CORRESPONDENCE CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ?'; ,..., -~ , 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-8111 ..".. 31 March 1988 Mrs. Max Schorr 250 Royal Palm Way Palm Beach, FL 33480 Dear Mr. Schorr: This letter is to acknowledge that I received a right-of- way deed for a portion of Miner Road on March 30, 1988. The dedication of this right-of-way is consistent with one of the conditions of rezoning of the referenced property, and fulfills that condition pending recording of the deed by Palm Beach County. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . (2...-.- ~ Carmen Annunziato Planning Director CA/csd cc: City Manager Central Files Counsellors ar Law Bancroft Lmlcf,dd John L. clark JohnY. Keall Edward F Hindle Rohert Splllk Davis KlliKht Edwards Beverly Glellll LOllg James H. Barnett Georgl' Michaels JamcsK. Edwards AlallS. Flillk ErnesrN.A(l,Testl RO!!;erY. Pugh, Jr. Stephell A. FallninK,Jr. CalverrC.GrolOn. Charle<G. Edwards Alvin M. Glu.erman Carl Angeloff" IknlamlllP HarTIslll Richard M. Burod V DuncanJohn<on Johll H. Blish Jame.J.SkeffinKroll PaulF Gn:elle James P Kelly Deming E. Sherman Edward).lknozzi,Jr. )"hn H. Reid III JerryL.Mdntyre Richard M. C. Glellnlll TimothyT More'> JOllathall~.. Cole. MarrhewF Medeiros Alfred... Lombardi Klnllalrd Huwland" Terren<.eM. Filln" David M. Olasov Andrew J. Chlebus )U'ieph V. Cavanal';h, Jr. Robert G. Flallders,).. Richard A.Perra, )ames R. McGuirk DaVId K. Duffel!' WilliamI' Rubinson III JohnB. Rosenquest III SusanS.Egan rhuma,E. Pim,Jr. Mall' Louise Kenlledv WalterG.D.Reed StephcnO.Meredirh Patricia A.... Zesk Gall):. McCanll Juhn D. Deacon, Jr. Charln F ROl/.crs,)r. Michael H. MiUer BarryG.Hllrner. PhilipB.Barr,Jr.. Chri>lincM. Marx ElizabethH. Munllell Coun5i'1 AlfredH.Joslm Max Schorr" Hugh MacMillan, Jr." Stcvcn M. Mdnn;, Jelfrey C. Schreck WilliamR.Landry David A, Gumer. G. S<.Otl Nebergall JamesR. Kay" Kurt J. VOl! Buesdager John A. Houlihan ChrislOphcr D. Graham JohIlG.IKO("'> WalterC.Hunter Aubrey F. Hammond,Jr. GeuffreyErherinKtonlIl Barbara Braun Schoenfdd Ruth K. Heller NallcyFisher Chudacolf. John F. Reed Judith Colenback Savage Glenn R. Every JoyceL. Elden t1~~h~lD~;,~~a KarenG. DelPonte Rohert Karmen Allred R. Paliani KcnnethL. Levine Doreen Klein MaryP.Heffner Su'anl. Needham. Alan J. Bouffard Jeffrey A. Hermanson BrianT Moynihan Dana T. Pkkard Mark H. Mirkill" JohnJ.Garrahy M. Meredlrh Hayes NeilW.Plarock" Leonard Q. Slap Laura N. Wilkinsoll LOrlJ. Hayden MdissaT.Ro,se Of Counsel EdwardWimor GeraldW.HarrinKtoll ":>'1ember 01 the Flurida Bar EDWARDS & ANl;IolL April 14, 1986 Carmen Annunziato Boynton Beach Beach, FL Mr. City of Boynton Re: 10.84 Miner Southwest corner acres Road Dear Mr. Annunziato: serve to authorize Mr. undersigned owner of the all matters dealing with to the subject property. This will beha If 0 f the connection with Beach relating This authorization notice of cancellation shall remain is furnished Very truly yours, iw-. ~f(Vv' ~~~ Max Schorr MS: rmb 3629s in to 250 Royal Palm Way P.O. Box 2621 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 ,05 833-7700 Telecopier 305655-8719 Telex ,728004 EDWANGELL PBH of High Ridge Road and Roy Barden to act on subject property in the City of Boynton effect you. until written 2700 Hospital Trust Tower Providence, Rhode Island 0290, 401274-9200 Telex 952001 HE A PYO" Tdecopier 401276-6611 4,0 Park Avenue New York, New York 10022 21 2 ,08-4411 Telecofller 212 ,oH-4844 26li Franklin Street Bo~ton, Massachusetts 021 [0 617439+4444 Tdecopier 617439-4 r 70 ~MMdnn.. O;l,odL.MajtT )ri1rr.C.Sclwa:1o ..t1llJ1tnR.1....a"'*) :;:'~'~'Gu~;" Roy Barden and I have reviewed Section 7 carefully and do ~.:~" not agree that the 25-acre minimum restriction applies. since ~:J.'