AGENDA DOCUMENTS PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-078 TO: James cherof, City Attorney THRU: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director 7l: FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner DATE: March 30, 1990 SUBJECT: Annexation of Parcels South of Boynton Beach Mall Recently, several applications were submitted to the Planning Department for annexation, land use element and rezoning south of the Boynton Beach Mall. One of the parcels is 49+ acres in size and may constitute a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). At a recent City commission meeting, it was decided not to seek a binding letter from the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) concerning DRI status, at the request of the applicant. Since that time, the applicant has met with the Planning Department and has indicated that his clients are considering the submittal of an application for a DRI, which would include the 49+ acre parcel and possibly several other parcels. However, the developer would first like to annex these properties into the City prior to submittal of the DRI and applications for land use element amendment and rezoning. The City's zoning regulations state that "boundaries and zoning of all lands annexed into the City shall be determined at the time of annexation" (Section 3.A.5.e of Appendix A-Zoning). There has been one situation, however, where the application to annex was processed prior to the applications for land use element amendment and rezoning. This was done in connection with an application for an amended DRI for the Sears store at the Boynton Beach Mall. A pine preserve area and a canal right-of-way were annexed so that a portion of the property could be utilized for parking for the Sears store. A copy of the Annexation Agreement is attached for your review. with respect to the above, would it be possible to follow the same procedure for the proposed DRI south of the Boynton Beach Mall? Please respond to this inquiry at your earliest possible convenience, as the applicant cannot proceed to meet the City's submittal deadlines until this matter has been resolved. )7JdL GOLDEN JJG:frb Enc cc: City Manager Kieran Kilday, Kilday & Assoc, 1551 Forum PI, Bldg 100A, West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 A:PM90-078 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT between Boynton-JCP Associates, Ltd. ("Applicant") and Lhe City of Boynton Beach ("City") and effec- tive upon the date affixed next to the authorized signature of the last party to execute this Agreement. PREMISES A. The Applicant has filed an Application to annex the property whose legal description is attached as Exhibit "A", (the "Property") into the City. B. The Property is designated as .Open Space" in the Development Order pursuant to Palm Beach county Resolution No. R-75-297, issued April 24, 1975, as amended by Palm Beach County A Resolutions No. R-7B-1132 and R-Bl-1652 ("Development Order"). C. Section 171.062(2), Florida Statutes, (1985) pro- vides: (2) If the area annexed was subject to a county land use plan and county zoning ..or subdivision regulations, said regula- tions shall remain in full force and effect until the area is rezoned by the municipality to comply with its compre- hensive plan. D. The parties wish to proceed with the annexation of the Property prior to adopting a City Land lIse Category or City Zoning District for the Property. E. The parties wish to set forth an understanding for the procedure the Applicant shall follow to assure that the Applicant will apply for a City Land Use Category, City Zoning District and, if required, an Amendment of the Development Order. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. The City, if and when the Property is annexed, will not require, as part of the annexation process, that a City Land Use Category or City Zoning of the Property be adopted prior to, or simultaneously with, annexation of the Property. 2. If required, the Applicant will, as soon as prac- ticable after the annexation, process a Notification of Proposed Change to a previously Approved DRI ("Development Order Amend- ment") which, if approved, will result in utilizing the property for parking as shown on Exhibit "B". . 3. If the Development Order Amendment (if required) permits the Property to be used for parking, the Applicant will, either simultaneously with the Development Order Amendment Pro- cess, or immediately after the Development Order Amendment is adopted, file, with the City an Application for Land Use Element Amendment and Application for Rezoning to permit construction of a parking lot on the Property. 4. On or before April 1, 1988, regardless of whether a Development Order Amendment is in process or obtained, the Applicant will apply for a City Land Use Element Amendment and City Rezoning of the Property consistent with the use permitted by the Development Order as amended. 5. The Applicant acknowledges that the annexation of the Property creates no vested rights in the Applicant to use the Property as anything other than .Open Space" under the Develop- ment Order unless and until both: A. The Development Order is amended (if such Amendment is required) to permit use of the Property for a use other than .Open Space"; and Zoning Space. " B. The City adopts a Land Use Element Category District which is consistent a use other than "Open WHEREFORE, the parties set their hands and seal on the dates set forth below. : :~?