APPLICATION MEMORANDUM TO: Suzanne Kruse, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner DATE: May 3, 1990 SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Application Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documentation for an amendment to the text of the Comprehensive Plan. The application fee for this request has previously been transmitted to the Finance Department. The Planning Department has requested that the City Attorney review this request in order to determine if a map advertisement is needed. You will be notified as soon as a response is received. A copy of the draft map ad is attached. Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the June 12, 1990 meeting and before the City Commission at the June 19, 1990 meeting pending the outcome of the City Attorney's ruling. J()/) . /~"A,- GOLDEN JJG:cp Encl. ~ - ----- --------------._-_._-_...~-_._,."-----~~~--,.- Af'FUlA'JIT STATE Of' FLORIDA ) ) OC ) COUI(T\' OF PAL" BEACII DEFORE )IE THIS DA\' PER~ONALLY APPEARED DEVRA NEWELL SWORN, IfEPOSES AND SAYS, , WtlO BEINa DULY Th8~ ~he 8ccompanY1ng Proper~y Owners Lis~ 16, ~o the be~ ~~ hi8/h~ knov~~d9~, a comp~ete and eccur&~~ l~~~ o:! e~l property crwne-y'.G, lna:il:i.ng addres~eB e.nd propez 'l,y contro1 numbers as record~d in ~he latest Q~~ici&l ~DX rO~~8 in the Coun~y Courthouse ~or 8~~ proper~y within tol"., 'l::"c.'" hu.n1& ll:"d < j(~} 1'eet 01 -thE" be~o"" descri~ed pElree~ c..~ ~8nd. 4tU The proper~y in queB~1on in X*.KXX~ described as ~o~~uw~, Boynton Beach Comprehensive Land Use plan Opportunities and Constraints Area 7f. SVorn A. 0., to and aubBcrib~d be10re me this 19_. J~ t ~~p~j2r;;~ Q Q ,17na"y o~ ~ FURTHER AFFIANT SA\'ETH HOT. ~q G~a~e oi F~oride at wI~7 /lOTAR\' SEAL Large My COlllnniB~ion Exp:i..c'ea: ftVlIUIT 1IUft'ItI;r!n'JlTl ~ n;G'RIO~ III COIIMISSION EXe1RES:JIAR, Z._JgllZ'. _._ult--.........Iltm- -€,- " Kilday ft A880ciates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (4071 689-2592 M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: March 19, 1990 TO: Scott Miller FROM: Kieran J. Kilday RE: Six (6) annexation applications ************************************************************ My office has just spoken with the Planning Division regard- ing your memo to Tim Cannon of March 9, 1990. Some confusion has resulted, probably due to two similar but confusing factors discussed at the City commission Hearing. My request to the City commission was that the three (3) parcels of land which were under three (3) acres in size, and therefore not eligible for rezoning to Planned Commercial Developments, be determined as consistent with the Comprehen- sive Plan and, therefore, allowed to proceed according to the less time consuming annexation and land use amendment rules contained in the State ordinances for parcels of less than three (3) acres in size. The issue concerned whether or not a text amendment was nec- essary. A text amendment would require a lengthy review process beginning April 1st and proceeding from the City to the State prior to any final action. At the City commission meeting, my understanding of the City commission's motion was that a text amendment was not necessary. The understanding was that these parcels would be designed to the standards of a Planned Commercial Development while not technically being able to meet the minimum size criteria of that zoning direc- tive. For that reason, the applications could be processed without the need for any text amendment. This definition, therefore, allows these applications to go forward in an expedi tious manner. RECEIVED ... 21 1990 PLANNiNG UiPT. Jr' Scott Miller Memo March 19, 1990 Page 2 of 2 I believe this is also the intent of your memo of March 9, 1990: However, because the three acre PCD requirement and the three (3) acre land use amendment exemption requirement are interrelated, the planning staff has some confusion. Based on our discussions, I indicated I would write you to clarify this meeting. I believe the above accurately sum- marizes the discussion that took place at the City Commission meeting. If you are in agreement, I would appreciate your relaying this information to the Planning Department. Thank you Enclosure cc: Tim Cannon Jim Golden Bill Winchester Michael Schroeder f'L"''l'Y MANAGER'S OFFICE l'Y OF BOj!NTON ~EACH TO: Tim Cannon DATE March 9, 1990 DEPARTMENT planninq Director APPROPRIATE ACTION 0'/ EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [] FOR YOUR FILES [] ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJECT: Six Annexation Applications submitted by Kilday & Associ~tes OTHER [] o o FOR YOUR INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN As you are aware the City Commission at Tuesday evenings commission Meeting relative to the Agenda item of six applications submitted by Kilday and Associ~tes for annexation, land use element and rezoning took the following action: 1. Recommended to continue the processing of the six applications ana directed staff to process accordingly. 2. Recommended that the three sites under the three acre rule be processed accordingly as if they were in fact three acres or more. Both of these recommending ~ct1ons by the City Commission are to occur simultaneously, therefore, ! ask that your department move forw~rd in an expeditious manner on these applications. Your prompt attention is appreciated. . /,/~- J'("'s;;;tr"M1her City Manager JSM: j c :RESPONSE: '?(1''1 of I f?e"(.J-rt'r-t 734-91/ I RECEIVED MAR 9 199(1 PLANNII~G DEPT. Date (Action Completed) Signature ....,tIi....>l1I