APPLICATION MEMORANDUM October 11, 1988 I TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: TRANSMITTAL OF LAND USE AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ON OCTOBER 1, 1988 Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documents for the following Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning applications: 1. Boynton Beach Mall Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($1,800 fee includes postage) 2. Alhambra Square North Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($700 fee) 3. Alhambra Square South Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($700 fee) 4. Alhambra Square ACLF Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($800 fee) 5. Winchester Tract *1 Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($1,400 fee) 6. Winchester Tract *2 Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($1,400 fee) 7. Winchester Tract *3 Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($1,300 fee) 8. Jonathan's Grove Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning ($900 fee) The public hearing dates for the above requests have been tentatively scheduled for December 15, 1988 and January 4, 1989 pending approval by the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission respectively. Legal advertisements (one-quarter page map ads) will be prepared by the Planning Department and forwarded to your office upon completion. ~t-~ J. ES J I GOLDEN JJG:ro cc Central File I' I PARCEL 1 ANNEXATION AND LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING APPLICATIONS AND OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM . NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: Winchester Property - Parcell Bill R. Winchester AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer 1240 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 PHONE: 732-3961 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: Bill R. and Elsie A. Winchester I same as above " '~.:, PHONE: same as above <);v:~'{ CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) Boynton Beach, FL 33436 * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. . -1- .... C]TY OF BOY:'\TO?'i BEACH, FLOHIDA APl'LlCA TION FOH ANNEXA nON .. DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: I DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: I i , DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: I: I; , DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: " ORDINANCE H " If i DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: I' ~ I . II RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR Ii DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: 'I , I ~EJECTION: AGAINST I: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE 'I I, , , I , i I i! 11' Name of Developer/Owner: Ii Area of Subject Property: II Estimated Present Population: Ii Existing Zoning: AR Ii Proposed Zoning: AG I: II EXISTING UTILITIES (AT PROPERTY) I ! FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA BILL RAY WINCHESTER & ELSIE A. NIA Sq. Ft. or 18.02 Acres o Density A !lowed: 1/5 1/2.5 d. u. 's/acre 1 Density Allowed: d. u. 's/acre Water: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH i II ! Wastewater Collection: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Solid Waste (garbage): COUNTY SANITATION Ii 11 Ii I, I: )i I' ,I I! " : i: I; 'I ! , " A-2 51'1\ TE:'.IENT OF USE Existing Use: AGRICULTURAL 1 Proposed Use: FUTURE COMMERCIAL OEVELOPMENT " I; i: " " II Ii II il ii " 11 '" Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton I Beach, FLorida: II I: I: I' ii II I' Ii II " 'i 1\ i i .; I' II I, II II I' II I I Ii Ii i: Ii 'i I: I: I I' Ii I' i' t, I I' , JUSTIFICA TION PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY DESIGNATED COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL ON PALM BEACH COUNTY LAND. USE PLAN. PROPERTY HAS EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE THEREBY ADDING TO COMMERCIAL, TAX BASE AT MINIMUM COST TO CITY. EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A 1" A-3 ~~ ~:_~ - 'A .... "'ooJ' J ~ "'X' ~"::b,.' ~ . ;~... ,~ -;:l1'_,U."Ii_~[J't: 1'~.'... ..~oftVl-~!'"""1t~.....:.' ._!~...~ "~"t."':'" /- , I J I ;i I I I' ',~n'" h-:--". -, "I' I I; " , J '.-- , I..AIH4.HA " ( r-- - ,"~ , f ::;\,: A i I i I I I ',I I I \ . .1' " 1,'Ji ,II , II,l( J.t, .I t~ - . . , ' \ _. ____., _0 HYI"Ol.Ul(O 'I (, ~" : ,~~~:~.~~:~,:.~' .;,,~:'.'. 1 , , I =t=" J -- k' ""'"'r ".. 'I.." 0 ',:,:;:;'."'~ . -: .::.:,,::.; , ."," ~.' L '.-' .- L-l0 e~l'o. .>.. ..... lWOO -" , b h w u . w . . . " p, I , ' .~ rIlIl 1-: ~, =r~ ,.~c.lkTvll \lIUT " I " " ~ ~ . . t.woo & ~ ~ I;S rL .(J . ~ . . ~ e ow ')110 " ~ . ".I' ~ \ J ~ - <I. I I Ip "- "- <t ;::-+--;: >-- . z u rg--- -- - u " +--1 -.it,! .,.J " -, -- <c C' r - D 'J' ., o "' " z ~ I ,J <>- -~+ ~ I '" I >- , co o W '" ., <>- '" '" <>- - ~- / ~ 4~,1. o , ~~J BOYNTON BEA( t.':!'," CORPORATE ~ LIMITS. APRIL,I975 ! Scal. in Mil.. Nome of Development fOwner Locate the subject property on this map and shade in the' area. I' l' - ji " I ~ A-4 ;, " iI A-5 APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION \ (I) ~ affinn and certify that (I) pw( understand and will comply with the p~,vj.sions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) ~} further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) ~ knowledge and belief. Further (I) ~ understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. "., APPLICANT IS: Agent BOYNTON BEACH, FL '33425 Ci.ty and State Contract Purchaser (407) 732-3961". .Telephone Number . A-5 I , i , I I I I I I J- ,. j: , ' .--.....- . _..~....... .... ~'l.r..' - OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. .' ~~- ";.'< "Lit,~~{a Signature of Applicant/ Owner Bill R, Winchester , (!;'d,,:e_)/) ,~IcJI1(Af'5liV 51 !Inature 'of Owner ,<<c' Elsie A. Winchester . .. n tj P.O. DRAWFR "4n Street Address ,'Sfgnatureof Appl icant , , , ;:',' Ii I; \\ Il , " jl I! ", .....jl " ~-6 ~"" " .iZ." "~;.' .....N....,. .' . t~, ........'.'.. \. ...~. -' ,1._. . ',.::l;." ,., . "':~;"I;. ~1~!": ,~: ':1~:/-~ :. .. '. A;- "". '. . . . - ~ . 1\-7 , I-\FFID/.\ VIT . , J STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUHTY OF PALM BEACH ) 55 1 , ," 1 1 1 1 ] I -I , Before me. the undersigned authority personally appei\r~<! BIL~ RAY WINCHESTER & ELSIE A. ..-.IMame of Owner] . who being by me first dut' ,:"":',:" on oath de~osesand says: .' 1. Th~t he is the fee simple owner of the following property, to-wit: (Give legal description) SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A-I" d~$Cr1il~d ~ '. (Attach if insuffici ent space) 2. ':'They: desire annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. ,-., The'y:"~a"~ appointed (Name of Agent) BILl:' RAY ,WINCHESTER ,I to act as agent fn his behalf to accomplish the Sworn to and subscribed before me Signature of Owner) .~. ' , ~-- '0 d-f ~ -"" II" n;;-/: cA~'v (('-.D' (Signature of Owner) thi~ -,3,<..d day of ~e~'<Z- ,191i\'b -(Sigloattne of Eliil,eel )~ I ~~~~, ~l:Bd-. - , J J Nota~y Pub)ic, State of MY Commls~!on Expires: Florida at Large ~/1318"t , . . - .----..11 !! I: " I' A-7 , I' I! ,. " ,,..-J( , ~Jc) ::l "..II A.. It Lal air Ao !:! A. Z 19 ~' ;f :\~. ..';; .. :..-.:. 'K: W '~.;.;. '-~~. 00 1 A' % >:;. .~. ,t)' ':~ :~ % i. ~: I I " IUI, rei: ,. , !f');,-. l\ PMCEL OF !.J\NI) LYlm IN SOCTlOOS 19 OF 'lUolNSIIJP 45 scxml, JW.K;E 43 E!l.S'I', iSMD PARCEL DEtm l\ 1UlTIOO OF I.OI'S 39-40-41-43 I\ND 4.1, OF TIlE SlmmVISJON :OF SEX:TION 19, 1tlWI-SIJIP 4S saini,'MN:;E 43 FlIST, lIS RJ'X:ORDED IN P1m I300K 7, PIIGE 19 OF THE PUl3L1C RFX:ORDS OF f>/IUol DE.ncH CCXJm'Y, FLORIDI\. , , ~' I' ", ;, Sl\ID PARCEL DElm '/oDRE FULLY OESCRI13ED .tIS roLIn-IS: ~IN:; I\T THE SOU'lllFAST CORNER OF SECTION 19, IDmSIlIP 45 SOUI'll, 1lA~r. ,43 EIIST, 'I'IIEN:E wrm l\ DEMING Of' sourn 87. 32' 47" WEST, I\I.0N:; '11m SOlml I.WE OF SOCTION 19, A DISTlIOCE OF 60.00 I!'EE:r ro 1\ POIN]' OF TIm wr.m' R IGln' OF WT\Y l.nm OF ~S 1\VENJE. 'l'fIm::E WIlli 1\ m:I\JUN:; OF OORTII 010 22' 41" . . , - ,WI"ST, NJ:N:; TIlE WI"ST RIGHT OF WT\y LINE OF cc:N;RFSS l\VENUE, l\ DIS'l'm.:E OF 300.00 FEET ro 'l'tm POINrOF DEXlINNING: 'l,lIEN:E WIlli ^ I3l?1\RIN:; or sam! 870 32' 47" WFST, l\ DIST1IN:E'OF 390.0clFEET;.THEN::E SooTIJ 60. 03' 40" wrm, 1\ DISTAOCE OF 273.33 FEET; 'rHE:ocE tam! 02. 27' 13" WEST, A DISTm.'F. 01' 41.60 FEET; TIIEN:E soont83. 16' 46" WEST, A DISTlIOCE OF 269.64 1'1m TO 1\ l'OIN'l' ON 'I11E ~ RQl\D; . TlnN:E WITH l\ aJRVE ro THE 'n'tGHT NJ:N:; TIIP. FlIS'1' ~JUGllT OF WI\'{ LINE'OF 'l'HE I-l/\LL ROlIDIl1\VlOO l\ COORD BEI\JUm OF OORTll 080 13' '05" FAST, 1\ RADIOS'OF 2193.99 F.EE'!', 1\ CENmlIL AI-GLE OF 6. 59' 36", I\Nn I\N Me LEtUrH 267 .19~FEET, . TrfuocEWITH l\ REVERSE CURVE ro THE LEFT IJI\Vlf-r. 1\ CrKJID BF'.MIN:; OF'!P.m' bS., 16' 24" WEST, l\ RADIUS OF 2149.31 Frn'!', 1\ :cENrAAL 1\N::;I,E of 12" 48' 59", l\ND 1\N I\RC LEI'oXn1l OF 4110.78 l'EET TO 1\ r\'JINl'; 11tEN:E N001'H 1" 06' 06", wpm, I\I1:)N3 THE EIIST RIGHT 01' WAY LINE or 'IHT~ Ml\1.1. ~, A DIsrllOCE ()F 223~ 7toFEEl'; 'lllEN:E' OOJml 440 22' 00" EAST, A lHSTI\OCP. ,OF 35.64 FEEl', roAPOItlt'OO ~ saml RIGHT OF WI\Y !,tNE OF OW OOYmDN RoAD; TIlEN:E \'11,'llt1\ DEM~ OF;,:mRrH 890 50' 22" PAST, N.J::JN.:, 11m SOlJIll JUGlrr 01" WI\Y LINE'01" Ow ~ ROIID, ^ DIS'f1\OCE OF 763.72 FEE.'I' 'fU 1\ .POlNT:TIIFN:E 5a.rtn 45". 46" 11" EAST,l\ bI5TIIN:E 01" )4.98 l'EET: 101\ mINI' :oN '11m WES'r RJGJrr.OF W1\Y LtNe OF ~ESS l\VE)llJE: T1n~E WITII,1\ DFJ\rH~ OF ,SOIJI'H 10 22' 41" Fl\s'!', 1\ DISTIIOCE OF 860.95 FEE']' /oOrul OR LESS TO 11m mINI' OF D&;INNII-G. <XNl'I\INII-G I8.QZ /ICRES r-om OR L!:SS I\ND SUB.JEX::rTO FAC;E"1ENl'S AND RIGlfI'S OF W1\Y Of' ROCORD. 4/1 . b 8 ~Q_h!2~_8tl~~Qtl~~1_8~QLQB_B~1 Qt11~@_ A PF'L 1[;; 81 1Qt:! City of Boynton Beach, Florida .......... --- Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all ,Information. I. ~s~~B8b_1~EQBtl8I!Q~ 1. Project Name~ WINCHESTER TRACT _ 4f. I --------------------------------------------------- 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment only x c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning " 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application ,is made): B ILL RAY WINCHESTER ______ ------------~------------------------------------- Address: P.O. DRAWER 1240 ______ -------------------------------------------------- --~----------------------------------------------------- BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 Telephone Number: , (407) 732-3961 ____ -------------------------------------------------- 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant>: SAME AS ABOY,E ____ -------------------------------------------------- Address: -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------~--------------------------- Planning Dept. 4-86 page 1 ,Telephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- 6. Property. Owner's (or Trustee's) N~me: Address: _~:~JU1~~J~f~~1~~)-~~~~-~~------------------------------ P.O. DRAWER 1240 -------------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: ____~~lNI~_li~~]~_~~_~l~~______________------------------ _____~~IL]1~~3J~1_____________________________________--- . 7. Correspondence Address (if differen~ than applicant or agont):* -_:_-~~------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------~--- * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purch~ser, etc.) " _______________~a_____________________________________---~------ 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: ------------------- _______________~~~_~Eal[_WJLBQtlUa~~-~Lil~~~~~E_______-------- 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: SEE ATTACHED "A-I" ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------~----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------~---------------------------------------------------------- 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100> of an acr~): ----------------------------------------------------------------- 18.02 AC anning Dept. 4-86 page 2 12. Current Zoning District: ---------------------------------------- AR 13. Proposed Zoning Di~~rict: --------------------------------------- AG 14. Current Land Use Category: .....