, in evaluating the recent Palm Beach County 5-Year Work Program, this section of Congress Avenue is scheduled to be 4-laned in fiscal year 86/87. This capacity & safety improvement will eliminate the traffic concern on this section of highway. #3 The Palm Beach Commerce Center will be generating traffic especially during the peak hours. However in the approval process there were minimum improvements required. Probably the most critical improvement necessary is a WB double left turn lane at SW8th Street & a EB double left turn lane at 1-95 to accomodate the heavy morning peak hour traffic caused by the Palm Beach Commerce Center development. #4 Since the intersection of SW 8th Street is at the bottom of a downgrade for westbound vehicles, it is essential that traffic flow be smooth and coordinated. This will not eliminate the rearend accidents, but can alleviate this real accident concern. Therefore, ALL the intersectional improvements suggested in the SW 8th Street Corridor Highway Requirements section are strongly recommended. #5 All driveway accesses shall meet the sight triangle requirements. #6 All necessary traffic controls shall be in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. #8 In evaluating the magnitude of traffic impacts of each of the projects, it is suggested that the fair share percentage impact of each project be determined by using the following percentages derived from the daily project generated traffic figures and the peak hour traffic, as indiated on page 24 of this report. -27- MURRAY -DUDECK Be ASSOCIATES #9 By enhancing SW 8th Street to Woolbright Road, it will encourage motorists to use that route rather than proceeding north on SW 8th Street to Boynton Beach Road or to Ocean Drive & Congress Avenue. To further discourage these corridors, certain traffic controls such as reduced speed limits, truck restriction, turn restrictions, traffic divertors, etc. could be implemented if local problems result. #10 SW 8th Street once built to the north, will provide a direct connection between Woolbright Road & Boynton Beach Road. Certain minor alignment & profile changes are recommended in conjunction with the construction of the SW 8th Street extension. Further improvement of this corridor has to be a City policy decision. Either thru measures indicated in item #8 the City will decide to keep the volume low or thru right of way acquisition & roadway expansion, improve the corridor so it serves as a minor north--south collector. #11 Since the 1-95 Northbound Off-Ramp signalized intersection will be substantially impacted by the surrounding development, it is recommended that this project construct a second northbound ramp left turn lane, so that traffic proceeding westbound on Woolbright Road will have reduced delay and the signalized intersection will have more green time on Woolbright Road. With the aforementioned transportation improvements, the traveling public will not be adversely affected by the traffic generated by the subject development. -28- -..-----.----.----..- --_.._--_.._~.,_.~- ==M-fJ).T MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "A" ==========:::== MANUAL PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS ~============================== I) Intersection of Woolbright Road & 1-95 NB Off-Ramp II) Intersection of Woolbright Road & 1-95 SB Off-Ramp III) Intersection of Congress Avenue & Ocean Drive i IV) Intersection of Boynton Beach Road & SW 8th Street \ -M€J11 VEHIClf t PlPlSlklAN VUlUHI SHEll Loc.tion V-x>O,"- ~(LI "HI J .. .I..-~5 Smrl1/lfY 91("('\ QuBrlrr liourl.,. Dotc Xfil-l V~l(l~.-1 - I'1S& "'e.' hcr \;v.d Conditio), lYl'(' lr.ffic (,,"!rv] TIM[ $1ARTS T:OO - 7:1S 7: 1S - 7:30 7:30 - 7:0S 7:1J~ - e:oo 8:00-e:1S e:1S - e:30 8:30 - e:o~ e:o~ - 9:00 S R nOM "'[5T O~ Wcc~'B(;'fJr l 5 R FROH [A5T Oh ~UART[R ~()~ 8i2{1\~ ~Ol", l S R 10TH ~l f[t;[SH LA": A 6 C 0 nOM ~ORT~ Oh "1"-"\5 FROM SOUTH OW -....- 'S l 2,.0 lOa '71 :3 I 24 .,,, ~3 '2C;- ,~ At IO~ A I 52,. F,' l.::a. 2'1. 