REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM 16 June 1986 TO: PETER L. CHENEY CITY MANAGER FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: THE HIGH RIDGE CENTER STAFF COMMENTS ON MASTER PLAN The following is a summary of the staff comments on the master plan for the proposed High Ridge Center Planned Industrial Development. All of the staff comments are either based on explicit code requirements~ performance standards contained in the Zoning Regulations, or policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON EXPLICIT CODE REQUIREMENTS: (1) Provide buffering between the PIDand future residential development to the north, using a gree~belt with a width of 40 feet along the northern property line. This greenbelt is required by the PIn regulations. Along the eastern~ southern. and western property lines. this greenbelt is requirEd to be. at least 25 feet wide (Sec. 7.H.17. of I',ppendix A. p. 1928). (2) Preserve 20% of the site as open space. The PIO regulations require this open space~ which should be construed to mean open space which is above and beyond the landscaped areas which are required for parking lots (Sec. 7.H.13. of AppE'ndi,., A, p. 1928). (3) Once the open space area h2S been established and delineated on the site plan~ the area should be protected from any encroachment. This includes not allowing the area to be uses for water drainage or on site water r~tention. The developer should consider the location of .this open space in the overall design of the P.I.D. to assure that the area remains in its natural state. (Sec. 7.5-15 on p. 600 and Sec. 7.5-24. on p. 604). (4) Submit an accurate and detailed tree survey showing the location of all Sc::\nd F'ine trees ovet- 6" in di.:;meter. Any groups of trees of smaller dj.ameter can be shD~'Jn on the survey as "clusters" of the tt"'"ee specie!:~ (Sec. 7.5-7.~ p.. 597). page 1 -" (5) Construct Industrial Way to the western This requirement is based on Article X~ Sec. 2137)~ which states: limits of the parcel. 10 of Appendix C (p. The proposed subdivision street layout shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding area and consideration shall be given to existing and planned streets, relation to topographic conditions. public convenience~ safety~ and their appropriate relation to the proposed use of land to be served by such streets. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provided for the continuation of existing streets in areas not SLlbdivided. and the arrangement of streets in new subdivision~ shall provide for the proper projection of streets. When a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land~ then the new street~ where necessary, shall be carried to the boundary of the tract proposed to be subdivided to promote reasonable development of adjacent lands and provide continuity of street systems. (6) Construct Industrial Way r-ight-of-~-Jay (Article X,,' Sec. as a collector. with 19 of Appendix C, p. c..n BO-f Dot 21471 . ''Ii de (7) Dedicate additlonal rIght-of-way for Miner Road~ in o~der to obtain half of the lOB-foot right-of-way whIch will be requIred for Miner Road (rE?quit-ed by At-tiele X, SE'e~ 10 of Appendi>: C (p~ 2137) in the Subdivision Regulations, and required by the ThoroughfarE Plan. on page 65 of the ComoretlenSIVE Plan. whi~h is adopted by Sec. 19-7 of the Code of OrdInances). (8) l_imit access to the SIte to tWD points: (a) A driveway on Miner Road at the western boundary of the propErty. (b) An access point on High Ridge Road at the center of the property, aligning with Industrial Way. The applicant could then provide a marginal access road running to the north and south~ which would serVE all four lots. The requirements listed under (8) above arE necessa~y to conform to Article X, Section 1 of Appendix C (p_ 2130) which states that "The subdivision shall be designed to accomplish access tQ the lots by the use of local streets....Wllere access is desired along collector or arterial streets, it shall be provided by means of a margInal access rOi:'1.dll. (9) I':oad Make tIle folloWIflg iinprovements to the intersectIon of anej Indust~ial ~Jay: High Ridge Ca) Construct a left turn lane, northbound. at High Ridge Road and I ndu,::,tr i Ed VJa.'f_ page (b) Pay a proportionate share of the cost of signalizing this intersectiDn~ if and when a signal is warranted. The requirements listed under (9) above ~re necessary in order to "Provide for safe and efficient movement within the City" (page 7 of Comprehensive Plan)~ and are required by Article X~ Sec. 12 of Appendix C (p. 2128), and Article X, Sec. 16 of Appendix C (p. 2129). STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CONTAINED IN ZONING REGULATIONS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. ("10) In order to minimize contamination of surface and subsurface water the following condltions should be imposed: (a) Truck well drainage systems should be designed and maintained to include oil and gr"e3Se receptors and open bottom sedimentation sumps as pollution retardant structures. Parking areas arld roadways adjacent to truc~( wells should be deSIgned to divErt runoff to storage and exfiltration on-site prior to discharge into ~he surface water management system. (b) Prior to occupancy~ Each SOEcific tenant Dr owner that uses~ handles. stores. or displays hazardous materials or generates hazardous waste should meet the following reqllirements: (c) T~le tenant or owner should cons~ruct an appropriate spill containment system which should be deslgned to hold spilled hazardous nlaterials for cleanLlD and to prevent such materials from enterino ltle storm water drainage system. In addition to a cont~inment system~ tenants or owners should develop an appropriate early warning system for hazardous materials and wastes. The tenant or owner stlDuld also submit to the City a hazardous materials response plan. These containment. monitoring~ and response systems shoul d be approved by the Ci t';/ in accor-dance