-- - 15. Proposed Land Use Category: -------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL PALM BEACH COUNTY ------------------------------------- AGRICULTURAL 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: FOR PURPOSES OF FUTURE COMMERCIAL --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Developer or Builder: N/A . ----------------------------------------~-- -----------~----------------------------~------------------------- 18. Architect: N/A -----------------------------------~-------~---------- 19. Landscape Architect: ------------------------------------~------- N/A 20. Site Planner: ________________WJL__________________________~_____ 21. Civil Engineer: ______________~________________________________ 22. Traffic Engineer: ____________~________________________________ ," 23. Surveyor: R.L. SHEPHARD & ASSOCIATES -----------------------~----------------------~-------- II. ~eI~61ebE_IQ_~~_E~~~lIIs~_~lIti~eEEbl~eIlQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies, unless otherwise n~ted. (check) _]L&a. This application form (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIPS). _J<__b:, A copy cf the last recorded warranty deed (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs). ._~Jhc. The. fol lowing' documents and letters of consent (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs): __~_(1) If the property is under joint or sev~ral ownershiP: A written consent to the appli cati on by all owners Of record, and (ATTACHED) ~L~_(2) If the applicant is a contract purch~Ler: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and ~j!::_(3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized ~gent: A copy ~lanning Dept. 4-S6 page 3 '. of the agency agreement, or writt~n consent of the applicant, and _tlLA_ (4) and If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, the writte~,consent of the owner, and _filA (5) If.the'applicant is a corporation or other bL\siness entity:, The name of'the-officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the del~gated authority to represent the corporation or other businec~ entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact ~n officer of the corporation. X d. A sealed boundary survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor ----registered in the State of Florida, dated not more than six (6) months' prior to the date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribed by the Planning Department, and containing the following information: __L ( 1) An accurate legal descriptio~ of the Subject parcel. ~ ' __~_(2) A computation of the total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre. __~_(3) A tree survey, which conforms to the requirements of the City of WAIVED Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues involved with thQ application. X e. A complete certified list of all property owners, mailing addresses, ---and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official taM rolls in the county court house shall be furniShed by the applicant. Postage, and mailing labels or addressed envelopes must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit Qtating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. Notification of, surrounding property owners will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. .' maps showi ng all their relation to _Lf. of the A copy of the Palm B~ach ~ounty Property Appraiser's the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and subject parcel. ___g. A statement by the applicant justifying the ~oning requQsted, including reasons why the property is unsuitablQ for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. " ~__h. . A co~parison of th~ impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which shall include: ____ 1 1) A comparison of the potential square fOOtage or numl.er IInd type of . dwelling units under the e:dsting zoning with that whicl' wOLIld be allowed under the proposed zoning or develo~ment. (2) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in th~ proposed lanning Dept. 4-86 page 4 zoning or development, and' any part'icular uses tl'lat wOLlld be e>:cluded. lUL(3) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. (4) A ,comparison 6f traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated "lXn~r the current zoning; also, an analysi!; of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accomodate such traffic movements (in 1 copies). For proposed developments which would generate three-thousand (3,0001 vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hundred fifty (2501 or more single-directional vehicle trips within a one (11 hour period, a traffic impact analysis shall be required (in 1 copi~sl. Said traffic impact analysis shall include proje~ted trip generation for the development, for all major roadways and intersection!; wit~in one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject parcel, as well ~s traffic that would uti l.ize local streets through residential zoning districtS. Said traf~ic impact analysis shall compare traffic l~vels between the existing zoning and the proposed zoning or development of the subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development that would be possible under the current zoning within the City, adjacent cities, and within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County within.a radius of five (5) miles. For those parcels lying in the. unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, which are not currently zoned for urban land uses, the potential land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehenl;ive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint of the-density range shown on County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wide study of traffic generation at build-out has been adopted' or is utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels of traffic that are projected by said study shall in all cases be used to project background traff~c in the traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. ' The format and standards used in the traffic imp~ct analysis shall be the same as those which are requirQd by Palm Beach .,County, with the exception of the requirements listed above. Such traffic impact analysis shall include recommendations for the mitigation of traffic impacts, consistent with the standards which ha:ve been adopted by or:- are utilized by Palm Beach County. ____(5) . Fo~ parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water . demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall be " estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beech County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (61 Fer parcels larger than ene (II acre, a comparisan ef sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with' that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adoPted by the Palm Beach anning Dept. 4-86 page :5 "- '. . County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different s~andards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadeguate to serve.development under the proposed zoning. (7) For p;~pGSed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the prcjected population under the proposed zoning or development with the prOjected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required, where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning.' Applications for rezoning to commercial or industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in area shall' also provide projections for the number of employees. N/A (8) At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or Fity Council, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation such nuisances and hazards. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, screening .of service areas and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site lighting. Nuisances an hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, statements ~oncerning the height, orientation, and bulk of structures,. setbacks from property lines, and measures for screening and buffering the proposed development shal: be provided. At the reques~ of the Planning and Zoning Board or City Council, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. .' ._llL&(9) A1i the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Counc~l, the applicant shall also submit the following information: (a) , Official soil conservation ser-vice clas.sification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. (b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. (c) Existing or proposed water bodies. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreational facilitie~. (a) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for stor~ drainage, water supply, sewage collectIon and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire ,anning Dept. 4-86 page 6 '\ pr.otection, easements or rights-6f-way, roadw<:\ys, recroat,o" i'l1d parL areas, school sites, and other pUblic improvements Or dcou",c,uons as may be required. ____(10) For ,re~onings to planned ~oning districts (PUDs, peDs. and rIDs), the specific requirements for submission of applications for r~cunlng to such district'~hall also be satisfied. Copies of evidence +or '<i '''od co~trol and development of the property, as well as condomInIum, homeowners', and property owner;;' association documents shall be submitted in three (3) copies for planned ~oning districts. , . Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master pJ0! .n ~ copies, including survey) shall also be submitted. II. aEEbl~aIlQ~_Egg~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the appliCAtion is submitted, according to the fees whic~ have been adopted by resolutIon, A fee schedule is attached to this application. All fees shall be pc<1" by Check, payable"to the City of Boynton Beach. v. ~~BIIEIGaIIQ~ (I) (We) understand that thi s appl i cati on and all pi an and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board, (I) (We) hereby certify that the "boY'e statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plane submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) LnowledlJE ~nd belief. This application will not be accepted unless SIgned ,1\ "wf'dlng to the instructions below. ,d3J;/hLLl;' Signature of Owner ~8f~ c _, Date . . c-;-- CJ,<,uc~ J<< -/'1' J~( /.iC'J/ii) Signature of Owner /oJ cY~., Date , Si~llatijrQ sf g'n"!1 Date ADDENDUM TO LAND USE REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION ONLY TO BE PLACED IN AGRICULTURAL PENDING FUTURE APPLICATION TO COMMERCIAL USE. PALM BEACH COUNTY LAND USE DESIGNATION IS CURRENTLY "COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL." BASIC SUPPORTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE IN PLACE. (h-l) EXISTING AR ZONING AT 1 UNIT PER 5 ACRES (h-2) USE PROPOSED AG. (HOLDING) ZONING AT (h-4) I UNIT PER 2.5 AC. DOES NOT CREATE (h-5) A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT DIFFERENCE (h-6) THAT WOULD REQUIRE APPLICATION. " ..~ '.i1..c ;:~:r ., ;% t ',. ...1......, ,'.'Z" :r ~; ':,/~ *, '$ t. ,;.:)" " '% ~' ;"" '~'. ,. " , .;\",. Right-ot-way Annexations (Winchester Property) A. A portion of congress Avenue Right-of-way located within Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach county, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 19, thence South B7d 32' 47" West along the South line of said Section 19 a distance of 60.01 feet to a point on the West Right-of-way line of said Congress Avenue, thence North Old 22' 41" West along said West Right-of-way line a distance of JOO.OO feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing North Old 22' 43" West along said West Right-cf-way Ii" of Congress Avenue a distance of B60,95 feet to a point, thence North 45d 4e'11" West a distancE of 31.98 feet to a point on the South Right-of-way line of Old Boynton Road, thence North B9d SO' 22' last along an easterly extension of said South Right-of-way line a distance of 34.4B feet to a point on a line that if parallel to and 50 feet west as measured perpendicular to the Center linE of said Congress AvenuE, thence South Old 22' 43" last along said parallel hne a distance of BBS.OJ feet to a point, thence South 87d 32' P" West alone a hne parallel to and 300 feet north of said South line of Section 19 a di;tance of 10,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. B. A section of 30 foot right-of-way located within said Section 19 being more particularly described as the South 253 feet of the North 293 feet of said 30 foot right-of-way lying between LOT 42 and LOT 45 SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19 as recorded by the Clerk of the circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida in Plat Book 7 Page 19. -' ~~~'''~I . ... .", ~., ,,\).. ':1' 2325 . m.:~ 812 mE409 ~ I~ ,', "l?r\ '~'_'--''IkIoc:--.''''''-'- , ... H~G ~ I. . ....... ... ......, .r.-,.. lltlJamnty ,Jttd _':~-=- ~I!u ;;;::::. Made this 3 0 ~ day of .' _ 9'!.!1 19 62. ~r1I A. F. Bryaat, jolned by hls wlte, Bvelyn ~. Bryaat of the County of Broward '. Sla.. of Fl~rlcla .._.... uxI Bill Bay Wlnchester &04 Blsie A. Wiachester, his wite . whose ~~office addT... is:?;70114 !/<(Aty;' ...ej I .v 1: :z ~ /1,;e, /?"'f 1> '''If) lJe,<;t.~ '?/<9. ~ .h. County of Pala Beach . Sial. of Florida . gnllltee, ,.. ~tttltJ!lartI:Jf That said grantor, for and in consid~rati()ll o( the sum of Ten and .110/100-.---------- --------------------------------_________________________________ Do~ 'and other good and valuable considerations to said grautut ill hand paid by said grantee. the receipt whereof is hereby IlCknowledgt.-d, has granted. bargained and sold to tIlt" saiu f9"autt"e', and grantee's heirs and assigns forever. the fol- lowing described land. situate, lying and being in Palm Doach County. Florida. b;~f: Tracts 39, 40, 41, 43 aad 44, a subdivision of Section 19, TOWDBhlp 45 South, Raage 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the plat thereof oa tile in the office of the Clerk of the Clrcult Court in and tor Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 1, page 19. " TOGE'l1IllR WITH aU improvemente located thereon. SUBJECT TO reservations, restrictions, easements and exceptions of record aad taxes for 1962 and subsequent years. SDBJECT ALSO TO the revelations of an .r ~ . I) I' : , ~." .....,.. , (/!~~ ~I/ t",.:' "',:Cht, r..~,;. t;.h \...1.> :. accurate I survey. . ...., and said Krantor uOt.'S hereby fully wolrraul tll,' title to said laud. illlt! will (It'feud thr sam,' against the h&wful clnims o( aU persuus whomsuever. (Herell\ the termlo MjU:QnCur- and ..SU....llh'... ,1101111... '~1Il'1nll..l I" indlld., 1lI.1~"1i1l1.. f.'lIIinihC., ~11Jl.III;u, or plum! <IS ,h.. l"Imlc'" inc.1i.:all'S.) c::r c;/J tf1 ,J .... .__n"~ A. F. Bryan, . -'-"'---. (Seal) / (Seal) .,~ .f.~-'. ... ""I'.. - .,,-- (Seal) ove YD, . DryaD ' ,--.- - -- (Seal) STATE OF Florida COUNTI OF Pala Beach 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that 011 this day lu.fnre mc', all offil"t'r duly (IUali6cd tn takt, acknowlt."C1gmellts. ~rsonally appeared ,A. F. Bryant, joined by his wUe, Evelyn F. Bryant My commi5lion expires: ~ry PUbtIc:. 51.1t. 01 no..... Y commrsslon ex'" ..... .t La..... Ioncs..t 1Ir IIau ,..res Jan, 2 '. 1:..0(.4 . 110M"., & InIw'~ CG. to me known to be the person Sdcscribeo ill alld who C),t"(.:utl'tl the fore-going instrument and acknowledged before me dUlt the Y executed the: sam..., . -WITNESS my haud and official seal ill tilt' County and 5t:1t(' last afon."Said this ~day of Q~./ j --:. . 19 62, t?'--;y.;"..:;,-,... _""I""" "S~'. /7 .,' ",\. ~,j.:f.'>I., ,,,,,.' O~ L ylrv~:,;;",<:,'.,\ No...,,~" ".. ',0 ',.~ ,,.,. ., n=". .. '"'1;1(1;'1~~tfl U'I'Ull.1r 2'0 rtlLTON & BURIlS P. O. BOX IJ91 RBT P ALII BEaCH. FLODIDJ. '..:!'II, , ., --. , ). "'~.':!"'I.I" ,........"'f . '. ..... . .... 0" ;' ::~." ~l." : ~'.'. '. ~' '. . ..~. . .~. '" .....: ,.' ..... r,:'., '.1 r ".~ l'. " . ~". ~. 