}!Y!l::D' Date signed by Applicant: ~ July 2.1 , 1987 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor Attest: City Clerk Date signed by City: July , 1907 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT between Boynton-JCP Associates, ("Applicant") and t.he City of Boynton Beach ("City") and effec- Ltd. tive upon the date affixed next to the authorized signature of the last party to execute this Agreement. PREMISES A. The Applicant has filed an Application to annex the property whose legal description is attached as Exhibit "A", (the "Property") into the City. B. The Property is designated as "Open Space" in the Development Order pursuant to Palm Beach County Resolution No. R-75-297, issued April 24, 1975, as amended by Palm Beach County ~ Resolutions No. R-78-1132 and R-81-1652 ("Development Order"). C. Section 171.062(2), Florida Statutes, (1965) pro- vides: (2) If the area annexed was subject to a county land use plan and county zoning or subdivision regulations, said regula- tions shall remain in full force and effect until the area is rezoned by the municipality to comply with its compre- hensive plan. D. The parties wish to proceed with the annexation of the Property prior to adopting a City Land Use Category or City Zoning District for the Property. E. The parties wish to set forth an understanding for the procedure the Applicant shall follow to assure that the Applicant will apply for a City Land Use Category, City Zoning District and, if required, an Amendment of the Development Order. NOW, THEREFOREr the parties agree as follows: 1. The City, if and when the Property is annexed, will not require, as part of the annexation process, that a City Land Use Category or City Zoning of the Property be adopted prior to, or simultaneously with, annexation of the Property. 2. If required, the Applicant will, as soon as prac- ticable after the annexation, process a Notification of Proposed Change to a Previously Approved DRI ("Development Order Amend- ment") which, if approved, will result in utilizing the Property for parking as shown on Exhibit "B". 3. If the Development Order Amendment (if required) permits the Property to be used for parking, the Applicant will, either simultaneously with the Development Order Amendment Pro- cess, or immediately after the Development Order Amendment is adopted, file, with the City an Application for Land Use Element Amendment and Application for Rezoning to permit construction of a parking lot on the Property. 4. On or before April 1, 1988, regardless of whether a Development Order Amendment is in process or obtained, the Applicant will apply for a City Land Use Element Amendment and City Rezoning of the Property consistent with the use permitted by the Development Order as amended. 5. The Applicant acknowledges that the annexation of the Property creates no vested rights in the Applicant to use the Property as anything other than "Open Space" under the Develop- ment Order unless and until both: A. The Development Order is amended (if such Amendment is required) to permit use of the Property for a use other than .Open Space"; and Zoning Space. " B. The City adopts a Land Use Element Category District which is consistent a use other than "Open WHEREFORE, the parties set their hands and seal on dates set forth below. the ::~N?'??:;CD' Date signed by Applicant: . July 2.1 , 1987 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor Attest: City Clerk Date signed by City: July , 1987 0ou-t ~'i:! P'l€V,fA'0~._ 3- b-q() C'1 C-rvl,n,,,,-,,:,' 'Y'- hi.<. ~J:i-", - ,4. &zL~d C. Consider six applications submitted by Kilday and Associates for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning City Manager Miller indicated the City was "going with this". Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director referred to a 49 acre commercial parcel being over one of the threshholds for a development of regional impact. Mr. Cannnon's conver- sations with DCA and Treasure Coast indicate it probably is not a DRI since they aren't proposing any specific develop- ment. The threshhold for a commercial DRI is 40 acres of commercial. Mr. Cannon indicated when they have projects where it appears it might be a DRI, they prefer to bring it to the Commission and the Commission, if they choose, can ask DCA for a binding letter. Mr. Cannon noted the applica- tions would have to be complete before they are sent to the Planning & Zoning Board and the Commission. Mr. Kieran Kilday of Kilday & Associates explained Mr. Winchester has involvement in some of the parcels but not all of them. He referred to a map and pointed out the 49 acre parcel. He stated Mr. Winchester has no development plans at this time and they were asking for annexation but were stipulating that the property will not develop until it is rezoned a Planned Commercial Development. If it is a DRI, they will have to come in as a DRI. Until you have development plans you can't say whether you are or not. From that standpoint he thought it could be processed as is. If the State has an issue or a question, they always feel free to come back when it goes through the 90 day review process. His concern was that when the term "binding let- ter" is used, it is almost like