~_ the tract is actually part of and abuts on a larger existing ~;"G"\';':'G""'m PID District. referred to as Boynton Beach Park of Corrunerce. ~:'::::~l~::""'II; We believe the intent of the Municipal Code is to insure that ~:;:'''':..=f<'' only a free-standing PID district shall be a minimum of 25 al.>.h).. Hrl,"" .. . ~,;";.::;;a,,.d""'" acres. whereas subJect property 1S not free standlng. ~.ttl c:.okn~d s.a~. jo.".l EI~r j.oo.rpl- ^ Ant'-,. MOo:t.ad 0.5...... "arr" Co DtIPon.. DotN'l1I(I(I~ ),.bn P Hrffnn llobtn t.;.1Irmn- Alfred R PaIL.n. KIm""n L In','''' "br, J Boutla,d jritrr> It. HtrmallloOl' Bc,af'l MO'f'o.\o,al' Mar~ H Mirk,n' .-- COUllitUon at Law .~I...inW.dd t:5lL C.... V.~r\ kUpptl U......clfHI~ kobrrt.".o.,," lllllhl u.,,,. ae..'orrl~ G~n L-.. J...-a. H. 1M,.,.", """"'........ j..- l. U...... AbnS-.FIIM ~N."l5tl kOF' V. ....Jr. ...-...........j. c..f.en c. GnltOflo Oer\el.C. u.....t. A......MG~n CatI AnIdoff' Idlllo""" f Kani& UI adurd M Borod \" Dvl'Q.n)ol'lnloOl1 John H_ IlIsh .wna. J. SkC#I.-.tOl'1 t.v.l f GftCN Jame' K.dh btttI,...l ~hrr.."n E Colt.. eamrror> U....rdJ,IknOl.v.J. jIlhn H.llcodUl jrrT, L Mdntl'n ..tdVro M, C Cw-.." \II Tllftorh, T Mon' p..,h.in E.. Cole-' ~h"hc-... F MN':uor. Altrei!l, Lomb.ard, It.obr-rtC Cant K'nNllfdHo*larocf' 'TftUftCrM f,nn' o...d M. Oiuo- AftdrC"tOoJ-OItbuJ, ~ \'. ea..aMIh. j, ~obtn G, Flanckn. J' llodLard A, ten.. Ja~R.Mc<.u,rl O..,td....DullrW ...!lamP 1lobtnsor-1Il JohnBR~ur s-.v. 50 ipn n-nas t. Plll~ " M..,~iK~ '&alrn G. D. IUtd ~OMrffChth PMnal. A.. S. Z$. Gail E- McCarwl )oM D. De.cun, ". Clwki.F.IlcJFn.J. MochHl H. Mltln a.n-. G.H.nrcr' PhillpB IYn,Jr' Ckl$liror M Mau c-I AlttadH,p!\I'I Ma"~ OtCo.",~1 u......d\\:,""'" c.n.ld 1J- H.,..,....,tJI' "Mrmho-t o! ,he AOflcb Ba, --, ~ EDWARDS...... ANGEll ~",~'^~""". "'TlrD' \;' .: ',,"" :: 1~".L . 1985 .so Royal hIm Way P.O. lox &611 ~ 1Iu<h, Florida H410 '~5 IJ}-noo T~ier '05 '55-hI9 ToIex 37.1004 EDWANGElL PBH ,;~.; Ut'j.:T. September 24. 1985 James W. Vance. Esquire 1615 Forum Place West Palm Beach. FL 33401 Re; High Ridge Road. Boynton Beach - 10.84-acre Annexation Max Schorr. Trustee. Owner Dear Jim: This letter is a request that you review the Boynton Beach City Planning Department's interpretation of Section 7. Planned Industrial District. Boynton Beach Zoning Code relative to the subject property. At the time we submitted our application for annexation. rezoning and land use amendment. the Planning Department indicated a need for a variance to the 25-acre minimum requirement. At that time. such an interpretation did not create an undue hardship. However. beginning October 1 the City must restrict Master Plan amendments to not more than two per year. This new State requirement therefore effectively forces final action on our tract to be delayed until the fall of 1986. This is brought about because of the requirement by the Planning Department that the tract be first rezoned Rl-AAA. followed by subsequent rezoning to PID. 2700 Hospital Trust Tower Providence, Rhode Island 0290} ..OJ 2"4-9200 Telex 95200J "t: A PVD" Telecopier 40J ;p6-66J J 6", ~ Fifth Avenue ~e'w Yor,,", Nt'''- York JOOH 1J2. 308-"41 J Telecopier z,12. 308-4844 ,,60; Franklm Strut Bo~ton> Musachusens 02110 6J7439-....4" Telecopler 6J7 439-..J70 _._.._--_....._._.__..._..~-_.- .