11;(. IA~ 'S'2 ~(, IO? q~ 18 (:? I,A {,..., "'.3 Ie 1 '1"2- 1-"2- I.... 112 ~, 74 lee 12.2- .~I 5""I??s:? I.G\ 1.11% qe 24 1,2. J.(. \ .., I 5112.(>Q 10; 2.0 S'2. \Aq 114 A I 1"\ I C\4 .,,:; A"I I'll. 5'2- A'1 \-,/.. P. I I I I I I I ! 'I I ! I ! 1 I , I I I I I I I I I , i ! , ! I I :-- S R l 11:00 - 11:15 ., 4\ 39 ']..~ 42. 11.1 2,~ 2.9 15'"" (,1 11:15 - 11:30 24 4" 4u ~ , l:) I 1~3 42.. A(. iI.'3 14 \1:30 - 11:0S 1<1 "':!> ,," :z.e 4 P. , loA &1 l:;1 lil (d 1\:.S - 12:00 33 ~/.'2. 31 41A TI.~ "'2- 1.3 .,." 5',:>, 12:00 - 12:1S U. ~1 /1 P, 4T 'IT) \.,7 1.5 (.0 1'4 lP5 12: 1S - 12:30 Z:" fJl 5-4 32- '5(. 14CJ.~, "'2- I {. Cj l,8 12:30 - 12:.~ ~7 ~o 4. 24 A] /(.1 4, IS&' IS'I ..q'l 12:.~ - 1:00 z-Oa .,.q ~L Z-"\ .0;.,2; 15-:l, 57. 4<1 1<./ 5'~ 3:00 - ':IS ':IS - ':'0 ;:.0 - ':.S 3:.5 _ .:00 .:00 - .:IS .:IS - .:30 .:)0 - o:.s .:oS - s:oo - ~:00-~:1~ ~: lS - 5:30 ~:30 - ~:OS S:.~ - 6:00 TOHt 21 114 2." .. I t:'. 71 ~"7 4:;"4 TOHL or l.',' R. -,-'", , f, 41 [7. -~ B A9. 5(, ~, &\ ~ (.1 I. b .t;' I 5'T {, 3 4R 4" 41 t. I &;f... (.q (,q , :3 ,e. ,q I~ t. q I.~ t. P, -~ 4:;""l ur. (,3 .._.___..._......_. n._ .._...- ~ I 4'1 141 5'6 ..., i 11 1 5'''l 39 51 IvCj (.1 1.\ 11.::1, ~3. 4-2.. ~~ lei I.ct e:;p. fR4 'L1 4:;'" -, I 711 .,; lie; ?I4 "15 4u ("F', -228 l.'l.. 1,1 22-1 "10 ~,!. l.t> 2.1"t ~5 I. fI, Iq~ (1) :z" 5'~ 1'14 50 l;'3 -;qtl u~ -'10 5"'1 leo ~4 ":,q hq 54 ~_ __~~J_. VEHICLf & PlDlS1HIAN VULUHl SHlll StI"rllnry S1IH'\ ()\Htrtf'T H{ltlrly Location C-OtJ G (( <; " \ <. . OC-t::"",,-, l:>ri.,c Dal. ';j(l,J0M"'~ -- IGee "'eBthC'T k::Jacl Surfe.c{' Condi t i 011 Type 1r.flic (j,,,\ Il') I. -='- I fROM RORlH OK fROH SOllTH ~K fRO~ \/CST OK fRO~ EAST Oh OUA~l H CDIJ&. r~ <: s , TIM[ CU ,e,rs,> OC-E~HJ to!CJUF. PIUISHIH> I UARH l S R l S R l S R [ S R TOT AL A e i t t , 7:00 - 7:1S I 7:15 - 7:30 I 7:30 - 7:.S ! 7:.S - 8:00 I I e:00-8:15 , , e:15 - 8:30 j . 5:30 - 8:.S 1 e;l.I~1 - 9:00 i , I , 11:00 - 11:lS 2-0 111 1'2.1 3 10 17 I I , 1I:1S - 11:30 24 131 142. is 'I y. I i 11:30 - 11:.S 1"1 147 11."1 4- II II. ! : II:.S - 12:00 7,9 T1I8 I~,~ 2- IZ- .< ! 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'\0. f ... ;,Il G .':- ". ~. 4.;'1 t1 Ie I .'" ~o I .l .:L I'" 10 oJ ~ 0 I!: I :;'1-) .(,\ K '" '9 .;" L ... .... ~ ;;c:. R ". 1......\ G \~., ;J! ~ ')1- 1',,1 60_111 NO. SrC'TIOr~ _ ~:. '>:> c State Road !3De\ loca.l N&lQt (:."1'1: ~....~ '\:l'...lC, lnter.ection with -.- I:'I\..\ ,\ '..;'..J':-d .. al'\...- SLD M Cbunty 7,' L(~', i-:..u\.:: \\ Ci ty I~ ~',-""'IJ", ~lJ '\'I C A~ 1.-1. Dete :.(;),) ~~/~jJ "'eather r/.J7 fl"'lj-: !.I;' ,'ro'I,' Cbservor . Corm>erci&l Percer< t, MorU. J.pproa~ SOUtil Approach ~s t AWroach We~ t Approach Wtmen! C"'- r1Ir~ T,,'ol .. ~ - . ... ,If'' 10" '"I \.! 'i 2- "--tJ'::.:::~. - "1' i \\ \" '. c;. -"1-'-':' '-, 1..... ____:.. .~_i t...._.___._..____. ,-.----.-' "'"/"::: : .,,_. . ==AI:;})xr MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "B" ------------ ------------ HIGHWAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS DETAIL -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Description Level of Service ----------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------- I) Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street ------------------------------- a. AM Existing+Deve1opment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + 2 left lanes for "'BlEB "G" b. PM Existing+Deve1opment+M1+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + 2 left lanes for WB/EB + free right "G/D" II) Woolbright Road & 1-95 -- West Signal a. AM Existing+Deve10pment+M1+Boynton Commerce Center+Pylon+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + Free Right Merge "Bit b. PM Existing+Deve10pment+M1+Boynton Commerce Center+Pylon+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + Free Right Merge "G/D" III) Woolbright Road & 1-95 -- East Signal a. AM Existing+Development+M1+Boynton Commerce Center+Pylon+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + 2 left lanes NB/EB He" b. PM Existing+Development+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. 