putting a red flag in front of the State saying take a look and what do you think. Suddenly several months later we don't know. In view of this, they had requested a finding with the stipulation that the 49 acres receive no development approval at this time and it be annexed into the City at the same time as the other smaller parcels. He asked the Commission to recommend to staff that they continue processing the annexation with that stipulation. The second item Mr. Kilday addressed dealt with three small parcels that he had disagreed with staff on. One of these was part of Mr. Winchester's original parcel. The other two were separate ownership entities. All those entities were less than three acres in size and language was brought up in the Plan under problems and Opportunities which said the Commission should promote intensive commercialization of this area. It should be annexed and be a planned develop- ment. The dilemma Mr. Kilday was in was that the three par- cels were not three acres in size and did not qualify for the Planned Commercial District Ordinance. When he made his submittal he addressed this. Because the word "should" was used and while he would like it to be planned commercial developments (they are in fact submitting site plans showing the development plan for the parcel), they cannot request 1 that zoning district. His feeling was that they did not need a text amendment. This was an issue that he had gone back and forth with staff on. The reason the text amendment issue was critical was because if they needed a text amend- ment, those three small parcels were going to have to go through the same long six month process as the 49 acres. He asked for interpretation from the Commission in terms of the term being "should" that this property could leap ahead without having to wait for a text amendment on the three parcels. Mr. Kilday noted he represented all six of the properties. Technical discussion took place about parcel D wanting to have an oil/lube operation. Mr. Kilday noted they had paid close attention to the topic discussed just previous to this on the Agenda and when the Ordinance was complete, part of the proposal was to allow oil changes which had been caught in that same minimum repair definition. Mr. Kilday didn't have a problem with it being a conditional use for the smaller parcels but he thought there should be permitted uses for the larger "Sears-type" operations. Remarks were made about parcels A & B. Vice Mayor Olenik stated he would much rather see parcel A developed as one parcel and look at an outparcel there than have it separate. He referred to a problem on Congress Ave. and Hypoluxo Rd. where an outparcel which is a corner chunk of a shopping center property has ended up not being developed because someone else owned it. He was not sure he wanted to see a service station on the subject corner. Mr. Kilday made other technical remarks about parcels A, B, and C. Mayor Moore asked why the City was having so much trouble with this. He thought the City should be "embracing" this with open arms. Now it appeared it had blown up into an argument between Mr. Cannon and the applicants. The Mayor didn't think stumbling blocks should be thrown in front of these people. The Mayor indicated every time these proper- ties attempt to come into the City, they get involved in red tape at the staff level. The Mayor asked City Manager Miller to get involved to see if we couldn't get these people together so we could move forward on this, within the bounds of reason and law. The Vice Mayor asked what kind of action the applicant was looking for at this time. The Mayor thought they wanted an interpretation by the Commission. The City Manager stated the applicant wanted to get involved in processing the application and also relative to the three si tes \~hich are under acreage and the interpretation of the word "should", so these properties could be moved ahead. He thought that was basically the two areas before the Commission at this time. 2 Motion vice Mayor Olenik moved to grant the interpretation that Mr. Kilday was requesting so this could move forward, subject to Mr. Miller's approval. Commissioner Wische seconded the motion. Clarification was requested by one of the Commissioners on specifically ~~hat the stumbling block was and why they weren't just bringing back applications for annexation. Mr. Kilday referred to the three smaller parcels under the current Plan. The interpretation was that if they were over three acres, they would have submitted them as a Planned Commercial Development District. They are under three acres so they do not meet the minimum threshhold and were sub- mitted as C-3 zoning district with specific development plans. Mr. Kilday noted either way it would still have to go through the same Public Hearings. They won't formally be zoned Planned Commercial Districts. The question was that that section under the City's special policies for different properties of the Plan, when it said "should" or "shall", did it mean every parcel in there had to be a PCD. If so, his parcels couldn't meet the requirements. A vote was called on motion carried 5-0. annexation will take the motion currently on the floor. It was mentioned that the rezoning place simultaneously. The and The Mayor declared a brief recess at 8:20 P.M. The meeting resumed at 8:30 P.M. 3