~ James W. Vance. Esquire September 24, 1985 Page 2 Subsection D, with reference to unified control, is compllied with because that tract is under one ownership, to wit, Max Schorr, Trustee. We therefore seek to amend our present application for rezoning to PID in order to be heard at the first of two City hearings on land use amendments which to some extent will reduct the hardship imposed upon the owner. I would appreciate your early attention to this request and advise. Cordially, /0( "'ax Schorr PiS: rrob cc: Peter Cheney, City "'anager Carmen Annunziato, Planning Directorv' ----~~ Board of County Commissioners Kenneth M. Adams, Chairman Karen T. Marcus, Vice Chair Ken Spillias Jerry L. Owens Dorothy Wilken County Administrator John C. Sansbury Department of Planning, Zoning, & Building Robert E. Basehart August 28, 1985 ~_~ B~ ~ ~ . }~~ .r"I7-- 7'""~ 1:n 00 !("PJ ,... l J, 'D' (J1'l'~ v --,' Executive Director Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Director OI Planning 120 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 1985 Fe.... ~- _" r. Dear Carmen: Thank you Ior the opportunity to review the proposed annexation OI a 10.84 acre site located at the southwest corner OI High Ridge Road and the right-oI-way Ior Miner Road. The subject property has a land use designation OI Low to Medium allowing Ior a density range OI three (3) units per acres in a standard subdivision and 5 units per acre in a Planned Unit Development. It appears that the proposed City zoning to R-1AAA is consistent with the County's Land Use Plan Designation OI Low to Medium Residential. Thank you Ior your cooperation. II you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write or call. Sincerely, I::::} .~...( ::.. /'0/. , "\/~ / "/.~ ,., ',,)oJ I" / Richard F. Morley Principal Planner / RFM:cb 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406 . (305) 471-3520 The Roy Barden Planning Group Community Planning. Landscape Architecture. Land Planning 5908 Colony Court, Boca Raton, FL 33433, 305/368-3334 July 26, 1985 Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Lane Use Amendement - Rezoning Application 10.84 Acre Parcel - High Ridge Road Dear Carmen: Attached are the following items for processing our annexa- tion application previously submitted: 1. Application, Land Use Amendment and Rezoning. 2. $300.00 Fee. 3. Sketch of Site and 400 Feet Beyond. 4. Last Recorded Warranty Deed. 5. Certified Legal Sketch and Description. 6. Certified List of Property Owners and Location Map. 7. Statement of Planning Assumptions Including Soil Associa- tions. 8. Master Development Plan. It is understood that this application to rezonne the 10.84 acre site to R-IAAA classification (single family housing) is to allow orderly annexation and does not reflect the utlimate, proper, land use which will be light industrial. Following annexation, we will submit a similar application for PID classification and industrial land use. RB/jaf Attachments cc: Max Schorr, Trustee Sincerely, C? L~-l ROyV~~rden, RLA/AICP . The Roy Barden Planning Group Community Planning. Landscape Architecture . Land Planning 5908Co!ony Court, Boca Raton, FL 33433, 305/368-3334 l.: July 8, 1985 Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Annexation Application 10.84 Acre Parcel High Ridge Road Dear Carmen: Attached are two copies of the following required documents for your review and processing: 1. Annexation Application 2. Certified Legal Sketch 3. Master Development Plan 4. Copy of Last Warranty Deed 5. $300 Fee Please process this annexation application as soon as possible. As discussed, we have also submitted an application to the Board of Adjustment (also attached) for a variance to the minimum 25 acre requirement for PID rezoning. Our application for rezoning to the PID classification will be submitted next. If you have any questions, please let me know. c]~elY' Roy IB1rden, RLA/ AICP RBI jaf Enc!. cc: Max Schorr, Trustee . . , ~!" \