REVIEW COMMENTS \"\ E !'1! [J P (\ j\! D U ]"! r)C;'l:: F'inL, E'~!". :I. '.idb .ro: CaiP.men AnnUflziato P:Lar'lnirlg Dircctoy- FnCJI'.'I~ fi rnc::,t.h\/ CE,nnOi"""i SeniClr- C:ity F~laflner r".,r- nt: pip.oposed v.aj.lroad crossing arld aCCESS y.oad <::~ "1::. h" V-I " :l 1 t ]"'1 (i \/ (,? n u (,.:~ <,:\ r.! d ~~~ {:~ L. t. :'- a c k ~;:; u .T'~le Cit\ CCJljnc!l IDCldi.fied the text of the 1" F!:~ h ,:~, \..., ~;~_ i \/ E' F::' 1 ,J. r-! E::: ':::\ U:;;I-t.:i. (Jr-' ;;;lj".'c! I:) :'. .;:,t:i. -;,.:, Et 1 (C. .'~., (;1) or-'t In three p~<.ce~; to elimirlate re(::(~mmer'ldatj.on ttlat a r.dilr.oad cr-ossirlQ -:::'. n c:1 <::\ c: C E~ -:~- ~~:. r'DiJ.d b c:~ pr'o~iljed to all.ow 2( Raj.:!.r.~alj, bl?tWPCfl . c. 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FIJr.'thef""mO(~ ttlere ar.e two general poli.cies in the E~\alu~~lon 8rl Appr~isal Recor--t ttlat j.ndica.te tt.lat this acceS0 be p 1'"" U .,./ :i, cl c' cl :: .r !-..\ '::::' + :i_ 1'"" .:;;;_ t:. .:~:; +:_ .;) t c:.:' :;:; 'I F. i'.' Cl \/ i cl C:.' c"~ ..\: + :i. c: i (.:,"; 1.."1 t:. -::;;. n cl .~:~. ,::\ + C:.; Hi C).../ E-:-:' en c.:' r.1 t. V,! :j" t. i..\ :i. !..-: t_ h E.::' ~::;:: t. \( "II i, fJ " :L ~,:5 b:-:i t !on: E~' -::;; f::o' C c_, n cl '::;; t. _:::~. t Eo' :;;; I' F' I'" Ci \/:i. -:::1 i.;:~ .( C) r. Co p t" i m <::..1 i i""i t. ,:;..:' CI1'-.. ':'.:\ t. :j, C) n C) oo;:: f- CJ.:) Ci V-j .:;, '..! ,,:: v.J:i. 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OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 1 August 1986 Mr. George DeLong 545 SE 5th Circle Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr. DeLong: Several weeks ago, you suggested that I misrepresented the action taken by the Planning and Zoning Board relative to the request by Elsie Winchester, et al concerning their request for a Railroad Crossing of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad. To that end, you will find accompanying this letter, excerpts of minutes as follows: 1. Planning and Zoning Board minutes of June 12, 1986. 2. City Council minutes of July 14, 1986. Concerning the Council minutes, the Council has not acted to approve these minutes as of this date, but th~ comments made by the Planning Director are clear and to the point. .1 hope that- this clears up any misunderstanding, and I look forward to working with you in the future. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Co.. -j~ Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP Planning Director /bks Enclosures ~ MINUTES - SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 14, 1986 Vice Mayor zimmerman repeated his motion to postpone a deci- sion until the final outcome of the litigation regarding the residential property to the north, at which time the Clerk is directed to notify the applicant of the outcome .of the litigation and publish a notice at least two weeks in advance advertising the public hearing to consider this PCD application. Councilman Hester seconded the motion; it was voted upon and carried 5-0. Mayor Cassandra announced a short break, and the meeting resumed at 10:05 p.m. B. Consider request for an amendment to the T.raffic and ___ C1rculation Element of the Comprehensive plan to provide -----~o-r a new raiTroad cross1ng or-tne-Seaooarcr-S stem -'a1 roa a appronmatl:!1-.Y S.W. llth_~vE!!!~e..!._,Y.l1JlL_ requestwas-subiiiIEted-by -Enrico Rossi for Elsie winchester and the properties o~ persons affected are among others, the following: 1. Seaboard System Railroad, Inc. 2. puentes Jacinto 3. BUlldog Industries, Inc. 4. L & M Martin 5. Paul D. DeGrangillier 6. Sol C. Shaye 7. Jonathan Kislak, Trustee 8. First Baptist Church of Boynton Beach, Inc. ~r.__~nn,unziato said the Planning and zoning Board held a _public hearing on this request, and comes to the City Council with their recommendation to deny. Attorney Michael Schroeder, appearing on behalf of Elsie Winchester, said that, while the P&Z Board recommended denial of this application, they approved and adopt the language set forth on page 179 of the E&A Report, "Fonstruct a public collector east from S.W. 8th Street to serve the industrial property lying between the railway and Interstate 95,. including. railroad crossing." In view of all of the complications and difficulties that the Council has experienced and is experiencing with respect to the litiga- . tion, the PUD and the PCD, Mr. Schroeder said his client has instructed him to withdraw their application for the crossing at this point but to request that the council adopt the recommendation made by the P&Z Board and, while not locating specifically the crossing or the collector road, include in the plan the language that was approved by the P&Z Board, recognizing the need for the new crossing and the new road. That keeps the plan consistent with the city's subdivision requirements. " - 17 - . .,'",'" MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 12, 1986 In response to Mr. deLong's inquiry, as to the ultimate routing of an access road through Lake Boynton Estates, Plat No.3, to provide for connection onto woolbright Road at the existing 80 foot wide public right-of-way, Mr. Annunziato stated this application does not provide for a specific road. It states there will be a need in the future to have a road. Mr. Annunziato advised the location of the road is not fixed in this application. Mr. Ryder stated there is not an urgent need for approval of this request at this time. It complicates whatever treat- ment this area will get, whether it gets this treatment or the original zone treatment. Either of them poses a problem. Mr. Ryder believed tabling it is no good because the Board will not know anymore about this issue the next time they meet. He stated it should be turned down. . Mr.... deLong moved to decline the applicationJ.._seconded_~_ Mr s. Huckl!,!.. Chairman Trauger stated it was moved and seconded the Boa~d ?eclines the application as not beinq consistent with the Comprehensive Plan at the present time. The motion carried 7 - 0 .---'- Chairman Trauger advised the applicant this request will be presented to the City Council on July 2, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. in the city Council Chambers. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, the meeting of the Planning and zoning Board adjourned at 11:45 P.M. The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zonirl~ Board is scheduled for July 8, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. av~~~ Carol Ann Brown Recording Secretary (Six tapes) ( - 70 - .', MEMORANDUM 17 July 1986 TO: File FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Winchester Request for Comp Plan Amendment On Monday, July 14, 1986 the City Council did not vote on the referenced request as Michael Schroeder, Esquire asked that this request be withdrawn. December 10, 1985 R.ECEIVED DEe .1.;,: 198 . A 5 PLANNING DEPT. ---- Tradewinds Development Corp. 1700 South Dixie Highway Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Attention: Michael Morton, President Dear Mr. Morton: I am in receipt of your letter dated December 4, 1985, regarding your provision of an access road to serve my property lying east of the Seaboard Railroad right-of-way. Although I felt that I had made my position clear during our recent conversation, apparently there has been some misun- derstanding. I did tell you that if you provided the access road in the area described in your December 4 letter, that would appear to meet our needs and satisfy our previous objections assuming, of course, that your road meets all government require- ments. Beyond that, I do not believe there has bee., iL'1Y further agreement. As I have told you, I need you to provide me with a copy of the proposed site plan confirming the location and con- figuration of your road system and how it will serve my property lying east of the Railroad right-of-way before I can agree on anything further. I wish to make it clear that I have not, at this time, relinquished my right to purchase the railroad's lots lying west of the Railroad right-of-way. As I told you during our recent conversation, should you wish to retain the firm of Rossi & Ma1avasi to design your roadway system, then you certainly are free to do so. As I stated during our recent conversations, I have made it my general practice not to be a joint venture partner with others and I am not interested in participating ir, the development of your project. My sole objective has been merely to assure that a portion of your pro- ject's roadway system provides the required access to my property lying east of the Railroad right-of-way and that objective has not changed. Tradewinds Development Corp. Attention: Michael Morton, President December 10, 1985 Page Two In view of the above, I do not see how a meeting with repre- sentatives of the City of Boynton Beach is necessary or will be of any real benefit at this point. I would appreciate it if you would prov ide me wi th a copy of your proposed si te plan showing the access road in the above described location and I assume at that point you would begin the formal application process with the City. Very truly yours, BILL R. WINCHESTER cc: Peter Chaney, City Manager, City of Boynton Beach Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, City of Boynton Beach James Vance, Esq. Michael A. Schroeder, Esq. ., JtEcEIVEn- MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER A TIORNEY AT LAW ONE LINCOLN PLACE SUITE 301 1900 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431 uEC ~~ 1985 l~~~LANNk'''' DEPT. n ---.. .,. ..... - (305) 391.1810 BRO\\'ARD (305) 421-0K'f. DELRA Y (305) 27t>-lf1(~ November 26, 1985 Peter Cheney, City Manager City of Boynton Beach City Hall 120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard City of Boynton Beach, Florida RE: Bill R. Winchester/Railroad Our File Number 85-173/010-10 Dear Peter, Bill Winchester is desirous of moving forward with the obtainment of a permit for the creation and construction of the new railroad crossing between Woolbright Road a'1d Boynton Beach Boulevard. I have been advised by Mr. Radson, the District Railroad Coordinator for the Department of Transportation, that the permit can be issued without the specific location of the crossing hav ing been dec ided upon and, in such event, the loca- tion of the crossing in the permit would simply be designated as being in the vicinity of a particular mile marker. FOllowing this approach, it would be specified in the agreement among the Railroad, the City and the Department of Transportation that the final location of the crossing would be subject to the approval of the City. As you know, the Railroad has already designated the southernmost location it would permit for the new crossing and has indicated that any crossing location north of there, along the section of track with which we are here concerned, would be acceptable to it. The Railroad is now prepared to move forward on this basis and to file an application with the Department of Transportation for the closing of the Ocean Avenue crossing conditioned upon the opening of the new one. Before the Railroad files its applica- tion, however, the Railroad District Industrial Manager, Mr. Edward W. Pollock, has requested that we obtain from you, as City Manager, a letter confirming that you are prepared to recommend 26 the City Council that the City agree to accept the maintenance Pe ter Cheney, Ci ty Manager November 26, 1985 Page Two of the new crossing, when it is built, and agree not to enact an ord inance which would resul t in fines be ing imposed upon the Railroad should trains, pulled off on the spur track to allow a train travell ing in the oposi te direction to pass, occasionally block the flow of traffic across the new crossing. The Railroad has indicated that should it be necessary for emergency vehicles to cross while the crossi:-:g is blocked, the train could be "broken" to allow this to take place. As you know, Bill Winchester has agreed to enter into all arrangement reasonably satisfactory to the City to defer the maintenance costs of the new crossing. I have taken the liberty of drafting a suggested form of letter that I believe would satisfy the Railroad's requirements. The language of that letter is by no means cast in stone and is provided merely in an attempt to assist you in drafting the letter you would eventually send to the Railroad should you decide to do so. I am forwarding a copy of this letter and the enclosure to Jim Vance so that he will be aware of our request and will be in a position to provide you with any imput you may require from him with respect to this matter. We are most anxious to proceed as expeditiously as possible with the obtain- ment of the Railroad crossing permit and would appreciate your assistance in that regard. If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter or if either Bill Winchester or I may be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call upon either or both of us. Very truly yours, MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER MAS/sj Enclosure cc: Jim Vance, Esq. Mr. Bill R. Winchester Carmen Annunziato, City Planner (MAS:26.2-26.2.2) MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER ATIORNEY AT LAW November 26, 1985 E. W. Pollock District Industrial Manager Seaboard/Chessie System Railroads Post Office Box 991 Tampa, Florida 33601-0991 Dear Mr. Pollock: This letter is being written to you in conjunction with the proposed closing of the Ocean Avenue railroad crossing and the opening of a new crossing south of the existing one, but north of Woolbright Road. It is my understand ing that Seaboard Coastl ine Railroad, having received the agreement of Bill Winchester to pay the costs of construction for the new crossing, has agreed to the closing of the existing Ocean Avenue crossing and the creation of the new one, provided that the City of Boynton Beach agrees to same and further, that the City agrees (l) to accept the maintenance obli- gation with respect to the new crossing and (2) agrees not to pass an ordinance imposing any fine upon the railroad should the new crossing occasionally be blocked for periods of less than one (1) hour. I have been advised that the track in the area in question is a double track and that, on occasion, it is necessary for a train to be pulled over to allow a train travell ing in the oposite direction to pass. Depending upon the length of the train this could result in a blocking of the new crossing. It is further my understanding that the railroad has acknowledged that, in the event of emergency, a train that has been pulled over could be separated to allow emergency vehicles to enter or exit the property lying east of the tracks. I also understand that the permit for the crossing can be issued without the precise location of the crossing having been designated. Thus, b the permit, the crossing location would be designated merely as "in the proximity of mile marker ". We recognize that the railroad has del ineated the southernmost loca- tion at which it would permit the new crossing to be constructed and that the final location would have to be north of that point. In view of all of the above and upon the express understanding that no new crossing will be constructed without the location thereof having been first approved by the City of Boyn ton Beach, I am prepared to recommend to the City Counc il E. W. Pollock November 26, 1985 Page Two that it agree, on behalf of the City, to accept the maintenance of the new crossing when built and agree not to impose any fine upon the railroad for occasional blockings of the crossing having a duration of less than one (1) hour as described above and further that it authorize the filing of a request or application with the Department of Transportation, by the City of Boynton Beach, requesting the establishment of a new crossing in conjunc- tion with the closing of the existing crossing at Ocean Avenue. I will further recommend that the City Council include in its resol ut ion a-: ac knowledgmen t tha t the se ag reemen ts are con- ditioned strictly upon the understanding that no construction shall beg in un t il the final location of the new crossing has been approved by the City of Boynton Beach. I will be making these recommendations to the City Council because the closing of the Ocean Ave:.ue crossing will eliminate the flow of i:.dustrialjcommercial traffic, from the property east of the track, through a residential area, will replace an old crossing with a new a:.d more modern one and will facilitate the effec- tuation of the intent of our land use plan and subdivision regu- lations as they apply to the development of the property lying east of the track. Very truly yours, PETER CHENEY City Manager City of Boynton Beach, Florida MASjsj (MAS:26.1-26.1.1) ~---- .: MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER AtTORNEY AT LAW ONE UNCOlN PLACE SUITE 301 1900 CLADES ROAD BOCA RATON. FWRIDA 33431 (305) 391-1810 BROW ARD (3(5) 421.