'l"".....r- . .., . ~, ,;',' :.:...i,. ,...:: ..". .......--- ." " . . . .. ". .' .~. .. , , ,. , I . ~.. . ". .' ....... t.. ~ .. . . . . .- ~ ,,"; ,.... l~ , . '. . t~:."" ~:~e.~.' .. .. tll. ,. ' . .". . .- 'JIL.::. .~. ....... -. ~.~. !..... ." ''--....-.... ~ :r,. ..~: ... . ,,:".~ ~... .., 'J'" .~. ...'t~" , . . '#'~" ..~; .. '......' ..~.:~ ,. 'F- ,Jl.~:;. .'t"~" !o;" -, , " '. ~ .~ ~. . ~ ... "- ~ , , , ..... . , . '". , ., , '. . .'1 , ", .~ . . . If'' ... 1 .. . ... , ",' . . ~, .. , ... J . , . . . .' ." ". '.. " ", .h . " " & l:j ~ " " ~ ~ ll; ~, " -~~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ " ~l ~~' " " ... ,-, -;-, ,. ~1 ". ~, ~l .. 'J, . . . .~. ~ \ -., , ", ~~ ..... . I . ~" ~ \...... " II , ~ I .. 111, "ti.. . 1 ~. . ~ ,'~~ ;; ~ ! . .' . ' , :. ",." '. I _...__,.. . ... --+.. '~~<. k: ".~ .. , .~. . I '. , -. o , .' S'I.) t---' '. . ~:"'.... ~.~ .. . ~. 00 0, ~ ~ ~ """I t.. .~ C'" (T'''' ~ -0 ~ ~~ :. ~~ . '. ~ ~~ Q ..t..o . C'" " ,~ '11 ~g =~r:.108~ ~ ~ 0 ~ rd ~ ~ ,.0 'oJ "I f.' ~... ~ ~ .....= ~ OO~ ..... .t: f\ ~...) ~ .~ fa 0 ~ ~ .~~ ~ r.Jl ~ ~ JI, ~, .~ ~ Q.; " . -... .~ ' .~ " . :: .' " .. ..... , . , l ..... ... "' " . 1\ , ..,. " " .. . ,,: .." I "" . #-~~'ut----::~- :tz"'- ~ -~m---'" 7U't-J~!!-y'...,~-,- --,t'm--~"- ,,,,,. ~~~ .-:4'! "f.1 00; . ... co ... 'It .. ... 0'" ~. ,;!.. 1 -- I... __.-,t, -- ~~,......~ '" . ... .. --... 'It .. ... ...... hi!, ... -" N - 'r., ,,,,~.,, .~ /!' /f.'Y- l fj; = I "IJ... l' '. '. . ",,}:!.', ,1. ,~1'; ,I ,I , , .' , ...' ,.. " I": , -1. ... 1 1 " l' ~ i ~ 'i I. I J ~ i I J 1 ...1 i ;' ~ . J ;\ i . I" ;: .. ;;' 1 ,~. '. .., f . i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.JIo. ~ : g: ~..; ~.' \, . 11 :; , , , 1 . . 1 - 11 1 I, 'i <:t 4 tr'l 1 ~ 1 ... l!ot. i : 1 1 "' · I' :: ",' . . " " '" '" - .. ..0 i i .Q ro>i"'llP'i-' ~ $ . . , . .. '13: r ;; . . " - , . . ~ , . . I ~ '" s: .i, .0 1_ 1;:; .,.L' 1 III i "i ~ ~ i' " 1 I 10 .J l:! . Cl ..... ~~. ~. 11 1 - f~'ll' '1'1 ~ ~ :! (7) "'" 7. ~ ,J .. 'J, II . Q '" . i - .... ~t. 1" · 11 1 I'; -- a = 1= ~ 1: l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;0 ~ 'o!- f ;. 'It ~ ). '!t 2 ,1. .. 1. ';',1 - !! "J. ! 11 Ill' ~t '" '" lift, \B 'I'll '= '..j , .lp---;tl.~ ~ ~ 1 I - "E E. ~ ::{ i ~ i= .. '" !i '" " ~ ... .. 1 J : j~ r .. :R . " . '" . 9 II ......;{ '<t 'i... 9 ..~~c1~ .. Q . " I~~ ii "",r~ .., 0 ~ .", ~ ' 2 ~"q -;. ~ \ i! " ).'. .. ~ ~ t k ,I \ , I r. ~ ~ . L ~ ..... I"il?~: r- Id i f' ~ : \!! . .. :g :0 ~.~, .. ~ N .. . ~ - 0<, I' 1 _ II r 9 "!I.. . -. i . i 'I ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ :lI - . ~ ill '" .. -""01<. .. . Ii i . r ~ : - . .. _Iii III l: "' .. .. .. . " ". ::J g I ~ l ~ :r. :.~ .. .. " ....."'a.Jr. /' . , . 1"' - :;! T ,. .. Sl l!! !;; N ~ ::. " jJ I; I;;, I".", ~ 3-J"- ". - ' ~7' .tllt --,;;r . . .. . " _ "<t .... _'"011 I' Cl .r'''"f--'-~1S'-----"-t -- __ ;0 ,,".. . \'! --I ,- -,.~S't ......... ----;t>-'n . '. ,. " ;. . . ; ," .. ,; ~ .' '" BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT . APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM , NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: Winchester property - parcel 2 AGENT'S NAME: Bill R. Winchester ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer 1240 PHONE: Boynton Beach, FL 33425 732-3961 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: Bill R. & Elsie A. Winchester same as above ;- ," :-1;.:, PHONE: same as above <,r:.:f;"! ._.\' PROJECT LOCATION: N.W. corner of Winchester Park (~ legal description) ~oulevaro ano w. Boynton ~each ~oulevard CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) Bill R. Winchester ~~~o N~ckels ~lvO. Boynton Beach, FL 33436 * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. ' -1- " , "" ," " , " I, E " , " Ii ii , CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOlUDA APPLICATION FOH ANNEXATION ;. " j, :, DATE APPLICATION FILED: i' ;i ;i DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: HE,TECTION: \; Ii DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: " I' i: DATE OF ORDINANCE '. 't0POSAL: ORDINANCE # Ii :: DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: ;REJECTION: ;! Ii DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: I I RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST I I DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: i , i i DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE I I I , FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: Area, or'Subject Property: BILL RAY WINCHESTER & ELSIE A.; ERNEST KLATT ,-, ,:-.J NIA Sq. Ft. or 28.88 Acres 1 Estimated Present Population: I : Existing Zoning: AR 1 \ i Proposed Zoning: AG I I o Density Allowed: 1/5 d. u. 's/acre Density AllolVed: 1/2.5 d.u.'s/acre EXISTING UTI~ITIES (AT PROPERTY) Water: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Wastewater Collection: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Solid Waste (garbage): COUNTY SANITATION . , I i I' , I I , ! I I ,I 11 :' p I: Ii " I! I; " " II .' I A-2 .; ii !r STA TE::\fENT OF USE " . !; Existing Use: I: I' I' I; Proposed Use: I. ;1 'I ,. i~ ,I Ii " I' 'I I. Ii I AGRICULTURAL FUTURE COMMERCIAL OEVELOPMENT .. f' JUSTIFICA TlON I ! Express ln your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to BOJ'nton Beach, Florida: PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY DESIGNATED COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL i I I I \ 'I Ii I I i I ON PALM BEACH COUNTY LAND. USE PLAN. PROPERTY HAS EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE THEREBY ADDING TO COMMERCIAL. TAX BASE AT MINIMUM COST TO CITY. EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A-2" .2.. . , Ii ; I " " j; i' " " j' " h " r r ;, ~ ~ A-3 ;! ;1 ;: )' ,I " \' "" \~lt~'~ . :0\\ "~\'1.'...-"! 1" \' r-' ,'~ (I '\ ::.,.. i' \.,.~~'\\\\~'\ ~\\ \\ ~\lt. \:\;~ ,,~ ' " \ ' .' . \'~""< r '" I ,.,' . \ . ,. d'" pO ,. 'I "h \ ' .,., i~ ,\-r, j j ~)'.~ ;'-"'~, .~~~.\.. \ \\\\ ' ~~\\\\~:\ , !, / ~~, ., :~~\") ,..,\~.\~ \\1\ \\ \\~y, i \ \; I II" ~ .-. r I. ) I' I ~\ " . [I . II I, ' I ,Ii' · ',.' .. '" \ .,,\,~\ ., ._1 c _ ) \ II "' ~ l . \ :,t"M";''>:'-'< '.';'~ ,;.' ~~I' '\~' \,fj .., . ". ." '''r ", ,-:.tt; fo!i ": C;: '''r'! ~i;<;-'~<'f'" f~:~ j,"'i;-:'~ J~ i". \\\f~ ' ,.>0 \::;:):,~ ',:~: ..";:,', t,~ilY;: -.~.~, \ :IH ~ ~ \ ! 'J f"'f.";,,"~ii' .,'" ',1", I ~ '\ . ..'," '. ':'0' ,. .,-;-._->.~' "',ij'T: .:;. :~ l. I \ '.' .,..... ,,,,,,>' _,' , ~.n- ' , . !,-,~'.:-;" ,J.., ~. !i'~' j. r.'-';; '1 ,', "..,<" :." ., ~_ >- _ .' f ;':' .y.:~~?~.<;'"f.f :""'r"': '1, "-::i. tl'~' " ~ - '''.' .,," -";," -)li'\i~~' ~ -, ,,'J " .!,~ ;f'.. :,1,~-;; /.'1' "__,,,1; "'-1 <,. ,.''f''; ...~:" ,.,,~!r.I ' , ~, """'-"',;: ~'(M ',,:;:~~(;;,: :~~~:! I:~ _ ~lSJ:~'P; ~{fJn :\i\v!1 _, ,l;(':" :. '11 ;];F,\i~fi ::.,:.::,.dlt:hl ,':~;&;'1R ~: ;~.\ . , ~~ ". \ '';f.}i, '1H ..,. '\~~~ L\%-- . ,,:\ ~ j 'r.~ ~~:..?Jit:.<;;~ ~A~:~ '.' . . . - ,.... ~:. ~_~~~., to,' I t,~P .' '" . ,~....' < -- ,.."~-~~"., -' - " f" " . ,..~, ..~, "'~ " . 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"'~.~ .. ,:.,;;:; .~~ ;~~(l-:: 1\j;'- .:..:~.t~ .... ,,,,,"<!'i'-2'..7$5..~ ....,"'..~'d.,- "".-"- .,-....:. !1J:,' ~,'"..r-"... " ;J~i'.;.-:~::~...f;l,;;f~~:\::;jj;:?, --:~r-:":;":J,:'l. 2f'.~_..~ ~:;''''.. '!~ r- ...-;.::.""".-.;F"" ..-8"..~.... .... ,. ..~,.. '/. " -' ... .....,,,,,~~~~,~"'~.~.c.:,:':j;:';. ':}.;",:,'; ,," ~f. ? /j-:'~:I<",;;II,,~,'A:;"'''~\';~;c ~ . ",,;:,,:t~.~ !ii . - . ,'...._ .:;.' ^'....~.,. .....~.~ .". .'>..!." I' .' ' .:.~,,;a:.-~' ;....~..."..-"i..~. ,..... '.... ' '- . ';0.;1,<:'1>::' ~",--.y,.,:,~ J.~_-.'" - ' .j "'...~.". ".".."","^,~>,-; ,.,.,/,. H~ I I , T-tt~~,I.:81\ll; t;-' ( \ \.. ~._ L -:.. \' --: -' \ I' .____1- .,._~ \ .- ~ ..r-- ..,Ol",01t . ~ \ ... ... I -<t .. \no ~ ,.. I- .. ~ 0 , <.) , , :s: \ ~ III " ::Ii -' '" .,., '" 0 <> - . '" 0 '" '" . % -~ -<t .J II- W '" I 4 .~-_...-.,~~~ ~" r ~ p,- "...- , ) \ II --- -=:'. \ - - II -'- 1 .t.' -:. -'--- 'G p '" '" ... 0- V u: II- -- 1\ \ \ "1 - "\.~ots -, - ,~.1_ ' . . ttlll . ~p, .,." 1>1' ~ ~ t:::) I' . . ~ L--. -' - .' ~ \ .~... -\~T\ T. -- . J " . .. ,(.,) .;:;: ~ :::::: ~ ~ J 4 " 4 U r-\..' I ~ ~ ~ ~ " '~\,. --. . -\ ,\ eO'(l'lI CORl'( \-lhll" "l'RI' ~d -- q - ----" seal' - '- ::: ~'\~ ~.--'" Name ol De\le\opmen\ lo~ner LoCa\e ,ne subieC't proper\)' on tnis m()'\> and stlada \n \\1e' area. y, \' ~ \\ I' .\ V \\ t\ " . . . " . .. A-5 APPLICANT'S CERTIFIGATION (1) ~ affirm and certify that (1) ~ understand and will compl~' ~,!ith the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning ":',1z. (1) '(J:le1 further certify that the above statements or diagrams maG~ ('01 ,~ny paperor' plans submitted herewi)h are true to the best of (my) (~:;:;<),'!lcuC'~ and belief. Further (1) (.We'} understand that this application, <ltt~chments. and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, f];li'ida . and are not returnable. ..' APPLICANT IS: .. ~~,.t:6~ X Owner ... ~ignature of Applicant, :, BILL RAY .WINCHESTER '.' . ' Opti onee Type Name of Applicant P,O. DRAWER 1240 Lessee Street Address Agent BOVNTON B>ACH, FI 33425 Ci,ty and State Contract Purchaser (407) 732-3961'. ,Telephone Number - ! A-5 <' . - " J 1 . 1 J 1 1 1 I .. . J J " . " , ? '- ~ A-7, AFFIDA VIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) 55 . .... Before me,. 'the unders1 gned author1 ty personally appeared BILL RAY WINCNESTER,& ELSIE A. _(Name of Owner)E"RNF.sT ~LATT . who being by me first duly sworn, on oath de~osesand s a,ys: , 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described '. . . . property, to-wit: (Give legal description) SEE ATTACHED 'EXHIBIT "A _2" .. (Attach if insufficient space) 2. . Th'ej'l desi re annexati on to Boynton Beach, Florida. (Name of Aqent) BILe RAy WINCHESTFP 3. , ,trey'Have appofnted to act as agent in h~s beh~lf to accomplish t~$)-.~-..~ (Signature of Own~r) G,,~..d- ;(.J.dt' (Signature of Owner ;:f-M~/aak~a~~?e;j (Signature of Owner) Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~~~d da,y ofGdc'o<<-~ . 1 ~'<S ~~,~~. Notary.Publfc, State of Florida at Large MY Commission Expfres: ~131~~ . . - .-----i! I: " I' i' I: ,I I' I ~ A-7 I. " '" . . ~:~~?(";;h \(;~~" i!;~ ~.i%},.,.,., ...1,t:....... ,:.' ~-.:t:',>. H . . ". .. ... " '''::.~.n.H'';:;';'':' .' -. '...:~7'.eC-..~,"'::"~dAt.... .....*..... . '.~:} ! ; , ... J:~ ~ , "~"'.. 'fu ....:1 " , .. ". ,~.-., f. ,",0;' .~ .:'~-:~.~ "f"" . _"......" >0. "'~ ..'" ,I.,. $qq / f k .<:.., . " .~~: f~? :( , , :,y- ~.; ~. '1 6li-frB,,'-r ,4- 2. 1/ PARCEL 00. 2 ..u- 5 E Co.... ;;~cl. I"} ^ P1\RCEL OF IA'ID LYtOO IN Sa::TION 19 T\ND ~O OP Ta-lNSIlIP 45 soorrl, llNr.r: 43 EI\S'1', 81110 PI\RCEL BEIm 1\ ron'NON OF'rm:S 42-45-4(,-47-59 I\N!) 50 01' 'TIlE SUBDIVISION Of',SFI:TlON 19"TCMNsH1P' 45 SOlmI, MOOE 43 EAST, I\f; IH"~ 'COOOED IN PIAT ~ 71 PlGB 190.OF,I;!1lIE PuBl.IC REX:ORDS OF PI\l.M BFJ\C1' c:x:xMrY, FLOIUl)J\ fIN/} ^ roRTION OF :I.CrS 11 & B,BLOCK 4 AND 5, I,YII'r. t-l)fl'm OF STATE ROI\D 804.1\S RFXXinDttlJ:N ~T pi Pl\1M nEkH l'1\W-1S mlPI\NY 1'1)\1' ;00. 8, IN PIAT. oo;){., 5; pi\Gg 73'.~,..'llm ;~LICREX;ORDS OF PNM BEACH ,c:x:xMrY, FLaUDA.. ",' , ", '.' . . .. '\'". {' , ~ ~:. : : " . ~' " ' . 'SAID PMCELBElOOr-mE FULLY;D~IBP,:D.J\S FOLta'lS,: ., '\', :C<:M1I'N:lOO AT THE SOlmIEI\ST aJRNER.OF BErrION 19, Ta-lNSIIIP 45 saml, 'MOOE 43 FJ\ST, TllEN:E WITlI1\ BEl\RIm OF SOOTIl 870 32' 47" WEST, AIOtor. :TlIE SOOTIl LINE OF Sa::TION 19, 1\ OIST1IOCEOF J095. 70 rEm' ro TIm rnn.lT' .OF BEX;INNlOO; THEOCE WITIl1\ BE1\RlOO OF SOOTIllO 18' 43" EAST, II 01S- TAOCE OF 193.69 FEET ro A roINT;'l'lIE:OCE WITI! A BE'J\RUx:i OF SOOTI! 430 ,07' 02" WEST, A DI5TllN:E OF '35.00.rrer ro A PoIN't ON TIlE OORTllIUGHr JOF Wl\Y LINE OF NEW 00YNl'0N ROllO (S.R. 8(4) TllEN:E WITII A BF.J\RIOO OF iSOlJI'lI 87032' 47" WEST, l\ICt>l3 '!lIE ~'RtGHT OF WIlY LINE OF BOYN'roN jROl\D A DISTm:E OF 510. Z7 n:ET; Titf!N:E WITIJ T\ nEI\RI~ OF OORTI! 010 10 '. 138" WEST, ADIST1\NJE OF 216.05'FEEr'fO Al'ClH1l'; TItma: WIT!! " BF')\IH~ ;OF SOlJI'II 87" 32' 47" WE'..S'f, /I. .DISTfI>>::E bE 334; 88 FEE:!'; THEOCE OORTII 0" 57' 44" WEST, A DISTIIttl: OF 658.11A FEET I TlmlO Sot1rti 880 06' 16" WEST, A DlSTI\OCEOF 327. 6S FEET; '1'IJEOCE Wrm A BE'J\RU~ OF OORTII 010 OJ' 32" WEST, 1\ DIStJW..""E OF 612.58 PEEr TO;',:f\' POtm' ON TIlE scum RIGIIT OF WAY LINE OF OID ~YNIOO ROI\D; 'lllm:E WInl ^ BE'J\RlOO OP'OOR'n1 8')' 50' 22" , \. , FA9I', I\UN; 1\ T,INE LYlOO 40.00 FEEr &'XJ'rtI OF I\ND PMi',T"LEL 11') TIm CFN1~- ERLINE OF OID OOYNIOO ROI\D, A :DIST/'IOCE OF 965.32 FreI'; TllEN:r:: wrrrr ^ BE.1\RIOO OF SOOTI! 010 00' 33" FAST, 1\ OISTAOCE OF 253.01 FEET; ml::t-rr: , . .1' " WITlI II nE'1\R100 OF N:lRTII 880 09' 11" E'lIST, A DISTm:E OF 337.55 Fr.T':!'; 11') ^ POlm' ON TIlE WEST RIGlfl' OF WT\Y OF '!lIE MI\LT~ ROM; TIlEOCE WI1" ^ I3E.1\RIOO OF scum 10 06' 06" EI\ST, M.QliG TIlE-WEST RIGIn' OF Wl\Y r,JN1'~ Ofo' 'Ilm Ml\fJ.. ROI\D; A OISTl\OCE 01" 7.83 FEET ro ^ rolm'; 1'/lEOCE WIm ^ CIJ/lVfo: 1n TIlE LEPl' H1\VlOO 7\ (W}IUS OF 2041.31 FEm'. A CEN'IW,T~ ^~LE 01' C)-OS-31. I\N!) AN ARC L~I OF 323.93 FEET 'It) A rolm'; TlIJN:F. f.cxmr !la" O(i' I(i" Wl"S'l', A nrSTNoX:E OF 282.45 I"EE:!'j TllEOCE: SOOTI' 010 00' 24" T''^c;']', ^ IJlf:,. Tm:F. OF 632.32 FEET; TlJEN::E !oOR'I'II 870 <,32' 47" FM'!', ^ DIS1'1\/ol:1'~ 01,' 201. OJ FEET Iof)RE 00 LESS ro TIlE roml' OF T3EX;INNI~. CU1r^INll'r. ZrI.88 JICnES M:JRE: OR LF--5S AND SUI3JOCT TO El\SlJo-lENfS A flTCh; '/ / / OF WAY 01' RErimn. 'F V I E~\-tB\-r 'A-2" SKETCH OF PROP RTY DESCRIBED HEREON .. ~ ~ ~.~ L" I . APPfilIovao .v .CALO,. ;:' 00 "AU, q () 88 RICHARD L. SHEPHARD a ASSOC. INC. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS D~~~!... IEPHARO "od Associates IOfWAY "OYllST_STREET ~,O.80X 2278 OOA~ SnJAAT.Fl.OAlOA33'" %Mo-4,H DRAwtNCI NUM.... M.8Z-I/-71 %. :t. '*' }" To j> f:r. J;'. "fl''\:.. " ". '~., ~. '..';;;;:; . '.--: . '1'.'" YSl ';",:"r;. ';"f;'.':"" -;...-. J.. ; ,....fj; :*1 :1*,:, $,. '" ~: 'l;' ~,i ".\,.'" .~. :*' ..:~.~ ~t. :.~ '~,..' 