REVIEW COMMENTS ~ PLANNING & ZONING DEPT. MEMORANDUM No. 92-101 FROM: ~Mii1er, City Manager ~ Christopher cutro, AICP Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: May 13, 1992 SUBJECT: Water Treatment Plant Expansion - Ordinances for Land Use Plan Amendment, Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, and Rezoning. INTRODUCTION/HISTORY Attached please find, and consider on First Reading at the City Commission meeting scheduled for May 19, 1992, the ordinances for the above referenced applications. Said applications, as summarized below, are in connection with the acquisition of 7.47 acres of property adjacent to, and planned expansion of, the City's Water Treatment Plant. Christopher Cutro, agent for the City of Boynton Beach, is requesting to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan for 7.47 acres of property located on the east side of South Seacrest Boulevard, immediately south of the City's Water Treatment Plant (see Attachment "A"). This property is currently vacant, and classified as "Medium Density Residential", and zoned R-2 (Duplex Residential). The applicant requests to have the existing land use designation changed to "Public & Private Governmental/Institutional", and rezoned to Public usage. Although this request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment is also being processed in order to the delete language that is unnecessary since the land use on the property is being changed. The Water Treatment Plant Expansion applications were recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Board, on December 10, 1991, and then unanimously approved by the City commission for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) on December 17, 1991. The land use amendment and Comprehensive Plan text amendment applications were then forwarded to the DCA for review. The State's review of the applications is based upon consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the State comprehensive Plan, and the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. On April 13, 1992, the City received the results of the review by the DCA. Objections were raised by the DCA with respect to lack of data (within the Comprehensive Plan Support Documents) which supports the plant expansion, and an analysis of the potential impacts of the expansion upon the native scrub habitat located on the site. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS The objections raised by the DCA can simply be addressed by providing the DCA with a copy of the site Management Plan as completed for the site, and by providing them with a clarification of the data within the Comprehensive Plan support Documents that indicate the need for expansion of the City's Water Treatment Plant. PM92-101 -2- May 13, 1992 The Planning and Zoning Department continues to recommend approval of the aforementioned requests as the requests are consistent with the recommendation for Planning Area 4.e within the Comprehensive Plan, the requests are necessary to accommodate the expansion of the City's Water Treatment Plant, the expansion is consistent with the data and analysis of the Comprehensive Plan Potable Water Support Document, and since the necessary measures have been taken to ensure the proper preservation and management of the native scrub habitat that exists on the site. MWR: Encl. A:COMENTWT.JSM PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-313 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OC 1.1L '" ~ FROM: CHRISTOPHER OUTRO, PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 1991 SUBJECT: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT, AND REZONING - WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION HISTORY: In May, 1991, the City acquired 7.4~ acres of property on South Seacrest Boulevard to provide for the expansion of the City'S Water Treatment Plant. To allow for this expansion, the Future Land Use Plan, the text of the Comprehensive Plan, and the Zoning Map must be amended accordingly. INTRODUCTION: Hence, Christopher Cutro, agent for the City of Boynton Beach, is requesting to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan for 7.47 acres of property located on the east side of South Seacrest Boulevard, immediately south of the City's Water Treatment Plant (see Attachment "A"). This property is currently vacant, and classified as Medium Density Residentia1, and zoned R-2 (Duplex Residential). The applicant requests to have the existing land use designation Changed to Public & Private Governmental/Institutional, and rezoned to Public Usage. (Please note that the application for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning is on file in the Planning Department). A thorough staff analysis of the requests for land use amendment and rezoning was not conducted as these requests are consistent with the City'S 1989 Comprehensive Plan. Although this request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment should be included with this amendment to the Future Land Use Plan in order to delete language that is unnecessary since the land use on the property is being changed (this application for Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment is on file in the Planning Department). Planning Area 4.e of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document contains the fOllowing language: Area 4.e. Vacant Parcel South of Water Treatment Plant on S. SeacrQst ~lvd. There are approximately 7.8 acres of vacant property lying to the south of the City'S water treatment plant, along the east side of Seacrest Boulevard. This property should remain in its present land use classification