{1S78 DELRAY (305) 276-1!U September 24, 1985 City Council City of Boynton Beach Ci ty Hall 120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard City of Boynton Beach, Florida Attention: Nick Cassandra, Mayor Robert Ferrell, Vice Mayor James R. Warnke, Councilman Carl Zimmerman, Councilman Ezell Hester, Jr., Councilman RE: Woolbright Place - Winchester Ml Property Gentlemen: As you know I represent Bill and Elsie Winchester the owners of approximately eleven (11) acres of Ml land lying east of the Seaboard Railroad right-of-way, north of Woolbright Road and south of Boynton Beach Boulevard. We have attended two (2) meetings with representatives of Tradewinds Development Corp. in an effort to locate an access road to serve my clients' property as contemplated by the City's subdivision regulations. During the course of those discussions the developer has proposed or discussed four (4) potential access routes. We have indicated the location of these routes on the enclosed Sketch. The northern most of the developer's proposed routes is marked in orange on the Sketch and shows a routing of traffic along Sixth Street which would cross into the developer's land in either one of two locations, both of which are shown, and then across the tracks and into the property currently owned by Seaboard, the purchase of which is being negotiated between the railroad and my clients. Since the City Council's action taken on this matter to date incorporates the staff comments, it is our City Council City of Boynton Beach September 24, 1985 Page Two understanding that the City is opposed to routing the Ml traffic through the residential area located north of the proposed PUD. Accordingly, it does not appear that this route can be taken. The next northern-most proposed access route is marked in pin k on the enclosed Sketch and would run between the church si te and the property designated on the proposed Master Plan as Parcel 2. While it was our understanding during our meeting with the developer that the developer was proposing this as a possible route of access, based upon my conversation with the developer's lawyer on September 24, 1985, it is now my impression that either the developer did not intend to propose this route or has since determined that it does not wish to propose same. My clients would have no objection to this route assuming it is satisfactory to the Ci ty . The next proposed route is one which shows a crossing loca- tion just north of Southwest 11th Avenue and is marked in green on the enclosed Sketch. This is the southern most location which the railroad can allow for a crossing because one hundred (100') feet south of this point the track begins to curve and the railroad cannot have a crossing within one hundred (100') feet of a curve in the track for safety reasons. This proposed route would carry the traffic along the east side of the proposed recreation area then turn west following approximately along 12th Avenue until reaching the commercial parcel and then turn north approximately to 11th Avenue and then west to Southwest 8th Street as indicated. Although my client and my client's traffic engineer feel that this is not a particularly desirable resolu- tion of the access problem because it requires so many turns to be made by industrial traffic over such a short distance, my client would agree to this routing of the access road provided turns with sufficient turning radius could be provided to readily accommodate industrial traffic and provided the roadway engi- neering and design were acceptable to the City. The southern-most proposed location for the access road was also submitted by the developer for consideration by the City Engineer. Unfortunately, this route cannot be used because it contemplates a crossing of the track at a point that is unaccep- table to the railroad as it would locate the crossing in a curve of the track and would not be safe. MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER AlTORNEY AT LAW Ci ty Counc il City of Boynton Beach September 24, 1985 Page Three My clients have suggested to the developer that perhaps the best route would be one which crossed the track at the southern most location permitted by the railroad, at the point on the tracks marked in green on the enclosed Sketch, and then pro- ceeding due west, parallel to 11th Avenue until it intersects with 8th Street. One advantage to this approach, which would also apply to the third approach discussed above, is that both the commercial property and the industrial property could use this road as an access road into Southwest 8th and perhaps the entrances now shown on the Master Plan into the church site and Parcel 2 could be combined and come out onto Southwest 8th at approximately the location shown for the landscape buffer between these two sites. This would have the advantage of reducing the number of roads accessing directly onto Southwest 8th Street. With respect to virtually all of the access proposals, the developer has suggested that the access road serv ing the Ml pro- perty should be a limited access roadway and should serve only the Ml property. While my clients certainly do not reject this suggestion outright, it is their feeling that this is not the best approach to the problem from a traffic flow or traffic pat- tern standpoint because, as mentioned above, if the roadway is also used to serve adjacent properties the number of roads entering into Southwest 8th Street can be reduced and, as a result, Southwest 8th Street will be rendered more safe. Obviously, the matter of locating the access road to serve the Ml property cannot be resolved by simply drawing a line on a piece of paper. Consideration must be given to the interaction between that street and the streets with which it will intersect and to the interaction of the traffic using this road with other traffic in the area. Consideration must also be given to the traffic being generated by the proposed Woolbright Projects. It would clearly be poor planning to provide for an access road designed to empty onto a two lane 8 th Street if 8 th Street will be in excess of capacity because it was inadequate to handle traffic generated by the woolbright Projects when it was built. We have commissioned a traffic study to evaluate some of these matters which we hope will be of some assistance to the Council, City staff and the developer in considering and arriving at a resolution of the problem concerning providing access to the Ml property. An executive summary of this study is enclosed along with a copy of the entire study. We apologize for not having the MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER AITORNEY AT LAW --------------------~----,------------.------"--"-~------ City Council City of Boynton Beach September 24, 1985 Page Four study available prior to this time, but the need for such a study was only first suggested at the last Council meeting on September 13, 1985, and, as you know, these studies represent many hours of work on the part of the traffic engineer and cannot be generated over night. Several weeks ago a meeting was held on the railroad track, along the area in question, which was attended by the Department of Transportation Railroad Coordinator, Mr. Clark the City Engineer, representatives of Seaboard Coastline Railroad and Mr. Winchester and myself. At that meeting the railroad's represen- tative indicated the southern-most location which could be used for the new public crossing. This location has been located on a survey, a copy of which is enclosed for your information. The line designated "base line" indicates the southern most boundary for any new public crossing along the area of the track in question. This is to say that the railroad has no objection to a crossing location which is north of this point, but in no event can any portion of a new crossing extend south of this base line. We requested that the surveyor indicate the relative elevations of the Winchester property and of the track, because earlier com- ments had been made by the developer to the Council that there was a substantial disparity in these two figures which rendered the construction of a crossing impractical. As you can see, the elevation at the top of the rail tie in the center line of the track is 14.27 feet whereas, the elevation of the Winchester pro- perty is 13.1 feet and thus, it would appear that there is no difficulty to constructing a crossing in this area that would result from the relative elevations of the parcels. At the last Council meeting the request was made by the Council that any submissions to the Council should be made as far in advance as possible to give the members adequate opportunity for review. Our last meeting with the developer concerning the access problem was held on Friday, September 20, 1985, and when that meeting concluded we were under the impression that another meeting was to be held this Monday. We received no communication from the developer on Monday until the developer's attorney returned my call late in the afternoon and advised that matters appeared to be at an impass. We had hoped tha t we would be in a position by this time to report to the Council that a resolution of the access question had been reached, but unfortunately that is not apparently the case. We are hoping that if the developer MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER AlTORNEY AT LAW Ci ty Counc il City of Boynton Beach September 24, 1985 Page Five intends to make any proposal with respect to the resolution of the access question that it will do so forthwith. Obviously, to make the proposal shortly before the Counc il meeting leaves the Council, the City staff and my client are in the very awkward position of having to evaluate a proposal without having a reaso- nable period of time within which to do so and this is too serious an issue to be decided on the spur of the moment. It is essential that the members of the Council clearly understand my clients position with respect to the location of any proposed access road. Their position is both straight- forward and reasonable. My cl ient will agree to any access route which meets the engineering and design criteria of and is other- wise acceptable to the City of Boynton Beach and which provides for a connection with a crossing location which is acceptable to the City, the railroad and Department of Transportation. We appreciate your taking the time to consider the infor- mation set forth in this letter and hope that it will be helpful to you in your deliberations. Very truly yours, MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER MAS/sj Enclosures cc: Mr. Bill R. Winchester Peter Cheney, City Manager Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director James Walter Vance, Esq. (MAS:24.5-24.5.4) MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER A TIORNEY AT LAW MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER A TIORNEY AT LAW ONE LINCOLN P~CE SVITI 301 1900 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON. FLORIDA 33431 (305) 391.1810 September 3, 1985 BROWARD (305) 421-0878 DELRA Y (305) 27h-18Ot> HAND DELIVERED Honorable Nick Cassandra, Mayor City Hall 120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard City of Boynton Beach . RE: Proposed Woolbright Place PUD and Proposed Shops at Woolbright Place Dear Mayor Cassandra: I represent Bill and Elsie Winchester who are the owners of approximately eleven (11) acres of land lying between 1-95 and the Seaboard Coastline Railroad tracks, immediately north of Woolbright Road. Their property is currently zoned M-l. This letter is being written to make formal request for per- mission to address the City Council tonight before any further vote is taken with respect to the above referenced Woolbright Place projects. As you know, at the City Council meeting on August 20, 1985, the rezoning/land use amendment and rezoning applications with respect to these projects was approved, subject to all staff comments, by a two-one vote. My clients objected to the applications because they included vacating virtually all of the platted streets within the property covered by the applica- tions and this would result in the elimination of any possibility that my client could obtain direct access to his property from the west. My client had always envisioned the use of one or more of these platted streets, in conjunction with a new rail crossing, as the obvious and most practical means of access for commercial and other vehicles to his industrially zoned property. This route of access would avoid the problem of industrial traf- fic going through a residential neighborhood. Fortunately, in the staff comments consistently contemplate that the developer of the referenced projects will be required to provide an eighty (80) foot wide collector right-of-way to pro- Honorable Nick Cassandra, Mayor September 3, 1985 Page Two vide access to my clients land and specify that the right-of-way must not run through a residential neighborhood. The master plan being voted upon by the Council, however, shows a proposed access road at the north end of the PUD which would route traffic into a residential neighborhood. Thus, it would appear that the proposed master plan and what was approved by the Council at the last meeting are in conflict. The situation is further confused by statements made by the develo- per's lawyer to the Counc il at the last Counc il meeting to the effect that the PUD master plan does not provide pUblic access to my clients' property and that this access would not be provided or added at a later time. The developer's attorney went on to confirm that the master plan contemplates private street zoning and that the only public street or road within the PUD will be Southwest 8th Street. My clients would also like to obtain clarification from the Council with respect to when and by what procedure the location of the access road in question will be established. Certainly, under the usual circumstances, the location of an eighty (80) foot wide collector road that will serve approximately twenty (20) acres of industrial land and which will route that traffic through projects like those here being considered by the Council, would be a matter of such magnitude that if it were not shown on the original master plan further public hearings might be required. Is it the intent of the Council that this change will be made without the need for further publ ic hear ing and if so, has this approach been approved by the City's legal advisors? The need to have these issues resolved and the City's intent clarified, is heightened by the fact that it is currently rumored that the developer is negotiating to sell the subject parcels to different parties and such purchasers should clearly understand their Obligations with respect to this access issue and not be mislead by the fact that the master plan does not disclose these Council requirements. My clients are also concerned about whether the Council gave adequate consideration to the traffic problems that will be created by the proposed rezonings and land use amendment. It appears from the Planning Director's memorandum to the Planning and Zoning Board, dated July 31, 1985 that even under existing zoning Woolbright Road will already be operating at four thousand (4,000) trips per day above level of service "Cn at build out. We do not know whether these figures take into consideration the traffic that will be generated by the development of the Winchester property in accordance with current zoning.. In any MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER ATIORl\.'EY AT LAW Honorable Nick Cassandra, Mayor September 3, 1985 Page Three event, the proposed Shops at Woolbright Place will add roughly five thousand (5,000) trips per day to Woolbright Road, which will apparently place Woolbright Road at nine thousand (9,000) trips per day above level of service .C". My clients do not wish to be faced with the situation where, when they are ready to beg in development of the ir property, they are told tha t yes the developers of the parcels in question are required to provide the access road, but the Winchesters can put no traffic on that road because, as a result of the requested rezoning, Woolbright Road cannot handle any additional traffic. Certainly, the severe aggravation of the traffic problem that will result from the pro- posed shopping center should not result in my clients either not being able to develop their property at all, or having to make or pay for substantial offsite roadway improvements which, but for the proposed rezoning to adjacent property, they would not other- wise have to make. In add i tion to the above, there were several sta tements and representations made by the developer through its legal represen- tative which we have now established to be incorrect. We, of course, have no way of knowing how significant a role these representations played in the individual determinations made by each member of the Council, but we feel that they are matters of sufficient significance that they should be brought to the Council's attention. While the issues here are of considerable importance to my clients, they are also of such a nature that the manner in which they and the proposed rezoning and land use amendment are decided by the Council will have far reaching and long standing effects upon the community. We appreciate your consideration of our request to appear before and make a presentation to the City Council at its meeting tonight prior to any vote being taken with respect to the above referenced projects. Very truly yours, MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER MAS/sj cc: Peter Cheney, City Manager (Hand Deliver) Mr. Bill R. Winchester (Hand Deliver) Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach ( MAS: 3 . 1) MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER ATTORNEY AT LAW _ . . '; f r--{-- ]'--- --'--s~~~&J;c~~~~~rwLflOADS----.-T--~--- Salo. & MorkoUng DeparllTlOnt September 3. 1985 Michael A. Schroeder. Esquire One Lincoln Place, Suite 301 1900 Glades Road Boca Raton. norida 33431 RE; Proposed Public Crossing in Section 29. Township 45 South, Range 43 East. Parcel 703. Boynton Beach. Palm Beach County. Florida. Dear Mr. Schroeder: This letter is being written in response to your letter dated August 27. 1985, in which you requested on behalf' of' your clients Bill and Elsie Winchester, the Railroad's consent and approval to the establishment ot a public crossing across the Seaboard right-ot-w~ and into the southern portion ot your clients' above-described property. In your correspondence ;you further indicated your clients' interest in acquiring the property now owned by the Railroad lying immediately to the north. Since our meeting with you and Mr. Winchester. I have had the opportunity to give your request regarding the public crossing and the land purchase further consideration and have the tollOlling comments with respect to same: 1. Proposed public crossing across Seaboard System right-ot-way in Parcel 103. As you know, any request tor a public rail crossing must be processed through and receive the approval ot the State Department ot Transportation. However, I am prepared to recommend to Railroad Management that it consent to and support your proposal tor the creation ot the referenced public crossing provided you comply with and satisfy the f'ollOlling conditions; Post Office Box 991, Tampa. Florida 33601/(813) 621-4Q21 Page 2 Michael A. Schroeder. Esquire September 3. 1985 (a) Your clients must agree to pay for all crossing protections as may be required by the State Department of Transportation and/or by the Railroad Management, (b) Your clients must agree to pay for the cost of the orossing and costs inourred in realigning or adjusting the elevation of the existing tracks as may be required in conjunction therewith, (c) '!'he City of Boynton Beach must agree to accept responsibility for ma1ntenance of the new crossing as well as ownership and maintenance of any interior roads that msy develop l (d) '!be crossing must in all respects be constructed to meet the engineering requirements established by the Railroad, (e) Approval must be received from the State Department of Transportation for the clOsing of the existing crossing located at Ocean Avenue, (f) '!be Winchesters must provide access for all property owners. and their assigns. presently located between Seaboard's main track and 1-95 ~Vho presently use the Ocean Avenue crossing as ingress and egress, including Seaboard 8,ystem Railroad, (g) '!'he Winchesters must agree to meet such other reasonable requirements as the Railroad msy impose, (h) '!'he proposed crossing will be located roughly between where Southeast 11th Avenue and Southeast 12th Avenue abut the railroad right-of-way. it being understood that the final location will be subject to the consent of the Railroad Engineering Department and Department of Transportation. 2. Proposed acquisition of property by Winchester from Railroad. Your client has indicated a desire to purchase the remaining property owned by the Railroad lying north of the Winchester property and south of Boynton Beach Boulevard. along with several small tracts of property located west of our mainline north of Woolbright Road. 1 8m handling for Management I s approval sale of this property to your client. with sales price to be based on a M.A.I. appraisal. 1 will recommend that this subject sale be continguent upon your client obtaining approval. for the newly proposed crossing. Page 3 Michael A. Schroeder. Esquire September 3. 1985 Ita TOU are aware. 1 t 1s the general pol1q ot Seaboard fl1stem Railroad to decline request tor new public road crossings tor l1ab1l1tT reasons. Our Management w1l1 only consider TOur request tor a new crossins prov1ded that the st1pulat1ons conta1ned above are adhered to. It I JDq be ot turther assistance. please teel tree to call. S1ncere17 TOurs. /J-Jl/AJ' fl~ Edward W. Pollock D1str1ct Industr1al Manager Cys: Mr. J. T. Alderson. Jr. Asst. General So11c1tor Seaboard S,ystem Railroad Jacksonv1lle. FL Mr. Mart1n Perl'7 Suite 302 501 South Flagler Dr1ve West Palm Beach. FL 33401 NnCHAELA,SCHROEDER .,,-,rT<TVED ..""t...} h.,"/-,,,, ATTORNEY AT LAW ONE UNCOLN PLACE SUITE 301 1900 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33Cl ::; 1965 DLI".." C; DEPT. I nl'<1> , ._"~_...~ (305) 391-181ll August 29, 1985 BROWARD (305) 421-0878 DELRA Y (305) 27..,806 Mr. Bill R. Winchester Post Office Drawer 1240 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 / (' , < .~i ': RE: Railroad Our File Number 85-173/010-10 Dear Bill, I spoke today with Mr. Green with the Seaboard Coastline Railroad. He has scheduled the meeting concerning the railroad crossing for 9:00 A.M. Friday, September 6, 1985, and has suggested that we all meet at the Ocean Avenue crossing. It is my understanding that he has coordinated this meeting with Mr. Radson, the Department of Transportation District Railroad Coordinator. As you know from our meeting with Mr. Radson earlier this week, he is desirous of also having representatives of the City of Boynton Beach present at this meeting. I am, therefore, by copy of this letter requesting that Mr. Peter Cheney, the City Manager, Mr. Carmen Annunziato, the City Planner, and Mr. Tom Clark, the City Engineer, and such other city officials as they may deem appropriate meet with us at the appointed time and place assuming that their schedules will so permit. I would appreciate anyone to whom a copy of this letter is directed who cannot attend the meeting to please let me know as soon as possible so that we can determine whether it will be necessary to reschedule. We are hopeful that rescheduling will not be necessary as Mr. Green is traveling from Tampa for the meeting. very truly yours, MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER MAS/sj cc: Martin A. Green, Assistant Engineer Seaboard system Railroad Edwin F. Radson, District Railroad Coordinator Department of Transportation Peter Cheney, City Manager, City of Boynton Beach Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, City of Boynton Beach Mr. Tom Clark, City Engineer, City of Boynton Beach (MAS:29.2) MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER ATTORNEY AT LAW ONE LINCOLN PLACE SUITE 301 1900 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431 TELEPHONE (305) 391-1810 . BROWARO: l305) 421..(J878 DElRAY: (3061278-1806 August 3, 1985 . City Counsel City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida Re: Woolbright Place, Residential Planned Unit Development Gentlemen: I represent Bill R. Winchester and Elsie WinChester, his wife, who are the owners of certain property located Urunediately to the east of the property which is the subject of the above referenced application. I have enclosed a copy of a Sketch, on which my clients' property has been highlighted in yellow and a legal description. My clients are opposed to the application and respectfully request that you not approve it. My clients' property is separated from the subject parcel by the railroad tracks and we are now taking initial steps to secure a railroad crossing. You will note from the attached Sketch that the platted streets within the subject property, abut the railroad Urunediately oppo- site my clients' property. My clients' property is zoned Ml and the most practical route of ingress and egress is over the platted streets marked in red on the enclosed Sketch. The proposed project, if approved, would appear to require that the vehicles going to and from my clients' property would have to travel through a residential area in getting to Woolbright Road. This is obviously an undesirable result espe- cially when taking into consideration the type of vehicles that would generally be associated with an M-l use. It is respect- fully requested, therefore, that the application for Woolbright Place, residential planned unit development, be denied. Very truly yours, MICHAEL A. ~r-~ SCHROEDE~(_.,,\ -~'~\-\ j ~~ , ." ~ - .. :-C~ \-:-~\ - : ~ ... "..,0,...... - f';y 1.'5;';0;;'i:>- ~:: ., MAS/sj Enclosure cc: Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Winchester (MAS:3.8) .,,-,.,.,,\< .... . .'" .' ".....c..."' r .l.'.~. ,11' Wlk~' . In'' '~~lr1r=""'-"~~~~~~I~,'~:rifr'~"~ .. Ii' 1 ~ ~.J\. rnmm..: C1 ./ L ~ .' CO U:iIJU." ,-J'''''''~ TI1IIl1I([IT mffil'l'rm , ; = '1A.,Il fur I\RK ,_ _... , Plant ParI< 1 Ll~iidinL ... . :',i~,. Ii f' T ~, -.'- '-+-'1 " .":- .-.z~~r;r"i';;-;;n f;;III,'II'lli:;;;""iiiliiii';'I\'lflll.' ;;,. "i'''=''\"1;....i'''" . "'If, ~,', 'i "I' ,1:'"'0';'"). '~o~,j,/:'~'l1t~f;I:::Ir.:WT.\urrli1illnm:lImu:;' ,. n,l..J'.1.l~. '~ I ! . ".~ , ~ - T,,::':.,:[;iifJ~:",' 11".-" --: lLt.:.iJ.J.. ../ .' ;" ., I . ~ .. ....-1... "::h ...~... IT'iT':- :.- '~r-::'-...... - .:: '. . I .-. ._....I~"".!.. ~l. . 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'-'.","c.' j . EI.s'e A ~ a:<?perty of II.. BiB. Winchester e-f. AI A parcel of land in Section 28, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, described as The vlest half (H 1/2) of the l10rthwest quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northwest quarter om 1/4) ,of the Southwest quar- ter-(SW 1/4); and the We,st quarter (W 1/4) of the South- west quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4); and the West 1/2 of the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southwect quarter (SW 1/11) ; LESS road right of way of State Road 9 and Seaboard Airline Railroad. From sketch made by O'Brien, Suiter & O'Brien, Inc., Land Surveyors, Engineers, Land Planners, Boynton Beach, Florida, dated July 15, 1976. .; A.J OT (:- h)(" F.J.e.. ! . , (h, (V\.r. C. \'11. l<iekV- , II^- !l~<.: r'o~rl-;. Sktvic( ~ G",~/....;.'-'4;f. -t k S "'t ; P "tlo..t/-t' c> VI. t' .f? Po r i-l "-:$ " a C, f ~ <<<-*,-",_:t . I.) 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I I _ .,~ll.1J / i . ~ ffH. . . " . ~ ..: AVE. ~ ..: .~ .: ..... :: : -= .: ,~ .~ ~AV~~ ~ :~ = . ~. ~ ~~:: [IlJ11.U . H A~.:: WJ ftl ~-/e ~ ~jjj ~--''- . .. · .1m ~ ~~::~ '- ~~R~Y = sw 2ND. I ~~ III1IllIllID /~~ [[[]] .~ 5.11. . H ~ -. s. w. ~,~ I J r '- I- 1t ~ L- I- sw II , Ie AVE. dfrrmfjiQ. ~.- ~ - - I- ~ - ~ AVE. II II s.W. - '-;;;; ~ ~ .10' ED ~ , i .. .. == . . . . . M= . . ~ : . . . == . .. ~ .. == == - e .. . l MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS September 24, 1985 Carmen Annunziato City Planner 200 N. .Seacrest Blvd. P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, florida 33425-0310 RE: Traffic Report On the Projects In The Vicinity of SW 8th Street & Woolbright Road In The City of Boynton Beach In Palm Beach County MDDM Project #85-135 -', Dear Mr. Annunziato: t I am pleased to submit the Traffic Impact Analysis Report for the subject project. The report outlines the evaluation and summarizes the findings and recommendations, I appreciated the opportunity of providing this traffic engineering service. Please advise if further information and/or clarifications are required on this report. Sincerely, 0& cA )/-m~------- Daniel N. Murray, 4.. PLANTATION OFFICE: 936 WEST TROPICAL WAY. PLANTATION. FLORIDA 33317. (305) 584-0073 BOCA RATON OFFICE: 21464 WOODCHUCK WAY. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33433. (305) 487-3231 . MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT ON TIlE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS IN THE VICINITY OF SI, 8TH STREET & HOOLBRIGHT ROAD IVITlIIN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACll ROAD IN PALM BEACH COUNTY HURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Prepared By: (xJ~~~/ #::2~ 0Vh" Daniel N. Murray, P.E. Date MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TABLE OF CONTENT ---------------- ---------------- Page Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .1 Site Location Hap -- Figure #1.................................2 Project Land Use Data.........................................3 Trip Generation...............................................4 Trip Distribution.............................................5 Traffic Assignment............................................5 Trip Distribution Percentage -- Figure #2.....................6 Area Average Daily Traffic Assigned -- Figure #3.............6A Peak Hour Traffic Assigned Figure #4.......................9 Peak Hour Traffic Assigned Figure #5......................10 Highway Capacity Analysis....................................ll Maximum Allowable Trip Generation Assuming Project Approvals.14 Maximum Development Peak Hour Traffic Assigned -- Figure #6................................17 Naximum Development Peak Hour Traffic Assigned Figure #7................................18 Highway Capacity Analysis @ ~fuximum Development For C-I & C-3....................................19 Other Roadway Factors To Be Considered.......................19 Existing Land Use Trip Generation............................22 Acces Onto SW 8th Street.....................................23 Conclusions................................................. .23 Appendix HA" Appendix "nn Appendix "en Appendix "n" Highway Capacity Analysis @ SlY 8th Street Based On Submitted Site Plans For C-I & C-3 !Iiglmay Capacity Analysis @ 1-95 Ramp Signals Based On Submitted Site Plans For C-I & C-3 Highway Capacity Analysis Based On Maximum Development For C-I & C-3 Highway Capacity Analysis Based On ~Iaximum Development For C-I & C-3 MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES INTRODUCTION ============ The purpose of this traffic report was to evaluate the critical traffic incremental impacts due to a number of projects in the vicinity of Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street and determine what transportation improvements could be required to maintain a reasonable traffic level of service. Specific projects included in the analysis were: Palm Beach Commerce Center (includes Pylon Interstate Park), Woolbright Place, Woolbright Center, Shoppes At Woolbright Place, and Ml Parcel between RR & 1-95. The significant impact areas will be the SW 8th Street corridor between Boynton Beach Road & Woolbright Road, the intersection of SW 8th Street & Woolbright Road, and the 1-95 signalized ramp intersections at Woolbright Road. For further details on the projects examined & the roadway .. impact area, reference should be made to the Site Location ~~p--Figure #1. To ensure that the traffic flow and safety issues are properly addressed, the City of Boynton Beach requires that a current traffic impact analysis & report be undertaken whenever a project generates a significant impact as indicated in the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. Murray-Dudeck & Associates, Traffic Engineering Consultants have been retained by l'lr. \-Jinchester, OImer of approximately 21 acres of the Nl property to investigate and determine the overall traffic impacts created by the several proposed & approved developments. In conducting the traffic evaluation it was necessary to examine the adjacent highway links to assess the development access and its interaction with the roadways. Additionally, reference was made to the Palm Beach Commerce Center traffic report prepared by Conrad Schaefer and the 3 traffic reports on the Woolbright projects prepared by K.S. Rogers. Since all these traffic reports did not include any analysis or data on the adjacent 1-95 signalized intersections, it was necessary to conduct a peak hour count, so that proper traffic system analysis could be made. Likewise, an inventory of the surrounding trip attractions "as undertaken so that a better understanding of trip patterns could be achieved. -1- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES SITE LOCATION MAP ----------------- ----------------- Old Boynton Beach Rd. Figure #1 ~;:;:::~:;:;::::~*:~:::::::~ :::~~:::-:* ::;,* ,~ Hoolbright ,~ ", Center * ..l.