'I /'.;' ." ?Ie 'f." ,. " .., Right-at-way Annexations (Winchester Property) A. A portion of Congress Avenue Right-of-way located within Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 19, thence South B7d 32' 47" West along the South line of said Section 19 a distance of 60,01 feet to a point on the West Right-of-way line of said Congress Avenue, thence North Old 22' 43" West along said West Right-of-way line a distance of 300,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing North Old 12' 43' West along said West Right.of.way li~e of Congress Avenue a distance of B60,9\ feet to a point, thence North 45d ~,'ll" West a distance of 34,98 feet to a point on the South Right-of'way line of old Boynton Road, thence North B9d 50' 12' Rast along an easterly extension of said South Right-of-way lIne a distance of 31,48 feet to a point on a line that IS parallel to and 50 feet west as measured perpendicular to the Center line af said congress Avenue, thence South Old 21' 43' Rast along said parallel line a distance of BBI.03 feet to a point, thence South 87d 31' 47' West alone a line parallel to and 300 feet north of said South line of Section 19 a distance of 10,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, B. A section of 30 foot right-of-way located within said Section 19 being more particularly described as the South 253 feet of the North 293 feet of said 30 foot right-of-way lying between LOT 42 and LOT 45 SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19 as recorded by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach county, Florida in Plat Book 7 Page 19. f ~ ". :,j 'I. >> 'f ...'.,: '0 , ..~~. :i' ~;. ~ .." '. ~::~: "f:'- '* I .. X % ), 'Wi :~r t ".1 .;-~, % &';' .. J v' 'x,.. N.'. 1 k ";:;=; ~_c; lj- ~ } '-' " 7 .. , ?' ~ A: .. , 0' , ,: ,. ~: /i '.\ ~. , ADDENDUM TO LAND USE REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION ONLY TO BE PLACED IN AGRICULTURAL PENDING FUTURE APPLICATION TO COMMERCIAL USE. PALM BEACH COUNTY LAND USE DESIGNATION IS CURRENTLY "COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL." BASIC SUPPORTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE IN PLACE. (h-l) EXISTING AR ZONING AT 1 UNIT PER 5 ACRES (h-2) USE PROPOSED AG. (HOLDING) ZONING AT (h-4) I UNIT PER 2.5 AC. DOES NOT CREATE (h-5) A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT DIFFERENCE (h-6) THAT WOULD REQUIRE APPLICATION. ~ . ' be~Q-~~g_e~~~Q~~~I_e~QLQ6_B~lQ~1~~_QEEbl~eIlQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida 'h" - Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Sec~ion II below, in two .(2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all ,Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Proj ect Name": WINCHESTER TRACT #-OZ- --------------------------------------------------- 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment only x c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning " 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by PI~nning Department) : -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application ,is made): i2-t' BILL RAY WINCHESTER l ,ll...,--,-,.,,.,,,,," r.' ------------~--------------------------------------- --- Address: P.O. DRA\~tR 1240 I l ,-,0. -------------------------------------------------------- ,BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425. ______ -------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: , (407) 732-3961 v -------------~------------------------------------------ 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): ___:~:_____~~j~~s3~_~~11______________________________-- Address: -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- lanning Dept. 4-86 page 1 Telephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- 6. Property. ~wner's (or Trustee's) Name: Address: _~:~~liJ-E~Jiln~~~l~~JlrL~_~~___________________________ P.O. DRAWER 1240 -----e~~BK~e~,~t-~~-----i4~r~~~~!--------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ERNEST KLATT Telephone _____E~E~~lL________________________________________ Number: BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 7. Correspondence Address (if differen~ than applicant or agent):* N/A . -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) OWNER . ---------------~-------------------------------------------~------ 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: ------------------- S.W. .CORNER OF OLD BOYNTON RD. & CONGRESS AVE. ________ ---------------------------------------------------------- 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: -__SE~JJ~~a~-~--- < ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------~----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ . ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------~---------------------------------------------------------- 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): 28.88 AC ----------------------------------------------------------------- , i anning Dept. 4-86 page 2 12. Current Zoning District: AR --------------------~------------------- 1. ... oJ. Proposed Zoning Di~~rict: AG --------------------------------------- 14. Current Land Use Category: ',.'--- 1~. Proposed Land Use Category: COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL PALM BEACH COUNTY -------------------------------------- AGRICULTURAL ------------------------------------- 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: FOR PURPOSES OF FUTURE COMMERCIAL --------------------------------- DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Developer or Builder: N/A . ----------------------------------------~-- -----------w----------------------------~------------------------- 18. Architect: N/A -----------------------------------~------------------ 19. Landscape Architect: N/A -------------------------------------------- 20. Site Planner: ________________UliL__________________________~_____ .21. Civil Engineer: ______________UliL_______________~________________ 22. Traffic Engineer: ____________~________________________________ 23. Surveyor: R.L. SHEPHARD & ASSOCIATES -----------------------~----------------------~-------- " II. ~aIsB!aba_Ig_~s_aY~~!IIsR_~!I~~aEEb!~aI!Q~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies, unless otherwise n~ted. (check) _]LAa. This application form (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and pIPs). _ll_b: A copy of the last recorded warranty deed (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs). ._~lhc. Th~ following' documents and letters of consent (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs): __l_<l) If the property is under joint or siVQral ownershiP: consent to the application by all owners Of record, and A written (ATTACHED) ~L~_(2) If the applicant is a contract purchM~er: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and ~lh_(3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized ~gent: A copy ~lanning Dept. 4-Bb page 3 " of the agency agreement, or writt~n consent of the applicant, and _~_~(4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, and the writte~,consent of the owner, and N/A (5) Ifthe'applicant is a corporation or other busine~s entity:, The ---- name of 'the-officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the del~gated authority to represent the corporation or other busineoy entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact ~n officer of the corporation. __~_d. A sealed boundary survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, dated not more than siN (6) months' prior tot~e date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribed 'by the Planning Department, and containing the following information: __~_(1) An a~curate legal description of the Subject parcel. . __~_(2) A computation of the total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre. __~_(3) A tree survey, which conforms to the rOquirements of the City of WAIVED Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues involved with the application. X e. A complete certified list of all property oWners, mailing addresses, ----and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county court house shall be furnished by the applicant. Postage, and mailing labels or addressed envelopes must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant"s knowledge said list is complete and accurate, Notification of, surrounding property owners will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. ._.L f . of the A copy of the Palm B~ach ,County Property APPt"aiser's the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and subject parcel. maPIi showing all their relation to .__~g. A'.tatement by the applicant justifying the ~oning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitablQ for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. - .~__h. . A co~parisDn of th~ impacts that would be Ct"eated by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which shall include: ____ (1) A compari son of the potenti al square footage or numl.er "nd type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that whiel' wO\,lld be . allowed under the proposed zoning or develo~ment. (2) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in th~ proposed lanning Dept. 4-86 page 4 ... zoning or development, and' any particular uses tAat WllLlld be e}:cludl~d. .!UIL (3) Proposed timing and phasing OT the development. (4) A .comparison CT traTTic which would be generated Linder the proposed zoning or development, with the traTTic that would be. generated'~nQer the current zoning; also, an analysi~ OT traTTic movements at the intersections OT driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accomodate such traTTic movements (in 1 copies). For proposed developments which would generate three-thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hund~ed TiTty (250) or more single-directional vehicle trips within a one (1) hour period, a traTTic impact analysis shall be required (in 1 copi~s). Said traffic impact analysis shall include proje~ted trip generation Tor the development, Tor all major roadways and intersection~ within one and one-halT (1.5) miles OT the subject parcel, as well as trafTic that would uti~ize local streets through residential zoning districts. Said traT~ic impact analysis shall compare traTTic l~vels between the existing zoning and the proposed zoning or development OT the subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development that would be possible under the current zoning within the City, adjacent cities, and, within the unincorporated area OT Palm Beach County within.a radius OT five (5) miles. For those parcels lying in the, unincorporated area OT Palm Beach County, which are not currently zoned Tor urban land use~, the potential land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehen~ive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint OT the'density range shown on County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wide study of' trafTic generation at build-out has been adopted' or is utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels OT traTfic that are prOjected by said study shall in all cases be used to project background trafTi,c in the traTfic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. The format and standards used in the traffic impact analysis shall be the same as those which are requirQd by Palm Beach . County, with the exception OT the requirements listed above. Such traffic impact analysis shall include recommendationa for the mitigation OT traffic impacts, consistent with the standards which have been adopted by 0,:" are utilized by Palm Beach County. ____(5) , FQ~ parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison OT the water . demand for development under the propo5ed zoning or development with water demand under the existing 20ning. Water demand shall be " estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beech County Health Depar~ment for 'estimating such demand, unless diTTerent standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the water system shall also be inclUded, where existing facilities would be inadequate t6 serve development under the proposed zoning. (6) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparis~n of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed 20ning or development with' that which would be generated under the existing 20ning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adoPted by the Palm Beach anning Dept. 4-86 page :5 , . , \, protection, easements or rights-6f-wilY, ro..dw<lYs, recre>ation ..nd pewk areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedlcatlDns as may be requit-ed. ____(10) For,rezonings to planned zoning districts (PUDs, peDs, and PJDs), the specific requirements for submission of applications for reconlng to such distric:'t'~hall also be satisfied. Copies of evidence for1nl'i'ied co~trol and development of the property, as well as condomInIum homeowners', and property owners' association documents shall b~ submitted in three (3) copies for planned ;oning districts. Furthermore, illl milterials required for a ~Ubdivision master pl~' 1n ~ copies, including survey) shall also be submitted. II. eEEblgeIlQ~_E~~e~ Fees shall be pilid at the time that the application is submitted, ilccording to the fees whic~ have been adopted by resolutIon. A fee schedule i\i attached to this application. All fees shed I be !lo\ld by CheCk, paYilble"to the City of Boynton Beach. v. g~BIIElgeIlQ~ (I) (We) understand that this appliciltion and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the perm..nent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the .100ve stiltements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledgE and belief. This application will not be ilccepted unless SIgneD ~l.Lor'dlng to the instructions below. 4//J>f~0) Signature of Owner -5> 0.:1 ~g/ Date r$~~ ..