4 lanes Woolbright Rd. + 2 left lanes NB/EB "e" MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "B" (continued) ------------------------ ------------------------ HIGHWAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS DETAILS --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Description Level of Service ----------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------- III) Seacrest Boulevard & Woolbright Road a. AM Existing+Deve10pment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. Existing Geometries + 25% RTOR "B" b. ~I Existing+Deve1opment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. Existing Geometries + 25% RTOR "D" c. ~I Existing Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) "D" IV) Congress Avenue & Woolbright Road a. AM Existing+Deve10pment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Pylon+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. With Congress Avenue Improvements "An b. ~I Existing+Deve1opment+Ml+Boynton Commerce Center+Py10n+Other Peak Hour Traffic(PHT) 1. With Congress Avenue Improvements "B" MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS WOOLB & SWBTH W/WBEB2L & FREERT AM EXIST+DLV+MI+BCC+PYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/7/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 76 CRITICAL N/S VOL 174 CRITICAL E/W VOL 1078 CRITICAL SUM 1252 ************************************* LANE GEOMIITRY NORTIlBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUKD LANE MOV WIDTIJ MOV WlDTIl MOV WIDTIl MOV WIDTIl 1 R. . 12,0 R.. 12,0 R.. 12,0 R.. 12,0 2 Too 12.0 Too 12.0 T.. 12,0 Too 12,0 3 Loo 12.0 L.. 12.0 Too 12.0 Too 12.0 4 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 Loo 12.0 L.. 12.0 5 12,0 12.0 L.. 12.0 1., 12.0 6 12,0 12.0 12.0 12.0 TRAFFI C VOLUMES NORTIlBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 76 200 81 424 THRU 40 100 1316 1383 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTIlBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTIl G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) : 4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP 1 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) : 100 SECONDS : .15 : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVDlENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 46 116 806 LEFT 48 128 51 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND INPlIT VOLUME 76 200 81 CAPACITY 197 257 0 NEED PHASE? N/A N/A N/A ~'ESTBOUND 847 272 WESTBOUND 424 o N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS WOOLB & SW8TH W/WBEB2L & FREERT PM EXIST+DEV+MI+BCC+PYLON+OTHER PIIT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/7/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 78 CRITICAL NIS VOL 335 CRITICAL E/II VOL 944 CRITICAL SUM 1279 ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 R" 12.0 T.. 12.0 1.. 12.0 1.. 12.0 NORTHBOUND LEFT THRU , RIGHT 134 129 o TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND PHASING Nls E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH GIC - NB & SB THRU GIC - EB & WE THRU LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH R., 12.0 T.. 12.0 Loo 12,0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 To. 12.0 T.. 12.0 1.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R., 12.0 Too 12.0 Too 12.0 1.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOU~~ EASTBOUND ~'ESTBOUND 289 78 o 202 1419 o 118 1328 o LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .9 .9 .9 ,9 :4. BOTH TIJRNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) :4, BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) I. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) 100 SECONDS : .15 : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOU~~ EASTBOUND ~'ESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 150 91 869 813 LEFT 86 185 129 75 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 134 289 202 118 CAPACITY 219 168 0 0 NEED PHASE? NIA NIA NIA N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS 1-95 & WooLB. W,SIGNAL W/FREERT MERGE AM EXIST+DEV+MI+BCC+PYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/7/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE B SATURATION 62 CRITICAL N/S VOL 67 CRITICAL E/W VOL 996 CRITICAL SUM 1063 ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH LANE GEOMETRY SOLTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 R.. 12.0 L., 12.0 L.. 12,0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH Too 12.0 Too 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SODTHBOUND EASTBOUND .'ESTBOUND LEFT 0 110 0 208 THRU 0 0 1212 1439 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S EN PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WE THRU : 1. NEITHER TURN PROTECTED :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) 100 SECONDS : .25 : ,44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEME~, NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND .'ESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 0 0 742 881 LEFT 0 67 0 254 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 0 110 0 208 CAPACITY 447 447 0 0 NEED PHASE? NO NO NO N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS 1-95 & WOOLE. W.SIGNAL W/FREERT MERGE PM EXIST+DEV+M1+BCC+PYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/7/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 80 CRITICAL N/S VOL 146 CRITICAL E/W VOL 1235 CRITICAL SI~1 1381 ************************************* LANE 1 2 3 4 5 6 NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH R., 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R., 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L., 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOU~1J EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 0 240 0 231 THRU 0 0 1557 1040 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUN1J 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WB THRU THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTIlBOUN1J o o INPUT VOLUME CAPACITY NEED PHASE? NORTIlBOUND o 447 NO : 1. NEITIlER TURN PROTECTED :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) 100 SECONDS : .25 : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUfffiS BY MOVEMENT SOUTHBOUN1J o 146 EASTBOUND 953 o WESTBOUND 636 282 WESTBOUND 231 o N/A LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTHBOUN1J 240 447 NO EASTBOUND o o NO =M:;Jp- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS 1-95 & WOOLS E. SIGNAL W/NBEB/2L AM EXIST+DEV+M1+PYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/7/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 72 CRITICAL N/S VOL 322 CRITICAL E/W VOL 911 CRITICAL SUM 1233 ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH LANE GEcx-lETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH WESTBOUND MOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 R.. 12.0 Loo 12.0 L., 12.0 T.. 12.0 Too 12.0 1.. 12.0 1.. 12.0 Roo 12.0 T.. 12.0 Too 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 527 0 351 0 THRU 0 0 971 1120 RIGHT 100 0 0 376 TRUCKS (%1 LOCAL BUSES (# /HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 o'ESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WE THRU : 1. NEITHER TURN PROTECTED :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) 100 SECONDS : .25 : ,44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 116 0 594 686 LEFT 322 0 225 0 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 527 0 351 0 CAPACITY 447 447 0 0 NEED PHASE? YES NO N/A NO MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS 1-95 & WOOLB E. SIGNAL W/NBEB/2L PM EXIST+DEV+MI+BCGtPYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/7/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 66 CRITICAL N/S VOL 247 CRITICAL E/W VOL 894 CRITICAL SUM 1141 ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND MOV WIDTH I 2 3 4 5 6 R,. 