~............""......"_.,..I.,'.*,...~loo lIr.... .,.............,..,..,........,.....,..t- ............... \,oolbright Rd. A ******************* * Palm Beach * * Commerce Center * ******************* '\ SH 1-95 r~ Bo'nton Beach Rd. . Ocean Drive __ ..,..*.."..4..*.t...t.......*..........t.. ,.........,."1"'...............1'.".,. ", Hoolbright ,~ :~~:~::~~~~,.:~ .............,."I"'"I..I".I"'I..r-.t'..4' :;,:::':::::;:;:i.,:::::::::::~::,;t::::::;.:::: 1-95 SB * Shoppes At * Off-Ramp ,~ Hoolbright * j; Place * ri,:1.:*::::::~*~'::*:::::C**:;':* 1-95 SIl On-Ramp 8th St. -2- , ******:}::.:::~::( . ,. ~ In ,. ',' ~~' Parcel ~, .'..........1. """~" ..........."I"'*.,......;.:-:j.* . 1-95 1-95 NIl On-Ramp 1-95 NIl Off-Ramp MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES PROJECT LAND USE DATA ===================== The "Traffic Impact Analysis" was based on the site plan data obtained from the files of the City of Boynton Beach including projected maximum development for Woolbright Center & the Shoppes At Woolbright Place. Specifically, the pertinent data used for traffic engineering purposes is as foIIOl<s: ........................................................................... ............................................................................ Project Description Proposed ~mximun Allowable ------------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ----------------- ----------------- Palm Beach Commerce Center -------------------------- a. office L,45,OOO sf b. industrial 36.2 acres Woolbright Place PUD 764 dwelling units h'oolbright Center a. general office b. medical office 41,000 sf 11,000 sf 10,000 sf ------- ------- total = 62,000 sf 98,000 sf (est. ) (est.) (est.) (est.) 42,000 sf c. bank 10,000 sf 150,000 sf Shoppes At Woolbright Place 146,000 sf 175,000 sf --------------------------- 11-1 Property 25 acres ............................................................................. ............................................................................ -3- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRIP GENERATION =============== In determining the trip generation for the proposed projects it was necessary to use the recently published Institute of Transportations Engineers Trip Generation--Third Edition Publication. Additionally, the trip data presented in the Palm Beach Commerce Center traffic report was utilized. The subsequent calculations reflect the method of traffic generation analysis: Type of Facility ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Unit Size Daily Trips Palm Beach COmfilerCe Center Woolbright Place PUD a. residential b. church c. school I-loolbright Center a. bank b. general office c. medical office Shoppes At Woolbright Place N-l Parcel Industrial Park . Trip Rate 10,782 vpd ':' 764 units 6.6 trips/unit 5,042 vpd 360 vpd *~, 625 vpd ** 10 , 000 sf 192.0 trips/ksf 1,920 vpd 41,000 sf 17.7 trips/lesf 726 vpd 11 ,000 sf 54.6 trips/ksf 601 vpd 146,000 sf 66.7 trips/ksf 9,738 vpd 25 acres 62.8 trips/acre 1,570 vpd ---- total = 31,364 vpd NOTE: * traffic figure taken from Palm Beach Commerce Center traffic report in City files ** traffic figure taken from Woolbright Place PUD traffic report in City files ........................................................................... ........................................................................... -4- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRIP DISTRIBUTION ================= To determine realistic traffic distribution percentages, it is important to recognize the trip production & attraction characteristics. The typical home-based TRIP PURPOSES: work trip = 30%, school trip = 10%, shopping trip = 18%, social & recreational trip = 21%, busines trip = 12%, and other trip = 9% are effective measures of predicting the potential trip desire lines. Also, motorists select specific routes based on travel comfort, travel time, travel safety, etc. Thus it is important to recognize the alternative highway links in considering trip route selection. Therefore after a careful review and evaluation of the surrounding trip influencing factors, the trip percentage distributions were determined as depicted in the Trip Distribution Percentages -- Figure #2 Traffic Assignment ================== By utilizing the trip distribution percentages indicated in Figure #2, the various project traffic on each affected highway link within the area of influence can be determined. TIle computations are depicted in Area Average Daily Development Traffic Assigned -- Figure #3. Since the real traffic impact is measured by calculating the peak hour capacity impacts at critical nodal points, it is important to determine the average peak hour traffic. Based on the various land use projects, the evening peak period is the most critical tirle. In assigning the peak traffic it was necessary to determine specific traffic data. The existing traffic at Hoolbright Road e, SH 8th Street was obtained from K. S. Rogers traffic report. The existing traffic due to the Palm Beach Commerce Center was obtained from Conrad Schaefer's traffic report. The existing traffic at 1-95 signalized ramp intersections was collected by conducting a manual count. The 3 Hoolbright projects & the HI parcel peak hour trips were calculated by utilizing the appropriate trips rateE indicated in the ITE Trip Generation publication under the corresponding categories. These PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC calculations are summarized as follows: -5- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES TRIP DISTRIBUTION PERCENTAGES Figure #2 tm. ============================= Old Boynton Beach Rd. A (5%) 5% r ~5% (5%)~ ~ 5% 5, .-. Boynton Beach Rd. A (15%) 15% Y ~5% (5%).-. (20%) Y Ocean Drive .. 20% Woolbright Rd. .....c:20% (20%)~ 80% Y A (80%) 1-95 SB O~f-Ramp 1-95 NB On-Ramp .. 20% -c: 55% . 55% ~ (5%) (20%) Y --(35% 35%.-.. (20%) 5% Y 20% Y 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp SH 8th St. LEGEND ****** (80%) Ingressing Traffic Distribution 80% Egressing Traffic Distribution -6- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES AREA AVERAGE DAILY DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC ASSIGNED ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Figure #3 Old Boynton Beach Rd. 25510 ./ (25510) 1000 (est.) <26461> (1000) *26540* <3852> ~ *4088';' 2000 (est.) ~ (2000) <2951> 00""'" "'3030* (00) <3802> '~4116* IJoo1bright Rd. ~ 12616 (16628 ) <20430> *20744'~ 00 ./' (10782) <11733> ';'l1S12'~ 1-95 , r~ Boynton Beach Rd. , ~ 25510 (25510) <26461> *26540* Ocean Drive 00 (00) ~ <15210> '~16466'" 1-95 SB Off-Ramp A 17449 j7 (21223) I <27877> *28427';' 1-95 SB On-Ramp 12616 (19386) <29843> *30707';< SlIT 8th St. LEGEND .I,~.,~',....t..._ ....'..........,..,. 12616 (16628) <20430> 1-95 1-95 NB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp 22282 (23899) <26751> *26987':' Existing 1984 Average Daily Traffic Existing 1984 Average Daily Traffic + Palm Beach Commerce Center Existing 1984 Average Daily Traffic + Palm Beach Commerce Center + Hoolbright Place PUD + Hoolbright Center + Shoppes At Woolbright Place Existing 1984 Average Daily Traffic + Palm Beach Commerce Center + Hoolbright Place PUD + Hoolbright Center + Shoppes At 'voolbright Place + M1 Parcel *20744'" -6A- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Woolbright Place PUD PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ----------------- ----------------- ==================== Residential In Out = 764 du x 0.4 tpu = 306 vph = 764 du x 0.2 tpu = subtotal = 153 vph ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 306 vph 153 vph Woolbright Center ----------------- ----------------- A. Parcel "A" 1. bank (! 10,000 sq. ft. 2. office @ 10,000 sq. ft. B. Parcel liB" 1. medical office @ 11,000 sq. ft. 2. office @ 11,000 sq. ft. C. Parcel liCit 1. office e 20,000 sq. ft. Shoppes At Woolbright Place =========================== In Out x 14.0 t/ksf = 140 vph x 15.1 t/ksf = 151 vph x 0.19 t/ksf = 2 vph x 1.14 t/ksf = 11 vph x 0.89 t/ksf = x 3.05 t/ksf = x 0.19 t/ksf = x 1.14 t/ksf = 10 vph 34 vph 2 vph 13 vph x 0.19 t/ksf = x 1.14 t/ksf = 4 vph 23 vph subtotal = 158 vph 232 vph In Out 1. 146,000 sq. ft. x 2.9 t/ksf = 423 vph x 3.1 t/ksf = ---- subtotal = 423 vph -7- 453 vph 453 vph MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Summary of External Trips ========================= Assume 10% internal trips In Out 306 vph 153 vph 158 vph 232 vph 423 vph 453 vph --- ---- 887 vph 838 vph 89 vph 84 vph -- --- 798 vph 754 vph Woolbright Place PUD Woolbright Center Shop pes At Woolbright Place Potential Peak Hour Traffic From N-l Property ============================================== Estimated Acreage a. undeveloped = b. developed = 21 acres 4 acres 25 acres Trips Based On Industrial Park In Out 25 acres x 3.0 trips/acre = 9.4 trips/acre = 75 vph 235 vph subtotal = 75 vph 235 vph Total = 873 vph 989 vph I Based on all the aforementioned all the projects hourly traffic are Assigned -- Figure #4 & Figure #5. peak hour data, the computations of depicted in the Peak Hour Traffic -8- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ASSIGNED -- Figure #4 -------------------------- -------------------------- @ Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street --------------------------------- --------------------------------- SI, 8th Street t NORm *198* *50* *544* <151> <38> <415> ~oo (00) <439> *480* (00) (00) (00) 00( 600 (600) <600> *600* 00 00 00 ).11 (364) <364> '~364* ). 'f '" Hoolbright Road ~ .. ~ *175* <160> (00) 00 ~ 23 00 25 *525'~ <525> (525) 525 ~ (238) (00) (455) *209" <209> (209) 12 '" <238> <40> <455> *238* *44* *455* LEGEND :::*~:c*~::::: 23 PH Peak Traffic = Existing As Indicated In Rogers' Traffic Repor't (238) PH Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Con~erce Center--Traffic As Indicated In Schaefer Traffic Report <238> PM Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Woolbright Place, Woolbright Center, & Shoppes At Woolbright Place combined) *238* ~l Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + 3 Woolbright Projects + M-l Parcel -9- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ASSIGNED -- Figure US -------------------------- -------------------------- @ Woolbright Road & 1-95 Ramps ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 1-95 SB Off-Ramp t ''"OJ *478* *416* 1-95 NB On-Ramp <463> <416> . (303) (416) 175 416 ;. ..... ... 344 (569) <848> ':'874'~ ~ 450 (450 <450> *450'- .... 214 (214) <214> *214* ... 359 (456) <575> *586* IVoolbright Road ~ ~ *1113*<1031> (767) 493>>- *531* <484> (333) 177 ~ 199 335 '~460* <413> (262) 106 ~ ~'998~' <963> (850) 732 >>- (327) (335) <487> <335> '~502* *335* 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp LEGEND ~.....,.~,....~,I...t. """'...~...'....,' 106 fl1 Peak Traffic = Existing As Indicated In Rogers' Traffic Report (262) PM Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center--Traffic As Indicated In Schaefer Traffic Report . <413> P~l Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Ivoo1bright Place, IVoo1bright Center. & Shoppes At Woolbright Place combined) *460* PM Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + 3 IVoolbright Projects + M-l Parcel -10- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES HIGln,AY CAPACITY ANALYSIS ========================= To determine the level of service of the adjacent highway links, which the subject project will impact, it is essential to examine the highway carrying capacity. Reasonable and acceptable traffic movement can be achieved if the roadway sections are operating at or above level of service "D". For a 2-lane undivided highway a total of 11,500 vehicles per day resul ts in "D" service, for a 4-lane divided highway the figure is 27,600 vehicles per day, for a 6-lane divided highway the figure is 41,500 vehicles per day, day, and for a 6-lane expressway the figure is 82,800 vehicles per day. Furthermore, to achieve the optimum expected traffic flow it requires that all links operate at level of service "c" or better, which is 10,000 vehicles per day for a 2-lane undivided highway, 24,000 vehicles per day for a 4-lane divided roadway, 36,000 vehicles per day for a 4-lane divided roadway, and 72,000 vehicles per day for a 6-lane expressway. A careful examination of the daily traffic figures shOlm in Figure #3 \1aS made so that the highway link capacities could be verified. Under the existing traffic levels Iloolbright Road is operating at an acceptable level of service. Witb, the impact of the approved Palm Beach Commerce Center the 4-lane section would be an acceptable level of service. With the additional traffic generated by Woolbright Place PUD, Woolbright Center, and Shoppes At Woolbright Place the highway will be bel0l1 level of service "D". IVith the inclusion of the HI parcel traffic, vehicular flow on Woolbright Road will deteriorate. Thus with the full build-out of these projects and some of the adjacent development, it is evident that Woolbright Road will require expansion to a 6-lane divided highway. Also, the traffic flow on 1-95, which is continually increasing in congestion & traffic delays, will be adversely impacted. However, the incremental impact on the interstate is not substantial to consider any mainline improvements. However the ramp intersections should be upgraded. Although highway link daily traffic projects certain capacity concerns, the real capacity constraints are the intersections. In fact the daily traffic figures previously indicated are not true indicators of level of services. Therefore, to determine the peak hour impacts, it is necessary to evaluate the traffic movements at the intersection of Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street, and at the intersections of 1-95 ramps & Woolbright Road. By utilizing the Transportation Research Circular #212, the "Critical Movement Analysis" methodology, a determination of the actual level of services can be made. The analysis as shOlm in Appendix "A" & "B" clearly indicates that the intersections will be overtaxed under existing geometrics + the geometrics recommended in the 3 K.S. Rogers traffic reports + the geometrics recommended in the Conrad W. Schaefer traffic report. By incorporating some double left turn lanes, free right turn lanes to facilitate the RIGIIT TURN ON RED, and interconnection of the adjacent signals, positive capacity can be achieved. A LEVEL OF SERVICE SI~frlARY at Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street and at Woolbright Road & 1-95 Ramp Signals depicts the traffic operational conditions under the several different intensities of traffic and alternative intersectional geometrics. -11- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY ------------------------ ------------------------ @ Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street ================================= Traffic Impact Intersectional Laneage -------------- ---------------------- Rogers Report Double Left WRTOR WRTOR&6L ------------- ----------- -------- l. existing + Palm Beach "D" tiC" Commerce Center 2. existing + Woolbright "n" "CH Center, Woolbright Place & Shoppes At Woolbright Place 3. #1 & #2 "E" "E" lie" "e" 4. #3 + Ml parcel "E" l'E" "e" "e" NOTE: Double Left As Follows: a. westbound for Palm Beach Commerce Center b. southbound for Woolbright Place, Woolbright Center, & Shop pes At Woolbright Place Right a. b. Turn On Red (RTOR) Adjustment westbound right turn northbound right turn For 6 Lanes For Woolbright Road I -12- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY ------------------------ ------------------------ @ Woolbright Road & 1-95 Ramp Signals ====~================================ Traffic Impact Intersectional Laneage Existing Geometries NB Double Left WB & EB 6L ------------------- -------------- ---------- A. Woolbright Rd. & 1-95 West Signal ---------------- ---------------- 1. existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center Woolbright Center, Woolbright Place & Shoppes At Woolbright Place "e" 2. #1 + Ml parcel "e" B. Woolbright Rd. & 1-95 East Signal ---------------- ---------------- 1. existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center Woolbright Center, Woolbright Place & Shoppes At Woolbright Place "E" "e" 2. #1 + Ml parcel "E" "e" "e" NOTE: Double Left As Follows: a. Northbound 1-95 Off Ramp To Proceed Westbound 6 Lanes For Woolbright Road -13- MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES ~~XIM~1 ALLOWABLE TRIP GENERATION ASSUMING PROJECT APPROVALS ============================================================ Based on the City of Boynton Beach land planning data, if full density build-out was pursued, the daily trips generated would increase by over 4,600 vehicles per day. The subsequent calculations reflect the method of traffic generation analysis: ............................................................................ ........................................................................... Type of Facility Unit Size Trip Rate Daily Trips Palm Beach Commerce Center 10,782 vpd * Woolbright Place PUD a. residential b. church c. school 764 units 6.6 trips/unit 5,042 vpd 360 vpd ':'~, 625 vpd ** Woolbright Center a. bank b. general office c. medical office 10,000 sf 98,000 sf 42,000 sf 192.0 trips/ksf 17.7 trips/ksf 54.6 trips/ksf 1,920 vpd 1,735 vpd 2,293 vpd Shop pes At Woolbright Place 175,000 sf 66.7 trips/ksf 11,673 vpd ~1-1 Parcel Industrial Park 25 acres 62.8 trips/acre 1,570 vpd total = 36,000 vpd Total traffic increase = 4,636 vpd ;:~***~~*::~~~* NOTE: * traffic figure taken from Palm Beach Commerce Center traffic report in City files "" traffic figure taken from Hoolbright Place PUD traffic report in City files ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Likewise, the peak hour traffic will be impacted, if the maximum build-out is undertaken. Based on the subsequent analysis, the total ingress traffic will increase by 111 vph and the total egress traffic will increase by 224 vph. -14- MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES ----------------- ----------------- PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC - Based On !1aximum AllO\<able -------------------------- -------------------------- Woolbright Place pun -------------------- -------------------- In Residential = 764 du x 0.4 tpu = 306 vph = 764 du x 0.2 tpu = --- subtotal = 306 vph Out 153 vph 153 vph ........................................................................... ........................................................................... \oIoolbright Center = 150,000 sq. ft. ----------------- ----------------- a. assume 1 bank @ 10,000 sq. ft. b. assume 70% office & 30% medical In Out 1. bank @ 10,000 sq. ft. x 14.0 t/ksf = 140 vph x 15.1 t/ksf = 151 vph 2. office @ 98,000 sq. ft. x 0.19 t/ksf = 19 vph x 1.14 t/ksf = 112 vph 3. medical office @ 42,000 sq. ft. x 0.89 t/ksf = 37 vph x 3.05 t/ksf = 128 vph --- --- subtotal = 196 vph 391 vph ........................................................................... ............................................................................ Shoppes At Woolbright Place =========================== In 1. 175,000 sq. ft. x 2.9 t/ksf = 508 vph x 3.1 t/ksf = ---- subtotal = 508 vph -15- Out 543 vph 543 vph MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Summary of External Trips ========================= Assume 10% internal trips In Out 306 vph 153 vph 196 vph 391 vph 508 vph 543 vph ---- ---- 1010 vph 1087 vph 101 vph 109 vph -- --- 909 vph 978 vph Woolbright Place PUD Woolbright Center Shoppes At Hoolbright Place Potential Peak Hour Traffic From 11-1 Property ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Estimated Acreage a. undeveloped = 21 acres b. developed = 4 acres -- 25 acres Trips Based On Industrial Park In Out 25 acres x 3.0 trips/acre = 75 vph 9.4 trips/acre = 235 vph -- -- subtotal = 75 vph 235 vph Total = 984 vph 1213 vph Based on the aforementioned maximum development peak hour data, the computations of all the projects hourly traffic are depicted in the Maximum Development Peak Hour Traffic Assigned -- Figure #6 & Figure #7. -16- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES MAXI~rrn1 DEVELOPHENT PEAK HOUR 'IT{AFFIC ASSIGNED -- Figure #6 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------- --------- @ Hoolbright Road & SI-I 8th Street --------------------------------- --------------------------------- SH 8th Street t ,ORm ~'243'~ "61" *667* <196> <49> <538> ~ 00 (00) <500> *541;" .' (00) (00) (00) ... 600 (600) <600> ':'600'" . 00 00 00 ~ 11 (364) <364> *364* ~ Y "' Hoolbright Road ~ A ~ ':'197;" <182> (00) 00 ~ 23 00 25 "525* <525> (525) 525 ~ (238) (00) (455) "209" <209> (209) 12 .... <238> <45> <455> *238* *49* *455* LEGEND *::,::-::~** 23 PH Peak Traffic = Existing As Indicated In Rogers' Traffic Report (238) PC! Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center--Traffic As Indicated In Schaefer Traffic Report <238> H1 Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Woolbright Place, Hoolbright Center, & Shoppes Atl'loo1bright Place combined) *238* PM Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + 3 Hoo1bright Projects + H-1 Parcel -17- MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES MAXII1UH DEVELOPI1ENT PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ASSIGNED -- Figure #7 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------- --------- @ Woolbright Road & 1-95 Ramps ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 1-95 SB Off-Ramp t NORm *500'~ *416'~ 1-95 NB On-Ramp <485> <416> (303) (416) 175 416 ;. '" """ 344 (569) <887> *913* ~ 450 (450 <450> *450* ;. 214 (214) <214> *214* """ 359 (l,56) <592> '~603* Hoo1bright Road ~ ~ ~"1191"<1109> (767) 493 ~ ':'576* <529> (333) 177 ~ 199 335 ;<;505* <458> (262 ) 106", *1031* <996> (850) 732 ~ (327) (335) <509> <335> ':'524':' ':'335'~ .- :.,-_. 1-95 SB On-Ramp 1-95 NB Off-Ramp LEGEND ~::****::: 106 PM Peak Traffic = Existing As Indicated In Rogers' Traffic Report (262) ~l Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center--Traffic As Indicated In Schaefer Traffic Report <458> I'll Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Woolbright Place, h'oolbright Center, & Shoppes At Woolbright Place combined) *505* PM Peak Traffic = Existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + 3 Woolbright Projects + 11-1 Parcel -18- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES IlIGIlHAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS @ HAXIMUM DEVELOP/lENT FOR C-l & C-3 ============================================================= A re-evaluation of the peak hour impacts is necessary at the intersection of Hoolbright Road & SW 8th Street, and at the intersections of 1-95 ramps & Woolbright Road. By utilizing the Transportation Research Circular #212, the "Critical Hovement Analysis" methodology, a determination of the actual level of services can be made. The analysis as shown in Appendix "c" & "D indicates that besides the incorporation of some double left turn lanes, free right turn lanes to facilitate the RIGHT TURN ON RED, and interconnection of the adjacent signals, the need for 6-laning Vloolbright Road will be required at full build-out, if level of service "c" is to be maintained. A LEVEL OF SERVICE Sm'UIARY @ HAXII1illl DEVELOPMENT FOR C-l & C-3 for the intersections of I-Ioolbright Road & SH 8th Street and Woolbright Road & 1-95 Ramps reflects the traffic operational conditions under the several different intensities of traffic and alternative intersectional geometries. OTHER ROADWAY FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED ====================================== The SI\' 8th Street corridor uhen constructed north to Ocean Drive, will be a north--south connector between 1100lbright Road & Boynton Beach Road. Undoubtly, traffic Hill utilize this hig1l11ay if a trip destination favors such a route. Because SH 8th Street north of Ocean Drive is a narrO\;, substandard residential roadway, it is a very undesireable route from a traffic safety standpoint. If the connection is completed and no geometric improvements are made north of Ocean Drive, the City of Boynton Beach should be concerned about liability on any future accident that could be attributed to the road,;ay conditions. LikeHise, ,Ji th the extension of SI.I 8th Street drivers will use Ocean Drive to proceed west to Congress Avenue. This will be a convenient route for motorists visiting the new shopping plaza in the northeast quadrant of Congress Avenue & Ocean Drive and also to go to the Regional Mall. With the realignment of Old Boynton Beach Road, the reconstruction of the medians on Boynton Beach Road, and the signalization of SVI 8th Street at Boynton Beach Road, motorist will tend to use SW 8th Street. Thus the City will be facing the issue of maintaining the residential, low volume roaduay vs. improving the highway & encouraging a substantial increase in vehi,cular activity. -19- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY @ MAXIMUM DEVELOPMENT FOR C-1 & C-3 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ @ Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Traffic Impact Intersectional Laneage SB&WB 2L & WRTOR SB&WB 2L & WRTOR&6L SB&WB&EB 2L & WRTOR&6L 1. existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Woolbright Center, Woolbright Place & Shop pes At Woolbright Place) "n" "c" 2. existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Woolbright Center, Woolbright Place & Shoppes At Woolbright Place) + M1 Parcel "e" "e" NOTE: Double Left As Follows: a. westbound for Pal~ Beach Commerce Center b. southbound for Woolbright Place, Woolbright Center, & Shop pes At Woolbright Place c. M1 Parcel Right a. b. Turn On Red (RTOR) Adjustment westbound right turn northbound right turn For 6 Lanes For Woolbright Road -20- MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY @ ~~XIMill1 DEVELOPMENT FOR C-l & C-3 ============================================================ @ Woolbright Road & I-95 Ramp Signals ===================================== Traffic Impact Intersectional Laneage ---------------------- Existing NB 2L NB 2L Geometries IfB&EB 6L NB&EB 2L HB&EB 6L ---------- ------ -------- A. IJoolbright Rd. & I-95 West Signal ---------------- ---------------- 1. existing + Palm Beach "c" Commerce Center + (\'Ioolbright Center, Hoolbright Place & Shoppes At l'loolbright Place) + HI Parcel B. Hoolbright P.d. & I-95 East Signal ---------------- ---------------- 1. same as #1 "D" 2 . same as III "D" 3. same as #1 "B" NOTE: Double Left As Follows: a. Northbound I-95 Off Ramp To Proceed Hestbound b. Eastbound IJoolbright Road To Proceed North On I-95 6 Lanes For Hoolbright Road -21- MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES EXISTING LAND USE TRIP GENERATION --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Based on the City of Boynton Beach land planning data, if full density build-out was pursued under existing land use, the daily trips generated would be reduced by over 8,000 vehicles per day. The subsequent calculations reflect the method of traffic generation analysis: Type of Facility ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Unit Size Trip Rate Daily Trips Palm Beach Commerce Center 10,782 vpd :1,: ~oolbright Place PUD a. single family 430 units 10.0 trips/unit 4,300 vpd Woolbright Center a. commercial 17,000 sf 117.9 trips/ksf 2,004 vpd Shoppes At IVoolbright Place 55,000 sf 82.0 trips/ksf lo,51O vpd H-1 Parcel Industrial Park 25 acres 62.8 trips/acre 1,570 vpd total = 23,166 vpd Total traffic decrease = 8,198 vpd *~~~~****;::::* Total traffic decrease from maximum allowable development = 12,834 vpd ;~*:;.::;.:,,"::::.:**** NOTE: ". traffic figure taken from Palm Beach Commerce Center traffic report in City files ............................................................................ ........................................................................... Obviously, if the existing land use was maintained, a substantial level of traffic from the SH 8th Street area will not be generated. However, since there \ri.ll be over 13,000 trips/day on SlY 8th Street, it will still have to be a 4-lane divided roadway. Likewise, the southbound double left turn \<culd still be appropriate, but the need to six lane IVoolbright Road would not be required. -22- MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES ACCESS ONTO SW 8TH STREET ------------------------- ------------------------- Because SW 8th Street alignment has a number of horizontal curves, it is especially important to locate all driveways where maximum sight distance can be achieved. Furthermore, the internal spacing should not be less than 660 feet to insure proper development of any required turn lanes. According to the Shoppes At Woolbright Place, there will be an access at the northerly end of the property. The extension of this roadway corridor toward the east across the railroad will provide the necessary access for the MI parcel. Furthermore, this access roadway should permit side access from the Shoppes At Woolbright Place, so that the commercial & industrial will use the same intersection point at SW 8th Street. Likewise, the Woolbright Center access should be aligned directly opposite this intersection to insure positive control of ALL traffic movements without .. creating an offset intersection. With the construction of a southbound left turn lane at this driveway access on Sw 8th Street, it could adversely impact the location of the median & driveway to the Church site & parcel #1. In fact with the horizontal curve & closeness to the other access, it is recommended that the point of ingress--egress be shifted to the north and the development of a joint use access between the residential & the church site be built. There could be separate driveways off of the joint use access to separate the two different traffic types. If the cross access to the MI parcel is constructed along the northside of the Church site, then the residential & church traffic should access onto the cross access link, so that all traffic is point loaded onto SW 8th Street. This access is not as desireable as the joint access with the MI parcel & the Shoppes At Woolbright Place. A third cross access alternative is to develop a roadway around the recreational area before following the corridor just to the north of the Shoppes At Woolbright Place. If this access is considered, then special emphasis to the roadway design alignment shall be made to insure that acceptable design standards are adherred to. In transitioning from a 4-lane divided highway to a 2-lane undivided highway, it is critical that proper lane balance & continuity be maintained so that any driver does not have to face an unexpected condition. The logical location for dropping certain laneage & adding other lanes is at the northerly