and should be developed either for residential or institutional use. The demand for commercial floor space will not increase significantly enough to warrant commercial use of this property. Any increased demand for commercial land which does occur should be accommodated in the CBD district and the Coastal Area. Furthermore, commercial development would degrade the residential environment of the neighborhood, and would cause serious traffic congestion on roads in the vicinity. Another Possible use of the property would be for the expansion of the water treatment plant and/or wellfield, and if used as such, the Future Land Use Map category should be construed to be Public and Private Governmental/Institutional. Recreational use would be a possible use for any portion of the property which is not used for the water plant expansion. If the water treatment plant is expanded at this location, the site should be designed so as to minimize adverse impacts on the surrounding residences. As indicated above, a portion of the recommendation for Planning Area 4.e is to be deleted since the Future Land Use Plan is being amended, and would read as follows within the Comprehensive Plan: Area 4.e. Vacant Parcel South of Water Treatment Plant on S. Seacrest Blvd. There are approximately 7.8 acres of vacant property lying to the south of the city's water treatment plant, along the east side of Seacrest Boulevard. This property should t_~~~~/~~/~tj/pt_j_~t/l~~~~j_/tl~jjtttt~t~~~/~~~j~~~l~ be developed either for residential- .or institutional use. The demand for commercial floor space will not increase significantly enough to warrant commercial use of this property. Any increased demand for commercial land which does occur should be accommodated in the caD district and the Coastal Area. Furthermore, commercial development would degrade the residential environment of the neighborhood, and would cause serious traffic congestion on roads in the vicinity. Another pOSSible use of the property would be for the expansion of the water treatment plant and/or wellfield/ i~~/t'/~;.~/i;/;~4V//~'/'~~~t'/~i~~/V;./Wip/gi~,q9tY/~9~~~ ~,/g9~;~t~.~/~9~./'~~tg/i~~/'ttYi~' ~9Y,t~~'~~i~/1~;~t~~~t9~i~. Recreational use would be a possible use for any portion of the property which is not used for the water plant expansion. If the water treatment plant is expanded at this location, the site should be ~ designed so as to minimize adverse impacts on the " i surrounding residences. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends approval of the aforementioned requests as the requests are consistent with the recommendation for Planning Area 4.e within the Comprehensive Plan, and are necessary for the expansion of the City's Water Treatment Plant. However, this recommendation is contingent upon the design and development of the site consistent with the specifiC recommendation for Area 4.e which recommends that if the water treatment plant is expanded at this location, the site should be designed so as to minimize adverse impacts on the surrounding residences. IIwr Encs. LOCATION MAP WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSIOI 1,Ir Jill II 11111111 ], II' 11,1 .lI 11111 II ]11 " II II, "'.lI Ll III III 1111 III . '-J 11 II ..... ~?:. '"".... '. I hi} nm H, Jllll1 .I:i III II : 1." 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JUt: MILES t """i:: =r- ~ ./ -1- ':L MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse, city Clerk FROM: Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner DATE: April 24,1992 RE: Rezoning Notifications to Property Owners -, ... Accompanying this memorandum you will find the property owner notifications, tax maps, and listings of property owners that correspond to three (3) proposed rezonings to be reviewed by the city Commission in June. please note that only the Mall South rezoning has been requested by a private applicant, the two (2) that remain - Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Application 13-A - are City initiated. please provide the appropriate property owners with the corresponding "NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE" in order to inform them of the upcoming public hearing before the City Commission on June 2, 1992. 1JU.k; ~~ Michael Rumpf cc: subject 1suememo,doc NOT ICE C I T Y 0 PUB o F Z 0 N I N G F BOY N TON L I C H EAR I C H A N G E B E A C H N G S The city of Boynton Beach proposes to rezone the property 4~V indicated on the map below. A public hearing on this proposal ?~ will be held before the city Commission on June 2, 1992 at I: 00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. This public hearing will be held in the city Commission Chambers in Boynton Beach City Hall at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. r \l) . ~ .' , , . . -, -. . '. WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION PETITIONER: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: city of Boynton Beach Water Treatment Plant Expansion A 7,47-acre parcel south of the Water Treatment Plant on south Seacrest Boulevard Complete legal description on file in the Planning Department, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: REQUEST: REZONE: From: To: R-2 (Duplex Residential) Public Usage ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED TO APPEAR AT SAID HEARINGS IN PERSON OR BY ATTORNEY AND BE HEARD. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OR CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THESE MEETINGS WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. PLEASE CALL (407) 738-7490 FOR ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ABOVE MATTERS.