12.0 Loo 12,0 L.. 12.0 NORTHBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THEU G/C - EB & 11'8 THRU 405 o 166 LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH Too 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 Loo 12,0 TRAFFI C VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND o o o 568 1229 o LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o : I. NEITHER TURN PROTECTED : 2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) 100 SECONDS : .25 : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEME~7 THRU -RIGHT LEIT NORTHBOUND 193 247 INPUT VOLUME CAPACITY NEED PHASE? NORTHBOUND 405 447 NO SOUTHBOUND o o EASTBOUND 752 364 II'ESTBOUND MOV WIDTH R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 WESTBOUND o 866 254 PEAK HOUR FACTOR .9 .9 .9 .9 WESTBOUND 530 o WESTBOUND o o NO LEIT TURN CHECK SOUTHBOUND o 447 NO EASTBOUND 568 o N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS SEACREST & W/25%RTOR AN EXIST+DEV+MI+BCGtPYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/23/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE B SATURATION 58 CRITICAL N/S VOL 586 CRITICAL E/W VOL 367 CRITICAL Sill! 953 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 RT. 12.0 RT. 12.0 RT. 12.0 RT, 12,0 2 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 Too 12.0 T.. 12,0 3 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 4 5 6 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND ~'ESTBOUND LEFT 250 91 81 70 THRU 188 325 285 405 RIGHT 26 140 185 16 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .9 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .9 EASTBOUND 5 0 .9 WESTBOUND 5 0 .9 PHASING N/S E/W PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WE THRU :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) :4. BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) 100 SECONDS : .3 : .34 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND ~'ESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 130 280 282 257 LEFT 306 III 99 85 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 250 91 81 70 CAPACITY 57 308 161 112 NEED PHASE? N/A N/A N/A N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS SEA CREST & W/25%RTOR ?;l EXIST+DEV+Ml+PYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/23/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 88 CRITICAL N/S VOL 684 CRITICAL E/W VOL 775 CRITICAL Silll 1459 ************************************* NORTIlBOUND LANE MOV WIDTIl 1 RT. 12.0 2 Too 12.0 3 1. , 12.0 4 5 6 NORTIlBOUND LEFT TIlRU RIGHT 359 437 120 NORTIlBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 N/S :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTIl G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & WE THRU PHASING LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND MOV WIDTIl MOV WIDTIl MOV WIDTIl RT. 12.0 RT. 12.0 RT. 12.0 T.. 12.0 Too 12.0 Too 12.0 L.. 12.0 Loo 12.0 Loo 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOU~1J EASTBOUh1J WESTBOUND 109 299 107 227 579 243 131 740 77 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .9 .9 .9 .9 BOTH TURNS PROTECTED ("~TIl OVERLAP) BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) 100 SECONDS : .3 : .34 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TIlRU -RIGHT 337 245 496 497 LEFT 439 133 278 160 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 359 109 227 131 CAPACITY 116 0 0 0 NEED PHASE? N/A N/A N/A N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS SEACREST & W/25%RTOR PM EXIST PIlT DATE OF CO~~S: 1/23/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 78 CRITICAL N/S VOL 638 CRITICAL E/W VOL 655 CRITICAL SUM 1293 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTIJ MOV WIDTIJ NORTIJBOUND MOV WIDTIJ RT. 12.0 T.. 12,0 L.. 12.0 WESTBOUND MOV WIDTIJ LANE 1 2 3 4 5 6 RT. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 RT. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 RT, 12,0 T.. 12,0 L,. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND NORTH80UND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT 337 437 120 109 299 74 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o 140 536 211 131 718 77 TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 PEAK HOUR FACTOR ,9 .9 .9 .9 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOU~'D EASTBOUND WESTBOUND N/S :4. E/W :4. PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - EB & ~'B THRU PHASING BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) 100 SECONDS : .3 : .34 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEME~~ NORTHBOUND 337 412 SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 226 451 484 133 171 160 LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 109 140 131 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A THRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTHBOUND 337 149 N/A INPUT VOLUME CAPACITY NEED PHASE? MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS CONGRESS & WOOLB. W/IMPROVEMENTS AM EXIST+DEV+M1+BCGtPYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: 1/27/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE A SATURATION 55 CRITICAL N/S VOL 583 CRITICAL E/W VOL 365 CRITICAL SUM 948 ************************************* LANE NORTIlBOUND MOV WIDTII 1 2 3 4 5 6 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 Loo 12.0 NORTIlBOUND LEFT TIlRU RIGHT 39 458 271 TRUCKS (%1 5 5 5 5 NORTIlBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTII MOV WIDTII WESTBOUND MOV WIDTII R., 12.0 Too 12.0 Too 12,0 L.. 12,0 L., 12.0 RT. 12.0 Too 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 Too 12.0 L,. 12.0 1.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUh'D II'ESTBOUND 417 552 4 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o 397 19 313 3 27 1 PEAK HOUR FACTOR .9 .9 .9 .9 PHASING N/S :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECI'ED EN : 1, NEITHER TURN PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) CYCLE LENGTII : 100 SECONDS G/C - NB & SB TIlRU : .44 G/C - EB & WE TIlRU :.3 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTIlBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TIlRU -RIGHT 316 338 17 365 LEFT 91 267 7 243 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTIlBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND INPtIT VOLUME 39 417 3 397 CAPACITY 180 274 503 494 NEED PHASE? NO N/A NO NO MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMEhl ANALYSIS CONGRESS & WOOLB, W/IMPROVEMENTS PM EXIST+DEV+M]+BCC+PYLON+OTHER PHT DATE OF COUNTS: ]/27/86 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE B SATURATION 62 CRITICAL N/S VOL 650 CRITICAL E/W VOL 422 CRITICAL SUM 1072 ************************************* LANE NORTIlBOUND MOV WIDTIl LANE GEOMETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND MOV WIDTIl MOV WIDTIl 1 2 3 4 5 6 R., 12.0 T., 12.0 T,. 12.0 L,. 12.0 R,. 12.0 T.. 12,0 T.. 12.0 L,. 12.0 1.. 12,0 RT. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L" 12.0 NORTIlBOUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOUTHBOUh~ EASTBOUh~ LEFT TIlRU RIGHT 29 702 301 345 550 7 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o 64 62 8 NORTIlBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 PHASING N/S :2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED EN : 1. NEITHER TURN PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) CYCLE LENGTR : 100 SECONDS G/C - NB & SB THRU : .44 G/C - EB & WE TIlRU :.3 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTRBOUh~ SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 429 336 42 LEFT 67 22] 149 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTIlBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND INPlIT VOLUME 29 345 64 CAPACITY 182 30 501 NEED PHASE? NO N/A NO WESTBOUND ~IOV WIDTH R., 12.0 T.. 12.0 1., 12.0 1.. 