access to the residential development. By designating the northbound right thru lane as a right turns only as you approach the northerly residential access, a reasonable transition design can be achieved. Also, the single southbound lane should be expanded to 23 thru lanes, a right turn lane, and a left turn lane as you approach the northerly residential access intersection. -23 MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CONCLUSIONS ----------- ----------- #1 The proposed Woolbright Place PUD, Woolbright Center, and Shoppes At Woolbright Place will generate a substantial level of traffic. #2 The 3 projects will generate a significant level of traffic onto the highway system. However, since Woolbright Road has low daily traffic, this roadway does not create a Category "A" situation. But the traffic distributed onto Congress Avenue will create some problems, because Congress Avenue is a Category "A" link. Since Congress Avenue is scheduled for 4-laning, this capacity problem should be substantially reduced. #3 The Palm Beach Commerce Center will be generating traffic especially during the peak hours. However in the approval process there were minimum improvements required. Probably the most critical improvement necessary is a WB double left turn lane to accomodate over 350 left turns. #4 Since the intersection of SW 8th Street is at the bottom of a downgrade for westbound vehicles, it is essential that traffic flow be smooth and coordinated. This will not eliminate the rearend accidents, but can alleviate this real accident concern. #5 Due to the fact that SW 8th Street is going to be a major intersection on Woolbright Road, it is important to not locate any median openings, closer than 660 feet to the SW 8th Street--Woolbright Road intersection to insure proper traffic flow & safety. #6 All driveway accesses shall meet the sight triangle requirements. #7 All necessary traffic controls shall be in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. #8 In evaluating the magnitude of traffic impacts of each of the projects, it is suggested that the fair share percentage impact of each project be determined by using the following percentages derived from the daily project generated traffic figures: Palm Beach Commerce Center Woolbright Place PUD Woolbright Center Shoppes At Woolbright Place Ml Parcel Daily Traffic Percentages ------------- ----------- ; 10,782 vpd 34.4% ; 6,027 vpd 19.2% ; 3,247 vpd 10.4% ; 9,738 vpd 31.0% ; 1,570 vpd 5.0% ------ ---- ------ 31 ,364 vpd 100.0% -24- MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCI #9 In evaluating the collective impact from Wool Woolbright Center, & Shoppes At Woolbright Place, it is 8th Street be a 4-lane divided highway between the nor access & Woolbright Road. Furthermore, a southbound doub at the intersection of Woolbright Road & SW 8th Street double left turn lane at the intersection of 1-95 nort Woolbright Road are necessary traffic operational impr reasonable traffic flow & safety. #10 Since SW 8th Street alignment introduces additio safety concerns, it is critical that all traffic confl controlled to minimize any congestion or accident p scaled roadway conceptual design plan has been develope to evaluate the traffic operational conditions av deficiencies. #11 By enhancing SW 8th Street to Woolbright Road, motorists to use that route rather than proceeding north to Boynton Beach Road or to Ocean Drive & Congress A discourage these corridors, certain traffic controls coul #12 With the continually growth in the surrounding the anticipated traffic from these specific projects, Woolbright Road prior to the build-out period will be improvement to the transportation system should be gover since several projects will be the causation of such a tr -25- TES right Place PUD, ssential that SW herly residential e left turn lane and a northbound bound off ramp & vements to insure al traffic flow & cts be positively tential. Once a . it is important id any serious it will encourage on SW 8th Street enue. To further be implemented. area, as well as he need to 6-lane necessary. This ment responsibily nsportation need. MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "A" ----------- ----------- HIGHlvAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS ------------------------- ------------------------- Based On Submitted Site Plans For C-l & C-3 =======================================~=== I) Analysis Based On Geometrics Recommended By Rogers Report a. traffic = existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center b. traffic = existing + (Woolbright Place + Woolbright Center + Shoppes At Hoolbright Place) c. t raff ic = existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Hoolbright Place + Hoolbright Center + Shoppes At Woolbright Place) d. traffic = existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Woolbright Place + Woolbright Center + Shoppes At Woolbright Place) + Ml Parcel II) Analysis Based On Additional Geometric Improvements Traffic Geometrics ------- --------- a. same as I) a. westbound double left turn lane b. same as I) b. southbound double left turn lane c. same as I) c. westbound & southbound double left turn lanes d. same as I) d. westbound & southbound do~ble left turn lanes III) Analysis Based On Right Turn On Red Traffic ------- a. same as I) c. b. same as III) a. c. same as I) d. d. same as III) c, Additions northbound right turn lane & northbound & westbound reduction of right turns same as III) a. + 6-lanes ,on Hoolbright Rd. same as III) a. same as III) b. MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Ci:ITlCAL i IOVElIE!'i'J' A!~ALYSIS \'IOOLIlRIGIIT RD. & SI; 8TH ST. I) a. Pl'IPIIT-EX.+PBCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 80 CRITICAL N/S VOL 562 CRITICAL E/W VOL 812 CRITICAL Silll 1374 ************************************* LANE GEOi'IETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTHlJOUND EASTBOUND IfflSTIlOUND LANE MOV \IIDT!! HOV I1IDTII HOV WID'nI NaV HIDTlI 1 RT. 12.0 .... Roo 12.0 T.. 12.0 2 Loo 12.0 .... T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 T.. 12.0 Loo 12,0 4 Loo 12.0 .. . 5 6 .... .... . .. TRAFFIC VOLUllES NORTIIBOUllD SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUND HESTBOUND LEFl' 230 0 0 364 T1IRU 0 0 525 600 RIGIIT 455 0 209 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/IIR) PEAK 1I0UR FACTOR II0RTlIBOUllD 5 0 .85 SOliTHIlOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 \,'ESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PRASING N/S: 1. NEITHER TURN PROTECTED EN : 2. ilEA VIEST TURN PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) CYCLE LENGTlI : 90 SECONDS G/C - NB & SB TIIRU :.2 G/C - EB & ,m TIlRU :.5 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY NOVEl-lENT NORTIlBOUND SOUTIlIJOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOutlD THRU -RIGHT 562 0 340 389 LEFl' 293 0 0 472 LEFl' TUIlN CIIECK NORTHBOUND SOUTIlBOutlD EASTBOUND IfflSTBOUND INPUT VOLilllE 238 0 0 364 CAPACITY 380 0 230 305 NEED PHASE? NO NO NO N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES ClunCAL i'lOVI'liEIIT ANALYSIS llooLBRIGIlT RD. & SII 8TH ST. I) b. PNPIlT -EX. +(WP+I~C+SI;P) DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 83 CRITICAL N/S VOL 617 CRITICAL E/W VOL 749 CRITICAL SUH 1366 ************************************* LANE 1I0RTlIBOUND HOV UIDTI: 1 lIT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 2 3 4 5 6 NORTHBOUND LEFT T1IRU RIGHT 23 40 25 T1mCI:S (%) 5 5 5 5 NORTlIBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND v.'ESTBOUND PHASING LANE GEar iETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTllOUND llOV IIIDTII NOV IITlYI'II WESTBOUND mv \nD'11I RT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 Roo 12.0 Too 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLU/.lES SOUTIIEOUND EASTBOUND HESTIlOUND 415 38 151 160 525 12 11 600 1,39 LOCAL llUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .85 .85 .85 .85 N/S :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAll ACTIVITY 1. CYCLE LENGTIl : 90 SECONDS G/C - lIB & Sll T1lRU :.2 G/C - Ell & lIB T1lRU : .44 BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (lHTIl OVERLAP) BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (WITlI OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/HR) CRITICAL LAIIE VOLUllES BY MOVEMENT T1lRU -RIGHT LEFT NORTllllOUND 79 29 INPUT VOLUlIE CAPACITY NEED PHASE? NORTI mOUND 23 191 N/A SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND IffiSTBOUND 232 340 542 538 207 14 LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTIIBOUIlD EASTBOUND IffiSTBOUND 415 160 11 315 140 215 N/A II/A II/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES ClunCAL !IOVENENT ANALYSIS IVOOLBRIGlIT RD. & SlY 8TI1 ST. I) c, HIPlIT -EX. +(WP+IYC+SlVP)+PBCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 119 CRITICAL N/S VOL 1149 CRITICAL E/IV VOL 812 CRITICAL SUM 1961 ************************************* LANE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1I0RTIlBOUND MOV llIDTlI RT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 NORTHBOUND LEFT TilRU RIGHT 238 40 455 TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 NORTIlBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND ~.'ESTBOUND LANE GEOMETRY SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND MOV llIDTII NOV tlIDTH lIT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 .. . .. . .. . ..... TRAFFIC VOLUMF.5 SOUTImOmiD EASTBOUND llESTBOUND HOV IIIDTlI R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 IVESTBOUllD 415 38 151 160 525 209 364 600 439 LOCAL BUSES (#/lIR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .85 .85 .85 .85 N/S :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. CYCLE LENGTII : 90 SECONDS G/C - NB & SB TIlRU :.2 G/C - EB & I-IB TlffiU : .44 PHASING BOTII TURNS PROTECTED (lIITII OVERLAP) BOTIl TURNS PROTECTED (tilTH OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/HR) CRITICAL LANE VOLUllES BY MOVEMEIIT NORTIlBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND llESTBOUllD TIlRU -RIGHT 611 232 340 542 LEFT 308 538 207 472 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTllBOUllD SOUTllBOUND EASTBOUND l'iESTBOUND INPUT VOLU/ill 238 415 160 364 CAPACITY 191 0 140 215 NEED PHASE? II/A N/A N/A N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL HOm'iENT ANALYSIS I) d, 1.'OOLBRIG!lT RD. & SW 8TI1 ST. Pt>1PIIT -EX. +(HP+IIC+SWP)+PP,cCHIl DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 130 CRITICAL Nls VOL 1321 CRITICAL E/W VOL 818 CRITICAL SUM 2139 ************************************* NORTImoUND HOV "/IDTi! LANE GEOHETRY SOUTHOOillm EASTIlOUllD HOV liIDTII HOV IIIDTlI llESTllOUND }IOV I/IOO! LANE 1 2 3 4 5 6 RT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 RT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12,0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUHES NORTIIBOUND SOlITllBOUND EASTBOUllD I/ESTIlOUlID LEFT 238 544 175 364 TIlRU 44 50 525 600 RIGllT 455 198 209 480 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/liR) PEAK !lOUR FACTOR NORTIlBOUND 5 0 .85 SOlITllOOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 HESTBOUND 5 0 .35 PIIASING Nls :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. CYCLE LElIGTII : 90 SECONDS GIC - HB & SB TIlRU :.2 GIC - EB & II'1l TIlRU : .44 BOTII TURNS PROTECTED (I/ITIl OVERLAP) BOTII TURNS PROTECTED (IIITIl OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/IIR) CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT NORTIIllOUND SOlITllBOUND EASTBOUND I/ESTBOUND TIIRU -RIGHT 616 305 340 592 LEFT 303 705 226 472 LEFT TURN CIlr~K NORTHnoUND SOUTIlIlOUND EASTBOUND l/ESTBOUND INPUT VOLUHE 238 544 175 364 CAPACITY 132 0 140 215 NEED PHASE? NIA NIA NIA NIA MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL liOVEt1E::T M:ALYSI~; 1-l00LBRIGIIT 1m. & SI; 8TH ST. II) a. PHPIIT-EX.+PllCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SEnVICE C SATURATION 67 cnITICAL Ills VOL 562 cnITICAL E/w VOL 587 CRITICAL sml 1149 ************************************* LANE NORTIlllOUND HOV IHDTI! LANE GEOHETRY SOlITHllOUND EASTBOUND HOV IHDTII HOV IHDTII HESTllOUND HOV liIDTIl 1 2 3 I, 5 6 RT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLmms NORTIlllOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND ImSTBOUND LEFT 238 0 0 364 THRU 0 0 525 600 RIGHT 455 0 209 0 TnUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/NR) PEAK HOlm F Acron NORTIlBOUND 5 0 .85 SOlITNBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 ;mSTllomm 5 0 .85 PHASING NIS E/H PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH GIc - NB & SB THRU GIc - EB & HB TIlRU : 1. NEITHER TURN PROTECTED : 2. HEA VIF..sT TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) : 90 SECONDS : .2 : .5 CRITICAL LANE VOLrniES BY 1l0VEt>lENT NORTIlBOUND SOUTIlllOUlID EASTBOUND ImSTBOUIlD TIIRU -RIGHT 562 0 340 389 LEFT 293 0 0 247 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHllOUND SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUND I;ESTBOUND INPUT VOLUlIE 238 0 0 364 CAPACITY 380 0 230 305 NEED PHASE? NO NO NO NIA MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES ClunCAL LOVEilENT Ai':ALYSIS I,OOLBRIGIIT RD. & SII 8TII ST. II) b. l'l'IPIIT -EX. +(WP+I,C+SHP) DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 67 CRITICAL N/S VOL 361 CRITICAL E/H VOL 749 CRITICAL sml 1110 ************************************* NORTIIOOUND LANE HOV IHDTII 1 RT. 12.0 2 L.. 12.0 3 /, 5 6 NORTIIBOUND LEFT TIlRU RIGHT 23 40 25 TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 NORTIlBOUllD SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUND lVESTIlOUND LANE GEOHETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND I/ESTBOUND MOV IIIDTII HOV IHDTII NOV HIDTII RT. 12.0 Roo 12.0 Roo 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 Loo 12.0 Too 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLIDffiS SOUTIiBOUND EASTOOUllD h'ESTBOUND 415 38 151 LOCAL BUSES (#lIIR) o o o o 160 525 12 11 600 439 PEAK HOUR FACTOR .85 .85 .85 .85 N/S :4. EN :4. PEDESTIUAN ACTIVITY 1. CYCLE LENGTII : 90 SECONDS G/C - NB & SB TIIRU :.2 G/C - EB & I'IE TIIRU :.44 PHASING TIlRU -RIGlIT LEFT NORTIIBOUND 79 29 INPUT VOLUME CAPACITY NEED PIIASE? NORTHBOUND 23 191 N/A I BOTIl TURNS PROTECTED (IIITH OVERLAP) OOTI! TURNS PROTECTED (HITH OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/HR) CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMENT SOUTIlOOUND EASTBOUND HESTIlOUND 232 340 542 282 207 14 LEFT TURN CHECK SOUTIlOOUND EASTBOUND I/ESTIlOUND 415 160 11 315 140 215 N/A N/A N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CiaTICAL ;'.\OVEHENT ANALYSIS llOOLBRIGIIT RD. & S\~ 8TI1 ST. II) c, ~1PliT-EX.+(\4P+WG+SWP)+Pncc DATE OF COUlITS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 100 CRITICAL Nls VOL 893 CRITICAL Elw VOL 749 CRITICAL Sill1 1642 ************************************* LANE 1I0RTIlBOUND HOV HIOTU RT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 NORTHBOUlID LEFT THRU RIGliT 238 40 455 TRUCKS (7.) 5 5 5 5 NORTIlBOUtlD SOUTIlBOUIID EASTBOUllD I'iESTllOUND PHASING Nls EN PEDESTRIAN ACfIVITY CYCLE LEIlGTII G/C - NB & SB THRU G/C - Ell & liB TlIRU LANE GEOi'lETRY SOtmlllOUlm EASTBOUND Il0V ":IDTlI IIOV IIIDTII h'ESTBOUND /I0V HIDTlI RT. 12.0 Loo 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L., 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 Loo 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES SOtmlBOUllD EASTBOUllD \'iESTBOUND 1.15 38 151 160 525 209 3M 600 439 LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .85 .85 .85 .85 :4. :4. 1. 90 SECONDS : .2 : .44 BOTIl TURNS PROTECTED (WITH OVERLAP) BOTU TURNS PROTECTED (WITII OVERLAP) o - 99 (UPEDS/UR) CRITICAL LANE VOLUl1ES BY /I0VI'l1ENT 1I0RTIlBOlnID SOUTUBOUND EASTBOUND IffiSTBOUND TURU -RIGIIT 611 232 340 542 U,IT 308 282 207 247 LEIT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTlIBOUND EASTBOUND UESTBOUND INPUT VOLUME 238 415 160 364 CAPACITY 191 0 140 215 NEED PHASE? NIA NIA NIA NIA MURRAY -DUDECI(. & ASSOCIATES crITICAL ::OV:'::;:;~::T A:';ALYSIS II) d. UOOLBRIGHT RD. & SH 8TH ST. Pl1PIIT -EX. +(HP+llC+SW)+PncC+~ll DATE OF COUIITS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL or SERVICE E SATURATION 109 CRITICAL II/S VOL 986 CRITICAL E/H VOL 818 CRITICAL SWI 1804 ************************************* LANE GE01IETRY 1i0RTHP,OUlm SOlITlIBOmm EASTllOUND \',lESTIlOUND LANE !lOV ImITH !lOV UIDTII HOV HI011l HOV \'IIDTI! 