-.::{ )( lo;fj- [)i(3 - <'{7" Signature of Owner Date ;!:p .u~/ el(tlt~At~~U Signature of Owner tJ-f,~ ~ J>:{' Date \," County Health Department for estimating su~h flows, unless different standards are justified by a registerod engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadeguate to serve ,development under the proposed zoning. (7) For p;~~G5ed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the prcjected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required, where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning.' Applications for rezoning to commercial or industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in area shall' also provi.de projections for the number- of employees. N/A (8) At the request of the Planning Depa~tment, Planning and Zoning Board, or Fity Council, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation such nuisances and hazards. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, screening ,of service areas and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site lighting. Nuisances an hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, statements ~oncerning the height, orientation, and bulk of structures" setbacks from property lines, and measures for screening and buffering the proposed development ShOll: be provided. At the reque~~ of the Planning and Zoning Board or City Council, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. .' '_~L&(9) At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Counctl, the applicant shall also submit the following information: (a) Official soil conservation service classification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. (b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. (c) Existing or proposed water bodies. ____Cd) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreational facilitieq. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for stor~ drainage, water supply, sewage collectlon and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire anning Dept. 4-86 page 6 ~ I"i .... ~ (T~ r! -0 ~~ ~~ . ~ ~~ ~E-~- .. . . . rJJ 'fJ '" g ~~'~1O~~ C~o~o~ ~ ~ ~. U ':' ,.' ~...!! ~ ......i'Il Ou~ ~ .~~ W O~ ~ .~~ rli ~ II~ ~ .~ ~ ~"::;;:;:-;;;"-""-'''--''.' 31J t:--- ' I) " . . . ~ . . ..~ . ..,:"... II I .. ~.'.- .. . ' 00 0, ~ E- ~ , , .... ,.. - . o u ~ ~, ~ ~ . . :: -..... '.. " , "',. " . , ,.,. , . A" , . ,. .. " , . "10 ~.: ...~ . , I 'l1 ,S~N.H.()N ! __ ----- or-, #- -aJt- __ ;tZn- -,. _ ~S't-- -----r~:..-;n~- -~--;+___ ~ - ,,~.,~ ;H~9--:~""""''' ..--:t'"ll't----~ir", -~~. . ... .. 0 ... <I[ . " D ... ~ i(.~ I i.-'slh .,,~,~. <I[ .. ., ... ... "l .. " G ... -nil ,.... ~ ..... '.., , "'o.l""',~ .~~:.- S; ~ i ~ -,,' ~ ~.: I ~ l III ! ",1. . , ". ;; ~ -, ~ j ,~~ ~ n " ~~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; Wi ~ Ii ~J; ; ! ;;. ~ H ;;' ~ :~ "i 1'"1 ~ ~ ~.J> ~ ~ * ~.. -: ~,' : . 11 ill .. ~! - · i /, . i -1 _:: '~t 1 ~ i 1 1 i ~ . . . , ~ "~ r , . " i ; ~ 1"""ll"" 0 $ ~ ! . m 12 ~ 1 ! - "" .' . ~ ~ i ;, -0 ~ o " ~ m .~ \;; " 1 l ~ :; 'I ::: l); m I ~ 1 ~ I . . ~: 1 "~L ;. ~ ": - 1 :I~ r . ~ .0 ~ 11 t: !:i 0; \ I 1 ! i I 1 .. J l!:-! Cl ta ~i ~ 12 ~ ,~ ~ ~1ll" Ii a ll:.1 m :; J ~ ~ I ~ ~ '2 P , , ~l. l~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ = ,'" 1,1 1 . . .1 Ii "' ;1; '" '~.l r ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ . 3.1 ~ !! '~J ! 1 I' . Jit ~ !! Ji~, ~'lll~ !; ".j." . I I "t~U4 ~ ~ l! - ~ I ~ ~ '. '. ~ ~.. ~ 5 . it l""{ ~ I .~ 'il r <;>..... '''' ...,.., .. " il II l t ~ . ~ " ~ . - , I r. , ~ m . ~ " t; r"j 1D~: ~ ! I ',,' ~ ' ~ . . " ~ ~ ' > '. \. ~ ~I~ .1' i i \ " '" . '.. . ~j "<t ~' ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ l>'" ,Ok' t _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ .. ;g ~ "! 9 . . I . . . . '; ~ 9 - . . .. .. :a fJ " ~ ~ .......IX} rx;. !! . . . I' ~ . " 11~ ~ m " . [' I- t\ Ie m .. ~ . " . ::l g [- i I :2 :I :.! . . .. .. 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':\ ~ ~ S 'Il', ':W . . ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1 "'. ~ ~ " . \0,'., ~ ' .. '.. . ~. ,:.,: .. '.. . ..' ..' .:.'.:. . . :... :....... ~: :; .,~' '. ,. ~ ... . .~. \II ..... , ~. ". . '-. '. ... ..i {-: .. r," " '. t;. .,. .1. ~. ,...... .r. ,,, - ,: .. .'. "..- 1-.'- '.' .~.. ~ .. . .. " I,. ~. . .. . .. t.;~ . .:.... ; .. '':> \. , !Il~ '.' "'.... l' .,' " . . ~ ". . . Il' . .' ~, . "', .' . ::t., ",,' .. . > .,' . .~. '- :' '. . . .~~ . ; '1$ ," . . :.: ~ . . lit.. '. '. ,'.>'" ~-_.+--.'_~n. 'j" , · . . . - 'J '.. ff ... .. ". ..,.. , " . :- ....;,., '; . 1 . i ,i;. r ,'Ii' " " . '.Ij . . ~ :.1 : -:/ . ", ~ ...1'" ....... ., . , " . "... .. " ~. '. ; '. .. "11 ;' # \', .. J .:-... ~, , " d "" ,- " , '. . . .. . ,. That portion of the South 25 feet of Tracts 44, 50, and 52, all in the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying immediately north of and abutting Parcel A described below. TOGETHER WITH that portion of the North 60 feet of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying directly South of the above described land, also described as: The North 35 feet of Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 . and the 25 foot road ly ing between these tracts ar:d the North section lir:e of Section 30, all in Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8 of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying immediately north of and abutting Parcel A described below. Parcel A That portion of Lots A and B lying North of State Road 804 (New Boynton Road) of the following: Block 4 less the East 80 feet thereof: and Block 5, all in the Palm Beach Farms Company plat No.8 of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range Book 5, Page 73 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH Tract 50, and the West 229.05 feet of Tract 44, all in the subdivision 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. RECORD VERIFIED P.o\LM BEACH COUNTY. FLA JOHN 8, DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COIlRT - V t. / V" /' .OUlT-CI....IM DUD THIS DOCUMENT """FAAED IV IIlECOllD AND IlE'IUIN to: . '" A. SdvIIdIr. &iIain \lIIe UnceIn I'IIce, Su111301 : 1900 GIIdIIllaId tloca Ra~ fIalilla 33431 Doc. No. 3980~A . A, D, 1985 . b)' RAM CO FORM e This 4:luil-(laim Jttd, Emu/eJ this 18th Jay 0/ December LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT, a special taxing district fir.' par/)'. /0 BILL R. WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, his wife, who.e pos/office addms is c/o Michael A. Schroeder, Esq., One Lincoln Place, Suite 301, 1900 Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 ~(>("ond pori).': , I I II II " 'I I I IWI,f'rtH'r ,u,rd hrr~i!l lb, lrrlll' "llr~l part~'. ant! "~f'(.."d P",rl~'" ,h.111 inrlvdr )irll.'lllar llIno Illural.hl'ill. Ittal rrprnrUl.11nt~, and .''1''11' of IlIdl\lduab. and the 'U((("'''n ami a~~I.lOI\\ tlf tf>~J.>C>la'/CJlI', ",hUt\tl thr ~ (C>l\lr;\( }u admit) UI rrquJr(').) tuitnessdh, ThaI lI.e .aid fi"t parly. for .nd in con.ideration of II.. .um of S 10.00 in hand paid by /he .aid .econd parly. the receipt u.hereo{ is hereby ac~nouoledged. do.. I..reby remi... re' lease and quil.daim unto IhC' said second party forever, all ,JI(.' ,'igh"t.. title, interest. claim, and demand which lI.e .aid fir.1 parly 1,0, in and 10 II.. (o{(owing described 10/. piece' or parcel 01 land. siluale. lying and being in the COUnl)' of Palm Beach Slate of Florida .Io,wit, See Legal Description attached as Exhibit "A" Ii Grantor hereby reserves unto Grantor a perpetual easement through 'i the north 40 feet of the property described on Exhibit "A" hereto I for the operation and maintenance of a drainage culvert. Grantee may use the surface above the easement area for parking and landscaping. provided, however, should Grantor deem it necessary for the operation and maintenance of the culvert, Grantor and its authorized agents may enter upon the easement area and perform such excavation and other work as it deems reasonably nece&sary for the operation and maintenance of the culvert. Grantor shall prosecute the work with due diligence and, upon its completion, I Grantor shall return the property to grade. I Ii .. I ii I, II I Ii Ji .' , 'i jO,OO IO.JU .50 uoc.....r.'" 'hx 'I' ' .s-o -- . InUllalbh Tu rd. Cl.r~rl.rl" p " " To Jialle and to Jlold Ihe .ame toge/l..r will. all and .ingular 11.. appurl.nances ,I.oreunla bc>fonging or in QrI)'u.jsp appe>rtClining. and all ,/1(, estatp, righi, iii Ie, Inl("r('51. lipn, equit)' and claim what- sopper of the> said first parly. eit/ll'r in laUl or ('quit)', 10 II,p only proper usc', bi'n<'fit and hehoof 0/ tlu? said second party for(>[IC?r. i. \: I, !i In Witness ltIhereof, The said {irs, parly has II firsl abot'c wTiltc>n. II Signed. s.aled and delil.cred in presence or IA."~___~~"""=.~..~",,,,,,,,,,,___,,,,,, signed and seal.d Ihese pr.senls the Jay and year LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ,.",."..".,...,..". ",,,..,,"......,-----,,..,,...,.......,,,.,,,,,,,.... ".. .m , I , I II II II I I i I , B.x.;...,~~",&~.. Its Presid nt . ,,,' Attest: S ' , ec 1.. i~ day, before ffil:, an oHien duly authorizcd in the- S~at(' aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowl{'dgments, peuonaUy appeared , t ' ..,c a ..~. f::L ,..{;f::il..1.~ ,~L!,.(j'" "., ". "."...... "",. '"'' STATE OF FLORIDA. } CO\::O:TY OF PALM BEACH KERMIT DELL AND JAMES H. RANSON of LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT to mt known to br th{' pcn.onS describf'd in and who uccult"d lhl' lorc'going instrument and, they acknowkdged Lefort" mc that they f'xrcutcd the same. WIT:-':ESS my hand and official $('al in the Count)' December A, D, 1985., \ \ and State last a(ol.~'S:'l.i:l., this' 18th dar 01 "'".C4Jkf."{.,,,t.t::r~I~,(:-c:Uijz.,, "".'"''''''''''''''''.''''''''' Nola;v ?:,.:J. Ie; ~':1h.' 0Lt ':-..~" I\t l.;r['c My C0mn-lls~n:l !!.;.:.,~s J (~ ~,...l ~c') !;C~~. 1~" !,,:I[U.J In'''''.':i t":!.oI.fllir.l~:""'~ , .... -It..:" .:..f~ , Till; hWrumml prt'jJprcd by: MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, ESQ. AddmJ :r .. ~ = =:> <: "::I" - ~ ..~ .~ ...., ~-:- ~~~~rt~-:.:,;Ltt'w. .~ m ="v,~ ~it''' " interest 'and C.='spencer pompey and H. Ruth Pompey, his wife an undivided 1/4 interest ,co c hereinafter, called,'the g;';;',tar;. to Erne!lt, lQ.'att: ~d:' BillR03y winchester " ., i'" ." ~/{lltl{(I'IIH\f\v. ," wl.ase postoffice.ade/ress is P.O. Drawer ,1240, Boynton Beach, Florida, 33435 hereina/ler called the grantee: fWh~rt.vtr uled htre.in (hr lerau "!Cr~ntor" and "Rranlt'e" include aU tl1e parties to Ihis instrument and the belTS, ICRal reprcsent.li\"u and assi!Jns 01 individuals, aDd Ihe succetson and assivns 01 cot"pOrationsl ~itnesselh: Thot t/,. 'grantor:' fo;' ~nd in 'consid~':ation of the sum of $ 10.00 valuahle considerations, re~cipl whereof is hereby acknou;lC!clged, hereby 'arant". "b~rgains. mises. releases. conueys and confirms unto, the graniee.' all that ~e,.iQin land situate in ' County, Florida, uiz, and other sells, alie.u, re. Palm Beach \,.,Ij Tract 47 of the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range-43 East, LESS,the-right of way for Boynton Road, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. .1 ' ".' SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations and easments of record, if ;apy; taxes for the year 1974 and subsequent years, and any and all . .. valid zoning ordinances. ~, ' .I J- - ' - t.... ; -,,,, '" ST: TE OF. FLORIO; 1-, DOCUMENTA. .RY.~:s STAM'- TA .1 ~PT.ll; REnIlUE .. ~t . iI :: P,R, = AUG-t'74 \,';, II I 8 O. 0 Q I = 10524 ,..........~ l I "- u ..., ..~ ~;; ..,., :'i~,G) ;;I'" -a..' <:7), '- "." .. ..'.,.... . :.:....._~~--_..- .... .. .. >^. .."^ .." '..,' .,/'........""'.......t-...............,... ~,.. _p.". : I..'....., <t <t <t '" '" '" '0 .g 0: s; o '" ro CD " ~ ;;; Cl ~ 10gether will. all the lenemenls, ".reduaments"<ind appurlen"nces '''erelo belonging or in "ny- ir wise appertaining. ,~ 10 Maue and to Mold, Ihe .ame in fee simple foreuer. ~ C ro E ~ E E in <3 grantor hereby fully warrant. the wI. to .aid la~d and will ~efend ,the same against the lawful claims of 11 all persons whomsoeuer; and thai ."id land-rts.'free of 'all encumbrances, except laxes accruing subsequent c ~ to December 31, 19 73 " ~ .= ro '" ;= .. ,5 -g " ';;; ~ c 8 (irs' above wriUen. iR.nd the grantor hereby couenanl. will. .aid gNlnlee th"t Ihe granlor i. lawfully seized of .aid land fee simple; 11.01 I"e granlor """ good rig'" and lawful au,horily 10 sell and conuey .aid land; 11.01 the ro ~ c m > <( '" ill uj en " <t DOCUMENTARY' .SURTAX= l~ ~ 6. 0 ~t ~(p~o I~O lo(,,~ '" '", ot.).",,~ ....,> '.". -U:~ C't')' ~E <:::J .'U ~ t.n In 'Witness Uhereof, the said gran lor I."" Signed; sealed and deliuered in our pre.ence: ew YOrK "'Y"'\,,-,-,-\ qlU~__ $Me! 'fLOW rOI .~COIDUS USE I HEREBY CERTIFY lha,t on this day, before me, an officer duly authoriz:ed in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to takc acknowledgmt"nts, personally appeared Booker T. Pompey, Sr. and Clyatt w. Po~pey, his wife, an undivided 3/4 interest to m(" known to be the foregoing instrument and ('~ecuted the same. prrson S described in and who executed the who acknowledged before me that they WITN~SS my hand and official seal in the County and Stalc.. ,last-' aforesaid this 2. 1.-- day of \,,,HlIlI1"/I/<~.l July A D 19 74 ...\' ~"f.)' .'.' 'li'l.I" , . . .;:.' '()~~ y' ICl(J",~,,'/'/.'r ," -""~~~.,,'r-:"O':,.:~'t"~""~,-- . ~_ 13-"-,-,,,-~~L ~ ~ ..,...,.'\.. ..~,~, .~l"--l I ~ l ~ tE1;f2~.~.if;f/f.~T~...............RO'~EM~.R;~..~:..~~~~~.~.......... Thjil..;,~~i1f;:.f;'4.r:fl.~d'jjv::~ !Not6...,P,ublic, St,t, 01 New y", - ''-'', ~'f"'~,(f{:.'1!J - :I;:, No, 41.0250775 Ad'J';:L'~-:,.~>.... ~..",.l"P..... ,..i,l.:'X.2 OUi!llifj.~ in Queans CQunty un)l,~,-""~ ,;,,~:,...,' .~~'t-'"::t~.$ Term Explros Murch 30 1975 ."".v"1:~~ :Y.. ($" ....:;..1 ''\' ,,' . /~ ';.!'r ~ ......,...~. , ..~. ", ,.,.....,.. {; ~ >. ";OIf.~" 'J;/,""o;, "#~+~~,...\,, 1II,,o'IIII11\r.\" ".,', , ,..... . ,". '~", . , m;~h2335 PAGE 259 II<L .III'. ..... '.L.,... . ~. ....;,~ f.:. ...,. .lr:. .i. .~.,.. ..... J,r--p'.........,"-= ,.w._=~....~..,_. ~~",.,",~".,..",-,."~,,,,,.,, .- WARRANTY DEEp /FROM CORPORATION' 16~ (034-FLA-PALM-5~ RAMeo FORM 33 This 1tIfarranty Jeed Made and execuled Ille 5th day of FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY December A. D, 19. 