12,0 WESTBOUND 350 21 362 PEAK HOUR FACTOR .9 .9 .9 .9 WESTBOUND 422 214 WESTBOUND 350 452 NO " \.. "\. , 4-Lane 6- L an e Leve 1 of 2-Lane 3-Lane Divided Divided 6-Lane Service Arterial Arterial Arterial Arterial Expressway A 9,800 16,900 22.500 34,800 71 ,000 ~. 11 , 500 20,000 26 , 300 40,500 83,600 13,100 27,700 30,000 46,400 95,000 0 15,800 27,000 36,000 55,800 114,000 E 17,400 30.300 40,000 61,900 126,700 Intersection capacity shall be determined according to: Volume to Capacity Ratio Level of Service 0.00 - 0.60 A . , 0.61 - 0.70 B 0.71 - 0.80 C 0,81 - 0.90 0 0.91 - 1.00 E 7. Background Growth Background traffic growth projections sha 11 r include the following factors: A. Full buildout of other approved ORIs within the project's area of influence; B. Full buildout of potential ORIs within the project's area of influence (i.e., ORIs which have submitted an Application for Development Approval, ORIs which have received a binding letter, or ORIs which have entered into a State predevelopment agreement); C. Full buildout of other aporoved development within the project's area of influence (i,e" site olan, PUG, etc.) that generate 500 or more daily trips; and D. A yearly 9rowth factor. This factor shall be an average of the past five years of growth within the project's area of influence. This factor will be applied to all land within the area of influence exceot that which meets the criteria of A, B, and C above. 8. Phasinq - No soecific standard for project phasing will be adopted; however, no phasinq schedule with more than five year increr:1ents will be '~cepted without a traffic analysis which demonstrates that the regional roadways will operate at acceptable levels of service beyond final buildout of the project. - 4 MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "l" ----------- ----------- TRIP ANALYSIS ON 1ST BAPTIST C!illRCH FACILITIES ============================================== MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRIP ANALYSIS ON 1ST BAPTIST FACILITIES --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- To determine the specific trip patterns that will be generated by the various activities within a Baptist Church complex, discussions with church officials were conducted. Current church memhership is about 250 families, but with the new facility & coatinued growth, there is anticipated major increase in the membership, Based on this data and professional knowledge on church activities, the following comments are made: A. Weekday Activities 1. Tuesday evening refreshments 6' 5:30 pm in fellm;ship hall with about 25 people attending evening visitation @ 7:00 pm in the Church Sanctuary with ahout 50 people attending (includes 25 for earlier refreshments) 2. \oIednesday - evening meal (l 5:30 pm in fellowship hall with about 100 attending - evening worship service in the Church Santuary with about 150 people attending (includes 100 for earlier meal) 3. Monthly a youth activity like a pizza party, etc. in the fellowship hall with about 50 attending Senior citzen program in the fellowship hall with about 50 attending 4. Annual a special function usually held annually in the fellowship hall "lith about 250 attending 5, Daily school facility with capacity of 500 students B. Weekend Activities 1. Sunday service @ 8:00 am there are about 250 people (l 11 :00 am there are ahout 500 people @ 7:00 pm there are about 250 people C 9:30 am includes people who attendee' the 8:00 am worship service & people who plan on attending the lJ:OOam ,,'orshi p service 3, Sunday school In recognlz1ng the existing church membership & assuming an average of 3 persons/family, a 200% expansion would still not generate near capacity for the proposed 1200 seat church sanctuary, since there will be 3 services and you never om assul'1e 100:>: attendance. The fellowship hall is used mostly as an ancillary facility to provide a gathering area for socializing before or after worship services and for special social functions.