1 lIT. 12.0 RT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 2 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 .... L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 4 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 5 L.. 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLllHES NORTlIEOUlm SOlITl/IlOUND EASTBOUND llESTBOUND LEFT 238 544 175 364 T1lRU 44 50 525 600 RIGHT 455 198 209 480 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (I.! /HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTllBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 1,'ESTBOUIiD 5 0 .85 PHASING N/S E/l" PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTH G/C - NB & SB T1IRU G/C - ED & 1m THRU :4. :4. 1. : 90 SECONDS : .2 : .44 IlOTIl TURNS PROTECTED (HITIl OVERLAP) llOTH TURNS PROTECTED (IIITII OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/IIR) CRITICAL LANE VOLUllES DY NOVENE/IT NORTlJllOUND SOlITlffiOUND EASTllOUND HESTBOUND TIlRU -RIGIIT 616 305 340 592 LEFT 308 370 226 247 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTIIBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTDOUlID llESTDOUND INPlIT VOLlll-m 238 544 175 364 CAPACITY 132 0 140 215 NEED PHASE? N/A N/A N/A N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL ;'IOVSl;ml'f ANALYSIS WOOLlIRIGIn' RD. & 511 8Tl1 ST. III) a. PflPIIT-EX.+(liP+WC+SWP)+PBCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 HRTOR ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATIOU 72 CRITICAL N/S VOL 597 CRITICAL EN VOL 596 CRITICAL Silll 1193 ************************************* LANE GEOHh'fRY NORTI!EOUND SOUTUBOUND EASTBOUllD WESTDOUlW LANE !lOV IlIDTlI HOV !;InTII MOV llIDTlI HOV WIDTU 1 R.. 12.0 RT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 2 '1'.. 12.0 I... 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 I... 12.0 I... 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 I, I... 12.0 L.. 12.0 5 .... I... 12.0 6 .... .. . .... NORTiIBOUllD LEIT TllRU RIGIIT 238 40 255 NORTllBOUIiD SOUTlIBOUllD EASTEOUND HESTBOUND T:{UCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 PHASHlG TRAFFIC VOLUNES SOUTlIDOUND EASTBOUND l'IESTEOUi~D 1,15 38 151 160 525 209 364 600 211 LOCAL BUSES (Ii /UR) o o o o PEAK HOUR F A(''1'01: .85 .85 .85 .85 Il/S :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. CYCLE LElIGTlI : 90 SECONDS G/C - lIB & SB TlIIIU :.2 G/C - ED & WB THRU : .44 BOTIl TURNS PROTECTED (\\'ITIi OVERLAP) BCn1! TURNS PROTECTED (WITI! OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/IlR) CRITICAL LANE VOLillms BY HOVIll'lENT TlIRU -RIGJIT LEIT NORTHBOUND 315 308 INPUT VOLillm CAPACITY NEED PUASE? 1I0R'fIIIlOUND 238 191 N/A SOUTllBOUND EASTBOUND I.JESTBOUND 232 340 339 282 207 247 LEFl' TURN CUECI: SOUTlIBOUllD EASTBOUND \'IESTBOUIID 415 160 364 340 140 215 II/A II/A II/A MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL riOVlltlElIT M!ALYSIS III) b. \-IOOLBRIGlIT RD. & S\/ BTlI ST. PllPIIT -EX. +( IIP+HC+SHP)+POCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 \IRTOR I; 6L ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 67 CRITICAL N/S VOL 597 CRITICAL EN VOL 505 CRITICAL SUM 1102 ************************************* LM!E GED:lllTRY tlORTIlBOUND SOUTlIBOUlID EASTBOUND HESTBOUlID LANE 110V mDTII HOV HInTH mv llIDTH mv HIDTlI 1 Roo 12.0 RT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 H.. 12.0 2 T.. 12.0 Loo 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 " T.. 12.0 '1'.. 12.0 5 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 6 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUl.fES NORTlIBOUND SOUTllBOmm EASTBOUND 1.'ESTBOUND LEFT 2313 415 160 364 TIlRU 40 38 525 600 RIGlIT 255n 151 209 211 TRUCKS (Z) LOCAL BUSES (#lER) PEAl: HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTlffiOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 HESTBOmID 5 0 .85 PHASING N/S :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. CYCLE LENGTII : 90 SECONDS G/e - NB 1\ SB TIlRU :.2 G/C - ED & 1m TllRU : .44 BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (In:m OVEP.LAP) BOTll TUP.NS PROTECTED (liITll OVERLAP) o - 99 (OPEnS/HR) CRITICAL LANE VOUn-IES BY HOVllffillT THRU -RIGHT LEFT NOI1TllBOUND 315 308 SOUTllBOUND EASTBOUND \",'ESTBOUND 232 258 271 282 207 247 LEFT TURN ClIECK SOUTllBOUlID EASTBOUlID HESTnOUND 415 160 364 340 140 215 II/A N/A N/A INPUT VOLUHE CAPACITY NEED PlIASE? NOHTlIBOUND 238 191 N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL lIOVr,IENT ANALYSIS I{OOLIlRIGIIT IlD. & SI, 8TIl ST. III) c, PNPIIT -EX. +(\\'P+I-lC+SI-lP )+PIlCC+Hl DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 I-/RTOR ********************************** LEVEL OF SEIlVICE D SATUIlATION 79 CIlITICAL N/S VOL 685 CIlITICAL E/I-l VOL 615 CRITICAL Slr.l 1300 ************************************* LANE NOIlTIlOOUND HOV WIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 !:ORTIlllCUUD LEFT THRU IlIGHT 238 44 255 TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 1l0RTIiBOUND SOUTI!IlOUlID EASTBOUND llESTIlOUND PHASING LAllE GEOi'lETRY SOUTIIOOUND EASTBOUND HOV liImlI mv IIIDTII IlT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L., 12.0 TRAFFIG VOLUHES SOUTIlIlOUl!D EASTBOUND 544 175 50 525 198 209 LOCAL BUSES (#fIlR) o o o o II/S :4. E/II :4. PEDESTIlIAN ACI'IVITY 1. CYCLE LEl/GTIi : 90 sECorms G/C - NB & SIl TIInU :.2 G/C - Ell & lIB TIiRU : .44 lVESTBOUlm HOV lVIDTIl R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.G L.. 12.0 \'IESTIlOUlm 364 600 180 PEAK HOUR FACTOR .85 .85 .85 .85 BOTII TURIlS PROTECI'ED (1-IITIl OVERLAP) BOTH TURNS PRaTECI'ED (IIITII OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/IIR) CRITICAL LANE VOLln-lES BY HOVEl-lENT NORTImOUND SOUTIlBOUl/D EASTBOmm TIlRU -RIGHT 315 305 340 LEFT 308 370 226 LEFT TUml CIlECK llORTIlBOUND SOlJTIlBOUND EASTBOUND INPUT VOLUllE 238 544 175 CAPACITY 132 336 140 NEED PHASE? N/A II/A Il/A HESTBOUND 389 247 lVESTBOUND 364 215 N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CllITICAL ilOVi'::iLNl' ANALYSIS III) d. HOOLBllIGJrr RD. & SlI OTll ST. PNPllT -EX. +(\oJP+I'IC+S\"l' )+PBCC+H1 DATE 01' COUNTS: 5/85 I-IRTOR Il 6L ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 72 CRITICAL Ills VOL 685 CRITICAL EN VOL 505 CRITICAL Sill1 1190 *************::<::=********************::::* LANE GEOHETRY NORTIlBOUIlD SOllTIIIlOUND F.~STBOUND HESTIlOUIlD LANE ~jOV UIDTII HOV \'/IDTI! HOV UIDTII mv HIDTlI 1 R.. 12.0 RT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 2 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 ~ '1'.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 5 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 6 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLU1mS NORTIlIlOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND i-IESTBOUND LEIT 233 51,4 175 364 TIlHU 44 50 525 600 RIGllT 255 193 209 180 TRUCKS (7.) LOCAL BUSES (#/llH) PEAl: HOUR FACTOR NORTIlBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 HESTBOUND 5 0 .85 Nls :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. CYCLE LENGTI! : 90 SECONDS GIC - NB & SB TIIRU :.2 GIC - EB & lill TIlRU : .44 PHASING nOTll TURNS PROTECTED (lIITII OVERLAP) BOTH TURNS PROTECTED (IUTI! OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/IlR) CRITICAL LANE VOLill'ms BY MOVEMEIlT NORTI!BOUND SOUTIlIlOUllD EASTBOUND \VESTBOUllD TIlRU -RIGHT 315 305 258 271 LEIT 308 370 226 21,7 LEI'"!' TUPJI CHECK NORTlIBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND HESTBOUND INPUTVOLUl1E 238 541, 175 364 CAPACITY 132 336 140 215 NEED PHASE? iliA NIA NIA iliA MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "B" ----------- ----------- HIGHlvAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS ------------------------- ------------------------- Based On Submitted Site Plans For C-l & C-3 =========================================== I) Analysis Based On Existing Geometries At Woolbright Rd. & I-95 1. I-95 West Signal a. traffic = existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Woolbright Place + Woolbright Center + Shoppes At Woolbright Place) b. traffic existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Woolbright Place + ~~olbright Center + Shoppes At Hoolbright Place) + HI Parcel 2. I~95 FBst Signal a. traffic same as #la. b. traffic = same as #lb. II) Analysis Based On Additional Geometric Improvements Traffic Geometries ------- ---------- a. same as #1a. northbound double left turn lane b. same as lilb. northbound double left turn lane c. same as #1h. northbound double left turn lane & 6-lanes Hoolbright Road MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL 1I0VmlENT AlIALYSIS I) 1. a. WOOLBRIGHT RD. & 1-95 ~IEST SIGNAL PfIPHT -EX. +(\oIP+\IC+SI'iP )+PBCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 71 CRITICAL N/S VOL 269 CRITICAL E/W VOL 945 CRITICAL SUfi 1214 ************************************* LANE NORTHBOUND NOV HIDTII LANE GEOI-IETRY SOlITHBOUllD EASTBOUND HOV IHDTH HOV WIDTIl WESTBOUND NOV IHDTH 1 2 3 I, 5 6 I... 12.0 I... 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 I... 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUl-IES NOR11lBOUfm SOUTlIBOUND EASTlJOUlm HESTBOmm LEIT 0 416 0 214 THRU 0 0 1031 848 RIGlIT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTIlBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 \.'ESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING N/S: 1. NEITIIER TURN PROTECTED EN : 2. ilEA VIEST TURN PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (CPEDS/HR) CYCLE LENGTH : 90 SECONDS G/C - NB & SB TIIRU :.3 G/C - EB & 1m THRU : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUl-IES BY HOVEMENT NORTllllOUllD SOUTIlBomlD EASTBOUND llESTBOUllD TlIRU -RIGHT 0 0 668 549 LEIT 0 269 0 277 LEIT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND IvESTBOUND INPUT VOLUIlE 0 416 0 214 . CAPACITY 530 530 0 0 NEED PHASE? NO NO NO N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CI:lTICAL rrOVmE1;'f ANALYSIS I) 1. b. WOOLBRIGHT RD. & 1-95 I?EST SIGNAL PMPIIT -EX. +(IIP+WC+SIIP)+PBCG+lll DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVIGE G SATURATION 74 GRITIGAL N/S VOL 269 GRITIGAL E/W VOL 998 GRITIGAL Sill1 1267 ************************************* LANE NORTIlBOUND HOV \'iIDTII LAr:E GED:'lETRY SOtITHBOUND EASTBOUND HOV I'iIDTIl HOV loJIDTII IfflSTBOUND HOV ,IIDTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUNES NORTIlBOUlm SOtITllBOUND EASTBOutlD IfflSTBOUND LEFT 0 416 0 214 THRU 0 0 1113 874 RIGIIT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (Min) PEAK HOUll FACTOR NORTIlBOUND 5 0 .85 SOtITHBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 HESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING N/S: 1. NEITIIER TURN PROTECTED EN : 2. ilEA VIEST TURN PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (DPEDS/HR) CYCLE LENGTII : 90 SECONDS G/C - NB & SB TIIRU :.3 G/C - ED & WB THRU : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUHES BY MOVEHllNT 1l0RTIlBOUlID SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND I?ESTBOUND TIIRU -RIGIIT 0 0 721 566 LEFT 0 269 0 277 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND HESTBOUlID INPtIT VOLUHE 0 416 0 214 CAPACITY 530 530 0 0 NEED PHASE? NO NO NO ~ N/A MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL HOV!}IENT ANALYSIS I) 2, a, \IOOLBRIGIIT RD. f, 1-95 EAST SIGNAL Plfi'IIT -EX. +(I>'P+\IC+SHP)+PBCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE E SATURATION 93 CRITICAL Nls VOL 601 CRITICAL E/H VOL 999 CRITICAL SlIM 1600 ************************************* LANE NORTIlBOUND MOV \IlDTlI LAI:E GEONETRY SODTlIBOUllD EASTBOUND NOV IIIDTIl Il0V HIDTI! \'/ESTBOUND mv IIlIJTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L,. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND .'ESTBOUND LEf1' 487 0 484 0 TIlRU 0 0 963 575 RIGIIT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (Z) LOCAL BUSES (#/HR) PEAK HOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTIIBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 ImSTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING N/s: 1. NEITIlER TURN PROTECTED EN :2. HEAVIEST TUml PROTECTED PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/HR) CYCLE LEI~GTII 90 SECONDS GIC - NB & SB TIlRU :.3 GIC - EB & \VB THRU : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY MOVEMElIT NORTIIBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND IIESTBOUND TIIRU -RIGIIT 0 0 624 372 LEFI' 601 0 627 0 LEFr TURN CHECK NORTIIBOllND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOHND liESTBOUllD INPUT VOLilllE 4B7 0 484 0 CAPACITY 530 530 165 0 NEED PHASE? NO NO NIA NO MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL MOVEMENT ANALYSIS WOOLBRIGHT RD. & 1-95 EAST SIGNAL 1). 2. b. PMPHT -EX .+( WP+WC+SWP)+PBCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 WR6L *************.......************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 87 CRITICAL NIS VOL 601 CRITICAL EIW VOL 887 CRITICAL SUH 1488 ************************************* LANE GEOMETRY NORTHBOUND SOtmlBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LANE MOV WIDTH HOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH MOV WIDTH 1 L.. 12.0 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 2 12.0 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 12.0 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 4 12.0 12.0 L.. 12.0 12.0 5 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 6 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUHES NORTHBOUND SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT 487 0 484 0 THRU 0 0 963 575 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (X) LOCAL BUSES ('/HR) PEAK HOUR FAcrOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 WESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING NIS Elw PEDESTRIAN AcrIVITY CYCLE LENGTII GIC - NB & SB THRU GIC - EB & WB THRU : 1. NEITHER TURN PROTEcrED : 2 . HEAVIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 ('PEDS/HR) 90 SECONDS : .3 : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUHES BY MOVEMENT NORTIlBOUND SOtmlBOUND EASTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 0 0 436 LEFT 601 0 627 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTIlBOUND SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUND INPUT VOLUHE 487 0 484 CAPACITY 530 530 165 NEED PHASE? NO NO NIA WESTBOUND 260 o WESTBOUND o o NO MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL ~10VF1IEllT ANALYSIS 11) a, I,OOLBRIGIIT RD. 8< 1-95 EAST SIGNAL LANE NORTlIBOutlD NOV IHDTII 1 2 3 l, 5 6 L.. 12.0 1.. 12.0 ptjPIIT -EX. +(IW+,IC+SIVP )+I'BCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 11Il2L ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 76 CRITICAL NIS VOL 315 CRITICAL E/IV VOL 999 CIUTICAL SillI 1314 ************************************* LANE GEOHETRY SOlITllBOUIID EASTBOutlD NOV HlDTII Il0V IHDTII HESTBOUND NOV HIDTII Too 12.0 Too 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 Too 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLlJ}IES NORTHBOUND SOIfl'lIBOUtID EASTBOUND I/ESTBOUND LEFT 487 0 484 0 TrlRU 0 0 963 575 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#lIIR) PEAK !lOUR FACTOR NORTHBOUND 5 0 .85 SOlITllBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 llESTBOIlND 5 0 .85 PIlASING N I S EN PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTIl G/C - NB & SB TlIRIl G/C - EB & HB TIlRU Tlmu -RIGIIT LEFT NORTlJBOUND o 315 INPUT VOLUHE CAPACITY NEED PHASE? NORTIIBOUND 487 530 NO : 1. NEITllER TURN PROTECTED : 2. !lEA VIEST TURN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/IIR) : 90 SECONDS : .3 : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES BY NOVEMENT SOlITllBOUND o o EASTBOUND 624 627 1.1ESTBOUND 372 o LEFT TURll C!lECK SOUTIIBOUND o 530 NO EASTBOUND 484 165 N/A I,ESTBOUIID o o NO MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Cl:InCAL t'OVr11Eil'l' Ai:ALYSIS II) b, IVOOLBRIGlIT RD. & 1-95 EAST SIGNAL PHPllT -EX. +(I-IP+HC+SHP)+PBCC+Hl DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 NB2L *****..*************************** LEVEL or SERVICE D SATURATION 81 CRITICAL NIS VOL 325 CRITICAL E/IV VOL 1068 CRITICAL Sut1 1393 ************************************* I... 12.0 I... 12.0 LAUE GEotlETRY SOUTIlBOutlD EASTBOUND HOV IVIDTll HOV I-lIDTII T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 I... 12.0 IffiSTlIOUND HOV ImlTH LANE NORTllBOUllD HOV HIDTlI 1 2 3 I, 5 6 T.. 12.0 '1'.