74, ,by. ,.;-\\\:\' ',\,,:, c1,..'IJ. a corporation existing under the laws of Delaware business at Orlando and Orange Avenues (P.O. Box 44) hereinafter called '7 grantor. to ' BILL J:. WINCHESTER AND ELSIE A. WINCHESTER whose postoffice address is P.O. Drawer 1240, Boynton Beach, Florida . and hoeing ils principal pla'~. of Winter Park, F10rid,1l" ,'3p89.>: i~:" ',' 33435 'e'I.." "~I hereinafter called the grontee: (Wh('r~v~r us~d h~r~jn th~ terms "grantor" and ",Il'rantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the hein. le'l:al r~presenlatives and assigns o( individuals, and the successors and assigns o( eorporatiom) - ;: :; Uitnesseth: That the grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hy these presents does grant. bargain. sell. alien, remise, release. convey and confirm unto the _a.rantee, all that certain land situate in, Palm Beach County, Florida, viz: The South 320 feet of Lot 42, Subdivision Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 2.29 acres more or less. ) ) . ..- " :r " "l">- ..'~. w::",; :;:-0 "" ~<, -, = "' "" DOCUMENTARY SUR TAX - \ ~ \ 5. 4 0 \ -:... '.:. .: r " '..I'\:::.~:"" ~;~.l\ --,/.~''''' .... .. Together' wise appertaining, To Halle and to willi all tllo tenements. l1(~redilamcnts and appurtenances therelo belonging or in any- the same in fee simple forever. Rnd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that it is lawfully seized of said lqnd in Jee simple; tl.al it has good rigl.t and lawful authorilY to sell and con!Jey said land; that it I.ereby fully war- rants the wle to said land and will defend the same against llle lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; a~,{,J;b%:.\\~id land is free of all encumbrances ........... I ": ,'~ --'": \ \-; j'.;:." 0- /," ~-t, :-.~\'" ..,.,~Vll....tJ.~'~. ttf~ 8-< >:. JJ/~"~;/~; ...::. .- .,r.J. t C>.. {_'~)~> r J):"/'-o.i ,~.. ;:\ -?u... -Z;~'~ '/ ~-',-:l:--' ; '<:"-'1/,,'; o:(,.?~~~; ~~,':~ '..-' .,' ,.:~:~j~!\ "/ "~<;~7 ""~. ......~~~ ;, 'ici'lt'PoRi,1'~)(; 0;: ( .-J:.... .,4..... ....~:_ " "'v.'.r.. .'~. ..-0 t"- "'.' -~ 1(,-., /. ....".0.. ~.....'-~ .h;~,:/I1.>Q~.~.t;::.:....=. proper officers thereunto duly authorized. the day and year first above written. A~~~;~~.....9IP!)J.... /t.,."-,..~/l~d..'.'....mmm... ~Ab-~rwa J Secretary Signec/. sealed and c/elieered in tl.e presence of: j{old, the grantor has caused these presents to be executed in Us name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed. b.y its In ~itness ~hereof l'WRIV.A,J;M,."TIW'!~k!);.$.?IQ~...g9.w.'AN.J.."."".." ~...~mm.'.. ,....8iJLS!...MD/.JJL..m....'......,..............m STATE OF Florida } COUNTY OF Orange I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, berore me, B'mttm:,-.0{,1.:,fit~ ~O ({) - ' - ~ . l gal DeDI. p~rsonall,. appt/lro:-d H. L. Wilhite and W. an oHicer duly authorized in the State and County a(orcsaid to takC aCknowledgments, J. Aberwa1d, ,0 ::/J 10 "'. Secretary respectively o( the corporation named ''<<l.~~~''; , .. . ,\'\', \' II",. in lhe for~going dted, and that they severally acknowledged executll)R the same In me pre5tnce oJ two subscribing witne15e. (reelr...''lI~ v;Jurn.?ii~:-.''''''''' .. " ........~ (Q..~ undtr authority duly vested in th~m by said corporation and that the _I ..(fixed thereto is the true eorporatthal ol u.id C.Of~'..~q."" ,,,';;;t:.;o,:."j.' :.:.,. WIT~ESS my hand and official 5('al in the County and Slate I..t arore.ald thiS .s-l4 day or lfLefe,,4-'1J~11:i~.,2f;JIJt..;r>... ~ - : 'S.1, '/ '" ' ::. v,? ( ;;-;;',: /./ "i( - <Y OJ:: / J f~' .;;t't. "... ,1-= . 'It J(~'" "'.t . :,,~ ,~4~4t,I,<~;t\~:~.:.~~......< ;/ "... t, ..\' //, tI '/ 11' \\' l~otary Public, State of Florida at large ~/'11'I/HIl\n\\\\ My ~ommjssjonExlllras lulllJ. m~ m;\62381 PAGEi447 well kno.....n 10 me 10 be lh~ President and This Imlrtll/lCl/I prepared by: Address T. p, MCPEAKE. M^NAGtR R1GHT-O'.v/^Y DEP,\nTMENi Po. eo~ II'! {}1't~NjQ"'()fl,A1/7Q. Aver ~ tlf,!;}"'" /?IR.kJ r4 \leCIIriIIill91 -"..11 ' r'cJm Bot'l.b t41rtl 1, ~ Joba ~. 1< "~I' I!!lime ;cr~ui!:t r~M' ,. -l - .f ,.-r-. oJ l,." ." 1',lnl,..1 r.... I...,....... Tt"" 4~) t....... tkf,....... l"""" ~,i~ lu~tnlll"'lIt Willi f1~I-ra""Cl h).: lltfarranty Deed s.,,~r~e<:~.!;!L~~,L H!,U """,,-orney at 1oo!IIW Atllln....P. o. DoxJ.j.o..__ 1I1AIUIORY HIII-lKldl 689.01 U.l Boynton Beach, Fla.33'35 .Lt~. of . January L. LOllI. his wUe, . Slldl' HI FloriA EI.SIE 1-. WINatESTER. his wife" P. O. ])rawr 12'0 iJfplll Jnflrntnrt. \1.111., thi~ 21st EARL R. LCME and VERAA ..111,1' CHlIl,l\ tll Palm B~ach BILL R. WINCHESTER and ,,1"'''.1)0,..1 ..Ih",. .ulel....... i~ Boynton eeach ~orth Military Treil ,,, till' (:""i1I~ HI pa.lm Beach . Stolh' ul Florida 19 70. ..1111".' . JCnmlur-, 111111 ,)Clilllh"'-, .un'8.,rIJ. .riloll ...1111 j,!r,lIih... '"" ,uKl ill l'Ull~il...tillillll uf 1111' 1111111 III 'tWELVE tHOUSAND- _ _ _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... ... ... ... ... ... - - ... - ... ... ... ... ... ... - It.)ull..r1I.. .mil ..llw. I.:,",d ,111,1 \;.III..hl.. 1~III..icll.I.lti"II" lu ~id JC,.tutur ill h.llIe! .M.id II} 51"" Wtlllh'C'. tilt. n.....oflll wlll'If...ll, 111",,41\ .u.LII,,\\I,..JI.;,.t1. II'I~ ~1.1II1l'11. ",II~.III'I'oI .1It11 ~1I111 tn 111l' ~;Iicl \tr.&IIIt~.. .IIItI JVallh't"~ h"Il.~ ;11111 ;I~\i,~u~ IIIU'\I'I, tlH' 'Ill. 1"\\11,1.:: d,."nl....ll.md. ~d""h'. t~II'~ .U1d IM';,u)t in Peltn 8each (:CHUlI~.. ""nrl,1o.. 11I.",it: , '-.' ""'1-""\ <C..~ leT' f:,:;[ 3U "" ::-- ~ .. n All of Lot A and thet Par~ of Lot B North of State Ro.d 804 of Block " and all of Lot I- and U...t part of Lot B Nor1h of State Road 804 of Block 5. PI-1M BEACH FARMS CO.. Plat no. 8. all land ~yinll in Sec.. 30, Township 4S South, Range 43 East, containing more or lesR 2 acres, as recorded-in the Public Rec- ords ~f Palm 3each Cvunty, Florida. S<~] :!...... N :5~ ~ ::1;:1 _ gcn II' Q ~[]. ... . E 8:1i ".tIO .1IId'~.IIO~t.:I.Il,Ii" .1.".,111'11'1.\ IlIlh ,,' .111 IH'I~"'" \\ 1..1/1."".\.',.. . . -(;,.1111111- .1I1t1 '.~r.lIlh~'" ;1'" uu1.l fur "ill,.,'1IL.r ur Ilhm.d..&1I '''Plh',,1 n"tluin",. U..t1C~ H:.~:I'nr. \\ ;lrrillll II... tillt. 10 ":Iid limll. ;llId will,It'II'1Il1 till' ...un,' aJt;lill-,t d~' la~,'lul .....ims. In JDUnr88 ma,rr,,,r. (.I.mllll 1101" l...rt'llUlf) M.1 j.!nllllur.s........ ..."d..,it..d lilt' d.l~ ...lId )......r fi",1 ..1M",,' "TlII"II. ~llLlI...I.)4.,I.d.lIIcl.I.II\I.~.~llIlu..r~I""'.III"'. ~"I . /..' j' I'~. ,~,. -. /./. rr .-'->L......."C 771" /,/ ..::.. '",,\.:..1 A :-f!..:(/" l J "~""- ~~~';.t..':/L. IS.~.I) ____-- I, /' -:- - f" ". R., Lowe /, '1-" ,/.-......."." ,_'-, ", ,=,j.....ly,(, 0("."" ~...~\,.,.Il . , - V=ne L. I..c>1oie ,~ l) s a STAle. cFFLnRIDAI ::: - DOCUMENTARY" :STAMP TA X I Il ;; ~ E COM~ltO~U. i:'I.. -...... , ''1'1'11 III' FLORIDA :., _ :: u = ...'.... :: 3 6. 00 I COl.'"'" 01'" PAt/ot BEAcrr 511Mt I ~ 'UEIH-:U' 1 :....1\ ru.",' "l;~' Oil' '\m Ib~ '_.iu,," 11M'. .111 ultK'I'f d.:1; 'Plit III I.. -.. ;K ,..'" (M'f.......~ :;-'( ..111..........1 SARL R. LONE and VEJQ.A L. LOME. his wife, \'. i, I., lilt' hit"" lit h..' tI... IM'nul" 111.~.Jih...1 ill OIIMI "':'u I....~'lllod Ihr fun't"hlJlt ir"*m......... ... ....I.....~.I brfan- ~0.). .... ,Io"t tl", Y..\....u...cIIlH. ",",UM'.. d'-: '; \\Tr:\E~~ '11\ 'I.Ulel .UK) ui'tM:i~l !\oI'.ll ill th.. t:1I'HII~: ..,MI Stall'~aflln",",!d Ihb. I cby at J4nu.ary I 1" 7;), / ".;.'<'~' :~" , . -~- -.-.,-.- , \I~ ("llllni~,i"lI I"IM""';.~ .~.. ~"NiIk '. IIOIIlI'f'U811C$U,UotfUlllOA_LtIU -...... ~ II.... ~.~ 1ft totntl~I01'I O;PlIllS wt. ~ II" . Ca.~:-C .:.:; 4" . .. ',. ..... """'" _..._......... _ ,. Ie;.. L..o:'"" r...... ~~ L Qloo;&I~ CIn Cilr.:lll r.-1 ., .... SUBJECT to restrictions of record. ~ GRAN'l'ORS and their heira. assigns and Il~anteea to have 3ccess to East and West drainalle ditches for purpose of maintenance and use as lonq as necessary. SELLERS to have 18 m~nths from the execution of Deed to remove buildings from property. , Prinled fur Lawy4"I':li' Tide (;uaranly Fund, Orlando, Florida 126373 This instrument was prepared by: -, \- \ Name Ril'n;::ll""n A, M,..(,l~;l'l ~arranty Jrrd Add,e,,43-Q7 lOth Ave. North (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689,02 F.S.l Lakp Wort!" Flnriila IDI!i!l 1In~rnturr. ~lade this ~ 3.J) day of LEO B. STERRETT and NADINE B. November STERRETT, His 19 7'3 iIlrhurrn Wife , , of the COllllty of Palm Beach , State of FJ.orida . grantor. J and . : BILL R. WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, His Wife W!tO,'il' post offict-' address is P.O. Drawer Palm Beach 1240, Boynton Beach, St t f Florida . aea Florida J of the COllnty of . grantee 0 . ~ ;> l!llIitnrssrt~. That said !(ra n tor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10) .. DoHars, alld otht'r good and valuahle cOlIsi?erations to said granto~ in hand paid by said gJ:allte~, the receipt whereof is herc.:by a<:kllowlt'dgt'd, has gmnh-d, hargamed and sold to the scud grallt~e, ami grantee sheil's ano assigns forever, the fol~ lowing d('s('rilH'd land, sihHlte, lying and being ill Palm Beach County, Florida, to~wit: Tracts 45, 46, 49, and 50 according to the Palm Beach Miami Land and Development Company Plat recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, Palm Beach County Court Records, and also described as the E~ of S~ of W~ of sE% of Section 19, Town- ship 45, Range 43 East, containing 20 acres, more or less. ..... .~~.._~~,~~.....-........~. -,.......,~"..,',,,...,,....'-.... 10 OrOo...." 1.5'Uv ,~ (':'~, DOCUMENTARY - = - :L ,~ ,:,". ",' SURTAX:::: " <0 I',~ 1,',.1.. ) :'C" ,~ '\2;ii:' t':.ORI A t,,''-' uo 12 I'~ (!.7 -' " " DIP'- r:-;Ii'7~ 7 5. 0 o =:: -',.., - -"U ~. " <0 (,1 p.o, ! .. ,. nl;.".:L_ 11106 , - s-i').\=rt:' ;:-jr-' r::"L:~! .Tr!l C~~ /'.' [jOCU:'..~.i_:'}r/,L" ,,'\.:', .,'J. ~ ~_lPTo;:-';(~.\ji"~'J:, ~', ~ "" ;tnd s.lid gralltor does hel"d>y fully warrallt the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of ;II! 1><:I"SOIl:-': whomsoever. o "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. 111\ mitnrs!l m~rrrl1f. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written, ~~I delivl'r~z~resence: ~ j) )l ~ ' /~---" ~ ' . __(Seal) " J- ---- '; c..,. LF.9!<B;),S1:E~1l 1:t'U. c./,/.J'CL.<--y ~-,....-L~ O{!P'ru_) _L _ ./1" <zt=_<Seal) NADINE B. STERRETT (S"al) ____~_,__(Sl'al) ST.\TI': OF Florida COL'NTY OF Palm Beach I II EHEBY CEHTWY that 011 this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally "l'p<,ar<.d LEO B. STERRETT and NADINE B. STERRETT, His Wife to lIU' kllow,l to Ill' tht" person S described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowlt"~g~!J.,before IIH' that theY eXl'l.'utcd the same. J ........~;.':~ ~ "')""". WITNESS lilY halld and official seal in the County and State 'af resai this OJ.-:r.d day Of...-:',,~V. ~;l<_; 19 73, ~~:~~,,~,,: fl:;.... :oJ / ;. \1\ c'ollunissioll expires: ((-1-7t{ Richard A. McCla-in N~:{r1I1.'ub~c :' , ., c) ~ \.';,. "... "'.J.--;, .....,... ...:,~ t "'V.' . ~.-' ,.... ' '. ., .....,...:.'.. 1.1.' 'II 1'0 ,\ ~ ....,.'-<' .:.., ...... , ....... .. II ..'-i" _torll1ool ,. &.-.Nl tlt():!t:J. Fl_.. Jill';'; I. tu,.le l:Jort lllr.~t Court s;r'[., C>242 PlO- 2S9 RELCR0,-:' ' ,nut .... . - <, PARCEL 3 ANNEXATION AND LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING APPLICATION AND OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ".'!f~,p~,J,i:'~~~-+"),",~'~'''7 2325 ~q~ 812 M409 ~"G I~ ,; 111~M '~r_'--'TIdo_F""'-'_ lWfwnty ,Jeed ::;Ji-:?=:: .TAnrrO"Y ~ lJ~l. lullr1durr. Made this 30 day 01 . _ 9& 19 62. WthDrru A. 1'. Bryant, joined b,. blB "Ue, Bve1yu -to Br,.ant ollhe County ol Bro"ard '. Stale 01 1'1brida . -_too. oud , Bill Ra,. Wincheeter and E1Bie A. WincheBter, hiB "ife whose ~~office add.ess is/?';:;;Itf, t-/"""rlt.-e (, Ai E ;l: d !'loll!. Rv'fp-fw BeA:.~ 7/.9. ;o.tllthe County of paa Beach . Slate 01 F10rlda - ._tee, .-" ~Unr8J1rtl1. That said grantor, for and in consid~rati()1I o( the sum of TeD and .1(0/100----------- _________________________________________________________________ Do~ 'ano other good and valuable considerations to said grantor ill h;,md paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acJmowledgro, has granted. bargained and sold to th(, said gralltt"t". and grantee's heirs and assigns forever. the fol- lowing described land, situate, lying and being in palm. Beach County, Florida. to-wit: TractB 39, 40, 41, 43 and 44, a BubdivlBion ot Section 19, T~DBhip 45 South, Range 43 EaBt, palm Beach Count,., Florida, according to the plat thereot on tile in the oft lee ot the Clerk ot the Circult .. Court in and tor Palm Beach Count,., Florida, in Plat Book 7, pace 19. , - " TOGB'1'IIER Wl'111 all 1lIlprovementB located tbereon. SUBJECT TO reBervatlonB, reBtrictions, eaBements and exceptioDB of rBcord and taxes tor 1962 and Bubsequent yearB. SUBJECT ALSO TO the revelatlons at an ____ 1- " -<' 'I) I,' :. /.... "",.' . (/,_" .. .:' '. .~ /'0 '- . .J. ~ " <;,,.. .... "",1 . r.....;. tih r..J.' :. . accurate i I survey. . "', and said ~rantor dot."'S llt,.reby fully w;umllt tllt" title to said I.md, .lUd will d(.ft'lId the sam(' against the Lawful claims of all persous whomS(M!Ver. (Herein the lerma. "Jtnantllr" land ".cr.Ullt't'" ,h..III... l'<lIl,tnll"tl 1<> illdutl.. m.......u)hK.. f,.minillt.. ,iIlIlUJ.U. 0" plllr;.1 as tl1l;" t..mh..d jndit.OIh~.) )n _Untt, .~trtof. Crantor has hereunto set grautur's h.lIld ,llld st'al IIU' dilY aud y('ar first ahove' written, Si ned, sealed and d(.livcn..od in our pn's('IICC; ~- {!, '7t "'- U ->c -i:...n:: <<5(/ tt1 ~ , A.'"F--:-ar,.antU' (Seal) _ __ ___ _ _ __ (Seal) J~ f. ~--- --E <;al - - ..-' (Seal) va yn. . .oryan . ___ ____._____ (Seal) / STATE OF Florlda COUNTY OF Paa Beach , I HEREBY CERTIFY that 011 this da,., h(,fure m(', :111 oflll.'cr duly (IUali6cd to lake acknowledgments, personally appea.ed A. F. Br,.&nt, joined by hiB wife, Evel,.n F. Br,.&nt My commission expires: Notary Public State of My commts~ florida at Larh _ nexp;'.SJan.2t I'" ,......... . ......... 1loncl1"C & IRlu"n,. Co.. to me known to be the person 8 dt'Scrihed ill aud who eX('l."lIhod the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that t he J ell:l.'CUted the saID(". ...WITNESS my hand and official seal ill tll(' County and Stilte last afon-said this ..J.a day of ~"', . 