wi th the Envi ronmental Review P9rmit procedure. (d) Generation and disposal of hazardous waste effluents into the sanitary sewer system should be prohibited unless adequate pretreatment facilities are constructeej by tenants or owners generating such effluents. Pretreatment faCllitl~s should be approved by the City in accordance with the Environment~l Review Permit procedure, and should comply with Ch3pte~ ~6~ A~ticle IV. '~Sewer.':;" crf the Ci ty of Bc.J"'lnton Bee,en Code of Ol-.ji nances~ The 1~.E~quit-[-~mE'nts iist!::'?d undL,,:,r (10)D.bove set-..y'(,? to "Minlfni;:e development which WOllld exacerbate surface and subsurface water quality" (p. 6 of Compl~ehenslvE Plan)~ and are necessary in order to inlplement "~Best marlaqement Dractices~...in new develo~)ment in order to I-C,cjU.CI:-:> pDllution 2_!ssocic.lted L>Jith nDn-point sour-cE':=," (p~ 28 of Compretlensive Plan). Also, Sec. 4.N~5_ of Apperldix A prohibits toxic Dr no:<ioLlS matter which would ..contaminate any public I,;Jc..ters 01'- any groundw.:.~ter" (p. 1902.1). paCJe . , (1] ) In order to minimize erosion and reduce blowing sand: (a) Clearing of building site should not commence prior to development of the site. (b) During land clearing .and site preparation~ wetting operations or other techniques for controlling blowing sand should be underta~::en and implemented bv the developer. The requirements listed under (11) above serve to "Minimize and mitigate erosion" (p. 34 of Comprehensive Plan), and are necessary"-to meet Sec. 4.N.3. of Appendi:: A~ which prohibits "the emission of smo~(e~ dust~ dirt. or other particulate matter which may cause damage to property or vegetatiDn~ discomfort or harm to persons Dr animals, or prevent the reasonable Use and enjoyment of property and rights-of-way, at or beyond the property lines of the property on which the LIse is located" (p. 1902.1). STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES: (12) From the tree survey. that area where the largest and most viable Sand Pine trees exist should be designated as the 20% open space area. This area can either be one 2 acre si"te or two 1 acre sitEs~ but no more than two sites used .to meet this requirement. (13) A minimufil of 50 percent of the trees and shrubs which are planted by ttlE developer should be natl\/e species which are adapted to soil conditions on-site. The requirements listed under the indiscriminate destruction Comprehensive Plan). (12) o,nd (13) of of n2t.ivE above "~erve vegetationlJ to "El iminate (page 6 of c ~ ----~-~~~---- Carnlen S. AnnLlnzlato paqe 4 I1EMORANDUM 19 September 1985 TO: File FROM: CSA RE: Annexation Please be advised that on Tuesday, September 17, 1985 the City Council approved annexation of the /lax Schorr property, subject to staff comments. CSA DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN . please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property . described herein will have on your department. . . Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, T~ustee Area of Subject Property Sq.Ft. or 10:84 acres Estimated Present Population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use .. "-'Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use planned Industrial Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated number of additional personnel required: would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: . Comments: (Attach ~f insuff~c~ent space.) t/"" City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official 6 Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire Public Horks Library Energy Data Processing please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map 122-0 # DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN , Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq.Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present Population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units ., .. '.--Vacant/Undeveloped EXlstlng Use o Proposed Use Planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: personnel a~ No ~ #1). would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result o~ this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if'insufflcient space.) ~y Engineer City Clerk Finance Planning Police Building Official Publ ic h'orks Library Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire . Energy Da ta Processing please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN . Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Sq.Ft. or 10.84 acres Area of Subject Property Estimated Present Population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing units Existing Use .- .... Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use Planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a resul t of this annexation? Yes No / Estimated number of additional personnel required: C' Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No a Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official Personnel and _ Purchasing Library _~ ~____C:..~QRecreation Da ta Processing > ~ . Utilities Fire Public \'Iorks Energy please return this form to the City planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq.Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use .. "'Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No V Estimated number of additional personnel required: V Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No v Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Ov- 0/ 0,1 Comments: (Attach if insufficlent space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official 6 Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire Public '\lorks Library Energy Da ta Processing .~. .~CkA please return this form to the City planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTr1ENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq.Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present Population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing units Existing Use n ..--Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use Planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: personne~as a ,NO V I/J !/.} Would your Department need to increase expenditures this annexation? Yes E,'i.,'e' """U:~e::::::::p:::~::::~:~' ~ cornments:~rpa.e-~ ftlx~ ~~. as a result of No ~ (Attach if insufflclent space.) City Clerk Finance Ci ty Engineer Planning Police Building Official Utilities ~ Fire . Personnel and Purchasing _~~_Parks & Recreation Public \'iorks Library Energy Da ta Processing please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use .. '''Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use Planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional persqnnel required: personnel as a No y Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes NO~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: Comments: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: ((A. oM UU~ ---&/lAJU1AA_ ~~ ~~f 7lfY1A~ lhfr- / (Jd yc;;;: (Attach if insufflclent space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official /~ . Personnel and purchasing Parks & Recreation utilities Fire Public \\Iorks Library Energy Da ta Processing Please return this form to the City planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use -- .--Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use Planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated number of additional personnel required: ,IJ.A. Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: C.O;";7'A''.-e..e < ~",wx, ff:J s {/1J'D Comments: We ,4 rid, il d,tJ/fJ L- A U,;QcI~1 S ~j,c.d,<-/~ , -1 TIp I ho"'" G^,~ Lv"d~r I"" 7i:. /}4 e,l - lJ ILd J ~ /va p~6/_. , /I .~Jp (Attach lf insufflclent space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official . Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire x Public l\lorks Library Energy Da ta Processing please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq.Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use -- '--Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a resul t of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No X Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: AtJ/?,'-;PT</ , Ilk J" Bn~iY Ill", /hvrl{',/'#r~ .4/1/'1' , m,s{e7>1J UI,r/t" /}-NNFy",1 (Attach if insufficlent space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning 'X Police Building Official . Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire Public \-Iorks Library Energy Da ta Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present Population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use n ---Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use Planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No .~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficlent space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance ~ Planning Police Building Official . Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire Library Public \-Iorks Energy Da ta Processing please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM ftltNfl/J ~ TO: ..AU, IlEFARTMEH1'5 RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq.Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present Population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use -- ---Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use Planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel ~a result of this annexation? Yes No v/ Estimated number of additional personnel required: o would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Conunents: (Attach if insufficlent space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official . Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire Library Public l'lorks Energy Da ta Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq.Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present Population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units Existing Use -- .--Vacant/Undeveloped o Proposed Use planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of personnel as a No ~ ~//-:f7 Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: if insuff~c~ent space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer !~uilding Official Planning Police Public h'orks Library Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire . Energy Da ta Processing please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map l1EMORANDUM 18 July 1985 TO: All Department Heads FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Schorr Annexation Accompanying this memo you will find a Departmental Review Form which must be completed in order to provide the informa- tion required as a part of the Council's annexation policy. Please complete this form and return it to me by Friday, August 9th for inclusion in the public hearing proceedings. Thank you. )~ U"z;1'~'1L/ J. ~ ~ '.24 /~RMEN S. ANNUNZI TO r /bks Attachments DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property , described herein will have on your department. Name of Development/Owner Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property Sq. Ft. or 10.84 acres Estimated Present Population 0 Estimated Number of Existing Housing units Existing Use -- ---Vacant/undeveloped o Proposed Use planned Industrial Development Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Building Official . Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire Public h'orks Library Energy Da ta Processing Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map , LOCA TION:MAP . , ' MAX SCHORR -'-~._-- - -- ---- , . ANNEXATION' APPLICATION >> / II REC ~.O i\I I " R1AA J ~ SITE - . ' l' /~- I' o 1/8 MILES 1/4 o 800 FE~T 400 "BOVNTO N BEACH PARK OF COMMERCE" ~ T - I LA" IL-. _ R1AA R E C o : I C 2 --' L:::J-~ l..A~<:f- '-" ~v.r<<; ( ..(5("".06 ) 3J,02"r ..p 733 .I J"7(J ~............__,o ~ -# 2.Z~2./ /w;b ........"".....-0 p~ . /J 0 y ~ A..' 4.- .A.- IS/t <--<z ^"7ZE. A.. C L/"'I. 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