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLutlES NORTlIIJOUlID SOUTHBOmlD EASTBOUND HESTBOUND LEFI' 502 0 531 0 TllRU 0 0 998 586 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 TRUCI(S (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/IlR) PEAK 1l0UR FAcrOR NORTlIOOUllD 5 0 .85 SOUTHOOmm 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 \','ESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING N/S : 1. NEITIIER TURN PROTECTED E/IV : 2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTEcrED PEDESTRIAN AcrIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/llR) CYCLE LENGTII 90 SECONDS GIC - ND & SB TlffiU :.3 GIC - EB & HE TllRU : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLutlES BY HOVEt1ENT NORTlIBOUND SOUTllBOUND EASTBOUND HESTBOUND TllRU -RIGHT 0 0 647 380 LEFI' 325 0 688 0 LEFI' TURN CHECK NORTllBOUND SOUTIIllOUND EASTBOUND IffiSTBOUND INPUT VOLUHE 502 0 531 0 CAPACITY 530 530 154 0 NEED PHASE? NO NO NIl. NO MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL 1l0VEHEtiT At:ALYSIS II) c. WOOLBRIGHT RD. & 1-95 EAST SIGNAL PNPIIT -EX. +( 1II'+\IC+S\\'P)+PIlCC+Nl DATE OF COUllTS: 5/85 NB2L&\lR6L ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 74 CRITICAL IllS VOL 325 CRITICAL EIII VOL 953 CRITICAL SUJ1 1278 :::*******:o:'*****:o:~******************::'**:',l LANE NORTHBOUND HOV \HDTIl LANE GEOHETRY SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND llOV IIIDTIl 110V IHDTIl I-IESTBOUND !lOV I-IIDTH 1 2 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0' T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 4 5 6 TRAFFIC VOLtnlES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND I-ffiSTBOU/:JJ LEIT 502 0 531 0 THRU 0 0 998 586 RIGlIT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (I! IHR) PEAK HOUR FACroR NORTHBOUlm 5 0 .85 SOtJ"11lBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 I-:ESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING !i/s: 1. NEITHER TURN PROTEGIED E/II : 2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTEGIED PEDESTRIAN AGIIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (CPEDS/IIR) CYCLE LEllGTIl : 90 SECONDS GIC - lIB & SB THRU :.3 GIC - EB & lIB TlffiU :.44 CRITICAL LANE VOLllNES BY NOVEHENT NORTllBOUND SOUTI1BOUND EASTBOUND I-1ESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 0 0 452 265 LEIT 325 0 688 0 LEIT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND I-ffiSTBOUND INPUT VOLllHE 502 0 531 0 CAPACITY 530 530 154 0 NEED PHASE? NO NO NIl. NO MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "c" ----------- ----------- HIGln,AY CAPACITY ANALYSIS ------------------------- ------------------------- Based On Ilaximum Development For C-I & C-3 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ I) Analysis Based On Right Turn On Red a. traffic = existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (IJoolbright Place + Hoolbright Center + Shop pes At Woolbright Place) r:TOR facts = northbound right turn lane & northbound n '-' '<lest bound reduction of right turns b. traffic = same as a. RTOR facts = same as a. geometries = 6-laning Hoolbright Rd. c. traffic = existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (IJoolbright Place + Woolbright Center + Shop pes At Woolbright Place) + HI Parcel RTOR facts = same as b. geotletrics = same as b. d. traffic = same as c. RTOR = same as c. geometries = same as e. + eastbound double left turn lane MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Cl~ITICAL ;.jOvr:iErlT Ai:ALY8IS I) a. l-looLBRIGIn' RD. & SII 8TH ST. HAX. PNPHT-EX,+(WP+\,C+SI-IP)+PBCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 \,R1'OR **********~:*******************",<*** LEVEL OF SERVICE Il SATURATION 79 CRITICAL NIS VOL 680 CRITICAL Ell-! VOL 625 CRITICAL SU}I 1305 ************************************* LAlIll GEOHETRY t10R11IIlOUND SOUTllllOUND EASTBOUND I-ffiSTBOUND LANE HOV HIDTIi NOV \HDTH Il0V IIIDTII HOV IIIDTIl 1 R.. 12.0 RT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 2 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 4 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 5 L.. 12.0 6 TRAFFIC VOLU}IES NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND I-IESTIlOUND LEIT 238 538 182 364 TllRU 45 49 525 600 RIGHT 255 196 209 205 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (# IHR) PK\K HOUR F AcroR NORTlIBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTIlBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBCUND 5 0 .85 I-IESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING Nls EN PEDESTRIAN AGIIVITY CYCLE LENGTlI G/C - NB & SB THRU GIC - EB & lIB THRU :4. :4. 1. : 90 SECONDS : .2 : .44 BOTII TURNS PROTECIED (I11T1l OVERLAP) BOTII TURNS PROTEGIED (HITI! OVERLAP) o - 99 (CPEDS/IlR) CRITICAL LANE VOLUNES BY HOVlllElIT NORTHBOUND SOUTllBOUND EASTBOUND I-ffiSTBOUND TllRU -RIGIIT 315 302 340 389 LEIT 308 365 236 247 LEIT TURN CHECK NOnTlIBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTIlOUND HESTBOUND INPUT VOLUJIE 238 538 182 364 CAPACITY 135 335 140 215 NEED PHASE? NIl. NIl. NIl. NIl. MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL NOVE/lENT ANALYSIS t,ooLBRIGlrr RD. & SII BTI1 ST. I) b. HAX. PHPHT-EX.+(t1P+IIC+SHP)+PBCC DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 I.ffiTOR & tl'R6L ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE C SATURATION 72 CRITICAL Ills VOL 680 CRITICAL E/I-I VOL 507 CRITICAL SUl1 1187 ************************************* LANE NORTllBOUND MOV IIIDm 1 2 3 t, 5 6 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 1I0RTlrnoUllD LEIT TIIRU RIGllT 238 45 255 NORTllBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND IIESTBOUND TImCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 LANE GImHETRY SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUllD 1l0V \IIDTlI ~lOV tlIl1fH RT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUHES SOUTI1BOUlID EASTBOUND 538 49 196 LOCAL BUSES (Mill) o o o o 182 525 209 Ills :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAN ACIIVITY 1. CYCLE LElIGTII : 90 SECONDS GIC - 1m & SB TlIRU :.2 GIC - EB & lIB TlIRU :.44 PHASING HESTBOUND IIOV \IIDTH R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 Too 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 I,'ESTBOUND 364 600 205 PEAK nOUR FACfOR .85 .85 .85 .85 BOTH TURNS PROTECIED (1IITlI OVERLAP) BOTlI TURNS PROTECIED (11ITll OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/IIR) CRITICAL LAIlE VOLUJ1ES BY HOVEt1ENT NORTlIBOUIlD SOUTIlBOUllD EASTBOUlID TllRU -RIGHT 315 302 258 LEIT 308 365 236 LEIT TURN CHECK 1<:ORTllBOUND SOUTIIBOUND EAsTBOurm INPUT VOLUllE 238 538 182 CAPACITY 135 335 140 NEED PHASE? 1111. II/A NIl. I-ffiSTBOUND 271 247 IIESTBOUIlD 364 215 NIl. MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL ;'JOVE:IElrl' AJ"ALYS1S I) c. llOOLBRIGllT RD. & SI.I 8T11 ST. llAX. PI1PHT-EX.+(IIP+HC+SHP)+PBCC+tI1 DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 I-IRTOR & \/R6L ********************************** LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 79 CRITICAL Nls VOL 769 CRITICAL E/H VOL 526 CRITICAL SUM 1295 ************************************* LANE GEO:-JETRY NORTHBOUND SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUllD h'ESTBOUND LANE HOV IIIDTI! HOV HIIJTII Il0V HIDTH IIOV IIIDTI! 1 R.. 12.0 RT. 12.0 R.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 2 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 3 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 I, T.. 12.0 'f. . 12.0 5 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 6 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUllES NORTllBOmm SOUTIlBOUlm EASTBOUND IIESTBOUlID LEFT 238 667 197 364 TllRU 49 61 525 600 RIGHT 255 243 209 173 TRUCKS (Z) LOCAL BUSES (ii/HR) PEAK HOUR FACIOR llORTllBOUllD 5 0 .85 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 h'ESTIlOUlID 5 0 .85 PHASING N/S EN PEDESTRIAN ACIIVITY CYCLE LEHGTII GIC - NB & SIl THRU GIC - EB & UB THRU :4. :4. 1. : 90 SECONDS : .2 : .44 BOTH TURNS PROTECIED (HITII OVERLAP) BOTH TUPJ,S PROTECIED (\11111 OVERLAP) o - 99 (#PEDS/HR) CRITICAL LANE VOLUliES BY MOVU1El.'1' NORTllBOUllD SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND liESTBOUND TliRU -RIGI!T 315 375 258 271 LEIT 308 454 255 247 LEFT TURN CHECK NORTllBOUND SOlffllBOllllD EASTBOUND llESTBOUND III PUT VOLUJ-lE 238 667 197 364 CAPACITY 76 331 140 215 NEED PHASE? NIl. NIl. NIl. NIA MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CP.ITICAL i:OVEliElIT AI:ALYSIS WOOLBRIGHT RD. & S\I 8T1l ST. r) d. tlAX. PIIPIlT-EX.+(HP+HC+SHP)+PIlCC+HI DATE OF COU~~: 5/85 .T.TOR & ~n!6L & EP.2L ********************************** LEVEL 01' SERVICE D SATURATION 77 CRITICAL Nls VOL 769 CRITICAL E/I-I VOL 505 CRITICAL SUJ1 1274 *':c************************",::::**.~:;;~;,~::~*=:c* LANE NORTllBOUllD HOV IHDTlI 1 2 3 4 5 6 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 NORTllBOUllD LEIT THRU RIGIlT 238 49 255 TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 NORTHBOUND SOUTIlEOUKD EASTBOUl:D WESTBOUND LANE GEOi'lETRY SOUTIIBOUND F.ASTBOUND llOV ~IIDTll MOV HIDTIl llESTBOUND MOV IIIDTIl RT. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 R.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLUl1ES SOUTHBOUlID EASTBOUND HESTBOUND 667 61 243 197 525 209 364 600 173 LOCAL BUSES (# /IlR) o o o o PEAK HOUR FACTOR .85 .85 .85 .85 IUS :4. EN :4. PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY 1. CYCLE LEllGTll 90 SECONDS GIC - NB & SB TlLRU :.2 GIC - EB & 1m THRU : .44 PHASING BOTII TURNS PROTECTED (II'ITlI OVERLAP) BOTII TURNS PROTECIED (HITII OVERLAP) o - 99 (HPEDS/HR) CRITICAL LANE VOLUHES BY MOVEHENT NORTIlBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND mlSTBOUND TILRU -RIGHT 315 375 258 271 LEIT 308 451, 133 247 LEIT TURN CHECK NORTHBOUND SOUTlIBOUlID F..ASTBOUlID IIESTBOUND INPUT VOLln1E 238 667 197 364 CAPACITY 76 331 140 215 NEED PHASE? NIl. NIl. NIl. NIl. MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES APPENDIX "D" ----------- ----------- IlIGHI,AY CAPACITY ANALYSIS ------------------------- ------------------------- Based On Maximum Development For C-I & C-3 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ I) Analysis Based On Existing Geometries At Hoolbright Rd. & 1-95 1. 1-95 Hest Signal a. traffic = existing + Palm Beach Commerce Center + (Hoolbright Place + Vloolbright Center + Shoppes At lIoolbright Place) + HI Parcel II) Analysis Based On Additional Geometric Improvements I. 1-95 East Signal Traffic ------- a. same as #la. b. same as #la. c. same as #la. Geometries northbound double left turn lane northbound double left turn lane & 6-lanes Foolbright Road northbound double left turn lane & 6-lanes Hoolbright Road & eastbound double left turn lane MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES CRITICAL HOVEtIENT ANALYSIS I) a. IVOOLBRIGlIT RD. & 1-95 lJEST SIGNAL flAX. PNl'IIT-EX.+(\IP+IVC+SIIP)+PBCC+H1 DATE OF COUIITS: 5/85 ********************************** LEVFl. 01' SERVICE C SATURATION 77 CRITICAL NIS VOL 269 CRITICAL EN VOL 1049 CRITICAL SUfi 1318 ***;;:*:It*:~**:::::::::::C**:::*****:::**;;:*****:::***** LANE NOR11mOUND HOV HInTl! LA~m GEOl-lETRY SOtITllBOUND F.ASTBOUND llOV IHDTIl 1l0V \!IDTII m,STBOUND 110V HIDTlI 1 2 3 I, 5 6 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOL\J}iES NORTlIBOUHD SOUTIlllOUlID EASTROUND IIESTBOUND LEIT 0 416 0 214 TIlRU 0 0 1191 913 RIGIIT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (#/IlR) PEAK HOUR F ACIOR NORTllBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 llESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING N/S: 1. NEITHER TURN PROTECIED EN : 2. ilEA VIEST TURN PROTECIED PEDESTRIAN ACrrVITY 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/IlR) CYCLE LENGTIl : 90 SECONDS GIC - NB & SB TIlRU :.3 GIC - EB & lIB TIIRU :.44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUlIES BY MOVEMEIIT NORTllBOUND SOUTHBOUlID EASTBOUND I\'ESTBOUND THRU -RIGHT 0 0 772 592 LEIT 0 269 0 277 LEIT TURN CIlECK NOR'I11110UND SOUTIIBOUNIJ EASTBOUND HESTBOUND INPUT VOLUNE 0 416 0 214 CAPACITY 530 530 0 0 NEED PHASE? NO NO NO N/A MURRAY-DUDECK & ASSOCIATES Cl:I'fICAL .I(JVI'~:I:l'(l' f.~:f.LY~I~~ II) a. liOOLBRIGIIT RD. & 1-95 EAST SIGllAL MAX. PHPIIT-EX.+(I.IP+\'IC+SIIP)+PIlCC+MI DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 IID2L ********************************** - LEVEL OF SERVICE D SATURATION 86 CRITICAL NIS VOL 339 CRITICAL EN VOL 1138 CRITICAL SUJ1 1477 ************************************* LANE 1I0RTllBOUND HOV I-lID'l1I LANE GEONETRY SOUTIlBOUlID EASTBOUND MOV InDTll HOV IHDTll 1I'ESTBOUlID HOV IHDTH 1 2 3 L- 5 6 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 TI(AFFIC VOLUJ1ES IWRTllBOUlID SOUTIlDOUND EASTBOUND h'ESTllOUND LEIT 524 0 576 0 TIlRU 0 0 1031 603 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 TRUCKS (%) LOCAL BUSES (l.'/IiR) PEAK 1I0U!l FACIOR NORTllBOU/m 5 0 .85 SOUTIlBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 HESTBOUlID 5 0 .85 PHASING N/S: 1. NEITlIER TURN PROTECTED EN : 2. HEAVIEST TURN PROTECIED PEDESTRIAN ACIIVITY 1. 0 - 99 (i!PEDS/IlR) CYCLE LENGTll : 90 SECOIIDS GIC - NB & SB TlIRU :.3 GIC - EB & lIB TliRU : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLUJ.IES BY 110VEMENT NORTllBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUlID I"ESTBOUND TllRU -RIGIIT 0 0 668 391 LEIT 339 0 747 0 LEIT TURN CHECK NORTllBOUllD SOUTI1BOUlID EASTBOUND HESTBOUND INPUT VOLUJ.1E 524 0 576 0 CAPACITY 530 530 137 0 NEED PHASE? NO NO NIl. NO MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES r.1~J TICl.L ; :oln:: ;1;:1'1' ^N^LYSI~; II) b. liOOLBRIGIIT RD. & 1-95 EAST SIGNAL HAX. PllPllT-EX.+(IIP+liC+S11P)+PBCC+MI DATE OF COUIlTS: 5/85 NB2L & IIR6L ********************************** LEVEL 01' SERVICE D SATURATION 79 CRITICAL Nls VOL 339 CI:ITICAL EN VOL 1020 CP.ITICAL SUI'1 1359 ;:(;;;********:~**************~'****::c*t,,**** LAlill 1l0RTIlIlOUtJD NaV IHDTIl LANE GEOHETRY SOUTllBOUIID l:ASTllOUND HOV liIDTII !lOV IIIDTII I-IESTBOUlJD NOV ~!IIlTII 1 2 3 L, 5 6 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 Il0RTllIlOUND TRAFFIC VOLUNES SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUND UEsrnOUHD LEFT TIme RIGllT tlORTHBOUl1D SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND UESTBOUND 52!, o o TRUCKS (%) 5 5 5 5 o o o 576 1031 o o 603 o LOCAL BUSES (ll/llR) o o o o PEAK 1I0UR FACIOR .85 .85 .85 .85 PHASING Nls :1. NEITIlER TURN PROTECTED EN : 2. ilEA VIEST TURN pROTECIED PEDESTRIAN ACIIVITY 1. 0 - 99 <t'pEDS/l!R) CYCLE LENGTlI : 90 SECONDS Glc - NB & SB TllRU :.3 Glc - EB & 1I'I3 Tlmu : .44 CRITICAL LANE VOLmms BY HOVEllFllT NORTllBOUND SOUTIlBOUlID EASTBOUIID HESTBOUND TlIRU -RIGfIT 0 0 1,66 273 LEIT 339 0 747 0 LEIT TURN CHECK IIOHTIIBOIlND SOUTl!llOUlID EASTBOUND ImSTllOUND IlIpUT VOLUllli 524 0 576 0 CAPACITY 530 530 137 0 NEED pIIASE? NO NO 1111. NO MURRAY -DUDECK & ASSOCIATES c:aTICAL iIOVElil:t:'1' A)-!ALYS]!; \IOOLBRIGIIT RD. I: 1-95 EAST SIGNAL II) c. MAX. pHPIlT-EX.+(I"IP+lvC+SHP)+PIlCC+H1 DATE OF COUNTS: 5/85 NB2L & EB2L ********************************** LEVEl. 01' SERVICE B SATURATIOU 65 CRITICAL His VOL 339 CRITICAL Ell-! VOL 783 CRITICAL Sill! 1122 ************************************* LAN~ NOlmIBOUUD 1l0V HIDTlI 1 2 3 4 5 6 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 I .ANE GEO~ :ETI~Y SOUTIIBOUND EASTBOUUD tlOV IHDTlI mv HIDTII T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 L.. 12.0 I-ffiSTBOUND HOV HIDTlI T.. 12.0 T.. 12.0 TRAFFIC VOLilllES 1l0RTIlBOUND SOUTIlBOUND EASTBOUND HESTBOUlm LEIT 524 0 576 0 TlIRU 0 0 1031 603 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 TRUCi~S (%) LOCAL BUSES (Ii IIIR) PEAK iIOUR FACTOR NORTlIBOUND 5 0 .85 SOUTHBOUND 5 0 .85 EASTBOUND 5 0 .85 HESTBOUND 5 0 .85 PHASING ll/S EN PEDESTRIAN ACTIVITY CYCLE LENGTII GIC - HB &. SB TlLRU GIC - EB &. HB TllRU T1IRU -RIGHT LEIT HORTlIBOUlID o 339 INPUT VOLUt-m CAPACITY NEED PHASE? HORTlIllOUND 524 530 NO : 1. NEITIlER TURN PROTECIED : 2. ilEA VIEST TlIRN PROTECTED 1. 0 - 99 (#PEDS/IIR) 90 SECOUDS : .3 : .44 CRITICAL LAllE VOLUt-ms BY NOVl'2'lENT SOlmmOUllD o o EASTBOUND 668 392 \;'ESTBOUND 391 o HESTBOmlD o o NO LEIT TURN CHECK SOUTJIllOUND o 530 NO F..!ISTBOUND 576 ]37 NIA