1962. ,.r.t, "/J,/~ /? .i" ..t~_"'.l;rj.::t. ...... O~ L y{'.A/C..~:':;..;,,-.'~.--,-, NotarV~r,,-;.'.',~..' . State of Florlda at LarK.': ';l'",,;:: - . , . - , , <~;Ett~\J)' 1lE'I'UIlJ'I'O mTOB & BURl/S P. O. BOI 1391 naT PALII BEACII. FLOBIDA '..~ , '.-.-........-. ." -.... --- ; 9' i '. 'I ".,.,Wt' )~:- :::.:. " *~ ,.:W"t 7#, " .":t1~':"::" ,:",' ." ". ."', '.?, :<:. #r ;' I""'~ .:'..I.'.:.....:..??'.. ,:~' '. .' f ; "'.',./: ':li~1: I'." .- ':j" :7 ''';1< ..:. ..~ (;:: :.I',r :.":?: ;. ...7.. .-. . x,. _:~.~ ,', , ~ , .'i ~ , } :;~':- f y .~~~ 9 .;) x }: :t ADDENDUM TO LAND USE REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION ONLY TO BE PLACED IN AGRICULTURAL PENDING FUTURE APPLICATION TO COMMERCIAL USE. PALM BEACH COUNTY LAND USE DESIGNATION IS CURRENTLY "COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL." BASIC SUPPORTIVE INFRASTRUCTURE IN PLACE. (h-l) EXISTING AR ZONING AT 1 UNIT PER 5 ACRES (h-2) USE PROPOSED AG. (HOLDING) ZONING AT (h-4) I UNIT PER 2.5 AC. DOES NOT CREATE (h-5) A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT DIFFERENCE (h-6) THAT WOULD REQUIRE APPLICATION. . APPLICATION NO. 2 APPLICANT: Bill Ray Winchester AGENT: None OWNER: Bill Ray and Elsie A. Winchester, Ernest Klatt PROJECT NAME: Winchester Property, Parcel #2 PROPOSED USE: Agricultural holding category for future commercial development LOCATION: Northwest corner of Winchester Park Boulevard and West Boynton Beach Boulevard REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - Commercial Potential (Palm Beach County), To - Agriculture (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, (Agricultural Residential) Palm Beach County To - AG (Agriculture) City of Boynton Beach APPLICATION NO. 3 APPLICANT: Bill Ray Winchester AGENT: None ~ OWNER: Bill Ray and Elsie A. Winchester PROJECT NAME: Winchester Property, Parcel #3 PROPOSED USE: Agricultural holding category for future commercial development LOCATION: West of Winchester Park Boulevard and North of L.W.D.D. L-24 Canal REQi:;-==T: A.,jEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - Commercial Potential (Palm Beach County) To - Agriculture (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR (Agricultural Residential) Palm Beach County To - AG (AgricUlture) City of Boynton Beach A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning requests are available for review by the public in the City's Plannin, Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings i person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: THE POST 11/30, 12/9 & 12/28/88 I ~ . cc: City Commission Ci tv .t\t tnrney - - ----~ NOTICE JF LAND USE ~HANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The City of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board on December 15, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. at Prime Bank Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida. A public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City Commission on January 4, 1989, at 6:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at Prime Bank Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida. !'" C) N 1 .... I W, ...I, 0( Z 0( o ~" , l ~ ~ ~ '" g I i i i i i= ~: . , . < " " . .' . .' ,'6" ~ -...........~. ~ '...!..- Dc".._.... APPLICATION NO. 1 APPLICANT: Bill Ray Winchester AGENT: None OWNER: Bill Ray and Elsie A. Winchester PROJECT N~l~: Winchester Property, Parcel ~l PROPOSED USE: Agricultural holding category for future commercial development LOCATION: Southwest corner of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - Commercial Potential (Palm Beach County) To - Agriculture icity of Boynton Beac'h) REZONE: From - AR, (Agricultural Residential) Palm Beach County To - AG (AgriCUlture) City of Boynton Beach 'S'fJ t---. d. ~. .' ,.~,:.;:. ~:::...'?U~~ . ,~: ,:' .~~uli.'.. , .', t>!11tI? ;"'.';,. : . 1 Ukrt!, . <1 <<\~l~*~.~lll ' .~ " ~ l~l~~~~~. '. :~ ~~~~u ~~ , _,.;.,0 ~\ IH~::f~", ,1 ~ '~1 t~~~~~d~~\(' . ~< f"~'!-~~' , ~\~ H\ , -.... .... . .. . . A". . ' ' , '"10 0- " , .. . . I :!1 '. 4l'--~;... --=~ ~ '--",1 .SrIIN' "'.H ~"N . --;t'U"-~'--- ----.,"1I..---~\~1 ;tzn- ,- -u.--".---,.. '-;n~- ----------,--~--;1'__ --r , " , 0 . 0 .:; "l.":"f~ 1 ~- ..0>""" '-:* - .~~~\~ . . . . . . . . . i" . . . - . . . 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'0:, "ff " 1 , " i "...~,:,~.: .,*",,' ""01 "" '~^ "#"'w-. , - protection, easements or rights-6-f-way, rOadways, recrClation "nd park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedlcat10ns as may be required. .. , (10) For,rezonings t~ planned zoning districts IPUDs, PCDs, and rIDs), the speci-fic requirements -for submission o-f applications for re~on1ng to such distric:'t'~hall also be satis-fied. Copies o-f evidence for Lln1fied co~trol and development o-f the property, as well as condominium, homeowners', and property owners' association documents shall be submitted in three (3) copies -for planned zoning districts. Furthermore, all materials required -for a ~ubdivision master pl~/1 ,In ~ copies, including survey) shall also be submitted. II. 6EEbl~6IIQ~_E~~3~ Fees shall' be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees whic~ have been adopted by resolu~lon. A fee schedule is attached to this application. All -fees shall be palO by check, payable"to the City of Boynton Beach. v. ~~6IIEI~aIIQ~ II) IWe) understand that this application and all plan and paperS submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) heraby certi-fy that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plan: submitted herewith are true to the best o-f Imy) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless slgned accur Olng to the instructions below. ~?i:~/2vL;4 Signature of Owner ]>oJ f"r Date ;:14-(')(./&. -(i.h';LtAc5J;V Signature of Owner ,? oJ ~c/ Date Signature of Owner - . Da.te " ,~...".: '."I"*'.;~..~..:.. ,"',~ .: F '. ,;.-'<- .." ~'" ,', ," ~-i<f ':" " .xl: .x'~' l ? * -:w .~. :~\I ~,:': << J ~, ~ .~~ * v ., .>, , t ,~ .,..eM.' '...<'t.'.......' .-~:. - :~i -;. ,.-..;;:- ,'. ,*' . ""I'; _--...:..::-.,..}:.~ :':.;: :.}: f ~. 'i. ' .~' '\," . County Health Department for estimating su~h flows, unless different s~andards are justified by a registerod engineer. Commitment to the prevision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, wher~ the existing facilities would be inadeguate to serve ,development under the proposed ~oning. (7) For p~~~GSed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the prcjected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required, where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning.' Applications for rezoning to commercial or industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in area shall' ~lso provide projections for the number of employees. N/A (8) At the request of the Planning Depa~tment, Planning and Zoning Board, or Fity Council, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation such nuisances and hazards. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, screening ,of service areas and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site lighting. Nuisances an hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, statements .concerning the height, orientation, and bulle of structures,> setbacks from property lines, and measures for screening and buffering the proposed development shal: be provided. At tho reque~~ of the Planning and, Zoning Board or City Council, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. _1l.L~(9) A~ the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Counc~l, the applicant shall also submit the following information: (a) , Official soil conservation service clas,sification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. (b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. (c) Existing or proposed water bodies~ (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common ---- spaces and recreational facilitie~. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for stor~ drainage, water supply, sewage collectlon and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire In i ng Dept. 4-86 page 6 ., .;, , .j, .:;.~ :i i '" "::1'.' .....~. . .-~. :t"" .. . ~"' t 'W, .K.) ',,;<<i-: ,. ,'''I'Zt '".' .~'.'."' .<;~ .-'r ~ .: it:. -.:.. " ~.. ~, " J :.:~' :~* r ;,' i ~, .;..;. f ? J ~ /t " , ,,-.~., ~: .~. .;>:, , " " '. zoning or development, and' any part'icular uses tRat WDllld be e>:clud(ld. ]L&_(3) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. (4) A ,comparison of traffic which would be generated Linder the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated "tinder the current z oni ng; al so, an anal ysi l; of traf f i c movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accomodate such traffic movements (in ~ copies). For proposed developments which would generate three-thou~and (3,000) vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hundred fifty (250) or more s~ngle-directional vehicle trips within a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis shall be required (in ~ COpi~5). Said traffic impact analysis shall include proje~ted trip generation for the development, for all major roadways and intersectlon~ with~n one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject parcel, as well ~s traffic that would utilize local streets through residential zoning districts. Said traf~ic impact analysis shall compare traffic l~vels between the existing %oning and the proposed zoning or development of th~ subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development th~t would be possible under the current %oning within the City, adjacent cities, and within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County within-a radius of five '5) miles. For those parcels lying in the. unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, which are not curr~ntly zoned for urban land uses, the potential land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehen~ive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint of the-density range shown on County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wide study of'traffic generation at build~out has been adopted' or is utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels of traffic that are projected by said study shall in all cases be used tQ project background traffLc in the traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. . The format and standards used in the traffic imp~ct analysis shall be the same as those which are requirQd by Palm Beach .County, with the exception of the requirements listed above. Such traffic impact analY$is Shall include recommendationa for th~ mitigation of traffic impacts, consistent with the standards which have been adopted ~y o~ are utili%ed by Palm Beach County. ____(::i) . For: parcels larger than one (1) acre, a. comparison of th~ water . . demand for development under the proposed %oning or development with water demand under the existing %cning. Water demand shall be " estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beech County Health Depar~ment for 'estimating such demand, unless different standards a.re justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provipion of improvements to the water system shall also be includod, where existing facilities would be inadequate t6 serve development under the proposed zoning. (6) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, ~ comparis~n of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed 40ning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zonlng. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach .ning Dept. 4-86 page 5 ~ ,:1:. >:>: 5( }, .i. ", ;'.. t W' ".;:f ' '~ n,ik,f ~ .." ',. .,. ....>1. .. "I~ ~, * " " '< :?~: ~'~f y :<~ N " ::.~. ~ '. of the agency a9reement, or writt~n consent of the upplic~nt, and _tiLA_ (4) and If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, the writte~,consent of the owner, and N/A (5) If,the'applicant is a corporation or other business entity:, The ---- name of 'the-officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other busineoy entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact ~n officer of the corporation. _!_d. A sealed boundary survey of the subject parCel by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, dated not more than SiN (6) months' prior tot~e date of submission of the application, at a sc~le prescribed by the Planning Department, and containing the following information: __~_(1) An a~curate legal description of the Subject parcel. . . '. __~_ (2) A computati on. of the total acreage of the SLlbj ect parcel to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre. __~_(3l A tree survey, which conforms to the rOquirements of the City of WAIVED Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues involved with th~ application. ~_e. A complete certified list of all property OWners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county court house shall be furniShed by the applicant. Postage, and mailing labels or addressed envelOPes must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit ~tating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. Notification o~ surrounding property owners will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. .' Lf. of the A copy of the Palm B~ach County Property APPraiser's the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and subject parcel. " mapS showing all th~ir relation to __g. A'statement by the applicant justifying the ~oning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitablQ for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for developme~t under the proposed zoning. " __h. 'A co~parison of the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which shall include: ____(ll A comparison of the potential square fOOtage or numl1er lInd type of dwelling units under the e:<isting zoning with that whicl\ wOI-Ild be . allowed under the proposed zoning or develo~ment. (2) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in th~ proposed mning Dept. 4-86 page 4 @) bB~Q_~~~_B~~~Q~~~I_B~QLQB-B~~Q~l~~_QEEbl~BIlQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida ......... --- Planning and Zoning Board Thi s app 1 i cati on mLlst be fill ed out compl etel y and accuratel y and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two .(2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all .Information. I. E~~~BBb_l~EQB~BIlQ~ 1. Project Name~ -#:- _______!~~~~~2~~_~~~~___2__________________________ 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment only x c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning " 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department) : -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant'& Name (person or business entity 1n whose name this application .1s made): BILL RAY & ELSIE A. WINCHESTER ------------~------------------------------------------- Address: -------------------------------------------------------- P.O. DRAWER 1240 . BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 ______ -------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: , (407)732-3961 -------------------------------------------------------- 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): SJl.~:E AS ABOVE --------------------------~----------------------------- Address: -------------------~------- -------------------------- ----------------~------_:: -~-~~------------------------- Planning Dept. 4-86 page 1 12. Current Zoning District: ---------------------------------------- AR 13. Proposed Zoning Di~~rict: --------------------------------------- AG 14. Current Land Use Category: '..--- 15. Proposed Land Use Category: COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL PALM BEACH COUNTY -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- AGRICULTURAL 16. Intended Use oT Subject Parcel: FOR PURPOSES OF FUTURE COMMERCIAL --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Developer or Builder: NjA . ------------------------------------------- -----------w----------------------------~------------------------- 18. Architect: NjA . -------------------------------------------~---------- 19. Landscape Architect: NjA -------------------------------------------- 20. Site Planner: ________________~________________________--~----- 21. Civil Engineer: ______________~_______________~________________ 22. TraTTic Engineer: ____________~________________________________ 23. Surveyor: R.L. SHEPHARD & ASSOCIATES -----------------------~----------------------~-------- " II. ~aIsB!ab~_IQ_~s_~~~~lIIsQ_~!I~~a~~b!~aI!Q~ The Tollowing materials shall be submitted, in tWQ (2) copies, unless otherwise nC1ted. (check) _]La.. This application form (3 copies Tor PUDs, PCDs, and PIPS). 1L b: A copy oT the last recorded warranty deed <3 copies Tor PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs). ,_~lhc. Th~ TOllowin9'documents and letters OT COnsent (3 copies Tor PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs): __~_(1) IT the property is under Joint or SeVE/ral ownershiP: consent to the application by all owners Qf record, and A written (ATTACHED) lWL(2) IT the applicant is a contrAct purch~r.er: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent oT the owner antl seller, and ~lt_(3) IT the applicant is represented by an authori~ed ~gent: A copy Planning Dept. 4-Sb page 3 ... . 4.. ,. Telephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- 6. Property. ~wner's (or Trustee's) Name: ." BILL RAY & ELSIE A. WINCHESTER ..... ----~-------------------------------------------------- Address: P.O. DRAWER 1240 . -------------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: ______________]QiNJ~tl_~E~~~LIl_3)1~~____________~~-------- __________~___J1Q7Jl~~~1&t_______________________-------- 7. Correspondence Address (if differen~ than applicant or agont):* --~-----------~~--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 3. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) OWNER ." ------------------------------------------------------------~----- , . /. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: ------------------- ___________________~____j~~~S]RWJLnEJauJWllil~~B~~~~~~~AU~----- O. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: -~Al~~H~QJX~UU1_~~~------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ , ------------------------~----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ . ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------~---------------------------------------------------------- 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acral: 3.43 AC ' ----------------------------------------------------------------- " , I mning Dept. 4-86 page 2. .1" . ";;" ._,..""" ,..,.'" ."'-'_.,;..M-..,,,",.,..-..,......~-.'~,.!~~="'~..-. ,~ ~t" ",-, ""...., " "...... ".' ................. . "' ~ I' ~. " -, ,.,-~ .-.:s .~ .,to'l'ftlOM \~ ,0: e~ >- l- X o : u x (, ~ 1. (tI '~ :E ..J ... .... ... o o <t o o:l C> :z: ~ <t .J "- ~. '" '" >- to o W '" <t "- W '" "- . .!r .,.- ~ _.~-- \ - -,--- I \, j; I 1\ r - , ,. , I i [I 1 l - 7'.1 .~ w .' u . , w , !J ~ ~ __,.-0 _ "UT " ~" :c . ~ ~ ~ ~ (-\., . . u , ~ w ~ . . ~ ~ 2 . ", . B'- _ 'WOO r~~ 1'. ,-- ]I \ .1 . -\ I' --' ::: T A- " I ~ ~ 1::5 .~ ~ ~ .~ "\l; . l'~l BOYNTON E ~,j:,-;;. CORPORATI LIMITS. APRI\..,197 I , scale in Milo Nome of Developmen1/0wner Locote lhe subject property on this map and shade in lh. area. \" I II II "I ., i" r . " " " A-4 51'1\ TE"-fENT OF USE !~ Existing Use: J: i AGRICULTURflL !' I: Proposed Use: i. " " " n ,. Ii " 11 I: p \: ij 'I I, I. 11 II , Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton I Beach, Florida: i PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY DESIGNATED COMMERCIAL POTENTIflL I i Ii I II Ii I I i i II I, I , I FUTURE COMMERCIAL OEVELOPMENT ., 1- JUSTIFICA TION ON PALM BEACH COUNTY LAND. USE PLAN. PROPERTY HAS, EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE THEREBY ADDING TO COMMERCIAL' TAX BASE AT MINIMUM COST TO CITY. EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A 3 " I II I! I: Ii Ii I: ,. Ii " " !! I ~ : , " , :! " " , \; I: A-3 " , )..., ;! j; CITY O'F BO'YNTON BEACH. FLO'lUDA APPLICATION FO'H ANNEXATION i, :: DATE APPLICATIO'N FILED: ; ,i :i DATE 0'1" TENTATIVE APPROVAL: RE,TECTION: I; I: DATE 0'1" CO'MPLETIO'N O'F ANNEXATION REPO'RT: I, i' i; DATE 0'1" O'RDINANCE PROPO'SAL: O'RDINANCE # Ii I Ii DATE 0'1" O'RDINANCE ADOPTIO'N: "OEJECTIO'N: :1 f' II Ii DATE 0'1" REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: II RESULTS 0'1" REFERENDUM: FO'R AGAINST I I i DATE ANNEXA TIO'N BECOMES EFFECTIVE: 'I i I i ! DO' NO'T WRITE ABO'VE THIS LINE FO'R DEPARTMENTAL USE O'NLY !I . I I ~mMLMU I Name of Developer/O'wner: ELSIE A. WINCHESTER' Area, ot'Subject Property: N/A Sq. Ft. or 3.43 Acres Estimated Present Population: 4 i : Existing Zoning: 1 I : Proposed Zoning: I ; AR AG Density Allowed: 1/5 Density Allowed: 1/2.5 d. u. Is/acre d. u. Is/acre EXISTING UTILITIES (AT PROPERTY) \Vater: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Solid Waste (garbage): CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COUNTY SANTITATION Wastewater Collection: i 1 . i Ii I; 1\ I' ,I 11 j. i: I: 1\ I' I! I' " ,. " il ;f I: Ii A-2 " ii \ - BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM . NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) AGENT'S NAME: Winchester Property-Parcel 3 Bill R. Winchester PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: P.O. Drawer 1240 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 PHONE: 732-3961 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: Bill R. & Elsie A. Winchester a~d F.rnp<l,t- K.\:tt.. same as above PHONE: same as above PROJECT LOCATION: N.W. corner of W~nchp",t-pr p L n ~________ ~rv rO~lgvard (not legal description)and L.W.D.D. L-24 Canal CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) Bill R. Winchester ~290tN~Ckels Blyd. oyn on Beach, FL 33436 * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. ' -1- ~ ~'. ;;,.;., .I~,: ,.r '. ,.J.... ..1.'. ~. '" t ~ n t '-". .,; "~,.. . ioi -, '~_., .'. , "~X: 'i '<<.:, OJl: ~~ . ':,: "." 'f,' 'I ~ ~ , t" -"ii. '~ ;"$: " ;"p \" <~""'., . " .: .1; .~. '$ .~ ., ~ght-of-way Annexations (Winchester Property) A. A portion of Congress Avenue Right-of-way located within Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 19, thence South 8Jd 32' 47' West along the South line of said Section 19 a distance of 60.01 feet to a point on the West Right-of-way line of said Congress Avenue, thence North Old 22' 43' West along said West Right-of-way line a distance of JOO.OO feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, thence continuing North Old 22' 43" West along said West Right.cf'way li~, of Congress Avenue a distance of 860.95 feet to a point, thence North 45d ~c'll" West a distance of 34.98 feet to a point on the South Right-ot.way line ot Old Boynton Road, thence North 19d 50' 22" East along an easterly extension of said South Right-ot-way line a distance of 34.48 feet to a point on a line that 1E parallel to and SO feet west as measured perpendicular to the Center line of said congress Avenue, thence South Old 21' 43' East along said parallel line a distance of 885.03 feet to a point, thence South 81d 32' 41' West alone a line parallel to and 300 feet north of said South line of Section 19 a di,tance of 10,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, B. A section of 30 foot right-of-way located within said Section 19 being more particularly described as the South 253 feet of the North 293 feet of said 30 foot right-of-way lying between LOT 42 and LOT 45 SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19 as recorded by the Clerk of the circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida in plat Book 7 Page 19. ., , :;~>"\, ',: . . . '~. ;i{.: "1*-0,;. ".:...., ~:..-:~;- h '" ':; . -'I""'; .:' :..-:~- "it :. '.'&' . ".'Q' .: ,~.k ..:. ....,.:.1. '.'1'~1 ,:. ~;,:~: ',). .~ _______,. '0 'I' ., " /< :: ^ , .... ), ./i; , :;. r t r ';.;; ^' f ~ ~ ? t ,. .~( ". x~., ., 0\1. \,IV .,.. 1102.' 2.7' \3' \I ~4 NOT INCLUDED , I I I 25 FT. RIll LNDD 24 ~R~_2370. PGJI595 7 _ _ 927. 51:_ -,- S. t:.J'?t!! 5e.f /9 ~_ T 927.68, --""/~/ne Se'cl .3o~ 587'32'47'111095.70 T-. ---- -. L..WDD. i ?'.47: I 24 . No. ----.- 13 NOT INCLUDED .~ ' ~ :-.! N NOT INCLUDED . --"-.-- -'..-- S87' 32' 47' II 1042. 02' _ ) C:.i.1 \l ~ ~/1:;1-r ,+- ~ PlIRCEL /It). 3 "qcH BLVD ^ PMC.'EL or- tllID LYIOO IN SEX:TIONS 19 OF'lU'lNSIlJP 45 SOUl'II, Hl\f'oCE 43 WT, SlIID PIIRCEL BErN:> II PORTION OF LOl'S 43 t. 44, OF TIlE SU13nrVTSJON OF !;rCI'ION 19, 'TGINSlUP 45 SOlTl'n, rw.x:;r. 43 FA"", liS mmRDP'.f) IN 1'1J\'(' ~ 7, pN':e 19 OF 'mE PUOLIC ROCOROS OF PMJ.1 I3E1\(.11 CCXJNI'Y, f'WIUDII. , SAID PlIRCEl, I3ElOO M:m: FULLY DESCRIBED lIS FOLt.rus: <:x:M1JN:IN:> 1\T TIlE samlEll..<;T CORNER OF SEX:TION 19, ~HIP 4 ~ ~.,(XrJ'll, R1'IOOE 43 EI\ST,'llIEN:E WITII 1\ I3MRIN:> OF scum 87' 32' 47" WP..s'l', f\Tffi'> ,.nlE scum LINE OF SEX:I'ION 19, 1\ DISTI\N:E OF 1095.70 FEET TO TIm mIN'!' OF BroINN1N:>; TImN::E WI'm ^ I3MRIN:> OF scum 87' 32' 47" WEsT, II D1S- TIIOCE OF 201. 03 FEET TO A POINT TlIEOCE WI'm A BEMIOO OF OORTlI 010 00' 24" WEST, ^ DISTMa: OF 632.32 FEET; 'I'HI!N:E WITII A BEMIN:> OF tnmt 88' 06' 16" EI\ST, A DISTI\N:E OF 282.45 FEET TO 1\ POINT; TII~E . wrIll A CURVE TO THE RIGlrr 11lIVlOO A OlORD BEMIN:> OF ~ 090 51' 09" WEST, ^ MDIUS OF 2041.:n rnE'l', ^ CmrRlIL I\N:>I.E Of' 3 43' 28" I\NI1 fIN liRe f.El'Um OF 132.69 FEET TO 1\ roINT OF REVERSE CURVE; TI1m:E wrIll'" CURVE TO TlIE LEn' IllIVIN:> ^ MOIUS OF 2301.99 rnE'l', II crnJ'RlIt. J\OOf.E OF 1)0 01' 36", I\ND I\N liRe LI'N3TH OF 523.38 FEE'r TO II romr; TIIEI<CE WIm 1\ I3MRIN:> OF scum 1" 18' 43" EI\ST, 1\ DISTI\N:E C'l], ?.1'i FEET mrm OR t.ESS TO 'I'IIE POINT OF I3EX;INNIOO. a:NI'lIINltr. t~, lICRES ~ORE OR LESS I\ND SUDJOC'T om f'J\SEMENI'S I\NTl RIGlrrs-OF-I-'I\Y OF Rm1RD. .----"\! I: :: I: i: " I' " I' d ~ \ , " . ~. . .-----" 1 . ] ) 1 J 1 '1__ ,. ,. j J . .' . A-7 I AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIOA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss Before me, ''the undersigned authority personally appeared BILL R.( & ELSIE A. WINCHESTER , _Name ot OWnerL . who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: .' 1. Tha:t'Hl::hey.arethe fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A_ 3' , " ~ (Attach if insufficient space) 2. "They:- desire- annexation to Boynton Beach, FLorida. 3.' ,They.j.haYe appointed (IlLL RAY WINCHpTER . ame of Agent " to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the a~e'l~ -.. ~ L.-it , /M~ ~~~) , (Signature of Owner) c?;,u> d 7'/)~u'i!/l;?;;L) (Signature of Owner) Sworn to and subscribed before me th i ~ ~~ day of O:,k:::i'Clel\. ,1 ~ _(S;g,," 1'11'9 af 8w<=r) , ~W_A\.p~U- " Notary Public, State of Florida at Large MY Commission Expires: ~))~\39 . . ~ ~ A-7 v . ' .--...---.-.-----..... ..' . . A-6 OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation. Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. Signature 0 A 'licant/ Owner Bill R. Winchester C<f4<":e/ d.!2d!;-(ch~ Signature of -Owner Elsie A. Winchester '. P.O. DRAWFR .1?40 Street Address Signature of Applicant BOYNTON BEACH.. FL 11/l.?5 Ci ty and State City and State (~.O7) 732-396] Telephone Number (~O7) 732-3961 Telephone Number .\ j I , , I I I , , !' Ii " l' lj " .' A-6 r...-..... -.""1 {.I..,).,. ..:r.!J;.'~ .L..- . ::r . -1- A-5 APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made QIl illlY paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) I;C;D','liedge and belief. Further (1) (We) understand that this application, ilUii':;,,,ents, and fees become part of the Cffi c1 al Records of Boynton Beach, fjpri cJa and are not returnable. ,.' APPLl CANT IS: .. -d~~B ~gnature of App icant . x Owner " :, Opti onee . BILL R. WINCHESTER "" '1_ ~,:R' :. Type Name of Applicant Lessee P.O. DRAWER 1240 Street Address Agent BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 Ci.ty and State Contract Purchaser (407) 732-3961'. . .Telephone Number . ,. A-5 ,. /